##VIDEO ID:Y4X5-AjSuZY## shout out to Full Moon um the council meeting for Tuesday the regular Council Mee for Tuesday November 12th 2024 is called to order at 7:02 p.m. we're going to have a moment of salent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all very much Madam clerk may I please get roll call please roll call Mayor Nickerson here council person bbom present council person Martin present also present for the record Janice Jobe Village clerk chrisa L Village manager and attorney G's walking in thank you very much um may I have uh motion to approve the agenda so moved moved by council person Martin have a second all second second by council person irom all in favor say I I all oppos say nay hearing none moving on to good and Welfare good and Welfare right now anybody can get up and talk about anything on the agenda um but also when we get to the items you'll be able to talk about uh come up and speak if you would like to speak then and there's another good in welfare at the end also um seeing hearing none let's move right along motion to approve the consent agenda so moved moved by council person Martin do I have a second I'll second second by council person bbom uh Madam clerk for this cons J Campell roll call roll call council person Martin yes council person bbom yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes three to n thank you very much appreciate that next is the resolutions and ordinances res resolution G1 I know attorney Geller is parking his car but Madam clerk for sake of time [Music] time can we go ahead and read it a resolution of the village of elport of elportal Florida concerning the village general election of November 5th 2024 declaring qualified candidates elected to office accepting and adopting the results for the offices of the mayor and council person as certified by Miami day County canvasing Board and providing for incorporation of recitals and providing for an effective date thank you very much much appreciate that um this is pretty straightforward you guys we're just accepting the results of the of the uh election that we had um do I have a motion to approve so moved moved by council person herb do you have a second second second by council person Martin does anybody have anything any questions or comments anybody from the audience anyone hearing seeing none Madam clerk may please have a roll call on resolution G1 roll call council person Martin yes council person urbom yes mayor Nickerson motion passes 3 To None very good thank you very much next agenda item the swearing in of the mayor and Village Council we'll do it one by one so we get good pictures for everybody for their family we used to do it together but we're gonna do it one by one so everybody gets good pictures please raise your right hand I I Darien Martin Darien Martin do hereby solemnly swear do hereby solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support that I will support protect protect defend defend the the Constitution the Constitution and government of the United States and government of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida and that I will and that I will in all res respects in all respects observe observe the provisions of the charter the provisions of the charter and the ordinances and the ordinances of the village of elportal of the village of el portel that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties and that I will Faithfully perform the duties of council person of counc person on which now I am about to enter on which now I am about to enter congratulations thank you thank you thank you I have a couple little people that I want picture a big uh sign please raise your right hand I I Anders herbal Anders herb do hereby solemnly swear or affirm do hereby solemnly swear orir that I will support that I will support protect protect and defend the Constitution and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and government of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida and that I will will and that I will in all respects in all respects observe the provisions observe the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the charter and ordinances of the village of elportal of the village of elportal that I am duly qualified that I am duly qualified to hold office to hold office under the Constitution under the constitution of the State of the State and that I will faithfully and I will Faithfully perform the duties perform the duties of council person council person congrat on which I am about to enter which I'm about to enter congratulations [Applause] please raise your right hand i i Charles Winters Charles Winters do hereby solemnly swear or affirm do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I that I will support will support protect protect and defend and defend the Constitution the Constitution and government and government of the United States of the United States and the State of Florida and the State of Florida and that I that I will will in all respects in all respects observe observe the provisions the provisions of the charter of the charter and ordinances and ordinances of the village of elportal of the Village of alpal that I that I am duly qualified am duly qualified to hold office to hold office under the constitution of State under the constitution of state and I will and I will well and Faithfully well and Faithfully perform the duties of perform the duties of council person council person on which now I am about to enter on which now I'm about to enter congratulations wait I got to put a [Applause] she's gonna pin you now to welcome you oh wow ready to go I I Omar Nickerson om Nickerson do hereby do hereby solemnly swear Solly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support that I will support protect protect and defend and defend the Constitution the Constitution and the government and the government of the United States of the United States and of the State of Florida the state of Florida and that I and that I will will in all respects in all respect observe the provisions of the charter provisions of the charter and ordinances ordinances of the village of elport portel that I am duly qualified qualified to hold office office under the constitution of the State of the State and that I and that I will well will well and Faithfully perform the duties of duties of Mayor mayor on which I'm about I [Applause] to go to the top yeah put snow in the chair over there come facing it down Madam snow the agenda husband's phone baby your phone what's up good job guys you guys like this thumbs up thumbs up there we go there we go [Music] front picture on yes thank you hey snow ready all right you guys shout out to snow Winters you know what I'm saying home girl snow winter shout out to her all right so the next thing on the item you guys got selection of the vice mayor um for this item right here uh anyone can nominate somebody that they would like to um run for vice mayor or you can nominate yourself I'd love to nominate myself please okay we have a nomination by council person Martin we have any other nominations I'd like to nominate myself you have a nomination by Charles Winters so this is how we're going to do it um we'll have both individuals we'll have both of them say you know why they feel like they should be vice mayor whatever it is their experience whatever it is what they think they'll bring to the position um since council person Martin nominated herself first we'll go with after they they both say their piece we'll go with if council person Martin gets a second and then if she gets a if she passes with votes through um then she'll be the vice mayor if she doesn't get a second or if her vote fails then I'll go to uh Charles Winters for his second and then um his vote through okay council person Martin since you are the senior individual would you like to speak first or second uh I'll go second all right so Charles winter is my brother the mic in the floor is yours um oh he says he's still setting up oh okay no worries we can wait no problem take your time and whenever you're ready the floor is yours and uh just introduce yourself to us and let us know why uh you should be the one to be vice mayor is this on wonderful uh thank you mayor uh I would like to nominate myself for the position of vice mayor I believe I can serve the community well by bringing fresh perspective and a strong commitment to fostering unity and transparency uh I'm dedicated to working alongside my fellow Council people Council persons to help elel Thrive I would very much like you to consider my nomination even though I'm fresh to the council but I will put in all the hard work and I will do the best I can if given the opportunity oh was it supposed to say more no no you're good I didn't know you I didn't I'll never cut you off my brother I want you to get everything out thank you very much uh council person wines we appreciate it um council person Martin the floor is yours sure sure sure and welcome AB Bard and I appreciate your Zeal in nominating yourself I think that votes well for how you will be very uh uh active and willing to serve as you start your journey on the council but I do want to remind everybody as to what the role of the vice mayor is and what it is is in its essence you serve as the mayor if there is a time as such that the mayor cannot serve so I do think that there is a benefit with having someone with some historical knowledge and I think that I've shown that pretty broadly uh I've chaired the planning and zoning committee meeting which is a historically difficult meeting to chair and I think I've done so successfully uh and in a way that shows my Acumen and my ability to work around some of the rules of Robert's order and also just knowledge of how to run a meeting I think that that would be something that would serve the upcoming vice mayor well I think also my temperament shows and all of you have had an opportunity to experience it I think that I am a cool-headed cool Under Pressure a fair individual I hope everyone would say very responsive to community members and I think you need that in spad to hold a position of Mayor and vice mayor as well and I think that it's not something that you can opine on without being in the seat and I think in the seat I've showed a tremendous amount of Grace and good temperament as far as Acumen is concerned prior to joining the council I was an attorney as well as a public administrator in one of the largest municipalities in South Florida and there I received a tremendous amount of uh knowledge on how this should work and how you can be Innovative in both the seat of public administrator as well as elected official and I'd like to use that knowledge to further serve elportal um as far as another thing that would benefit the community having me as vice mayor is strong connections with not only my community but members of the community at large in Miami dat County I worked for uh what who was now the head of the county of Commissioners in addition to that I have a lot of strong connections with elected officials and other municipalities and I think those warm connections are something that will bode elportal well in its efforts to continue to grow and expand and create uh Partnerships with other local municipalities um and then we come upon the issue of historical precedent I think in the past it has always been a more tenur member of the council that has been uh tapped as vice mayor and I think that that is a sound precedent and it's also one that is served that we're served by looking at and seeing how successful it has been it is very difficult to come on to the day first day and take the head seat and I've been in this seat for three years observing and I hope successfully navigating through interpersonal connections um tricky issues on agendas I have a good knowledge of how this thing should work and if I must say so myself I'm pretty smart and able to interpret things very well and on the Fly and all of these reasons are reasons that I think that I am more than well qualified to be the next vice mayor of the village of elportal thank you council person Martin we have a motion for council person Martin um nominated do I have a second for council person Martin I will second I have a second for council person Martin M cler might please have a roll call for council person Martin roll call council person Winters here no okay is it yeah it's voting is the vote is the motion is for council person Mark so if you were supporting that you would vote Yes I but did we close the motion would vote no because you would rather see a different Choice having nominated yes or no on the motion for her to be selected but we did not finish the motion we went straight up to voting without finishing any kind of replies I mean you you you can reply I mean the motion was made by council person Martin the second was by council person bbom I mean Is there further communication that you want to make I just wanted another chance to speak but it's all right that's nothing improper about that but that's the discretion of the presiding officer okay I mean both people got their chance but if you want to say something really quickly you can go ahead well I just wanted to reply I think you are much more experienced than I am I think you'll be a much better mayor vice mayor than I would be but do you have the time if he's incapacitated for week two four weeks to take on a full-time job am I being questioned do I have to respond to that because I I think you're wonderful for the job I just yeah I think we're just excuse me you do not have to respond it is your priv to respond should you choose but there is nothing in the rules that permits or let say not permits requires cross debate so you are not under any obligation to respond to questions but you may also be heard a second time as council person winter was heard a second time noted noted thank you so much I I I do think we have a second but in in the spirit of transparency uh like most women I know I'm able to do many things and I wear many hats very well and this would be one that I would wear equally as well and I wouldn't uh stand up to throw my hat in the race if I didn't think I was fully qualified to be vice mayor both as far as my expertise and my ability in time so uh with that being said I do think we have a second and we can start hearing the votes yes we do we don't have any more comments correct no sir okay um Madam clerk that a roll call roll call council person Winters no council person bbom yes council person Martin yes mayor nerson yes motion passes 3 to one thank you very much thank you guys congratulations vice mayor Martin congratulations appreciate you and your your new tag is on the way all right moving on you guys um next is H3 uh council person seat for discretionary fund um welcome to the council Mr Winters coun person Winters good to see you here welcome so um I suggest that we replenish uh Mr Winter's discretionary fund um part of it was used by the previous seat for individual and you know our discretionary our fiscal year starts October 1st um but a significant part of it was already used in this first in the first month uh that would be 700 I want to make a motion to replenish uh Mr Winters council person seat fors discretionary fund by $725 29 $ 72529 um which will bring him hold to his full discretionary font of $2,000 and mayor Nickerson yes may I also ask on and what fund will that replenishment be coming from Madam manager um I know we're Tapped Out on almost every everything uh I would move I would move that we take it out of I'll take it out of my state of state of the of the Village um budget public affairs state of the village budget I'll take it out of there okay I'll take it out my state of the village appreciate thank you all right so that's what my that's what I think we should do do I have a um a motion for that well I'd actually like to amend the motion or the proposed motion I would be willing to split the difference with you if you're trying to get some things accomplished for the state of the village I would split the difference with you out of my discretionary um if we're talking 375 350 something like that um so I would move to approve the mayor and my the mayor through his state of the village line item and my discretionary 5050 to accomplish the difference to make council person winners discretionary whole thank you that is very generous thank you complicated motion mayor was there a there there wasn't even a a motion I was just suggesting no that was I that was the motion yes I sorry I may have been convoluted the beginning but I did yeah that was my motion to okay then the motion is by uh council person urb can I amend for a second can I amend it yes we could split it three ways we can split it three ways uh because I know for sure I I don't use anything out of my discretionary so you can do that okay so it to be is that acceptable to you as a friendly Amendment yes that is acceptable to me yes that leaves me enough for the family here look other then mayor you should call for a second to the amend I will I will I will um for the amendment made by council person Martin I mean vice mayor Martin do I have a second I second it we SEC a second by council person Winters um do I have any discussion on this you guys anybody from the audience anybody else okay I have a motion by Council I mean vice mayor Martin I have a second by council person Winters Madam CL have a roll call please roll call Council Council person Winters yes council person bbom yes vice mayor Martin yes mayor Nickerson yes motion passes thank you very much I appreciate it um Madame manager if you want to do a really quick report it's very quick because it's not ready um it is only the 12th day of the month and we have a lot more work to do for the um to to present something um viable to the committee I mean to the council and to our community so I will be um deferring uh the village manager's report until the end of the month um thank you thank you very much um you guys see my mayor report there everybody has my phone number and information if you have any questions or comments you guys can contact me um via email or my phone number you guys can text me call me at any time U Madam I mean attorney Geller do we have any report no one has sued us we have not sued anybody since the last meeting that concludes my report unless there are questions thank you very much appreciate that um moving on to good and Welfare right now anybody can talk about anything at all um doesn't have to be just things on the agenda anything at all yes I just have one thing yes of course um I believe tomorrow is World kindness day um so I just want to put that out there that I do believe that tomorrow is World kindness day that's right there we go coming from the one only council person herban one of the most kindest gentlemen I've ever met and come in contact with I appreciate you my brother all right um anybody else good in welfare hearing seeing none do I have a motion to adjourn so moved moved by vice mayor Martin do I have a second second second by council person Winters all in favor say I I all opposed say nay hearing none the uh Village council meeting for Tuesday November 12th is adjourned at 7:30 p.m. congratulations council person congratulations thank you so much