all right I think we are live Okay Okay Go Okay welcome I call the special city council meeting of March 26 2024 to order at 121 p.m. will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible will the city clerk please read public meetings act please be advised that the city council of the city of Englewood will conduct a special emergency meeting on Tuesday March 26 at 12:00 p.m. this meeting will be held telephonically and virtually via Zoom notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record on March 22nd 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and the city's website and has remained continuously posted on as the required notice is under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk the purpose of this meeting is for the city council to take action on a resolution awarding a fair and open award to DS Meyer Enterprise Rises LLC for second and fourth street improvements for bid number 24-8 members of the public who wish to participate in this meeting May do so by calling or clicking on the link below at 12: p.m. please see link on our website or by dialing 6465588656 the meeting ID for this meeting is 913 96847 453 and the passcode is 81 0495 individuals calling into this number will be fully will be able to fully participate in the meeting including providing public comment public comments may be submitted by 10: a.m. on the date of the meeting either through Written Letter or email to meeting city of Anglewood all written comments shall be read during the public forum portion of the meeting and shall be subject at the same time limitations for public speaking duplicate of comments shall be noted for the record and summarized the agenda for the meeting can be found on the city's website at the council reserves the right to discuss and act upon such public business as may be brought up for consideration to the extent that consideration of such public business is not known at this time for action may or may not be taken proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen here uh councilman Wilson presid and council president Cobb here um absent with prior notice our councilwoman wasi and councilwoman David um and Mayor Michael Wilds present is city manager Bob Hoffman City attorney Bill Bailey and city engineer France FY we have we have one item resolution for a vote uh 13603 2624 will the city clerk just read the resolution title sure this is resolution awarding a fair and open award to DS Meer Enterprises LLC for second and fourth streets improvements bid number 2 4-08 and um I don't know if you want it for the record this is just for the base bid not for base and Alternate amounts right are there any questions uh regarding this resolution when you say the base bid yansy that doesn't complete the the whole job or does that base mean that's a f question yes that that's yeah the project was broken into to a couple phases we had a base bid which is first and Fourth Street and we also had an alternate um well I'm I'm sorry um the the base bit which was second and fourth street and we also had an alternate which was first street and the reason why I did it that way is because of the quick turnaround of the project if there was an issue with the base bid I can swap out the alternate I just wanted to make sure we were covered to make sure what's what's I'm sorry to interrupt please forgive me um what's what's quick turn around oh we have a week to get this done yeah we have a week to get this done okay I got it okay I got I gotta go check out a patient I I'll I'll sign back on in we don't have a quorum to continue sorry for asking the question probably killed the time I guess we can hang out and wait so France we have the preconstruction meeting scheduled for tomorrow yes correct and then they were when were they going to start this this week or they going start we have a preconstruction meeting tomorrow I'm giving them the notice to proceed tomorrow yeah and essentially they have to be completed by Friday April 3 yep so this this is a yeah this is one of the uh one of the quickest turnarounds that we've we've had to deal with in in a in a long time right and the reason and the reason again is either that or we lose the grant the Grant's for 150,000 um the project is going to cost 170,000 so um it ESS cost us 20,000 to do $170,000 worth the work I guess it doesn't matter if I ask questions now because we don't have a quum and we're waiting yeah ask did you just say 20,000 for $170,000 job yep y that's correct correct somebody I like a good deal this is the next person right um should I be concerned about that price differential no the the the the rest of the cost is going to be covered by the grant okay well I'm still recording and live what do you what should I do you're on mute Bill sorry about that might as well just keep it rolling I I mean 60 steps paused we're gonna just mute Kevin there for a second okay oh okay uh Council Rosen swag is back up hi sorry about that sorry I'm still mute Kevin can you please loog back in Kevin say again uh uh councilman Rosen swag is back on just asking you to log back in you're there all right so we uh Council B cob we need a motion in second unless y we need a motion in a second um I don't know if councilman Rosen swag had any questions since he had to leave so read ahead so moved okay Uh Kevin second it yeah yeah I see his his mouth is moving but I don't hear him okay um roll call roll call councilman Rosen yes councilman Wilson yes and council president yes okay we do have one member of the public who's present I don't know if you wanna Mr Diaz do you have something to say because you had your hand is raised if you want if you don't need anything to say please lower your hand all right I'm going to bring him in are you opening the public comments session I'm open up the public comment session yes okay Mr Diaz you're muted I'll mute yourself Ray yeah old comment I guess my computer always says low hand and you see uper hand but thank you no comment okay thank you yes close the public session all right so we need a motion in a second to adjourn we need a motion in a second Kevin says he motioned yeah I I'll second it all in favor all in favor say I I okay thank youone hey hey Bill you got a second to talk to Y I'll call you okay okay all right thanks bye bye everyone bye