##VIDEO ID:4ACtJpGU1dg## filed with the clerk of the bu of Emerson if we could stand for the please I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all this meeting is called to order at 733 p.m. can get a roll call please Mr gry here Mrs Mara here Mrs ricardi here Mr Smith here Mr pazdar here miss Tomas here thank you uh the agenda says that we're going to do an introduction of uh teaching staff but we're going to do a slight change we're going to uh we expect a short meeting tonight so we're going to quickly go through the meeting and then we'll do the uh teacher introductions uh Mr grolik may I have a motion to open a meeting to the public for input and comments on agenda items only sure I move to open the meeting to the public for input and comments on agenda item only second seconded by Mrs Mara all in favor I no comments uh Mr Smith could you close the meeting to the public from good and c I move to close the meeting to the public for input and comments I second seconded by Mrs ricardi all in favor I I board has had an opportunity to review and discuss the agenda items and we will vote on those now um Mrs ricardi would you mind to adop in motion a sure I move to adopt all items on the above consent agenda second seconded by Mr Smith roll call please Mr GC I Mrs Mara I Mrs ricardi I Mr Smith I Mr Pasar I thank you we'll move on to committee reports uh Mr GC chair for facilities buildings and grounds uh good evening uh just two quick updates uh as for the turf field project uh a meeting was held earlier today with District Architects to review schematic designs for the turf field uh project uh different Field layout options were discussed as well as project permitting uh and those options are going to be reviewed at the next building and grounds committee meeting to be held prior to the October regular meeting uh as for the tennis courp project a pre-construction meeting is scheduled with the project engineer and contractor for this coming Thursday and after this meeting uh the district stakeholder tennis court committee will uh set up a meeting date with the burough committee to discuss the details of the project um and our next building grounds committee will be scheduled prior to the October regular meeting that's all I got for tonight great thank you Mr grck for budget and negotiations nothing to report Mr Smith and I will be meeting with the staff in early October for um our next meeting uh Mrs Mara chair for Skilling instruction and student achievement sure uh nothing to report in terms of the committee meeting because we will be meeting next month just as a reminder to the public about the um letter that goes out for the health and wellness uh sections to please review that the curriculum is available by clicking on the link that's embedded in the letter that Dr nof has circulated to the community that's all great thank you we'll move on to the board member reports Miss Mr Ric sure uh good evening hope everybody's doing well hope everybody had a great and successful nine days of schools uh family students and our new teachers here to this evening uh the athletic fields are busy uh I know clubs have uh signups have taken place it's a really exciting time and um can definitely feel the energy um I had a pleasure of participating Bano back to school night I heard great things about memorials and uh I'm looking forward to taking place in my taking participating in my first uh back school at the Junior Senior High School and I just want to thank all the faculty staff staff and administration for participating and putting those together um I'd like to welcome our new student rep this evening uh your uh volunteerism definitely is not going unnoticed and really appreciate uh looking forward to uh working share with you and finally uh I just wanted to say Welcome to our News teachers uh myself and the rest of the board we're really excited to uh meet you and you're going to find this is a great district and Community to work in and uh thank you very much that concludes my report great thank you Mr brck Mrs Mar uh very short report on my behalf as well I feel like we were just here a couple weeks ago because we were um I hope that everybody is sett settling in to their classrooms um also to the parents that are watching at home I hope your children are settling in after their first full week of full days of school um just two things I had the pleasure of unfortunately standing in for um Mr pazdar as he was unable to end the first day for teachers to report I had such a great time just getting to interact with a lot of you on that first day and I know that you all were really excited to see one another if you hadn't already been seen each other for the summer so it was a really great day and I was very thankful to be a part of it although to the sugarin of the president um and I did want to call out a special thank you to Mr McQuade this past weekend I was actually at a soccer game right here on Bradfield and we had a little swarm of bees that ended up stinging a bunch of people and we had like four beestings to report and Mr McQuade responded right away I met him there probably we've been a half hour of me reaching out to Dr Nissen off and he took care of it and just goes to show the touches and and the the going beyond what the normal operation hours are here because they really aren't normal when the fields are always buzzing pun intended so we um we just are so so lucky to have really great caring thoughtful staff so thank you for that great thank thank you Mrs Mara Mrs ricardi good evening everybody and welcome to Emerson we is not like like evacuation kind of no no it's my em sorry welcome to Emerson we're happy to have you and we look forward to meeting all of you it's going to be great it's been a real hustle and bustle thus far I feel like I keep seeing this gagano everywhere that I go but is the season uh it's been absolutely fantastic I my children are all in Memorial right now and so the pre and kindergarten orientation was spot on uh thoroughly enjoyed it thank you for hosting it uh the back to school night it was just absolutely wonderful there school is so already back in session you would have never even thought that there was a summer break and to everybody's Point Sports too are just we are moving and grooving it's such a great start to the year and I'm excited to be here and be here for this ride so look forward to meeting all of you but I'm going to keep it nice and short so thank you very much great Mr Smith Echo what everybody else is saying nine nine days in uh everything seems to be going extremely well welcome to the new teachers welcome the old teachers back uh I will say one thing about the high school sports I'm hopefully not stealing it from Dr nen off the uh boy soccer team probably beat our biggest rival over the last six years for the first time that I can remember in Waldwick and uh that was a big win they were always the last step to get to a state championship so I think that uh boosted the program it's always nice to talk about that and I know football's doing well so uh good start to the year great thank you Mr Smith U moving on to board president's report nothing to report at the county or the state level the I will be attending the county meeting um both the county and a state meeting in the next uh 10 days so I'll report anything that's relevant to the community at that time I wanted to thank Mrs Mara for for stepping in I I have a LoveHate relationship when I do that I love it because she does such a great job and represents the board uh so um so well uh but I hate it because it raises the bar for for me and so uh so thank you for doing that thank you uh I want to welcome all of the teachers and all of the new teachers you are a critical part of of our system here and so thank you for being here and we look forward to all of the things that you do for for this community and for the students so we're looking forward to meeting you in the next few minutes and uh thank you to Dr nof Mr mamur and all of the teachers and staff for a great school opening this year as always um with with very few hitches if any and uh look forward to another great school year so with that we will move on to the student representative report welcome Diana thank you good evening so um in the high school this week we started spirit week Monday through Friday and then Friday's our pep rally and we also have power puff on Thursday which everyone's really excited for so yeah well um I'm just gonna yeah say one more thing I've known this young lady since she was a very very little girl and it's uh wonderful to have you here thank you um take take a second tell us a little bit about what you to outside of academic this is we'll start Sports and then we'll move to activities start with sports what do you uh I play soccer and I also do winter and spring track um I also am very involved in like musical wise I'm in the musical I've been in it since seventh grade and I hope I could do it again this year senior year um I'm in marching band as well I'm the assistant drum major this year and I also do other clubs like ke Club so I get to go down in volano I've seen some of you guys' faces it's really fun and um outside of school I also became an EMT so that's what happened right now my pager went off so I apologize but yeah I recently did uh Emerson and recently joined Westwood as well so I'm on both anything you don't do yeah so thank you thank you for uh thank you for your report thank you for coming tonight um and uh yes you represent our student body really really well and all the things that we did wonderful thank you Mr uh Dr Miss superintendent okay I I I will be brief first thing I'm going to do is apologize to all of the teachers that are here today I thank you for coming out um normally what we do is we sort of introduce you and then we go out and we take a little break we have some coffee you get to meet the board you go home and we come back and we finish the meeting um but we recognize that our meeting was so quick let's just get it get it done with um so I apologize for that uh before I get to uh some of the introductions yes it would be remiss if I didn't say what a wonderful opening of the school year we had this year and um in no short uh part thanks to everybody that's in this room as well alls our faculty staff um custodians bus drivers everyone it's a team effort it really was and we had a we had a really a wonderful uh opening to school we have one more back to school night left uh and coming up this month and the last thing I I apologize that I need to uh do before um uh before I introduce the teachers I'm obligated by law to report publicly the uh New Jersey qack final report results and uh as I said stated at the last meeting that we did pass and I'll just say that our um uh instruction and program uh has an 84% passing fiscal management 100% government governance 100% operations 100% And Personnel 98% um the uh those of the overachievers in the crowd who want to know about the 84% uh we had no control over that it all has to do with uh test score performance and things of that sort um but we we are um uh uh stated by the Department of Education um as designated as a high performing District as a result and so we're very very proud of that so with that um what I'd like to do in uh you know I I spared all of the new teachers from having to stand up in front of a crowd um at uh at the uh convocation but today I'm just going to quickly I'm going to introduce your name I'm going to uh say what you're doing and then if you could just stand up so our board members can put um a a face to the name that they've approved um let me start uh I don't think Jan's here but she you're hiding I well let me start with Janna aello you've met her before she was here at a previous meeting but go ahead and stand up uh chrisen Dand a school social worker Lauren fola learning disability teacher consultant Anna Galetta school psychologist hi everyone nice to meet you and is M did Michelle make it Binger yes right in front of me Michelle Walker I had you as a ma um and Elizabeth is here Elizabeth razi uh Elementary School teacher at Memorial School and Michelle's a preschool teacher at Memorial School Emily dowy hi teacher of students with disabilities at Memorial School uh alexandraa Barett there she is teacher of students with disabilities at the high school Melanie bretel teacher mathematics at the high school Colleen cook there she is uh teacher of mathematics at the high school Danielle Johnson teacher of English at the high school Henry Kim teacher of mathematics at the high school John mazola teacher of comprehensive business at the high school and how LR teacher of art at the high school did I miss anybody no fantastic okay so that is our new staff we are going to uh wrap up the meeting and as soon as we we're done there uh we're going to go outside we have some refreshments relax and uh uh get a chance to for some of our board members to introduce themselves to you and then when we're all done we all go home all right great thank you Dr off um moving on to business administrator report mrar uh thank you um so just a couple quick things to note um audit season's coming up for our 22 uh 23 24 uh school year budget so right now we're working with the Auditors to do our onsite fieldwork uh so they'll be in District shortly and we're also going to be getting under way with the budget development process for the 25 26 uh school year so um about mid last week the health benefit rates were released so the State Health Benefit rates came out and they came out much higher than has been anticipated so come January uh the rates will be going up on average about 14% so that's definitely something that's going to be impacting uh the budget from 2526 um and that concludes my report great thank Mr mamora uh with that Mr uh Smith would you mind open the meeting to the public for input and comments I move to open the meeting to the public for input and comments second second by Mrs ricardi all in favor I no comments uh Mrs mayor would you mind close any meeting to public for input and comments I move to close the meeting to the public for input and comments second seconded by Mr grck all in favor I I and with that um Mrs Mar would you mind close this out motion sure I move to close the meeting to the public and adjourn at 7:50 p.m. the next meeting of the board of education is scheduled for October 14th at 7:30 p.m. in the high school media center second seconded by Mr grck and it all in favor all in favor thank you everyone thank you for coming and uh for the new teachers look forward to having some coffee and tea with you that's just the pretty pH Al I didn't put it in my