##VIDEO ID:mRru2fOfQwY## speak speak okay are we ready all right good morning  everyone welcome to the board of adjustment   meeting we're glad everyone could be with us  today uh just a housekeeping note before we   get started if you could turn your phone to  either if you can turn it off or put it on   silent or vibrate that'd be real helpful  uh going off in the middle of testimony is sometimes is distracting when we're in  the proceeding so with that said uh we're   happy everyone is with us this meeting  of the escamia County Board of adjustment   for September the 18th 2024 is hereby  call to order with four members present and before we get started with our case we have  a housekeeping matter uh as you know um we need   uh to elect a vice chairman uh for the board and  so at this point I think it would probably be best   that we go ahead and resolve that issue uh before  we uh move into our case uh that we're going to   hear this morning uh if that's agreeable with the  board it is and Mr chairman I make a move discuss   with Marty viair uh I have a nomination do I have  a second yes sir we have a second all those in   favor of Mr Shaq becoming our vice chairman please  raise your right hand let the record reflect Marty   welcome to this Pinnacle of power you you've  achieved it uh so we certainly appreciate Marty's   willingness to serve uh Now we move into to our  uh proceeding that is before us uh would the KK uh   clerk please uh swear in the members of the staff  please raise your right hand do you Solly swear   and affirm that the testimony you're about to give  will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but   the truth so be God thank you all right let the  record reflect that all staff members uh replied   in the affirmative members of the board copies of  the staff's resumés have previously been provided   and remain on file for reference the board  has previously recognized our staff as expert   Witnesses does anyone have any questions regarding  their qualifications and abilities to offer export testimony seeing none the boa meeting package for September the 18th  2024 with the development services staff findings   of fact has previously been provided to board  members the chair will now entertain a motion   to accept the boa meeting package into evidence  do I have a motion motion I have a motion do I   have a second second I have a motion and a second  all those in favor of accepting the boa meeting   package into evidence please raise your right  hand let the record reflect uh this motion passed unanimously uh we now turn to the issue of proof of publication  do we have proof of publication Madam clerk   yes sir did that publication meet  all the legal requirements yes sir the chair will now entertain a motion to  wave the reading of the legal advertisement   do I have a motion i' have a motion  do I have a second second I do have   a second all those in favor of waving  the reading of the legal advertisement   please raise your right hand let the record  reflect that this motion passed unanimously members of the board have you reviewed  the minutes for the board of adjustment   meeting held on August the 21st 2024 upon  your review of these minutes are there any   additions Corrections deletions uh that you wish  to make let the record reflect none are no member   raised uh such uh a objection the board will  now entertain a motion regarding the minutes   for the board of adjustment meeting held on  August the 21 2024 do we have a motion motion   we have a motion do we have a second we do have a  second all those in favor please raise your right hand we now turn to the purpose of the board  of adjustment and the conduct of the meeting   this morning the board of adjustment  hears administrative appeals variances   and conditional use requests these hearings are  Quasi judicial in nature quasi judicial hearings   are like evidentiary hearings in a court of law  however less formal all public testimony will   be taken under oath and anyone testifying before  the boa may be subject to cross-examination all   documents and Exhibits that the boa considers are  entered into evidence and made part of the record   the giving of opinion testimony will be limited  to experts and closing arguments will be limited   to the evidence in the record after hearing  the testimony and Arguments for and against   the proposed action and before making its decision  the boa will consider the relevant testimony the   exhibits entered into evidence and the applicable  law because decisions of the boa relating to   variances conditional uses and extensions of  development order for site plan approval are   final unless overturned by a court of competent  jurisdiction the County May develop May issue   development orders and permits for properties in  accordance with the decisions of the boa however   if applicant require request the issuance of any  such order or permit and such order or permit is   issued the applicant and not the county shall bear  any risk that such decisions may be set aside the   development order or permit may be revoked or  the development may be otherwise enjoined by the   reviewing Court any applicant for relief from a  decision of the boa for set actions or any agreed   party as defined by state law May seek review  by of such decision by filing an appropriate   pleading in a court of competent jurisdiction  within 30 days of the boa decision the date of   the boa decision shall be the date the boa voted  at the conclusion of the hearing whenever the boa   denies an application no new application for  an identical action on the same parcel shall   be accepted for consideration within a period of  180 days of the boa decision any person agrees   by a decision of the boa relating to an appeal  of an administrative decision May within 15 days   thereafter apply to the Circuit Court for review  each individual who wishes to address the board   regarding a particular issue must complete  a blue request to speak form and submit it   to the clerk of board these forms are located on  the table at the back of the commission Chambers   you will not be allowed to speak until we receive  one of these completed request to speak for him   we must have these completed forms for public  record thank you we now turn to the matter of   expart a Communications all written or oral  communication outside of this hearing with   members of the boa regarding matters under review  today are considered expart Communications expart   Communications are presumed presidential  or prejudicial under Florida law and must   be disclosed as provided and board of County  Commissioners resolution 9613 before a decision   by this board on any administrative appeal  variance or conditional use request the chair   would ask as each case is heard that any board  member who has been involved in any exp parte   communication regarding the respective issue to  please identify by themselves and to describe   this particular uh communication we now turn  to the single case we have on the docket this morning this is case number CU 2024 D16  the address is 5190 Mobile Highway the   request is to allow a restaurant not among  permitted uses this has been requested by   Wilson uh pinho and Leonard uh Leonardo Morales  agents for for fando Chavez and Ruben Chavez owners before we uh ask the applicant  to come before us uh I need to ask has   has there been any exart Communications  regarding this case let the record reflect   none knowledge or information obtained from  a site visit or other sources let the record   reflect none does any board member in intend to  refrain from voting due to a voting conflict of interest seeing none would the individuals who  are Party to this item please come to the podium   state your name and address for the record so  that you can be sworn in by the clerk all right   good morning sir we're glad to have you with  us I'm glad to be here too my name is Wilson p   all right would you face our cler please raise  your right hand do you somly swear and affirm that   the testimony you're about to give will be the  truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth   so be God yes that's right thank you and Mr pill  will you state your address for the record 519 my   home address or um you can whichever address you'd  like on the record 5190 mobilea florid Florida 32526 well good morning sir and were you provide  Ed with a copy of the criteria required to obtain   a conditional use and a copy of the staff's  findings of fact yes it I was uh and you have   read those documents I presume all right sir and  you uh understand that all the criteria must be   met in order for the board to Grant this requested  conditional use yes I do okay um at this point if   you would like to make an opening statement  we would be very happy to hear it or if you   prefer the uh staff will make its uh findings of  fact uh put them on the record and then you might   follow up with any additional comments that you  would like to make uh it's enti enely up to you   how you would like to staff to you would like the  staff to yes please okay all right well we'll ask   the staff to make their presentation and then  ask you to stand by uh for uh what additional   comments and also board questions if they  are sounds good all right thank you sir thank you this is for can my name is Christina Smith  an urban planner this is the conditional use   casee 2024 -16 this is the location map for  the property on Mobile Highway here is a 500t   radius zoning map showing the parcel is split  zoning with commercial in the front and hdmu   in the back with all the improvements in the  commercial part this is a future land use map   this is the aerial map for the property  this is a public hearing sign posted on   Mobile Highway this is looking South along  Mobile Highway now this one's looking North yeah and then this is looking East on  the subject property for Mobile Highway this   is looking onto the proposed patio this is  a public hearing sign posted on charer this   is looking East along charur this is looking  West along Cher drive and that concludes the photography now to the staff findings this is  for the applicant is Seeking a conditional use   approval to allow a restaurant that is not  along the permitted uses in the commercial   zoning District so the whole purpose of  this is just for that outdoor seating on   the front the restaurant's allowed in it  the alcohol consumption is allowed in the   building because they did a side inspect we did  a side inspection is not within a th000 ft of a   school church daycare so this is just for that  patio to have a restaurant there so for criteria a the proposed conditional use of outdoor seating  outdoor patio dining can be conducted and operated   in a manner that is compatible with the adjacent  properties and other properties in the immediate   area the patio addition is to the front of the  building which fronts Mobile Highway the site   is located along Mobile Highway a principal  arterial roadway and along charbo drive a   local Street the parcel has split zoning  with all improvements in the commercial   zoning portion of the property the Northeast  portion of the property is own hdmu with the   power line easement and is otherwise undeveloped  the building has historically been operated as a   restaurant a development order was approved for  monor's Mexican Grill Restaurant in 2000 this   parcel was bounded on three sides by rideway  the Northwest side of the property has a power   easement and is adjacent to vacant commercial  and one residential lot at the northwest of   the property there are residential uses in the  subdivision on the other side of charal drive   for finding criteria B the applicant will use  existing utility as necessary to continue the   operation of a restaurant criteria C ing grass  and erass will be assessible through existing   driveway connections to Mobile Highway and chor  drive criteria D outdoor seating areas are shown   on the proposed site plan provisions of the Land  Development code does not allow the making of any   noise or sound that exceeds the limits outlined  in LDC or the county noise ordinances in addition   air pollutants glare vibrations and other nuisance  hazards are addressed by the LDC and must be met   for criteria e Solid Waste must be provided on  the site all on-site waste containers will be   appropriately located and screened from off-site  visibility criteria F the subject property AB buts   one single family dwelling which already has a  large natural vegetated buffer along with power   lines criteria G signing and lighting would be  evaluated during the Land Development review   process and must be limited to what is allowed by  provisions of the LDC exterior lighting should be   deflected from adjoining properties and and public  streets criteria H the location was approved as   a restaurant in 2000 but has been vacant for a  few years the location appears adequate for the   scale of the proposed use and the specific County  requirements for this type of operation and for   the last criteria the partial is Zone commercial  and hdmu which allows for restaurants including   on premise consumption of alcoholic beverages the  existing buildings in addition are located within   the commercial zoning District staff recommends  approval of the proposed use as requested okay ex excuse me I had to sneak oh oh that's better uh sir  can you come back up I'm sure that could you um tell us exactly what you plan  to do with your uh this addition um just have   an outdoor seity what I'm I'm sorry sir just  have an outdoor seting area and serve food and   drinks for and so you would be serving alcohol  would be serving alcohol and would you have musicand I'm sorry just the ambience  music like the restaurant has speakers   oh okay what about live music anything  like that um it's not on as planned   right now um if we do in the future it  should be like like just single single   um musician playing or something like  that but he hasn't been on the planes   yet all right sir board members um I jumped  the gun uh is there does the board have some questions this is sta Church Elementary  School we did a side inspect section on   this visit and it's over a th000 ft from the  nearest church there's no schools anywhere   nearby or daycare the closest was a church  North on Mobile Highway do you know how much   over theet I think it may have been like  I think it was like over 12200 over there   was the measurement done from the patio  which we're discussing it was done from   the front door which is further in than the p  Pao but not by much maybe 10 ft or something if that would be yes ex structure  um actually we we built that   one it wasn't the um when was old  mon we buil that on the side many seats we guessing about 40 seats and are your  operating hours 11:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to uh   Sunday to Thursday and Friday and Saturday 11:00  a.m. to 11: p.m sta are there noise ordinances for   yes there's there's the county noise K mccardy  aicp scambia County there's the county nor noise   ordinance um typically in a situation such  as this as far as a generation of noise um   it would arise from some type of Code Enforcement  complaint we've we've seen that a lot um you know   from various operations for whatever reason uh  code enforcement initiates an investigation um   and sees exactly what's going on whether  it's the weekend and those typee of things   and um the applicant would then work with  County staff to come into compliance yeah yes and the issue here is the if I  understand what the question before   us is the patio the outside service of  food and drink is the issue that we're   uh being cons considered is that right uh yes  sir Mr chairman I can answer that um so the   property as you saw from the zoning map is and  as Miss Christina uh showed in her findings um   it's commercial zone property with hdmu in the  back so with the primary use of the property is   on the commercials Zone piece um it's an allowed  use restaurants are um and those type of activity   but the primary intent um of the commercial  zoning District everything must be indoors   so once there's a use such as alcohol license that  triggers or serving of you know of an outdoor type   of use um then it triggers a different review  and we have determined that restaurants not   otherwise permit it and the conditional uses  of the commercial would satisfy that um it's   kind of what we deal with with our food trucks um  treat it somewhat similar in nature to those like   our food truck Park type things are there homes  looking at this map right across the street are   those single family homes so down charur Drive  which or road is it drive drive there's homes   behind it I think over on this side here I think  those are duplexes if I remember it should be or   they're other words they're residential quarters  yeah like multif family and and I take it the   white building is the building we're discussing  right yeah it's got a red rooftop well the Red   Roof yes yeah and so um I believe the applicant  it may be in the backup did provide um the site   plan from the previous Edition Edition actually um  goes towards Mobile Highway it's in the very front   so so the um you know potential conflicting use  here would be um I guess less impactful um as   otherwise being on the back of the building or  the side towards the residential neighborhood okay board do we have any other questions about this all right seeing none right now we  do have one speaker in in addition uh to   you sir so if you want to just hang on  a second we'll hear from uh Mr William Jones please raise your right hand do you  solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony   you're about to give will be the truth the whole  truth and nothing about the truth s you God thank   you please state your name and address William  Jones 2123 Pullman Circle Pensacola 32526 yes sir   and what would you like to tell the board about  this uh application well on the surface I would   say welcome to the neighborhood um it's good to  see life in the building again um and I can see   where it could be a huge asset to the neighborhood  but I just have a few questions um the permitting   process was kind of strange on this because early  on this wasn't pursued in the normal paperwork   and then last month there was a no-show you know  from people but in the meantime they've had a soft   opening and they're doing good everything looks  perfect but when things are delayed like they were   and you know approach it in that way then it makes  you kind of take a closer look um the parking lot   is set up for 96 vehicles in that neighborhood  two to a car would put about 200 people in the   restaurant which would be normal but they've moved  in blocking in the back parking lot for two more   areas which would bring around 288 vehicles or 550  Plus people to the restaurant that to me may be   a problem uh and I'm just making sure that we're  just not going to have any major blowout parties   over the weekend and stuff that interferes you  know we had the blue bar down on Mobile Highway   a block away and after the second murder from over  intoxication you know they finally shut it down um   and we just want to make sure this isn't going to  open up in the neighborhood um we've done a lot of   work in the neighborhood and we finally have our  property values approaching the 300,000 Mark and   we don't want anything to come in and and crash  that for us that's my only concern is just to make   sure that everything's you know going to be normal  um and an asset to the to the neighborhood and not   a a problem um that's all I have to say has uh  has food and drink being served out outside now   I haven't seen any okay it's everything's normal  everything's quiet um people are I mean you know   it's a little extra traffic but that comes with  anything um and I don't really see that being   an issue and if it becomes an issue then we'll  just have to approach the state you know to put   in lights or something to help out shouldn't be an  issue all right thank you a question for staff um   I understand your calculations with the parking  spaces um but isn't there an OCC there is there   an occupancy limit or um rules as to how many  people can be in the building at any time yes   that's that's going to be dictated by the building  code and the fire code um you know these folks   in the restaurant industry they should no I don't  know the top of my head but yes there is occupany   limits um of how many people in the building how  many people on the patio um applicable parking I   would the comment there from staff would be you  know if there are proposals um to expand the   parking um per se you know those things require  development review so um the applicant would   need to come and speak with County staff you know  there's there's limitations there's ex excess um   from County regulations concerning parking so I  would just um you know the applicant would need   to work with us for any type of compliance on that  okay is this going to be just a sitdown restaurant   where you order uh alcoholic beverages and  consume them there or will it be a takeout it will be we would sell mainly um seaing um   for customers that's to come in dining  but we also sell take out food okay and and of course you the whole reason  that we're here is because you plan to   offer alcoholic beverages outside in your patio  area for uh not outside in the per area yeah   that's what I mean all right sir um Mr Godin  that's that's essentially what triggered this   process um is the alcohol license types one the  state requires us to you know the county as the   zoning authority to sign off on different license  types and that's when we go through our processes   looking at schools churches this particular  license kind um they they already have a alcohol   license to serve indoors and that's allowed by  the zoning this particular license um allows for   outside type of service you know patio type of  serving um that's what triggered essentially why   we're here today is we couldn't we couldn't say  that outside uses were allowed um uh with that   different license type which put us here well what  uh what assurances do we have about uh outside you   know inside service is one thing outside service  is an entirely different thing you've got a new   potential that is inherent I would think in that  sort of thing where alcohol is involved and and   music and that sort of thing what is what gives  the uh County staff comfort that this will not uh   create uh a nuisance for the neighborhood because  you you know you do have some homes of dwellings   of various family dwellings and it's not they're  not that far away sure sure absolutely um so the   patio is constructed and again um The Patio  is in a way that yes the building is closer   to the entrance of the neighborhood obviously  if the building was in a totally different spot   then it may be more conducive but the patio is  in a place that would potentially have less of   a imp impact um as being shown again we do have  an active Code Enforcement office and it's good   to see uh the citizen participation um I'm sure  if there's anything that would get out of hand   or got into you know the realm of needing review  with County noise ordinances or nuisance um then   you know again we we would be complaint driven  but that's when that would open up to any type of   complaint so that's kind of how that goes down can  I say something just to put an idea in your head I   would compare this to beo Brady it's a sports bar  with the TVs and serving inside so I mean that's   basically what you're looking at um the nose the  noise of course I live right behind here so we   have to put up with 9 M Billiards and woodsies bar  but now I've got to say since the pool hall opened   up I've called them one time about the noise and  it immediately stopped and in 38 years I've called   Woodies twice and the management they they stay on  top of things and I would expect the same you know   with this I mean I'm not really concerned about  the noise and stuff I'm just making sure we're   not having Mega parties in in the neighborhood  um you know things along that sort but uh as a   resident in the neighbor neighborhood I'd have to  say at this point I feel comfortable with what's   going on all right sir board members do have any  final questions I I have one more um regarding   the use of the space for other than um normal  um restaurant um use would would this building   be used for parties rentals things like that  no our main license is for restaurant that's   what we going to keep on thank you sir thank  you very much we appreciate your presentation   we appreciate hearing from Mr Wilson also uh  board members do we have any discussion about this seeing none uh we've reached the point  then that we need to make a decision about   this application do I hear a motion Mr chairman  I move that we accept staff's findings of fact   and Grant this conditional use request we  have a motion by Mr Smith uh to Grant the   application do I have a second second we have  a second from the vice chairman uh all all   those in favor of granting uh this application  pursuant to the findings of fact as presented   to us by the staff and the testimony of  the applicant please raise your right hand let the record reflect that this  application was approved unanimously   thank you sir we appreciate you being with  us today board members uh we since we only   have one today uh Miss Rachel what we have  any Coming Attractions yes we do have one   conditional use next month oh my goodness okay  well I appreciate everyone being here as usual   and everyone have a good month and we'll we'll  do this again thank you yes meeting adjourned