##VIDEO ID:W1GedG32eoY## e e e she good morning is August 13th the August 13th  meeting of the scambia children's trust board   of directors and it's being called to order  at 9:00 a.m. if everyone present wishes if   anyone present wishes to make public comment  please complete the public comment form located   on the table to the left of the podium and  turn it into Miss Alma at this time we will   proceed with roll call Miss Woods present  Mr Williams present Mr Pon here Dr nor here   Mr Leonard here miss Kane here commissioner  May here miss white here Judge Williams here   thank you thank you commissioner May would  you please lead us in the PGE of Allegiance   thank you would love to please join me in  pledge I pledge allegiance United States of thank you commissioner if anyone if everyone  has had time to review the agenda do I have   a motion to approve Madam chair yes sir may  I add something to the agenda sure um we've   talked about the the appointments to the board  in terms of we all have limits time limits the   governor's office that you serve to this point  and um we run over that because we don't get new   appointments and I'd like to see if we can get our  attorney to officially write a letter and get an   attorney general's opinion as to when someone's  term actually aspires the governor's office has   told us it's you can stay until we reappoint  you but if it's telling you a certain date that   you're ending um does the governor's office  to have that Authority or does the Attorney   General's office see that as okay but I think in  in light of us being um almost two years without   appointments from 2020 J J January 1 2023 um and  we're coming up on on on end of December we're   going to have more appointments a second round  and so we we're going to have issues possibly   with uh Quorum if we we can't get appointments  made we can add that to the agenda if we can add   that and and then I guess under new business vote  on it move to approve the agenda with said uh add   to it I get a second second but D is that just  a discussion item or just just a request I   mean well it's request it will be a a board  action directing our board attorney to write   a letter to uh the Attorney General's office  asking um for their opinion on clarification   of Appo of when a term expires okay what does the  statute say you no I don't know do you know Madam attorney I mean this the statute does outline the  period I don't think that it speaks specifically   to what happens in the event that the term  expires and there's no new appointment um   it doesn't address whether or not that board  member you know continues in its in its seat   or not statute doesn't speak to that which is what  what I understand the question to be right so if   it if it's not defined I guess it stands at the  discretion of the governor I would assume well   that would be what we would seek clarification  from the Attorney General on but yes um the   governor's office has advised that the the member  continues in their seat basically indefinitely   okay that is the situation I am currently and  I have yet to have clarification one way or the   other and I would appreciate said clarification  since and I understand that we have colleagues on   other boards around the state who have been in  this situation for four plus years things that   have yet to have so they're on their second cycle  of people who are continuing to serve without any   clarification or formal notification that yes you  are real appointed or no you're not or whatever   so I think it would be a very valid question to  get some input on and I would also think there   would be other trust around the state that maybe  even at the state our state organization would   request clarification and David and I guess  we're going to discuss it later but have we   talked to our other partner organizations I know  we're part of the state what what what's what's   the conversation with them Lindsay uh Michelle  Watson at fact has been she's at the capital she   has been keeping in constant contact with them  there were some appointments that were made in   Miami and Tallahassee in in the last couple  of months um Broward had been waiting for a   long time and our understanding is they sent the  entire panel back and said get new applicants um   and that's creating Quorum issues for them um so  uh it's not it's not a problem just for us um but   we because we're okay right today we're okay but  we're looking at December we're looking at some   that want to stay on some that want to roll off  um I think losing one we're okay but when we lose   two we have Quorum issues or is it the other way  around um or lose two it'll be a quorum issue so   so it's been posted that was part of my report  too we've posted it out there um to to get new   applicants um Dr northop's group that went through  through um that is still sitting there they are   active Elma has been able to confirm that that's  all there the appointments have just not been made   for those two seats Dr Wesley's seat as well thank  you so we have a second we have discussion may I   get um a vote all in favor I I any oppos so the  agenda has passed now we would like to approve   the minutes the staff recommends the board approve  the minutes from the July July 9th 2024 regular   board meeting as presented so moving Mr chairman  thank you thank you any discussion all in favor   any oppos approval of the minutes passes now we're  moving on to the treasures report Mr pen thank you   madam chair you'll see the financial highlights in  your packet the finance committee met um probably   I don't know two weeks ago and when over the the  the budget where we stand um you'll see that our   administrative expenses have gone down to 10%  this fluctuates um throughout the year but it's   it's good to see the number come down a little bit  the um report will show that the uh there were no   abnormal or unusual transactions conducted during  the month and if there's uh any questions we'll be   happy to entertain them if not I will uh submit  it for um audit for uh to the minutes thank you   do we have any public comment at today's  meeting no public comment so now we would   like to have our special presentation  to the board from the Boys and Girls Club Madam chair yes ma'am we need  to address page two on the agenda   the FY 2324 budget amendment is that before this all right uh Miss Abrams we  discussed this in our finance   committee with the budget amendment is  there anything you'd like to share with that basically this amendment is due to two  things we collected 97% of the Ador taxes   where we budgeted 95 so that was an increase of  180 almost 185,000 and our interest income has   been significantly higher than we anticipated  so so we're increasing that we're we're getting   between 90 and 100,000 a month in interest so  that should bring it up to where it's going to   level out for the year that increased our Revenue  by about 725,000 on our expenses I increased it   by budgeting for the CRA tax increment payments  480,000 we had mostly um most of the other areas   were decreases in employee salaries for uh  decreasing the time on a position and not   funding a position we didn't fill this year  and then we're going to increase the program   funding almost 500,000 on there okay thank  you is there any questions about the budget   amendment I do I just wanted to confirm that  the this in no way affects or adopts a change   in the millage rate correct correct this doesn't  affect our millit rate at all thank you so much so we're recommending that for approval is that  M I do have a question what's our ability to roll   back the millage rate so for this year when we  do our our our um our millage hearings when we do   those here in September we are looking at the roll  back rate for next year and it's uh going to be a 04 um you're going to ask me 04 I  think I think it's 0404 but we did   put in our paperwork for this coming  budget as roll back right okay thank you so we have a recommendation so may  I get a motion to approve so move second   second second any other discussion all  in favor I any oppos no so the motion   passes we are now moving on to the special  presentation from the Boys and Girls Club good morning good morning I'm Leslie MLS I'm  the vice president of financial advancement for   Boys and Girls Clubs the Emerald Coast um I see a  couple of new faces and so um I'll tell you we've   got nine clubs across the coast um our corporate  office is in Fort Walton Beach and we've got clubs   all the way down to Santa Rosa Beach and so if you  have not had an opportunity to visit a club site I   really really would like for you to come and see  it in action so I'm going to show you some cute   pictures but there is nothing like coming into the  club space and see it in in action it really will   change your life change your concept of how we  feel about out of school time programs and their   importance to our young people so we invite you to  come I definitely want to give a shout out to um   some of my leadership team here in Escambia County  um y y'all ready okay yeah I won't do that to   y'all so kandre Brown um is the area director here  in the scambia county he overseas the Pensacola   Club on um 8 Street and then also overseas The  Mont Clair Club um and then miss Latoya Jones is   the club director um over at our Monclair site  um Miss Tia raise your hand Tia is our program   director at our Englewood site and then Bria um  is our site coordinator over at our Englewood site   for another Federal grant um that we have um at  our club site so I wish I had more than 10 minutes   because I got a lot to say but I'm going to try  to go really really fast and then if you have   questions you all can call me or email email me  or come see us at any time so if you do not know   Boys and Girls Clubs has two sites one inside of  Montclair ele school and then the other one at our   traditional site um in the Standalone Inglewood  Community Center um right on 8 street right across   the street from the sheriff's department if you do  not know if youve Vis visited both of those spaces   you know that they are in blighted neighborhoods  um and so it's very important for us to have a   space that is safe for our children and that  is different from what they see at home um and   we try to do that every day we like to say when  school's out clubs are in Boys and Girls Clubs   um runs under a Federated model we're a member  of Boys and Girls Clubs Of America but we act   independently which means we have our own um board  that governs our organizations we make our own   policies there are a few National policies that we  have to abide by just because we're under the um   National Organization but dayto day it's ran by  our Boys and Girls Clubs Of The Emerald Co post Team all right Michael if  this don't work it's Michael fault I don't know where the sound is that's okay we'll skip it go back to  it not a big deal it's not a big deal perfect she said they'll email it out and you can  see the video another time okay so a lot of times   people like to say what in the world are you  guys doing over at Boys and Girls Clubs like   really are we a daycare we are not a daycare  by far we like to say that we are doing Youth   Development with our young people so we serve  children ages 5 years old to 18 if they are   still in school and they're 19 and sometimes 20  they can still come to Boys and Girls Clubs as   long as they are in school actively in school  so what's our mission is to enable all young   people especially those that need us most and  that's all of our children to reach their full   potential as productive caring and responsible  citizens I want to talk about our core values   number one everything we do is about safety if  it's not safe I always tell the staff just don't   do it if you're thinking it's not going to be  right somebody's going to get hurt just don't   do it skip it commitment we're committed to our  young people we like to empower them give them   the tools and resources that they need to grow  and be responsible citizens we have a spirit of   Excellence at Boys and Girls Clubs a spirit of  Excellence we were working on Sunday prepping   for after school and tia was working on something  for the bus and it didn't look nice and I said I   know it's going to take you a little bit of time  but we want to always think about our spirit of   Excellence at Boys and Girls Clubs we want to  teach our young people to have initiative to go   out and do it for themselves but then we want  them to trust us that is such a big thing when   our young people trust us they tell us all kind of  stuff what Granny's been doing what they saw Mama   doing but that is okay because that means that  we have given them a supportive relationship and   they feel safe and they know that we care about  them and that's what we want at Boys and Girls Clubs our positive Youth Development is  molded around five key elements a safe   positive environment fun everything we do we  want it to to be fun we want to give our young   people supportive relationships and then we  also want to give them unique opportunities   and expect them to be their best self always  expect them to be their best self and then   we want to recognize them for the good that they  are doing when you come into our space everything   we do is intentional it's designed by intent  intentionality that from the colors to what's   on the bulletin board to the way that we greet  our children every day when they come into the   club how are you doing hey I used to actually  sing to them I've been out of the club space   dayto day for about 5 years but I did start at  Boys and Girls Clubs as a club director and I   would always sing to them um in the morning  time during the summer program because things   like that matter we want the children to come  into that space and feel like it's a second home our formula for impact so at Boys and Girls  Clubs it's not just okay y'all go in there and run   around in a circle we are doing everything based  on this formula so we take young people who need   us most and then we combine that with an outcome  driven Club experience everything we do in at Boys   and Girls Clubs is by Design we take our five key  elements that you all just saw we give them high   yield activities which means that every activity  that they're engaged in we're expecting a real   outcome so even if they're playing Monopoly we're  teaching them how to play together how to play   fair how to take their take their right turn how  to lose children don't know how to lose we spent   a lot of time teaching our babies how to lose  we seen them run and cry and fall on the ground   because they are losing and so it's important for  us to give them a space where we can talk to them   and encourage them so that they know you can't win  all the time and then when you do win how do you   behave do you walk around and say na na n all of  that has to be taught so many of our young people   are not getting just what they need the basics  how to behave in public those social skills they   don't understand how to tie their shoes when to  brush their teeth just the little things that   most of us had moms and dads and grandmas to teach  them there are so many of our babies that we are   working with who just don't know and it's not  because they don't want to know somebody just   hadn't taken the time to do that and so that's  why Boys and Girls Clubs is so important we've   got targeted programs um our targeted programs  come from our National Organization there are   researchers there who give us all types of  programs that are evidence-based that are based   on best practices we'll talk about those in just  a little bit and then regular attendance just like   school if they are not at school they can't learn  same thing at Boys and Girls Clubs our research   has found that when a child comes to Boys and  Girls clubs at least three times a week or more   they are bound to have positive change so we want  our babies there if they don't go to school they   can't come to the club we want to encourage them  to go to school continue your school day at Boys   and Girls Clubs when we do those two things  we have our priority outcomes everything we   do at Boys and Girls Clubs is based on our three  priority outcomes academic success good character   and citizenship and Healthy Lifestyles it all  revolves around those three outcomes so how do   we do it this is just a snapshot of a a program  we call it Club programs it's an online version   we actually can print it also so all of our  programs that are targeted that come from   our National Organization um staff can either  access them online or they can look at a manual   so they know just what to do do it tells them what  materials how long they give them group agreements   on how the children should behave and what they  should agree to all that fun stuff is in a manual   so not winging it we literally have curriculum  that we go by when it comes to implementing programs one of our most popular targeted  programs if you go to Ross Dress for Less   if you go to um Panda Express or if you go to  Family Dollar sometimes they'll run campaigns   National campaigns that'll talk about our  hour program this is just a fancy way for   saying helping kids with homework so we have  the wonderful pleasure of being able to have   certified teachers who also work at Boys and  Girls Clubs who are there every afternoon to   help our children with their homework most of the  time if they don't have anybody to help them at   home probably not going to do it it's probably  not going to come back we call teachers teachers   call us and we say well such and such says they  don't have homework and they say that's not true   look in a book bag and we do look in book bags  and that is a good thing um our next targeted   program I want to talk about is our project learn  program very important because it allows us to   use all types of activities Hands-On learning  activities to reinforce School Day projects   and so even if we're playing Uno we're teaching  our babies about colors and numbers just little   things like that it's still fun but it gives us  an opportunity to have a teachable moment at all times this summer was almost like a blur but I do  remember some parts so we had a unique opportunity   we got some funding from the Florida Alliance  of Boys and Girls Clubs to take 28 children   to Kennedy Space Center in early June um what  a joy it was my first time going I don't know   who was the bigger kid but it was an amazing  experience that's what we do at Boys and Girls   Clubs we give them unique opportunities they  didn't have to pay a dime um two nights three   days of traveling they don't pay anything we  buy snacks meals everything um and so those   opportunities are what Boys and Girls Clubs  are about most of our kids would never have a   chance to go that far away experience that at no  cost had it not been for Boys and Girls Clubs we   also just finished our um summer College Tour we  took 27 children um to Atlanta Georgia um Alabama   State Clayton State ogal Thorp University and to  Troy University so two nights three days no cost   we take care of every everything that they need  even got a chance to go to the Georgia Aquarium   you've never been you should go it's really cool  and it's just those kinds of opportunities that   make Boys and Girls Clubs what it really is it's  being able to throw the first pitch it's doing   healthy habits learning how to cook it's having  an opportunity to be led by your peers read   together Boys and Girls Clubs is being filmed for  Angels in our midst oh my God gosh that Georgia   Aquarium that's my favorite space it's going out  to University of West Florida and seeing chemistry   students work on Hands-On experiences it's being  able to do yoga in our mind time program and learn   how to control yourself how to handle an anger  and anxiety that's what Boys and Girls Clubs is you might want to see a few numbers I got some  for you and and just looking at report cards at   the end of the year 59% of our young people at  our Monclair Club are maintaining a SE or better   in core subjects so we measure grades um we look  at everybody's core subject grades and we track   them um we try to track them from the first nine  weeks until the nine nine weeks I mean I'm sorry   the fourth nine weeks whenever they enter our  program we start tracking data on them we track   all kinds of stuff um 62% of our elementary  youth at Pensacola Club are maintaining a SE   or better in course subjects 33% of our teens at  the Pensacola Club are maintaining a SE or better   in core subjects somebody might say well why are  you showing that 33% it's not close to 90 or 80   that's important to us because we want to look at  where our gaps are so we know that our teenagers   need a little bit more support and that's why the  numbers are even even more important to us we want   to know what's happening with our children so that  tells us we have to make sure that our certified   teachers know this number and know that our young  people are struggling in their core subject so we   just not not getting the numbers hiding them  we're getting them we're looking at them and   if they look like we need to make a change in  programming then we do that that's a part of   our evaluation that we do across the um Emerald  Coast when looking at grades and statistical data this is by far my favorite picture this  is happened on our College Tour we took took   the children um to Outback Steakhouse most of  our kids have never been to steakhouses and   so I try to take them to places like that because  they may never get a chance to do that as a young   person took them to Outback and a couple of the  kids did not know how to use a steak Knife Boys   and Girls Clubs is taking the opportunity taking  the time to stop and help our children just learn   the little things not laugh at them not ridicule  them not belittle them but Boys and Girls Clubs is   taken the time to show our babies what they  need and our babies need a lot of support a   lot of support a lot of support and if you visit  those spaces in 32505 and 32501 you will see our   babies need a lot of support I had a conversation  with Miss Greenberg the principal at Monclair and   she talked about needing um underclothes for our  children and socks and shoes for our kids and if   you go into those spaces you will know that she  is telling the truth some of them will wear the   the same pair of shoes the entire year and we  know our kids have gr Spurs but they going to   have on those same pair of shoes Boys and Girls  Clubs is helping our babies get those other things   I've been actively working on that don't even  have anything to do with this grant actively   working with other people in our community to  get our babies what they need so they can come   to school and be ready to learn come to school  with tooth and have brushed their teeth have had   their morning meals have meals on the weekends we  are doing all of that for our young people because   we want them to be ready to learn come to after  school program be ready to learn ready to engage   so they can promote on time graduate on time and  be successful adults because they're going to   be taking care of us so we have to invest in our  young people I'm going to be quiet and let y'all   ask me whatever you want to ask me but I want to  say thank you all so much it means so much to us   it's G children's trust has given our children  access that's that's what it's given young people   who wouldn't have an opportunity to come because  mamas can't afford it we do have membership fees   at Boys and Girls Clubs we don't have them now  in thecandy County because of this funding but   the other clubs across the coast they actually pay  membership fees parents pay a transportation fee   and all but it's because of funding and support  like this it has allowed so many young people   to have access to outcom driven programming and  I'm so grateful to to you all for what you have   done for us so I'm be quiet still I don't have a  question but I just would like to say I've talked   to other principles and they've mentioned how the  growth from your program is helping a lot of after   school kids cuz their after school program is  full so um I did speak to someone yesterday and   she was amazed at how many kids and that y'all  have a bus yeah that picks them up it's SC me   children's trust so in our first year year one  we got a new bus y'all oh my gosh y'all should   come ride on the bus now that would be cool like  literally we we got to check y'all on the ride on   the bus that bus 77 passenger that is new that  is safe has seat belts has been a game Cher for   us because we can take them on field trips we had  a smaller bus at 40 kids and when we would take   them on a field trip we'd have to say Well only  40 kids can go and that's very disappointing but   to be able to have something with 77 seats  we can get almost all of them on the bus   sometimes we have to take two trips and it  really has been a game Cher for us to be   able to have access to pick up more children  so grateful for what you all have done for us   I do have another question do you know how  many kids you have in after school program   so I know we had 90 at Monclair yesterday and  104 at our Englewood site how many do we have enrolled 115 at Englewood and 106 96 and 96 at  Montclair and that's with us closing the portal   we're going to reopen it because people will  still they were registering over the weekend   and we have to have lists to schools to know so  they'll know who we're picking up and stuff like   that and it was it just was getting out of hand  so we actually had to close our portal and we're   going to reopen it um so that parents can continue  to register CU we're hoping to get to maybe about   130 140 at Englewood and 140 at um at Monclair  so and I got a feeling we're going to get there   in the next week and a half I have no doubt cuz we  had Parents calling I had people calling me crying   yesterday please miss Leslie so yeah you'll need  a bigger bus we do need a bigger bus we need a   bigger bus need another bus I like that thank you  Dr Miss Michel I just want to say thank you for   what you're doing and um when I was in the school  system it directly affected a lot of my students   at P High School right yes sir saw that bus coming  picking them up in the afternoon so yes sir some   of the things that U superintendent Len and  myself are working on especially for District 3   is absenteeism and also conflict resolution and we  always say that uh together we make a difference U   we only have the students for about 7 hours a day  and so you you bridging that Gap when they leave   us and they're in good hands and I'm so U pleased  to see the progress you're making uh even with   Mr Brown he was one of my former students and he  was a handful but I'm I'm I'm glad to see that he   is giving back as well to the community and keep  doing what you're doing thank you so much yes sir   thank you anybody have any question you I love  your enthusiasm I appreciate what you're doing   yes sir I think you should be on the Ted T talk  circuit public speaking you're fantastic but your   your enthusiasm which has been there from as long  as I've known you and I think youall are making a   positive difference and I appreciate you and and  your staff for what you're doing in the community   yes sir if he knew who your daddy was J he why you  can talk so well yes if you do not know my daddy   is Jerry Hunter Jr that's my daddy and I'm hoping  I make my Daddy proud you do it was good seeing   you last week good to see you too commissioner I  had a question um I'm sure it varies but what's   a average fee that you folks were able to program  fee that you folks are able to wave for families   through this grant so if we were Char like  last year I think we were right at was it $80 a month for after School a $35 registration fee for standard so  if we go off for free reduced lunch rates if   they were paying a standard rate which means  they don't get free lunch they'd be paying   185 a month and then transportation is 35 also  transportation is 35 that's what parents would   be paying that's for elementary and so we have a  middle school rate and a high school rate also and   you're able to wave that entirely because entire  they don't pay anything none of our students pay   anything what about the summer program cuz you  did that as well they don't pay anything there   so our summer programs typically run about 350 is  for the entire summer and we run the whole summer   um we probably have two days after school  is out and we roll right into it and that's   that's rough but we do it and we roll right  into after school we were off um well we were   closed Friday we weren't off we worked Friday  um and then we were ready to roll on Monday yeah M CH I have a question looking at our budget  or num or financial numbers here I see one for the   Boys and Girls Club of the Emerald Coast great  Futures which is what we're talking about 67%   or 23ds of the contract year left and 78% of  the budget left and then come down below to uh   Boys and Girls Club mined time with only 25% of  that year contract year left and yet 82% of the   budget left and just uh making sure that the  money is coming down to you all as needed and   appropriate uh as opposed to looking there  at that contract particularly the Mind Time   numbers were 25% of the contract year remaining  and yet 82% of the budget is remaining and that   particular program that's a a wonderful question  um and I'll tell you one of the things that we   struggle with actually sent an an email about that  we have struggled with our contractors on our mind   time program so we've got a yoga contractor and  we've got a a therapist who comes into the site   and when I say struggle with it like they want to  take a vacation I want to be off they don't work   for us we're just contracted so they might say  they have other jobs well my I can't get there   today and so when they do that to us it creates  a gap with our children but it also creates a   gap in our dosage so that's why we have so  much remaining especially on our Personnel   line um and then because we we have a host of  funding from other spaces we just hadn't had a   need um for as many supplies now when we do our  reimbursement for the summer it's going to be a   lot more it's going to come in soon because  Summer we have a bigger need because we're   serving more kids and we're using more resources  so it will change drastically by the next time   y'all meet again but I know that Personnel  line is not going to change that much because   of that and in fact we've even talked about um  terminating some of our contractor's contracts   um and bringing on new ones we we're having  those conversations because we want to make   sure that our children are getting what they're  needing and we're make we're making progress in   terms of our dosages so we recognize that also  any other questions that was a great question   this is off subject but I would like to talk to  you about another grant that may be able to help   with those undergarments so after the Mee maybe we  can get together oh that's awesome yes ma'am thank you anyone else great thank you all so much thank  [Applause] you as we move on to the business   portion of the meeting it looks like we have no  discussion items under programs or operations M   Lindley would you like to take the podium for the  executive director's report I think we need to   add into that portion the amended agenda for the  Attorney General is that discussion yeah I thought   we were putting under legal but so we want to put  it there yes let's just do it on our new business   yes ma'am um well I don't have any problem pushing  that out I guess we just need to know um if that's   something everyone um is interested in I would  say when we look at what we have just for some   of the newer ones um we had a resignation from  uh Lonnie Wesley who was on the original board   and his term actually ended in 20 December 31st  I think 2022 and then Dr northop was one of the   original ones as well during that period for two  years um and so at that time we procured I think   six new applications that are still sitting um Dr  North also reapplied and we appreciate you staying   on all this time um to help us so um thank you for  that so we basically have two positions that need   to be reappointed for 2022 the three coming up  um that are expiring in December 31st of 2024 are   Miss Woods Miss White and Mr pedon um so the we've  put it back out uh the county has advertised that   I've seen it floating around too people are kind  of pushing it out like hey here's an opportunity   um you have the opportunity also to reapply  um and stay on as well uh if appointed by the   governor so that's where we're at but as we've  talked about this too and Meredith I'll let you   weigh in as appropriate we don't really know what  it looks like um it doesn't say you can't serve   past your term if no one's taking your spot um and  I don't think it says you have to stay either um   so I think we're very unsure of what that looks  like for your terms if you are a gubinatorial appointee I would be in favor certainly of at  least our organization uh approaching this and   making this inquiry as I said I would almost  be supportive as well although I have no idea   what the Statewide organization would do  and that's why I would say as a minimum   that our organization would pursue it but  that we would also contact the Statewide   organization knowing that we do have other  uh children's trust around the state who are   in the exact same situation and see if the  Statewide organization would be supportive   of trying to pursue this and get an opinion  whether it's from the attorney general the   governor's office both whatever it may be uh  and so kind of a a two pro to approach there perhaps I can do that I can follow with  Michelle after this meeting and see if   there's any president for it I would be  interested as well so I think that would   be a good idea okay so start there so L you  not sure if the other people that rolled   off in other trusts stayed on or I you can  send a a letter my understanding is you can   send a letter of resignation um making and  that's official um it just leaves a vacancy   um you know but it also creates those Quorum  issues I think a lot of people that have unless   it's for other reasons some may have moved out of  town like there's things that that have come up   that have created vacancies not necessarily term  expirations but um but I know uh my peers across   the state many have said I'm so grateful that  soand so stayed on because if we didn't have them   um we wouldn't be able to make Quorum and we would  have halt on a lot of decisions related to funding ability has anybody challenged in other  jurisdictions the board's ability to to   meet the ability of a quorum or any action  that they've taken because they've done   so with members who whose term has  expired have not heard that being a   a problem and I believe in the statute  Meredith what is it 45 days typically the statute statute gives the governor 45 days to  appoint upon receipt of the list of names from the county so we have been following up  with um the county as well Jose has   been awesome helping us with that um and  getting that going and then Elma has also   been working with Elizabeth who is at the  state and is our liaison around this like   who do you still have you know who is still  active um how do we need to proceed with this   because one of our questions was if we have  six applications sitting there for these two   slots and we have three more coming up do we  procure new applications for these three spots   or are they going to just look at the six that  are already there and the response was those   first that you got are only for Dr North up and Dr  Wesley's seats the the other three seats that are   coming up need a whole new pool of applicants  three per seed I believe is what they need do we need we need a a motion for this to  yes the Attorney General requires board   action before I would be allowed to ask for an  opinion okay I'll make a motion that uh meith   inquires with the Attorney General's office about  appointments in terms of uh expiration dates and   serving after that and um Dr northr was there  something else I'm sorry you mentioned earlier   does that cover it oh simply that we would act  independent regardless of the response we get   from the state uh organization and that we do  approach the state organization so I'm hoping   that we would get both a local inquiry and a state  organization inquiry my concern of uh exclusively   going with the state would be that if they for  whatever reason decide to say no we'll approach   this later and then no inquiry is made that  it a minimum our organization here the scambi   children's trust would make that inquiry and that  secondly we would approach the state Organization   for their support as well to hopefully see if they  recognizing we again have multiple organizations   around the state that are in the same quandry  we are uh and to see as has been brought up by   judge here and others uh is is this potentially  jeopardizing future uh Quorum uh decisions that   we make now that I have input on somebody liable  to come back and challenge those uh that type of   thing that we would need to have some I think  uh inwriting opinion from someone that says we   either are or are not acting accordingly and that  decisions we make as a board and that type of   say indeed are valid well I think this the  attorney general is the is the is the leading   voice and the and this our state organization  is secondary uh and and they can help Lobby to   get appointments but I don't want to convolute the  two I think the most important thing is ask Ashley   Moody's office about this issue they'll respond  and then we can figure out what to do after that okay so moved or seconded or okay  any other any other discussion all   in favor any opposed the motion passes  so now Lindsay we will move on to your report here we go all right where's my slideshow all right there I think everyone can  see it now um so we've just had this discussion   about our open seats and F future openings um  have been posted by the county um if you haven't   seen that I can send you all the link as well  um that's been out there as I mentioned before   we have seen it floating around um through some  of other nonprofit Partners have kind of cced   me on emails saying hey we're putting it out  there that there's opportunities for others to   participate from their board perspective um our  committees this month were were lean we had the   finance and executive committees um we have  rescheduled the program committee to the 19th   of August and set aside a block of time um we do  have the preliminary out of school time report um   I would say it's our our first draft of it so all  the information that you're wanting to know is in   there from our perspective we always love to hear  from you all and let you ask question questions   we've encouraged the providers to also be at that  meeting so if there is anything um that comes up   or questions that you may have uh they're able  to speak to that um I if they want to so um so   that's that will be you know I feel like we need  to spend some time on that and not rush through   that um we'll also probably take that opportunity  to look at Future funding opportunities um and   some of the the areas that we've been looking at  related to our core indicator reports and want to   have some discussion about that um ITB update for  the operation side we've had two open houses if   you will virtually um where we've had providers be  able to come on and ask questions uh we've taken   all of those and posted those to the websites  um nobody showed up to the second one so either   we've answered all the questions or it wasn't a  good time I don't know um but but I was hoping   that was a good sign um but we do know there's  still a lot of organization going around this   and we do have applicants so we're excited to uh  see what that looks like at the end um re-engage   the mental health uh task force that's led by uh  representative Michelle solsman that's something   I participated in prior to coming to the trust and  I got my email back on the list so I was able to   go they were having some discussions around elder  care this past month um but a lot of times there   are other things that come through there that we  really need to look at strategic Focus because   there is a lot of information and data that flows  through that particular um task force so uh we'll   be I'll be ending that and participating in  that talked about the OST yearim Report Draft   also want to let you all know that we have seven  contracts that are up for renewal for October 1st   um we are currently looking through that so that  would be your mental health um all of those five   contracts are coming up I know that seems very  quick um so we're doing a data dive around that   but we're also scheduling out budget program  conferences this is something that I feel like   we we might have missed from um the OST renewals  and why we're coming into this change of scope   and what we're looking at and people were kind  of changing their exhibit BS we're not going   to be looking at it that way we are going to be  looking at what did you learn from your budgeting   you know what did you look around what do you  have around your numbers um what things do we   need to change versus not change um but looking at  that year-over-year what that first year startup   looked like um so we're hoping to avoid some of  that on the back end but know when we go into a   contractual agreement we know that this is someone  that's going to perform or if we decide not to go   forward with that particular contract you'll have  information to back that up um also we'll have um   Pim Forest High School this will be their third  I think thirdy year contract renewal in that   group and then our ELC uh match grant that we do  I know we talked about that a few months ago where   we had to sign a letter saying we commit we commit  money going forward um they've never had to really   do a wrapup synopsis of what their year looks  like so we've requested that and we're working   with the ELC on getting us the data um in a in  a presentation form that we can share out of   course to our community as well um talked about  collecting information on funding opportunities   you know we've had two meetings where we've had  folks come um to the podium with public comment   regarding Community violence and so um we've had  our team um uh Miss Ray as well as Rick doing a   lot of data diving too around opportunities um as  to what that looks like as well as working with   our uh Partners throughout the state to find out  what sort of opportunities they have um instituted   to work on community violence if they have if they  have not um a lot of it you will see in here is   going to be out of schooltime programming um but  maybe we need to look at targeting a particular   age group you know so these are all kind of things  that we want to hash out and have some discussion   around we also mentioned this earlier but our  first trim meeting is going to be September   11th uh here at 50 1 p.m. I believe that's a  fairly quick meeting as we mentioned where we   we um as Tammy and I worked on it we have um we  have agreed on the roll back rate um and we have   a budget uh prepared as well that we can that we  will vet out of course before we adopt that um   to make sure it's where we want to go uh National  Night Out was last Tuesday so uh we've given away   so many footballs and backpacks and a variety of  different uh sunglasses all the things we had we   had cool stuff for the kids there but what I will  tell you is what was interesting about this is it   was a touch or truck event as well as a family  event um at it was at the Roger Scott kind of   complex over there so um the YMCA is getting out  uh it is football practice and if you guys have   ever seen any football practice those kids are  everywhere and their parents are everywhere um   it was very well attended we had um 10 of our  providers there as well um so it was awesome   to see them out there sharing their information  um and doing handouts and all that and engaging   families but also being able to share what the  trust actually is I had plenty of conversations   handing mothers and fathers pamphlets and saying  these are free resources for you these are our   programs a lot of them are here walk around talk  to them and see what those opportunities are so   there still is a lot of one-on-one education that  needs to happen in the community um so looking   at not only those opportunities but also some  larger media type opportunities that we can do   and share and finally uh this Friday uh we are  doing a parade of providers this is Miss Ray's   brainchild around uh one of the requests for our  providers we're saying we don't know what each   other does and how we connect and so we are going  to uh you know deck out the whole level uh of our   of our offices with tables and allow them to come  and walk around just like we did at National Night   be able to walk around and talk to each other so  it's not something for all the general public to   come in although I think that would be great as  a future opportunity this is really to look at   our system that we're creating here and how  our providers can cross refer if you're full   and somebody has vacancies how do you make those  things happen who's close by you who's handling   mental health how do you help someone whose family  can't get into child care or needs to register for   ELC it's all of those things so we really need  them to take a systemic type of look at what   we're funding at at ECT so we're excited about  that we welcome you guys to come by as well if   you want to drop in we'll have you know bagels  and coffee and and some of that fun stuff so   so that's what we have going on yes siry the time  and place of that again the uh parade of providers   yes so it is this Friday and it's from 9 to 11:  and that's at our offices on the second floor Lizzy I just wanted to say the the um National  Night Out we did that strategically on that   Tuesday so if no one came we had the 300  kids there but they had kids there early   yes they had families there early and um I really  enjoyed seeing the police do the demonstrations   I thought that was really cool with the dogs  and having the trucks out there so um a lot   of families um left with a lot of supplies and  a lot of information from that event so I was   I think it was it was a and I heard a lot of the  providers telling um sedak that that they were   impressed with it turned out so I'm happy it um  it turned out the way that it did absolutely and   I was glad that we got there early enough to set  up because they were already walking around and   ready to go um but a lot of children um got to  see some really cool stuff and then parents and   you could see it you see these moms with three and  four kids in there and one mom even said to me um   when we were talking she said I I just moved here  here she said I'm a single mom and I work and she   said and I can't find um opportunities for my  kid past 5:00 cuz I can't get there till 5:30   I was like okay well Boys and Girls Club is really  great you know here here are some that I know she   clearly will qualify um for support around so it  was those kind of conversations and intimacy and   those um conversations with families that I think  um were really impactful but also um voters have   come by and I had someone it was someone that  you know uh Miss White but um she was like I   voted for this I want this she's like and it has  been amazing to watch um people that she knows   that have experienced some of these services with  our providers to see what that looks like so that   was really unsolicited but it was exciting for me  to hear that um from someone that's not accessing   these services so I also um am interested in the  um Early Learning information because I've had   families ask me about are having issues with  getting access and so I think I'm unclear on   what we are providing and I've had providers  with the same questions and so I would love   to hear from them like exactly how you qualify  because I think I may have misunderstood what   we were supplying so I kind of would love to get  an update on how they qualify for that money what   they've accessed and like how they're using  it cuz I'm telling people the call and they   are on the wait list so I don't I want to  make sure I'm aware of what we're funding   so that I can share that correctly okay we  can make that part of their annual report   that we'll have within the next month thank you  sure along those uh lines oh over here okay like   I hear it I'm sorry um a good segue and the  thing that Lindsay and I had an opportunity   to chat briefly about this uh the other night  on WE they did a nice um story with the City   of Pensacola who was uh kind of pushing  marketing if you will their after school   programs and the opportunities that they uh  presented uh Dancing Arts and Crafts Sports   any number of of various things available through  the City of Pensacola after school programs Etc   but zero mention of the children's trust and so  I was just think opportunity continues to exist   so that these people that uh Lindsay just  mentioned who may have voted in support of this as   well as uh I continue to uh find Opportunities and  discussions with people even mention the existence   of the trust what it does what we're doing uh  those types of things and so just um still as   we look at our providers that we uh encourage  them to mention the uh involvement partnership   collaboration support all coming I will say that  between Michael and Rick uh great job if you go   look at the uh website for the children's trust  there's the tab of providers on there that uh   does list those that we are involved with and  have Partnerships and contracts and agreements   with but they we still do have opportunities out  there even among those providers themselves to   reflect on on the fact that they are getting some  support from the children's trust uh so that when   it comes time for a vote again and now what down  to six years or even five years even something uh   that uh the time is going quickly that we will be  on the ballot again to continue this or not and so   I think the more that we have the community aware  that we are trying to do things and trying to act   in stewardship uh with the funding and the support  we have to promote the well-being of children the   more likely they're going to be to vote in support  of continuing this activity I I will say I was at   cob for um a back to school event and they had  their sign up for um after school and there's a   sticker on the front door that says a scam be of  children's trust so I was really excited to see   that sticker and on their paperwork they have our  logo so I was I was excited I hadn't been there   in a couple months but there's a sticker on the  front door so that's really good um and you see   it as soon as you come in it's like on the right  side so I almost took a picture and sent it to   you so they are they do have that out there so  um to you know advertise and that everyone know   about the program well and we're GNA also as we're  doing with our parade of providers Michael's gonna   do some updated uh media training if you will um  sometimes people aren't just always comfortable   with that especially some of our newer providers  they don't really know how to engage that   um and they don't have development departments or  marketing departments to do it but their voice is   just as strong so we want to make sure that  they have some tools in their toolbox um to   be able to talk about their program and share not  only to recruit um children and families to these   services but also to share share the good work of  of what you all have decided and made decisions   on for funding um so so we are working on that  and I hate when it's not mentioned um because   it happened to me at Children's Home Society  um where that part just got cut off um from   the media standpoint now it was on a different I  talked on Two on Two newspapers and one talked all   about it and the other did not and so um so I do  know those kind of things happen but it's got to   be to it's got to be top of mind and it's got  to be rehearsed I think for them for me anyway   um to feel comfortable in front of the camera so  but we are going to work with them on that thank you thank you okay M if did you have anything  for legal just a brief reminder that the tax   increment financing hearing with the  county for the CRA taxes is September   5th at 5:30 p.m. so that'll be prior  to your next board meeting but that   exemption request is coming up for his  public hearing on the 5th thank any other   discussion from the board with no further  business on the agenda and if there's no   other further comments from the board or this  meeting is being adjourned at 959 thank you