mayor I like to callose to order the regular meeting of the Elwood Park mayor and Council for November 9th 2023 to order at 7:04 p.m. on roll call we have Council memb Dennis here pelo here goabc here pelen here Sheridan here council president Valeri here mayor kti here we have a quorum thank you Chen good evening ladies and gentlemen Welcome to our public meeting uh we have nice presentation that is going to take place in a very short while uh but prior to that if I can get everybody to rise for our prayer and F salute I would appreciate it let us bow our heads uh this evening in a silent prayer uh considering uh peace throughout the world and peace in the Middle East thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all God and Country whereas chapter 231 of the public laws of the state of New Jersey require at the commencement of every meeting a statement of compliance be read by the presiding officer now therefore be advised that the meeting requirements for this meeting have been met by publishing a special notice in the record in Herald news and by posting such notice in the office of the barel clerk as well as in a public place in the municipal building and also by notifying interested citizens said notice was posted and transmitted on January 6th 2023 and published on January 10th 2023 chenet yes at this time we have the homeowners association presentation I would like to call forward uh Linda colini and uh councilwoman Lor peligre from the resident assistance program mayor klei councilwoman Terry Sheridan and police chief Michael fiko use the please thank you don't be afraid of each other she's got the money I don't know if you guys want to say something as well but will you go first pres okay all right well once again we want to say on behalf of the Elwood Park homeowners association we are very proud and honored to be here this evening with you uh the work you're doing for our community is just so outstanding there's no really no words to express what you do for our residents and it's it's very difficult for me to say but uh I know this job was started from your heart and that's you continue to do your work and I I honestly I don't know what what else I can say to you I really don't I just can't express um well I'll just continue with that being said on behalf of the homeowners association we would like to present you with this check in the amount of $3,000 to help feed our residents and by toys and gifts for our children of the Elwood Park Community I'm sorry I just I'm fumbling over my words because I just you're doing a good job it's so hard to you know it's just I I just can't thank you enough for all you do for our community not only for this program less patient as she is oh for Christ so just this is a little oh thank you so much gratitude for you thank you and this is for you thank you and if I could just say that the Owners Association has done so much for as well as so many other organizations in our community Linda and all the members work very hard to donate everything back all their proceeds to all different organizations and committee and this check means more than a lot of people know because many people really hurt especially during the holidays and um this will really help ensure that every child waks up to a toy that everybody has a nice meal and isn't that what life's about being kind and helping each other so I know you're giving this to me but there's so many people involved with WRA our police chief our committee Angela FAA Dion Y and the whole Community without the whole Community giving we wouldn't be able to do this for our residents in need so you know it's a community effort and I'm just so proud of everybody that we come together help each other and really that's what it's all about so Linda thank you and thank everybody you should have said it of me I'm sorry I just get too emotional I get too emotional you watch your my lady yes Council comments Mrs Dennis thank you mayor uh Linda where did she go I can't see a thing oh hi uh Lind I just wanted to thank you for your generous donations to R program I've seen you come up here throughout the year and really work hard to help out our residents so it's greatly appreciated and we look forward to all the things that you're going to accomplish in the future thank you thank you Council W councilman folo thank you mayor um on behalf of the residents of Elma Park I'd like to thank the uh homeowners association for their uh generous support not only now but throughout the year um for the rap program the rap program has been very successful and I'm happy to say that I supported it since its Inception um and it continues to do great things for our community thank you councilman gock thank you mayor to miss colini and the homeowners association thank you very much for your generous donation and your many generous donations over the year I'm sure it will help the rap program um which does a lot of good work in the community so thank you all thank you councilman councilwoman peligre yes um can't say it enough Linda has has worked so hard to get this homeowners association going with we have a lot of people come to our meetings and support them and all her members really care about our community and not just for the rap but she does things all year long for all different organizations the school everything so all her bus trips that you hear Terry speak about and all that money goes back into our community to help others so it's it's really important that the homeowners association is recognized and thanked for their Community work so again from the bottom of my heart I thank you and keep up the good work councilwoman shevan thank you councilwoman thank you mayor uh Linda I just want to say um I'm on both sides I am the L on to the homeowners I also do help out with the residence assistance program and um I just want to say thank you for everything for the rap program everything you do for the town and um thank you thank you councilwoman council president biseri thank you mayor uh I also want to thank Linda colini and the homeowners uh for the generous donation to WAP I know it's appreciated by Lorraine and many others that are going to benefit from it and I know you've made several donations not only to the rap but to other uh other community members and with your bus runs and all that and um so thank you for that for raising money for our community thank you councilwoman Mr fno yes mayor Linda thank you so much we appreciate the support the rap program is an awesome program I'm I'm happy to be part of it with councilwoman peligre and all the other Bor employees that assist we love your homeowners association you include us in your meetings and and we really appreciate it you have a great heart and it it shows that you really care about the community so thank you very much thank you Mr F now Mr gra for you would you like like to say something oh usually attorneys don't make any comments but I have to as a resident of our wonderful Community Elwood Park is a great thing that the rap program is and it's a wonderful thing that is in our community and any help that is given is admirable it is gracious and I tell you it's very very much appreciated and now I speak as an attorney thank you very much thank you it's all we're all a body up here we all want a a piece of the good times and when we have moments like this it's a it's a wonderful thing uh it only goes to show you this is another layer of cooperation uh between our our leaders in this community uh with different organizations uh you see the way we're working last year I think it was an additional $2,000 that the homeowners uh furnished to uh to this program uh and it it increased this year and hopefully next year uh Linda you might have to shake some people down a little more uh or I shouldn't say shake down the poor choice of words there uh but we're very appreciative of you uh and your efforts in this community and uh let's keep it going chenet yes moving on to ordinances on first reading we have resolution r- 42023 introduce ordinance number 23-40 on first reading we resolve that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending the burrow code and all General ordinances of the burrow more specifically creating and establishing under chapter 33 new ordinance entitled business and rental insurance registration to permit require and regulate the production of insurance certificates Mr graphy the reason the reason I asked you to speak was to get you warmed up for this now oh I appreciate it mayor thank you Sor be passed and adopted on first reading and be it resolved that a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday December 21st 2023 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as same can be heard at which time any person's interest in in said ordinance can be heard be it further resolved that the B clerk being and she is hereby authorized to advertise in illegal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law uh Mr graphy could you please break this down for us sure mayor uh with this particular ordinance is required again the state acts and we have to comply uh of course the state always acts without awarding any funds or anything but puts on obligations to the Burrows and to the towns and one of these obligations is that everyone who is a business or rental uh apartment of any kind must now maintain liability insurance and it's set forth that the liability is the minimum required but they have to show it the municipality is going to be required to ensure that each and every rental unit or business in burrow has Insurance every year there's going to be a requirement that they present a certificate and also every time there is a change of uh tenants and or uh inspection for the purpose of certificate of occupancies the insurance certificate has to be produced by the rental or the the landlords s that's for um multi families it's for any rental unit any rental unit y okay business or rental okay thank you for that explanation may I have a motion on the ordinance so Mo second any discussion call to roll please first by peline second by folo on roll call we have council members Dennis yes folo yes gobec yes peline yes Sheridan yes council president biseri yes motion carries next we have resolution r-4 21-23 introduce ordinance number 2341 our first reading be it resolved that an ordinance entitled an ordance an ordinance amending the burrow code amending chapter 17 environmental regulation more specifically section 17.1 lead paint to the code of the burrow concerning lead based paint inspections be passed and adopt in our first reading and be resolved that a final hearing on said ordinance will be heard in the municipal building on Thursday December 21st 2023 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as same can be heard at which time any person's interested in said ordinance can be heard be it further resolved that the bur clerk being she is here by authorized to advertise in a legal newspaper a notice of introduction and final hearing as required by law Mr graphia would you do us the honor okay again mayor is the state again acts we have to comply it's a requirement of inspections regarding lead paint in any building or residential unit or business unit again it's a requirement of inspection the buau is required to to uh inspect these units and assure through the inspection and certify that there is no lead paint and or lead environmental positions and from what understand our inspectors are going to be licensed to do this and it is it is my understanding mayor that the building department has four licensed individuals already so therefore everything is going to be maintained in house and the cost will be uh maintained at a low rate rather than having an outside firm do it yeah we we had a couple of us had the opportunity to speak to some Realtors and uh they were saying that these private licensed people uh that could U inspect on this uh they're far and few between and they're very expensive so by our building department acquiring these licenses there'll be a fee but it'll probably might be what it was going to be by May mayor it could almost be triple what we're charge what we would be charging so we're saving our residents significantly by doing this yeah this is a real good real good ordinance I'm glad this has happened okay um may I have a motion on the ordinance some second any additional discussion with that said could you please call the rooll first by pelig second by council president biseri on roll call we have council member Dennis yes Pello yes GOC yes peline yes Sheridan yes council president biseri yes motion carries now for ordinances on second reading resolution r- 422-23 reintroduce ordinance 23-22 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the bur clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the burough of Elwood Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the code of the burrow chapter 22 entitled streets and sidewalk more specifically section 22- 1.15 entitled restoration by permit T so as to include certain language clarifying the obligation and responsibility set forth therein was introduced and pass at a meeting held on Thursday October 19th 2023 and that further consideration of this ordinance would be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now there sorry almost done almost now therefore the resoled by the mayor and Council of the bur of Elwood Park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the bur of Elwood Park County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the code of the burrow chapter 22 entitled streets and sidewalks more specifically section 22- 1.15 entitled restoration by permit T so as to include certain language clarifying the obligation and responsibility set forth therein pass on Final reading okay yes we have a motion to open to the public so move second anyone from the public here speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone if not I will close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance some of second call of all please first by pelig second by council president biseri on roll call we have council members Dennis yes poo yes gobec yes peligre yes Sheridan yes council president B Siri yes motion carries resolution r- 42 24-23 introduce ordinance number 23-37 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the bur clerk that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending the code of the burrow specifically chapter 18 entitled swimming pools same to reflect a new section contain new language herein was introduced and passed a meeting held on Thursday October 19 2023 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore be resolved by the mayor and counsil of the B and would park that an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending the code of the burrow specifically chapter 18 entitled swimming pools seem to reflect a new section contained new language herein pass on Final reading may I have a motion open to the public second anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance alone if not I'll close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance second call the rooll please first by pel second by Sheridan on roll call behalf Council memb Dennis we're on R 42323 correct 42423 24-23 yes ordinance 23-37 I think it's reading differently shet on page the first page say 42323 and the second page say 44-23 am I that's crazy right here num see that yeah a little mix up with numbers here ladies and gentlemen but I'm sure it's uh nothing oh yes I'm sorry it was stuck to the other ordinance sorry okay do we have it squared away yes I'm going to go back to ordinance number 23-36 on second reading it is resolution number 4- 423 d23 okay sorry about that introduce ordinance number 23-36 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the B clerk that an ordinance entitled B of element Park an ordinance to amend chapter 2 article three section 2726 F1 and F2 of the code of the B of Elwood Park to amend fees was introduced and passed a meeting held on Thursday October 19 2023 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be heard will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested in said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore be resolved by the mayor and counsel of the B of el Park that an ordinance entitled Bor of Elwood Park an ordinance to amend chapter 2 article 3 section 2726 F1 and F2 of the code of the barel of mwood Park to amend fees pass on Final reading okay just to be clear this is uh ordinance 23-36 yes and okay may I have a motion to open to the public so move second thank you anyone from the public care uh for a second shot on this uh ordinance no I will close the public portion I may have a motion on the to adopt the ordinance so second call the roll please first by P solo second by pelig on roll call we have council members Dennis yes pello yes colc yes peline yes Sheridan yes council president B yes motion carries going back to ordinance uh resolution r424 d23 introduce ordinance number 23-37 we have a motion by councilwoman peline and a second by councilwoman Sheridan on roll call we have council members Dennis okay so now we're on the pools one right yes now we're on the pool sorry um are we good Tanisha yes I just wanted to make sure I knew where all my papers were um yes okay where were we P solo yes golc yes pelen yes Sheridan yes council president biseri yes motion carries this is the swimming ordinance correct yes we already had a so I have a question about this s this a legal question yes I have a little baby's pool that in this hot summer days I stick my feet in and I feel like I'm in Wildwood is that illegal if I want to rent that out to another person basically yes okay thank you I I will put in garbage and not violate the law I I I promise you chenet yes I'm trying to make sure I have it right got to have fun doing this ladies and gentlemen got to have fun now we have resolution r425 d23 introduce ordinance number 23-38 on second reading where's the public notice has been given by the bur clerk that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of 14th Avenue from ioia Terrace to East 53rd Street East 53rd Street from 15th to 18th Avenues and 16th Avenue from East 3rd to East 55th streets and buying for the bur of Elwood Park in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $39,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds was introduced and passed at a meeting held on Thursday October 19th 2023 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interested instead ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore it be resoled by the mayor and Council of the B of Ellen Park that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the Improvement of 14th Avenue from ioia terrce to East 53r East 53rd Street East 53rd Street from 15th to 18th Avenues and 16th Avenue from East 53rd to East 55th Street and buying for the bur mwood Park in the county at Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $390,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds passed on Final reading motion to open to the public second thank you anyone from the public here to speak on this ordinance if not I will close the public portion may I have a motion to adopt the ordinance second caller Ro please first by council president biseri second by councilman folo on roll call we have council members Dennis yes folo yes GOC yes pel green yes Sheridan yes council president Valeri yes motion carries resolution r- 42623 introduce ordinance number 23-39 on second reading whereas the public notice has been given by the bur clerk that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the acquisition of a new pumper fire engine including a apparatus and equipment and by and for the bur of Elwood Park in the county of Bergen New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $1,490 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issuance of such bonds was introduced and passed a meeting held on Thursday October 26 2023 and that further consideration of this ordinance will be taken up at this meeting and whereas all persons interest president said ordinance were given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same now therefore the reside by the mayor and Council of the B of EM park that an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the acquisition of a new pumper fire engine including original apparatus and equipment and buy for the burrow of Elwood Park in the county of Bergen New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $1,490 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond participation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds pass on Final reading may have a motion to open to the public second thank you anyone from the public here to speak on this if not I'll close the public portion before I move on though uh you could see the price of Poker has gone up on these fire engines we're talking about a million and a half dollars uh the Silver Lining though is that we won't be incurring that cost for some 52 months is it Mike 54 54 months so it is actually prudent and wise for us to make this decision now so that that 54 months doesn't turn into uh six years and seven years okay motion to adopt the ordinance second call Ro please first by council president valisi second by Council pelen on roll call we have council members Dennis yeah F solo yes gobec yes pelen yes Sheridan yes council president Valeri yes motion carries now we have our consent agenda we have resolutions r427 d23 approval of payroll r- 42823 approval of bills list r- 42923 authorized vacation buyback r- 43023 resolution to refund overpayment exemp veteran r- 43123 resolution to refund overpayment exe exempt veteran r- 43223 authorized current estimate number 5 FY 2021 njd M Boulevard improvements r- 43323 appointment of recreation department staff for the 2023 2024 school year after Care Program r- 43422 approved mwood Park fire department Styer program second quarter compensation r- 43523 resolution of the approval for das strategies l to receive a class 5 cannabis retail license to operate at 294-296 US Route 46 East within the bur of Elwood Park r- 43623 a resolution authorizing the burough business administrator to create Institute adopt Implement a BAL employee performance evaluation process program and establish and conduct same r- 43723 appointment of firefighters r- 43823 resignation of firefighter r439 23 leave of absence of firefighter r- 44023 approval to submit and execute Grant application r- 44123 authorize release of cash performance bond r- 44223 resolution to approve the consent agenda may I have a motion on the consent agenda uh mayor before we start can I uh make a motion to table r- 43623 um I'm not for or against it I just think that we haven't vetted it enough and I think that uh requ further discussion maybe another meeting uh for 436 D this has to do um Mr would you like to table table Yeah would you like to read off what you're tbling 43623 can I make that was the abbreviated aspect resolution authorizing the barel business administrator to create Institute adopt Implement a Barrel employee performance evaluation process program and establish and conduct same same now I think we did have discussion on this mayor I'm sorry um I'm I'm with councilman P solo for a second I got the um the paperwork and I have quite a few questions on how it's laid out I feel like it there's so many um things that we should discuss prior to implementing in and I think we need another session to kind of go through that's reasonable Council uh I just want to say something I called myself today and uh went over some things and he explained them to me so it's not unreasonable that we sit through one more cuz I had the opportunity to ask questions this afternoon so I'm okay with tabling it but we did talk about this at length and once our questions are answered at the next meeting I hope we move forward with this because we kind of all agreed on it at a meeting and I get that there are some questions cuz I had some myself but I hope we don't delay this I'd like to get this passed before the end of the year so as long as our questions are answered please colleagues let's move along as we said we would okay and we got to give the benefit of the doubt to Miss Denise Dennis rather that uh she had a missed probably missed a meeting that we were in a discussion with this and she has questions let's resolve the questions and we'll get on the same page so tabled by so we ping that out right yeah yeah by need a resolution here I motion to table second I second do want need to call for all in favor all in favor of the tbling I Okay resolution r- 43623 has been removed from the consent agenda as a standalone resolution and has been tabled I need a a motion on the consent agenda so more thank you first by for solo second by council president biseri on roll call we have Council members Dennis yes folo yes GC yes pelen yes Sheridan yes council president biseri yes motion carries next we have uh an item for correspondence we have resolution received from the township of Fring heisen I'm going to turn the meeting over to Burl attorney in grafia all right mayor and Council it was technically with great pleasure that we're getting this resolution ution which is a mirror image of the resolution that we passed granting and giving this particular fire truck that is sitting idly unusable in a sense to us because it's not up to par but there is a municipality in the state of New Jersey by the uh name of frill Housen which is very unusual I've never heard of it but we did contact them and they're very happy to take the truck because they are opening up their own volunteer fire department and they'll take anything right now to help them along and I requested that they would do a reciprocal resolution accepting the donation because it's actually being donated uh through State Statute that you're allowed to donate to another municipality or organizations uh they're doing it so with the understanding that they're taking it at as is no conditions and holding the burrow of Elo Park uh harmless as to anything that would develop or come about from the truck okay whether it be mechanical or any other thing okay is that a form of indemnification yes so therefore it's been approved by them to accept it under those terms and conditions and it's a good thing that the fire department was trying to get rid of the truck anyway ladies and gentlemen it it may seem like we're paying a million and a half dollars for a new fire engine four years from now and you would think that uh it would have some asset value at when it's 20 years old and 25 years old but they don't they end up sitting in our DPW Yard and they rust away uh it's very hard to give it to like a a country that is in need of it there's a probably tremendous amount of rim for ations to that so this is the way uh we're we're avoiding um that truck sitting and rotting somebody's going to get some use out of it all right we we need a motion for this correct no no no it's just correspondence just correspondence okay moving on to departmental report we have the Board of Health meeting minutes from September 11 2023 and the library board meeting minutes from September 18th 2023 may have a motion to accept the the departamental report Sandy second any discussion call the roll please okay all in favor yes all in favor some someday I'll get that right it's okay all in favor okay next we have applications we have St Le's Church raffle for December 13 2023 we need a motion to accept this application second any discussion all in favor okay mayor at this time I'm going to turn the meeting over to you for Council reports uh Council reports uh councilwoman uh Dennis uh thank you mayor I just wanted to I feel like it was a long time ago but it really wasn't I just wanted to commend everyone for their efforts on community Community Day it was a fantastic event um all the various departments that got together to make that happen it was greatly appreciated it was very well attended and look forward to everything growing and being bigger and better next year and of course the fireworks were fantastic I actually watched it from my front porch but it was a great display and it was very much appreciated so and the music all day long it's great day somehow it was 80° in October so I feel like we were lucky as opposed to the prior 8 weeks of rain that we got so thank you again to Chief your staff the recreation department and everyone that got together for that um for the recreation department the last day to register for our basketball program for winter is actually today hopefully someone's paying attention to this we'll put it online um basketball program actually starts this weekend so if anyone is interested in getting the children signed up today's the last day for that and we have so many updates so many things happening as the end of the year approaches for holidays and while everything is not set in stone we just encourage everyone to follow the Elma Park recreation department online Tik Tok Snapchat Instagram whatever to get those updates and be able to attend all those various events from now to the end of the year and if we don't see everyone here have happy holidays thank you mayor thank you councilman for solo thank you mayor I want to start off also by uh commending everyone who's involved in community day uh I feel like every year that event is getting better and better and that's because of the hard work that we all put in um everybody who's involved in that I also want to commend the El Park Police Department for their presence during Halloween uh they were all on the road and their presence was was greatly seen and and enjoyed by by all the kids as well so thank you for that I also want to congratulate all of the candidates uh from Tuesday congratulations to council elect Troy uh councilwoman peline and whoa and uh and mayor kti on their re-election um win or lose we all have the same goal up here that's to improve the town that we live in and uh although we may have the different different opinions on the path to get there the goal is always the same so I want to congratulate all of you um on another note uh I'm deeply disappointed about the uh decision of the planning board last night to deny our first what would be our first um cannabis establishment opening up in Elwood Park um I disagree with their decision and I just wanted to put that on record progress mayor thank you councilman gobec thank you mayor um I want to address obviously the election um as you all know I was a candidate for mayor along with Sandy B Jerry and Keith place um on one hand of the coin we got a lot of people to vote for us got about 45% of the vote um but the other side of the coin that's not enough to win um the the majority of the residents uh spoke and spoke clearly and elected mayor klei uh and his team so I I'd like to congratulate the the mayor mayor kti on your reelection congratulate councilwoman peline on your reelection and congratulate councilwoman elect troise on your election I'm looking forward to Jo you joining us in January um I want to thank my uh my running mate Sandy Biser um for your you know your hard work and and your friendship all these years as well as our running mate Keith place for um putting his name forward I want to thank councilman for councilwoman Dennis for your support in this endeavor um you know I'm I'm proud of the campaign we ran um we put out some substance we put out I think good ideas um and even though um it wasn't the will of the people to you know reelect our Council ticket uh elect me as mayor um you know I have two years left in my term um just because the campaign didn't work out the ideas and the goals and the mission doesn't die so I look forward to Bringing forward a lot of the things that were mention in the campaign to the table um I think a lot of them are good ideas and um you know some will get support some won't um but uh I'm looking forward to moving forward there's a time in a place for elections and politics and we went through that and there's a time in a place for governing for governing and that's where we're entering next so once again congratulations to all the winners thank you very well said councilwoman Sheridan you do that us all the time I'd like to keep you on your toes thank you mayor um first of all I want to uh say congratulations to council elect Pam line you're back up here with us uh mayor congratulations um it was a tough election but we all managed to get through it and now that it's over in D with we all have to work together and I'll just leave it at that as far as the Oaks go they have a super cocktail party going on November 17th open bar from 7 to8 um pizza from 700 to9 $25 per person but there's also $200 gift door prizes that are going to be available also the hoop shoot is Saturday December 2nd at the rec center it goes boys and girls ages 8 to 13 if you need more information um I have Mark Allen's phone number you can see me after tonight uh Elmer Park homeowners is having their holiday party Tuesday December 5th 6 o' at franchesco's restaurant I'm McBride AV in uh Woodland Park at $60 per person the list of food is huge here it'll take me all night to say that um but you can RSV Peter Linda at 201 98249 9 by December 27th if anyone is interested in uh November 27th I'm sorry if anybody is interested in going that's it mayor thank you councilwoman peline yes good evening everyone my board of health update they'll be having the free rabies clinic for dogs and cats on Wednesday November 15th from 5: to 7:00 p.m. at Firehouse number four on mola Boulevard residence assistance program update on Monday November 6 our food pantry gave out multiple turkeys chickens and ham to ensure our pantry clients have a nice dinner on Thanksgiving we also work with our schools to give food gift cards for all the holidays for families in need um our pantry is open all year long and we help feed approximately 100 residents per month this program is run on donations only so if you are in need or you know anybody that is or you want to donate please call our office at 20796 1457 extension 106 or 104 again thank you Linda colini and the entire Homeowners Association for the very generous donation to the resident assistance program it's truly appreciated and to all the others who contribute to our program thank you all so much we couldn't do it without all the generosity that we receive my election comments I would just like to thank the residents of Elwood park for voting my team in also big thank you to our family and friends who work tirelessly to lead us to Victory mayor klei Pam and all of our Council team I look forward to working together for the betterment of our great Community also congratulations to our Board of Education members who are reelected I look forward to our continued partnership with our schools lastly to all who put their names into run and fell short I personally know it's not easy I've won and lost elections now never give up on your passion and try again if I would have given up I would not be sitting here today may God bless our elmood Park Community always progress mayor thank you council president thank you mayor well I'd like to congratulate mayor klei councilwoman pelen on your reelection and also uh Council elect trosy on your uh win for this election um I also want to thank my running mates Stan and Keith uh I think we ran a very clean and um was very happy with the U what our campaign uh was based on uh we fell short but again you know what it happens we win some and we lose some and I do want to thank my um Council um uh I'm losing my I'm losing my I know I might I may say um um Denise but I won't uh I I want to thank you both guys for always supporting us and being by our side throughout the election uh Tanisha um you really you know you're a great support to us and uh and I couldn't ask for more and also for you too Mr folo thank you very much um and I also do want to congratulate uh Doug Doran and Liz on their reelection to the Board of Education I wish everyone a wonderful 2024 as you start your new uh terms than thank you thank you council president let me say we talked a little about Community Day and uh I just got to step back in time here for a little bit and go back about 20 years uh it was a small event back then and uh we got a committee together and said let's make this event bigger and better and that's when Richie dearo was the director of of uh the rec building and we all worked together and it started to move in the right direction uh then came along Donna B uh she added to it and uh then came along um our new current director he's adding to it and this mayor and council is adding to it and it's just evolved into such a wonderful day I I've never seen it like maybe it was the weather maybe it was everything put together but it I I wish we can just repeat that for the next 100 years uh regarding the election um as far as the school board goes uh those you got good people there you had good people running against them but uh the people that are there doing a great job I'm happy uh for your success and for the ones that didn't make it you got to keep trying like Sandy said here before you don't stop uh you don't stop and take it from me I've been I've I've ran um in 10 elections I've lost three one senatorial and two local here one was a school school board and then one was a council uh I never gave up though I I I after the day I lost it's an ugly feeling uh you you feel disappointed drained and after time goes by uh you start to build up that urge again uh to get back in it and uh if you look at my score if I was playing baseball 7 out of 10 I'm batting 700 but I lost three times so there's nobody on this day is here that is a loser just to put their first the best foot forward and take on a job like this that if you you figure it out you're not even getting paid a minimum wage is probably onethird of a minimum wage that stien does not compare to the hour you have to put in and uh also the mental anguish of 24/7 so everybody up on this day is here there's not a loser you we're all winners for getting involved in that Democratic process of elected officials so I want to say that to to everyone here and Daniel you we have to get that same report we had the first two years uh I don't know what happened I'm not saying it's you I'm not saying it's me but if we can get that pour back it's just it's just going to be great for this Council and great for them people out there so I'm wishing on that Sandy I know you'll be back I know that um and to my two running mates you work very hard um you it came to fruition for you this this year but beware when you get up here you got to keep working keep working and keep working uh with that said I will stop talking and I may have a motion to open to the public so move anyone from the public here to speak on anything whatsoever astrology archaeology yes sir it's got to turn red all right you're on we good all right uh hi Eder begets I live on for sua I'm here at the request of my tenants I have a two family house and they just asked me after a recent incident to show up and ask about the traffic on the street and see if we could get something done similar to what was done on Linden AV I think it was last year where they installed a new stop sign at a three-way intersection just to kind of Tamp down the speed on the street where you thinking West Street or or West Street and Vini part particularly Street yeah yeah just kind of the backstory I moved into town in November of 2017 and within 5 hours of me being here uh someone total my car in the street so little bit of do you live on Summit yes I'm your neighbor on gr so excellent I I get it they're cut through streets and yeah they come you know people hustle down those blog so we'll we'll evaluate it yeah and then we'll present it to the council they've called in a couple times to the town the town said you have to show up at a meeting so here I am you could have just emailed you didn't have to show up but thank you for coming all right we'll look into it thank you anyone else care to speak wow wow I'm going to use the 60s term that's heavy man okay uh with that said then I guess I can uh ask for anything further we have to do s anything we all finished yeah a motion to adjourn yes motion to second we got two all in favor home you can go home don't go home