##VIDEO ID:TPBSdvOvmMg## are we on good evening welcome to the October 15th 2024 regular meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed on your local public access Channel either 36 or 77 the meetings are also available Live on YouTube for those of you present in case of a fire please follow the fire exit signs above the doors and exit calmly councilwoman Maguire would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice I would ask you to remain standing for just a moment and think any good thought that you would like to think tonight and send it out into the universe thank [Music] you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately noticed pursuant to njsa 104-105 2024 was noticed to the record and Ridgewood news on January 4th 2024 and published in said newspapers posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss Ryan would you please call the Roll Call of the govering body sure mayor mayor deala present councilwoman arenia here councilwoman rice here councilwoman Maguire presid council president Timberman here councilman Gordon here and councilwoman sers here okay excuse audiences there is no governing body member um absent this evening proclamations and citations um this month we remember ADHD Awareness Month blind Americans equality daywhite cane Awareness Day October 15th and Veteran Day on November 11th 2024 Michelle are we going to read that um Proclamation uh I'll say it later in the report but we will be having our Veterans Day ceremony on November 11th at 11:00 a.m. at the senior center whereas our nation was founded on belief that all citizens will live with the inable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and whereas this Freedom that we enjoy As Americans does not come without a price it is guaranteed by our nation's military veterans who have sacrificed to preserve and protect our country from all enemies domestic and foreign and whereas in 1954 president Dwight D Eisenhower signed legislation which proca proclaimed the 11th day of the 11th month of each year as Veterans Day originally known as Armistice Day to honor all the veterans of the United States armed forces and whereas we cannot measure the debt of gratitude we owe to those brave men and women who served were wounded or died in battle in defense of the values we hold precious and whereas Veterans Day presents the opportunity for people in the burrow of Emerson to honor and thank all veterans for their service to our country and whereas the governing body of the burrow of Emerson encourages all residents of Emerson to join them and thanking All Veterans for their sacrifice and service to our country now therefore be it resolved that I Danielle depala mayor of the buau of Emerson and on behalf of the governing body do hereby Proclaim November 11th 2024 as Veterans Day in the burrow of Emerson that brings us to appointments there are no appointments this evening minutes for approval may I have a motion to table the regular meeting and close session minutes of the October 1st 2024 until the November 12 2024 meeting all in favor or do we need a roll roll call let's do a roll call just in case councilwoman orenia yes councilwoman R yes councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman s yes okay correspondant there is no correspondence this evening Financial business uh may I have a motion to adopt resolution number 23724 to approve the October 15 2024 Bill list may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rights yes councilwoman Maguire council president Timmerman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman sers yes thank you and that brings us to unfinished business um I am going to uh ask for a motion to skip the order of the meeting and just go to the storm water management ordinance update um as Mr mccan is on his way in and I'd like him to be here for Caroline's presentation got to get a motion just to change the order on here okay all in second Jill did you say second all in favor okay so Dave we're going to jump to storm water management ordinance update sure thank you uh good evening everybody good evening um so several might have been two months back I think Katherine from my office was here just to kind of give you guys a brief update on what was coming down the pike um basically make sure you're in your microphone please I'll bring it closer um and know Katherine had gone through the particulars of the stuff and what was coming down as far as the ordinance um quick and short the state of New Jersey um in 2023 July of 2023 implemented new storm water regulations um basically that have major applications um look at the storm water a little bit differently um as part of the analysis you're looking at projected rainfall data um and that's all just due to the increase that we're seeing uh in the storms recently so the DP took the action to update the regulations um as a result of that each municipality has to update their regulations to coincide with those same regulations so um what we ended up doing was we took the Burrow's ordinance Incorporated in the language from the state of New Jersey to be on par um with that as far as your major developments um again all stuff that's required by the state that you guys have to implement um so we incorporated that stuff into it as part of the process we did submit that submit the documents to buron county for their review as well which is required by law um they've reviewed everything they had a couple comments and we work them into uh what you guys have before you this evening uh one one minor change that we did incorporate in uh where your code was a little weak um was talking about Minor developments so what is a minor development and how did we handle that in the past um basically we have it defined now in the code so if you're going to be doing any improvements on your property where you increase by 200 square fet of impervious coverage uh the code now has language in there that gives them the guidance and Direction on them being the applicant on what they need to do um it's nothing different than what's been done for years uh well beyond negli as time here your former engineer and previous Engineers already had implemented those practices it's just now in writing so that we have it so um that got incorporated into this so that's kind of the quick and short on the storm water I don't know if anybody has any specific questions that they want to talk about um related to it does anybody have any questions for Dave okay are we introducing this tonight yes yeah and then I would also I know it's not necessarily storm water you also have an ordinance on related to uh private salt storage structures again um something that the state's requiring it basically just provides guidelines for the private entities as far as what is required of them when they have salt stored on their properties um stuff that you already municipality has in place as far as your Public Works facility it's more or less just following the same guidelines for that as well again the ordinance that you have is strictly follows the state guidelines of what they're looking for so both ordinances that you that you and C Catherine was it Catherine yes um went over really just took the state requirements and inserted them in and there's nothing above and beyond there correct um with some of the problems that we do have in Emerson do you think that we should be doing anything above or Beyond or do you think these are adequate at this time no I think that they're adequate um I think they're adequate for what you guys have here in town and the areas and stuff so I wouldn't suggest anything more stringent at this time okay does anybody have any questions or comments does 419 fit that description in the waste Man In The Water Management well I think 419 would have anything that was there would have um been done prior to so so your C so your code that you have that you'll be assuming everybody's uh an agreement with everything you adop tonight as under first reading and then you'll look to adopt under second reading basically that adoption date that's any applications from that point forward would have to apply to that but for example a major development something of that size would have to meet the requirements of the storm water regulations yes if it was coming if it was coming as a new application so anything prior to the yeah yeah is correct is grandfathered into the old requirements yeah anybody else any there honestly like if you see what's coming forward they I mean I guess it makes sense that normally is grandfathered but yeah yeah well once an application's approved you can't you it's not fair to look back on things otherwise changing things all day long correct in every aspect of government if that was the case that's all right so um Everybody read it you're ready to introduce it and we will um hold the discussion on it or finish the discussion on it and then introduce the ordinance later in the meeting um so storm Warner and then um Michelle do you want to go under new business and talk about the oh no no here they come okay we're going to move to the presentation by our burough planner Caroline right regarding the Emerson Redevelopment Urban re re renewal llc's application for relief from Emerson zoning ordinances for the purpose of constructing seven affordable housing units in an off-site property located at 129 Kinder kamac Road in Emerson and we're back in order of our meeting you want to switch or you want to M um I'll just yeah please sure that's fine all good you can play musical chairs [Music] Dave if you don't want to have your back you could sit on the other side of Caroline if you want move the chair yeah I could do that and go caddy corner thank you no one's shooting you if anyone's shooting I'll be hit my pan Buton a better chair it's a better chair you just wanted the better chair absolutely 100% so thank you thank you mayor members of the council I'm sure we've all we all know each other I do need you to to get that microphone a little bit closer to you and yes I'm sorry I'm still readjusting it's a thing that we've been going through for the last several months because we got a lot of complaints that people couldn't hear what people were saying at our meetings and I appreciate that as someone who watched not only your last meeting but a meeting from a few years ago where it was actually quite difficult to hear somebody speaking but um I just turned the volume way up so I do the same but yes yes so Caroline writer uh your burough planner I'm with the firm of T and M Associates um so we're here to talk about the redevelopers request regarding block 610 lot one we know it as also 129 Kinder Kack road so for the record I did listen to the I believe it was the October 1st meeting I think that was your last meeting there was a presentation by the redeveloper and two planners um John MCD and art Bernard I did listen to that um and I also received the exhibit that Mr mcdna um handed out at that time um so I don't believe you all were on the council but some were I did actually I was here in December I believe of 2021 and I spoke about this very issue and I watched uh my presentation today to see um what's changed and not much has really changed um one thing I learned when we when watching the 20 the October 1st presentation that there's a tax lean on the subject property and I have some concerns about the site being uh what's called available because it has the tax lean so there's criteria from coer rules um regarding site suitability there's four there's four criteria available developable suitable and approvable and we've been talking a lot about the suitable suitability Clause of it I believe with respect to the Redevelopment plan but available an available site is a site with clear title free of encumbrance which preclude development for low and moderate income housing so I do understand there's a tax lean and I'm not honestly not quite certain how that impacts the Avail the availability but I do I do think that needs to be explored and explained um and confirmed that the site's available okay so I want to bring that up because that obviously was not a factor in 20121 when I was here so I'll just um if you'd like mayor I can kind of reiterate what I said in 2021 so as a subject [Music] properties the subject property is uh box 610 lot one it contains uh about 9,24 5 Square ft it's a triangularly shaped lot I think everybody is familiar with the property with Frontage on Kinder KAC road across from acrian and the Duncan Donuts the rail line is in the back part of the property with Emerson Plaza East loaded located behind the rail line when I was here in 2021 I talked a lot about concerns I had as a planner and sound planning um and sound planning projects and um in particular in terms of the burough seeks to achieve with respect to its downtown area and its Redevelopment plan as we know lot one is is connected although not physically to the block 419 um development because the block 419 development uh was approved with 29 affordable units of which 22 were to be developed on site and there was an option for the remaining seven to be developed offsite clearly the developer is seeking that option to not put the seven remaining seven units on site and that's why we're having this discussion um as I'm sure we're all aware the block 419 property is within your housing element it's within your um contained within your um settlement agreement with fair share housing and as as a gentle reminder I was not involved in the preparation of your housing element or of any of the Redevelopment plans um that have been adopted and just for everyone's reminder that um with respect to the block 419 development in addition to the residential component there is also a retail component as well of I believe 14,700 Square ft of retail space so back to um lot one that's property is located in the CBD 15 Zone District permitted uses within that zone District include stores personal service businesses restaurants instructional Studios financial institutions offices Child Care Facilities Nursery schools Etc also permits multif family residential dwellings above atg grade nonresidential uses and multif family residential uses above parking in certain locations I believe it has say that last line again up multif family residential uses above parking located above parking in other words not at grade the the grade would be the parking level located above it but only at very specific locations I believe I can pull I have it right here um it's I think it's only if the property is located behind a building that fronts on Kinder KCK Road it's very site specific multif family residential uses are permitted at grade only in also specific locations where the building fronts on Lincoln Boulevard and only in areas where the ETC where the building is behind another building fronting on Kinder KAC so in this location this 129 Kinder KAC the um the uh applicant is not permitted not the applicant the redeveloper anyone is not permitted to construct residential units at grade um it is as we all know you've heard the presentation um and the land use board is not able to issue a d variance what is known as a use variance which is what would happen with other properties within the burrow because of the Redevelopment plan and the Zone District that this property is located in so again your Redevelopment plan which the buau has been involved in various or has adopted various Redevelopment plans stun studies Etc of the downtown area since I believe more than 15 years long time perhaps 18 years 2006 I think was the first it's it's it's been a long time time so your uh Redevelopment plan has um sorry let me take a step back so the properties in the cbd1 15 Zone District um that's it Zone District references certain things it talks about providing standards and guidelines to implement the goals of the Redevelopment plan it recognizes the fact that a majority of the Lots within the district are small allow for mixed use development of single lots that will utilize the land more efficiently by promoting share parking and circulation and finally it the uh zoning District references the affirming the goals and objectives set forth in section 3.0 of your Redevelopment plan so that's from this that's from the CBD Zone the first Redevelopment plan as the mayor indicated she's right on target do you know if do you remember the month it was 2006 March March 2006 so this um page one of the plan states that the Redevelopment plan is designed to incorporate the philosophy and policies of the state smart growth initiatives envisioning the creation of a business district that promotes a pedestrian friendly mix of local retail establishments and residential units above these stores the plan is designed to revitalize the core of the commercial Community by enhancing the local shopping experience improve vehicular and pedestrian circulation increase parking and improve the aesthetic character of the area Section 3 of the plan contains goals um and if you recall the goals were actually referenced in the CBD um Zone ordinance as well so there's a goal of encourage mixed use development and reduced setback lines to foster a continuous Frontage of buildings and unify the street Scapes encourage lock consolidation to enhance opportunities for infill and Redevelopment were appropriate support developments that are pedestrian scaled and reinforce retail activity in the district plan also goes on to detail circulation streetcap building design architectural features signage Etc section 6.3 of the plan talks about proposed land use and building requirements with a purpose there of recognizing the fact that a majority of the Lots within the CBD are small allow for mixed use development of single Lots within the district that will utilize the land more efficiently by promoting shared parking and circulation establish regulations that promote the right revitalization of the district to create a desirable visual environment and reestablish a safe and efficient circulation designed for vehicular and pedestrian activity excuse me pedestrian traffic and affirm the goals and objectiv set forth in section 3.0 above which I had just read to you some of them so um those are some of the items that I referenced from the Redevelopment plan um both when I was here a few years ago and tonight I think they're very important um and I think that with respect to my analysis of the Redevelopment plan um nothing has changed um in terms of what's important with respect to the mixed use um the mixed use environment that clearly the town has been trying to create there for quite some time I also will add that I took a look at your 2017 reexamination report um and 2017 I did not prepare that there is a goal one that references to uphold the comprehensive long range plan set forth by the CBD Plan central business district and one of the sentences within that goal States application of the plan ought to provide stimulus to the area improve the physical appearance of the district and promote pedest activity and vitality in a district with active ground floor uses and upper level residential uses so again this concept of mixed use is woven throughout your planning documents um and I think that's very telling and important as a planner um I also will say as a planner that um and I believe I said this last time too that it is important to have a mixed use environment within your commercial areas it does help to um strengthen and bolster your commercial areas but it can't just all be residential that's not the point of this uh the point is for a mixed use environment because the presidential may bring people in to to shop to eat to work but the non-residential component needs to be there too and this is a property within the within the Redevelopment plan and within the Redevelopment area and I feel that your documents are pretty strong about that and it was in place in two in place in 2006 and again in 2007 when there was a former mayor so everyone was aware of this that that has always been the goal is to create and bolster circulation and activity um in the CBD so it is yes it's been in place I can't speak to what someone might or might not have been aware of but yes this has been in place I don't believe there was a point where your Redevelopment plan was not in place from two March of 20 2006 on like I said there's been some revisions Etc but there's always been something down there in your uh in your in your downtown area when was the reexamination report the reexamination report yeah 2017 um I'll get you the date in one second I have it up sorry because I didn't prepare it I don't recall the exact date master plan reexamination report actually October 2nd 2017 so pretty close to now right around the time they Chang the ordinance so that goal that I read I'm just going to get you the so at the very end of this reexamination report on page the fourth floor so page 17 of this plan excuse me 16 had States planning goals for commercial development and it was goal one that I read to you to uphold the comprehensive long- range plan set forth by the central business district plan I'll read you the whole goal because I didn't before the general goals of the plan encourage Redevelopment as well as Renovations and Rehabilitation of selected existing buildings and storefronts and the general improvements of buildings parking lots storefronts sidewalks and other public areas this is what I've then read to you application of the plan ought to provide stimulus to the area improve the physical appearance of the district and promote pedestrian activity and vitality in a district with active ground floor uses and upper level residential uses that was 2017 so I didn't mention that when I was here in 2021 but I wanted to now that's that's um so sorry for the repetition but sometimes what you said once still holds and that's your whole that's my was there I mean were there questions was there something else or no I don't have any questions um does anybody have any questions I don't have a question the only thing I wanted to clarify um you had mentioned that 129 kindrick Kack is connected to 419 that's not by any m ual agreement it's just her the developer at this point has purchased that location for for it but it's it doesn't have to be connected is what she's saying that's what I'm trying to say the redeveloper intention is to have it connected to 419 but it isn't that's not identified but right location that's correct I'm sorry if I was was unclear you're right it's I meant connected and in fact when I spoke in 2021 I made air quotes and I said so the record is clear I'm doing air quotes um so I tried to not do that tonight but um uh so it's connected in that the seven units From the Block 419 development are proposed for location there by the redeveloper it is not connected in that manner via the settlement agreement or the housing element or anything like that thank you for clarifying or for questioning um I have a I do have a question okay you indicated earlier that you um did you reviewed uh the the um video the the of the previous meeting where the redeveloper came in with his with his two planners yes okay the October 1st meeting that's the one that I looked at yes you looked at you looked at it in total in completeness no once their presentation ended I didn't watch the rest of the video okay um I thought that they ended when they left because John mcdonell left there was discussion about that and then there was discussion that you weren't going to take questions well I it was a bad question what I meant to ask was you saw their presentation in told yes I I believe that I did yes okay yeah that was their presentation um is there anything that they said that that persuaded you give you pause and any that changed your opinion from when they came uh in December of 2021 is there anything that was you any information they provideed that you weren't aware of or anything like that nothing that I wasn't aware of um my recollection is that Mr Bernard you know spoke of um he gave some background on COA and some demographic information with which I was familiar and I think he spoke about you know low mod things like that low low and moderate inome income and someone commented that we've already you that the burough is familiar with the round four process coming up uh Mr mcdna comment he had a handout which of course I hadn't seen before CU it didn't exist before um and um he spoke about some general you know planning goals with respect to in terms of uh mixed use you know having people in the downtown area Etc so no the one thing that I learned of was the tax Lan I don't believe that came directly from the redeveloper I think that might have come from from Mr mccan or from someone on the deis but um I felt that was important to bring up tonight okay um you have a questioning what she said with the tax she had said she was surprised use your microphone Nicole please Carol I said that she was surprised regarding the tax lean um and if we do have and look into investigated and it does know that property being allowed for affordable housing obviously the redeveloper will have to look for some other property then or he have to put the seven units in 419 what would happen then so I think that that's so what I was trying to bring up and this is one of the nuances of affordable housing if you so there's four when you when there when a property is considered to be suitable there's four criteria that are looked at and I believe that they were referenced by either the redevelopers attorney or the redevelopers experts at the last meeting I believe they were one of those is availability it's a there's four criteria available if the property needs to be available approvable suitable and developable and available the availability States it has to be with clear title and free of incumbrances so I brought I'm bringing this up so that it's in the record that there is a question about this criteria being met because I think it's an important point to be considered I'm not sure where I don't know what the status is with respect to the tax lean and and I only know what I heard on the on the tape right so I don't know what the status is and I can't provide any more information to that nor am I a tax expert or a tax lean expert I just know that that's one of the criteria and I felt it was worthwhile bringing it up tonight as something that needs to be you know resolved and considered as well so um so that's that was my purpose for mentioning it right so I guess my question then would just be if there is the tax lean or the status of the tax lean is still in standing and the property then is not available available then does that null that property I think it brings into question for certain um it could I'd have to see what the status of the you know what is the status of the tax line I was going to say it's a legal question let me just redirect that's really not a question that she can answer yeah okay um the question that need that that needs to be put to is Mr Giblin okay who cannot be here tonight he was away for a while and then came back and he was sick he couldn't make it tonight but he did say he would watch this and I believe he already watched the previous presentation when he was sick and uh so that's a fair question it's accurate it's a good question legally I suspect I know the answer but frankly uh I would rather since we have Mr gibl Giblin retained for that purpose I would rather have him answer that question okay thank it's a good one uh there maybe even a change of condition uh maybe they're trying to work out the the payment for the tax I mean I don't I mean just things we don't know um does anyone else have any question I have one more sure um I'm not sure maybe it's for you it's for John I'm not sure but given the CBD zone cbd5 is connected to this Redevelopment plan this request for a change to the CBD Zone does that also then require a change for us to amend our Redevelopment plan I think that's exactly what it requires is a change for the Redevelopment plan I think that's I think that's why the redevelopers here is because than just the zoning it's so with with this type of Redevelopment plan there is a requirement in it and within that carried through to the zoning District that states that um as D variance a variance for a use that's not permitted can't be considered by the land use boort it needs to come in for a come back to this the ma the mayor and councel for consideration of an amendment to its Redevelopment plan so that's I mean that is my understanding of why they're here is for consideration that's why they gave the presentation that their planners felt that you know that it was this was appropriate I don't feel that it is appropriate from a planning perspective so you know that's that I need to stop talking with my hands that's um that's what that's you know that's why they're here if this were a different Zone District that weren't part of the Redevelopment plan then they'd be I would assume for use that's not permitted they'd be before the land use board requesting what's called a d or a use variance a D1 variance and if we did make a change to the Redevelopment Zone um that would change within the whole Zone not just for that parcel it would depend upon how you did the amendment to be honest with you I can't answer that that's also a question for Mr gibin um it's a good so if you want to just keep keep a record of that question um I again suspect I know the answer uh but I don't uh believe that I mean we retain experts uh for this purpose for their opinion on these types of things I will say this spot zoning is illegal well that I knew that's why I was [Laughter] asking um so with that um Caroline I want to thank you for coming in thank you thank you very much thank you for coming in thank you and thank you for all the time I know this took a considerable amount of time to redo a redo of a redo it's my pleasure it's always a pleasure to work with the bro that's it mayor since we're still in this this part of the um of the meeting um I I wanted to ask um uh I I had a brief discussion with the with the council president today and we talked over the last week there was a timeline presented at the last meeting um that you know I disputed a couple of key facts that that were put out there that I disputed openly um and um councilman did a a deep dive at my request uh into uh some of the timeline and I think he would like to talk about that even sure I'd love to hear what he has to say just use your microphone so March of 2017 had come laste as time where the previous requested site plans for an affordable housing pro at 129 and they referen of Redevelopment subcommittee was involved now that's just not the whole picture and I think everybody should have the whole picture that was a time where a project there was looked at um the project that was being looked at was parking at grade with residential above okay now there were preliminary site plans it didn't look like full drawing but it came to a halt at a certain time in March of 2017 where certain questions came up about the project there was going to be an easement needed from NJ Transit uh they were worried about the wires from psng now this is even prior to PSG putting the the high voltage lines in there now so that's probably exacerbated if it was a problem and also um parking was also an issue as they talked about and then I don't know the burough engineer at the time which was not Dave uh sent an email right at the end of March where he said that should I say what he said um no I'd like to hear what he said um but it's it it's um it's he just said that there was concerns about the project oh oh I'm I'm confusing meetings sorry go ahead yes you could talk about that was not our meeting and this was Gary asales from Boswell yeah he he called the project uh fitting 20 lbs of stuff in a twb bag and that the potential redeveloper had walked away from the project and that was the last they heard so I just I just thought it was better for everybody to have the whole picture of that whole timeline of 2017 where there was request for site plans well okay I think that's good to know the full story um but more importantly I can't find any record uh as it relates to a Sub sub commmittee now I've also reached out previous to this meeting I don't recall the timeline but it was two some former Council people and contrary to the assertions by Mr f foret f fella and the other attorney we the burrow has no official record and uh other Council people have no recollection at all of that but I think it's important to note that this ordinance that we're talking about was changed with the input of the Redevelopment the current the the the the current the current ordinance was reviewed and and and and all around the time with the with the redeveloper now it wasn't it wasn't purchased yet by Mr kugman but when Mr kugman purchased it he purchased the it was an asset purchase he purchased everything and he was under the same obligations and I think it's important to note that we don't outside of the conclusionary statements offered up by the attorneys is that I challenged um there's no evidence of that whatsoever in the record and not more importantly and it's and it's disturbing to me but they relied on two certifications um uh in in the in the court and they relied in their last presentation on on the certification of the form mayor and the former mayor basically is is stated that he was aware of it but that doesn't bind a borrow that's not the governing body and in fact it may have violated the open public meetings law I mean he basically it let me put it to you this way in fact let me do one better let me quote from the certification if you just bear with me for a moment the Crux of it is that he he's saying that they were he meaning former mayor the former the former mayor the former mayor was saying that they didn't want to put any of that information into the public record because they were trying to I'm paraphrasing here and and I may be wrong but they were they were trying to not drive the price of the property up so they purposely were holding all this information that none of us can find but it was really only the mayor now if you think about that what's that he by his own words he is saying I was trying to keep the price of the property down from the existing owner now I'll I'll leave that to other legal bodies to deal with but we do have that certification on file and it's been submitted to court and that's very troubling to me as an attorney that Mr L mintino would say that and and and actually submit a swor statement to that effect so basically he was he was saying that hey look you know we we we we we withheld this information because we didn't want the cost of that property to go up now again I may may be saying it because he was trying to help the developer I I'm not going to say that and you shouldn't say that either possibly I don't know I don't know but he I'm only can use the words he put in and um and there was also other problems with the certification that is beyond the scope of this request from the redeveloper um and how do I say is is this FIA did you say I got I keep is Fella Fel f f are you going to speak this evening I would like to but I would also like a chance for our planners to to speak at the next hearing to uh be able to have a full response to the burrow planners um presentation so your planners will watch this meeting like Caroline watched the last meeting correct well I I think that that this is the third time you're here on the same request and we'll we'll let you know whether or not we're going to allow that okay this this is not a as I said a planning board it's not a zoning board you know we don't take SW testimony here we're not equipped to do that and so I'll consider your request and I'll get back to you but we have specific questions for our our experts as well um this isn't a court of law this is not a give and take you know under the rules Roberts rules that we operate under Mr F I know you're familiar with them you know you can direct your comments to the day [Music] um do do you have any explanation now I know when you were here be if can I ask him a question would you you am I out of order you could ask him a question I just don't know where you're going do you want to open up to the public and let Mr Fela come up because that would probably be the appropriate time to do it that's fine that's fine but I I'm I so we have other things on the agenda but no that's fine that's fine I'll wait till Mr F comes up he may address what I have do you want me to stay for that if you don't mind yeah so I I'm not adverse if the governing body wishes to open up to the public on this topic and this topic only at this time okay I'll make a motion for that okay and a second hear everyone we're on this topic on this topic only so if somebody else like I see Mr obenauer if he wanted to speak on this topic we would listen to him as well as Mr fella but we wouldn't entertain anything about people's garbage not picking up or something like that just on this subject at this point and then we'll open up later for public again and I just want to ask John um it was mentioned that referred to as a hearing this is not a hearing this is a mayor and Council this is a mayor and Council it's a public meeting um no side deals you know what a developer and a diner that no one else knows about okay this is a public meeting we're operating the way we should all right so can I we have a motion in a second can I get an all in favor on opening up to the public I think uh Mr Gordon didn't you make the second to open good chance good chance okay we'll take that and all in favor any opposed we're open to the public would anyone from the public wish to speak Mr F uh Mr oau raised his hand do you mind letting him go preer you want to hear what he has to say that he can comment on everything answers if it's okay I would like to ask the bur plan are some questions you could direct the questions to me to the chair and then um if I think it's appropriate then we'll pass them towards Caroline that's fine uh so one thing the burough planner mentioned is uh the effect of the tax lean on the availability uh in terms of criteria for affordable housing so my question is if the tax lean is paid off would the burough planner agree that this property is available that's not a question for her because she's just this we concluded that we need our input from our attorney on that uh she made a statement about it about it affecting the availability she she question she question so my question is Mr F no but even she said that it's it's it's a legal question that it was she had her own question Brian Giblin is our affordable housing attorney and he is not able to be with us this evening so would her question be her question about the availability be addressed if the tax lean is paid off we would have to ask Mr Giblin okay so I'm sorry we don't have an answer tonight uh my next question is about the size of the property and I was wondering if the burough planner was aware of the size of the property in relation to the zoning standards and the rest of the zoning size Caroline were you aware of the zoning size yes I believe yes it's an undersized lot is that your question yes I believe if I may and further to that if in your previous presentation to the burrow you got into the detail Caroline uh of of the of the size of the lot how it related to the other triangle potential Tri Tri triangle Lots we talked about the area how far that went up in terms of the odd the oddness of the shape right so it's a 15,000 foot requirement and the subject property has 9 9200 Square fet so that's your question yes um do you know how much retail I'm sorry excuse me 9,245 Square F feet I think it's 425 but you could be correct I okay may you think I transposed a number we'll say it's it's about 9200 square feet can we agree on that or a little bit 9294 there we go I'm good with that from 15,000 there yes um realistically do you know how much retail could fit in this five I haven't no uh but it would be less than if it was a fullsize law correct and it's an undersized OB shaped property is that fair okay Mr fell you said you have specific questions I didn't realize it was going to lead as I indicated kind of n it back and forth you want to just just let's observe the Roberts rules let's put let's get your questions out and then we'll ask her to go through it uh if if again appropriate like the first question wasn't this this may be I don't know um so you want to just go through your questions yeah my question is relating to the size of the property and the small amount of retail that could realistically fit there is how the um is whether the goals of the Redevelopment plan would be affected if uh this only this property uh is residential whereas the other ones surrounding it could still be retail so your question is okay that that's fine I got the question okay which that's that's one question okay yeah another question is is uh if Miss am I pronouncing it correctly Ryder that's correct yeah Ryder if Miss Ryder would agree that affordable housing is an inherently beneficial use um another question I'll stick I'll affordable housing is a requirement whether or not it's a beneficial use is in dispute in litigation right now in the state of New Jersey so it's not stipulated I would director not to answer that question because there have been multiple court cases well no there's one going on right now not about the inherently beneficial it's part of the brief if you read it I did read it okay I think it was a challenge the for inherently beneficial use it's it's it's a foot note but please take a look at it if you want to go on to your next question um yes um uh another question uh relates to um what is happening to the property right now and uh whether it's vacant how long it may have been vacant um another question is whether I'm confused why do you have a question for us about the property well your property is in your is your is your client's property do you not have knowledge that it's I I wanted to put it on the record in a form of a question well okay it's not appropriate question because it's your client's property you have direct knowledge okay she she's not equipped to answer that question so next question and and what okay so there followup to that is whether the bu's plans are um if the buau is Det mented by it not being developed right at this time okay so here's here's the answer to that question you're asking is it is it just so that I understand it is it currently detrimental to the burrow right now because it's vacant correct okay so that's not an appropriate question I'll take judicial notice that it's better to have something not vacant uh and and and and and it's also better to have something built and not delayed and not and and people pay their taxes I think it we I think I'll take note of that as well next question so that question we we know that it's any any property is better developed than not developed okay appropriately devel appropriately developed in a zoning District that's for that meets the proper zoning standards going to let him go to his well that that is taking it a little bit too far because it's saying it's better to be developed for zoning in which the zoning standards are apply would assume you can't there's no reason ever for used variants or for the reason for our request of changing those zoning standards to say that it's developed for the zoning standards that apply implicitly um ignores the request of changing those zoning standards if you think that it is more appropriately developed at for different zoning standards so look may I respond to that of course Okay so so the problem is you're assuming that you just magically want something because you want it here's no no no let me let me get you to the reasoning to the goalpost the problem with your statement is that it ignores that the burrow with the assistance of the redeveloper changed the zoning with the work and the input from the redeveloper that's the problem with you question so the current Z learning that you have there right now had the input of the redeveloper and so there so you're you're you're missing the point in terms of yes we wrote the redev the Redevelopment plan this burrow did with the input of the redeveloper although different actors okay so I you know your question is specious in that it's ignoring that yes what I'm saying saying is it's it's it would be better if it was built with the current zoning because it had the input of the redeveloper as it exists right now and it furthers the it it furthers the Redevelopment plan that everyone agreed on and was signed off on in court so next question so I I what I know you had said that redeveloper had input this is the first time this hearing well was actually in a brief uh in in it was actually in a brief uh in the Court in the current case was that our brief or your brief it was our in our brief okay so the burrow was aware of the redeveloper looking at this property not your well no that's not what I'm saying you said that if the redeveloper had in input in the Redevelopment plan The Bu would have knowledge that redeveloper is looking at this area yeah no the the re your client didn't own the property at the time when they were looking at the Redevelopment plan for Block 419 okay just to be clear on the timeline okay the burrow was aware that as pointed up by the council president that there were other people interested in that property okay now the burrow is not one person it is not a mayor it's not a council person and you know the law very well that only a borrow can act with a resolution everything else is preliminary negotiations the knowledge that from what I can glean from the from Mr uh L Martinez affidavit is very specific that he's claiming he had private discussions okay not anyone else what we're saying here is that the burrow had already rejected a plan the burrow was going to buy that property and it was rejected by the mayor and counsel the time so when they did the Redevelopment plan with the input of the redeveloper they looked at the downtown area and what would be appropriate in that area and never ever did the de redevelopers say hey we're going to maybe look we're maybe even going to look at that property to improve upon it what I'm saying to you is they knew that that area of town not a specific property but that area of town was part was going be part of the Redevelopment plan that's what I'm saying so part of what he's saying is from the beginning when the reexamination happened in 2017 that that area was known to be commercial on the bottom with two floors of residential on the top I think that's what you're trying to say right I didn't hear what you said I had a cough sorry go ahead what I'm trying to say is when the reexamination was report was done in 2017 the that planner who was not Carol line it was the previous administration's planner obviously examined that property and found it uh that it was appropriate to put um commercial on the bottom and two floors of residential on the top otherwise it wouldn't have been put into the cbd5 Zone that's part of that's true but it's also it wasn't just that property they looked at the entire correct what I'm saying is it's inclusive of that property to S so to suddenly try to pull it out and say it's not appropriate to have um commercial on the bottom I I don't I mean I don't I don't want to make any conclusion I'm not making a conclusion I'm just saying that there's it was put in for a reason into the CB cbd5 Zone by the former it was examined one one point to that that actually was going to the next question I had for Miss ryer was uh there was a question brought up by uh a council member about uh the effect of this proposed amendment on other properties um and mayor and um and Mr mckeny mentioned about it being an area and not a specific property where the zoning covers um Miss Ryder isn't it true that in a Redevelopment plan while spot Zoning for zoning ordinances is illegal but a Redevelopment plan or an amendment to a Redevelopment plan including just an overlay can affect only one property have you seen other Redevelopment plans cover only want property before okay that's not a question that relates to it relates to her testimony it relates or not shooting to her statement it relates to the question that was brought from a council yeah no and I said that we'll have we'll have our attorney it relates to her experience and to give the burrow and it relates to her experience to give the burrow Fuller picture especially because uh it also relates to changes from 2021 entially to our October 1st meeting where we clarified at the October 1st meeting an alternative than amending the entire Redevelopment plan would be an affordable housing overlay that could affect jce property okay so what I'm going to say to that question is it's irrelevant to what she stated the question asked as you point out your question is geared towards the question asked by the councilwoman who I said that answer should come from Mr Giblin but also so next question relates also to her statement about changes from 2021 to now I don't see that but next question okay well if you're not going to let her answer questions I I do I reiterate our request that we have another meeting so our planner can come and respond to M raer well I'm going to put on the record that you just made another false statement to this governing body no one is saying she can't answer questions you just said if you're not going to let her answer questions that's a quote and that's not a true statement counselor and I go through this with you and your emails and I've gone through this with your prior emails for the last two years it is not right it is not advocacy to come before a governing body and tell falsehoods and make misstatements of fact it won't be tolerated here you do you no you're done thank you this is the third time you have called me a liar and I think it is unprofessional and untrue well the record is the record is clear Mr fail the record is clear I not making fail falsehood you have cut off you have not let her answer the question you have stated your reasons for it but you did not let her answer the question it is not a food it was not a falsehood for me to State what day the a holiday fell on last week that you were wrong about you've accused me of lying three times in two weeks you just did it tonight how you just I just pointed it out to you you did not let her answer the question no you said she if you're not going to let her answer you said if you are not going to let her answer you did not let her answer the question no you said if you are not going to let her answer question and I'm saying no one's stopping her from answering questions that are relevant as I said to to the to what she can answer so far we had one question that I thought she can answer and you had a nice exchange so again even looking at it from your point of view she was you you got to ask a question she answered it so I it's no one's saying she can't answer question the some of the questions you asked she can't answer right she can't answer legal questions two of them tonight so your statement my statement to you stand sir it's a misstatement fact by you now I know it's a deliberate misstatement of fact because you were here that's why I'm upset I'm that is incorrect would anyone else from the public wish to speak Mr obow I not just have a question because there would just be a total of seven units in this building will be affordable yes so I just don't understand well that that's assuming that it's going to be permitted what they owe us per the agreement with fair share housing is seven units that the prior Administration allowed them to do offsite what they want to do is put them on 129 Kinder KAC and that's why they're coming in here because it doesn't fit with the Redevelopment plan okay see my question is um yeah it's not required they can put it in 419 right they're asking to put it off site if if the town were to approve that if that were to be approved the deed for that would have to somehow be tied to block 419 because seven affordable units is going to bring in uh figuring six are occupied it's going to bring about $7,000 a month um so I mean if you if you look at it you bring about $7,000 a month in rent uh property taxes for the build for my building which was just completed is 9,000 so assuming there's not a pilot given let's assume taxes be onethird of it you have $3,000 Al loan uh in property taxes the cost to construct to construct a building to adaa requirements is going to require an elevator being three floors um if you're looking somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 million that's on a mortgage another $112,000 a month property maintenance for that including the elevator maintenance no removal uh loan care water exterminators Insurance other management expenses at least $66,000 a month so you're over $20,000 a month in expenses on the building if I was a developer I would try to do that and walk away from it and just say bye-bye because the the the expenses for the property are so much higher so if that property is not tied to block 419 my concern is that one the building will not bring enough income to maintain it beyond the absolute minimum standards that the town requires um and that really that person just going somebody's just going to walk away from it if it's not if it's not tied to another asset it I believe it is tied to 419 and I the reason that I believe and don't quote me but I believe and I'm going back on my memory from probably seven eight years ago that they wanted to put them off site was because they were trying to maximize the um market rate units and if they were going to put the 7 aordable they would not be able to make as much money on 419 rightly so they had to take some units out in order to maximize their profit on 419 that's what I recall like the burrow in my opinion so I I think it's like under the umbrella of 419 it's all part as one project the seven off unit so the the concept of the off-site units was an option in the agreement it wasn't a requirement one way or the other the burrow and the redeveloper had an option um we have asked if I think you were at the last meeting uh we had proposed to the redeveloper we have another piece of property that is sight suitable uh that we'd be more than happy to uh exchange with the with with the redeveloper they've taken the position although never in writing because was the last meeting was the first time I heard that they rejected it and they said they rejected it a year ago and so this again they've been here for this already before and we're doing it again um so it's an option and the agreement requires the parties to work together um so we had specific questions of the redeveloper he was here as to the many published reports about The concerns about his financial stability uh because the administration did not do any due diligence into him whatsoever they just entered into that agreement last minute willly early at the night so the fact is that you know the last Administration saddled us with some sort of problem and the redeveloper openly stated through his attorneys anyway that he wasn't going to address Emerson as it relates to those problems they said In fairness was due to the impending litigation we go to trial in two weeks two and a half weeks I don't see how that really has any relevance on the the forthcoming trial but that's for them to decide um so the fact that it's an option also um the redeveloper has never given us any data or any answers as it relates to why these units can't be put on site now well isn't that why the four because I'll be perfectly honest with you I mean I I'm getting murdered you know with the you know with the increased cost of construction tax all that I was only allowed to do three floors and they were given the fourth floor for the affordable hous and I'm just a little bit I I don't I don't understand I mean I was born and raised in this town and it seems like I like they've been given pilot I'm giv no pilot they're given offsite affordable housing I'm not giv off side affordable housing did you ask for a pilot a fourth story no I honestly I did not I was told it wouldn't be approved so I'm not going to pay an attorney to vot to all that something that would be approved um but who told you it wouldn't be approved uh was was actually my attorney uh because there are certain requirements pilot it was it was with the Redevelopment Z so you and your attorney made the decision not to ask for p it based on the information he gave you okay sure that would not be I just wanted to make sure somebody else didn't tell you that something you couldn't have something without going before a body yeah but I mean it's they they were give the fourth the fourth story so it's I mean it's enough room I'm con I'm really concerned I know when you come down after then that's the entrance into Emerson and that's the building that everybody looks at when you enter the town and I'm concerned that a building that's only bringing in under $7,000 a month nobody's going to have any incentive to do any extra Landscaping any extra ging again they could maintain it to the minimum standards and there's nothing the town could really do about that but you know I just something to think about I understand your concerns and I think that anyone that's heard about this project has the same concerns thank you Mr f i without having to come back up unless you have specific information I have some questions for you to before you if we schedule another meeting uh maybe some of the stuff you can bring answers back to um if you want to keep no if I would like to know if you can give me any data as to why you can't put these units in 419 I would like to know that would be the first question the next question I have for your client to answer is um we have some open items which are which are client for quite some time uh currently right now for Police Department invoices it's $2,550 that he hasn't paid to the police department uh going back to over a year ago September of 2023 these invoices are open um currently on block 419 uh he owes $5 58,5 59.71 for taxes that are in a rear that haven't been paid currently his escrow balance is $786 he needs to we have unpaid invoices uh for your application in the amount of $7,695 which application was that sorry if I'm not near a mic and you want me to yeah no that's okay unless you know the answer to these questions no for the escrow itself that you just application um I'm looking at for 419 for 419 thank you okay the John said was $177,000 in a of what uh for for his for his escro balance um the the the application money application yeah the application money do I have that right Rob yeah basically you have uh also engineer so the engineers uh has been not paid for any of the work that the engineer has done and it's on the any of the work and there's been continuing work that's being asked by the engineer to do that's Contin that's in a rears right now which I think Dave could answer about the Escrow because that's part of Dave's the neglia is part of the uh escrow account that is not being paid Dave do you know exactly what is owed or ballpark uh I believe the $177,000 number that Mr McAn said yeah so just um councilwoman to explain anytime there's a Redevelopment ESC is asked to be put up so that as we the uh um the uh the professionals need to do any kind of work the money's already there and they don't have to wait for their work and the money ran out and they didn't they negly had continued to perform the work so now they're owed the money but they also have to pay that money and then put up more escrow money so that we don't have to go through this again I can I just wanted to write this I would just like to add on that our CFO has asked in January for more money uh to put into the account that is that's a request that they do last January yes last January January 20 in 2024 when the balance was at $78 uh they did request for $20,000 request from them in order to re-up the balance uh in order to make payments at this point then you're going to have to do more than 20,000 because we're in 17,000 in a re and and we allowing this to happen because we are trying to let the project keep on moving we don't want to slow it down we want them to build it um the way it was approved at this point and well let me also just say that um it's disturbing to me that Mr kugman would not address the community as I pointed out the last meeting he came to one of our meetings two of our meetings and said and said one in a in a close setting he wants to be part of the community these non-payments coincide with all the published reports about the financial problems he's having and I wanted him to clarify um the only statement we got was this project was going to be built by him now I don't know Mr fol what's the current status do you know of the work going on is there work proceeding my my understanding there is um I'll put it on the list of that okay now I have one final request under the terms of our agreement you your client was supposed to provide us with monthly updates as to the as to the progress of of this of this of this um building and he has not done so for years and we've requested this information repeatedly when he comes back we need an explanation as to why he's not given us those reports and when does he ever plan on doing it because I shouldn't be having to ask its attorney that question that that's information that the burrow needs to manage it's traffic flow everything it's information our engineer needs it's information the governing body needs it's part of the agreement and John I I think that Rob gave me an update this afternoon that they are are going to be pouring cement tomorrow in order to finish the parking garage and they requested the services of our police department and we are going to allow it be even though we're still the police are owed 20,500 because we we want you to keep on moving on the project and if it if we need to offer the police services for in for safety reasons so that you could do that we want them to keep on moving um every time they stop my phone rings off the hook what's going on down there and I don't have any any answers for anyone so when we see that you're working we want to keep you working but we also need some kind of um reciprocal we need the reports the monthly reports that were promised in the agreement we need consideration back we're making a consideration to give you the police even though you still owe them money um and I think it would be a appropriate for you to give us some kind of feedback on what's going on down there and finally I I think I covered it briefly but not I don't think I know you're writing it I don't want to go too fast um we need to understand you know why outside of a conclusionary statement from an attorney or from him we need hard data financial information as to why these units cannot be put in to the exist existing structure at 419 just sitting here standing up in a meeting saying well we can't do it is not evidence-based it's a conclusion it sounds like he just doesn't want to do it you want to prove that wrong show us the financials of the project I think we're entitled to it at this point to maybe he's right I don't know I don't know if you is right but that that one I can address about um or not fully addressed okay I I won't be able to address everything that you had just asked about it but um I will address it in uh part is that uh in terms of the affordable housing units and why they are offsite that has been part of the settlement agreement with uh the buau and um that settlement agreement was how the buau addressed its Municipal constit its constitutional obligation to provide the affordable housing uh units so that was part of the overarching settlement agreement did you did not necessarily I was on the Town Council back then I was a council woman so I have my own knowledge of this they asked to put them off site because they wanted to maximize 419 and put as many market rate units than they could so they did come in and ask can we put them off site that was agreed to in the settlement agreement but it wasn't the settlement agreement they have to provide the 29 units I don't know that it was in the settlement agreement particular that they can be not that they have to be they can can be the approval itself from the planning board also said that the uh seven units can be offsite right so that goes to my point right I need to know why it can't be um that part I will somewhat address I don't think it's an appropriate question if they can be off site then there is no reason why the buau would need to know why it can't be unless the bur is trying to force them back onto the site if they can be off site through the settlement agreement through the approval then that is our client's right there there does not need to be any proof showing that it it's um that it can't be on it as part of 419 okay so I I I will push back on that that is part of their rights in the settlement agreement in the planning board approval that has been contemplated from day one uh so that is our client's right to put them off site it's a that's a good answer thank you appreciate that okay but let me let me respond um it's a good legal answer but yeah there's the option that he has but he's supposed to work with us so it's not just a blank a blanket option is it the way the agreement's written right so you got to work with us and if you want something outside of because I don't want to or you should work with your partners you should provide your monthly uh statements you should pay your tax you should do all this other stuff right so what we're asking maybe I'm not going to concede the point because I don't necessarily for not I don't want bring it into a different I don't want show you a brief that we're going to be writing soon but I'll say this to you um given the totality of what we just presented tonight in terms of the finances the the public problems with your client that's the information that's public I you know um I think I think he owes that to the taxpayers you know because you know it's it's it's not working the way he's doing it it's not working he's not working with his partner not giving them not giving not paying the bills not paying you know it's just not it's not working we're not a we're not a uh we're not one of the subcontractors that works for him we're a partner right so I thank you for coming in tonight I'll get back to you uh on whether or not we're going to continue a meeting it's your request to continue it to uh have your people commit and respond I don't I I I in this form I don't think I don't think it's it's appropriate at this moment but I will get back to you on it so I I think that what he's trying to say is the governing body will discuss whether or not your professionals need to come in before we could make a decision or is that going to I'm sorry is that going to be discussed tonight is the burrow going to either make a decision no tonight or no because we have to hear from the lawyer remember we have to he from so regardless the decision isn't being made tonight and then response is just whether we are going to be able to have our planners be able to respond yes thank you thank you for coming in this evening may I have a motion to close the public portion on this topic please second all in favor any opposed okay we're going to move on um we will have another public portion of the meeting on any topic um after we go through the agenda thank you excuse me mayor is there any do we need Caroline John and okay Caroline thank you for coming in Dave you get to stay you can go back in the comfy chair if you'd like this is a good chair okay so now we're going to go back to new business where we are going to discuss best practices inventory survey Rob would you please talk about the best practices inventory survey the 2024 best practices consist of 69 categories which are broken up into the following categories core competencies 41 what core competencies core core c r e competencies 41 best practices 11 and unscored Survey 17 and in order to receive the full Municipal Aid allocation a municipality must score a total of 35 points or better and I am pleased to say that the B of Emerson achieved a score of 41 in 2024 a section of the unscored survey section focused on affordable housing and with the third round coming this is unsurprising while it's difficult to get a perfect score on the best practices it does help us as a municipality make sure we are trending in the right direction as well as given as gives us a certain goal to strive for that was written by our CFO uh Lauren roor um and our CFO I want to thank her for her tremendous work on this best practices along with uh our Clerk and and our attorney to getting back and getting the answers uh on this for the best practices uh this is something that we have to do every year in order to make the municipal you get our Municipal Aid uh and we have always as since I've been here now uh we have always made sure that we've got over the level to make sure we have our full Aid and I thank them for their hard work and diligence on this job everybody I know it's always a team effort to in order to get everything accomplished and uh the governing body appreciates everybody's hard work all right we're going to move on to um f uh project year I was going to say physical project year 2025 2026 Community Development Block Grant cdbg application um Rob this is for the one going forward so I could picky back with you cor sure um so Emerson is no longer eligible to use cdbg money this is the correct right in order to pave roads and over the last several years we have paved a rotor to using these monies after applying for the grant um there the other thing that we've been permitted to also do our curb Cuts almost all of our curb cuts are finished in fact I think they'll be completed after uh project year 2024 which is going to be happening in the next few weeks um and then we will have no more what they call Virgin curb Cuts if a curb cut has been done and it's broken and needs to be repaired this grant cannot cover it it needs to be virgin so I got on the phone and I called up cdbg because this was new information after the 2020 Grant and I said what exactly can we apply for that we may meet a requirement in order to um get the cdbg money and not leave money on the table and I had a nice conversation with several people down there and ultimately with Rob ESP Rob esposa who was the director down there um and one of the things um is I should have taken my notes handicap barriers so if there's a a structural barrier that we can change we could do something like that but it can't be fixed so I said we have a ramp outside and it needs to be repaired that is not what we can do what we would have to do is if we wanted to make a bathroom that's existing a handicap bathroom we could apply for a grant for that so it we have it would need some kind of structural change in order to turn it into handicap accessible one of the other things that we could do um is apply for money for our seniors so that they can have enrichment down there um painting classes Zumba classes yoga classes they could use money and order to go on cultural trips um I know they went to kookers which was like a German October Fest and they learned about um German Heritage that would be an appropriate um expenditure for this grant so I think that we need to get our grant uh committee together and talk about what we want to apply for since we are no longer eligible to use it for roads and curb Cuts Dave do you have any kind of suggestions I and I was at the mayor's meeting last week and I asked the other Mayors because we're kind of all in the same boat in the pasac valley where we're out of the threshold for receiving this money and um I think they just don't apply for the money which I think is leaving money on the table and I think this governing body likes to take advantage of whatever we can in order to enrich programs and whatnot in the burrow and save tax dollars and not have to spend it so have you seen other circumstances like this in other municipalities and what have they specifically applied for um it's a good question unfort I'm in some of those some of those communities where they don't submit for anything um I want to say one of them did submit for Stuff related to their senior facility whether it was um stuff with some of the HVAC stuff as well as may have been a little bit different of Grant but they have a kitchen in one of there so they got Monies to red the kitchen yeah I think that this money um did the kitchen I'm going to say almost 20 years ago okay um but if you look at their kitchen it's like a TV set and it's it's still impeccable so I don't think that they're ready for an upgrade in the kitchen just yet do something for the kids it can't be anything for the kids unless it's for um actually no it can't be anything for the kids no cuz we haded handicap it could be I believe it could be for a park but it has to be only handicap accessible so if we were going to do a park it would be putting in um barrier free um swings and um equipment specific to children with special needs handicap specials I think we also tried one year to do the a pavilion here and and I asked him about the Pavilion and he said that would not qualify because it would have to be only for the seniors nobody else could use it so it was denied later after they found out that there wasn't going to be I think Michelle explained to me they wanted a gate around it so that nobody else could use it other than thei Barre which bared wire so we don't think that that would be appropriate but um I did speak to Mr Esposito today okay and he is looking into some other options to see what we can or cannot do and he's going to get back to me tomorrow morning um the question about kids as you just said is that there's the part of the grant if you read it in here that which due on the 20th of December that we file for says that um that we can put in potentially and its potential it depends on each town and where we fit in there and whether we would qualify under the new guidelines and that's where he's checking is it says HVAC window emergency generators handicap accessible doors restroom upgrades also there's stuff for playground and park upgrades there's also sewers and drainage improvements we do not know whether we are going to qualify for those until he checks everything officially tomorrow once he does and he tells me whether we can apply for some of those we will have a better answer of exactly what we could or could not do right so I think what's appropriate this at this point is we need to have a grant committee meeting and we need to do it on the faster side and we as John mentioned um uh um we are going to trial for the um uh Redevelopment litigation on November 4th um and then uh there's the league of municipalities the third week so that brings and then it's Thanksgiving which brings us very quickly to December when we start thinking about reorg everything so if we could have a meet and I know you have the wedding and all everything going on so if we could have a meeting in the next week and try to figure out what we could apply for after Rob speaks to Mr Esposito I think that's the best um route for us to take to take advantage of the money can we take advantage of that like in a walking path for the seniors no because it would have to have a gate around it so that could only be used for the seniors I asked him that already gotta it it's a very very specific and I think that towns um I guess after 2020 because our home values will have been going up um that we are in a a a little different of a circumstance which is in all honesty a good thing um we're a more desirable town to be in because of our um after the census information um and it just kind of kicks us out of the box of applying for um this particular Grant but there are ways to take advantage of it and I think that after Rob has that conversation a few of us could sit together in committee and figure out how we want to move forward okay um and then we'll move on to the burough website um Michelle and Tria have been working very hard on the website and uh we did have a um it meeting and we talked about the different websites the it directed them to kind of get more information and now her report is coming to the full governing body Michelle you have the mic thank you mayor um please speak directly into your microphone sure I'm looking right at it and I'm I'm in the green zone so um uh currently we have um catalyst is the Burrow's website vendor and the last re uh the last design template update that they performed for the borrow was in 2020 um which we're currently still operating on this version in 2024 we budgeted around $3,100 for their services including content management website hosting and accessibility compliance other things um over the past year the clerk's office along with the administration and Technology committee has been working to enhance the user experience as well as to stay current with everchanging technological Trends we've been making updates in an effort to make the website more user friendly ly and information more read readily visible but we're limited by the current platform we're currently operating on and on a somewhat regular basis um the staff and I sit down to brainstorm for a few minutes and we have received some good suggestions for updates from the governing body um as well as residents and some of which we have implemented we've been able to implement we have received uh some positive comments on these updates but again we are limited right now with what we can do and often when we call support um they're friendly but they say that they can't assist us with what we're trying to do due to the website version the outdated website version that we're currently uh using um some examples um that um are that we wanted to embed uh the news and current events um so that this information is prominently featured and eye-catching and we don't have to uh keep typing on the homepage we wanted to put all that on the homepage so it's just right there um and you know putting the Flyers uh so that you know they catch everyone's eye but and and kind of make it appealing but uh unfortunately we're not able to do that in the ver this version um we were able to embed our Facebook page on the Burrows um website's homepage but uh unfortunately we can't choose where to place it so it's all the way at at the bottom um so again we're limited with our customization options using this version so we've been looking into new website designs and we have had presentations from a few companies um as well as other companies as well as catalysts uh to learn about new website features and um after reviewing the options with the technology committee we would like to recommend staying with catalysts and entering a multi-year agreement a 4-year agreement we considered uh factors such as cost project timeline customization capabilities as well as the overall design Aesthetics and we believe that Catalyst came in with the most affordable proposal at $2,300 for the first year to your saving $800 um over what was budgeted this year uh the quickest turnaround for a full website redesign um at 3 to six months where others were saying six to n months um because they currently manage the content on our website and most of the ideas and suggestions that we threw at them we they said to us um that we'd be able to implement them in the new version so we need we need the new version in order to do anything so if we just stay with the old version we can't do any of these upgrades yeah I mean we're we're we're limited all right that's the word of the night so you want our blessing in order to um yeah so up does anybody have any questions or comments um if it sounds like you pretty thoroughly vetted this we did we looked at about um four uh four different companies so so did you prepare a resolution yes if you're so inclined we have a resolution that's prepared it is 24124 um can we add this to the consent agenda if if you want to add all right I'm going to pass this that everybody could take a look at it and then um if you guys agree we're going to add this to the uh consent agenda and vote on it on mass with all the others I I would say that um if you are going to consider um adding it to the consent agenda that it be subject to um Mr mcan's review revie it right now no I have a pile of things to rev not yet I'm actually doing something else for okay can everyone else take a look at what um it does uh the total cost would be um $1,061 over the four years so it's not it it's it's every year will'll still be under the 3,100 that's been budgeted and it's and it's actually less expensive when we were in our meeting um to switch over just for the first year to some of the newer websites it was over $10,000 that's great right so we're going to stay with what they kind of already know and learn new ways to improve on it and it's going to be less expensive than it already was that was budgeted for yes and then in in about three years you should revisit and and you know so a good working relationship with them you know that their support is present available to you they're very responsive okay so everyone take a look at that after John does and then um we could make a motion when we come out of close to ask add that to the consent agenda if you guys so please um now we are going to move on one more oh absolutely um I just want to thank Tria I want to give a shout out to Tria because she's awesome and um she's been working hard to update the website um and and doing all this research along with John um our new former intern now part-time uh employee so I agree the user experience on our website has improved stuff you are able to do and going with catalyst's new version I think it improves user experience even more uh improves our resident communication both to and from and uh we even have the ability to add on different things if we choose in the future so it's not limited to just what we have right now if there's further Improvement we want other options there yes thank you the thing that we really have to do is you know engage more people in going to our website and using it and going to our Facebook page and using that and going to Twitter and joining all these different platforms that we have to get on information because we do have a fall Harvest Festival coming on Sunday and um some people still don't know about it what was the date of that the Harvest Festival is this Sunday October October 20th and I'm shocked that some people still don't know what's happening because I feel like we've really so I think we all have to take a concerted effort that when we're you know with friends or with neighbors or whatever to make sure that they are signed up for all of these dist PL different platforms so they're getting the information okay so we're going to add that later after everybody looks at it and that will bring us to introduction of ordinances um Miss Ryan will announce by number and title the following ordinances upon approval these ordinance will be further considered at public hearing to be held on November 12th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be addressed in the council chambers of the burrow Hall Municipal Place Emerson New Jersey and published in the record all ordinances are on the burrow website and on file in the office of the municipal clerk if anyone would like copies Miss Ryan would you please read the title of ordinance 1694 d24 yes mayor um this is ordinance 169 4-24 an ordinance of the burrow of Emerson Bergen County New Jersey to amend in its entirety chapter 247 storm water management article one storm water control may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 1694 d24 on first reading can I can I ask Dave one question sure so in your opinion one more time we don't have to go further than this you think this kind of meets the needs of where The pasag Valley in general is yeah okay okay is that a motion to I'll make that motion thank you and a second second and may I have a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman right yes councilwoman Maguire council president Timmerman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman sers yes pass 6 okay Miss Ryan would you please read the title of ordinance 1695 -24 yes I will um this is ordinance 1695 d24 an ordinance of the burrow of Emerson Burton County New Jersey to establish chapter 247 stormwater management article 10 entitled privately owned salt storage may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 169 5-24 on first reading some second and a roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman R councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman sers yes passes 6 Z okay our next item is adoption of ordinances of which there are none that will be at our November 12th meeting after the public hearing um and that brings us to reports councilwoman arenia Do you have a report for us this evening I do I have a brief one love to hear it your phone's silenced now correct huh your phone is silenced now yeah very I I thought I had it on time the first time but must the wrong um the Emerson Board of Health is sponsoring a free babies vaccination clinic for dogs and cats Saturday November 9th from 11: a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the DPW garage and the Emerson Board of Health and new bridge Medical Center will be holding a flu and covid-19 vaccine clinic on Thursday November 14th from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the senior center so this is your opportunity to get a vaccine if you have not yet oh and Nicole we're having I'm going to announce another opioid um presentation and I think for some reason um Northwest keeps double booking it on the same day as the Board of Health meeting um could you let them know that it's going on and that we welcome them down at the senior center when their meeting is over thank you okay um councilwoman rice do you have a report um for the Board of Ed the uh construction or the demolition started at the tennis courts and uh Dr n wanted to say thank you to uh mayor and councilwoman McGuire for attending um the walk bike and roll event at theana earli this week yeah it was last week on uh Friday Friday and then for uh the fire the fire department report councilman Timberman council president was there too sorry I can't he might not have seen him because he was walking so quickly with the children Jill and I kind of hung back a little um and then the fire department report is um bunch of different items total of 195 manh hours from commercial fire alarms to vehicle fire um gas leaks that's all okay Council McGuire do you have a report I do um for the library uh circulation for September is was up 12.68% from September of 2023 there's always a lot going on at the library they host a wealth educational and recreational adult and youth programs such as the Knitter circle chair yoga book groups movie mes Story Time music and play groups check out their calendar of events at www.mon library.com um as councilwoman rice had mentioned I participated in the annual Bano walk to school day with the community this past Friday this event is a fun way to promote physical activity and reinforce pedestrian and bicyclist safety skills it was a great event it was a beautiful morning and we all over energized that's great I'm going to piggyback up just about the library real quick so they recently had their 50th Anniversary at the location of 20 Palisade AB which I think we previously reported um if you don't use the library residents you need to start getting down to the library um I don't even as use it as much as I should I heard that last week or two weeks ago they had a medium that came um they have from Toddlers to seniors they have so many great events please check their uh website and kudos to any member of this municipality that served on the library board or a friend of the library in order to raise money for the library over the last 50 years that have kept that Library as vibrant as it is so I do implore you go to their website check it out they have painting they have uh chair yoga they have story time for the kids um if you're if you're not checking out the library on a on a weekly basis you're missing out um council president do you have any for us this evening um as you mentioned earlier the fall Harvest Festival is this Sunday uh October 20th and the rec committee commission is hard at work finishing planning for that it's going to be a great event uh also next Friday is the soccer social their annual fundraiser Friday October 25th you can reach out to them on social media for more information and also National Drug takeback day is Saturday October 26th you may turn in medication that you're not using anymore for safe disposal at the Emerson Police Headquarters between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. that's it very good councilman Gordon do you have a report for us this evening DPW they've been quite busy they've repaired the the ramp here at the burough Hall they've also taken care of the sign on kerack road in Baza West and they've also repaired and painted the trail as Centennial Park along with the rest of their details that they do thank you I can tell you that I've been down at the DPW over the last week preparing for the Harvest Festival um Nick who works at the DPW is a woodworker and he cut out um some cutouts that I have been painting and he helped me a little bit today with some of the painting and it's been kind of fun down at the DPW and see all of the stuff that they accomplish during a day as they come and go in their trucks and they move on um from task to task but um they're really hardworking guys and I I want to thank them for working as hard as they do Ashley do you have a report for us yes I do Ashley councilwoman say um free paper leaf bags are still available to residents at the DPW Garage on a first come first serve basis bags may be collected by homeowners only Monday to Monday to Sun Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. through November 10 20 bags per household will be given out during the first round of distribution the second round of distribution starts the week of October 21st and goes through November 8th um additionally start getting your unwanted confidential papers ready for Emerson's free paper shredding event which will be on Saturday November 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the DPW Recycling Center thank you one of my favorite days of the year shredding day um I'll go on with my report um as council president said we're all really excited for the fall Harvest Festival um this is not a completely free event I just don't want anyone to come down and expect a free event like they do on town egg this is more of a fundraiser for the recommission um there will be food trucks a beer garden um there will be for um children pick a pumpkin for free um and there will be arts and crafts for a small fee um and hay rides so we hope to see everybody there but um please bring a few dollars with you because if you want to eat something at the food trucks you'll have to purchase it um the fire department is holding its annual fire safety open house house tomorrow October 16th at 6:00 p.m. um on October 2nd I attended a grand open opening ribbon cutting at local infusion which just opened up next to shoppr Plaza and uh it's a new place for people with autoimmune deficiencies and um different illnesses to go and get infusions um that that's local here I also attended the Bergen County Economic resiliency advisory committee's annual ual mayor's meeting at Soldier Hill Golf Course where we discussed many opportunities including economic growth in our towns such as attracting new businesses and being film ready to Market Emerson to the television and Motion Picture industry um we also learned about different shared services that are available from the county to help save on costs for our towns I've gone over that with Mr Hermanson and Michelle and given them the brochures that were handed out um one of the ones that keep on talking about is the ambulance service that is being provided by the county and because we uh are have Holy Name covering US during the day um every time uh Jim tadesco the county executive talks about it he's staring right at me because they have nine ambulances right now and they are moving to a fleet of 12 and they are stationed all over so I think that is something that we need to um look at that very soon Rob before um October's over and make a decision on that how we're going to move with that um the next thing uh we did go to the Walk and Roll which was a lot of fun um I get to listen to the band practice um starting in August and I will say that the high school band has become they are such a great marching band at this point they were playing such great music that kudos to them and to um their band director because they're really doing a wonderful job it's just funny because I get to hear them when they're first getting together in the first of the year and then they were just so fantastic last week um the mayor's Wellness campaign as I mentioned will be having a community conversation on opioid misuse among teens we did do this in the spring it was attended um by several older people in town but uh residents but that have grandchildren that they were concerned about but I really want to encourage any Resident to please come down here uh on October 24th at the senior center at 7:00 this conversation was so moving and so um enlightening about drugs and everybody thinks they've heard everything about drugs there's new drugs fentanyl is out there we will be handing out um free Naran uh that you can keep on hand if you think that someone you know is using drugs in order to possibly save their life so please please come to this very important talk um the Emerson fire department will be hosting their annual ragamuffin parade on Saturday October 26th at noon the parade will begin on High Street and Highland Avenue and it ends at the firehouse with refreshments and a costume contest the rain date is Sunday October 27th uh two important programs that I encourage eligible residents to participate in for property tax relief are the 2023 senior freeze program and the anchor rebate program uh we've talked about those in the past if you want any further information on them please call Lauren at our tax office and if you did already apply for the anchor rebat rebate be on the lookout because uh payments have started to get deposited into your bank accounts um another program that I strongly urge residents to look into is the Emerson's home Home Improvement program that we've talked about here before it provides up to $117,000 in assistance to qualified residents who meet eligibility requirements to make needed repairs for roofs foundations heating electrical Windows insallation plumbing and more you can visit the burrow website or ww. CG p.net for more information on this program uh on November 11th the governing body and American Legion Post 269 will be honoring those who served our country at our Veterans Day ceremony on Monday November 11th at 11:00 a.m. sharp that will be at the senior center the Emerson Police Department's community policing program will be generously providing a full breakfast starting at 10:00 a.m. from flynns Deli um if you need any information on any of these events they're all on the website barel Hall will be closed that day November n 11th in observance of Veterans Day our next meeting uh will be preempted to Tuesday November 12th uh because election day is on November 5th so we'll be here November 12th at 7:30 um I do want to acknowledge that today is our burrow administrator Rob hermanson's 5-year anniversary with the burrow of Emerson we thank you for your service to the burrow Rob thank you um and congratulations to hackensac golf club on their 125th anniversary on Saturday I will be attending their Gala and presenting a proclamation on behalf of the governing body I want to wish our residents a happy and safe Halloween just a reminder for our residents that under 18 the curfew is 9 p.m. on Cabbage Night yes it's Cabbage Night in Emerson some people may call it other things but here in Emerson we call it cabbage night which is Wednesday October 30th and also on Thursday October 31st under 18 the curfew is 9:00 p.m. or the police will be asking stopping you and asking you to go home and I'm almost at of breath and last but not least I don't think she watches anymore but on the odd chance that she does Happy Birthday J DJ we really miss you rob do you have anything I'll go Dave us but I'll just augo a couple of things that I think Dave won't talk about so um we have our public notice for 2025 rfqs are out uh submissions for our Professional Services uh are due back by Wednesday December 4th 2024 at 4:30 p.m. uh information can be found on our website um one of my second thing that I'd like to talk about again is the psng uh roadwork uh again there's been uh you know questions about where they are when they're coming and how are you our garbage trucks are coming out earlier the reason why the garbage trucks are coming out earlier is in order to service all of our houses uh to make sure that they're taking care of before the road starts psng cannot necessarily give us a direct uh list of where they're going to be the entire week I'm going to raise my hand on I know how does the garbage know where to go early because the garbage is just going out AO automatically the whole town early they're basically they're starting notic that in my neighborhood but they're starting out in certain sections because they're starting out where they where the work has been prior and to know the main roads to get off those roads in order to to pick up the garbage well I did write you an email today I know to ask for specific CG and get a more concrete of what they're doing because I know that a couple of residents in particular are very bothered at the 500 a.m. Pi up of the garbage I've spoken to one of the residents and we've gone back and forth on Exchange she was actually pleased with the my response to her and then thought that it had stopped and then got a response this morning and then realized that there was work being done again in her area the what happens is and this is what psng has explained to us is that they continue once they do the work on their on the street on the outside they have to go in to do the work on the homes the only way they know when they've got spots in order to do those homes is where they have at least three homes on a street that they're going to go back to they will not go back to a street yet that has only two that's responded when it gets to three so if a the house has responded with three they go back so they do not necessarily know the day before until they check where the next where the ne where the homeowners are responding so as I have said at the last meeting and I will say it again for those homeowners please respond to psng on about coming in to do the do the work by of your house otherwise they will be continuing to come back multiple times um on doing that road work so we would like to have that done quickly and as efficiently as possible so that's the second thing third the adjustments have been made on Lynwood Avenue traffic light to improve the flow of traffic during the periods of 7:45 a.m. to 900 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday during these times there are an EXT extra 15 seconds of of the green light I invite those who pass through during those times to contact the buau administrator myself to let me know how this is working this has been an additional 15 minutes that they extended on on those for 15 minutes for the app because it was before and now they've so they've added that time uh we have believe that we have seen a much better flow of traffic during those times uh which we are hoping that this is continue uh to benefit the the on the residence yes it's 15 seconds on both sides the lwood side and the kinderart side it'll be just on the Lynwood side I don't know I've seen the change it it has we we stood out there traffic was back all the well sometimes like I said you get more active traffic and other days and whatever because like I said guys are saying that it changed oh no it it definitely has all right we stood out there my the poli police chief and myself during those times and it has actually you can see the amount of cars that are going through it it moves much it definitely moves faster on there than what we have seen before so we're hoping that it continues and we'll see what happens on that um the I believe you're going to touch on the The Pump Station so I'm not going to touch on those yet uh but I also want to congratulate our councilwoman uh Maguire on the uh this weekend on the her son who is getting married congratulations and that's it we'll wait for the photos I'm sure there'll be some on Facebook Alexander Tri for [Laughter] emersonians all right up to me all right so the uh fiscal year 24 Capital Road program the contractor mobilized today so you'll start seeing uh some work taking place this week they'll be doing uh concrete work uh particularly over at Cindy Lane um they'll be doing some concrete work here at town hall and then they're also going to be doing some sidewalk replacement at Sunset Park um once that work is completed the follow up with the milling and Paving of the uh the roadways that are part of the program uh ideally I would Envision uh concrete's about a week and then the milling and Paving is about a week as well so um so just bear with us as the uh contractor Works in town this this wait I blanked for a second you're talking about Cindy Lane no no no no no but but Cindy Lane is one of the roads as part of your Capital roads okay I can roll into Cindy Lane I I would because we're really I think our residents have been really really patient agreed and they're they're losing patience at this point so I think there needs to be an end in sight there there is there is um the electrical work has been completed over there uh the last step is where we are um waiting for the actual dates from the pumps company um what they have to do is they will come to the site they do the startup of the pumps to make sure that everything is operating properly check the controls as well as work with our communication company to make sure that the emergency alerts go out um when and if there is an event at the station so the public works is notified of any issues if there's you know high levels due to you know storm events or different things of that nature um as far as the date I don't have a specific date yet um we're anticipating within the next two weeks that we will have the station up and running and get those ugly eyesore of pumps out of there as well as the temporary piping so that is what we're pushing them for um it's been a long drawn out project unfortunately due to a number of different uh variables out of our control um as far as Randol a pump station we're working with the contractor to get all the submitt uh finalized so we can get things moving along at that pump station um I would Envision that one moving much more uh efficiently just due to uh different contractors with that so so the problem was the contractor you think in getting the um parts for Cindy Lane it it's a it um It's a combination of that I mean it l pump stations unfortunately the material a lot of the materials aren't here in the US a lot of it's coming from overseas we I've been involved in pump stations for 15 20 years it's just a very long process getting all the equipment and all the specialty stuff because it gets designed for your particular station that you have um why it's that way I can't tell you just how now that we're going to have two brand new pump stations we don't have to worry about this for a long time right that is correct I'm knocking on wood yes yes knock on the wood yes as long as no one flushes yes no no wipes this is coun Gordon's monthly reminder to not the white wipes that they say are wi of are flushable they're no good for anything they're no good for your pipes they're no good for our sewers please don't flush them good for the pump station you could use them just don't flush them yes yes and I know the The Pump Station guys always Tred to come up with new and invent of things to help prevent those issues but unfortunately the paper companies keep figuring out ways to cause other issues so um so those are the items that I have to update tonight okay thank you does anybody have any questions for Dave no okay um do we need Dave for Clos session we do okay you going to get to stay with us a little longer you it's all good lucky you all right so now we're going to open up to public comment members of the public oh do oh I'm sorry you have a report I'm sorry you don't often haveen I apologize acting clerk Ryan would you please give us your report this evening sure um just some election 2024 information and timelines if you need a vote by mail ballot please visit the Bor clerk's office feel free to come in um the deadline to apply for a vote by mail ballot by mail is October 29th you can also um go on the website um as well if you have if you already have a vote by mail ballot you can return it um in the drop box located outside B Hall on the municipal play side for a list of other dropbox locations please visit our elections page on our website which is www. Emerson nj.org elction all vote by mail ballots must be in the Drop Boxes by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday November 5th to count um early voting will take place from October 26th through November 3rd um the hours of the voting and uh early voting locations can be found on our website on our election page um or you can feel free to call us um if you prefer to vote on Election Day it is Tuesday November 5th polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. if you have any questions about where you vote please contact us that concludes my report thank you very good thank you thanks Michelle and thank you for keeping the Democratic process moving smoothly in our Barrow all right so now that brings us to our public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic by coming to the podium and stating your name for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to 3 minutes in consideration of all who may wish to speak please keep your comments brief and concise may I have a motion to open the meeting to public comment all in favor any opposed we're open uh seeing No Hands may I have a motion to close the meeting to General comments from the public second all in favor any opposed we are now closed to the public um did everybody take a look at that resolution that Michelle made up um should do would you like to make a motion to add that to the consent agenda anybody I'll make a motion second all right so you're going to make a motion to add resolution number 24124 to authorize an agreement with Catalyst for website Services subject to burrow attorney review and approval right yes all right so Jill makes that motion um councilwoman you seconded that yes okay and a roll call on that to adding it councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman right councilwoman Maguire council president Timmerman yes councilman Gordon yes and councilwoman s yes okay and then wait what's the number of that again I just lost my place 2 41244 one two four and now may I was writing down the other resolution for the other thing um and now we need a motion to approve the full consent agenda including that addition uh 23824 through 24824 24124 second roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice councilwoman Maguire council president simmerman councilman Gordon and councilwoman sers yes pass is 6 Z mayor thank you and now we are going to make a motion to go into closed executive session to discuss matters except from the public pursuant to njsa 104-1 at SEC and adequately noticed by resolution number 24 2-24 second roll call please councilwoman arenia councilwoman rice councilwoman Maguire yes council president Timberman yes councilman Gordon and councilwoman sers yes passes 6 okay we are now in close session if you are on YouTube you said October 24th was the um opio yes sorry seven um we are now going into Clos if you are on YouTube you're welcome to stay on YouTube until we return at which time formal action may be taken may have a motion to reconvene second do we have any further business no with no further business may I have a motion to adjourn at 10:36 p.m. second all in favor any adjourned see it's a harvest f the all