##VIDEO ID:dTv5oVtbyGY## minut next we have approval of minutes resolution 236 9324 I need a motion in a second what is that I make a motion what are we doing approval of the minutes approval of the minutes second Angela I think you need to obstain because yeah that's right obain I'll second roll call councilman Rosen SW yes councilwoman wasi yes councilwoman David abstain councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have bills and claims resolution 23709 0324 in the amount of 2 million 343,387 resolution right so with that um I need a motion in a second I'll make a motion second and since we've already paid these bills roll call councilman roseno yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have resolution 255 9324 approval of bills and claims for this meeting in the amount of 1,951 7782 we need a motion and a second motion I second any questions on this one I do council president but in the interest of time I'll have my questions answered offline okay sounds good there's no questions with roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wasi I abstain councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we have ordinance for second reading ordinance 248 an ordinance authorized an extension in the lease between the city of Anglewood and Flat Rock book nature Association president if I may yes Mr Bill um as you may recall uh the council introduced this ordinance believe back in July subsequent to the int subsequent to the introduction we received comments from the state to the proposed lease uh the most major one was we had discussed a 40-year lease just to make it more accommodating they wanted at 25 uh that's the primary revision so I I would ask for a motion to table this one and you'll see next on Deck is the introduction of uh and we just the the title it's reflected correctly in the new ordinance but it should be uh an ordinance authorizing entry into a lease because it's a new lease with Flat Rock and it incorporates most of the changes requested by the state so that would be the one uh that would be put put into play but it has to be introduced and then a public Hearing in two weeks it has the say it need the same on the agenda it reads lease extension but if you look at the ordinance itself it's into a lease okay so with this ordinance 248 we need a motion to table yes sir so we need to I'll make a motion to table it need a second second and and as we're tbling that council president as as we spoke earlier I would like to see who would be um in charge to make sure during this lease that we have the proper um storm water management okay so roll call on this roll call to table councilman Rosen S I vote to table councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes with those stipulations I stated council president cob yes next we have ordinance for introduction for first reading ordinance 249 an ordinance authorizing an extension in the lease between the city of Anglewood and Flat Rock Brook nature associations and that's just following what Mr belly just said Mr belly you want something you want to add something yeah I just again the the ordinance itself is entitled an ordinance authorizing entry into a lease between the city of angood and Flat Rock it's not at lease extension it's actually a new lease yes sir I got so we need we need for intoduction we we need a motion for first reading introduction yes sir I'll make a motion for first I'll second oh okay sorry roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes and Mr cob for the record the second reading and public hearing on this ordinance will take place on September 17th which is our next Council our next Council okay so now we come to the public comments on agenda items from okay two 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 235 246 247 248 249 250 251 256 257 258 259 260 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 so comments only on those agenda items that I just read yeah Rick willby angle New Jersey yeah three minutes we got three minutes yeah Rick willby England New Jersey uh 247 uh 24 9 and 274 these are things you know that address the loss of very prominent people and a lot of people on September 11th over in New York but today marks the second anniversary of the murder of Bernard placed and it behooves this Council to put Bernard on the agenda especially on the anniversary of his death this is something that this city has missed an opportunity as a good learning experience a couple of months ago I was at a protest in tenek and I asked the chief up there if his officers knew who Philip panel was and a lot of those rookie officers didn't know who Philip panel was 37 years later so we all know that history forgotten has a tendency to repeat itself why on the second anniversary of the assassination murder of Bernard ped Jr today as we was at the cemetery standing over that young man that should have been here with his mother and his family but is not here because of racism that's all it is simple racism okay he didn't have the complexion connection and this Council has failed the placed Family Once Again by missing an opportunity on the anniversary of his death to acknowledge his passing now I don't know about the legal Le and you know your attorneys here Bill Bailey I don't want to cost the city any more money but I believe that this is something that we should do we want to honor people on September 11th Hispanic Heritage Month pasel uh uh ingood family reunion you know all these other things and we should have especially a tragedy that happened right here in Inglewood and his mother requested that that street that he was killed on be renamed for her son that was made very clear at the cemetery today and we're going to continue to fight no matter what anybody says they have to study this or we can't give you black folks that and all this other stuff that they like to say we're going to make sure that Bernard's name as Reverend dri said is uttered through the village the village is going to continue to say his name so he is not forgotten yes thank you thank you I'm going to close the public since I don't see anybody I'm going to close the public portion of this meeting and we're going to vote council president oh excuse me sorry um I'd like to table resolution 273 I'll second that a council appointment which we didn't discuss okay we can pull that one vot on the motion roll so this is a roll call sorry to table resolution number 273 and we table them because of what um we we haven't discussed it as a council an appointment and we always discuss our appointments councilman Rosen sorry councilman Rosen yes to table councilwoman wasi yes to table councilwoman David yes the table councilman Wilson yes to table council president cob yes I'd like to pull some of the other resolutions for a separate vote I'd like to pull um resolution 263 264 and 265 for a separate vote 263 264 and 265 correct motion to does anyone else have anybody else have any other things that they wanted they want to pull Count Council president if I will I don't necessarily need to have them pulled but I would like to explain into record uh 248 okay um 249 oh and 266 we should explain those before H we should explain those before voted right Mr WL what do you want to do with those you want to talk about them yes I think they're important enough to have a quick discussion as opposed to an overall vote we can we can talk about those right now 266 okay two two uh 248 249 and 266 266 266 266 and and I'm sorry I missed one 262 is it 2622 as well or 266 262 and 266 6 is directly correlated with what we're talking about in storm water management okay okay i67 all right you you got the floor Mr Wilson go ahead resolution number 24809 d324 resolution honoring the engood family reunion committee um I I just wanted to be not noted that this is something that has been etched in ingu history especially for my ward being the fourth ward of people that have lived and graduated in from ingwood school system that has contributed throughout the world that come back for opportunity to fellowship and sistership if you will um with the community and through through the effort we've also found out that there are major players throughout the world that come back to assist um the development of our neighborhoods and I think that it's very noted that you guys put it on the agenda Mr cob and I I just wanted that to be um to have a highlight if if you will um and as far as so so let me just add to that Mr Wilson yes sir so you know this this is this is started in the early 80s uh y my mother and your mother were part of the original founders of this that is correct so and it bringing the city together or bringing the fourth ward together and it had over a thousand people at this event on July 20th of this year so um those people who Oran or is it should be recognized so go ahead and the next one is 249 right that is correct um Jud D this is someone else that has a inable mark on our community and our society as as a whole um someone that selfishly gave back his his life his education this thought process to better Mankind and there's not often that you get many people at that stage that continues to give back even when they're a judge um some people think that they're above giving back when they reach certain Pinnacles and this was not his journey his journey was to to give back and educate so I just wanted to highlight that as well 262 262 um I would like to give that to I guess I can speak on it um Mr Hoffman or the city engineer so that I'm clear and the Public's clear on the work that's going to be created by uh 262- 09- 0324 award contract to National water main for pal Court cover cleanout I I I I guess I can talk on it this is part and parcel of our you know sort of our drainage Improvement in storm water management throughout Town U many of our channels Brooks and Creeks go through coverts uh Palisade courts happens to be the longest cover we have in town many of you are familiar it runs under shop rights uh parking lot uh what happens during storm events is the debris that's carried by the water where there be bicycles um shopping carts boulders to be quite frankly uh gets sort of embedded and you know settles there in the in the covert and what that does is it minimizes the cover's capacity so periodically we have to go in there and sort of clean out that covert so it can maintain its capacity and that that's that's sort of what we're doing here um there there's a lot of debris in the cover that needs to be cleaned out in order for it to function properly and the intention of this uh is that a that's a joint project with us and uh Al croll's group that's correct yes yes council president by um there's an we're the city is supposed to clean out that do do this work every four years so this is the fourth year so it's it's this it's the cycle for doing the work and we attempted to solicit um quotes for this so we we contacted several different companies and um actually there's a typo on this the best the best overall value you is um is not National water main it's uh it's AR it's Arco or ar arcas so that's that's um that's it's in the it's in the it's in the packet right here that's on the on the table so it's Arcus Pro Services is the best overall value we do we do that every four years and and the reason why I thought not just to pull it but to discuss it because um there's a lot of teeth in the sprocket of moving storm water storm management and I understand a frustrated flooded out residential um Personnel here I get I get it and they want to see something happen right now and so this is one of the small sprockets in the big wheel of things that we are doing on a consistent basis to try to mitigate this storm water and if we could speak to uh I think it's 268 that will be the other one I wanted to discuss either you or uh Mr Hof 266 I believe you said uh I'm sorry 266 I stand correctly 266 that is correct Again part of what you mentioned part of our storm water management I'm sorry can can you speak up you talk about storm water management yes um that is part and parts of what we're doing here we uh We've obtained the services of uh M McDonald's to help us study the drainage and the flooding issues along Dana place and Broad Avenue as many of you know there's a channel that runs along many of those properties there that is H caused some flooding issues for many of the residents so part of this uh study is not only to sort of figure out the Watershed that contributes to that channel but how we can you know sort of alleviate some of that flooding issues what we can do you know alongside the Chann Etc to help those residents sort of deal with the flooding issues that's taking place there currently yes and and in my prayer is you know usually when we study there's a test coming up so hopefully as we're studying the test will be swift that we make improvements after the study yeah this this study is sorry this is not only a study but it's also a remedy part of it also so after the study they're going to give us some concrete answers as to hey this where we think we should go in order to get this resolved or repaired or to mediate the the situation so we expect to get some guidance afterwards what's the timeline on the study um we're going to give it to them as soon as this gets approved um and we will push for them to give us you know they said they're ready to go as soon as they get to go so we we're pushing for them they know the urgency and we've walked the site with them so they they know what's going on here M Mr VY um which which streets are involved this is this is Dana place and Broad Avenue from where Broad Avenue from palate Avenue all the way to Route four I believe all the way to four yeah so it goes all the way acrosses van oan and ends up there by cross street it's in the resolution okay thank you council president d completes my concerns yeah councilwoman wasas you you want to table you want to what do you want to do on yours this three so I I ask for a separate vote on three three different resolutions okay 26 that'll be 263 264 and 265 if I marked it right that is correct okay okay so we're going to vote right now on 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 256 257 258 259 260 26 61 262 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 no 27 no that you table we tabled that 272 273 was table 274 275 and 276 I'll make a motion roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman wisky yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes three resolutions now resolution three motion second so I we can take all three together I I I'll make after we motion second we can discuss it so I'll make a motion no we can't do that we we can give an explanation clarification it's not a motion to table it's a motion for a separate vote so so it's separate vote so you have a motion second and discussion right discuss so I'd like to have a discussion so I'll make a motion for 4 263 4 and five I'll second so I this is my concern my concern is I've been very um um I have a lot of concerns about Bosell engineering we've had some um difficulty they were given a project um right Mr Hoffman about a year and a half [Music] ago what's what's wrong sorry um yeah what's what's your question right and um and we still haven't seen this this uh report on Glouster and um I know that other professionals have been um concerned about um that that project and so so for me to feel comfortable with this I need to know that there's going to be accountability here that that that there's going to be followup by the city to make sure that these projects are done um in an efficient and in a way that satisfies the city okay okay for uh than thank you the um the first resolution 263 um this is for tax map Updates this is something that's required um and this is being coordinated with our tax assessor but this is something that uh we need to do for the for upcoming revals it's also done every every few years but um the uh Boswell engineering has done uh work work on this previously and um it's also part of our it's also part of it is used for our storm water management issues so but the the key thing here is we need to get this done before the end of the year um so that we can have it for our tax assessor uh then the the next one is for the FI for the um final pistol range report and then the DPW report so the city sold the property uh that the former police pistol range was on there had been a there had been filings that were done by Boswell Engineering in 2014 and 2017 the Boswell engineering has the lurp license for the city for the city and this is this is the final report that's needed to go down to DP D there was monitoring that was done on this site France have I left anything out about that um no that's essentially you know this is going to have to be get get completed right away because the does have a deadline for Boswell to submit those reports so that's going to take place right away right and I believe it's October that the the final reports have to be into the D are you I mean I just wanted to make sure that that that uh we're comfortable and that there's going to be accountability here yeah they as as uh as our city manager um mentioned in 2014 and 2017 were reports submitted to DP by Boswell anytime you do remediation Pro projects there's a long-term um evaluation you have to do to make sure that it's successful that there aren't any issues and this is sort of like closing out this project with the DP council president if I may um this project that we're getting ready to goes out that has to deal with soil um which is obviously needed and you know I for one await the report uh my concern is um the adjacent properties to the the gun range and you know we have our citizens our our city workers on these particular plots and I would love to see the results from the soil from Bosell part of this is part of the monetary Wells have to be put in the ground and they have to be monitored to make sure that the levels obviously don't increase and there are any issues and that's what that's what this is this so we'll get a report I'm I'm aware but I'm also um concerned about the creosol that comes off the railroad tracks that seeks into our land and into our buildings our city owned building not just this property that's sold off that's a continuous concern of mine so I think this I for one think this report is very um important and I can't wait to get it okay Subaru or Town Motors has already built on on that site number one yeah they've already built they got a building down there right down the street yeah so it's it's it's right on top of that already number one number two how do we sell something we don't own the pistol range was leased to the city of Anglewood I understood no I that's above my uh that's right out the horse's mouth the dude from that owns the you know but anyway my point is there's a building sitting on top of where right now yeah but there there was monitoring weals that the city was responsible for so what I'm not I'm not sure who owned it but um Boswell engineering was the one that was doing the testing for on both locations the monitoring was it must have pass right because we build on top they built the building on it so you had to approve somebody had to approve the building to be built my understanding is Subaru has been in touch with Boswell regarding the monitoring well so I'm sure no that's what I'm saying somebody I'm sure this report is just going to come out yeah I'm sure this report is just a finalize everything the name of the Anthony escapes me right now that actually owned it I think Jack Van Horn was the attorney though so I recall dealing with him years ago about this because we had a long-term lease right say say there's bullets so right okay got contaminated well the building's up so you know okay y want do roll call roll call believe that Lisa you done you're finished yes I am okay roll call I believe we got a second we got a motion in a second a motion in a second so we could do a roll call L uh councilman Rosen white yes councilwoman Wilson sorry councilwoman wiski yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cop yes next we have resolutions for discussion award reject contract for tra trash rack installation at overc Creek project bid opening on September 12th 2024 yeah I guess I'll take it this is essentially um as again it's part of our storm waterer you know management um efforts um we are looking to install trash racks at several locations at over Creek and the primary location is at Depot Square before it goes uh into the underneath the shop right the reason why we're installing is because of what I was just you know stated before the amount of debris that goes into that c that impacts that CT is unbelievable at times I mean you all know about the story of pulling out cars from that cover so we are trying to eliminate the amount of debris that goes underneath there um we're going to be working in conjunction with the DPW if this comes to pass because after every storm they're going to have to go at Depot Park and clean out that area because the debris is going to accumulate right there before it goes underneath the underneath the uh the shoppr parking lot so in the future we will have a lot less cleaning of that cover it's put it that way it won't it won't be happening every four years so let me ask you a question you says opening bid on September 12th and this is just on resolution for discussion just so you know it's okay for the next meeting right 17 okay all right next ordin can I ask a question go Ahad do you have what does that look like it's essentially a metal gate um it's a metal gate that it's form fitted to the covert to the entrance of the cover there and then it just stops The Boulders the trash it's like a filter it's it's more or less a filter but obviously with much bigger gaps you don't want to capture everything uh you just want to keep the major stuff out of that Culver let me ask sorry what what's the cost of of of putting one in oh we're about to find out okay and and is and is this the only um I guess this is the initial are we considering this for for other cre yeah we are looking at other locations where this could be a possibility to to help out um if you know um I don't want I don't want to say the locations that I'm looking at right now but I can tell you right now Whitewood Road for example an Elkwood that that entrance there um we're thinking of putting one there because the easement on right on Whitewood Road gets impacted so much with so much debris that it is actually it would helped the city if we can stop it before opening last when we did the the white r e men I mean we pulled out trees full trees that got stuck in the covert so we we have to stop that from happening it's destroying the coverts and obviously impacting their capacity so the goal is to stop all those debris from getting in the cover cleaning them out you know in an area where we can it's easy enough for the DPW to come in and with a grab her and just grab the the stuff out of there I had a question um in that same location that pal say caught Co cover the the fence how many times have we repaired that fence in the LA can we find a solution for that because that fence every time it rains it gets beat up again the amount of debris that the water carries just tears the fence apart um it's uh their is the fence an anchored the I think it's the mesh a lot of times it should be yeah there should be there there's at least a foot and a half two feet of concrete in the base of that of that fence there it's just a mesh part that just gets beat up um the amount of Boulders that hit it while the water is rushing it just can't you know it just can't stand up to it okay next yes coun um I I just wanted to to add on if if I may I I think that there's been a slight oversight and I mentioned it earlier in regards to we know where the problem areas are I don't I don't think anyone sitting up here at theas or you Mr engineer can say that you you don't know where the flooding or the problematic places are so I for one think that this trash rack installation is overdue and that only comes from tracking and if we not if in fact we weren't tracking you wouldn't know where to put these things so um kudos to you guys for being able to identify some of the important areas where we need this so thank you thank you council president okay let's move ordinances for discussion amendment to for construction fees that you oh that's Mr H uh the council pres thank you council president this is just a heads up to the council this was something that was discussed uh during the um the 2024 budget review process and then this is something that um has been working its way through when we'll probably come to a workshop session in perhaps October or November but just this was this was a heads up where we're do we're doing an evaluation there's there's information in the packet from the construction official but just um just there was there was a lot of information so this was just um you know to to let you know that this is this was coming through um and the same the same with the fire prevention Bureau Fe Bureau fees who who sets the fees well the um the council sets the fees it's Rec it's recommended by the Departments the goal the goal is to cover the cost to the state as well as the as well as the cost for the service okay so fire prevention is going to come with a listing fees updated fees yes that we action on right yeah this is it's coming in the next you know in the next and what are these fees pertaining to it covers the cost of inspections for um for commercial establishments for the um the the common areas of apartment houses for for thing for things of that of that nature for for looking at the uh at the Alarm Systems um you know that are in garages and um you know just offices and and also Apartments okay and we'll post these fees on the website yes once we yes take okay councilman W yes thank you um although things are increasing nowadays and and we're probably running out of time for um increasing fees but what I've been inated with as well is that um the timeliness of the inspections um for the for these particular fees fees are increasing so the people the owners would want the service to increase as well and I know we're having a shortage of um inspectors in the building department and we just upgraded in the fire department but I I think we need to look at the scheduling as well um it's hard to ask people to pay more and not get the proper service so I would just be mindful that we accelerate the program or either possibly higher where the gaps may be in the building department that and that's part of the evaluation process but thank you you know thank you for making sure that everybody everybody understands that okay and I think the last one is amendment to Recreation Department fees and again council president this is this is the same thing as to to look at the fees make sure they're covering the cost and that the programs are are cost neutral and that um where where it's appropriate there there's um there's fees that um that will offset some of the cost of the of the programs okay next we got the engineers report I think we got the report tonight right there's 96 or 97 yeah oh sorry sorry about that uh the 2024 Ro project is going to start next week um so we're going to have a lot more detours in town so those road projects will the storm drains be a part of that road Pro we're going to start Milling in Paving roadways next week um psng has also stated that they're also gonna start I'm sorry I said are the storm drains going to be part of the project oh yeah part of what we do when we Mill and pave we analyze the storm drain now if the storm drains in good condition we'll leave it alone uh if it needs to be repaired yes we'll repair it let me ask you a question when I see a storm drains that they're only 2 feet deep obviously that's not adequate anym right and I'm not an engineer but I would say based on the flow and the rain rate it's not adequate would we just why we while we're while we're in there doing milling and pav it why don't we snatch that out and put a deeper storm brain in yeah part of what we have to look at are elevation issues okay um so we we'll definitely that's something that we'll take a look at when we have the opportunity to increase the size of the lines that sort of thing we AB we absolutely do that so when you are who is it new Prince is that who it is um or whoever you have J Alexander is doing the the mill the milling and pavement program whoever they they are you they're under as part of the contractor look and assess the storm drains we actually go out there with them and we take a look at the storm drains and sometimes we'll ask the help of the DPW to flush out some of these lines if we can't if we're not clear about them just to make sure they're in good working condition okay we want to just make sure they take that opportunity yeah I see that it's going to be um mil and paved tomorrow I have it here said nicob Baka Road will be milled and paav September 4th 6th 9th 10th and 11th between the monument and Dem board and no vehicles allowed what hours are that I have it right here texes came in from OEM you got text on your phone m tomorrow that's news to me tomorrow they're going to be paid and the buses go down there children walk to school so I would like to know if the schools were you just got the text I just got it I didn't get I got it from o so I would like to know if the schools were notified as tomorrow babes well no that's why they were doing it next week well I have it here want to see it I believe you fourth 6th 9th and 10th [Laughter] and what's the street nicobar nicobar the main street with the bus nicobar um and it's going to be between the monument and demerest Border no oh so it's not coming up to the school so it's stopped right there stopped right there Demis so yeah that that won't have an impact on the school though well that's tomorrow tomorrow could could you please send send us a schedule including the psng schedule yeah PS I'm going to be they're going to be sending me a schedule this week they said so I haven't gotten it yet but I'm going to follow up with them and then your schedule as well please I can absolutely say you to schedule now with the the roads that we're already starting to work on is Everett Windsor and Manor those roads are already getting worked on we're putting new curbing Etc and checking out the the drainage system we we we're adding a couple cash basins um on some of those roads so those those have already started already but next week we're going to be starting the mill and pave project so I I'll send the schedule okay I appreciate that thank you yeah any anything with any streets please send that out so folks know because they'll be getting calls and all that stuff any other updates you want to give us from Council president just as Point information could uh councilwoman David could you just let us know the the streets that you you had okay okay I just got this hold on it says here I'll just get these alerts hold on they been waiting pass the phone that's Cresco call me Cresco is it their Monument or our Monument might be Merit Den's border it says Den's border so it's this is from this is this is not our this is not from our OEM another one okay yeah this is o yeah yeah they must be referring to the monument at the Circle yeah no than thank you nervous no you well thank you I'm glad we're able to clarify so yes s fron was nervous FR got a very nervous FR had a very nervous look his heart attack right yeah so so yeah yes so ours just as the the engineer had said it's uh coming down it's scheduled to start on Monday the 9th but he was just waiting for confirmation you know for for one one more detail before sending it out so okay okay all right so PRS we're good on the engineer report we can move on yes okay over items for discussion on TR on pool oh so I think we need to have a thorough discussion on that and know the parameters Mr Hoffman of what what it would take to take on a project so we can get some facts about that about what it what what it needs to take to take on that particular project we already know what they're doing and the work they're doing Middle School won't impact uh uh the work that we would do so let's just be more clear and then we can talk to the public about that okay right now number two homelessness oh we we have a problem and Anglewood and what we need to do is we need to probably Mr Hoffman they have the shelter and those folks over there that work with homelessness bring people in but we need to bring people in who do mental health work to talk to the homeless people you know it's okay because it's warm right now but what happens when as it gets colder we need to do that there people sleeping around on the bus stops and benches the park the benches Depot Square Park um so we we need to really focus on that but bring the right people in to talk to them the library the library too yeah council president there's been some discussions with the uh with with with the uh with with our our RVE together Partners about um having additional mental health professionals be able to um to you know to help Pro provide the right options for for some of our folks that are homeless some Behavior something next master plan status Mr Hoffman I don't know if you know have a a status or whatever but I'd like to get a status by the next time we meet that because I think it's been very quiet and uh you know if anybody here sitting on the Des wants to make comments changes or whatever or has questions about it we should know what's where the status of that report is uh yes I I the um the uh M master plan Consultants were uh scheduled to present a draft report sometime within within like 10 days after Labor Day Labor Day to or 10 days so we'll we'll reach out to them and um and find out where the draft is where it stands the next is parking commercial vehicles on the street I think we've had that conversation a ton of times and I think somehow some way the ordinance had gotten changed to four tons but I think that it should just be commercial vehicles period um they they're parking on residential streets and taking up spaces where where residents would normally park and that and it's an eyes sore they have to find somewhere they Park their vehicles shouldn't be parked on the street like that I just think it creates it creates a problem yeah and then they stay there all weekend so we we we got to figure that out yeah if I may council president the uh it's you know it four four tons would be appropriate but also the ordinance states that um you can park for 48 hours so that's yeah well we got that's that's something that when you look at the ordinance that has to be reviewed yes I think we have to tweak the ordinance there um next is the city entryway signage we know we have a temporary sign that was put at the corner of Liberty Road and Hudson Avenue so but I I think that we need to identify other locations as entry points into the city where we want to put a sign as well and I think that uh the the council members um should all come together along with the city engineer and yourself and identify areas where we believe would be best use for uh signage coming into the city okay U we we can do that we've also gotten some proposals for the for electronic signs at at different potential locations that are um entry points to to the city we will we we're finishing up the review of that and we we're happy to share that with the council and this is something that the uh the the potential locations had been reviewed with um uh the member of the planning board that's responsible for approving signage so that was that was done at the head end of the project yes Miss Emily man last is the schedule Street renaming for Shirley Lacy um she was the first black Council woman in the city of Anglewood but this was an old ordinance that we or old resolution that we had put together in 2022 and this is just like finally putting something uh in the ground for Miss Lacy you know it just happens to be in that area where the alfha Avenue project is so this is probably a good time because the project is basically finished over there they're putting in the Landscaping on Alfred Avenue um so we just have to figure out a date um and we'll get back with a date on that between me and my between me and councilman Wilson next we have communications from the governing body if anybody wants to speak starting with uh mayor Wilds thank you good evening uh thank you again uh Mr Hoffman for your a very thorough report on the substantial flooding over the past month on multiple occasions I also want to thank the anood fire department Police Department Public Works First Responders city workers uh for rescuing more than a 100 people in danger um and again we have to also regil the neighboring departments uh who responded to Mutual Aid call calls to help residents of our city the city is also working with Bergen County to evaluate our vulnerabilities seeking additional protective measures we are entering the hurricane season so we need to be prepared um and I will continue some of the things that I spoke of particularly my meeting with the Leona mayor and some of the results of the tours videos and photos that I received as well um the Labor Day weekend slwe DPW schedule is posted we had a wonderful uh back to school uh event early this morning for all the childrens that got a high five on the way into the Greco school and we had a convocation uh last week uh with superintendent Dr Marney Hazelton with all the faculty um as we enter the new school year we REM remember uh dearly Dr Daniel Daniela small Bailey Dr ronell Cook and Elizabeth feliciana Rosa who will stay even with us as a brighter days for our students in our city continue I want to thank everybody uh who participated again in all of these event please take extra caution to drive safely I met uh earlier today with the superintendant and many residents of Lantana um there are a lot of uh parents that are rushing to get to the school and they're putting themselves in other residents in Jeopardy watch for pedestrians with back to school and session best of luck of course to all of our beautiful students uh Anglewood Health funding congratulations to our state Senator Gordon Johnson for his work in securing a million dollar allocation to the New Jersey state budget for Anglewood health or hospital to purchase new cutting Age Medical Technology diagnostic equipment it comes with excellent services and improved outcomes for all of our residents thank you for this partnership and for our city I thank you uh Mr cob council president for bidding farewell to congressman pasel who represented us for 10 years he passed at 87 years old after a lifetime of Public Service as a teacher a veteran a mayor and a congressman Congressman Pasquel presented our city and Congress represented for a decade before we distri and moved us into uh Josh gim's District he was a great friend and a tremendous advocate for our residents he secured much needed funding for our Public Safety needs and had a real common sense of propriety he could fight without being hateful or vengeful the Pastor said at his funeral he was a fury feisty Fierce teacher mayor and he had courage he brought Christian hope to the Middle East and did a beautiful job of bringing communities together he led by example um he will be missed by so many of us but always remembered fondly for his s his friendship his modesty and his service all are invited ladies and gentlemen to join us September 11 at 1130 a.m. excuse me at 8:30 a.m. on September 11 at the Veterans Memorial Park for our annual 911 memorial service 23 years later 23 years later the memory Still Remains the impact in our City and our nation let's join and honor those reflect on how important it is that our local National and international communities alike issue violence and hatred and embrace peace uh and respect I also want to thank and wish a very special resident of our city my dear wife a happy anniversary as tonight is our 34th wedding anniversary I took her out last night and with the Proviso that I would take her again tomorrow night after I teach in law school um she understood that this was an important meeting for me to be present and her presence spelled ENT TS was my presence ennce this evening here anyway happy Anniversary sweetheart uh for the rest of the details and I will not belabor the point feel free to join us every Friday at 11:00 a.m. for coffee with the mayor where we can go over The Good the Bad and never the ugly in the city of Anglewood thank you councilman bosen s hi uh thank you and the uh the hours late we still have a lot of meeting left to do so I just hope everyone enjoyed the remainder of their summer and wish them a happy and healthy fall uh thank you and good night councilwoman wasi thank you good evening um again I hope everyone had a wonderful summer I thank you Mr VY Mr Hoffman for your report on the flooding and for the sake of time I'm going to uh say good night yeah councilwoman David Bron and Bob it was a wonderful presentation I appreciate it um I'm GNA be really quick also I would like to thank the Englewood storm Response Team Diane Jansen and Peter Jansen for all their effort with the cleanup buckets and everything um that they did pick up and give out to 10 especially I mean residents all over the um Englewood so thank you for your um consistency also um is just so something short Lantana had complaints of mattresses they said that somebody's house looked like Sanford and Son and I went to Bob and I told them um the 29th the third W block party will be held in the 29th because the the actus fund has his holy day the whole month of October so we're going to have it on a campus of the um School District the third woodlock party and that's it thank you thank you coun thank you councilman wlson thank you council president for giving honor to God uh without him I wouldn't be here um for those of you who do not know um for the longest there's been two pools in Inglewood and I think that we need to champion forward for what it needs to be what needs to be done to keep our Triumph p and make it safe um for some people you may be tuned in and listening about the naming of the street for Shirley Lacy and years ago Shirley Lacy uh was diligent enough to get me into the county committee so you know my my uh my thoughts about getting the street done I think it was way past two she was a champion for our fourth W and a champion for our city of Inglewood and for those of you who are thinking about your loved ones that you're contemplating about a street naming we have not yet finished the the uh requirements for that but that's to be forthcoming um this is the second anniversary for Bernard ped uh my heart goes out to the family and friends I am not happy with where we are I think we still need a lot of work to do um unfortunately as a society we still have people that have mental crisis and I've had someone call me in my ward and we have a program and it took the gentleman two hours to get there so we still need to do a lot of work um and if you fact in fact if you have a family member that may be suffering crisis um just be vigilant on the signs um you know holidays are coming and going and people are very emotional um and some people are even taking their lives so it's upon us to make sure that we all arrive together and pay attentions to your loved ones and your neighbors cuz they they may be signs of crying out for help that we may be missing um I've got calls on the entryway to uh McKay Park uh this has been down for some time we are still waiting diligently to fix the beautification of the entryway um yesterday and today uh a young man that's involved with the the program uh with the pop program David holiday they created a safe place for students to get haircuts t-shirts and backpacks um this is something that they've created in a way to give back and kudos for those people that think it's important enough to look after our young people um when I came up it was uh saying it it takes a Village to raise people um and it was also another saying of Each one teach one and if in fact we do not show our future we may be doomed as a future so as you sit here and you see people and you ride by and even the homeless um see what we can do to help because we can't get through this thing together we have a beautiful city here we have many opportunities if we come together as a Unity to improve our situation because everyone here has important input and I for one would like to hear from you so um hopefully everybody had a a a great summer and look forward to fall and thank you council president for what you do thank you councilman Wilson um I I I would just like to thank everybody who came out tonight and even though it's frustrated as every everybody was or is um they conducted themsel in a respectful manner they listen to you know the information that was given out but we got an assignment when we leave here we we we got to help these folks out so we and we got to be intentional about this this flooding thing we we just have to be there's no ifans and buts about it and as I said and I Stand On It Whatever these guys need to do you need to identify and we need to support it and we need to get done and get get to working on it right away because I think it's important and I believe that we're going to have some more flooding soon unfortunately that's just the way it works with climate change right so I I I think that's that is that's important um I want to commend uh Lamar Thomas for every year making sure that kids are greeted going into school to start their school year off sends the right message and folks from around the community participating in the kids they had a lot of kids there today um and the so the kids feel good you know and he used he used to do it at the middle school so now he's doing it at the Greco school so those kids you know they're looking up at you story ey but I you know we wish those kids we wish the district success this year we want to make sure that all the kids have a a great educational experience and is my hope that all the kids graduate or get promoted and none of them are left behind so we we need to make sure that that uh that's the message out there because they are truly the future um so that that's what's important uh to us and also to honor the late bill pascarel you know anybody who came in contact with this gentleman knew what he was about yes he he was a powerful individual he knew the Le the levers of go government and he knew how to use them and he advocated for people it's a big loss you know uh but he served us and served us well so uh and hopefully we learn something from bill um and uh my condolences go out to him his family um he will be missed um today is the second anniversary of Bernard p and his mother Grieves this is something that we have a hole in Englewood and we got to fix that hole yes and we got to look at the policies that we have we have to make change listen change is a good thing because change is with growth come with change comes growth you know but we we have a responsibility to make sure that everybody is safe and if you are having a crisis we need to get the right resources to you that's that's very important that's why I said this homelessness we want to make sure that we get the right resources for these homeless people so that we can get them to the right places and get the services that they need so this this is that's very important um when you see people like that it's very troubling in a country that's the richest country in the world and we have people out here on the street nobody be should be starving and nobody should be homeless you know so um I think it's important that we we do that but again I just want to go back to this flooding thing this this is traumatic this is frustrating for people and and we can't move forward as a city until we fix this problem nobody said it was going to be easy but we know we got work to do so let's just do the best we can do at it we don't need to give those folks no excuses we got to give them facts and be very transparent at what we're doing and I think if we're sharing the information with it they will process it and they'll receive it differently it's when we don't do that is when we get in trouble so I think it's it's important Mr VY and Mr Hoffman that you know there was a lot of takeaways tonight and but we can get the small things done and we can list all those small things and I think what they were asking for the small things very reasonable very reasonable in my estimation you know so I think that that those are some of the things we just need to follow up on um so I'm going to say we're going to start to fall the right way so we let's get to work and and and thank you for your service and and and your hard work but let's continue the work continues Mr Hoffman actually uh if you don't if you don't mind just before Mr continues um I have two vacancies one on the board of adjustment where I would make a nomination to the governing body uh and then um for the environmental commission I received the resignation from Michael Paso um and an impending one by the end of the year for the board of adjustment I don't want to make it public yet so if there's anybody that's interested in serving please send a resume to City Hall to my attention mayor Wilds at city of enid.org and I will pass it along and again please uh all ages all backgrounds if you're interested environmental commission is dynamic and we have deep shoes to fill thank you Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president uh in the interest of time no report thank you now I'm going to open up the floor for a public session 3 minutes name name address Rick willby with New Jersey I feel bad Diane got in front of you but I ain't bring my medication with me I got to get home and take it you know I'm getting old so I you know what we had a good event today even though it was a somber event uh with Bernard and uh you know ingood we we need to do better we see so many things that are wrong in engood and these things can be fixed but nothing happens all over the world we see injustices happening and people talk about peace but they don't practice peace you can't talk about peace if you if you value the ways of War if you want peace you understand that you don't take somebody's property and not expect the reaction because for every action there's an equal opposite reaction right now all over the world we see where our government is funding an active genocide yesterday I was in New York the numbers that the media tells tell us is not 40,000 it's more closer to 200,000 women mainly children and this country should be ashamed of themselves as to what's going on in Gaza what's going on in con yunus what's going on in rala what's going on in hi for what's going on all over the territory but thank God we got some good people that are in Tel Aviv right now that are standing up to this Tyrant okay that claims that he loves his people but don't love his people enough to broke up a deal that would bring hostages home and would give the Palestinian self-determination and a place that they could call home when they welcome people from Eastern Europe that didn't have a home imagine the irony today I was doing some research because I love to read you know why Ethiopia was never colonized they were never colonized because they fought the Italians so the only answer to colonialism is war because people do not want to be colonized right now Africa is still colonized and there's countries that were in the Berlin Conference that still get the wealth of Africa so when Mr Cobb talks about this is the richest country in the world that's a lie the richest place in the world is in Africa and all the riches were sto to sustain France Germany America and all these other Colonial powers where these Neals have nothing at all but the walls to look at so we need to stop lying and we need to understand that sometime the truth is offensive but it's not a sin it's not a sin to speak truth to power we see it all the time especially on the front line as far as demonstrating and talking about our constitutional right to express ourselves against people that are trying to silence us but we will not be silent but to those that want to silent the voices of people that have valid concerns about their rights know that you're ensuring that there's going to be a confrontation and that time is almost at hand where those that seek to silence the voices of people that say this is wrong it is not right versus those that believe that they have the right to kill and do whatever they feel they have to do they will be held accountable thank you thank you thanks Miss manat yes my topic here is speaking to the m children on Tade Avenue okay the young people and they they just graduate lately throughout of school I saw them walking cuz sometimes I don't drive sometimes I don't drive I like to walk when I walk I meditate through my mind cuz things are my mind and I saw kids walking with bag across them and when I look it's drugs they selling I saw it for myself nobody tell me and I saw them and you know the Holy Ghost sent me to speak to them and I speak to them and rebuke them and you know what I saw boy was going Sunday I was taking back some Lobster to shop right cuz they didn't cook properly and full of pepper and salt and I bring them back take back my money and guess what I saw a kid I don't know him from Adam but the Holy Ghost sent me to him and I Lay My Hands on the young kid I don't know if he's from in good or where and I start to pray for this kid on the road right right on William Street there going towards Palisade Avenue and you know what happened the kids start to cry after I pray for him and he said lady who are you where are you coming from I said the Holy Ghost sent me to play I you and pray for you and you know what happened the guy I thought he was going Dwight Mar High School I thought he was living around here he's from Florida and he's have two more days to go home I said really I said you know what I'm praying for you because God is sending me to do this and you know what you're going right back to college in Florida and you are going to pass all your classes and I pray for him and leave him and say the 23rd psalms and I saw two more Another Day palade Avenue with the back walking going up and I was talking to them and you know what one the the slim one I know the tall one and the slim one said to me no there is no God I don't believe you know God I say you crazy something wrong with you in the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus against you and I start to pray for them and I said oh my god look what's going on God the young people they need us they need us and I said oh my God every time I look at Liberty school deer I said why they make a healthly place for old people to live or they build a school where the kids can learn trade instead of having them on the road drugs instead of have them on the road orange uniform to Bergen County Jail get some Factory get some place to help them and put them in they don't want to be out there like that you know what happening they are so frustrated their mind is so mixed up because they don't have no help they don't have no where else to run to or what to do they take drugs for it and I said oh my God that's why I pray for these kids and the parents to need help if I tell you a situation with a lady take time tonight and then I'm saying this let us remember these kids please and it said Liberty school why is there nothing doing why they won't make something for the kids to go in 9:00 come out 5:00 and learn a trade why the land in hanger wood all these big tree cut them down make places for the kids to learn something young adults they are getting in trouble every day we parents whether my child grandchildren we need to do something we need to take action and stop do nonsense thank thank you m we we almost at 11:00 police department they stop me at the monument one police one morning I was going to food pantry I go to Food Pantry cuz the money I get cannot help me I do everything and guess what I stop at the stop sign I obey the law and by I reach over where Liberty school is going to The Pantry the police drive me and stop me I said what you stop me for good morning officer how are you today I was so nice to him and he said you know why I stop you because you go for the stop sign I said really I say in the name of Jesus I never go over there I said first thing there's a crossing guard lady right here every morning when I pass here on Monday morning I always say hello to her but this Monday no don't cut me this I'm going to cut I'm going to cut you off miss you weren't out there I I'm coming you wer there but guess what I stop at the step sign I look down P head I look that way where the gas station is there was a school bus stop right there I'm watching a white van come down by Bennett Road and the police tell me that I said you are wrong I said you don't know me he said no I don't know you I said guess what I know you from your just going to police force in hanger wood till you get hold gray bear down okay I said guess what no you're wrong and you know what the the day listen yes I'm a we got we got to go I got you call call me and you know what he said oh Mrs SM we are so sorry we apologize we read the tape and it show you where wrong right and I said Thank You Jesus because my pastor told us must obey the law of the United States than thank you Miss man thank you please take care of the will mayor pleas streeton help them please you sit down and we'll get them off the street yes please don't take them to bur County jail please no we don't want to do that take care with a trade or something put things in action thank you please you have grand kids going to come you have children on the street grandparents please remember our kids they are for me and they are for you even though I don't bur them they are my kids when I see them on the street the record Hallelujah the record should also reflect that I return I return every single phone call from this young lady every single phone call the record should reflect that she has been given and has always been given a good hearing and has a good heart thank you uh Diane Jansen 589 melin Terrace thank you Mrs uh manat and I'd like to say in talking about thanking taking care of all our children um going back to Bernard placed who was 22 when he was uh fatally shot in his room the door in my recollection but I'd have to view the video again was barricaded and now we have new laws against that uh breaking in when someone is in a mental health crisis uh into a barricaded uh room um I'm bringing up Bernard's name also because every time I read the paper there's so many people of color especially in Mental Health crisis who have been killed by police recently in New Jersey and Bernard's name is not mentioned and it hurts my heart when I see that and I wonder why is that not done um there the police officer was not Vindicated um there was a no bill which they felt the J grand jury felt there was not enough evidence so I think we need to remember that and we need to uh put Bernard's name in those names uh that we see in the paper that's number one number two with respect to the flooding I I do want to thank uh the city manager Robert Hoffman as well as s city engineer France VY uh for the the planning that they're doing uh to move us forward but as We Know with the plans we have to take immediate action for the Urgent uh emergent matters so in doing both I think we're we're going forward uh somewhat and and I'm happy uh about that um I'm also happy that um and I do want to say I'd be remiss uh if I didn't say uh in Janet sharma's absence um I was the one who facilitated uh uh the Anglewood storm meeting uh but really the credit a lot of the all the credit goes to the nonprofits who work together with the city and I do want to give a special shout out shout out to Bergen Family Center uh as well as Alexis cooperman who um was helping the city in hand out 400 free first aid kits so thank you and I just want to add that thanks to Joe S Benelli with that he's the one who got the kids for us oh yes thank you to Jo s Benelli I'm sorry I I didn't mention that part thank you thank you next um good evening Martha Morales 93 hanik Street uh mayor Wilds uh Happy Anniversary thank you uh marriage uh faith and values one of the strongest uh foundations of our society um I want to uh comment on the um parking of commercial vehicles the ordinance says that is 48 hours but in reality it is at times 96 hours or indefinite because what happens is you cannot call the city of Inglewood until you see that a car is is parked there for 48 hours after that they come they Mark the car and then you have to wait another 40 hours for them to come and to see if the vehicle is still there then at that point they remove it if that vehicle moves a foot or more that 48 Hours starts all over again if it rains and the mark that the police policeman Mark is vanished then there is nothing to it you have to start all over so I think that needs to be Revisited I have gone through a few towns around Englewood Englewood Cliff Leonia and I have seen a couple of signs that the city has for parking signs some of them says residential parking only other one says um Monday through Friday 9 to5 excluding holidays to our limit other ones in um Fort Le says residential parking only and uh others from uh certain time to certain time my point is this I live in a very commercial area and it's only two ve two houses in my house in on on my block I have a mechanic in the corner that he rents Vehicles then I have cars out of nowhere parking in front of my house okay waiting to be rented out so what happens people come in inspect the vehicles they're not even the owners as we speak right now my daughter called me there was a car while I'm in the mid here there was a car in front of my house then he stayed there turn off the car the driver was inside I mean if I had residents or other houses in my area then I would not be so worried but if I only have two houses and everything else is commercial wouldn't you be on the lookout to see what is this car doing in front of your steps in your house so I'm always on the lookout so I think the ordinance for not only for commercial parkings but for anyone parking in the city of New York of Englewood needs to be Revisited that 48 hour parking is not working is outdated and then we need to take care of the residents of Anglewood and I understand that everybody else matter but we pay taxes so put us first please yep thank you Pete good evening uh Pete Jansen 589 ridg L terce I will not take three minutes so we're almost done uh I I believe um we have an opportunity here with I'm going back to the weather and and and the rain again um when you look at the way at the rain data in our area the the only weather stations that we have are in Loi Alpine and Teterboro Airport there's nothing really close to like the Anglewood tenly Anglewood Cliffs T neck any of that area so what I would think we can do is we we can apply for and get a and maybe get a grant uh to actually have a weather station in Anglewood so we can have a better grasp on you know what's happening in our town and and this is a good idea because it's going to help all the surrounding towns to know better what's going on when we see these storms being really localized like I was saying before that that September 6th storm or the August 6 storm came just through the southern part of Anglewood and and you look at the the the rain reports for uh Alpine and they got hardly anything so it would behoove us to at least try to find out and see if we can get a weather station and I think if you look I was reading about about Ida and the Highlight for New Jersey in this particular report I was reading was that Newark had 420 people displaced from their homes and I just did Anglewood we had over 500 if you just do a percent of population for the city Anglewood is way over the impact that was at Newark so I think if we can get uh we have an opportunity here to get some grant money get a weather station and get better information about the rain that we're seeing in our town thank you have a good night it's very late yeah I'm Jin Z and I'm normally up but it's very late uh shaki 85 Divorce Court oh my God if she caps again um I just want to talk about our homeless crisis um I've lived in this city my entire life I've lived in the city of New York and you would expect homeless crisis to happen in the city of New York it's a huge metropolitan area um but when you come to the city of angood where you have homeless folk literally um and not not to be dispar in but a lot of these homeless folks are Caucasian in fact um living in you know the Starbucks or right outside the Starbucks or I was walking home one day from um um um um Sophia's and this man had set up a a sort of a cot in the middle of the store entrance way and I was like oh this what we're doing now um and secondarily um our city is facing crisis of folks drinking in public particularly on the Avenue um there's a lot of Latin Americans who um frequent two locations in the Avenue and then behind the shot right um one being at that church I guess that's a banding that used to be operational um and secondarily being by the monument um where there's large cans of particularly beer and other types of alcohol I know as a black American I can't drink in public um it's it's against the law I think for most Americans who drink in public and uh it seems to be like the police doesn't enforce that particularly at night where they don't they're not doing anything about that and you know you sometimes I walk my dog at night and these folks are literally passed out on the steps of that church or near the monument and it just has to be um corrected thank you I'm going to close this portion of the public meeting Mr biley you got to take us in the close session so we can get in and get out yes sir be resolved by the governing body of the city of angood that a meet and Clos session pursuant to subsection 7 of the open public meeting meetings act discuss contract negotiations Personnel matters litigation matters um and matters within the attorney clim privilege and be it further resolved that the discussion conducted uh can be disclosed to the public upon taking final action thereon provide does not constitute undo invasion of privacy or violate the attorney client privilege and being further resolved that the council will return to open session after the closed session meeting we are now in closed session no second we need a motion and a second they go to close I make a motion second I I take care we're in close okay let's let's let's go get this done --------- ##VIDEO ID:XXC40UncQwE## e good evening and welcome to the city council workship Workshop meeting of September the 3rd 2024 and the time now is 7:40 one well everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of allegian to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation indivisible next we're going to have a moment of silence for late Congressman Bill pascarell who represented us uh for a number of years and so we're going to start with uh moment of silence now thank you next will the city clerk please read the open Public's meetings act this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice of this meeting was included in a notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised in said newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice having been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this [Music] meeting will the city clerk please do the roll call councilman Rosen here councilwoman wasi here councilwoman David present councilman Wilson present council president cob here also present is Mayor Michael Wilds city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John Berner City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman and city engineer France FY next we'll have presentation on August 6 and August 18th weather events for uh thank you council president uh good evening members of the uh city council good evening members of the of of the residents of the city of Inglewood I'm Bob Hoffman the city manager this is France VY our city engineer uh we have a presentation about storm water management and the the storms that hit on August 6 6 as well as Sunday August 18th so while we're speaking there's a there'll be there's a montage just of some of the some of the activity that happened on uh both of those days and then you'll see you'll see that there's a map right here that was put together by NJIT as the lead agency they are studying uh storm water of storm water issues in the city and um they're they're helping us look at ways to ways to resolve that as well as climate change and other issues so this is just this is just what happened on the 6th as well as the as well as the 18th and um France and I will just go through and and talk about some of the some of the activities that have happened and then uh the report that we're doing tonight will be posted on our website uh tomorrow so the uh stor the storm water you know the city storm water goals are to reduce the impact of flooding by identifying choke points and resolving the issues uh when whenever possible in the short term and looking for long-term Solutions so FR you want to talk about the system yeah our our our system just so everyone knows I mean the as as many of you are aware that the storms we've been getting hit by lately have been dramatic to say the least or our city system right now handles 15 20 year storm events that's what it was designed for and what people what everyone has to keep in mind is when these systems were put in place 70 80 years ago they weren't put in place to take in the runoff that we're getting right now they just weren't um there just the reality of it the the city wasn't developed the city wasn't developed the way it is now um we have a lot more surfaces for runoff to you know to not infiltrating to the ground so we have a lot of issues that we're dealing with and it's all part of what we're looking at what we're going to be studying Etc to see how we can better alleviate the impact of these storm events but essentially we have to keep in mind that the system that is in place right now is just not meant to take on the Storm events that we're currently experiencing the um and the effort that we're making it's a combined effort it's a collaborative effort it's with the city the county and the state and it's also with our with the federal government and some other agencies to give a to go back three years on September 1st of 2021 hurricane idah hit so we've just passed the third anniversary for that that was a catastrophic and historic storm here in in the in northern New Jersey so the city's still recovering three years later Engle Street retaining wall still has to be rebuilt the Glenwood Road the Culvert there um the road is still closed the state DP has rejected three plans that have been put forward to repair that and so that's we have other levels of government that are impacting our our ability to um to to to Bas basically figure out the figure out how to solve the the problem just just quickly um what what uh Mr Hoffman just touched on um what a lot of I believe a lot of people don't take in consideration is the city can't just go ahead and repair a lot of this by themselves we have outside agencies whether they' be the DP FEMA Etc that also has to approve what we're doing and unfortunately these entities deal with many municipalities some of them are federal so they're dealing with the whole country and it takes time for them to go through their process for example the grand Grandwood covert it's been 3 years since it's been out we are still waiting for DP to to approve it we've submitted plans three times already um they've submitted back it submitted comments we revised it resubmitted it they submitted comments again we revised it submitted it again but it takes time and we are still waiting for them to finalize the plans before we can change cover so it is out of our hands our plans are completed our specs are completed we are just waiting for approval so we can get this done so a lot of it the city is trying to move forward with it but our hands are tied by outside agencies that we have to follow that guidelines and requirements unfortunately uh with the angle Street retaining wall it's another issue it's a funding issue there where FEMA fawa the cemetery the county no one knows for sure who's responsible is who's going to pay for this who's going to flip the bill for this we are actually now looking for outside grants we are forgetting these entities that were supposed to cover the cost for this and we're looking for outside grants now to try and repair it on our own so again something that the city has nothing to do with our plans and specs are ready to go um except it is taking a long time for these outside agencies to approve these projects so we can get them moving so I know there's a lot of frustration and there's a lot of the city's not doing anything but we actually are a lot of it we're sort of handcuffed as how much we can actually move forward all right let's talk about some of the things that we've been able to do so starting in September of 2022 after months of of effort trying to get people to agree on what can be done the mayor was successful in getting the DP and the Army Corps of Engineers to agree to come to Englewood to meet in person person and then to meet on site and that happened in September of 2022 and that was a great meeting because we spent a whole afternoon looking at the problems going to different locations France gave a masterful presentation just basically extemporaneously for almost three hours on the issues that were that were facing the city and at the end of that both the DP and the Army Corps of Engineers agreed on what we could do as a city uh without going forward and that was on a Friday and on a Monday morning at 8:00 we had we had a long arm a small long arm in the Stream starting to desilt and dnag and they also they also gave us um ideas and then agreed on solutions for how to REM how to remove some of the other obstacles that were in the in the creek so when you're looking at the uh at the Loop you'll see you'll see the one of the long arms that we were able to borrow from the county that's helped us to remove sediment the city as we're sitting here now has removed approximately 550 truck loads of material from the overp creek so that was taken out it had to be dried and then it had to be tested and then it was sent out but since basically in the last two years we have taken out 550 truckloads of material from the overp creek and that has made a dramatic impact on on on flooding we we the areas that were chronically flooding us stopped flooding we were also able to open up we were also able to open up East West culverts that have been blocked for years with sediment so that's that that helped the uh and then also in in 2022 in September of 2022 Senator Johnson Senator Gordon Johnson talked to us about a potential Grant in partnership with NGIT ruter and Stevens Institute so the city met with with the with the um the team from from NJIT and Stevens Institute in October of 2022 we we spent we spent the whole 3ars of a day going through the city looking looking at our our choke points looking at areas where we needed help and they agreed to help they agreed to submit a Grant application on behalf of the city and they want to design the goal is to design a system that can be used for the city to alleviate some of our storm water issues uh also plan for climate change but also the the long-term goal is to have them develop a template that can be used by other municipalities across the state who are who are in similar circumstances so it took a whole year for the grant to be to go through the process in Trenton and get approved but it was approved in December of 2023 and then the funding was made available in March of 2024 so just this [Music] year I'll shut this off Ju Just just to piggyback on again what what uh you know Mr hoffen just stated um the NGIT Stevens and and Ruckers of that that whole study of our drainage system uh whether it be our JY overpack metlers and ultimately Flat Rock that is going to be key in how we move forward when it comes to drainage uh not only able to study what the cause of the the primary cause of our flooding issues are study the topography Etc we know we're in a lowly elevation wise and we are getting run off from surrounding communities but being able to put together not only a plan of how to move mitigate some of these flooding issues but to put together a sort of a emergency pre-warning um sort to speak um so that when we get certain rain events they'd be able to let us know beforehand that hey there's a potential of flooding here the areas that are potentially going to be flooded Etc so that way we sort of have so sort of an advanced notice as to what's going to happen and be better prepared to deal with those flooding issues so there's a lot of things that we're looking looking at not only alleviating some of the issues but also being able to predict some of some of the flooding areas as well excuse meel we'll answer questions after afterwards when the council president recognizes people but the um since March of 2024 there's the NGIT Le team has done a remarkable amount of work they've had drones that have been flown over all of the waterways in the city they've uh been able to put elevation data that's being that's being plotted into um into one into one of their programs right now they've completed the uh study of the the overp creek and meter's Brook and they've identified 35 covers and bridges that um that cross them and so that's information that you know we we now have and we have their elevations they've also placed sensors in in the streams and they've placed a couple of cameras in the over Creek so that they can record um the the the the flow the flow of the water and tie it tie it into the sensors that are in the in the streams uh they're going to be installing more cameras and more sensors so that they will be able to have um record more data uh they're also putting together a high resolution terrain map that's what they're creating and it's going to be for it's going to be Citywide so they have to do it in grids they do it in sections they start at the lowest topographical points and then they work their way up so they've they've just completed the over Peet Creek area and now they're going to move East they're going to move up up up the terrain and they're going to they're going to move up towards Inglewood Cliffs and take a look at Flat Rock but you always start at the bottom and then you work your way up to the highest elevation so when when this data is finalized we'll be able to receive as France said realtime data and we'll be in better position to predict storm impacts on specific areas so all right so so go you can go ahead and talk about the all right so one of the other things that the city has done is we've or and we've organized a regional flood and storm water mitigation group that group first met in March of this year there are 14 entities that are involved in that so it's Bergenfield it's the county of Bergen it's cres Hill it's Englewood Cliffs Englewood Fort Lee Leonia NJIT Palisades Park the state office of emergency management they're funding the they're funding the study so we want to make sure that we're we have their their input and we have the access to their databases uh tenek tenly representatives from Congressman goth heimer's office and representatives from Senator Johnson's office as well as assembly members hater and park so we've had we've had meetings on a monthly basis and we are we have a shared services project planned for the fall where we will have joint teams that will will go in and uh we will be looking at we will be clearing um streams that cross Municipal boundaries so we're going to have a joint group of our dpws that will be working together we're going to be looking at data that the county has agreed to give us the county OEM is doing a flyover twice a year of the of this region so we will be able to look at the um the Topography of the city as well as the tree canopy uh in the summer and then we will be able to look at it when the leaves are off the trees but our our goal is to is to look and see what trees are diseased and then look down and see chart the erosion because that's something that we have to do we have to stabilize this this yeah this this or this I I hate to call it a group but the combined efforts of all the municipalities are key this is not as and I've said it in the past and I know many of you are probably don't want to hear this but this is not an Inglewood issue you know I tell people all the time I can have all the money in the world and fix up Inwood as much as I had I I I want to but I'm still going to get get run off from Fort Lee Anglewood Cliffs you know ten ofly Etc so we need to work with surrounding communities to come up with a long-term um you know um sort of solution for this um otherwise we're wasting our time because all we're going to if I increase the capacity in Inglewood guess what everybody's water is just going to go into Inglewood water is going to find the easiest path to flow into and it's just going to flood and go that's all it's going to do um you know we are are restricted by the overc creek everything flows into that it can only take so much and we also are restricted by the fact that the county controls the gateways down in over Creek so when they shut those down over Creek cannot flow and that happens when we have high tides Etc because they don't want the Hack and Sack River to flow back into municipalities so they have their reasons for doing it but it does impact the surrounding municipalities so we all have to work together to find a solution uh for this because over Creek doesn't end and start and and going you know so we have to find out how much water are we getting from the surrounding communities how can we you know not only digest it control it manage it and also how are wech charging it into the the next you know the the the surrounding neighbors as well so again I think this this group is going to be key and ultimately solving our drainage issues here in engor again it's going to take it's going to take everybody it's going to be a regional effort to get this thing all controled but we will don't I don't want anybody to think Inwood is still our priority that's our number one priority we have to control and alleviate as much of the impact as we're having here in Inglewood first but again um it's going to help to have the surrounding communities help as well one of the reasons why it's important that that you know that our our regional group works together is because the meter's brook starts in Bergenfield and they're doing Bergenfield and crcular are making improvements on meter's Brook that means there's going to be more water flowing into Inglewood because meters Brook flows through those communities and then it comes down into Inglewood and it flows past the Greco school and it intersects with the overp creek so we need to work together to make sure that we know what their flow is and then uh we can we can make sure that it can be handled and they've ALS they're they're also looking at ways to make sure that the the volume is is going to be lessened coming across the municipal borders but our the cooperation has been has been very good so far and um this is this is uh this is a group that over the next year and a half will um will identify issues that um will help not only Engle it but help all of our help all of our other communities just chart the chart the erosion and and figure out a way to stabilize stream Banks and that's that's something that's important the council has also been proactive in reducing the flooding and addressing climate changes so one of the things that the council did is they they funded the purchase of 47 Brook Avenue that was something that had been recommended by NJIT that was one of the lowest uh Parcels in the city and that's an ideal area for a detention Basin or a holding Basin the council also approved a storm water management plan in October of 2023 and then they funded the required studies and updates for that plan so that's being done right now and that's being quarterbacked by by our city engineer and then they've also ensured that storm water flooding and other related issues are being reviewed as part of the master plan because there's there were different annexes to that and that was something that the council was very uh very specific about is that at the last time the master plan was looked at we didn't we didn't deal with drainage and we didn't deal with flooding and that's something that has to be dealt with so that uh it can be part of our long-term solution and the council has also been been proactive by funding equipment that's needed so that we can clean out catch basins and coverts and waterways so they've um they've helped purch purchased they funded the purchase of a a caterpillar long arm a small long arm that can get into tight places as well as a sewer jet vac truck that has a camera so we can go in we can TV lines we can clean we can clean things out and then in 2023 the council also funded the uh the Des Des snagging of the Flat Rock Brook the southern part of the Flat Rock Brook so somewhere in somewhere in there is a real time or is a laps video of of of removing tree limbs and trees and things like that from the flat from the Flat Rock Brook so yeah one of the key issues that you know at least I look at when you know when Bob mentioned we identify Bridges and covers Etc through our waterways U the thing that comes to my mind are they're all choke points um meaning that you know the amount of water that cuts through those areas is essentially what the what the uh channel can carry um you know I think of Pendle right away um as you go down over pet Creek and you go by Pendle Avenue and you cut down through Hilton that's a choke point um many of you have probably driven down before and you know where the three lanes turns into two lanes how problematic that is same thing with water um when it when it drives down it reaches a choke point that area becomes problematic so identifying those choke points and finding out how do we deal with them because those are areas that are definitely going to be ISS you know prone to flooding Etc so we're we're studying a whole bunch of different aspects of the flooding and you know it's it's going to take some time I don't want I don't want to lead or give anybody a false hope that this is going to happen overnight it is not it is a huge issue um we are making progress It's slow it's continuous but we are making progress and I realize that the progress may not be what you want it to be right now and many of you have been impacted tremendously by rain events we're having there we we are not you know we're not blind to that we we are fully aware of what's going on You' seen the videos here that they're flashing through so we're totally aware of that but we are making progress and we are trying to move everything along as much as we can we encourage everybody if you know of an issue if you have videos send it to us let us know about it you know we are right now we're attacking the main areas the main focuses that we feel are going to create the greatest relief for for the majority of people that's what we're focusing on but we want to know every single person that's getting impacted because you know something may take 3 years to fix where your issue may take you know a few days worth of work and maybe a couple cash basing that needs to be clean it could be you know something simple we can do so we need to know what those things are so we can attack them um you know if if it takes three years it takes three years if it takes a week it takes a week but whatever it is please advise our office let us know so we can try and and alleviate the issue as quickly as possible um you know just just talking about the C the council actions and some of the things that occurred one of the things that happened is after Ida is that Chestnut uh had had um both the storm water system as well as the sanitary sewer system that was um that was basically severely damaged by the by Ida the council the council authorized the the um ba basically the re the the redesign of that the storm water system and the sanitary sewer system so why don't you talk about that for a minute yeah Chestnut was was interesting Chestnut was was interesting in the fact that it had a concrete road base um the problem with a concrete road base a lot of times if it gets undermined you don't know because it's concrete and cars are driving over it and you don't realize that the road is being undermined whereas versus asphalt as soon as it gets under mine the asphalt starts sinking and you know there's a problem there what we encountered in chess is not only the drainage system was impacted but once the drainage system got impacted and the soil underneath the road so they get and washed out the sanitary got also impacted as well because it shifted it has nothing stabilizing it Etc took a long time to get FEMA everybody on board to pay for it Etc fund it um but we eventually got it almost completed we're still working out some Kinks that we have to finalize on Chestnut but for the most part it's drivable except the storm system is in we're reviewing the sanitary system now to make sure that everything's intact and everything's okay but again it's one of those roadways that got impacted in a way that you would not think um would get impacted you know regarding Ida but those are the type of things that we are getting unfortunately getting getting used to you know just the force of these storms the the force of the water um what I tell everyone with Ida is when Ida hit it created new Pathways that never existed before for water so people that never got flooded before of of a sudden I'm getting flooded you know because the debris that Ida bought with it created new Pathways for water to flow through so you are getting some people are getting water theyve never gotten water before but the whole point of this is we are trying to address all of this it's a big task but we are working on it and again we need your help as well if you you know you hate to use the term if you see something say something but yeah if you have an issue you have to let us know do not feel like you're by yourself in this we're all working in this together and you know hopefully sometime you know we'll we'll alleviate some of the storm I don't want to promise anyone that we'll eliminate your flooding issues that is something that I cannot promise when you have 5 in of rain in three hours you're going to have flooding when you have 2 inches of rain in 20 minutes you're going to have flooding what we're trying to do is lessen the impact of these storms make a 50-year storm feel like a 25e storm make a 25e storm feel like a 10year storm you know make a 100e storm feel like a 50-year storm event so if we can take these minor steps and reduce the impacts of the storm um you know somebody get gets flooded three times a year we want to turn that to one somebody that get flooded 10 times a year you want to turn that to two you know and eventually eliminate it that way but we cannot promise that every single person is going to be free of flooding um it's just an impossibility right now with these rain events and I can't tell you 10 years from now where the rain events are going to be I have no idea 20 years ago no one knew we were going to have these kinds of storms so I can't tell you what it's going to be like 20 years from now let's let's go back and talk about some of the choke points and some of the simpler Solutions so CSX has been a problem they haven't maintained their swells for decades and then in September of 2023 before a severe storm was coming in we were able to identify a uh a clog in the drainage line from South Dean Street it was a County Drainage line that went into the CSX railroad tracks it was the clog was 2060 ft long CSX wasn't going to clean it they wouldn't clean it we wound up we went in we cleaned it our ourselves we um we we basically we we were able to make sure we had enough throughput so that uh the heavy rains that came were went into the storm system they they didn't Bubble Up on South Dean they didn't lift they didn't lift the the uh storm sewer grates that were there by the bakery by Bazar Bakery and the the the water flow actually pushed the rest of the clog out but this is something that the the city DPW had to go in and do and it was the right thing to do but CSX instead of saying thank you they threatened to arrest us for for trespassing on their on their RightWay just to to get that clean but we need to make sure that the swells on both the east and west side of the railroad tracks are clear because th those that's the flow part of the design is is for the is for the drainage systems to go in to go into this well and and then and flow Downstream so why don't you talk about the uh August 6th they've been looking at this thing yeah um I it's it's on the wrong thing there's a storm map that that flows uh that shows here in the slide uh it shows the the blue dots y dots Etc it just sort of it's for the August 18th storm it just kind of shows what the impact was in Englewood based on what's been surveyed so far by NJIT um if you look at the light blue it's it's means that there was half a foot of flooding in that area the dark blue is a foot the yellow is like a foot and a half I think the yeah the the yellow is two feet the green is a foot and a half the yellow is two feet and the and the the red is actually anything anything above anything above two feet is the red so you know it just gives us a sense just how much the city was impacted by the storm um I mean if if you look at this there just the amount of water alone there I don't think there's anything anyone can do regarding that what we can do is reduce it as much as possible you know we can try and come up with some solutions to try and you know maybe divert the water maybe come up with Solutions where it can be less disastrous um for for residents but in terms of stopping the the runoff itself that that's that's that's going to be tough to do um so yeah we have I mean there there's a number of long-term um things that we're dealing with that we're trying to to get you know to get resolved um St off the top of my head just just first first and foremost we're trying to upgrade our our storm system which is I mean you would think it's it's simple enough but it does requir some ding it's not as easy as hey let's increase the size of the pipe in the road it doesn't work that way um there's sanitary sewers there's there's utility lines there's water lines there's all sorts of lines in the road that are going to get impacted once you start putting lines all over the place so we got to take that in consideration we are improving some of the drainage and increasing drainage capacity on the roadways that we can you know some roadways are just more difficult than others I mean it's it's easy to say oh put a bigger line on Palisade Avenue Palisade Avenue is so full of underground utilities that is almost nearly impossible to put you know a a much bigger line on Palisade Avenue we're working with the utility companies to try and see what we can do but it's not something that's going to happen overnight um we are working with other other engineering firms um we have Boswell engineering we have Mont McDonald they are working in the town with us they've driven through town they're aware of the problematic areas so it's not just our office that's doing this we are we have reached out to others to help us um try and figure out what's the best way to move forward with this um and we have a number of things that we're that we're working on we're going to be replacing culverts um demoris Avenue Palisade geny there they're all compromised and we're going to be replacing those um we have drainage improvements we're going to be doing I mean there there's a lot of Ro I there is Glouster there's Hamilton there's a corner of Hamilton and Li Decker there's Sherwood um the the EPS Avenue we have a series of of roads that are impacted by flooding that we are looking at and trying to see what we can do to alleviate those things so again it's not just us it's with the help of outside Consultants we we're trying to push just as quickly as possible to try and get it done as quickly as possible but again you have to keep in mind that once we have our solution in place Etc it does have to be approved and a lot of times it has to be approved by outside agencies and we have no control on how quickly they turn that around we push as much as we can we call we follow up but sometimes we are at the mercy as to how quickly they they give us the approval to go ahead yeah so the uh you know and what France mentioned about the out about the uh the outside Engineers helping this this was something that was discussed with the council in 2022 and 2023 and and the council was on board they they authorized you know they they told us to go forward um we the funding was authorized so that we could we could hire the outside Consultants so that the engineers so that we could survey we could make sure that everything was designed and and start moving so that's that's part of what we've done and know just in closing we there's France talked about the uh the upgrade to the storm water system uh we're going to be using the data from NJIT that's going to be critical to our long-term solution because for for the storm water upgrades um we have to address the flooding issues regionally because water water doesn't stop at municiple boundaries CSX and the Turnpike Authority they have to maintain the easements on a regular basis they have to become active Partners in this process um we need to work with the state and federal government to keep the stream Banks formalized we can't let property we can't let the erosion continue we need to make sure that it's the that whatever is going to be designed we know will work for the next 50 years so we have to formalize those stream Banks just like they're doing in New York and then we have to be proactive in designing retention basins and uh and looking at ways to hold water and to send water not you know not directly downhill but hold it so that um we're we're able to set to move it when it's safe and then we you know we have to work with the planning board and the zoning board to decrease the amount of impervious coverage that's allowed on each parcel here in here in the city and you know that means that the storm water management must become part of the discussion about any development plan in the future so we have to we have to take that into account we have to look at things differently and that's part of it and the the uh the NJ Ruckers and Steven study it's um you know it's moving it's moving East so that we can document and uh chart everything and then it's it's going to finish up it's going to go in a basically I'm going to call it counterclockwise to make sure the whole city is covered but um we're you know that that's going to that's going to help us make sure we can do we can address um flooding and erosion uh in a systematic way and prevent future losses or mitigate future losses so thank you thank you for uh letting us address this issue council president what I'm going to do now is I'm I'm going to let the members on the day uh if they have any questions uh to take their questions and be mindful at a time and then I'm going to open the floor up to the to the public so uh mayor WS you want to go first but let's let's let's let's be respectful of the time because we still have a whole meeting to get done uh thank you uh ladies and gentlemen for joining us and to our city manager and city engineer for doing a stellar job uh these last several years um I I don't want to take a lot of the time this evening and I just you know one of the talking points that you had was to work with the planning board and the board of adjustment to limit impervia surface uh which is basically to curtail in many ways development um the feeding tube that we get from the experts on those boards the engineers and the experts that come forward on applications is that a lot of the properties are going to be made better by the increasing of water runoff uh and retention pits and some of the improvements that they're making um I wonder whether or not it would be appropriate for us uh to have a meeting with the chairman of both the planning board and the board of adjustment and perhaps the lawyers to kind of get our hand around the Anglewood experience because I want to make sure with the master plan being recraft it now every 10 years and the fact that the last master plan had no word at all whatsoever on flooding that we get this right I don't want to Telegraph uh the wrong message we always spoke about smart development controlled development I want the right uh kind of uh chemistry here and I don't want to scare people I don't want neighbors to be scared when applications are being made that will actually improve uh the water retention um on somebody's property and I really don't want to encourage the wild west where in the middle of the throws of the uh evening we were getting a lot of phone calls from people who were you know protecting their own property and stuffing up the Culver uh and so forth so not for you this evening to opine on immediately but we're getting mixed messages at the planning board and the board of adjustment and the experts that come and package those things need to be consistent with The Narrative of the city I I can I I can comment a a little bit on this um the the issue that we're having at at the boards or any developer that comes in and has their engineer submit something is they are satisfying the current guidelines and the problem that we're having is based on the rain events that we're having and we're we're you know experiencing the current guidelines fall a bit short good um then then tell us properly let's have a moratorium on development until we fix all of this not some of this all of this and then I can live with that um or at least somebody tell us that the um guidelines here are not up to speed and what they're doing is adequate and we don't think it's adequate enough for our city and the division and the vision that you've set to make these things so in other words I want to I want to put teeth to this there's no point in US hearing these things living with these tragedies Yours Truly too and not doing something smarter about this this this is going to be a a a real you know it's it's going to take little pieces from every single aspect to resolve this there's no one fix it is all right so I leave it in your hands then Mr manager if you don't mind if you want to convene a meeting like that with the right notice to the community and everything because I'd like to make sure while we're while you guys continue all this hard work that we don't muck it up in any other way I I do agree with mayor I think we should stick a pin in development because if we don't know how to fix it I think by the development is disturbing it's a big factor so why keep developing developing developing and people have flooded out um especially Glenbrook Parkway and Herzog they they had it bad so and then we had this the overlay Zone and we have some more Development coming over there on the Third Ward it's it's just crazy I think we should just halt it and tell the developers to go back home thank you good evening first giving honor to God without him I wouldn't be here thank you for your presentation um although it was lengthy and it was very informative we have been going through this storm water thing for some time and we should already know where the choke holes are we don't need storm management to come in and tell us where those chok holes are sending a drone above that's okay that's fine um I've addressed this on the planning board for the last two years that I've been on the planning board that the development is hindering us from improving our storm Management program and maybe storm Management program needs to sit down with the planning board with me included and the zoning board to educate those that may not know that are voting yes to these retention uh bases that aren't big enough for the developments that they're doing um and I have repeatedly voted no on the planning board for these new developments basically because of the retentions aren't big enough in my in my aspect and so I think is education not just our city and our residents but the people that are entrusted to vote on the zoning and the planning board need just a little bit more education in regards to storm man management now into regards to it quick fix I thought we had a project that was underway and a consistent DPW crew even though they're overworked and they're doing a great job that they consistently go around and clean out our drainage um I've had the unfortunate events to visit and you have settlement of 2 feet to sometimes 3et fet when that particular area Can Only Hold 4 feet so I understand that it builds back up but we have to be resilient on the ability that we have to reduce this um so that's a consistent concern of mine that we are diligent in repairs and how the water flows done hi thank you for the presentation um after the August 6th storm um I went and I I um met with many residents in the second Ward the second ward was really hit hard In This Storm um and I I guess I would I would put it in although many areas were hit the four major areas that were hit um was the glaster Jones Road area with Flat Rock Brook in the middle along Broad Avenue where people have those streams that run and also especially even even and hit the worst on Broad Avenue was the homes that were of course from Cross Creek um and also of course nap was it was just devastating to see what happened and in these areas and the fourth one being um there's those Creeks that run on vanostran which I know we their emails going back and forth um um the one thing and I'll say that we are so fortunate that we did not lose lives in August 6 storm because when you talk to the residents who are sitting here those the water levels in those homes were so high I mean forget about the cars that are lost I'm talking about the water in the homes you know people live some people have basement apartments it's it's just unbelievable the one thing that's missing in this plan as as and as I listen to it is I'm not hearing I didn't hear much about Crystal Lake I didn't hear anything about Crystal Lake I didn't um hear I just we just mentioned Flat Rock Brook that you know in 2023 there was some des snagging and I and I went down and saw it when it took place I I took a couple of pictures so I know I know that there was some dis snagging but we didn't really talk about Flat Rock Brook and the data that's in the package and NGIT has I guess has been provide has provided it's it's not in in in that section of the city so so I'm assuming I'm assuming that they they are going to get there and that you said they're working down they're working their way up Eastward and that's why we don't have that data but I just wanted to emphasize the impact in the second ward what a great job our emergency staff did our fire police DPW because I'm amazed and I'll tell you that that I was on the phone all night with with with many residents and what was I saying to everyone call 911 it was just a call 911 call 911 it was unbelievable the other thing I I'd like to say is in terms of what um about the zoning um because I I did sit on the planning board for a few years and there are a lot of projects that come up you know there there's there's two different issues there's there's if someone if if you already have a house that's there and then someone comes up and they're going to make improvements that's one thing the the and and we and and I know that the experts will say well you we're doing better on Water Management then there there are properties that are full with 100 trees and they're all going to come down or many of them are going to come down and then we're going to do a subdivision and we're going to put up homes and that's a different story and when you talk when I've been talking to people and they're telling me they're having a problem and I'll say what did your neighbor do did was there anything changed around here oh my neighbor yeah they got a variance you know from the board of adjustment for a pool you know they're four feet away from the property line but they were able to get a variance or or um you know or similar you you hear stories like that um so I I think we have to really we really have to relook at our zoning um and and I mean I and on that note I'll I went through before this meeting yesterday I pulled out the 2022 report from the board of adjustment they they addressed the council in the fall of 2023 I don't know if they've have they they're supposed to do an annual report have they submitted their annual report for 2023 to the council so we need to see the what the board of adjustment did in 2023 in ter you know what happened there in terms of the of of the projects and they need to report to the council and we have to relook at our zoning and and how many what percentage of people are getting variances and um and whether you know and how to and how to be um how to be more strict about this and and revamp that whole system thank you for listening to me thank you thank you for an excellent presentation really appreciate it uh Fran just uh two follow-up questions one is um you said that after Hurricane Ida the pattern of water change was that just just during the storm because of the ferocity of that particular storm or is that something that's now permanent I I believe that's something that's impacting people now I believe that during the storm with the amount of debris that the storm was carrying that new Pathways were created through the that still exist to this that still exists today okay um and you you mentioned about 47 Brook which we purchased at the end of last year and I believe we got a grant in March of this year um uh to to develop that what what's the current timeline for that have have we hired someone to develop PL I mean that's going to be two three four years exactly I'm not saying no that when are we cutting the ribbon on uh on on Friday but but um but what's the time line for that have we sent that to an architect uh no no um we we we are right now they are just doing the study of the overp creek the the the the uh drainage lines Etc just to see what could be captured there to start out with before we even think about going out to construction or anything like that we have to make an assessment of the the property how much water comes down how much can we actually realistically capture there and release at a slower Pace down an overp so all that has to be put in consideration before we can complete the design get it out the bit Etc and and we're still unfortunately this this study you know people aren't going to like the the length of it but it's a two and a half year deal and it's not it's not something that's simple um we have a a big water shed that we have to take in consideration we're getting water from a lot of people and it's going to impact how we move forward with this and are we in the process of identifying potentially other properties that might be um I think 47 Brook was pretty obvious unintended lwh hanging fruit but um anything uh else I mean we don't we probably shouldn't say them out loud but no no that is part of what we're we're looking at like I said like I mentioned before this is going to be a comprehensive thing there's no one fix it is it's going to take you know it's going to take drainage uh improvements of course um we're going to have to think a little bit outside the box there there's going to be some issues that have to be dealt with as far as you know policy issues ETC so it's going to be a little bit of everything to try and sort of Corral this and then make this manageable fron Bob thank you for the presentation but I think looking out into the crowd here people are frustrated and they're traumatized and what I'm not hearing is if it were to rain tonight what what have we done to make a difference so so you know there are a number of things Franson you know we walked up a nap and and I've walked around the city and some of storm drains that are just two feet deep and I'm not an engineer they're just not adequate so you know what can we do now I as a council member am willing to financially whatever the city wants to do to make these things happen for the residents of the city engood I think talking about projects and all that's fine but they Ain answering the question nor is it solving the problem we know it's going to flood on Forest Avenue and Dean Street we know it's going to flood on gluster we know it's going to flood down here and you know what the amazing thing Forest Avenue and Van Brun Street where our emergency vehicles have to go through there we know that these are areas that they're troubled why we just calling Audible and saying hey let's fix this let's go down there and see what we can do for this we need to do that we need to take action I think people are just tired of hear what what we got a nice plan and all that and that and we should have a plan but I I think we're beyond that with the folks here I think they're beyond that because you know what's happening now it's a quality of life issue and it's an expense to the people you know what I'm saying so I'm I'm asking you and Mr Hoffman to come back to us and say we've identified here are 10 10 areas and here's what we believe we need to do right away we know it's going to flood in gler we know it's going to flood on Forest Aven right we we know it's going to flood on glenor Parkway we know it's going to flood on Pendle we we know that but are we doing enough right thank God for you you you took care of what happened on slokum Avenue the street was sinking in and the retain wall is falling in thank God for that but what I'm saying and what I'm hearing tonight is people want action they don't want all they could care less about a presentation right now because if I got to go home to my flooded basement and I got to spend $5,000 about to put up new sheet rock and my insurance company is hassling me now what are we going to do and and that's all of our problems right because what we see now is where the four4 was only suffering with this everybody getting a little dose now you know what I'm saying everybody's getting a little cuz the water's finding other places to run but my other concern is we got people who are not complaining they're just handling their water and going about their business they' have become immune to this we don't want that cuz we don't know if they're cleaning it out right so you get mold and it now you got a health issue now you got a health issue so we got to look at this as an emergency this is an emergency that the city of Anglewood has to look at this for I'm here standing here and I'm ready to do whatever we need to do to support you guys to get this job done I'm stepping out there saying I'll sign whatever we got to do so y'all can do what y'all need to do I I support what yall want to do if you said listen we need to have these things or we need to do these things okay let's come to us and I'm sure everybody here will do the same thing cuz everybody's phone is ringing but it's it's it's just a quality it's just a quality of life for all of us for all of us and you know up there at Crystal Lake the stat should be ashamed of themselves should be ashamed of themselves no maintenance whatsoever that's not the city of England's fault we've done DPW did their thing yes DPW has been doing their thing right you've been doing your thing but I think what we need from your guys is a plan that says we're going to take these blocks that we've identified and we're going to do whatever we can do without whatever approvals that we need to get to get it to this point maybe just maybe it gives us some relief so you guys can continue to work on what you're doing that that's that that's what I believe we need what needs to happen this here people every time it rain they're like oh my God here it goes here it goes and we know shop right you know how it is people just go to shopp and it's raining say why would you go there you know it's going to flood in the parking lot you know it's going to flood I mean but but but people are just trying to live in a time where it's so tough yes to get by people living paycheck to paycheck they're trying to pay for college send these kids to school thank you let's not put that Log on the Fire too you know what I mean so I I just I just share with you that I think what would be helpful is if y'all guys come together and identify these places and that we can go right away I'm going to support that I'm going to support that and I and I honestly believe I honestly believe that whatever project you're working on if it ain't dealing with storm water it got to go to the back and everything dealing with storm water and flooding got to go to the top of the list and we got to start picking those things off we got to do those things you know that that's what we need to do I mean because people are losing property they're losing I mean it's it's it's just it's just bad for everybody but I will tell you my concern again is where people are dealing with this without even raising their hand and that's not good that's not good and that and but but that tells you they've become immune but that also means they've lost confidence in US yes to get things done that's what that means yes that's what that means so you know what we want to get some confidence Let's Take Action I support y'all to taking action I I I can't tell you no other way because I'm going to tell you something I don't know how long it will take because people are frustrated and they're traumatized they're traumatized this is where they put most of their money or all their money into these homes they made an investment in this town so we need to help them best we can yes to do that and we need to help y'all so y'all can do this job I I just want yall to do the job whatever it takes you tell me understand yes but it's more than Unity it's because it's it's impacting all of us and and people got to deal with everything else so y whatever it is I think y'all need to just get to these hot spots as I call them let's let's let's deal with them best way and then and then do what we need to do thank you so what we're going to do I'm G to let anybody who has a question come to the mic you got two minutes because we have a whole meeting a whole a whole meeting you you you can present your questions to me what we're going to do is these two gentlemen will take their notes on these things they will take their notes and we we will we will we will take in so this is just for us to hear what the concern is on your mind and then we can move out all right ready so we get your name address and you got two minutes to do that two minutes now got a meeting go through got it so William safield 251 South Street hold on hold on one second hold on second cuz we GNA put you on the clock cuz we got a tendency to go over how what we ready go ahead go go go ahead all right all right oh D Street De street is one of the lowest streets now they bought up a lot of good things I guess but to me a lot of small things make a big difference now for instance every street in Inglewood should be swept every week when you look at the rain especially after the rain as the waterers do more trash was coming from everywhere and it all winds up down at the lowest point point which is Dean Street another thing is we need to do more with what they say they're doing cleaning out the drains but as you clean them out they need to be putting up a grate so no bottles or nothing can get in it they did it on I guess the county did this they did it on Grant on Grand Avenue all the drains were covered by a great so now s the bottles and this should be all over town and to me as you say start at the Bottom clean out the grains put the grates up and work your way up hill I think these will make a big difference in how to water now far as these little Brooks all over town and other towns are doing this too all over town we have Brooks that are ridiculous that have trees in them that are 30 years old and the simplest way to see this is to go to McKay Park the brook of McKay park on the west side is full of trees all the way down plus that Brook takes the water from all of that area far as wise Corner the whole area all of those are wise Corner Brook all of those Brooks need to be cleaned then the biggest issue is CSX we need to get we could have spent a lot of money on lawyers for cxx and if not we need to get involved with some politicians who can help us I've never heard no one say anything about anyone from the state never heard say the federal we got politicians in this state Booker anything body who can go up against if y'all act like the train company such a big deal but they should be able to handle that but these are some of the things that really make a big difference small things but if you look at that Brook MK Park that gives you an example how all the little Brooks in this whole town they're a mess thank you thank you Corell and you can you know how to get old of me yes excuse me I'll go good evening I'm Charles Epstein we live on glow and angu this gentleman said 95% of what I wanted to say couple of things that the gentleman spoke about we should do little things I remember three years ago and I spoke to Mr Cobb and he promised me and he said you know you've touch me I'm going to go I want you to have a report I'm going to send it to Boswell I want to get the report I've never seen a report I've never seen anything in 3 years and we've now been flooded three times in 3 years after a living here 33 years I think part of what the the board should be considering or the manager should be considering is again these little steps that people see s tangible efforts whereby I asked again under Freedom of Information can I see a dredging schedule can I see a schedule where the sewers were cleaned out and I was told there is no schedule how many times do we have to go clean our drains and we see they're full as well in the back of our house on glowa street I remember years ago 30 years ago it was dredged people came in again I would assume the city and cleaned it I haven't seen it in 30 years and I'm hearing from these other people all over this is all over town and it's rampant so again if we're talking about Department of Public Works I don't know why this work isn't being done and as you said Mr cop this should become a priority now over everything else on on on our glassa street we talked about it one time about considering having an extra storm drain on the Block I don't know if there's something that was ever considered it was talked about we never heard back we never heard anything one way or the other but I think what the the feeling is on people and angu is that the town doesn't do anything that we listen to these interesting conversations and it's like living in a in a fairy land wondering what's going to be and what they tell us and what's the worst thing is you're going to have no goddamn solution to this you're going to have to live with this you're not going to have instead of having a two you'll have a one instead of having a four you'll have twoo these guys don't live with this crap where you have to have now where we have to know that somebody is doing something we see something and I appreciate Mr cob tremendously what you're saying but it doesn't do enough to tell me that I have to live and wait for that one flood a year instead of waiting for two floods a year thank you Mr up I hear you thank you hi good evening everyone my name is Ava rad again nap place here I'm here with um my neighbors also from Broad Avenue we were severely impacted by the storm I think prior to this storm three years ago I've been attending City Council meetings waving my hands and saying I need the lake dredged and I can't wait for this plan that's in in that's being developed the Army Corps of Engineers came out in 2022 Crystal Lake should have been on this plan we're having runoffs now from Flat Rock Brook um overpack Cross Creek and also we have a a trench that runs alongside our property that's the New Jersey Turnpike so what I did was on May 21st was because I've had it I reached out to the turnpike myself and I said you need to come out and clean up your property they came out I want to thank France um city council manager um councilman at Lord Charles Cobb DPW and also the deputy city manager as well as the New Jersey Turnpike we need a solution in this city we need to put a hold on all of the developments and the put context on that sir the Crystal Lake is leveled with our backyard on August 6 okay same level as our backyard the one is supposed to be a reserve excuse me I don't want to cut you off and I don't I don't want to be rude but speak in order can because you need to put your name on the record okay no no no put your name on you could speak but you just got to put your name on Avenue we were the first we were gu what's your name uh I'm Maria from uh Broad Avenue I'm my house is beside the turn the turn uh abam I I emailed you sir and I sent yeah you know you because I was going nowhere with this okay yeah I felt so bad for my neighbors on the Block that I had to go out with my neighbor here who had over 3 fet of water right in her basement to knock to ensure that every what's your name my name is Carmen Cruz Cruz Cruz 66 n place my cars got flooded totally lost the second time my basement washer and dryer my B this was worse than ID this was worse than Arcane Ida cars and also he lost his garage he lost his garage Kos last three years ago 6 feet of water in my basement three years now 6 feet of water what's your name Leonardo kuio Rick if you want to get online you can help us out I lost this time I lost my garage also lost she was over there and I asked I told her you're standing with my garage is that she was just amazed everything's going even the New Jersey tpik kep told me they're not going to clean do anything back there clean cut any trees or anything back there they told you they are not they told me they told you they are not they're not that was last year when I like first oh but say it on their recent visit that when we same thing they even said it that's a law we ain't supposed to cut any trees anything there when when they were there with you guys they told me that okay that's the law they're not supposed to clean anything back there they said that they said that to you the day we were up there yes and Mr cob if I may just because everybody's here on Crystal Lake the mayor of Leonia sent me a photo and had some ideas that we could bring down the water level in Crystal Lake much like bring down a pool in anticipation of bad weather during a rainstorm or earlier than that our neighbors in Leonia are also having issues and I asked the city manager to convene a meeting with me the mayor of Leonia as well as the administrator in Leonia to see if there's anything more that they can add or we can help one another I want you to know those photos that he sent me and all of that was sent to the manager this is a critical important meeting that we get your names addresses and we collate all this thank you so I since all of y'all have spoken I'm one also of the res resident Place Lilia Madrid okay and I've been I've been living in that place for 30 years 30 years okay and then it happens the first time it it happens uh Ida yeah my basement was really nothing can be used again okay I spend too much there okay not all of the the the water and dryer the boiler the heater everything and now it happens again okay the first time that it happens on the on the 2021 we had a meeting and that was the Crystal Lake is already level so how can it hold water water from the from the angle would Creep from the from Leona is goost there and then the the the one in the in our back yeah oh that needs to be clean when I came there the for several years it was cleaned it I saw we got it yeah we got it they they clean it but for how many years now they don't you know they don't clean it okay all the debris the trees the branches went in our place and the fence came down thank you so we're in the interested time we have a whole luck thank you we got we got you thank you so much that place I guess okay hi this is the uh in Kim with 84 nap there was a video of backyard that was my house that I took it and the front house I'm just hoping I heard what the plans are I think instead of just planning studying can I just hope this time you put something in action quickly so that we could sleep comfortably if oh that's all I asked okay but if you heard what I said we need to go to action right yeah heard so I I'm I'm I'm hopeful that that's what's going to happen I don't think that there's any deadlines for this they could take an action four years later when we have another blooding it feels like they didn't do anything much from last floting to this floting well so they're still planning they're still planning they're still planning studying can we have something in action now tomorrow and later little by little one by one instead of waiting to happen this is what we kind of talking about and these two gentlemen here will put their heads together and come up with something can we have some deadlines on to it until they come up with something you can't put a deadline on anything until you come up with something come out something soon because they spent years we understand we understand nothing's there yet you know what I mean yeah okay so thank anyway something quickly thank you thank you next good night to each and everyone on the board Mr Mayor Mr WS Mr Cubs Mr Wilson good night to the congregation here yes my first thing is the brook not the one behind my kitchen my name is Jennifer Miner everybody in Englewood knows me I live at 82 Williams Street Apartment B2 in hanger wood I'm living here for 40 something years now my kids go to school everything like that yes Mr city manager it was nice meeting you tonight but I don't know your name this is the first time I see you in a meeting so could you tell me your name and I hope you could stand up when you're talking to me cuz I never see you stand up you sit down guys I thought you handicap tonight France Wy I'm not the city manager I'm the city engineer your name France France VY thank you yes and my topic is here is um about helmore Avenue that Gully there it's stagnant I went over the park sit down to have my stew peas and rice and sit down and drink I couldn't stay the place was stink it stagnant it stop it's I mean it's bad the water not running it just stays still and stagnant how can a city make play pen right behind Recreation new brand for the kids to play they are going to sick of disease and germs mosquito biting this atne I have to take my things and run home back I couldn't stay in the park reindeer coming people are taking picture I was right there sitting around one of the table eating and let me tell you something city manager engineer Mr Bob I don't remember your last name Mr Bob but let me tell you we are asking you please please our children is of tomorrow man and woman we need to protect them we need to put things in action now we don't need to put it on the table write it on the on the paper and don't take action action needs to be taken they are the man and woman who's going to sit up there tomorrow we going to go down trust me we are not living on Earth forever we need to help the children in Anglewood we need to help the parents in Anglewood we need to take care of these people with these houses I don't have a house I live in an apartment I come from Jamaica I live in an apartment on Williams Street and I take good care of it but those go right there that you pav the wall you are showing them on there you need to take action take off your jacket put on your L boots rubber boots walk down there at helmore walk on William Street don't just have the title on your clothes and you not taking action so you're city engineer or city manager do something now do something now I have relative that have a lot of house up here too these people help thank you these people need help thank you Help Cometh From God but we have to put them in action and God will finish the work thank you you hear what I'm saying tonight I pray for you guys every day and night is it the first time I meet you you need to put on your boots and go down helmore Street and S golly and William Street we're going to take very much I am not going to disrespect your thank you thank you let's put everything in hand thank you Mr Mayor answer my call wison answer my call let us work together in unity together that's what we need togetherness thank you very much thank you let's come out to the meeting let's support hle wood we are here for each other thank you thank you Miss man hi uh Gail Lewis 212 me say Gale Lewis 212 Maple Street um okay so three years four floods three cars three I'm going to be on my third basement renovation um I am not in a flood zone actually after August 6 BMA sent me an email somehow chest your assessment of your likelihood of being flooded m minimal this is not the case and fron is very aware the city knows my case I have four storm drains around I'm on a corner property of Broad Avenue and maple I'd like to see a schedule of when they are cleaned I'd like to see that when they come around and do that now I've also just learned that there's a resident on Jones Road that has a blocked Culvert in her backyard and has said she can't fix it now during that August 18th storm after the there was a another storm that Sunday night I got flooded again can I can I just yes you said you had a resident that had a cloud yes there is a a a house I was made aware of on Jones Road and fron is aware of this um that has a blocked Culvert her the water does not flow freely and my brother who lives on Jones wrote I will tell you the address um Mr done emails about yeah Mr mrran was in touch with Mr Hoffman yes email about that yes and Bruce Prince as well um because his property was getting flooded from this neighbor across the street and we notice that Sunday night of the flood instead and I have the storm stat um stream map and I saw on the on the map that This Woman's backyard is supposed to flow down underneath Maple into my Culvert in my backyard and instead of going through the drains it was now coming down Maple Street contributing to the river of Maple Street and Broad Avenue which then again flooded my property so I'd like this to be addressed too and I can get you the address um of This Woman's house um and also I think that Mr Cobb um I think that fron needs help in his office you hired Noah you need to hire a lot more Engineers for this city this is a primary problem you cannot expect fron as the head engineer and Noah his assistant I don't know what his official I he's not here okay so you got one guy taking care care of all these issues how can he do that work very hard that should be a priority to put money toward hiring more Engineers for the city and Boswell who you've retained for two plus years who's doing a study they have failed their exam by now I mean nothing's on paper you know the problematic areas by now they should have had some solution it's unacceptable and I appreciate you're forcing this to go into action I look forward to seeing what you're going to do um and I think that's it so I would like to get a schedule of when my storm drains were cleaned um and that I look forward to hearing you from me thank you thank you hi Diane Jansen 589 Rin Terrace um I just want to comment on a couple of issues that were raised tonight and my heart goes out to everyone who was flooded the storms we had we've had five storm since Ida in 3 years including Ida Ida was on September 1 2021 the second major flood was in 10 months on July 18th 2022 the third major flood in two years was September 11th 2023 we had a close call that was documented online on March 23rd 2024 the fourth major flood in three years was August 6 2024 and the fifth major flood not even two weeks later August 18th 2024 I want to put that on the record and I also want to say with respect to the state's Inland flood protection rule which became effective in July 2023 anyone who had an application in the City Board of adjustment or the planning board prior to that effective date the rules did not apply to them that's number one number two the rules in the Inland flood protection rule effective 20 July 2023 are no pun intended but they are wed down and you will hear the commissioner of the New Jersey DP say that you will hear people say that they're not good enough for what's happening this was a broker deal this is what they were able to get through the legislation so we have to do better we do need a moratorium I was once told a moratorium is illegal I was told it's not illegal in emergency situations I think we need our attorneys to step to the plate we need to go to the state we also have on October 20th our new round four affordable housing requirement coming down the pike and we all know what that means 80% market value 20% affordable and that doesn't include much low income so how can we go to the state and fight that also as part of this moratorium thank you thank you hey Pete Jansen 589 Rin Harris um after the first storm uh in in August uh I helped out and and volunteered to uh distribute the Red Cross uh cleanup kits I distributed about 30 of them and I I saw a lot of stuff firsthand and all I can say is everyone on the de should rethink how they look at all this because it's it's it's not you have to change your perspective to how your constituents endure this ongoing rainstorm Menace is what it is it's uncontrolled until we have a way of finding a solution uh a couple ideas of you know a couple reasons why it's so bad if you look at some of the data the August 6th storm the cell came right over the southern part of Anglewood did not hit the northern part of Anglewood and then it continued up to Anglewood Cliffs so Anglewood Cliffs and Southern Anglewood got a lot more rain than anybody else and that's why you see the most Devastation down on Broad and to nap and also uh in in Flat Rock there's so much erosion from these last two storms the one in SE this past you know three weeks ago plus Ida that all the gravel that gets washed out we had a number of trails that had to be closed or rerouted but all that gravel is now sitting behind glower and on that little stretch between Jones and Glouster so even though it may have been looked at two months ago it's completely different now it changes in every rainstorm like you said it reroutes itself and when that silt fills in the flat areas when the water slows down all the water does is water gets high in those in those low-lying areas it gets that much higher because it's got no depth to run in the Stream as far as ordinances go some things you can do right now you can look at the tree ordinance why should we allow a developer to cut down 100 trees and plant 10 and then donate 130 somewhere else that does nothing to help the drainage or the water absorbing ability in the area that that's getting developed and uh you know the uh that Culver behind uh the turnpike behind nap we got to get the state to get cover off that because you don't know what's under there you looked at it with a scope two weeks ago a a a trunk a tree trunk could have flown right in there and clogged it up last night we don't know you got to get the cover off of that so you can observe it and know when it needs maintenance thank you thank you Pete uh my name is ezri Shor I'm a resident of 370 glower Street um you know looking at these videos these These are major weather events and clearly there's intervention that's going to need to happen and I there is no quick fix to it we very much acknowledge it but what we're not seeing on the video and what we go through on glou and some of the re uh some of the streets that are hit is when it's not a major weather event these drains clog up and and and these are basic Frontline defense mechanisms that we have in place that we're not maintaining I really don't think there is a drain cleaning schedule I've never seen a regular schedule certainly I don't think there's any schedule to dredge the creek and I've seen I the Creek's in my backyard I have a LoveHate relationship with that thing I've seen that Creek go up in level in in in in height as the years have gone by and it's very hard for any of us to have confidence in any of these studies and long-term Solutions when we're not even maintaining the basics to Parrot uh councilman Cobb's comments I mean there are things that we could do right now without spending any money just maintain what we have regularly and the basics are if the if the drains are clogged the streets will flood very simple so I'd like to see a schedule also I've emailed to some of you guys to see that and you know I I hope that actually exists because it would be a real shame if it didn't to be honest thank you Rick Rick you're the last person don't let nobody get online after you because we got to move the meeting along okay my name is Todd Brody I live at 411 Jones Road on the corner of Jones and Van at Jones and Van norren I live in one of these choke points I'm right next to Flat Rock Brook Flat Rock Brook curves and then it hits the uh the bridge at van norrin and the area right behind where I live is Walled in so you have 50 feet or 60 feet of Flat Rock Brook which all of a sudden Narrows into 20 feet and and as as you were explaining it's like a traffic jam when you're trying to move five Lanes of traffic into two lanes of traffic we had 8 feet of water in our backyard we had six feet of water in our house this is the second time that's happened in two years two years it is so clear that Flat Rock Brook needs to be dredged where we are there are 3 to four feet feet of mud and rock and silt that are actually covering up the holes where the water's supposed to flow into Flat Rock Brook this is a simple simple fix I would think you dredge it you dredge it and at least that that may solve some of the issue in 1966 this Council this Council passed a resolution for $442,500 of flood relief as reported in the Bergen Record that's about $4.5 million of money that was spent using today's money and that money was used to clear and widen metler Brook Flat Rock Brook and over PE Creek we were able to do it back then and we can do it again today we need to spend our money and make sure that the existing waterways are clear just clear them get rid of the garbage get rid of the trees dredge them and let the water flow thank you very much good evening um Martha Morales 93 hanik Street I just want to Echo what everybody's saying yes we can plant whatever we can do in the future but what needs to be done now okay and I want to start just by cleaning you know what there is no schedule all over Anglewood that we can say these streets are being clean these days and and and so are these ones I see the neighboring towns Leonia Fort Lee I go to um ten oflight the streets are a lot more cleaner than ours as soon as you hit as soon as you come across Grand Avenue by rout four Orin Street all you see is garbage all you see is bottles and de Bree and everything I have come here before to have my street to be put on schedule that it hadn't been put for over 20 years thank you Mr Cobb thank you for everyone that made that happened okay now I have the street Mary Street between banker and hanik Street you have cars there parked for months and that street is not even on a schedule it rains and all the garbage from Striker employees end up in my backyard okay nothing has been done about that and then what can we do now the fall is just around the corner do we have a plan of contingency for this leaves what happens landscapers come and they dump this leaves right by the sewer lines I had called the attorney on Grand Avenue multiple times last year trying to tell him that his landscaper dumps the garbage dumps the leav Liv right on hanic street and then they just come into the SE line not even a courtesy call why because they don't respect us and I think we need to start with that I think we need to send a message to everybody that there is a there is something that is taking place and that is to start cleaning our streets and cleaning our sewer lines please thank thank you Mar SU z mullings phelp saav um I just have two comments about the storm and it relates to safety I was amazed you know about the lack of support with the police in the areas where the underpasses were flooded so I had an instance where my daughter could not get to phelpsa because south of phela was blocked going down Grand and it was literally a lake she's on one end I'm on one end and the police just blocked the road at Rockwood place so when I asked for assistance it was none not even a radio or anything to help what was now several pedestrians just blocked where the water came up to almost her hip and she's taller than me that's a problem and if we don't have Immediate Solutions and as uh councilman cob said if it rains today then how does how do these pedestrians get across these areas that are now lak likee okay and secondly uh to piggyback on what councilman waski said you know my neighbor went to help his girlfriend out of the water near Jerry's and he fell in the manhole so he could have died and I hope that we don't wait until there is a casualty of that nature to realize the severity of what's going on because maybe these things are not reported or people don't know but he was really hurt badly he lost all his property at least he had his life but when you think about it we wouldn't have learned of this issue until the water resided you know subsided and that's that's that's a concern and I think that should be addressed as well thank you uh Rick Waterman new Venice AKA Inglewood uh I want to talk about you know France why'd you guys get rid of Noah you could have helped us build that Arc is Noah still working for you because we need him now more than ever but what's going on right now is a existential threat and it's basically rooted in greed the overdevelopment I've been coming to Planet board meetings Board of adjustment meetings all kind of meetings talking about the gentrification and the overd velopment and nothing has been done so we need to thank a lot of people that sit on the planning board a lot of people that sit on the council a lot of the Mayors a lot of the people that really caused this problem and it's only getting worse and it's going to get worse in a minute people are not going to be able to get flood insurance I believe this is what I believe problem reaction solution the greeted developers that have bought off our politicians are going to wait until everybody sells their properties for pennies on the dollars then when everybody's out of Inglewood they're going to build Inglewood and it might be some Canal or something but they won't have to go and ask nobody for anything we need to attach our vote to what people do for us nothing has been done for us if they want our vote they need to understand that this is a problem that's only getting worse and this is something that have been talked about in this chamber is nothing but lip service study this study that they study community centers for communities they study all these things the only thing they don't study is their paychecks that are too big at taxpayers expense so these are things that have Solutions but they don't want to help us because again the fix is already in they're going to keep building stuff how do you talk about so-called affordable housing when people can't afford houses they can't afford them this is the the biggest racket I've ever seen you understand so these things are coming the second war doesn't have to worry about more development but guess what the second W is going to suffer from overdevelopment we need to find a good attorney that could sue everybody that's stand on the planning board the board of adjustment and most of the council for gross negligence and failing to keep their fiduciary responsibility to the residents of Inglewood they have failed us and this the reason why the flooding is the way it [Music] is so now I'm okay Miss man so now I'm going to Sir close this part of the public session of this meeting and we're going to move the meeting along and can we take a break can we take a fivem minute break yes let's take a five minute break we will resume at 9:30 7 minutes