##VIDEO ID:wgESiuSIDq4## e e e e e e good afternoon the November 12th meeting of  the scambia children's trust is being called   to order at 5:30 please turn off all cell  phones or put them on silent mode if anyone   wishes to make public comments please complete  the public comment form located on the table   to the left of the podium and please turn it  into Miss Alma at this time we will proceed   with roll call Miss Woods present Mr Williams  here Mr peton here Dr norup Mr Leonard here   miss Kane is absent uh commissioner may miss  white Judge Williams thank you thank you Mr   Willam will you lead us in the Pledge of  Allegiance please stand and join me in the   pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the  United States of America and to the Republic   for which it stands one nation under God  indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Mr Williams if anyone if everyone  has had time to review the agenda may I get a   motion to approve second any discussion all  in favor any opposed none opposed agenda has   been approved we are now looking for approval  of the minutes the staff recommends the board   approve the minutes of the October 8th 2024  regular board meeting as presented may I have   a motion so move any discussion all in favor  I any oppose if not the minutes are approved   moving on to the treasur report Mr pet thank  you madam chair you'll see the uh financial   highlights in your packet um like to thank  Miss andream for her work on this as usual   she does a fantastic job keeping everything in  order for us um one thing that I want to point   out though that the scami county trust contract  schedule that you'll see at the at the last line   item um a lot of folks think we have a lot of a  lot of money in the bank which which we do but a   lot of it is allocated uh with remaining funding  requests so there's 20 uh $20 million plus that   we we have alligated so um these These are going  to programs that we're committed to of the next   few years and um and we're doing the best we can  to be good stewards of this money so if there's   any questions about the the uh financial report  uh we'll uh be we would like to uh entertain any questions here and N will'll file this  for uh audit thank you thank you Mr Mr   ping are there any public comments for today's  meeting no public comment we're moving on to   the special presentation and now we have a  special presentation from for the board if   the representatives from y will come forward  and and introduce themselves please thank you let's turn this on okay thank you for your service  for the Youth in our County and thanks for giving   me this opportunity to talk about our program  today um I'm Rebecca Ruby I'm directing the   YMCA reads program why reads and this is some of  our kids in our program from last year we are a   mentoring and reading remediation program  for students in grades K through 4 mostly   we see kids first through fourth grade because  in kindergarten and a lot can happen in terms   of reading um we mostly have our principales or  teachers refer students to us we're looking for   the lowest 25 percentile of readers in the schools  um we deliver Services 32 weeks throughout the   school year we usually have a group of 20 on  Mondays and Wednesdays and 20 on Tuesdays and   Thursdays and then uh we also have a 10-week  summer program we have a full summer camp at   the vicory center and we invite our current YMCA  reads students to come and receive individualized   tutoring and then we also do a larger summer  literacy block for the whole Camp um we aim   to have 40 students per site um our goal is  in the fall to have 25 and then go up to 40   in January um we are new in some of our schools  so the teachers the families the principes are   still getting to know us and to trust us so  it takes some time to get those referrals um   so this program was started in 2005 by the Florida  state Alliance of YMCA reads of YMCAs uh there's   33 sites throughout the State of Florida but in  Pensacola uh we started in 2022 at West Pensacola   Elementary with private funding and then last year  we started with ECT with four schools and now we   are in seven schools these are our partner schools  last year we were with fairy Global Learning   Sherwood and West Pensacola and our new schools  this year are oakrest OJ Sims and Montclair and   I'm sure you already know where these are  but here's a map for you we're pretty spread out so our main curriculum uh is sips systematic  instruction and phonics pheic awareness and site   wordss this is a research-based science of reading  backed program it shows tremendous results this is   what a third grader whose teacher has kind of  moved on who's working on the theme of a text   or identifying characters working with Advanced  vocabulary and these are the kids that had some   kind of disruption in school had some kind of  block reading block that they weren't able to   understand that sh makes sh and there's site words  that don't follow those rules and this program   this curriculum is wonderful and teaching them  that what we do is we give every kid a placement   test to see where they place and then we break  them into small groups based on that our full-time   site coordinators mainly teach sips and then we  have site assistant volunteers teaching our other   two types of curriculum one is called kids lit  and they're diverse books that are read aloud   and kids get to discuss them they learn cool words  vocabulary words and comprehension uh strategies   and then we also have an online platform of  leveled books for independent reading that   they work on tablets so depending on where they  are we really differentiate to where each kid is   so um what you might see in a day is something  a little like this a small group of kids working   on sips with our trained coordinator a small group  working on Raz kids with another assistant a small   group of kids working with a volunteer and then  a small group of kids doing uh their tablet work   doing that Raz kids and that's also a program that  they can work on at home so we are we they come to   us they get a snack but they they really are an  extended school day it's two hours of really hard   work that these kids are doing um this is how we  are measuring our success uh we are getting access   to their star and fast scores star for K through  two fast for third and fourth grade we also have   sips placement tests we see where they fall in  the curriculum and then every 10 lessons or so   they get a Mastery test we also get end of school  year reports and surveys from teachers and parents   so what we want to see is that 75% of our students  are showing some improvement in their standardized   test scores we also want 85% of them to be  promoted to the next grade level and I'm sure   you all are aware of third grade as a past fail  grade um and so that's really high stakes for us   as a program and we're really invested in seeing  that number we also want 75% of them to maintain   satisfactory School Behavior because we know that  often behaviors arise because they're not able to   access their academics or there's a behavior  that's happening that's preventing them from   progressing and we know that having someone on  your team having discret skills taught to you   can really help you and build your confidence so  this is where we ended last year um 82.6% of our   students improved in their star and fast scores uh  93% pass sips Mastery test and 92% were promoted   to the next grade and in one of our schools all  of our kids were ProMed promoted to the next grade   which is huge because they're all in that level  one two kids that are really on the cusp of not   being able to go to the next grade so we were very  excited about that about very past Elementary some   other results for us we recruited and maintained  30 volunteers they served 3,9 hours uh we provided   17 children with eye exams and glasses through a  Cox Community grant our very first kid to get that   what needed bif focals he was a fourth grader  who needed bifocals and it it was just kind of   mindboggling to me that he could go that long and  of course he has a reading problem um he can't see   closeup or far away and that first year that he  got those he was got on the honor Ro for the very   first time so that was really exciting for us and  then 99% of our parents surveyed felt that their   students reading improved so we were very happy  with our results and this data is from last year   and I'm sure sure you're all uh familiar with this  but you know our community a lot of communities   based their success on their third grade reading  scores so the State of Florida they were at 50%   of their third graders are reading proficiently  scambia County was at 44% and some of our schools   from last year were at 40% 20% 42% and 27% so  I just want to show you all as I'm sure you're   aware of such an opportunity that we have to make  a difference with this program and so many of our   ECT programs and I'm I'm so excited to be a part  of that uh this is one of our volunteers another   really beautiful result is our volunteers we have  doctors and lawyers we have um a UWF student who's   on the soccer team um it's just such a privilege  for me to be able to bridge these communities and   see different people working with these kids who  wouldn't normally get to in a really structured   meaningful way um that's right there is one of  our volunteers she's a retired speech language   pathologist so we're so excited to have her skills  another thing that we do is family literacy nights   we do that twice a year so that we can have our  families come and see some of the work that the   kids are working on and buy into our program and  give them resources for what they can do at home   um this was at fairy pass last year she had all  of her students do a turkey literacy theater and   they all perform for the parents um she actually  just last week had a volunteer I'm sorry a family   literacy event she had 99 family members come to  fairy pass and she had 32 kids just reading out   of the books um and that was a really wonderful  moment for the kids too because they could say   that they read in front of a group of 100 people  um so that was really confidence building for them   and last I just want to end with a story about  Asia um Asia she's had a bit of a hard go she   she started with us in second grade her grandma  takes care of her she doesn't really have a   relationship with her parents um she started she  did not want to come to our program she was kind   of running away trying to get on to the buses um  she would cry every time she tried to read she   scored at the third percentile so 97% of other  of students were doing better than her in her   greeting and we got her a book on crystals she's  a crystal person and that kind of opened the door   um and she started working really hard she  started making friends and she ended the   year in the 70th percentile which is just such  a huge jump and I got to see her read last week   at their family literacy event and she was  just you would never know that she'd had a   hard time she's doing so well so that's kind of  why what keeps me inspired and I hope also some   a story that you all can keep with you about  some of the work that you're doing with this yeah were you gonna say something okay yes well  I and people that know me know that YMCA is near   and dear to my heart because uh I'm a YMCA kid my  father worked there for over 50 years and and why   wam say has also been more than just a gym and a  pool and they've been making a difference in the   community and I'm just so elated and happy to see  that the Y reads program is there and also that   is also um serving District 3 which is one  of our most needed districts in global and   Mont clar and oakrest are in my district so I'm  so thankful for the job that you're doing there   as well but I do have a question I had a question  of how many students from the regular school year   take advantage of the summer program are there a  lot of overlap not many um we we've strategized   what way can we get to these kids um we started  talking to nav ators how can we get um parents   to transport the kids to the vicory center we  gave them a really a a huge discount to be part   of the summer camp and a lot of these kids would  never get the opportunity to come swim every day   at summer and get free reading tutoring um so we  had about 13 kids from our existing program but   we also served so many kids already in the camp  and these were also kids in need just not the   same I I looking to strategize how to better keep  that continuity and and prevent that summer slide   for our current kids is it is transportation an  issue it's Transportation definitely cost is not   because we we it's practically free what we gave  them so uh it's just Transportation if you know   if you live at Global and you're taking or near  Global Learning and you're taking the bus every   day to get to the victory Center is a hardship  I will say the camp is from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00   p.m. so there's a lot of opportunity I think it's  just a barrier to parents you have one site during   the summer how many sites do you have during the  summer just one just one okay thank you great job thanks I did have one question the  sessions you said they are two hours   in there are they after school  sessions yes they're after school thank you thank you Rebecca got no I'm  good I just wanted to tell her thank you so moving on thank you again moving on  to the business portion is that where we   are Lindsay would you like to speak  on the National Flight Academy sour SCE okay um so in your packets there's actually  um a revised or there's original Grant and a   revised Grant we had met with um or received  our first Soul Source request from the National   Flight Academy um which would be working in  conjunction with the school district to identify   uh youth anywhere from 7th to 12th grade um  at different schools on a rotating basis uh   to come and experience a week-long camp at the  National Flight Academy um um they were looking   at statistically only about 2% of the children  that are in Escambia County actually participate   in this um so this would be not a summer camp  this would be something during the school year   and they're looking to engage students that may  not be the most high performer um but some that   need uh some extra boost potentially maybe we  call them like on the bubble kind of kids they   could go either way um but certainly looking  at engaging students around um um stem uh in a   completely different immersive environment um when  we went back and looked at it the original Grant   proposal um we asked them to take a look at the  budget again because we didn't feel like we could   support all of it based on what we have committed  and what we still have in the bank but what that   would still look like to offer that opportunity  so they've come back in and revise their budget   they're looking at it for a week out of the month  over a seven Monon period of time so rotating   between um seven potentially eight different  schools um but bringing students in it needs to   be the same grade level so let's be clear about  that we can't uh per per week that they offer   this um they've also looked at uh Transportation  being removed as a barrier um and mainly their   costs are really around Staffing um around  supplies food and transportation for our kids we have brought this to our program committee  um and they agreed to push it forward to the   full board for a vote I also have Mr Everly  here from the Flight Academy so as you guys   look at this have any questions he um has  been working with the school district since   our program committee meeting um and may  have some additional information as well so do we need to have a motion Madam chair yes  sir just a quick question so Lindsay most of it   is probably caught up mainly in just about  $280,000 in salaries and benefits is is is   this would be it it is a 24-hour facility you  have to have a wake staff for that um that's   that's a big part of it they also have nursing  Services security those kind of things to make   sure that our kids are secure so Staffing is  going to be a heavy cost for this particular   program so I'm and and that's fine absolutely just  I missed a program meeting so it's about $280,000   in personnel and benefits and then contracted  labor the 57,000 so 280 so you're looking at   whatever 320 330 what's the contract that other  Professional Services is that counseling or   what what is that if you look on it's the very  last page of the revised Grant application it   talks about the Professional Services and contract  labor that's your nursing Services your security   um rental vehicle and then of course Linens  For cleanliness U Mr Everly is also approached   if y'all have any direct questions for him um  but that's the explanation around the cost for those okay um and I I guess my final question  I mean because I was I am a big supporter of it   how are we going to I recognize we're going to  identify seven schools or how many schools are   we identifying this proposal has seven schools in  it for one one week out of the month we're talking   about school year right um we can look at well I I  think about to so commissioner may your one of the   schools that is not included would be probably  Warrington Middle definitely think that needs   to be included as well there's a coordination  part of that um and we've talked about this   what if you didn't get enough kids at one school  could you pull in another Middle School the same   grade level right to do that and I think there's  opportunities for that as well so did you want to   speak to and and we're and he's well not to you  Lindsay thank you for being here and so we we are   making sure that uh the criteria are for the low  social economic kids as well correct or is that   commission yes sir in in working with the school  district to identify you know the the appropriate   population of students that are going to benefit  the most that is absolutely one of the criteria   that we are taking into account based on on where  those students are so uh and to uh Lindsay's point   on number of students uh we recognize that in most  of the middle schools uh it may be a challenge to   capture a group of 36 to 42 and so you know our  ability to combine two different middle schools   together is absolutely an easy thing and so the  seven weeks out of the school year really we're   going to cater to exactly what the school district  wants us to do uh in terms of which population and   whether it's a high school whether it's a middle  school you know week to week and so the ability   to to have that selectivity is kind of built into  what we do as a matter of routine and so and to   that point and obviously support my my friends at  school district are charter schools and private   schools eligible uh for this services as well this  is purely uh for Escambia County Public Schools at   the moment and so uh to your point on the warron  that that's something we can absolutely you know   fold in as long as the children's trust doesn't  have a problem with it the the you know kind of   the Genesis of this program was recognizing that  the flight Academy programming you know we were   underrepresented by the number of students from  mambia County so this is just an opportunity to   try and get that more students Exposed on an  annual basis to what we have to offer and and   provide some of those insights okay yeah  and and I I I guess Lindsay I would yield   that question to you and councel um would it  make a kid ineligible if he went to DT or SL   Jones or any of the other private or chartered  schools would they still be eligible for these Services I think as long as they had our  qualifiers for it um which we have in contract   right the lower socioeconomic have these academic  challenges um and other barriers that should not   prohibit them this original pilot though was done  as a partnership with the Escambia Public Schools   um but I would say that's definitely something  for us to look at as we go forward as well what   what does that look at like what other schools  do we have that could benefit from it is it an   opportunity it's all cost when it comes down to it  though that we've got to select and determine you   know what we can't afford and and what we cannot  um and then what the outcomes are like and the   benefits to our partner if we decide to fund this  is this something that's working for them as well   we don't know this they haven't done it before not  like this so this will be new this will be new and   an opportunistic O an opportunistic program for  our kids that's a little bit different than just   some of our needs based servic yeah I mean and to  my point I mean step up for children I mean you   know some of my most vulnerable populations are  in private schools uh in charge of schools and   so I would not want to me if we could not exclude  anybody and include everybody understanding that   you know it's a partnership with the district but  it's a partnership with all children I think that   would be important because for me you know  I don't want to pay for Luen May children or   Stephanie White's children to go to the academy  we can pay for ourselves uh I do want to pay for   those children who are most at risk and have uh  the least opportunity to attend and uh there's a   large segment of the population that are not  necessarily going to tra traditional schools   I mean I have Jaclyn Harris I mean there are a  lot of other schools that are really uh providing   those services so I don't know if that can be  included I mean if those kids can be eligible   I'm not saying that they have to I just okay so  here's the deal with the school district they   have someone running point on this there the  Flight Academy can't go through and screwing   these kids and recruit these kids otherwise that  would have already happened so when we have all   of these scattered sites that's going to what I  call scattered sites sorry schools throughout the   the whole County we're going to need to look at  that and that would be something different than   what's proposed here doesn't mean it's not a  possibility but there's going to have to be   somebody that's the holder of that outside of who  the districts already um appointed this to that's   one of their staff members so um that will take  some thoughtfulness well that's all we hear you   know creativity around how we could potentially  get that done and make sure that it's full because   the other thing is if you don't have at least  this 36 to 42 kids they have staff committed and   so when you start creating that variable income  for staff we know what that also looks like so   understood I mean I don't know I don't know the  logistics of it but I do know the eligibility   of it that all kids are that live in this game you  can't if it's a thought if it if it costs money to   hire somebody it just costs money I mean because  it cost money to to bring about those deliverables   so yeah I'm just I'm throwing it out to see if  there is a possibility I mean because there is   why would say nothing that we have precludes from  that but that's just not part of the proposal of   this pilot and where we start I understood and  my question was just could it be included is   it a possibility I mean so we had voted on it  yet so I mean um that's my question that would   be up to youall pad well so I I'm certainly not  in any way shape or form looking to exclude any   child that is in es scambia County it I think  it really boils down to the logistics of it   and trying to get that critical mass of 36 to 42  kids and being able to get them register them and   get them into the program part of The Proposal is  you know the flat Academy is going to provide the   transportation both from the home school to the  academy Transportation during the week and then   back to the school where they originated from um  it just I will call it a a challenge not a problem   to figure out some of those other students that  maybe are not in the traditional schools in the   scami county but I you know I'm certainly willing  to have that conversation but uh Lindy you make   a great point we don't have uh you know enough  manpower to be able to run point to the various   different institutions but certainly not opposed  to trying to figure out if there's a way forward   on that I guess from a practical Viewpoint for  me I'm I'm not expecting for people to to run   point I'm asking simply if it can be eligible in  opportunity I mean those parents might provide   their own transportation they may have to sign  up like a kid that's coming from uh New York to   be a part of the program but to not exclude them  I'm I guess my question is can they be included   from my perspective as long as the age group is  the same uh there there's certainly no reason as   long as there's not a barrier with the with the  trust y cool that's that's to my point yeah one   quick question you said seven schools is that  have they been identified or is that just as so   we've had some initial discussions with uh uh  the our the person we've been speaking with at   the county in terms of identifying some schools  the seven you know it's really seven weeks and   so uh there's some preliminary uh schools some  high schools that are have been identified but   none of nothing is written in stone so it's  it's certainly a a starting point where we've   started looking at high school populations  and then you know pairing up middle schools   that are somewhat close together to make that  Transportation problem a little bit smoother another question I have uh Pat and for the the  board as well is we've had a number of programs   that we've funded uh who have not been able to  meet their uh numbers of involved uh kids and   that would be the missed opportunity I would see  and would be something I would think both for your   organization the trust the school system others to  look at and I could see a week of the month coming   up in the future and we've invited 42 students  and yet we get 32 that show up and how are we   going to then on relatively short time frame  because I I do think this is such an incredible   and unique opportunity I had the opportunity just  uh Monday to go out and tour the naval museum for   the first time with a retired Chief very good  friend of mine and all and we looked at some   of the um accommodations out there and all that  the flight Academy uses and it was phenomenal   it was something just for us to have available  in this community is outstanding and that would   be the thing that I would find disappointing  if we approve it we fund it we have all this   we make the opportunities available and then  knowing that just because a child is invited   that then depends on the family approving  it being able to make arrangements etc etc   and uh would be surprised if we invite 42 and you  get 42 and how that we could as we get closer and   closer to the actual uh time of this activity each  week of the month that we do everything possible   to commissioner May's point and all that there  are lots of children out there that would benefit   from this eligibility could be established Etc  but that we really have a mechanism in place to   do everything we can to fill all of the those 42  slots every uh week of the month when that happens   and sir that's a that's a valid uh concern  for sure we see that even with some of our   summer programs but what we're going to try and  do with those schools that when we come up with   the the schedule of which school is going to go  you know which month is my staff is going to go   to that school and work with that principal or  whoever the appropriate point of contact is and   with the parents and we'll we'll to to your point  if a student backs out or is sick two days before   it may be a challenge to get another student  registered to fill that slot but I would venture   to say that you know the effort was there  if there were 42 students identified from   that particular School uh to go that week there's  always a possibility of short-term substitutions   depending on on on the demand and my my hope is  not a strategy but I tell you if we can get it   going that I think the demand for each school to  want to send students to the program if we are a   if we're successful and and carry on to a second  year then you're going to have a lot of folks   standing by just hoping to get in uh when it when  it's their middle school or high school's term to   come the following year so it's it's a legitimate  concern and one that we're going to uh we have to   dig into the details a little bit because there  is a little bit of leadup admin work in terms   of getting parental permission and you know some  some of those basic preliminary screening things done so I wanted to make sure that I told Captain  ever thank you thank you for working on this as   Dil diligently as you have um and Meredith  I wanted you to know that I took myself out   of the equation quite some time ago so he's been  working with um Miss Payne and some of the other   members of our staff there at the school district  one of the things that struck me early on and then   more importantly tonight is when we talked about  the participation at the night National Flight   Academy um one thing that's glaring to me is  90 98 % of students that have participated at   the National Flight Academy which is right here  in our hometown 98% of them are from somewhere   else so I think this is my opinion I think this  is a really good starting point from a school   district standpoint the only thing that we can  control are those 52 sites or centers that are   right here part of our school district we would  certainly work try to facilitate and assist our   charters School members um Warrington Preparatory  Academy which was one of those some of the others   we would work with them but the only thing we  can actually control is those that we have in   our district um but it's a shame that only 2%  of the students come from mambia County you say   you had the opportunity to go out there one of the  things that I know that we've been working on from   a school district standpoint is trying to get more  participation out of our elementary school student   for the star base program I think we've been  fairly successful of that and we'll continue   to do so but I had the opportunity and I  know maybe perhaps some of you also had   this opportunity uh just a couple of weeks  ago to go out to the naval air station for   the Blue Angel and the Thunder Thunderbird air  show we took right at a thousand students from   Escambia County and to see their faces and to  see the things that they were able to enjoy   just in a six seven hour period of time I  can't imagine what type of impact a full   week program would have um so just wanted to  say thank you I'm glad I've stayed out of it   so tonight I can vote um but thank you to you  Captain Everly and to your people yes sir my pleasure no um superintendent I just want to  comment U many years ago I had opportunity to   go out with Jack fedman and Peter Booth uh to  the Flight Academy and I agree with you uh uh   superintendent uh I didn't realize it was  only 2% but I mean it's a great experience   and I mean so I think my passion is uh for every  child that lives I mean it's two things I think   that a child that lives in isia County should  be able to swim because we're surrounded by   water and I think they should understand  Aviation because we're the Cradle of Navy   Aviation and so I mean I was in awe you know  I've I've been there three times and it was in   awe uh what you guys do and so I think you know  U my question and and my passion is simply that   I want a child you know I don't care if he goes  to private school Public School charter school I   want an opportunity for every child to be able  to experience the great work that you guys are doing I have a motion well I have a question just  about the resolution before we addressed that is   that what we were going to address next Madam  chair um we needed a motion first to discuss   and vote all right well maybe out of order but  here's my question um and this is for staff not   um not for you sir um the copy of the if I'm  reading it right the copy of the resolution is   2420 it appears to have the I guess at least my  copy the original Grant application amount but I   know we have a revised Grant application with  a lesser amount we discussed that previously   so I just wanted to address the language  that um or the final numbers that are in   the 20 2420 resolution they reflect the  original Grant application or the rised amount the revised Grant has  1.1 n and the resolution has 2547 thank you for that catch that is my error  when I pulled it I looked at the original instead   of the revised so we will correct that and have  it signed I have one more question um Mr Everly   I know that I looked a while back for my for my  own kids to go and there were weit lists already   so do you find that there's weight list often for  your programs so depending on the weeks in the   summertime there absolutely can be a higher demand  in those Peak weeks so think second week of June   through the last week of July so kids getting out  of school late May early June and then going back   and and parents not want to be gone so there  um weight listing again presents a challenge   in terms of having folks on standby but a as of  right now shouldn't have a problem well that's   what I was asking that to show that I think we'll  be easily able to get 40 the 40 number I mean I   think you'll have a huge weight list because it  mean even now once a student comes back I'm sorry   didn't mean interrupt you and for a free you  know for basically a free time to go I think   and they get them at school for a week I mean  I mean let's be real so I think I I don't think   it'll be a problem to get the 40 I would agree  with you and I would say that uh yes they're out   of the the formal curriculum of Escambia County  but uh we got a pretty well proven track record   of you know incrementally increasing retention and  knowledge in a bunch of stem areas and also giving   them some uh tangible experiences that will help  them trigger and think hey if I you know buckle   down and do a little bit better maybe I have more  opportunities available to me and provide them   some of those you know options in life depending  on the age group that we're talking about and   Stephanie I was impressed when meeting with  Lindsay that even though they're missing school   this is like an enhanced on steroid educational  opportunity for those children which is probably   why the staff cost is high because you're not  just getting a cam counselor you're getting really   qualified smart people doing for all of our um we  have different you know flavors of facilitators   so the instructors and so two flavors one are  usually retired military aviators that do that   operations officer role and the other ones we  hire uh some are retired College professors   teachers we hire a lot of Escambia County  teachers during the summertime that want   to work for us so uh it's a pretty high quality  individual delivering some of that educational content so we have a recom recommendation from the  program committee to approve the resolution 202   24-20 allowing the executive director to begin  contract negotiations with the national flight   AC Academy for services as listed in the updated  Soul Source funding application as presented may   I have a motion so moved with the amendment  brought forth by the judge as far as to the   amount have a second second any other discussion  all in favor I all any oppos motion passes next on   the agenda is the care congratulations thank  you next on the agenda is the care Michael grants yes so in your packet we have a breakout of  our mini Grant initiative so we have been looking   at some of those recaptured dollars let me show  you it's in the this PowerPoint right here if you   look to it starts right here ECT cares talks about  Community Access resilience and empowerment some   of the things that we have garnered from our  counterparts throughout the state are really   looking at opportunities to engage nonprofits  Civic and Community organizations in funding   with the local trusts that is a starting place  um but also sometimes you just need money for one   thing not necessarily for long-term programming  as a match um as we and I will will give full   credit to Deborah Ray on the acronym it is all  her not me I know I'm not that creative um but   really looking at microG grant opportunities for  people in our community to apply it's a one-year   Grant it would not be anything longer than that  um it would be for a very specific purpose that   fits within this um care framework which is  community like we said with an area of focus   that we have broken down around strengthening  and supp supporting communities by fostering   unity and collaboration access increasing access  to essential Services resources and opportunities   for underserved or marginalized populations  resilience building resilience in communities   to withstand social economic and environmental  challenges and empowerment Empower individuals   and communities to take control of their Futures  there's a variety of different categories that   we can fit underneath this some of these when  we were looking at it was not only um about   what we've been hearing here as public outcry  related to community violence and needing some   support around that but also in those meetings  that we've been able to host with a lot of local   nonprofits that have either been seeking funding  for the trust feel that they would like to do a   soul Source initiative but they really aren't  a soul Source um really looking at what those   needs are so some of the things that we've  been able to see are there nonprofits that   are doing really great work but they need some  support in the form of stuff and I say I don't   say that lightly but with technology the way  that it is these days a really great example   is our homeless shelter and transitional shelter  serving families has a room that has no computers   no desks no anything for these children that are  residing in this particular shelter to come in   and have a quiet place to do homework and those  families to work with them or even tutoring for   that matter um that's just one example we've had  some that have along the impact 100 lines if you   will we just need a van we've got the program  but we need a working van that's not 20 years   old um that we can transport these kids or our van  only holds nine people and we need a 15 passenger   because our program is growing there are things  like that that our nonprofits are experiencing   around stuff some of that can even be food um and  basic supplies that families might need that are   not necessarily donatable type of things to so  um this I think is a really great framework for   us to also introduce nonprofits that have been  working on private funds to what it means to be   in a government contract with reimbursement um  we know that we've had a steep ramp for some of   our nonprofits that have come on that have been  smaller um some of them just having a challenge   balancing their full-time job with their part-time  job working with kids um and meeting the letter of   what they're doing and some of them are growing  by leap and Bounds um and and still trying to   juggle all of that so this could be something that  would help some of our current funded entities but   also could definitely help those that are not that  might be able to apply in the future but it would   at least give us some sort of track record with  them um around connectivity um and also around   addressing some of those most needs um or those  those kind of needs that these nonprofits are   seeing but currently do not have funding to cover  and it would definitely be Gap services or gra Gap needs so um when you're talking about the minig  grants are we looking at a max amount and a Max   overall annually so we're looking at the 50  the 500,000 when so yes so let's let's talk   about that for a minute so I met with Tammy  today and we kind of sat down looking at   our numbers so we've done a rolling budget for 5  years we needed to look at what this looked like   going forward if funding National Flight Academy  um and what that looked like so when we um we're   going to talk a little bit more also not just  about National Flight Academy but also what   we need to consider for year three OST funds um  because we do have a gap there that we're going   to need to address um and that would be in the  form of March to May or summer programming for   year three so that our programs don't cut cut off  midye of 26 so we'll talk a little bit about what   that looks like but Tammy's run some really great  projections it looks like um if we we could have   anywhere from around $300,000 for um new one-time  grants we were looking at 500,000 before um I   think with when we kind of looked at this and what  we need to do around OST for at least to get us   through that um 25 26 year um 300,000 would be a  great starting place and then we can move up to   500,000 in the Years forward um and also if we  recapture dollars somebody turns in a contract   or if we like the way this is going and want to  invest more of our dollars there we can certainly   do that too so there's options for us um we were  saying no more than 50,000 because first of all   we want to keep it a smaller a manageable amount  but also some of the asks that we got are com and   also some of the nonprofits that were sharing  their needs they usually fell around that range but it doesn't have to be that it can be  lower it depends on how many you want to   fund if you have in your mind we would like  to fund 10 new organizations or we just want   it to go up to 300,000 it may not even be  that somebody needs 50,000 they might just   need 20 and that frees up some dollars that  we can look at all the applications that we   get and see what we can balance that way  but these don't have to be these can be   new organizations who are not already  receiving any Grant funds correct yes sir Lindsay is it an at all accurate  summation to uh dumb it down from my   benefit to using the model that has existed and  does exist already which is the impact 100 type   things where they make larger grants but it's a  thing like that that they are generally one time   grants for purposes to facilitate uh some  organization starting the provision of services   but most of them are organizations already  providing services but it's to be able to   continue those services or to expand them but  again the concept being their one-time grants   for them to meet a specific need uh that would  be brought to us uh in order to request what   would the application Pro uh process looked like  would it be they would bring things to us or yes   Within These categories so we've already built  this kind of out what this would look like it   would be in the S system so they would have  to go through that qualification process um   like all of our other grantees would do on that  um and then they would select which c a r or E   they would follow up under and then be able to do  a shorter narrative around what their needs are   their mission um what the project would be and the  budget surrounding that um so we don't want it to   be we want because it's a one-time Grant we don't  this is not a three-year RFP where we're talking   you know millions of dollars we're talking a short  one-time one that we can work with them through so   we want and we recognize that some of them may  be new startups some of them may be doing this   voluntarily but need money to you know support  whatever um initiatives they have going on so   it would be the opportunity for them to have  a starting place um getting used to our system   as well as how you use that for reimbursement  there's going to be a lot of those kind of   things that they need to overcome but would set  them up for Success later on if they do have a   great program that they need funding for and that  fits within some of our active rfps they would be   eligible and we would already be able to say we've  worked with them and we know that they've done the   right thing with the money but yes you didn't dumb  it down sort of like an impact 100 but we're not   going to give it out on a Sunday though I won't be  coming on a Sunday just so you know and Children's   Services as well so I love the vets and and and  the dogs ones but I don't think we can fund those so so the decision that we need to make is what  you want your threshold to be and if you want to   move forward with doing a micro Grant process so  you say we have about possibly around 300,000 and   your recommendation is 50,000 up to 50,000  yes so that would be if six if everyone ask   for 50 that will only be six Grands yes we can  always lower it if we want more Lind I see in   your in the minutes on the agenda individual and  organizations are are you looking for different   mon for individuals versus organizations I'm where  it says it's highlighted in yellow on that agenda   it's on the agenda just on M per individual or  organization per individual organization it should   it should be be an individual person apply for it  could be but they would be an organization so we   can so we're going to scratch it individual just  put on organization disc scratch individual okay   we're actually not even going to need a resolution  tonight on this because each individual one that   applies would take its own it would have its own  resolution so tonight it's just the uh the dollar amounts I make a motion to um approve  this um to not to exceed $50,000 per   organization not to exceed $300,000 overall  annually I have a second second any other   discussion I've got a question  how can we, overall per gr 300,000 how do we fine-tune these where is 100% going  towards what's needed and let maybe not on   salaries or staff paying for this it's got to be  they're small enough we don't need 40% going for   staff and then you know it's so how how how  do you work that through that I think we can   prescribe that through the application process  what we would qualify is going for this so if   you're going for a van obviously ly there would  not be staff cost around that right right um but   if you had a community collaborative that you  needed someone to pull together to address some   of the community violence um bringing together  churches or Civic organizations to do something   you might have that um but we would need  them to be able to do in their narrative   their budget narrative exactly what that position  is and how it ties back to those core indicators   and the outcomes that they are going to be  presenting as part of that application okay any more discussion all in favor any oppos so the motion  passes so we are moving on to resolution 202   24-19 Miss Tammy yes back in uh March we  brought to you guys uh the contract for   legal services of North Florida and between  me and Lindsay transitioning we missed doing   the resolution at the time of that meeting so  we did um it was voted on it was approved you   guys they have signed a contract but we're just  ratifying the resolution back to that date May I   have a motion to approve so move second second  any discussion uh for clarification I've got a   date of May 1 202 4 and then duly adopted on  the 12th of November 2024 and for Renewal or   reconsideration will this come up again in May  of 2025 or November of 2025 or neither or so   their contract starts on May 1st so we brought  it up in March uh we brought it to the board in   March so it'll probably come back to you guys  again March or April for another May renewal thank you thank you any more  discussion all in favor I all   any oppose abstain abstain one abstain motion passes Lindsay you have to cover some yes um  wanted to make sure I know I shared this with our   program committee but wanted you all to hear that  we were able to successfully have our Focus Group   um for related to community violence it was  a very impactful day um Miss Ray had done a   beautiful PowerPoint with like 17 questions and  um we asked the first one and two hours later   um we had answered all of them but really the  conversation was so rich that we didn't have to   ask any more questions um there was definitely  Unity there was not only Community providers   School District personnel um there was also um  some of our providers um law enforcement and   others that we have not um contracted with but are  definitely those in the community that are working   specifically in our areas that are experiencing a  lot of community violence um what I will tell you   is they left with um telling Mr Williams that that  the cell phones need to come out of those schools   they were very adamant about that his response  back also was you need to make sure these parents   understand and they don't come after us if we make  that decision but there is I know that that's been   something that we've talked about probably in  smaller circles and has certainly been a part   of the school district meeting um but that group  was very adant that that be something that changes   um they also talked about how they've all been in  the same room before and had the same conversation   and they're tired of no action around that um they  talked about bringing people to the the table with   lived experience to work with some of our most  challenged youth um but also to be integrated   into the community and breaking up some of those  situations um rather than turning their head the   other way so really looking at mentorship I know  we look at this from a lends a lot of time with   Children's Services of a level two background  screen person however those people are not the   ones that our youth are going to be listening  to um they really want some people that have   lived experience whether that's male or F email  working with some of our youth to keep them out   of trouble so um more to come on that but I wanted  to let you know we've had these people come to the   podium and we've brought them to the table for  the discussion um so we'll continue to look at   that if they can organize um I think they could  apply for one of these care opportunities too um   to look at that uh but there may be groups that  are already organized doing this already um and   they just needed a place to to come together so  um and Mr Williams was there with us so you can   certainly pitch in anything that you felt from  that meeting but it was a powerful meeting for   sure and yeah it was a powerful meeting and and  I just want to make sure that the community knew   the stance I'm not speaking for the superintendent  but we are looking strongly at at the cell phones   in the school system and think the superintendent  has got a couple of task force and groups that are   looking into that and I just wanted the community  to know that if I go forward with it we go for   forward with it um the community outcry my kid  needs uh their cell phone and we can show all the   St statistical data where cell phones is hurting  academics and attendance and discipline problems   uh we just want to buy in from the community and  everyone there as you said said they would support   it many of them had testimonies of themselves of  uh the use of cell phones their personal children   and grandchildren so uh it was it a great great  meeting and we need to follow up on it also with   the gun violets I I really hope we can do  a Roundup I know that's might not solve the   problem but it might make a dent in it so  U it was a good meeting and and good focus group yes okay any other questions about the focus  group keep you guys posted on that um the final   thing is our year three OST um out of school time  we're going to need to be renewing those again   uh March 1st remember these are off cycle so uh  we have looked at this we'll be going into year   three which would be the end of our commitment  if you will uh to that RFP and we'll be looking   to put out another RFP hopefully in 2026 but we  do need to address the fact that we're providing   out of schooltime care for kids um uh and and we  don't want to terminate that in the middle of a   a school semester so um we need to look at the  path forward around that um and decide which way   you all want to go we're at the place now where  we're going to need to um start preparing those   contracts uh and making sure that we have all the  budgets uh that we are needing to evaluate and um   and outcomes so we are in the middle of preparing  an out of schooltime renewal report for you all   and way we're looking at that is asking them to  build their 12-month budget but then also asking   them to do march to may end of May which we get  you through the school year and then we do have   summer programming that our um providers not  all of them but a lot of them provide um and   what that would look like for those two months  so that would get us through the school year and   then summer which would be consistent and then  if they were not refunded or we didn't do out   of school time it would be a natural break there  July 31st and then go into a new school year or   if we do decide to put an RFP out again for OST  and we had some of our providers that reapplied   and wanted to do it for another three years that  we qualified there would be no break in service   there as well so it serves two purposes um I  did have Tammy when I was talking to you guys   about that rolling budget really look at that to  see did we have the money to do that and what it   looked like um and it looks like we will be okay  um with bringing in the onetime grants and um and   then also National Flight Academy so we look at  that year over year we just would not um we would   kind of look at that a little differently um for  new grants coming in so like extra extra money if   you will that we would have to do a new ongoing  initiative we need to wait another year so and I   can share this with you all it was just Fresh Off  The Press today when we were going through it so   Lindsay for clarification the 2425 school year  that we're currently in if we take it to the end   of said school year the end of May and then we  take the summer programs through the end of July   that will complete the second year of our cycle  or the third year of our cycle the second year of   our cycle will end February 28th of 2025 so our  year three contracts would start March 1st of   and then go to February oops February 28th of 26  okay uh so what we're looking to do is not end   it in the middle of 26 we need to extend it to  May at a minimum would be my recommendation of   2026 so our contracts that we are preparing and  getting ready to execute are going to be 25 26   okay but we'd like to have a a picture of that so  what we've done is Tammy's been able to look at   like Trend and what they've had kind of give us a  guesstimate of of where we are for for um to get   us to the end of May and then also summer um to to  provide that going forward and so we'll be able to   do that do you have a suggestion of whether we  make the quote adjustment or whatever you want   to phrase it for that four Monon period from March  through the end of May and then the two months of   doing that this year to 25 and then start the new  third year for each of these programs kind of more   flowing with the school year or wait until 25 26  to do it somewhere it sounds like we've got about   a four month two to four month Gap that we're  going to have to make up that we could either   potentially do it this year or the following or  do it the following year is that we've already   approved those right the current contracts are  already written right sorry I couldn't hear you   TOR the Cur the 2025 contracts have already  been approved and written is that correct no   so like no 20 no the I 2020 so we're in 2024 so  the the we're in sorry we're in we're in 2425   we're talking about contracts for but he's asking  can we extend 25 like 24 to 25 but we've already   those contracts have already been written well  the contracts have been but my thinking or my   question I guess as much as anything is somewhere  we're going to have to have about a four Monon Gap   contract with all of these programs whether  they're the year that we know we're going to   refund them IE the 24 25 and we just go ahead and  know that we're funding those programs and we're   just go ahead and contract so that we add the two  to four month extension on there or we wait until   next year and do it but somewhere we're going to  almost have to have little mini contracts although   I guess the benefit of doing it next year instead  of it being a 12month contract we could make it a   15mon contract or something okay but we could do  it either way to answer your question we could do   an amendment I'm guessing Meredith an extension  of their current contract we would still need   the dollars though so we know what that looked  like um and then we could start a new contract   in August and then end it July 31st on the  following year I think you could do it either way but this would get us just one  contract it wouldn't we wouldn't   have to go through multiple  steps this would do just one contract so do we need to vote on anything tonight are  you just discussing no I I think we need some   Direction um on and probably a vote on whether you  want to do that through May or you want to include   the summer months I think the summer months yeah  I make a motion that we include through the summer   months the summer programming okay I have a second  on that motion second any discussion all in favor oh who second David David P P so that motion  passes not so down moving on to operations   annual report um we are currently working on the  annual report so as you guys know that has to be   on our website by December 31st and so um that  will also pull in just so you know I know you've   seen the OST report you've seen um the mental  health renewal report but we're going to be   updating that all the way through and then also  our so Source contracts you're going to be able   to see the outcomes related to that as well so  um Rick and Deborah have been working on that um   tirelessly and really trying to pull all that  data together our our hope is in the future and   what we're really looking at now is really  solidifying some of our um contracts going   forward is having like metrics so that we can  actually compare them a little differently   so this one's going to be a hefty one um  just want to let you all know that we hope   in the future um that it will be a little bit  Slimmer we are looking at taking some of that   those statistics and of course sharing that out  professionally as well um in our community so not   just on our website but being able to print  some of those so that you all have them as well any questions moving on to the executive report okay um so for this last month has been crazy  good um there's been a lot going on board   application updates so we did have seven that  were approved by our commission and moved on um   at their last board meeting but they have opened  that backup I believe we have three new applicants   um that will be going to the Commission in  December they couldn't get it on the agenda   for this time for approval um to move forward  so that is still open I believe until Friday   um for people to apply um we did not host the  financial committee this month but we did have   our executive and program committee which we  just wrapped up all of that information um we   talked also about OST renewals want to let you  all know we're meeting with every single one of   them collaboratively so we're getting on zoom  we're recording it we're having those kind of   conversations with them so that they know exactly  where we're at we're talking about um data we're   talking about Finance uh any sort of change  of scope type of issues or budget changes we   want to do that all before their contracts are  actually in play if you remember when I came on   in February yall had already approved contracts so  we had to go and do some of this stuff backwards   so we're looking at moving that forward this  time and making those changes prior to contract   we talked about the annual report um so you  already know where we are on that the so source   application is another one so that's been a  typical paper like you've seen here tonight   we are actually and Rick has put that into samis  we're going to make that an automated process but   also making sure that our soul Source have that  same kind of information that anyone else that's   applying has um but that will give us a good  record of it and they'll be able to go through   and check off some of those processes around do  I actually qualify as a soul s applicant at this   point um so that's not live yet but I believe  we've got it to a place where we can make that   live shortly um we've been spending our time also  doing a lot of that development and research on   those care grant opportunities for micro grants  um and then of course hosting that focus group   with follow-ups related to that um there have  been a lot of nonprofits that have come to the   table so we've met with about five different ones  that we're not currently contracted with to learn   about their services uh that they are providing  providing for children I do think that's an   important part of what we do um is creating that  Network we may not have to fund them but knowing   what's available um we've been able to make some  really good connections for uh communication and   Outreach uh we talked about the violence group  that we had the community violence focus group   uh the mental health task force meeting I got the  opportunity to speak at that this past month it   was really great we got to highlight our mental  health programs um people knew about PHS for you   to they were very excited with the football team  and I told them that was all the the Omega lamp   lighters look what happens when you support your  athletes right so um but I thought that that was   a really great example but also talking about all  of our providers and how they're giving some very   different things out there with our with our  children um that are meaningful in different   ways so um and how they're getting referrals  from all different places um but we're part of   that Continuum a lot of those are really formal  Mental Health people in the room and they needed   to know we're part of that Continuum um we've had  more Touch of truck I mean we we're going to have   to order some more sunglasses and Frisbees and  footballs because I'm going to tell you we've   been at the events Touch a Truck um we did uh or  Michael did trunk or treat and Century uh for us   and then uh Deb uh Michael and myself got to go  do trunk retreat at the Boys and Girls Club at   Englewood uh which was a really great night um  and then we're going to be going forward hosting   our parade of providers this Thursday we did that  before where we had everyone come together um this   time we're going to be doing some professional  education as well some of our providers that said   they're dealing with challenging behaviors they  need some support around that so we've pulled in   um sednet to come in and do some training  um and to really help understand a lot of   that process especially when we're dealing with  children with um significant issues coming into   our after care programs so um Lots going on on  and I know the holidays are coming up and and um   there's a lot of different events happening so  we'll keep you posted with those as we go what   time is the provider um parade of providers we're  starting at 9:00 and we're concluding at noon on   Thursday love for you to drop by if you if you  are just happen to be out and about or half time so I can't hear you the ectt offices where  that will be yes sir and it's football themed   so if you're going to come you need to wear  um you know New Jersey okay well I won't be   wearing my Florida State one I'm going  to wear my CT one um but yes you could   wear your family New Jersey for sure Michael  will have his on I'm sure so okay and that's   all I've got thank you any other questions  okay Meredith did you have anything for us no with that thank you with no  further business we are joury at 6:42 if you all will notice in your packets I do  have the 2025 ECT meeting dates hang on to those