##VIDEO ID:qKUaVzDfO_Q## that was e e do me okay we're going to call the meeting  to order scambia County competency   board meeting scheduled November 6 9:00 a.m.  meetings call to order Madam Secretary do we   have a determination of quum yes sir Mr chair  with seven members present we do Miss Jordan   will be joining us shortly thank you uh do we  have proof of publication yes sir Mr chairman   it was published on on give me just a second  on October 31st 2024 in the scambia county   Sun Press thank you and uh we're looking for  approval of the minutes from October the 2nd 2024 motion to approve motion second second all in favor raise your right hand motion passes do we have anybody speaking on public  forum today chair I didn't receive any speaker   request forms um you might just want to ask  the audience I think everybody in the audience   is here for an agenda item okay anybody out  there want to say a few words or we good to   move on we're good to move on uh if we can  get the uh secretary status report I have   nothing for the board at this time wow  you made it simple for me today haven't   you all right so we have uh one two three  four contractor applications the first one   is clarius Jefferson uh it's h for a general  contractor application uh could you please uh   yes Mr Jefferson you will please come to the  podium state your name and address for the record uh address 1848 Cadence luk cantonement  Florida uh board members if I may speak for a   moment to Mr Jefferson's experience he currently  is employed with RQ construction he did provide   W2s to show one year eight months uh and to the  present of that employment um he also you will   find an experience verification form relating  to his DD214 from his time in the military uh   signed off on by his commanding officer for  his construction experience U the experience   was highlighted on that DD 214 for reference he  also has graduated through Auburn University with   masters of real estate development as well um with  the transcript should be part of that package as   well um Mr Jefferson would you like to speak to  the board a little on your experience in this   field sure uh so for me uh personally I I grew up  u in a family of construction so uh my my uncle   had a construction business in uh New Orleans  so uh during the Summers uh that's what I did   I was um Ro buster and all various other things  uh and construction uh so I did all that um in   summers while I was in high school and then also  when I was in college um and then I got into the   the military I had some opportunities to work  on some large uh DOD construction projects um   I led a construction uh Department uh when I was  in Greenland uh did that and then also um when I   transitioned out of the military after 8 years um  I started um construction uh with the company out   in town Florida uh worked on some some projects  in downtown Tampa as well and now I'm I'm here   in Pensacola working on some DOD projects on  NAS Pensacola so uh I I am very familiar with   uh construction and the the processes as well  and as Nick mentioned um I've also uh received   a degree in real estate development um going over  all of the the competencies of construction and   uh processes and methods Mr Jefferson if you  could please expound on what types of projects   commercial residential new single family dwelling  just let them know what types of projects you've   actually hands-on experience in yeah so I've  hands-on experience I've I've done a residential   um in in my family business um as far as uh  commercial uh the project that I W worked on in   Tampa was a a commercial project uh 70,000 square  feet um full gut renovation of a downtown um   construction project uh so we brought that up to  new standards uh and then also with the military   projects that I've worked on those were projects  that were um basically going into Mission centers   um gutting them out uh and then refurbishing them  bringing them back up to standard and code um and   for the projects that I'm working on currently  uh these are groundup development projects for   NAS Pensacola so building a fitness center uh and  then we're also uh doing a substation building as   well um the substation building is my project  that I'm project managing um so that is a full   groundup development and then also underground  utilities as well a couple miles of underground   utilities do we have staff's recommendation  on this uh staff's recommendation would be for approval okay second motion thank you for your  service motion to approve second second all   in favor raise your right hand motion passes all  right thank you board I appreciate your time thank you board members our uh next applicant will be Mr  David bonds Jr coming before you for application   for examination uh in Roofing Mr bonds if you  will please come to the podium state your name   and address for the record please hey my name  is David bonds and my address is 1 1950 West   Detroit Boulevard Pensacola Florida uh board  members Mr bonds does come before you with four   years eight months and 21 days of experience uh  working for Bowman's Quality Roofing and repairs   uh we did notate that due to circumstances  we did allow him to provide W2s to show his   employment and experience uh to correspond to  the experience verification form in this case   uh if sir if you would speak a little to your  experience in this field please uh as he said   I've been working for Bowman's Quality  Roofing for the past five years uh but   I've been roofing for 23 years I started  at age of 15 uh working with my uncles   I've worked for uh Bill Walther Roofing  uh Bowman's Quality Roofing and another   roofing company or two over the years and  that's pretty much all I've ever done uh   the past six years I've gotten more into into  the paperwork end things uh doing estimates and such staff's recommendation uh  staff's recommendation is that   Mr bonds does meet the requirement of  the four years U and to approve for testing motion to approve motion to approve looking  for a second second second   all in favor raise your right hand motion  passes thank you Mr bonds thank you all very much Board of members our next applicant  is going to be Mr Randle Wayne Gilmore Mr   Gilmore if you will please come to the podium  state your name and address for the record please uh Ronda Wayne Gilmore 605 English code  Florence Mississippi board members uh Mr Gilmore   is coming before you for roofing as the trade he  does come before you he has been a business owner   in the roofing trade for 19 years 5 months and 21  days out of the state of Mississippi uh you will   find the attached Mississippi state licenses that  he did provide showing his experience um some are   dated back to 23 and he did go back and provide  his original 2006 um state licenses as well to   show his experience uh based on this 19 years  staff's recommendation would be for approval and   Mr Gore if you could go ahead and please give them  a brief rundown of your experience yeah I've been   working since I was 14 years old doing Roofing  All My Life um with friends and stuff and I se   I can make more money doing on my own so I went  out on my own and started it and uh I've been   doing residential all my life and uh been doing  a little commercial on Sonics doing I've done   probably roof about 15 Sonics around Mississippi  doing uh TP uh roof so that's all I know is   Roofing okay St but Roofing st's recommendation  would be for approval okay seing a mo motion for approval motion for approval looking for a second second all in favor raise your right hand motion  passes unanimously thank you thank you finally   board members our final applicant for the day is  Mr Kane Aubrey DS uh he is coming before you to   apply for testing and Examination for Master  Plumber with gas uh Mr DS if you will please   state your name and address for the record sir hey  I'm my name is Kane DS uh 5830 sofle ponds Road   um and then Mr DS comes before you with an  experience of 5 years 11 months and 30 days   I did notate for the qualifier um you will see  that the qualifier did sign with a State Certified   license it it when it was established 826 of 21  dates three years two months and 5 days but they   did hold a registered license um initially  created on 912 2013 so the qualifier does   meet the requirement of four years uh because  that does total 11 years one month and 19 days   um so Mr DS if you would please just speak to  your experience in that field sir for the board   uh my grandpa has Downs pluming been in business  for almost 40 years uh started with him uh when   I was 14 15 uh so and I'm about to turn 30 so I'm  coming up on 15 years straight uh doing Plumbing   fifth generation uh been on just about every big  property in town from here to Dothan Alabama down   Panama City doing Plumbing uh my whole life uh  my dad's a master plumber my grandpa my uncle uh   both my cousins just came up here and did this I  got another one coming um just about every every   big big job in the past five six years that we've  done I've been the lead on uh basically solely in   charge charge of it uh I finally time to get  my master license been been doing it for ever   uh staff's recommendation would be for approval  okay looking for a motion for approval motion   to approve second second all in favor raise  your right hand motion passes thank you thank you if you if I can just say quick word since  none of the applicants have left um you know   we appreciate uh you coming to SC scambi County  doing work in scambi County but understand what   we do as a board here uh we try to prevent uh  contractors roofers or um you know plumbers   Electric Insurance to come in here in front of  us uh in the event of a mishap one thing I can   say to the roofers out there is be very cautious  overly cautious on who you hire subcontractors   because a lot of times what happens is uh we as  contractors and roof depend on our subcontractors   and they do a faulty job and at the end of the  day it still falls on the license holder uh so   please bear that in mind as you're out there and  as you're doing business and as you're talking   to subcontractors that you pre-qualify them and  don't only go look for the number but make sure   they're qualified and they have the bandwidth  in order to do the work that you're asking them   to do uh so uh we appreciate it but just you know  try not to come back to this board uh uh you know   just protect yourself protect your Els and do  good work out there we appreciate it thank you applicants you you do you're not required to  remain for the duration of this hearing it's   going to be um probably cause hearings I mean  you're more than welcome to stay if you would   like to but you're not required to I got a long  ride back yes sir thank you all thank you Al thank   you okay so now we're going to go to the probable  cause hearing uh so uh Madame secretary if you can   just give us a quick update on that yes so our  first item is Wade L Hunter III doing business   s Lee Hunter Construction LLC registered license  number RR 28281 12171 contractor competency board   complaint number 24863 coom it's in regard to  Julie Ricks the homeowner complainant at 215   Barry Road Pensacola Florida 32507 proper  notice was sent to the respondent Miss RX   are you present today and are you going to be  providing testimony for this hearing today I   can thank you and Mr Hunter are you present today  just to confirm Mr Hunter is not present for this   hearing at this time I'm going to have Miss RX  and Miss Reber our investigators sworn in Miss   RX you can have a seat you can sit right here if  you would like we've got some housekeeping stuff   to go through first um and Miss Reber will remain  sworn in for the duration of this hearing today um I swear thank you um at this time I'm going  to pull up the investigative report from Miss   Reber and if and Miss Reber if you could just  go ahead and take us through um the the process   the date of the complaint um a brief synopsis of  what occurred and if you found any violations or   alleged violations sure um received a complaint  from Miss Ricks on August 6 2024 um after   reviewing all of the complaints I'm alleging that  there was mismanagement and misconduct causing   Financial harm to the customer and a late permit  um in brief Miss um Ricks entered into a contract   with Mr Hunter on July 3rd of 2024 to perform  alterations the total cost of that project was $66,000 and uh Rick's provided Hunter  a down payment of $35,000 on July 9th um shortly into the project um Ricks began to have  issues with Hunter allegedly not uh returning her   calls not showing up on the project and such uh  she she noticed several things going on with the   project she became concerned and so on August 5th  she elected to terminate Mr Hunter a review of the   permitting history on the project uh resulted that  Hunter had applied for a permit on July 17th 2024   um and was invoiced on July 31st however um  before he made payment on the permit he was terminated um there was also  some uh things that Miss Miss   Ricks later found out such as  uh a material supplier was not paid sorry just skimming through um   Miss Ricks also ended up on August  6th paying a um subcontracting crew   that Hunter had hired um who had come to  her and said that they had not received payment I think that's it okay um did the  complaintant provide any documentation   to support her complaint and if so is it  attached to the agenda as backup she did   and it is attached and did the respondent  provide any supporting documentation for   the complaint uh he did respond to the complaint  and his response is attached to the complaint in   the evidence staff would request that those  items attached to the agenda be moved into evidence can I get a motion  to move in you so move second second second all in favor raise your right  hand motion carries at this time Miss RX it's   your opportunity you can go to the podium or  you can remain there and address the board   in regard to your complaint um yeah I've  met all y'all a couple months ago I came   in to speak about this particular person  um truthfully I'm now at a point where I   realize I'm never going to recover that  money that I gave him um unless I want   to use my money to chase after him to get my  money back and so I guess you know coming in   here today I want to understand how it got  to this point where a person can actually   do this and not really have any repercussions  because I came for the last hearing that he had   that he was fined for and it just seemed like  a little tisk tisk and then he can go off and   he can do this again in another County perhaps or  maybe even in this County again and like how do   you keep someone like this from continuing to do  this to perpetuate this on other people because I   feel like now for me like it's okay I'm okay about  it but he should not be allowed to do this again   what what's going to keep him from doing that  or anyone else so miss RX just keep in mind that   the board is only has the authority to do what is  within their power so there are certain parameters   whenever these violations are determined that  they can only go within certain parameters um   I see that there's another case coming after  yours and just with like some historical cases   once these things start coming in the board tends  to take a stronger stance um unfortunately we   don't get notified by everyone at once so it seems  to be you know from the board's perspective we're   only seeing a first blip and then it starts coming  in so keep in mind the board can only do what they   within certain parameters um the fu shary Duty  I guess is the biggest thing to me like who is   accountable for that that this man can take money  from a customer who who's where's the F you share   I mean I've talked to so many contractors now  since it's all started and most of them has   said no you cannot take money from a customer  and then use that on another project it's not   you can't do it in real estate you can't do it  anything else so so where did the money go that   I gave them it has to go through this process  yeah this process for for anything to be for   any disciplinary action to be taken against any  license holder in the county it has to go through   this process and I understand that this process  is not a quick process by any means but it has   to follow this process so you coming in today  is the beginning steps of this process right mhm I don't I guess I don't have a whole lot to  say except for the the facts of what happened so   PR much if you could speak more to because I see  that Melissa um has has noted two things here if   you could speak more to the financial harm um  allegation and and I know that Melissa has her   brief synopsis but you've been more invested  in this complaint I gave him 35,00 th000 and   within two weeks he was gone and then I found out  after I fired him that he had not he had charged   Lumber which was so ridiculous to me because we  talked about the budget and he went and charged   the lumber not to say that can't happen at tibet's  Lumber which was double or almost triple the cost   for the lumber that he bought so he could buy it  on credit so he could have the 30 days to pay it   which in my mind he was never going to do because  it's just how it looks um and so yeah when I got   a letter from them and then had to follow through  with his ex-wife or soon to be ex-wife who's his   partner business partner to find out get the  because even the lumber company will not tell   me how much I owe them they're just going to tell  me look if you don't pay if you don't get involved   in this and get us paid we're going to lean your  property I mean this is right out the gate I just   bought it just HED a contractor and now all  of a sudden I'm getting leaned for more money   and this person I gave money to is not spending  it where it's supposed to go did you receive a   notice to owner from any of these subcontractors  or suppliers so I actually had the subcontractor   who so there was termite damage and there was  um uh some mold issues um and so the floor had   to be completely replaced and the sub sub Contra  contractor that he hired I was there daily I was   there every single day while this is all going on  um and they started to give me the impression that   they were afraid they weren't going to get paid  for doing the work and so I actually reached out   to the subcontractor I didn't care if it was right  or not that that he supposedly was contracted by   Lee um and I was like are do you need to get paid  and he said I'm I've been trying to get a hold of   Lee for four or five days said and I can't reach  him and I was like okay so I'm not crazy this   guy's really just like he's left the scene of  the crime and that's kind of how that went and   so then the person uh Rodrigo baroma he's also  a contractor um he came to me and he said look   I need you to pay this I need to pay my guys and  so I went straight to the bank out of fear got   the money came back and gave it to him and funny  enough I ended up hiring him because I was very uneducated uh uh homeowner in Florida because the  laws I came from Virginia every it's completely   different there and this guy I didn't yeah  so anyway I hired him so he's been the contractor I'm not a happy person right now about  all this I'm going to tell it's understandable   Insurance I've had to pay extra to have you know  Builder risk I've had to extend my insurance on   my property so that I can continue the work on the  property I've had to continue to pay two mortgages   now because of this person um it's just it's this  whole situation it feels like I'm being ruined per   se financially um so yeah I would just like for it  to be over and when did when did actual work began   on this project uh you mean from when I hired him  no when did they physically come and start doing   work on this project uh the first I believe it was  the 9th uh I believe of July he sent or dropped a   kid off there to do um to take out the cabinets  and to do some stuff like that and that was   actually the first issue I had with him because I  showed up and and the cabinets were taken out with   a crowbar and I specifically told him the cabinets  were in great shape can we just take them out and   put them in the garage because I have something  that could potentially be an Adu and also there   were some appliances in there one of them in  particular couldn't have been more than a year old   it was a range and I was like let's save that both  of those cabinets and the range were completely   destroyed and that happened within the first week  of him being there actually first couple of days   and it was just excuse after excuse when I  asked him why did this happen then he lied   to me to my face and said there was uh uh damage  behind the wall of where the cabinets I looked   like I've been on construction sites pretty  much my whole life so I walked out and looked   at the pile to see if there was any evidence  of that none whatsoever so then I asked him   again and he said oh well I I'll take it out  of this guy's pay well of course I felt bad   for as a young kid you know trying to make money  money and this is the contractor who's telling   him to do this so yeah it's kind of crazy do you  have anything else you'd like to share with the board um just nothing except for the multiple  lies and lies and lies and lies that this person   told me about their ability to actually  do this job and couldn't and didn't but   that's well Mr X we're sorry that you put in  this position but uh it's unfortunate that we   do have Shady contractors out there uh but  we are here to try to make a difference uh   I'm not sure how much of a difference we can  make uh but it's important that you provide us   the amount of Damages that you've sustained  uh from the events that's uh taking place I   think that's going to be the next step to look  into and do we have any open permits on Hunter   construction right now outside of the outside of  this project project yeah I can look could you   also look and see if his insurance is no longer  expired I can definitely do that as well thank you if you just give me just a moment on your screen you'll see that I'm  bringing up our permitting software which   houses all of the permits and licenses for all  projects and contractors in es scambi County Miss RX have you contacted an attorney  have you contacted an attorney I did   yes so have you brought suit against  him I didn't I haven't done anything   yet yeah she suggested that  i' take this route first okay as you'll see I'm selecting the  license card of Mr Hunter within our system his liability and  workers comp is currently up to date he does have an active  reg uh license with skimy County in his Associated permits you  can see that let me just make this bigger so you will see like this houses every  action for this license it does have some permits   that are open has some permits that are closed  again you see one here contract terminated uh also   the co cases um for his license that this board  would review so outside of the two that we have   in here they he does have other permits that are  open am I correct o Cliff is oakcliff is the next   hearing and this is very yes there's something  on air Street Broadmore um are we allowed to   look into those permits and see what the stat St  of the job is at this time and maybe meet with the   homeowners to look and see if there's a pattern  of behavior happening so we can I can show it to   the board okay um this is the one that was on  air Street and that did come to you air Street   did um but the homeowner has not terminated  the permit and it was still active last it is   an active permit that's had no inspections  on the air Street um this one is on Broad more it's had one inspection um and actually  if there's no sub permitting this one would be   deemed expired at this time well it's a replum  so we would have to go into those sub permits   just confirm whether it's expired or not but it's  still an open yeah if we can just check into it so   that way uh we can prepare ourselves and you know  anticipate anything that's happening with those   homeowners it that's the direction of the board  for us to review his projects if yeah I would for   staff to review yes please okay we can do that  for you okay and so what of our what of our U   marching orders on this first case so again this  is a probable cause hearing at this time the board   is going to determine whether they believe that  there's probable Clause that he violated County   ordinance State Statute Etc okay um again on on  your screen you would have the alleged violations   provided by our investigator um this is what she  feels has has possibly been violated by Mr Hunter   um but it's at the discretion of the board on  how they would like to proceed certainly and   have we had any communication with the contractor  uh I believe that the contractor did provide um a   statement and it's in the backup and here it is  here if you want I can read it into the record   it was it's already part of the record please um  so his response says and this is to Melissa the   investigator it says Melissa in regards to Julie  I will forward you over my original invoice plus   the changes made in a separate email this email  I will outline the job on July 3rd at 2:47 p.m.   I received a text stating she closed and received  keys Sunday July 7th she texts a photo of where   she hid the key outside Monday July 8th we started  removing carpet and baseboards without a deposit   when Julie asked about paying I said give us a few  days we like to get rolling first we didn't have   to purchase anything the first day for demo so no  need to press for deposit around this time Julie   has brought to our attention that she is wanting  us to convert a bedroom and build a wall dividing   this bedroom into two parts and add another  bathroom never discussed in original estimate   or plans of renovation this caused for a wall to  be cut into and the entry door to be relocated it   was then brought to our attention she wanted to  remove the current hall bath and move that into   where the current kitchen was and then old bath  into master closet this is when I cut electrical   wires out of the bottom of the electrical panel  and shoved down the floor because of the wall the   panel was currently on was being removed moving  this electrical panel was another change never   discussed in the additional plans or estimate  that caused the central heat and air to have   to be relocated which was done and placed in the  atct by a licensed contractor this relocation of   HVAC was also never discussed or paid paid for  in the original scope this job was consisting   of subfloor removal of dining and a bathroom due  to termite reports we instead did entire house   after the fact because Julie was worried about  the dog and cat urine that soaked through the   carpet into the subfloor and was afraid we could  not get rid of the smell on Saturday July 20th I   received pictures from the crew that all of the  subfloor has been removed I am not sure of exact   date but permit was kicked back due to not having  my upto-date insurance with the county when I did   receive the email stating I had an invoice to pay  for the permit I logged on and it said contract   termination on July 31st on Friday August 2nd  I got word from the crews that all subfloor   has been installed this is where the job stood  on this date I'm not sure what has been done   since I do know that she is wanting to remove a  large loadbearing wall and she's not wanting to   wait on plans if she's fired us within 30 days  on starting job while plans was in work for this   and that's the end of this document do we have  any pictures that they attached to this case no   there's no no pictures no pictures I'll open  it up to the board if they have any questions   we do have we do have a backup document that  says project sketches that was submitted by   the respondent with the appropriate permit  pull for this I remember about electrical   he submitted application for his structural  permit um his insurance was not up to date   so his application was returned back to him  until he could get that remedied he got that   remedied when he went in to pay the invoice  for the permit application Miss Ricks had   already contract terminated it at that time um  there were no electrical permits being pulled   and it's I believe Melissa got with our Deputy  building official John and for what was done   the disconnect and turning it down that  did not require a permit um had future or   more electrical work been done it possibly could  have but to date it did not require it and just   to note there is a photo of the electrical  box in the floor that's within the backup documents so any questions if not we'  need to seek a motion to move it to   this little plary action yeah I I just  want to make sure I understand you we're   saying that there was never a permit pulled  period before this contractor started the   work that is an that is accurate he he did not  have the permit in hand prior to starting the   work and when his insurance was paid and  when he went back to get the permit by   that time the owner went ahead and pulled  the contract so to speak that is correct okay okay we go back to the  alleged violations yes sir make a motion to move it to disciplinary hearing  based off the alleged violations I second that all in favor raise your right hand motion passes unanimously thank you Miss RX just to let you know that you  will be receiving notice that this has   proceeded to a disciplinary hearing  um we'll get out that administrative   complaint as soon as possible um  but you will be receiving notice   of when that will occur and then as the  um interim chairman had mentioned please   make sure that you get the amount of Damages  together and you have that absolutely thank you our next item is Wade L Hunter III  doing business as Lee Hunter Construction   LLC registered license number RR 28281 12171  contractor competency board complaints number   24967 coom this is in regard to Jeffrey and  Cynthia hedenberg the homeowner complainants   at 6561 o Cliff Road Pensacola Florida 32526  proper notice was sent to the respondent Mr   miss hedenberg you are present today and are  you going to be providing testimony for this   hearing thank you um again I'm going to sound  the room for Mr Hunter are you here today I'm   confirming that Mr Hunter is is still  not present um at this time I'm going   to have Mr Miss hedenberg sworn in and just  a reminder Miss Reber was previously sworn if you could just be sworn in thank you at this time I'm going to bring up the   investigative report from Miss Reber  Miss reer if you could go ahead and   just give us a brief synopsis of this  complaint including date filed permit Etc um I received this complaint  from the hindenburg's on August 26 2024 [Music] um the Hindenburg state  that they entered into a contract on   October 21st 2023 to perform alterations to  their home the total cost of the project was $94,000 the hindenburg's paid an initial   deposit of $68,000 on November 27th 2023  um the project started off by doing some demolition uh Mr Hunter did get a uh and then  did did some framing of the walls he did get a   framing inspection uh the hindenburg's also made a  progress payment on June 5th of 2024 for $115,000 um Mr and Miss Hindenburg alleged that the work  began to slow down after that progress payment   was made uh they began to be concerned once it was  time to put a roof on the project and uh they were   notified that Mr Hunter had not paid the deposit  to the roofer um so in order to keep the project   moving uh the hindenburg's did make  a $5,000 deposit on September 11th   uh during September the hindenburg's  uh continued to try and reach out to   Hunter to come back on to the project  uh he was not answering anything uh   calls texts emails to them uh they were  notified by A supplier company that um   the bill for the materials had not been paid for  their project and the supplier was threatening aan   uh therefore the hindenburg's made the payment  to the lumber company on October 8th 2024 for $1,113 uh they also went ahead and had  the roof completely put on and paid the   uh roofing company the balance of $754 56 on  October 4th a search of the permitting history for   6561 oakcliffe resulted in an alteration permit  being obtained by Lee Hunter on May 20th 2024 with   a pass strapping and nailing inspection on June  5th 2024 Hunter did not respond to this complaint   um after reviewing all the documents [Music] um  I'm alleging that code section 1837 C12 finding   that a contractor of is guilty of fraud or deceit  or gross negligence incompetency or misconduct in   the practice of Contracting code section 1837 d10  uh he's abandoned the project and code section   1837 d15a late permit contractor pulled the permit  after starting the job but prior to completion of   the same and uh doesn't miss any inspections at  this point and Miss Reber did the complaintants   provide any supporting documentation for their  complaint and is it attached to the agenda yes   they did and everything is attached and did  you receive anything from the respondent in   regard to supporting documentation he  did not respond staff would ask that   the uh supporting documentation attached the  agend agenda be moved into evidence so move second second all in favor raise your right hand  motion passes unanimously thank you um at this   time Mr Miss Hindenberg this is your opportunity  to talk about your complaint with the board um my   bigest question since I heard the one before is  how do we get this moved to the state's attorney   somebody that can actually do something to him  and has the power to that's my biggest concern   question I'm turn legal you you filed a complaint  with them didn't you I have called them they will   not do anything until they hear from you all yeah  we have to go through the process and this is the   first step of the process and once we move the  contract into the disciplinary action then what   we do is we come back and we'll look and see what  type of restitution you're asking for and then we   make a motion towards that we also make a motion  towards letting the state know what actions to   take and I think that after that step happens  is when you guys can go and you know take it   from there whether it's through legal counsel or  whether it's through the state attorney's office   but that's as far as we're allowed to do it but  we have to go through the process and like I said   unfortunately TimeWise we only have these meetings  once a month and we have to have enough time to   make sure that we let all the parties know of all  the events that are taking place so they give them   an opportunity to whether re will come in in front  of us and you know give us their version of the   story uh but I mean that is the process and U and  they're right you this is the first step because   we have to look at it from the entire County point  of view and that's one of the reasons I ask is how   many other permits that are open and I certainly  don't want to and I'm pretty sure my colleagues   on this board don't want any other individual to  be out there in the same position and then Advance   more money and I seen in your case you have a  $94,000 uh contract with a scope of worker and   you clearly paid him close to that amount if not  more and you know I don't know if he provided any   change orders to you or not or the the work that  he did was it wasn't as bad as what happened to   the previous testimony um mine he went through on  the contract if you look at it um we contracted   for our kitchen kitchen walls to be removed and  a fireplace to be removed he started that right   away we had a little bit of a problem because the  that was a la a large uh space and when I looked   at it the ceiling was starting to drop so I said  we need a beam so he stopped got a guy to come   in do the beam and all that went up fine the two  guys that were working for him one was a kid one   was an older gentleman um they're not really super  friendly they're not high on speaking English so   um we had that problem when it got further on  I had uh he got that done that that see there's   some stuff that's finished and then the date  she gave you of that last inspection that was   the last basically I heard from him until he sent  an email that you guys have probably dated around 918 he didn't write that email that's not his his  syntax can we pull that up and see what his bual was close she's got to make different order but yep that one this is the  document that Mr Hindenburg   is referencing I've brought it up on your screen since receiving this we  haven't heard word one from him no texts no calls so this was the last communication you had   with him yeah okay supposedly  with him this is more like cnex   what the computer says it is when I ran it  through a match it says it's a woman's typing wording okay any questions we have from the board  will we seek a motion to move it to disciplinary   unless staff has anything to add I think real  quick just to see so obviously the deposit was   68,000 and then in addition to with the lumber and  the roofing that you paid out of pocket that was a   total of 12,546 56 I paid in 68,000 okay initially  and then the addition then another 15,000 when the   framing was complete okay so if I'm I'm just  if I'm just scrolling down you have the 68,000   initial 15,000 that after the framing then you  he your claim is he didn't pay the deposit on   the roof so you paid the 5,000 deposit on the  Roof then you had the tibits lumber of 1,111   39 and the balance of the roof of $ 7,546 56  yes is that okay the um tibet's Lumber put a   lean on my property so I went ahead and paid  paid on that because he was just letting it   every month was getting another interest charge  on it and did you receive a notice to owner from   the supplier no so um a notice of commencement  is when that you would file um and it says that   you know that if that the contractor the main  contractor could possibly file a lean if that   main contractor is using subcontractors or supply  houses for them to have the capability to file a   lean they're supposed to submit to you a notice  to owner from tibits yes yes you did okay okay you did do you know when I Believe Miss go ahead do  you know when he replaced the beam um that was   probably within the week that I said something  needed to be done is that was that in the   November December time frame or more towards  um that would have been in yeah in 2023 okay   um the beam was finished before before  Christmas yeah and the permit date was   in May is that right that is that is  correct it was um obtained May 20th 2024 where's the job stand currently is it  completed or is it still pending work what   okay after I put the roof on um my big problem  right now is I can't get insurance on the house it   has four windows that aren't there and they won't  ensure for the wind migration without the windows um the inside the outside isn't got any it  doesn't have Windows it doesn't have siding the uh there the framing was done but under the  bottom still there is no seal it has the   bolts put down every four feet like it's  required but they didn't run the from the   bottom seal to the top seal they didn't run  the threaded support for that um so there   are going to be problems getting that framing  on the wiring and everything everything else done the inside of the room is basically uh open walls um the one side of  it was up against the side that's up against   the back of the house I've started work on  taking the brick down to put the wallboard up the north side of the room has a sliding glass  door and a window and metal siding from where the   sun room where it goes against the sun room on  the back of the house um I haven't started there   yet but that's going to all have to be removed and  wallboard put up I've got to get those all down so   I can run wiring and it's so I've got to hire an  electrician to do all that I've got Plumbing I've   got to do for the master bath we contracted for  a vanity um we had problems getting it every time   it came in it was broken so we had him return it  um we bought our own it's currently sitting in my   garage the only reason it's not in is the plumbing  and there's another section of wall that needs to   come down so it can fit in he took one wall down  out of my bathroom out of the master bath that   separated the the sink area and the shower area  and move some lights um I Heard yall talking about   electrical permits as far as I know there were  none pulled for any electrical work that his dad did um that would have been including the  walls in the kitchen because they all had   light switches and plugs which I had him  move up to the ceiling so I didn't lose sockets uh what else on the room the old ma the original master  bedroom is going to become two closets   with a wall between um that's part  of the stuff that he hadn't gotten to   because of the situation I guess but basically  after the last visit was the fifth probably at   the same time he did that that inspection occurred  that was the last time he was at the house did   we have any inspections done during the process  yes yes and were they passed or it did yes pass   past inspection June 5th so this permit will  expire in December it's still a valid permit   okay currently it is a valid permit yes yes and  and I know that Mr Hindenburg mentioned about   electrical work being performed Mr Hindenburg you  can file a complaint against um Mr the person that   did the electrical work and did not get a permit  that's the one problem we have we weren't home oh   my wife was working still at Walmart and I was  working at Cent Corrections gotcha understand   we're leaving the key mhm okay question for legal  is there a way to kind of dam the river with this   a little bit and potentially suspend him bringing  out any more permits for the interum until we go   through the disciplinary action or do we have  to wait until the disciplinary action to then suspend I'll defer to staff on that so currently  we have nothing in our adopted ordinance that   allows this board to preemptively take care of  that um unfortunately we do have to go through   the disciplinary process that opens the door for  you to be able to do that and we don't have any   pictures of this project either right we do  not miss Hindenburg I think you you wanted to   say something as well um yeah I do um the money  that we pulled and paid this gentleman with was   my husband's retirement money so now he has no  retirement money um we have no money to finish   the project because I'm the one working Soul  worker um so I'm just left with a house that's   got I have like 30 boxes of flooring sitting in my  living room because I have nowhere to put it um we   can't do anything with the room we can't like he  said we can't get insurance because there's no   windows so we have no money to buy the window  so that we can get insurance on the house and   it's just very frustrating because for somebody  to come in and be able to take all of your money   and just walk off with it it's just not right  um but yeah he he has made a lot more um work   for us to do um other than what his originally  needed to be done um the living room floor is   going to have to be replaced because where he took  us the old flooring out of well he didn't take up   the flooring he just put it down so the living  room flooring was a little bit higher than the   kitchen and everything so he put plywood down but  they didn't get the right um thickness thickness   of of the plywood so when you walk on that section  of flooring it sponges up and down so we are going   to have to pull the flooring up and and get that  fixed um there's just little things that he's done   and has caused more damage too and I'm just I'm  just really irritated um and I did when we were   having issues with getting in touch with him and  everything I did ask him I said do you intend   to finish this job are you just taking my money  he's like no no I would never do something like   that so you he basically lied to my face right  there and it's it's just not cool that he can do   that to somebody you know no we totally agree  with you and it shouldn't happen and again we   apologize you know that it has happened to you  but you know we just have to be a little moreit   proactive also and then try to prevent things  like this but uh right now if you can compile   a list of any additional damages that you know  that you're going to be sustaining from the work   that has been done okay and provide it to staff  so that way when we do make our decisions that   you know we have all the ammunition that we need  in order to make the right decision yeah and the   one thing is we can't get anyone to come out  and estimate what it's going to cost to finish   the room and to do the other stuff because they  don't want to get involved you know with that   so basically I'm just sitting there with the  useless room and no insurance on my house so   if there was a storm or something to hit and do  damage to it I'm just out that because we can't   get the insurance or maybe staff can make some  recommendations on um residential contractors   if we have any I don't know but unfortunately  we cannot give recommendations in that regard   but there's plenty of them out there um you know  that will come in and quote something for you and   they won't charge U you I see commercials all the  time I I I called Emerald uh Emerald Coast which   is the parent company to the guys that did the  roof um they don't want to get they don't want to   get their hands in it no because of the situation  they're afraid they're going to end up in a court   cost or a court battle with him coming in saying  well I still got permits and they're taking my job   was what I was qued so what can they do about  the open permit is there anything that they can   do I mean I don't I currently it's open so there's  no direction we can give you until we go through   this process so the permit is still open until it  would expire in December um like Miss Ricks did   the contract termination process that doesn't  close that permit out it just I mean she if   she wanted to move on get a different contractor  then he would not hit any brick walls in getting   his permits um I mean yes sir I've been told if I  do that my my civil part taking him to court will   end if I cancel the contract I will will lose  a lot of my ability and my force that I have of   taking him to court is that a council telling you  that or somebody okay well maybe you have to take   his advice on that because we don't know about  legal interpretations and what you can cannot do   as long as I have an open contract with him and  he's not working I stand a lot better judgment   against him than if I fire him and try to hire  somebody else okay because then he can say I   terminated the contract he's not responsible for  anything anymore well you started this process so   this can only help because cause I don't think  it'll hurt it any and like we said earlier it's   unfortunate that it takes a little bit of time so  we'll make a decision here in a few minutes to see   if we can move this in into disciplinary action  and if we do in the uh next month's meeting I   think it'll be up on the agenda item and we'll  go in we'll make some take some action against   the individual and his company to look and see  what outcome would be and then after that I'm   pretty sure you'll have some leverage on your rent  wherever it's civil or whether you know closing up   the permits I'm sure they'll give you some advice  on that so any questions from the board I just um   kind of a question so when you say you can't get  insurance you you mean home owners insurance or   you can't get a builder's risk under renovation  we policy the own insurance there nobody wants   to offer uh it's just an addition on the house  and that's a a I was quoted $3,500 for a builder   so you can get you can get a builder's risk of  insurance but I can't get homeowner correct yeah   I just wanted to make sure you know you could  at least get a builder's risk policy that cover   is the addition you can actually get another one  that will cover the addition and your house while   it's under renovation there's the problem of the  money to right I understand it's the money I got you okay seconding a motion you  want to pull that uh violations up I make a motion we put this in  disciplinary action immediately second so all three code violations to move  into disciplinary actions U we got a first   and we got a second and all in favor raise  your right hand motion carries unanimously yes I next that is this inv yes sir okay I think uh do we have  anything else on the agenda actually   no sir there is nothing else on the  agenda so okay we look for a motion   to adjourn unless you all want to still stay here second there we go all in favor to motion to  Jordan all good all thank you all thank you