##VIDEO ID:xBsmLJhevjg## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e items to the agenda Personnel report tab 2B the payment of court order tuition payment I cannot hear myself authorization for girls basketball team to attend the Ruckers girls basketball game and the award of contracts Vanguard technology advisor Inc may I have oh okay sorry at this time I'm going to have our superintendent do the Hib report thank you madam president pursuant to board policy 5131 one point1 harassment intimidation and bullying and New Jersey statute 188 37 the results of each investigation shall be reported to the Board of Education no later than the date of the next board meeting following completion of the investigation and include any Services provided training established discipline imposed other action taken or recommended by the chief School administrator since our last Board of Education meeting on November 14th and through December 11th our school counselor school-based social workers and supervisor of anti-bullying have completed 45 HIV investigations of these investigations 15 cases were founded for HIV as per New Jersey Law there were 16 males 32 females 38 regular education students and 10 special education students that were the alleged victims there were 37 males 32 females 56 regular education students 10 special education students three non-students that were the alleged offenders of the 15 cases founded for HIV five cases were founded on Race national origin four cases founded on color three cases founded uh based on sexual orientation one case was founded based on gender identity and expression one case founded based on mental physical or sensory disability and 11 cases were founded based on other identifying characteristics other services provided and actions taken for these investigations there were 18 skill development lessons trainings 33 counseling sessions eight referrals were outpatient mental health treatment six changes of classroom three changes of school placement three administrative counseling sessions 10 in school detentions 26 parent conferences 14 out of school suspensions three professional development trainings and seven cases are continuing to be monitored the Hib statute further requires that at the next uh regular scheduled meeting after board members receive the initial report of HIV investigations that the board issue a decision in writing to affirm reject or modify the superintendent's decision pertaining to the 45 cases that was reported to you at the last board meeting on November 14th in order for you to do so the investigation summaries from those investigations which were reported to you at the last board meeting have been provided to you prior to voting I also have this evening um the public hearing welcome to the public hearing on harassment intimidation and bullying and our student safety data system reporting for the period of January 1st 2024 and ending June 30th 2024 in July 2011 the anti-bullying uh Bill of Rights was signed into law as public law 2010 chapter 122 in accordance with this law all New Jersey public school districts must designate the first full week of October as week of respect during the week of respect school districts are expected to organize activities a resolution was put forth before the board in September declaring the week of October 2nd through the 3 uh week of respect each of our schools planned appropriate activities and fulfilling the reporting requirements two times each year between September 1st and December 31st and between January 1st and June 30th the school board shall hold a public hearing at which the chief School administrator will report to the board and the public any acts of harassment intimidation and bullying from January 1st through June 30th there were 281 HIV investigations completed by the appropriate staff of those cases investigated 101 were confirmed cases of HIV and were affirmed by board members the following anti-bullying specialist anti-bullying specialist alternates and anti-bullying coordinator conducted these investigations Danny aola Katherine Kong Janette Kito nafisa Freeman aah Flores Michelle Zuber dinora Mahia Fab Ramos Andrea Juka Tamara Guzman Breo Morin Craig Melissa de la Cruz yenia Torres Tyler Lans Chenise Hurst Natasha Jean Baptist Megan Courtney Sophia Verma NAA Rodriguez Eric Stanley Judith vua Yoma carero Iglesia Cindy Gales Daniel kangu Tanya sanui Jessica Ortega D danela damiani shyra Bustamante Cindy lickstein Kathy Amato Melvin Luciano Maria Cabrera Antonio sapio Naga Alama Sarah Brown Kathy Santos Jennifer Hernandez Kylie Montero kenetta Jackson Colleen Reynolds Jason kco lorda stto Teresa zakowski Anna race Nicole pimenta Christine flowy Joanna OA k o Conor Laura bellw Briana Kane Jessica s Franco Steven S graphos Christine rppa Lisa binsky Matos Edson Martinez immani lurs Natasha Carter ishma medley Jessica saula Guadalupe Judith Valdez felis Fabiano Daniela grenko Heather Savage Ford and Pete Bosler of the founded cases for HIV there were 20 incidents based on race ethnic origin six incidents based on color four incidents based on religion two based on Ancestry and seven incidents based on sexual orientation eight based on gender two incidents based on gend identity seven incidents based on mental physical or sensory disability and 99 based on other targeted bases of the founded incident 78 involved incidents were verbal 33 were physical and 30 involved in electronic communication for all Hib investigations there were 114 out of school suspensions 87 in school detentions 23 classroom changes nine changes of school placement 42 administrative counseling sessions additional Services included in school virtual counseling skill development classroom um social emotional learning lessons referrals from outside mental health treatment uh resources and referral to outside agencies as well as behavioral intervention plans between January 1st 2024 and June 30th 2024 the district provided appropriate Hib training to school counselors and to new staff the district also provided a two-hour state required Hib training for each fiveyear developmental period to certified staff and the district provided extensive and specified inperson and virtual training to the anti-bullying coordinator and to the anti-bullying specialist and their alternates non-certificated staff also received training new school level administrators and new Hib staff received training in the Hipster reporting program and in summary January from January 1st 2024 through June 30th 2024 there were 821 total incidents districtwide which includes 387 incidents of violence 62 of vandalism 260 substance abuse incidents 21 weapon incidents there were also 535 other incidents leading to removal and that completes the public hearing uh for the time period specif ifed thank you thank you so much at this time I have a motion to approve the entire agenda in its entirety with the items that I had stated prior that I added to the agenda I make make a motion to approve the agenda including the items the items added I second that motion thank you as been move and probably seconded to intend to approve the agenda in its entirety Mr Kennedy roll call please Barbosa yes carvalo abstain on Tab 4B and yes to everything else Cheves yes Jacobs yes Marino Ortega yes naron yes with an exstension of tab 2A page 35 tab 4B um and You tab 4B and Tab 2 a exstension thank you kavas Pana Rivera yes bis yes you have one in St I don't have an exemption oh thank you you're welcome the entire agenda has passed thank you at this time um may I have a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting motion to adj Madame President yeah I'm sorry oh it's okay sorry I apologize okay yes oh I just Bo member so I think it's that that time of the year where we um you know thank you for all your leadership and um you know as I sat here at my table I saw it's going to be a good day and it was a good year Madame President um you're a superwoman and you know that and you carried us through a lot of difficult decisions a lot of difficult um situations Happy Times difficult times but you were there you brought us all together and the Contin you continue to show the care and the effort that you have for the district that you have for for us and um I can't thank you enough um as we continue uh we move the movement on and we continue to care and to love our district thank you Madame President for everything you did from the first day to to the last day of this year thank you so much thank you beautiful way to end thank you and I wore green thank you thank you thank you I know I see everyone with the green on thank you you you got us into green yes thank you Madame President yes yes I want to Echo uh commissioner Barbosa um thank you for your leadership thank you for pushing and may us to grow during this year and helping us to face a different challenge but also was a great learning experience I really appreciate you and all your sports and Leadership is see thank you thank you thank you all right anyone else well since we're on a you know happy day ending note here um Madame President thank you so much for your leadership this year thank you for being being a friend thank you for being a running mate um thank you for really giving us a great year and giving us a initiative that you kicked off this year and giving us all a month to really explore what we wanted to offer to the district I think that was a high I main highlight this year so thank you for everything that you do absolutely thank you thank you so much everyone I appreciate you all thank you madam president yes board M um I didn't I didn't get a chance before to uh congratulate you on a successful year um you're the longest serving board member on our team the the first repeat president in the cycle which is quite an achievement I think for our team the fact that we've kept up the continuity we've all taken our turns at leadership we've all had our different visions and I think in this term you've improved your vision I like the way you've had us all focused in our committees responsibilities as chair people that we had to overtake the fact that we run very efficient meetings I can recall you know years ago when I first got on this board and I talked about running efficient meetings and I know I'm talking too much because I need you all especially want to go but I cannot be remissed before I talk about the improvements that you have made this year under your leadership and how so proud I am of you and I'm so H proud that you have led this board okay through the times that we are showing the progress because that's the most important thing about us as Commissioners here because we're not getting paid for this but we have showing that we're making progress for our children in our community for our community for our employees and staff for the people that support us and you have done an excellent job and I had to commend you because every meeting you make it a point to make sure that you thank everyone that's involved as integral that makes us as board member shine which is very important because sometimes we forget to thank people and show them gratitude you know for the things that they do because we really do all appreciate you I'm not just saying that to just be factious because we really do even though we may not say it enough um I'd like to wish everyone a wonderful uh happy holidays and a a a a successful New Year again I'd like to thank everyone uh the administration the staff the students uh the my fellow board members and colleagues M president vice president for your leadership this year and many more to come thank you thank you thank you so much that was very nice thank you I love you all good little family thank you thank you so much I'm so happy and grateful that I'm ending this year on a high note I really am grateful to God I must say I must say if it wasn't for God I would not be here right now so I just it is a great pleasure for me to um you know for me to serve as president this year um and it's even a great pleasure for me to ask for the rooll uh roll call and now for um a motion for us to adjourn this meeting so just thank you for all that you do and I will still be here you know I just won't be the one talking as much but I will be here to continue to support Elizabeth to support our students and our um staff throughout the district so it's with great honor that I asked for the motion for us to adjourn motion at 8:05 at 8:05 and we started late okay and Elizabeth's winning okay good I make a motion to adourn tonight's meeting I second thank you it's been moved in probably second to adourn tonight's meeting at 8:05 p.m. Mr Kennedy roll call please Barbosa happy holidays good night yes carvalo uh yes thank you Madame President thank you for bringing us folk Circle and for uh never giving up the fight um happy holidays everybody Cheves yes and good night everyone Jacobs yes happy holiday thank you everyone thank you madam president good night Marina Ortega yeah happy Hol happy New Year thank you madam president naron happy holidays thank you again Madame President and happy New Year to everyone throughout the district God bless us all gavas pastana yes good night everyone and happy holidays Mr Rivera yes thank you Madame President happy holidays everyone thank you and baas yes happy holidays Merry Christmas uh Happy Quanza Fel Nas uh Noel happy New Year anything else I forgot if I did charge it to my heart Happy Hanukkah happy Hanukkah okay I did okay all right we're good all right yes and we are adjourned thank you God bless okay okay