good evening and welcome to the city of angle Woods council meeting the time is now 7:34 we'll all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to this flag of the United States of America stand na will a city clerk please read the open Public's meetings act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised and said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will City cler please do the roll call councilman Rosen here councilwoman sski here councilwoman David present councilman Wilson present council president cob here also present is city manager Robert S Hoffman City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman and city engineer France FY absent with prior notice is Mayor Michael WS first on the agenda is public hearing Green Acres Jacob law application and you want to read uh read the first part okay so this is city of angal is seeking funding through the state of New Jersey Green Acres Jake law program for improvements at McKay Park located at 130 West englwood Avenue near the intersection of Williams Street and lynen Avenue in the city of Anglewood the city proposes to create the following new facilities at McKay Park a completely inclusive uh playground I believe as part of the application um we have to explain what we're doing I know if youd like the city engineer Mr VY could you come up and explain exactly what it is and where it's located right now so far we do have extra copies here of what was posted on the city's website if we run out of copies it is posted on our website yeah how's everyone doing oh guess everyone can hear me uh as our city clerk just mentioned this is for the replacement of the uh playground equipment at McKay Park along the wood William Street side of McKay Park as many of you know that that equipment is uh is showing significant wear and tear and it is desperately in need of replacement um it is heavily used especially when KBS the K tib Center is active so it's used during the favorable months during the year um this grant is solely to replace that play area with as as our city cck mention with an allinclusive playground area which essentially means anybody no matter what your physical capabilities are will be able to use that Park enjoy it and be part of the community um this specific this specific Grant uh the DP Jake law uh program is uh pretty competitive and and the reason being because it goes up to 750,000 um and it also matches 75% of the project cost so what we're asking believe our estimate for our playground equipment is about 721 th000 uh which means that the grant will match about half a million and the city will have a little less than $200,000 as far as out- of-pocket costs um as mentioned it's it's fairly uh competitive and we do have some deadlines that we do have to meet uh February 7th I believe is a deadline to actually submit the Grant and before then we have to have all our hearings in place all our Public Notices there's a survey that has to go out so that has to be done as well we're in the process of doing that so there several things that we have to put in place and the seventh I believe is about two weeks from now so it's coming up kind of fast um and again the survey is to just get some general feedback from the public um the preliminary plans I think environmental assessment is all on the city's website it's under the engineering department so everyone can go ahead and take a look at it um before taking the survey so that you have more of a sense as the what the concerns are and what your inputs want to be we have some copies here and I believe we have some in the back for those of you that are here that may not have internet access so you can take a look at the plans there also um trying to think I think the environmental assessment yeah we we did do an environmental assessment analysis um it's pretty straightforward the environmental assessment analysis essentially um DP is is concerned that during this project we're not disturbing any rivers stream any historical sites uh um making any significant change to landscape that sort of thing and in this case we're pretty much okay on on all fronts um so I don't even think a tree is being taken down as far this project we're essentially replacing the existing playground areas so we're we're fine as far as that's concerned Mr V you you talked about the um survey is the survey posted already or can start to take we we actually the survey is not posted yet it's something that we're working working on right now it's going to be coming out fairly quickly fairly soon but it's something that the city is putting together now it's going to be like a Survey Monkey where you know we we sort of get sort of input from the public as to what their feelings are towards the park uh towards the the playground area can I ask you a question about the survey sure I know it it'll be posted and people will be able to take it but there are other people who don't have access can we get hard copies where they can turn it into C Hall so that could count as well I I believe so I don't know if it's going to be through y I don't know if it's going to be through our city clerk's office I believe that's how we did it in the past so they'll be able to get hard copies as well okay so and we'll have something where they could just drop it off in a box or something that's correct after they've completed it yes okay okay Council good evening sir how are you hey how are you you don't um I think this is well overdue so I for one am in agreement with uh the renovations but I am concerned on the northeast corner of this particular lot that we have a a gate um a swinging gate it's two gates one on the left and one on the right that are in disrepair and my concern is for uh the safety of the children and the parents that are actually playing in that area have we taken a look at that as of yet yeah part of what we're going to be doing is because it's an all-inclusive playground there are certain precautions that D is going to require us to do and part of it is making sure that the children that are actually playing in that area are safe no matter no matter what's going on the safety of the of whoever is using that that those equipments or Paramount so there's going to be limited access in terms of being able to leave the playground without you know without supervision that sort of thing so those Gates may end up being disappear alog together because new fencing are going to be put around there so are you familiar excuse me for interrupting but are you familiar with the gates I'm I'm concerned about and I would imagine that the DPW use it uses it so they can mow that adjacent loot yes those are going to be locked at all times or what we may end up doing is possibly put it on the William Street side so they access it that way but that's something that we're looking at as so what's what's going to be best suited for the for the playground area I would like to see that so thank you okay hi I have one question sure um are you working with the environmental team we have here in Englewood um because I did get receive numerous phone calls that you bring it to the council but they should be involved also by this because it's on green grass Etc so do you work with them and incorporate this with them I am not I'm not working with them directly but they are free to just like everyone else just like we're going to have a survey out and we want input from everyone when we when we say residents it's sort of a broad term we want input from everyone including the environmental commission Etc who whoever wants to add their you know their thoughts into it uh we are open to it and we would certainly listen and and take and try and Implement things if they make sense no that that's that's that's a that's a valid that's a valid question and you know that's we try our best to work with everyone um unfortunately because of the deadline and we're sort of pushing forward um so I I will reach out to them to make sure that we are under you know a bit of a crunch in terms of submitting everything and but yes that that that is a valid question and typically we do work hand in hand thank you Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president if I may just as a point of order this was one of those um Grant applications that we became aware of in December so it was it's a tight it was a tight timeline to um to get it uh to get it analyzed make sure that we had the right location and that we met all of the criteria so um you know the the engineer will reach out but that was that was part of it with you know with the holid with the holidays and stuff we our goal was our goal is to get it submitted by February 7th yeah it it it just made sense to to everyone as soon as we saw the Grant application we're like this is what we're looking for because this this you know this I I I I understand that the the concern but yes it just made sense that we were going to do that playground area anyway uh this came along and we figured we manage to you know jump on this and take advantage of the grant we we welcome their feedback and they always have an opportunity to reach out and contact Mr vosy as he heads these projects on any other projects that the city may have uh now I'm going to open this up for public comment if you wish to come to the mic your name your address and three minutes hi my name is sharmain Francis I live in can you speak into the mic a little bit because it's not you know it's not where's Caesar at looks like it's not working it's not on hold on this gentleman going to help you out right behind you is it on season yep thank you thank you um Charmaine Francis 215 Cambridge if the grant deadline is on the 7th of February which is like right around the corner when exactly are the surveys going to be available to those who don't have access to computers and laptops that is a a good question we are like I said we're finalizing the survey now we're trying to get it out as quickly as possible um I believe we're going to notify everyone through different um I guess different um Friday just got just got word Friday it to be available so so the hard copy will be available at City Hall for those and then it'll be online as well Friday okay all right Rick will being with New Jersey so the uh the piece of land on William Street uh close to uh Avenue you guys are going to develop that area into a park is that what's going to happen where the playground currently is constructed yeah down the street by Lyndon right there we're just going to redo that and uh enhance it okay cuz that was kind of confused it says intersection of Williams Street 130 West ingood Avenue near the intersection of Williams Street no no okay all right so what they going to park I guess it's giving you the the intersections of M part yeah can you uh explain what Jake's law is is that the one that connected to marijuana they have fund set aside for that or it's the other kid that died when he was two years old which one is that specifically I'm not sure the Genesis of Jake's law not sure yeah I'm not sure that either cuz I know there two of them there's one that's connected to marijuana and there's another one I believe he passed away he was like two years old he had a heart condition we'll make sure we'll make sure you have right when we're connected so yeah please cuz I want to make sure like you know who we going to have to uh give our firstborn kids to no this doesn't work out yeah this is going to work for everybody does anybody else have a question like to come to the mic please before I close this public about this just this topic only my name is Lloyd rck I was invited uh by councilwoman Angela David my cousin was found uh Mr R yes I I don't want to be rude or interrupt you but only on this topic here when we when you you can come back to the mic in public session and talk about your cousin all right that that's we're just talking about this one specific thing all right so you you'll be able to have the floor when you come back all right yes anybody else have any questions on this uh particular particular topic if not I'm closing the public session on this and then we're going to move on to resolution 032 resolution authorizing the submission of a state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections Jacob law this is the resolution for this so This resolution is authorizing the submission of the application so I need a motion and a second it's at the top of the page I need a motion in a second I'll make a motion need a second I'll second it City CL roll call please uh councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we will move to approval of minutes resolution [Music] 03312 324 resolution accepting the minutes I need a motion in a second second I make a motion I'll second it any questions roll call please councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski councilwoman David thank you councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we'll move to bills and claims resolution 0341 2324 approval payment of bills and claims I need a motion and a second I I move that we do it but exclude 23- 02176 and 23- 0379 2 to be voted on separately I'll second that can you repeat those po numbers yeah this is on page seven 23- 02176 and 23- 0379 2 thank you and what's the title to those things Council Gil Hansen is one and any excuse for a party is the other one any any other questions anybody else councilman president in in interest of time I would just like to have uh a few things um answered before we uh vote on them or I can I can ask for them to be pulled whatever is easiest whatever you want to do whatever you like Mr Kaufman is here you can just roll them out to him and he he will uh provide you with answers and if he doesn't um Mr Hoffman can step in and if he doesn't we can pull it and then we can deal with it separately okay Mr CFO are you ready yes good evening sir thank you for coming no problem if we start at page one uh city manager training and Aid programs 23- 0376 njlm uh management Workshop series $5,000 who's that for that's for the deputy city manager okay is is that is that complete is that training complete no it's uh it's a it's an encumbrance it's a it's a um and it's an incumbrance for classes that will be happening over the over the course of the uh the year okay and that pertains to directly to our city is that correct yes it's uh it it deal it deals with the uh with go with government operations public contracts law all all operations related to City management okay and and my interest is course my perception was that most of the these trainings were already obtained by our Deputy city manager is this uh a renewal refresher or is this a initial training now this is this is um this is a a refresher this is these are courses that are actually being offered um by uh former former um interim manager Matt Watkins uh throughout you know for uh for local government Professionals in New Jersey okay so that's an ongoing thing yes it is and if we I I I would imagine we can stick with you for a second and if we go down to uh Specialized Service signed by American Wood caring uh vote Banner um for $1,250 and I'd just like to know how banners and or slash signs get approved excuse me Michael I'm drawing a blank on on this one was this uh was this foresty so okay is this is this oh okay yeah I am familiar and and the reason why I bring that up is because at we had a conversation in regards to the John right Arena uh sign that is now the McKay ice rink so I just want to make sure how these signs are changed and who passes the signs before they're put up because all signage should come through some government body before they get changed and we have a a significant sign change on ingwood Avenue so I want I want to get to the root of how these new signs are implemented and who and who okays them this is one that goes across the road right okay councilman we can look into that there's H there's a a slight difference between banners and and signs the permanent signs I know this unfortunately this is one of the closest things I could I could find to bring that up um uh I I I just see that there is um a significant amount of of car washes in in the in the F Monon period of 3186 is there something that is in place for um a monthly or yearly p pass do do we not I I know as as individuals go to car watch you can buy a monthly pass and for five months for 3186 on page three near the top of the page seems a little bit excessive and I don't know if that's the whole Fleet if that's for for the police department has that ever been looked into a yearly pass well get we'll get back to you on that we've looked at that in the 20 the beginning of the 2023 budget process but I don't remember what the what the answer was okay and yeah because this was this was for a five month period so we the the question has to do with is there you know the the annual cost for car washes and if we go down uh about five entries uh CRI criminal investigation for $1,000 is is this associated with promotions Michel 23- 0374 uh one of our uh police officers attended a class one of our current police officers so the question Remains the Same is this for promotional situations or is this an ongoing training as well this is just TR regular training is that require training or is that just training we let them have take that that I could find out but I'm not sure also is is any individual we have a budget for each individual no we have a department budget so I think that we need to know that Council and yes thank you council president I just have a few more real quick uh 23-0 2512 IDM Mia maintenance and support for $3,930 um for how many Mony is that for is that that's for the year that's for the year yeah okay uh and when we're talking about Machinery equipment for proposal location what does the proposal mean because it says it appears that we we've already had the services for $2,800 and that's at the bottom of the police department uh bills and claims at 23-0 3471 that that's just what the department entered in it doesn't necessarily mean it's doesn't mean it's a proposal the original it's probably it was a draw down so it kept the original in that space space of Edmonds it kept the word proposal but if you look at the backup Pages it says it differently do I have the backup Pages no no so I wouldn't be able to look that up I could tell you right now if you like no it's it's the wording that I'm concerned about if in fact that there's a pro a proposal why have we already paid for it as opposed to adjusting what may be proposed to us so maybe we could correct the wording on that and just a few last questions uh over the last Bills and claims we've talked about tires um and repairs from ETD and if we look at I'm sorry excuse me one second please all right I I'll Circle back at that at a later time so my last thing is in regards to excuse me door repairs I see that there are at least six particular door repairs um and my concern is that it's a continual thing here in regards to um door pairs from $1,000 to $833 to $2 $300 now when it states door repair is that throughout the whole city yes it's different locations and I would find that where the first one says DPW the other ones it doesn't have the location the description on the bill list but it has it in edms also same as before and I have access to edmin anytime the councilman wants to call me I could tell him everything he wants thank you for your help I'm good council president thank you thank you Council woman you have a question or councilman councilman r thank you so I asked to um separate uh the two after school program costs uh one was soulful Christmas uh for $1,000 and I was it was reported that only 20 people attended it and that's just too much money to spend for such a poorly attended program and then the um uh the other one was any excuse for a party for $795 and I think that name kind of sums up the whole problem right there certainly in favor of having parties over winter break but I don't understand why everything has to be through a third- party vendor which is extraordinarily expensive over the past few months we've seen bills for tens of thousands of dollars to third party vendors and now we're probably in the hundreds of $100,000 maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars and this is a taxpayer money and they're looking to us to what we're spending it on you can have a party without hiring a vendor to do the party um it's no problem doing that happens all the time and there are there are a bunch of departments that are programmatic Recreation is obviously one the library is another one but but look at the bills and claims from the library this month electricity internet access some ads and newspapers health insurance and then books DVDs and CDs audio books streaming services books ebooks Book subscription annual subscription books audio books ebooks books books ebooks audio books then some office supplies and heating and lighting Library spending its money on books it's what we expect they do program in too but they don't have to at least in this this bills and claims wasn't weren't spending tens of thousands of dollars on third party vendors for their events they were just doing them if they if they did them and and we get emails every week about the wonderful events the libraryies H is having that week so I just don't understand why we're spending probably $100,000 on third party vendors and we have a lot of employees as well it just doesn't make sense to me that's why I'm asking to separate these two and I intend to vote no against 02176 and 0 3792 thank you okay we we we will address this issue with the recreation department um and I think we'll we'll address this in close session as well however um public contract law says right Services already rendered Mr Bailey Mr Hoffman yes sir we have to pay for them even though councilman Rosen swag has made his comments we've we've duly noted that I think that going forward um we're going to look at things a little differently um but if we don't have the skills on staff we have to go outside now questioning the people's prices and things of that nature it's a good comment but in a lot of these things I don't believe we have the people that have the skill set to to provide some of this stuff so but we can take that offline I I have I have a few questions myself on the bills and claims list and I'm going to be fast because I have a lot of questions but I don't want to hold our time up for that um Mr Kaufman on page four um I want to start there with you we have two items for Atlantic Towing repairs and roll off and rolloffs one for $4,998 and the other one for $3,840 192 I know they tow for us but I didn't know they do additional other kind of work for us is that a part of our Towing and contract um council president uh no this is not part of the towing contract this was repairs for heavy heavy equipment so it had to do with um with breaks on on one of our one of our larger uh trucks uh and it also had to um it all had to do with some specialty valves do do do we reach out to other people to see where we could get our best price footage at um the answer is yes at at times we do we we make calls down to pamis we have a shared services agreement with pamus so we have taken in the past we have taken some of our equipment there usually we wind up taking um uh you know our our um some of our Fire Equipment or some of the other equipment but we the answer is yes we've taken we've taken some of our DPW trucks down there in the past but um that's something we can find out from uh from our DPW director Mr Jenkins and report back to the council yeah I I think it would be helpful if if we have a contract with somebody who can meet our needs especially since we have recently uh obtained some heavy equipment and we get something in writing and we negotiate some something and I know that in the past we've usually taken it out to paramas and everybody seemed to be happy with the services that they were rendering to us so um I think we should do a little work on that uh as we come into the budget season and maybe we can enter into some type of agreement with somebody to help us out with this Mr cofman on page nine I I I think I asked this question before but I'm going to ask it again um it's $1,943 five 20 23 Dodge Durango allhe Drive where they at where are they yes I haven't seen them doesn't mean they're not here but we first have to pay we have to have the check before they deliver the cars okay so can you do me a favor and let me know how many police cars we bought in 2023 because if my math is Right somewhere between 12 and 15 I just want to know and I see we have two entries here for uh 2023 for Transit 350 XL we have $4,888 120 and then we have one for 20,000 is that we re retrofitting it with something on it no it's that's how much it costs what 20 no 40 44 plus 64,000 64 but we got two entries for the same vehicle yeah because it was charged to two different ordinances originally when we budgeted in 2021 we budgeted 45 or $44,000 and then the price went we couldn't find it anywhere this is the only place where we could where uh Recreation when they went out to look for a vehicle it's the only place they could find it and since then the prices went up okay so we we're expecting delivery or we have it yes no we're expecting delivery hopefully [Music] tomorrow okay Mr belly because uh councilman Rosen swagen councilwoman losasi have two items they want to vote no on and the bills the claims but we can do the roll call and U how do you want to do that theable the M I'm sorry the motion on the table is to uh approve the bills and claims except for those two entries on page seven so you can have a vote on that and then separately if someone chose they could make a motion to approve those two other items no I think the motion on the table is to to approve everything except for those two items my motion was to approve everything except those two items okay well then we then we'll we'll we'll vote first so get two votes essentially if you correctly they were rendered I you that's why we got to vote yeah so if there's a motion in a second we just need a roll call for the first you say second was councilwoman right for those two items no with the entire bills list minus those two items and then you need a separate motion and to vote just for those two items so we already have a motion to vote for the entire bills list right minus those items and then we can go for those other two items yes okay go ahead so should I do roll call yeah roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president Cobb yes now the next one will be we need a motion in a second for items talk this sorry there Motion in a second not yet we're doing it right now okay we're doing we need a motion in a second for items uh 23 0 2176 and 0379 two we need a motion and a second to approve that approve it first I'll take a motion we got a motion I got a motion Services were rendered I mean I was not here I don't know what they did Services were rendered so I second yeah roll call councilman Rosen no councilwoman wasi no councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes yep okay ordinance 241 an ordinance establishing contract salaries and benefits for local 108 RW DS u f UF CW a l c IO for city hall employees we're looking to table that until we come out of closed session so I need a motion in a second I make a motion that we table that until we come out of the Clos session I'll second roll call councilman Rosen this is on the tabling yes until after close session I vote no to table councilwoman wasi I vote no to table councilwoman David councilman Wilson I vote Yes I think it's very important that we have a discussion before we vote council president come I vote Yes to table next we're going to have public comment on agenda items from 035 through [Music] 061 any comments that you have on any of these items come to the mic state your name your address yeah Rick Wilby England New Jersey I want to talk about this 0581 2324 resolution to accept the donation of the peace poll by the Rotary Club for placement in Trumble Park uh today's day 108 of the bombing of Gaza and I think it's very hypocritical that we're talking about peace polls why you know this city has made ordinances to stand with Israel who is currently engaged in a genocide killing over 30,000 Palestinians in 108 days displacing 1.9 million half of those killed are children back in operation castled Israel kills children and they call it mowing the lawn when they kill children they call it mowing the lawn I think that is very disingenuous and very hypocritical for Lisa was saski to support Israel and at the same time talking about peace when the word ceasefire has never came out of her lips and she's a doctor likewise Dr Kenneth Rosen swag just because I'm a so-called Jamaican doesn't mean that I'm going going to support Jamaica in killing and massacring children it is extremely hypocritical with what is going on right now in occupied Palestine that we're talking about this hypocrisy peace pole it's a slap in the face when resolutions are passed to support something that the majority of the world does not support the majority of the world does not stand with Israel Lisa the majority of the world does not stand with Israel Ken regardless that you've bought our politicians through APAC and other special interest group the world is waking up likewise people do not want to be insulted by having peace polls where you bring little black kids and little Jewish kids and little other kids those little black kids can't go to your yeshivas they're not represented in your yeshivas this is what I don't understand what do we peace polling about if you guys have not called for a ceasefire and have not put your Humanity on display and say not again means not again for anybody but yet still your Holocaust is over and you've now initiated a holocaust against the Palestinian people in the name of Zionism and you want us to accept the fact that this peace pole needs to be placed in a park while there's a current war going that might simultaneously kick off World War III because some people just can't stop stealing and killing this is Amy Bullock cand Avenue um one I'd like to request that you pull out 06112 324 recognizing February is Black History Month and vote on that separately ly Mr cob usually does that um can I comment on the bills or you need me to do that in other public comment public comment come back so you can do that I'm Janet Sharma I'm the coordinator of AG friendly Anglewood and I'm a resident of angle of creskill um I just wanted to comment on I know there are a number of appointments to uh to councils and I just want to hope that there are many senior citizens who are appointed to councils I think their wisdom and experience can be very beneficial thank you thank you anybody else I'mma close I'm going to close the public comment and I'm going to move to I I want to take 061 and vote on it by itself uh and everything else we can vote together if anybody else has anything they want to pull please let me know so we can do that and you can speak to it nobody has any comments on that so we'll vote from 035 all the way to 060 need a motion we need a motion and a second a motion I'll second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we'll vote on 061 recognizing February as black history B I need a motion and a second I make a motion I will second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman councilwoman David councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we'll have communications from the governing body and the City manager we'll start with first W councilman Ros swag I thank you uh good evening um I'd like to uh offer my condolences uh to Mayor Michael Wilds on the loss of his uh father Leon Wilds um also um condolences to the family of longtime Anglewood resident Charles Ood the noted newscaster he lived for many years in Anglewood um the Oscar nominations came out today and congratulations to the movie Golda which was co-produced by Anglewood resident for receiving a nomination in a best makeup um thank you all and please be safe in the cold weather next councilwoman oasi good evening this past Saturday night I had the privilege of going to the New Jersey pack I was invited to a wonderful reception which was Then followed by a musical that was produced by The JCC on the Palisades in ten ofly and it was called we came to America and it's Loosely based on the book we came to we came to America that was that was written by angle Wood's Faith Ringold and um although we came to although we came to America is a children's book and it's beautifully Illustrated it really reads like a poem and the words are important for children and for adults and I'm going to read it we came to America every color race and religion from every country in the world some of us were already here before the others came and some of us were brought in Chains losing our freedom and our names we came to America every color race and religion from every country in the world we traveled from our birthplace by boat and by plane some of us came running from Injustice fear and pain we came to America every color race and religion from every country in the world we brought along our joyful songs our stories wise and true our music colored the air beautiful sounds and patterns everywhere our joyful dance dance now freed our pain gently like soothing rain our food our fashion and our art made America great we came to America every color race and religion from every country in the world in spite of where we came from or how or why we came we are all Americans just the same now now listening to the words in the musical was real resonated with me and it really provided a framework for me of different things that I've experienced that I've thought and that I've experience this month January is a very difficult month for me it's my mother's birthday she passed away two days before her birthday this this week it was 10 years since I've lost my mom my mom was um raised in Brooklyn she was brought up by her grandmother all of my great-grandparents were all immigrants and this play was or this musical was about immigrants and about um celebrating diversity and all my great-grandparents were were were immigrants from Eastern Europe my one one of my grandmothers was also born in Eastern Europe where they had a very difficult life they left a lot of family behind um many who later perished in the Holocaust and my mother went to a public school in Brooklyn called Rosevelt High School she graduated top in her class she always wanted to be a physician but in the 1960s a lot of women didn't go into medicine it was very hard she also her parents her mom graduated from high school her father was not even a high school graduate they didn't have the financial means or The Savvy sophistication to help my mom to achieve her dreams and so instead both my brother and I became Physicians when my mom went to Brooklyn College she got two master's degrees she became um a teacher she taught English as a second language in PS 247 which was the local public school in in the neighborhood where I grew up in Brooklyn and every time we would go out out of our house we go for a walk children would run over Mrs leoz Mrs Le they give her a big hug she was uh one of the first people to to work with children when they came to this country as immigrants uh she contributed a lot to them and they contributed a lot to her I my husband and I when we decided we to raise our family we decided to come to Anglewood and uh we came to Anglewood in 1995 we came with two young daughters School aged uh we bought our first house here and we we had three sons in Anglewood while we were here us so I have five children and now as many of you know my grandchildren I have three grandchildren that are being raised in Anglewood and it was it was great it's great living in Anglewood and it's it's I'm glad I chose to live in I CH I'm glad I chose to live here but things kind of got difficult for for Jews in the world in the United States after especially after 2018 that was really I think a turning point that was after the Tree of Life shooting in um in in Pittsburgh and after that there were two other synagogues that were targeted and then of course I'm sure many of you have seen the videos of people going after um people in people in Brooklyn who are visibly Jewish beating them up and many people have seen the videos of Jews barricading themselves in libraries you saw that at coopa Union you saw a teacher a Jewish teacher and queens barricading herself in a classroom so even in Anglewood uh these incidents are occurring this past November I my husband and I went away for a few days and what seems to happen when we go away our kids kind of descend into our house for into our home and uh they went out for a Friday night dinner uh they in and I live in the second ward they were they were out for dinner in F in the First Ward they they are when you see them they are visibly Jewish and they didn't carry the phone with them on a Friday night this was I I said in November a car uh this is between um angle and lier on one of those streets on the first FL a car put on their high hats and yelled kite to Kik at them out of out of the the window turned around and sped up toward them as if they were they were going to hit them with a car um you know obviously the purpose was to intimidate them and uh they walked home and I've asked them to now to always carry a phone with them no matter even if it is the Sabbath with last night in the CVS on palate Avenue um my son who was wearing a keepa a skullcap at the time um a a and he's my and my boys are not small boys and he's a big big big man um he was approached by a bigger man um in the CVS who then um intentionally bumped into him trying to intimidate him mumbled something about October and my son did what what we had taught our children to do what we discussed with them over the last few months he kept on walking and he left the the um area and um I'm glad and so I'm glad we've had those discussions and my son listened and and followed what we discussed the um Jew hatred in in the United States has increased by over 360% according to the ADL in the last three months compared to last year earlier this month I was invited to join Jewish leaders to go to Washington DC and meet with government officials um I went I was glad I went and we spoke about combating anti-Semitism we spoke about the need to increase Federal funding for nonprofits for security purposes now tonight we we talked about we passed the peaceful putting a peaceful in trumo park this is a program that I'm very proud of it started as my signature project as president of the Rotary Club of Anglewood this is the fourth year and the reason the Rotary Club started this this project it was after the George Floyd murder it was after the Jersey City shooting where Jews were targeted um and and we wanted to bring kids together in Anglewood we have five middle schools in Anglewood they don't normally all get to know each other or interact we have the the public school Janice dis Janice dismus Middle School we have the charter school we have Elizabeth marro right angle with and Mariah and this program has been a huge success and and like I said I'm very proud of this program and as we go as we embark on our 125th anniversary year I think it's important for us to heed the words of of Faith Ringold from we came to America and I think we should not allow our differences to divide us rather we should celebrate our diversity because that's the only way that we're going to be able to move forward strong as a city thank you councilwoman David yes um I am with you Lisa I am the daughter of an immigrant who fought in World War II from Jamaica he came from from Jamaica moved to the South and my mother I'm and my grandparents are from Jamaica I was born in Williamsburg Virginia and I get it I was also chased by the KKK growing up in Virginia at the age of 12 years old so I get it I remember that and I tell my children that and they're like what they don't understand it all my children are born here in Englewood my husband born here his father born here and it is what it is basically you know we're going to all go this the world is changing drastically and we have to take procedures and and and measures and everything and we get it so it's not just one it's everything I want peace for everyone to get along to move along and safety for everyone and I get it I mean there's going to be also hate with all backgrounds you're going to have Latina Latina black Latinas Latinas Jews Christian Jews is going to be that diversity you understand I get it CU I'm I'm Jamaican and I'm American I got the best of both worlds I get it um on that note I met with the actors fund about um almost two weeks ago with Pleasant Avenue residents with Jordan the director and on Pleasant Avenue residents were there and we had our councilman at large was there and they called it unpleasant no pun intended they called it unpleasant because they had all this um a situation on Pleasant Avenue and it came to some resolution that you know what Jordan nice guy he said you know what we're going to fix this thank you that was the first time that ever happened that he met with the residents to make that happen in the Third Ward so I'm grateful for that there was a mutual agreement we're going to also follow up in April on this and also we have the Winford Winford e Toler the family is right here in front of us his relative just passed away about Martin Luther King day he's born um you know uh he born 1223 1949 and I want to give my condolences to you and your entire family you know what in the third void and I I give my sincere condolences because you know losing a a a parent is hard I lost my parent two years about my parent my mother two years ago I found her on the floor on her birthday on her birthday so I get it so I give my heart to you okay and thank you thank you councilman Wilson good evening all first giving honor to God without him this wouldn't be possible for me um thank you guys for coming out and being concerned on how we conduct business and as I've stated before for me I can't do it without you guys I don't want to do it without you guys guys um because I think it takes a village to grow a government um there no individual acts here and if it is it needs to be rooted out uh we're way past that time where we need to wait for things to be right for everyone uh those days have hopefully passed and I am here to exercise anything that needs to be done properly and so I will continue to push for transparency we have a new government right now uh we have still a fairly new city manager who is meticulously working through processes that have been going on for some time so we ask that or I ask that you be patient change is coming and I don't mean next year I'm expecting change immediately uh because that's the only way we get things done to recognize your complaint it's important it's a quality of life that one is expecting and you know I hear these condolences go out and we have no idea how long we're going to be here or our loved ones are going to be here and I will send out my condolences to the wild family for losing their matriarch of the family a good friend of mine uh Marshall Brown uh another good friend of mine our truste the seed family the Winford Toller family um and to be honest I feel somewhat kind of a shame I grew up next to Winford but I never knew Winford it was always brother and uh so I felt kind of shame I was like who's Winford I know a brother but my condolences go out to you guys um so I would just ask that each and every one of us pay attention um to your love ones to your neighbors you never know what somebody's going through um and it takes each one to teach one and it takes young ladies to see a woman a woman to be a woman and it takes a young man to be to see a man to be a man so for us who are in our Forefront of Our Lives it's upon us to lead the way to show the example uh and we're no exception as Council people I think that the importance of you guys input is very very important and without you guys we can't get this thing done and I will share this with you there's no such thing as a silly question or a silly concern if in fact that it affects your quality of life I think it's important and I think it needs to be shared so thank you guys for coming out please don't hesitate to participate in your government this not our government this is your government and it needs to be governed by the people so please continue to share and thank you for coming out God bless good evening I just like to thank everybody for coming out and participating I'm going to Echo some of the words that the councilman Wilson just said um we can't do this without you you've empowered us to do it with you and for you we are your Advocates um condolences to The Wilds family condolences YY to your family and uh as you call it bruh uh but tonight was so real to me as well as when when I sat in that seat over there where councilman Wilson said there was a gentleman from the fourth ward that I've known a long time and his wife would come to the meetings and that was Al trusty he sat right there on that second row he will be missed Al trusty was an advocate he advocated he lived on Florence Street we've done a lot of work down there in that area so flooding is that a minimum now but it was his involvement that moved the needle and you have the same opportunities to work what is in your involvement to move the needle but Al came here and held us accountable and his sudden passing is a void because he would come to that mic and he'd call you out but again he showed us what could be done and what needs to be done we don't always get it right but you have the opportunity to come here and tell us what's going on I I just think it's so unfortunate you know and to councilman Wilson's point you could be here today and going tomorrow so why don't we try to make a difference every day we wake up do something no matter how small all it is do something I mean it it it's really reflective of what we got but this town will only be as good as you want it to be only as good as you want it to be so speak up speak out and call out and if people sitting up here can't take it then they have to deal with it but in a respectful manner I'd like to thank the ebener Baptist Church for 54 years of having the Martin Luther King ceremony the 15th ain't about taking pictures it's about a day of service it's about understanding what that gentleman stood for so I thank EA Baptist Church for for continuing to shine a light on that in the same day Community Baptist Church along with Center for food action if I got the number right I think they packed 5,000 snack packs 5,000 with many organizations participating in so if you really want to volunteer they do that at every Martin Luther King day so if you're looking for something to do go see see those folks also I want to call out uh when we were supposed to get really really bad weather Community Baptist Church opened up their parking lot so you could park in the parking lot so that the city was able to service the streets if need be I will tell you that I'm going to ask all the houses of worship that have major parking lots can we do that throughout the city it will make dpw's job so much better we're not perfect but DPW works hard they' and and you can see the fruits of how the water is not flooding as much and they work all the time with that now we're working we're not everywhere but we're going some places I know we got some homework to do around Orchard but we'll do that we know where the hot spots are but this is continued maintenance this is the new normal for us right here with this flooding so we're learning as we go so I I I thank them for that uh one of the things that I want to pass along is that we will be setting up budget hearing meetings you will be seeing how your tax dollars are being spent and you can question how they're being spent I think it's important we don't need one or two people to show up to a budget him we need you need to understand how your tax dollars are being spent don't take it for granted how it's being spent make sure you get how it's being spent now we're going to celebrate 125 years of the city of Anglewood I ask anybody who's got any other ideas or whatever they think that we should do please email them to me my email address is on on the city website email them to anybody up here if you got any ideas so you got enough people to say I've emailed something what would you like to see what would you like to hear about Englewood we're going to talk about Englewood in a lot of different formats I think it's important that people need to understand Anglewood it's a lot more than just living here you know turning on the lights and leaving and coming back there's a lot of challenges in this town but there's a lot of things to be proud of of this town this town is rich in history this town has had a lot of people do a lot of things and we should support that but tell those stories some of these stories are not going to be good some of the stories are going to be so for real you know but they need to be told put in perspective you know so that I I think that that's something that we we need to do and if we have events please come out and support one of the things we don't do well is support events but we can it's a learning and it's an opportunity I always hear people say we're we're so diverse what does that really mean I don't know we have a great town what does that mean let's show people let's let's be the example CU we can be if we work together and if we if we deal with reality and what we are so again I thank each and every one of you and those who are listening remotely we got a lot of work to do we're going to do that um Mr Hoffman I just want to ask you one question we're having a police test on Saturday or when is it uh no council president it's tomorrow evening Wednesday uh the 24th at 6: PM where p is going to be address P so so it'll be at Eng W hospital going be Hospital in the auditor let me let me ask you since obviously I got the date wrong pre-registered can somebody register for that tomorrow yeah I don't believe so I think the registration closed um closed on Friday but I will I will double check after the council meeting I okay can you can you please check because my concern is that information didn't get out to everybody cuz I'm I you know and so everybody should have an opportunity to take that test who chooses to take that test that's what I think my opinion right okay Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president uh good evening ladies and gentlemen at our last council meeting which was last Tuesday uh one of the questions that was asked was it was about the Sid and um you know what it's what it stood for so the Sid is just it's a special improvement district it's a a s it's a standalone organization uh the businesses that participate in the Sid they um they have agreed to tax themselves so there's funds that are collected uh right now there's 162 businesses that participate in the Sid and have funds that are collected um so that improvements can be made in the designated area for the um for the for the that group for the Sid and they have their own bylaws and they they're uh they're their self-governing um as the council president just mentioned tomorrow evening uh there will be a uh a police department written test that's the first part of that's the first step in the process to becoming a police officer so it'll be at 6: PM over at the auditorium at Englewood Hospital um I believe there was 190 people that had sign signed up to take the test and um the qualified residents will be given first priority in the hiring process uh for becoming a police officer uh there after the after the written test there's going to be a physical and then um there's uh there's other evaluations that goes go on and interviews and the goal is to have um have of recommendations for a summer class at the Bergen County Police police academy uh the count as was also mentioned the council will be discussing the 2024 budget uh they'll be hearings the the uh the governing body will select the dates and then that will be they will be advertised so that all who wish to um participate can there were several resolutions on this evening's agenda of which uh which will benefit this the city as and its residents and I just wanted to say thank you to the to the uh city council for for passing those resolutions that includes the submission of the Grant application for for um for the park that's uh we're applying for under Jake's law and I looked it up quickly and Jake's law was named after a two and a halfy old that had a heart defect and used to um do physical therapy in a park uh near their home and so that's why this this law was named Jake's law so we're looking forward to that we also were able to uh tonight we accepted a grant um to help re do work at Herring field and um we're most appre we're most appreciative of that so thank you that's my report council president thank you thank you now we're going to public session and I'm going to ask that we kind of get through here because we have uh we have a close session that we have to get to so if you could be really efficient and Direct on your comments uh I would appreciate it it would be helpful to get get in and get out and since we have a line be respectful to everybody's time I'd appreciate that she's G to speak thank you Amy Bullock Callen Avenue does the the ice rink doesn't say John T right Arena anymore there is an entrance sign on ingwood Avenue that says uh McKay Park Ice ring oh I'm sorry did that follow the new ordinance who authorized that okay let me get to the to business here um councilman Rosen Swig and councilwoman uh wasi I've noticed over the past few months seem to have been identifying programs for children um through the rec department that they have some concerns about paying for but yet nobody questioned the 5999 for internet at Liberty school nobody question the $9,000 spent on a roof for Liberty school but you worried about $1,000 for a program whether was 10 kids or 20 kids it's an investment in our future but you don't care about $99,000 invested in a building that is literally crumbling because the city of Englewood continues to do nothing with it like where are our priorities let's talk about that next thing councilman wasas wanted to give her family history let me give a little bit of M and tell you why I have a concern with your statements tonight my fourth great grandfather was born in Africa I'm one of the few people in this country who actually can trace back one of my ancestors to Africa the plantation that he was enslaved on is still standing today as a tourist site in South Carolina my grandparents picked cotton you gave us your family history you talked about the struggles but not once after having just voted on a resolution acknowledging Black History Month you talk about we're American but could not bring yourself to say that we've got to fight all forms of hate including racism you tell us about what you're doing to fight anti semitism but you don't talk about what you're doing to fight all forms of hate whether it's racism anti-lgbtq I I don't know the acronyms and stuff we can't fight just one segment it has to be a combined effort to fight all of it because if they come for me eventually they're going to come for you and that's what's coming to fruition because everybody wants to function on an island you can't talk about fighting anti-semitism without talking about fighting racism don't tell me about being an immigrant it was a Scottish Irish immigrant that bought my grandfather so keep these things in perspective when you want to make comments about that and be cognizant of the audience that you're speaking to because my history matters my family suffering matters the suffering that people are going through today matters people get called every day and people get called every day and they're both wrong and if you can't call them all out then don't call out any of them Rick willle New Jersey Revelations 3:9 behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I love thee Deuteronomy 868 and the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships by the way whereof I spoke unto thee Thou shalt see it no more and there you shall be sold unto your enemies for Bond men and bond women and no man shall buy you I don't know what Lisa wasas is talking about but the greatest crime against humanity was the transatlantic slave trade that was preceded by the subsaharan slave trade if you combine World War I 1 World War II the Holocaust some natural disasters you don't even scratch the surface of what black people suffered in this country the constant belly aching and the constant self-victimization while committing a holocaust against the Palestinian is a disgrace time and time again I went down to Washington I had the privilege to ride with some very good Palestinian brothers and sisters and they all have the same concessions 1948 the AKA they opened their doors and welcomed the so-called Jews into their homes and they were repaid by death Lisa wasas don't tell me anything about your family and your problems cuz again if you perpetrate a holocaust your holocost means nothing to me especially if you can't call for a ceasefire Deuteronomy 2868 is talking about the real so-called Jews The Real Children of Yasha Allah the real so called Hebrews the black people that were sold as Bond men and bond women your Eastern European self was never so but what the Eastern European ask any Nazi Jew did was he financed slavery okay and they also ensured the human cargo the Zionist always telling me to read a book Lisa I'll give you my book autographed by the minister Lewis faran himself the secret relationship between blacks and Jews that details how Je themselves were triger Co they were important figures in disseminating slaves all over the Caribbean including Jamaica you would never know what it's like to bury one of your kids like Merlene your kids go to join the IDF and go over there and kill people at America's expense Rosen swag is talking about tax dollars our tax dollars are killing people Ken Dr Ken that's what's going on I'm sick and tired of the hypocrisy of of you people I won't even call you what you say you are cuz you're not that let's just call you the synagogue of Satan and again you have no Monopoly on suffering if you calculate what we went through you don't even scratch the surface can you can you can you come come to the mic a little bit come a little closer so we can hear put it down hi my name is Michelle chel um and uh I live in um in creskill but I come to um Anglewood four days a week um I go to um Vantage um I see Pro a problem there with um the sidewalks with the uh with traffic um they have people that are constantly hanging out all over leaning up against uh buildings the businesses um even up against uh people's does um you know apartments that they have there and I mean like the other day I [Music] saw um thank you the the other day I saw um a couple of children trying to get out of their home for to go someplace and the few people uh they may have been from where I go at the Vantage could have been anybody I don't know but these kids could not get out of their home because people were sitting on the steps leaning up against the door okay and the kids were knocking on the door and yelling please let let us out and when I saw that I lost it and I used a few Choice words to tell them to you know move their butts wait Michelle where was that by Vantage was it by in that area where they couldn't get out um it's one one of uh one of the couple of apartments close by there okay but um it's it's not just the um you know uh the apartments but it's also um the businesses people there uh complain because a lot of people just hang out in their uh you know in in front of their businesses and uh you know it um mess you know really messes things up people being afraid to uh go into some stores because you know people hanging out and you know um that they they say there's nothing anybody can do about it well my question is maybe there is something like maybe having some you know police uh on the um yes on the streets yes um maybe even for like maybe U during the day to have uh once in a while somebody you know police uh on sidewalk you know um that would be like maybe a couple times you know out of the entire day so we need to do something to keep the the businesses uh going comfortably and to give the uh peace to the uh to the um to the people that live there okay thank you thank you thank you Michelle thank you you got to pull that up a little bit now CES hi Janet Sharma again I'm a resident of creskill but the coordinator of the AG friend the Englewood program about seven years ago we formed a coalition here in town that would help older adults age in place we worked with members of the city council at that time and with mayor huddle with city manager Tim Daisy and with many of the nonprofits and religious organizations in town to form this broad-based Coalition we came up with a plan that we submitted to ARP and the World Health Organization and Anglewood was designated a little over 5 years ago as an ageef friendly City we now are at the point where we have to submit a five-year plan a five-year progress report on what we've done over the last 5 years which I'm glad to do but we also need to talk about what Anglewood is going to do going forward so I want to make sure that the city council and the city manager and the mayor are invested in this program and we need to talk about what we're going to do for the next 5 Years thank you thank you ignasio aosta Dwight place um Following last week's meeting that I came in surprisingly back went I I got a not a public notice for a adjustment Board of adjustment meeting for a property on the side street that I thought was abandoned or either abandoned or owned by someone senior folk funny enough that property has been owned for two years by a developer who hasn't even cleaned off the grass or the the leaves it's been overgrown and it continues with it it wouldn't qualify for the rules that we talked about last month last week um and when we talk about the diversity of this town and what we think is really good about here we got to raise a floor into what's acceptable this this company this developer whoever it is I don't know who they are is clearly not taking care of property they're not the only one and we're letting that slide they're going up in front of the board of adjustments to ask for adjustments to the zoning laws so that they can build more tow houses I'm fine with developing but we got to do something to make sure that people come in here and with the right mindset for keeping the city clean and good and where's that property at uh 93 Tracy place and uh Mr Bailey I think this might be coming up but this was sent out as a public notice with the phone call uh a zoom meeting I called in and it said that that meeting did not exist so this was sent out saying that we were supposed to discuss this as a public meeting nothing there Zoom didn't happen there's no other way I'm not the zoning board no no no but just mentioning that this is something up like what everything sent out by Whoever has the the resources to communicate this they're sending out bad information and they're leaving properties and disrepair and adding to blight I mean the Z the zoning board is is autonomous to the council right so um I'm sure they're holding meetings uh if you go to the city's website and look on and collect I'm I'm sure they're going to have a meeting probably in short order no no I agree I agree I'm not I'm not questioning the zoning Bo the zoning board or the adjustment board I'm saying that there's developers speculators people with property here who are not trying to invest in the city and we have to do more enforcement because I similar to what the councilwoman has said about raising the kids I moved here with my kids I want to raise them here and I want a community that is diverse and we got to make sure that the city is looks good I mean we can't let that happen so okay get on it thank you hello my name's Lancy basket I live at 45 Cambridge Avenue in Englewood I've owned my home for over 20 years I have a neighbor that lives next door to me who has water running out of her house and this water has been running out of her house for 20 years I have complained about this numerous times I have written to the mayor respectfully Charles you and I have spoken about this numerous times um I have kind contacted the city because when all the trees fell down when there was a storm many many years ago our sidewalk was unleveled so I work with the engineering department for them to come out and straighten the sidewalk out due to the fact that the water is constantly running out the sidewalk is becoming unleveled again now that it's cold the water runs out onto the sidewalk and it becomes a sheet of ice okay what's the address there at that house 45 Orchard it's 391 Orchard it's right around the corner from me um as I said Charles respectfully I've reached out to you about this on numerous occasions uh someone came out and spoke to me and said well that's a civil matter so it's a city sidewalk which is not my responsibility the water runs out over the sidewalk onto the street and that is a hazard I have called the fire department they came out no one does anything and this is continuing to happen for 20 years and I honestly can't believe that I have to sue her in order to get some type of Justice here or a fix for this so I need help Mr VY okay I'd appreciate it well at least for the sidewalk I mean a simple $8 hose with a clamp to run that water onto her property would resolve this issue but she refuses to do that all she does is sprinkle salt what I did was put a a wooden horse from when they closed off Orchard my son dragged it so that no no one walks there because it's a hazard and it's 20 years this has been going on F that might be that same way you had to do it on herock remember remember that I mean I don't know if the city maybe could come and make her put a hose to redirect the water so it goes onto her property and not onto the sidewalk where it's a hazard okay will somebody contact me or okay thank you pretty thanks Leela Charney um I'm from Leonia um I'm here I stand with the Bernard place's family with Merlene and Mariam and uh because I guess we can never forget and we we we hope that it will never be again in the United States this year 1,232 people were killed by police in the United States and in and right right here in New Jersey the seab Brooks uh Washington bill just passed seab Brooks and seab Brooks lived in Patterson he was a part of The Healing Collective he was killed by police who knew him and and and who he was a person who helped many other people especially young people and Washington was a young man contributing in his family as well uh and and uh and was someone kind and decent and loving and and he he too was killed by police as was Bernard placed all three had Mental Health crisis all three uh were killed by a police officer and the seab Brooks Washington bill is supposed to now assure that there will be Community involvement and Community intervention uh either before police or with police which is a beginning in some way however we have to also look at the mental health of police officers because this is not Anglewood is an extraordinary City full of life everybody's represented here however what seems to be happening is that uh uh there's a disproportionate uh uh violence against people of color uh and so we really have to understand what happens in this is not a high crime Community there's not a lot of domestic well there may be domestic violence but a lot of actual violence and it would we would imagine that the police officers in this community should be able to handle uh things and when they can't they should have some support but you have to question when a police team goes into someone's home who's having a mental health crisis that that person want that the person in the crisis winds up dead you have to raise questions about the mental health of the officer who who committed the crime thank you thank you thank you the T family okay yeah he's old Jun Greg uh Elmore Avenue and um I'm sorry that I missed the presentation earlier about the park um I was really hoping to um uh to get here for the for that part of it because I just wanted to add some information about the park because I I love McKay Park um if you look at the way um Elmore Avenue is it really kind of is almost in the park itself and there's actually some really neat history about it but um one thing that I noticed and actually it's kind of funny that oh I's oh no he's in the back mayor hudle is here back in 2018 um there were rumors that uh the city was wanting to sell property like free property that that the city owned all throughout the city they were making it available for sale one of the parcels that was available for sale is 91 Elmore Avenue now 91 Elmore Avenue is actually a very interesting piece of property and also this park is actually historically um this piece of the particular piece of the park is very interesting um uh when you take into perspective McKay Park as a whole so McKay Park was donated to the city by the then mayor of Anglewood Donald McKay back in 1906 couple of years later in 190 9 mayor McKay actually purchased 91 Elmore Avenue and intentionally added that to I mean I can quote you because I brought this time all of the information the Deeds of all three purchases and what was what the desires of the mayor of the time and also of his children what he wanted to have done with the property so this property here was actually purchased back in um well maybe they purchased it earlier but it was donated to the city to be added to the park in 1921 I have the Deeds I opened it back in in 20 uh 2018 and um I spoke to Mayor huddle and he shared with me what you know what was supposed to be sold at the time I talked to uh Mr Hoffman's predecessor and gave him this information yet to my shock and amazement when I uh looked at and it's on the homeage of the city website the recommendations for the disposition of city-owned property October 4th 2011 this should have been updated I was promised that by the previous mayor the previous City C uh city um manager thank you it's not your fault you might as well oh shoot I'm running out of time anyway please update this document remove that property it is not for sale and if you do sell it you will probably be sued that's the entrance in the Elmo Avenue that's that's the that's the entrance in the Elmo Aven really that's a d restriction right so there is a deed restriction on that property it can't be sold I know and that's why that's heed right wow they try to sell it it was a bridge there and they took the bridge out and they put the fence but that's always been a bridge when right I don't even know why we good evening my name is Lloyd Ty Ric and I live in hathorne New Jersey however um on Martin Luther King Day my cousin was found in his uh room on at 26 uh Nic aaka did uh he was um the police had to break the door down the uh Bergen County uh medical examin they came picked him up he's in Bergen in Bergen County Medical now uh what I wanted to do is thank uh representatives and um I have spoken with u Miss Angela David and trying to find out what if the city can do anything to help he has he's Indigent and uh we finally located his sister who's coming from Virginia here but um he was a longtime uh resident of Inglewood he's U 75 years old and um we don't you know I really don't know what to do so I just wanted to mention that um that happened on Martin Luther King day and and amazingly but I'm going to work with uh councilwoman David and see what the city might be able to help okay thank you thank you sorry sorry for your loss I gave him information for the funeral home and they contacted him see that nobody else is at the mic I'm going to close the public session of this meeting and we're going to go into close session thank you for your attendance and your patience with us tonight Mr Bailey can you take a sen uh be of resolve body governing by the city of angood that Meet close session to discuss contract negotiations litigation and personnel which are permitted pursuant to subsection 7 of the open public meetings act be it further resolved that as precise as can be determined at this time the discussion and close session will be disclosed to the public Upon take the final action Iran provided it does not violate the attorney client privilege or constitute undo invasion of privacy and be it further resolved that the governing body uh May return to open session to act on uh the ordinance that was previously tabled which relates to uh employees and Personnel matters need a motion in a second we need a motion in a second I make a motion that we go to close session second I I man