good evening and welcome to the city council meeting of March 19th 2024 the time now is 7:44 will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all will a city clerk please read the open public meeting act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the Roll Call councilman Rosen here councilwoman wasi here councilwoman David present councilman Wilson pres council president cob here also present is Mayor Michael Wilds city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John Berner City attorney Bill Bailey and CFO Michael calman next we'll have presentations from the municipal Alliance update by chairman Wayne HR and Deborah Baldwin and before I gets before we get started I just like to say that uh the the Cor in this courtroom has to be adhered to and that you know everybody has an opportunity to speak we don't speak from our seats we come to the mic and speak uh and there'll be a time we we you can make comments on the consent agenda when open you can make comments uh at the public part of the meeting but I am encouraging you not to make comments from your seat to and not to disrupt the meeting let's move through the meeting let's respect what everybody has to say so then we can have a uh a meeting that is representative of the city the residents of the city of Anglewood and be productive and have a productive meeting so with that being said sorry Mr hmer or count former councilman HR and M bwin actually there three of us uh and Alisa Smith Alisa Smith I'm sorry Alisa I apologize for that so I'm not sure if you made those comments uh directed at me uh council president uh since I was about to start speaking but uh I I'll take that under advisement thank you uh it's a pleasure to stand before you and uh get an opportunity to say thank you for the uh many years of uh support for the municipal Alliance uh my presentation our presentation is very short uh there going to be three three pieces to it the first part is going to be Miss Baldwin who's going to speak a little bit about about what the alliance is um comments get made I listen to Council meetings and and I'm not sure that most people know what the municipal Alliance is and you know I I suspect you know many members of the governing body you know know more but you know you may not know all of what the municipal alliances either so we're going to speak to that and then uh Miss Smith will come up and and speak to you about some of the programs and and things that the alliance has been doing and then I'll come back and you we can talk about administ ministration and uh reorganization of of the alliance per the ordinance thank you Miss bald I have to read mine sorry I just want say one thing and it's appropriate that that you have us here uh speaking this week is National alcohol and is it drug drug and alcohol facts week yes drug and alcohol facts week so uh at propo thank you thank you okay the governor Council on alcohol and drug abuse which is called jakata was created in 1994 and it's the largest network of community-based anti-drug coalitions in the nation the council consists of thousands of stakeholders serving on over 300 local alliances encompassing more than 400 municipalities throughout New Jersey okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to break it until this year funding to administer the program came from the drug enforcement demand reduction fund deer established to collect fines from individuals who are assessed such when convicted of a drug offense jakata as of this year will now distribute funds from the state's general fund and deer fines will be going into the general fund County and municipal award recipients are required to match the jakata grants with a cash match of 25% of the award and 75% inine Services of course most of the inine comes from those who are doing the programs this matching requirement is unique in the country and has the effect of doubling the impact of the jakata grants for programs and activities Anglewood Municipal Alliance is now in the fourth year of the current 5-year Grant cycle fiscal year 21 through 25 A needs assessment was conducted to determine the most critical areas to be addressed underage Pro or problem drinking and marijuana which includes vaping although State funding was severely cut due to loss of funds during the pandemic school and Community programming continued to address these topics in fiscal year 2023 additional funds were made available by the Bergen County division of mental health and Addiction Services for a youth leadership program which is has been extended through September 2025 stigma free Anglewood and Alliance offshoot has continued its efforts to combat stigma associated with addiction and mental health disorders by providing information and resources to the community prior to the covid-19 pandemic annual Town Hall meetings were held as a primary way to achieve this and in 2020 despite the pandemic a virtual Town Hall was held with individuals telling their stories of Hope and Recovery that's it for me thank you good evening everyone so in collaboration with uh the center for drug and alcohol resources um we have begun a town hall Series where um it was held the first one was held in October at Community Baptist Church where we had uh peer Recovery Specialists come from tcad and they talked about their experiences with addiction we also had the Bergen County prosecutor and the deputy prosecutor come to give a presentation about resources that the community can have and information about opioids um they also talked about a service that they have where if someone overdoses and is administered Aran and sent to the E ER are one of their Recovery Specialists will come out and give them options about treatment and information so in addition to that we had two Narcan trainings the first one was in February and the second one was March 3r um excuse me March 9th so um we've done that and we're also working on having Narcan kits uh placed in different locations throughout the city starting with the municipal buildings in the ad boxes so those are some of the things that we've done already um some of the things that we're working on right now is in May it's mental health month so the health department along with the police department and other Lo local organizations we're having our Spring Health Fair um it's going to be a mental health awareness day so we'll have different resources different um agencies that'll be there to give resources and information to the community so we'll be doing that and just a side note just let everyone know we're also having Community Support days um where two Health Department staff will be at this city hall um conference room on the first floor from 3:00 to 6 um that'll the next one will be April 23rd so they'll be helping people apply for NJ snap NJ Family Care um enroll in school that sort of thing so if you have any questions or need any information contact the health department oh yeah and we um we actually helped uh three residents today enrolling in programs so so I know you have a lot of questions but uh you know what I do want to say is this the uh Alliance has been doing things and continues to do things um there were uh comments made at the uh March 5th meeting uh a number of comments comments uh about reporting uh reports have to get filed reports are sent into the county and uh you know those reports just so that you can have because the CFO and the mayor sign off on the reports that uh we submit to the county uh so one of the things that uh we can do and we should do is uh since we're getting you know 25% of the matching dollars is uh you know funding from the city which equates to as uh Council uh councilman Wilson and councilman Rosen mentioned about 5 cents a resident but uh one of the things that we can do is submit those reports to the uh city manager or city clerk so that they can be filed somewhere so that they can get entered into your packets and you can see what what the reports are that go into the county which have to be filed as long as we continue uh the other thing is uh membership you know adherence to the uh ordinance and getting the requisite number of people from the different um constituencies uh you as the council you know have the reporting um have the appointment Authority so you know anyone that you have that you want to fill you know some of these seats and you know some nice comments were made at the last meeting about the importance of what the alliance is and uh what wasn't talked about so much with stigma free which is an offshoot of the alliance uh but there are a great many things that uh that get done and many more things can be done uh the big issue is that you know we work on a Sho string budget what we do is we find programs or people come to us with programs that will benefit kids and and and adults residents in the city and we can give them some dollars we can't fund their programs you know we're working with you know $6,000 a year so uh that's not going to pay for much so on a uh Sho stream budget you know there are a great many programs that uh well not a great many but about five different programs that that we work with and we give them some money to help run their programs and again it's just helping them run their programs uh one of the things that can change is uh the funding quotient uh we haven't we use you know that nickel pretty wisely I think and uh I'm glad to you know come back and send reports about what we're doing as and in fact most of the time that um almost every time we do anything whether it's a town hall or have uh uh an arrangement such as we had with Community Baptist Church for the town hall there and for Narcan training over um you know the past few weeks uh we invite you and you're you're always invited you know thank you Council mob for showing up sometimes uh but everyone's invited and it will make a big difference because this is supposed to be a partnership a CommunityWide partnership and if you know more if you see more and participate a little bit you can spread the story as well so uh you know you're more than welcome uh as far as uh ways to increase our our you know footprint and uh get the message out more they're a variety of ways that uh you know a budget could be put in place for the alliance and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers a penny there's a a sizable U gift that that comes to the city from uh greater Englewood through vus or vus through V greater Englewood that a portion of it could be earmarked for Alliance use there's a gargantuan chunk that comes from the uh Englewood Hospital Medical Center uh in a very small portion you know you pick the number it could be $5,000 $10,000 but that money is there it's not being raised out of uh taxpayer dollars and and that money could be designated for this specific use and it does affect and can affect everybody across Englewood every constituency and the last thing is um there was an award in U an opioid settlement funds came to Englewood I I offered to uh put together a a package a presentation to uh you know give a way to an Avenue to you know help use those dollars to benefit the CI the citizens of Englewood and visitors of Englewood so um that offer stands and you know again if you choose to designate and create a budget it's kind of hard to get people to volunteer to uh spend time on a smile and a handshake but uh if there's you know something tangible that we can all work toward um glad to help and glad to answer any questions you might have thank you anybody have any questions for uh councilman hmer miss bwin or Miss Smith yes if I can Mr CB May thank you uh council president and former councilman Wayne hamr Uh kudos to you for being on top of this important project all these years uh for my first term as mayor and before that as councilman in the late 90s the municipal Alli iance has been a great resource to the community and I thought it uh wise for you to be here and to make this presentation uh to the governing body um the relationship between Municipal Alliance and the stigma free it funds the stigma-free initiative is that how it works or it's just a portion of what's presented at stigma-free events so uh shoestring budget uh what little bit we have is split between those two initiatives wonderful so approach us also once this is formalized we almost informally put together a board last uh council meeting um and let us know where greater funds would be useful in the community whether it's hitting local businesses or some of the developers that are scons in projects I don't have any problem in going to them and making sure that Naran and education of all these uh component of the municipal Alliance is made ready to all communities all ranges of Ages because the intergenerational uh substance abuse and all the other things that we see in this community is also Pockets that need to be affected as well so don't be shy in calling us in between and Kudos again to the health department for what it's done and what it will continue to do thank you the health department uh took on this and added this to their big uh pot of things that they're responsible for just because it was the right thing to do and it you know turned out to be the best home for it and you know with Miss Baldwin and Miss Smith you know we definitely are better prepared and and they're bouncing into one another there's another event I think in March 26 where the health department has a cancer and diabetes alert event um but the fact that they're doing this under the municipal Alliance the fact that their redundancies in place between the governing body between the health department between volunteers uh is critical but I would love to take all of this good citizenship and see that it's deployed more uh throughout the city especially Naran I think it's critical uh to have that whether it's restaurants and other facilities too anybody else have any questions for councilman hyon councilman um you have to tell us how and and I think you have told us how you could help us you know and it's it's it's amazing that uh we had all this conversation at the last council meeting and now we have none maybe that's because you explained it to us along with Miss bwin and Miss Smith but I think that we the city because this this is doing Outreach to our residents is that we should come up with some dollars for this and and it should be permanent in the budget because it's going to get used one way or the other so I I think that that uh we should make sure that it's part of our annual budget and and roll it up inside the health department so it's there it's it's there for the use and um you know I think that this is something good and I am fully on board to do whatever we got to do and I did attend the naram training as well down at Community Baptist Church but I think it's important that and and we got to really what we got to do is really put this out to the public so they know that this resource is available to people so I think that that's important as well well having a real budget would give us a little bit more stability the uh funds used to come from uh a portion of the tickets that got written across the state and when uh the pandemic took place uh ticket stopped being written and funding dried up we uh at at the alliance were not part of of a permanent part of the budget that's been changed as Miss Baldwin told you a little bit earlier so there will be more uh more stability in in the funding stream but it's still small and insignificant and for this to make a real difference uh because uh opioids haven't gone away they may not have hit Englewood as hard as they have other places around us but you know there are still incidents and you know Englewood Hospital you know is one of the places where people are sent when um they have overdoses as well as the other two hospitals in the area or three hospitals in the area so uh you know the more we can get information out it uh may not save everyone but it may save someone and that's what matters so they handle any any kind of drugs that's what we're talking about correct as a matter of fact um I'm going to uh get a a little booklet you know about the uh Municipal Alliance or actually about the uh training that that took place the Narcan training and um information about overdoses and and and the like from Bergen for Bergen County just so that all of you can have it the training component won't be part of that booklet that I'm going to give you or get for you but uh that needs to stay you know for people to get trained so that they can administer the Naran appropriately are are we up to date on reporting absolutely okay absolutely all the reports have to get filed with the county or we could not exist the the break in communication is that those reports don't come to the uh Clerk or the manager so um you know we'll take care of giving once they're signed and you know the mayor or the CFO have to sign off on the reports that go in so you know they can attest to the fact that they've been signing reports you know every you know every year you know just about every quarter but uh you know we'll we'll change the change the uh script in the flow a little bit you we'll give a copy of the finished report to the clerk so it can be if you choose it can be included in your packet so you can stay a breast of what what's been sent in and we're glad to come back U not all the time but we're glad to come back frequently and uh share with you and answer whatever questions you have thank you does anybody oh councilman Wilson good evening former um council president former councilman it always does my heart good when you share information um and and it I think it does us as a city and especially as a council to hear from people with hands-on experience so we don't have to hear about something from a dissertation from someone that may not be as Weare and on ground zero so I applaud you guys for picking up the mantle doing what you guys are doing Mr hyr Miss Balwin Miss Smith thank you um I'm sure there's many families that are in your debt for what you do uh if you if we save one life we can save a generation so this comes through teaching and showing and you guys are a beacon for that so thank you for being part of our community glad to be here thank you sir thank you councilman anybody else councilman hyr Miss bwin Miss Smith I thank you we thank you have a good evening I'm going to leave some cards uh the uh recovery service that the county has through the prosecutor's office has a 24hour uh day uh phone number that someone can call anyone can call uh someone going through a situation or someone who's got a family member going through a situation I'm going to leave some cards for you all tonight along with a fact sheet on uh the alcohol and drug fact week but uh you know there's more information there are drop boxes for unused pills you know that you know can go to the police department uh there bags that are you know put out by the county that people can use and just drop you know the remainder of prescriptions in so that uh they can be disposed of properly and you know there are meager resources but there're resources and you know you will have them so that you will know more thank you thank you okay get going next um we're going to have approval of minutes resolution 118 031 924 we need um a motion and a second I make a motion council president that approval of the minutes we need a second I second any questions call yes councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David abstain councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes have next we have resolution 11931 924 resolution accepting minutes council president I make a motion that we accept amendes for 31924 we need a second second any questions none roll call councilman Rosen s yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next Bills and claims we have a resolution 1231 1924 payment approval for bills and claims in the amount of 1,251 18562 I need a motion in a second council president I also make a motion to check bills and claims along with discussion I need a second I second questions councilman okay thank you council president um if we go to page one and we go to 24714 personal license what is that pertaining to for Mr Berner uh that's a Wastewater license um that's a professional license so the city um has a contract with with uh somebody from the from an outside vendor that we we use their license so this gives the city another opportunity to to review and perhaps save money okay so that coincides with the with the lunch package no the lunch package was uh for the for a shared services meeting with the um with Paya count with Bergen County uh administrators and psng about the energy strong program and the the work that's being done in several towns in community including Englewood for the um natural gas and electrical upgrades okay thank you um city manager I appreciate city clerk special services page one still uh 24749 uh access storage of Records uh for March 24 2346 51 yeah that's that's our storage fee for our files that we are required to keep that's for offsite those are the ones that we're we're looking to bring in digitize and bring back in uh and and and the reason why I bring that up is because we pay that quarterly is that correct monthly oh I'm sorry that is for March please forgive me um I'm looking at the Canon Group LLC qpa Services January through March which is three entries down 24675 yes the uh the Canon group functions as the qpa for the city uh they help write our bid specs and um uh do our bid openings evaluations and things of that nature the uh they have helped the city move forward dramatically over the ne over the last um year and a half and this is I'm sorry and this is bid for what uh this is everything from uh uh road paving to um the to rfps for trucks and Equipment um this helps bring bring us into compliance there had been audit findings before and we're um we're now um you know we're now complying with the public contracts law so now that we're in compliance my concern about the qpa is what we spoke about on the 5th in regards to um contractors being uh scrutinized a little bit better do they also have help us with that with the bid because we have contracts here that either we're doing roads we're doing curves we're doing sidewalks or we're doing buildings again so my concern is that we scrub from the beginning of the bids that we get someone appropriate that we will not have to re do work are they helping us with that now that we're in compliance they are helping us but they're they're not the um the be all in the end all so when it when we do evaluations what we wind up doing is uh the qpa is part of it but also depending on the type of quote or the type of bid we have we have um staff that helps so we just recently we're looking at a cleaning services bid so that was something that the qpa is looking at um a member of our DPW staff is looking at as well as myself and we've done that several times where we evaluate we we don't look for the lowest cost we look for the best overall value for the city so do they also help us with ratings do do we not rate people that come and go in our town for the workmanship no they they do not help us with with the ratings they help us at the front end and they help us do the evaluations they also do the Statewide and the National Review to make sure that contractors um have not been debarred from working in the state yeah that that's important that they're not debarred but also that we we need to look forward to shotty workmanship um and make sure that we continue not to do bids with people that may possibly do shy workmanship in our town that's true that's true and councilman you bring up a good point because one of the things in the bid review process the uh the qpa has pointed out um some flaws in our bids and we've been able to change them and strengthen them because of because of them taking a look at it and comparing it to other municipalities that's good that's a huge concern um and if you guys would be so kind if we stay on page one and we go down forth from the bottom at the legal specialized Services 24656 uh Huntington baile tax personal and Oprah and it's nice to have it in a in a bundle for those three for $ 4,581 198 uh I will look forward to seeing something in regards to the breakdown on what the opras are costing us um and as we build our community to be more transparent My Hope Is as we move forward we won't have a large number for our Oprah bills because we as a council in the city and city managers are being transparent so I'd like to see that breakdown if someone could pull that out for me at a later Point that'd be great if we go to page two police department specialized services this the second one down 24687 hackin sack Meridian health uh PC at $66,000 that was for the November highers four lateral uh and one SLO $1,200 each so when we do the physicals that includes psychologicalscience goes from the laterals town is that correct correct but um I believe there was there were separate bills for that so that's why I'm I believe that was a question at a previous on a previous bills list but yeah it's I'm sorry no I'm sorry so but we what we want to do is we will give the council the uh the backup for that bless you it it's my continual concern that we have people that serve the great city of Inglewood um to be psychologically sound and that we have the the testing to to say so um so that's going to be a continue concern of mine so if we could be mindful uh when we have bills and claims and we could pull that out if it's just for me I would be greatly indebted to you guys for pulling that out so I may see that so the service that we get uh if we stay with the police department if we go uh three from the bottom Telephone and Telegraph that's a old word right there and then they go um Verizon Wireless at 24635 what's Wireless is that cell phones yes and we are paying cell phones for whom a lot of the senior officers sergeants captains Chief Deputy Chief I'll talk about that offline okay thank you um I just have a few more please bear with me I'll try to be as quickly as possible um when we go to page number three Hydraulics Road repair and maintenance specialist 24570 it's the top of Public Works uh truck number 18 and2 one maintenance $571 I understand that we have um moving Parts as far as police fire and DPW um and and what I would like to see on these repairs is if if in fact that um these are wear and tear um I don't I don't know how we would itemize that because we have a huge number that's consistent with repairs and I know some of it's a new Fleet I know we're getting new electronic fleets as well I just like to keep a track on um on what we're what we're repairing and how we're moving forward and if in fact does that include um training to our drivers so we can minimize repairs um and I'm going to do a quick synopsis so I do not have to go through the whole list um because there's multiple items here that I have for parts with truck 19 truck 26 police car 140 Tahoe I could go on and on with the bills and claims and so That Remains the Same for me that we be mindful of how we're sending these vehicles of ours to repair and what that's about and how how it continuously to happen on a regular basis and my synopsis with repairs um under DPW is with the HVAC we are spending a good chunk of our budget with HVAC repairs which is increasingly important I understand that um and and my question is have we looked into possibly sending someone um in our employment especially possibly with DPW W to HVAC school um that would take away a huge number from this budget and that person's already here uh they have additional information that can repair the courthouse the firehouse uh I I would like to see some of that as as well as with the pump stations I will not go over the numbers and the interest of time and we'll talk about that offline I would like to see that for the pump station and and the HVAC uh so if we can consider that council president as we move forward in the bills and claims uh that would be great so in the interest of time I will do the rest offline thank you any anybody else have any questions with the bills and claims not yet too early not yet anybody up here so I I have I have a few questions we on page I'm going to go right to page six 61 down Mr Mr Kaufman because I believe you're probably the person since Mr Vol is not here tonight um we got charging stations $175,000 where's that at where we Mr you want to take that one please that's that's at the DPW this is um this is part of this is the charging station for the two electric Mac garbage trucks that are due in July um this charging station is Grant funded it's a special charging station for for trucks it's heavy it's a heavier Duty charger uh the state DP is uh gave gave the city the funding for for this charger they actually increased the funding uh for the for the grant so that we could put this in and also bring in additional power into the DPW Yard uh to power this charging station so since since we are we are going that way maybe it would be proven that we put in a charging station that would is that going to be able to charge cars there as well no this is just this is just to charge um large trucks so we we have plans to put in charging stations in the future that will handle um light duty trucks and vehicles but um this th this particular charging station um is not um uh requires more energy than than um than uh normal charging stations okay so also we we got the radio upgrades of 100,000 um and I think this was on the last build M yes that that's why there was a revised list sent out so um bills list that was sent out this had been discussed at a previous council meeting um and what what had occurred is the Motorola um did not receive the checks so the uh the the city voided the checks and reissued them but this was um this was not something that needed to be on the bills list because it had already been approved but um that was that was the reason that was the reason that it um you know it it it it was on the list is because the checks have been voided and reissued so the checks never went out well the first checks went out but they voided they were voided Motorola said they didn't receive them so okay those at $800 something, we should have probably had a wire transfer to Motorola that's a big number that put right in the check and send it out do wire transfer a as they call it so that way that that those funds went there okay so we we know about that I have just a couple other questions one of the questions I have for you Mr Hoffman is that and councilman Wilson brought it up it the qpa services we we the Canon group is by they under contract with us right yes yes they are so are they getting a flat rate or how's that work how's that contract it is yeah it's a it's a flat fee for the year so it's about 17,000 he bills us monthly that's and he's billing us here yes so it the the bills fluctuate with him based on the work or this number is the flat rate every month the same rate every month okay so this number is the same number yeah every month yeah this is for multiple months that's why it was okay so when we break it down what is it what is the number divide by three is that what we're talking about yeah I could give you the exact number soon why you getting that I have a question on page three and it's with East West electric for 2150 I know we've recently had some discussions around the firehouse and things that need to be fixed or repaired at a firehouse that's only eight years old what is do you have an idea what's what this repair is uh yes this is running a new um ethernet cable from the um Dispatch Center over to the fire department and I think councilman wil got my other question um 17 91.67% okay thank you all right I'm done through no other questions go ahead Council thank you um do we have a a running contract with Sama and and for those that may not know it's on page number four uh Central maintenance garage I guess it's about 10 down we don't have a we don't have anything Recreation van vehicle decal that's on a per vehicle basis like do they do we use the same people for our police fire City cars lettering decals I'll have to look to see who we use other times I don't know if we use them for everything or yeah I I saw someone else for lettering and I would just like to see possibly us consolidate so we can get the best bank for a buck and have one company if possible unless we continue to unless we continue to bid out for each vehicle um I just have a strange idea that if we use the same company we might get a better deal than 126 1250 and is that for one vehicle one was for a Ford Transit the recreation vehicle and then two pickup trucks one dump truck one tractor trailer so five cars it's 250 each oh so it's not just recreation vehicles yeah okay it's missleading I thought that was for one vehicle thank you okay thank you council president you got it stand no other questions see roll call please councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasowski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next will be the 2024 Municipal budget will city clerk read the ordinance thing first what do you want to do all right um this is ordinance number 24-02 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank under njsa 4A 4- 4.14 expl yeah Mr Hoffman would you explain to the public what the or Mr Bailey what the C Bank is sure the U the the three the three of of us can do that the um the the cap bank is an annual um exercise that the city council goes through this this allows the city to um increase its um uh it's it's borrowing by up to 1% if necessary from 2.5 to 3.5% and there's a calculation that's done and that uh that allows the city to um if there's an emergency to uh have an additional 1,525 630 um available if um that money is needed the city council has to authorize it in a separate vote it's not something that just is automatically done um and then uh there's um the um the funds are the funds are available uh for calendar year 2024 it's there's there's the bank is a available for two years so we have last year's bank and this year's bank and Michael why don't you why don't you add some additional information to what I've just outlined voting voting for this cat bank just to make clear doesn't mean you still have to vote for the budget in in next year so even if we use the bank that we're banking this year you still we're just using it as like emergency if we need it for next year and you you'll still vote the council will still vote for the budget next year so it's really every municipality votes yes on it I never knew of a municipality to voted no but it's basically it's it's a standard ordinance and it it's for emergency purposes in future years we haven't used the bank in since I can remember I think the important thing to explain to to the public is is that how this is really used and it has to be authorized to be used even if we vote on it tonight it still has to be authorized to be used that is that is correct that that's the key and in the in the next budget the council still has to vote for it correct I understand that but I'm saying the key here is that what we do here tonight we still have to authorize it if we wanted to use it and to use the cap bank that's what it is if we had an emergency correct Tonight Tonight provides the council with the opportunity to um have funds for a future emergency even though we we can't foresee one but it just it um it gives the council options in the future when when when additional funds might be required Council if I may thank you council president um could you just reassure the our constituents that are here and that are listening that this does not include the the money that we set aside [Music] for for vehicles such as you know the the fire trucks and the things that we know that are big ticket items that we set certain amounts away that's that's capital yes this is for the operating budget I understand I just wanted you to clarify I didn't want them to hear it from me I want them to hear it from you okay thank you we need a motion in a second I make no more questions we need a motion in a second I make a motion that we vote on on the cat Bank I second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes public hearing the public hearing on this ordinance will take place at the April 16th meeting thank you next we have resolution 121 031 924 resolution introducing the 2024 City budget okay Mr hman is gonna yeah let's do that we need a motion in a second and then after that Mr Hoffman will I motion give a presentation we need a second I'll second Mr Hoffman you want to do your presentation now before we wrote what happened can't see I can't see well everyone has everyone on the base has a there's a pdf version in there too if you want that's uh thank you council president good evening members of the governing body good evening ladies and gentlemen uh tonight we'll have a brief presentation about the introduction of our 2024 City budget um there will be a more extensive budget presentation at the public hearing which will be on April TW April 16th so uh just tonight Michael if you could go to the go to the next slide um the budget that the governing body has being asked to consider will meet it's it's a prudent budget it meets the objectives that have been outlined by the governing body it's um it's a it's a document it's a budget that has had the participation of the department heads as well as the members of the city council and um other professionals the budget process started in October of last year when folks like Alicia and other people had to sit down and and start reviewing the the goals for their departments as well as the needs of the Departments what was met and what are the future projects that the that each department and the city as a whole will be looking to to do our ultimate goal is to provide good service to our residents and that's ultimately what we want to do this year we are looking at um significant capital projects over $4 million of the capital projects are coming from grant funding and um this is this is something that um is important to to the city because we are looking to make improvements underground as well as overhead that will help improve the delivery of of services both electric gas but also just quality of life issues over the next several decades so we're investing in infrastructure we're utilizing grant funding when whenever possible and we want to minimize our tax increases as much as possible by using grants so the proposed budget for 2024 the operating budget is 77 m358 54 and the most important 56 cents so the the projected tax rate increase for this year would be 1.99% so it's under 2% and um based on the based on the uh 2023 budget our our rate of incre our rate of increase of for for for our cost has gone down by 0.91% and we'll talk more about that on the 16th but the um what is this what is this going to cost our residents so um on the for the city budget this would be an increase of $102 per month or $122 59 per year on the for each resident tax bill and this is based on a on the average assessed home of 471 ,500 and so um the city portion of the taxes would go from $ 6164 in 2023 to 628 8621 this this um City budget also includes the library the cost for the library so that's um that's something that's in there but it does not include the County taxes or the board or the taxes for the Board of Education so just some snapshots the um the city's budget 9.61% of the city's budget is for contractual obligations or for for fixed expenses so uh some of those some of those expenses are are for insurance which is over $10 million that's all forms of insurance that's liability uh that's uh workers comp insurance that's that's health insurance um there's a poli police police department costs fire department costs DPW costs they're all they're all in in um in there as um part of part of our our 2024 budget so if you can go to the next all right Michael you beat me that's good all right so the revenue side um when you look at the revenue side of the budget we're we're projecting to use um $3,100 th000 from Surplus so each year we we we regenerate Surplus last year we used 33,100 th000 we're using the same amount of surplus and um our we don't want to rely on Surplus we want to be able to stabilize it we do an analysis to make sure we're going to be able to regenerate more Surplus than we use so that we will be able to continue to fund City needs over the next several years because when you put a budget together you're not just doing for the for this particular year you're you're projecting forward for several years so you don't want to do harm in the future you want to be able to keep moving forward so some of the some of the other revenues that that the city has is um for um fire fire prevention fees that's for for inspections then we have fees and permits which um includes engineering fees uh constru construction fees things of that nature uh looking at our our 2024 tax rate the local tax rate has uh has increased to 1.33 um per 100 of assessed value so that's something that we that we track and we're looking to make sure that that that's stabilized in the future so overall the budget Appropriations uh for the for 2024 have gone up about 3.96% over 2023 so that includes both the incap expenses and the out of cap expenses that the city has so um when you look at the amount to be raised by taxes which is which is what comes from your property taxes um that has that has increased by about 2.25% over last year but again remember the overall increase in the budget is 1.99% so what are some of the the um the drivers behind that this year we're doing a master plan reevaluation that has to be done every 10 years so that's that's about $125,000 and the city is uh going to be able to use that document for the next 10 years we have increases in liability insurance and health insurance and then pension payments but again we've been able to keep the overall tax increase to 1.99% and then there'll be a full presentation on April 16th uh for the governing body to consider thank you any any council members have any questions please council president um I I just like to at this particular juncture say thank you to the city manager and our CFO um because initially the numbers weren't weren't this and so there was a lot of scrubbing that went in to get numbers down to where they are now and we want to be consistent and being transparent to try to keep the taxes down as low as possible so we're still a work in progress and please don't hesitate if you see something that may be out of line in the budgetary um lines please bring attention to it um because we're working very hard to keep it in line for you guys for us so thank you guys thank you thank you council president um Mr hman thank you also for your hard work here um one of the most professionally and efficiently run budgets that I've ever seen uh is all the content that supports this going to be available to the public to review and if so how do they access that information well after the budget's introduced if the budget's introduced tonight it will be on the website tomorrow the budget document itself so the budget document for the public sake if you don't mind just explaining what it's a reflection of it shows all the revenues and all the expenses and from all the dep departments yes what they had last year what they would like this year what they spent last year what was budgeted last year right all the overtime for the different department let's separate it out also okay wonderful thank you I just want to make that clear to the community this was not the budget what you saw on the PowerPoint there's a lot more content that will be available for the community and again thank you uh to both of you gentlemen for the efficiencies of both of your departments uh council president if I may this this is the budget document that'll be online so this is um probably a 100 pages but um it's also you're also welcome to go go to the clerk's office and get a copy of it it'll it'll be over at the library and it'll be it'll be on the website electronically but what we've tried to do is to give you the highlights tonight but this is this is where the Deep dive is and then um there will there will be additional information on the 16th and um thank you mayor for for uh discussing our the budget presentation and again this was a team effort so I I do appreciate it but it was our our CFO it was our our Deputy city manager it was all of it was all of our departments and and and staff that were were taking a look at at the budget and I also want to thank the council because the council asked us to evaluate um specific specific projects programs and ideas and to put dollars next to those so there was discussions with with the council uh both um in City Hall but then also during our budget our our budget presentations just to to talk about the different um the different um potential inclusions in in the budget so this was this was an iterative process and it was a very good process and that's um you know there there's funds in the budget for our our down payment on our capital projects that that we we want to accomplish this year and the sooner we're able to get it get working on our capital projects the sooner they can be completed and people can enjoy um enjoy the benefits of those different projects so thank you just have a question the breakdown of the building department and Recreation Department that was provided to the council will that be up on the uh on the web page too for the public uh that's that's going to be in in some form yes it will be um so I'm not sure if it's in here but we're we're going to be putting we're going to be putting a couple of different documents on on our uh on our website anybody else so Mr Hoffman we started this journey with the budget and we had a number then we changed the number but I think it's important I always tell everybody when we're in budget season to attend these budget hearings because it's important to see how your tax dollars are being spent and the goal and my goal as well is to keep a cap on these things in our spending and keep our hands around it and that's why uh I can only smile on the councilman Wilson and others go through the bills and claims so we we're looking at our checkbook so to speak to make sure that we understand what we're buying we're understand what we're spending but we also know that there are certain statutory requirements that we have no control over but we have to meet them we have those obligations so I want to thank Mr Hoffman and team for listening to if you look on the March 4th meeting when I said that I would not vote for the budget at the number it was right then we needed to go back and do that but really that's part of the budget process going back and forth so I think it's important that we do that and we try to squeeze the best dollars and for the city of Anglewood and we got to remember this is a full service Community we have a fire department we have a police department we have a DPW and it's full service so you know they're going to be some operating expenses that we need to really keep our arms around and that's the challenge so you know I think we're off to a good start this year you're going to see many many many projects uh throughout the city um but it's our job to um mind the store and I I and I'll be honest with you you know there are some things that we can do better and we're going to hold people accountable for those things but you know that's that's how we work together collaboratively to uh provide the best Services uh to the residence of the city of Inwood so I thank you um y we need a motion in a second we have motion second let's go roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president Cobb yes next no ordinances for second reading ordinances for introduction for first reading will the city court please read it into record this is ordinance number 24-3 three an ordinance of the city of Anglewood County of Bergen state of New Jersey to amend chapter 307 Article 1 disorderly conduct of the general ordinances of the city of Anglewood we need a motion in a second and then I'm going to ask Mr belly to do his Brilliance I'll make a motion second we have a second Mr Bailey could you just give us a high level of this police so people know what how we got here with this so with this ordinance is sorry what this ordinance is is a an amendment to the existing ordinance pertaining to disorderly conduct that's already on the books in the city of Anglewood and what it does is it keeps the entire existing ordinance in place except it adds a paragraph to address the South Dean Street Parking Garage um and it it provides that um that to be in the parking garage you need to be there for a legitimate purpose which means parking your car or using the garage to visit some of the businesses associated with it um it's it's akin to you'll see some of our parks in most towns for example that closed after dusk or things like that so it's something like that just to um you know we've had some instances of vandalism and things in the park and garage uh in the past year so it's to to help uh address that and it also specifically talks about the police department will be monitoring the Dean Street Parking Garage on a reg reg basis Cu uh the city has incurred funds and has had issues paying for damage U to due to vandalism there so that's essentially it thank you so just really short we just want to make the garage more user friendly and people feel safe in the garage we have a garage that people don't feel safe right now so we're taking steps and measures to do that and cleaning the garage up as well so that's what we're doing thank you council president um in the spirit of being transparent I was I wanted this to be fine-tuned in regards to the amount of latitude that our police officers were able to exhibit upon our our res Ence and in further observation I noticed that we do not just have problems in the parking garage that I've gotten numerous calls in regards to businesses where Laing have been ongoing and so as we vote this in and we set new history for noons policies I look forward to looking back to the disorderly conduct and I serve this as a notice for those that may be listening that are being disorderly um we won't tolerate disorderly conduct and in front of anyone's home in front of anyone's place of business it has no place for it in Inglewood so this disorderly thing is not done if I had my way we'd give the police a little bit more teeth now that I know that there's a nuisance here in uh in our Fair city thank you counc thank you any more comments we need a motion a second we have we just need a roll call okay wait roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes the public hearing will also take place on April 16th for this ordinance thank you next we have ordinance 244 would the city clerk please read that council president before that can I just there's a couple minor changes I wanted to lay out for everybody um so so the draft that was circulated based on the comments we had received at the prior meetings there's one change we'd like to make and that is just to clarify and subpart a that the appointments are made by the council which would make it consistent with the rest of the ordinance and the existing ordinance and also subparts uh d 2 three and four they say that the council can consider in terms of membership on the committee uh the police chief president of the school board and superintendent of schools among many others we would just like to add uh or H or his or her designate that way you know the chief the superintendent the president you know can uh designate someone to do that you so if there's want to read it by title and then a motion and second to introduce okay so this is ordinance number 24-4 an ordinance amending chapter 8 Article 5 entitled Municipal Alliance committee so moved I'll second any questions roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes and the public hearing on this ordinance will also take place on April 16th thank you next we have ordinance 245 will the city clerk please read that this is Bond ordinance appropriating 19,943 and authorizing the issuance of 11 mil 735,000 do you want to do a motion in second first okay you know what hold on we'll do a motion in a second then we'll wait till he comes back we need a motion in a second I make a motion I second okay Mr cman you can start so this is our yearly ordinance that we introduce every year it includes all the capital projects that we plan on doing this year so the total comes out to 19 m948 76 but of that 2 million 2.9 Million is from the arpa grants that we received a couple of years ago and 4.6 million is from other grants that we received so really the Baseline that we're spending is 12,322 204 from that we use 5% down payment from our operating fund which is in our budget and that leaves a balance of $1.7 million there's a lot of roads for example Armory Street and benett Road can can we Mr cauan can we get this can we get breakdown with the numbers but can we also get where these projects are or potential projects are can we get that and post that on the website uh council president yes the answer is yes we we can uh we we have our our Master list and we can post um we can post that on there and we can also our residents will be able to see where some of our projected projects are for the for the future years um so but I think for this year for 24 if we can get that out there and get that posted for them to see where it's at and see how the money is being spent and how we pay the 5% down and all that just kind of break that down I think that would be a good start for us sure um yeah so yeah absolutely and one one of the things that um uh is is also in there is that Congressman gimer was able to se secure the the grant for $1,440 th000 and um the governing body will notice that uh that that uh project is in our capital budget and also the city is required to put 20% um is to participate with a 20% uh payment so that is also in our our 2024 capital budget we have been told that the funds will be available um sometime in September or October of this year so that um the project can move forward uh starting in the last quarter of the year and we intend to do that I I I think um Mr hofman what what what what would be good to say this was for storm water yes that so we'll be focusing on storm water issues that's what that Grant is for a absolutely so um you you are quite correct there are five there are five different um aspects of the Grant and um but they all they all pertain to storm water and they all they all pertain to um making sure that we protect um life and property and that we stabil we stabilize Banks um so is is this still Council Wilson yes yes yeah 24 244 244 yes are you guys done yeah we get a roll call if you got something else to say yeah I I I just just want to point out a just just a few things if I may right May council president sure thank you um I I can't I can't tell you guys how how badly we need some of this stuff and I I just want to have some clarity um on some of the things you have the Dwight place the Bergen ingood Avenue Florence Street you have well documented uh projects that as people of engood know that we need a but there's also some things in here that is a little confusing as we move forward on page five and it says the upgrade of an indoor pool are we still talking about the same thing no I don't think so so we're not on um coordinates 24 4-05 are we still talking about that or we voted on that when I thought we were having discussion but no maybe I missed it no there's there's been nothing that's been there's been nothing that's been voted on it this is this this is partially this is partially Grant funded to do um to do studies to for the for the piping so that we can replace the piping at McKay park at at the pool um excuse me it's sorry it's for a total of just to break down it's $20,000 I I I just want to be clear so I'm not missing anything or misleading um anyone we're still to in discussion or questions about ordinance 24 number 24-5 right and if we go into the details as our city manager says uh the devil is in the details um there's some details that you know when you go indoor pool it appears that it may be misleading to those that know we don't have an indoor pool and we go back into uh the Green Acres and how we ascertain about putting in something in a grant or a bond in regards to a indoor pool yeah uh that's not in existence as of yet yes you know um we're going to look into that because I think that that might be a typo because we were we were looking to do work on our rink the ice rink so that's what we have that's indoors so we just we'll clarify that with the bond Council I I would appreciate that and if we go to page six um I would like to see clarification for the DPW and I want to know does that 2, 57,000 206 does that does that include um the workings of a transfer station which is that par is that paragraph G or uh H H I think it's I think it's F and maybe it it it's a little conduted so I I just want a little um Clarity from my my part uh and and and I know that we have the talk we have talked about um transfer station is far as saving money for the city um and and I just want to make sure that in this process we capture that yeah well the the goal the goal is to reopen a transfer station at the DPW Yard and that's that is that is going to require an investment from our capital budget so okay and one last thing if if you'll indulge me council president sure go ahead uh we're doing we can go to to to number G now I mean to letter G forgive me um and we talk about streets and it this nicobar road and for those of you who are familiar there are people that have been struck uh in front of or by D white high school um and that's a safe corridor uh for uh our students that Mr HR had worked so diligently on helping provide for us and so I think as we look forward to this thing that maybe we can look into a futuristic safety habit or safety net for our children during these dangerous crosswalks and I don't see anything in this Bond and this Bond's going to take us in a couple years into the future and I would just like an opportunity for us to look at some signage whether it's blinking um lighting speed bumps uh because one of the most important things here uh for the future are the elderly and our youth you know the guys in the in the middle we can probably monagle our way through but it's very important for elderly and our youth to keep safe and if we're talking about bonds I surely would like to keep our youth in um in that conversation and and and I didn't see that in G or H or I um and so I would like for us to really get some clarification on that so thank you C council president for indulging me sure um council president if I may in in some of our previous Capital ordinances there there were funds available for some of what you outlined so we just need to go back and take a look and see um and what progress we've made and and how much of those funds are still available I would I would like to see that thank you very much sure I think one of the things we need to talk about here too also is about the community block ramps that we get and we have monies for them right now curb cutouts and things of that nature we also have money that we have gotten to finish from Forest Avenue to tan Avenue but we can't do it because of that construction site which which which is going on there so we do have that that's where the ADA Compliant uh curbs are are being put in so we do have money for that uh so that's just a matter of I believe with Mr VY getting it on the schedule but we go out for that every year as well so that's one of the things we have to council Wilson we have to tie back to this as well what are we getting in that that Grant there that we go over the hackin sack to get so I I think that that's what we do so Mr Hoffman I think what would help us is what projects we're doing what streets we're doing through those grants I could tell I can tell you now if you want indulg uh Armory Street Bennett Road Franklin Road Garden Street and Third Street Lafayette to Fourth and then council president we also have federal funds for ada8 curb cuts that we've we've been we've been using and there's a res there are two resolutions on the agenda tonight on the consent agenda I believe where um the Community Development block rant program has allowed us to move uh funding that had been earmarked for uh curb Cuts so that we could pave roads and um there's uh we we have we have those we have those resolutions to transfer the funds yeah third third third and fourth is uh was one of them that was originally supposed to be ada8 curb Cuts but we have the Federal grant so and then also Humphrey and tibs is the other one so we're um we're grateful to the the Community Development block grant uh program for allowing us to transfer the the funds uh but also this is an Apollo 13 moment council president because um we have committed to getting these These Roads completed by the middle of April so as uh one one of them is scheduled to be done next week um so they're um they we have to we have committed to doing those roads so that um the the funds do not have to be returned to Washington DC we we said we could do it and we will thank you uh thank you city manager uh we appreciate that and and just so that the public knows that we're going to give you guys notice how far in advance before we come into your neighborhood and do the roads uh well for these it's going to be a short notice because we um we're the the engineer is going to be having uh having the the preconstruction meeting on one of them and then that afternoon there the notices are supposed to be delivered that afternoon before they start work the afternoon of the preconstruction meeting so we're going to have I'm not sure which date the pre-construction meeting is but then they're going to be leaving and going to deliver the notices and then it's going to start it'll start a few days after that so I guess that's is was that your question 72 hours you know what I'm not sure I don't want to mislead you um but it's just we have a we have a deadline of sometime in April okay I I understand deadlines and I I appreciate that but I just want to give our our residents a fair chance to prepare prior prior to thank you m m Mr Hoffman I think you might have missed something also with projects being finished in April I believe Mr VY mentioned that the Hudson Avenue Bridge will be finished in April as well since he's not here to speak we'll speak for him okay uh yes council president thank you for reminding me he he did mention that um so they're uh they're they're they're looking at that there's going to be some inspections that are coming up um I I believe we're on target for the for the middle of April and um you know the uh all all of our residents as well as the city engineer and the engineering inspectors are are looking forward to the successful completion of that so that we can move on to other projects and um you know allow allow our residents to be able to not not go through several detours thank you hold on before we vote we have to strike indoor yeah on the top of page five top of page strike so it should just say pool we don't that that's a mistake okay so that's on the record we're striking indoor on page five at the top of page five first sentence roll call councilman Rosen s yes Council wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes and the public hearing on this ordinance will also take place on April 16th next okay this is where it get St next we'll have public comment on agenda items [Music] 069 117 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 and 133 hold on we we we have a we have a change one second yeah if council president if I can explain please explain and yansy if I'm misstating something please straighten me out um the 126 on the agenda resolution accepting uh uh funding from the Department of Law and Public Safety regarding the fire department uh I believe the clerk spoke with the fire chief and that's not uh needed at this time and uh I would suggest a motion to remove that from the agenda not even table it because we don't even need it for a future thing at this point um however the resolution it was previously marked 128 authorizing a grant agreement for the funding of the second and fourth street road Improvement projects just to keep the sequence correct so there's not a gap if we could just substitute this resolution for 126 just so there's not a gap in the numbering so we we want to remove the resolution reporting the fire department hazardous uh materials emergency preparedness program and substitute the resolution authoriz to Grant the agreement for the funding of the second and fourth street road Improvement projects okay we need a motion in a second to remove it I make a motion that we remove that I'll second it was it to remove or to swap out to remove she said to remove okay um my seat okay um my seat councilman Rosen 126 yes but they don't need it councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes so now we got we got the right flow so the new 126 will be the grant agreement for the funding of second and fourth street road Improvement projects right so now we're going to go 069 117 122 123 124 126 no we're keeping 125 125 stays 125 stays 126 for the second or Fourth Street improvements and then the rest third and 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 does anybody want to pull any of these items council president thank you for asking I don't know if we need to pull 069 but I surely would like to have a a discussion Ang she and a discussion on 133 for clarity 133 069 and 13 3 please so what want do they just want to talk about you yeah if you think you may still vote for we can talk about it first right yeah if you just right that's why I suggested not to pull to have discussion let's have a discussion yes please we have a disaster on 069 yes sir do I have the floor you have the floor oh okay thank you council president um as we know um we have some garage issues and I think it's imperative not just for the council but for the city and for the store and our community to have proper um parking for the garage and we've made minimal improvements and we've we've installed cameras again and my concern is that talking about this some of the some of the exits don't have the cameras um and I would just like to see if in fact that we're moving forward with anyone giving us an estimate to do things that we're protecting those people that not only structurally but physically if we're upgrading our system I would just like it to be complet complete and I think it's important that if there's someone from in town out of town using our our facilities that the onus is on us if we decide to protect and I think we have no choice but to protect so I would like to see um even though this isn't part of that as we move forward in the garage discussion that once again that we have oversight on the things that we've already paid for and the bills and cl claims that could be a smidgen better um and the placements of the camera is is important you know if in fact that those moments come and we need to go to the camera uh I don't want us to have blind spots agreed so you you want to also talk about 133 as well yes um I I believe that this is a very important um organization what's that that helps the downtown area that is a significant contribution um and we had uh presentations over the past couple meetings in regards to the responsibilities and how we move forward in the 125th anniversary and my concern is that I've got information in regards to um the cleanliness if you will and as as we move forward and we're holding people responsible I would just like we that we get what we need from to attract as many people in our downtown area as possible um I don't welcome calls in regards to uncleanliness in our area and so I would just like to see us just tighten up if if if we will um in that particular area um if in fact that this has anything to do with the downtown I I will tell you that there was a gentleman cleaning the poles today downtown I arest my case he was cleaning the poles today I I saw saw him taking paper off the poles and wiping the PO shining the poles up so I did see somebody doing that today I have a council councilwoman um okay I received numerous calls from palate Avenue store owners who had cheers out I mean I don't know if you guys believe in global warming but um they received summonses in the past week um because they could not put chairs and tables out and global warming you know what whatever let me ask is I'm talking about I'm talking about on the agenda Sid okay took it to the Sid so I'm bringing this back that if Sid was involved and they did their survey am I off record here hello yeah cuz this is talking about the appointment of the trustee for that's why I'm saying no I want to give a reason why I'm saying no I can't say it or should I just be quiet you tell me I'm talking about Sid I have concerns yeah but what what I'm saying to the Sid really has nothing to do with the uh some of the stuff it's some city code has to no it's not a city code but still if they get surveys and and they're part of Sid then the businesses are also part of Sid so if they talked to the businesses they would ask their concerns right and see what their needs are I'm just asking um you said they were cleaning the poles today but I went to Starbucks and they had like missing people on the polls and you know like signage and everything I'm just you know you know what I'm going to vote no on it so I'll be quiet go ahead I'm done do we have a motion on the second yet on the resolutions where are we not yet you still have to open it to the public for comment on consent agenda we don't we don't have that yet we any issues that anybody thank you and can I just clarify and um Mr Bailey you can tell me if I'm wrong is resolution 133 not for an appointment M of a trustee we're not making a uh we're not talking about the Sid budget or SID performance but we're we're talking about appointment a specific just appointment a specific trustee whose name was provided to us am I wrong in thinking that's what the resolution yeah that's correct about resolution corre thank you I just I just got a little confused thank you so we're going to open up the public hearing any items on the consent agenda you may speak to you giv your name and your address please sir and you have three minutes okay I think the mic is off can somebody help him he's coming he's coming thank you sonenberg 120 ugona first of all I'd like to thank the council for the opportunity to speak secondly I'd like to thank councilman Wilson for his attention to detail um as uh a resident uh and I know you guys went through this fairly uh U um comprehensively but I note two items on page one of the budget uh two big items for workers comp and I was hoping uh that the city manager and the city CFO would be around because they did help me before Mr Excuse me this is only on this consent agenda items all right so I'm at a I'm at of place yeah you come back for the public session and then you can have at it you can have that's okay that's okay only on the consent agenda is it your question going to be on the consent agenda I have no idea if it's on these items here that's the consent agenda good evening no no you see these items here if it's something here or then we can get to the public session then you can ask anything at that time all right okay we'll we'll be there in two SEC we'll be there really quick if we don't have we don't have any if we don't have any questions we'll we'll close the public session of the consent agenda and then we'll vote on that we'll need a motion in a second I Council I don't want to speak for councilwoman David but I think she wanted to vote separately on 133 I said no won't let me speak so I said no so it's it would be by unanimous consent for resolution 69 117 122 through 132 yep 13 who wants to pull 133 no 133 I said no she said no all right I'll make a motion no you you're voting against it or no wasn't pulling it I said pull it but they don't want to pull it I just said no not so if you're not voting on it you have to pull it here I'll make a motion that we pull uh 133 thank you oh okay so could I make a motion that we vote on the consent agenda everything except for 133 there you go I made a motion thank you second roll call councilman Rose swag yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob this is to approve these I'll make a motion that we uh pass resolution 133 I'll second it second yes so now we're V roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David no councilman Wilson yes councilor president cob yes congratulations Mr tronic and thank you for your service okay next we have resolution 13431 924 and you read that please sure this is a resolution appointing the director of the Department of Public Works um would you like to say for the record this is uh effective April 1st y Mr Romney is present if anyone introduce so we need a a motion in a second I'll make a motion a second any questions roll call councilman Rosen definitely yes councilwoman wski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president K yes congratulations Mr [Applause] Romy next we have resolution 13531 924 resolution celebrating the city's 25th anniversary we need a motion in a second I make a motion I'll second any questions we'll do roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David councilwoman David she said yes oh I'm sorry I couldn't hear she said yes thank you councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we'll have communications from the governing body um mayor WS you're up thank you council president good evening ladies and gentlemen uh pleasure uh to be here this evening and congratulations Mr Romney we all unanimously have wonderful um trust in your eye in keeping our city as excellent as that e in Anglewood is so thank you uh for your past service and we wish you godp speed and your leadership role uh ladies and gentlemen angelwood is 125 years old when I was sworn here a few years ago by the governor he looked right at the date he noticed it was St Patrick's Day as a good Irish Governor Uh Wood and reminded us that we were going to have a special birthday and we had that birthday this past uh Sunday uh while I was out of state visiting family and unable to attend I wanted to thank everyone who came to celebrate the occasion as well as everyone who's partaking in our a great City a special place to live to work uh and uh to enjoy your citizenship I believe we will have a host of events throughout the year memorializing our wonderful City all of its corridors it's intergenerational its Interfaith all the very special experiences that we have the most and the least of which is the central business district thank you for joining us this evening as well a moment of silence if you don't mind ladies and gentlemen briefly for Elizabeth Feliciano Rosa Miss Rosa was a first grade teacher at the Greco school who tragically lost her life in an accident last week she was well loved by students and fellow teachers and will be sorely missed I spoke with Dr Hazelton our superintendent uh and she assured me that she spoke with the staff the children here the staff are having an even harder time actually than the children I read a newspaper article where they're using the Lion King and they're trying to draw the children uh into that resilience uh that they so need um The Faculty at the greo school are going to be working hard with their care and this delicate subject grief counsels are available for the staff members again our hearts go out for Elizabeth's family and all that knew her I reached out to her husband a few hours ago congratulations to Joe sanelli our own C um and he is due a special congratulations on his 35th Anniversary he is our current OEM coordinator fire captain who has now served for 35 years um he has been lending a steady hand through fires and floods a global pandemic and every other crisis her city has faced since 1989 we're extremely lucky to have him and I hope that every Anglewood resident will thank Captain sanelli for his service uh to our city on law enforcement there is an exam uh open the New Jersey civil service commission is now accepting applications for entry-level law enforcement exam those interested can apply as well as access to training and preparation materials for the New Jersey civil service commission website applications are due by April 1 and the test will be administered this summer on flood mitigation we had a wonderful press conference uh last week with our own uh Congressman it's a major issue uh for our city in recent years with extreme weather events I'm happy to say that we already have made an impact not only through proactive planning but we know more that has to be done and fortunately with further help on the way angood will be set to receive $1.4 million in federal funding that Mr hman spoke of earlier this evening from the EPA to further improve our storm water management protect residents from flooding and keep containments out of our natural waterways thank you to our Congressman Josh gimer for spearheading this effort angood as well as our surrounding communities there is a summer internship program um open through March 28th in the north New Jersey Chamber of Commerce uh this is a fantastic program I'm proud to have my own Law Firm participate in it again our youth experience in real world environments learning leadership workshops and getting a stip in the $2,000 hwood residents in their junior senior year who are at least 16 years of age uh by June 30 are eligible to apply application are available online uh just a pot of quick Snippets kudos to Senator Johnson for stamping up and standing out against uh s50 on affordable housing uh there will be a book signing uh Thursday March 21 at First Commerce Bank where I will be introducing a local author by the name of Thalia Al alexio if you'd like to join us feel free the information is online again our health department will be doing cancer and diabetes alert screenings on March 26 at City Hall congratulations to Alita frel uh for her Honor by the National Association of negro business uh and professional women in the tck Inwood vicinity it was their special founders day uh Ramadan Mubarak we had a meaningful Crescent lighting and we introduced ourselves uh to um the Muslim Community in our city and its environs and we appreciate again uh what they're observing and we urge everyone to have a measure of patience in dealing knowing that people are not eating all day only at nighttime and we hope that their prayers will be answered for all our residents we had a special read Across America we in introduced and we heard the grand K ballet uh in bergenpac and I would just urge everybody to tune in uh to my coffee with the mayor which is turning on four years old I only missed like three Fridays in the last four years where you can hear about all the upcoming ribbon cutting events and all the uh drama and the uh wonderful uh experiences that the city of angood pends on a weekly basis it can be found on the angood uh Facebook uh page uh my best to everybody as we uh turn turn The Clock uh in good health thank you next councilman roses way thank you good evening everyone and also so I also send my condolences to the family of Elizabeth Felician Rosa um and to the public school district and especially her students on this terrible tragedy uh congratulations to edroy Jenkins on his retirement he'll be sorely Miss and congratulations to Mr Romney you have big shoes to fill and I'm confident you'll you'll do it well I thank uh thank you for um to the Muslim Community for including me in the Ramadan Crescent lighting the other day a happy St Patrick's Day to everyone who celebrated and a happy purum uh next week for everyone who celebrates uh again congratulations to freder felle was a lovely ceremony uh the other week uh the mayor mentioned uh Captain sanelli um it's also very impressive to know that in his uh spare time um he is the head of the ail's team from New Jersey and he spent Sunday and his wife Ruth helping a disabled athet thetes complete the New York City Half Marathon so he's a tremendous inspiration for all of us and a happy 125th anniversary to uh Englewood and a thank you to Katherine Melendez for Sunday's event unfortunately I couldn't make it and and actually the first I heard of it was a few days before the event um and um I know mayor Wilds wasn't able to be there and from what I understand none of our former mayors were there um not sure why this wasn't planned in advaned we've had about 25 to 30 hours of Council meetings this year and this was never mentioned it's all right if you want to do you know figure out you want to do something at the end but we had time to have a an add-on council meeting to discuss this or even just someone pick up the phone and say uh what's this about um don't want to make a too big of a deal of it it wasn't a very expensive event didn't cost the city a lot uh but if we can't do the little things right uh how is anyone going to trust us uh with the big things uh thank you and good evening next councilwoman wasowski thank you good evening everybody um I want to congratulate Anglewood on 125 years I want to congratulate edroy Jenkins on his retirement congratulations Ray Romney I'm excited to work together I want to also extend my condolences to the family of Elizabeth Feliciano Rose a few weeks ago I stopped by the ice sking rink at the John T R Arena during the hockey in New Jersey program hockey in New Jersey is a nonprofit that Services communities with socioeconomically disadvantage and undeserved youth and offers participants the opportunity to learn and play ice hockey at no cost hockey in New Jersey works with the New Jersey Devils the National Hockey League's hockey for everyone initiative and Anglewood is a beneficiary of this incredible program when I was president of a nonprofit the friends of the John Arena working with our board at the time especially Ralph abases who was an ice hockey coach and who brought hockey in New Jersey to the table working with Ken Katz our ice rink manager and the then city manager Tim Daisy and with the help of Administrators from the Anglewood Public Schools we brought this program into our city and I went to check on its progress I am happy to announce that the program remains a huge success this year 113 Anglewood residents participated in this program while other programs hockey programs charge upwards of $5,000 a season all residents receive free equipment free coaching and free ice time the one 113 Anglewood kids that participate come from throughout our city representing the diversity of Anglewood now the public skate sessions at the rink on Saturday and Sunday afternoons are very popular there are also figure skating lessons on the weekend and now there's an angle Woods on Ice let Skate Program on Monday and Friday afternoons Anglewood residents get a significant discount on all these activities and no angle W resident has ever been turned away for inability to pay another benefit of having the ice skating rink in our city Anglewood schools are able to plan ice skating trips with their students at no cost an eighth grade educator at Janice dismus Middle School wrote The Following to the rink manager the laughter and smiles I saw will never leave me you and your staff quickly got everyone on skates and on the ice we were all grateful for the staff that joined my students on the ice as well some of my students have never ice skated before and for them this was a unique experience when it was time to leave I had students begging to stay even if it meant losing their balance and slipping you provided us with a free experience that I know will last him a lifetime this is not our first time working with you and I sincerely hope it will not be our last despite all the special benefits that Anglewood residents receive from the ice skating rink it generates significant revenue for our recreation department and our city as we discussed during the budget hearings I am grateful to Ken Katz and his staff for their professionalism and hard work the ice rink at the jont arena has become and remains a valuable Community Asset servicing our Anglewood Community since we are sitting in the council chambers now I want to address the decorum at Council meetings there is no place in our city or in these council chambers for hate speech of any kind I stand againsta right I'll wait let's let's let let's let's uh yeah I stand against Jew hate racism and all forms of bigotry what about islamophobia do you stand against that oh here we go do you stand against the Palestinian genocide oh wait I said this last year at a council meeting as president protemp speaking for the council and I will stay say it again this year speaking this time for myself and I will will repeat it every year that I am on the council if need be since the new year and especially in the last few weeks the number of residents and city employees who have approached me to discuss the hate in this city has grown tremendously many were especially disturbed by the Anglewood council meeting earlier this month although we may only have a couple of dozen residents attending our meetings in person the meetings are viewed on YouTube over 200 times parts of the meetings are shared and concerned residents talk to their friends relatives and neighbors one long-term employee with extensive Anglewood Roots said last week it's so hard to wake up in the morning and work in a city where hate is tolerated another long I'll wait I'll wait what listen another long time employee said there has always been Discord but I've never seen Jew hate at the Anglewood Council meetings like I see now and another expressed discomfort of listening to meetings filled with waves of Jewish hate residents verbalized that these attacks against the Jewish council members were ultimately against all Jews in in the Anglewood Community residents were shocked by The Silence of the council leadership in the face of the profanity leveled at Jewish members of the council at the March 5th meeting the league of municipality had the league of municipalities has guidelines about meeting deorum with tips on how to control meetings councilman rosesw appropriately asked for a break after profanity was shouted at him and it was denied a council meeting is our work meeting there are appropriate times for public input interruptions throughout the meeting should not be tolerated imagine it was the city manager who ultimately stood up and called for a stop to the profanity being shouted in the middle of our work meeting and I would say Thank you Mr Hoffman you'll see it on tape this Rick let let see what she's gonna say everybody will have a CH hold on let me just say this everybody will have an opportunity to speak so just let let her say what she's going to say let her have her floor let her have the floor I don't like to hear no but let her have the floor she's going to say what she's going to say let her have the floor that she's entitled to that she's entitled to that but it listen everybody has a chance to to talk everybody has a chance to talk and if we're not going to do that we'll end the meeting but everybody's going to have you're going to have a chance to talk but she it's her turn right now she has an opinion let her let her let her talk the city clerk posted the YouTube video on the internet and had to issue a warning due to strong language we we as Jewish members of the council are honored to have been elected to have earned the trust of our diverse constituents and will continue to represent everyone regardless of race religion color and ethnicity and we have the right to sit up at the deis without be without being subjected to heckling jeers profanity and Jew hate full stop Angela okay hi um I was out for a couple of meetings cuz I was sick um but I have an update from the superintendent of our schools um I'm Thea on and I'm a former board member who was elected for three terms um Dr Hazelton sent me an email um on March 5th she had the right to read at mlau elementary school March 11th she had professional development Greco um they had like an algebra project on March 12th March 13th they had uh Barn Hill preserve um assembly and coming up I'm just going to skip all of this coming up now um she's right now she's going to Washington DC with 100 superintendent on March on the hill in Washington DC and also on Thursday March 21st and Friday March 22nd there's free admission at D marrow High School for the Dizzy glesby Auditorium for a spring Musical on that note um and also they're participating in like some type of like girl policy leadership um I can I'll give it to um Mr Hoffman to post as well um March 26 they have woman History Month celebrating female champion athletes you know the Girl Scout soccer event extraordinary women on March 27th I will be participating in that um April 1st is Spring Break um on another note now I was sworn in the first of um first week of January okay and I put my boots to the ground I'm third W councilwoman and I ran off the line against the Democratic line okay there's a lot of things that's happening with the Democratic party right now but I would like to you to know that I had an event on January the 10th after only being week sworn in at the actus fund for Pleasant Avenue they said they were called unpleasant Avenue I don't know who who in here who live on Pleasant right now but we had like a a forum there at the actus fund and um now Pleasant Avenue is Pleasant again is no longer unpleasant because Jordan stroll who's the director of the actus fund what he did was put a fence back with the garbage disposal is because it was annoying and the garbage he did everything he can do he had like stops drops 8:00 timeline so he adhered to the policy he did everything he can do he even fired vendors he had everything done the right way and then my next meeting was open to the entire Third Ward on the 28th I invited those who I can reach on the 28th um it was great we had about 60 residents and they I heard them all and I'm like wow they all came out we had dinner at the actus we talked they signed up I have all their emails and um I heard their concerns and then I met with um our Deputy city manager Mr burner back there uh we met on the 11th of this month he's sitting all the way in the back our Deputy um city manager and it was great because I kind of like he didn't even know I was going to have all the um people here from Howell Glen Road and they're like oh my God so I called them out I called like four people it want it being like 20 people they all came out he walked the field I put on my boots cuz I had on like red bottoms or whatever and so I put on some plastic boots because it was like wet it was muddy and um they loved him so what I'm asking right now Mr bur could you please come up and give them what happened if you don't mind to the mic what happened with our Tour on um Howell and glim Brook Associates please this is our Deputy City Manager for those you who you never met him so goad thank you thank you councilwoman David I appreciate it thank you council president for affording me the opportunity to come uh and uh give a little brief brief report about uh our event uh last week um yeah it was uh it was good yeah we didn't expect uh quite the turnout but we did we got yeah we about 20 to 25 uh residents came out to take a look at uh uh some of the ideas that we have generated around with regard to making some improvements at uh Herring field and Glen Brook Park uh it was uh it was really um very very well attended um we took a walk around uh we discussed each aspect each component we reviewed uh what the considerations were for the ball fields with regard to replacing uh old and uh decaying fencing a project that we kind of started already um so if you look around I just want to thank uh our new DPW director uh Mr Romney because he's really hit the ground running already and if you uh are now at look at Harring field you'll start to see some of the some of the ideas already in play and already in in progress and you know one of those was we um we took a piece of equipment that was purchased in 2016 it had never been used um and we're using that now to air rate the fields and we're going to be doing that all not just in Harring Park but all over the city in our Parks so uh that we can air rate so that the Grass Grows better it's a it's a a preparation step for revitalizing some of the uh some of the playing surfaces that we have because uh a lot of them particularly Herring field is a lot of mud and uh you know we had the problem with Geese it's you know crab grass uh so we're we're working on on making some improvements at uh at all the parks that are really consistent with the Strategic plan uh for our Parks plan that project that is being uh worked on in conjunction with Ruckers University but some of the things that you might see you you wouldn't see uh that we've done is we flushed out the subsurface drains the under drains from the field so we made sure that uh that the drainage system is working on uh on Herring field so that it will uh after a heavy rainstorm it will uh flow into into those subsurface drains uh and the field would dry a lot uh a lot sooner and uh be playable a lot quicker so that was you know that's you know something again it's not something that anybody sees but it's something that's already been done so these These are improvements these are things actually that have never to anyone's knowledge that I spoke to uh have been done so uh you know that was that was really interesting we removed the old uh battered back stop on the Southeast Corner field um we're making some repairs on the larger softball field if we look at the um uh the fence lines uh along the South uh that fence has been replaced the old dead decaying uh trees the the dangerous poison ivy that was choking out a lot of the material was uh was removed um the residents really liked the the new fencing we're now working on uh on a planting plan uh Raymond was out with Raymond today we were actually taking a look at that the whole length and creating a planting bed to replace trees and uh shrubs and some ornamental shrubs as well so to beautify that area I think that's going to really work out really really well and that's that's in process um what we did uh also is uh we we assessed the Fieldhouse and the Fieldhouse roof needed some uh some minor work that has already been done so we're working on uh on power washing the outside of the building uh cleaning up the gutters um cleaning the walkways and uh maybe uh looking at replacing some of the walkways there are some trip hazards we're working on the inside of the Fieldhouse as well uh to clean and reorganize that and potentially repurpose that for uh for a meeting space whether it be for uh some of the the the youth programs or Recreation events or Recreation even the recreation advisory committee or sometimes committees are looking for a a meeting space that actually is uh is is quite a good one that we like to repurpose some of that uh some of that building with um we look uh we looked at uh you know in the Fieldhouse uh cleaning and painting the bathrooms there is some tiles that are missing these are all aesthetic items that can be done really easily with our own our own labor staff this is you know without having to contract out we're trying to do as much as we possibly can inhouse and uh our new DPW director has really embraced that uh that philosophy he's uh uh constantly uh you know reiterating the Mantra of we got to do more with what we have and uh you know I really appreciate that and I I'm sure the council and the residents will appreciate that as well these are these are significant cost saving measures that uh we've already uh entertained um scheduled to be done or what we'll be doing is drawing up some bid specs to uh improve those ball field amenities and by that I mean these these are also important safety structures so having player seating which dugouts right they're really not the oldfashioned dugouts where they're in the ground uh they're we're going to be fenced in dugouts and fenced in on Deck areas because as it is now and kids are playing games uh there's no control of Spectators and players mixing and it's never a good idea I mean you could have a little little brother or sister running up to their uh their older sibling who was in the you know getting deck getting ready to swing a bat and it it can be a little it can be dangerous so we were trying to shore up uh some safety concerns um that residents had and and some of the the organizations had with regard to um uh the the fields themselves so we'll be uh installing looking to install those U writing up some bid specs to get that done and also replacing the two back stops uh the one field in the um I guess that is the southwest corner uh that one was taken out by a car last year and uh that's going to be replaced and that field will be converted into a larger field which will accommodate the intermediate level kids so like the I think 11 11 and 12 year olds um it's a different size field than a Little League field it's in between the Little League field and the major league uh proportion fields that we have uh at Harring Park we have uh already noticed you'll see they've done some uh uh uh power washing and painting on the wall behind home plate in that area has really tidied that up really kind of nicely these are the nice easy things uh that we've done what garbage garbage cans being replaced I mean these are again simple simple fixes that make the park much more attractive and uh much more pleasant to go and visit and and uh and play in um and you know it's great we see already seeing kids out there getting ready to start practicing they've throwing a ball around um and uh and it's it is nice to see uh we also took a little walk over to Glenbrook Park and we assessed some of the needs at Glenbrook Park I'm just a reminder Glenbrook Park I was reminded that uh you know one of the things they were looking for was improved lighting one of the items we looked at In Herring Park was uh the lighting the perimeter lighting uh so you you'll go there and you'll notice there are like box lights all over spotlights that are attached to to poles I did speak with uh with psng today and actually with Raymond today so we're taking an inventory of what those poles are some residents were complaining of light bleed uh coming from those from those lights coming going into their residences and you know uh out into the streets so we're going to we're going to assess those and work with psng to either uh replace them to a more modern type of a fixture or we're going to look at repositioning the lights so that they are uh they're focused where they should be and provide provide the security security and safety uh measures that they're intended to enhance uh in in that Park we what we would do is we would add uh baffles uh or a hood on the back on the top end of the lights and that kind of redirects and focuses the lighting uh onto the onto the areas they're intended to be done so that was just one of the other items that we we looked at we started to address already but the uh Glenbrook Park we we already removed uh broken and dangerous fencing around the children's playground and we'll be looking to replace that um while we were while we were at this site visit I actually watched a little kid try to jump over a broken fence and he tripped and you know uh that was a hazard uh an absolute nuisance Hazard that had to be removed uh and and it was uh so that was again hudos to Ray because he was he was on that uh I think within hours uh of the time that we uh we gave him the report um so again uh councilwoman David thank you for coming out and thank you for bringing as many residents as you did because it was it was really engaging because you got to hear directly from uh from our community what their goals and what their interests were and when I was there they gave me a a memo it was a three-page memo and in that memo when I got back to the office and read it it was every single thing that we talked about so so you know it was it was not hard to to assess because we were seeing the same exact things and uh so I think that you know the residents in the area are really excited about uh about the improvements that uh that we can make and I think uh you know the governing body um will see that once we fix what we have already that you know is you know is in a little bit of disrepair you'll see how uh how well we can continue moving forward uh as as as we move forward with the Str with the Strategic plan for our all of our Parks but it's a start and uh and so we've been starting and again uh you know thank you very much for the opportunity to to go out there and assess this with you and and with the residents and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address the governing body and the residents uh here in attendance thank thank you thank you so much and um that's why I ran for quality of life with third board and also want our DPW um new guide to stand up so they your face stand up okay all right thank you councilman Wilson thank you council president should have did this before excuse me first giving honor to God uh without him I wouldn't be here um and I I always treasure the opportunity to serve my community so thank you for giving me another opportunity to do so um I had the unique opportunity to attend a crescent lighting um it was unique for me it was different um and it expanded my Horizon and so I know that one ethnicity does not live in Inglewood and it takes a village several villages to create this beautiful Town what we call Inglewood um I usually don't do this but today I'm going to make an exception we've had some unique things said today some almost embarrassing things said today and some finger pointing um part of my charge of being here serving the community was to be as transparent as possible I do not look forward to emails I would not look forward to phone calls I welcome them I don't look forward to it but if in fact that you phone me or email me I have to respond it is my duty to serve my community to bring these points about so I say that about the Crescent lighting congratulations a happy late St Patty's Day we had a beautiful celebration this past last Sunday um the 125th anniversary and I think that was an opportunity that unfortunately some people weren't able to make um the the marking of 125 five years is not a mystery to anyone that it was on the 17th um and as forward thinkers we should know that we should celebrate as a community and so as we move forward forward in that vein of the 125th anniversary of Our Fair City I would like for us to think forward and continue with the idea of togetherness and what that means is that you look out for your neighbors you look out for the elderly you look out for the Youth because no one can get through this thing called Life by themselves we may have different religions and different ideas but we need to come together as a community there's an old saying of Each one teach one some of the things I didn't know from the Crescent lighting I learned some of the things I've learned from the Jewish community that I didn't know and I've learned and so I think part of our division comes from lack of knowledge and I would like to see us press forward together stop the animosity we can't get this done one side of the track the other side of the track we have to be able to work together to get things done and if in fact that you do have a misunderstanding I'm available I would venture to say that the other Council people are available as well so please reach out um let's help us make us whole again uh M Rosen my condolences um and your dedication and your teaching to the youth uh it's a tragedy of life going to soon DPW we celebrate the longevity of edroy Jenkins we applaud him through his endless hours of dedication and Mr Romney we congratulate you on your new appointment and I will share with you what I've shared with our CFO uh our engineer um we can be friendly but if there's something that I do not like or my constituents complain I'm going to be on you as well um because I think we have to be able to look forward to do better things um Mr bringler talked about the lighting and the fencing I would I would encourage him to come back when the project is a little bit more complete because I went out there and I saw trash car tracks why did we stop at the fence when the fence could have been in front of the um the back the the dugouts so there are many things and and we're talking about lighting I would like to if if you get to know me my thing is going green we have a perfect opportunity we cut down numerous Oodles of trees um and this is a great opportunity for us to try to go solar on those lights uh I had the unique opportunity I've done it for 10 years reading at um the lower level schools and if you get an opportunity I would suggest that you sign up what better way to come together when you give give back to the youth take a moment to read and you can have a choice of what you read of how you can teach help teach all young are young people um Mr sanelli congratulations for 35 years we appreciate what you do and you continue to do it God bless you um and speaking of the fire department you guys know that we sprung our clock up and for those who forget please don't forget to change your batteries and your smoke detectors um so be mindful the life you Sav may be your own um thank you Council president and thank you guys for coming out and we appreciate you don't continue please continue to uh contribute to our great city thank you thank you councilman Wilson um I came here with one thought tonight but now I got a few thoughts and because of some some of the comments that were being made I wasn't going to deal with this kind of um because there are things that are going on um but I I want to First address the Rosa family giving my condolences um I was in the school building with this lady last week reading Across America you never know 20 20 plus years we have an employeed Yan field who just lost his sister person of this community but I just thought tonight you know kind of wanted to look at some things differently but when people start pointing fingers can't do that not right not not going to tolerate it unacceptable I sat here last year same folks when everybody was jumping up and down and we had protesters outside and I sat out here they went inside and voted left me out here left me alone I didn't once complain but how far how how soon they forget but I'm not going to go at it like that respect for my mother cuz she lost her sister it I ain't looking for no sympathy but if we going if we going to do this thing right we going to do it right we we celebrated 125 years anniversary I got the receipts everybody got an invitation I got the receipts I'll post them since they think it was a big secret you don't want to attend that's your choice if this city is to move forward everybody has to move forward everybody made an investment is in the city for a reason this not going to work if if we're not going to work together if we're not going to respect each other but if you want to finger point all it does is continue to create problems not solve problems and what everybody needs to do is reflect and look at what they're doing to solve problems I didn't just get here my family didn't just get here so but when you point fingers look at what you've done think about it what what could you do better nobody in this room is perfect nobody and we're all accountable to something and somebody I we we we have a placed family I'd like to see that energy that we show here tonight for them we don't I'm really troubled by this tonight when the Sho was on the other foot nobody said nothing so think about that what what are your expectations of individuals and I I I I I want people to think about that what are your expectations of individuals you can't expect more from somebody than you're willing to give you just can't and the one thing everybody's got to reconcile we all live here in this same city if I was really really at it tonight I could say some of the rumors that folks on this day have said about me if I said what I was told people would be mortified but I'm not going to let you describe who I am cuz I know who I am I know who I am I don't have to understand who I am I I know who I am but I think that the people of Englewood deserve better when they look at this de and they look at the behavior up here that's not what they signed up for they put us up here to represent them to advocate for them so it ain't About Us it should be about we the people of Anglewood collectively but I really think we all need to do a a self assessment cuz if we don't this is not going to get better and that's the unfortunate part about it this one Community many neighborhoods and and I'll say it again people bought here for a reason so understand the reason why you bought here why you wanted to raise a family here why you wanted to live here this city will move and it will evolve it has shown you that over 125 years it's Incorporated but it's older than that it was founded 25 years before that or 40 years but if we're going to tell the facts let's tell them right let's tell them accurately up here is the leadership as I was told tonight well let's lead as individuals let's lead you have opportunity to lead every day and people are watching this and they're hearing it but you know two wrongs don't make a right people people have expectations and people have the right to be frustrated but it's how you handle that frustration and how you how you deal with other people how you interact with them is it about politics it's about more than that it's about a whole lot of things and people need to take time to understand people and people's struggles and how people live in every different Walk of Life I think it's it's it's it's unfortunate that we have to have this but the the key is nobody is saying how do we make it better and let's make it better you have to be committed to that and you have to be open to receiving that and if you're not it's not going to get better and I can tell you this I was born and raised here I'm a third generation person and I've never seen this before and we have an opportunity to fix it but it takes all of us to fix it I want to applaud josa Benelli for 35 years of being on the Fire to being on the fire department and his commitment to this city is something special I want to thank Senator Johnson for voting no on s50 the affordable housing because he knows the impact it will have to the city of Anglewood I was expecting a lot of people to come in here about that tonight because it's important the impact that it can have on the city of Anglewood that's important and they change the rules not not the council here the Senate change the rules they made they're making the rules and they're telling us how to play them so we have an obligation to comply and there'll be more on that we will be inviting some some profession in to help us to talk about this and what it means and what the impact means to the city of Anglewood councilman Wilson mentioned the Crescent lighting and they talked about relationships they talked about relationships but it's it's it's interesting then we come here and we have this come on man we could do so much better we could do so much better as a town so much better so much better Mr Romney seen you for a long time get ready and I'm sure you're ready for that congratulations the school had reading Across America which I participate in and I through that religiously every year and it's not about Optics it's about giving something back but they also had something called the algebra project come in teach young people how to do algebra two extraordinary people from Cambridge Massachusetts better known as Harvard to teach about learning how to do algebra because it's a proven study if you're going to do algebra by eth grade you will graduate high school and the potential is that you will graduate from college this is what Dr Hazelton has brought to us but and I want to thank Janet Sharma the age friendly presentation that you gave us it's very important that we take care of our aging population here in the city of Anglewood and that they know what the resources are that we have here but again as I said earlier tonight we don't have to have these kind of conversations and this disrespectful uh language and all this other stuff cuz at the end of the day they ain't no winners you say what you have to say and that's it that is it cuz guess what there ain't no winners in this right now I understand people are frustrated understand people are mad this ain't the place right here to have that discourse and if we have it here then I have to shut it down I have to shut it down regard and it's and I'm not saying who's right wrong or indifferent I will shut it down but I'm not going to have what we had on the day tonight again there's no place for that there's none and people don't have to agree with me but there's no there's there's there's there's no place for that if you want to take shots at other council members there's way to do that and there's there's there's even other ways pick up pick up the phone and call them I don't like what you're doing I don't like you you could tell them anything you want to tell them but if it's it's how you handle it how you deliver the message how you want to be perceived we have a town that's at its Crossroads socially politically economically and all these things we have an opportunity to Shepherd in the next 10 years from the master plan we have opportunities to work on climate change we have opportunities to work on the educational system we have opportunities to work on infrastructure we have opportunities to navigate and put this town on a track for success success for the future and leaving it in good hands but we can't do it if we're going to be distracted by other things but we have an opportunity we have an opportunity each and every day as humans to make a difference so we have to decide what we want that's up to all of us not some of us all of us everybody here plays a role regardless of what you think we might not agree with the roles but we play a role this is very important this is why I tell people to come to Council meetings and attend meetings we need to come here voice our opinions and then try to be the best we could be that's what I hope but I think we got off to a bad start tonight we got to correct this so we could have a better finish than the start that we have cuz accusing people doesn't solve anything it just keeps things going really unfortunate but I thank you all for for coming out tonight I I I appreciate that I appreciate the folks that are listening to this or viewing this and hopefully we won't have to go through this uh again excuse me mayor WS you want to talk okay I I just want to be able to to finish what everybody else's I'm finished I guess guess everybody else wants to talk okay that that's right hold on wa wait a minute one second you I promise you'll have the floor I I promise you that I promise you that close the the I'm going to clo I'm I'm going to open the public session thank you sir yes sir you may talk and do you want me to reint introduce myself yeah why don't you do that it's been a long I'm sorry you had to wait so long long I I I apologize for that I'll get to that in a second um Milton sonenberg 120 yugen uh so number one I'd like to thank all the council members for their thoughtful comments uh secondly uh I confess to being somewhat disappointed because a lot of us have stood here or sat here for a long time uh and neither the city manager nor the CFO uh are here to hear the public comments I think that's we'll we'll relay them to them trust me whatever you say get back I suspect you will okay yes I will um so I just want to call your attention to two line items in the budget uh that were of concern to me uh there on page one there are two uh uh large amounts uh for listed for workers comp are you looking at this document I'm looking at this this document uh it's listed as 23-0 3431 and 24618 in aggregate we're talking about $300,000 uh of uh expenses for I was told by the city by the CFO uh for claims for workers comp M that's a lot of money uh so my question to start off with is uh do we know over how many people that spread and the nature of the claims we don't know we could find out I think that's important and third third question is is this a discreet item or is this ongoing M Mr Bailey what would you say that is I'm sorry so which page was that on it's on page one page one the third from the bottom SEC third second and third from the bottom yeah he got to 20 you know 106 six and that that I believe is actually for lack of a better word the premiums that the city has to pay to the St diametrically opposite to what I was told uh by the CFO he told me it's for claims not for premiums so where you see sir what that means is self-insured retention that's a a joint Insurance Fund World term for saying premium I'm familiar with the term uh but the question is um is this is this money that's being paid out what what what what it's not it's clearly not premium if it's a self-insured return no it's paid to the Gordon State Municipal joint Insurance Fund that's our insurance carrier and against claims I'm sorry and against claims uh it's our premium just like you have your home owners you pay I think with all due respect you have to clarify that with with the CFO because that's not what he told me okay that's fair we will okay I I'll leave it at that for now okay yeah sure good okay good question Rick ingood I Know Thy rights in Tribulation and poverty but thou are rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but of the synagogue of Satan Lisa wasas Ken Rosen swag you people are probably the two biggest races that I know I remember many many years ago rii I'm I'm going to talk I'm not cursing I'm going to I got it and you're wasting my time no you can always get your time no no no then start my time back you can get I'm going to address her cuz she's addressing me no I'm going to address she was addressing me I have all of my information right here so restart the time I'm not having a debate RI she was addressing me okay here's one thing I know okay I know that when Lisa wasas was going to run and Michael Cohen was here your own Community threatened you not to run and I also remember when your community wrote an email and said you wanted to vacuum the air out of my room you wanted to kill me because you wanted to control the black community don't come up here and tell me about no Jew hate little Jewish kids don't have to worry about being killed by the police like Bernard okay little Jewish kids don't have to worry about what little black kids or Palestinian kids are worried about by your people right now in Gaza and right now in Palestine and you keep talking about diversity in Ramadan we just left Tac that's why I was running late within the holy month of Ramadan Tina had a meeting and kept us outside while these people are home fasting y'all don't care nothing about nobody in their religion you're a hypocrite you come into the fourth world like you own the place you don't know nothing you know that slavery was abolished here in New Jersey in 1866 okay and the 13th amendment was now ratified for another 50 years you can't tell me nothing about Jew hate black folks have suffered more than you would ever imagine and you would never be able to survive what black people have endured in this country country while people over in your country in Germany Europe Poland Spain never came to us Africa was still colonized by people that look like you Lisa they look like you Ken they look like you Mike they come from where your ancestors come from you're not from Tel Aviv Okay you're from Kon Rose you're from Germany you're from dorland what are you talking about all R and I'm not going to allow you guys to disenfranchise me or stop My First Amendment right to express nobody's cursing at nobody I have a First Amendment right to express myself and you got a lot of ner talk about Jew hate why you people over killing people for land and selling it out of your synagogue It Go with any Teck how dare you even raise your lip but because you're the daughter of the devil and Ken is the son of the devil this is what you Devils do and I'm going to continue to come here and say what I have to say whether you like it or not because from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free by any means necessary that's right go back to Europe good evening F good evening councel uh my name is Whitney fur I am a lifelong resident most of you know me uh congratulations to the city on 125 years anniversary but for 65 years I've been a part of Anglewood it hurts me people tell me which you need to get involved you need to come to Council meetings and then it breaks my heart because I love the city of Anglewood wholeheartedly I ride and dive with this city you know and War has a way of bringing everybody into something they have no part of it aect war and politics affects everybody you know sometimes it you know it should be politics should affects everybody good and and and it doesn't all the time but that being said my issues here are very very simple because I just love my city of Anglewood first of all I'd like to know is there a law or ordinance that stops people from making that U-turn on palate Avenue because on my way even down here tonight coming down Palisade Avenue I'm coming one way going east a car cut me off to go to a parking lot to a parking space on the very side of the other Street if you know what I'm trying to say and it's this is not I see it all the time so I'm I'm I'm very I'm very very concerned about that because as I said I've been here for 65 years and I have gotten a summon from doing the same thing years ago so I just want to know if there's some type of law ordinance that I understand they're working on something okay yeah my second question is is that um that area from Hudson Avenue going towards Anglewood Hospital past the cemetery going east um is that Dean Street that's Dean Street going from Hudson Avenue will you make the right on to Dean Street with okay if you if you're going uh if you're leaving you're going south on Dean Street okay towards the hospital from Hudson Avenue right that whole area needs to be repayed that whole entire area I mean that's a direct route to the hospital so that should they should have a decent roadway to get people to and from the hospital I don't know if that's in the budget that's a county that's actually a County Road okay but it needs so we got to deal with that we we are he's not here tonight F Vy but he could speak to that also one more thing tiny thing that turn off a route four to deada where they're building the new complex when you come off of Route four right there I didn't have a chance today to take a picture of it but there were two gigantic potholes go ahead go ahead finish two gigantic potholes um I spoke to somebody at DPW a while ago they told me it's a Teck issue I go back to Teck they tell me it's a anguid issue then I go back there they tell me it's a county issue so I just want to see if well if it's on Alfred Avenue that's tenet that that that development's tenx development not Englewood coming off of Route four there correct yeah okay that's T okay that's okay yeah so if we so who does who do I go to to acknowledge the issue I mean well the city city manager is not here but we we'll take not of it no talk from the crowd I asked you don't do oh you missed that part I asked so let everybody F you you got you got time to go speak so any but everybody speak I just want to thank you for listening and thank you thank you good evening everybody good evening uh earlier tonight Wayne was Wayne HR was noted by his title and while I do not use titles I am also a past president of the city council and with that regard there were two things carved in Granite one was you did not address Council people you addressed the council president and it was up to the council president to enforce that and I'm respectfully asking I'm requesting tonight that the council president tell speakers anything addressed is to you this business of verbally pointing fingers well you can point to me too I had a horrible experience one time in six years on city council one time as council president I picked up a council gavl that was on my desk I don't know if it's still by the council president's de desk and I slammed it because someone in the audience was undeniably spouting anti-Semitism I spoke to it Ken was on the council at the time he spoke to it in a more profound way than I did because of his family I've been off the council a long time the term Drew haate and using it nationally was not an activity then it is an activity now nationally people don't talk about anti-Semitism it is something that's National and because the person whose council president has to set the limits set the tones I request of this council president you said everything I've been waiting to hear tonight but every council meeting has to be under a agreed regulation and that is that the president's addressed the point of remarks to to the Jews in the room not allowed if you have a gavl that's when it's used and that's what has to have had been said we weeks and weeks and weeks ago what's broken in this town we all recognize you you mentioned Bernard placed everyone that I know has spoken to Mrs placed has talked to her I went to an event where I was chastised because the Attorney General was there and I asked about it so happy anniversary Englewood my name is James Evans coach Evans and tonight I was very upset I wasn't going to come up here but number one I was invited to the 205 the 125th uh unfortunately I got back from church late but what I'm what I'm hearing about Herring field and all the nice things that's been going on that field was a junior football field I have kids that have went to college from there have made the pros and every time for the last couple of months Haron feel is Haron feel that we're going to make it a better field for who baseball it got so that junior football couldn't even go on the field to practice in the rain who the heck ever played footb football or know anything about football that you play in the rain you practice in the rain you practice in the ring you play in the ring so what the heck is going on this is my last year I gave it 31 years 31 years and not only that I remember when it was the H hundredth birthday so what the heck is going on please somebody tell me because I'm supposed to be leaving it's supposed to be my last year and you mean to tell me I got to go over there and see my kids not playing no more you better wake up if you don't see them on that field you'll see them down there with guns and everything else don't let my kids go down there and start shooting and doing things they ain't got no business doing a idle mind is a devil's workshop coach coach Evans Evans right here who said the kids weren't weren't going to be on the field who said that because I was there when they were not there when I came down there we were not allowed on the field when it rained my my question is to you who is telling you nobody told me but I can see the light no you can't the field is all beautiful and all that okay I'mma wait I guess speak a little bit little bit I know you're a little premature but that that the kids will have somewhere to play that you you've run a successful program for many years okay and it's not going to suffer okay that's all I want to know yes good evening um Sarah Russell uh I came here to speak about something and I changed my mind about what you can speak about all of it no I only got three minutes um and I'm sure you can get through it Sarah um thank you I too love Anglewood I was born and raised here um and my work takes me to a lot of City Council meetings not just Anglewood hackensac Jersey City tck I've never experienced uh like my my blood pressure pump this way um and the fear honestly of being in this room um I've seen city council presidents bang their gavel throw people out when the decorum starts to unravel and um I'm just I'm honestly shocked at what's being what's allowed to be said about my people um and I want everyone on the council to know what what our community is facing right now we're scared we're uncomfortable we're hurting and we can't do this alone we need all the all the council members we need everyone to see where we're we're at and where and and nobody wants what's happening right now nobody wants this it's a tragedy it's terrible and we just I'm here just asking you to please see where we're coming from um and not allow not allow um hate speech and not allow lies um to be said in this room no propaganda so what propaganda as I said earlier I stand by what I said right and you or anybody else in this room shouldn't feel some kind of way that they're not safe they're not whatever that's not what Englewood is about but everybody everybody is equal here in Anglewood no matter what so listen if they can put me on a milk carton everybody this is what I'm saying to you like everybody is important and everybody every everybody is going to be treated the same now you can't catch what what's coming out of people's mouths right but how you receive it and process it you can control but as long as you know you got a fair shot you can come to that mic and you can do your thing and come in here and say things and and and you want to work with people and you want to make it better there's always opportunity every day to to reach out so I don't want your blood my blood pressure is up no it's pumping it's I'm nervous I'm scared scared I scared you shouldn't be why it's not people coming up to the mic it's people people breaking decorum of the regular meeting and it being tolerated at a level that I've never seen be tolerated just because you know public I think nobody has seen that it's not like this is created every day you know what I mean I do and that's why and that's why I have to say something yeah that's that's fine come back I welcome you and you always can say something yes Mr meray uh so first and foremost I say this in my own capacity I do not say this as representation of anybody I work for currently um but I am a lifelong ingwood resident I left the city for a little while I am now back in the city um and to follow up on a lot of the points have been made already um listen there are certain people in this room who are going to record me and say that I may be in certain positions but the deorum in this space is inappropriate and not allowed um as a black American americ I would never in my life allow somebody to call anyone of My Relations any type of inappropriate names and I don't think black Americans in this position would allow that and so for other people in this space to call people outlandish names is inappropriate listen we may not agree we may not all see eye to eye but I don't appreciate week after week com into Council meetings and they are literally disrespectful of our council members disrespecting of people in general for no reason right and as a young person in this SP this shouldn't be tolerated and I I I'm just I'm just over it at this point um and we can't say this is one angle and we can't say that we're teaching young people how to do better things when we're literally treating people as inappropriate as possible we having folks break theorum we're having folks call people devils and all types of crazy thing right that should not beow out in 2024 and in this space in any place um listen listen I'm speaking you're not speaking so don't disrespect me don't cut me off I don't know who you are and where you come from but don't tell wait a minute let it's his turn to speak let him speak once again we have folks coming into this space who are not even engu residents literally seeking to Anarchy I understand what's happening in the space and let me say this clearly I for Palestine and I've said that out loud I'll continue to say that what's happened in palestin is a genocide and we see that right now and I'm seeing that on this dayc but when we have people come in this space and disrespect council members in 2024 it's not okay because as a black American we would not allow that and so we shouldn't allow any other person in this space to be disrespected and humiliated and dis disgusted in that way thank thank you Mr Campbell good evening good evening Council um what has changed with the council from last year to this year what has changed you have a new council president everything that's been happening tonight happened last year the same thing happened last year people got upset they got up and walked out but I I I I just don't get it because because you have a new council president um he's supposed to make all of these drastic change how come these drastic change wasn't made last year when he was councilman at large I mean people are going at it and I sat here tonight and I and I and I watch and I observe um fourth W councilman makes a a recommendation or and third ward council has to Second it first second ward council makes a recommendation and first word council have to represent it what do you people think that shows what do you think that shows that's that ain't diversity that's not diversity that's that that's separation that's what it is separation and I'm not going to name this individual but he shared with me he said to me he said that and he was on a councel he said to me he said I'm not going to support anything first W councilman say or do because he doesn't support me so I'm not going to support him this individual is no longer on the council but this is what he shared with me and I don't get it I mean you you all were voted you wasn't place you were voted in you were voted in by the people to do the work of for the people and it's so much bickering and bad and it's it's unbelievable I I I watch I watch ken I watch Lisa I watch wil I watch Davis I watch all of you something will go on and Lisa will identify it as her and Ken and what about the rest of the council it should be it shouldn't be identified as two people two the council is not made up of two individuals you have four Wards you have four members of the council and a council at large and a council at Large I and then tonight I'm I'm sitting here and I'm listening about not being invited to the 125th you really shouldn't need an invitation you should just be able to just know what's going on if everybody's on the same page you should know what's going on and show up not wanted to be handheld and walked into City Hall you should have just showed up up and and that's these are the things that are not happening and it's disgusting it's disturbing and and my last point is it's all over town that the three African-American member of the council is anti-Semitic and it's and it's all over town who put it out it's all over town who put it out there and this is this is and we all know we're not stupid we know that this is a tactic y it's a tactic it's a tactic because people are upset because they didn't get what they want so they start spreading rumors for the Jewish population to believe that these people are anti-semitic when they're really not all they're trying to do is get things done trying to get things done it's it's not right it's not right to spread that rumor it's not right to spread that rumor thank you we have CL Howard schaer 87 Springland Anglewood first I need to correct the record what's happening in Gaza is not genocide there is no Army in the history of the world that has taken more care to protect the civilian population if it was genocide that was wanted this war would have been long over and far more people would be dead I must say let let him finish let him finish let him finish to be clear as Thomas Jefferson has said one person's rights end where they infringe on the equal rights of others okay now I want to go back to where we started uh Mr council president first I need to thank councilman Wilson uh for his commitment tonight to the rule of law thank you councilman W councilman Wilson in a in a time when all you have to do is turn on the television or sometimes come here to a council meeting or go to an assembly at avat TOA and witness absolute Mayhem and threatening conduct it was a breath of fresh air councilman Wilson to hear your commitment tonight to enforcing our disorderly conduct ordinance so thank you very much for that Mr council president cob thank you from where you for where you started tonight and with your commitment to being a good Steward of the public funds and for your commitment to watching our store here in Anglewood thank you thank you we're done Mr Diaz yes it's hard to talk about this subject uh first I'm a citizen of the world us so when I see genocide anywhere in this world I disapprove of it at at all costs I don't care who it is I don't approve of genocide at all all right now one thing uh that I did not like was that when you passed a resolution supporting the uh the rights of Israel to take action or something in that thought of you were for it okay when you said that you're basically saying you're forgetting about everyone else here who is a non-jewish okay so you're taking sides and I think as Representatives or Council people you're supposed to be like in the middle right you're supposed to support everybody's ideas or Express them but here you supported them when they had the uh outside the demonstration because you supported it I felt like they had the right to protest here you could have done that at the UN we still had Englewood business and they took most of the time to talk about what was going on in uh in Israel okay the mayor himself Mike you said you I think you say you were judish and you spoke to somebody here in Jewish or Hebrew I thought that was not right and then you said you support the of the action of the Israelis again how do I how do you make me feel you make me feel unwanted here that you're only looking out for a certain amount of people and that's it it it's crazy and I agree with uh he said about the uh problems here that's what what we're looking at I guess we have more African-Americans this time than we had in the last council meeting when uh God bless the Judith Marin and uh Lisa and uh uh Rosen WG is here so I saw that certain issues were voted a certain way and then some of and then you didn't have the you were voted out three to two so now we're reversing it now it doesn't look like you guys Lisa and Mr Rosenberg agrees with that yes uh the last meeting when you walked out Lisa walked out and when you you spoke I saw what was happening you had every right you were the president and I think uh Dr Rosenberg should have listened instead she had a pity party and walked away I understand that I mean during the uh Judith Marin's wake unfortunately I heard a lot of stuff there we're talking about the council meeting how this organized we were that you were not Unified but when you talk like that you're all part of the council you're supposed to support one another not be against one another right amen last week you you uh Lisa and Dr Rosen was against the mutual Alliance I hope I said that right I didn't even know until today that Wayne HR and there was other people who are already on the alliance for four years and doing this work you made it look like it never existed who are you fooling the truth came out today my my question was the ordinance that uh Lisa says that it was not in compliance I wanted to ask Wayne Hymer was he in compliance with that I mean who's telling me the truth what are you leading here who who are you trying to prove your your your own uh the people you represen in your ward to make it look like you're doing everything for them but then you're going to downgrade the other council members that I here I don't see no unification at all it's it's terrible and so you got to get your act together because we can see through all of it yes sir all of it sir thank you thank you brother wait only one shot bro only one shot I need to put this out here I want each and every one of to go home and watch the movie independent Independence Day because if we don't come together as a world the world as we know it will because of ourselves okay can I have a motion motion I want to close I want to close the public session and I want all the Jews to watch israelism please watch that film from The River To The Sea no no we're not we're not going to have all that man cut knock that off who motion to adjourn I make a motion so council president that meetings are done all in favor all the hey hey not here not here not here not here not here we don't need that hey let leave that alone all right