okay mayor I like to call to order the regular meeting of the mwood park mayor and Council for July 25th 20124 to order at 7:02 p.m. on roll call we have council members Dennis here folo absent gobec here pelen here choicy here council president Sheridan here mayor klei here we have a quorum thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen uh let's get started uh with our Pastor Ron he's going to proceed with our normal prayer coun a a friend a husband [Music] we take a moment of silence for Mr Jeff etern the creator of Heaven and Earth The Giver of life and death we thank you dear Lord for allowing us to come together and con in this your presence is welcome here tonight father I pray you that coun will not neglect or abuse their Authority but during deliberations they will come together cour to make determinations for what is good for your people we thank you for this community dear father one thing about our community dear lord El Park New Jersey that when the brothers the road there is unity in this community and I thank you dear God right now dear father I ask you to dispatch your heav host around this FR and the family there's a void that's in the hearts and only you that can fulfill that voice give them Comfort give the town Comfort give the counsil comfort for he is someone that will be greatly missed their father we look to you as who you are the alpha and the Omega you know everything from the beginning to the end but we thank you for the privilege of knowing this when only you God this was complete Heavenly Father sure that he's sitting in your arms and you're saying wel my son your TK is completed and I am well pleased so father God we thank you we honor your majesty and your Dominion in your heavenly name Council mayor and we all say amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all ladies and gentlemen as you heard from Pastor Ron it's a sad day here in elet park uh we lost a member of our community that I believe was born here and served in many capacities on different boards the school board and most recently planning board chairman and I believe he was the chairman of the school board at one time uh Lorraine he was he he was uh Jeff was uh the type of person that was involved uh he'd be at uh Council meetings Library meetings school board meetings you name it he would be there with his with his wife Jeanie they were concerned and consumed with our town uh periodically we would sometimes take offense to it but when you look at the goal that he was achieving was checks and balances that's all he was looking for was checks and balances uh he's going to greatly be missed first of all uh on the planning board and here at our Council meetings but I think it's safe to say every time we look up and to the back of that room Jeff will be here with us may you rest in peace Jeff Pam Jeff Ry tag was a beloved member of our community and involved in many of the Burrow's organizations his sudden passing has left a void in our hearts but will forever remember his passion his wisdom his commitment and his service to the burrow rest in peace Jeffrey fry tag 35 Hillman Council W Sheran um it's still a shock I mean um my heart goes out to the family I learned a lot on the planning board even though I've only been on it for a couple months um Jeff rest in peace God bless councilwoman peligre yes I just want to say um I know Jeff and jeie for many many years served on the school board with him for many years and they've done so much for the community and I think we're all just really still in shock right now you know we see somebody one day and then the next minute they're not here so um my heart goes out to the family and I hope God gives them the strength to get through this and um we're all here as a community to surround them with love and kindness and whatever we can do to help a little bit we're here for them and Jeff you'll always be remembered for all you gave to this community and how much you Lov this community and we'll all never forget that may you rest in peace councilman golbeck want to extend my condolences uh to Mrs fry tag um uh Jeff frag Jr the extended family um as the mayor said you know 18 years in the Board of Education once he was done he didn't walk away he went to the next Board of Education meeting as a member of the public and I remember as a as a as a student student in high school you know uh watching him every meeting um asking the questions holding the board accountable even when his own wife was a trustee on the board he didn't shy away from speaking as a resident as to what his opinion on the matter was and and we all know you know he's been a constant presence here at our Council meetings um I I I mean we can count of 20 some thousand residents we can probably count on one or two hands the amount of people who took such a deep interest in their government um and really to to be informed but also to hold us accountable um and and one thing I remember you know that quickly comes to mind is U Mr prek would be very very fast to point out when the burrow was um negligent in not raising in not lowering the flag half staff when there was a passing or an order from the from the president or the for the governor um and and with that Spirit mayor just a suggestion maybe on the day of his Services um that would be U appropriate for his community service and because he was really the the lead Advocate on that subject so once again my condolences he will be missed councilwoman Dennis um I do want to extend my condolences to those that had the privileg the privilege to uh know Mr frch his family to his son who I've actually never met but for the last 10 years that I've known Mr Frac uh every for AED meeting we've attended together he's told me about his son who I believe Works in Belleville and all the great things that he does in his school district so Mr frch was a a proud member and resident of Elwood Park um it's hard to look up and not see him in the audience I don't know who's going to hold us accountable I thought he was just doing that a board of ed meetings until I saw him at Council meetings and realized he's everywhere he was everywhere all the time making sure everyone was doing the right thing and um like the council member said is never afraid to hold anybody accountable um he will be sorely missed and I hope those that are hurting now are comforted by all the memories that you've made with him um just know that it was a privilege to have him in your life and it was a privilege to even watch him come up here or in any forum and and give his opinion and show everybody how intelligent he was and I always wondered if he was a teacher or a cop or a contractor I never knew what he did for a living but I know he was extremely intelligent and always on top of everything and I always had great admiration for for Mr frag um I pray for his wife his children his family and all his friends my condolences to you all thank you councilwoman Chief ELO thank you mayor uh over the years Mr frag and I had our share of disagreements um about a year ago uh he had a uh a medical episode and I had reached out to him um despite of those disagreements and he responded and I think we had a develop the mutual respect for one other from that point on and uh our relationship changed as a result of that interaction and uh he was a passionate man who cared about Elwood Park um he attended every meeting that he could and when when he wasn't here it was it was strange and it's going to be strange for a while now um I call on all of us Elwood Park everyone in this room this body to Rally around Mrs fry tag she's she's going to be lost without him they're they're they were best friends um they they did everything together and I know my department will be looking out for her regularly and uh we need to keep her close to us and and and in our prayers thank you mayor whereas chapter 231 of the public laws of the state of New Jersey require at the Comm of every meeting a statement of compliance be read by the presiding officer now therefore be advised that the meeting requirements for this meeting have been met by publishing a special notice in the record in Herald news and by posting such notice in the office of the barel clerk as well as in a public place within the municipal building also by notifying interested citizens said notice was posted and transmitted on June 26 2024 and published on July 3rd 2024 okay first on the agenda we have the approval of minutes we have June 6 2024 work session meeting June 6 2024 executive session June 10th 2024 special meeting and June 20th 2024 regular meeting May I have a motion to approve the minutes someone second any discussion call the rooll please yes first by peline second by GOC on roll call we have council members Dennis yes felo absent GOC yes pelen yes choicy yes council president Sheridan yes motion carries next we have our consent agenda we have resolutions r- 235 d24 approval of payroll r- 23624 approval of bills list r237 -24 authorized current estimate number five change order number four Bor Park turfield r- 23824 authorized vacation buyback r- 23924 approval of items of Revenue and Appropriations njs 48 colon 4- 87 r240 d24 resolution to refund open permit r241 d24 resolution to refund maral mftg LLC r242 d24 resolution to contract with AARP of Elwood Park chapter 3864 r-23 24324 resolution for contract with elmood Park homeowners association r244 d24 appointment of full-time Public Safety telecommunicator Police Department Leslie Watson R d245 d24 appointment full-time laborer Department of Public Works r- 24624 appoint part-time clerical Recreation Department r- 24724 appointment of recreation department staff r- 24824 authorized purchase of equipment r249 d24 authorized purchase of equipment r-250 d24 approve Elwood Park fire department cying program second quarter compensation r251 d24 resolution authorizing tax exemption for disabled veteran 34 Pulsa Avenue AKA block 1206 lot 5 R-25 -24 approved block party request r253 d24 personto person liquor license transfer r254 d24 approv handicap parking space Lee Street r255 d24 approv handicap parking space Philip Avenue R 25624 hiring employees to staff the Elwood Park Emergency Medical Service Unit r- 25724 authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with the county of Bergen snowplowing salting shared service agreement r258 d24 maintenance of 37 Henry Street r259 d24 resignation of firefighter r- 26-24 appointment of firefighters r261 d24 transfer a firefighter R d262 d24 authorized payment of equipment and r- 26324 resolution to approve the consent agenda thank you Chen may have a motion on the consent agenda I need a second second any discussion just to go to show you that how things have changed and will change if Jeff was here he'd probably have questions on one of these call the rooll please first by peligre second by Dennis on roll call behalf council members Dennis yes for solo absent GOC yes peligre yes Choy I'm going to recuse from our - 250- 24 259 260 and 261 yes for the okay council president Sheridan yes motion carries next we have departmental report we have the zoning board meeting minutes from May 22nd 2024 and the library board meeting minutes from May 20th 2024 and June 17th 2024 motion to accept the reports so move second any discussion call the roll please all in favor I'm sorry thank you okay mayor I will turn the meeting over to you for Council reports okay uh we'll start on this end uh Mrs chicy would you like to start sure um Saturday the 20th was movie night um unfort Ely I wasn't able to attend because I had to attend my brother-in-law's surprise birthday party but from what I understand while attendance um was a little lower than expected it was still a very enjoyable event the school year program registration has opened on the 22nd and return that's for returning families it will open to new families on the 29th and so far we've got about 30 children that have registered so far adult volley will be wrapping up at the end of July and it will return in the fall uh built by me stem program is being planned for grades uh 2 through 5 the dates are being finalized we'll run on Tuesday nights for 6 weeks starting at the end of September throughout the month of October and they're planning for the winter basketball program uh registration will open for that in September the next Rec Advisory board meeting is September 16th and then um Board of Ed their next um meeting is the 24th of September and just progress uh mayor thank you thank you council president Sheridan thank you mayor um surprise huh yeah really um since uh Tuesday night this Tuesday night coming up July 30th we have the uh concert and it's Bobby Wilson and the Chicklets I just wanted to make sure that I pronounced that right explain to them why you said that because every the mayor usually announces the concerts as they go on and he made it Bobby Wilson and the what did you say chicklets no you didn't say that you said something totally different I said chicklets you spell it it says chicklets to me I asked my wife who is a phenomenal speller she said chicklets I don't know what the heck you guys are talking about well if if you really want to know show up next Tuesday 7:30 in Barfield if it rains it'll be at the high school and once again the name of the group Bobby Wilson and the chickets there you go okay um and also I just want to say again uh Jeff FR tag rest in peace and God bless thank you councilwoman councilwoman peligre yes mayor um my police update the junior Police Academy 2024 will start on August 5th through August 16th ages 9 to6 146 children are signed up for this year's Academy National Night Out will be held on Tuesday August 6th start time is 5:30 p.m. location corner of mola Boulevard and Market Street enjoy this evening filled with food bounce houses face painting cotton candy barbecue hosted by Steve's Burgers live concert featuring no filter classic rock this is a free event for all come meet our police officers in an informal setting also our Elwood Park fire department will be displaying their equipment and apparatus AR Elma Park recreation staff will also be at this very special Community event come join us for a great evening the next Board of Health meeting will be held on Monday August 12th at 700 p.m. right here in the courtroom Public's always welcome to attend and on Tuesday July 16th the new had their networking event for our businesses it was a great evening getting to know the owners of our local businesses and it was great conversation throughout the event for more information on the new chamber you can go to www. Elwood Park chamber.org their monthly meetings are the third Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 at our local VFW all are welcome to attend progress mayor thank you Lorraine on National Night Out will we be receiving a email on that we already well yeah Chief you'll send an email to us we already got the flyer in an email to us but if you want to reminder we will do that and once again my compliments on the progress with the Chamber of Commerce moving along very nicely numbers are increasing yeah those businessmen mean business yes okay councilman gobec thank you mayor um I just want to compliment all of our burrow employees and the mayor and Council uh there is more to do in Elmwood Park today than I in my 202 years of living here from our facilities in our Parks from the field upgrades from the concerts to the street fairs to uh everything in between um it's it's a it's a very positive reflection on everyone that's involved um and I just encourage our residents to to attend as much as possible the more these events are intended the more hunger we have to do more so again my compliments to to all of our our burrow employees elected officials and otherwise uh from that standpoint Community oriented we're doing a fantastic job that's all I have mayor thank you yeah to to your point Daniel that that's uh communication and when we work together and our focus and objective is one bipartisan the end results is the report you just gave councilwoman Dennis thank you mayor um I normally talk a lot but I can't today so I just want to um let everybody know um life is short um again condolences to Mr frag and his family uh we also lost another elw Park resident um Eliza stes this week um her services will be held on Saturday um very involved resident involved in a lot of uh youth activities in the schools um we're all not promised tomorrow so uh make those phone calls have those lunches if you promise to meet up go meet up uh reach out to your friends and family and and appreciate them while they're here uh progress mayor thank you I had uh seen something very disturbing yesterday on the national news it had to do with some demonstrations in Washington and there's nothing wrong with demonstrating peacefully but when it comes to burning that flag there I think and maybe we have our attorney with us this evening that should be a felony right off the bat soon as they touch that flag 248 years of people dying getting maimed and they got the right to burn it and there's nothing legal we can do please please there you go mayor good evening I I I may share your outrage um it's disgusting when I see it around the world right they burn our flag um being a descendant of grandparents who fought in World War II for the right for people to protest um I'm not sure that it's our right to say how they can protest so um I may not like it right I don't like when people kneel right for the for the uh national anthem I certainly don't approve of people burning the flag but I don't think it's our role to say how someone can protest because it makes us feel better is that the the glitch there the U you're violating somebody's rights on how to protest or my complaint is you can protest and and keep it peaceful nothing wrong with that that's part of our constitution everybody has the right to do that but burning the flag the symbol of our country has the Supreme Court brought that down that's become that's protected from the from the Supreme Court that's right all right well that doesn't mean you can't mayor be outraged about it and speak in your own way that you think it's wrong but um we can't kind of pigeon ho hold just to what we want people to do because it makes us feel comfortable as offended as we might be about it yeah think about it the Democracy we have here if this was another country on the over there and over there and over there not mentioning no names their heads probably chopped off for doing something like that that's the greatness of our democracy it's got checks and balances and we should endear it may have a motion to open the floor to the public second anyone from the public here to speak on any issue whatsoever Lenor please come [Music] forward I'll pass one for everybody hi good evening good evening first I am deeply saddened about Jeff FR tag I'm going to try and keep this short no first ten had suggested a while ago that I come to the council meeting and ask which I have done previously where the $1.1 million went to it was accounted for but we don't I don't know and the residents don't know where it went to and specifically what 1.1 million are you talking about Leno well it was a few months back where it wasn't accounted for and then there was ating done and then they supposedly found out where the money went to so that 1.1 million plus the 2 million for the turf that the residents will have to pay for comes to $3.1 million that eventually the taxpayers are going to have to come up with now I've asked where it went so far I haven't gotten an answer that's well the the 1.1 is accounted for now and that's accounted for in a tax increase which I'm sure we're all going to see very shortly if you haven't seen it already the 2.2 uh I believe it's a little more than that tell you the truth uh but that was bonded and yes over a period of time the taxpayer will see that continue but where what department what departments where did the where was the 1.1 allocated to basically what I consider it is a bounce check because eventually the tax payers are going to have to come up with the money for that money that's all I'm saying is I'd like to know where it was allocated to I I it's I don't think it was a mistake it it just was a shortage Mike do you have uh anything you want to say on this I I just my understanding of it is that the CFO underfunded that budget um uh by not appropriating the right amount of money um that's that's my understanding of it mayor it wasn't uh any overages in salaries overtimes departments um every year everything goes up right G uh garbage recycling salaries do go up health benefits was a tremendous increase uh pension contributions all the things that make this burrow work none of them go down ever they always go up the only way to keep uh that stable or ahead of it is to bring in more Revenue and if there's no Revenue additional stream to bring in then it's it's it's the taxpayer right it's a I think it's a conglomeration of little things you put it all together it was a shortage as our ba has mentioned the inflation who knew that we were going to experience 15 to 20% uh increase in the last uh three and a half years so you add that into the equation and the Surplus probably should have been the year four should have been increased more Surplus which it wasn't but at the end of the day it is what it is and it there's it's accounted for it's just it's just the fact that okay it was not accounted for in the budget ahead of time and that's where the shortage came in there yeah sure so so additionally we did a a few years I I don't know if it's actually two or three of um Z increases to our residents I I H I happen to be a resident too so I I felt that in a good way right so now it it's going to go up but it's going to go up as if it were to go up equally over those years right so hopefully instead of spending that money we saved it and now we can pay it so whether it was distributed evenly over those years of the zeros or it all comes in one year to me it's six and one half dozen the other and and like you said it is what it is yeah basically what the chief is saying I'm going to piggyback on it if we were to increase the budget the previous two years 2% 2% 2% and 2% this year there would have been no no increase that's why we had the increase this year the 0% increase wasn't that due to covid and did the town get any funds from the government yes okay yeah so yeah so the town got money from got a million dollars per year okay so a million dollars per year so you're talking $2.2 million you got from covid and we're still $1.1 million short well there was a screw up there in the accounting and and okay and I'm just saying I'm just asking no but I could tell you that there was there's nothing egregious about it I'm not saying it was okay not saying it was I just wanted to know where the money went to okay well I can okay it's okay I'll empty my pockets now no no no okay okay the the other thing I gave everybody a packet now this is regarding 37 Henry Street my neighbor had asked me to contact the town because of the grass being overgrown and the weeds being overgrown and not being kept so I did and nothing was done nothing was done nothing now it doesn't take a month or two to get somebody to cut their grass that's my opinion and that's what it should be if you're going to put something in there like I saw some there if you're going to be notified you have three days to cure it if you do this you have 10 days to cure it or if you do this why isn't there something in there about the grass I mean grass is so simple just cut the thing make it you're all talking about making Elmwood Park beautiful and yet when I was going home up on Cadmus Avenue the the grass pass on one of the Hill houses was like 3 ft tall and it was like that for 3 months until finally it got cut now whether somebody just did it somebody complained I don't know what happened but it finally got cut but anyway in your packet I went home today and I saw a white car and the garage door open at 37 Henry Street so I immediately pulled up like I did when all the squad cars were there and I introduced myself and it happened to be which his card is in the packet the real estate agent for that house he cut the front lawn and I said well did you do the back and he goes no it's only trees in the back I said come on let's go took them in the back and you could see the three foot high weeds in the back the pile of leaves the pile of sticks the pile of tree branches and I said to them look you're the real estate agent you want to sell this house I said first of all you got to get rid of all this stuff I said first of all and I showed them 10 in that's all you're allowed so he went back again he cut the front lawn but he went back and he did the backyard I have pictures in there the backyard is cut 90 98% you know he left some stuff but there's a pile of leaves I told him that pickup is on Tuesday I said you could put the stuff out but the branches have to be tied up now he's also going to sell the house I'm just letting you know that he did cut the front yard he did cut the back backyard but there is still some stuff that needs to be taken care of that's in the backyard that he needs to get rid of like the pile of leaves and sticks and branches so I'm just saying whatever you are going to do with this 3700 Street that's on the agenda you might want to take another look at it and call the real he said to call them you got his number call them if you got a complaint call him he'll take care of that's what he told me so that takes care of that I'm sure and I I get what you're coming from and I and I do commend you for for getting uh that information to the realtor uh but uh he's the one that's got to take care of the property for the buyer or the seller I should say and he should be pushing his client to have the grounds kept need well if you look at it first of all it was I don't know I can't pronounce his last name the person who was living there the person who was using that house of storage he wasn't even living there his first name was Ali Ali he actually ran this business that was in Loi and another town back in June well I believe he died he passed away in May and in June there was an update on the tax records I don't know what the update is for other than now it's in the estate of so whoever's controlling the estate is responsible so you might want to contact the real estate agent and find out who hired him because it has to be somebody from the estate whether it's the executive they have to have letters of testamentary to do this contact him find out you know let him know what you know what is his position in taking care of this house I mean he did cut the grass I mean did the owner of the or the representative of the estate tell him to cut the grass I don't know but he was there today and it all got done great so but I don't know what else needs to be done you know I told him what needed to be done whether he does it or not that's the other thing you need to find out who owns who's the representative of the estate that's who you need to find out if it's on with our property maintenance people uh they'll go there m in the proper order and there are laws there that we have to abide by I think it's a three-step operation with 10 days in between two weeks in between don't hold me to the amount of of days but it's a lengthly process before you can go on somebody's property and start doing what you want to do I realize that but if somebody is living there with which maybe he wasn't maybe he had passed when she first asked me to contact see problem Lenor even if somebody's there they don't answer the door they don't answer their mail we can't go knock the door down because the grass is too high I understand that I do I understand that all right you know but in any case what you did was good it was great uh you got it resolved and you brought it to our attention and hopefully uh that's the last we'll have to discuss this well so okay the other thing the other issue I'd like to talk about is what I brought up at the last council meeting and that was the Federal requirement of the Town notifying Us in writing about the water quality report we didn't get one for 2022 we didn't get one for 2023 and it's supposed to be mailed to us by July 1st you had said you'd look into it I'm here to say where is it well did you look into it and who is going to be responsible now for getting that mail out to everybody so you you realize we do have now also that flusher that you put up I spoke to Dan who works for Mueller who made that flusher okay now let me ask when they when DPW comes comes around and they open up the fire hydrants to flush the hydrants how long do they keep it open before don't know the answer to that question okay I guess until they must have a sequence maybe it's 10 minutes 15 or or they're watching the color of the water they're watching the color of the water so when the water turns clear they shut the the hydrant down which is no more than 5 minutes no more than 5 minutes I've watched them it's no more than 5 minutes the flusher runs from 5:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. and then again from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and it's pumping out clear water for a half well let's just say for the first for for what 25 minutes it's pumping out clear water how many gallons of water is being thrown into the sewer system or the the drainage system okay which the taxpayers are going to wind up paying for but that's not the issue the issue is it's clear water and they're supposed to sh did you ever let me stop you right there did you ever go to your gas burner or oil burner and drain the water the the the bad water that's in the system oh yeah okay so you you would dra drain it right close a SP it come back see clear water and then all of a sudden another Rusty Park no appears no I run mine when the I have a steam boiler so when I run mine it's discolored the water is discolored and I let the water run for at least a minute or two until it stops being you know as long as it's clear yeah and sometimes I wind up with a pot full of this much water but it's clear totally clear yeah now that's you never you never get a repeat of the rust no no no you got a better unit than I have I tell you that practically new I get I get it I'll run it for a while then it goes back Rusty a little while then it clears up so the point is they got to make sure that the water's clear that's the purpose of the flushing but nobody is there to monitor it may if I may um the flusher I believe that Miss Lenor is referring to is in the Cherry Hill section that one is there not for clarity but for stagnation purposes so that's the end of the line when it comes to our water lines that come into the burrow uh by the time the water gets refreshed in that area sometimes it stagnates and we'll get complaints of resid from residents in that area of a a fishy smell um Scott and our licensed water operator Mr dblock we met on this topic twice already and they said that the it needs to run for the duration that they have it set he is a licensed operator he doesn't care what Mueller says or anybody else says and he also has D blessing and approval to do it the way he's doing it it's in a controlled situation where it runs slower than as if you would just open a hydrant it starts slow and then picks up speed and it's mainly there for stagnation stagnation purposes to get the smell out of the water that's correct okay okay there was okay that's fine there was the person that we were told to contact this Robert we asked him or one of the neighbors asked him what happens if it happens at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning when we get up to brush our teeth or take a shower will you come no so he said what if we put the water in the bottle for you no we have to do it it's got to be sterilized what if we boil the bottles and put the water in no I have to do it so then the question was asked what happens if it's 9 or 10:00 at night it happens no I can't come so if the person in charge of taking the samples of the water is not willing to come because it's out of his job description if you want to call it what do you do you can you can purchase your own home test kit but our water is monitored daily at every entrance point to the burrow and Mr deblock cannot take a sample from a resident because he doesn't know the credibility of that Resident and what they may or may have not done to that sample they have to specifically draw the sample themselves in order for the continuity of the test okay I agree that that's if that's what it has to be it has to be but if he's not willing to come out when it happens he doesn't the need to come out when it happens the water is tested as it enters the burrow the flushers were put in place because a resident on forer Cresent was complaining of stagnation this has settled that problem we have not gotten a stagnation complaint since the flusher was put in the Cherry Hill section okay thank you Mike and thank you all thank you Lenor and will we be getting the water quality report anytime soon Mike we is that to be expected soon it was sent to Scott he's working on it with Mr D Block I will follow up with him okay thank you anyone else care to speak Linda do you have something you want to say to us miss colini me no no okay I thought you you might have I thought you had a present for me not you didn't put it on the agenda what' you say you didn't put it on the agenda don't need it on the agenda yes you always trying to you always put it on all right we'll do it we'll we'll do it at the next meeting I mean I was willing enable but all right okay okay don't go nowhere with that cash though I'll tell you right now she's going to present us with a check uh for the uh the monument yes name rank and serial number hi my name is Janette Randazzo and I'm at 102 Franklin Street in Elman Park first and foremost you know my condolences to the freed take family um Jeff and Genie also belong to the organization that I run with the AARP uh in fact jeie just became my treasur the new treasur for my department um so with that said I want to thank everybody for approving the ARP uh my members are definitely going to appreciate that and uh as well as myself cuz things are tight the economy is what it is so uh they will appreciate it so I kept saying I'll let you know I'll let you know cuz they're all anxious about it too so again thank you everyone I appreciate your time and putting it in and accepting it thank you we thank you uh also and you ever gone to one of their meetings and you see with her her husband and staff do for these 80 90 100 seniors uh those seniors look so forward to those meetings and when they heard that you might be retiring they were calling my office and I said we won't accept her resignation well it was funny because this last meeting I had Captain Kemp came and talk to the seniors and they're very intense and listening you know I sometimes you have to talk a little loud with them because they can't all hear but the speakers they just get a big you know they they just love the speakers I'm gonna have uh one of the bank members come uh next month but the month after and talk about different topics as well so they're always interested in the things that I have on plan for them so again thank you so much I appreciate it thank you and we also have the other director of the other main established entity in Elmwood Park um and she's going to come up and say something I don't know what she's going to say but she's going to say something has no choice yeah my address right I don't want know we need we got to keep this formal name rank and serial number L the colini 148 Philip Avenue elmood Park New Jersey I guess now I have to give you that check with interest no I want to thank everyone too for approving the stip and and you all know that it does go to good use so you know the money's already been spent and it's nice that we can get it and back in return and then this will afford US the opportunity to give even more back to our community so thank you everyone I appreciate it we appreciate it sorry we we appreciate your efforts and uh your commitment to the thank you very much to to all of us it's so it's make this towns great that's what makes it great yes Mrs Rand I just forgot to mention um when as the board of heal we go around asking for donations and things to help out the senior day that's going to be in October this year we also talk to the new people that came into town and we encourage them to join the Chamber of Commerce so we get the you know we give them the address we give them the numbers and we get them so of course we want more and more of our people to join that chamber of confence and working on our end to help that as well because we hit pretty much all of them you know you just you got me thinking which is always dangerous right it might be wise to piggyback an event with the Chamber of Commerce and the homeowners Chamber of Commerce and the ARP they get great exposure from both ends so it might be something uh that you ladies uh would think about I'll be there in any case so okay anyone else care to speak if not I'll close the public portion and do we have anything left my dear no no that's it no executive no we can go home yes bye-bye I need a motion all in favor all in favor [Music]