##VIDEO ID:FT6hsK1Uexk## e e e e e e e e e e e e e for today yeah I know I don't have a flag but you know I see some Flags any all right we represent in Mexico right is that Mexico where Italy I'm so sorry I'm so sorry the other way is Mexico so sorry okay everyone good evening good evening my name is Charlene Bas and I just want to welcome everyone to tonight's October performances as board president my vision my continued vision is to promote Community engagement and to unite our board members as team with each of our board members contributing to a specific initiative throughout the year so during the month of January board president vice excuse me board vice president Stan niron sponsored the national mentorship month and in February board member Jerry Jacobs sponsored Black History Month board member Maria carvalo sponsored women History Month e always support a Hispanic Heritage Month and Multicultural lessons activities and performances while emphasizing the importance of diversity and the sharing of cultures within our school community and our Elizabeth community at this time please welcome board member Isaiah Rivera who will offer his remarks about Hispanic Heritage Month and the diversity initiative that we're going to be doing this month board member Isaias rera all right thank you thank you so much let's give a big round of Applause to our board president Charlene so my name is ISA Riva and I'm really honored to be here and really celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month it's we're going to have a we're going to have lots of fun today believe me we're going to embrace the various cultures but did you know that 75% of our students are Hispanic here in Elizabeth oh oh we didn't know that and not only that yeah yeah give it Round of Applause for that [Applause] absolutely and also on top of that 45% of our staff employees are also Hispanic yeah and here we're here to celebrate we're here to embrace the different cultures because really this month Hispanic Heritage Month but it's also about diversity diversity so raise your hand if you're from Ecuador or your background from Ecuador all right we got some hands Colombia Peru Puerto Rico oh okay Honduras El Salvador oh so got a lot of over Nicaragua all right Venezuela vene and all the cultures cuz that's what we have we have here in Elizabeth 93 countries being represented in six continents that is just am amazing what we have here our English Department our bilingual Department our es department they are doing an outstanding job to really help support and strength in our community in fact tomorrow I'm going to be meeting with them to really understand how we can continue to support you and to support the program so we can Thrive together in this community so I want you to remember this one word I want you to repeat after me okay diversity diversity you got to say louder than that diversity okay if there's one thing I want you to remember out of anything I say today I want you to remember this diversity is one of our greatest assets here in the Elizabeth School District remember that thank you very much let's get started all right much gracias so we're going to be selling Hispanic Heritage Month did you know we're also going to be celebrating Italian Heritage as well now I have a confession to make I love salsa I love salsaa I just love Sala so much so much that I got special permission from our board president to invite someone very very special today his name is Steve Santos he's here representing NJ salsa so I'd like to invite all the high school students that are going to be performing up here please give them a round of applause all the high school students you can join us up here if they can join us on stage the high school students now you're supposed to keep applauding until they get here all right [Music] and I'm also going to invite there we go go up here here oh we're going to full show today we're going to have a and I'm also going to invite Steve Santos to talk very briefly some remarks and we're going to get started with some lessons I'm okay here yeah okay good hello everyone my name is Steve Santos from NJ Sasa thank you for being here uh thank you to all the students the teachers the administrators the board of bed thank you for inviting us and we're going to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month cultural appreciation we want to do three dances anybody want to take a guest at the three dances there's so many beautiful dances and music genres that come from Latino cult do you want to take a guest as the three daners that we're going to do Sala yes good Bachata yes yes yes and I want to call Luca to join us loose she works for the school system and she's also an amazing dancer you guys ready yeah all right okay let's spread out a little bit let's spread out you do all right our three dances are going to be menen Sala and bachata we chose them in that order because menen tends to be the easiest of the three dances Sala the most challenging of the three dances and bachata I I think the most fun okay so we're going to do it in that order and it's really great to see folks from young people from the Elizabeth public school system I was also a student of the Elizabeth public school system I went to middle school here I went to high school here and then I moved away for college and then I came back to Elizabeth and in addition to having uh classes that we do outside of Elizabeth we also have a student organization at Kane University and so we want to celebrate not only the youth but also Latin culture here we go M first give us that first track [Music] we're going to keep our hands above the Bel we're going to [Music] keep [Music] right C the left [Music] [Music] [Music] right right turn here we go for let's do Sasa next Sasa I think is the most challenging of the Latin dances we're going to do that next okay we're going to use these three steps so we're going to step back with the left one step in place two bring it back to the middle on three step back with your right foot five step in the middle six bring it back seven so we have 1 2 3 5 6 7 again 1 2 with the music ready here we [Music] [Applause] [Music] go bre [Music] [Music] [Music] m is from what [Music] country Dominican Republic Sasa from KU Puerto Rico by way of New York City okay and bachata is from where Dominican Republic Bachata nice and easy four steps 1 2 3 tap 1 2 3 tap 1 2 3 tap give us the music you guys here we go 1 2 3 tap that's [Music] aesome sor go towards the last two [Music] songs side [Music] [Music] for one more [Music] for teachers the administrators and the board of thank you guys so much thank you let's [Music] get let's give another let's give another round of applause for Steve Santos and the high school students so Steve thank you so much for coming you're a good friend of mine I really appreciate everything you do and I'll behalf of the entire school we want to give this to you and something thank you thank you so much [Music] what yeah yeah yeah did you enjoy that yeah did you like that good good good good all right well for our next performance we are going to invite Dr Albert Einstein Academy school number 29 who will be performing the Mariachi ensemble in honor of Hispanic heritage mon let's give him a round of [Applause] applause also want to invite the principal Maria Labrador and our vice principal Johan hill come forward and say a few words it's just going to take a few seconds for set up [Music] while the while the students are getting prepared I just want to recognize our board members who are here so want to recognize board member Rosa Marina Oro thank you uh board member Jerry Jacobs board member Stephanie Pana kavez board member Iana chz and board member Diane Barbosa thank you so much for being here I also want to take a moment to thank all of our administrators who are here as well thank you for joining us this evening and thank you to all of our students and our parents for joining us as well thank you [Music] you guys sh together [Music] there's a little bit of technical difficulty so just bear with us one [Music] that is not our performance I promise good evening everyone how are you I'm Maria Labrador and this is Joya Hill and we are the proud administrators of Dr Albert Einstein Academy school number 29 today's performance will begin with a Hispanic heritage poem read by student Katie landie and Jal maroto under the direction of their former bilingual education teacher Dr Danielle dorta following them will be a performance by our Einstein mariachi band this band was formed through a grant from the Save the Music Foundation which helped provide the school funds for various Mariachi instruments under the direction of Mr Glennon Mrs defonso and miss kapucha our students are excited to to Showcase their hard work studying this new genre please enjoy the performance in the season of autumn glow a special month we all should know is Hispanic heritage rich and Grand a tribute to cultures across the land from September 15 to October's mid we honor the amazing contributions amid from artists to scholars in every field the power of Heritage forever unsealed what is this month you may inquire It's a grand celebration that never tires of History's woven with courage and skill from ancestors dreams a legacy still from Mexico Cuba and the lands of Florida Puerto Rico under the same bright star Dominican Republic and country is more each with fol and mix explore sing and the beats that ring and don't forget the marachi strings but it's not just music or the sabering bites it's the spirit of people like a skyful of kites the joy and struggles the journey taken a mosaic of Heritage never for S so young and old let's stand up and say happy Hispanic heritage honor the way by learning and sharing the people alive the vibrant cultures that continue to thrive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is the [Music] is most [Music] Lo fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] ha a [Music] [Applause] all right worth the Applause worth the Applause everyone big round of applause all right we so far we've had some dancing we've had somei are you ready for the next performance yeah all right all right so for our next performance we are going to invite School number seven and also School number 25 ter Riley Sono mayor let's give him a round of applause and also the principal Jenny please join us good good evening everyone I am Jen proud principal of tereny riy school number seven and we are very excited to be here tonight to celebrate with you this family mon for our presentation this evening the students from teren school number s and students from Sonia mayor School number 25 will present to you a gallery walk of proud Hispanic notable artists scientists and authors we hope you enjoy our presentation Hispanic month recognizes the history culture contribs of American society throughout the last 56 years their influence and achievements have been celebrated yearly Bilal ESO students from teren school number 7 and Sonia mayor School 25 will be showcasing the undeniable impact of in the Arts literature and science please welcome our prestigious artists authors and scientists in the Arts in the Arts in the Arts we proudly present [Applause] a Mexican painter best known for her selfportrait and unique style her culture parents is represented with the Vivid colors in your pain and your word continues to inspire and motivate arst today Diego is also a Mexican artist mostly known for his miracles at age three he showed his talents by drawing the walls of his home and his parents encourage them to skills F Colombian artist and sculpture is best for his by representing people and figures in an exaggerated way Diego was an individualistic artist from Spain he was a realistic and impression painter depicting historical culture and royal family foress such as many now introducing the famous literary works of AD a Cuban Aman Diego Vasquez was an individualistic artist I'm a Cuban American Author primarily for children's literature which are Ty typically printed in both Spanish and English Time author in Spain known as masterpiece donke American author and educator who writes about political and social issues in a way that young individuals can relate to her work has been taken as well as minies Gabriel marz great colan novelist and short story author recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature his epic Book C have been translated into 46 languages selling over 50 million copies finally presenting our brilliant scientist Dr elen CH a Mexican American engineer who was the first Hispanic woman to go up in space she was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by current President Joe Biden if you enjoy watching television in color then it's du to Mexican engineerz he patented a chromoscopic actor that paved the way for color to Anton noo from Puerto Rico is the first Hispanic woman to serve the uned United States Surgeon General she has received more than 50 honorary degrees and has been inducted in the National Women's Hall of fam Diana is a Colombian aerospace engineer and the flight director at n jet propos laboratory she is responsible for the robotic arm designed to explore Mars string for past or present life please put your hands up together to show our gratitude and admiration of the few extraordinary Hispanic visuals that have greatly influence society as a whole [Music] [Applause] y for let's give them another round of applause right now for our final performance last but not least we're going to be inviting School Number 20 and this they're going to be giving an Italian Heritage celebration called we're also going to invite principal Nicole commas and vice principal Sarah face will share about good even evening everyone I'm Nicole komas and this is Sarah the face OFA and we are proud to serve as the administrators at John Marshall School Number 20 I want to thank the Board of Education and Mrs HG for inviting our children here this evening thank you to all of the families here tonight and our team members that are showing your support for our beautiful children so this evening Miss Cali's second grade class will be dancing the Tarantella in honor of Italian Heritage Month enjoy f [Music] ch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good J good good all right what a beautiful evening we we've had so much fun today we had dancing we have beautiful children showing artist and recognizing people we even have some Italian I I think truly it has been an amazing would you agree yes or no yes all right great so that concludes all of our performances for tonight but we do want to recognize a special group a special group that that took place on September 11th you see the the school district they played a role in putting together his first sum Marine birth place on September 11th so over the summer in a few days before September 11 we had some students we had some volunteers we had this group together and unveil the USS Holland SU so I'd like to call up the Carpenters I want to call up the painters the two students and their teachers to help make this project a success if they can please come up give them a round of applause so we'll invite the board members we can take a picture than you m are we good [Applause] well I don't know tomorrow right thank you so much let's give him another round of applause [Applause] now I hope you remember what I said earlier what is one of the biggest assets that we have here in Elizabeth what's the word diversity say it again diversity I want you to remember that that diversity is one of the greatest assets that we have here in Elizabeth School District thank you so much really appreciate it so to close we're going to invite our board president to give us a closer remarks did you guys enjoy tonight did you enjoy this evening this is our first one for the school year and I just want to thank board member Isaiah ver for bringing some excitement um to our board recognition month so thank you again for member Isaias and I hope you all enjoy I just want to take a few minutes to one thank never I just want to thank um our students from high school um for coming and being they weren't shy they did our little dance with us so we appreciate you coming all the way here to dance with us and do our little all right thank you I also want to thank our students from school 29 uh for the okay that's class for their assem so for their performance we truly appreciate you guys coming out and doing it as well uh did you enjoy the gallery walk from school number 725 how unique this that so thank you for coming out the box and being unique and doing something very different and showcasing um all of the Hispanic uh leaders in your community so thank you we also want to thank School number 20 for the performance right represent Italy as only ones that came with the flags nobody else came with Flags today but it Go shout out to them thank you and again we want to thank all of our team members here for their at the DAT for September 11th at this time um as I mentioned before I want to thank our parents for being here I know a lot of times you guys very but thank you for coming to support your students thank you for coming here I thank all of our staff members for able to put this together I know it takes a lot to do with camera to do this the on stage off stage thank you I appreciate it and I thank all of our parents our students as well at this time I want to take the time for us to bring every school up to take a picture with my board members administrators so at this time high school students come up so we can [Music] take no okay all right I have school number 29 oh wait hold on hold on the high school are coming up okay thank you so I see that we have students from jbj we have students from Jefferson we have students from shirts Edison and I don't know shirts are Hamilton uh and Elizabeth School is if a board members can join us please so thank you students for coming doing our South with us we hope you enjoy I might have to steal that for heritage month we might have to come bring somebody to do some thank you one two three one two [Music] this time I like to invite our students from school number 29 [Music] [Music] administrator I just want to say how much I love the costume and the belt I noticed the belt all Lea belts where you [Music] m [Music] [Music] w [Music] thank [Music] you all right at this time we can have our students in the gallery walk from school number seven and school number 25 they can come up oh they don't have their oh there without the boxes I mean I would I will is that we'll come back to you thank you we'll come back to school number seven they're going to go get their boxes they're going to go get the boxes [Music] all right at this time I'm going to come back I'm going to go to school number 20 if the students from school number 20 can come up so we can take a picture with you representing Italy or Italian American Heritage Month [Applause] [Music] EX [Music] [Music] come on down guys come on down [Music] now [Music] all right [Music] wa [Music] [Music] [Music] thank youone thank you guys thank you all right and last group we're going to invite School number seven again School number s and 25 for the gallery walk so I we wanted to take pictures with them so here they go yes thank you thank you thank you [Music] to everyone who's leaving thank you so much get home safe [Music] God try to keep my balance but I still fall [Music] but how I so right to your inside you baby and it's so [Music] warm yeah yeah Le me trapped inside my own [Music] [Music] I'll give you my heart you [Music] got prise you hold Touch Me Love Me wa forever [Music] everyone [Music] Ang it baby my chest keeps trust somebody like I'm trying no [Music] thank you so much thank you again happy [Music] everyone enjo the rest ofing godess [Music] you promise you hold me hold me to Touch Me Love Me way past [Music] forever two kings reolution [Music] [Music] is me see and me [Music] [Applause] [Music]