##VIDEO ID:jRBwS7uJzCs## okay we're live Tria thank you okay take two here we go good evening and happy New Year welcome to the January 7th 2025 reorganization meeting of the Emerson governing body this meeting is being videotaped and may be viewed from a link on the burrow website as well as on Verizon FiOS channel 36 and cable vision Channel 77 please turn off your cell phone ringtones in case of a fire follow the fire exit signs above each door and exit calmly this meeting is also being live streamed on YouTube via a link on the homepage of the burrow website www. Emerson nj.org the YouTube link is for viewing purposes only and is not interactive Mr Chris Johnson love of my life would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance that's our tap now flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I would ask you to remain standing for a moment of silence for Colleen ghold she was a longtime Emerson resident and she will be missed I'd also like to take a moment of Silent for um President Jimmy Carter thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law and adequately notied pursuant to njsa 10-4-10 in accordance with such Provisions adequate notice of this reorganization meeting was published in the record and in the Ridgewood news on December 27th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute Miss Ryan would you please call the Roll Call of the governing body sure councilwoman arenia here councilwoman rice here councilwoman Maguire is absent and councilman Timberman here I'm here too and mayor depal may I have a motion to excuse councilwoman Maguire from tonight's meeting as she is feeling ill second all in favor any opposed okay um Miss Ryan would you please announce the certification of the 2024 general election results sure mayor on November 20th 2024 the Bergen County Clerk certified the results of the 2024 general election Ashley sers and Megan chelino were elected for the two open Council seats for a full three-year term ending December 31st 2027 thank you Michelle which means our next up is our swearing in ceremony of our newly elected councilwoman's I would please invite councilwoman Ashley seers to please join me up here with your family to take the oath of office you're hold the Bible right stand right you guys hold the Bible for your mom do it like this hold the Bible out to her like that okay both of you hold back up a little bit move John's gonna take some John you can come right up here if you want ready don't be nervous it's easy I Ashley say it I asly say do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I Ashley Sayers I Ashley Sayers do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of a member of the council all the duties of a member of the Council of the burrow of Emerson of the burrow of Emerson according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] councel okay do you want to bring anyone else up for your family for photos sure there's a lot of them enough it's a family affair it's Emerson take your coats off come on up and we'll have John take a photo so you don't have to worry about not hello hello I noticed that right away okay all right Ashley please take your seat on the de take your oath and then pass it down to me to sign Megan chelina would you please join me up here with your family you guys hold Bible here face your mom a little bit we going to do it like this I'm going to try and keep you guys in the picture so I can read move in a little bit I'm going to do this like this so that maybe your mom could see this a little she gets nervous I'm a lot of words you're fine ready I'm Megan chelina I'm megano do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constit constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I I Meg Chino do solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of a member of the council all the duties of a member of the Council of the burrow of Emerson of the bur of Emerson according to the best of my ability according to best my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] councel okay you want to bring your CER yes they would like to join me dad lovely former councilman tackle would you like to come off gonna say that in your speech okay thank you I'm gonna give you your you sign did you get it yep thank you sweetie you're very welcome congrats stay here Megan why don't you come down Ashley and then all the council members come down we'll take one picture together I want a picture with the two of them and I want you guys to come down all right now everybody jump on down unfortunately Jo's not here for the photo but we'll get another one soon perfect thank you okay now I'm going to come back to my seat right Mich M Ryan would you please call the Roll Call of the 2025 mayor and councel yes councilwoman arenia here councilwoman rice here councilman Timberman here councilwoman sers here and councilwoman Leno here don't call my name any and mayor here present okay may I have a motion to approve resolution number 01 D2 appoint acting burough clerk Michelle Ryan for the term January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 some second roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilman Timberman yes councilwoman sers yes and councilwoman chelino yes pass is 5 mayor thank you the next item on the agenda is resolution number 02-25-20 D4 at SEC fair and open for the term January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 uh burrow Attorney John mccan Esquire alternate burrow attorney Randy T Pierce burrow labor Council Katherine M Elston alternate labor Council Randy T Pierce special Council affordable housing Brian T Giblin senior spe special Council Redevelopment Randy t t Pierce burrow engineer Michael J neglia burrow auditor Gary Higgins Bond counsel Steve rogot municipal prosecutor Christoper Kane burough planner Caroline Ryder tax appeal expert witness Robert mcer tax appeal attorney John KY Risk Management Consultant Professional Insurance Associates special Council litigation Randy T Pierce Redevelopment planner Caroline Ryder public defender John Carney and Alternate public defender Denise chavers all of these appointments are for one year from January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 may I have a motion to approve resolution 2-2 burrow professional appointments awarding professional service contracts using the fair and open process by one roll call vote so move second roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilman Timberman yes councilwoman seers yes and councilwoman chelino yes congratulations to all of our professionals um we do have Oaths that are at the table up front if you want to wait a few minutes minutes and sign your oath before you leave this evening um we'll send you a copy of it and keep one on file the next item on our agenda is the adoption of governing body bylaws the voting and seating order for 2025 will be from right to left facing the de councilwoman rice councilwoman sers councilwoman Maguire councilwoman arenia councilman Timberman and councilwoman chelino may I have a motion to approve resolution number 0325 so move second roll call please councilwoman arenia yes councilwoman rice yes councilman Timberman yes councilwoman sers yes and councilwoman chelina yes the next item on the agenda is the election of the president of the council for the year 2025 may I have a motion to open the floor for nominations so moved second all in favor I I are there any nominations for the office of council president I have a nomination yes I'd like to nominate councilwoman arenia do I have a second yes second are there any other nominations may I have a motion to close the floor to nominations I move all in FA all in favor I okay may I have a motion to appoint councilwoman Nicole arenia as council president for the term ending 12312 so move second roll call please councilwoman R yes councilwoman sers yes councilwoman arenia yes councilman Timberman yes and councilwoman Chino yes councilwoman arenzy will you now take your seat as council president for the term ending December 31st 2025 [Applause] congratulations call and then Mike probably has to just switch next on the agenda is resolution 0525 Council appointments of the class three member for the luse board may I have a motion to open the floor for nominations so move can I get a second second okay we are open for nominations the floor is open does anyone wish to nominate and name one of our council members as the C class three l manuse board member I'd like to make a nomination okay I would like to nominate Council woman Chile okay are there any other nominations I'll second well okay let's close the floor to nominations first and now may I have a motion to appoint councilwoman Megan chelino as the class three land use board me member for the term ending 12312 so second roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman sers yes council president arenia yes councilman Timberman yes councilwoman chelina yes councilwoman chelino is now our class three land use board member for the term ending December 31st 2025 congratulations Megan there will be a short class on a Saturday that you will have to give up more time with your family in order to attend land use um but uh after that you will uh come to our meetings and be great asset I'm sure um let's see uh approve mayor and council meeting dates for calendar year 20125 I'd like the public to be aware that due to the holiday schedules and conflicts with certain days of the voting schedules and whatnot um we do not completely follow the first and third Tuesdays of the month schedule so if you are trying to come to Council meetings please check the website and make sure that we're having a meeting on the evening that you are planning on uh attending uh may I have a motion to approve resolution number 0625 approve mayor and council meeting dates for calendar year 2025 roll call please Council woman R yes councilwoman seers yes council president arenia yes councilman Timberman yes and councilwoman chelina yes pass may I have a motion to approve resolution 0725 Council appointments for calendar year 2025 should I read them or no I don't need to okay so so moved can I get a second second and a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman seers yes council president arenia councilman Timberman yes and councilwoman chelo yes passes okay may I have a motion to approve resolution 0825 annual appointment of officers and employees with Council confirmation by one roll call vote so move second and a roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman seers yes council president arenia councilman Timberman yes and councilwoman chilina yes resolution number 0925 may I have a motion to approve resolution uh for the temporary Municipal budget so move second roll call please councilwoman rice yeah councilwoman sers council president Aria yes councilwoman Timberman yes and councilwoman chelina yes passes okay um so as I said welcome to the 121st reorganization meeting of the burrow of Emerson I would like to welcome those who are joining us this evening in person as well as those who are watching us on YouTube congratulations to our newly sworn in members of the Council councilwoman Ashley sers and councilwoman Megan chelino for their first full three-year terms I look forward to and I'm excited to work with both of you as the rest of us are as well and to help us move Emerson moving into the right direction uh burrow Hall is a very busy place and there is a lot going on every day on behalf of the governing body I want to thank all of our burrow Hall staff Police Department DPW fire department ambulance Corps auxiliary police and all of the boards and commission volunteers for all of their hard work throughout the year as well as for always keeping everything running smoothly your commitment to the burrow is commendable and we thank you for that I would like to point out that the 2025 mayor and council meeting schedule as I said is different than customarily routine of the first and third Tuesdays of every month due to conflicts including the recent change of the June primary date in the spirit of transparency I want to call attention now so that the public May plan A inly please always check the website calendar for the most current information some highlights from 2024 and things that we are looking forward to in 2025 include the following we were excited to offer events and programs throughout 2024 that promoted Healthy Lifestyles and overall well-being including Community conversations as part of the mayor's Wellness Campaign which covered topics such as eating eating for health and opioid misuse among teens the 2024 summer concert series showcased local music artists and gave our residents opportunities to gather in the outdoors get some fresh air have some fun and dance in 2024 the burrow received designation as a healthy upand cominging town for our mayor's Wellness campaign programs and I look forward to resuming walks with the mayor coffee with the mayor as well as all of the other programs with different speakers that I've already mentioned the Recreation Commission put together another spectacular summer kickoff and fireworks display this past June as well as an exciting second annual fall Harvest Festival packed with fun family activities including tractor hayride and a pumpkin patch Earth Munch M 2024 was well celebrated with the environmental commissions yoga and Hiking Adventure in the woods as well as the DPW trucks and mo tour they also did an amazing job improving accessibility in the community garden with the addition of new raised garden Beds which were handbuilt by members of the emersons DPW the library continues to offer wonderful programs and activities for residents of all ages there are a variety of programs held on weekdays that are geared towards young children so if you are new to town and want to become more acclimated in the community the Emerson library is a great place to start the burrow also expanded our cultural and holiday festivities as a community this year with 2024 marking the first burrow Hanukkah celebration and manur lighting we currently are preparing for celebration to kick off Ramadan with a Cresent Moonlighting in February and even more community events are being planned for 2025 that we hope that you will join us at we are also looking to add more Recreation programs especially for adults through our Recreation program and the mayor's Wellness campaign uh while I'm talking about adults all seniors over the age of 55 should consider joining our vibrant SE SE senior group as well they meet monthly on the second Thursday of each month at the senior center and they go on fun trips and have a lot of parties down at the senior center and I'm there and they get some updates from me um I encourage our residents to sign up to receive emergency notifications and other burrow information through our Rave alert system www Emerson nj.org RVE and as always more information on all of events and current news is posted on the burrow website at www. Emerson nj.org newws or on our Facebook page and Twitter pages the Emerson volunteer ambulance Corps and the Emerson volunteer fire department are always looking for members please consider joining although it is a commitment the reward of helping your neighbors in their greatest time of need is priceless our shared service agreement with the board of education for the student resource officer SRO was renewed and a second special enforcement officer SLO was hired in order to continue to protect our schools and keep our children safe as part of our affordable housing commitment Emerson's Home Improvement program continues into 2025 information about eligib eligibility requirements and the application process is available on the Burrow's website we continue to make investments in our infrastructure that not only maintain our facilities but also bring greater efficiency to our operations as we've reported the burrow purchased a tree trimming truck which has made it more efficient for the DPW to maintain branches and trees throughout our town and has saved the expenses of Contracting out to local businesses our street sweeping shared service has been a successful and mutually beneficial agreement with Washington Township the Cindy Lane Pump Station was replaced and officially went live in December the Emerson volunteer fire department acquired a new fire Tru this year at a substantial discount off the manufacturer selling price private joke between me and councilman jman our shared service with that board of education for the pickle ball and Tennis Court project at the Emerson Junior Senior High School is well underway and we are looking forward to the grand opening in 2024 the acrian basketball courts project has been completed with resurfacing and installation of new basketball hoops although they are open for play we look forward to an official grand opening of the courts this spring we received notice from the Bergen County open space Municipal Park Improvement grant program that we were awarded $84,000 for playground improvements at rosengart Sunset Park in the coming months we will be applying for more Grant funds to improve our parks and playgrounds around town as addressing persistent flooding throughout town has been a top priority of this administration's agenda we worked very hard to successfully obtain two Appropriations totaling nearly $2 million in federal funds to help mitigate storm water and drainage issues in the areas of Forest Avenue and Jordan Road as well as Vivien Avenue and Dorchester Road the burrow is working with local officials in Bergen County on these projects which are expected to commence in 2026 the long- awaited Treat Street skate project along the Kinder kamak Road Corridor from Etna Avenue to the orodell Border is finally coming to fruition and is expected to begin this summer phase two of the Veterans Home Project will be breaking ground in the spring and will bring additional safe and affordable housing for disabled veterans as well as a dedicated meeting space for our American Legion Post 269 Heroes at our request Bergen County has put temporary trailer there for them on site so that they could meet in the meantime our investment in the installation of LED lights at bankovic field has proved worthwh resulting in a savings of $14,500 in electricity costs in 2024 with these utility savings combined with the two grants we received to offset the project cost this is a win for all psng expects to complete their gas system upgrade project in the spring and then the roadways will be repaved shortly after to enhance pedestrian and roadway safety additional stop signs have been put up on several streets in town and audible devices will be installed on the traffic signals at van Wagner Avenue by the Stop and Shop shopping plaza as well as the intersection with old Hook Road and Main Street in the next few weeks in addition to all of the changes you can see around town we are also making significant improvements to our online presence with a full website redesign coming this year the most asked about issue in town regarding the block 419 project I along with all of you are eager to see this project that the prior Administration approved to become completed as many of you are probably aware the buau was set to start a trial with the redeveloper on December 2nd on the eve of trial our assigned judge judge asuni talked with both sides and referred us to our implementation monitor retired judge Harry Carol to discuss resolution to all outstanding issues as it relates to to block 419 and the Seven off-site affordable housing units our litigation committee councilman Timberman and councilwoman arenia and I are eagerly awaiting word from the implementation monitor retired judge Harry Carrol which we hope will be in the very near future so that he may successfully guide us to a global resolution of this matter the good news is that we do see workers on site again and we are told that work is Contin continuing inside of the building I encourage you to join us at our meetings and if you can't please watch us on television or YouTube in order to keep updated on all the work the governing body and the buau has going on and as always if you need me or any member of the council please call us email us or reach out to us through the clerk's office um I'm always available as are the council members to our residents to answer questions and to listen to recommendations on how we can make our burrow even better finally thank you to the residents of Emerson for continuing to entrust us to lead our beloved family town I am truly humbled as we all are for your support this year is going to be exciting and productive one in Emerson and I wish you all a very happy and healthy [Applause] 2025 and now after my long- winded address to the assemblage we would like to hear from councilwoman sers thank you mayor good evening everybody I'm deeply honored and humbled to stand before you today as I take the oath of office as a councilwoman for our wonderful town of Emerson this moment is the culmination of not just my dedication but also the unwavering support of my family friends and the residents who placed their trust in me thank you for believing in my vision for our community being part of this council is not just about identifying problems it's about being part of the solution it's about fostering collaboration listening to diverse perspectives and making thoughtful decisions that strengthen our town having a husband who serves as a Municipal Employee in a neighboring town has given me a unique perspective on how instrumental the governing body is to the success and morale of Municipal Employees I am looking forward to working together with Emerson's dedicated team to ensure we support them in their vital roles to my family thank you for your constant encouragement to my colleagues I'm eager to work alongside you to make a meaningful difference and to the people of Emerson I promise to lead with Integrity transparency and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of our town together let's build a stronger more vibrant Emerson one that continues to be a place we're all proud to call home thank you and I look forward to serving [Music] you very nice councilwoman congratulations again and now we would love to hear from our newest councilwoman Megan chelino uh good evening everyone uh as I stood before you today I was filled with gratitude and humility as I accepted the role of council woman for our beloved Emerson this community has been my home for my entire life and it is here that I continue to raise my own family alongside my husband Mike and our three wonderful boys Michael Ryan and Ethan first and foremost I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the residents of Emerson your trust and support has meant the world to me and I'm honored to represent all of you I promise to listen to your voices address your concerns and work tirelessly to ensure that Emerson remains a place we can all be proud to call home home I'd like to take a moment to uh thank my family my husband Mike thank you for your unwavering support uh with your dedication to our family and our community volunteering as coaching for our boy Sports and to my three boys Michael Ryan eth Ethan thank you for reminding me every day the importance of community and reminding me um I'm sorry and the values we hold dear I hope to continue to be a role model for you showing you that service to others is one of the most rewarding paths we can take I must must also pay tribute to my father markk formal councilman here in Emerson who once sat on this very de his commit commitment to public service and Community engagement has always inspired me dad thank you for instilling and the values of hard work integrity and the importance of giving back I hope to carry your legacy and serve the residence of Emerson with the same passion and dedicate that you once exemplified as I bark on this journey I look forward to working alongside my fellow council members and all of you at the residents of Emerson I assure that your best interests are always at the Forefront of my decisions together we will address the challenges we Face celebrate our successes and continue to continue to build a Vibrant Community for future Generations thank you once again for this incredible opportunity and now let's get to work congratulations again Megan um Megan Ashley and I walked door too to a lot of doors together and I got to know them even better and I can't wait to actually work with them um I can honestly say that you should trust them because they hit the ground running and um really they exceeded all of my expectations as far as um campaigning and being able to understand when I explain the different issues that were going on while we were campaigning and I have my full undivided um support um for them sitting up here on the C on the council with us um do any other council members wish to make a statement Ashley Happy New Year to everyone uh congratulations to our new Council women excited ahead council president happy New Year congratulations to our lovely Ladi sitting up here I can't wait to work with them um looking forward to an awesome 2025 councilman Timberman I'd just like to congratulate Ashley and Megan and forward work like Okay um there is a light at the end of the tunnel here we're going to start swearing people in and I did tell the Emerson hotel that people will start coming in around 8:30 where we will have some light Buffet as well as drinks so if you're finished here at about 8:30 you can start heading over to the hotel if we're still going on for a few minutes the next order of business in is to introduce the Emerson auxiliary police officers for 2025 if you are present please stand when I announce your name Emerson police auxiliary for one year Captain Dan Clayton Sergeant David kogut patrolman William silow and patrolman Alan Bernstein next I'd like to introduce the Emerson school crossing guards for 2025 if you're here please stand Joseph Canon William LaVine Sher joerger Maria aosta Carpenter Kevin mulvena Kevin feliche Leo Conwell Amy Lavine Dennis Flynn Alan Bernstein and John lerra next I'd like to introduce the Emerson volunteer fire department officers for 2025 uh we did have their Emergency Services party on Saturday night I don't expect any of them to be here but we have Chief Thomas Carlos assistant Chief Joseph D Mara senior Captain Richard salamando Junior Captain Joseph salamando the third senior Lieutenant Logan Castro valer Junior Lieutenant Ryan Smith um same goes for the Emerson volunteer ambulance Corps um we sore everybody in on Saturday night but I'd like to announce that the president is Janine Davis vice president Kristen malakis Treasurer Moren Howen secretary George Howen and the captain is Mike Davis the next item on the agenda is the mayor's appointments I hereby make the following appointments after I do each one will come up if you're here um start making your way up and then we will swear you in take a photo and then I will give you your oath that you could sign at the table and then uh sit down and if you'd like you could watch me uh swear and everybody else and then we will head over to the hotel at some point uh the library board trustee for the 5-year term ending 12 3129 Kevin Leeds and the mayor's representative for a one-year term ending 12325 John tamino who is the new library Lord Le leis on ashy Ashley you want to come with me and hold the bibley sitting right next to on the Bible right hand up Kevin to solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help God I Kevin Leeds I Kevin Leeds do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform perform all the duties of the library board trustee all the duties of the library Trustee of the bur of Emerson of the burrow of Emerson according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you if you would take your o sign it over there and then leave it there and then we'll send you a copy of it next I'd like to make the appointments to the Lan use board Class 2 member for the one-year term ending 12 3125 Megan Quigley class four member for the four-year term ending 12 3128 Sal masaro class four member for the four-year term ending 12 3128 Rich TB alternate one member for the unexpired 2-year term ending 12312 Dominic aramini alternate 2 member for the 2-year term ending 12312 6 Eric Shalia an alternate three member for the 2-year term ending 1231 26 Anthony keami if you guys want to come up we'll do a joint come with [Music] me hold the Bible sorry um I'm going to do I state your name and I need to say your I state your name I Richard I Megan quickley you solemnly swear you Solly swear to support the Constitution of the United States to support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Al to the same faith and ALG to the and to the governments established in the United States and governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I do solemnly swear doly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the land you for of the bur of erson the according to the best of my ability to the best of my abil so help me God congratulations and thank you for volunteering get a nice piure got I'll see that on Facebook shortly and we'll see on Thursday at the reting if everyone could sign their o and then leave it over there we will make copies at a later date um and then give copies um I think it's a little easier if I go here we'll save a couple of minutes um my appointment to the recreation commission for a regular member for the 5-year term ending 12329 Dan trass regular member for the 5-year term ending 12 3129 Chris Buffa who's our new reck leaz on guys goes on the B and your right hand you guys stand there I'm just gonna stand over I'm gonna do I state your name I state your name do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the sa I will fa and to the governments established in the United States to the government estblished in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so helpy God help God I state your name I Christ do solemnly swear Solly swear that I will fa F will impartially and justly perform andly per all the duties of the Recreation Commission all the duties of the Recreation Commission of the burrow of Emerson the of according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations gentlemen welcome aboard and then we'll get copies to you oh wait let's take a photo sorry John want a speech yeah you want you want to make speeches sorry tomorrow night what time's the meeting tomorrow 8 o'cl R for the environmental commission regular member for the three-year term ending 1231 27 Megan Quigley regular member for the three-year term ending 12 3127 Nicole Sweeney and I'm appointing for this year 12312 when it expires the chair presiding officer for the one ter year term Jessica beos ladies if you want to come up who is my environmental chair right now my Environmental last leave it to the do the statement your left hand on the Bible and your right hand I State your do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and alance true faith and ALG to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United State and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I do solemnly swear do solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the environmental Commission of abil congratulations ladies that table and sign them I will keep moving on and now we are moving on to the shade tree commission for our regular member for the fiveyear term 12329 Michael escu I'll do double duty what you want to do it on the Bible right hand up I to Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States support theti of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance Willi Al to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I Michel rescue I Michel do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of the shade tree commission all the duties of the sh shade tree Commission of the burrow of Emerson of the bur of Emerson according to the best of my ability under the best of my ability under the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations and will thank you for helping out let's see historic preservation commission um Class C member for the unexpired four-year Term 12 3125 uh Michael Dennis voto and the class C member for the four-year term ending 12312 Phil Mazo I don't see either one of them um and these are the council appointments Board of Health regular member for the three-year term ending 12 3127 Kelly ab bramma pulis and regular member for the three-year term ending 12 3127 Kelly Waters may I have a motion to approve the appointment of Kelly abap pulis and Kelly Waters as regular members of the Board of Health for the three-year term ending 12312 so Mo roll call please councilwoman rice yes councilwoman sers council president arenia councilman Timberman yes and councilwoman chelina yes passes 5 mayor thank you I want to thank all of the volunteers for agreeing to serve on our boards and commissions we recognize that our volunteers are the backbone of our community and we appreciate all of your dedication to help make Emerson the beautiful community that it is this brings us to the public comment members of the public are welcome to speak on any topic by coming to the podium when invited and stating your name and address well you don't need your address just your name um for the record in the interest of time speakers are limited to three minutes including questions and answers in consideration of all who may wish to speak please keep your comments brief and concise may I have a motion to open the meeting to General comments from the public second all in favor I any opposed we are now open to the public would anyone wish to speak seeing No Hands may have a motion to close this meeting to the public second okay um all in favor any opposed we are now closed to the public may I have a motion to approve consent agenda resolutions 10-25 through 61-25 so move second roll call please councilwoman right yes councilwoman sers council president arenia yes councilman Timberman councilwoman Chino yes pass 5 there is no closed executive session required this evening which brings us to adjournment with no more business to discuss may I have a motion to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. second all in favor congratulations everyone and we'll see you down at the Emerson Hotel [Music]