##VIDEO ID:6wUjQqpd5oU## good evening I call this Council Workshop meeting of November 12th 2024 to order at 7:36 will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all will the city clerk please read the statement regarding open public meeting that this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen white here councilwoman wiski here councilwoman David present councilman Wilson present council president C here also present is Mayor Michael Wilds city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John Berner is he here yes he is yes he is thank you uh and uh David laferty sitting in for City attorney Bill Bailey and CFO Michael calman next we will have presentations from the Girl Scouts for the silver award project ladies and before they get started they gave us a presentation already which is fantastic miles don't make him nervous okay okay hi um so before we start like I just want to ask if like anyone here knows what the Girl Scout mission is you don't see nobody raising their hand so you can read it okay so it's basically to build girls of Courage confidence and character uh who will then go on to make the world a better place okay so good evening we would like to say thank you to Mr Jason Flores for giving us the opportunity to present our project my name is Paula Garcia and this is Janine fonce and kiomi Taurus we represent the Girl Scouts of anguid troop 95817 we're here to present a safety Crossing project our project will tackle the issue of safely crossing school zone streets in the city of Englewood during peak hours as well as the downtown area the lack of adequate safety measures puts many pedestrians particularly in busy areas at serious risk of being struck by Vehicles leading to potential severe injuries oops uh this problem is especially concerning given the high volume of pedestrian traffic in these areas one of the implementations we would like the town to to consider is the coordinated systems around school zones the coordinated systems could be implemented half an hour before the school day starts and then implemented again up to 2 hours after the the dismissal time all lights will be red for cars and they will not be able to move so the students will have about 2 minutes to cross any of the fourways or any direction these areas are the light at Liberty and nicera Road Liberty Road and chion Avenue By Janice dism chion ab and nicker Bacher Road by Dwight Maro der AV and tenly road by cloud and tenna in Demis Road good evening my name is Janine Bon and another safety inflation could be a crosswalk with flashing lights these crosswalk with flashing lights have a have manual buttons so when a pedestrian wants to cross the street they press the button and the flashing lights of the crosswalk sign can go off and let the drivers know when someone will cross these can be already seen on ingwood AB William Street and Lafayette Place as a former student at ingwood on charter school and now a current Dwight marrow High School student I think that this should be implemented specifically on Waldo Street and demes a nicara road and Cambridge a along with six implemented downtown in downtown ingwood all five of the crosswalks surround the monument and one on Engle Street where the Inwood Public Library is located I strongly speak on this part of our presentation because I have I've had two personal experiences and one where I was a witness in the school areas of of England and on a palate charter school and Dwight marrow high school I have almost been run over because people don't let pedestrians let alone students in school area zones cross safely from one place to another another experience I had was not my personal experience but one where I witnessed a little girl almost getting hit by a car I was on the opposite side of the library and I saw a little girl in her mother Crossing but while crossing there was a bus there was a bus that had stopped at the bus stop automatically the cars behind the bus stop but they tried to go around the bus as one of the cars moved to the other lane they were busy being cautious looking behind not seeing the little girl in front the driver failed to notice earlier but managed to stop an inch away from her that day a lot a life could have been lost because of how oblivious drivers can be when they don't know if someone needs to cross the road um hi my name is Ki tourus another part of our plan is to include an automated voice system to the crosswalks with traffic lights such an addition to the current crosswalks can allow visually impaired individuals to cross the street with much more ease now that they don't have to go through the struggle of trying to guess where cars are going or if the crosswalk sign has the walk sign turned on an example of this feature can be found in the neighboring town next to us tck on tck road by Holy Name Hospital where at the crosswalk there's a button that can be pressed and from pressing that button there's an automated voice that either says wait or walk systems like these can also be found around downtown cck which is Cedar Lane here in Anglewood this feature can be implemented in the intersections with traffic lights along West Palisade Avenue starting from William Street to Grand Avenue these are busy streets and are part of downtown Englewood meaning pedestrians are more prone to accidents while crossing the street in that area our proposal doesn't only aim to benefit the residents of Englewood but also visitors from other towns by creating a sense of safety while crossing the street while our proposal may not be the solution to this entire problem because it mainly comes from a driver's negligence hopefully it can help make drivers more aware of pedestrians and hopefully make pedestrians more alert of drivers thank you for listening to our proposal does anybody on the D have any questions for the young ladies here give a recap yeah let's give a recap of when they keep okay okay right uh thank you council president the um these Girl Scouts uh they've done a very very nice job there's their recommendations are well thought out uh they came to City Hall and they gave a presentation and their presentation was um much longer as you may remember and we had members of the police department that were there in engineering and we had the opportunity to ask questions and um we also have a copy of their present ation and we are uh we are following up on on some of the recommendations that they had that they had made and there was a good interaction with the with with these uh young ladies in our Police Department just on specific questions that related to some of the crosswalks that uh needed to go in and just the LED you know the LED crosswalks and you know ways to make the crosswalks um better for for drivers to see and it was just it was very nice to see that um there was a lot there was a lot of uh brain power that was put into it and the interaction that we had at City Hall that afternoon um was you know will will actually help the city in the long run so just on on behalf of the staff that was there we want to thank you and I want to thank you again for coming tonight to the council meeting and these young ladies are getting an award for the for doing this this is part of this is part of the Girl Scout efforts and they are so they they um they are going to be receiving um some kind some kind of a badge an award for for what they did and they were able to make it make their deadline and not only did they make their deadline but they're going to make the city better so thank you perhaps it could be referred to the traffic advisory committee um if uh there's anything to do with lighting and pedestrian travels nobody knows the city better than you guys thank thank you for what happened what yeah okay but thank you ladies for caring about the city that's the first step in the more important step as you are young ladies in this city so you know gather your friends and gather your voices together and thank you for caring thank you stay right there though y take a picture how did you get here what we're coming here yeah good good evening um thank thank you for your presentation I think it was very insightful and uh if anyone that are young people that are listening or watching this is an example of all citizens helping out uh we can't get there without your new and inovative ideas so thank you for bringing that forth I appreciate your efforts and I also want to make a comment that um when I met them first remember you came to me first at chita's place at Pin Pinterest and you asked about you know this whole thing and I sent the emails out and it was the perfect idea um and I passed it on and um my daughters were lifeon Girl Scouts and I was a Girl Scout and I appreciate your efforts okay all right stand right there we we're going to take a picture with you okay don't move we're coming all right follow everybody [Applause] all thank you next we're going to have NW financial advisors for a financial update good evening I know let's sit we can stand you stand okay thank you for having us um I forgot to wear my suit with all the badges I I could go get it at home okay I didn't really earn any of them so congratulations girls uh Dan Marinello from W Financial Group I've spoken in front of you guys all before um if you remember I think perhaps the last time I was here I was with Nick will chansy from my office uh who has since moved on um and lucky for the the city of Anglewood Heather litzow from my office is now working with me on on you guys on your on the city and does a great job so I want first introduce Heather to to everybody um but I will just as a quick update um since we came on I remember I think it was 2018 or so we had a lot of issues and questions with regards to the debt and the debt management at the city and I and I will say everything that we talked about at that time moving all the way on to 20124 we've really achieved that and I think it's it's a um it's not on us it's on the city can you say that again on you guys we achieved that what's that we achieved that can you say that that we achieved that that's what you said yeah you guys achieved that right but that's that debt management plan right yeah the debt management has really gotten uh into a really good place and a lot to do with um with your Administration Mr Hoffman and Mr Kaufman and the work that they put in and really for us it's executing the plan and um and what you guys are looking to do earlier this year we had done um you guys had approved upwards of $15 million of capital needs and ordinance that was done that was issued through a note at the Bergen County Improvement Authority um which we had done an analysis to see the benefits of going through that Authority and the AAA rating that they had so the city was able to achieve really strong interest rates in a very tough Market the market continues to be a little bit tough and volatile depending on on the day with changes that the FED is making to the interest rates obviously the election that just went through so we're constantly monitoring the markets and as the city is looking to do additional work you know we will talk to you and to your staff about whether or not it's the right time to go long-term and permanent financing versus short-term in notes and that's what we regularly do um do with your staff the other day we had had a call with standard and pors um with the administration and them and with the rating agencies and it went really really well I was very happy with how that went I think everyone was um and we're really anticipating the um the result of that call which we will expect to get I think with within a week or so so um when we do that Mr hoffen will be able to report to to you on that call so that went really well and I think the city's position financially when it comes to its debt um as S&P reiterated is strong so that's really good news so I did want to introduce Heather and Heather can give you a little bit more detail about what we've been working on sure um thank you for having us uh just to give a little summary on the outstanding debt um the city has five different uh outstanding long-term bonds um of approximately $51 million and then also has one um Bond anticipation note which is a shortterm note out for one year through the Bergen County Improvement Authority that's um 27 million um 12 million was already existing and then 15 million was added on this year for the capital program um New Jersey had has a couple of standard uh ways to look at at debt um every year an annual debt statement is done uh each municipality is allowed to issue at a maximum amount three and a half% of the last three years of the equalized valuation ratio so that's your maximum debt limit that you can issue um total uh the city's current net debt ratio is just about 1.5% um which is a standard rate uh for most municipalities within New Jersey another way also to look at it is total annual Debt Service both um Bond principal and interest plus then your any your note Debt Service on an annual basis compared to your budget uh your total debt service is around $7 million a year which equates to about 10% a little bit less than 10% of your budget which is also uh a very average number for municipalities um in New Jersey so those are those are two standards to look at um rating agencies also look at those standards uh and that it's actually mentioned in your last rating report from last year that debt management is is one of the positives of the city um typically you issue about $10 million of capital a year so we do projections for Debt Service based on that $10 million on on an annual basis for you um I know Bob and Michael are getting Capital requests in in December from different departments once those Capital requests come in we'll work with uh Bob and Michael to put some updated uh projections together on what that looks like for the next year and future years and that's also when we start to look at whether you should permanently Finance your outstanding Bond anticipation notes either all or a portion of that into long-term bonds and that all depends on budgetary features uh for your bond anticipation notes next year you'll have to make standard paydowns of about $500,000 so we look at that versus what um what a bond repayment schedule would look like and compare the market what the long-term Market looks like compared to the short-term and over the last couple of years the long-term Market has been a little bit better than the short-term Market but with the FED funds rate decreasing uh over the last couple of months short-term rates are are getting lower although uh the short-term market right now because of the presidential election has been pretty volatile but we've been seeing those rates around 3% to 3 and a quarter for one-year notes um so when December comes we'll look at those Capital quests and and we'll be talking with Bob and Michael to see what makes sense for you your notes mature at the end of May um so if you're going to permanently finance that by tax law you're allowed to do that with within 90 days of that maturity date so you'll probably be making a decision whether to issue bonds or notes uh probably by February um and then uh just to highlight some of the conversations with standard and pors the reason why we had an update call with them was in uh February 2023 the city was um giving a double A minus rating with a positive outlook typically the rating agencies then have to make a decision on that positive outlook to either Remain the AA minus uh rating or to increase the rating to a doublea um so we had that update call last week we're supposed to hear back from S&P on Friday it was a very positive call um they're very happy with the city's management where the city does a 10-year Capital plan versus the state um um mandates a six-year Capital plan in your budget you go above and beyond that and do a 10-year Capital plan so it really helps to look at what's happening in the future and if uh some projects are delayed they move to different years and you're proactively planning for that they also look at um budget uh projections which you've been doing the last couple of years um I believe uh Michael will be updating them for this current budget in 2025 um and then also just having historical policies like conservative budgeting practices where um the the revenues that you put in your budget are conservative you expect to actually realize them rather than being aggressive so the rating agencies have comfort that when they're looking at your 2024 budget to actual is that you're actually going to realize those revenues and then on the expense side that you're also um very conservative on that side where you don't spend as much as you put in the budget so at the end of the year it puts the city in a really good Financial picture um and that helps with reserves the more reserves you have the higher rating category you can go to so from 20122 the city had about 10.5 million in fund balance and that increased over 11 million um in 2023 uh which was notable on the call with S&P how they were very happy with that and that's all all due to conservative budgeting question yes the fed's recent activity what's going to be the impact or what potential impact could it be to our budget so uh when you're looking at short-term notes when the FED funds rate goes down typically then the short-term rates also go down um right now there's volatility in the market so the FED funds rate decreasing last week it hasn't we haven't really seen that in the market recently um which is very different than all the other times we saw the FED funds rate decrease it was already priced into the municipal Market before the action of the FED actually took place this is a little bit different it's always volatile around a presidential election um investors have been sitting on the side lines a little bit to see how things shake out and who's in the cabinet um but I think in in December we'll have a better picture of uh of where rates will be um but right now it looks like the short-term Market at least should decrease okay anybody have any questions okay good evening thank you for such a comprehensive report um I I think we we we could do with this report every quarter so we can stay a breast of um of what we need to you mentioned something regards to the bond uh repayment long-term and shortterm can you tell us the difference in the years of a long-term Bond repayment so that was at 3 3% and 3.5 I think so it dep it depends on the last time you issued bonds was in 2022 I don't have what that what that rate was but it probably was in the 3% range just because the market has been very good in the long term um the notes have been slightly higher than long-term debt so as long as it can fit into your budget to pay principal and interest the next year on a bond financing it makes sense to go longterm but for notes in New Jersey for the first three years you don't pay principal you only pay interest only so you have to you have to look at both the market and what it does to your budget going longterm or saying short term so this year it means sense to stay shortterm because it wouldn't affect your budget as much um but you are due to pay about $500,000 in principal paydowns um as part of your bond anticipation notes next year so it makes sense to look and see if longterm would be better thank thank you for that and um the pay down is very important but you know in the past we've been making things fit into our budget and so moving forward as we have this budget season coming Upon Us swiftly um would you suggest at this particular time that we stick with the shortterm with that type of percentage I would have to run the analysis with the useful life of the long-term assets um so we're going to be starting that in December um and we'll have a better better picture I'd say by the end of the year beginning of 2025 of what that looks like okay because our CFO and our city manager has been doing a good job and and we've been supporting them and I just want to make sure that um we have that information before us so we can tell the difference on the 3o or the 3.5 yeah definitely okay and we did run that analysis before making the decision to go through the bcia with um a short-term note it made it made sense budgetarily um to stick short stick with short-term notes okay just want to know what the difference is for the long term thank you very much uh if no one else has questions I just wanted to let the the governing body know that um the uh that Heather and and Dan are are part are part of our team so we we take a look and we are they are great resources we we're probably um we speak to them on a regular basis it's more of regular basis during the during the budget season from October through through say the the end of February but we're in we're in communication every six weeks or so with them just just check checking on different things or they're in contact with us um the ratings the ratings call that Heather and Dan referred to with standard and pors uh they were great in helping getting getting us prepared and they gave us questions that we had a we we did homework on so that we would be we would be sharp on on on the call and part of part of the audit team um it was it was Michael our CFO but it was the Auditors it was Gary Vincy that participated and then um it was our Deputy city manager as well as myself but in the background before that it was it was our engineer we did a lot of work behind the scenes and then we had a last week we had a um we we did we we had a a call just among ourselves so that we could we could go through the questions and we could make our you know make our Stakes there and and not with standard and pores and we you know we were we were looking at the analysis and Heather did some additional analysis based on some of the questions um one of the things that standard and pores liked is that the fact that our Capital plan goes out 10 years you know and that's something that's been that's been relatively new we've had it internally but ours ours is pretty focused and um and you know that that was important to them also important to them was the fact that um we are we are using Grand funding um you know in a in in a good way we are using Grant F grant funding with with some of our our our current you know our current capital um Capital bonds and things like that so that we can we can complete projects and we are um we are going out they like the fact that we we've been going out to the market earlier in the year so that we when we adopt our capital budget we get more value for it where're we're at the head of the line instead of instead of behind the line so we're getting better P better prices so those are some of the things and then what's going to come up with the ratings call they're going to give us a a two-hour window to take a look at whatever they've written last year we argued with them about that and they did some they did some word smithing and that word smithing probably saved us $80,000 in in in costs over you know over over the past you know over the past year so um it's it's just important that we um that the Finance team digs deep because we um we help get better value for for our residents but we couldn't do it without without Heather and without Dan and without our Auditors but these these people are really great to work with so thank you thank you I I did want to mention one other thing with the rating agency um Mr Hoffman mentioned uh the grant funding so the city received $2.9 million of American Rescue plan uh funds and a lot of municipalities chose to put that in their budget as a revenue to off your city decided to put that towards capital projects uh so it's not a one-time Revenue going into the budget you're using it to decrease your cost you don't have to raise that money for those capital projects so um that is a very positive thing with the rating agencies they don't take that lightly um and you're not uh putting your next year's budget in a Hole by putting in putting it in as a revenue but using it for a capital expense they also like that we we have the ability to pay down the debt yes that's that's what they do based on the ratios that's when we do the debt management and we've always tried to pay down at least 50% of what we borrowed the year previously done so we've done that Dan knows we we've had many talks about debt management and so that's just this is just another um point that we focused on that now the the Dividends are being paid and hopefully we can continue to go forward with that and we're we uh we made that push to hopefully get the city to get an increased rating by SNP we will hear back on Friday and if you do get an increased rating that helps you borrow at a lower cost of fund so it's important and let's see we're anxiously awaiting it okay keep up to good work I just have one last quick question um about increasing our uh our rating how does that look I I know it's upand coming and you can only forecast but so far from a a doublea minus to a doublea um so really the the one thing you have control over is your reserves not only your fund balance um but then also your other reserves in your trust funds so so your storm reserves your accumulated absences uh which you have another $4 million um 4.5 million I believe it is in reserves uh which the rating agencies look highly upon that um that's the the biggest area that um rating agencies focus focuses on also uh having standardized plans for a long-term management you have a lot of um historical plans like you say you're going to do something and you follow it up and do it but it's not actually a voted on resolution uh which a lot of times is is hard to put in a resolution because you don't want to put something in a resolution that's passed by the governing body that you can't achieve every year because as soon as you don't achieve it one year you get negative points from the rating agency so I think you've been doing a good job with long-term plans doing budget projections the capital plan um and S&P is noticing that and and giving you credit for that rather than you having standard practices you're probably a notch above that now um uh a conservative budgeting making sure you don't have deferred charges in your budgets you don't spend more um than what you put in your budget which you haven't been doing for the last couple of years so that's been good I mean your performance has been has been good good I mean Redevelopment uh you're building so it's you're doing everything that you can do thank you just tell them the reality is S&P is is a tough slide like you could be honest I mean and the higher you go up the tougher they make it for you to achieve that AAA rating it's it's and that's that's what it is it's been very tough in New Jersey correct with standard and pores and Moody's both of them change their rating criteria they look less at assessed valuations which is New Jersey and California's highest selling points um they don't actually look at that metrics as as part of their scorecard anymore but they do look at pension and um benefits they they look at the long-term liabilities which in New Jersey long-term liabilities are very high um but they do in discussions talk about um the location to New York City the job market assess valuations do matter even though it's not directly in their scorecard so when when you look at uh your financial IND indices compared to Middle America your indices might be less based on the criteria they're looking at but then they're also not looking at this area of the part of America you're in the job access um the wealth indices um so it's been it's been tough with the changes in the rating methodologies for S&P and Moody for New Jersey municipalities but it's not impossible no slow slow growth tough that's how they get you to get the discipline in your plan thank you so much Dan you have anything else you like that and closing I I do not other than to to thank you for the opportunity um you have probably the best municipal adviser in the state with Heather so you're in great hands um and uh and that's all thank you so much thank you very much thank you thank you heather you nice meeting thank you next we will have a budget update by the CFO Michael Kaufman so we're uh 10 months through the year and I did an analysis that I sent to the council over the weekend on the budget for revenues we're about 88% we've collected over the year so 80% of the year we passed we collected 88 so we're a little over but we anticipated uh the main Revenue that's over is the interest income from Investments because we went off RFP last year and we got a much better rate from the uh banking industry and we were able to we we anticipated 300,000 we collected around so far 800,000 so it's a big uh almost 200% more than we anticipated um appropriation wise we're we are right on par we have we're making transfers today for about 1.7% of our budget which which is which is good the main ones that we're transferring money into are police and fire overtime so but we're taking the money from their regular salaries and transferring it to the police and to the o o overtime so it's not we're not taking it from like somebody else's budget to cover their expenses we're taking it from their own expenses to cover their overtime budget that went over and you're taking it from the operating is that from the police payroll payroll right yeah their regular payroll is going under what it should be regular payroll is under yeah is what what why is that we didn't hire as early in the year as we anticipated retirements so we project a certain amount but then it fluctuates from what happens during the year the only other and the besides for that we have we have money to spend last La money we still have money in the budget last year's budget that it's New York New Jersey the way it works is there a two-year budget cycle so last year's money we still have $3 million that we didn't spend which at the end of the year that goes into Surplus so that's good that we have $3 million that we didn't spend from last year you finished okay anybody got any questions from Mr cman thank you council president thank you for your report um we appreciate it how much are overall we in overtime for police and fire as of now for police we're over 62,000 but I do a I I anticipate what it's going to be for the whole year so for police if we keep going the way we're going with overtime we'll be over by 300,000 at the end of the year I'm sorry did you say at this particular juncture was 62,000 yes for the police over yes and your projection for the end of this year which is in two more months is over 300,000 yes I'm I'm missing some numbers please forgive me we have two months left and we're talking budgeted 1.1 million so we we spent at this point 1, 162 so two months is 20 a little less than 20% of the year so we're going to spend about another $220,000 in the next two months we spend around $110,000 a month in in overtime okay and for the fire department please and the fire department right now we are over by 148,000 and by the end of the year if the average stays the same we'll be over by 400,000 thank you thank you council president anybody else have any questions from Mr Kaufman Mr Hoffman yeah just uh for the council just as a point of clarification when we're looking at the police and fire department overtime there's a couple of outliers that have to be uh factored in so in the beginning of the year in January uh there was there was overtime for the for the police for planning for some um for some events that um uh that uh occurred in the city but all also some events that didn't didn't occur and that had to do with um with just um you know the the potential for for civil for civil protest and then in August both the police and the fire department participated in in res rescuing people after the August 6th storm as well as the August 18th storm so there was a significant increase in overtime in August but um our fire department our Police Department helped rescue over 300 people that were stranded during that during that storm many of them on Route four and then uh you know following up afterwards with with calls for assistance from our our residents in different neighborhoods and then our fire department is also has also been helping we have a drought and they have been helping with um with mutual Aid so they were participating and putting out the fires on uh the Palisades at Inglewood cliffs and then there's a 3500 acre fire that's happening up in West Milford and they uh they participated in that and that's something that um you know is will will have an impact on overtime but that's for the that's for the public good and the uh West Milford Fire Department came down and helped us with their with their high water rescue vehicles or some other equipment during during August but that's something when you when you look at when you look at the different uh factors why do you have overtime there are there are certain events that trigger it anybody else anybody else got any questions just just a point of clarity point of clarity um council president thank you for the explanation city manager um just to be clear I'm not against um First Responders getting overtime because usually when overtime comes it's needed by the residents uh what I'm concerned about is are we looking forward to decreasing the overtime by increasing the Manpower um until later on in the budget maybe we can take a a hard look at that of increasing the Manpower thank you uh council president Mr Mr Kaufman I think since nobody else has any questions for you uh but you can stay right there cuz thing is bills and claims so don't move we'll just we'll get you right there all right so next we have resolution 310 11-12 d24 approval payments of bills and claims in the amount of 9,670 48662 I need a motion in a second I make a motion council president okay I second any questions good Council thank you council president um I'd like to know um if we look at page number one 24- 02730 DMR Architects for 6,625 that's incumbent upon the city or DMR to get out the information or is that a collaborated effort um uh council president can I ask a clarification question yeah thank you so um is this to get out what to get out the information to to our residents because there's there's residents that continue to email me and contact me that they're not they don't have updated information so I want I want to make it clear that um they they've been held responsible for certain duties is that one of them well I believe so we have a draft the their draft report that was circulated to the planning board and to the to the council is is on the city's website there's a specific in the center of the homepage there's a specific box that says master plan and it's on there um okay because as a planning board liaison um the updates aren't coming as swiftly as we would like so I'm I'm not sure so the the the updates would wind up coming from DMR because we we don't control that Contex no I I just wanted to be clear about um the amount of money that we're paying and the information or the lack of information that we may be receiving okay councilman you're having a meeting on Thursday right they they're hosting a meeting on Thursday to plan for they are council president but there's a large majority of our residents that are not aware of the meeting on Thursday at the white Mor high school that's a problem and that's what they should bring all the issues up if people are not getting informed and that who's who's you're asking whose responsibility is that to put that in because we're we're we're missing all Wards all sectors that haven't been informed about this meeting and this is a 10-year plan and it's it's detrimental that we get all the input from our city residents I think that you know goes without saying well if the council wants we can send out a um our new version of nixel about that sometime tomorrow that that that would be that would be that would be nice um and I personally have sent out information so hopefully we can get as many people to participate as possible because I think it's important Mr Hoffman maybe we put it on the uh Marquee it's it's on the Marquee already yeah I think it was today right yep we were just got on there today should have been on there right well we we received an email from the from the planning board today and we put it on today so okay uh and I'm going to keep this short um for the police department page number 2 24-02 627 uh we have training in the amount of $16,988 20 page two page two uh halfway down into the police department 24-02 627 yeah that that's online training for all 84 officers off sworn officers and uh it does any of that training include diversity the the answer is they do go through diversity training I don't know if this specifically was for diversity training but we can we can we can let you know okay um we're purchasing new vehicles uh so I'm curious why we have four rentals or is that the new vehicles that U we're paying down on yeah this is this this is the lease for the um the um off duty off off duty of that that the uh that that we have with with the police department so yes and we're paying it down this is the quarterly payment on the vehicles that we've leased and then we then and then at the end of the lease we purchase them for a dollar Mr hoop I have two questions did you say off duty well I I meant it's the private duty so it's it's the the road work that's be that's being done so we are renting Vehicles so we could do off duty work what we're doing this is um yes this is part of what we this is part of what had been discussed last year where um we're leasing vehicles through enter Enterprise um we're just specifically using them for the um for the for the road work so they don't have the full police packages and they're uh they're more energy efficient vehicles um but we're also we're also charging the utility companies for the use of it so it's our costs are being covered by um you know uh by by the the utility companies or or the P the private duty we we charge a car fee and admin tra fee we charge fees to yeah but we got a whole parking lot full of vehicles over there that we can use I I don't get it I had to park down the street down here by the fire department so it does and we got these little pickup trucks and maybe we should see how much we're using those Vehicles maybe we could save a little money here okay just saying think about it okay so so if I can follow with that uh Mr Hoffman thank you for your explanation that these vehicles that are being rented eventually that's going to be a wash because the services that we're rendering are being paid by let's say the electric water company that that's correct or or or contractors such as um new Prince that are doing sewer work or or whatever but yes and so one of my concerns are on page two land and use construction code 24- 0286 n Northern Valley Auto Body uh 2022 Broncos sports repair and amount of$ 59.94 and this is my last question council president so thank you for indulging me um all you I know I know they call it accidents for a reason and you know it's not intentional and I and I understand that um but we've been paying out a lot for auto repairs and two concerns are um the training that we just paid 16,000 for I I wonder if we can incorporate um inclusi inclusive be inclusive of uh driver train and uh because we're having repairs come across the desk a lot and is what vehicle is the 22 Bronco is that a this was in the Construction office yeah this was this was this was in a different department this was in the Construction office but there it was it was an accident it was the um it was caused by a city employee and we're we're getting the the vehicle fixed and we're we've got we they they are going through the um you know the the training or the accident review well thank you my prayer is that no one was hurt so thank you council president thank um anybody else before I yes um I have one question is a small question the traffic signals on page seven um TM tnm Associates nicobar Hudson signal on a County Road what was the update on that um that is $980 and I remember they put the light up about a year ago so I'm just curious what was that $980 on the county road and it says City traffic signals on a County Road I'm just asking I don't have access do you know what it is do you know what it is 87 uh Capital Improvements this this was an old okay this was an old project that was a old project you just you're just paying now why okay it was the old project okay okay we're just curious cuz I know this the signal light went in from the county okay old project thank you you just right um anybody else oh on page four Mr Kaufman and Hoffman um removal of graffiti where where where was that located at uh the removal the removal of graffiti was at the um parking garage that the parking garage par project that was part of the project over the summer where it was uh top floor um then the middle floors okay and can we go to page five um ice skating arena 44,000 what kind of awning are we putting on those are the those are the curtains the front and back curtains we had those ugly burlap curtains on the side in the front of the building that were um tattered so we replaced them so that's what that was we went out to bid for this it's uh and and there was second part of that question is we got 10,000 um $800 for the flooring what is that the that's not the ice flooring that must be the other flooring yeah that's the um that's the rubber matting in the uh where you know just just in that whole area that where where people walk on it with their skates so uh it gets chewed up and we've replaced it okay and I encourage everybody to come skating uh the ice is beautiful come on out and are we finished or almost finished with the lafette improvements on on page 8 for 126,000 where's that from Lafayette from Forest Avenue to uh tan I believe right uh we've put the curving in but there's the part part of that is the uh is is the paving so we're the curving is there yeah it looks like they did the sidewalks as well they did they did the sidewalks and not not the whole you know we were looking at that because it's the sidewalks there's there's driveway aprons that they put that they put in as well and I you know we're we're supposed to be Paving that at at at sometime so right we got to take the RO it right yeah so that's that's the last part of that project so when do you don't know when you expect that get that done CU I know I had some people ask me because it said it said like November one and it looks like it's sliding well we uh we we had to wait for some of the work to be done on um some of the polls to be some of the poles to be replaced and some of the other work that was done related to the um the the T neck Alfred Avenue project so if you if you have you've driven down there so I know you know it but there is they had a they had to reset catch basins they had to put in new concrete along along the side there and then um you know there was there was some other work that they were they were doing behind the curb before we could we could work there right um let me just check with what France had sent to us and that catch Basin that's right at the end where where it kind of bends in the curb right there I think that that needs to be replaced it still looks pretty bad it looks it looks like it's it's angled the wrong way yeah yeah B you know and part part of that is there's a trench that's there so the trench has to set set for a period of time before you can go in and and and pave but um I I will check and get back to the uh to the governing body about that after I speak with the the engineer okay I'm done okay roll call councilwoman wiski I'm sorry councilman Rosen white yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cup yes next answer you want to you read this by title uh next we have or is for for introduction first reading ordinance 2411 this is an ordinance amending and supplementing the city code of the city of Anglewood to establish chapter 68 setting forth personal residency preferences for hiring in the police and fire departments I need a motion and a second I make a motion council president I'll second comments do you want to explain or you want to go do you want to explain you want to go we can explain do you want to exp you want to exp you want to explain this yeah are you 24 left can Bob can explain Bob sure uh council president this uh this ordinance um is an introduction to amend the city residency requirement right now there's a 12-month City residency requirement this would uh increase that to 36 months that's the main that's the change for that it does not affect the uh current um hiring process for the police department we have a written exam scheduled for January of 2025 and then um the the pH the physical after that it also does not affect the current list for for uh the for the fire department we have a list that um of candidates um the list is um good for three years so the next time uh the next time that we uh we have a test for the fire department it would um this this new this new ordinance would um would set the criteria for that right so let's be clear the next time we have any test in anything this ordinance will set the criteria the next for the next test yes thank you uh city manager could you just share with us the the the closing date for the test for the police dep Department ah you're putting me on the spot um that that's okay I'm I'm not exactly sure what it is we we do have a QR code for the um for the applications for the test I believe it's um it's sometime in January but I will I will make sure that I get that we double check it and and get back for that so there will be a written test in in January those that pass the written test will be invited to take the physical and then those that take the physical will then uh go through the background checks and the goal is to have um have police officer candidates ready for the July Bergen County um police uh police academy class so if you know people uh that that would be interested please please let them know the biggest takeaway that we had from last year's test is that um we had many people that passed the written test but they were unable to pass the physical so of our if you're going to take the written test start start working out our Police Department is available to help um help you to do an assessment because there there are things you will have to do in the academy you will have to run you know so many many miles in a certain amount of time there are different things that you have to do and our Police Department is ready willing and able to help any candidates to give them that assessment so they will know what to what to expect but that was our that was our our biggest surprise last year was that we we we had a significant amount of people that were not able to pass the physical the physical test thank I I I want to make this comment about this the the reason for the change is to give the opportunity to the residents that live in the city of Anglewood the the city of Anglewood is one of the best paying municipalities for police and fire in the state of New Jersey and every time we have a test we have big large numbers of people taking those tests and so you you want the young men and women in the city of Anglewood to to have an opportunity to get get these jobs and if it's being called a homer so be it but these are the people that we represent and we want them to have the as many opportunities or many advantages as possible so that they will do that it also helps the the economy in the city of Anglewood uh when people live here and work here uh so that that's one of things as well they spend their money here and it makes a difference in in in in terms of the environment because and they'll care as much because this is where they important and they have given we have given them the opportunity or the residents or the city or the people who are in power give them the opportunity to participate in these jobs um but they're just more than jobs these are careers a lot different these are careers where these people and they have impacted many families that we know and will continue to impact families they they are game changers so that's why we want to give our young people the opportunity to be a part of the change thank you goad all right um my statement before I vote um there are those who are and have been against these Arrangements requiring police and firefighters in our city to be residents in our city many towns municipalities across the county and Country including right across the river have these Provisions perhaps there is fear that we would hire subpar individuals that's not possible given the provision that we demand that all hires meet the eligibility requirements first if such residents do not then a city manager is instructed to go on to the next qualified hire who may be a non-resident again we we would be foolish to permit unqualified people to patrol our city or fight our fires is just not the case here with this ordinance because we have the qualification Safeguard in place but the real reason I support this ordinance and believe every resident of this town should is because I live here and I am the wife of a firefighter who retired and that was a game changer the safest Block in America is a block that has a cop as a resident and a firefighter as a hero bad guys skip over blocks when they know there's a policeman or police woman a block with a cop I want a cop on my block do you want a block on your cop I your cop on your block yes or no and the best way to ensure that a cop makes her or his home on your block not just some town in New Jersey is required that Municipal is forced to reside in our city and our community it's simple a cop on a block a fire man on my street it's an issue of Public Safety for me it's an issue of Public Safety for all residents of Inglewood I don't know why there would be any opposition to the safety measure you know everyone should be wanting to have that I feel great living in the Third Ward with Anthony kuron who's the sheriff and we have uh the um senator in the Third Ward I feel safe we got a couple of cops who live in the Third Ward I feel safe and I think that we should have several cops living in our community firefighters even a mailman we need to have that involvement and that's how I rest my case thank you thank you anybody else have any comments roll call councilman Rosen no councilwoman wiski no councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson that's a yes council president cob yes okay so final vote is three yes two no motion passes um for the record the public hearing on this ordinance will take place on November 26 thank you 26 Chang okay need this back next we have ordinance for reading 2412 will the city clerk please read was always that way okay um just for the record the the title that was uh provided that was posted on Friday is incorrect this is the new updated title this is an ordinance providing for various improvements or purposes to be undertaken in and by the city of Englewood in the county of Bergen New Jersey and reappropriate $584,500 therefore constituting proceeds of a grant received by the city from the American Rescue plan Act of 20121 need a motion in a second and then Mr Hoffman I make a motion council president second Mr hoffen you want to explain this to the public please uh yes thank you council president um this this amended ordinance um has to deal uh is related to the arpa funding so the city um was planning on doing work at the DPW to um put in some drainage and repave the parking lot we we brought in additional electric for our two new electric garbage trucks and the um the pro that project was delayed so we were not able to do the uh do the drainage work at the DPW and then pave it so we're reallocating those funds for other um other projects that relate to that are related to arpa the arpa funds so um they're being re reallocated and also we went out to bid for traffic signals and the bids came in at about $84,000 under under what was anticipated so we're reallocating those projects so we have we have a list of projects that we're going to be able to accomplish so there will be some additional there's some additional drainage there's the LED um digital signs that uh that we're we're that the council had had approved um Michael I'm drawing a blank on the uh on oh there's the there's the bathrooms and City Hall where're we're updating the public bathrooms in city hall and then we're doing some Renovations we're going to be moving the clerk's office so that we can provide better customer service to our residents and so those are some of those are those are some of the uses for the arpa funds uh that um that we've discussed with the council but this this uh ordinance Amendment um does not change the dollar amount to the arpa funds it is still it is still the same $2.9 million and um we will be able to encumber all of the funds before the end of the year and uh use all of the funds before December 31st of 2026 just as the the law says thank you thank you anybody got any questions I just I just have a comment um I asked Mr Hoffman uh after this meet this after our council meeting sometime this week if he could put um on the city website how we are spending the arpa money money so that it's available to all our residents and Mr Hoffman uh said he would do so so just anybody who's watching this or anybody who's here the um it will be on our website uh sometime soon yep so we we have a bit we have a bid opening early next early early next week that's related to a project for arpus so that um you know we might we might amend that uh that spreadsheet based on that but we will put something up for the residents so they can see the 12 project that we've uh we've talked about also on the ordinance 24 uh 2405 I believe that's the yeah that's our 2023 capital in in that in the body of that ordinance it talks about where the money the arpa money is being used for so you could always look in that ordinance also yeah roll call no more questions roll call sorry councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes yes thank you council president cob yes next we're going to have public comment on agenda items 306 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 and 330 comments will only be on the items that I mentioned the floor is open your name and your address public comment still three minutes H three minutes three minutes yes good evening my name is Raymond Diaz 408 Shannon Court Anglewood I have several comments and questions about some of these resolutions uh 31211 resolution awarding uh disclosure award to Commercial Tire Service repay and tire service it says sent to be in excess of the payto playay threshold of 17,500 I think you explained it to me one time and I I don't those words are so negative so please explain what that means because there's another item here that says the same thing I I think they were saying that they want more money 37,000 and uh 30 when I get to it can you please explain the first one or do I wait for that do I wait for the answer or he's going to explain it to you okay all right oh here it is okay did you have other questions yeah there was the resolution award required disclosure award to new Prince Concrete Construction it says pay to play 37k excess of the 177,000 so maybe if we can explain it hopefully I don't have to ask that question ever again uh there's another one 317 talking about authorizing the disposition of obsolete property is that furniture we still talking is that furniture and forget about that you explained that before uh 318 of for uh authorizing contract to Burkin County cooperative pricing for Route 23 Auto Mall I don't know what that's all about okay um okay okay uh 324 enable the Engle Police Department to request and acquire access Department of Defense equipment what type of equipment is are we talking about you know I'm worried about one time there somebody was going to buy a tank or something like that so so hopefully that's not the they got give us a list and then we approve it and and that's it that's the the list is in the resolution attached huh it's attached it's attached to the resolution I'm finished okay so the 175 is to pay to play so that means that any any contracts that are awarded over $17,500 the company has to fill out forms um from the state for for pay pay to play and they have to be on file so Michael and I will tag team on that there's there's been an update so what happens is uh if we if we know that the contract is going to be above 175 then we they they they have to um fill out the forms but we put it into the resolution so that everybody everybody knows that and under and under 44,000 right so it's it's between 175 and 44,000 which is anything over 44,000 you have to go out to bid that's where we do the request for proposals the rfps so between 175 and 40 44,000 you have to you have to fill out the pay to playay forms we make sure that we put this in in the resolution so that everybody knows and um that's our that's our estimate that it's it's not going to go over the bid threshold but it will be above the 175 yeah that it's just that pay toplay statement CU in the past that used to mean that you would have to give them some kind of Kickback to put your bid up on the top so you can guarantee a job no and for me that's a negative connotation so can we change the wording or something no that's that's the that's what that's what the state says that's the wording from the state and this is the this is done so that um people people will know that you know if there's there's been no political contributions if you're you know you have to fill out forms and and and say if you've made a political contribution so that's that's part of the that's part of what they have to fill out if you made no political but do they you're not telling me anything hold on hold on one second you guys want to let him talk please thank all right then one of your other questions have what you just just said you're saying if they made no political I don't think anybody should be in there to say your political contributions your personal decision but to to say that pay to play that in case they made any that shouldn't even been to play that should be understood right is this a fair game or isn't it well this this is trying to make it a fair game but this is this is the state statute the state says that you know they want they want businesses to to make you know to to they want people to know if political contributions were made so that they made political contributions yeah many times when you look the the the answer is none it's filled in at zero but you still you still have to fill out the form okay so if if they made a political who do they make it to to the doesn't anybody on the board no it doesn't matter it's it's the it's you know it's in it's in the state so it's um they yeah there there are certain there are certain times when if they make a political contribution they're disqualified they can't they're not eligible for the for the contract but um that's why we require the forms and we review them but that's also that's also part of our our procedure but this is the state state statute that if you know if we know that there's if we anticipate that there will be we will conduct business with an with a company and it'll be over 17,500 but under the bid threshold then these are these are part of the forms that they have to provide as well as the business Reg registration forms and and other other forms so um they're and they're they're they're on file with the purchasing agent or in the in the clerk's office one of your other questions uh did I answer your question sir yeah okay I got little but I'm not going to continue I'll just take there another question okay that we could have added to that because with any of these bid problem projects also besides that what you just said you know there's a problem with possible conflict of of Interest where some of these contracts continue to go to the same people uh so how how do we resolve that should I say that for the regular well there what we do is when we get quotes I mean if if it's over 44,000 it's you know it's they're they they submit something it's it's it's the same as a sealed bid they're they're submitting something you know and it's it's publicly open so we're we're not privy to it until until a bit open opening time the date and the time of the bid opening um is that what you're referring to well I'm wondering if there's some kind of document that said that you have no conflict of interest in this bid or any bid whether it be even whether it be bids or non collusion affidavit they have to yeah something sounds like there is a nonion affidavit yeah okay thank you I appreciate that all right but just to be sure but that's that's every that's everything over $44,000 is the non- collusion affidavit okay okay below that and below below that it's the pay to play you know so that's forms and then the 10 you asked about the police the 1033 program and there is a list there is a list um of things this is basically from the defense Logistics agency um it's uh it's the former group that I was that I was assigned to during Desert Storm in Desert Shield but it's um what we're looking for is this is Surplus military equipment so as we had talked about previously it's um it gives us the ability to look for solar panels street sweepers um safety safety equipment from the uh for the for the fire department and the police department um sometimes there's pickup trucks with low mileage so those are the kind of things that we're that we're looking for uh okay and then it's a it's behind resolution 325 is a is a list of of what's what's approved is it 324 3 324 324 I'm sorry yeah so um so it's it's it's it's very good I'm one of one of our one of my colleagues was able to get a street sweeper from an from an Air Force Base and it had almost no mileage on it and um you know that's that's a $200,000 piece of equipment so sure we you know we're looking we're looking for that we're looking for for whatever will help us with climate change okay thank you appreciate it uh Pete Jansen 589 Rin Harris uh the list starts with 306 in the packet the resolutions begin on 311 so 306 is missing can you tell us a little more about it's going to be tabled anyway so what it's going to be tabled 306 okay yeah on 311 it's $47,000 for a c piece of caterpillar equipment can you give us a little information is that a excavator or is that a loader what is a WT swl yeah let me just look that up that's U that's that's for the our DPW it's going to replace a 22 year old piece of equipment um that is um what what number is that I'm sorry Peter what number 311 311 um 314 three okay so it's um yeah so it it it's um it's going to replace a 22y old bucket loader um so it it's basically a bucket loader with attachments and what we what the plan is with the the the bucket loader that's being replaced we have another old bucket loader so we're going to take this old one that um that is broken and we're going to part it out so that we can keep the other one on the road because we can't get replacement parts for for for both of those bucket loaders both of them are over 22 years old okay very good thank you you're welcome thank [Music] you bless you so answer we're going to have we're going to going to table 306 anybody else from the public have any questions on the agenda items if not at this time I'm going to close the public session you want to table the first one so we I need a motion and second to table uh resolution 306 mov a motion sorry I'll second it roll call councilman roseno yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next I'd like to table some of the resolutions as well I'd like to um table resolution 326 and I'd like to take table resolution 329 I make a motion to table second so moved okay uh sorry councilman Rosen white yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cup yes and you made a motion to table 329 yes 326 and 329 a motion it was for we did a motion and second for both resolutions this is for 329 second we we just did for both we did one resolution for both yeah does anyone have anything they want to pull from pull for discussion does anybody else have anything that they want pull from this for discussion council president we we we can vote on um 313 but I would just like an explanation later in regards to to the bid Mr Hoffman 313 uh thank you council president yes this is um this is this is for the gate the gate house at the at Recreation this gate house was hit by um by a piece of equipment from a contractor for Paving so um the city's costs will be re will be reimbursed by the insurance company for the contractor so this is a city property so we have to go out to bid for it but it's um but the and it's being it's being Resto it's a historical building so it's going to be restored in the in the proper historical manner but the insurance company for the contractor will be will be reimbursed ing the city for this expense yes thank you for the explanation for the public um our historical building that was hit months ago when we were repairing the uh the field behind the ice uh rank was yeah my my concern is that um and we went over this before and I understand about accepting the lower bid I I just want us to pay close attention because it is one of our beautified historical sites and as I mentioned before with the repairs on the fire department all L bids are on our best bids and they get in here and they do a change order um and it comes to be what our second bid was and what our third bid was and I know there's no real way we can Safeguard ourselves behind that but I I would just hope that we scrutinize this particular project like never before because it is a historical site and we wouldn't want it to be any type of shabby sha shabby work thank you uh council president for letting me get that on the record thank you yes um thank you for pointing that out councilman Wilson the um the architect that was um hired to do the to to um prepare the plans inspects based on is is a is an architect that specializes in historical restoration uh that architect as well as our engineer um contacted the references for this company and this company this company does specialize in res in restoration so they they have a track record but we will be keeping uh keeping tabs on them thank you sure thank you so now we'll go back to the resolutions for vote we're gonna vote on resolutions 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 327 328 and 3:30 I'll make a motion that we vote on the resolutions that you just read a second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next no resolutions for discussion ordinances for discussion we already did okay ordinances for discussion Amendment chapter 404 article to smoking on public property to include cannabis who's speaking today you councilman I I can council president thank you um as our public may or may not know that cannabis has become legal in New Jersey um so that makes ints accessible to the things that come along with that and our police officers are handcuffed if you will with some of the some of the things they can do to the offenders that may be sliding by um and one of the reasons why I thought this was important is that it's a quality of life issue where residents can't go to their favorite shopping center restaurant uh meter to put in coins for their parking um residents commercial uh places all those above shouldn't be hampered with the aroma of this Elite legal substance and there should be some type of uh re some type of system that should refrain our citizens from being abused by this particular substance use being smoked in public there's been cases where uh people are smoking in front of where seniors live in apartment buildings and seniors are afraid to enter their own place of residence and I for one when I stand for it I think it's unacceptable um if in fact that these individuals decide to partake let them partake it in their own house their own residence uh we have kids we have elderly people that should not be subjected to this um and and that's my take pointed that I I think we can amend this thing to protect the abuse of the use of the substance thank you council president yes thank you um councilman Kevin um Wilson this is a slippery slope situation I don't smoke at all but I grew up and I went to restaurants and people are smoking in the streets I get it they stop they B smoking in restaurants and you're smoking and this type of um Aroma could be therapeutic I guess for some people who need to take the medicine and I get it so you basically on a borderline of telling people who have who have a medical condition if they need it they can't take it so there a difference I'm looking at it like I don't know I'm I'm just looking at it like I don't know you understand like there's some people who say you know what I have a card I have gloma I have this I have that you have people who like chimney smoking and you can get secondhand cancer from cigarettes nicotine I don't know I'm not a doctor so I I don't know how I feel about the entire thing isn't there isn't yeah isn't there um something already on the books about smoking in public spaces yes there there is council president there's no smoking on on public places in parks and all and um one of the things that councilman Wilson had alluded to is is that um both he and the police department as well as the city manager's office have received um complaints and then expressions of concern from RE from residents that um you know feel uh you know feel threatened if they're walking on a street and there's there there are people that are um eming in recreational Cannabis uh and they um you know it to them it's a it's a quality of life issue so you have to look at it both ways but we have we have an ordinance that says no smoking in public places and um it it it's for tobacco but it does not include cannabis so one of the things is to uh include you know M make sure that that's included and then we can we can enforce it uniformally but we we have also had residents that are saying that it's you know there there are there are certain locations around the city where people are just um you know they're they are smoke smoking in public and they they just feel concerned as they're as they're walking and um you know they're they're looking for some guidance I'll make a comment um I'll tell you what my understanding of what we're asked to do in this ordinance so so first of all in our existing smoking ordinance it does include cannabis it it does so we don't have to add cannabis it's included in smoking but what's not included is where it's prohibited so if you look at our regular um our ordinance our existing ordinance it says for example smoking shall be prohibited within a 35 foot radius of the front entrance of City buildings and then of course you can't smoke in Parks so I believe that what the request what the request is because of the complaints of quality of life that have been received and I think many of them um councilman Wilson you you know I know I've heard that you received many of these complaints that is correct right is that um that smoking instead of saying should be prohibited within a 35t radius or the parks is to prohibit smoking which already includes cannabis in all public spaces in the city so that's what the ask is it's not to insert cannabis it's included in the in the wording of smoking it's to include the space to include all public spaces president so another question and I'm not advocating for this but just bringing up for discussion should should we add vaping into that as well or is that less intrusive I think it's included I'll I'll go back cigarettes okay yeah pretty sure [Music] um it says it says here smoking the burning of and healing from ex exhaling the smoke from or the possession of a lighted cigar cigarette pipe or any other matter of substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked or the inhaling or exhaling of smoke or vapor okay from an electronic smoking device okay yeah you know then this sorry just let me finished the the separate issue is you know public intoxication and you don't need to you know you there's no public drinking but you don't need to smoke cannabis for that you know there's Edibles and we can't legislate that or someone could have a a very strong drink at a bar and then go out and be uh publicly intoxicated so I think that's a separate concern and that already is against the law and that I guess that um maybe David that' be disorderly conduct or public intoxication um you know another issue would be you know for alcohol there's a there's a test you know a breathalizer test there really is no similar a forensic Examination for cannabis there are some tests with like spinning circles which need you know good IM motor coordination which is impaired with someone's uh taking cannabis but that's not always reliable either so that' be something we might need to have a discussion uh with the police just how to legis like that or especially uh if someone's driving Under the Influence I thank you the the concern here is that we we have things in place part of it is enforcement and when enforcement by our Police Department is attempted they are restricted to do certain things because it's not in the letter of the L if in fact that someone's taking cannabis from medical issues I get it the majority of usage for medical issues whether it's uh IVs or pills are usually taken in safe environments in your house doctor's office Hospital maybe in your car and every now and then in public for continuous use in particular areas within our city that are being abused should not be tolerated and for those who think it's okay maybe we can direct that map to where they live and then they may realize the abuse Factor is serious thank you council president thank you thank you Mr cop um I also think that the health department should be consulted as Dr wski artfully stated if the ordinance encompasses cannabis there are asmatics in our city and they have the authority to issue their own separate ordinance as well in addition to the cities but to amend our ordinance to prohibit smoking of any form vaping cigars whatever it is in public areas seems wise under the circumstance um this is a major challenge the question I have for the attorney if if you wouldn't mind is is there any constitutional entitlement that anybody has that count demands the health and the safety interests here not on public property right and is there anything can we require can we allow a a federal Authority a post office in the city limits do we have the authority to restrict that as well because it's within our city limits I I would caution having any ordinance I would caution having any ordinance appli to Federal property post office fly owned property but we could I don't think the city's jurisdiction could extend no I I understand that but we could send Communications to State uh offices and to the federal uh authorities asking them to join in posting a city ordinance that restricts it in public use uh despite um the the bifurcation of authority so I think this is critical and if this uh governing body decides next year or in some fashion that they want to include some sale or some manufacturing or some of the revenue that would be generated from Cannabis then I think you're sending a very strong message if you at the same time amend these ordinances accordingly there should be nobody who walks by and then is negatively affected medically because of somebody else's use of this uh product um I agree also are we going to with this new development coming are we going to also have that implemented that the buildings they cannot smoke in the building which is also impeding on other residents who are living there senior buildings the Brownstones the 20 20 grand all these buildings are we going to go now into these buildings now cuz it goes through walls I'm just asking how are you going to do this well is shop white considered a public space no but where the public gathers it could be secondhand consequence we would we could also reach out to the ownership the Proprietors once we amend an ordinance and tell them that we promulgated this we'd appreciate their posting it the posting of the ordinance itself May detract people or they may do something privately I wonder how they handle it because the secondhand use uh or inhalation of this product also I'm sure has consequence yeah we talk you're talking about shop right I'm talking about like I know the cops always go to 20 grand because my friend is asthmatic but the neighbor smoking marijuana weed but they don't have any restrictions so what do you do do you bring it to all the new development buildings and post something there and tell the developers like you know what ban people from smoking in a building and ban them from having meducal medicine I'm just asking let me let me let me ask the attorney a question I don't I don't know your name because it says uh William Bailey David lafy okay Mr laferty um is an indoor smoking in New Jersey prohibited not in private property so you're saying in the I mean so an indoor smoking is is allowed in a Lobby right because because this ordinance is for public spaces correct um I think I think Council woman David is now asking about indoor spaces so I just wanted to clarify what what is I know indoor smoking isn't allowed indoor smoking is allowed from my understanding because it's going on like an exception for that for example are the casinos in Atlantic City where it's always a fight are we going to allow This indoor smoking in the casinos or not so I don't believe that Endor smoking is allowed in buildings ask these new developers I don't know not public I mean I'm not talking about I'm not talking about people's Apartments I'm talking about places where public gathers indoors for example Bergen pack for example a Lobby of any of the buildings I don't believe that indoor smoking is allowed I know in restaurants for example it's no longer allowed restaurants are specifically prohibited right so no one knows the answer okay so so maybe we should look now to the ordinance for the outdoor spaces which is I think what's what started the conversation and we could just ask the health department or or the attorney could look into what the rule is just to clarify on the uh indoor you know lobbies of these buildings any more councilman I I'll end with this council president um when someone reaches their golden years and that may be 50 it may be 60 who knows when God's going to take us home but I think they should be afforded the opportunity to enter and to leave their place of residence without the burden of individuals smok smoking in the lobby or in front of the building on a consistent basis that's a huge concern that I think as council members we need to look at as far as quality of life for our residents I'll end with that council president thank you thank you thank you so I guess there's more to come on this topic here I'm just I'm just did a quick search says the 2006 New Jersey smoke free Air Act requires almost all indoor public places and workplaces to be 100% smoke free this includes common or shared areas and multi-unit housing such as apartment building lobbies stairwells common rooms okay next if we finished with this topic commercial vehicle overnight park in on the street street parking um I know we have an issue in a third ward with um commercial trucks being parked we just recently had a fire that was um that one life was lost remember we I'm sorry I had to choke on water um so I think we should change the ordinance from 40 tons because all these food trucks don't weigh 40 tons I think we should not have 4 tons four tons four tons I don't think we should have any food trucks on the street at all with the propane gas there and everything I think we should eliminate all food trucks um from being parked and maybe um on the street cuz kids come there they're curious and um Crystal Brown who's sitting there from the environmental commission she called me she told kids playing with the truck trying to open the door propane is there so I think we should just look at the ordinance a little differently when it comes to food trucks the ordinance that's my ask sorry sorry it's a choke on water sorry now I was just going to make a comment that that what we were given in our packet they didn't it was just overnight parking prohibit or overnight parking prohibited of trucks and and buses within certain hours but they didn't they didn't differentiate the types of of trucks so what are we working here to do are we looking to for all commercial vehicles I'm I'm asking all it's all commercial vehicles and somebody had put in there 4 tons but there are a lot of truck a lot of commercial vehicles that are not 4 tons and these are like these panel Vans and things that they are parking on the street so I would consider anything that has a commercial license plate on it should be parked in a in a driveway so therefore it doesn't look like a i saw and all these blocks if you go down many of these blocks right now you see 2 three four five uh and they're parked there over the weekend so it just makes a eyes sore for people who live in these uh neighborhoods so that that's what it is I think that the ordinance just needs to be tightened up a little bit take out the four tons and put in commercial PL license and give the people back their street yes thank you next next is leaf collection use of leaf bags and storm water restrictions Mr HF maybe you want to talk to that one uh yes thank you council president um this has to do with um with trying to prevent um and prevent flooding in the future but uh last week the DPW director and I spent an hour and a half driving around all four Wards and it was I believe it was on Thursday night so Thursday from safe 4:30 until 6:00 and the DPW has been going around picking up leaves but in every Ward on on many streets in each of the wards even the roads that were cleared people people or landscapers were bringing out leaves and they were putting it on the street which was causing traffic issues the other thing that they're doing is that they're they're putting it on top of catch basins they're putting it on top of the grates and um you know Mr R and I watched as we watched people that were filling up blue tarps with leaves and bringing it out onto the streets and just strewing it on the street but they you know we we watch people put it on top of catch Basin and that's wrong if you want to prevent flooding you can't be putting leaves on top of catch basins it just it's it's ridiculous so um that that has to stop but our our storm water regulations which were adopted last year um and of are you know voluminous it it says one of the ways that that you know to help prevent um flooding is you can use leaf bags and that's that's one of the things that I I believe that we we need to do is that we need to be we need to put um we need to implement an ordinance so that we we put leaves in leaf bags and it's you know uh and we also need to identify somehow the the catch bin in the street so when people are dumb and they put they put leaves over the catch basins at least we'll know where they are but we're spending we're spending a significant amount of time um making sure that we're cleaning streams keeping culverts cleaned and then you know when you drive around and the leaves are coming down we have catch basins that are just're they're going to be clogged because people are being careless um so council president you know this is this is something that um that that makes sense that we we need to make sure that leaves are put in bags and that they're you know they're not put over catch bases so Mr Hopman I I'll tell you I think here's here's the rub on that um you have many people are senior citizens that don't have the ability and they have landscapers who do that for you know so and if a landscaper puts them in the bag for you that's going to be an additional cost so uh I I I think one of the things that we should do is when our property maintenance people are riding around and they see these landscapers we should educate the landscapers don't put this these leaves over these catch basins but also send a memo to the home every homeowner saying you have a responsibility come Le time to you know ensure that these catch basins are clear so water can flow through them the right way because if if you really look at it and I saw the guy with the blue top on tly road yeah tly what was it ever yeah I I saw him out there you're absolutely right but historically that's been like that on tly road forever people do that and my bigger problem is they tend to do it after the land after we've cleaned the street right the city's cleaned the street done a good job and it seems like they wait till Friday or something and and then stays out there for a whole week you know but my concern with bagging is you know people some people have large large land Landscapes and you know they pay their landscape and the landscape May charge them an extra fee or whatever the case may be and we got seniors that are not going to just bag them you know I think you get you got a mixed bag so how do we make it so it works for everybody yeah there's going to be needs to be some thought but in other communities you know the uh clean communities funding and and some other some other grant funding sources are used so that we buy you buy leaf bags and you you give out a certain amount the city used to do that the city used to do that we would give bags to people who wanted them pick them up from DPW and they we can encourage those to to bag their leaves if they won't choose to do that and the other ones we have to make sure that you know hey you know we got to make sure these streets and some streets are more problematic than others too that's what we can identify T Fly road is problem it's problematic it is but it's a it's a you're you're right council president but it's a problem in every Ward because we drove through every Ward and then you stop you know you stop the car you turn you turn the engine off of the truck and you listen to the leaf blowers and then cor and then even though it's dark you go towards the leaf blowers and you're just watching people blow leaves right on top of catch basins yeah so like to I'm sorry may I would like to interject also um we have to pay very like careful attention to our calendar because according to our calendar it said bag leaves pickup and leaf collection is not specific it seemed like you're picking up leaves and you're picking up bag leaves leaves so we got to be mindful when we create the calendar be specific and saying we only picking up bag leaves because you go leaf collection and bag leaves so you think you're doing both and I looked at that calendar and I was like it's confusing to many thank you I think um there may be a Middle Road between the city manager's well stated point about not getting catch Basin clogged up and our Council president's concerned for the financial enumeration that it would take from residents is there a test program or constituency where there would not be a heavy burden on residents that we can test it is there a property that would make it uh more economical is there a you know if is there a block where catch basins like Glouster where it's such under such great controversy that we can test this out and in other words should the city provide bags um to some residents in areas where the cat basins are so delicate and then not help them fill the bags but at least take some of the cost away is there a pilot program that we can artfully think about how to do this that won't be onerous well that's a you know those are those are some good thoughts Mr Mayor we'll have to think about it because it it has to be pilot tested in each Ward because each ward has slightly different problems so in you know in in the First Ward when we were driving driving through the streets I mean there there were there were contractors that were just literally blowing leaves um you know into into the in off off the property onto both sides of the street so you could barely get you could barely get an an SUV through the through that street and we we knew that there were catch basins on the street but you just couldn't because it was just covered with leaves per perhaps a survey of some sort um I'm sure that there's some homeowners that are already using the leaves so that they themselves don't have to deal with mounds of leaves and it's compounding also tomorrow for example in the second ward are both garbage cans have to be made available and the one arm bandit as it were would have to reach over a longer and a higher Hill putting you know the the return of the receptacle in a precarious circumstance for a homeowner to bring it in um I'm wondering if there are people that would pay for it themselves where we can kind of test it out um or if there are landscapers that we can speak to and and and get some of their uh feedback what is the cost uh to a resident um what are the cost of the bags how often would you pick them up where would they dispose of them um and if people are already doing this let's speak with them so I think it would be a good task for somebody who understands the science of all this in the public works okay it it used to be that the landscapers got a calendar and they knew when the leaves were going to be picked up in certain Wards so if they were working there these guys would do those Lawns those days so they got or the day before and then they knew when they coming through clean it up I'm not back okay all right all right thank you for allowing me to express my frustration so we don't have an engineering report today I don't believe um now we have item for discussion Russell C major Liberty school adaptive reuse update Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president um we do have a brief update from the engineer I can give that at a at a later time but um the purp what I'd wanted to discuss about this is that um you know the the Russell SE major Liberty school is a you know is an is a jewel we that needs to be adaptively reused and it should be reused for something other than affordable housing because this is our um you know this is this is a um Municipal asset that's on 2.25 acres and it has uh there are there are are several um potential options for it but stepping back um it goes back to about October of 2023 where we where we took a hard look at the school and then we started to do preventative maintenance so the fire department was kind enough to fly a drone over the over the roof of the school uh in the in the summer and we noticed that there were two hatches that were off the roof that were open and that caused that was helping to cause water infiltration so one of the hatches was on the roof the fire department was able to put it back on uh the second hatch was nowhere to be found so they fabricated a hatch and they put it on but after that we had five leak leaks that were identified and those leaks um have been patched we went out we used quotes and Mr Diaz would be very happy to know that the 17,500 was uh the forms were all filled out and that we we had quotes from different roofers and so we've been keeping track of of the leaks and we we fixed them our goal is to fix the envelope of the building to make sure that it's secure uh with the help of the Deputy city manager and Wilmer and our our DPW we were looking at drainage issues in the in the basement so there had been flooding in the basement some of the lines um were were clogged the drainage lines they were pumped out the basement was pumped out the drainage lines were cleaned out and so we don't have water issues in the in the in the basement of the building then um there was um lots of lots of material lots of things that were in that building so we took it was probably it was either 40 40 yard dumpsters or 50 40 yard dumpsters but we took out over 2200 yards of material that was in that building and so uh that gave us the opportunity to walk through it and do an assessment and several members of the governing body uh walked through the building and to to take a look at it and um one of them to my right who shall remain nameless but has a Gray beard had white pants on and he managed not to get the white pants dirty going through all three levels of the building which was kind of amazing so um so that's you know that's the the longer View and then what we were doing what we did is we wrote a request for qualifications and we sent that out so that we could ask Architects um you know to to look at the building and and tell us how they can how that you know give us some some ideas on how how the building can be adaptively reused what's what would be what would be the good use for it so we were pleasantly surprised that 22 Architects submitted um submitted responses to our request for qualifications and the subcommittee was was formed and we took a look at it we we we read all of them we did a spreadsheet so that we could keep track of things and we interviewed 11 of those Architects the subcommittee um did did that and so we've we've completed reviewing you know we we've completed meetings with 11 Architects to take a look at you know what are what's the potential use for the building the building is still it's structurally sound it's got beautiful you know there are there are beautiful elements in it um we've had Engineers go through it twice to make sure that it's structurally sound and the DPW inspects it on a on a regular basis to make sure that you know the um you know there's if if there's a broken window or a leak it gets it gets fixed so we're we're doing we're doing that now and the next step is to um ass you know go through our notes assess the the um the meetings that we had with with the 11 Architects drill down and bring to the governing body um a smaller group so that the governing body can take can take a look and uh perhaps designate a me a member or two so that they could sit in on a on the next round and then ultimately we would come you know we would we would bring a a final group to the to the governing body for um you know for some some discussions but this is we've been working on this for over a year and the purpose of that is so that um we have there will be options for the for the governing body to consider before June 30th of 2025 which is when our round three um uh court order you know our our protect our Builders remedy protection EXP we we need to have a plan in place and so so that was part that was part of the process and we're talking about this now so that it's on the record so that people know what we've been doing we haven't been sitting by idly but we've been we've been doing an orderly um progression on what's what's the best what's the best use and you know how do we how do we preserve the building for the city's needs and how do we make sure that um it's an option for our needs and it doesn't become an option for affordable housing in round four uh then so so that's that's that's what we we're talking about and um you know there there will be more information coming in the future but uh We've we've been doing this and we just completed our our reviews with uh The Architects uh this past Friday so yeah thank you sure the uh We've um the building the building has been has been uh there there had been issues in the past with with people breaking in and with homeless homeless people being being in there and making use of the building uh but it's inspected by the DPW on a regular basis uh we've had um we've had some cameras put up but we've also had we had some vandalism of the cameras but they're you know they're they're back up um thece police have have made Regular patrols over there um so so that's that's part that's part of what we've done and then we took steps to secure some of the the ground the basement windows and the ground the ground floor because people were you know we're breaking we're breaking into the building through the palisad side of the building Palisades West Palisades Avenue side of the building uh and then coun thank you yes I was going to make a joke but I won't hi I have a question I have a couple um who makes up the subcommittee when you talk about wi who who is included in the Wii so the subcommittee is um is myself the deputy city manager the tax assessor and then the um the the um the vice chair of the zoning board U Mr David Maron and we I asked Mr Maron because he's an architect so he helped us evaluate the proposals and um you know he pointed out the pitfalls for on on several of the proposals and um so that's our that's our initial subcommittee okay and so you so the subcommittee has been meeting for a year now it's been meeting um the since since the RFQ went out to evaluate the RFQ um so I think I started working on the RFQ in March of this year but it went out um late spring or or in the summer I can I can get the exact date for you and and with the 11 Architects uh just given what you know just what do you think or what kind of parameters did you give the Architects well I I'll share that with the governing body instead of just okay speaking off the top of my head okay thank you okay next we will go to public session name address you have three minutes to discuss whatever you choose to don't run too fast thank you Denise Bowman 147 Pleasant Avenue Denise Bowman 147 Pleasant Avenue okay we've been asking for a weight limit we have these trucks coming up and down our street making pay turns we have a narrow Dead End Street street cars park on both sides on Pleasant Avenue and these trucks come down and we have many children on our street and we we're just like it's ridiculous we've been asking for a weight per permit and everybody says yes yes yes we'll help you and nobody has done anything and it's just getting so ridiculous and trucks fly up and down the street like no tomorrow and it's just all the neighbors are very upset about this because our street is just too many trucks coming down too many deliveries and it's all the actor's home and the actor's home is building on more which means going to be more deliveries Hudson Avenue is so much wider and bigger Pleasant Avenue is a narrow Street and this is just a little crazy and ridiculous feel like we're our Street's getting so abused and nobody is stepping up to the plate and helping us I I believe our engineer is aware of this I think he's working on is Mr Hoffman can you follow up with him I think he was CU there's more to it than just putting the sign there with that weight limit restriction yeah can you share those photos sure so my name is Sharon Silverman I live on Ivy Lane in Anglewood um so back in 2019 I brought up the same issue of a weight limit on Pleasant Avenue because that was a time when the actor's home was also making an expansion and the safety was concerning there's you know a lot of children there's people people Park on both sides of the Dead End Street and there's sidewalks so in in 2019 I have emails actually with mayor Wilds um and he was all for it he said we want to do it it's great we need to do it I brought it up again in 2020 nothing still happened so now it's 20124 to my understanding there's no weight limit on the Block and the reason why we're here tonight is because the actor's home is in front of the board of adjustment again to make an expansion that will increase their beds by 25% so now we're talking 25% more trucks 25% more deliveries 25% more garbage and the photographs that we're submitting are semis those are like shopr size semis that do a kurn out of the driveway of Barling Street and this is a residential Narrow Street it's totally inappropriate and totally unsafe and so I've felt this way for a long time the residents feel this way for a long time so what I have actually is petition for from the residents on Pleasant and surrounding streets asking you to please make the street safer it's to me it's and everybody else on the petition it's more important than ever that we do it now because if if this if this actor's home adjustment goes forward it's it's a safety concern and it's been a s it should have been done five years ago so I have the petition I don't and uh the emails did you make a copy of the petition you have copy pleas okay it yeah so that's it okay thank you so much next Amy Bullock cand Avenue um just some suggestions around this this Leaf issue um I see drains in the street I don't know what's a catch Basin what's a not a catch Basin I just know it's a drain so perhaps some education for the people who live in areas surrounding these catch basins letting them know that this is actually a catch Basin might be helpful um we may also be able to consider some type of neon or reflective paint for the Gres to make them stand out so people will notice them um because they do kind of blend in with with the color of the streets um we should provide bags for residents um because it could be a cost issue for some and I think that the majority of the the community wouldn't have a problem doing this but they need to be educated on it there's a sewer at the corner on my street I have no idea what it's for it's a great I don't know if it's a catch Basin I don't know if it goes to the Sewer I have if it's a storm drain or what um so I think some education on these different types of drains and things like that might be helpful in regards to Liberty school I just want to point out in our 2024 draft master plan um the number one recommendation under Community facilities rehabilitate Liberty school for use as a community center so we have that in our draft I know that there are at least two of you who support a community center to my left um my hope would be that as these different committees are formed that the community center is the goal and you include people from the community to understand what type of programming they would like to have there excuse me um and I think that's it so thank you okay good evening Martha RIS 93 hanik street I'm short much better better thank you so um I just have um three things to to give my opinion on in regards to the um the smoking I think it is should be transparent and all across the board no smoking on public areas I try to go to sometimes to McKay Park and I can't help the smell of Canabis I don't know who's doing it but it is happening so I don't think kids should be exposed to that okay um in regards to public um commercial parking yes no commercial parkings across the street of Inglewood overnight we understand that we need to coexist with commercial um businesses because these are the ones that provide business to our city and at some point supposedly keep our taxes uh down but there's got to be some sort of borderline this is where you don't cross this is your space this is my space we are your residents here and Englewood is becoming very commercialized but put a line here this is where this is your space you don't cross you don't park on residential street a certain hours give the residents the opportunity to come from work from an exhausted day and at least try find parking in front of their homes and now that you have to compete with a truck that is parking there and it's going to be parking there for 24 hours or 76 hours for that matter and there's nothing you can do I pay taxes too I been living on my street for almost 30 years and I have been battling this for 30 years it's just now that I'm making it public for for the past 20 years it was silent I was battling this myself in regards to the um the leaves I can tell you I am a proud homeowner that has been pain my landscaper to take away the leaves from my house because I do not want those leaves to come into the uh the range and anyone of you can stop by my house and you will not see leaves because I paid for them to be picked up but I think there should be maybe a pilot program where the landscapers can bring this to the DPW this way let's you this way alleviates the problem to the to the homeowner or if not if the homeowner is picking up their leaves then provide them um bags and I know my time is up but I do want to say this we're referring to Residents I can tell you I have endless videos here of landscapers in my area especially the landscapers for 370 Grand Avenue they coming and they dumping those leaves on that street between B on uh Mary Street between banker and hanik Street and then you have there the domino effect you have all this commercial par commercial Parks parked there for Endless times and the city has not swept that for the last two years and that's because I called and now this landscapers come and keep blowing the leaves okay behind Grand Avenue and eventually they they will end up on my property okay so I know my time is up and I apologize for that but I just want to say you know what believ it is that only for residents or commercial properties should have mandatory that their landscape their landscapers pick ups their leaves and that should not be a burden to the city thank you thank you you more hi my name is Rina pello I live at 154 Pleasant Avenue this is a continuous of what Denise Balman showed the first picture on those the pictures is a truck that parks there every few weeks for four to five days and then it leaves and then it comes back again in a couple of weeks and parks there for maybe three or four days I woke my dog three times a day and I see it constantly when he parks there I'm not too sure of when he comes but when they do come that no the other one the the larger truck is it that big truck that this big truck no this that one oh the other that's the one that's parked par there the tractor is parked there for three or four days at a time at least three or four days and that's every few weeks he comes and he's parked there so that's all I have to say okay Mr cob if I may yes so it's been uh it's been a lot of education and time on Pleasant Avenue uh the actors fund to their credit has fired a lot of vendors who have come even mistakenly after warning them um and it's because it's before the board of adjustment um and I'm glad that they came forward here because this has a lot to do with our enforcement and I'm wondering this is for the city manager can we require um not just the posting of whatever signed the engineer agrees but can we required that no truck greater than a certain amount of Wheels can visit the city uh residential street requiring the vendors to this institutional use to have smaller Vehicles is that something uh you know is that a taking Mr attorney from a a a company uh in other words that's a massive truck to come on a residential street and if they if they queue early because it's raining or if they're making turns and it starts beeping as they go back somebody's waking up um council president can I yeah so um Mr Mayor you've got a couple of um you've raised a couple points the F the first one is that um there's a 48h hour rule so if you know if if there's a truck that's parking there for five days I mean the the police department are supposed to you know once they know about it they're supposed to come out and mark the tires and after 48 Hours the truck be towed and we've done that on several occasions in different locations and um there was there was there there was a there was at least two but one one of them was I forget what the street was yeah so so the police came out they marked they marked it and the truck had the truck had been there for several days and it wound up being towed so if you call the police department they will Mark the tires and then our our Co our code says 48 Hours afterwards the truck can be towed what's that yeah yeah we' we've we we've we've tow trucks we've tow trucks that big yeah um I um I'm sorry so and and may mayor I'm not sure about the other things those those those will have to be be evaluated after some Consulting with the attorney but um you know small at at times at times it's it's more feasible to have smaller box trucks come than the than the larger trucks yeah that could be a settlement with the board of adjustment that they'll approve something provided certain trucks of certain sizes are there but that may stop the institution from having certain vendors or the during or the hours have to be curtailed but in addition to the sign and the tonnage because those streets are going to get roomed by these significant trucks when they're making turns they're knocking over limbs utilities and everything so you know again the this may be bigger than just the engineer is my thought also I want to interject with this um when Miss Bowman called me right I spoke to Jordan stroll he showed me a video of the truck that was the same truck that made a u-turn that wasn't his truck right it made a u-turn but it was not delivering at that time that particular truck was one on Tryon and that's the problem so it wasn't a vendor it just went down the street so it wasn't one of the actress funds vendor because I spoke with him but that was one of the trucks I think similar to the one we had toad Bob right we had it in someone's I think that's the same one actually it was in front of somebody's driveway on Tron and she complained she couldn't get out her driveway and he actually lives on Tron right she said yes that's one of the trucks and he's a resident who happened to own the truck and you know and that's the problem so I think we should ban all commercial trucks I'm sorry from saying overnight thank you good evening Crystal Brown how road so first I would like to talk I would like to say something about the leaves um for about the last 10 years the best practices for the state of New Jersey according to the D has been to put the leaves in bags and since they first said that um our D did something really great and that was they were giving bags to the residents so that we could in fact do the right thing and put the bag put the leaves in the bag we started off following the law somewhere along the way we dropped the ball because if we put the leaves in the bag that stops the nonsource point pollution that takes the pollution from the streams into the ocean that raises the temperature temp of the ocean that just causes everything to go bsy that raises the the the uh level of the ocean that causes more flooding we should be keeping them off the streets um there was a woman that spoke that said she has her landscaper pick them up if you're paying a landscaper to blow your leaves your landscaper should be removing your leaves there's no reason why your landscapers should be blowing them to the curb for the city of Anglewood to pick them up you're already paying him make him take them away really simple but we should offer the bags um I still rake my leaves and I'm knocking on 70 so and my dad still does his he's 94 we can do it you can do it it's not that big a deal and if not I'm sure you can find a neighbor to help you little ask for a big return okay um the other thing food trucks commercial trucks public streets I mean residential neighborhood we've been having a problem in my neighborhood my neighbors have been complaining to me I have been complaining to the city manager and my council person it is not only a quality of life it's a safety thing kids are curious we just saw on the news this week there was um an explosion in New York a commercial truck on a residential street damaged five houses thank God nobody was hurt but it could have been worse these commercial trucks are parked on narrow streets in tight residential neighborhoods by apartment buildings and homes by a by a by a a a playground that the city just spent a whole lot of money fixing up that could just poof go up and smoke I really think that we should think about changing this uh putting this ordinance into effect and uh not waiting until we have a disaster master that we want to then take action about thank you Ray Diaz 4 Shannon uh I have about six items try to make it quick uh number one is the uh the Liberty school I just want to ask did the 11 Architects obtain environmental assessment for specialist Mercury Le paint stuff like that and a geotechnical report you said it's structurally sound is that through Visual observation or did they actually go underneath do they see if there's any kind of oil penetration or anything like that that has to be remediated was that part of the report um we suggested DMR went to the four Wards and asked all of the residents their opinion about Liberty school one thing that they said that they were surprised was that we suggested a uh mixed use uh uh idea for the uh Liberty school right I I put one in that you could have the community center a daycare center an elderly housing affordable housing and some storefronts what's the purpose of that that it should be self- sustaining that all the revenues that you get from all of these uh people that it should pay for itself it shouldn't be subsidized by the city I mean that's the effort and they thought it was a good idea instead I heard a rumor that we were going to put City Hall on Liberty school you know I don't know where it came from but if I heard it and that spreads I didn't say anything I want to get clarification here but what was the purpose of us you seeking our comments and then changing the idea as though you guys are you know big bosses you can do whatever you want so I think we should clarify that and be very transparent especially on Thursday when they're talking about affordable housing that was one two uh where's my two I saw on the bills report who are burn and Associates and Burgess Associates and they wrote pickle ball so I'm not sure if they're going to to be building those or whatever and along those names they have a lot of addresses so are they taking care of certain buildings in Englewood you see them on two pages burn and Associates and Burgess Associates are they contractors big list of bills there three the street lighting bills for September 68655 October 6 7,863 are these lights metered or are you being build unmetered which is based on estimates of the type of Lights you have and how many hours they're being lit unless they have a timer do you know how many street lights do you have so if you have a 100 but actually 80 is working we're still paying for 20 more that we're not using who who's in track who's taking track that uh 9 three four miss David reported that the that the project on Hudson and nicob Backa was completed uh typically when we I worked in uh doing estimates and stuff like that before we used to have the project name and account numbers for all of the vendors that are working that project and as a inspector comes and says it's completed those account numbers are closed until the entire project is closed to prevent you using those accounts for other jobs instead of the account numbers that were assigned over there so that's something that you should look into K yeah I'm sorry you have exceeded your huh your time you've exceeded your time what I said I I'll be finish real quick so I'm just saying they should close out the accounts to prevent anybody else from using those accounts uh five fines to landscapers who block the catch basins or you just send out a bulletin say Hey listen you blocked a catch Bas and we see you you're going to get a fine you know once it's out they're all going to say hey we got to do this the last is school buses unbelievable they stop and never put the stop sign or they wait five minutes while kids are coming out or the parents are coming out of across the street or blocking the entire Street and now the whole intersection is in a standstill I I don't get it someone should speak to them because our kids are precious to us they look like they're just doing whatever they feel like it and I understand it matter of fact there was one that didn't have a a a a stop sign and I I I beat my horn where's your stop sign he still didn't put it on because he's doing a personal call I drove by he puts the stop sign while I was going over and someone wants to start a fight with me because I didn't obey the stop sign residents are getting stopped and find when they go beyond these uh cars I want you to understand several residents have reached out to me and visitors because the police are now watching people who pass trucks whether the stop sign is at or not when they come to Halt and the doors open you're required by law to remain in place and they aren't and they're getting ticketed and it's five points if somebody passes a truck like that so it's being policed well I'm I'm just saying the doors aren't open they just standing there but I see take the license plate of a vehicle like that and then we'll get it reported let us know that okay thank you thank app hello my name is Jamie Morales is 993 H Street I just have a question regarding to the parking on the streets I see the signs all the time it says 48 Hours parking permit on the street but it's the question is is 48 hours or 96 hours or in some cases 6 days because you have to wait 48 hours before you can call the police they come they Mark the tire then you have to wait another 48 hours before they take action but some of these guys that park on the streets they learn the system they come they move the park a foot and then you have to start all over again like on hanik street where I live the lower block Mary Street between hanik and and bankers Banker Street there is they use people the people use the parking all the time and how I know because I work my do all the time and I see the same cars parking for weeks in some cases for months and there is no way that the city can clean the streets so it's 48 hours or 96 hours well hopefully we this conversation will start something but it's all about enforcement all right because if you got enforcement then that sends the message to them as well thank you all right hey pach Jansen richin teris uh on on the leaves uh some homes that are very large like on Bron Woodland Lincoln these homes might be four five six or eight acres in in size and bagging leaves might not be a viable option but I would say in those cases maybe you offer a waiver for a price at maybe $500 per acre to put to go ahead and put leaves on the street and that would be an incentive for them to put the leaves in the bag and if not the city can make some extra money and focus on those specific properties to do daily Leaf uh cleaning uh now I want to spend a little bit of time on the meeting on Thursday it's our master plan review it's the chance where the public has to see and comment on the latest draft of the master plan so I looked up the meeting on the website and the meeting says planning board meeting Thursday November 14th what does that mean is it a public review is it a public hearing of the master plan it just says it's a planning board meeting how does a public know when they look at the meeting invitation and secondly if they can't make the meeting how are we providing a way for them to view the meeting remotely and and what and what does the public have so far so I went on the um the city website and I looked up the available version of the master plan that's there it says October 7th I've counted there have been four planning board meetings since October 7th which means the planning board has had the opportunity to change the master plan from what's publicly available two or three times or maybe even four times now right so how are we getting the public the latest version how are we getting the public aware of when the meeting is what the meeting is and how can we get it to them if they can't actually show up at the high school on Thursday good points um if I may I think there going to be two hearings it's going to be Thursday and there's going to be another follow-up hearing that will be done uh by zoom and the communications um any concern about these communication should be raised Thursday um Mr Jensen honestly just bring it up uh to the board and and be very specific about it the residents that are the residents that are following this are aware um the social media of this is being generated it's expensive to send mailings out and I put this question to uh the DMR group and to the planning board um and you know again the question is is there a budget for $7,500 worth of stamps to tell people that there's a final public hearing the materials will be out there and drafts um remain drafts until everybody has opined yeah I agree with that Mr Wilson councilman Wilson you got something to say yes um having the pleasure to serve on the planning board as liaison is incredible um and we've had these meetings for some time in regards to the master plan uh my concern is the lack of involvement with the people that we serve I think that as a whole um the city and DMR should be doing a much better job in getting the public involved we're not going to get another shot at this thing for 10 years um the people that are working overtime two jobs taking care of their parents taking their care of their kids this information needs to be put out on a consistent basis and when we wait on Thursday for people to show up people don't know about Thursday so so I plead with everyone here and in listening distance of my voice that you reach someone you teach somebody in regards to the master plan um I don't think the postage thing is a viable explanation on why we're not getting this information out I think uh we can afford to get the information out no matter what it takes because a lot of people will be impacted by this master plan so please stay tuned to the planning board meetings and the council meeting so you may be well informed of attending the Dwight marrow high school at the auditorium I believe it's at 7 p.m. um I think it's important that you get out there because we don't want them to say you didn't show up and we didn't hear from you so we're going to take your information from this past summer um and some some of the awards were attended greatly and some were not whether people were on vacation or not uh this is a a new opportunity for you to get your input in and I for one want to hear hear your input so thank you council president councilman are they recording Thursday's meeting not not that I know of and and and for those of you who who who who everything gets talk about so they GNA they're going to stream this meeting yeah I don't think so I don't think it doesn't have this doesn't have the setup but and and streaming I mean we can we can pardon I can't hear you there's the city isn't uh doing it but we can stream it live if that be uh who would be we so the public could know who to get in contact with I'll scream it well for those for those of you who who are not aware um during these planning board meetings that are via Zoom um the links are available you have to pay attention cuz unfortunately we have a beautiful setup here that I believe is being streamed on YouTube and if in fact that you mi missed this evening you can go back and retrieve the information and even pause it whenever you need to we do not have that mechanism set up for um the planning board but I will say this if in fact that you have the gumption and the fortitude to find out what's being said in the planning board you would have to Oprah that information and part of the part we need to adjust is when you get the information it it comes in document form as opposed to uh audio and video excuse me Mr Jensen said that he Mr Jensen said that he'll live stream it on um on Thursday he's got better equipment thank you you may want to find out the Wi-Fi before you go on site Mr hofman put it on nixel he'll put it he'll send out a blast what I saw the agenda way before today it was out I saw it [Music] well okay what about the hidden agenda with that being said I'm going to close the public portion of the meeting and we're gonna go in the close session you can take a s you gotta read do it yeah um being resolved see oh next page up be resolved by the Council of the city of Anglewood pursuant to the prisions of the open public meeting that that the council meet in close session to discuss the following sub subject matters litigation matters Senate versus city of Anglewood contract negotiations Personnel matters and matters of attorney client privilege and it be further resolved that precisely as precisely as can be determined at this time the discussion conducted in said closed session can be disclosed to the public upon taking final action thereon provided disclosure shall not violate the attorney client privilege or constitute an undue invas of privacy and be a further resolve that although it is not envisioned that the count it is envisioned that the council will return to open session after this meeting uh and the council reserves the right to do so need a motion and second is on I make a motion council president second I'll second roll call yes all in favor I we're in close session h