thank you we don't want to hold you here no longer than you want to be here okay sounds good James okay we we're we're live okay so next on the agenda is bills and claims resolution 160507 24 approvement of payment of bills and claims in the amount of 1,176 358 34 I need a motion and a second I'll make a motion second any questions councilman thank you council president uh firstgiving honor to God that's giv me the opportunity to be here uh if we turn to page number two uh 23-0 3421 the fourth one down online training TRG online training $15,557.71 [Music] yeah but it also does online training that's what the chief told me I don't know if the chief's still here yeah so it's for it's it's the platform for various online training courses that are mandated from everything from the Attorney General's office to um to other other organizations and um you know this way all of our sworn officers have access to the system and they can do they can do the training with with whatever shift they're on and every every officers quir yes thank you when given the opportunity I like to see a list of the consistent training if that would be possible thank you Mr city manager and uh if we go to page four and I believe that would be under public works department if we go the second one down 24- 01172 United Motors Parts Incorporated for all vehicles and Equipment when you say all is that DPW police and fire All City Vehicles yes and when you say equipment how do you cify equipment there's um 42 Pages worth of different invoices so it's conspicu radios computers antennas tires steering wheels airbags strut assembly tape um intake manifolds Wheels wheel studs wheel nuts oil filters radiator repair general maintenance yeah fuel injector SE yeah so could we also add this with repairs the these are the actual Parts though so that's why it's under vehicle parts okay and I would imagine that the SEC second entry is the same is that correct yes and police car number 143 that was uh repairs to a police car for for example this police car the tank was showing one of the problems the tank was showing at zero when it had actually a quarter of the tank was full of gas so it needed to go in for repairs and where would we see repairs for accidents the accidents the part that's not being reimbursed the part that's being reimbursed by insurance we put it in the insurance line cuz we get the money back the part that's not being re being reimbursed by insurance would go into into vehicle repairs so just so I'm clear all accidents with City Vehicles go into an insurance claim is that correct yes if yes yes the the yes the answer is yes um and then the follow question is um they're all reported um and then there's there's a deductible you know sometimes sometimes the cost of repairs is less than the the deductible so that comes out of a budget line so any accident we'll see on a report is that correct because they're all reported yes thank you thank you council president anybody else have any questions I I just have two comments uh Mr Hoffman um and this goes back to uh something we discussed uh last week um when we vote on the bills and Claims One assumes that those bills are being paid so what assurances that we have do we have in place to confirm that the bills are being played so because we've had time and time again that some of them we've approved things and uh then we get notices from people on that so I I just need to understand what the oversight is so to make sure that we don't have these things on a regular basis happen sure the uh when when the council approves the bills list um that's uh you know there's there's a check run that's done and then um the checks are either mailed out or they're uh there might be a note that somebody wants to come pick up pick up one of the checks um and that's held um there was a uh a uh one of the one of the issues that had come up was that the bills bills had been approved on a bills list in February for for an organization um and then uh the uh there was a contract that was signed for the organization that the um the purchase order had been was sent out but uh the it was sent out to the D to the um address that was on record but the managing agency had moved and that was that was part of the delay but um you know we're we've looked at our internal audit procedures and um we're you know we're basically going to be looking looking at it and and doing some kind of a two-e diary okay and we're going to get uh viny and on yeah yeah okay thank you for that sure um since there are no more questions uh roll call please councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have ordinances for introduction first reading uh with the city clerk please read it by title on this is ordinance number 24- 06 and ordinance amending ordinance number 23-15 fixing the maximum annual salaries to be paid to officers and employees in the unclassified service of the city of Anglewood as of january1 2024 um Mr Hoffman or Mr Kaufman could you explain why we do this annually every year so that folks understand what what actions we're taking here uh certainly council president this is an this is a salary ordinance that that establishes the the maximum salaries for people that employees of the city that are not represented by um by labor unions uh this is um the actual salaries that are paid to the employees are less than the maximum amount those are the amounts that they that are in the council's budget book and um this just gives this this just gives the uh the staff the the ability to make changes during the year if that's warranted if there has if there has to be some kind of an adjustment that's made um so that's basically what we do in the salary the salary maximum it shows the maximum from the previous year and then this year and this is done annually let's yes it is yes thank you very very much for making that point yes this is done every every year um and it's been done every year for probably the past I don't know I've only I only went back 50 years looking at it so it's been it's been done every year yes okay I need a motion in a second I make a motion second roll call any questions any question roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes Mr cob for the record uh the public hearing will take place on May 21st 2024 for this ordinance thank you next we'll have public comment on agenda items 161 through 165 comments only on these particular items if you come to the mic your name address and you have three minutes on these items the floor is open to the public is it down here okay if if there's no one who wishes to address Wilby that's my name you have two minutes three minutes yeah Rick Wilby Engle New Jersey I want to talk about the don't text uh don't drive thing uh we talked I think I called you a couple of times about quality of life issues I mean there's there there's more that's going on in the city than text I mean all of a sudden Palace became a place where you can make u-turns wherever you want I mean there there's a very high need for quality of life you know in ingu we don't have that anymore I mean there was a couple of people here a couple of days ago crying about not feeling safe I don't feel safe when people make urns on Palisades Avenue you know I mean this Tex and drive I mean you know the police chief was just here there's a lot of things that the police don't do and if I do something they're going to be there I know that you know what I'm saying so is there more that's going on there will be more I've asked for that and I think it was the the agenda two meetings ago right and I seen all these about that I've seen all these tickets on palisay Avenue all these tickets always end up in the black side of town nobody up on the hill breaks the law you know what I'm saying I mean is it going to be these guys are going to look for people up on the hill on their phones and their laptops and reading their newspapers and stuff while they drive or it just going to be down here cuz that's what I'm afraid of every time we see these things when there's a blitz it's always a blitz on black people it's never a blitz on anybody else so is there some kind of component to make sure these cops are just not targeting a particular group of people that historically have been targeted again Mr will my hope is that it it's Equity with everybody and if it's not we have to we have to address that I I don't see the equity part of it because I know every time I see these enforcements going down it's always on this side of town I see first second and third street we understand that they clean the streets on a certain day but those guys are there writing tickets at 7:59 you go up on the hill nobody's getting a ticket over there what is all the ticket Revenue come from the black folks okay we'll have to look into that huh so we got to be very careful okay you know what I'm saying yep Amy Bullock Allen Avenue um 16505 50 724 resolution of the city of Englewood County of Bergen New Jersey authorizing hiring of a pool Management Services Company what pools will they be servicing is Tron Avenue pool going to be open has the council come to an agreement with the Board of Education and if they have is it going to be shared with the public um as far as I know we what are we in where we at in that process the pool management is that for McKay and Tron be that there there's going to be a discussion about that at this meeting right at a meeting there's going to be a meeting we that'll be discussed and that will be communicated to the public agre tonight it's tonight yeah it's the it's on tonight's agenda okay so this agreement is for both pools this Pool Management Services this resolution y'all all look confused resolution of the city of Englewood of Bergen state of New Jersey authorizing the hiring of a pool Management Services Company through the competitive Contracting process are we looking to hire The Pool Management Services Company for both pools McKay and Tron Mr VY yes yes or no Mr Vol no would you know so the should be pulled off the agenda also this resolution just gives permission to go out doesn't have decision permission to go out to them to hire somebody it gives us permission to go out to hire to hire somebody and it's it's the option for either the McKay pool the or or the trium pool as well so y'all don't know okay so but we're going to have that this will be a discussion yes good evening U my name name is Stephanie stelle Richardson I live at 217 sorry sorry I I we can't hear her start could you start again please uh yes my name is Stephanie stelle I live 2172 Street in Anglewood yes I just want to follow up on uh what Rick was saying in the fourth ward I mean we have a lot of speeding coming up and down our block uh drivers texing hitting parked cars nothing seems to be done about it I mean I spoke to Kevin uh about and I don't want to be rude I don't want to cut you off but the consent agenda but they're texting and driving they're texting and driving at the same time texting and driving and they're and they're hitting parked cars on Second Street on Second Street and something needs to be done about it speed bumps something before they fly into somebody's house okay or they hit a kid all right thank you yes hi good evening uh I'm David cohain from Jones Road up on the hill and I'd like to this is my first meeting and I'm always very grateful to see people representing us and doing work to make our community better so I thank everyone that's here I would like to know if the city council allow people to get up on any topic they want and make racial slurs without backing it up with data like we just heard about I see people in one area getting tickets all the time and I don't who Rick EXC Rick did did I so Rick Rick Come On Come On We're not gonna have that so this is not what you're talking about is not a part of the consent agenda when we have the public part of the of the agenda you're you're entitled to come back and you can speak to this topic yes the only thing is I I just didn't see anybody relate to the slurs that were made it just went by everybody and you let it stand and I think someone should have said you have no data these are racial slurs they're inuendos they don't have place in a meeting like this okay that's fine thank you thank you thank you since there no one else at the mic and coming up in the session we're going to close the public part of this meeting and then we're going to move on to next resolutions for discussion is there a vote to approve consent is is there a vote to approve the consent agenda it's a motion in a second so moved second any questions roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next we have resolutions for discussion pickle ball court authorization uh c yeah council president this is a this is a combination this is something that the council had um discussed and funded funded in um last year's last year's capital budget um so we have gone out looked at different sites we have uh con we've consulted with um a couple of different companies and then um evaluated their proposals and then the engineers made a made a recommendation uh for a company that to be selected for uh installing a pickle ball court and um that would be on the agenda for the next meeting but France if you had wanted to so and there was there was the backup in the pack but go ahead yeah this this is essentially to provide uh pickall Courts at one of the tennis courts that currently exists at Rockwood place um it'll be the one that's furthest uh East closest to the basketball court we convert that last tennis court into two pick ball courts that's essentially what we're looking to do with this R oh sorry who okay this is to convert one of the tennis courts along Rockwood Place into a two pick ball courts uh it's going to be the last tennis court that's closer to the Bas to the existing basketball court we to convert that one tennis court into two pickle ball courts okay go ahead I I got a question too go ahead okay um thank you uh I I I appreciate that and just so there's no surprises is at this particular juncture that's the only location that we're looking at is that correct as far as I know that is the only only location that we're looking at currently yes yes and and does that consist of um oh hold on hold on hold on if you got comments saving for the public session then you can come up there but somebody else is speaking so let's be respectful of that you have your turn to come up here and to speak when it's your turn I'll let everybody speak if you want to speak but it's in the order of the meeting thank you go ahead you Fin and will that be accompanied by um St because if my memory right as of now no there's no bleaches involved in that so okay just maybe a consideration um because from what I understand right now there are no bleaches there um there are no bleachers currently there for the tennis or basketball that's correct and since we're doing such a heavy lift it would be nice to have uh benches safely put so people could enjoy the pickleball SL basketball if if there's room and space to to install a bench or a seating area that's something that we can definitely look into as you think I just think that we're lacking um uh bleaches if you will okay especially in that particular area so M Mr Vol okay you feel okay um was there any kind of study they did what type of traffic the the amount of people who use that space up there in terms of what kind of Attraction we're going to get the volume of people who use the tennis courts right now so what I what I'm saying is would this impact the volume or we we basically realize that it's not a big volume so it wouldn't have an impa impact to the tennis players my my understanding is there's going to be some impact but it's going to be minimal I think there's going to be more of a demand for the pick ofall Court versus the existing tennis court that's there now uh that's my understanding of it and again if that that proves to be the case where you know um the pick aall courts aren't enough to deal with the with the demand then that's some further discussion but we that we need to have but right now it seems like the pickle ball court is going to attract more of a volume than the existing tennis court so to follow up on what councilman Wilson said about putting stands there and so on and so forth if we're going to do some beautification then let's take care of the basketball court and let's take care of the rest of the tennis courts as well that's that's something we let's let's do a whole if we're going to do a lift we do a lift for everything so everybody gets you know gets to enjoy some new stuff stuff as we call that's something we can definitely look into huh that's something we can definitely look into okay because that that's important I mean there are people there that maybe they want to play tennis or maybe they want to play basketball they don't want to play pickle ball but if we're going to go in and we're going to invest money and energy into that let's let's make that place serve all all the users of that area yep understood thank you Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president part of uh when we were doing our our surveys and we did random random samples at um at that location a significant amount of the users of the tennis courts were not Englewood residents they were uh they were from other communities and uh there was also a period of time where actually when the engineer and I were over there where all of the courts were used and they were all used by tennis uh people giving tennis lessons from out from outside of Englewood and um you know that's that's something that they you know that we do need to address with some kind of a some kind of an ordinance so that when we put we put this in that um you know there's a there's a way to reserve the the courts uh the courts whether it's pickle ball or tennis courts electronically and that our residents have um first uh first priority on them thank you and I and I would just add that today at McKay Park they were Pros giving lessons at the McKay Park tennis courts as well well P what just for discussion it's just for discussion all right okay anybody have any more questions on this topic yes um Mr Hoffman so I know we talked about this last year you've looked into some programs for like apps so any updates on that which which ones might be good for the city to reserve courts we've looked at a couple of apps we we actually are are using one of the uh we're using um a software program that has a recre that has a recreation component and they they have apps where uh the app the app seems to be working well we're just reaching out to to a couple of communities that are are using it last year and this year to um you know to verify that there's no glitches so this is like a general city services type of program and this is just one feature of it yes people would be able to uh use their phone or go to the website and then then go in and and register so okay Mr Cup oh I'm sorry and how much do these programs usually cost a year to have you seen any prices for that a couple thousand dollars or something like that you know I I I don't remember I don't remember off the top of my head but we'll we'll get it it was it was it was not that that expensive and you know Mr cup y um I also would ask the city manager and the city solicitor for that matter uh to look into the propriety of actually charging professionals coming from other communities that are making money and use it commercially uh number one residents should have a priority and certainly commercial Proprietors that are using public tennis courts should pay as non-residents a fee for the use of our tennis courts particularly if we're thinking of beautification um measures such like bleachers and if you build it they will come and then they will need facilities and garbage has to be picked up and will be left behind so um I would question on constitutional grounds if we're allowed to um discriminate between residents and non-residents Mr Bailey um and if we can have an app that will be posted and the right language about residents getting use and for how long they would have to use it we have to set these governing rules up before we deploy um a single uh game I can answer that councilman um thank you council president yes there are other towns that have tennis courts that say um for that particular Town gets preference and as many things in our city it follows up with enforcement we have to initiate some type of enforcement if not the PD it would have to be uh maybe the park rangers uh so we can stay on track um because I think our residents deserve the quality of something of this statute to be Service First and and our residents have a zero fee their tax dollars pay for that stuff next calling excuse me calling for the modernization of the open public records act Oprah and the shift the Swift passage of s29 30- a-4 45 yany you want to talk about that or Bob you want Bob yeah uh thank you council president this this again will be a a combination of myself and um our our city clerk who uh has to um interpret and then uh man manage the Oprah the Oprah requests that come in the this Oprah the Oprah request as as it is is a state mandate it's a it's a um it's a state statute the city last year um spent the equivalent of four and a half um full-time equivalent or or people uh responding to oah requests from from the public and the many of our many of the requests for that come in through Oprah are from attorneys and from others that are looking for information uh that um they're you know they don't want to they're they don't do the title searches they want to come they want to come through the city and do that so we're we're spending a lot of Staff time uh responding to Opa requests we've we're implementing and uh software that will make it easier so people can go online and look for the information but it's still um it's still a significant amount of hours and we are in the customer service business we do want to provide provide the service but U the Oprah statute U as it's as it's uh now down in Trenton could use some tweaking and that's what we wanted to speak about and gansy do you have some specific you know some other particulars that you wanted to talk about that's you know that's the 30,000 foot level is just the amount of the amount of staff time that we that we're we're deploying for this um just a couple things to add the resolution that's in front of the council is a sample resolution that was provided by the league of municipalities um if you look on the league of municipalities website I did provide the council a print out of what the um reforms that are being requested are members of the public can also go on the league of municipalities website and also see uh what changes are being requested uh the Oprah law is 20 years old it is far behind on technology uh one I don't think when this law was written it was and anticipating YouTube or or anything else that that or companies that were going to be utilizing this uh to mine data to make money off of taxpayer money all this information that we gather it's your employees that are putting this information together keeping it and then you have commercial companies that are coming in and doing data mining uh to sell your data um I've seen things that say that this is to gut the Oprah law that is the farthest thing from the truth uh one of the things it is asking for is to protect your privacy your privacy is not being protected through this law if you know if everybody knows well a lot of people get into accidents you your accident reports companies can just come in and request those accident reports we're not allowed to redact any information on there your driver's license your age your birthday and even if you're a juvenile that information is public record so these are some of the things that are being asked to protect residents privacies the newest thing right now is the YouTube um it's uh public record the videos from the police uh cameras that are worn the uh dash cam body worn videos that information is public records but what's happening now is commercial entities are mining uh the the data and the video and they're posting videos of young women who are being arrested while they are um for DWI and posting those videos to YouTube there we have no way of protecting their privacy um it's creepy I think is the term that was used in the article and it is creepy these are your sisters your daughters whose videos are being posted all over for the world to see um and again this is what's being requested is to protect people's privacy there's very little that we are able to do to protect privacy um just to Simple Things your phone numbers uh in the world of scam artists the fact that we can't protect certain information for senior citizens they can come in request that data reach out to the senior citizens in town and try and scam them again we have no mechanism of protecting anybody's privacy it is not to get this law what is public record is public record the contracts the reports all the police reports that are constantly requested it's just to prevent these commercial entities from coming in and data mining and using taxpayer funded dollars to make money off of the backs of our residents and we ALS we also want we're we want this to happen because of AI so people can come and speak at a meeting and the next thing know well I'm not going to say the next thing you know but then your voice is is somehow used and um it you know your your voice is used your name is used your other information is used and it's just you become part of a scam and that's wrong and there's also there's also cyber kidnapping and other things that are becoming to the Forefront so it's it's scary people should use Oprah for the right reasons so we are willing to give out contracts and and things that are approved by the council but it it's ging that we're we we have we we don't have a good mechanism to protect private privacy and private information and there are there are things that are being uploaded right now that will follow some people around for decades and that's wrong you know we're human we all make mistakes but uh we all have we all have a right to privacy so that's part that's part of what this is what this is about council president and um I'm I'm glad that our our city clerk who is the president of the clerk's Association in Bergen County you know articulated this problem very well thank all right thank you next we have ordinances for discussion established hold on okay sorry just on on that matter real quick um thank you Yancy and manager for introducing that and sharing that information and uh Mr Hoffman you mentioned something in regards to for the right reason uh if we could list or put it on our City website to promote what would be considered the right reason to help people along the right tracks of op request so we so we we could do a link to the league of municipalities right yeah yeah that'd be great give some give our residents some guidelines yeah um I understand what you're saying but I have a problem with this resolution and my problem with the resolution is um on the second page in the second paragraph and then again on the 3D we're asking for the Swift passage of of S 2930 D um SL a445 but there's still a lot of problems in this law and it just came there were just amendments that came out on Monday in regards to this law and there's still problems with it it's going into a state committee um this week I think on Thursday and I think that uh before we add for the Swift swift passage of s 2930 a445 we need to see what that looks like because there's still problems that um are being reported with this so I I'm not ready to sign off on this resolution sorry as the league puts out changes I'll more than happy to forward them again it came from them and I know they're working closely with the legis Lors and who are uh working on this okay but I think that's just it's just for discussion to get the get it out here so when they amend it and they make their final amendments then we can bring this back and have a conversation about it I think that's the fair thing to do next we have ordinances for discussion and the first one is establishing a age friendly advisory committee who's going to talk yeah um council president this is something that uh there was a very good presentation made earlier this year the council had um committed to taking a look and uh introducing an ordinance um part of what the city um was evaluating was how to protect the um the private information of of the members of the committee who would who was going to be appointed to that so uh there had been discussions with legal counsel just about that is there is there how how can wording be crafted so that uh their information could be protected and then one of the other things that had come up is the uh the council had asked a couple meetings ago if we would be able to put together uh some kind of a um I'll call it a spreadsheet that would you know that would list all of all of the all of the Committees and um just in information that U you know pertains to each committee and then um making sure that we are whatever the wording is going to be used would be able to be used to protect all of the members of that of that committee so that was um that was something that was talked about I guess it was two meetings ago and yeah okay so I I I think Mr baay you gonna guide us on this uh craftting this ordinance uh yeah it kind of follows the Oprah discussion a little bit because what what happens is sometimes you have people that volunteer in these committees and they don't necessarily want their personal information all over the place and you'll get businesses or other things opening give me the email addresses for everyone on thus and such committee and it's gr under the open public records act but they have to give it these people I believe have a reasonable expect expectation of privacy that hey yeah I'm working on this committee volunteering with the city but I don't want XYZ business now to get all my email our email information and solicit us for whatever or petition us for things so that's what we're trying to craft and that's why it's helpful if the legislature does look at the Oprah currently because it doesn't it's 22 years old I think since the last amendment was made so that's one of the things and it's hard to navigate under the current status of the law well I I think the one thing is I think we should try to put the framework in place for the committee I think that's the part yeah we should do that and for those members who wish to join or we wish to recommend we have to say here's here's how it stands today but I think doing nothing just is unacceptable we have to do something to to establish if for the age friendly they're doing a lot of work people are doing a lot of work so we need to put a framework in place for this yes okay yeah thank you um yeah and like I said uh a few months ago when this was originally brought up is you we I don't have a handle on you know I see the list on the city website uh just you know and exactly what uh Mr Hoffman was saying we should get some sort of Master list of um you know parent list of the all the Committees that we uh have in the city um are the positions filled do these committees actually meet as I mentioned a few months ago when we first brought this up um very sadly we had someone who had passed away who was still on one of our committees and we we couldn't find someone uh to to fill that spot and and this this very dedicated person was his name was still on there which I thought was a a bit disrespectful um so we really should clean up what we have already and I have a feeling that you know with the energy of the age friendly initiative maybe some of the existing committees with um overlap with it might be folded into the age friendly or or possibly vice versa but you we have a lot of committees with overlapping purposes uh and it's not clear who would have jurisdiction over what or who or who would be advising the council as to which issue so and it's um I think it'd be very discouraging for Community member to volunteer their time potentially expose their privacy as uh Mr Bailey was saying and then not even even have their work uh be of any uh uh not not even be acknowledged by the city or or taken into account because another committee is is doing that that job so I really think we need to get this uh cleaned up uh before we move ahead because it's it's very easy to make a committee but it's very difficult to have an effective committee Mr cup yes thank you council president um just you know the council president myself and I think it was Mr Hoffman the city manager had a privilege of spending some time with Janet Sharma at City Hall where we learned over 65 years of old will soon be 16% of our population which is a very substantial uh number I think that the age-friendly committee commission a tribunal a group needs to be impound and I just want to give you a sense with the master plan uh that's coming up and this is why this is part of our discussions we want to create an environment and we want to make sure that we promulgate ordinance for the next 10 years that will allow seniors to age in place that will encourage first floor residences deal with people that have mobility and balance issues and making Anglewood more walkable New Jersey Transit did a study um and striping intersections making sure that we have dedicated volunteers and younger members of the age friendly so they understand what's heading to a theater near them uh is critical and I suggested a liaison for this committee between the traffic uh and other boards once a year to be reporting in so that if there's any Synergy with anything else going on in the city they can speak with one voice um we're sting policy the governing body has to be sensitive obviously to policy and privacy and all the considerations we have uh but this is a very important effort that has been well funded uh and supported and I would urge the governing body to pass this soon thank [Applause] you yes so when will the governing body be given a list of all the Committees that we have in the city and with all the positions because we were told that we would be we would be given that a couple months ago so that we can move forward yeah Mr Hoffman so this is this is um something that the council had requested the uh it's a work in progress right now but we we need the assistance of the uh the city the city clerk and um there's you know uh there are are um there are oah issues that are being responded to and the and the clerk's office is also um has has a staffing issue because we have a couple we have a we have one person that's that's out for an extended period of time so this is something that's been done in and fits and you know fits and starts um and it'll it'll take it'll take a little while not a little while it'll take a while longer to get this done and and to proof and we'll get we'll get it to the council so and and and also what I think is important uh with this effort is to Define what those commit responsibilities are and some of them are already on the charter so everybody knows their role and knows what roles these committees play so that's what we we'll have to yeah we we have the we have the major ones listed and um so it and it's just it's it's it's going it's going through and it's looking at uh the some of the other ones updating them and making sure we have it and there there's you know there's there's a couple discussions that the council will have at this meeting in the next meeting about um appointments to a couple committees and you know that has to be that has to be added to the list okay council president yes if I may um please I I have the privilege of sitting on the planning board I am actually the liaison from the planning board to the council and for those of you that may not know the master plan that's coming up it covers Us for the next 10 years and as of uh I think it was last week we we were at 1,300 surveys that were returned although it's better than the previous number I would urge everyone to fill out your survey to send it back in so we can get an accurate reading so we can also advocate for age friendly there's plenty of questions on the question enger to advocate for age friendly so do your part and get your survey back in so we can address age friendly thank you anym I'm good you good okay NE next we have a amending commercial parking we have an ordinance for commercial parking and obviously with the lack of uh of teeth in it we have to amend it so that the police department can enforce it we have commercial parking throughout the city and it makes neighborhoods quite frankly not so attractive when you have people parking their Vans their trailers uh um and various commercial equipment on the street now people did didn't sign up for that and this is what we talked about neighborhood preservation how do you want your neighborhood to look so we are going to take this effort up to amend this ordinance so that we can get the right enforcement in here and also while we're doing that we will which is not list we will also as a part of that look at how you re how you if you have an interaction of being tow you can pay for your tow it's unacceptable if the if we have an ordinance and it says that we accept credit cards we we accept credit cards we accept debit cards whatever we say and vendors need to know that they work for the city of Anglewood and they should follow what the ordinance is and if they have a problem with they should set up an appointment and a meeting with us to talk about that so they're going to be a couple of other things that go on these this agenda but this ties together with this whole commercial parking and if you go around certain parts of Anglewood you'll see these vehicles everywhere people have to find places where to store their vehicles because the residents are competing with the commercial vehicles to park on the street where they pay taxes that's not right so we have to make this work for everybody but you can't put five vans on the street and where where the residents goingon to park and why should they walk out their door and look at this it's just not right so we have to address that and we're going to clean that up next we have and I think we already covered it permit process for court for tennis courts I think we covered that yes this was um yes council president we did this is um just uh what what the council had to discussed previously but we we needed to we needed to make sure that we're we're going to also discuss pickle ball when we amend this okay next we got the engineers report Mr VY could you give us a high level of the you know there's a lot going on in the city yeah so please just and and and take your time to to tell people what's going on where they ripping these roads up and things of that nature and what what projects you have in the near future that are starting some that are ending and some things like that please sounds good thanks council president um can everyone hear me Miss okay yeah um just briefly GNA go over some a brief overview of what's going on in town um as council president mention what what we have upcoming Etc um not going to spend too much time just quickly gonna go through the bullet points really fast um as many of you are aware Hudson Avenue cover is basically done it's open um there's some punches items that's remaining we have a couple you know items we have to work out with the residents that were impacted by it but for the most part that project is is basically completed um we're getting ready to kick off our 2024 road projects we're working with the utility companies just uh you know get verification of the roadways that they've actually completed their work on um so we can start Paving those roads um and you know and uh and tandem with them um so that you know we we get them correctly the last thing we want to do is start Paving roadways and have them come back and tear it up because of some work that that wasn't finalized there so I know it's a little crazy right now but but we're we're working with them to try and make sure that we don't pay roadways that that are still that still need work to be done so that's that should happen fairly quickly I'm working with both violia and psng to get those those those lists finalize so we can get working on that um we are trying to finalize the DP requirements you in the Glenwood covert um and you know that apparently that that's taken a lot longer than uh we anticipated the D is just going back and forth regarding what they want what they require my opinion they're just being you know a little you know too uh nitpicky regarding the project but um Boswell engineering just submitted the latest revised plans and calculations to them again hopefully it'll be the final review for them to give us to go ahead and get that project started out and get going um or working with FEMA and Fa regarding the Engle Street um the wall replacement along Engle Street there um we've had some issues with that as tole Street tell thema Street cemeter the cemetery wall yes uh we had some issues and some major delays regarding who ultimately is responsible for that wall whether it's the county the city the cemetery Etc and also who would we be getting our you know our financial help from whether it be Fem F or dot so we had a lot of Indians there and everyone sort of pointing the finger so we're we're finally coming down to who's ultimately going to take responsibility for that uh there's some uh some agreements that we have to put in place along with the cemetery to get this going but I think we're in the right path and finally coming down to to finally getting that project um going and rolling the plans are all done hold hold on second y'all want to have a meeting and then we can have a meeting come on let him finish so this is important information and this is important work that he's he's doing so let him finish sooner he gets finished the sooner we get finished and the sooner you can come to the public session and have your three minutes a say thank you was saying the the plans are all done everything's pretty much completed with that project it's just a matter of getting the the right um the right of vendors and the the you know whether it be FEMA fa Etc on board board uh to get this project going um we're in the process of obtaining grants for uh a lot of the fencing through town if you go through our Parks a lot of fences are either damaged rusted Etc so we're actually obtaining a grant to try and repair many of the fencing around town it's it's about half a million dollars um Grant it's a matching Grant so but we're we're in the process of doing that to try and beautify our Parks um the McKay park fitness is is pretty much much completed the the McKay Park outdoor Fitness is pretty much completed um right now we just put top soil we seated it we're kind of waiting for it to grow a little bit just so it can be stable a little bit uh instead of letting people just run through right now because obviously little kids are just gonna you know once you open it um you're gonna have kids all over the place so the landscaper just advise us to hey just give it another week or so just let the grass start growing before we open it up to the public but it's a essentially pretty much done the only thing we're left and and putting out there are some benches but we can do that at any time even after we open it um work is started in the William Street parking lot um getting material delivered there we had a little bit of a delay there to to work out some of our um drainage issues on that lot um a little bit trickier than we originally thought but we got that all together and we're going to get that going uh the Chestnut Street the storm in the sanitary line that's taking place um that is uh that is pretty intensive that that's going to be at least two months worth of work the contractor is going to be out there at least two months to repair the sanitary and the storm line and after that he's probably going to be there another month to rebuild the road so there's going to be working that road for the next three or four months before that project's completed but it's underway and uh and we're also working with FEMA to get reimbursed for for all that for all the cost of that project so hopefully it'll be it'll cost us nothing eventually um I mean we have a number of drainage issues that we're working on it be overp medor Etc uh met with the uh with the students from NGIT Etc regarding that grant that we have the Ruckers NJIT Stevens um to do the study of our drainage system Etc so they've started on that so we're we're actually looking forward to see what they what they can find and help us out with that um so that's that's going on um uh again the drainage work we're starting a lot of the arpa fund projects um whether it be um you know drainage work traffic signals we're working on you know Broad and Van nostrom working on that traffic signal Liberty and nicobar we designing that traffic signal so we're we're starting to get on board and get all those things uh completed as you're aware um all the OPA funding projects have to be designed bid and awarded before the end of the year so we sort of have a we sort of have to push to get all those projects going you explain what those that funding is oh the the OPA funding it's it's your it's well it's it's an emergency funding that was allocated for the city um it's it has deadlines to it um that we have to buy in order to qualify for the funding um we have to have all our projects completed and bid out and actually awarded uh by the end of this year but it's it's the American Rescue plan act um it was I think Biden um you know awarded it what a couple years ago um to many of the municipalities to help with uh whether it be Ida but but to to just help the municipalities get their infrastructures and um and you know in order so to speak good so um let me see after that I think I after that uh couple more um the parking deck um we we started with the evaluation of the parking deck so we met with the the vendor out there so he's starting to work on that put that together um he's hoping to get all that together this year and hopefully have it you know ready to go for next year um we are moving forward with our safe route to school Grant it's a Federal grant um to allow us to make all the roads around the schools ADA Compliant uh this particular round of Grant is for the greal School the McLoud school and the Janice dism middle school so those are the three schools that we're we're focusing on um after that I mean we we have a sue of things I the Jones Road you know Bridge reconstruction project is still still under way with DOT right now they're working on the west side of the bridge um you know doing the steel work uh after that they're kind of shift it to the middle but but that that's an ongoing project they're starting to work under the Grand Avenue and Van norstrom traffic signal that intersection is gonna be going on for quite some time I think they are looking at 2016 to really get that project going and that's gonna change oh 2026 oh my God sorry about that way behind so uh to get that project going and to make some major changes in that intersection so all in all we got a slew of things going um you know don't need to run through everything don't want to take too much time but I just wanteded to to run through a few things just so everybody has a sense of what's going on what we have entailed uh but right now by far my biggest focus is probably the drainage issue in town and the flooding issues in town um I mean the roads obviously they're they're the most visible but but the the drainage is what I'm I'm trying to focus on thank thank you Mr Vol um the Bergen County open space oh hold on you have a question yes I have a question thank you there a slew of things that you're working on and I appreciate you third board you didn't mention um I'm appreciative of Herring Park that we're doing a lot of work on but across from Jen's dismiss there's a drainage problem and you did not mention that at all um so what are you doing with the drainage issue over there in the third board about um that I did not hear that I'm I'm you just said other issues but I didn't hear nothing about like a course dis it's happening over in the area you know what there's a lot of issues over there and I didn't hear one thing so I need an update on that there's drainage issues all over town it's all over town but that is a serious issue also we we are we are looking into that I mean I didn't mention gler we're looking that so so we're working with Boswell engineering and there's there's there's a few hot spot even on the fourth ward by EPS Avenue Etc there's a few Hotpot that we're looking at to try and address um I mean obviously I'm getting emails every other day from the third W residents about the drainage and everything and I did for some to you Bob right recently so I'm getting emails so no let me finish I'm getting emails and I'm responding saying we're taking care of it but I need you on record to tell me and my constituents how you are taking care of it oh that is something that we're definitely looking at we're working with Boswell engineering to try and address all the drainage issues um if we can't fix them we're going to try and minimize them as much as possible but that's something that we're actively looking and and looking into and that's that's one of the areas that we're looking at as well thank you I'm G hold you to it that's fine uh point point of information for that go um thank you France G gave a very good uh description of that but also the NJIT is um you know they part of their group is looking looking at it and then there's a there's a new Reg group that were there's um eight municipalities that are looking at at issues because the the issues in the Third Ward start in another town and then they W they wind up after they leave Englewood they they they arrive in another municipality as well so um we're looking at identifying the problems cleaning up what we can here in Englewood but also making sure that we're working with other communities to do um you know basically stream cleaning and drainage issues that that are are are for all of the water the waterways so um there's going to be after one of the after a storm one of the storms that's going to come up there's going to be a regional flyover of a drone so that we can trace the trace the water from other municipalities that come into Englewood and and and go down so that we can um jointly clear clear the material out of the streams okay hi thank you Mr VY um so is there so one thing I sometimes hear is that the um the because she talked about you we repave a road and then it needs to get torn up some people say that the paving itself can sometimes cause problems with the pipes and it's causing the need for it to get ripped up later do you understand what I'm I'm saying absolutely um is that true yeah what is happening now part of part of the mandates part of what the utility companies have to do is upgrade their existing system because the system is so Antiquated and so old that the pipes are now brittle for lack of a better term so when we do pave a road and we do have the rollers go over them it does create a lot of vibration and those pipes are prone to Breaking Etc if they have a small crack already it only gets worse so that that is there is truth to that that Paving a road if the if the if the utility or the infrastructure that's in the road is old it can get damaged by the paving um now it's up to you the util companies to maintain those and make sure that that doesn't happen and that's what this mandate is all about you know the feds are actually pushing the utility companies to get their act together and and get their stuff up updated so that that's what's going on throughout town and then the the other it might be more for you Mr Hoffman um on angle Street um you that's been up now two and a half years the temporary wall you know there's an a temporary orange fence you know just west of the wall that's on the on the street um and it um you know fall over lift back up but now I think with all the storms and the wind I think every single panel is is uh on the floor now so I don't know whose responsibility that would be that maybe uh um you within DPW so just to yeah just to fix that up I also noticed that um some asphalt was placed is that was that for water drainage issues do we know on the curb so you have the curb and now there's an extra like six inches of asphalt we we we did two things there's asphalt put by the curb just to create a ramp yeah that that was a few years ago few years ago um there could be asphalt put because the curb is falling apart okay um so we we're trying to keep an eye on the the problem being is because the road is not stable now with all the traffic that goes on in vibration it does shift the road over not the you know it's it's not like the road's GNA collapse anytime soon but it does create vibration and move things around because there's there's nothing to secure the road or hold the road together it's just sort of open on on one side so we have to once in a while periodically just go out there and make sure that things are still still in place okay all right yeah because it's doesn't sound like it's happening tomorrow uh although they get repaved last year that was uh that was nice we we are actually working with the county now to try and repave Grand Avenue um so that that's you know uh it's it's good but we already have a speeding issue on Grand Avenue and Paving it is as as you all know once you pave a road um the speeding sort of up so we're we're working with we're working with the county to address specifically the intersection at Lyndon and Grant it's problematic um you know the county has already stated that they're not they're not going to put a traffic signal there so we may be looking at maybe striping it or doing something to try and to try and slow the Speedy on Grand Avenue because I know once it's paved um you know we may have people tempted to speed a little bit more no thank you I know I don't know if this is appropriate or not but um on Cambridge Avenue close to nicob backer all the students park on that street and they Park exactly at the corner of nicob Backa and Cambridge so when you're turning and you can be a contractor cleaning grass and everything there should be like no parking um at that corner the sign is there but the sign is like so old that it's like maybe inches away but I think there should be like no parking on that side or both sides and just residential you know for some reason on that side that's something we can definitely look at I'll speak to the police I'll speak to the police department thank you because it's been uh getting a lot of calls on that um and I also founded that when people speeding down a block on Cambridge Avenue that that corner is horrible when the kids are parking you know they have a private parking block at the school but they park there and it's you know it's like right near the corner and it's a blind spot and near there were several accidents there as well so if you can look into that that'd be greatly appreciated okay Mr cup Mr Wilson thank you council president I appreciate the report um Mr engineer um but I I think you did the council and yourself and the City of disservice when you glossed over um the lber Parkway project um and we fought long and hard to get that to be available to the city and if you could speak to that clearly in regards to how once this project is um finished complete how it will open up for the um the lack of flooding well there there's there's a few things that we're working on that's going to help help flooding in general and it's not going to be just I mean the gleno parkway is is one issue but that that's something we never had a chance to um to address because it wasn't ours yeah we are going to be not only you know surveying those areas uh we're going to be mapping not only how much water flows through it when it rains Etc so we're going to have a real sense of what kind of volume we're getting from each area area and how how the channel itself need either needs to be cleaned uh expanded or whatever needs to be done to try and accommodate for that volume part of what we're doing and part of what the city did is we bought one property over at 47 Brook where we going to use it as a detention Basin so when we do have these large volumes of these these large storms we can actually store some of the water there and slowly let it drain into the system and that's all part and parsal of what we're going to do throughout the city whether it be Mesler Brook overpack Flat Rock Etc we're going to study all those waterways and you're right gille Parkway is is going to be it's going to be key um you know it's it's it's flooded throughout the years and and I can't truly remember the last time we actually went in there and actually did something substantial in there so that's going to be one of the areas that we focus on and we we try and figure out what can we we actually do to help alleviate the flooding area there the flooding problem there and I just have this one last thing um often time when people are in pain they complain and when the pain is alleviated they no longer complain so I I know that we're doing big works as far as flooding uh mitigating the flooding situation and especially for the fourth W um and on William Street as uh I think the proper verbiage is drudging right not not digging when we drudged out the you're not not dredging no no no that's not it I missed it all right we're removing um obstacles to navigation obstacles of navigation snagging we're Des snagging detangling and and that is great but we can't leave it on the side it's a it's become an isore now um and so I just want you to address that even though we talked about it I think the public needs to know that we're cleaning up in our area because we've had machines there um I spoke to the guys about the Machinery DPW great job but we we're at the two yard line all we got to do is clean up now and and clean up and beautify so we're talking about major projects here just if we can finish up and clean up and beautify I think uh our residents would really really appreciate it that's that's one thing you're absolutely right that's something that's something that we have to work work at part of the issue is when we do remove anything from the from the brook where the Waterway we do have to let it dry before we can take it to any to any place else because no one's going to accept wet material so you have to let it sort of dry so it is going to spend some time there but we we could do a better job of of getting rid of it a little quicker than we thank you dry that's that's part of the issue you know you let you let it dry then it rains on it then you go to let it dry again so we we we we have to do a better job at at monitoring that and staying on top of it may W yes thank you um one of the uh corridors that I want you to take a look at front is the Lyndon and Grand uh not only that one you obviously understand all the accidents that we get there but the ones on Vanos and Grand also um highly trespassed area cars flipping over left and right The Perfect Storm with van norand and Broad Avenue and Grand Avenue in the county not moving where we need them to move on it um I had a very eloquent email from David Turner First Ward represent uh resident who wrote to me about um what looks like a patchwork throughout the city of vendors and utility companies that right after we repave they have the audacity to go in and fix something and I know that our city manager is artfully trying to get control over this and kind of coordinate it because it looks bad even though they're going in to create um a good and to fix something that needs to be fixed um there's got to be more seamlessness if you look at certain streets in their City Dana place and others um it looks uh like a third world uh country and it's not appropriate of given the amount of resource that were putting in here so dealing with the utilities and on that note you know because we Des snagged we desilted the Army Corp of engineer and a lot of the other support and Council that we got it seems that our waterways um are being focused on the New Frontier or the next Frontier is really going to be the power lines our city namesake our trees are really um as beautiful as they are very dangerous and when they take down power lines and our England's bravest is trying to save people and and get fires put out it really begs the question from a policy and an expense point of view are we not better off digging down and putting the power lines into the ground at a certain point so I just want you to understand where Mother Nature may give us a break maybe or we get something under control and we can get the water from Demorest and cres kill and everybody out to the overp the next Frontier is going to be dealing uh with these aging trees talk about aging uh Janet uh we have an aging treescape and they get very fragile when we have these uh rapid and robust rains so try to advance that conversation with us if you think think it appropriate to do what's got to be fixed to do what's on your plate and to be thinking ahead of the things that we ought to be thinking of also yeah we we'll you know uh we'll do what we can an ourin but the utility companies really it's it's going to be unfortunately their call um burying underground is just substantially more costly than running it overhead and it's ultimately going to be the at the utilities cost so we will we'll definitely bring that you know we'll we'll definitely start that conversation cheaper in the long run to spend the money to do that or they may join us or foot it in exchange for monopolies or other things I don't know but you know again what is the cost when there is an event um human resource also overtime and injuries God forbid so a lot of the some of these values we can't uh monetize thank you next Mr VY any any more questions I don't think from Mr VY we don't have any more thank you Mr VY for your comprehensive report oh oh the next item the next item uh for discussion is Bergen County open space Grant application and public hearing I talked about that that that's that's essentially the Grant I spoke about regarding the fencing uh at the parks U is for Mor Park McKay and Denning Park so those are the three parks that we're focusing on now um in terms say again so people can hear Morris Park Denning Park and McKay Park okay um those are the three Parks we're focusing on now um we plan on continuing this program for the remainder of the parks uh you know almost on a yearly basis to try and see if we can you know get this grant over and over again and fix all our fencing okay thank you thank you um just to add for that it's listed on the uh agenda because at the next meeting there will be a public hearing on this Grant application uh I believe the plans will be posted on the website for the public to look at yes and if they'd like to comment on that at the next meeting okay next topic is uh Tri on pool Mr hofman Mr yeah uh thank you thank you council president the uh the governing body has a packet of information that um um they received on the Tron pool the Tron pool um has uh had you know has had temporary repairs to it over the past several years around the decking and other areas um there's also been uh issues with uh the with water leaks under underneath it in the pipes the the city had received a grant to replace the pipes but the um we did not have a a lease in place with the with the board of education so that we would be able to accept the grant but uh what's in the council's packets right now is a are two reports a report from a an from an an engineer that specializes in reviewing pools and also from the from the GIF The Joint Insurance funds uh safety uh safety engineering firm to take a look at the at both the m Park Pool and the Tron pool but the Tron pool is is a pool that that's in need of significant Improvement significant renovation or to be replaced and uh earlier this year the school district was looking at replacing the boilers in the school and um they were they had informed us that the school would not be available for for use of the bathrooms because they were going to be replacing the the boilers they've postponed that they've postponed that U project to 2025 but whe whether that project is postponed or not for the school district the Tron pool is not as it sits right now it's not safe for for our residents to use and we we need to have um an eval we've it's been evaluated there are things that need to be done to repair it and it can't it cannot be made safe for this summer and if the school district is going to make repairs to the school next year replace the boilers we will not be able to open the pool um you know in 2025 this gives this the the the city the opportunity to do an evaluation of what's best for um for for the for the residents and how best what's what's best going forward for uh use use of that pool but um we have water we have water leaks over there and we're using 10 times probably 12 times the amount of water in the tron pool on a daily basis as we are in in McKay and our McKay Park Pool so um the the the bottom the bottom line is that the pool is not in shape to be open for this year uh we do need to have if if we wanted to have the pool at its current location uh we need to have a lease in place with the school district so that we can the if the governing body so chooses we can make that significant investment in making sure that the the Tryon pool will be something that can be used for the next 40 or 50 years so there are there are some options that the the governing body has uh can look at but based on the reports um the pool the pool is not safe uh there are there are several um issues everything having to do with the the mixing of the the mixing of the uh chlorine and the fact that the filters don't work properly in the pool so um those are things that that need to be that need to be addressed the um you know there's um so there are several things that were outlined in the the report on Fe February 2nd and then the report on April 22nd as well that came in so um um I will answer any questions that the the council has if they wanted to you know if they wanted to ask or um make um hi I met with the superintendent today um as a former board member I've been on a board for years three terms elect Ed um and she did she gave me the same answer you did is not safe so I was there today meeting with Dr Hazelton and is not safe so I'm just going to go with that um I spoke with her you know I met with her um someone can trip over something but I agree but I met with her today so and I live in a third ward so I you know taking this into consideration so you know there are some options that the council may wish to consider we can we can create and Implement a shuttle service uh on a on a half hourly basis so that uh residents who would normally use the Tron pool would be able to go over to use the McKay Park Pool um and that would be you know that would be and that would be a way for uh for people to enjoy you know a pool a pool that um is is safe and um you know can you know can be can be used immediately so also Bob there were bids put out she said right the bids were put out and the bids were too high yes that was a problem also so it's too late now so she didn't even um get one of those bids to repair the pool so we're behind the ab ball so but it it's it's not for the Board of Education to repair the pool that's for us to we yeah so their comments you know but what the Board of Education own the property thank you yeah they own the property but they don't they we own the pool the the the bids worth for the boilers excuse me oh okay for the board well that's not our problem yeah so this this this company PMA companies um they should come here stand right here and talk to us okay because I'm reading this and they're saying what's not safe and what's safe and they I think they need to let allow us to have the opportunity to uh have this conversation and we also need to have a conversation with the Board of Education about the lease yeah so we need to have a joint meeting to discuss this lease I think that that would be helpful for that um that that pool is a part of ingwood History and you know going without it we we have to have a plan to say how are we going to replace this pool and how long it takes to replace it and what's the investment in the pool but I think we start with PMA coming here and talking to us and we have this conversation in public with them on the record okay um we we can reach out to them and just um the uh the the recommendations for you know for Replacements are are in the seven figures for the pool but but that's yeah that's something that's uh the policy decision of the city council that's the cost of going doing business but we also we have we have a report from one company we should also get another report from somebody else as well right there there are two reports in the packet one is from integrated pool system and the other one is from PMA so um but they and and they both need to come in front of us you know and then we need to get somebody who builds pools to come in front of us as well to to talk to us about that cuz this is not going to be a onstep process I think it's important that we get all the facts councilman I'm good for the interest of time um this has been an ongoing project and we have a lot of discussions to to do and for the city manager it's great that we're thinking about the shuttle um and as we move forward if we can get that out on our website and so the individuals that may be missing out have that opportunity to take advantage of the shuttle sure right thank you council president whatever whatever it is we have to communicate to the public whatever it takes to make sure that the that the kids are happy uh we have a we we teach a lot of kids how to swim every summer they go to camp the camp is a big part of the pool so so we need to take all that into consideration with that all of that what goes on anybody else have any other questions if not um Bob yes how many kids um attend the pool when it was open um would you please um tell the public that as well with the water wastage and everything thank you uh sure we well we have when we have camps there so we have approximately 60 60 uh students that are there 60 camp that are there during the day in the um when when uh in the morning and then when the pool is open for the public we we're we average 17 17 residents a day that use it when it's open to the public when the camp isn't using it so um that's part that was part of the you know part of part of our our analysis was looking at the usage for the pool after the C after the Camp's finished using it and we have an alternative plan so that we can make sure that all of the camp all of our camps are are going to be able to use the McKay the McKay Park Pool okay with 17 kids um attending or it might be 17 adults adults attending how much it costs daily to keep the pool running I'm just asking with the water leaking no I'm hello I'm talking to you Bob when the 17 kids that they're daily how much was it costing us um average sure okay oh without without labor cost it was averaging about $145 a person whoa whoa whoa hold on hey we again woodro when it's your turn you can talk council president excuse me excuse me excuse me Angela what's going on what's going on no is my yes it's my and I'm asking him a question so you can hear it from him you got whoa whoa whoa whoa and angel look come on let's keep it moving we we not we don't need that go come on no sh out hold on hold on hold on who out okay come on I am I'm okay all right enough that that's it NE next excuse me excuse me so we can get this meeting over uh next next we're going to have the public session of this meeting so you can come with your name your address and you have three minutes is it is it okay can you fix it for me thank you thank you okay good evening gentlemen ladies and gentlemen hello would you be quiet can we be quiet so everybody can speak else we'll just end the meeting thank you I'm going to speak audibly because I know we cannot hear the councilman up here I'm sitting up here I know I have a hard time of hearing you might not but I know those microphones are supposed to be new and they're not speaking audibly like I was taught in school to speak where people can understand you and I'm sure those people sitting in the back could not hear everything that was going on okay I'm not going to be long and don't even count me because everybody else is had three minutes m m number one Inglewood Avenue street was supposed to been paid two weeks ago if you ride that you make that turn from William Street or to Inglewood Avenue that street is still bumpy and lumpy and then you can see the measurements of one part of the tar which is tar is not connected with the pavement now why are we spending so much money on tar rather than using cement I'm really confused because I'm from the old age and we wouldn't be spending as much money if we paved those streets and not put tar and it's being half done I don't know who your inspectors are and I don't even know if it was inspected but it should be you should take a ride just right here just right here and it just been two weeks ago it was done and it has not been completed okay the community center well we've been talking about that for 20 years so I guess maybe we'll all be dead by the time they get it flooding area of Forest Avenue has still been going on that's been going on for 20 years you'll tell me about Conrad the train company because the flooding is going all the way down Forest Avenue that needs to be corrected we need to stop it stop it now and the housing we don't need another apartment house put up here you all set up here and passed that law when the contractors came yes I never got a survey I never got a survey sir that you're talking about and I'm sure a lot of people sitting here never received a survey and we need a survey to go but it's not going to help because you've already voted to pass it people are losing losing their homes I've heard people say they're losing their homes because of this new master plan that has gone into effect that you have voted on not you maybe but some of you not you maybe but the council has voted on it and they yes the council has voted I went to a meeting and I heard it and I'm telling you it's something people going to lose their homes people people living in C we live over here in in these apartment house you got three new apartment houses up here that are not turn that thing off you got three new apartment houses up here that are not even completed Le filled they're vacant you got a lot of vacant rooms why are you putting another building other apartment houses all around you need to stop it and get this thing ready and fight for these people fight for us don't put nothing else we don't need it thank you thank you [Applause] next Amy Bullock Howen Avenue I have I have a list here so I'm going to go quickly um first is for Mr Hoffman I'm curious to know how many officers are currently assigned to records and in the police department and why are they in records um number two I'm glad we came to a resolution about the pickle ball courts I'm curious to know how much it's going to cost to convert the tennis court and will we be offering lessons to Residents and children um on how to play pickle ball um number three I want to talk about the Sid I have some concerns um they were uh created by ordinance in 2017 there guys guys yeah if they don't stop we'll just stop the meeting fix my clock please go ahead you you got an extra um in 2017 they were created by ordinance their certificate of incorporation says there to be a 501c3 they did not apply for their nonprofit status until 2022 it was approved in 2023 retroactively they just filed taxes for the first time for five years they were a for-profit entity because they did not apply for their nonprofit status Mr KW is telling me that they just recently filed taxes on April 16th of 2024 and he's telling me that they didn't have to file taxes in any of the prior years I'd like Mr Bailey to provide clarification on that um what else do I have um the council and the Board of Education um I have a little bit of concern Le about how dialogue is happening between the two entities the council's the governing body for the city Mr Hoffman is for all intents and purposes chief of operations the Board of Education functions in the same way the council should really be engaging with the board and the city manager should be the one engaging with the superintendent so that you have peer-to-peer consultations and discussions I'm not really sure it's appropriate that council members be engaging with superintendents pretty sure you wouldn't want the Board of Education engaging with Mr Hoffman or other city employees um what else do I have um open public meetings act if I'm not mistaken Mr Bailey did advise that it could possibly be a problem having laptops and cell phones open during the meeting so perhaps the council should pass an ordinance saying that nobody should be on laptops and cell phones during the meeting um or maybe I should just oah all the emails and text messages that go out during the meeting um let's see what else I think that might be it also we might want to ask um maybe the engineer can provide some light on to whether or not the earthquake actually had any impact on some of this weaken infrastructure where we might have had some minor cracks and pipes and things like that and maybe the earthquake you know made things a little worse we might want to check that out and I'm grateful and appreciative that this issue of Tron Avenue pool while I'm sad to see it be in this condition I'm glad that we understand what the situation is so we can now move forward we're figuring out how to get a pool to service the entire Community thank you and support Bergen Pat hi my name is Whitney fur uh Rock Creek I have three small questions the new lights on Palisades Avenue that have been installed they all have cameras on top what are those cameras going to be used for is that for security or for traffic violations the cameras okay so once those cameras are put into use I would suggest that you let the public or the residents of Anglewood know exactly what they use for second of all uh we spoke on commercial parking I had an issue with that uh last week I saw a police officer I did speak to the officer and asked them if they would give a truck a ticket that particular officer told me it is at their discretion when they want to give out tickets and he did not want to give that particular commercial vehicle for tiet I leave that there um also my last question is what is the progress on the senior citizens building on West Street What's the progress what's going on with that um I've been to a couple Council meetings and it's never even spoken about so I'm looking forward to one day may I might have to move in there so uh can I get can I get some update on the senior citizens building on West stre it's my understanding that the building will be open sometime in December okay thank you thank you for your time good evening uh Council my name is Walter Young 137 West n Avenue in Inglewood uh I am also disappointed as far as the pool on uh TR Avenue uh I'm disappointed that the city allowed the pool to get in that kind of a uh shape that's right we had a major grant for that pool what happened to the grant well we wasted time and the grant was uh in the process of running out there needs to be more dialogue between the Board of Ed because I I do understand they own the land and the city city council but it's it's it's really a shame that we allow the pool to get in uh this kind of shape so we need to get it uh together thank you very much thank you um good evening Liz corini 321 Booth Avenue I is going to also raise the pool uh but what I really would like to know is about the park and wreck uh director position so I would like to know um how many applicants you have have you interviewed for that position and will that position be filled in time to have a robust summer program and what is the plan to make more programs accessible to the kids in Anglewood thank you and if you guys could answer that tonight I would really appreciate it B Bob you want to answer that at the high level uh thank you council president uh there has been preliminary interviews for the rec director position uh that's something that will be discussed with the city council we had 11 applicants that applied and um not and then um based on the qualifications of the those that applied uh interviews had preliminary interviews were conducted and again this is something that the council will be discussing and we do have a robust uh summer program planned it's being uh it it has been planned um over the past several actually couple of months and um we're we're very proud to roll it out and um our our students and our that will be participating our campers uh they will have an enjoyable summer we're also working with the school district because they are they are also launching a summer camp which is more I will call it STEM related but um we're we're making sure that uh we're we're covering all of the bases and we're not re we're not um duplicating the some of some of the programs that the the Board of Ed is going to be having over the summer thank you thank you good evening horis rag 51 West Hamilton Avenue Englewood um the word disappointed keeps coming up over and over and somehow they no we get no real response for it everything that all these signs that are here is things that we talked about year after year after year having the same conversations without resolutions they safe I I took this specifically for a reason safe uh for our safety for our kids on routs to and from schools I brought this up eight months ago there no crosswalks on Jane Street every kid that coming out from slokum Hamilton Brook that from Prospect have to cross that street a main street that need to be addressed we need to look at our crosswalks for our kids we need to look at the they talk about the u-turns on on on pales Avenue we talked about that a year ago we still have no yellow lines on on Pates apparently we run out of paint I don't know what the excuse is um we talk we keep talking about a community S I could remember when each person here when they were running for office use that Community Center as their their priority that we will help we will get I remember when uh the mayor walked around everybody in in in in Liberty school and then we walked to 40 Bennett Road nothing has evaporated nothing has uh moved forward these things need we can't be talking about the same thing especially the the older council members here we cannot be talking about the same things over and over and over without any resolution I have another question it's for France we um this question is concerning the he talked about Upstream he talked about Downstream we're talking about 2 years 8 months into the all of these projects what are we not talking about is the bottleneck that create the Upstream flooding the bottleneck under shoppr right what are we doing to resolve that issue because you could fix all the bridges you could fix everything Upstream if we have the same type of flooding we're going to have the same type of problems um um Mrs wasoski was talking about boards and committees while she was waiting for the for um yany to give her that it's on the website go to menu go into departments you'll see boards committees all the information you're looking for of who is sitting where are on the website please use it thank you James irn 40 Jefferson Street hackin sack um I just I haven't been here in a while so I would be remiss if I didn't give respect and honor to um armor bearers of this town Curtis cavaness I want to pay respects to dejan Bell the Bell family is big in this town and also my Uncle Dennis Newman who passed away recently from army Street uh these are my concerns um first of all first of all I would like to say that um the things that going on at the Dwight Inglewood school I know the school is private and it's autonomous with the board of education but the Inglewood Police Department is involved and I think there needs to be some dialogue between the city and the school to see what's going on and see that how that can be stopped because uh there's a big uh population of African-Americans and people of color that go to that school and that behavior should not be tolerated period also with the pool the city uses their funds to direct Monies to whatever they think is important to them and if they don't think that the Middle School pool is important to us regardless of the relationship who owns what or what have you that pool is important to the people of this city and money should go there the money was there you messed up the fund the grant whatever the case may be fix that pool fix the pool fix the problem and let that PE that pool be available to the people of this city that use that pool also I would like to just give respect to um my fellow my brother my big brother Doug Wilson that's retiring from the fire department I know some fellas got inducted into the fire department today and I applaud them and I applaud the city for hiring and I applaud Doug Wilson who was a member who is a member of the fire department for over 25 maybe 30 years and respect to the ingwood firemen uh respect to uh officer Martin who retired earlier this year respect to the Inwood police department and let's continue to breed residents of this town to be Servants of the city that they live in so we need as a city to develop a pool of people and teach them and lead them and develop them so that we can continue to see members that look like us and people that represent this town in positions of police in the positions of fire management the DPW Etc so that we don't have problems when problems arise thank you James I also want to thank you for your kindness in uh the bement that I sustain in my family that you came to my home and delivered flowers thank you so much yeah uh Rick Wilby England New Jersey you know the gentleman before he talked about racism and so forth right the United States Constitution Once Upon a Time classified my ancestors as three fifths of a human being no other race has gone through what black folks has gone through in this country the First Amendment right now is under attack by people that can't stomach Detro truth well it's too bad within the 13th Amendment slavery is still legal if you incarcerate somebody and guess who they incarcerate the most black folks I'm happy to see three candidates for Council of large here in the council chambers tonight Charles Cobb Sarah strowman and Horus fragar they gave us this false myth of democracy where is this Daniel toer whose petition was circulated all over the city is he busy putting lipstick on pigs or is he busy looking to drencher fire a community We the People deserve so much better we need to have a debate the people need to see who is going to represent them I'm sick and tired over and over again of people that want to serve us hiding and then they just pop up a couple years ago I said that you could put a corpse on the Democratic line and people would vote for it they think I'm playing and then Rosen swag said somebody that passed away was actually still in office so I'm not that far off we have a responsibility to the people to come and present ourselves and let people ask you questions if I've never seen this guy in to counsel me in my life this Daniel toer uh he's uh he volunteers he's a philanthropist but he has a problem with the previous owner of a building making the building nice for the people that Liv there is he going to have a problem with us having a nice Engle to live in is he going to change that too you guys really scraped the bottom of the barrel with this one lastly I want to talk about Rafa 24 square miles the size of Newark there's about 300,000 people in Newark there's 1.4 million people in Rafa right now 600,000 of them are kids the United States Constitution prohibits us from given weapons to a foreign entity to engage in a defensive initiative period our tax dollars are going to kill people and commit murder for those that don't like the word genocide it is murder okay everybody saw and understood what happened on your October 7th but we should all know and understand what happened in 1948 we should understand what's been going on for 75 years and none of us are free until Palestine is free till Congo is free till Sudan is free till myar is free over and over again colonization imperialism and Zionism which is a new white supremacy has cost us enough lives not in my name not in any of your name likewise Henry Washington on Liberty Road Englewood I have a statement that's from the Bernard placed junr family as well as the foundation they started in his name for mental health just a second the recent decision by the New Jersey State Attorney General grand jury not to indict police officer lean sharp and the tragic death of Bernard placy Jr has understandably sparked outrage and deep concern placed who was reportedly suffering a mental health crisis at the time was subjected to repeated tasing and electrocution before being shot at Point Blank rage range by Officer sharp despite clear evidence suggesting a a failure to adhere to the deescalation protocols and an apparent lack of regard for place's mental health condition the grand jury's decision did not decide to indict and raises serious questions about the impartiality and effectiveness of the investigation the case underscores a disturbing Trend where law enforcement offers officers are often shielded from accountability even in situation where the actions where their actions result in tragic outcomes the failure to hold officer sharp accountable for her actions not only denies Justice to the victim and his family but also undermines public trust and the Integrity of our legal system given the gravity of this matter and the potential implications for similar cases across the state there is a clear and pressing need for a thorough federal investigation into the attorney general and County prosecutor offices throughout New Jersey such an investigation is necessary to determine whether bias or other factors influence the grand jury's decision and to ensure that Justice is served without regard to political considerations ultimately until there is Meaningful accountability for law enforcement officers who violate their sworn duty to protect and serve we will continue to see tragic incidents like the of Bernard placy Jr occur with alarming frequency it is imperative that the that the demand we demand transparency accountability and justice for all victims of police violence regardless of their race background or mental health status thank you thank [Applause] you good evening can you hear me good evening I'm Mary trusdale I live at 3282 Park View Terrace I've been there like 32 years but I was born in Inglewood I just wanted to say that I hope that you guys and the people in the audience know that we should move on purpose knowing that you're part of something bigger because the things that you do today are going to affect the future so we need to be mindful of that with that being said I also wanted to ask what do you you going to do about the basketball courts because I'm happy that you're doing pickle ball cuz I asked my son I said what do you think if they get rid of the basketball courts and put pickle ball I just said that to see what he was going to say and he said I like pickle ball he said but I hope they don't get rid of all the basketball courts because my son actually went to school on scholarship for playing basketball in McKay Park so that's important to me the other thing is is that the survey I went online and I looked and it said the deadline had ended you couldn't do it anymore it said April 30th that was it it didn't say that so somebody should have told me so I could have told other people so now I know I'll go do the survey the other thing is on Third Street in the private houses there's puddles of water in people's backyard who's in charge of that who do I tell about that like who should should I say something too property mainten it looks terrible all I keep thinking about is the mosquitoes that are going to come I'm totally upset about that please don't okay and then shouldn't somebody from the DPW attend these meetings because you guys are saying stuff about the DPW shouldn't there be a representative here you guys are here we're here where's the DPW and the wreck too I think Mr burner is here right but I don't know that's what I was thinking and then lastly I wanted to know why the public session can't start earlier because I'm hungry seriously I want some cornbread and some chicken they want you to leave that's why Jerry Chambers uh Garden Street Inglewood I have a lot of issues um but the main issue I want to talk about is uh the Bernard placed situation where they did uh not decide to prosecute and I think that is just an insult to anybody who has any sense of fairness and Justice in America you know as African-American we've gone through so many things and this just is another insult that we've had to endure and if any anybody who saw that that uh tape of the shooting if you have any kind of Common Sense and sense of fairness you know that that should have never happened so one of the issues that I have is how do we prevent that from happening in the future I have children grandchildren great grandchildren I do not want them to grow up in America where they have a greater probability of being shot by an and unarmed and being shot by a officer for something minor and ridiculous and how do we come together we talk about city leaders we talk about Community how do we come together as a group to try and address some of these issues you know how do we come together and sit down and see if we can come up with some ad hoc committees to try and address some of these these issues but the main issue in terms of of our youth being killed by cops that is the the main issue that I'm concerned about I'm not concerned about this pickle ball stuff if if our money is being spent uh uh uh justifiably you know have they done any studies for that you know that's common sense stuff but in terms of justice and somebody being murdered by a cop and they decide not to to have an indictment is just Preposterous so how do we address that how do we make sure that the people you're hiring on these police forces do not have implied biases do not have issues in terms of dealing with africanamerican because it seems like we're the only ones that ever getting shot unarmed there you go I've never heard of a black officer shooting a white person an unarmed white person never heard of it and and may you know I send you issue I send you articles about police injustices all the time and I set up here and hear you talk about you don't think there's any issues with policing but there is an issue with policing throughout America there's major issues with policing throughout America and I think we need to have some type of committee to really look into this and look into who you putting on the police force here in in Englewood because it's it's obvious that you have too many police that are insensitive when it comes to dealing with black people so we need to see how how we can address this and how we can make this form a little different I'm tired of come up here speaking about it and that's it how do we how do we put some some some meet into our discussions and our concerns where we can really have some some substantive results from this Mr President perhaps the city manager can update um Jerry Mr Chambers may not be aware of the program that we have with the officers now and the support that they have that ain't help wait come on Jerry um a lot has been done um and many of us have learned such as what what's been done perhaps the manager can talk about it if he feels it's appropriate it's has nothing to do with the litigation or the investigation it's just the the new program that we have hold on hold on sha no if you want to get online come on come on there's a new program called the arrive together I think you'd be very pleased if you're asking what has been done this is being deployed down a forum just about that new program can we have a form in one of the black churches be a prized to what going we we we we will have a form but is it enough no it's not enough okay okay well let's start with the form and then we we have form Mr Campbell can We can you help us out with that abolutely okay okay thank you hi Stephanie shelle Second Street Anglewood New Jersey um Kevin I never got the survey so if you can send it to me I would appreciate it but I never thank you and um Mr Hoffman um I really hope that we do something about the tennis courts in m park I have not been able to use the tennis court for two years we have people coming from Palisades Park in Leonia they're on the tennis courts 7:00 in the morning they have instructions they're teaching young children and they are not people of color um and to the engineer clean the dirt up it's dry it's been dry they dredged that thing out last year two year get that dirt off of William Street and listen to what the mayor is telling you consider running the electricity underground it'll be better for us sorry sorry sorry good evening councel Leroy Campbell 287 tenly Road Anglewood um I'm up here because uh the commercial parking in town um I'm glad to see that we're trying to do something about the commercial parking overnight on the streets um but it's not just 10- wheelers it's not just 18 wheelers it's landscapers all over the place with commercial plates um we had an incident at the church this past weekend where a window washing company parked his van in front of the church on Saturday stayed there Saturday night and it was there Sunday morning Pastor went out and asked the officer if he could do anything the officer told him no there's nothing that they could do okay um now we know we know from past history of of all of the stuff that's been going on especially with houses of worship whether it's African-American churches whether it's synag go if a vehicle is there overnight a commercial vehicle is there overnight something would be done because of the nature of what's going on in the world today right from for my pastor to be told that there was nothing could be done I thought that was disgusting I thought it was disgusting because he was told this by an officer that we're paying to supply extra Duty so it wasn't like he flagged somebody down in the street it's money that we're paying so I think something need to be done about that and the other thing I have is that we've been talking about a traffic light on the corner of Palisades Avenue and nicab Baka Road ever since Wayne HR was here that was one of Wayne Wayne hamer's pet peeve to get done nothing is getting done about that and it's just a matter of time it's just a matter of time because the people that are coming out of nicab baka road traveling south feel that they have the right away for the cars that are coming out of what is that matage not matage um brookway brookway brookway coming out of brookway heading north feel that they have the right away coming traveling south and they don't if you know the traffic rules they don't car that's heading north have the RightWay the car that's traveling south to make the turn onto Palisades Avenue has to wait for clearance so something need to be done about that something definitely need to be done thank you thank you good evening Raz uh four items uh one the McKay pool um can they establish an adult hour for swimming I hear that from a lot of people they keep saying the same thing and it never happens I mean I was swimming there years ago and I had so many kids around me you know I I couldn't do anything and if you can't do that if we can't have Tri on on WE negotiate the use of the Leonia pool with the town can you agree with some kind of fee during this period that's two three is the affordable housing uh do we have any updates I know that uh the data is what June 25th with the fourth part of that agreement is supposed to go into but there have been changes and Governor Murphy made one specific uh change was there was a conflict resolution uh that they they're willing to discuss and so who will be representing us to discuss our disapproval of the overlay zones because I spoke to some of the DMR people they said they're not being paid for that so who's going to pay for it planning the planning board I mean something that we have to discuss now so that the public can have any comments on this right uh the fourth one minutes of the meeting where are they I mean there are a lot of questions here and I guess you're probably writing them all down but where do we get the responses to these questions some you answer here but overall if if we have them maybe we if we can read them uh on the website perhaps maybe it'll lessen some of the questions that we have in the future because we have answers already right I mean that's part of a meeting you have an agenda we should all have copies of the minutes thank you thank you Lucy Walker Washington Place Inglewood almost 10 years ago age friendly Inglewood did an intensive study on crosswalks they presented it to the city council it becomes very disheartening when one watches either from home or we come here and we see the same thing banded over over and over and over again and this is our children and you just talked about age friendly Inglewood today like it was a organization that you respect perhaps you should go back and look at the study honor deed restrictions the Board of Education and the City of Inglewood has to go back and start honoring deed restrictions and Mr Bailey I'm holding you responsible for that okay 91 Elmore Avenue has come up so many times over the last 20 30 years and I have not seen anything from this Council yet letting people know that is the park officially the park donated to the park by Malcolm McCrae McKay and his siblings as an interest to the park and that it should stay that way forever Park Rangers look how many parks we have all over the city we have how many Park Rangers one give me a break you're not even being s that's not even sensible look how many parks we have and look at the condition of those parks and look at the security in those Parks almost non-existent the bridges please open the bridges on the west side of the park we have been getting that message forever now that you don't want the people on the west side of the park being able to just have access to the park that is not a good look okay now something that's not going to be very popular to most people in this room even the people I came here with the Tron Avenue pool is located almost in the reparan zone I know at least one person up there should know what the repairing zone is and that little shed there by slided into the book when it was designed the sketch looks like something a 7eventh grader could have made okay and I'm the one who dug up all that material okay it is what 70 years old now my recommendation to the board of education and I have made this get out of that agreement build more classroom space for the middle school so that the sixth grade can stay there because there are problems with the sixth grade going back to McLoud they need the space plus I was a teacher for always what 30 years middle school kids are the craziest on the planet they need an outlet how many middle schools do you see doesn't have a theater we have a theater at Greco a theater at McLoud did you skip right over the Middle School to the high school the high school needs to use their own theater there are lots of things that happen in a theater theater teacher here number one you learn how to read better so I think you should step away from TR Avenue thank you thank you Sarah strowman 72 West Hudson I'm going to start off light and I'm really happy this pickle ball that's going to start because he's going to be my my partner so we're going to take we're going to take it by storm tournaments anyway moving along um I want to address the conversation about things getting communicated to town so that survey the master plan survey I finally took it but it was forwarded to me and it was hidden and I had to dig for it and I took it and I thought it was a little lackluster I was questioning what exactly what data is trying to be dug up from it there were just lacking questions so I noticed on the bills that I think we paid something like $19,000 or something like that for the group that's doing this work for the master plan and I was like I could have written that survey in my sleep um so there's that no disrespect just I think if you're going to do a master plan that's going to cover a 10-year period then we need to actually listen listen to what's being said here and then ask questions based on what's being said here repeatedly over and over and over um so there's that now I'm gonna move into oh and then the website I think the website's a little clunky I'm sorry I'm a designer so the website is a little hard to follow it requires a little searching I've had to call yansy for a few things um and so I think that we can talk about communication and getting communication out to the public but it's still not enough and consti students are desperate to be heard and when they're not heard then they come here and there's really no rules of engagement which is why we get words like slur thrown around or we have people yelling about issues that not are greater in the energetic scheme of things but aren't necessarily related to Anglewood in this very moment and I'm not nothing nothing said to Rick just that um we really have to think about where we're going to have these convers ations and I said that to the mayor once there needed to have been a larger scale conversation about what the city council did when it came down to October 7th and it didn't happen and it left a lot of people in a really uncomfortable space and we're playing that out here and the real issue at play here is that we have a lot of wealthy PE people on one side and we have a lot of poor people on the other side and those two sides only come together here notice my Orchestra hands to play it out here full Center and it's not helpful it's not helpful to anybody I'm exhausted it's 10 o00 Mary was hungry CU who knows how every however everybody else feels um so I really think that the important issues need to be communicated in a way that's racially respectful um I have the definition of slur here but I'm out of time so there we go Shi sh ke 885 Divorce Court uh my statement is only directed to Ken and Lisa um quite frankly Lisa you can Brown your eyes I am deeply disturbed by you both um use of going around this community and accusing the black members of this Council as anti-semitic when we all know that is not the case we have people in this room who may not agree with your lifestyle or may not agree with the decisions that are happening right now in Israel Israel and Palestine and Gaza but you have no right to go around this city and and accuse black and around people being anti-semitic when we frankly know that the white members of this community and some of our Jewish brothers and sisters in the community are flat out racist they don't want black and brown people on the hill they don't want black and brown people in their community and you may feel very uncomfortable but Lisa you have to understand this you may have a doctorate but clearly this is not computed in the way it should be Computing towards you and Ken I believe you're a lawyer if I'm not mistaken by trade this is a doctor this is also not Computing the way it should be you went around this community you thought you wasn't going to get back to the fact that you both went around this community calling all the black members of this government board as anti-semitic how do you how do you answer for that do you have an answer for that do you have a reason why you chose to do you have the answer why you I I do have an answer so what your answer answer the answer is it never happened that is a is a complete fabrication and you owe us an apology for that I'm recorded hundreds of hours of me speaking are recorded please find where I said that and document it and I'd be happy to address it so look and I've been quoting the paper hundreds of times please find that and bring it to me and I'd be happy to address it because I don't even I don't believe that so I haven't said it so you don't believe that the council M anti-semitic so you can say on record right now you don't believe that any black council member is anti-Semitic and has done anything to be anti-jewish people in this community on record yeah I you need to say those words you you don't tell me what to do first of all so I have said that all the time and I agree with that statement I don't feel anyone on this council is anti-Semitic okay then so next time the paper and I've always been saying next time you go to write a paper don't accuse the black and brown people of this community of being anti-semitic I have not said that please find that okay if you're standing here you're you're you're a politician yourself bring the to I'm not a politician Ken you're running for office you're a politician I'm not a politician you're running for office so you're a politician if you're running for office I'm sorry you need to be honest with yourself you're running for office well we don't have to go back and forth I'm not a politician you're a politician who you're sleeping at meeting you're a politician that on at meetings that's the politician you are you're care so please bring excuse me please so please bring that to me if it's in the paper show it to me because I don't believe it I just said I don't believe it well I did to say that I started by saying it's not true and we never said that I never said that show me show me where I said that Mr chair can I the okay let's let's move let's move thank please bring it to the next meeting or to or one of your campaign stops when you're politicking around Okay Go Okay uh thank you uh Howard schaer 87 Spring Lane Anglewood and vice chair of the Anglewood planning board glad to hear all the discussion tonight about the master plan that we're in the process of working on in the in the coming year the there is a link to the survey it's not not hidden it's on the city's website if you go to the city's website you will find the link to the master plan survey I encourage everybody here to go to the city's website and complete the survey make a copy of that link and email it to everybody you know we want to hear from everybody uh we don't want anybody to say that they didn't have an opportunity to be heard on the master plan okay so please please go to the city's website fill out the uh survey send it to all your friends oh yes and uh the deadline to complete the survey has been extended to May 15th so please please please I want to hear from you now so that we don't have to have ugly conversations later okay thank you thank tells that we have set up oh yes okay we we've got we we have a number of meetings set up uh across the city we're actually going to start with uh two meetings and we're going to combine two WS in each meeting so everybody will get a chance to uh speak to their neighbors and uh other fellow City residents and express their views on what they would like to see taken into consideration in the city's master plan also there are copies at City Hall in English and Spanish okay and the survey is in English and Spanish on the city's website so there's a link the the meeting dates uh for the community's purposes and for those watching this the first Ward will we meet May 22nd the second W May 29th no no no we haven't finalized that hasn't been finalized no the the dates have been finalized yeah the locations right not the location not the Ws okay the dates again ladies and gentlemen the dates are finalized it's Ward 1 two 3 4 separately on May 22 29 June 5 and June 10 there are holidays and preferences at different times and it's accommodating all the holidays and then there will be combined Ward meetings uh 1 and three and then two and four two separate meetings then at the hotel in town all of this will be made clear and easy to the community if you miss one you'll have an opportunity then to attend another one councilman Wilson um hold everybody be quiet councilman Wilson could you I'm going to let I'm going to defer to the city manager to let him codify the dates and the times because some some of the um locations have not been verified as of yet I didn't State any locations yet I didn't say you did you ready wa Mary you you you'll know we'll make sure that it's posted you'll definitely know Mary you can come to me later I'll explain it pleas okay thank you thank you wow want me to go ahead hold on one second ra again all right um just uh to make sure that we're clear as the as the mayor stated there there are dates have dates have been selected but uh which which WS the dates will represent has not been finalized SO meetings for the master plan will be held on Wednesday May 22 that will be the first meeting the second meeting will be Wednesday May 29th the third meeting will be Wednesday June 5th then there will be a meeting on June 10th uh there will be two Citywide meetings on first one will be Monday June 24th and the second one will be on Wednesday June 26th so what we do know is that the Citywide meetings will be on June 24th and June 26th but the uh which Ward will be hosting will be hosted on which date has not been finalized and there is also a a um a question as as as to the time but each meeting will be two hours in the evening the the time was settled U from 7 to 9: earlier this evening so all these meetings will be publicized including um where you can make up if for some reason you can't make the meeting and participate in the Citywide meetings it'll all be made clear Mary you can come see me or any other residents that have questions Reverend giv please good evening Reverend John giv pastor of Shiloh Amy Zion Church 129 William Street excuse me all right do Dr R giv right doctor yes thank you thank you three three and a half years yeah and it wasn't commercial I was on the yard and in the classroom thank you Mr President thank you I earned [Music] it uh Just for information uh to this executive body and to the community and because I can't talk to the community because I don't know how to reach everybody well number one and number two I don't know how the communication flow between the colleagues here so I'm here to give some information we are addressing a 300 years old problem and how do you fix a 300 year old problem in a few months or a few years I don't have the answer even with my doctorate Mr President I don't have the answer for that but we are uh for the community uh the Administration has we have set up one meeting and we plann to have a series of meeting with regards to community and police relationship it's a start start after a 300 year old problem we receive number two we received the call from the AG's office with regard to Bernard I received the call just before the relief and they said that they're going to be releasing that information from the jury in about a half hour and they told me the result and I immediately called the chief of police there uh with regard to that to this body and to the community the ag office is not happy with the results but that's how the jury came out the pastor's Council we reviewed it we reviewed that tape from the call from the dispatchers office all the way to the incident we reviewed it matter of fact we reviewed it two times because we requested to see it again and when it got to the point point of the actual shooting I don't know what the jury was looking at I don't know what they were looking at because the officer were handson to that individual before the fire was shot we will be having a series of meeting with regards to that the community need to know that and and to this governing need to know that as well or the ag office is not happy but that's what came from the grand from from the grand jewry I want to bring that information out and uh we are working oh yes and my time is up the one of the thing we came from that meeting is training training start not only with the police officers but from the dispatch officer as well the police officer and first offenders when we are running from a problem they are running to a problem and the individual on the dispatch has to be St trained of giving that police officer good information we detect that's in the tape as well in well so that's that's another training Mr President that we is on the table that they have to be well trained and giving that police officer on a response uh uh uh because if that information reached that police officer wrong the police coming in wrong so that's information we are not taking side we are working on a 300 year old problem that's where we at thank you brother so now we're going to close the public session of this meeting and we're going to go on the close session Mr Bailey beat resolved by the governing body the city of angood that it meetting close session to discuss Personnel matter and uh appointments and be further resoled discussion conducted in Clos session can be disclosed to the public upon taking final action own provid does not constitute UND invasion of privacy or violate the attorney CL all question and be further resolved that uh although the government body will return to open session at the conclusion of the closed session it will be only to adjourn the meeting you for County all in favor need motion and second I I second I second it all in favor all we don't even have a quum huh we don't even have a quum we we have a quum they left they went home I don't know if they went home but they went outside they're in the room --------- Rec good evening is it on good evening that everybody thank you we want to get started tonight um so I'm going to start this meeting I call to order this Council Workshop of May 7th 2024 at 7:45 p.m. will you all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance a pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all will will the city clerk please read the public meetings act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the requ required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice have been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen here councilwoman wiski here councilwoman David here councilman Wilson pres council president cob here also present is Mayor Michael Wilds city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John Berner City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman and city engineer France FY tonight we are having a swearing in of two firefighters and as I understand it I know one for sure but the other one I don't would excuse me uh these are inward guys [Applause] guys thank you for wanting to follow on this journey I I really want to uh before the swearing it takes place uh obviously Mr pulley Mr Rodriguez have come here um Mr Wilson councilman Wilson took that Journey for about 29 30 years so I know this is really close to his heart he could be your big brother over here so at all times please feel when you have a question or concern that you can reach out to councilman Wilson because he knows where all the landmines are okay but it is truly something that we have committed to to hiring people who are a part of this community thank you gentlemen for doing the right thing making it through there to come and we hope that we have more not that we hope we are going to have more I want to see more of you and I want to see a female to take this [Applause] oath we have work to do and we will continue to do the work and my ask from me to you gentleman is the way the door open for you keep the door open for somebody else thank you so much now we'll have the swearing in what's the order an as our council president stated um we now have somebody on the inside on the governing body and this is a very special uh evening uh for the families and for these two probies right Chief okay we're going to swear in first uh Angel Rodriguez Curtis Curtis first okay Curtis pulley badge number 124 born and raised in angood graduate of Dwight M High School husband to Adrien father to Chanel and Amaya son to Curtis senior Dedra and Deborah brother to Gregory lamel Raven Victoria Ayana and travel worked as a US Male carrier before being hired as a firefighter yes all say your name i hertis p do hereby swear do hereby swear that I will support the Conti that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government and to the government established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people of the city of Englewood of the city of Englewood further further I do swear I do swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the position of of the position of Anglewood probationary firefighter Anglewood probationary firefighter according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you [Applause] so ladies and gentlemen this is actually the 11th and the 12th Anglewood resident hire that the fire department has made uh this year um and we're working with the high school to find other children that will want to go through the system and whether it's our police our fire our finest and our bravest that they'll find a home and a career uh there as well it's very important uh the next gentleman that we're going to swear in Angel Rodriguez badge number 125 born and raised again in Anglewood [Applause] probationary firefighter Rodriguez is a multi-engine commercial pilot enjoys spending time with family watching and playing basketball proud to be hired as angry wood firefighter and continuing the Legacy with Captain Rodriguez and firefighter nick uh Rodriguez [Applause] swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true Fai and alance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the government established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people of the city of Anglewood of the city of Anglewood further further I do swear I do swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the position of of the position of Anglewood probationary firefighter Anglewood probationary figh fighter according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] congratulations before the two gentlemen sit down we want to take pictures with you with the governing body okay you okay with that okay Curtis I know let's go congratulations how's it feel good congratulations ch [Applause] is e for [Applause] go huh oh my God huh oh yeah we uh we're going to take a we're going to take hello we're going to take a five minute recess