he I car a good morning everyone the time is  9:00 a.m. and I'm sitting in for uh Tor Woods   this morning and I'm calling the June 11th 2024  ECT Board of director's meeting to order please   turn all turn off all your cell phones and  silence them for the duration of the meeting   anyone that wishes to make public comment should  fill out a form located on the table to the left   of the podium Miss Ellis please begin with the  roll call Mr Williams here miss Woods Mr peton   here Dr nor here Mr Leonard  here miss Kane here commissioner may miss white here judge Harris thank you would  everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance   please join me in the pledge pledge Al to the of  the United States of America it stands one nation indivisible thank you hope everyone has  had time to review the agenda we have   one amended item on the agenda the staff  has requested that the amend agenda under   programs staff would like to add fiscal  guidelines for fund programs with Tammy   Abrams to present is there a motion to  approve the amended agenda second any   discussion all in favor please vote I I I  uh agenda is uh is approved uh moving on to um to number five recommendations staff recommends  the board approval for minutes of the May 14th   2024 regular board meeting as presented is there  a motion to approve some move any discussion   I'll second oh there been moved in second um  any discussion all in favor uh Miss Pon you   have the floor for your Treasures report thank  you Mr chair uh today in your packet you have   the um financial statement audit from Warren  aent this audit um was delayed a little bit   we were waiting on the scamby county uh Board  of county commissioner to see what they do in   terms of um taking trust dollars or not so we it  was delayed a little bit from a month or so ago   but we decided to move forward with it and get  it out there but um happy to report there are   no findings um with this with this audit it's  a clean it's a clean audit and um I just want   to that's a testament to tap Tammy Abrams and her  work on our financials every month and keeping us   in compliance and and uh so I appreciate that  Tammy also you'll see do we need to do we need   to accept this or just part of our package the  audit one time okay you'll see our financial   report for April 2024 um there are no unusual  expenses are um in there you'll see uh and Tammy   if you would last month you you mentioned I  asked you a question about our overhead and   and would you mind explaining that one more  time for the for the general public so our   overhead percentage when we run these reports the  overhead percentage looks very high for that month   because most of the provider payments have not  been processed yet at that time so we're just   finishing right now paying the ones that came  through for April they were due by uh May 21st   May 20th so we just finished processing them and  paying them so it looks like we're really high on   admin in April but that goes down as a provider  payments come in all right thank you very much   there any questions of the financial statement  for the month of April very none I'll move this   for file for uh f future audit thank you thank  you m Pon and we're now down to item seven public   comments before we move on to the business  portion of the meeting are there any public comments seeing none we will move to the business  portion of the meeting the first order of business   under the programs is the executive director has  requested input and direction from the board with   regard to El ELC School Readiness matching funds  Miss Lindsay you have the for floor to discuss   okay before we go back I think we need to make a  a motion vote on the the finance okay apologize   that's okay no it's fine it's fine is there  a motion to approve the um financial budget   presented by Mr petting Pon sub mooved second has  been moved in second any discussion uh I have one   question uh Mr temporary chair um is when will we  anticipate getting a similar audit I assume this   will be a yearly process and if they were looking  at uh books and I understand the reason for the   delay but some idea of when this would normally be  uh coming out yeah normally we would have had it   out to you guys in March yes that's all thank you  all in favor I I I so move the the approval of the   treasur budget has been approved now we go to the  number item number eight business the first AIT   business as I said Miss Lindsay you have the floor  to discuss okay thank you so um we have Mr Watson   here as well from ELC so if there's any questions  that I am not fully um able to explain I've asked   them to please be here to clarify but every year  when they draw down from the ELC perspective our   Early Learning Coalition we have provided a  match so our contract with them is so that   they can provide ma those match dollars and  draw down the maximum amount which is for those   wraparound services for our children um that are  are in our ELC facilities now um with this because   of the way that the state is planning for their  funds they've asked in advance for a commitment   letter related to funding um our contract with  the ELC is not up until September 30th so when   we look at a commitment going forward we need to  put a letter out there so that they understand   understand they can bring the match funds and U  Mr Watson can can maximize that um but it's for   a fiscal year that's P our contract so I wanted  to have some discussion and clarification for   all of you was not going to sign that without  some conversation um we could sign it for the   balance of what we have on the contract right now  however that would not allow them to draw down the   maximum amount um so we would be looking at a  letter of commitment um according to Mr Watson   it's not legally binding but but and I've had to  do these for like healthy families in the past   saying I'm going to draw down you know I'm going  to bring in $300,000 in in kind and a letter of   commitment this is just a little bit more formal  um so if you guys want to look at that this is   what we're being asked to commit to um we will of  course re-evaluate re-evaluate the second year of   that contract um later um you know around a let's  see it's yeah it would be August and September thank you any discussion is there a motion to  from the board uh as to the direction Miss Canon   needs to go so move second any discussion  uh is there a way to align the time periods   between the two as I understand that that's  one of the biggest things the contract that   we've currently engaged with The Earnie learning  Early Learning Coalition will expire in September   September 30th September whereas this uh program  match that we're looking at would extend all the   way until June of 2025 which is conceivably  beyond the limit of the contract is there a   way that this letter could be done to either  align with the contract Andor the contract   could be modified to align with the terms of the  letter so the two mesh right now as I see it and   understand it part of the issue is that we've  got a contracted relationship with them that   uh ends considerably before yes the commitment  of the letter would be yes I mean we've talked   about that with a lot of our contracts that are  they're off cycle right for the type of program   that they are so we can certainly look at that as  we go into year two only going through June you   know 2025 and then starting a new contract  for year three for July 1 um and then they   would be on a June to July cycle which I believe  would match up that would match up for them as   well we're not going to get the state to change  their cycle but but um but we would already be   in preparation and having those conversations in  April so that we could say we are moving forward   here's the amount we're committing to going  forward and it would match his fiscal year or   elc's fiscal year so it might just be a shorter  contract terms Meredith would that be approp   we be able to do that okay okay Mr Williams yes  Lindsay the the commitment of what is it 238,857 they had for that particular time frame yes  they can still draw it down from us yes M all right any further discussion so the  direction we have given um lens is to   write the letter of commitment knowing  that it's not legally binding is that   that's what we're doing okay okay do we  need to make a motion for this or would   there be any impact or modification  as well of the actual contract term   with the intent of aligning It ultimately so  that we do get them on the same cycle each year that's why I asked the question will  this contract retroactively go back to July   1st like to no I think what we do is renew in  October but we finish out the term as of June   30th and we'll do a new contract fresh for like  a third year for July 1 to June 30 okay of 2025   through 2026 yes the main thing for discussion I  would say when you do you want me to sign it as   is or um and I'm fine with that I just want need  some direction on that or um you know I've been   advised some others have signed it saying you  know dependent on funding um because we are an   abor and you know pending renewal of contract we  can do those sort of things but the the main the   main letter of commitment needs to show the amount  um and that we have a desire to meet that so that   they can draw it down I just want to make sure  everyone's comfortable with whatever direction we go any discussion are we okay with that okay  I guess we need to vote I think we had a mo a   motion in a second um everybody ready to vote  uh all in favor I I it passed thank you you're   welcome uh let's see next item the program  committee met on May the 28th there are a few   recommendations from the committee I going read  the recommendation Mrs Canon can speak to each   one of them first one from the programs Committee  of healthy school esamia ITB uh recommendation the   program committee recommends the executive  director issued a healthy school esamia I   TB Miss Canon very excited um this has been a  a lot of collective work um we have selected   two schools to move forward um that will be OJ  Sims and Global Learning Academy very excited   for these two schools we met with the principles  yesterday um shared the ITB with them and just had   a a wonderful conversation Miss ray met as well as  a principal that's been through a similar process   um to answer questions from from the school side  um but also offer support so um with this going   forward we have a very tight timeline I want I  I just want to make sure everyone kind of looks   at that to see what we are planning to do we'd  love to have this contracted out by September   1 um so the summer is going to be pretty heavy um  which is fine um we want to go through this whole   process and then the main things that uh we have  met on as the program committee is if you want   turn to page six in the ITB it lists out the  services that we would requ that we're going   to require happen at each of these sites vetted  these also with the principles yesterday they   were very excited um I we already bringing ideas  to the table but said they feel like these meet   all the gaps that they have currently so my my as  we move forward this is still a draft um if there   are changes or requests or questions I would say  let's let's do that before Friday um if there's   anything that you feel like is missing you won't  hurt my feelings so um or needs to be corrected   we're looking at issuing this for six schools  so this will be a five-year contract for six schools okay thank you is there a  motion to approve the recommendation so move second and it is discussion Lindsay can  this go up to 10 schools depending on what   the county does with their money the funds  okay yes and it's actually written in there   six to six to 10 schools we know with our bank  account we have six schools covered for that 5   years um so you know if if the Tiff dollars go  back for the past three years it will also be   aess going forward which is going to be roughly  550 I mean depending 550,000 so that's a school   site you know 450 is what we're looking at per  school so that's what that would take away from   as we've trended out so if it doesn't happen then  that will be the conversations that I have with   the providers is you're definitely going to do  six we'd like to do 10 so you need to be willing   to step up to the plate to do that and I know  that that's a process um but but we definitely   want a network of these healthy schools scambia  um that is collaborative in nature we also know   our kids move from school to school so this would  also be very impactful in that way as well um to   have the same providers doing those 10 schools  from a school district standpoint and tell you   we're very excited about we think this is a major  investment in those corridors of concern that   you know we we went over with uh with this group  earlier in the year um this is just the beginning   of doing some very positive work in many of our  schools U this is at 32505 and the other section   of that that Corridor concern so we're excited  and really looking forward to the partnership   Mr chair what's the thinking between three years  and five years why was five picked and maybe not   three to see how it's going or or I guess we  have an out if something's not working right   during this process absolutely but these type of  projects are going to have to be taken off bits   at the time so when you look at the list of it  on-site Pediatric Services that's going to take   a hot minute to get that built out and in there um  also you know Dental Eye Care those kind of things   have to be coordinated so when you bring together  Partnerships like this they need to have a little   bit of time to plan how they're going to work  together part of the conversation also was with   the principes yesterday was to say what's your  priority list what's your needs assessment in your   school of where we would need to start with these  services so there will be a process where they're   going to say we need to start up there's going to  need to be funding to help them start up higher   supplies whatever it is they need um and then  start to implement those Services we're dealing   also with neighborhoods that have very very low  thresholds for trust um with the community and   with schools in particular so you have to build  that over time um I will tell you some of these   school well two of the schools that I've worked  with directly um with a Community Partnership   School model increased to school grade in one  year but it's keeping it going because there's   there's that well school grades are a complex  thing um but there there's a gap there and   what what happens is when they hit the C point  they lose all their resources so you've got to   have these in place to kind of cradle that um but  families coming to the table and utilizing those   Services trust is built over time okay thank you  and to let them adjust and and decide which ways   to go are best because what you might do for  GLA excuse me grobal Learning Academy may not   be the same that you would be tackling at SIMS  that me did I answer that question yes okay all   right Miss Ken you said the goal was to reach 10  schools yes sir and what time period was that we   are looking at that over a 5e period so with  this ITB we want to do six schools within the   three years and then give them two years post  um all of our contracts of course are renewable   annually um but we would definitely want to do it  over five years uh we can't do six or more than   that obviously we're going to be up for vote at  that point so we cannot commit contracts past that   um but I will tell you the type of partnership  that you're asking for a longer commitment is   what's going to make it work um short commitments  are are things that are varying and you can't   really plan ahead um for what's coming down the  road without it those schools have been earmarked   already the ones potential I'm sorry the potential  additional schools have already been identified   yes Poss okay yes sir and then we'll address those  as we go along we're going to definitely need to   seek the feedback of the of the school board  and Mr Leonard to tell us what are the next   two schools um so this year we know it's OJ Sims  and um Global Learning Academy what are the next   two and I imagine yall are going to have to make  those decisions based on performance and what's   happening in those schools especially related  to your data that you continue to dig around   absenteeism and um treny as well as you know  performance okay was it any okay go ahead oh   so was it my understanding impression that uh  Miss Ray has some particular uh experience and   uh certainly will bring additional resources  to the Trust In implementing this specific uh   program yes sir and actually yesterday she was  with us at the meeting with the two principles   as someone that has been through a process like  this um she started talking to them about how you   can start to look at what your needs are a little  bit differently when you have someone helping to   support you she's also lined up appointments  when she starts with them to go out and do a   site visit at Weiss so they can kind of see the  full picture of what you know this could look like   eight or nine years down the line however where  do you start how do you start revisualization any further discussion uh thank you Mr chairman uh  Lind couple quick questions so there's individual   needs Assessments in different schools I would  assume because the needs would be different yes   they would need to assess that I don't know that  it has to be and I'm going to let I'm going to let   these providers decide how they want to do that  um but meeting with the general Community those   parents that are in that school the principal um  you know having that full look at what they're   saying they need need is something that they  need to be drilling out during that planning   time so that they have a it's not just one-sided  when we one dimensional when we're looking at   what services go in so they would kind of set  their own goals or we set the goals and how do   we measure them so we have very specific so when  you see these these 10 they're going to or sorry   these eight that are on page six they're  going to have to implement all of those um   what I will tell you is when we look at on-site  pediatric medical services having that convers   ation when you look at Weiss um or even Pine  Forest for that matter with these clinics   embedded about 20% of the population that access  those clinics are actually the students the rest   are General community that are coming in and  siblings so so looking at a little differently   on what that Health provider believes that will  look like and what they can bring to the table   it's going to really depend on what Partnerships  they have and what that looks like so we have very   specific in the rubric which is at the very end  of this um part you can look at how we're asking   them and going to evaluate them in their proposal  as well and so in terms of the the medical we're   just supplementing if they have insurance yes  in in those service theyes still they they have   Medicaid absolutely every Gap funding so then  what happens like in a school that has a high   concentration of undocumented children I mean will  these funds be given to them as well um will they   get the same Services as any other child in  school yes there's still kids in our school   I don't I don't know if there's any official rule  around that but any any medical provider is going   to serve kids that are in that school so okay but  they they may not receive reimbursement for that   and this might be a case for reimbursement for a  medical service um but we would need to ask them   and that's a really good point I can bring that  up um next week we're going to be having a meeting   with all the providers those are things for them  to consider no no and and that's fine andth how   they would fund it or what it looks like some of  them may have foundations that do this we don't   we don't necessarily know um what they bring but  within their proposal we'll clear all that up and   we we'll have we'll have a I don't know I don't I  don't represent the school board but I I know that   there are some issues in some districts I just  left a conference and reimbursement for lunch or   for services and that they're not being reimbursed  and so if they're going to this is a reimbursement   are we reimbursing for all students or just  naturalized students or what do we do we were   not specific on that it was students at the school  okay it'd be good to clear that up absolutely I   don't know about this ITV and what will be the  outcome I can tell you at the school district   let's just say that we're doing vision test at why  Elementary school no student regardless of what   insurance they may have eligibility they receive  the vision and that's what all have happen here as   well so okay I I I would agree we don't want  to say sorry we're not going to serve you we   should serve all we we need to serve all of our  kids that's to the point that every child should   be served yes it's in motion a second um all in  favor all right all right thank you very much um   L recommendation the next recommendations for year  two contract renewal of Arc Gateway for the help   me grow program the program committee recommends  approval of the resolution 20247 for the executive   director to in a year two help me grow a contract  with ar gateway to allow funding for services for   three to five year olds Miss Canon yes so this  has been a really great experience to watch Help   Me Grow growing um they've done a really wonderful  job as we're looking at entering into year 2 we've   had conversations and budget conference with them  to discuss their funding you know we funded it at   1.6 million and did not draw that down and so  there were a lot of reasons for that mainly   Staffing and getting started up however they  projected a new year to request um that's going   to come in less um than what we expected um from  that 1.6 with that um they did take conversation   to the local community um as part of their process  and The Help Me Grow to talk about this three to   five population that I believe commissioner May  brought up at the meeting where they spoke what   happens when our Zer to three year olds who are  getting these Services turned four do they just   not get Services anymore um and so with with  their revised budget they've gone back in and   put a separate budget which you can see and a  budget narrative to request to hire someone to   manage those three to 5-year-old requests and  it's going to be approximately 35 kids it's   still going to be under budget for what we had  for them um for a year or two so I think it's a   good proposal um and and I think the the program  committee asked a lot of questions we also have   Maryann bicker staff here if you'd like any  clarification on um how she's envisioning that   but I do think it does address gaps there is not  funding for those three to 5 year olds at this   point they're not qualifying for for school  district Services they're not qualifying for   early steps and other services and so there will  be a gap related to kindergarten Readiness and support thank you Miss Kon is there a motion to  approve the recommendation so moved second it's   been moved in second any discussion yes sir may  Mr chair yes okay M would you mind coming up Maran   tell us a little bit um your vision moving  forward and how this is being impactful for   your from your view specifically the 3 to5  adding the 35 year olds yeah just yeah that   and and overall getting it getting it ramped up  and how it's how it's moving right now okay so um   sorry I have a cold so my voice is a little bit  um spotty but um we are at this point um in kind   of kicked in in December really getting actual  services in flow um we're averaging about 20   children a month that we're doing developmental  screenings on and seeing that um ramping up even   more each month um because we were put some  Partnerships in place um both with u some of   the um Early Learning Coalition initiatives and  with Community Health Northwest Florida will be   going to some of when they have their mobile  unit going out we're going to be going with   them to those Community neighborhoods another um  component that we're adding in in Partnership um   this year is a training that we'll be having in  August called parent Cafe and that um already   have Early Childhood courts The Early Learning  Coalition uh a couple of other partners that   are um getting getting back to me early steps as  well where we will have both um professionals um   and parents trained on this model that builds on  protective factors for families and the model is   that you have these kind of relaxed Cafe sessions  um you target going say maybe a community center   maybe a neighborhood um housing community maybe  at the school where we're doing some of these   initiatives where I think last week I heard at  oakrest the majority of the kids that are com   for the healthcare are in that birth to three  population we're like okay we need to be there   and so um what you do is through those cafes that  you get trained on these series of questions that   you can um bring forth as a topic of discussion  but you having a very relaxed atmosphere so   the parents who are trained in this with us our  first table leads where they're kind of leading   the conversation within a small group of two  to three other parents but eventually we'll   build the skills to where they take over and have  these uh initiatives so it's building stronger um   ties within communities and and building their  strengths for those five protective factors we   have um now 29 children enrolled in our  developmental intervention services and   are averaging about five new kids referred each  month for those Services we have had just with   our services about six kids that have turned  three during that time that we've had to stop   services for and the parents have been like what  are we going to do because they are not um delayed   enough to qualify for ESC prek um some of those  children have autism diagnoses and so the parents   are especially concerned because it's difficult to  even get ABA Services right now in our community   all of the Allied Health Services are are very  restricted I have a 100 kids on my weight list for   speech therapy as we speak today so being able  to have someone who can do some developmental   monitoring with them um is key we've had um  since December one of the kids who was enrolled   in our services the transition was that he was in  early steps no longer qualified at um two years   of age so we picked him up for um Help Me Grow  developmental intervention and a big piece of   his need was being able to communicate interact  with others children socially so we integrated um   parent child play groups and he's been in those  for four months now and we are able to discharge   him but what we we will do is care coordination  will still follow up with the family on a um   sequential basis to do developmental screenings  ongoing so that they don't fall through the crack   um with our 3 to five population I have data  from early steps about the number of children   who either aren't getting to um the eligibility  testing with the school district or that they've   never connected with to even get enrolled in early  steps as well um and so with through our care   coordination efforts we will be um focusing on  trying to find those children um and being able to   get them into the services very good thank you I  have a question um yes and the provide is I guess   it's providers are the people you plan on bringing  on staff and there are three different areas   that that is needed am I reading that correct  occupational therapist physical therapist and   a speech pathologist now we will be bringing on  one addtional developmental intervention yes and   actually we it won't be a case load of three to  fives it'll be kind of spread that that equivalent   of one case load will be spread because some of  those children are already with a developmental   specialist and we won't change them to another  person because we want to keep that continuity   okay all right but it will require one more case  load well in your packet sorry to interrupt you'll   see we we had asked from the program committee  for a breakdown of what the sub awards were so   subres or sub contracts so you'll see those where  where um art Gateway has broken those out so you   know exactly what that line at them looks really  big um but you'll be able to see exactly what that   is and what they're Contracting out for um in in  your packet okay thanks similar to our staffing   issues we one of our subcontracts with with  with Children's Home Society for um counseling   for the healthy family program and as of June 3rd  they've finally been able to hire someone to fill   that position so we're happy to that that's going  to be able to be impacted this year any further discussion there been Motion in second let us all  vote all in favor I I I so move the recommendation   is approved and now we have two scope to scope of  work changes for contract programs uh Gul Coast   Freedom schools the program committee recommends  approval of scope of work changes as presented by   Guff Coast Freedom schools Miss Canon so as Gulf  Coast Freedom schools is our summer program um   that's all they do as summer programming um last  year and actually through the approval process   they were awarded a contract in conjunction with  University of West Florida it was a partnership   effort at the last minute I I was not here so I  don't know what happened but there was a severed   relationship there so Gul Coast Freedom schools  went forward with their portion of the program   and served last year so when we were renewing the  contracts this year and looking at end of the year   data obviously we know our we're working with our  providers right now that are getting into the year   school data but theirs should have been complete  and when we looked at it it did not match their   exhibit B that really showed their scope of work  so we met with Tori who is the executive director   over there and asked what do you actually do as  Gulf Coast Freedom schools what was uwf's part   that's no longer a party to this and what is what  you actually do what we have found through this   process is that they are combating summer slump  they're working on you know social emotional   learning conflict resolution a lot of those type  of things they really um recruit kids to come   into this program so although it's educational it  also is building a safe place for them to be um   throughout the summer and and learning some vital  life skills now that is not what was funded so   I want to be clear from that first year contract  that's not what you funded um by itself so we went   back with Tori and worked through this this that  you're seeing in front of you is actually what   Gul Coast Freedom schools does this is what they  measure this is what they look at so um they are   already in program and have been working on this  but I don't want any misnomer or misinformation   out there saying these kids are supposed to move  up a grade level in Reading in this six week   program that's not what this is this is keeping  kids from going backwards um there was some   concern from the program committee around that um  and looking at it going forward um but as we're   looking at their contract that they have these are  not the outcomes that were specifically in there   but we do need to I feel um amend their contract  to show what they're actually doing so but it is measurable thank you is there any discussion remember if I moved a second um  yeah I've got if you don't mind so we had a   lot of discussion on this and there was a lot of  unanswered questions when we left the meeting um   about this and it it's it's a little Troublesome  um and I don't know if I've got the confidence   that they're going to do what they're supposed to  to do the second go around um I don't know who was   in those meetings if if Tory Woods was involved  or I know she had a lot of concerns a lot of   questions but could you address yes I've actually  followed back up I did get an email from Mr Jones   this morning giving details around um salary some  of the questions in there were who are you funding   because a big part of wwf's proposal was like a  100 volunteers which were actually going to be   um I think like people coming out of the teacher  certification or you know summer work like that   um to work and Mentor these children and so with  that part gone what does it actually look like so   we are going to have to go back and do a budget  amendment and address that told him that as well   because the budget that he currently has supports  what that whole picture looked like with WWF in   not just the Gulf Coast Freedom schools so as  we've been digging into that and answering some of   of those questions that has been responded to  him they have one site that did not make as   expected which was Warrington Academy he had  a relationship with the prior principal that   principal is no longer there there's a new one  and they're not going to extend the space so   they are going to be serving less kids so we  have to we have to also not only look at what   they're really doing but also re-evaluate  that whole budget and get that Tred up as well is that most approve the recommendation  sorry so when when WF dropped out and I don't   know the communication that took place or who  who I mean Kim ker was here but I don't was   there communication that hey they dropped  out this is not going to be any any backup   I don't I'll let t i was Tamm no the first we  became aware of it really was when uh well Tori   came on site to do a budget amendment after he  started and said that he wasn't uh as part of   the process of doing it but I don't know when  we weren't told about WF dropping out right away I do feel like it's something we should  have had discussions on following that summer   I mean that's just where I am or as soon as  we knew we probably should have pulled it in   I feel like there was a step missed also feel  like when we do this next round of contracts   we've discussed there has to be this budget  conference along with a program conference   together so you so you're discussing outcomes  you are discussing finance and how contract   Line This is a this is an example of someone  that's got a national model that's working   in a variety of places they go through very  specific training for it so it's a great model   but how do you make that match the local funds  and communicate with a fun when things aren't   working um and if you did communicate I I if you  guys are all looking stunned it was not brought   to your attention so which is why we're bringing  it here today how many sites do they have this   summer in are they already funded for this summer  so we renewed them in February with everyone else   um on the out of school time they originally had  St Monica's and fairy pass Elementary and then   Warrington Academy were the three sites and when  when there was a change in principal at Warrington   Academy they've not been able to reestablish that  as a site for the summer so they're moving forward   with very past Elementary in St Monica's and  they're in session right now yes he said there's   around 100 children in there at this point so what  all sites are they at this summer St Monica's it's   in cantonement and then Fair pass Elementary  so they're no longer at Global no not this year I would prefer to get more information  before I vote I don't know how the other people   feel I'd rather right word table it we can  that's what I yeah okay that's what I prefer   okay so at this time we table that recommendation  yes and we can bring it back to the program   committee with the financials as well um  looking at that so Tammy's going to do a   deep dive with him as well for trending that  out and understanding how that actually works   okay thank you Meredith uh what do we need to do  with that being under our uh business and all do   we need to have a motion to table it or anything  or we can just or Vote or anything of that sort yes it would be a motion to table it okay okay  so make a motion to table second all in favor   I I um so recommendation for G Coast Freedom  schools will be table to um further notice   our final recommendation is Chain Reaction the  recommendation the program committee recommends   approval of scope of work changes as POS by  Chain Reaction Miss Canon yes so we've had   several several meetings with Miss Fairchild um  lessons learned from the first year uh in her in   her program she's done it very successfully for  almost 20 years working um out of P school state   and as she went into pin school high school found  some real challenges with engagement and enacting   her program in the way that she's traditionally  done it it's taking her and her um and her staff   about two times as long to do one session as it  would or as she had it planned so she's really   looked at her program and the intent is still  the same there's not going to be a different   type of chain reaction but what she looked at was  reducing the number of students because they need   more intensity um with staff time than than some  of her previous program um she also has reduced   her budget and reallocated that as well to what  she feels like she needs going for forward so her   two sites for this summer um and moving into the  school year are Pine Forest and um Pensacola High   she's already got a great foothold in pinacol high  I know we've had a shift in principal she already   had a previous relationship with that principal  and is connected very excited to grow that more at   Pensacola high and is connected with the Community  Partnership school team over at Pine Forest so um   She's Got a Good Foot hole but but she really  needs to reduce the number of kids that she's   going to serve in this program to make effective  and then she's also corresponded her budget um accordingly okay um I I do have a question um  the reason it was so I don't have L for slow for   PCO high school because of the number of kids that  they were serving is that that was the main reason   I'm sorry AE was it the number of kids that they  were serving reason why it took so long for the   program to get going at pens carine no I I really  it's an engagement issue it was something very   different she was engaging students that are not  of the IB Program if you will at Pensacola High   although those kids do serve an important purpose  in her program as Leaders within the program but   she was engaging youth that were not College  Bound um they were youth that may be more skill   or trade bounds and that became a very different  shift in the way that she connected with them and   brought them to the table and so engagement  was a real challenge um to think she's got   any anywhere from 20 to 30 youth at this point  and expanding it um through the summer keeping   engagement opportunities going but looking to  expand a 40 at that site for the coming school   year so she got a foothold but she she will tell  you she learned a whole lot about how she needs   to present her program to a different population  of students as she proposed in her proposal okay   so the engagement me they were not attending there  was an attendance problem or an activity problem   it was all of the above um she would have them  come in some of it was a little bit too fast-paced   um regarding the the type of curriculum that  they're doing in the conversations for example um   they do a personality profile have you guys done  true colors before you know those kind of things   um I I watched her do this and she did it in an  hour with some of her higher College Bound type   of students when she went to do this at B scha  High she said she had to break that up into two   sessions so she felt like they were fully grasping  that and understanding how to apply that um that's   just one example of some of the things that she  does um but she was definitely targeting students   that were not College Bound and so that's a shift  in mindset for chain reaction and how they engage   students so the original scope for Shane reaction  was College Bound students or was it engaged for   all students it was just all students okay so I  mean but our requirements of course are for our   out of school time are serving underserved youth  that meet our parameters so she's definitely got   to Target that part of it right yeah I'm saying  there's a change of scope I mean it was never my   understanding that it was targeted for necessarily  College Bound students it was undeserved students   and at risk students that I thought originally  so I'm just wondering what's changed what's the   scope change I mean is the engagement what is  it just attendance or all the above because it   was always intended to get those children who  may not necessarily be College Bound well and   well and some of the problem with the attendance  was they would have several come for one and then   there would be not showing up so they actually  increased their dosage to the school so rather   than going in one afternoon or you know one day a  week they're actually going too so they have more   touch points with those students and they found  with that that's a little bit of a change to their   program because they usually do it once a week did  it twice to try to up that engagement and that's   been working for them so that's their intent going  forward is to increase their time spent with the   students that might not be necessarily programmed  but relationship based so it's not limited to   students that are not College Bound we still have  underserved that are the people the kids that were   coming to the table that she was working with were  ones that were probably going to be trade however   being engaged in this process she also believes  they might change their mind and might start   working toward some of those College opportunities  as well which is what they're really there to do   okay does that did I answer your question does  that make sense sort of but I'll talk yeah yeah I   mean Kristen can definitely I know she's not here  but she could definitely explain it to you but   it's been multiple conversations um sitting down  and talking through this process because it's been   very frustrating for her um and her organization  I think moving forward um because it targeted you   know 115 kids they they know they're not going  to reach that and they don't feel like it'll be   effective um what she wants what she's seeking  to do is bring that down to a measurable level   where we do have good attendance we do have that  ability to engage these students ongoingly for   the dosage that they committed to um but with the  larger population she just doesn't believe with   the way that they're staffed it it will happen  that way and how are those how are those students   chosen I'm sorry I couldn't hear you how are those  students students chosen how are they chosen that   was my question as well well it's put out through  I believe they work with a guidance counselor at   Pensacola high so those are the ones that kind  of start start that referral proc process from   the school but also kids can self-refer and what  we found also our students that are engaged are   bringing their friends to it as well so it can  be a variety of different ways no actually I've   always supported train train reaction but here's  the most at risk and most vulnerable population   are those who we should really be the most  targeted and so they come with the most challenges   and so yep obviously that's why we are funding um  children trust so I mean I just want to make sure   that excuse me I just want to make sure that those  are most atrisk students at Pensacola high school   because they have those challenges there or having  access and those are the ones that are being   recruited and retained because recruitment's easy  retention is difficult absolutely well and part   of that is is when they go into our stamus system  they have to qualify them with our standards as   well to be counted and served so so you'll be able  to see that data very easily thank you Mr chairman   Mr chair so help me understand that these  agencies and and I I appreciate the work they   do but if we're funding them is it by person are  they getting they getting their full amount but   they're not meeting their their measure goal we're  still paying them it's like they don't come to   us earlier and say we're not they keep taking the  money but they're not doing what they're supposed   to be doing do I have that wrong or are we are we  doing it by dosage or we just giving them let's   just say we gave them a 10 ,000 contract and  then it comes up well I I really didn't meet   those goals I really needed 2,000 of it but they  don't tell us a long time ago they're they keep   taking our money so how what what's the am am I  wrong no you're not and that's exactly why we've   been doing the Deep dive that we've been doing and  bringing these things to program committee because   that is what we're seeing is not understanding  how you work a relationship with a funer when   things are not going the way that you proposed  or did did you over propose did you target a   different community that you are not engaged in so  part of our process internally is reviewing that   data monthly Rick's one that's really involved  with it and following up where's your attendance   data what am I seeing here and we're evaluating  that internally and bringing them to the table   when we're seeing those things now rather than  what we're not going to go months on end and   not address this and continue to repay um that  that's why Golf Coast Freedom schools is on our   list today is because we are looking at those  very intently and saying if you're not going to   meet the measure then we need to re-evaluate your  program your contract and also um your funding DAV   I just want Lindsay so if we've identified that  and we've certainly um found out that they didn't   meet the objectives or the goals and they build us  or things they shouldn't have built are we clawing   that back are we going back retroactive I mean  because some of these are on a three-year contract   I mean so do we hold future funding if they got  funded for something they didn't provide or that   we give them a blanket check in line with what  Mr Pon just said so if we have we've identified   that you didn't do what you said you were going  to do now you've asked for a a scope change but   we've already paid you for things you said you  were going to do and that was non-performance   how are we clawing back those dollars or what are  we doing to protect the interest of the taxpayers   I I don't believe we have that in contracts any  sort of clawback language do we Okay the cont   contract does allow for um a clawback provision  for failure to perform yes I mean they they've   self identify they they've acknowledged that I  didn't perform that's why I'm doing this cope   change I couldn't do what I said I was going to  do but you paid me to do what I said I was going   to do and so to me going forward I don't know  how we in good spirit would pay them I mean for   something that they didn't do don't we isn't this  reimbursement so shouldn't we before we can give   them a check for reimbursement shouldn't it be  verified you're not going to get this check for   reimbursement unless you've done what you said you  did correct that's why we're evaluating that prior   to so part of our approval process for finances no  these are great questions but part of the approval   process is they'll go in and submit their receipts  and all of that it goes through a process that's   validating that then it actually goes to the data  team so Rick's looking at it and comparing what   they've entered into Samos before that could  even be approved to go to Tammy to really   evaluate the the reimbursement is it appropriate  does it meet the scope of what their budget was   so there's a three or and then it comes to me so  there's a four-step process in reviewing that part   of it to make sure that they are performing but  maybe this wasn't done in the P I mean I don't I   don't want to speak to that I I don't believe it  was in the way that we're doing yeah catching this   now so hopefully we'll prevent this type of stuff  coming forward we're digging deeper as Tammy just   said than than what was done before but I I also  want to put it this way um I'm going in with the   expectations that if someone's not meeting their  goals they're not going to tell me so I I'm I'm   going to bring that to them if that makes sense it  makes a lot of sense all all I would say you know   as a fiary if we've identified that someone got  paid for something they shouldn't do and they're   still invoicing me I mean I'm going to hold  payment I mean until we catch up I mean that's to   me and we've had to do that in several instances  where we have not gotten the information and   we've had to hold reimbursement until they could  actually get I'm gon to give you the change order   but if I paid you for something you didn't perform  I mean we're going to we should get we should   get equal and that's all I'm saying I'm I'm I'm  happy to support scope of changes with all these   organizations but you're changing your scope but  I paid you to do something in your original scope   and now you're modifying it then I've overpaid you  and in good faith you should certainly reimburse   the taxpayers for that if that's been identified  and and and obviously we voted on enough scope   changes in the last couple meetings to say  that they changed the scope because they was   nonperforming and so but to your point David we  paid them for non-performance and if they I mean   they they they do they work work off hours that  they've buil us we don't pay them but they they   make up for the the money we've already given  them does that make sense wait say that again   they keep their program going they can still do  their scope of work but we're not giving they   need to they need to reimburse us for what they've  haven't performed and so they well I don't have   the money I'm a nonprofit I can't pay you back  well they can Sweat Equity pay us back MH until   that those dollars are met and then we can have  a conversation but it just doesn't I mean we've   just got to be good stewards of of these dollars  or or it's just going to you I'm fearful of what   else is out there and I appreciate what you're  doing I think I think all of you are are doing   some deep Dives that that we we haven't done in  the past and it is is Flushing these things out so   I appreciate that it's not it's not I don't think  it's I don't think it's you folks at all but it   just does not sit well that that I just feel like  we're being taken advantage of that's all and and   and and Lindsay thank you I mean y'all are doing  great job but there's no difference I mean if we   held uh Jung rsby and Sentry accountable I mean  they could have changed their scope very quickly   they could have come in here and said we're  going to ask for a scope change all pay us but   no we held them accountable I mean what's good  for the goose is good for the gander I mean so   if we change the scope and we paid them that's  really no different than what we did in Sentry   I mean they could have come in and changed their  scope and modified it to say well I should have   got paid so I just want parity inquality across  the board with all organizations right and for um   Century the only reason it didn't get approved  was because the age range didn't meet with what   their program was which was job Readiness right  but they could have come easily as we've just   done they could have easily changed the scope  there's no difference between what just been   presented today than them they could have come  down here and changed the scope period so what   we did when we were recommending project renewal  or or Grant renewals was the three that we didn't   recommend were ones that were obviously not  performing to us we do go in and we do check   their enrollment their attendance all of that  every month before we do any but until we get   their quarterly reports and see actually  what they State what that they're doing   in there sometimes we don't know that it's not  falling in line with what their scope was until then but on the program side that's why we're  going out and doing visits that's why we're   having regular meetings with them and having  those conversations um and bringing them in   and and understanding what they signed up for is  this working for you is it not this is what we   expect this is what we need and working with  them in Partnership some of them are smaller   nonprofits and they don't understand that they're  learning um sometimes they're serving a lot more   than what they're actually putting in um so we're  seeing some of those type of things happening too   like give yourself credit for your data um make  sure you're entering it but we've also had some   this month that came in late and so we've  had to go in and assess dollars from them   because they're not invoicing and putting their  information incorrectly further contract do not   like doing that um but but that is we are  being fair across the board related to that so any more comments thank you Miss Canon is  there a motion to approve the recommendation some move it's been moved in second any discussion if not all all in favor I I um recommendation  passes you didn't do those opposed oh any oppos   I okay thank you thank you I thought it was Mr  sh and Tammy Lindsay it's not to the point to me   there's not a big violation and a small violation  you know if someone's not meeting the scope and   objectives they're not meeting it rather they  missing it by one or they're missing it by 100   and for me as a board member it has to be fair you  know I mean I can't I can't come and say oh I made   a mistake so I want a scope change at whatever  organization and we've done that multiple times   and then other people we say well yours were  was more egregious so we're going to pull your   contract well that's not fair to me I mean I if  I gave one person a chance to change your scope   then I should have given Eric doer a chance  I should have given John there was multiple   people that we pulled their funding we could have  given them an opportunity to change their scope   that we've done with other organizations and just  for me as one board member I voted for it but I'm   very uncomfortable with this and changing scope uh  and not allowing other people to change the scope   I'm okay if we're going to change Scopes we just  well we we need to change it with everybody and I   think we've been doing well since I've been here  we've been doing that and really looking at it   that way if they're not meeting and really diving  into their end of the year no I'm not pointing to   I know we have ped contract we have the ability  not to renew these when I came in we were already   in the process of those being approved and signing  those so I didn't I couldn't really affect before   that so I'm kind of on the back end of that now  saying what's your contract what are you going   to meet and how is this working and if it's not  what are we going to do about it are you going   to keep this contract are you able to serve the  kids that still meet the population in the same   way um are you going to reduce your budget because  you're not going to serve the amount of kids you   said you were going to serve so we're having to  go in and have some of those really challenging   conversations um with our providers it's just on I  wasn't here before so I'm kind of doing it on the   back end understood that's fine but but yes but  no these are the kind of things that we need to   bring and I just want to remind you all you know  we don't we don't have to do any of these changes   I mean we can just say no and we can move forward  with not having those Services I would rather   work with the people that are actually in our  community trying to serve and figure out what's   going to work best what are Lessons Learned From  year one and how can we make this work um if it's   not serving our population and what we need then  we can certainly move on from that but we have   people that are embedded in our communities now  and families are starting to recognize the support   they've gotten and need from that and so you  know is it better for us to have some hard   conversations make some changes I'm all for  trying to figure out how to make it happen   to not figure out how not to make it happen  but I'm all about making sure that you know   it's it's fair across the board well and it's I  think it has been I haven't had anyone come to me   that's not the ones that we have brought are the  ones it's not on you it's the board I mean but I   mean the ones that I'm bringing forward to you  are the ones that we've identified challenges   with there are plenty that that are you know  pinging on all cylinders and they don't need   a scope change and they're doing the work as  proposed and don't need any changes to their   program yeah right I'm all about accountability  but so it's fine okay all right okay moving on   under operations we have Miss Abrams down  for discussion of the fiscal guidelines for funding thank you um we took this fiscal  guidelines for funded programs to committee   and and they had just a couple suggestions that  we needed to maybe amend or change and this is   the the um guidelines with all those changes  Incorporated we developed this so that we could   give it to all of our funded providers it tells  them very detailed information on how to do their   budgets what's allowed what's not allowed as  expenses um like we have in here specifically   mentioned that um fundraising expenses you can't  request those for reimbursement uh we can't they   can't use it for lobbying those type of items and  uh we get into the then the definitions what have   each what can be included in each of our general  ledger line items what is included in advertising   and marketing what's included in accounting  and auditing so this is basically a guideline   for our funded agencies and we'd like to get  it approved so that we can um give it out to them thank you Miss abam is there a  motion to approve the recommendation   from Miss Abrams same second mov in second  any discussion all in favor I um changes is   approved the next item Miss Canon you have  the floor for the executive director report so I don't have a typical report like  I normally do we have a little video   Michael's worked on U for you all which  is sort of a recap of the first 90 days   um what's happening in programs so I'm going to  play that for you all uh my updates of course   have been what we've been discussing here  today for the most part so let me get this going oh it's not working the volume's not on Michael I don't know may not have sound on though they may not have the sound  on in the back so my apologies we go and I hate here she hi is it me okay I didn't know what to expect was uncertain about  many things the efficacy of programming the staff   the board most importantly were the kids in our  community being served in the way that taxpayers   intend it and the way parents need it all valid  concerns needed to be explored and addressed   right away as a nonprofit leader in our community  for many years I watched the Trust From Afar I   watched meetings read media reports and reviewed  many Publications that were produced by the trust   all these combined led me to speculate on what  I thought was happening but once inside these   walls I discovered what has not been shared widely  in our community I learned that we get the trust   for not sharing our story about the wonderful  work occurring in our community and the true   benefits to our most vulnerable children as I  reflect on these 90 days we have accomplished   many things that our team including our board want  to share with our community one of my first acts   in my new position was renewal of out of school  time contracts for a second year I dove deep into   this process seeking to understand how outcomes  proposed would be measured when the final quarter   of the school year was not complete how are we to  evaluate what is not yet happened as we reviewed   our process we found our challenge was the cycle  of the contracts although I have read each Grant   proposal outcome measure statement contractual  agreement monthly collected data and financial   request for reimbursement I had one thing missing  the visual so we hit the the road touring all 15   of our year two funded out of school time sites  what I saw at each site were engaged children I   saw caring adults addressing hard topics around  bullying self-esteem and teamwork I saw children   running to hug the adults in their lives and  telling them of accomplishments at school I saw   children who were shy showing out on the stages  with gusto I saw children who felt failure in math   science engaging in stem lessons with enthusiasm  and spirit I saw children outside playing sharing   food on a beautiful afternoon for National  Picnic Day I saw front line staff beaming   over the opportunities to provide needed  services to our children that not only benefit   the children and families but also Produce  job satisfaction in a way that drives them   to provide high quality services I saw grassroot  nonprofits bringing together committed volunteers   neighborhood Comforts from environments to food  to life lessons all in one night however out of   all the things I saw what struck my heart in a  way that could never be captured in any report   that we could ever produce was the pride these  children displayed in programs that they viewed   as something special as I close this reflection  on my first 90 days as the executive director of   the Escambia children's trust I'm excited for the  direction and Future of the trust the journey has   been enlightening and the support from our board  staff and Community has been unwavering the pride   and joy I witnessed in the children participating  in our programs reaffirms our mission and the   importance of our work together we will continue  to share our story amplify the successes and   address the challenges to ensure that every child  in our community has access to the resources and   the support that they need to thrive I look  forward to the future confident that we are   on the right path to making a lasting impact thank  you for your trust and partnership in this vital [Music] Journey everybody left thank goodness I hate I  hate to see myself on screen so any questions   about that thank you Michael for putting that  together as he went out on all these visits with   me as well um it's definitely been um a wonderful  Journey so far I know I made the right choice um   excited to be here and I know we've got really  great things coming so any questions for me y'all   have asked a lot of questions today but if you  have any more let me know okay well any comments   thank you for the presentation I'm enjoyed  it and it's been 90 days wow it's a fast 90 okay next we have uh legal council  May of bush is there anything from   legal report uh before we adjourn are  there any comments from the board or the staff with no further business this  meeting is adjourn adjourned at 10:09 a.m.