good evening and welcome to the city council Workshop meeting of April 2nd 2024 the time now is 7:36 will you all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge ALG to FL flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation will the city clerk please read the open Public's meeting act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and a Star Ledger and advertised and said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice isn't has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice hav been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen swi here councilwoman wiski here councilwoman David present councilman Wilson present council president C here absent with prior notice is Mayor Michael s also present is city manager Roberts Hoffman Deputy city manager John burner City attorney Bill Bailey and CFO Michael calman um before we begin tonight's meeting uh I just want to address something before we start uh and this is the decorum in these council chambers what we will do is everybody who comes to the mic will identify thems and they'll have three minutes to speak and nobody from the audience will interrupt whatever somebody's saying the way the agenda is structured there are sections on the agenda and we will talk to those items until you get to the public part of the meeting once you get to the public part of the meeting you can ask different questions you will address all the questions to the chair to me and if you can't do that then I'm going to ask you to leave we don't need anybody heckling anybody we don't need anybody throwing epithets or whatever you want to call it we're going to go through here and we're going to do the people's business and if you have a problem with that that you can't do that I will ask you to excuse yourself and if you'd like to talk to me we can talk about it so I think it's being respectful for everybody I ask those that sit up here on the day to be respectful in return to the residents of the city of Anglewood so it's a it's a two-way street and that's that's how I believe this meeting should proceed so with that being said um next up we have a presentation from DNR Associates the DM our Associates thank you down here sure all right uh good evening uh my name is Dan hin from DMR Architects uh Francis Riner another planet from DMR architex is here as well also a partner of the firm um you want to okay um so we've been asked to uh come tonight to give uh the council an update on the status of where we are in the master plan process process uh so uh we uh just launched La uh I'm sorry two weeks ago uh the public uh survey which is uh digital uh uh administered through Survey Monkey uh the links are on the city's website they're in the master plan there's Flyers uh Mr Hoffman is holding right now uh there's Flyers that have been posted around City properties and been distributed to uh some of the uh nonprofit and and uh semi-public organizations around the city to uh expand our reach um so far we've received 315 digital uh responses to the survey in a week and a half which is we you know pretty good we think um we've been working with uh Mr Hoffman's office to try to schedule and secure venues for a uh thank you for a um uh series of public Outreach events which uh you know hopefully we'll be able to announce the dates and times of those events with in uh the next week or so and and and start that process um we uh have begun putting together the plan document but of course we want to wait to get uh some of the uh feedback from the public before we get substantially uh through the document um and we've also managed to collect some data from the planners that prepare the 2014 master plan to sort of uh avoid having to uh create some things from scratch or or reinvent the wheel so to speak um uh We've interviewed with majority of the council members and we've uh used uh questionnaires to uh get the feedback from dep uh City's department heads and planning board members and we've spoken with others uh who were uh involved in the city such as uh uh the chairman of the zoning board Adam Brown uh so you know we think we're making good progress uh so far and we're excited to keep moving on uh the memo we provided right that's right we distributed a memo uh last uh sorry two or three weeks ago which I believe uh should have been passed on to all of you summarizing Mr hman is holding it summarizing what we think are the the major takeaways of uh our Outreach to um the city uh uh and its officials and staff um it doesn't cover everything so if there's something you know that you've told to us that wasn't addressed in that memo uh trust us we it is it is on our radar uh we just didn't want to overwhelm everybody with every uh with everything and just sort of focus on what you think are the big items the big topics that are going to be guiding the structure and the focus of the plans you know we've talked about how a master plan has elements that are thematic to certain policy sections and uh we are we're using the um what we understand to be the common and biggest issues to guide uh the selection and and uh approach to those elements so we this is sort of just a memo to let you know the direction that we're going uh uh based on our uh feedback we've received from the city and of course that'll be that'll evolve as we get feedback from the public as well um so I think that's a summary a good summary of where we are at this stage uh if anybody has any questions we're happy to answer them sorry are you prepared to start planning for meetings in the various Wards yes so we um we offered multiple options to the planning board in terms of in terms of a meeting schedule with the public uh the the two major options that we had identified were to have one meeting in each Ward and then one overall City meeting the other option was to have two meetings with with two Wards in each meeting and then an overall city um meeting the planning board has indicated that they want to do the two meetings with two Wards in each meeting and then one over overall uh Citywide meeting we then met with you uh Mr chair and uh you had expressed the desire to make sure that uh there was a meeting in each Ward we then had a subsequent meeting with the planning board and uh provided that information to them indicating that there was a desire to have uh four meetings one in each Ward and then overall City there was a this was at the last planning board meeting there was a a dialogue back and forth with the members of the planning board uh and they their consensus was to do the two meetings with two Wards in each meeting we are happy to uh to do either right at the moment the the direction we've been given by the planning board which is the body that we're responsible to is to do the two meetings uh with two Wards in each meeting and then an overall City uh meeting well I believe that the reason why I said each Ward is because I wanted to make sure that we captured the essence that's going on in each Ward and that the people have the opportunity uh to do that you know um that's my concern because I wanted public participation from each Ward as I when I spoke to you guys about that if they choose to do two Awards they they need to make sure that they need to ensure that that's going to happen yes sir you know what I mean cuz we want to make sure that everybody has an opportunity that was one of the biggest takeaways from last time that everybody had an opportunity to participate and we want to make sure that concerns from the public are captured so that that's just more to assisting you gentlemen and and doing what you need to do appreciate that yes that that's that was my my take on that uh council president if I may would it be possible to ask um uh Dan and Fran just to highlight the six themes that were in that in the memo so that um so that it it could be our our residents could know this is not all inclusive but this is just the six themes um that were outlined in the memo to the Council of dated March 19th and just so Mr Robin I actually don't have that memo with me but I can but I can yeah that'd be great you know it's just you don't have to go through all of it it's just I just to refresh my M yeah so um uh the the the big issues that have come up as we understand are um flooding parking and and traffic affordable hous ing uh sustainability public facilities and services in the downtown so uh you know we we've spoken with uh most majority of the council members and we understand that virtually every uh area of the city is affected by flooding um so uh as part of the land use element uh which is one of the required elements of the master plan there's a new requirement to address um Hazard vulnerabilities and with an emphasis on climate change and how that EXA Hazard so I'm sorry um so uh that's going to be besides the fact that it's a requirement it's something that we think is very important anyway so we're going to be observing how uh uh flooding affects every area of the city we're going to be providing recommendations for that as well um we as far as parking and traffic goes we actually one of the first things that uh uh uh we received when we started this process was a memo from the police department uh with some of their recommendations for how to handle parking uh in the City so we've reviewed their memo and um we're we're kind of uh I'm sort of on the same page with some of the recommendations which U largely involve um digitizing the uh parking process uh and and having a a a networked system such as uh uh uh well actually I can't remember any of these Brands but there's you know these apps that you pay with and that that sort of assists with the administration of parking so we'll provide recommendations along those lines and other recommendations to handle parking um aable housing you know we understand that this is uh the the city um uh adopted its plan last year and of course the governor just signed the um the uh Bill uh A4 s50 uh last week two weeks ago um so we've reviewed the the bill we understand the uh uh uh the the major impacts that it has on the affordable housing uh landscape so um uh while this plan will be completed probably before DCA comes out with the uh obligations tells every city in the uh State what its obligations are going to be uh housing is a focus of is going to be a focus of the plan it's it's a major focus of the survey that we distributed and uh going to be a major focus of the uh public Outreach process um we've we've spent a lot of time uh putting together materials um and uh trying to figure out the appropriate questions to ask the public to understand how uh the plan should approach housing in the city so uh you know it's uh it's going to be a focus I know that that at some point I we've talked about it not you know there not going to be a fair share plan because all this is happening before the affordable housing obligation is published but we will be dealing with housing we will have a uh basic housing element um which is uh uh everything but hand dealing with the actual numbers of the obligations at the DCA com with um sustainability we understand that um sustainability is a uh uh uh important to the city there was a resolution that was passed a few years ago emphasizing State sustainability uh as a priority for the city so that's going to be uh a um focus of the plan you are already required to address things like um the uh EV transition uh and how electric vehicle uh public infrastructure is going to be handled so um we're going to be handling that um uh we're going to be handling green infrastructure um how discussing how to implement uh or expand I guess the adoption of lead and other Green Building uh standards around the city so that's uh going to be a factor um you know we spoken with uh several people about the Liberty school and the the desire among uh some residents for community centers so we've been exploring that uh though how you know either you know where a community center should go should be a Liberty school should the Liberty school be Prov providing some other benefits to the community so that's been something we're exploring um and just to add that'll be part of the the public the public Outreach too is it part of part of the meetings we'll be we'll be talking about that as as one of the of many topics we'll be talking about but that'll be one we'll be focused on at public workshops yeah I was just about to say that and I was also about to say the downtown is something that we're also uh leaning heavily on the public workshop and the the survey response is to understand uh how the public views the downtown and and uh what they would like to see there if it's serving their needs um in addition to uh uh being a resilient uh Regional destination so thank you thank you councilman good evening Dan and Fran um thank you for coming and giving a update on the report we we appreciate your diligence um for those who may not know I am the liaison to for the council to the planning board and I was in the discussion when the planning board decided or suggested that we eliminate the four separate Wards to two meetings um the first thing I'd like to ask is how long would you project that these meetings would last so uh typically the meetings are are in an evening um we we tended do uh in the ballpark of two hours for each meeting uh give or take you know it could be longer if there's more people but but generally around two hours it generally is is done in in the process where we will give a presentation up front of 15 to 20 minutes uh usually giving some information or data likely the first uh series of the first meetings would be a presentation of the results of the surveys we would then have uh what we would typically do is a 45 minute to an hour breakout uh where we where we put 8 to 10 people at a table around maps and around questions and and with a facilitator uh and then through that process they answer the questions that are uh and interact with with a group of eight to 10 people uh and then at the end of that 45 minutes to to an hour they actually one person at each one of those tables presents back to all the rest of the tables and so we think what we find is that process allows everybody to have a voice in in in the way that they communicate as opposed to having meeting where we present and then just open up for questions uh so so typically at the end when when each one of the groups presents back then uh either Dan or myself will will do a synopsis where we will we'll point out the things that are that were common amongst the different groups and things that are different uh and then we'll talk about what the next steps are so we would anticipate uh that we would have um a meeting two meetings uh if we do the two meetings with the two Wards hopefully in the same week or at least consecutive weeks uh and then and then we haven't really decided but maybe maybe a few weeks later then have a Citywide meeting we would then come back in September uh after we have some of the initial uh recommendations done and give another Citywide uh presentation to allow public to then input on on what the findings of the of the report are the draft findings of the report are so that's the the synopsis of the of the process that we go through thank you for that um in the eight group breakout um tables if you will will they be overseen by individuals from DMR yeah so you know that depends on and the answer to that question is we'd like to have that happen so we will have between five and six people there if there are more than say six people at a meeting if there's 120 people it might be one facilitator for two for two tables as opposed to one facilitator at each table so um you know we we go through that process as a part of our initial presentation to explain what the group where the breakout tables are and then as they break out you know we usually have facilitator go and talk for a minute or two identify a person who's going to kind of take the notes and present back but but typically we like to have one facilitator per table but just depending on how many people we get at a meeting it might be one one facilitator facilitator for every two tables thank if I may add in in some uh uh of these types of meetings U I'm sorry can you use the mic please I'm sorry in some in some meetings that are formatted this way some some of the council member or governing body members do uh uh join and volunteer to to be um a facilitator so you're welcome to do that if you'd like for your particular Awards when they when they have their meeting so that's that also helps to add to the manow it yeah than thank thank you for that um and for those that are here tonight and the ones that may be listening that may be their F other newcomers to to town it may be their first opportunity to be involved in a master plan and could you explain real quick I want to get through this as quickly as possible um the significance of having those breakout tables and residents looking at a map and what that map may represent for the people that may not know what that involves as far as moving forward or projecting 10 years down the line as as for example the flooding uh pref those those particular Maps will demonstrate at this particular juncture the highlighted areas of the flooded area unfortunately some people may not know that cross town is a flooding area because they're infected with the flooding area uh the parking as well maybe that could be highlighted in a different color in regards to you said digital um and I'm challenged at sometimes with digital and downloading apps for downtown areas for parking uh but I I also would like to see you guys have something to address the homeowners uh that are surrounded not just by schools um downtown areas or apartment buildings that may affect the homeowners in that particular area where we have um parking problems um and hopefully you can direct somehow in the map something that maybe set aside or a different highlight for something that's emerging very quickly that's actually here is um downtown for age friendly uh and and I'm sorry and also something that may be a suggestion as we get to start thinking about green infrastructure um and maybe we could have some explanatory explanation why that may be important and the benefits moving forward for 2030 2032 2035 so we can be on the same page as our residents look forward to a bright prosperous future yes and just I'm not going to try and address all that but I will say is that is that we have been working to to make sure that we understand how we can be successful by getting input from the residents as a part of this process so the survey is one level but the the actual physical meetings are really crit critical and so what we've we're working through right now is is actually as opposed to having just one map on a table for each each eight to 10 people we actually are looking at four or five different maps and each map would be questions about specific things about housing about about uh flooding about the downtown about parking about um uh the Liberty school and so this 45 minute to an hour process will be a fully engaged process where they won't be looking just a single map but they will be looking at a map that really that a multiple maps that identify specific elements and issues that that you've just addressed we want to be able to get that input from the public and it's it's really critical that you know at the end of the day the the more information we get from the public the better we can present back to to to you and to the planning board you know what the what the recommendations are for the next 10 years and and if I may add to that we understand that that flooding and housing particularly are complex issues so we're actually going we're actually putting together informative boards that uh that participants can reference during this process to understand what the the local and and Regional uh issues and significance are of these issues and some of the uh just kind of giving them a preview of the uh the the potential solutions that they can cons to these issues so we want to make sure that they're informed about what they're participating in yes so to your point that that if somebody comes in who is either not doesn't understand or or doesn't have maybe a basis of knowledge or is new that we're we want to be sure to be able to provide them with enough information as a part of that process so that they can you know give good input it doesn't you we're not asking for people that that have you know a deep knowledge it's really about you know what you believe you need in your community in your neighborhood and what are the things that are affecting you and we just want to be able to provide information that that gives them the ability to to to provide us with what we need in order to do a good job for for the city yes thank you for that and I understand that the flooding and the housing is Paramount for a lot of a large percentage of um our municipal um but there's a large maybe not large um percentage that may not have flooding that may be concerned with age friendly uh that may be concerned with um paying their the electric bill where green friendly might help um with transportation to the downtown area so we only get one shot at this thing for the next 10 years so I just want to not saying that you guys aren't doing a great job we only have 315 surveys so far I understand is that the right number 3:15 in a week and a half what we're going to do at the end of this week is we're going to run the demographics of those uh surveys to determine whether or not we're getting uh either an age group is is is is not being identified either younger middle or older and so uh one of our strategies after this week is to determine if if we need to go back out and try to uh figure out how to how to Target an age group that maybe we're not getting enough information from but 315 in a week and a half is is a good number it's it's you know obviously uh in other places you know we want to get we want to get a couple thousand that's really the the number that we're kind of looking for so so we're going to continue to um to look to figure out how to how to Target people and age groups if we're not getting information from them thank you Dan and friend and uh thank you council president I'm done anybody else have any question hands on thank you for that lovely presentation my question to you you did a survey two meetings two Wards why was that not a part of the survey to our community I have had two meetings in the Third Ward and we had 60 people at least more than what we have here so that should have been considered part of the survey not the planning board I believe it should have been sent out to the people saying where would you like to hold the meetings should it be separate first second third and fourth or why should the planning board come up with this that's my question um so it's a slippery slope because I met with a lot of the residents in my ward some walk some don't have transportation so don't like driving at night um so I don't I think that should have been part of your survey that's what I believe but um 315 that number is very low when I held two meetings and it was 60 plus in the third board it's a little it's really low um but that should have been part of the census like not the planning board and that's my belief but thank you anybody else have any questions um do you ever have any of these meetings obviously it's important to have them in person but do you ever have them on Zoom for people who you know might have child care responsibilities or as councilman David was saying don't like to come out at night uh we we haven't but but we're more than willing to do that so so we can work with uh with both the planning board and with uh with the city manager's office to to figure out how to offer how to offer a virtual meeting yeah and there are breakout capabilities is to show you aware absolutely so we're more than happy to do that the goal here is to get as much input as possible so we'll we'll talk with uh Mr Hoffman's office and see how we can facilitate something like that as well I think your shoelace is untied Francis I think your shoelace is untied I don't want you to trip and uh I thought I saw her you have good eyes we need your full strength so we don't want you hi if if I heard you correctly you said all the meetings were in the evening yeah so typically we're looking for an evening meeting uh to to have and on on occasion we've done like a Saturday afternoon meeting if if that was preferable I I would recommend at least one day meeting for a lot of seniors who like to come out in the day but not in the evening I bet I bet you're going to get a lot of people out during the day anybody else any other questions Dan I I have um how could we help you get those surveys back and get them filled out so uh you know the the way that we've seen the most success in other areas is that is that there's a constant barrage of of eblasts by by you know in other places it's been by the mayor constantly sending out reminders you know making sure that the Flyers are located in in public buildings and in public areas uh putting them in businesses in the windows of businesses I mean those are really the ways that we've seen it be most successful uh and and so I would encourage if you all have groups that you can reach out to to send the links to your constituents uh because that's the way that we found we get the most amount of feedback when when those things happen and I and I I believe uh uh we've been working with the city manager's office to to identify um uh houses of worship religious leaders who can also assist with that uh distribution um so uh you know I think that's another good way to reach people who aren't keeping up with the city's uh social media and Outreach I I think what would be helpful too is we're taking on this exercise and people need to understand and you guys need to describe what the master plan is really about so you explain to even when you have these meetings these group meetings explain to them what the impact what the significance of the master plan is so everybody gets an understanding that we're starting at the same place and this is what we're looking forward 10 years and the things that we need to do as the city grows and we got to also account for that the city will expand it you know the headcount in the city right so and we already know that we struggle with parking and things of that nature so these are some of the things that we should put out but really describing what the master plan does what it is and I think that every meeting should describe that so everybody understands what this exercise is all about appreciate it yes thank you agree thank you have anything else that you want to would like to say before we end no we thank you for the opportunity for coming here we're going to continue to work with Mr Hoffman's office uh we're going to continue to work with the planning board we appreciate everybody's comments we'll we'll come go back and digest those we'll talk to the planning board and and we'll and we'll continue to move forward thank you so much Dan and Fran thank you thank you guys next we will have uh resol olution 137 04224 the the approval of payments of bills and claims in the amount of 9,337 1897 15 C I need a motion in a second so move second any questions if I could just say make one comment any questions yeah just um we spoke earlier today just want to thank you for the time and going over some of the issues sorry about my obsession over Staples but you you humored me well Mr C um I just would like to point out that out of the 9,337 from the bill list a majority of that seven over 7 million of that is our pension bill that we pay yearly once a year okay that bill is up from last year right yes how much what's the percentage up I'll tell you exactly the pfr pfrs bill is up 274 385 which is 4.79% and the PRS is up 27817 which is 2.03% so people should know how much money we're spending on this pension a lot of money thank you Mr Mr Wilson or anybody up here who anybody got any questions thank you council president yes good evening um CFO thank you for coming showing up for explanations tonight we appreciate it um if we go to our first page page and we go to uh Finance specialist Services 2494 educational data service $2,100 council president can I answer that sure okay thank you uh yes that that is to join a purchasing Cooperative the city belongs to several purchasing cooperatives and this is an annual fee but this gives us access to um equipment and material that the city uses on a regular basis at prices that are um discounted so we're we're going to be able to you we're we're going to be able to um save money by by using this purchasing Cooperative does that have anything with the with the leases that we do with the equipment no this is um this is for uh this is for some specialty equipment for the DPW that we're that we're looking at and it's for um you know it's for other other things for uh that the fire department may need to acquire specialty tools so this would get us the best rate for those individual tools and equipment that have a less breakdown rate because we're we're paying high fees for repairs and breakage uh correct and it's also there's also other services that are um that are that are available to the city so um this would be um we belong to I believe 11 other purchasing cooperatives and um this this um we we will be able to um acquire acquire services that we that are needed as well as equipment um through through National discounts and this is directed for DPW andir is that correct well it's for it's this is mainly for them but there are there are other goods and services that we will be able to to make use of okay um and for The General Insurance just like you to explain real quick and I think you already covered it when you started out for the $41,250 121 yeah that is that is for the liability insurance for the city um and we make three payments a year the first two are are the are the 411,000 and then we we're going to make a third payment which is going to be um probably double that so it's just um instead of making quarterly payments you make three and then this the third the third payment is basically quarter three and quarter four thank you for that explanation if we turn to page two and we look under the fire department the second from the bottom 24733 Jay's Garage repair of 8,640 60 so the fire the fire department uh police department I'm sorry oh 103 yeah that's 0733 that is correct all right that's actually um that's actually for two repairs to to uh vehicle 103 and then vehicle 113 and um one of them is one of them is the one of the vehicles was involved in a uh a collision so $5,000 out of that $864 is the deductible there's a deductible for each you know each um each incident so that's the $5,000 deductible and that's that's where it's charged to we have to we I'm looking at you to me I mean we most of us have vehicles and insurance and I just thought that to be a high rate for one particular car but thank you for clarifying that it was car number uh 1 13 as well and I would like to get opportunity um to talk offline in regards to that sure um and if we go to page three and we go into the fire department and it's about 7 down 24- 0788 dispatch delivery notification is it a text notifications right that's for that's for the fire department uh for our firefighters um that's the that's the the notification for texts and that that's used um so it's and you know it's it's basically the internal notification for the fire department for for recalls for things of that nature so it's just it's just for the employees of the fire department 50 users okay um I thought that' be high as well because I thought most providers unless it's something extraordinary that provide the um test text message included we can look into it but there's you know it's it's one of those hardened systems and if we stay with the fire department if we go down two two lines to 24502 clean air exhaust removal system annual PM $1,649 is this associated with um the HVAC or is this associated with the renovation of the kitchen it's uh the inspection of the hose drop and Associated parts say that one more time please it's the total labor for inspection and maintenance of exhaust system labor and travel charge for first station inspection nine inspection of ply movement hose drop and Associated parts thank you for that public works if we go down to uh six lines and we go over to 24768 so 14 14 trees removed by Tron in front of di school and what do we can what do we if we go one one line down it's 498 Broad Avenue and what do we consider emergency that our guys from DPW can't handle well this was a big this was a big tree they had to bring in a crane this was uh this was something that broke during a storm I I I think it was but it was um and so do our guys have limitations for tree removal well they don't have um we we don't have we don't have a big crane so if if we need to bring if we need to get a big crane to come in we we don't have that we have bucket truck we have a bucket truck and things of that nature but um you know for the we have a contract with cousins so that if we need the bigger equipment they would they would come in so that's like over 40 ft well I'm not sure I don't have the specs in front of me but okay cuz my concern is that this isn't the first Builders and claims that we have tree removal and that may not be my Forte um but it's taking up significant part of our budget as far as tree removals and I I for one um I'm a champion for our service is here in town for our DPW our police and fire and when in fact that we can get training for those particular things and we can keep that money inhouse I would I would love to see that um and I'm sure the residents would love to see that as well that our taxpayers are going for those type of removals as opposed to um cleaning out of uh Herring field and we're not reaping any of that removal for beautification uh and if we go down I think it's three more four more buildings and grounds facility maintenance 24 769 to 00771 service calls those are Mo those are a lot of different service calls if you want I could go I looked it up I mean I could go through every list but it's multiple buildings multiple issues from clock toilets to water yeah broken pipes in the basement of City Hall um uh clog clogged lines at the police Police Department clog blinds at the fire department things of that nature and for the otus elevator where is that particular elevator it's our parking garage excuse me at our parking garage at te Street and when we have um cleaning services for 9,000 Plus that's for our employees to use that doesn't include the cleaning services we pay for is that correct correct yeah that's this is basically supplies I I I just want to make sure because we also have a cleaning um a cleaning bill as well I just want to make sure we weren't buying the cleaning services equipment for them um there's some things I'm going to pass count uh council president uh but I want to go down to page number four uh staying with DPW um the last two entries 24889 and 24748 uh particularly the tolls and that's part of of what we pay for our trucks going back and forth um because we do not have a transfer station as of yet right and I'm sure there's many more bills that are associated with this that would just help us along if we continue to push forward to have a viable transfer station um and I just want our constituents to know that we are working towards towards that is that correct uh yes that is correct we've um recently had a a meeting with um with our our DPW key members of our DPW management team as well as Boswell engineering and our city engineer to look at what look at the requirements for the um for having having the facility licensed and we're also looking at um licensing a um a part part of the DPW Yard so that we can we can have um uh collect um leaves brush things like that and then um uh have it have it stored there um have it tub ground and then and then trucked out so that it would save money as well in the future and we would also be able to have uh create some top soil that we could give away to our residents before we before we send it out of you know before we send the majority out of town okay um thank you um as far as the recreation department I just like to point out that we have a total of $812 in 59 cents um it it does it does my eyes well to to see something where the spending may be done um not done but down um so great job for the guys that are recreating our um recreation department and uh for the library the appropriation for 1,000 [Music] $109,900 was that not part of the the grant or the donation of the that's that's the pension Bill okay my mistake thank you for clearing that up and uh if we go to to Municipal Court real quick uh we go to the second one down 24847 uh services rendered and it says April to January are we talking about2 January table 2024 excuse me sorry January through to April so it's January February March 2024 oh4 it looks like April 2023 to January 2024 is that me am I reading that wrong I think they just Twisted it around by mistake the people that were paying or entered it in okay and we have a total of uh if we stay with Municipal Courts at 24215 24893 legal interpreters a total of $4,039 and I think it's 91 is this current is this quarterly so it looks like that it's for the quarter and what's the difference with the separation for the two separate entries I'm pretty sure they separated it by a meeting which I'll going talk to them they don't have to do it that often but they separated it by meeting or or by court session yeah that's what I meant by court session that's what I meant yeah by court session so when you say a court session you mean like April 1st one of these entes are for just one day yeah they have a lot of lines in the edmin software so like you do a line you can you entering now for $100 let's say for one meeting so they have um that will be TW that will be 12 court cases for interpreter to have to actually do work $275 one was $330 was $280 so each meeting is around that so we we pay by the case not by the not by the day or Not by the hour is that how that works we pay however long they're here so that would be by the hour yeah okay I'm not sure because the numbers fluctuate we have different entries and the entries aren't clear to me yeah I don't know if they're quarterly casely hourly it's very confusing when I read these it's probably it's bya at hour so and one one of the things if if the council would like is um well we will speak with our court administrator and we'll we'll we'll just put together a background memo so that it just um so that every everybody has the you know has the same same information yeah and I get it we need it if in fact that people come to court and that they're not fluent in that particular language and we need to interpretate but it appears to me that it continues to go up um and I think my last one and thank you for your Indulgence Capital Improvement if we go down to second from the bottom 23286 welding of truck bed right that's for that's for two trucks so that's to um you know that's that's the put metal in that's to sand sand it down grind it down then um pop rivet in new new metal then do the um treat it then paint it repaint it and get it get it ready for the next year and this is just regular wear and tear it is this is this is because of the sand this the sand or the salt I should say you know in The Hoppers and this is this is this is a good thing this is part of the preventative maintenance that um that our our mechanics have stepped up to do and to you know to make sure that it gets done all right so just to be clear um so we know that we handle services this is our Personnel now this some of this was sent out this was this was sanco medals um that that did this this was for two two pickup trucks but we do have our our mechanics um have done some of this in the past and they have they have replaced it rusted out Springs and other um you know other p other um other pieces of equipment on on the backs of the trucks but this is this is the actual replacement of the beds all right thank you for your diligent response and uh thank you Council and Council presidents for indulging me anybody else have any questions regarding the bills and claims I just want to thank Mr Hoffman for helping answer my questions earlier today so I'm good now thank you Mr h I want uh councilman Wilson he had a question about the removal of trees and it says removal of trees emergency uh I didn't know we had an emergency at the at the baseball field but with that being said somebody I think Mr Koffman said it was 14 trees that were removed yeah well uh council president the the emergency was at 498 Broad Street that was um so that that was that was the emergency where the there was a large tree that split and then the one before that was um was the was the um was over at uh at the dipman school in Herring field and that was that was the trees that were removed and are going to be replanted this was something that was um our our our arborist went out and um did a report made recommendations um and that was uh she went out at the request of our our um our DPW buildings and ground supervisor I I guess my point is uh we have 14 trees that we remove and we have an ordinance that says for how many trees that we remove we got to replace certain amount of trees so hopefully we're following that ordinance we are City uh council president you can rest assured our our uh arborist has has recommended uh a tree planting plan yeah how many trees um cuz I think there's a calculation with that right yeah there there is but we'll we'll get we'll get you the recommendations because she's um you know it's it's based it's based on the you know um the soil but it's all it's it's also the area and it's it's n native species of trees okay thank you I have one more question and this is on page four and it's the seventh item down which says handguns with washed down plants what is that okay that is for that is the for our sewer sewer truck our sewer jet truck so that is uh that's basically a you know a you know something that's that's attached to the to the jet vac um so it's it's not it's it's not a gun but it's a it's a pressure it's a Jetter it's called a Jetter for the super jet it's a pressure nozzle basically okay I just want to know what that is okay we can we we can send the council a picture of it if you'd like it's on the back the truck that's fine okay all right we roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we will have uh public comment on agenda items these agenda items are resolutions 138 139 140 141 142 and 143 as I said earlier comment will be only on these items good evening Council Leroy Campbell 287 tfly Road um bills and claims I have Mr Campbell you would have to ask that in you you going on the bills and claims that's public session the item on the agenda this part of the the agenda this is the consent this is the consent agenda when you come back in public okay not a problem right thank you council president if I may real quick um just so I'm as transparent as possible um the reason why I I I delve into the bills and claims is because of diligent residents like Mr Campbell that will come before us and ask questions about some of these astronomical numbers and even if I do explain them I would rather hear it from our city manager or our CFO um and prior to uh the city manager has indulged me on several occasions where we've had Communications prior to um but it's nothing like our constituents and our public to hear it from our CFO and our city manager because I think it's important enough for me to take a few minutes to get these exclamations out to our our residents so um forgive me if I overindulge in the numbers that's fine Council these people should know how the money is being spent so to take a few minutes to explain to them what we're spending is absolutely fine and we should do more of this and make this more of an interactive and you know give them the opportunity to understand uh what's going on so they can ask the appropriate questions so again if anybody has any questions for the public on the resolution consent agenda 138 139 140 141 14 243 please come to the mic name address and whatever your question is since nobody's come forward I I'll close that part of the meeting and does anybody here on the D have any questions with any of these items with any of the resolutions since there are no questions answer going go by you now miss consent I need a motion in a second so move I'll second I'm going to vote by unanimous consent roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next we have resolutions for discussion you want to tap this one appointment to the traffic advisory committee yeah um so everyone received a resume in their packet um and also we I don't think I forwarded the email from one of the members uh agreeing to be reappointed if anyone um has no objections to these appointments we can put them on the agenda for the meeting on the 16th if anyone has any questions concerns please reach out to me council president or uh Mr Hoffman so does anybody have any objections for the to add the the names that we've gotten for the next meeting on the 19th 16 16 thank you no we can add them all right so being no objections I since there are no objections we're going to add these please folks on to our next meeting for a vote next we have the appointment of historical preservation advisory committee members okay we're going to have to Circle back with that one and if anybody has anybody they want to recommend please do so next we'll have resolutions amending the name of Taylor Bliss house to the Inglewood House anybody have any comments you want go ahead um so in the resolution that was adopted I think I have a copy of it for everybody in their packet uh so the resolution that was adopted in 2022 uh authorizing the agreement for the relocation of the Taylor Bliss house in the resolution um the city specifically uh put a a a phrase in there that the Taylor Bliss house will be referred to as the Taylor Bliss Center the anglit Historical Society has requested that um the city rename amend the resolution renaming the Taylor Bliss Center to the Anglewood house any everyone's uh like to do anybody have any comments about that um I know it's a dumb question but um if it's historical why would they change the name from T Bliss to Englewood house um I'm just asking I don't know that's I don't know is it this is a little I believe I believe the the answer is you can correct me if I'm wrong is because uh they want to symbolize that the Anglewood house is for all of Anglewood Anglewood residents it's our home thank you Lisa good next refund if I may council president the next two items uh refunds due to tax state tax appeals those are Tax Court judgments that were entered by the Superior Court uh regarding appeals that were filed by Property Owners the next item refunds due to overpayment of taxes is again that's where there's sometimes a duplicate payment is made um by sometimes the mortgage company and the property owner May both do it or there could be a sale of a property so that's what those two items are thank you next yeah so you add something with this the last bullet the last bullet point right okay yeah next we'll have a resolution recognizing may as mental health awareness month next we have ordinances for discussion we need to establish an ordinance an or an ordinance for age friendly advisory committee excuse me oh c council president yes this there was discussion at a previous meeting where uh we would um prepare a draft or ordinance based on the presentation that age friendly had uh the age friendly uh had made Janet Sharma and um the council there was a consensus of the council to prepare to prepare an ordinance um so my apologies the uh the city the city attorney and I haven't had a chance to to loop loop back on that there was a couple of verbiage issues that had to be worked out okay yes see this one next bullet yes yes um so so we will have it back on a for discussion at a workshop with an ordinance to look at okay so I just wanted to bring your attention to the um we we have right now an access for all committee I know that council at large Mr cob is the liaison to that committee according to the website um but you know there are people who are on this committee who are no longer in Anglewood I think it's hasn't been updated in many years and I I know that I have gotten requests from residents you know for things like um you you know people who are older who can't can't we don't have a lot of uh spots for example on Palisade Avenue for um for those that are handicapped I think there's like uh two on two on the street with Buckle I think there's just two handicapped spots and I'm not sure where we would we would we would even add it but those requests I had forwarded to the access of all committee last year and and to you also Mr Hoffman and I think that since you know since we've been trying to clean up these committees this year we had a lot of and last year I think that somehow the and and I know I know somehow maybe the access for all maybe a subcommittee of that could be the age friendly or something like that because we really have to clean up this committee because it's it because it hasn't been updated in so long so I so I think that if if when you look at the age friendly Anglewood if you could also at the same time look at the access for or committee see if they should be under each under an umbrella of each other or or how we could clean this up thank you okay um yes you know even today we're just talking about you know one of the Committees that has someone whose term expired o over five years ago another committee we still have someone very sadly listed as a member who I who we know has passed away um do you think we can get just a list of all the Comm all the Committees in town because obviously there's some we were very very familiar with but um this access for all I wasn't familiar with this committee um there might be some other committees and and just to have you know I'm not pro or against any of them just I I don't even know what committees we have anymore and um and what their what their membership is what's up to date are there is there any overlap um it's it's easy to start a committee it's very very difficult to maintain a committee um and and and some committees I'd like to even know when when was the last time they met are they ad hoc committees are they yearly committees quarterly Etc um just so we can get a handle on this you know since we're talking about maybe initiating a new committee here I'd greatly appreciate that thank you yes and also um can we get a list list of what I know some committees get um uh stiped so can we get a list of which committees get what to pay for um I'm not aware of any committees that get a stien well they get not a stien it's called uh they get something toward like the the the green committee or whatever the um okay you know what Mr Hoffman I think what we should do is just get a list of all the Committees right yeah and Define what they do then after we do that whatever we whatever openings there are we we need to fill those openings but we need to list those on the city website so people know what the Committees are and the terms of the Committees and Define what those committees are so we got a little work to do Bob we could we could work together on that all right we could work together on that okay thank you um YY this amending you want to read that one the last bullet you know what's that yeah ordinance for discussion so this was a request from the um Police Department traffic Bureau it's a traffic and Park parking ordinance this restricts truck and trailer parking on certain streets within the city and this request is for a certain portion of Columbus Avenue the South Side from Williams Street to South Van Brun Street um for all days um and all times so it' be no parking at all on Columbus Avenue that that would impact that transport because on Columbus Avenue there's a transport they there's a a place there that's a open parking lot for cars so that that would impact the transport it's for it's for uh truck and trailer parking you want to have truck and Trail apartment they don't want to have truck because the the trucks apparently are parking in front of the businesses and it's prohibiting the uh patrons of the businesses from um shopping or I guess my question is how how would the trans transport going to deliver cars if it can't park I don't that's going to have to be a compromise between them that there's a space there there's a lot there and I don't I think it's owned by Alexus I think there's some work to be done on this council president if I could suggest perhaps you and I could take a ride down there um and we to take a look at it there um we we have received requests from some of the uh joining businesses just because of the impact that it that it is having on um on their businesses but I think there's a way there there's a way that it that it can work out yeah okay because there's also right there there's a lot where uh the post office Parks a lot of their trucks there as well so all right next engineers report fron is not here today does he have anything that you want to report to us uh Council council president I just wanted uh the the council to know as well as the public that um France is uh back at City Hall and he's um he's working on on plans and specifications for the paving of herzo and Livingston we have a we we have a deadline for that so um it's quiet and this is this is a good use of his time um we're and we're anticipating being able to go to go out to bid for that this summer thank you thank thank you um living next we have items for discussion uh first item is u-turns on palis Avenue um anybody who's been driving on palet Avenue has experienced somebody you turning in front of them uh me and Mr Hoffman had a conversation about that and the driver's book says you can't break those double yellow lines so uh I think that that's something we should explore so because before there's a serious accident next is prohibiting the riding of electric scooters on the sidewalk you have scooters on you have people you have to try to get out of the way somebody's going to get hurt uh with this a matter of fact in in hackin sack hackin sack has signs you you you can't ride bicycles or scooters on the sidewalk at hackin it's enforcable but I think that as we try to make this community more age friendly as well we have to make sure that it's safe and people could walk up and down the sidewalks and the next bullet is bicycles locked on trees and parking meters it just doesn't look good you know um and you see that more and more and I've seen people lock their bikes and get on the bus you know so you know we we want to uh try to uh clean that up as as well so thank you uh next I'm I'm going to open the meeting up to the public session and as I said before and I said earlier tonight uh three minutes we want people to give their name their address three minutes nobody should be interrupting cat calling or anything allow people to finish their thoughts their their comments resp respect their comments so we could get through this and everybody has an opportunity to say something if you have something to say don't say it from your seat get online and say we want to we want to hear what you have to say but everybody else wants to be able to hear it too in a respectful way thank you good evening city council uh members of the deis I'm Sarah Russell I live at 205 Davidson police Ang goood resident um I'm also the speaking of Committees co-chair of the um Council appointed cannabis committee for Anglewood um our committee had representation from all four words there's actually a bunch of the members here today randomly uh and we met weekly over the course of six months to come up with a recommendation for this city with regards to how to proceed with regulated cannabis in our city we studied towns and cities from other states and saw what they were doing if they allowed regulated cannabis we met with uh established industry professionals and government officials before making a recommendation it was two years ago nearly in April of 2022 that we made our recommendation and I'll remind you that we recommended angle would move forward with regulated cannabis in our city what we found when we studied cities that have allowed regulated cannabis is a decrease in cannabis related crimes um an increase in home values and teen use of cannabis either stays the same or goes down we found that just overall cities that allow regulated cannabis it's safer and more beneficial for them whereas now in Englewood you can buy cannabis it's just the product is not tested for harmful additives the IDS are not checked and taxes are not collected so Anglewood residents um if they want to buy regulated cannabis can just go to their backyard to hackin sack to fortly or soon Alfred AV to buy regulated cannabis and funnel their tax dollars elsewhere so um just last week we heard from Mr hammer and he was talking about Sigma free and needing money for to fund that program and if we you know that's just one idea that popped up in my head in the last you know two meetings that if we align our regulated industry with one program we would have tax dollars to fund one new initiative our committee found that the train is on the tracks this is a reality for new Jersey and it makes sense for Anglewood to get with the program and when we presented to this Council you told us that it was impressive enlightening and you would take action and get back to us and it's been two years since we've heard from you and we haven't heard any any updates on this um you know we you guys continue to talk about budgets and needing money to fund various things you also talk about writing wrongs here in Englewood and this is an industry that would just bring new tax revenue and it's an industry founded on writing wrongs so I'm here today on behalf of the residents of Anglewood to ask for an update on this issue thank you we don't have an update right now we'll have to get you an update we'll have to get you an update okay thank you no yeah good evening everyone Charmaine Francis 215 Cambridge Avenue um I'm just really here to make a comment about a article that I read in the Jewish link I'm very disappointed I'm disappointed in the article I felt like the article was more of a dog whistle for the Jewish community and all due respect and I respect every Community but it was if it was about hate for the Jewish Community we all need to know about it not just the Jewish Community it should have been in a Bergen Record it should have been been somewhere else it it it had no place in only the Jewish link that was just for the Jewish Community to rally and that that that that didn't cause us to come together it caused more separation and I think Inglewood needs to do better thank you thank you good evening everyone Ava rigan 64 nap place in Englewood um on items for discussion I know councilwoman Lisa wasin councilman at large Charles Cobb is aware of the um do not block intersection and do not block driveway on Grand Avenue Brookside and nap so last week the fire department there was something happening on Nap place and of course the street was blocked and they couldn't get there so we need to have some kind of Education or enforcement in that area I feel that things are a bit laxed in on that side of town um also I came down because it's raining it's going to be raining for another two days and I'm concerned about Crystal Lake um most of the residents on that place that I've gone over to speak with we all are concerned we had water in our basement and our backyards look like a Roaring River so um I guess I could speak with councilwoman Lisa wasas offline about that and also just to kind of I would like to see angle wood come together I don't know I feel like there's a division and it concerns me as a resident I've never seen anything like this I wasn't here for last week's C city council meeting but I'm just concerned at the level and the condition and the state that the city is moving in I want to see Englewood united we have so much work to be done here and I would like to see everyone get involved to make this you know better Community thank you thank you Amy Bullock howand Avenue going to read an email dated May 21st 201 19 hi all Michael and I spoke and agree that we should not sit down with Rick it gives him credibility additionally experience has shown that Rick does not change after meeting with him same with Rick's friends Amy Bullock Curtis cavis Lucy Walker at Al we need to vacuum the air out of their room and give it to people who show mutual respect I'm looking at you council president cuz I'm a addressing us protocol requires but this is for the entire Council to hear please provide your thoughts on this plan leave Donovan alone for now let him dig himself in with this group Michael WS May reach out to Al Sharpton who has contacted Michael for other reasons show him Rick's anti-semitic Facebook post and have him speak to the wider African-American Community public besides the disgusting and openly anti-semitic rhetoric they are spewing make this group toxic to the point that hopefully no one or at least no one who is Credible will associate with them have the helpful community members Steve bario Smiley Craig Barry Kim Donaldson Brent Watson at all help speak out against this to show a wider Community issue and use this to pull the good people together so why is this relevant on this maale chain is councilwoman Lisa wasi and councilman Ken Rosen Swig neither of whom spoke out against this plan against members of the African-American Community silence is complicit right so here we are today in 2024 and councilwoman wiski decided at the last council meeting to make comments regarding how councilmen cob conducts these meetings the only thing that has changed is councilwoman wasad is now on the council because councilman Cobb is conducting these meetings the same as he conducted them when he was the target of attacks being called a and a boot licker and while we may have our differences this is wrong this is wrong and given that this is from 2019 it shows a premeditated effort to sign Ence members of the africanamerican community and it's not going to happen we will stand by councilman cob because he is allowing people to exercise their First Amendment right hate speech is not a legal term in this country and you cannot criminalize somebody because they have a different point of view next subject a permit was given to a property to dispose of 91 trees I'll talk to me Raymond Diaz uh 48 Shannon I just want a clarification on a subject that was discussed during the planning meeting and perhaps you can give me that clarification my question was that there is a storage building under construction now right on Dean Street it was a surprise to me uh and someone said that that could have been a housing 25 apartment building housing and then when the question was asked to the planning board and correct me somebody said I don't know or we forgot or something like that and um the mayor said that did this happen during my watch at any time and they said no it was the prior mayor hle so how do we lose uh how can how checking on these things if it was going to be a housing unit how come the planning board did not know that you understand so if it request comes in for a new building to be built or or an existing building to be renovated shouldn't it be controlled by one group which is the Planning Group and then if it's referred to another committee for questions and answers it should still go to the Planning Group and unless that group those people who are buying this uh uh these buildings or whatever decide that they they can't respond to us in 45 days or whatever we cancel the case until they're ready to start but it seems like they held that case for about two years for someone to say I don't know that's kind of um I don't agree with that something is slipping through the right I can't we I I that I can't answer I know what the building you're talking about yeah but he here at the council you know we don't approve development right right I AG so it's either going to be at the planning board or either Board of adjustment right uh for that now at some point those documents go to the building department and so with within that now the two year frame and all that I'm not familiar with um I I I hear what you're saying because all of a sudden you see this you mous building being put up there on on Dean Street um but um could we be more informed my opinion would say yes but we're not the these are things that we have to work on and we have to have that communication back and forth with a project that big we should at least been notified that this is what's going to happen sure and the other reason why I say that is because we're coming up with our new what the third part of the affordable and that we could have used that phase four y thank you good evening re given Dr John D given pastor of Shiloh Amy Zion Church England Wood New Jersey my heart is heavy because of getting information and dialogue with regards to racism and just Mr President and to the community I challenge both I challenge this administrative body sorry the mayor is not here and I challenge the community as well racism is a sin we are all God children racism is a tool used by Satan to destroy God's children where there is racism productivity and England Wood do not need it and I go back into all of my studies from Biblical history European history Middle East history American history where there's racism there is war where there's racism there's nonone productive and I challenge this Council and this Administration and the community that we must Rise Above It Rise Above It that where England Wood can be the englwood that I once knew since 1967 Satan do not discriminate against anyone Satan's job is to destroy God's people and we are all God's people let us eliminate it to this entire Council and to the community it England would has no place for racism with regards to to cannbis I serve on that committee with Susan just that council president said you will get back to her with regards to that we send recommendation but just want to bring it back up to date that the black market is very very strong again Satan drugs and the black Black Market will be here until Jesus come back cannabis is all over our city not only Inwood but America and your smoke shop is selling it councils it's selling it is happening here and black market is getting the money and the taxpayers at the taxpayers expense consider it thank thank you Leroy Campbell 287 tenly Road Englewood um as you know I had a couple of questions um Mr Hoffman and CFO answered them um the one and I want the public to know the one question that I did have um I drive I drive a 2018 Kenworth Kenworth and every tire on my truck is tubless um and on this bills and claims I see that we got charged for tires and tubes I don't even think they manufacture tubes anymore and I shared that with Mr Hopman and he's promised to look into it and the other one was um we're paying on um where is it what page am I on here wasting my time here Department of Labor first quarter second quarter 2022 interest and payment $815 2022 was two years ago the other thing I have is that at the last council meeting I was approached and it was said to me that you're a man of God how can you allow this these outbursts to happen um yes I am a man of God I serve as a deacon in one of our local church here in town and every most people know that uh I cannot control what comes out of your mouth and I cannot control what comes out of your mouth all right but my religion has nothing to do with anything that goes on in this Council nothing and I shouldn't be approached and accused of being a man of God and not speaking up against another individual who's expressing themselves and I want everybody to know that and understand that I didn't appreciate it um I got a phone called we talked about it we discuss it I but I didn't appreciate it and I want everybody to know that I didn't appreciate it thank you good evening Council um Samson autanu checking in from uh 152 1 Street um I'm also a longtime employee at the Samson could you speak into that that a little bit better how's this there you go okay gotcha yeah I'm also a longtime uh employee at the Department of Public Works and um I just wanted to bring to your attention um there's a lot of things that we can do when it comes to the flooding here it's been a lot of flooding in Anglewood um not so much lately cuz we uh worked on a project last year um cleaning out uh overc down here which uh was pretty successful but um just a just a few recommendations for the sore Department which would be upgrades we're we're currently staffed with a a driver and two labors um one which is out hurt which leaves two people in the department and it's it's just not enough to service Anglewood like we have to stop sanitary lines and do storm one day or if we're in storm and we get an emergency call we got to close up put everything away we got to get water and we got to go to the emergency call um I'm just requesting that maybe we go to a operator two drivers and one labor a Personnel of four everybody's already on the job they already work here everybody's pretty well trained um you're talking about maybe 11 cents to 18 cents on salaries nobody's getting r Rich uh we also have a 2022 jet vac that was purchased in June 43,000 maybe May 430,000 for the truck it's a pretty good truck but it spends more time in the garage than it does in operation um we've taken the truck out a few times we've had a lot of success with it um I have log and everything my supervisor has copies of flood areas that need attention but you know the way we're currently staffed is is just really difficult you know and um again I live on First Street so I take the flooding in the community personally so that's why I'm here to talk to you about it um 22 seconds um but that's that's um yeah that's that's pretty much it but we could actually help out with that if you staff US correctly I got you thank you anybody else who would like to come up and address the council please feel free no questions I will close the public portion of this meeting we have anything for all right we're going to move to adjourn Mr B okay we Bob you didn't have anything for closing okay we're going to move to adjourn to close this meeting and the meeting uh I need a motion in a second motion Mr Wilson second all in favor all right meetings adjourned thank you thank you for coming yes