the regular council meeting for Elber to um is called to order at on Tuesday May 28th at 7:06 p.m. first we're going to have the moment of side of meditation Follow by FL unit States thank you very much M that roll call please roll call Mayor Nickerson here vice mayor per here council person urbon pres council person Le ward council person Martin will not be in today also present for the record Janice jaob Village clerk Chris Village manager and Joseph G Village attorney and um the CFO is also present thank you very much appreciate that um motion to approve the agenda move by council person bbom second second by council person like Al I I say n hearing n moving along good and Welfare the first good and Welfare anybody can come up and talk about anything that's on the agenda um we also we get to each agenda item you have a chance to come up and speak also I hear saying n move to consent agenda if I have no questions or comments from the council do I Mo to approve the consent agenda move by council person her do have a second second by council person Mike Ward Madam cler have a roll call council person Le ward council person bbal yes mayor Pella mayor Nickerson yes what's your spouses for thank you very much moving on um next is G G1 uh the this is the launch green reuse um this is about we we've been introduced to this a few times um we're getting money to clean up a site there's really no downside to this I will um open it up any questions or comments from the council hear and seeing none any question comments from the audience come up and say your name and address for the record um since this is a second reading it's a resolution it's not an ordinance but it's a second reading attorney Geller do we have to swear anybody in just say your name Scott cob 8525 Northeast 4th Avenue Road um so basically uh I came up last time during the good and Welfare and addressed that I wanted to uh you know address this topic when it came up um the um although like I guess on the agenda and I think in general seems like what this is being done at this meeting is not the site plan and and you know sort of more the intricate uh aspects of it um but it's uh the the GRE use um aspect which uh seems I think at face like pretty harmless and and and like not no big deal um but you know I just um had done a little bit of preliminary looking into um and one of the things that I just wanted to address and bring up um is that uh there is a um you know something on the Florida Senate when you kind of look into what this this uh you know act uh calls for um it also not um says that notes that there is uh you know a potential for the individual local municipality uh to provide incentives um you know beyond the incentives of what's provided um you know on the state level um and so I just you know one there's a long list of those incentives that's on that Senate website um and they include things such as as you know sort of making exceptions and providing flexibility to to planning and zoning and and reviewing of plans and so on and so forth um that's sort of where I'm just a little bit you know uh concerned about that if the village has you know locally made any sort of you know provided any incentives to them that we be careful as a village that they are not in the sense of being able to sort of C vent the standard and you know critical um you know aspects of plan review and and planning and zoning and everything like that um because I think that in this circumstance this is more um you know critical than ever um for this project specifically being that I think it sets precedence um of course with the trailer park um and you know the whole neighborhood of Sherwood far as being you know a historic neighborhood um that it would set precedence for you know the development plans and everything like that um so I just want to make sure that it's you know being carefully considered um and that you know I guess my question if if it's possible to be answered is uh is the uh you know local municip is Al portal providing any uh incentives uh you know with the uh the green reuse um uh you know Redevelopment now for the Brownfield go ahead I was just going to say um wowed quite a feedback loop um the answer to your question sir is that the village is approving the green reuse but there are no additional local incentives which The Village may give but is not required to give give them what they need they haven't asked for anything additional besides the designation The Village has not offered any none are being approved um there is a planning zoning process to come and if you're concerned certainly should monitor that there's always something that could come up that has not but as of tonight as of second reading as of approval none have been asked none have been offered and none are on the agenda okay um I guess uh in in response to that is there any um like other than the uh the state is there anything that approving this would allow them to sort of be provided exceptions or circumvent standard you know planning zoning and and R and things of that nature if I can continue the answer is they can always come back and ask for something that they're entitled to ask for so the fact that they have not I mean it doesn't mean they couldn't but they haven't nor have we given him anything so as I said if you're you know want to see the proper processes followed you should by all means monitor it there will be further things site plan you know I presume at some point you don't have site plan yet great okay you do okay so you know I mean they could be doing this after side plan approval but I believe in this case they're not so yes there are other things to come and you know yes those they could ask for something which doesn't mean the village is obligated to approve it but the what this really does I mean at at root since we're not offering anything and hav't asked anything it just means we clean up the village with other people's money we a pollution problem is addressed with paid for with state and federal funds and we end up with a cleaner Village and nobody in the village is paying the village itself is not paying and I guess you could say if the federal government is paying everybody chips in a little bit to that but not particularly yes so is this uh is this sort of second reading is this to approve the the green okay um all right so yeah I mean I just wanted for the record yes okay great so yeah I just if you know if it stands that there's there's been nothing further ass and there's really nothing that could could uh be in there I just wanted to because this document shows a long list of of things that could be done um you know with the local municipality and I guess potentially the state as well um that uh would allow them and I just want to make sure that that's being heard and being carefully considered uh when proving this it's a very good question sir we Happ to have an answer sounds great thank you very much thank you very much anybody else from the audience about the green reuse cleaning up the brown field seeing hearing none do I have a motion any last questions or comments from the council yeah just one um comment I think um just for the benefit of the public to understand a little more of what we're talking about here um what this classification essentially acknowledges is that the area that's going to be developed is officially in a Brownfield area um it does not require that that particular plot or all the plots actually have whatever contaminants are the cause of the area to be identified right in this particular case it does sound like there were like arsenic specifically in the soil rank so um I have the same question in terms of okay because there's I mean I've been accused of being a syic before and might have self identified as one in the past as well um but uh the question becomes you know okay so reuse but what's going to go there is a concrete platform basically so what's this green use we're talking about right so so understand that the the the primary goal here is is first and foremost to address this area that has high levels of toxins that if continue to leech into the water for example the soil is already contaminated can't be used for things um uh so this is in fact a qualified Pro to improve um the Brownfield area and so as far as the details go of the site plan and things like that that's a whole another that that's the meat and potatoes right but as far as this classification goes it is to address the uh toxicity of the area um and so this these plots of land certainly uh qualify for that and so all seems to be a a good great in that regard so thank you very much counc preserve anybody else from the councel good hearing seeing none do I have a motion to approve resolution G1 thank you Council by council person Ward lifeward second second by vice mayor Pella can I please have a roll call now roll call council person life ward council person herbon yes vice mayor per yes mayor nerson yes motion passes 49 thank you very much we're down to the reports uh M major you want to briefly go back C your report I'll make it very brief um the report is on the Village website for all to to read and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me about it but I'll just highlight a couple of items um that I want to you know bring to your your attention um we have uh quite a police department I can tell you that uh we have corpal Torrance who's part of the mighty day State Attorney's Office human trafficking task force she was just involved with a major s operation um regarding um sexual predators approaching young children um there's more about that in my report officer Ricardo Chavez who was just here and officer Miguel sea are um receiving commendations for exemplary service and traffic enforcement these are the gentlemen who are out there on Northeast Second Avenue and North Miami and all throughout the village ticketing everybody their dilligence and hard work helped make the village safer for our residents visitors issuing over 350 traffic citations in the past couple of months I mean in a very short time so um you know we are working with the community and um our department mayor Nickerson and you know the vice mayor I know you all have been out there on those um multi- um uh agency um operations where we're uh addressing the traffic safety on on our major thoroughfare so we'll continue that and we want to um commend those two officers for their Exemplar work Corporal Jonathan Brito and officer Christopher Guzman received accomodation after responding to a u call for assistance for a resident who um was in need of CPR and and they did um give that CPR um Aid to that Resident um unfortunately that Resident succumb to the distress but they um were there on the scene and worked um um trying to revive that um resident um until fire um was able to to get their fire rescue so um it doesn't go un notice that they're community policing and being there um for our residents as well and after 25 years of service as a Reserve officer a volunteer um officer Albert Dolan retired and was issued his retire re badge so we're sad to see officer Dolan leave us after many years we we um you know the these are some of our quieter you know less seen um officers that come in and give their 20 hours a month and you know they work on those weekends and they come through so after 25 years Service Officer Dolan um has has moved on um but we wish him the best um also speaking of moving on placera announced that Camila zaa will be leaving the company this month and we're going to wish her all the best in her new role at um um the University of Miami's Urban environmental project so um we be sad that we can't can't call her and she she's so responsive so we'll be looking for someone to take her place over at Seria uh as we address some other things that are coming through um that you'll you'll hear more about but we're sad to see Camila go and uh I'm just trying to do it quickly because there's a lot as always going on in the village but um I'm just going to leave that for there and uh and thank you all for working with us uh with us the village CFO began the fiscal year 2023 audit uh on April 29th and we're expecting a completion date of June 30 so not only we all cut up we're ahead of schedule we're doing well so thanks to his efforts thanks Mr toell we're we're um we're doing really well and uh we're timely with all of our submissions and and um we're we're going to continue that vein and and instituting the protocols as we've done that he that he has worked so hard to to put in place in that department um that concludes my report if anyone again has any questions please feel free to reach out to me thank you very much I appreciate it Madam manager and speaking of speeding um Village Wide over the past like three to four months we' written Chief 2,000 yeah for the past like three four months how many how many had is it like 2300 2500 or something like that so we're almost at 3,000 tickets written um Village Wide in the past 3 to four months so um hey we're out there whether you see us or not appreciate it um you guys see my mayor's report there anybody has any questions yes before you go further is that because this the real question is that because we have so is you're doing tickets on our behalf the residents in the in the V is that because they've been beginning to use yeah I want you to come up all of our streets in the morning and in the afternoon as a thare is that why the tickets are coming and while the chief's making this way up there a large part of the reason is is what I was telling residents for a while is that we got brand new Radars and these brand new Radars no taxpayer dollars these brand new Radars which are state-ofthe-art the our officers had to first get certified in them otherwise if you use The Radars and the officer is not certified it gets thrown out of court so we had to get our officer certified unfortunately that radar class for the certification only occurs like twice a year and that was a problem but now most of our officers are certified so now it's why you're seeing this influx that's one of the reasons I turn it over to you CH for the rest of what her she has and again you're right again we don't give we don't give tickets we conduct enforcement and as a result of the enforcement and that's based on in the mic the way we're the we're in the academy and you learn on on the road and Tra is of the best they traffic but the officers have Marin complaints inqu they addressed set traffic enfor rad because tra Miami it's a massive a massive undertaking if you just have one or two guys there you going that it's different and it's much safer I don't want to belabor this but it's it's happening too much you you know where I live I'm right there what I've experienced since the beginning of the year which hasn't been that many months ago is traffic is going through the neighborhood lined up you know what I'm talking about cars are lined up I live on the corner locked and they speed through the neighborhoods now the the problem with all of that is we're not used to seeing that much traffic coming coming through the village and Le coming back into the village in in the whatever so they're using our little Avenues if you will our short streets to to to um detract from the main Highway that should not be happening but we we also have set up traffic enforcement with regard to that specific that's right that's right return okay now that you got my Fifth Avenue out of the way I'm at the corner of third the traffic is from you know you know where that is and then it goes all the way back we got that that whole traffic in there this a neighborhood I I believe you I I believe in what you're doing but it just seems so strange that we have we have um main traffic going through neighborhoods at Main traffic speed that that doesn't sound right to me matter of fact it's quite dangerous because we've got the children going over there at the school and Horan one of our details ising kids on6 they come over to the school that's why Mand every to be is at the stop and one is a little further up on the and specifically 87 and 86 particular because the same problem once traffic get back everybody uses Street to go and circum and they two at a time and that's very good I I'm still on the team still believing in you but it just seems so wrong to have that many that many vehicles coming through they were speeding now they're back up and it's a problem that we together all right I'm much better about it thank you yeah and we and you know unfortunately we can't run operations all the time um we run it periodically but what we have done um myself the chief and the manager um we got together uh last week and we're kind of changing some things up um to bring more officers because understand that like for example in the morning when there's rush hour that's when you'll find like a lot of the traffic trff all throughout the village so for our officers they're on duty so they have to answer to whatever call happens also we have um Horseman which our officers have to kind of like see what's going on over there then we have other areas throughout the village we have you know 86 between um North Miami Avenue and noreast second we have uh 86 West of North Miami Avenue we have there's been a couple accidents right here 87th and Northeast 2nd you know so we have and then we have the people that want to zoom um down here and zoom down 90th that's huge also so we've changed things to where we have to bring in more officers now these are officers that are not under their normal schedules so understand so you know to have that is different because we have to make sure that you know they're shifted in a particular way and things like that so it's changing it's just you know a small community and um we really would need like 15 officers on every shift to cover every area that we need at the same time and we just don't have 15 officers per shift you know so but it's changing like I said almost 3,000 tickets you know that hey numbers don't lie so there you go thanks um you guys see my mayor report there if anybody has any questions about the mayor report um feel free to contact me everybody has my number or you can email me uh the village attorney report very briefly the only thing I'll comment on is how very pleased I am that between the manager and the CFO and I and the chief we were able to get a contract with our police officers it's been several years they switched bargaining units but we have one to good contract it's fair to them and it contributes to the number one concern of your constituents mayor and and vice mayor and council members why are we a city at all we're a city because we can provide excellent police protection and the drop of a hat and get somebody there right away that's why we're not just part of Miami Shores or city of Miami or something like that and this this contract keeps officers here it keeps them from just turning over and getting trained and going to another department keeps them here keeps them happy where they know the residents they know who to expect at a door when they get called they know who's supposed to be there and who's not so I congratulate you for ratifying it and I congratulate the team the CFO the manager the chief for helping get this done been too long we didn't have one and now you can look those police officers in the eye and tell them we treated him right and keep doing the great jobs that they're doing so thank you all and thank you team and I just wanted to put that on the record thank you I'm giving you a standing ovation I know what's going on than you so much it's been a long time coming sound good um all right moving on I see chav is that Chavez back there Chavez how you doing Chavez officer Chavez is back there come here officer Chavez come here come here come here come here come here officer Chavez is back let me tell you something about officer Chavez officer Chavez is one of the two Chavez and saetta and there are two speed enforcers I mean all the time I'll be walking like up from 79th Street I be like what is this Chavez Chavez G to pull somebody over next to the Citadel he's pull somebody over over here over there like Chavez is always on top of it so off Seda which you guys will meet I have a little um a little special thing I'm going to do for sea and Chavez coming up also SAA when you guys will meet um I call him the Terminator and you guys will see when I call him the Terminator you guys will see why when we when I have that little special thing I have for them but the other day I was out there off the Chavez and I said you know what I said I was out there with S I was out there with Chavez VZ was out out there with me I said you know what I said SOA I gave you the nickname Terminator cuz he's like a machine he doesn't smile he doesn't anything he's just straight he's like a machine like all the time never gets tired never stops I said B Chavez I need a name for you and I thought when it comes to speeding you're the man so I told chave I said you know what I said your nickname is going to be SDK and he was like B was look at B smiling you already know he laughing already and he was like SDK I said yeah SDK he was like what's SDK I said Speed Demon killer off the sh you are the speed demon killer my homeboy SDK so when y'all see him say SDK what's up man how you doing everything everything hey CH we appreciate everything you do next we moving on to good and Welfare anybody who wants to come talk about anything at all doesn't have to be things on the agenda anything at all come up say your name and address for the record and the floor is yours I have one comment if I may yes okay uh so again just for the benefit of the public um what's today the 28th I believe yes is all right so uh June 1st we didn't have any early name storms this year however uh uh it's June 1st already um the golf is hot as hell uh and with linia what that means is more Gulf origin storm um however uh like Irma came off the coast of Africa that's basically our biggest concern here in Miami uh I recommend everybody to go to the Miami Dade app get ready um I personally I'll I'll just say I personally use I affectionately call it a Max tracker tracker app Max Mayfield okay it's I use the radar all year round and uh I've already started checking every other day for the 5 sday forecasts on all development in the entire Atlantic Basin obviously as well as the Caribbean so um I would not want to be in Texas or Louisiana this year at all um and uh and uh so buckle up and um and please look after your neighbors and check in on everybody and see if anyone's got anything ready yet at all uh so it's Upon Us hurricane season welcome to it thank you very much coun myself and counc Iran were speaking um also with the manager and the chief and we're trying to coordinate a uh either inperson on a Saturday morning um or a zoom um preparation for the uh like a town hall for the community let them know like what we already have prepared and what how things go and things like that there's also going to be two residents who um we will be looking to kind of speak then because we also want to be we want to have although residents also but we also want to have the aspect of those who have moved M into um South Florida from other locations that may have not gone through a hurricane yet um and just have them have people who have gone through hurricanes kind of give just like you know Real Deal experience what to look what to look out for what to not you know sometimes the news can scare you you know but when you're kind of have been living here in Florida for a long time you kind of get a sense of look like you don't have to worry until it gets to this point you you know do this or do this this is how you really prepare this is how so we're looking to have one of those mayor mayor people who've been here a long time also have a base of supplies already where people who've only been here for a season or two three or four seasons have no base of supplies at all don't even know what they need so that's all that's part of it also that's part of the reason a lot of locals are pretty relaxed because they're already 34 the way prepared usually more yeah absolutely which is part of what we were speaking about you remember council person her bomb so we're going to be looking to get that together um sooner or later you guys so lay around for that uh anybody for good in welfare you guys can come up you have uh 3 minutes or you know you guys have the floor you know I do it um you guys can come up and talk about anything that you want to name address for the record floor is yours hearing seeing none yes went to good and Ware and and I still got some comments when you be getting Ware we getting ready to go and I got something to say well just jump in like you did like you did go ahead coun person forward but I want to make sure that residents don't have something they want to do at the public at the podium right now okay if you've seen this paper every city in mi day county is in it I didn't show you the picture everybody that pays taxes is in this I'm pleased to report public affairs to rep have 43 now we only have 43 people in this Village that actually have something with their real estate taxes in other words they're delinquent only 43 that's a record you all I follow this every single year that's a record only 43 people now if you were trying to be benevolent this would be the first place I'd tell you to go and see what's what's going on with the residents last year I I I had the opportunity to meet at least one or two elderly people and they had no idea about their taxes so if you're if if if anybody has any problems they need to speak up they need to really speak up cuz we have an elderly population here that we've never had before they need to speak up and to the extent that I was able to reach out to them is is um no names called um but be be kind I mean people don't want to lose a house they've been in for 40 50 years they may be whatever if somebody wants to know if they live next to you come see me because this should not happen in your old their ages that's what I found out last year was mostly the people that have been here for long periods of time but they didn't have the income anymore to pay the taxes now some of them are $10,000 you lose your home on that by not paying the taxes that's my last comment today um uh mayor thank you so much public affairs is still alive and well anybody have any questions or comments that we can um uh look at before and have a solution for it at the council meeting make sure you go and you you speak to the Village manager she'll tell you which way to go because you can't make deals with us that's his Council up here thank you so much I appreciate it thank you very much counc life for award um any last questions from the councel that's comments hearing none you have a motion to adjourn motion moved by counc person Mike forward have a second second by council person BB all in favor say I post say nay hearing none the regular council meeting for Tuesday um March May 28 2024 is a Jour at 10:40 p.m. thanks