##VIDEO ID:fGWdsoa9zvo## good evening and welcome to the October 15 2024 city council meeting we are about to start at 8 I mean excuse me 739 will everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all will the city cour please read the open Public's meetings act this meeting is called puru to the provisions of the open public meetings law notice if this meeting was included in the notice sent to the record and the Star Ledger and advertised instead newspapers on January 17th 2024 posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as the required notices under the statute a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper notice hav been given the municipal clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting will the city clerk please do the roll call uh councilman Rosen swag is on his way he's here oh he's here I'm sorry I didn't see you councilman Rosen swag here councilwoman wiski is absent uh councilwoman David present councilman Wilson present council president cob here uh also present is Mayor Michael Wilds via telephone city manager Robert S Hoffman Deputy city manager John burner City attorney Bill Bailey CFO Michael calman city engineer France FY uh sitting in for City auditor Gary Vincy is Rob ha and I believe do you want to announce the HR Director and and also our uh new HR Director uh Mr Robert leine y excuse me what's his name okay why don't we have him come up front and introduce himself to the public since he's he's getting paid by the public may I make a statement council president yes all right uh thank you council president and uh good evening everyone uh T tonight we have with us our our human resource director Mr Robert leine Mr leine joined us on September 3rd or the Tuesday right after Labor Day and um we are very grateful to have him here we've done an exhaustive search and uh he has joined our staff Mr leine has 30 years of experience in local government the non for-profit and the private sector so uh he has a wealth of experience and uh will be able to help us on many different fronts uh Mr leine besides uh being having many talents including being a Mets baseball fan is also a retired major in the US Army Reserve so he served this country Faithfully for the last for 25 or 26 years in the Army Reserve had some deployments but um we welcome him and um you know council president you have the floor Mr leine did I say that correctly yes you did Sir okay uh why don't you introduce yourself to this public that you'll be working for and with hi my name is Robert leine I don't need a mic having been in the military and being up in the front and you're talking to 5,000 troops you know how to project your voice so don't need to M it's a pleasure for me to be here yes Avid New York Met fan sadly a DI hard Jet fan don't know how they lost last night but for the 30 plus years that I've been doing Human Resources it's been my business to help out the people that work for an organization work for a city serve sometimes the most helpless individuals in our society I've worked for three different homeless organ homelessness organizations but one thing that I brought with me is a wealth of experience and a dedication to help those out because one of the things that I've learned in the military you took care of three things mission basically what you're asked to go out there out there to do the men when I first went to the military I was assigned to an artillery Battalion which was all men I Lear had to learn how to switch that over to troops so Mission troops then I took care of myself as an officer always the last person to eat and typically I always was the last person to eat but my Cooks took care of me made sure that my food was hot so but it's a pleasure being here my job to help out the city of Englewood and I hope to do great things and Council it's my pleasure to be here my aim to go ahead and make sure that we did get things right with this city and we move forward thank you and I wish you well and I'll let everybody else if they have any questions for Robert we can I think take them offline in particular because we can move the meeting along thank you thank you rob omg omg let's go m not the other and uh uh Mr cob I also forgot to mention that Chief gy is present as well okay thank you um next we're going to have a presentation or it's under presentations we're going to have an update regarding 111 West Street from Mr Domingo sonad long fix all right Rick good evening um my name is Domingo sand executive director of the uh Englewood Housing Authority uh thank you for inviting me here today uh I will be brief y the Vincent KB senior building located at 111 West Street uh temporarily closed over 3 years ago uh because of the damage caused by the remnants of hurricane Ida the Board of Commissioners of the Englewood Housing Authority uh tasked me with ensuring that future residents will never again be displaced due to another inevitable flood since the closing of the building we have worked with our federal Partners at FEMA and HUD to secure the funding to rebuild in a more resilient manner the total cost of construction will be approximately $25 million and construction is well underway the scope of reconstruction is extensive and touches really every aspect of the building HUD and FEA paid for flood proofing measures uh including installing all new mechanical systems above the flood plane and adding flood proof doors and barriers throughout they also covered quality of life enhancements for example this afternoon uh we held the construction kickoff meeting for the renovation of all 130 Apartments although the repairs are not related to the flood the apartment Renovations will enhance the quality of life of the tenants as well extend the useful life of the building the apartment Renovations will include allnew ADA Compliant bathrooms new gas lines new Plumbing lines ventilation systems flooring entrance doors AC sleeves baseboard heat thermostats countertops tile backsplashes window treatments fire alarms um paint Etc in a very real way residents will be returning to a nearly brand new building although we're not yet ready to announce the specific reopening date the building will reopen next year and we will have a specific date in the next few months we are all very excited to see our residents back home again thank you willing to take any questions thank you good evening thank you for your presentation and I know there's many uh residents here that have been waiting for reports and that are eager to get back home and some have been displaced to other towns and unfortunately we lost them to those towns um maybe you can share with the public uh the procedure and if in fact there's a waiting list and if in fact that the prior residents get preference and they move right in okay so regarding our displaced residents they always have top priority we have been in communication with our residents throughout this process anyone that wants to return will return they are at the top of the list will always be at the top of the list we currently anticipate based on a rough estimate that half the residents will return um to the 130 Apartments so we initially had 152 Apartments uh FEMA and HUD uh allowed us to eliminate all the ground floor Apartments so there were 22 Apartments so that if there is another flood those residents wouldn't be severely impacted so the ground floor will now be offices and multiple Community rooms the second floor community room if you're familiar with 111 West Street is now a new mechanical room so all our mechanic equipment is there so our wait list is still open for 111 West Street has never closed um you can apply online via our website ehah housing.org our weight list is extensive we have well over 300 Englewood residents on the waight list we have a preference for those that live or work in Englewood no one from outside of Englewood comes to 111 West Street so we do anticipate approximately 70 vacancies give or take that will come off that weight list so again the weight list is open we do have a substantial number of residents waiting for the apartments um we will be communicating with them very shortly uh once we do have a specific date in mind for reopening I don't want to make promise I I think I know when the building's going to open but if I announce it if I'm incorrect we just started the construction project it'll start Monday for the apartment Renovations so we don't know until we open the walls we are literally replacing every single pipe in the building so that the future residents will have essentially a brand new building so again if they're interested is a very easy process it'll take five minutes to apply online um and then they'll go right into the wait list we are thinking about closing the weit list but we're going to be making that announcement because 3 to 500 people is more or less what we have on that weight list is extensive it will take years to go through it um but that's still a moving Target right now it is an open weight list and thank you um out of you said it's 300 now on the waiting list is that correct from from Englewood we have just from Englewood right we have many more from outside of Englewood only focus just so I'm clear that Inglewood residence gets preference is that correct yes okay I think that's important to know because a lot of people that have been displaced and that want to apply that living Inwood are a little sketchy about that information so I'm glad that you cleared that up for us we are the Englewood Housing Authority so our Section 8 program as well we could preference to Englewood residents and really our process is right now is if you're from outside of Englewood living or working in Englewood you have preference we haven't given out a voucher or anyone at one everyone at 111 West Street is is from Englewood in some way okay thank you thank you appreciate what you do appreciate the support hi um the ADA compliance aspect this is a two-part question um did you have a hospital involved as well like if someone slip and fall they can pull out the uh rope or anything and say hey 911 is going to get there immediately and the second part of my question is that are you going to reach out to those that were displaced who move to places like patter and other places Pro before you extend and open up this list so on the Ada side those are the call buttons we don't have call buttons we have an architect that designed um the renovations so um we've made sure that the building is now fully code compliant so eight Apartments will be fully Ada meaning they'll have kitchen countertops that are lower that'll have the 5 foot7 in radius turning radius inside the bathroom um so those eight units will be fully 8 a meaning someone in a wheelchair can easily access all elements of the property but all other bathrooms will also be Ada given the building we can't expand the bathroom so the only thing missing will be the turning radius of a wheelchair inside the bathroom itself and then the kitchens but we will adapt any kitchen to anyone's needs if they do need a a lower counter because of their um disability so that's does that answer the ada8 question on the ada8 um when you have seen moving in someone young 62 perhaps and they're there and you know is inevitable we all going to get old one day so they may need um did you think you would like try to make more than eight units ADA compliance because they may you don't know what their Situation's going to be so fully a ADA Compliant only means that we have the 5 foot 7 in radius turning radius in the bathroom because every other element of the bathroom from the toilet height to the sink to the everyone's getting a shower stall now instead of a tub they'll have grab bars everywhere um so the only component which we're Limited in terms of being able to get that 5 foot radius turning radius inside the bathroom outside of the bathroom in the kitchen someone in a wheelchair they have the lower counter height we will adapt any if there is a need and we don't have an ADA unit that's fully accessible we will adapt that apartment to meet their need okay so the only thing that's going to cause some issues is expanding the bathroom in order to have that full turning radius inside the bathroom itself so but before we did not have we only had a handful um less than four that were truly Ada actually none of the bathrooms themselves were Ada because because of the turning radius okay so part two so now we have eight okay thank you part two of those reaching out to those that were displaced who live in yeah so we are in communication with every single one of our residents that was displaced um we know where they are um a lot of the folks were put into other housing authorities that we place them there or they have section A vouchers and they moved out of town we know where they are we manage their voucher um some folks have are with family one of our tenants is in Canada uh we track all of them we're in communication with all of them we're going to reach out to all of them let them know when we plan on a reopening and if they'd like to come back okay and I would like to um also like you know track them and let them know that they can also come back home instead of saying you know what I'm complacent I'm here I'm not going to move back but I think they should have Priority First yes no they anyone that was at 111 can always come back to 111 okay regardless of where they are they're always at the very top of the list if they decide two years from now I'd like to return come on back okay they went through a lot and we'll be there for for them okay thank you hi thank you Domingo for coming tonight um just uh does the $25 million include the renovation of each uh apartment unit it does okay so if we could go back in time your new construction usually and maybe France could correct me if I'm wrong 150 180 per unit we might have been able to build a brand new building for less than the renovation costs obviously once we got along you we once we start on that path it's tough to turn back but you know as a lesson for the next time if we could go back you know 37 months would you say uh might be quicker and and and better to just have demolish the building and and rebuilt a new one completely from scratch so no the to construct that building again would be more than double the cost of renovation easily in my that's 400,000 a unit I I don't think so really that's what it costs these days so HUD and female also look at that very same scenario before they fund anything and they made the same determination so it's been a long three years very long three years so I still do not have my full insurance proceeds from my insurance carrier they still owe us close to $5 million I believe it's coming in mid October but it's been three years we still don't have a 15mth million dollar loan locked in we are going before the local Finance board sometime this year so funding we don't we didn't have that money finding that money took a very long time um but the board made a decision that this is never going to happen again to our residents no matter what it takes we're going to get this thing done right it's just taken a long time to get it done right um HUD did step up and they gave us more money than we asked for they said fine you can mitigate the damage but we want you to enhance the building so that it's good for another 50 years so we've done that um secondly if we actually knock down that building where it's located it would be illegal to build there again that would be turned into a park because it is a flood plane and it's actually we're part of the stream if you look on a flood map you could not build on that site so whoever decided in 1976 to build over a over pet Creek thank you very much but that was not maybe the right decision at the time um so we have taken all the measures that we think are we've taken every measure possible we have not value engineered anything out of the project to ensure that our residents will not get flooded again if their cars are in our parking lot those things might not be there the next day so we did our residents lost 30 cars because of the hurricane we couldn't mitigate that everything else we mitigating but yes $25 million doesn't go as far as you think these days in terms of constructing 130 uh new bu you know Apartments all right and uh thank you that's and that's good to know just so we we know know that we made the right choices um what are those two erector sets out on the demist uh yes I couldn't I couldn't it may be F I couldn't figure out what they use would be so we are ensuring that none of our mechanical systems are ever destroyed due to floods so first on the on West Street side you'll notice we have a generator which was in the basement most of our mechanical systems were in their basement we got 20 ft of water in the basement basement so the generator is now on a platform on next to our Administrative Building on the Demmer side is all the HVAC equipment for the first floor okay so that will cover the entire first floor um also on the HVAC um we've gone above and beyond code so all common areas including the first floor will be on HEPA filters so our residents because of covid will be it'll be like hospital grade air inside the building those are the systems that that will heat and cool the first floor and also the common areas second through sixth floor will be there be some efforts to Shield that or beautify it yes there is a landscaping plan um and there'll be trees along the front of both platforms okay great thanks okay hi um one more question did you do a random sample of those that are applicants to see what your need what's needed for the um eight units you chose I'm stuck on the eight units that you had like the the the height of the and everything of the kitchen so if you had did a random sampling of those that are on the waiting list and ask what their needs and ones is then I think it be accommodating instead of going back and say you know what we're going to now um accom accompany you and do what we have to do you understand yes so this occurred as well random sampling this occurred as well at the greater Englewood property which we don't own or manage um but the requirements 5% of your units have to be fully Ada regardless if you need it so for example in greater binglewood um you know Park Creek Rock You Know Park View in Rock Creek some folks have kitchens that have lower counter Heights but they're they don't they're not in a wheelchair it's a requirement of the code to have 5% I get it I my question to you is that the those on the waiting list right did you have that part in that on that waiting list saying you know what what are your needs and want how can I help you because they may not be um you may give out those eight units that have those High countertops but they don't need you know they may be like you know what you have to wait and you have to also go back and be like you know what let's reconstruct this so my question to you that you would do a random sampling of those on the waiting list to see their needs and wants that's my question no but what we're going to have is 130 residents ready to move in we're not going to sign the units well we're not going to sign units so we're going to look at the 130 who's in a wheelchair who's not in a wheelchair who's has mobility issues who has you know other issues you know some folks don't want to be on the sixth floor because they're afraid of being on the six floor how do you know that cuz you just said you didn't do needs and work you said some people don't want to be on a sixth floor but if you did needs and wants then that would have been compromise of what people need you just told me say you didn't do a random sampling so we don't need I'm sorry no I'm just we're going to actually select 130 residents we don't have they come off the top of our wait list so we don't you know we go on in order time date stamped once we have the 130 and then we'll find out what what are their needs and what are their mobility issues and then we can assign them to the proper apartment it should have been done in the beginning that's all I have to say thank you and no more questions Domingo thank you I I think one of the things that um needs to be clear is that 111 West Street is a federal business not a city the city of Anglewood does not own that building Domingo does not report to us he's given us an update of what takes place there at the Federal Building um and he he elaborated if you ever been to rock Creek or Park View they do have Apartments like that the the um ADA Compliant Apartments so you're just following the federal guidelines in terms of Apartments being issued so thank you for but I do appreciate yeah we're here to meet the needs of our our clients and and and and and you do you say the best we can the building is is what it is it's a old building 1976 it was built so that's why it's taking time but I think he made it clear to us that they will do and make every effort possible to satisfy whatever whoever's needs are that will be occupying that space in that building yeah okay you got somebody on the phone go ahead mayor go ahead yes thank you Domingo I hope you can hear me I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of all the residents for being so accessible and so available when it comes to all the needs of Housing and all the questions that you answer and all the residents who fall on hard times and would love to spend their sunting years in our city you do it with such compassion with an even Keel and I'm so happy that you're still at the helm and that you're reporting to us thank you for your good citizenship and your kindness really it means the world to us thank you mayor Domo thank thank you for coming out and giving us an update on it and we look forward to the opening of the building keep up the good work stay tuned it's coming stay tuned stay tuned thank you so much um easy you know everyone has my cell phone so just Reach Out come tour if you'd like um and see what we're up to you ready for a tour it's it's a construction site let me just bring boots but yes thank you thank you every thank you so much have a good day next we will have the 2023 Municipal audit this gentleman prevent Mr Robert he is that what it is Mr Robert he yep from Lurch viny and Bliss LLP LLP yes okay thank you very much you're going to walk us through the report at the high level right yes this will be a brief uh just kind of an overview of of the audit and the results of the audit yep hey wait you want to stand or you want to sit what fine I yeah it's fine what's that I'm good a you say he's good um so yeah just a brief overview of the audit this would have been your filing of the 2023 annual audit so each year the uh State requires every governmental agency to have an external audit uh completed uh that was filed uh last month in a or actually back in August with with the state uh so just to give an overview of the dist of the uh Town's finances the city ended the year with about 11.8 million in what they call fund balance which is really uh you know once you collect all your revenues and you spend your budget money uh you were left with about 11.8 million which is roughly 15% of your budget which is uh pretty much where uh Financial agencies and rating agencies want to see you anywhere between 10 and 20% so you're kind of right in the middle of that range uh and that's up from 10.7 Million last year so uh the city uh continues to increase that fund balance uh which is really important because uh as the district goes on to issue debt uh that's one of the main drivers that you know an S&P or Moody looks for for your financial rating which determines your um you know your interest rat you get for that debt um so you're in a good position financially from a fund balance standpoint in addition to that you do have separate reserves that the state allows you to set aside for certain purposes uh such as reserve for tax appeals you have about $2 million in that account set aside for should any major tax appeals come due uh that money wouldn't be a direct hit to to your budget you have that money set aside uh also for terminal leave for retirement payouts um those payouts are set aside as well you have about $2.1 million in that account uh so again that just relieves any pressure on on an annual basis from your budget to fund those those type of costs uh so when you really put all those together with your fund balance position and your reserve position uh S&P looked on you favorably during 2023 and they uh affirmed what they call your doublea rating which is a higher level on the scale of ratings that S&P provides uh and they also increase your outlook from what they call stable to positive so stable's obviously you know pretty consistent uh they're looking at you at a more positive outlook now for for future uh so all in all with the fund balance and the reserves uh you're really in a in a good place with uh with S&P uh just one of the other major Financial uh numbers that are out there right now with the American Rescue plan money uh the city received about a little shy of $3 million that is is still uh set aside for American Rescue plan money I believe that was put forward in an ordinance during 2024 to appropriate that money uh just one of the highlights there is that that money has to be committed by December 31st of 24 uh it doesn't have to be spent by December 31st you have another two years to actually spend the money but you have to commit the money so any contracts that you're going to award or uh you know long-term projects those have to be done by the end of 2024 to commit those funds uh and in the audit there were uh six recommendations which I believe there's a corrective action plan on the agenda tonight for approval to correct those uh that was a decrease from last year last year's audit had about 11 recommendations in the audit so of the 11 that were in last year uh eight of them were corrected there are three repeats uh that we look to be corrected this year and there were three new recommendations that that popped up this year so in all six recommendations can I can I stop you right there absolutely on those three repeats how many times did we repeat those three how many times have they been repeated was it a repeat last year as well um I'd have to look back in last year's audit I'm I'm not sure about that uh it was definitely repeat from 22 into 23 I'm not sure going back into 21 right I could certainly get you that though I just and for sure you would come back and test those again to see that right we have remediated those three yes yeah that's one of the first things we actually do when we plan our audit we look at last year's recommendations we make sure we have procedures in this year's audit that uh can tell us the status of those Cor cve action okay um so that's one of the first things we look at and it's very important to correct those recommendations and did you did you get a timeline for resolution timeline for those three to get usually you know when you get a finding and you agree and we write a report that you say okay you got 60 days we're going to resolve in 60 days 120 days whatever the case may be um it's not really what what the requirement is is there's a corrective action plan that gets put forward too within 60 days of the audit so then the implementation of that it's expected that that would be implemented by the end of the next year's audit so when we do an audit next year those would be corrected so there's no specific timeline that we Implement it's more you know the regulations is that within 60 days that plan has to be put forth and then the implementation is is you know should be that's pretty generous quickly you know timeline's pretty generous privately you know right from our standpoint we just we'd like to see it corrected by the time we do next year correct correct okay uh and uh just on the recommendations just for a positive that there were six but uh none of them in there we have three levels of findings uh we give our audit one is a general finding uh another one is a significant deficiency and then the third uh most severe one is a material weakness uh all six of these were on the general comment variety so nothing Rose to the level of you know a significant deficiency in your internal controls or material weakness in your financial statements um so hopefully with the corrective action plan that's put forth those those three repeats and hopefully the three new ones will all be corrected going forward into next year okay that's all I have be happy to take any questions from Mr Hoffman you want to add you and Mr Kaufman want to add anything regarding the audit and and also these findings that I'm looking at if you'd like to you have the floor uh thank you council president we'll we'll be happy to the corrective action plan is on the on the agenda uh the items that um Mr he has um has articulated through the audit process are are being addressed one of the things that the uh the auditor stated and I wanted to stress this is that we have a reserve for tax appeals and that's very very important because when there's a tax appeal the city is on the hook for the full amount so um the city has to refund the taxes for the for the city portion of the of the property tax as well as the school district and the county but we do not have the ability to go back to the county or the school district and say hey we had a we had a we had a tax refund you owe us money so the city it's important that the city reserves funds for tax appeals because they they come along so that's just that's something that's U very important and um the uh the the audit findings we can we can go through in in the corrective action plan some part of part of the one of the at least one of the three will be addressed by the end of the year and that has to that has to do with minutes that were um you know that were outstanding so um yeah actually we have a resolution on the agenda for tonight uh for the 2020 finishing up the 2023 minutes so you know so that's that's a that's a corrective action that's um you know being taken care of right now the other the other two repeat excuse me the other two repeat comments were about purchasing prior to incumbrance which not going to make excuses but it's pretty much with thousands of purchases there are unfortunately a few that get purchased before they're entered into the system we try you know we're trying to take corrective action to fix that with certain departments um and the other one was just some forms that we didn't get signed by the vendor again we have so many uh purchases that we make but we're going to also try to uh fix that also in this year um also just uh we have another Reserve I don't know a St recovery trust that we also have we have at least a half a million in the a so really if you take the reserves which S&P consider as part of the Surplus if you consider that as part of the Surplus or fund balance then we're over we're around the 20% Mark which is which is very good okay so I have a question um item number six the response was after retroactive payments are made so could we elaborate more on that this is item number six uh yes council president this has to do with contracts so the um so we we have we have contracts that are um that are being settled in 20124 and so there there's going to be um they they cover a couple of different calendar cend years so the um the pens the pension payments can't be made in in the in the calendar years when the contract wasn't settled so there when the retroactive uh payments are made uh after the contract has been us has been adopted by the council then um the the members will get the retroactive payments and the city will be able to make the pension payments to the state but they can't make them to the state before the contract is is adopted okay so so if that was a finding they made that a finding they knew that it has to be retroactive so why are we making it a finding like that well I think I think the ones that were in the order were for retroactive payments that were already made I think there's there's kind of two there's one Retros active that were already made and one that are to be made so I think the ones we focused on were the ones that were already made during our year that then we looked at the ones that are open so you had kind of both some some were new ones that couldn't be paid yet but other ones were also for ones that were paid and that were waiting to remit those Monies to the state as well so it was kind of yeah it's we the city was caught into a catch 22 because um what Robert said is is accurate but um the state formula is we we have to make retro payments Bas on on a quarter for each quarter of of the year so we we can't make a blanket payment we have to make a payment for a quarter then they accept it then we can go make the next one so okay okay so that these are just timing issues yeah so yeah so what happens with that as as as as employees are getting paid at their old salary rate before a new contract settled you're remitting the pension along with those original salary payments when they on a quarterly basis when they receive retro going back for say four previous quarters there has to be a separate pension report for each one of those four quarters that that retro affected and then separate remittances and five for each of those quarters that affected long as the reports and what they're supposed to get tie out together right so the state at the end you know at an employees retirement dat it's okay the original pension report from 2023 quarter 1 was this then there was they received a retro payment with additional pension for that same quarter so they add them together to make sure the pension credit is correct upon retirement okay all right counc yes thank you for the report and on that note on number six sticking with that idea do do we not do a set aside if we know that contracts have not been settled I'm yes there there's a reserve okay I just want to be make clear that that's what that's used for right and since I have opportunity if we can go to number three finding Department revenues 943 tickets not sure if this is one of the repeats um I don't know if this this is supposed to be addressed on a quarterly matter is that correct that's in the corrective Action Moving Forward yeah I mean uh there there's a report uh the whole court system is maintained in this automated traffic system uh regulated by the state so each ticket that is generated in the system is assigned to an officer um when that ticket is issued obviously it comes off that that report but when there every however often daily monthly quarterly uh there's a report that can be run that keeps track of how many tickets that have been assigned in the system to an officer have not yet been issued uh the state regulation says anything that gets past six months has to be recalled in the system and then reassigned in the system basically just keeps the system up to date as far as the tracking of the the ticket number so you don't have tickets from you know a year or two years ago that are still hanging out in the system that haven't been issued yet they like to see that uh you know recalled they say and then reassign you can reassign them to the same officer or a different officer but it's just kind of keeping all of the ticket numbers current in the state system is it unusual for this matter to go on for six months to have it re to be updated uh it's not uncommon for a city your size you know for a city of your size there's you know a number of tickets out there that you know I'm sure you have a lot of officers that get assigned tickets so you know uh it's really the corrective action would be to monitor that you know however often the city uh would prefer but really uh you're really looking at those ones that are reaching that six-month level right so if you assigned the ticket to an officer or two months ago it's not of of that much of a concern for the state but when it starts reading reaching that six months level that's when you really want to go in the system and reassign them okay and so when we have the 90day review that's what what the plan sorry that was the for recreation so the uh finding there's there's part of it's for recreation and part of it for court so if you the corre action I understand but it was mixed together so I have to address it together yeah um may may I present a point of order or a point of information yep all right thank you the um the this this finding is valid but the city was switching over from paper to electronic so this is this finding is dealing with the Paper Tickets not not the electronic tickets so the E tickets yes not the E tickets so um so this is this is being addressed the uh the you know the E tickets are working well we had had a couple of dead spots so now um now we don't need we don't need to have the Paper Tickets they're they're going to be reassigned so um this is you know this this was a good finding because it it proves that um you know the tickets the tickets are are available and we'll reassign the paper tickets or or retire them well we could have wrote we could have wrote the finding a little different too to implement to say that we are implementing the EET process so therefore this won't happen again and you know and there's a transition period which happens to fill up the Gap just what it is right okay yes but the E ticket doesn't address when our CFO just stated that half of it is for recreation is that correct no I I think for every department they should have their own issue right what I'm saying tickets not white ball it's not it's not going to clean everything up right but that's what I'm saying because we have two two issues right here in the audit it was under one recommendation so we'll be doing e tickets for recreation as well that's what I just said that an e ticket won't solve this entire problem it will only address half of the situation the the recreation problem will be solved by having quarterly revenue reports okay you okay I'm good you good anybody else have questions you got any question you good yeah good thank you thank you sir thank you have a good night appreciate thank you so next we're going to take action on resolution 288 10-15 d24 governing body certifying the annual audit I need a motion in a second I make a motion council president I will second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes yes order I got this okay next we have resolution 289 10-15 d24 the acceptance of the corrective action plan and audit report for 2024 should be 2023 h23 last 23 says 24 so that be 23 yeah can we correct that it does say 23 should be 2 actual resolution for 23 I'm going to put on the record as 20 I need a motion in a second motion second roll call councilman rosenke yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we will have how I I know what happened oh next we have Mr cof best practic checklist so the uh 2024 best practices in assesses each municipality's compliance with various laws and evaluates the Implement implementation of fiscal and operational best practices there are a total of 69 questions distributed among amongst three categories 41 is core competencies 11 are best practices and 17 unscored surveys as part of the uh 17 as part of the 52 and 17 there's there's multiple like a b and C's so it comes out to more like 87 um so the city out of out of the 52 scored questions you could get a the highest possible score is 46.5 because there are some that are worth half a point so the city scored 44 out of 46.5 the threshold is 35 to get 100% of your state a I'm sorry what was the score 44 out of 46.5 .5 46.5 yes yes 44 out of 46.5 that's what we scored 44 yes okay uh 34 and greater 35 and greater if you scored over 35 over 34 you got 100% of your state aid so we had plenty of room not it's not good to have room but we had plenty of room um every uh percentage 31 to 34 75% so if we have 34 we will lose around 35,000 in state aid because it's only 25% of the last payment which is 5% of the total state aid okay um the the law that it has to be discussed at a council meeting so that's why we discuss it every year and right discuss it annual yeah hello okay so as my dad used to say what happened to the 2.5 you yeah so what was what were the deficiencies that we can work on so one of them was and congratulations first of all yeah our total score would have been 90 94.6 if this was an exam but does does your municipality post on its website all current labor agreements including memoranda of understanding contract amendments and S letter sidebar agreements so we put the M moas on because that's part of the council meetings but the actual contracts itself are not on the uh that on the website no um we have just a point of clarification there's no law that says we have to do that this is just part of the this is just a question on the best practices survey but yeah true another one in in August 15th of this year they required uh Public Works contractor registration and payroll certifications for Public Works contracts to be completed online at a certain website and we haven't applied to that yet but it's it's nothing yeah anybody else have any questions from Mr caufman okay thank you Mr cof next we have a resolution accepting meeting minutes from 2023 these are the final ones ones resolution 310 uh-1 15-24 I need a motion in a second before we start uh can I vote on one where I was present telephonically yes okay so the the following minutes will be voted on October 24th 2023 November 21st 2023 the workshop meeting of November 1st 2023 so move second roll call councilman Rosen SW yes councilwoman David abstain councilman Wilson yes council president cop yes next we have resolution 290 10-24 confirming payments bills and claims list on are we doing it on the October 1st 2024 cancel council meeting goad yes thank you council president yes this this is the confirmation of of the bills list um the C council members may recall that uh the majority of the a of the October 1st uh Council bills list was payment to the school district for their portion of the property taxes that have been collected so that had to be that had to be turned over so that there would be no no issues with the school district right so we have bills and claims for 5,975 38171 we need a motion we need a motion so move and a second second but I have um two missing but second I have two items missing from the event the third W but we put on next time well it wouldn't be on this one on next one roll call councilman Rosen swag yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cop yes now we have another bills and claim I'm going to address something what you one this one come oh well let's take the motion we take we have bills and claims of 1, 259,000 $694 83 we need a motion in a second and then councilman Wilson has a question on the on the one we just voted on not not on the 15th you want to go back on something we just voted on y what's that cuz go ahead I just want explanations um if we go to this this 10 hold on one second we we just need a second on what we got on the floor and then we can go back we because we have that on the thing oh I thought I got that I thought I got that in before you put it out there but go ahead no you got you got to do that okay was the second second thank you he he wants to ask a question about something previous now you can go ahead now you can go just want to get we had to complete that action thank you council president yep uh where are we I'm sorry if we go to uh I'm sorry please forgive me 24- 0257 eight B pamis 24-24 38 24- 2578 bur params basically all the apparatus repair um just curious that's about $330,000 just curious what we're doing and and why the um excess of repairs cuz some of these apparatus are fairly new m is that mechanical breakdown you know I I I left my notes back back at the office on on these but do you do you have those M Michael you you can you can save us time if in fact that the mechanical breakdowns because I understand that you know we use our equipment and we respond very rapidly so I would understand if there were mechanical breakdowns cuz the tower is new so that's a concern I'm I'm sorry please forgive me on which one is this on the tower one that's our newest Fleet right 24000 mil so it's one of our newest things 24,000 break Jake do up 24,000 ties I'm sorry say that again please so that doesn't seem to be um I don't know is it that vehicle the warranty M the warranty maintenance if you will isn't that vehicle still under warranty shouldn't the brakes and the tires and oil ch say that again please sir Salsbury so you're saying that it's a inferior truck no he was he was just asking he was asking clarification he said this is he's this is the Salsbury so he's he was just trying to ask a clarification question okay yes yes thank you yes I don't even know if I want to see that part um as as you guys know or may not know that I am a big stickler on training um and if we're spending this type of money on a new truck um we might need to look at retraining driving uh cuz that's a lot of money going out of pocket after we just purchased a new a new truck and so are the others general maintenance at 10,000 and 4,000 and 2,000 what we can do is we'll get you we'll get you complete information complete information we'll give it to the and we'll give it to the governing body these questions okay I I I would like that Mr city manager because my concern is that um the halfhazard of these type of bills I think it can be avoided and we've seen these before and I I I I for one I don't like it and if those individuals aren't ready to to drive they should be retrained before we continue to put out money for people to practice on multi-million dollar Vehicles sure we'll do we'll do a deeper dive and okay thank you council president sounds good anybody else anybody else have any questions anybody else you have any question can you got any questions thank you okay Kevin we're GNA we're going to vote on this the second thing that we got on the floor did you got any questions about that on this part on this one okay we got a we got a motion in second on yeah I'm going to say something all right okay listen um if y'all want to have a conversation kind of keep down we can hear it up here and it's being recorded so you can hear it out there we out okay roll call roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president Cub yes next we will have public comment on agenda items resolutions 291 292 293 294 295 296 6 297 301 302 excuse me 303 304 305 307 and 308 we will T be tabling uh resolution 306 so your name yeah address and three minutes Rick Wilby England New Jersey before I get into this I just want to make a disclaimer uh to all these people that think so I really don't care whether Charles Cobb allows me to talk I come here to exercise My First Amendment right and I'm not going to being peed by anybody that wants to silence me or wants people to denounce me there's a lot of denouncing that needs to be done in the world I have a constitutional right to come here and to express myself at this mic without some communist trying to tell me I don't have the right to speak I already said it before Once Upon a Time black people had their tongues cut out for speaking and I refuse to be silenced by anybody and Charles Cobb does not give me permission neither Kevin Wilson Lisa wasoski Ken Rosen swag Angela David Ricardo Wilby does and say what I want period how I want to say it now I want to talk about this FEMA thing I need to know about this authorization on Accelerated Tax sales for Cy 2024 what is that but what is a cy24 what is that what does that mean it's calendar year calendar year so why can't you just spell it out well I got to be a rocket scientist to figure it out what's the big deal I mean I might have left my notes at the office too the next thing I want to talk about is this fee I know we sending Bombs all over the world but do we have enough money for feema in case something happens here we have enough money because down south they're getting 750 we have money we have money FEMA is not in trouble somebody saying it's that it's not true well how much they giv them Fe if the FEMA's in trouble the federal government's in trouble okay I want to make sure the federal government often around here I want to make sure there's money we'll take care of the flood I hope so because you guys got money for bombs and everything this federal government allows good evening Horus rag 51 West Hamilton Avenue I noticed that something has been deleted from the bills and claims this evening and it's concerned T tax administ rtion for 47,000 to Huntington Bailey but the bottom numbers still come up the same it's in the October 1st and October 15th so what is give could you give me enlighten me on what Tax Administration is for $ 47,3 can you talk to the mic I'm having a tough time hearing for $ 47,3 183 but it has been deleted this evening it was on the agenda but the bottom number still stays the same I don't I don't get it and um his retainer for 10,000 those two items were taken off 57,000 and the bottom number still stays the same could what somebody enlighten me what Tax Administration is it says under Legal Services on the first page so when we submit vouchers we have to the engineers do lawyers do Auditors do it's several items on one sheet my guess is the first item on that sheet said Tax Administration which means handling tax appeals for the city however not all that 47,000 is on tax appeals there could have been something else for litigation I don't know off the top of my head what the other ones were but it's on the voucher that's submitted to the city I mean in the in the things um to say that transparency I would like that to be broken down so we understand that what it was spent on but when you see when you see a number 47383 all right and then your your retainer on the bottom I kind of confused because I've never seen that before all right I've been looking at the bills and claims for the longest period of time for the last 15 years now I want to Total this up tomorrow because I already carried over the other two into my um email so I could review that and total this if this doesn't match what you guys passed tonight you're going to have to redo it because the $57,000 was taken off on the first page it's not here tonight it was there earlier this afternoon I think that was on the October 1st Bill no it was on both because I took pictures of it so where is and what is 47 I would like it to be detail a little more of what is actually done Tax Administration I wanted I wanted in l so the rest of us could understand I submitted itemized bills that are very detailed so what goes on the bills and claims I don't I see to get more information on this but I think you're referring to October 1st but it's on on both October 1st and October 15th I took snapshots of it regardless of which one I'm talking about I still would like details because that that sounds a little fishy it's like a blanket coverage that doesn't give us details I want details on what that actually is uh point point of order council president the $47,000 that Mr ragar is referring to was on the October 1st bills list it was for 47383 A7 and there was a there was a detailed voucher that was submitted by Huntington Valley for their for their work on um on tax Appeals and other tax related matters and then there was a 10,000 there was the uh September retainer which was for $10,000 so the retainer I have no problem with I have a problem with the 47383 this is the first time I saw this on on on bills and claim okay so I kind of like want to know what exactly it is I would like a copy of the voucher that was submitted what it actually is I don't want a blanket coverage I think if you want transparency then give us details put 10 places online and say okay this was for this this is for this this is for this so we could understand what it is and how that money is spent thank you Leroy Campbell 287 tenly Road uh 304 resolution awarding fear and open award to ja Alexander um um now I noticed that on the other bids they all seem to be competitive close in in in numbers denomination um and this guy is coming in um at two I think it's 278,000 um my question is has anybody did anybody investigate this company did anybody look at this company because when you look at the other biders they're pretty much equal and even um I think it's like three three three 350 and 310 um and this guy is awful low so sometime the lowest lowest bidder is not always the best bidder so my question is did anybody investigate this company this is for the construction yeah this is France and I yeah Mr vol yeah we we actually had the same reaction and the same concern when we saw the pricing uh we called about um just to get a feel as you know other towns that they've worked in ETC to make sure that they were you know they were legitimate and we actually reached out to them to make sure that they understood exactly what we were expecting and that they were okay with their pricing so we we did our due deal Ence to make sure that they're going to do what we want to do cuz oh absolutely believe me I I've thought of all sorts of issues that may come up because of this so we've we've clarified them as much as possible and so far they they they seem to be uh they seem to be okay with what with what they B and they understand exactly what we need absolutely absolutely we clarified all of that oh that same question yeah um thank you Deacon Campbell for bringing that to life um and I've had this discussion several times and we just finished with that with the fire department um in replacing the new kitchen uh and he was one of the lower biders um and as everyone knows that always the lowest isn't the best and what I want us to pay particular attention to is when these low bids come in they're also accompanied with a change order and by the time we get eight or nine or 12 different change orders they're the same price of every other bidder so I just want us to do our due d diligence on not just verifying um from another town but actually um diving into that because if that's my cousin from another town i' I'd um recommend them to us as well so I just want ingwood to do the due diligence thank you council president but I but I think the other thing Bill if I'm not mistaken the the the bidding process Drive some of that with the lowest bidder you have to accept the lowest bidder you have to take the lowest responsible bid so if you were aware of some significant issues that's one thing but Mr Vol as diligent as always did but but under the local public contracts all you have to take the lowest no no it's it's lowest responsible bidder no we we've thrown out lower bids before um right but you need to articulate why they're not responsible yes and this is what I'm saying if we look at these patterns for these individual companies that come into our town as the lowest bidder because they know that that's how they get in the door and they give us 12 change orders that's no good and they have a track record of giving change orders so that's not acceptable for us I do no um I do agree with um councilman um Wilson also um being on the school board sered for well three what is it a decade we did not always take the lowest bidder we did our do due diligence also and we had the superintendent do a deep dive so I think that we should re-evaluate the way we uh you know assess this because the lowest bidder is not always the best we have to go do a deep dive thank you Mr Voli said he explained what he did because he had some concerns as well and they went through the process so at least we know the process is working so had he not then we would be in problems so I see that uh nobody else is at the mic we'll close the public session of of this and we're going to have two votes we're going to vote on all the items 291 through uh 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 I mean 2907 302 303 304 305 307 and 308 made a motion in a second hold on one second anybody want anything pul yes sir council president if I may if I can pull number 2 92-10 D15 d25 no no I'm sorry forgive me 29310 D15 d24 authorizing memorandum agreement with the if number 3263 okay and if we could pull uh number 295 d1015 d24 authorizing the payment of the outstanding invoice that' be great to spart spart yes sir thank you council president this is for separate vote you want to separate vote these or what do you want to do or you want to talk about okay any anybody else got anything they want to pull I want to pull 308 I'm going to vote by separate what you want to do you want to answer how you want to hand this cuz we got three items we're going to pull we got one we got a tape okay and then we'll vote on everything else right and then we'll vote on the okay all right so first first action we're going to take is we're going to table we're going to vote on tabling uh resolution 306 10-1 15-24 and I believe who's that Mr Hoffman you want to Mr Hoffman is going to explain why we're going to table this believe that's thank you uh thank you council president we've asked that resolution 306 be tabled because we did not receive a quote we had asked for a revised quote so we did not receive that okay so I need a motion and a second to table resolution 306 I make a motion council president that we table three number 306 so second second roll call councilman Rosen yes to the table councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes so next we will vote on all resolutions 291 292 294 296 297 302 303 304 30 05 307 need a motion and a second I make a motion council president second roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cob yes next we we need a motion in second we item number 293 need a motion in a second and then we're going to have a discussion motion we can't discuss before we have a motion council president can't no okay we got a we got a motion at first motion at first we got a motion at first motion I think Angela motion motion she motion we need a second second councilman uh this is in regards to the contract and it's a long time coming that our fire officers have been without a contract and I understand the importance for such a contract um but saying that there are several negotiation tools that can be used in any contract dispute and I am baffled by Page four uh number 15 how that is part of this effective upon ratification of this agreement by the parties the union agrees to withdraw a -224 d565 with prejudice to the union President John Escobar agrees to dismi with prejudice the litigation dock it as da d d I don't understand how that's one of the Contra of uh the contract how are we negotiating that particular juncture for the contract you advis to take the um this is this is something the the arbitrator brought up and was and it was agreed to by both parties so this is not something that this um as the council may recall um there was there was a period of time where uh there was no movement on the contract and it was agreed that there would be binding arbitration and this this this came up this this came up through that process if the council wants to talk about it I'd be Happ to talk about it in Clos session um we've been just been just advised to talk about this because this contract and close session yeah and that's that's what I just yeah so Mr B so my suggestion would be that um we got just hold off the vote on this until after close session I'm fine because falls into contract negotiations which is appropriate for close session and Personnel related so we'll we'll come back out going to carry it'll car and we'll come back and Goot to this after we come out a Clos session with this next we'll go to resolution 295 authorized payments of outstanding invoices to Spartan Aggregate LLC Mr Mr Wilson thank you coun president oh hold on we need a motion in a second for this motion oh motion I'll second let's go right excuse me number 2 95-105 payment to Sparta this is important for me and it was dear to me um that we had pulled out the debris and um we left it on on William Street is this the removal for that uh can I answer the question yeah uh the answer is no this is for this is for a series of um of of removals so the public works department had called uh Nature's Choice which we have a contract with and for for uh for trucks and for dumpsters so this was partially on William Street but this was also in other locations and um Spartan aggregate um of trucks and also dumpsters were sent I'm not sure um why was we would you you call it alternate for Sparta when we already have a contract with Nature's choice that is correct so if you look at the the resolution um our DPW was calling Nature's choice for for for trucks and for dumpsters as they should as they should okay all right and what happened was the um the trucks and the dumpsters that that came were from Spartan aggregate so they did a sub so they Pro yes they they did a sub but the call the calls were made to Nature's choice and the bills came in from Spartan aggregate so that was noticed and the invoices were stopped but there's 30 there's 31 invoices they they provided the gar they provided the trucks and they provided the dumpsters um and you know this this resolution outlines what happened and um they delivered a service and it was basically for a for August there was a lot of there was a lot of uh material that was removed during the month of August but there was also some from from before that but that's why this resolution is here because um there was a disconnect we have a contract with Nature's choice we need to look into it but the company the company that came and picked up the material was Spartan aggregate and they wound up sending the invoices not Nature's choice so so moving forward we're going to clean up the contract verbiage um so our our our contractors can't call audible without us knowing we're look we're looking into this because there's there is a disconnect we have a contract with Nature's choice we're not sure what happened but we do know that when we needed when our DPW needed trucks so the the answer is we have to clean it up but we have to we have to talk with Nature's choice and find out what happened no no no question hands down I think it was appropriate to move the debris and the dirt um especially here in the fourth ward which I represent because it it had become an isore so I totally understand DPW calling for the removal what I don't like is the contractors um switching and baiting with us and then we're underline with this Bill if Nature's choice is responsible let them be the responsible party that we're paying and if they're subbing to Sparta in my estimation um Nature's Choice should be paying them from what we pay Nature's choice and I just don't want to continue to go through this Rigo with contractors when they come to ingor it's it just it it it boggles me how they can do something like this on and we're not talking about five six 7,000 even that would annoy me but we're talking about way more than that and I think that we're being taken advantage of as far as the city can tell the the the prices the costs are the same as with the Nature's Choice contract but at at the end of the day they called the pro the proper phone number they did the proper they did the proper things and just trucks and equipment with different names showed up but they performed a service and we need to pay but I I totally understand and I agree with that okay I'm I'm just I'm annoyed with the process well we're we're we're we're annoyed that we didn't get we didn't have trucks that said Nature's choice we're we're grateful that we had material we had equipment to put the things in so I I think how we solve this right in our contracts and with our vendors if if if we engage vendor a and we we expect vend the a to do the work for us that's who should do the work for us and if they don't and they subl it out to somebody else and that's not a part of our agreement then we could terminate the services if we choose to do that and they know that so then that way we don't have this back and forth with these other bills or whatever whoever you want to have working for you as a sub that's on your problem it's not for us to kind of figure that out I think if we put that in our paperwork and and how we bid on these things I think and I would imagine I would imagine that um Sparta falls under Nature's Choice Insurance now they have separate insurance that's why I'm saying they shouldn't you know but this is a conversation we have we should have with Nature's choice though telling them this is the way we want to do business that's a process that we need to fix out way and the the answer is yes and those coners those conversations have have begun okay thank you C that did we vote on that we already other one we not going to vote cuz that was done so roll call right cuz we already we got a roll call so this is a roll call for resolution number 295 right councilman Rosen swi yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president C yes next we have resolution 308 resolution honoring Rico water um we had that pull I wanted to pull that they uh and give the opportunity second first I need a motion and a second first then going to have somebody come talk make a motion council president and I I'll I'll second it um ladies y'all want to come up and talk about uh Rico water what they've done for us and as a community since we we're honoring the resolution 10 years some of the things they've done hello everyone I'm Alisa I'm from the um Health Department here and I'm Julie I'm also from the health department we're really excited to honor ra water they have been really dedicated to our community they've been donating water to all of our free community programs um and events and they take the time to educate the community as well which I think is really important so we just wanted to say thank you and I'm clapping by myself thank you so much thank you guys wait wait where's where's the head leader of of where's he where's poppy at no that's that's the son yes yeah where's Napoleon couldn't be and and there's the mother right there but where's where's your where's your husband at he still working hello everyone oh okay you tell him I said hello um thank you for having us I apologize my father couldn't make it um we we're here we just wanted to just say thank you um U what we do my father just wants to get back to the community we've been um we've been a part of ingwood for for many years and it's just um something that brings joy to him um he always says he doesn't he it's not the recognition it's just to give back to everyone that's and just be part of the community he just gets joy out of that we'll bring we'll make sure you get the res the hard copy resolution all right we thank we thank y'all for your service to the community and working with our health department we appreciate y'all being great partners with the city of Ang thank you um yes um your dad um I'm Angela David you probably saw me several times your dad saved my life and I always tell him that when I come to your establishment when Co first came out remember I said that your dad Saved My Life um because I didn't even know I had Co there was no cure for it and he followed me to the parking lot and said mommy you don't look good you're sweating it's cold and I'm like I'm okay he made sure he called the fire department called my husband who who had made sure I went to the hospital and I never knew I had Co so you guys saved my life because he was like oh no you can't leave and um so I'm all forever thankful to you also okay roll roll call councilman Rosen yes councilwoman David yes councilman Wilson yes council president cop absolutely yes next we're going to have resolutions for discussion first one is a resolution authorizing the city of Anglewood through the Englewood Police Department to participate in the self in the defense Logistics agency law enforcement Support Office 1033 program to enable the city the Englewood Police Department to request and acquire access Department of Defense equipment who's I know the chief is back here you you want to come up here and talk to this well actually council president yeah I it usually is the chief we've had before but if you want to talk on it behalf by all no this is this is just uh the police department would be requesting it but this is for equipment that's um Citywide so this would be for uh to be able to look for street sweepers uh long arm long arm uh equipment small caterpillars uh specialty equipment for the DPW including tools um some uh some equipment for the fire department but there's a there's a whole list of equipment that's part of the 1033 program so uh that's that's what we're looking for and the police department it has to go through the police department but they're looking for it for um for all departments but this is just a sampling of what we're looking for it so we're our our goal is to try and look for equipment that um that we can use you know in our our efforts to um to keep streams clean and to work on flood mitigation and just uh some other things that would would come around but you know there are times when street sweepers from Air Force bases come on come up come up and you know we want to be able to have the opportunity to to react um to to those those types of requests and the um you know high water rescue vehicles things of that nature okay I I know that in the past when we had the 1033 we also posted the list of items on there so we know what was available so that we made sure that what we were picking from people understood what it is so I would request that we continue to post that and uh make sure that the public sees that so what we're what we're picking from okay good and just as an example from the past the um the police department was able to obtain solar panels solar panel solar operated uh generators for communications and um they had that we've looked at it we're actually sharing those panels with the school district so the school district is going to be um helping us uh learn how to adaptively reuse them so that we can we can fil we can use them on pool filters pump filters uh help helping to heat small spaces in buildings and the school district is going to be using these uh solar this the solar panel equipment from the uh that was Surplus from the Marine Corps they're going to be constructing a greenhouse to grow vegetables year round so that's going to be the that's going to be the primary use of these while we while we figure out how to use them for OEM purposes thank you next we have request the county of Bergen authorize the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Grand Avenue and East Lindon avue this this is essentially part of an effort to work with the with the county for the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of of gr and Lyon that intersection has been problematic for quite some times we get accidents all the time at that intersection we've reached out to the county over the years uh regarding our concern for that intersections and we're constantly getting phone calls from not only motorists but pedestrians that are saying just how difficult it is to navigate that intersection as many of you know once uh once the motorist um cross Forest Avenue it becomes a Speedway until they get to engo Avenue so this is not only to uh slow um the vehicles down but to provide a safe environment for for pedestrians to be able to not only cross the roadway but to limit the number of accidents we have at that intersection I have two questions sure one that we done the traffic study uh we've actually done a traffic study there yes so because my second question to that is you want to put a traffic like there then you have to put one on Dean Street down below it's even that traffic because it runs that one's going one way one's going the other way so I'm saying one doesn't go without the other and and my concern is is truly speeding the traffic I'm not debating that at all what I'm debating is how close it is from Lyon Avenue to Forest Avenue both sides how you know so what you know what's the debate there I have Mr safield shaking his head back there because you know he he owns property on that that runway for hundred years so he knows what goes on there so I mean I I get it you know but you know if we do one we have to do the other I think they you can't or or you can't you can't do one without doing the other and and the the concern is not that we want to do it it's getting the county on board correct let let me be correct County on board to to get it done um we've we've uh We've we've actually pushed both of them to the county in front of the county to look at both those intersections and right now with the storage place there there's a crosswalk that the county actually required to be installed there just to access that and that crosswalk is dangerous to be honest with you student is right there what more dangerous than run over my school bus so we are we're we're going to install push buttons Etc to try and make it as safe as possible but it is a concern it is a concern the speeding is I agree with you is is concerning there okay so both you're correct okay thank you uh France for what you do um I I think it's important important that we know that pedestrians are at Peril and they're always in danger people rushing to pick up the kids go to work come from work whatever it may be um I would just like to see those feasibility studies and the traffic studies uh in conjunction with all of our County Roads that may not protect our residents because that's not the only area um we have many affected areas throughout the city and I want to do a comprehensive study anything that touches a County Road let's have them come in there and let's be good partners with them uh two weeks ago there was a cyclist hit on Palisade in nicara Road um and as we know we've been talking about that intersection forever um and so and and that's a pathway home for many of our young students and I I would surely like to see that study be included on all these dangerous paths thank you council president I have one more so if you look at all the speed limits in town the county roads are 5 to 10 miles faster than than the regular speed for us right some of them are 30 and some of them are 35 most of the city in the city control um speed limits is 25 I think 25 miles hour is adequate to be driving around Anglewood New Jersey you know with with so I think it would be helpful if you could work with them on coming and we we get a unified speed limit throughout the city former mayor and the late mayor Sandy Greenberg was just say that all the time about that cuz you're on nicab Baka Road and all those and Liberty Road you see how fast people are driving there so um um I think 25 would be good I mean have that conversation if you can with them to say listen what can we come to at least the the the roadways the speed limits could be similar with the city and the county thank you don't have an issue with that okay I agree with um with you um we also have a problem like you said um councilman and president um on where the actors fun is the new light that was put in um they changed the light there and they said you cannot turn right on red and I noticed that there were some kids standing there trying to cross the street and um I it was noted to me by Miss Shain who's sitting there my neighbor Francis that she had to help this woman the young girl crossed the street because they didn't take in consideration that um you know uh they didn't change the light basically so yeah so take this study in consideration also Shain right mhm she took pictures and everything and nothing was done on it so okay good but thank you for everything you do I appreciate you what what are we going to be doing who what are we are we going to be asking Bergen for this particular life he we going to I guess we're going to put a resolution together to ask to ask the county to particular light that the light is the one they're talking about a signal light at East London and Grand Avenue wait a minute okay you you you'll get a chance to come and give it to us okay just let me get through this okay thank you Mr safield um next we got ordinances for discussion the um Amendment the amend the residency preference ordinance so this has been a conversation that's come up a couple of times and I just want to be clear where I stand currently the the preference ordinance is for 12 months for the Fire and Police Department um in terms of residency uh uh myself along with some others are seeking 36 months or three is making sure that you had some skin in the game here in the city of Anglewood these are jobs the these these these jobs are careers and we want to make sure that we provide opportunities for the the young men and women that grow up and live in the city of Anglewood and have made a commitment to the city of Anglewood to get these opportunities for these these particular careers these are more than just jobs these are careers these fire service Police Department he a career job so we want to give them that opportunity to do that and if you truly want these jobs and you truly want a career you you'll be here for three years make that investment in it and gives the kids who've grown up in this community the opportunity to have something like that these jobs we're the city of Englewood is a very good payer very good PIR so we we feel that or at least I feel that they should have that opportunity when we have the fire test we have 300 plus people are come in police Test Plus hundreds so we have the numbers so um this is something that we have to and I believe we should consider um so if anybody has any comments about that I you know the floor is open from the council Council thank you council president um um I for one uh concur I think it's important that we give back to our community um there I'm going to just dissect for the fire department there's only four paid fire departments in Bergen County so that brings Personnel from everywhere not just the seven other municipalities in Bergen County but Atlantic City Philly people are coming from all over because they know what a treasure it is to work in our Fair city of ingwood so I I just think it's important that if we have young ladies and young men that Inspire to give back to our city that's been here all their lives I think it's important that we give them preference it's it's it's it's only right you know there appears to be other towns that give preference to their residents but we're not talking about other towns we're talking about Inglewood now I'm not against hiring outside entities coming in that has its place but our priority has to be our own residence and if you're a residence three years shouldn't be anything to you what we're getting faced with is people realize the gravity of the situation and they don't have a problem coming here for one year so they can be infiltrated into our system and still not give back to us we have a beautiful Community when allowed to thrive I just think it's important that the people that live here understand what the needs are for our residents for our youth for our seniors they want to give back so I just want to give them that opportunity and I don't think three years is a long time um to feel how we should feel in Inu and giving back so thank you council president thank you um yes um as a wife of a firefighter who was born and raised here um I did speak to him about about this also and I think it's only fair he was given the opportunity born here his father was born here his father father was born here and I do think it should have some type of Precedence with those that have skin in the game Who spend money in our town and and we can shop here and know the community so I believe that this is um something that I will definitely vote on so I know that any other comments yeah so is there a state approved way to verify three years of residency and if someone's a minor during that time how do we account for that if they've gone away for school how do we account for that this is an unenforceable idea so I'm just trying to figure out how the state does it for 3 years if if I'm sorry I asked Mr Bailey if he knew of anything excuse me could you answer that yeah I'm not aware that the state has but but how can we enforce this how are how are we going to know if someone applies today where they were living on October 14th 2021 they might have been residing uh in Tac that day how are we going to prove that I guess utility bills where you pay your taxes from we registered to vote that type of stuff but if you're if you're less than 17 you can't register to vote and you're not paying taxes and you're living in your parents house or or you're living in a rental or you're dorm room or you threw out the contract from your dorm room cuz you're not required to keep that I mean and you know that there's a law that you have to live in town to be a council person we've had Council people who don't even live in town and the council couldn't enforce that I just don't see how this is enforcable it's it's it's just a setup to to ignore this law because she can't enforce where someone's lived for three years people don't keep their records that long they're not required they're not but how are you going to determine who gets the preference someone I yeah it it'd be very difficult for I mean these are not 50y old people applying for these jobs they're young people and I I don't and wait let him finish and then you can respond to me you you'll have your opportunity trust me I'll let it's just not an enforcable ordinance the council can't even enforce people being on the council living in town it's it's this is just not a a workable I'm sorry I I can't hear anything with all this talking I mean can can we get some order here yeah well go ahead talk let talk we we everybody have their chance hey come on you got the floor he's still talking he's not talking he's not talking he was talking Rick let him let him finish then you'll have your chance go ahead um do we have a report from uh Mr rudderman on his feelings on this he is a labor Council who were paying on this and how he thinks this can be enforced and which other T there only there only four or five paid fire departments in Bergen County but there are probably hundreds across the the state or dozens across the state how how many of them utilize this how they enforced it let's just let's just see if this is working before we make it into law I I don't know of any other town that does this and I've been looking around it it's why are we the only Town doing this it doesn't make sense what happened you um we had the same problem on a border of vied when kids came payment and it were like 15 or 16 what we would do is ask um their pediatrician or their doctor to see where their doctor is located so there's um um businesses out there that can verify um where you live and everything like that I'm I'm Miss Mullins I think she was on a board with me when we went through this whole verification process um that we did um pull out the income tax we did the utility bills so we hired a private company to do this for us if we need that done also and you know so be it I mean that's my take got to wait till public session then then you can have your own yes so can we get one of these companies that verifies to come and report to the Council on how they would recommend we do this before we put this into law because you know you talked about pediatricians offices I would venture most children in town see a pediatrician outside of Anglewood uh cuz the major Pediatric practices are located in t neck and tenly and there aren't a ton of them in Anglewood so you know I don't know how the school board does it so we can hear from them as well but that's just one example where that's so you get a pediatrician from tenek what does that prove about whether whether a school child lived in Anglewood no and I understand because um we had some children who went to school on in tck but you know what they changed their address and they had their final address they're not going to just s switch it and say hey you still live in Teck they would have the addresses updated I don't think a doctor would lose his license his or her license to just update information just so that kid can verify I don't think they would do that okay all right we got work to do but I my last comment is is that we want to give the kids the women and children the men the opportunity here and people sitting up here we are representing those people and so we should be fighting for those people as opposed to looking for ways to not put something in place because we should be looking for ways to enrich the people's lives here in the city of Anglewood so but we got more work to do on it and we can do the work because the one thing is we going to do everything Fair around here but we going to make it happen so let's go on to the next item ordinance for amending chapter 25 section 25-18 schedule X of the code of the city of Anglewood Glen Wood Road mrman uh thank you council president yeah this was something that was brought to the police department by Inglewood Hospital there um there have been some issues with um with the road up there and with par with parking in that area so this was a This was um something that Englewood Hospital had asked the the city to consider and that's why it was brought forward but to consider what what are we doing like what I mean so they wanted they wanted to have no parking in that specific whenwood road the road that's blocked off already no this would be to the I assume this would be to the west of that road between uh um angle and Dean yeah so the the eastern part of that road is already no parking where where where the hospital pars on that road yeah the chief might have some more information on this ask yeah good evening CC president Council uh so with regard to this uh with regard to this ordinance change the hospital approaches about some parking issues they were having currently on Glenwood between Engle Street and North Dean Street that's the area that they're looking at it would be adjacent to the uh parking garage there it compasses about approximately nine parking spots and it's only on the north side of the road right I know yes sir so they want you no parking there on on the North side that's what the request is yes sir okay uh as far as the police department is concerned as far as Traffic Safety any issues we don't have any I don't have any issues with this request so that's why we bring it to the council for consideration thank you Chief um when you say they who who are they uh hospital security contacted me about it on behalf of the the hospital Administration you ever see all those people that park there that go to the hospital right I'm sorry you ever see all those people that park there that go to the hospital there were a few of them uh we did check the plates most people there we did check the plates because our concern was that it might impact any other residents in the area and there were on the several different times we checked there were about 20 25% of them of those n cars were residents from angle street that had parked there the others were out of the area besides that is that a problematic thing for people parking there uh as far as parking there yes sir for my concern traffic SE we haven't had any concerns or any issues brought to our attention um not that I'm aware of did did the hospital say anything what were their concerns uh they were having trouble as far as uh it was brought to my attention several times ambulances going up the road had some issues with vehicles coming the other direction um I don't know if it was large vehicles coming the other way um but that that's was relate to me we could do some more research and come back if the council wishes yeah okay thank you Chief um cuz you know if a car is coming is going westbound waiting at the stop sign and a truck's trying to make a left onto Glennwood and you have three cars across it's it is going to get tight so that could be part of the concern uh it could be vehicles coming out of the entrance uh not at the intersection but about mid block when there's an when there's an exit coming southbound onto the road that could be some of the issues um I guess when you're coming out left to that closer angle there's no parking there already well it just parking pretty close to the the intersection of Dean there to Dean yeah yeah there's none by angle not by angle correct and there's also a lot of Volvos parked on that street yeah so uh which if if you know what I mean so um yeah we can also ask them to to not store their cars there I good look at that yeah but do we know who do angle would say who's parking there is it uh patients is it I don't know who the cars come back to I know they weren't residents though okay and because they do they have a special parking lot for radiation oncology there I think I've seen that I don't know if not UNC it's usually a pretty short visit they they may have temporary parking or shortterm parking for them I don't know for sure okay thanks next prohibited left turns into parking spaces on Palace Avenue on who wants to speak to that council president this is something that you and I had discussed um and this is something when we looked into it uh the um when the when the parking enforcement officers and the police um started or were issuing violations for this they were um they were being dismissed in court um based on our current uh based on our current ordinances so this was um the discussion was what are other communities doing and um there there was a a model from Leonia that's that uh seems to work um to me you know I I wish I wish that they weren't being dismissed in in Municipal Court um because when you learn to drive if you have a double yellow line you're not supposed to cross the double yellow line so that's that's something that um should should be enforced but it it seems it seems that they're being dismissed on a regular basis so so that was the that was the Genesis of the discussion was um was you and I maybe we got to tell the judge read the driver's book um but this was this was this was something that the uh you know there's there's something in the packet that was you know the uh that our our Police Department had found that's that's working in another municipality okay so next is amend chapter 404 Article 2 smoking on public property to to include cannabis so I don't know who who whose topic this was uh that's you it's it's a um it's a quality of life topic yeah um we know that cannabis has been legalized and there are certain parties that take it above and beyond uh Recreation and when it interferes with um senior citizens impeding them from getting into their place of residence and impeding them from going into a store to shop or any activity any person wants to do is impeded by people smoking cannabis freely in our town is problematic and this discussion is way overdue and I for one think it's important that we look at this for the quality of life um we have several reports of individuals that are smoking and setting up shop and lounge chairs and so forth in our town and unfortunately our Police Department hands are tied because these individuals know the Lord probably just as well as some of our police officers because they've been detained before so if they know that not to have a certain quantity on them that's exactly what they do and so for us to to get behind this for this will go away um I I think this will help give the police officers a tool in their belt to help our citizens have a quality of life thank you council president thank you anybody else have any comments on that this is also something that came up in a in a conversation with this with the Sid just that there's um uh PE people are uncom uncomfortable walking in C in certain areas because I know because cannabis is um is being smoked on on public sidewalks okay next next we'll have the engineer important Mr V you have anything new you want to tell us real quick I'll be real fast um the past three weeks we uh mil and paved over 15 roads we're currently working on uh every place Lafayette putting curbs in after that that's going to get M and paved after that sunset's going to get mil and paved um we are tonight just passed the CBD project that going to put an additional five roads to be miled and paved as well um but I when I just say Mill and pav But it includes curb work it includes you know improving some of the drainage uh along those curb uh along those streets um improving the cash basins Etc um I'm throwing Mill and pav in there but it includes all of that as part of those projects uh in addition we're working with psng to accelerate their Mill and pave program um they've promised us they're going to start doing some of that in the next couple weeks as opposed to waiting till 2026 for them to start doing their million Paving so we're pushing them uh to start that process a lot sooner uh besides the million pave program uh the gate House of M par uh we expect bids to be uh to come in next week uh and it's a long time A Long Time Coming For That to get taken care of um so we have a lot going on uh not not not to be outdone the flooding issues uh drainage is always that we're we're continuing to move forward I guess the DPW has to be commended they've been doing absolutely um you know through the channel just clearing des snagging and dangling yes and and uh we are we actually yes we're we're getting bids also for covers we have cover projects that are coming out part of against part of flood mitigation um that are due next week as well there's four covers we're going to be looking to repair Demmer Avenue there one on Green Street there's one on parate Avenue so we are we have a lot of things going on right now and uh we're keeping busy we're we're we're pushing everything along um and we're we have more to come let put it that way thank you thank you for the report um and and it's important that we get these reports not just for us for the body but for the residents um I for one I'm ecstatic when we get a new Ro paid um pav but unfortunately I have been getting phone calls in regards to newly paav roads being I'm going to make up a word here puddle that that that they're riddled with puddles um and I know there's a nickel or a dime that the head has to be showing for it to be considered a puddle um but when CE again I'm on this contractors thing where when they come into our town I they're not giving us a break for doing shoty work that's for sure so I would just like our inspections to be crisper hold these people um to a higher standard because we have senior citizens that are doing puddles in front of um ADA Compliant ramps on the on on the corner that was newly done so so I would like the problematic problem looked into INSP I'm I'm going to make sure that our inspectors you know double their efforts to make sure that the quality of roads that we get is what we're we actually we actually want in town okay I thank and thank you and I just have one last issue well that's not true but for this section um for the gate house yes that was damaged by a contractor that we contracted out so the repair of a historic Gate House which is huge has taken this long and if I'm not mistaken that's not on our dime you're you're correct so are we still using that contractor that we did had oh okay all right because I know we pay out on a somewhat timely fashion and I don't want contractors to come in and think that they can damage our historical buildings and there's no repercussions agreed okay thank you thank you council president thank Mr VY next we have items for discussion um the first item we have here is homelessness now we've had an action with a homeless person that wasn't good but we have homelessness around here in Anglewood we have to put something in place to help these people to deal with this we cannot ignore this it's not going to go away if you ignore it so I think that we have to start to work and put a framework on how we deal with homelessness how do people come here why are they coming to Inglewood what kind of service is that we could get them and we got to really get you know understand the mental aspect of us so we need some support we need some help with this so I put this on here to say we got to start this conversation to come up with some solutions for this homelessness next we have restoration of a 9911 1911 uh fire truck Mr Mr Hoffman uh thank you council president in your packets is a is some information from the New Jersey Fire Museum which is in South Jersey um the fire museum is interested in um having in restoring our 1911 the city's 1911 American lefrance fire truck the first internal combustion engine fire truck that the city had purchased um if they can show it uh in the museum they have over a 100 pieces of apparatus down there they have restored several pieces for other municipalities and then the city would um have access to the truck for parades into other um other events that the that they would like to have it back um back at the um the fire the fire museum is located in Allentown New Jersey I went down there to take a look look at it it's on 30 acres and they showed me some of the the work that they've done on other pieces of apparatus the restoration for this particular truck would cost close to $200,000 and they're willing to do that um they have they have funds but they also have volunteers that that do the work on on the restoration um so long as they can show it show the uh show the truck um I think this would be a good solution so that this truck which is now in a gray container behind the firehouse can actually uh come out and be be seen by the public and um you know th this is this is something that they're ready willing and able to do but I wanted to I wanted to make sure that I went down and took a look at it because I didn't want to say this is a great idea and then see you know then have the firetruck go into never Neverland so there's still there's still a little more work to do but there they're willing to start the process so there's information in the packet about that and I I know it's it's been sent over to our our City attorney to review the contract so that we can uh we had some changes that needed to be made and they're made they were made thank you the next yes and then um just uh just as to make sure that I emphasize this um the the the truck once it's restored can be used we it can come back any time for parades or for special events things and things like that but this is a piece of history for the city and it's a um it would be valuable for everybody thank you right and the next bullet I guess that's this is yours as well Mr Hoffman the immediate action taken by the city after the extreme rain storms in August yes thank you thank you council president you would asked if I could make a report about that at our um you know at one of the October meetings so what we've what we've done is there has been extensive cleanup over at Crystal Lake there's been con there has been uh not only conversations but a communication with the Turnpike Authority um because the Turnpike Authority owns an easement behind nap street it also owns the dam the dam um was by Crystal Lake that was turned over to the Turnpike Authority in 1992 uh they uh they owned the valve and all of the other of the other uh pieces of of the dam once we were able to get ah hold of the right people they have been uh very helpful so far uh there's going to be they've they've done some inspections of both the dam and also uh some of the some of the easements and and culverts that that are that are in the area uh if you go if you go behind the houses on Nap Street you will see that that is um that's owned by that easeman is owned by the Turnpike Authority but the city went in our DPW and some some contractors went in and cleaned out probably 30 years worth of worth of growth and created some swells so that water can run from Crystal Lake into the new swells and then go um go down into uh catch basins which were flat but which we the city count the city um the DPW was able to identify three catch basins that were fully silted in they cleaned out over six feet of silt and now those catch basins are working um there's also uh there's also a culvert concrete Culvert that the catch basins now go into um and there's going it uh we've been talking with the Turnpike Authority about making sure that the Culver is is cleaned and inspected in the future so those are some of the things that we've done and the DPW um we're going to be creating a full-time stream cleaning uh unit in the DPW right now it's uh you know it's it's it's part of our catch Basin group but we're going to be creating a just a full-time 12 months a year uh unit to to do stream cleaning and then we will have our unit to do catch Basin removal catch Basin cleanings and and inspections so those are some of the items and there'll be other things that'll be coming out to the council and you know as as we go through the next few months we could take the next one as well I think because nobody's here from DPW Leaf CLE leaf collection all right uh you know what thank you council president this is something I was going to report on in my or mention in my report but the um we're right now in every Ward we have leaves and we have yard debris that's that's on top of catch basins and that's unacceptable it's absolutely unacceptable we have we if we had rainstorms we would not be able to have water go into the catch basins and we would have to have the DPW come back and clean the catch basins that have already been cleaned because because of yard debris and so this means that they they are unable to do work that's assigned that they have assigned to them which is probably cleaning catch basins on other streets so what we what we want to do is we would like to have um we would like to have in the future um all of any anybody putting at leaves has to use Leaf Bags it's just it's just going to be easier and if you look if you look if you look at all around town you're going to see that people are people are are putting putting um leaves on top of catch Basin it's unacceptable we have flooding issues we have people complaining about flooding issues and yet some of those same people are having their landscapers or doing it themselves they're putting they're putting leaves and debris on top of the catch Basin so it has to stop the DPW and Property Maintenance have been going around issuing warnings for the last couple of weeks but next week we're going to start issuing summonses it's just completely unacceptable if you want to stop flooding you have to have catch Basin that are open so that's that's part of it and that's also the the leaf the leaf um the leaf you know the discussion of leaf bags if you look at our storm water management plan you know there's there's a section there's a section in there about that okay next commute um commercial vehicles overnight street parking we know this has been a problem and I'm looking to address this um because it it becomes an ey saw in certain parts of the town that you have commercial vehicles parked on residential streets and the residents are competing with these commercial vehicles to park in front of their houses and all these things so um we need to look at this and see how we can make this work for the residents and better way so this is something we'll be taking up at the next meeting as well council president did you want to mention the 4 well we have it that that we have that already they know part of the discussion was looking at the 48 hour rule and having it less than 48 hours right so we'll be looking at that 48 hour rule uh that quite honestly ain't being enforced so how do we get it to be enforced so um there's more to come on that um right now we have something there we well they if they read the signs yeah um right now we we're going to have communic brief Communications from mayor and Council but we we we don't have to Mr Bailey would you say Mr biley said yeah I think it typically it's listed on the second meeting each month and just inadvertently it wasn't listed on the agenda so if no one has any objection on the day is you can proceed with comments from the uh mayor councel and city manager mayor's different the councilman Rosa s thank you mayor thanks I I wasn't expecting this but um I wish everyone happy holidays and um last week I had the uh privilege and honor to attend the um 200 Valor Awards um you know for uh police for heroism courage and service and um kind of like um Bruno Mars at the emys a couple years ago it was it was a sweep by um Anglewood um numerous Awards by Anglewood really dominate the whole um ceremony detective Paul schuder police officer Juan kapalan who's who's a new officer police officer Chris Sabo uh detective Michael Chapman detective cologne detective uh police officer deeni and police officer Sabo again for distinguished service police officer Sanchez received the John ronaldi service award as the deputy chief uh Matthew de la Roa and very impressively um um Alex hash H excuse me H uh who's a social worker for the arriv together program and he was the only non-officer honored at the ceremony and and like they uh mentioned uh social workers usually don't go to uh uh scenes of violent crimes but uh Mr H did and had a successful resolution of a very tense situation so I congratulate uh the chief who oh I guess he must have stepped out uh for for uh the the police department and to all the officers who who won awards that night uh and uh Dr Lisa wasi was there as well um and it's a very uh nice evening uh thank you very much Miss David okay um the Third Ward we had a Fall Festival on the 29th it was um rain or shine and we had a petting zoo everyone came out um it was great and also thank you Council um and Mr Wilson for your generosity as well as far as um having uh responsibility of paying some of the cooks there thank you to Jabari Society for your grill which is great um the actors fund thank you for the donation of your food um Pinterest was there um she did a great ex exhibition um um DJ Callie thank you um and um and that's it and also I received numerous emails um about the food truck and I'm glad you put that on there there was food trucks because people they don't understand like the food truck is the I or to some people and people who live there they have their food truck parked overnight and they move it up but then it's a slippery slope because there's a weight um what is it four tons I think but the food trucks don't weigh like for a ton so it's kind of like you know what are you going to do it's like oh stay there because it's not four tons but then you're looking at propane that's there also which is a safety hazard on the street with the kids there so I'm hearing a lot about like oh you know it's uh not only an IO but it could be dangerous as well so I hope we can also um resolve that thank you thank you councilman Wilson thank you council president um first give and honor to God without him I wouldn't be here um and thank you all for tuning in and taking your time out to diligently wait to let us hear your thoughts cuz I for one I think your thoughts are important um I would like to Rattle off a bunch of names of officers that got the awards at the 200 Val award but unfortunately I did not know about this event um I only saw it when it was posted uh puts me at a disadvantage where I too would like to support our local law enforce enforcements if given the opportunity um so to say that to say nothing changes if nothing changes so we're here to be part of the change and if we're not it's unacceptable uh went to a homecoming game uh this past week ingwood is doing well they won uh kudos to coach uh o uh they're doing a terrific job and I think that it's important to give back to our youth um and if you're not doing so make make an effort um because it's important they they need our support they're they're begging for it um in L of a recreation department or something for them to do on a consistent basis we're What It Is We're The Village um and so I would like to see us come together and support our youth and absolutely look out for our senior citizens thank you for those who are celebrating holidays May they be joyous and festive and everybody get home safe thank you thank you council president thank you um I would just like to start by apologizing for us not having a meeting the last meeting because we didn't have a quorum I think in the history of Anglewood we've moved to the front of the classroom but I think it's pretty embarrassing that the Girl Scouts would come here looking to give us a presentation and what we presented to them was an irresponsible governing body so I don't personally care who gets mad at what what I have to say cuz I'm going to say it because those young ladies prepared for us to give us that and they did eventually they gave it to us at a private session or public private session whatever you want to call it this past week last week but I thought it was important that we have that as Mr Wilson said we had a homecoming uh for the young kids at the school they had a successful game and we need to support our young people our young youth throughout all of the city so they could be successful last night we attended the algebra project and if anybody knows anything about the algebra project if you can do Algebra they say you graduate high school and college a it's a proven theory about that because it makes you think but I think Mr Hoffman Mr Wilson councilwoman David for attending that so important that our school system needs to see our support there as well so you know I I I thank you for coming and staying here and staying with us not giving up calling us out holding us accountable because these are things that are important but I will tell you what's troubling when we are going to have a discussion about a residency are you kidding me if we don't if the people who sit up here don't support our kids we shouldn't be sitting up here we shouldn't we shouldn't we should support anything that brings something positive back to this community I don't care what color you are I don't care what religion you are I don't care what race you are when you sit up here you represent everybody you may not think that Rick let me talk then you can have it but enough of this already you know well let's look into this and let's look into that well why don't we look into making it work for us making it work for the kids the the the young men and women here that live here in Anglewood cuz if you truly believe in this place you want it to work for everybody some of these discussions that we have shouldn't even be discussions we should just be doing it making it happen these jobs here in Englewood are careers they're not just jobs they're careers they're difference makers you've seen families live and make a difference for themselves and that's what we want we want people to be successful then on another know we lost a longtime police officer Richard Jones right serve aenue he's a lieutenant many years recently pass but somebody made the comment on Facebook that he was the first africanamerican police officer those of us who've lived here long enough and P families here understood that we neglected to recognize George tin he was the first African-American police officer he was appointed Lieutenant tin was appointed October 6 1936 so we have a history and we have some people who have done some things so we want to uplift all those people that have done some things so we we we get we send our condolences to the Jones family we we want to also recognize the correct history because people post things and we need to just put stuff in order order so everybody's represented the right way but Mr Mr tin not only became a police officer but he also became Lieutenant detective 1936 look how long ago that was he was appointed was no bad nums I was appointed so you would know you're a police officer you retired so but we we just need to get the history together when we want to honor our own to know that these people are cuz they they deserve they served so we just want to get it right so I I just want to bring that to to the attention but anytime we we're up here we should be doing what's in the best interest of the city of Engle we may not always agree but at the end of the day we should be doing it for all not for some and when we start doing it for some that's going to create problems and we don't want that we don't need that it's tough enough just trying to live but I but I firmly believe in closing these jobs here have raised families here in this communities these jobs so this is just giving people opportunity in this community it's nice to know that you have a police office or you have a firefighter living next door there's nothing wrong with that thank you Mr h uh thank you council president um uh thank you for bringing up the information about uh about um Lieutenant Hines and then also Lieutenant Jones the um the police department U received information from Lieutenant Jones's family and when um and they they relied on that for their post and when they found out that it was incorrect they they did make a change and they they did make the correction so um so that we we have accurate information on on this on the the Facebook page the one item that I wanted to report on is that the state do has notified us that starting this Friday night October 18th at 10:30 p.m. Route 4 West will be fully closed and there will be two nights of detours so starting on Friday night October 18th from 10:30 at night through Saturday morning October 19th at 8: a.m. Route 4 West will be closed and there will be detours uh through the city and that will happen again on Saturday night October 19th at 10:30 and then the Route 4 West will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday October 20th Mr Hoffman could you tell us where at on Route four west it'll it'll be by it'll be by Jones Road but we're going to be posting we're going to be verifying this information with the state do and then we're going to be we're going to be putting it on Facebook we're going to be sending it out through the different social media platforms but this is this is something that that uh that recently came um to you know was recently sent by the state and um so we'll be we'll be doing a full explanation and then it's going the same thing is going to happen next week Friday night October 25th at 10:30 at night through Saturday morning October 26th at 8: a.m. and then again on Saturday night October 26th at 10:30 through SE through Sunday morning October 27th at 9:00 a.m. so we're going to verify the information we're going to verify the detours and then we're going to push it out but this is this is fairly new information and we just wanted to make sure that um you know it was it was going to happen they've told us that since there's there's no rain predicted it's it you know the closures will happen okay thank you so thank you thank you thank you now we're going to go to uh public session the name address three minutes okay no you know m in hollering and yeah I understand I would I would ask if I could to just preface my comments uh I drove several hours to come here and I have some very very important points to make and maybe one or two questions along the way uh if you will come on um I'd like to start with just you know I'd like to address Mr Bailey and Mr Bailey in the past I believe many of the things that I have reported uh about potential corruption uh criminal activity ethics violations I don't believe that they have been taken seriously many of them have wound up in either uh uh lawsuits or some other type of litigation or maybe perhaps uh uh definite penalties against employees that have broken rules and regulations I have a tape recording Mr Bailey and I have a transcript of you commenting about the things that I have done in the past and saying okay that uh Scott Jenkins seems to like to report little wrongdoings like Dick Dastardly or dastardly you know things and I just asked Mr belly if you would take these things a little bit more serious okay when it comes to me I'll show it to you I'd be happy to play it for you okay uh and when something is reported okay I believe that the city may be able to maybe perhaps lessen some of their litigation by doing their own due diligence and looking into some of these matters rather than just pushing them aside um so I'm going to start with the most relevant thing and I hope the mayor is on the phone still um it has come to my attention that mayor wilds and maybe other high level City officials attempted to influence members of of the Anglewood Police Department to expedite a gun permit and a carrying permit for candidate for councel at large Dan too I'd like to make this clear Fant toia is a candidate if a candidate for an office in this city is already trying to put his hand in the cookie jar and has not even sat in his seat yet I think everybody needs to take a note of that I also think mayor Wilds is out of order he's putting the chief of police and everybody underneath him in a compromising position by asking these officers to do a favor a favor to put Dan to's gun permit application above every city resident and there's about 300 of them that are sitting there so if there's any Tri to that I believe that matter needs to be investigated immediately for misconduct and it's this this body's responsibility to look into those matters and stop what is going on with this mayor and him looking for all kinds of favors we understand that he was driven over to the county personally by a high level official to get his permit these things are not appropriate nobody deserves to get a favor done and be put past the residents of this community at any time that's my first comment my second comment is go ahead my second comment is that I see on the agenda tonight the item that deals with the lateness of pension payments and pension contributions for employees I want to make it clear that the example that is being used in that the agenda is a very soft example my question would be are any of those late payments consistent with things like Carlos Calderon police officer found to have cocaine in his system in October in two months later all of a sudden the results came out and five months after that he's retired with a clear pension how does that happen how can a police officer be carried for seven months when he comes up with cocaine in his system because he's a County officer because he's a member of local 216 this has got to stop gentlemen I have a book of things I want to report to this me to this this body I want your attorneys involved you can bring a stenographer okay and I will swear by and I will give you the facts and circumstances for you to conduct investigations into this activity it must stop gentlemen and I have much more I wish I had more time but I'm not going to take advantage have a good night thank you Mr safield hello William safield 251 South game Street could you speak into the mic a little bit yeah can you hear me now yeah that's now first of all with the light on Lyndon Avenue and and gr uh I think we should start with trying to enforce the speed limit I've asked several times call even in the police station to set up a car maybe an empty car like some towns do but enforcement would be better Dean Street the same thing it's like a racetrack sometime at night even during the day recently two weeks ago a car came out got s swiped by someone coming onto the street and it flipped could have killed people slid down the street on its side here's another thing when you have the drainage which you claim leaves on top of the drain that is part of the probably the problem of the Town not sweeping the streets I've asked this a dozen times all summer rarely saw a street sweeper you go out to write tickets every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday on Grand Avenue and Engle Street but no one comes and cleans the street that's terrible here's another a few other little things I have the park for instance McKay park has two books the brook going to the west side behind has trees growing in it everything and it and it's not a big fix but if you get rid of the trees take the silk out of the brook put it on the on the on the on the on the lawn build that bank up but we have to dredge almost every book around here every one of them they're all disgusting plus we don't have the drain covers I've asked for that the last time I haven't seen not one put on and I haven't seen anyone cleaning the drains the last time I was here Mr Kaufman said he had some kind of truck with the with the power slush or whatever you would had access to that have you used it well I haven't seen it and I'm in the lowest part of town we need to get all these things done have you done anything with the railroad company what go we've with the with the railroad they've we've been in contact with them to get the uh to to get the railroad ties removed but the council's also pass forget the railroad ties I'm talking about the brook the brook is where the problem is the brook and the railroad tires are a mess too you got them down there they could catch on fire that should have been done months ago a year ago No it should the Brooks no wait listen the Brooks are the problem that water from Dean Street goes to that Brook if that Brook is is contam not flowing where's the water going but behind Belta are if I'm not correct we did do some work yeah we did we had our DPW going and clear a 260 foot clog that was look that a long time ago I'm talking about since I was here almost 60 days or whatever nothing has been done you came up you had a big thing France stood up here and told us all this stuff nothing has been done so we need to get more done that way all right I say I'm out of time but I got a long list here all right some of some of your list yes and then just just so that you know that we we have a meeting with CSX on this Thursday about about cleaning the swells in our our in our town as well as other towns so some some list no I'm I'm G type it up and make it okay send it okay Rick Wilby Engle with New Jersey uh where's Lisa wasoski I think like she's out campaigning for Dan to here today if I didn't know no better think they were joined at the hip she's all over town with this guy it's like if you want something done I guess Lisa is going to do it herself now one thing that's very disappointing to me and this is for councilman Ken Rosen swag he's a doctor at a hospital this weekend the Israeli occupation Force bombed a hospital the alasa hospital bombed tents with refugees civilians and burned them alive councilman Rosen swag you denounced or condemn those actions as they violate international law and common human decency we live here in Inwood and this is A Tale of Two Cities my son is an Air Force veteran his application for his permit went at the bottom of the pile meanwhile the Orthodox Jewish community in tinac and ingwood are arming themselves to the teeth and are getting preference maybe it has something to do with going up on top of the hill and having these private parties at these hous that don't belong to people that look like me and there's so many people that are complicit in these actions We Have A Tale of Two Cities in 2024 the junior Raiders football players were called by Loi and everybody wants to talk about condemning hate Rosen swag you condemned that calling nine-year-old kids in 2024 cuz that's what happened but only when the situation happens to your community your segregated Community you don't care about our kids so of course you don't care about hiring people from Inglewood because they went to your shivas in your communities they don't know what it is to go to public school they don't know what it is to integrate with people you preach about diversity and you practice hate and then when somebody points out the truth you get upset at the truth and try to complain because somebody is courageous enough to confront you the engood public school district can't make payroll because so much of our resources are being farmed out to bust people to segregated schools males and females on segregated bus it should be not our problem if people want to practice their racist religion to go out of town and go to schools where there's not one black Spanish or any other race or Creed of people in those schools I'm sick and tired of the racism and the double standard within the context of a so-called religion where there's a lack of humanity people are dying in Lebanon they're dying in Palestine attacking people in Syria Iraq Iran at us taxpayers expense people like the mayor proud to be a Zionist people like you and Lisa wasoski and now Dan too coming to sit up here and tell us what to do but what's going to happen is that people will confront you nobody's going to run from you back in the 60s there was a race ride right here in Inwood and if you continue to push the button we will push back amen uh Leroy Campbell 287 tenly Road um first thing I want to do is I want to piggy back on what Mr Jenkins said because Mr jenin what Mr Jenkins didn't mention is that how can Dan Topia be considered for a gun permit special candidate Topia has has a current criminal complaint for cyber harassment where the court recently ruled that probable cause exist and referred the matter to the Bergen County prosecutor's office so how can somebody be considered for a gun permit when they have these charges that's the first thing the second thing is you know we talk about racism we talk about anti-semitic we talk about Jew Jewish hate what I don't understand and maybe Mr Hoffman or or chief gy or Deputy Chief Matt deloso can help me out what I don't understand is that there was an award ceremony Lisa wasowski and Ken Rosen squag was there but you have three African-American on the council that weren't even invited to be there I don't understand that we're talking about diversity that's not showing diversity what that's showing is racism and the other thing is there's a young man that's been suspended in the police department for six months for 6 months but we have a a sergeant and a female officer who have slept together and suspended with pay but we're talking about diversity how can we have diversity when these kind of things happen it it shows blatant racism good old boy treatment for some and crucifer crucification for others of color we need to stop this we need to stop this or we're never going to come together we're never going to be able to work together because of these type of situation in an incident we're never going to be able to work together and it's disgusting it's truly disgusting it's not right there's so much animosity in that Police Department it's unbelievable everybody talk about Larry suffering this Larry suffering that Greg Holz said this Greg Holz said that when they were here but the people that are in place right now are worse and Mr hosman these people are on your watch so you're going to be held accountable for what happened in that Police Department you're going to be held accountable for what these guys are doing because there's so much animosity hatred racism I mean I can go on and on and on and you know one of the saddest thing that's happening in that Police Department is that I have white officers coming to me telling me how black officers are being treated and you know why because they don't like what's happening they don't that these white officer doesn't like what's happening they don't like how these guys are being treated guys and gals are being treated and they're bringing it to the Forefront you know because I don't want the chief the deputy chief you Mr Hoffman to think that black people in the department are coming to me they're afraid to come to anybody because they're afraid of retaliation they're afraid of retaliation something got to be done in that Police Department something got to be done thank you James Evans 341 Washington place and I'm here because I see that uh we have these floods uh I see that they haven't even started up on Engle Street yet um these swells along the railroad tracks been there for years nobody has cleaned them out nobody's getting on nobody we have uh uh storm drains now you want to talk about storm drain hell storm drain should have been cleaned out years ago we got this this um Lake up by the school when you going to clean that thing out when are you going to clean out the little rivers that runs a pth runs uh right beside of them well come on let's do your job you're getting paid Cindy Williams 41 East Forest Avenue and Englewood just a couple of things I've lived in Englewood excuse me ma'am could you just repeat your name Cindy Williams Cindy Williams I've lived in Englewood all my life probably longer than most of you people here except for Mr Cobb and probably Mr Wilson so this is a long time three generations here my question is we have so many people living here in ingwood right now um I look at the Town the sidewalks are filthy dirty there's there's just garbage everywhere that needs to really be addressed um also I go to M Park I walk over that bridge that bridge needs to be replaced you can see the water that's dangerous um the other thing is benches we only have benches from the top of the hill down to Humphrey Street there's no more benches further down to the monument why that's my question uh the last thing is we need more police walking our streets you go to that Monument there are cars that are doubled and tripled par you can't even walk across the street police we need your presence and Inu on these streets uh the last thing is when is Forest Avenue you're going to be paved could somebody please tell me that well Mr VY wherever it goes I've heard that for years when's it going to happen we need a date that street is terrible I drive a car and it just bumps all over the road all over that railroad track friends something needs to be done I'm done thank you thank you s uh shakim 85 Divorce Court um I'm just a little confused um I I I only hold a bachelor's degree um can you have a doctorate I'll have a doctorate soon in life not yet but um the fact that you can't comprehend how you can do simple background checks or where one can live at a time and place is just unbelievable so I really want to know where you got your doctorate from no disrespect maybe an online university but not a university like Ruckers um but I'm just very confused at this the state of this entire board at this moment in time um the simple fact that when there's talking about racism Ken you're looking down you're not paying attention Lisa wasi does this every time it it's just unfailable at this point in time that this entire board is is it's divided it's un it's it's it's unproductive you got folks on one side of the aisle speaking one thing I feel like I'm in United States Congress right you got Republicans and Democrats this time it's just whites versus blacks right and nothing's getting done that's productive for our community and I'm speaking to you Ken and you're looking down yet again so I think that's disrespectful I'm pointing out the issues that you're facing and yet you're doing these things secondarily I think it's very disgusting that a council member feels the need to have a gun in order to run for counsel at this moment in time I don't have a gun I don't walk around with a gun did I put a perit in for a gun yeah because Republicans are on their rise and doing crazy out in this country but I don't have a gun right now and I'm not scared to walk around this community so I think it's very disgusting that our mayor would then take the councilman to get a gun permit and try to expedit the process or or if soon to be council member or somebody buying to be counsel um to expedite that process it's very inappropriate and lastly I will say in in terms of our Police Department I know Derek green Reverend Derek green was brought in to do some type of racial understanding racial study racial bias racial something when is Derek green going to come address the Council on the studies that he's found I love rev I know rev very dearly but he's getting paid a whole lot of money to just to do some type of investigation into where our racism is where our our Police Department is so I would like to do have him address a council as to his findings currently I know he's been here for quite a while so if I'm hearing that black police officers don't want to um speak out or uncomforable I know this is something that's been going on for some time now that's that's deeply troubling I think it's even troubling that it's going to continue as we are trying to get more black and brown police officers on the force and more black and brown folks into our fire departments you know I have I have three cousins who currently serve on the fire department right who do that job very rigorously and enjoy doing that job and they're all from Englewood and so I believe more Young Folks should be on our fire department and our Police Department do I want the job no I have a lot more other jobs but other people should have that opportunity and so once again I I think Ken if you don't want to be here I'm sorry you should really go home because when when when people in your community are addressing you you shouldn't look at your phone you shouldn't act like a 13-year-old Instagram is not that important your emails are not that important your texts are not that important the constituents that you actually represent are the most important people here today so look at somebody and be a little more respectful disrespectful oh I lost four minutes okay Sarah strowman 72 West Hudson um first to address the verification the library every 3 years I have to prove that I'm still a resident of Anglewood in order to have a keep my library card so maybe you can talk to the library about that because that might be a good starting point secondly I ran as an environmentalist for city council and so the whole issue with the leaves there is a national campaign about leaving leaves on yard because they protect Wildlife they help protect insects and if we weren't blowing them off Lawns they wouldn't be I mean they fall that's what they do it's nature but if we weren't blowing them off The Lawns in the first place they wouldn't be clogging up spaces and if they did their leaves they come they biodegrade naturally so they shift with the wind you know they do their whole thing so I don't really think that's the real Target somebody brought up the the trash that's an issue there are plastic bottles on the streets on the sidewalks on the grass everywhere in this city there's potato chip bags there's you can name it it's everywhere and so that I think is more of an issue when we have and it's shown plastic that has t that is living in our waterways in our oceans they are in in our bodies now microplastics are in our bodies these are all problems and we're tackling leaves there's bigger issues here and that's what we should be focused on and I'm going to always call out the environmental Commission because they are there and that is what they should be doing and they should be talking to all of you about suggestions lastly I have called for better communication from this Council for the last year and my heart rate goes up really badly when I sit in these meetings so I can't imagine how all of you feel receiving the toxic nonsense that is on the receiving end and I say that just because there's no other space for residents to say the that they need to say and so it comes here and nothing gets resolved and yes there's racism and people don't want to believe that there's racism and there's sexism and there's misogyny I could write a whole book about misogyny and Anglewood but I will not do that my whole point is that the issue stems from communication and there are people online that are that are having a voice that shouldn't have a voice and that's there are better ways to tackle how we address each other so that it's more constructive than the way we're doing doing it here Suzanne mullings phelp sa good evening first I want to talk about the potential traffic light at Grand and Lindon I'm not sure if there's any ordinance or requirement in terms of distance but there's one in Englewood AB there there's one at Foresta there's one at van norren and I believe that will create an enormous amount of backup traffic particularly with the new uh Lane pattern coming off of Rockwood I think if the police did their job that they're paid for and we find that that's not working then maybe we can explore traffic lights that's number one number two councilman Wilson in regards to the Cannabis or marijuana smoke I'm not sure if the ordinance that was proposed is going to be useful um maybe we should look into smoke in general being uh moved a certain distance from buildings because I would hate for us to put an ordinance that creates unfair attention to our youth and then they're shot and killed for something like not being able to smoke something legal in front of a building and I'm I'm just concerned about that and I don't disagree with having it move from a doorway or entryways but I just don't want to give it give it license to Kill young people that don't deserve to be shot for things like that and lastly uh Mr hofman I don't know if I missed it but I believe you and councilman was saski were on a field trip in the second ward like two days before the last meeting that was C cancelled with some other residents I'm assuming I don't know if you're able to share with us of the second ward what that was about and if it was in relation to flooding we all want to know about it particularly me I'm in the second ward and it would be helpful to know how we can get on those field trips too Horus ragar 51 West Hamilton Avenue I have two small comments and one question um the new recreation toddler Park I brought this up before um I keep going there every every every few weeks to see that seniors are sitting on trying to find a place to sit we need to put at least two park benches there so adults could sit on park benches and instead of trying to fit on the swings um it will look much more enhanced if we have a few park benches there especially for the seniors that bring their grand grandkids there second of all we talk about homelessness homelessness creates mental issues mental issu issues create some alcoholism alcohol ISM creates an increase in crime with that said I spoke to Mr Hoffman a while ago about cleaning up behind pindle Avenue all the way to 111 Street some of you guys heard Deborah Zar talk about this as well and made promises that line is cleaned all the way from Hudson all the way through tly but for some reason Dem is clean the other way but we cannot clean up there I have videos with people people walking between there going and drinking inside so we providing a little hiding space so it's time we clean up that spot between Demers and the hospital please one of the question I don't know I see more Belgian blocks going on on on the street as curbs I would like to know the advantages or disadvantages of putting Belgium blocks I'm pretty sure it's more expensive than 600 psi concrete curbs I think that we talk about expenditure and accountability and this is I think is not right trying to just enhance the neighborhood the difference is Belgium blocks cut the side wall of tires and causes them to blow out versus curbs so I would like the city engineer to tell us what's the difference and why the cost whether it's better in course or more in course about so it if let just say could I get that information from your office like a okay fine thank you but we need those park benches and that little thing I tired to see Senior sitting on the floor thank you good evening Dr given Pastor Shiloh Amy Zion Church 129 William Street uh council president a question with regards to the residency of police officers of firefighters are we saying are we asking that they must be at least a three-year resident before apply or a three-year resident after they have been employed what are we saying I'm not sure before before they apply be a a resident that's that's the discussion and that what about after employment they move out we don't have any requirements well it should be both ways and I definitely support that wholeheartedly and for as getting information on length of time or where you live you can do that on a cell phone within 20 30 minutes on anybody in America that's not and that's not an issue you can get it unless an individual from an offering home who have went to four or five different orphan home and you may take two hours to track that down other than that you can track any body down within 20 to 30 minutes thank you uh Steve Weinberg 558 Broad Avenue uh first of all uh thank you yeah it is possible to uh find out uh where somebody lived if you're interested in supporting our residents are children well they went to school here so school records right off that's right right that's exact exactly what we should be looking at uh Hippa would probably prevent us from from getting medical records so we don't want to go in that direction all right just school records they grew up here we have it it's easy okay so that's done uh thank you for everything today um and also uh thank everybody for for the work they've done up toate on the Storm issues I know it's a large city relatively speaking and there's a lot of streets a lot of flooding a lot of things going on and I do see some progress going on so thank you for that what I would like to know is what are our plans for dredging Crystal Lake right it needs it very badly it's way overdue and all also all the Upstream parts that that's uh and we've discussed this before um that that feed into Crystal Lake uh Cross Creek comes to mind off the top all right it desperately needs dredging all right then uh one other thing sorry guys um I noticed that a lot of improvements were made to the roads it is an election year after all so naturally um I saw Grand Avenue lots of new um markings on the roads really good work it's going to be a boon to traffic I don't see anything on Broad Avenue and I was just curious like when we might see some of that okay timing okay okay and and and specifically the entrance way to I95 from Broad Avenue which is the end of our town has no pedestrian markings whatsoever none if you go into Leonia every cross street has markings that advise traffic to yield to pedestrians we don't have that and it is a a walkway and it's dangerous and I don't think we should wait until somebody gets injured because the amount of traffic on Broad going onto that Highway has increased geometrically over the years it's amazing all right so we should address that that's about it guys any thank you so much Amy bull Avenue could everybody else be quiet so we can hear haris H Amy Bullock Howland Avenue just a suggestion around the um ordinance for residency anytime someone applies for any type of state aid or federal aid you have to give information or documents show your proof of residency even your driver's license so perhaps we can do a little bit of due diligence and understand what that documentation is that's required by the state and the federal government and Motor Vehicles in determining a person's residency while nothing is 100% certain it's my understanding the ordinance is to give preference to those who have resided in Englewood three years prior to their applying for the position it is not a guarantee and I would assume whoever is hiring would have the autonomy to say okay well this person may not have been here three years but they've been here two years and they've done really well doing whatever um I do not think it is worth going back and forth on it is not rocket science people have to show proof of residency all the time we just have to do our due diligence thank you thank you so I'm going to close this part of the public meeting Mr biley um we because we have to go on to close can I answer a couple questions you can answer go ahead okay uh thank you Council qu president there was just a couple questions that uh that that can that can be answered t tonight so um in in no in no order there was a there was a question that was asked about um uh Reverend green Reverend green has not received any money from the city um to to do any work Reverend green and Reverend given have assisted the uh the city manager and the police chief to um to to craft uh um advertising and and a way to reach to reach young residents so that uh they can apply for exam for the police and the fire exam and they both should be thanked for it but that's that's the extent of of of Reverend Green's uh participation um he does not get paid yeah he does not get paid uh there was there was a question from Mr Campbell just about the uh the the police Awards the um the city council did receive a information about that in in their in their packet in back in September um this is the way it this is the way it's been done for the last three years and um you know in the future we'll make some changes so that so that every everybody gets a heads up um then there was the uh there was just a qu there was a question from Mr Wilby about an incident that happened at a at a football game between eight and nine year olds yes the yes that was word was used the um it's the police are investigating the police are investigating Rick let him finish man come on and I I will say that the uh that the LOI Loi has been 100% Cooperative they were uh they were they were appalled they Rec director and coaches came up on the came up on the Wednesday on Wednesday October 2nd and also Thursday October 3rd to uh to confer with with our Recreation folks and our coaches and you know they they they condemn they condemn the use of the word yes I do so but you you asked you asked a question so it's it's been it's been answered okay you finish take tax out thank you that's it be resolved by the governing by the city of Ang that close session to discuss litigation contract negotiations Personnel matters matters within the attorney Cent privilege pursuing the subse seven of the open public meetings act can beer resolved that the discussion conducted in closed session can be disclosed to the public upon taking final action and R provide does not violate the attorney clim privilege or constitute a undue invasion of privacy being further resolved that the council will return to open session after this meeting to take formal action all in favor there's hardly anybody on it on Sunday second a motion we need a motion in a second as yes motion motion second all in favor say I okay we're in close session I think so really yeah we got