##VIDEO ID:FHUlgWsmfFQ## there we go good evening everyone mayor I'd like to call to order the reorganization meeting of the Elwood Park mayor and Council for January 2nd 2025 to order at 7 o'clock p.m. thank you shenet good evening ladies and gentlemen how was everybody this evening wonderful come on a little louder there you go we're celebrating tonight 2025 some of us thought we'd never made it we made some of us from the 60s thought we'd never make it but we got this far am I right uh it's going to be a great night here uh ladies and gentlemen we'll be swearing in uh two Council people one that's been here and a new one and a new council president uh so let me get started where chapter 231 of the public laws of the state of New Jersey require at the commencement of every meeting a statement of complt C be read by the presiding officer now therefore be advised that the meeting requirements for this meeting have been met by publishing a special notice in the record and Herald news and by posting such notice in the office of the burough clerk as well as in a public place within the municipal building and also by notifying interested citizens said notice was posted on December 16th 2024 and published on December 19th 20 24 okay at this time as the B clerk for the bur of Elwood park it is my duty to certify the general election results from November 5th 2024 for the position of council Teresa Sheridan 4,219 votes Eric H Samson 489 votes Sandra biseri 3,849 votes Tanisha Dennis 858 votes certifying that the winners of said election for the position of council are Teresa Sheridan council member for a full term and Eric H Samson council member for a full time for a full term at this time we will have our swearing in ceremony I would like to call forward council member Teresa Sheridan who will be sworn in by mayor klei here we go I Solly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constition of the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey that I will bear that I will bear true Faith true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments establish established in the united states in the United States and in this state in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of council member council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations [Applause] she at this time I would like to call forward Eric Samson alongside his family to be sworn in by mayor Robert klei gentl uh and had something special about him very reasonable person and U he also in case you don't know it he was in charge of whether your plane would land on the runway in numerous different airports or not so think about that responsibility that he had and the type of mind he needed to have in order to have that position and U hard working lo and behold is standing here and we're going to swear him in okay family good I know why I I Ericson do solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of under the authority of the people the people and then I will Faithfully then I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of council member council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me go congratulations [Applause] [Applause] that we do the rain right you want to Res recess okay uh we're going to at this moment have our Council uh comments on the the newcomer and the oldc comer that's not old but it's here been here before um let's start off with Pam try down there on the end councilwoman sure um I'd like to congratulate councilwoman Sheridan on her reelection Victory and councilman councilmen Eric Samson on his election to his first of hopefully many terms I have no doubt the two of you will always put the needs of the residents in the community first I would you success in continuing and your new role God bless thank you uh Council woman peligre yes I'd like to congratulate councilwoman Sheridan on your reelection thank you congratulations to my friend and now my colleague councilman Eric Samson I look forward to serving with you as if today wasn't already a great day for you and your family it's also his birthday so happy birthday my friend wishing you all the best thank you councilwoman councilman folo thank you mayor happy New Year everybody I want to begin by offering my heartfelt congratulations to councilwoman Terry Sheridan on her re-election Terry your steadfast dedication and ability to work across party lines are qualities that set you apart you've consistently shown that collaboration not division is the way forward you embody the spirit of bipartisanship and I deep value the genuine working relationship we've built over the years your leadership reminds us that when we put great the greater good first real progress follows I also want to extend a warm welcome to councilman Eric Samson it's going to be difficult to not say councilwoman so many times up here now that we have another guy up here we even it up yeah we evened it up uh Eric as a firefighter you must demonstrate courage commitment and a true sense of service those same quality would undoubt will undoubtedly give you uh guide you as you take this new role I look forward to working together to serve the residents of the same dedication and passion and I'm always here to help in every need over the past year there's been far too much division in our town the tone and actions of our leadership have at time driven wedges where Bridges should be buil should have been built this community deserves better we are elected to serve everyone not just those who agree with us or support us with the privilege of holding the majority comes the found responsibility to lead with fairness decency and unity our Focus must be on creating a positive path forward one that brings people together regardless of race gender age or religion it's time to turn the page and demonstrate through our actions that we're capable of putting the needs of the community above all else this council is strongest when we work together and I'm optimistic about the progress we can achieve in the year ahead thank you thank you councilman councilman gobec thank you mayor I'd like to congratulate and welcome aboard councilman Eric Samson to the council welcome I don't know you a very long time but in the time I do you've always been a gentleman always professional and I could see just by your demeanor you're going to take a very serious and professional um approach to this job as as I do so I look forward to working with you on that front councilwoman Sheridan congratulations on on your reelection uh it's been a pleasure working you for three years and look forward to working with you this year uh um I like numbers and little funky facts councilwoman Sheridan got the second most votes in the history of Elwood park for a council candidate and that was a presidential election but let's give it up for that and through that Mr Samson is the third highest vot getter ever in the history of elow Park so let's clap it up for that I I wish everyone well I believe I hope and believe we will all work very well together thank you mayor I'm sure we're going to councilman councilwoman Sheridan thank you mayor um I just want to say um congratulations to councilman Eric uh welcome aboard good luck okay councilman Samson first time public thank you mayor uh Terry ccom Sheridan congratulations on a win uh we were a good team we worked together well sometimes we wanted to choke each other but you know that that's par for of course um thank you all for your welcoming comments um I really look forward to this and working as a team thank you mayor thank you well I had said uh my piece before but there's uh another item this evening that one of us are experiencing and happens to be one of the elected officials newly elected officials Eric Samson over there it's his birthday so we're going to sing today's his birthday and he's got sworn in on his birthday and we're going to sing Happy Birthday you all with me with you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Eric happy birthday to you we're going to take a short recess family can take some pictures don't go away when we come back we're going to do our flag and prayer salute and continue the meeting okay okay mayor at this time would like to uh do the roll call for the first time so on roll call we have council members for solo here gobec here pelen here Samson here Sheridan here choicy here mayor klei here we have a quorum thank you could everybody please rise for our prayer flag salute oh God our Father we ask you to bless our meeting which we entrust to your fatherly care and protection please remove all selfishness and Prejudice from our hearts and implant therein a keen sense of justice and a greater love for you and our neighbors guide us in our deliberations so that our decisions will always please you and bring your peace and happiness to our community amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all at this time we have the selection of our council president for the year 2025 nominate lorine Keller I'll second that call the roll please are there any other nominations okay call the roll please that was first by Council actually have to read the whole resolution resolution r-01 d25 selection of council president whereas a nomination was made by council member tryy and seconded by council member Samson to name council member pelen as council president now therefore be it resolved that council member peligre is hereby named the council president for the year 2025 I need a motion resolutions SAR right now I need a motion on the resolution okay okay may have a nomination for a council can I have a motion on the resolution so move okay second yeah I'll second that okay first by choicy second by Samson on roll call behalf council members P solo no go yes pelen yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes motion carries at this time I would like to call forward council president line peline alongside her family to be sworn in by mayor klei out I went on to lose that election that's how we became friends andt all know she's involved every I swear that I will support the Constitution I support theti of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and Al to the same to the same and to the governments established to the in the United States United and in this St and St under the authority of the people theth of people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the of the office of the office of council president Council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations Michael is there anybody audience that needs to be announced I don't believe so mayor other than our wonderful residents of the great burough of Elwood park there you go he's becoming more of a politician each and every day I tell you okay so at this time we have the selection of our Council representative to the planning board I'd like to nominate Eric Samson I'll second call the roll please Okay resolution r-02 d25 selection of council representative to planning board whereas a nomination was made by council member peligre and seconded by council member folo to name council member Samson as a council representative to the planning board now therefore it be it resolved that council member Samson is here by name the council representative to the planning board for the year 2025 resolution first by council president peligre second by councilman folo on roll call we have council members folo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes tryy yes council president peligre yes motion carries sorry moving on to appointments to the burough Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint aie mcit Mel Murphy author rol Jr Esquire and Kyle Trent Esquire ASB tney for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert ketti mayor resolution r-0 3-25 appointment of burl attorney be it resolved by the mayor and counsel of the Burl of EM park that the appointment of appri mcdermit mashell Murphy Arthur rtio Jr Esquire and Kyle Trent Esquire as B attorney for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $60,000 from account 012010 20115 51011 term ending December 31st 2025 and the same is hereby confirmed be it further resolve that mayor Robert ketti and B clerk Shen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term motion on the resolution so I'll second it any discussion call the roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman Samson on Roll Call we have councilman F solo no gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes chyy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the burrow Council I hearby nominating with your advice and consent appoint Stephen rogar Esquire as vond Council for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert kti mayor resolution r-04 d25 appointment of bond councel be it resolved by the mayor council the B of el Park that appointment of Steven robot Esquire as Bond counsel for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $15,000 from account 01201 0201 55227 term ending December 31st 2025 in the same is hereby confirmed be it further resolved that the mayor Robert klei and bur cler Shen Mars are hereby authorized execute the contract for said term motion on the resolution please so I'll move any discussion I'll second it thank you Calla roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman F solo on roll call we have councilman F solo yes gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the B Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Lurch Vincy and Bliss LLP as B auditor for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r-0 5-25 appointment of B auditor be it resolved by the mayor and counsel of the B of el Park that the appointment of lurge feny and Bliss LLP as Bal auditor for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $50,000 from account 01 2011 02013 52028 term ending December 31st 2025 in the same is hereby confirmed be it further resolved that mayor Robert kti and B clerk Shen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term motion on a resolution second discussion mayor I'm going to recuse this firm audits my employer so they've been around on the park for a long time but I'm just going to recuse for the record okay any further discussion you may call the rooll okay first by council president peligre second by Council tryy on roll call we have council members folo yes go obain recuse recuse samon yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the burrow Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Kelly and marz as Esquire sboro prosecutor for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r-06 d25 appointment of burough prosecutor but it resolved by the mayor and counsel the bur of elen Park that the appointment of Kelly M Reyes Esquire as barl prosecutor for a term of one year at a cost not to exceed $25,000 from account 012010 2527 51011 term ending December 31st 2 and the same is hereby confirmed be further resolve that mayor Robert klei and B clerk Shen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for set term motion on the resolution second discussion call roll please first by council president pelen second by Council M gobec on roll call we have council members folo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries so the bur Council hereby nominate him with your advice and consent appoint Kurt gisler Esquire as public defender for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert kti mayor resolution r-07 d25 appointment of public defender be resolved by the mayor and councel the B of el Park that the appointment of Kirk gisler Esquire as public defender for for a period of one year at a cost not take C $20,000 from account 01201 04349 51011 term ending December 31st 2025 and the same is hereby confirmed be it further resolve that mayor Robert klei and B clerk Chen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term may I have a motion on a resolution I need a second second that okay any discussion call the roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman Samson on roll call we have council members folo recuse GOC I'm going to recuse uh this gentleman does legal work for my employer okay Samson yes Sheridan yes chicy yes council president pelen yes motion carries to the B Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint the gray law firm as public defender for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r- 08-25 appointment of public defender be it resolved by the mayor and councel the B Ood Park that the appointment of the gray law firm as public defender for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $10,000 from account 012010 4349 51011 term ending December 31st 2025 and the same is hereby confirmed be a further resolve that mayor Robert klei and B clerk Chen mors are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term motion on the resolution any discussion you didn't miss much any discussion no discussion call the rooll please first by council president peligre second by councilman for solo on roll call we have council members for solo yes gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peline yes motion carries like this went out okay to the burrow Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Alama group as Municipal engineer for a period of 1 year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r- 9-25 appointment of Municipal engineer be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the B El Park but the appointment of aligna group as Municipal engineer for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $85,000 from account 01201 02016 52028 including capital and escr accounts term ending December 31st 2025 and the same is hereby confirmed be it further resolved that mayor Robert ketti and Burl clerk Chen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term motion on the resolution second any discussion call the rooll please first by council president peligre second by councilwoman Sheridan on roll call we have council members for solo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes chyy yes council president peligre yes motion carries so the Barrow Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint DMR Architects as burrow planner for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r-10 d25 appointment of burrow planner be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the Burl l park that the appointment of DMR Architects as burough planner for a period of 1 year at a cost not to exceed $440,000 from account 01201 02118 22104 term ending December 31st 2025 and the same is hereby confirmed be it further resolved that mayor Robert ketti and B clerk Chen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term may I have a motion on resolution please second discussion call the rooll first by council president p GRE second by councilman folo on roll call we have council members folo yes gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes tryy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the burough Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint ay mcder master and Murphy as burough labor attorney for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert ketti mayor resolution r-11 d25 appointment of Labor attorney be resolved by the mayor and councel of the B El Park that the appointment of azi mcdermit Mel Murphy as labor attorney for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $115,000 from account 01201 0201 1552 027 term ending December 31st 2025 and the same is hereby confirmed be a further resolve that mayor Robert klei and B Shen Mars are hereby authorized to execute the contract for said term motion on a resolution I need a second thank you call the rooll please I'm sorry I'm sorry discussion call the roll please okay first by council president peligre second by councilman gobec on roll call we have council members folo yes gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes joyy yes council president peline yes motion carries at this time we have our consent agenda give me a second before you go on just for the audience's sake uh we just ran through the our appointments for a lot of our professionals uh they've all been well vetted throughout the course of the year there's some changes not too many but they all been doing a fine job otherwise they wouldn't be back what the microphone sorry what you think I was going to talk more went to fix that okay all right moving on to the consent agenda we have resolution R-12 d25 open public meeting act R-13 d25 Declaration of official newspapers R-1 14-25 annual notice of public meeting calendar r-15 d25 designation of official depositories R-1 16-25 cash management plan R-1 17-25 affirmation of civil rights policy R-1 18-25 2025 temporary budget Appropriations R-1 19-25 agreement adopting flexible benefits spending plan r-20 d25 resolution establishing petty cash fund Police Department r- 21-25 authorizing cash fund Police Department r- 22-25 resolution establishing petty cash fund Recreation Department r- 23-25 appointment of public agency compliance officer Paco r- 24-25 approved property tax delinquency rates R-25 d25 appoint licensed water operator deblock Environmental Services r- 26-25 appoint licensed SE operator zblock Environmental Services r- 27-25 appoint license site remediation Pei Prestige environmental Inc r- 28-25 appoint Municipal grant writer Millennium strategies r- 29-25 appoint special legal counsel Chason Lao malan and kaby kusio r-30 d25 appoint special legal counsel McMahon Scotland and boomman LLC r- 31-25 appoint special Council representation for property tax Appeals r- 32-25 appoint Municipal financial adviser n w Financial Group LLC r- 33-25 appoint risk manager Professional Insurance Associates r- 34-25 resolution regarding Mutual Aid plan and Rapid deployment Force interlocal service agreement r- 35-25 appoint re rent leveling board secretary Carrie par r- 36-25 appoint special counsel cannabis and marijuana administrative Court board r- 37-25 appointing board secretary to the Cannabis and marijuana administrative board r- 38-25 resolution confirming the endorsement and authorization of Elo Park cdbg FY 2025 application submission for duris Place roadway improvements and r-39 d25 resolution to approve to accept the consent agenda motion on the consent agenda any discussion call the rooll please first by council president pelig second by councilwoman choicy on roll call behalf council members for solo I'm going to vote no on R 33-25 yes to the rest okay go I will also be voting no to r- 33-25 the appointment of the risk manager I felt that uh they put us in uh difficult positions when they were a broker in the past I vote is no yes to the rest okay Samson I vote Yes Sheridan yes chicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries at this time we will have appointments to various boards okay to the burrow Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint sorry it's not working again appoint Angela crafts to the Board of Health for a period of 3 years term ending December 31st 2027 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor wait I'm not finished I'm sorry sorry resolution r- 40-25 appointment of Board of Health member be it resolved by the mayor and councel the bar of Elma Park that the appointment of Angela craft to the Board of Health for a period of 3 years term ending December 31st 2027 and the same is hereby confirmed can I go now yes may I have a motion on the resolution so move second any discussion call roll please first by council president peligre second by councilwoman choicy on roll call we have council members for solo I'm going to abstain just because um last time that she was appointed she resigned because of a conflict but I wasn't sure um if that was gone or not so I'm just to be safe I'm going tostain okay gobec yes Samson I vote Yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peline yes motion carries to the burrow Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint luch Luchia Andi to the Board of Health for a period of three years term ending December 31st 2027 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r-410 25 appointment of Board of Health member be resolved by the mayor and counsel of the B of mwood Park that the appointment of Luchia and CH to the Board of Health for a period of three years term ending December 31st 2027 and the same is hereby confirmed yes your turn may I have a motion on the resolution so move second okay any discussion call the rooll please first by council president peligre second by councilman F solo on Roll Call have council members bolo yes gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes chyy yes council president peline yes motion carries to the burough Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Janette Randazzo to the Board of Health for a period of three years term ending December 31st 2027 respectfully submitted Robert kti mayor resolution r- 42-25 appointment of Board of Health member be resolved by the mayor and councel of the B of Elwood park at the appointment of Janette Randazzo to the Board of Health for a period of 3 years term ending December 31st 2027 and the same is hereby confirmed may I have a motion on the resolution some second discussion call the rooll please first by council president peligre second by councilman solo on roll call we have council members for solo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes Troy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the bough Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Frank bagarry to the board of adjustment for a period of four years term ending December 31st 2028 respectfully submitted Robert kley mayor resolution r- 43-25 appointment of board of adjustment member be resolved by the mayor and councel the BR of EM park that the appointment of Frank V lir to the board of adjustment for a period of 4 years years term ending December 31st 2028 and the same is hereby confirmed motion on the resolution move second discussion call the roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman F solo on roll call we have council members C solo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes tryy yes council president peline yes motion carries to the B Council I hearby nominating with your advice consent appoint Salvatore Alo to the board of adjustment for a period of four years term ending December 31st 2028 respectfully submitted mayor Robert klei mayor resolution r- 44-25 appointment of board of adjustment member be resolved by the mayor and Council of the B of EM park that the appointment of Salvatore Alo to the board of adjustment for a period of 4 years term ending December 31st 2028 and the same is hereby confirmed motion on a resolution some I need a second yeah I'll second that any discussion call the roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman Samson on roll call we have councilman B folo yes gipc yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the bough Council I hereby nominating with your advice and consent appoint Carol Green to the recreation board to fulfill an unexpired term term ending December 31st 2026 respectfully submitted Robert kle mayor resolution r- 45-25 appointment of recreation Advisory Board member be resolved by the mayor and councel of the B of mwood Park that the appointment of Carol Green to the recreation Advisory Board to fulfill an unexpired term term ending December 31st 2026 and the same is hereby confirmed on a resolution move I I need a second yeah I'll second it any discussion Cola roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman Samson on roll call we have council members for solo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes chyy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the bough Council and hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Aziz R Coro to the recreation board to fulfill an unexpired term term ending December 31st 2026 respectfully submitted Robert ketti mayor resolution r- 46-2 appointment of recreation Advisory Board member be resolved by the mayor and councel B elen Park that the appointment of aiz R corero to the recreation Advisory Board to fulfill an unexpired term term ending member 31st 2026 and the same is hereby confirmed may I have a motion on the resolution Some Mo any discussion call a roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman golc on roll call we have counc members folo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes Choy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the B Council he by nominating with your advice and consent appoint George sha to the recreation Advisory Board sorry to the recreation Advisory board for term ending December 31st 2026 respectfully submitted oh sorry for a full term term ending December 31st 2027 respectfully submitted Robert kle mayor resolution r-47 d25 appointment of recreation Advisory Board member be it resolved by by the mayor and Council the bra Emma Park that the appointment of George shama to the recreation Advisory board for a ter period of 3 years term ending December 31st 2027 and the same is hereby confirmed may I have a motion on the resolution second any discussion caller roll please first by council president peligre second by councilwoman choicy on roll call we have council members F solo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes tryy yes council president pelen yes motion carries to the Bur Council hereby nominating with your advice and consent appoint Stacy mola to the library board for a period of 5 years term ending December 31st 20129 and the same is hereby confirmed respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r- 48-25 appointment of Library board member be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the B of Elward Park that the appointment of Stacy to the library board for a period of 5 years term ending December 31st 2029 and the same is hereby confirmed motion on the resolution Some Mo second discussion call the roll please first by council president peligre second by councilman folo on roll call we have council members folo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the Bal Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Franchesco folo to the Cannabis board for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert klei mayor resolution r- 49-25 appointment of cannabis board member be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the B of EM park that the appointment of Franchesco folo to the barrows cannabites board as a full member term ending December 31st 2025 BN is hereby confirmed may I have a motion on the resolution so move second discussion Coler roll please first by council president peline second by councilwoman choicy on roll call we have council members folo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peline yes motion carries to the burough Council I hereby nominate and with your advice and consent appoint Pamela tro to the Cannabis board for a period of 1 year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert ketti mayor resolution R 50-25 appointment of cannabis board member they resolved by the mayor and councel the B of mwood Park that the appointment of Pamela Troy to the Burrow's cannabis board as a full member term ending December 31st 2025 B and is hereby confirmed motion on a resolution so move second discussion call the roll please first by council president peligre second by councilwoman Sheridan on roll call we have council members B solo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes tryy yes council president pelrine yes motion carries to the Bal Council hereby nominating with your advice and consent appoint Joseph Pride to the Cannabis board for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert kti mayor resolution r- 51-25 appointment of cannabis board member be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the Burl of Elwood Park that the appointment of Joseph Pride to the burls Cannabis board as a full member term ending December 31st 2025 B is hereby confirmed motion on the resolution second discussion call the rooll please first by council president peligre second by councilwoman Sheridan on roll call we have council members folo yes GOC yes Samson yes Sheridan yes tryy yes council president peligre yes motion carries to the B Council I hereby nominating with your advice and consent appoint Janette randazzle to the candidates board for a period of one year term ending December 31st 2025 respectfully submitted Robert ketti mayor resolution r- 52-25 appointment of candidates board member but it resolved by the mayor and counsel the B of mwood Park that the appointment of Janette Randazzo to the B cannabis board as a full member term ending December 31st 2025 BN is hereby confirmed motion on the resolution so move second discussion call the rooll please first by council president peligre second by councilwoman choicy on roll call behalf council members folo yes gobec yes Samson yes Sheridan yes choicy yes council president peligre yes motion carries at this time we have mayor mayoral appointments we have Andrew taleno planning board member fouryear term Jeffrey frag Jr planning board member four-year term Carl Roberts mayor's delegate planning board pleasure of Mayor and Bryant noblock alternate number two fulfilling an unexpired term at this time mayor I will call I will turn the meeting over to you for Council reports okay we got through it didn't we I can imagine what it's like out there you know it's I just want to add that uh Genie fright tag will remain as my alternate on the library board uh just as a a matter of fact uh so let's go to council reports here let's start off with the newcomer all the way to the left there councilman I was actually afraid of it thank you mayor um first of all to everyone out here thank you very much to my family my friends and of course to all the residents and voters and for your support I expect to see this kind of turnout for every council member every council meeting that's correct right we're all going to see it here all right again thank you very much um of course to our services that we have police fire and DPW um guys are the best uh the police we call the uh the finest the firefighters we call the bravest and the DPW is the strongest I'm Park strongest when I see them out there they do a great job as I make my observations throughout throughout our burrow I SP I speak with people and um also business members I spoke with a business member today and the feeling I get is that we I know we're a strong burrow I know we were successful and thriving burrow and we're getting better at that and and we're making progress forward and it's my intention to work as a team a full team approach to keep this going the way it is um so we can get stronger even better and even stronger the fellow I talked to today says people want to move here you know they put a house up for sale it's it's there's a bidding warant it's it's sold in two days so that that's those are all good positive uh things that we see also I just wanted to mention St Leo is also continuing to get strong St Leo's church here on Market Street they added Pastor Danny his uh I guess official appointment is going to be on Saturday um again he brings a a very strong uh attendance there um that's everything I have for you mayor thank you and to my brother firefighters go get them brothers and uh be safe everybody comes home God bless and God bless America thank you councilman I just realized how this must look from the audience the men versus the women was just look just just came to me councilman folo thank you mayor I just want to um thank all the the people who volunteer for our burrow on the boards and uh and throughout the throughout our town at events and uh coaching Sports and things like that uh nowadays it's very hard to to find volunteers um so I want to thank everybody who puts their time in uh and and really dedicates themselves to the burrow so we really appreciate that and again congratulations to everybody who has sworn in tonight um progress thank you councilman councilman gobec thank you mayor um where to start um happy New Year all the best to the residents of Elma park I think tonight was a very um successful meeting um you I want to I want to compliment uh the mayor and and your team um you know in some towns you know when a new group takes over when the politics change they go in there and say who did the other people put in they're all out you know and to your credit mayor and your team you look at everyone for who they are the changes that need to be made are made but the people that are doing a good job are there so I I compliment you on that um and I look forward to working with everyone uh this year thank you thank you uh that's been our theme uh if you're doing the job right whether you got an r on your back or D it doesn't matter if your attendance is right we want you to stay and you had the option under those stipulations to stay or leave and we use that and it seems to be working our boards are all full uh people want to be there and they attend and I it's it's a compliment for all of us councilwoman tryy um the rec department is currently working on issuing field permits to the Little League girls softball and soccer for spring Sports the schedule for the 2025 winter basketball teams has been released effective today the hours are to accommodate the uh basketball schedule so please check membership hours before going because it is subject to change the games will begin the second week in January bombers will be holding a cheer clinic January 18th and 19th the cost is $25 per child you can register on community pass but Walkins of Elma Park residents are welcome the Board of Ed reorganization meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 and once again I'd like to um congratulate everyone who was sworn in here today councilwoman Sheridan councilman um Samson and council president peligre thank you thank you councilwoman Sheridan thank you mayor um first of all I'd like to say thank you to all the residents that came out to vote um to Eric welcome aboard and um January 30th is the last day if we forgot anybody on the Vietnam memorial okay um you can either contact me or you can contact the municipal building we are not taking any other names after January 30th progress mayor thank you for that announcement uh just for those you are not familiar uh as any project where there's no plan because it's never been done before in the typical situation that we were in and that would be the Vietnam soldiers Memorial was all Uncharted Territory to us we made a few mistakes on the plaque which we are rectifying and uh we're going to add some names that came in later uh on that on the new plaque but as she has stated January 30th will be the cut off date then after that point it's it's gospel and we're running with it is that okay Kyle okay he doesn't say too much thank God he doesn't have to say a lot tonight so far right the less I say the better for all of you thank you council president line peligre yes good evening everyone the next Board of Health meeting will be on Monday January 13th at 7M location burough Hall courtroom and all are welcome to attend the new Ood Park Chamber of Commerce next meeting will be on Tuesday January 21st at 6:30 pm at our local VFW and I'd like to thank everyone for all their hard work this year for making the holiday season in our community a great one from the tree lighting from the manora lighting and our Elwood Park PD and our elet Park fire department driving through the streets of our community with Santa and all of his friends bringing smiles to all especially the children it was truly a great time for all also thank you to our rec department our DPW team and all the volunteers that made the holidays so special this year we appreciate each and every one of you congrat congratulations to everyone tonight who was appointed to a position or a board I wish you m much success in your new roles and thank you to my colleagues who supported me for council president I appreciate your support and I look forward to serving as your council president this year lastly as we have our first meeting of the New Year I wish everyone a great 2025 filled with happiness good health and peace let's continue to work for the betterment of Our Community Teamwork truly makes a difference and a successful environment may God always bless our beautiful Elwood Park Community progress mayor thank you Council woman just a quick synopsis of 2024 I think it was a a very productive year for Elma Park and that's a compliment to this Council and the Council of last year course it takes two years three years to get things in motion you know how government is notoriously known for working slow but there's a lot of checks and balances that keep us a a good clean town and a good clean democracy uh although sometimes it seems laborous you're going for a u building permit and it it takes uh 10 days and it gets frustrating but there's checks and balances it has to go through a process and that's all the way up and down the line state federal Etc so some of the things good things we did this year we got a new ballpark at barel field if you might have noticed major project uh there was no renovation to that ball field for maybe 70 years uh and it was time and we thank the forefathers for what they gave us and allowed us to evolve up up a step uh and that once again was was uh credit to the foresight of the members of uh this Council we also got some new town lighting and the gentleman next to me that I must say was his baby um he brought he brought the idea to the to the council and uh he ran with it under um Grant monies which is always a delightful to me because U I'm basically a conservative um but uh he brought it in with grant money and uh we thank you and we thank the council for going along with that and bright in up our town then we also did a monument to a group of of soldiers that were disgraced upon coming home uh I remember one story where the gentleman that inspired me to jump on board he was a a Vietnam soldier he said when they were coming home and they were Landing the commanding officer in the plane said take off your uniforms get in your civies cuz there's a mob out there calling baby killers and they're going to spit at you well here in Elwood Park we got a group of veterans a group of business people a council that got together and I would call it retribution for those soldiers is that a proper term Mr coun it's okay and we got that done and it took took four four and a half years and what made it more difficult was it was no Town residents money's being used Revenue it was all donated by businesses and people uh alike like I said everybody jumped on board they knew it was a great idea and we made it special that it didn't cost a taxpayer a dime Community Day Spring Festival days that years ago they were we had them but we enhanced them uh we went from Community Day just being in the field to to shutting down the market Street um and uh same thing with the spring festival and stay also we want to compliment the Board of Health for senior Celebration Day all evolving each and every year getting better and better bringing our our community together uh then we have this lady on the right here who has a a program called rap and I I originally thought it had to do with a rap song you know but it's not uh tell us a little about it uh my the residence assistance program has been in operation for seven years now uh we have a food pantry we do toy giveaways for the holidays um we do spring cleanup we do leaf cleanup we do snow removal it's all a team effort with everybody through town Angela fava is great does so many things for rap and Dion York they're my rap coordinators and they really work hard and we have a team of volunteers that do everything for the community but we we feed over 100 residents per month and um the toy store we just had and we gave I don't know we had 100 invitations to the schools for families in need plus we got phone the phone was ringing off the wall to Angela's office people in need and this program also is run through donations only so you know the mayor's speaking to me but it's a team effort by our businesses our families our friends everybody cares about people in need in this community we are so kind here and we are so loving and we don't want our fellow residents to go without food or the children to be without toys I C couldn't have done this program without our Police Department Mike and the team has been there through everything for the people that can't get to the pantry they go to their homes and bring the food I can't even tell you the amount of volunteers and kindness I see people from the Elks they donated a large amount of money to help feed our people there Linda colini and the homeowners there's so many people I hope I don't forget anybody Lenor has been an asset helping everybody here we we appreciate you all so much and we're the ones at the pantry Angela I and Dion who see the people come in with tears with tears because they ask can I have two cans of tuna fish it breaks our heart yes you can have seven cans of tuna fish but we're all there to serve our community and help people and it's because because of everyone in this community no one wants to see our residents suffer so from the bottom of our hearts we thank you all Chief your men and women have been such an asset from day one this is seven years in progress and at times I just have to say this because at times we used to pray will we have enough money to do this and there were years we just about skimmed by but the council the mayor and this whole Community have come together and from the bottom of our hearts you don't know the difference that each and every one of you made so thank you all and I hope this program lives on forever and ever to keep continuing to help those in need thank you mayor thank you councilwoman uh this is uh only goes to show you how these programs they started off in the infant State and then just exploded and I I had mentioned two or three more prior to Lorraine speaking and then we'll also we want the businesses to know that we're friendly here uh you bring the businesses in they don't encumber uh our schools in a sense it's a pure profit in terms of Revenue uh with some exception to some some maybe additional police work and maybe some additional fireman consideration but for the most part it's important that we we make sure that businesses know that we're friendly and I think the classic one that I'm going to have the opportunity to report here tonight uh let me start off by saying that the where the maral fire was there was 12 acres there that maral had moved the one part of their operation to a I think it was Wisconsin and they didn't need that 12 acres any longer so they brought in a a company that wanted to buy it called Crow Industries and they bought the the property and they came to the planning board and the planning board insisted that they put up because it is really the Cornerstone of our downtown that they put up a building that does not look like a warehouse and we insisted insisted and we wanted a winding sidewalk we wanted Shrubbery we wanted a a mar key that said welcome to helmet Park well that that company gave us every single thing without no hesitation no argument and this is the way it worked out for them cuz it's still warehouse now right but as they're going through the process of renting it lo and behold who wants to come in because of the location move their operation from C caucus to downwood park Major League Baseball they're going to put a home run they're going to put to that building so that's and better and once again it's all of us together and it's all of you working with us with that I have a motion to open the floor to the public some move second if there's no objections I would like to ask anyone from the public who wants to come out here and speak on any subject whatsoever turn it Wow we must have did a good job tonight in explaining everything okay then if there's nobody that cares to speak I would ask for a motion uh to we have no U executive correct correct okay so we're looking to ajour right okay yeah motion to adjourn all in favor thank you ladies and gentlemen have a good year