e e set how you doing West it it how are you e e for e good morning let's go ahead and call this meeting  to order please turn your cell phone to the   vibrate silence or off setting Gary s public forum  is intended for matters not included on the agenda   for the up upcoming BCC meeting citizens wishing  to address items on the agenda please sign up to   speak to such item at the regular Board of County  Commissioner's meeting speakers please refrain   from abusive or profane remarks disrup Outburst  protest or any other conduct which interferes with   the orderly conduct of the uh Gary sensing public  forum each speaker will be limited to 2 minutes   unless otherwise determined by the chairperson  this morning to allow sufficient time for all   speakers the Gary Sansing public forum may end  5 minutes prior to the schedule start of the   upcoming meeting to allow the meeting to commence  on time the first Speaker this morning is Keith Bo thank you Commissioners what I'd like to address  today is uh District 2 derangement syndrome I   see evidence of District 2 derangement syndrome  sitting before me on the dis and it's been going   on for much longer than the last two Commissioners  it was evident when melino had a case of champagne   and offered drink s for an Afterparty in the  parking garage after the ending of a BCC meeting   before adjournment when it was the last meeting  for uh commissioner Underhill it's also evident   when using commissioner Ker's report s he sent  to the Admiral about Base traffic why send the   district one commissioner who's got no experience  with military to explain what he didn't produce   it's also evident when uh commissioner Kohler  was skipped and shuffled around as the D2 who   was supposed to be uh rotated into the position  of chair and should now be in the position of   assistant chair or co-chair how many times have  each of you set as either the chair or co-chair   when in the last more than a decade District  uh two has had the position position perhaps once that's all I've got to say we have a  derangement syndrome up here and Gorbachev   tear down that wall Mr chairman I'm going to  respond to that Keith um I was appointed to   serve on the northwest Florida defense  communities board Jeff one second Keith   please have a seat yeah please have a seat  thank you you can still listen while you sit   thank you yeah you're welcome I was appointed  by the chairman because I served 15 years on   the local military Affairs committee as well as  growing up in a military family as well as working   on NAS Pensacola for 18 years I'm very familiar  with the topics and the issues at hand and it   was a natural appointment for me I have nothing  against Mike I respect his military service um I   spoke to the commander Naval installations command  the three star admiral I spoke to him in person   in a in a private meeting and we talked about  issues at whing field we talked about issues at   Nas and we talked about traffic at the Blue Angel  gate I didn't I didn't present any written report   Mike didn't send any written report with me so I  don't know where you're getting your information   but it's incorrect thank you Mr chairman Mr  chairman just for clarification because Jeffy   went in on this so um what had happened back in  January Admiral Quinn had reached out to me and   asked me to put some stuff together that would  counter the NP compatibility utilization study   the County Administrator was aware of this I  worked with several directors inside of our   our um in the county um they sent me stuff I went  back and forth sent that to adal Quinn we put a   point paper together it was nothing mean Spirit it  was in it was in the interest of the base um that   did happen it's out there I I didn't share with  you because I didn't know at the time I thought   Admiral Quinwood so there was nothing ill willed  by it at all no no we've been working on three   specific projects Mike I mean otherwise you you  get bogged down into the weeds Admiral Quinn spoke   with with uh with Admiral gray as well um but  about any kind of report that I was bringing on   behalf of the county it did that didn't happen  and I don't know if you you know wrote a point   paper or whatever you did but we talked about  three specific issues because those are the   things we're going for thank you that's all I have  to say okay super next speaker is Victoria Griffin can I get y a cop yes ma'am sure thank you ttim just some reading material for yall good  morning um this is about JoJo Villas as we've   been studying the impact of this development to  each of our wellestablished neighborhoods woodrun   Finley and JoJo we have learned how important  the Land Development codes need to be revamped   to respect the current and Future developments of  the county since we started this Joy Blackman has   developed the professional adversary committee to  analyze and suggest areas that needed Improvement   and she's done an extremely good job on that I  feel that the residents of mumia County should   not be the ones to pay for additional Services  when a new establishment is developed I think   there should be an impact fee as well as  environmental impact fees I say this because   when um the proposed development if it does come  through a holding Pond may be behind my home and   the impact fees environment impact fees would  help the county be able to repair some of those   things um I respectively request that the county  change our Zone from a high density mixed use to   a low density residential Zone this would be in  line with our neighborhoods that were developed   back in the 1970s I also feel that before large  neighborhoods impacting multi-unit housing is   approved nearby neighbors need to be notified in  advance withd drawings so that the impact can be   discussed thank you for your time thank you  Victoria the next speaker is Chris cerb thank you good morning um two minutes or three  minutes two minutes okay uh reason I asked   that uh sen Rosa county is having their board  meeting this morning too um they actually have   a same thing y'all call a committee of the whole  over here over there uh on a Monday and then on   a Thursday they have the regular meeting and  uh you basically get total of six minutes if   you go to both meetings but uh and it's all about  the people you know the people get to talk uh at   public public forum and you know that's you guys  get elected to listen to what the people say it's   We the People it's not me the people it's we the  people but anyway uh uh tomorrow evening uh at   5:00 downtown Pensacola Library a th friends for  Florida um has done some analyzed growth Trends   and they'll be doing a uh workshop for land use  and water quality for up to 2040 uh predictions so   um that's at 5:00 um building uh Beach Haven  building meaningful communities is also having   a uh meeting in the Beach Haven area uh Michael  asked me to speak um on uh Force Creek Apartments   flooding um there's a lot lot associated with  Force Creek Apartments flooding when it comes   to the community um and this subject came up last  week at the the Warrington uh CRA meeting you know   talking about uh that sunsets in December 2025  talking about trying to get that reinstituted   for another 30 years so um that's a good thing but  uh Forest Creek Apartment is one of those uh flood   problem areas that it's probably the worst one  in a scami county I'd say and uh you know I think   there's 80 to 100 families that get displaced in  that that uh neighborhood every time every time   we have a major flood event and uh I think it may  be time for the county to look look at uh putting   that back in your radar especially since we've got  uh uh very active hurricane season forecasted so   I didn't see the clock up there so but thank you  thank you Chris our our systems aren't working so   board just FYI will be voting during the meeting  by hand as well and I don't believe the screen   is going to be working for any item that's on the  agenda um so we'll see next speaker is Shirley pitz and I know it's been a number of times  I think that's your correct last name very   good good job thank you hello my name is Shirley  pitz and I live at 1385 Finley Drive I am here   today to speak in opposition to the proposed JoJo  subdivision Town Homes first I want to thank each   commissioner who voted for the P parking ordinance  this change recognizes that three or four younger   people commonly rent one home and split the cost  each of them has a vehicle the same is true for   many single adults my age who can no longer afford  to rent or buy an entire home and basically rent   a bedroom even in the so-called nuclear family  children don't stay small for long soon they are   driving and have their own cars needing their own  parking spaces time the number of parking spaces   to the number of sleeping rooms gives parody  please Commissioners direct staff to request   floor plans for the proposed JoJo units so that  the appropriate number of parking spaces can be   calculated by staff plans should not be approved  without first having this data the footprint of   the parking should be tied down before trying to  approve the footprint of buildings I am opposed   to this latest plan the town homes although  located near the back are still incompatible   in density and intensity as it crams town  homes on teeny tiny Lots instead of the one   dwelling per spacious lot that exists currently  on Finley Drive a builder of single family homes   would recognize the huge profit potential in the  sale of high-end large luxury homes on Big Lots   in this much to be desired location however  a landlord only sees monthly rental income   and continues to give incompatible proposals  thank you thank you next speaker is Larry DS Jr Hello Larry DS Junior Plumbing LLC because  FAL matters you got to hear it every time now   because that was a lot of this is this is just  for for Barry here that was there was a lot of   [ __ ] I got to say it like for little children  you know sensitive ears maybe some of y'all might   be part of the tissue generation you know easily  offended anyways uh y'all y'all remember when   y'all close down the beaches the outdoors you  closed it down for a virus that doesn't exist   Outdoors the place where you should be getting  sun vitamin D deficiency around the world just   basic science we had a local doctor here over  in Gul Breeze her name is Dr Deborah vigon she's   a real bad ass Berry I me I'm assuming I can  spell words here I mean you know I'm challenged   a little bit but I'll try anyways uh here's her  book covid-19 vaccines and Beyond it's not only   Dr Deborah vigle own but also Dr James Thorp so  y'all did not follow the science y'all followed   the corporations who make the money and y'all  followed the government so when you do that and   you find out that you spread dis misinformation  disinformation and lies then you have to apologize   you have to acknowledge where you went wrong  cuz we I I don't want elect that's the reason   why I don't want y'all to run for reelection I  don't need some somebody who just does as they're   told by the higher ups I want some independent  thinkers here I want some people that can open   their eyes and their mind and their ears see  what I mean that's how we've gotten in this   position Barry you run around outdoors with  your mask on that this is not personal this   is everybody uh everywhere we have to point out  the obvious so we don't make these mistakes again   see what I mean in our time two minutes there  ain't nobody in here you can't tolerate three   minutes your time is up L yeah finish Mission  obvious. comom if y'all want to look up some   real facts not this crony science bull crap  all right thank you thank you speaker is Sonia ree still waiting on those apologies public  good morning good morning we all take measures   to provide regular maintenance on our cars we  make sure that the engines have oil in them or   the engine blows up costing a much higher expense  than a few courts so it makes sense to maintain to   administer preventive measures to ensure we don't  have to react act to crises like a blown engine   or like thousands of homes being flooded so why  are we not focusing our efforts on prevention if   Bou Marcus had just simply been maintained maybe  you would hear less fussing so now we're sitting   on millions of dollars waiting for multiple  federal agencies to approve spending to address   our storm water and infrastructure needs and we  have to wait patiently for studies and surveys   and no one knows know how many bureaucrats  to stick their noses into County business so   whose responsibility is it to go back to the  powers that be at the D and the Deo and tell   them to stop hindering progress for the lowly  citizens of Escambia County I'm just curious um   how long did it take to approve of and how many  desk jockeys were involved in the decisions to   build a new Publix and a new Wawa and can we we  can tear down Acres of forest but we can't clean   out a creek it just doesn't make sense a  person who's taken to the ER to be treated   for life-threatening injuries isn't given a  bandaid and sent out the door and while we do   appreciate the small Band-Aid project at Atlas and  Pontiac it doesn't begin to address the problem   at large so can we change our Focus to be more  proactive and preventive rather than reactive can   we advocate for rational Common Sense decisions  that will allow for Less spending in the future   future and I ask you how would you feel what  would you do if it were your homes that were   constantly in Jeopardy of flooding thanks for  your time thank you the next speaker is Kathy rushing first time speaker good morning I grew  up here I want to thank you commissioner kowler   for what you did at Bailey and the people that  you brought out there it's a shame that Escambia   County allows Builders to get away with that  crap what what's happened to those people but   now my problem that I'm having is County produced  for failure to maintain the drain holes I live on   West Winthrop and I've got a slope on the east  side and I got a slope on the west side and here's   the drain hole and it's got to go across and then  I got a load of water coming off of homes I got a   load and I've got video from Sally gentlemen  so I can back up my words I was out there I   had to go across the street to unblock the hole  so the water could drain and not back up it has   not been maintained we need to have certain times  of the year every spring County Road needs to go   wherever these holes are and wherever they drain  over to and clean out the ditch the ditch is full   of Leaves last year in June when we had that Heavy  Rain I was out there cleaning the drain hole off   now because we have no law about parking on grass  right away my neighbor has killed off about 25 to   30 ft of grass and that you have sand now washing  into the drain hole that was never there before   we have got to be more preactive in what's going  on you see my flooding would be due to scambia   County and did that H my house that I'm in right  now because somebody blocked the drain in 05 the   edge of the house got water I've got Buckle over  there all because of that thank you I wish y'all   would just Broadway is doing the best they can  gentlemen but we have to make a schedule of those   because that makes y'all responsible right thank  thank you thank you next speaker is George Levy morning Commissioners Good morning George um I  have uh two copies of u i thing for the record   okay thank um I'm here to talk about um fou up  for and the enter in the public service record   cop of my email I sent to the scambia County  Commissioners board um on the 17th regarding   house insurance and the insurance industry BC EG  um a large County like Miami deed is classified as   a one like 100% efficient effective scambia  county is like a four which could be as low   as 65% effective why is a county allowing sub  standard housing construction to reduced cost   of a a house is Pennywise and dollar foolish  and I've heard this argument that it's to save   the cost of housing reduce the cost of housing  that's ridiculous when the wind blows and you   have a pile of toothpicks and a a person's life  savings in a pile there's also mentioned about   uh in the news about the Civic Center repairs is  there a situation where buildings need repair and   not being properly intended to like maintenance  proper maintenance like roof repairs are there   are there situations where a stitch in time will  save nine is the county in a rut of building new   structures then failing to maintain them then  have to knock down and rebuild is this a racket   number three I still have a concern and question  to your staff legal that has not been responded   to if a misapplication of County codes by staff  decisions result in an accident determined to be   responsibility of these uh Escambia County staff  making and implementing the decision would that   become the responsibility and liability of  the county and ultimately result in higher   taxes to the residents thank you thank  you thank you George next speaker is Jean Brown yes ma' thank you good morning I'm Jean Brown of 1475 Finley  Drive for 55 years I oppose JoJo Road Villa's   development is JoJo Road Villas a development plan  that can be approved I have looked at preliminary   plans and also at staff comments there seem to  be inconsistencies and incompatibility with the   existing neighborhood some questions Planning and  Zoning new parking ordinance will require three   parking spaces per single family or town home  a new plan is required to meet parking requir   ments and staff comments buffering and screening  development is adjacent to existing single family   homes at least one acre they have 15t buffer  along all side and rear lot lines where Town   Homes a but or adjacent to existing single family  homes uh regarding Bennett there has been a sale   which completely separates this single family  residence from Bennett Apartments the use is Now   sing single family residential not multif family  greater than 10 as it appears on the plan access   there is no Bridge across JoJo uh road across  the wetlands now Finley will be constructed to   County standards pipe storm water conveyance curb  sidewalk resurface will it be 18t pavement as now   who will pay what about the rest of Finley left  and right turn Lanes from Finley onto Jernigan we   were told there is not enough easement for traffic  with new development on Fenley Jernigan traffic   turning left onto Fenley will back up Jernigan's  50ft right of way power pole on Jernigan within   the 50ft ride Way South of Finley blocks The View  entering Jernigan at rush hour traffic turning   left onto Fox Hollow from Jernigan backs up  traffic to 9 miles road which has 73 residences in   Fox Hollow 81 proposed on Finley the T turnaround  has JoJo extension east of Westside Drive been   vacated the lift station can't be located within  the right of way the amenity area uh should be   fenced and accessible from uh the development only  not from Finley uh environmental the plan says a   portion of the subject parcel Falls within the  20year time travel Contours staff comments says   that the entire site lies within 7year time travel  thank you very much remember Finley JoJo All Right   board um that's our the last of our public forum  um if uh if y'all would indulge we do have rear   Admiral Kyle Kad here and he was uh hoping to just  kind of make a few comments and and give him a few   minutes to uh update us on some activities  U thank you and thank you for being here admal good morning Commissioners I appreciate  the opportunity here um I listened with great   interest uh to a conversation you all had um  regarding the National Flight Academy and by   way of introduction I'm Kyle Ked president CEO  of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation uh and   uh you know during those conversations there were  a lot of discussion of the lack of local impact   on our stem outreach program so I'd like to share  some numbers because when I joined the foundation   in 2020 I had the same exact impression that you  all did very little impact and I set out to change   that uh this year over 2530 local Escambia County  students many of which attend Title One schools   uh will attend some sort of stem Outreach stem  exposure programs at the National Flight Academy   or the national Naval Aviation Museum um from  a grade of uh 5 through 12 uh many at no cost   to Escambia County I'd like to walk through  each one of those programs I'll start with our   fifth grade program that's new to the area called  Starbase uh this year we uh estimate that over,   1600 1,600 students will attend Starbase uh  on board the national fight Academy that's   25 curriculum hours spread out over five days uh  I'll tell you that uh um in the two years since we   opened 100% of our Title One schools will have  children who attended that program 100% at no   cost to Escambia County uh in addition to that  we have 14 45 summer camp opportunities at no   cost to students uh we were also recently approved  for Starbase 2.0 which is an after school program   allowing 20 students from Warrington Prep  Academy an opportunity to go through similar   stem Outreach at Warrington prep for our middle  schoolers we have the flight Adventure deck and   flight Adventure deck encompasses primarily  field trips to the museum where kids get an   opportunity to do uh 12 to 15 stations where they  do Hands-On Aviation related exposure to stem um   Escambia County uh with the modest cost of  busing uh participates for free no cost to   the students this year uh we anticipate 732  students interesting when you compare that to   Santa Rosa County who takes much greater advantage  of the program they'll have almost quadruple that   at 3,219 and this is just all about opportunity  raising your hand uh and uh and signning up for   different sessions finally kind of the Capstone  program that you talked about specifically   National Flight academy uh the very first year I  was here we had um 25 local students who were able   to attend this year that number is up to 200 and  I will tell you that uh um we've worked hard to   leverage fundraising we have 107 scholarships that  will go to local students uh again over to the   county to decide and the school district to decide  which needs base students get to attend that and   we have 76 remaining for this summer program now I  would I would opine that you know you talked about   fun funding you talked about different programs I  also have capacity during the school year to set   up something similar to Starbase whether that's  a one-day field trip where high schoolers get to   come out uh and uh go through you know different  uh Mission planning opportunities learn about   airplanes learn about technology or whether that's  a 25 curriculum hour program I just need the help   uh from a funding perspective to be able to put  that in place ready to do that next year with a   partnership between the county and the National  Flight Academy gentlemen any questions yes M Mr   chairman commer BOS and commissioner Co yeah  thank you so much for coming out Admiral um   just and I appreciate that knowledge I've known  about Starbase at last for many years for for some   time I know it was shut down uh and then it came  back so I'm very happy about that in particular   just the the 7-Day trips to the National Flight  Academy I was at a presentation during industry   day at NAS Pensacola at the Oaks and the gentleman  who runs it very very articulate well spoken was   asked that question and that that's that was  the question I had about and it was a I mean   everything was all good I mean like every state  in the Union has had students come there for the   7-Day program or the 3-day or the one um multiple  countries 60 countries it's fantastic and the   question that I had was how many of the students  from esami County's poorest schools have had the   opportunity to do the 7-day trip and he gave me a  percentage of the total that was extremely anemic   I understand there's a cost involved the context  of the discussion commissioner May and I were   having was we've got $10 million in children's  trust funds we just simply wanted to know and and   I'm glad to hear you have 200 set aside I'm glad  about the 107 scholarship these are facts that   need to get out because frankly I wasn't aware  of it and that wasn't part of the presentation   during in Industry day but it it seemed like  an incredibly small percentage of the total   was coming from the schools that needed the most  so how can I how can I help from this position do   I need to go talk to the school board but there's  some students in our schools locally at Title One   schools extremely challenged that would really  benefit from a 7-Day adventure and if cost is the   is the obstacle or the impediment I want to find  a way to to facilitate that yeah so your spot on   the answer is cost there's a cost component to  is it 1700 for the 7day trip 1,700 for seven uh   for the six night six now you can you can spread  that out though because I heard I was I was very   interested in your discussion and you know one of  you mentioned we want 100% of our Title One kids   to have an opportunity to go out there with that  exposure you know that can start with a one day it   can grow to a one day over five different days  how much is the one day Admiral one day is $99   I that should have happened yesterday I'll I'll  fund it out of my own discretionary if necessary   but we have the children's trust and that seems  to be a core function um has the school has school   district have they reached out to you um because  we do have schools that are challenged I I've got   a a meeting with Dr Leonard uh in two weeks he's  going to come out and we're going to walk through   each of the different programs and I'll lay out  exactly what I laid out to you you know one of   the things I'd like to do um again the only cost  to scambia county is busing uh for the one- day   field trip to go to our flight Adventure deck as  cambia County underutilizes that there's great   opportunity and again this is just the cost  of buses I I want all of the above but I but   I want the kids the poorest kids in our district  since the taxpayers are paying for a children's   trust to have the ability for that 7-day trip  because I I've been to the flight I've been to   the National Flight Academy been there um it's a  beautiful facility a wonderful program and I think   the leadership that that instills and the stem  knowledge would well serve a lot of these students   who frankly you know that that cost is a barrier  so we need to find a way to bridge that yeah one   of the things we're doing differently this year  is one of our last weeks in a August is typically   underrepresented because of the school season  starts and so we've got 50 scholarships laid out   for local children uh and scambia County will help  us determine who those kids are to come on a on a   day so it's day only so they don't spend the night  uh but they're there for six consecutive days and   they have the same curriculum progr and I think  that's fantastic and that's great but for the   ones who want it I want them to have the ability  and uh so what percentage uh of local students   actually take advantage of the six day and are  able to get into it it was a low percentage it   is it is a low percentage I think I'm not BL  look I'm not assigning blame I want to find a solution so we've we've got through scholarships  um 200 probably probably about 100 students and   then we've got 76 scholarships remaining so what  percentage of the total what's the throughput for   year it's about 1,800 in the summertime so again  that's a small percentage Yeah okay well we can I   mean at least we know what the Baseline is now and  Jeff here's a challenge and I'd like to know what   titles went absolutely no blame but I do recognize  that I I brought uh black aviators to town uh in   the first African-American ever go to the Moon  uh we'll be going here in 2024 and unfortunately   there's a disproportionate amount of u black  and brown children that who become aviators uh   and we're the Cradle of Navy Aviation it's kind  of almost like 10 black kids can't swim when we   live you know with all this water surrounding  us so it's to me if I'm going to sit here and   uh have this position how do we expose them it's  great that they get the one- day trip I'm I go   all the way back with honor Bale with Starbase  Atlantis I volunteered for Starbase Atlantis and   Peter boo is my mentor so I certainly recognize  that I go to Annapolis every day and we still   have less than two not every day but once every  other year I I go to Annapolis to help recruit   um young African-Americans to the academy to the  blue glow officership but we are the cradle and   if the impediment is money and we're sitting on  millions of dollars in a children trust uh it   was for the children and so I'm happy that there  children coming from across this country uh to go   and uh become aviators or get exposed and that's  great I plot it uh but my responsibility is to the   children that are going in Title One schools in  district three that doesn't have that exposure and   so I think that Jeff and our conversation was to  be supportive and say you know I want the kids out   of global I want the kidss Lincoln Park Oak cred  Cy Addis Court you know if it's just one what what   if we create another chappie James what I mean  you know what an acculate for our community and   so I think we just want to help I I serve on the  children trust but we as a county I think was just   simply saying that we will be very supportive of  you going up it's expensive it costs I don't think   that it's free I think that we've already paid for  it through the children trust I would love to be   supportive of you coming and looking and telling  us what we need to do to support and I'd love to   know the actual outcomes of how many kids in Title  One schools and how many minority kids are going   to the seven- day class uh at their base because  children live here in this town uh particularly   poor black children they never get to go on  their base they never get to go on their Beach   they never get to go to their downtown we have an  opportunity to expose them and so that's where my   position is and I want to be supportive but I  do have concerns I I think we share the exact   same position and again if you look at star base  star base was a place to start that so get those   you know 100% of those titles one students out to  the academy for five different days and and that   changes lives um and so I look forward to looking  for a solution where we can continue to expose uh   and the academic year is a great time to be able  to do it um we can also do it over the summer but   a lot of different options there um I am a non  for profit uh but I'm also a not for loss so I   just have toover those absolutely well I mean if  if if money is the issue I mean I just don't want   that to be the impediment or or the excuse I mean  what what does it ca when when we have to have a   a crime of a kid killing a kid that's hundreds of  thousands of dollars I don't want a child to not   have the opportunity to go on their base in their  community and we say that it's because of money I   mean to me that's just unacceptable we figure  out how to find the money if there's a child   that's promising that's working hard that's doing  everything that he's supposed to do and he just   needs a seven I mean a 7-day trip to the base  will change an in cic kid's life and he may be   intrigued to want to go and serve in one of our  armed forces and our Naval Academy at West Point   and so we just want to give them that opportunity  for to continuing to work with you all to come up   with longer term Solutions thank you any other  question I just want to thank you I can't for   watching picking up on the discussion and coming  down and brief us the colleagues had several good   questions I had one question I want you to clarify  you said Santa Rosa had 3,000 students I think   we said were a little over 700 what's what what's  the real difference why is that I don't understand   so so traditionally Santa Rosa has embraced the  program more than Escambia County uh and I think   for Escambia County it boils down to busing um  because that's the only cost actually so it's SC   be in Santa Rosa County each provide a teacher  that's on site so they help facilitate that   program uh but the only other cost of the county  is you know busing to get kids back and forth we   pick up we Bear all the other other cost of the  program okay so maybe we need to work with our   school board members okay and also since I you're  here I want to thank you for the meeting the the   day on the back base I had some good productive  uh feedback obviously you guys hosted it and   thanks so much it it was useful and a lot of good  feedback came out of I know we had a little work   to go thank you sir thanks for your engagement  Admiral thank you so much I I really appreciate   it and is the busing an issue I mean they're not  that that's my understanding and U so when you   know Dr Smith was here you know this will be my  first opportunity to really have a conversation   uh and walk through each of the programs uh with  Keith Leonard and so um I can come back to you you   know with a some sort of more formal answer but  that's everything that we've heard in the past   is you know it's a busing issue for um Escambia  County well I mean that that'd be very unfortunate   and I'll certainly talk to Schoolboard member  Williams that would be very disappointing I mean   as much as you're giving if they're not bringing  Transportation but I I tell you I will bring it   forward to this board that the school board will  not provide transportation for these disadvantaged   children we have an ecat system and we will I  mean I think that it's their responsibility but   if you're going to tell me that we're not going  to take inner city children to their base I mean   we'll figure that out if we got to you know  do it from our ecat wonderful all right thank   you so much thank you thank you yes sir all right  board we do have one more public speaker uh Cara Lavin good morning good morning um I'm here to  speak um I'm kind of trying to get my foot in   the door about a uh well more opportunities for  women coming out of the scambia G the scambia   county jail um as of right now of course the camp  5 um is more of a rehabilitation for men and um   I'm here to speak about maybe getting or what  your thoughts are for a camp five for women um   more opportunities for women to have trades as far  as getting out and um doing something other than   what they're used to doing getting in um as you  as you know they have of course um they weld you   know they have the training for dogs and as of  right now we are um we are at the dog pound and   I was going to see if maybe we couldn't utilize  some of those kennels to help rehabilitate some   of these dogs in Red Zone and rehabilitate some  of these women um I know that we really don't   have the funding for it but I was going to go to  chur churches and maybe go to the streets about   anything and everything we can get our hands  on for more opportunities for women in a scambi   County Jail super yeah thank you I appreciate you  guys yep good idea board that is um that's all the   speakers for public forum if there's no opposition  I would just do do we need a break for a couple   minutes or just adjourn and reconvene everybody  good okay all right we're just going to adjourn   and reconvene adjourn public for convene agenda  the board of County Commissioners regular meeting   April 22nd 9 9:13 a.m. please turn yourself  into the vibrate silence or off setting the   board of County Commissioners allows any person to  speak regarding an item on the the agenda speaker   will be limited to 3 minutes unless otherwise  determined by the chairperson to allow sufficient   time for all speakers speakers please refrain from  abusive or profane remarks disruptive Outburst   protest or any other conduct which interferes with  the orderly conduct of the meeting upon completion   of the public comment period discussion will be  limited to board members and questions raised by   the board invocation this morning commissioner  ker Pastor low if you'll please come up he's my   pastor from all of Baptist Warrington if we'll  please stand he'll give us our invocation see good morning Mr chairman members of the board  county staff I want to read a blessing to you   from The Book of Ruth may the Lord reward you  for what you have done and may you receive a full   reward from The Lord of God of Israel under whose  Wing You' have come for Refuge let's pray together   father God I thank you so much for these ladies  and gentlemen who have set themselves aside for   public service God I pray that you would give  them the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of   Job God as they help a scambia county God govern  God and uh provide a safe and a wonderful place   for people to live and recreate and work God I  pray for them God I pray like I said that you   would give them wisdom God I pray that you would  bring Unity God to this group as they seek God to   bring about the best for this County God I thank  you for the joy of a beautiful day that you've   given us God we thank you for for your grace and  your mercy God I pray today God that you would be   glorified through the proceedings of this board  and this commission God I thank you for Jesus and   I pray in his name today amen amen commissioner  May will you lead us in the pledges yes sir   please join me in the pledge I pledge flag United  States of America the stand na indivisible andice thank you thank you Mike you're welcome thank  you Lumen any items to be added to the agenda   uh and Kristen hu uh assistant County attorney  is uh sitting with the board this morning any   items to be add at this agenda CH yes sir thank  you commissioner Mike No Sir Mr chairman nothing   for me mik I do have to add something I need to  add a thousand to this scami County um Sheriff's   of foundation for the Blazer Society I lost the  donut eating on PVC pipe to representative salsman okay is that is that good reflected into the dice  that's good okay um I don't have anything Comm uh   Mr administrator all right thank you uh entertain  motion to adopt the agenda so move Mr chairman all   right please vote item passes 4 to zero and uh  again uh we will be be voting by by hand this   morning commissioner for commissioner May uh  thank you Mr chairman I I do want to thank all   those who participated in the um fair housing um  this weekend um human relations and in our housing   department uh Tim Claire Joe Glover uh Leroy and  and all those it was a a great event um want to   thank our staff that's working hard on our summer  uh youth program uh had an unprecedented amount of   young people who have applied and uh you know the  great thing I want to applaud the staff that you   know we have 27 plus people who are young people  who are now full-time um employees of the county   who started in our summer employment program and  we didn't have to spend money recruiting them or   advertising them they found us they worked they  were vetted and I do appreciate it and to all   of the Departments that are giving young people  a chance I want to apply those departments and   encourage other departments uh that sometimes  it's challenging uh to bring young people in   because we feel like they get in the way but  uh we need to give them an opportunity training   costs opportunity cost and so I encourage our  directors uh and our Administration uh to make   sure that we're exposing uh many of these young  people as we just talk to the Admiral never get   an opportunity to go outside of their environment  they will never get an opportunity to work uh in   these different settings and so to all of our  non for-profit Partners uh and to our directors   to our constitutionals uh we hope that you will  open the door uh to accept uh more of our young   people who are trying to get to get a job and do  want to thank Mr McBride ker Escarosa they've been   a partner for years and unfortunately uh State  funding uh prohibited them from helping so I   want to thank my colleagues uh for thinking uh how  important this program is for the children of scam   County and um Jeff it's one of the things I've  said to staff and it's unfortunate that our staff   has not um gone to Children trust because that's  an important program for those 18 and other I mean   to give them a job and give them money and Abol  so well I see director Hall Wesley Hall and and   you know I hope that Claire and those will be you  know bringing forth something to Children trust to   make sure that we can increase uh children and  not turn them around to extra funding so thank   you Mr chairman yes sir commissioner go thank you  Mr chairman and first and foremost I want to thank   uh the gentlemen and ladies in the attendance in  attendance here and and in particular my fellow   board members for um moving this meeting for me I  had a very important conference in Sarasota last   week that uh that necessitated my attendance so  much appreciated uh appreciated that uh I want to   I want to reach out and thank uh Sheriff Simmons  he had a great a great event in our district in   district one at the uh five flag Speedway it  was cops cars and crawfish and they allowed me   to be a guest judge for the cars and I I tell you  I'm not I'm not a car guy but uh there were some   really amazing Vehicles out there and all for  a good cause all for the sheriff's Foundation   who and he's got a number of programs you talk  about Youth Development the Blazer Academy the   and the other programs that they're doing  just fantastic for the for the kids in our   community so congratulations to uh Whitney Lucas  and Sheriff Simmons and and all the men and women   out there and all the people who brought cars it  was a great event familyfriendly positive very   very good um I also want to talk about a little  bit about the roundabout at purito Key one of   the things I I did see when I was in Sarasota was  roundabouts that work right roundabouts that work   that are large where the roads are centered on  the middle of the roundabout where you actually   have to turn and make a turn unfortunately for  me I inherited a roundabout in District 1 that   uh it's of a substandard size and I'm getting  a number of complaints about it it's just uh   it's it's just not working we've attempted minor  tweaks we've we've had a number of people just   drive right through the middle of it because it's  so small uh We've applied rumble strips but the   rumble strips that were put in were extremely  aggressive so the folks don't like that but I   just wanted uh everyone to know that the entire  staff is looking at that um they're going to bring   a plan to enlarge it of of an appropriate size  at Center the lanes or demo it and put a traffic   light there um but as it is as it is constructed  there right now it's not working it's backing up   the traffic people are angry so I just want folks  to know we're looking at that we're going to find   a solution and we're going to we're going to  implement the right solution um two weeks two   weeks ago we did have the ADC conference in  Washington DC there's a number of big issues   and and I know that that this sentiment has been  echoed from the board but 52% 52% of our economy   locally is generated from DOD expenditures in our  community not just in Pensacola but in Santa Rosa   County throughout the Panhandle and there are a  number of really hot button issues that need to   be uh on the front burner up there so we had  a very very productive conversation with the   Admiral who runs every base in the world he's  in charge of every base in the world and we had   a very intimate meeting with him and we talked  about the need for a Child Development Center at   whing field the need for additional funding for  the hangers uh and particularly the one that's   condemned at NAS Pensacola and also we talked  about traffic out the back gate we talked about   ways to uh amarate that that's a real problem I  mean we love the Blue Angels we certainly never   want to move the practices off of the base we  want to keep them right there we want to keep   that mission here but there's a number of things  that have to happen so appreciated the opportunity   to go up there I appreciate the participation by  Todd Thompson the chairman of the seat uh of the   uh uh Chamber of Commerce Debbie panko the the  executive director Northwest Florida defense   communities um Colton Wright commissioner Colton  Wright from Santa Rosa County joined us as well   and it was very productive so I appreciate that  and appreciate the rescheduling of this meeting   uh this week we're going to have a coffee with  the commissioner live at pido Key we're gonna   I'm sure talk about the roundabouts we're going  to talk about a lot of issues anything you all   want to talk about with me join us at 6:30 a.m.  at the visitors center right on PTO key drive and   we can talk about all that things 6:30 to 7:30  there's a couple exciting announcements that are   going to be made about lifeguards at p key at our  public beach access and we've been working very   hard I appreciate the board's support for that  something that's desperately needed last year   sadly we had three deaths from one family um they  were visiting from out of town and they did not   Unfortunately they did not uh realize the danger  of these rip tides and when one got in trouble   another one went in then that one got in trouble  the third one went in they all drowned so um we're   going to do everything we can and I'm glad that  one year later removed from that we're going to   have lifeguards at Puro key first time first time  and we're going to do it so we're going to talk   about that I look forward to that discussion also  going to talk about the Lilian boat ramp brand   new uh 39 acre facility that's just about ready I  know they're having some issues with dewatering it   was supposed to be open by now but it's been the  culmination of a six and a half year project and   very excited to bring that and then finally we're  going to talk about uh a new station 20 um there's   there's been a 5-year effort to get property from  the Navy on Bower Road to replace station 20 U   my understanding is we have that paperwork  now so uh pay attention and stay tuned for   very exciting announcement for all those residents  in Paradise Beach that have been without fire   service coverage um it's coming and I appreciate  everyone's work on that thank you Mr chairman yep   commission col actually just on what Jeff said I  actually help facilitate that land transfer for   them it's not in my district but I'm proud to do  that and help and I want clarification Jeff that   Admiral gray is only over the Navy installations  not not all the bases well the all the Navy B yeah   not but I think you said the whole world oh did  I yeah I gave my promotion mik I know all right   last time we were here um we were notified that  there was a fire out off G Beach Highway and um   as you know it was a pretty extensive fire next  day I went out and did a site visit out there and   I can't express how much uh our fire department  saved those houses of Mary Ellis if you went out   there and saw it um the vinyl on the back side  of several of the houses had been burnt down   you would not have believed that they could have  survived uh there were multiple parties we were   going to do a proclamation today but we'll move  that forward till we can get all all everyone   here but after talking to the forest service it  takes them about 50 minutes to get down there they   stayed there for two days um Nas fire department  out there there were multiple trucks out there I   don't want to miss anyone but awesome job on Save  and personal property you can express it that's   what the county does for you in tough times and  that was an unbelievable job um I'm going to go   through a few things one one thing on Monday the  governor came to um our district it's always good   when the Govern comes to you know uh District  2 that had to do a little bit about the Triant   money um I wrote a letter for Dr Ru for that and  I never thought they're going to get $7 million   but what's more important than that is what that  schools haven't help but what's happening outside   of that school this board has helped change  and Dr Ruiz actually pulled me aside after the   governor left some of the things that we've done  around G uh Old corfield Road Lex and Terrace Park   the blight on Navy that's all because the board  had voted for that and it's those small changes   that're starting to take that failing school and  hopefully they'll have some success so I just want   you to know the governor notices that um Charter  USA knows that and we'll see where they end up   April's military child month if you have kids that  were over in the military like my kids they had to   leave we had to go to DC I had to go down to GMO  they were born in Oakland and Guam and all over   the place but these kids are displaced they go  through different challenges and um it's just   important to know recognize them this month all  right I got some sta staff shout outs on Tuesday   we did the neighborhood CRA at Warrington as you  know uh Neighborhood Services Everett and Max Max   is kind of the lead on this Sherry we had about  40 people maybe even more I don't know but Alexan   Terrace was completely packed with people writing  comments on the wall what they wanted out of   their Community how to revitalize the around the  base um very very productive meeting we have one   more on May 28th and um I just I I can't applaud  Neighborhood Services for the work they did the   very next night we had um a meeting out at Puro  States and this is where your County government   is doing their job again that neighborhood is  flooded for 20 years I came in and I asked um   legal the County Administrator engineering to come  up with a plan they did it's not the best plan   when you have to put an msbu together but it's a  plan where these folks can have some sort of um   if they accept the msbu uh flood flood protection  and um I appreciate what engineering Stefan your   shop coming out in finance um Public Works Jamie  was there it was a tough talk but I think when   we left there people felt um happy that we had  the conversation and that the county came up   with some sort of solution so we'll see if we get  there on um yesterday I got to thank keep B called   Beautiful they went out around Westco we cleaned  up 10 blocks around Myrtle Grove uh Charles bear   was there and I can't think him enough for that  it was a it was a good day and then this weekend   if you don't know I went to TDC I guess was  it Monday or Tuesday and good H Hope Cemetery   has been blighted the church can't maintain it  homeless have taken it over when I brought this   up last time we had a cry out to the office the  news covered it we're probably going to have 50   to 100 people show up behind kesco on Saturday  multiple military units all of Baptist Baptist   Warrington Church we're going to have Good Hope  Church several black leaders uh Ellison Bennett   Marcel Davis and we're going to start working on  making that a better site for people that have   been neglected for some time and it's the right  thing to do and and the last thing I want to say   I know a few of you will know this person um Neil  Davis is a retired Navy Captain he was in the Navy   for I think 35 years 13 pay grades he's being  buried today out at um baranis his wife was the   chairman of the Republican party for many years  um he was engaged in that and um I'm thinking   about you U both Dorothy and everyone there  today at branas thank you Mr chairman thank you   commissioner I want to uh that t TC mentioned TDC  board meeting that you mentioned last week Mike   and uh you know obviously I think Jeff was there  as well but the funding for the base Center was a   was a big deal that made it that made it through  there that uh that $10 million from existing   funds obviously that's a uh you know that's a  component of of the uh of the improvements that   we're hoping to do at the Baye Center um which  is also going to be paired with uh you know with   a large debt placement utilizing the TDC the bed  tax revenue that we create um you know already um   you know that those improvements at the base  Center will be paired with that multi-use   multi-use facility Ash Brenan and the consultant  is uh Consultants wrapping up the feasibility   and cost uh cost analysis all of those things I  believe they're going to be intending to uh make   a presentation to the board at the beginning  of June that's the that's the hope there um   couple things I want to shout out to Mike roads  and Parks and Rec a couple of you know they had   very successful couple of weeks um the Saturday  after our last board meeting uh Ashton Brenham   where we've hosted the SEC women's tournament the  last couple of Seasons hosted around Robin with   Mississippi State LSU and University of Florida  coming up and playing three soccer matches on   Saturday afternoon on the 6th of April and uh  it was paired with the Texans having I don't   know if it was a big tournament or just games or  whatever but there were thousands of people out   of Ashton Brenham on that Saturday uh when it took  kids out there to watch uh to watch some college   soccer so it was it was packed uh packed with  people even without the even without the round   robin SEC tournament but the field looked great  uh talking to some of the conference leadership   as well some of the uh some of the team coaches  they all seemed very very positive and pleased   with again the the state of the field uh the state  of the field the state of the park as well as the   reception that they received from uh from scambia  County Citizens again um they were they stayed at   the beach and you know enjoyed uh you know enjoyed  that while they were partaking in their in their   soccer matches and then uh one thing that's on the  that's on the agenda today but you know may not   get a lot of discussion at the time is going to  be uh the culmination of a a long process uh back   and forth with International Paper about leasing  the property where they operated a golf course in   cantonement at Mogi Road for many many they the  golf course operated for many many years um and   we're you know uh things working with publicly  traded companies are uh you know often a little   bit slower than uh you know government things  are slow and then those companies are probably   even slower um so we you know nearly ticked off  three years of uh of back and forth to get an   agreement in place but you I want to thank uh  the current Mill manager Hunter Morris as well   as uh the former Mill manager Scott Taylor it was  really uh this this lease really was the product   of conversations that he and I started having in  the summer of uh uh summer of 2021 uh you know   trying to come out of come out of Co and uh find  something that would really be a good partnership   the golf course had been uh wasn't being operated  at that time by for a couple of years so they were   looking for a use and uh and we were looking  for you know looking for an amenity for our for   our constituents so uh also want to thank Whitney  Fike and then uh Mike rhs and Adam Reed and all of   the folks in parks and wreck as well as know she's  not here today but Alison Rogers uh spent a lot of   time working with the IP's general counsel going  back and forth between Memphis and New York to uh   to get an agreement to the point that we're ready  to have it on the board uh on the board meeting   today uh so that's very exciting um Steve yes so  because you know I have dear friends like Joe Mack   up up there what are you doing what what are you  doing at that golf course so what we're looking   to do is uh so and you know part of part of this I  want to thank Stefan uh hall for you know kind of   figuring out the funds part of it so um it's going  to be a uh a lease rather than an acquisition of   the property so we're limited we're uh you know  local option sales tax money on the property is   not necessarily an option so the brick and mortar  Things Are are somewhat limited again because you   know we don't we don't own the property uh but we  are going to have a pavilion as well as a you know   as well as a nice playground and then a walking  Track large walking Track around all the property   and uh an 18 hole uh disc golf course and all of  uh you know I don't know the layout of the layout   of all the amenities I think the Pavilion will be  you know on the western side of the property close   to where there used to be a there was a clubhouse  at one time on the western side of the golf course   I don't know ex I would think the playground  would be somewhere in that vicinity and then   the disc gol May mirror the current Golf Course  to some degree you know on utilizing some of the   layout of the holes um and then so be it'll be a  public golf course a public disc golf course yeah   yeah and uh then a in a in a large public walking  Track I think that uh that's going to allow for I   don't know mile and a half or mile and a half or  so of a walking Track out there something like   that maybe two miles it's it's pretty lengthy um  so it's it's very exciting well I think that the   cantom uh neighborhood association is pretty  excited I've talked to a few of them because   they're my friends and all those kids are wh  line and that Cantonment ballpark they don't   have a lot so yeah it's it's exciting I was uh out  with some folks at Carver Park on Friday afternoon   and yeah they did they did seem excited right by  Joe's house but yeah uh it's uh I think they're   excited they're also very excited about the uh  you know about finally moving forward with their   facility uh on the footprint of Carver Park that's  very exciting you know there's uh you know some   sometimes and you know I know we we deal with  this over you know over the years uh as we work   with nonprofits there's often people that will  tell them well you know I'll do this for you and   I'll do that for you yeah sometimes those things  don't sometimes those other partners don't really   uh you know don't it doesn't really work out the  way even if it's as well- intended as it could be   um it doesn't really work out you know it's uh  people will tell you well just go get $100,000   from here and $100,000 from there and that's  sometimes more challenging than it uh than it   sounds like when somebody else is telling you to  go get somebody else's money so I think they're I   think the group is is excited to be moving forward  with a a great amenity you know and another uh you   know driving through there right now the the  area looks great and you start thinking about   a you know another million to a million and a  half uh of public facility on the property it's   going to be a great thing you know they can do  they can do a lot in you know 3,200 plus square   feet in there to uh benefit that Community yeah  I mean and Stephen when we don't get a chance to   talk I mean we have so much bad news it's good to  have you know good news every now and then there   quite a bit if quite a bit of good news yeah  yeah yeah I don't know if it negates the bad   news that we get daily but uh there are so many  inner city Urban kids you know coming down from   Century in that area uh and their lack of exposure  to golf their lack of exposure to tennis uh into   those things I mean the um track teams that that  they're doing now um for a lot of kids and they   doing over at Washington High School uh a good  track for kids coming out of that area gives   them a different opportunity other than just footb  football or baseball uh so any support that I can   give to you on this board to make that available  to those kids I mean I know you have a lot of low   income areas and particular from Sentry those kids  just don't have a lot to do it's not a lot of them   and what I was talking to a group about Steve is  y'all probably going to have to make your way down   closer to cantonement because you know you don't  have the population to do the programs we tried to   do some programs with children trust but they just  couldn't generate the amount of kids but if we can   get something closer to them rather than them  having to come down to a tennis court you know   in esamia County at oest or a track or a  golf some of those kids have never been on   a golf they don't even know what a golf club is  neither do I but still that at least you can you   can expose it to them yeah and it's cutting you  know it's cutting that commute at least in half   you know if they're coming to you know coming to  cantonement rather than uh making their way all   the way to town and um you know I did talk to talk  to some folks that are uh that are coaching up at   Sentry this year this spring for wck baseball  yeah it's a it's a banner year uh you know they   got I 13 14 teams for the first time in more than  a decade you know their participation is a lot is   up a lot at that wck Park so that's that was good  to hear it's created a little bit of problems for   him that you know with space and some of that  stuff but it's uh just having that participation   again is uh you know is good so would you know  they certainly need they certainly need as much   good news as we need so Absol it's funny that you  say the baseball and I know Mike does a great job   and we're partnering with the city over at Raymond  riddle but it it's challenging uh particularly in   cities for baseball it's it's become so expensive  lack of volunteers uh the cost of bats I mean it's   just it's a big challenge so uh if and it's not  just a crisis in scami County it's a crisis across   this country getting Urban kids to play baseball  I mean uh they've almost abandoned it and people   say well they just not interested well it's  challenging uh you know every practice you lose   five balls and the ball cost $10 a ball you got to  have a $500 bat we we just you know particular in   District three you know I'm a little disappointed  in the lack of baseball uh that's happening for   um inner city children and so hopefully you know  we can do something uh to help that I know you're   doing a much better job in the North End uh with  the disadvantage baseball than we're doing here   uh it's you I tell you one one of the issues that  you know one of the issues that Cent has that that   we've been able to help with you know uh one of  the things we took off the associations you know   11 or 12 years ago was the maintenance maintenance  of the parks themselves Mowing and you know   keeping it up and those kind of things um within  the town limits they they don't necessarily have   that they're still you know the the town the  town of century isn't necessarily uh capable of   taking those responsibilities off of the wreck  Association so you know some of those they're   having some of those problems that we were having  10 or 12 years ago with fees being you know fees   being very high for participation and that's uh  you know and that's a you know that's a challenge   so that may be something we have to look at next  year I think see that's a good point I don't know   what the number is Michael Rose would know it  when we first got elected I know we implement   it to taking care of those parks that was on  the backs of Belleview murder Grove Ensley all   those Parks um and that we absorbed that cost  so we can make sure that no child's left behind   that every child gets an opportunity to play so  that was a pretty heavy lift but now that we've   done it for so many years it kind of becomes  standard operations but you know that's why   you know it's important to me that no child is  Deni an opportunity to play because of funds I   mean because at the end of the day we are taking  on you know the maintenance of the field it's very   important absolutely commissioner all right board  Mr administrator thank you Mr chairman I'd like to   ask Andy Gibson if she could come forward Andy's  uh one of our professional young ladies at work in   our CMR division Department Andy has just received  the 2024 Communicator of the Year award from the   Pensacola chapter of the Florida public relations  Association on April 18th 2024 the criteria was   the communicator of the Year award is given to a  public relations professional or Andor agency who   demonstrates outstanding skills in any of the  following categories Communications for nonprofit   or government organization Communications for a a  for-profit organization or crisis Communications   Andy is a diligent hardworking Communicator for  esey County as a County's Public Information   officer she works daily with local and National  media members to provide pertinent information to   Residents and visitors additionally she  works with County departments to share   their message with the community including  information about County Services upcoming   events and and things that are important to County  related news Andy his dedication to her career is   reflected by how she communicates with our Media  Partners our Media Partners play a vital role in   how our citizens are informed by their local  government she understands the importance of   effectively and accurately communicating  this information to our Media Partners   and maintains a positive and collaborative  relationship with all of our media I love   working with Andy I know she has supported a lot  of y'all's events through the years here in the   of the CMR Department Andy congratulations on the  award you do a fantastic job for us thank you so much yeah congratulations yeah thank you  um I'm just want to say thank you to the   Pensacola chapter of uh Florida public  relations Association for selecting me   for this award um I want to thank Davis wood my  uh counterpart and other Pio for nominating me   you don't have to be a member of our chapter to  win this award um there are tons of wonderful   other PR and Communications Professionals in  Pensacola so to be selected for this award   is a huge honor so thank you very much and thank  you Davis congratulations again Mr chairman Andy   I want to publicly thank you I mean because  most of our work is done on weekends and at   nights and town halls and and Gatherings you  never rush you're always there and you just   treat the citizens with so much care I mean  Steve you talk about a good public servant   we always talk about Andy um you are the rising  star and I appreciate what you do in my district   thank you thank you so much and I'll see you  at Rosman Johnson Beach day on Saturday May   4th we'll be there thank you thank you Andy  Mr administrator anything else all right board   we'll move into the uh into the agenda entertain a  motion to adopt the proclamations second thank you   please vote item passes 4 to zero uh Eric Gilmore  if you might make your way forward this going to   be adopting the proclamation declaring the week  of April 12 through April 20 as National Public   Safety telecommunications week in scambi county  in honor of the men and women whose diligence   and professionalism keeps our County safe Eric  you've got the floor thank you sir good morning   Commissioners uh as they make their way up to  the front I want to talk a little bit about   these fine men and women who uh do our 911 or  Communications are The Unsung unseen Heroes of   our First Responders and not only are they great  communicators with the public in a crisis they're   also psychologists they're also social workers  uh they do it all so when they take that 911 call   there's no telling what hat they have to put  on uh to meet the need of the citizen that's   calling them so uh we did have telecommunicator  uh Communications week was last week but uh we   do want to give the proclamation for them and  whereas Public Safety telecommunicators are the   first enforce U most critical contact citizens  have at our Emergency Services these dedicated   men and women are First Responders and are more  than anonimous voices on the telephone line they   are Public Safety telecommunication professionals  who quickly respond to over 200 116,000 emergency   calls every year in Escambia County and  emergency responders rely on their knowledge   and professionalism to make critical decisions  obtain information and quickly dispatch needed   Aid Public Safety telecommunicators are the single  vital link to our law enforcement firefighters   Emergency Services by monitoring their activities  By Radio providing them information and ensuring   their safety Public Safety telecommunicators  have saved countless lines Prov by providing   step-by-step instructions to render Aid prior  to First Responders arriving on scen the work   of these unson first unseen First Responders  is invaluable in emergency situations and each   of these dedicated men and women deserve our  heartfelt appreciation citizens Place their   trust in these individuals not just this week  but every day of the year and every emergency   dispatcher 911 call Taker and radio and telephone  technician exhibit compassion understanding and   professionalism during the performance of  their job while assisting those in need now   therefore be it proclaimed that the board of  County Commissioners hereby declared a week of   April 14th through April 20th 202 2 4 National  Public Safety telecommunicators Week in honor   the men and women whose diligence and professional  keep our County safe 24 hours a day 7 days a week   365 days a year Board of County Commissioners  Steven Barry chair Jeff BOS District 1 Michael   kler District 2 and lumma May District 3  thank you'all very much for what you do so [Applause] I just want to say thank you for everybody  Communications um people don't understand   what all they go through U sh how many  years you have how many you Chen has 20   years there Robin has 19 chenet is second  generation now one dispatcher it's a lot to   go through a lot of time away from families  a lot of stress so I just want to appreciate   every you know appreciate y'all and appreciate  them with what they do thank y'all thank you y and sir just real quick um I want to introduce  Morgan Pope uh she's um one of our EMTs with a   scambi County EMS she lives in Okaloosa County and  we want to kind of recognize her and just put her   in the for uh Spotlight here just just real quick  minute if you indulge me uh she lives in Okaloosa   County and while she was off duty she had the  she unfortunately had to respond to her next   door neighbor a 2-year-old child uh was faced down  in a pool for oh no we don't minutes 5 minutes uh   downtime so the neighbor came knowing that Morgan  was one of our EMTs ran next door grabbed Morgan   come help out help out with the child Morgan  did started CPR before anybody got there and   got Ros what we call Ro return of circulation to  the two-year-old child uh while the child had she   gave the child every bit of opportunity to to to  revive itself and for the responders to get there   unfortunately the child did pass but she  did the initial response got the initial   Ros Okaloosa County is going to kind of uh do  our appreciation for her but you know being   our employee and proud of what she does off  duty and using her skill set we do want to   recognize her too and thank you say thank  you Morgan for what you do on and off duty   and level professionalism you you exhibited  so while the outcome wasn't what we wanted   uh she did give that child every chance uh to  fight while the responders got there so thank   you for allowing me to take this time to uh  Comm in at Morgan Pope uh front of the board so Mr chairman Mr chairman Eric uh this weekend  at the fair housing uh there was a young lady um   whose blood pressure went up fainted fell out uh  and I want to just thank the fire department and   your EMS guys uh for quickly responding we got  it to the hospital and probably had they not   been their setup it would have you know probably  been way worse than it really was so I do want to   uh thank your guys and thank your team uh for  being there and responding Deputy fire chief   was there uh and a lot of your other teams your  EMS guys were there and they did a great job uh   in responding and with extra special care for the  lady and she ended up at Baptist uh but she's um   better now so thank you for thank you sir thank  you for acknowledgement thank you Eric stay there   just a second Mr chairman if I Morgan thank you so  much I just have a question when we have a staff   member that um is with the patient when they die  like that is there some sort of After hot wash or   conversation for their own mental health so we  do so you it's going to be a to responder how   they process it and everything uh but we do offer  our peer support team so uh even with our on duty   Personnel when they run across a bad situation  uh the peer support teams activated for to go   talk now this it's there for them if they want  it great if they don't want it it's up to them   it's how they process their grievance and how  they're processing the scene in their mind but   we do activate the peer support team and even  though she was off duty it still it impacts her   and peer support team was activated for her she  she did take advantage of it and then we uh if she   needs further if anybody needs anything further  past that then we offer that up in the county as   well but yes we do yes sir no that's awesome  I just want to make sure we had Sports system   burn out we have to we burn out his bit yes sir  absolutely thank you Mr chairman one last thing   u i he walked in in the former mayor and Farmer  County Commissioner District 4 um former mayor   Grover Robinson and commissioner I thought he was  coming to take that seat this morning is why I   thought he was here but but he he still sat down  there so I thought he was coming up so the seats   open Grover yeah I certainly want to recognize  our our colleague of a three-term commissioner   from District 4 as well as as well as mayor and  a six-year colleague of uh of uh a number of us   on the dice so Y and we rumors that he's going  to take that seat back so congratulations let   let the rumor start here um they did the clerk's  office re receive proof of publication Mr chairman   the clerk's office I apologize uh Item B which  was a second Proclamation we're going to drop   uh we're going to drop this morning a motion  to drop that all right please vote item pass   is 4 to Zer I apologize did the clerk's office  receive proof of publication Mr chairman the   clerk's office has received all proofs all right  I entertain a motion to wave the reading second   all right please vote item pass is 4 to Zer 901  public hearing uh for concerning proposed Grant   application for the 5339 funding all right board  we do have two public speakers first one's Larry DS Larry DS junr pluming LLC because vle matters  all right uh this is some of that that free that   free grant money you know the the free grant  Ferry this is this is just amazing that y'all   are going to uh keep I mean I get it you can  hardly can hardly keep from just grabbing free   money it's hard to do it's hard to do even if it  if it's against even if it goes to our own demise   can't can't we got to get it look at this $14.1  million $2.9 million for this is one of them for   $935 Ft electric buses not to mention the charging  stations uh 2.4 million uh training this is just   amazing I mean I'm sitting here going I wonder  if they know that we're destroying the planet   trying to save the planet it's amazing how what  kind of stress is this going to put on our grid   you know uh this is on our roads how heavy are  these buses I mean they must have giant freaking   batteries that require what uh hold on hold on I  got to I got a I got it screenshotted here cuz I   just happened to share one of these last night  to manufacture to manufacture one Tesla battery   for a little old bitty car for a little bitty car  12 12 tons of rock for lithium that's what's got   to be moved 5 tons of cobalt minerals sh this  is just mindblowing three tons of nickel ore   12 tons of copper ore you must move 250 tons of  soil to obtain 26.5 lb of lithium 30 30 lb of   nickel 48.5 lbs of magnesium or magnes 15 lbs  of cobalt are are we are we kidding ourselves   here I mean are y'all just going to go along  with this y'all just going to keep getting the   free money like the co money just h it's coming  I got to do it stop doing it you can always say   no it's just like drugs just say no especially  Pharmaceuticals just say no next speaker is Glenn Conrad good morning Commissioners um I'd like to  bring that topic of the 50 6 a little bit north of   $56 million Grant of course it's a grant that  you're getting from the federal government so   you're going to approve it uh have no doubt but my  issue is on a planning and priorities okay so for   $56 million the way I read the item on the items  on the agenda uh you're going to buy some Capital   you're going to buy some electric buses no mention  of return on investment no mention of long-term   maintenance no mention of what it's going to  cost to us in future normal budgets when the   grant is gone that you're going to have to take  money away to replace batteries to do maintenance   on the motors to do more road damage because Mr DS  is correct they're very heavy um so this long-term   cost is what else is going to suffer I mean  we have plenty of Road problems storm drainage   problems environmental problems schools homeless  plenty of things that are in our budget already   that we can't pay for so now you're you're going  to take this money buy Capital plant with as I can   read it no plan to maintain it long term are the  current buses full are they obsolete do we have   the space are you going to incur more staff to do  maintenance on electric bus buses that you then   have to pay retirements for uh those are things  that are missing here so before this is approved   I'd like to see those kinds of issues addressed  thank you thank you uh board that's all the public   speakers um any any comments any comments or  questions for I just have a question since that is   a good comment Kimbo do we have a maintenance plan  for this if do you mind talking about it because I   I I'm in I like grant money but I don't want after  the grant money have to pay for it out of the   County uh board uh and and concerned citizens when  it comes to these competitive grants 5339 grants   uh those are not Grant dollars that's actually uh  uh guaranteed for us uh in the past scaming County   Area Transit over I want to say about two decades  or or maybe even more uh have not even took the   time to even um apply for these competitive grants  and the plan for the federal trer Administration   is actually what they are planning to for us all  to go to the electric vehicles and so guess what   there is electric vehicles all throughout  the state right now and there are none here   in Escambia County so we are actually currently  behind the power curve but with those 5339 Grant   uh through FTA uh and through the state funding  every one of those grants that you apply for there   actually is a training plan part of those dollars  actually go to the maintenance training and the   maintenance training cost there are programs  right now currently uh right now that's uh being   created um for right now in Palm Tran palm tr will  actually be having a a an electric maintenance uh   uh Consortium that's actually uh being developed  right now and guess what um we're never invited   because we don't have a seat at the table because  we have not actually uh uh grew our actual service   so I want to say to any of the citizens that  if anyone ever have a question in regards to   um electric vehicles just transit in within  itself um please just reach out to me because   we are behind the power curve we we we're known  as the prehistoric Transit Agency in the State of   Florida and there's a reason why our ridership is  kind of well I'm not going to say low because we   had over 900,000 Riders last year but the reason  why we we aren't where we are or where we should   be is simply because we haven't got got our ahead  of this stuff and and again I want to see us have   not only just an efficient transit system but  I would like us to see us compete uh in the   state Across the Nation and be one of the better  trans agencies and we got a long way to go and   I need the support of all of you guys Rodriguez  just for clarification You're simply requesting   a public hearing to put a Grant application with  no guarantee that you'll receive the grant no uh   we put this in last year and and again we weren't  we didn't even U make it to um we it sucks but um   again we put the gr application in last year we  didn't even get it uh no one even sniffed us out   but I think this year uh being that uh you guys  did help us uh get the new bus facility uh through   uh non-transit dollars uh again I think we have  a good chance to be competitive and and this is   something that we actually need so no it's just  you guys allowing us to actually just put it in   it's not we're not receiving any funding um but I  do hope that we receive the funding because there   is it's a need well thank than you for going  after dollars that are not on the backs of   the local taxpayers and not just sitting there um  going alone to get along at least you're applying   for them whether we get them or not so at least  you're putting some effort into it yes sir well   I've always been a winner and I would like our  agency to be a winner so that's just my goal   hey Kimbo I appreciate what you're doing I know  you're committed to the cause and so I I'll be   supporting it yes sir I definitely appreciate you  all and the whole entire board and the citizens   if you really want to win you stop coaching at  PHS and come I mean at pounds and come to PHS some some of his friends are PHS now yeah  yeah yeah some of his friends are phss now   yeah all right board i' entertain a motion  for the 901 public hearing to B through uh   for a through e Mr chairman I move the item  a through e second thank you please vote item   passes 4 to zero 902 public hearing uh board  we do have a couple of speakers Larry DS Jr Larry DS Junior plumming LLC because feal  matters all right uh this is very we know   what this is this is another one the same thing  and I get it I get it I understand uh you know   you just this is just for y'all to move forward  for them to move forward with the grant process   and the grant process moving forward costs us  money too you know people don't work for nothing so the unintended what are the unintended  long-term adverse reactions going to be   going with this new Global agenda this  whff world economic Forum CL swab Bill Gates idiocy I mean we know what it is y'all are  part of it right now whether you like to admit it   or not you're part of it that we shouldn't be  jumping on every B bandwagon that the federal   government and the world economic forum and  Davos and the United Nations jumps on that's   where we're having some problems y'all can see  that it's clear just like the covid vaccines it's   clear we're having some problems the long-term  adverse reactions to free Federal money and it   is I mean it's not free y'all know that I'm being  fa ious here it's it's costing us it's costing our   children our grandchildren our great grandchildren  every time y'all vote every time that you vote for   more of this unlimited government overreach  you're destroying our country even right here   locally thank you Mission obvious. comom  thank you next speaker is Glenn Conrad so Mr chairman I hope I I'm addressing the pice  Landing um no it's the same it's it's 902 it's a   another Grant application oh well I talked to  both of them before I do have another uh chit   in with you for the place Landing topic okay  thank you I got it thank you all right board   entertain a motion for uh a through e is uh I'm  sorry a through e again on the 902 so moved thank   you second is there a second thank you Mike  all those in favor please vote item pass is   4 to Zer 903 public hearing we don't have any  speakers i' entertain a motion second all right   please vote 903 public hearing passes 4 to Z  Madame clerk thank you I have two items on on   the consent agenda the first one are the returns  that we received in March for the February stays   at our hotels and uh Etc the stays decreased  by 6% you can see the backup D documents in   your package um I'd also like to comment on  the TDC meeting um I believe chairman beay   is still on the misconception that the clerk  received more than 3% over the last 10 12 years   any particular year I can't I can't figure  out what he's talking about but he continues   to say that the clerk has received more than  3% more than the statutes I would like to ask   Stefan Hall to provide some history of the  county budgeting there was a budgeting plan   several years where the county budgeted 5%  that did not go to the clerk the clerk has   never received more than 3% I've explained  this to chairman be two or three years ago   I think it's going to take Wes someone in your  staff to explain the history to him um it also   came out in the audit that the CH that the  clerk did not receive more than 3% so maybe   you can provide Clarity of what's being said at  the Das by the chairman because it's incorrect   thank you entertain a motion for the CLK I'm not  finished thank you sir number two is minutes and   reports prepared by the clerk um I'd also like  to give a thank you to Kristen hes who stepped   in last week we worked with Mission Square to  get the notice out to have the monies for the   401a uh return to the County Treasury thank  you entertain a motion for the clerk's report   so moved thank you is there a second please  vote item passes four to zero Horus growth management good morning Commissioners  uh gmr today we have four action items   for final plats uh item number one is plus  Landing all right thank you board we do have   a couple of speakers you want do youall  want to hear from them first is Meredith Bush good morning board mayth Bush 125 East  in tendencia I'm here on behalf of clients   who live in the Navy Point neighborhood and we  would be asking that you table the plus Landing   plat for this morning Navy Point has a system  of Alleyways that are dedicated accepted and   maintained as public RightWay and we would  like to ensure that those Alleyways remain   open and accessible as the RightWay um we would  be asking the county to verify that the survey   that goes along with the plat is accurate and  that the 15ot Alleyways remain open and free   for Access by vehicle and foot travel um  the Alleyways form the adjacent boundary   of the plat on its Northwest and partially  Southern border border um there should be   adequate buffering between the plat and Alleyways  which is not provided in the plat additionally if   you look at what's actually on the ground the  stubbed out portion of Jardine road which is   not within the plat has been extensively dug up  and rebuilt to include a curb and gutter system   we provided to the county photographs of a  stop sign and fire hydrant and storm drain   which are encroaching within the Alleyways  there's a question as to whether the intent   is that Leroy pulson Lane a new road will  substitute for the alley as it goes north   and turns East before the alley then continues  Northeast and l l rep puls and continues East   we're basically asking that the county provide on  the record assurances that the alleys adjacent to   plus Landing will remain open as a 15ft public  RightWay per the Navy Point plat in decades of   use um Clark Partington again does represent  owners within Navy point and our you know we   stand ready to take any appropriate legal action  if this is not addressed prior to acceptance of   the plat happy to take any questions all right  you're you're here as a as a as representing the   residents not the developer correct correct  not the developer next speaker is Melissa Peno thank you chairman Barry I haven't been down  here in a long time and it's really great to see   everybody um but I'm really disappointed that  I have to be down here again with legal to try   to maintain these RS um I have never fought  this development I mean both Horus Drew and   adore are really well aware that I've never done  a single thing to fight this development whether   I like it or not because there's nothing to fight  everything that they're doing is perfectly legal   per the Land Development code but what we do have  is a 2year 4mon paper Trail going back and forth   with the planning department both myself and Clark  Partington I'm really grateful for Meredith being   here today will dway has been taking the lead on  this but he's out of town today um will has um   family members in Navy point that are impacted  right now over this thing that developers and   owners are starting to argue that the Alleyways  in Navy Point have migrated no they haven't so   in my opinion I'm not saying that this is my  lawyer's opinion um their survey is incorrect   just as the survey is incorrect on Grief  Court commissioner ker and right now uh the   code department is waiting um for documents from  legal as I understand it to take that owner to   uh in front of the magistrate to get him to move  his fence back from the alley so we have clearly   provided pictures and the unfortunate place this  is putting residents and it will put the county is   that as I understand it the developers argument  is that because the the the owners built their   fences too far into the alley that if we want to  maintain our 15t RightWay in places the county is   going to have to make those owners pull-up fences  that in some cases have been there since the 1950s so at the very beginning when I was talking  to the Acquisitions person super nice guy from   adore I begged adore to part with the county and  combine that R and make it a big prominade that   goes into you publicly accessible to everybody  and I am grateful to adore that they're keeping   those roadways public and maintaining the  connectivity of the neighborhood but I said   make a big prominade around it return the road  to its previous Glory have Greenery you could   even do your garages in the back but instead  they plopped a county paved row right next to a   County R alley no buffer in between and in some  places because of this strange survey it's very   difficult to even drive your car and I appreciate  Mr Marino's been you know very patient with all   of my photos of this we've been driving this  alley for two years and sending in photos of   this encroachment to multiple divisions of  the county and to to Mr Marino so thank you   I I really hope the other thing is the msbu just  crept onto the agenda a storm waterer msbu all of   the this agenda stuff just came the description  a few days ago there's no documentation of who   exactly is paying for this mspu current owners  future owners I hope to goodness that the argument   is not going to be made that those two storm  water ponds are benefiting all of Navy point   because they are just for the development  thank you thank you next speaker is Glenn Conrad Commissioners thank you uh I'm happy  to report this is probably one of the very   few things that Melissa penino and I agree on um  developments should be self-sustaining so when I   read what you've written in the agenda here it's  the county is going to accept all public easements   uh for permanent County maintenance now there's  a caveat for the storm water Pond there until   the Northwest Florida Water Management District  approves it for maintenance but basically the key   words here are permanent County maintenance which  means the countyy is going to pay for maintenance   on on this private development infrastructure  then later on in the paragraph it says this will   be funded this is good that you put in here at  least a funding mechanism uh but it'll be funded   through an Municipal services busit business unit  msbu there's no mention of msbu applies to what   geographical area is it just this development  is it all of Navy point is it Warrington is   it Escambia County RIT large uh those things are  important and you will get some push back on that   uh because I'm not voting for an msbu uh in my  neighborhood uh the development if it wants to be   self- sustaining if it's a profit able development  for the for the developer they should build these   costs in up front okay thank you all right thank  you board that's all the public speakers uh Drew uh yes sir so there's four items on the plant  a through D thank you board any questions for   Drew I I do have a couple questions because this  property I want want to talk a little bit about   what they said on the RightWay in that property  they said it wasn't 15 ft is that true or not true   Drew so it shows up on the final plat um the the  alleyway slri of way because it's listed as both   and that's from the original uh Navy Point plat  okay and and actually I want to address something   that um Mel Peno brought up she did have a good  point but on the grief Court the citizen that   lives in Navy point we do have some problems  there that individual had got two surveys and   then developmental Services gave him a permit that  just doesn't seem right we're working with natural   resources and code to try to figure out what's  right but if someone goes to the normal process   and their surve say they could put up a fence and  then we come back and say no they can't it's just   not right it's just not right to do that to people  um so we got to figure out what we're doing in   these Alleyways in Navy point because I agree it's  it's breaking up the community and there's problem   so I I walked this with you Glenn a long  time ago you know we walked this Landing   we looked at storm water drainage when it  first came up I don't want to affect the   and I do agree with what they said the msbu  this is more for Stefan Stefan is it only for   plus Landing that needs to be added you know  that that msbu has to be defined only for plus   Landing I I can speak to that point when an  msbu is established you have to define the   boundaries and only those properties that  benefit from the what whatever facilities   are being provided through the msbu only those  properties would be assessed okay I thought   I figured that but I want any property that  would benefit from the storm water improvements correct I would imagine not that's well that needs  to be clarified so you know I agree with that with   the citizens that no one that lives in Navy point  for the last 30 40 years should be put into an   mspu so you want to comment Joy thank you good  morning Commissioners uh just for clar hopefully   to clarify the msbu language is something you  adopted many years ago at this board relative   to the new development only it is to cover the  cost of maintenance for the new ponds that are   built in the development and maintained by the  county it does not apply to any other existing   homes or development in the area only to this plat  it exists on all of your public maintain plats Joy   so what's the contention we just heard from the  citizens I mean what's the contention about this   development about the msbu portion or the rideway  the rideway um I is to my knowledge this is built   per the approved plan and the surveys are are  correct in relation to the fact that our County   Surveyor has gone through this with the fine tooth  comb and checked all the titles and Survey data   and checked all the monuments so in my  understanding there's no encroachment on   the plat area the speak that they're speaking to  another area I believe that has a code violation   the uh curbing that was mentioned on on one of  the areas for the rideway SL Alleyway was for   drainage purposes um I believe that particular  Alleyway is wooded but again this is not personal   knowledge on my part this is based on the  plans and and what was approved by the by the DRC so the contention is they they seem to  have some expectation of using vehicles in   those Alleyways and I'm not sure that that's  even possible and physically possible in some   cases so we've vetted everything I mean  because basically we've had an attorney   that's basically said that it's going  to end up in court and um I'm to me you   know we tend to be there a lot but I tend to  avoid that this will be your county RightWay   and Alleyways if there are some encroachments  in there then our code enforcement and as   County engineer I I'll work to make sure that  that's corrected so the citizens will still have   access to those Alleyways yes sir okay this  came up Friday and I'm sorry I haven't been   able to speak to the folks directly but we'll  we'll continue to work with them and again it   is still going to be your county maintained and  County owned rways and Alleyways so you still   have jurisdiction so Mr chairman if you don't mind  mered could you come back and and while Joy's here and I'm just trying to figure your contention  mered she said it's still going to be open to   the public and msbu is is only going to apply  to those so what's your other concern well our   concern is that what's dedicated on the Navy  Point plat is a 15ot alley or right away that   goes all the way around um in parts of the  development this is narrow road down to 7 or   8 ft um there are places where there's a fire  hydrant in a storm drain that encroaches on   the alleyway there are places where there's  a stop sign placed in the alleyway um and   so it appears that this new development is  not respecting the previously recorded 15t   Alleyways um as required by the Navy Point  plat can you answer that Joey oh Drew one of y'all uh yes sir commissioner um infrastructure  can be located inside the right of way and these   Alleyways are listed on their plat as  right of way that's where you're going   to find our drainage uh you're going to  find your fire hydrants in that right of way all right board any the questions for Drew  Joy no well Drew let me ask you this though so   but if if the RightWay is specifically platted to  be an accessible Alleyway um that that just seems   like a contradiction helped me understand that so  keep in mind it's like any ride of way um rideway   does not start you your property doesn't start  at the asphalt right sure there's a it's set back   from that uh generally the road will be centered  in the right away but the right away is going to   be a lot wider than the paving and that's where  you're going to find the infrastructure instead   of putting all that on private property okay  all right thank you drew after listen to the   attorney and I just want to make clarification  here because I I want to make sure everything   open on the on everything in developmental  Services is there anything that we're not doing   to meet the land code that would what um ma'am  I don't know your last name Meredith but that   she's saying that could put the county at risk  in any sort of lawsuit so so this subdivision   was built according to the construction plans  for it which were approved by the county and it   was built to those plans so you believe it meets  the intent of the 15 foot the RightWay the MSP   everything I do okay so Christian do we have and  ultimately we get a lot of advice and then we end   up in in in lawsuits that we don't win I mean is  there any risk factor legal uh in approving this   they've said it's already been approved I mean  what's the risk factor in approving this legally   well I mean I've just heard what mered have just  just said so I'm just trying to get some legal   advice from our C I can't promise that someone  wouldn't file suit but you know I it sounds like   staff did the appropriate vetting and they've  recommended approval you followed the usual procedures there was no irregularity and other unopened rideways unopened Alleyways  um this same sort of thing has happened other   other places in the county I know we've vacated  a lot of those sorts of properties but has that   sort of thing happened like this this seems  kind of unique like I haven't really seen   this so Navy point is an older plat uh and it  does have a lot of Alleyways throughout it as   as the residents were sping there is a there  is a conflict on one of the other alleyways   with a fence um we don't generally see  Alleyways coming in with subdivisions   these days but this one as it you know  it is platted outside this plat this   plus Landing plat um and it is noted on  this plat that that existing Alleyway is there the on the other alley way that has  the fence issue is the county going to   be implicated by that at all are we going to  have any liability for that fence being built   I don't know enough about that issue to speak to  it okay so I mean I would ask you you know you're   a professional does this need to be vetted more or  are we ready to go and you feel comfortable moving   it forward we feel comfortable bringing the item  forward uh our surveyor has reviewed the plot CU   it's our survey it's his license on the line if  it's inaccurate I would assume whoever surveyed   it I mean whose Bonds on the line if it's not  accurate that would would be a question for legal   H seriously I mean this hasn't come up before I  don't know who surveyed or who was responsible for that who surveyed it well it would be his bond if I don't want  our I don't want us no I agree he should be   but I think I think the survey would be liable if  it was wrong but I do know a Navy point because   of the previous case saying I W sta for legal  to tell me that I mean we we get a whole lot   of opinions until you know we go before the judge  my understanding a Navy Point cu the you know we   weren't doing building department came in in what  the 80s or 90s Navy point was around before that   so a lot of that land there wasn't actually  marked correctly and now we're dealing with   these problems that's that's the extent of it and  that's I know all about you know property lines   and all that trust me I had a lot of experience  in it so I'm just going to the group Court which   he talked about so that that's a unique case  people decide which one's the property land um Kristen I think what chairman May was  asking can you answer that question or no   on the surveyor well if a surveyor  didn't perform their Professional   Services correctly then there could  potentially be some Christ can you   pull the microphone a Kristen can you  pull the microphone a little bit closer   to you please but I don't know who did the  survey or if that's the issue necessarily I don't have a copy of the backup it's in  your backup who the surveyor was for this   plat the county survey also reviewed it and  all the monumentation again fire hydrants   those sorts of things are in the right away  that's where they're meant to be the issue   of concern is that that particular fire  hydrant might be blocking what would be   vehicular access to that Alleyway we  can we can continue to review that   in in coming days and make sure that those things  are installed correctly if not we will have the   liability in the jurisdiction to take care of  it um or if you choose we can postpone this   to the next uh BCC agenda and have some further  review before that time again I apologize board   this came up on Friday afternoon I didn't have  access to a lot of Staff members thank you Mr   chairman I it just sounds like there's too  much meat on the bone to push this thing and   and force it through I I'd be more supportive  of taking the additional time to make sure we   got all our ducks in a row I mean it's in your  Comm it's in your District commissioner kler   but um I don't mind due diligence honestly it's  good it's helpful I think you I think you guys   have done the homework but I think a couple  more weeks just to make sure that we're not   liable in any form is is probably prudent and  uh don't take it drew that I don't trust what   you're doing I just think that there's a there's  an interest right now that we make sure we have   our eyes dotted and teas cross so I'm I'm fine  with dropping it today ifone everyone else is as well so are we working with the developer in  ensuring that we get clarification because I   I know I mean I don't think from the developers  point of view that there that they see a need for   further clarification but whatever whatever the  board wants to do I mean I I whatever whatever   the board wants to do is fine County Surveyor  can verify locations of these Alleyways stake   them for us so that it makes it very clear and  we can discuss it with the concerned citizens   okay before we bring it back to you well I mean  I know that Mike it's your District but I know   those are very reputable developers uh that's  developing this project so I guess we' follow   your lead and making sure that we all I'm trying  to do is do uh fresh review if you can bring it   back on May 2nd and we clarify everything we can  push forward um there's obviously been a lengthy   discussion here about it I think it's just  prudent to look into it I mean okay it's your   District so that's fine I'll make a just to bring  it back on the second that second review with the   survey all right all those in favor please vote  item pass is 4 to Z to reschedule to May 2nd   true second item is Saddle Ridge phase two board  we have no I'm sorry we do have a speaker Chris cerb I'll be real brief um I'm not any objection to it I don't oppose this  or or or or for it I just noticed something uh in   part A it says the roads to be resurfaced prior to  issuance of the 45th home permit 75% build out due   to problems noted with raveling segregation found  during inspection of the asphalt on the public   roads within the subdivision um this brings to  mind um I looked this up in the Land Development   code under Article 5 2-5 .7 under final plats  um you have a listing of incidental deficiencies   and then under Section e you have acceptable  forms of shity and uh you know uh a basically   a letter saying we're going to resurface the road  I mean that might be in the spirit of the code but   it's actually creating policy um it's actually  changing what your Land Development code unless   something where somewhere else in the Land  Development code that I missed um and there   is okay so there is something somewhere  else well that's kind of why I brought it   up because I'm I'm unfamiliar with uh this  with resurfacing roads uh so where is that   horse okay just had a concern I just thought  I'd bring it up thank you board that's the   only speaker to entertain a motion okay  I'll move the item forward uh items a b   C and D all right super is there a second thank  you all right oh okay only is he's empty okay all   right all those in favor please vote item passes  three to zero Drew third item is McKinnon Town   Homes do we have any speakers Mr chairman we do  not and uh it's this is in District 5 I support   this so I i' appreciate a motion for a through d  okay I'll make the motion uh that we approve item   three a through D super thank you please vote Mike  thank you all item pass is three to zero okay Mr administrator I'm sorry commissioner  we still have one more we got one more where this is in in D5 as well  Steve you oh I'm sorry Brook Haven yeah   and we do have no speakers and I would appreciate  a motion for this I do support this as well all   I'll move item four a b c and d in the affirmative  okay thank you please vote item passes four to   I'm sorry three to zero thank you drew thank you  Horus Mr administrator thank you Mr chairman there   are seven items on the technical Public Service  consent agenda there are no changes and there are   no speakers entertain a motion for uh all seven on  the technical Public Service consent so moved Mr   chairman thank you all right please please vote  item passes or items pass 3 to Zer Mr administ   there are 42 items on the Budget Finance consent  agenda there are no changes hold card 2-42 for a   speaker all right thank you i' entertain a motion  for the balance move the balance Mr chairman   thank you please vote item passes U three to zero  administator our speaker is Grover Robinson Grover thank you very much I'd only communicated that  i' only communicated that y'all need to vote on   this if if you needed me but otherwise if y'all  wanted to support it that's the only reason I'm   wanting to come up here just to say thank you  uh for your willingness uh to support um to   support education I think this is a u a great  opportunity based on some of the discussions   you were having earlier uh to give people in  a PO poverty like centry the opportunity and   access to look at uh education like what you  can get at a state college and so I certainly   hope uh that you will support this and move this  forward and I did not mean for for you to hold   this item I I I told the lady very clearly  that I only need to speak if needed um so   otherwise I I appreciate your support all right  thanks buddy uh board entertain a motion I move   the item 42 a c and d thank you for all right  please vote item passes 3 to zero Grover thank   you for the uh thank you all for all the work  and uh all the interactions that you and Dawn   had and the help from Stefan as well uh working  out the funding sources it's uh it's a very good   thing for the town of centry hopefully good  thing for Pensacola State College as well Mr   administrator thank you Mr chairman I'd like to  ask M Lindsay Stevens to come forward this car 3-1 you bring your group with you Sor I'm happy to present to the board for  confirmation as your new purchasing director   Miss Lindsay Stevens she has stepped  into the role uh full force she's made   some changes she's continuing to work with  other staff and hold uh different seminars   on how to do business with scami County  she's driving a lot of work even on this   agenda particularly here we have a lot of uh  contracts has been awarded and I appreciate   her hard work and her taking over the range  there and purchasing and it has made a world   of difference and Lindsay I'm proud of you  thank you thank you yes thank you [Applause]   really quick I want to say thank you  all for your vote of confidence Wes   Wesley Debbie especially thank you to  Kristen for your guidance thank you   to my amazing team for helping us get  where we are today and thank you to my   husband for encouraging me to come to the  county two years ago yeah thank yes thank you we do need to I do need you y to vote on  that though all right uh board I entertain a   motion for uh for the item I'll move the  item in the affirmative thank you second   thank you please vote item pass is four  to zero congratulations congratulations   and and purchasing is as the administrator  mentioned it is very important to all of our   districts is what pushes our projects out and  uh that is our uh you know individually that is   our scorecard for our constituents is what we  actually complete and uh produce so thank you   Mr administrator card 3-2 o LF eight we have  three one two three four speakers okay Fred Hammer good morning Fred Hammer 207 East in  tendencia street we all know why I'm here   and after the last meeting Wes and I spoke um  Wes offered to as H's words all hands on deck   meeting with the county staff and will dway and  our people to look at the zoning issues you know   with the dpz master plan as they exist and the  implications for us trying to accept that type   of zoning in the time frame that you all would  like us to close on the property we had well will   dunway prepare a detailed Bemo and that was sent  to the county Thursday a week ago so last week I   called Wes to follow up when we could schedule  this meeting and Wes had not received that memo   yet that document and I called will dway back and  so on Thursday it was resent to the county and we   got confirmation back that the county did receive  it and so I stand here wondering where we are in   the process um you know I told Wes that I have  time tomorrow or anytime next week to you know   bring our people together you know and discuss  those issues yeah and we're happy to do that uh   I saw your availability this morning so I'll work  with our staff and we'll get that set up and we'll   come around the table with all the players and  we'll go through the items and go through the   issues happy to do it very good and you know as  I said at the last meeting as after we go through   that process we're willing to adjust that Topline  number you know but as I mentioned before we want   to see what we can really put on that property  you know when you look at the existing zoning   you probably have that that and the property  that we would buy I think approximately 50 acres   are zoned industrial you know you all don't  want that you don't want us to buy property   that's going to be in competition with you you  know and not even addressing the potential for   affordable housing on that that property too  so you know nobody wants that in our plan but   you know that could happen with that zoning so  I'm here to answer any questions thank you teres Blackwell happy Earth Earth day and good morning  this deal New Deal is no better in fact it falls   short of the hammer and partners deal I hate  hesitate to say buus says but I say no to a   modified master plan we have a master plan  a great master plan from dpz that is part of   our Land Development code and we expect that to  go forward the money is probably not as good as   hr's offer since it leaves nearly all the wetlands  to the county the price per Upland acre is likely   much less and probably most important of all  why should we trust them with such an important   and complicated project Ryan chavers chavers  construction the Better Business Bureau L has a   complaint there against the company that I could  not fine was ever settled a lot of arguing back   and forth but no clear conclusion uh and we have  heard the name chavers before from the Das as a   commissioner recused himself from an item because  of his Association Cliff MO is interesting listed   as a homebuilder on the BBB site and and on  and on and and on sunbiz has been active in   dozens of different kinds of Corporations bottom  line what are their credentials what experience   do they have that relates to a project as big  and complicated as this what have they done   that would qualify them to do this show us the  pictures and finally I would just like to say I   was very sad to hear about Bob Graham there's an  example of someone who left a True Legacy for us   and part of that was his family's development on  their Farm they had the foresight back in the 60s   to hire an expert Master planner to create Miami  Lakes the kind of De design we would love to have   on ol FH so think about that uh and Bob Graham  came here and he was such a wonderful man he spoke   to us at civicon and I spoke with him the next  day at a smaller meeting and he said he wanted to   show me that development down there and I'm very  sad that I never got the chance uh to see that   so think about your legacy do you want it to be we  helped our friends to the greatest extent possible   or do you want it to be that we did the best for  our community for our state for our country this   is your opportunity to do that to do the right  thing for Bula and for the county thank you any questions Melissa Pino sorry about that thank you chairman Barry  Teresa is this yours somebody left oh Mr hmer   um it's it's funny that the Navy Point thing  and olfa were on the agenda at the same um on   the same day because unfortunately Navy Point  has become a lesson in how not to do uh olfa   on a really small uh scale of course but there  was room to do anything in the world on that   plat and um I was really hoping that they would  do some sort of mixed use Town Center because   that would have hearkened back exactly to what  that plat was for and um despite what Teresa   may think I have always wanted the people in  Bula to get their town center and some kind   of really nice mixed use I want the people up  there to be happy and I was for Mr Hammer's   development if Mr himmer um if it was down to  DR Horton versus Mr hmer um great because DR   Horton would not have been a good thing but I  really think that Teresa before she just she's   so married to a single idea it's got to be Mr  hmer it's got to be the Navy Federal Downtown   Coalition you know she really should talk to  the people that have the the new um offer and   I've known Ryan chavers for years now I I think  Super highly of Ryan he's a great guy he's local   um he helps people out he does good work and  I just really think that the citizens up there   rather than being married to who has to do this  development or a single version of that master   plan because every single person has said the  master plan does not work completely there are   things that are going to have to be changed there  are going to be decisions to be made so give these   new people a chance they're local they care you  know Fred can present his exact plan for what   he plans on doing and how he's going to stick to  that Master Plan let the new people talk to their   local people and let them know what they plan to  do Ryan is an honorable person I don't know the   other gentleman but quite frankly I was excited  to see his name and somebody more local and even a   better offer um come into the conversation don't  don't beat him up at of hand just because he's   not Mr himmer and Mr himmer has been in these  conversations for years thank you Matthew couch good morning uh Matthew couch 127 Palo Place suet  200 I'm here as a representative for the proposed   buyers U Mr Mo and Mr chavers and attorney  with Morehead Law Group as you all know the   letter of intent did come from Steve Morehead  he uh wished to be here himself this morning   however has a prior engagement that conflicted  with this once the meeting was moved from last   Thursday he does send his regards um again just  uh here to represent the proposed buyers um we   do look forward to working with the county the uh  County attorney and the citizens of Bula um and we   appreciate U everyone's consideration I'm happy to  answer any questions Mr chairman I have a question   for sure um in your letter of of intent I didn't  I saw a lot of different language about a lot of   different things you're going to put in there I  didn't see specifically called out a town center   and as you know that's a problem minent component  of the master plan and one of the previous offers   um can you clarify uh whether or not that is  an intention of this new group because I know   that's very important to the to the people that  I represent in Bula understood um I believe the   intention is to uh come up with a modified master  plan that sticks or you know closely um follows   the current dpz uh I do not know specifics  as to whether that includes a town center um   Steve Morehead may have more details on that and  and also just since we're talking about you know   the master plan and I talked to Marina Cy part of  dpz one of the one of the managing members there   and and she acknowledged as much that there are  certain aspects of it that are going to require   modification I understand that we've had I believe  this will be the eighth offer now that we've had   on it and to to to a person they've all said  this uh is going to require some modifications   you heard Mr hemmer just talk about the industrial  property that's within the foot print of of what   we're talking about here and and we know certain  laws have passed at the state level that allow   unfettered uh um construction of high high  high towers of affordable housing we've seen   that in Dade County I think the legislation was  horrible they did not walk it back enough at in   the last session it's still a problem around the  state so um to those who say well you're going   to abandon the master plan I would say simply  Mar Cory understands there's going to be some   things there's issues with the drainage uh as  Illustrated in the master plan going to require   some changes um so I'm not hung up on that but I  am kind of hung up on the Town Center again that   was that plot that land was supposed to be for job  generation we had a very very hardfought yearslong   compromise that we came to so my position at this  point in the game is sticking to the compromise   that's what the that's what the citizens uh  wanted that's what this board voted for so   that's going to be an important clarification that  I'm going to need thank you understood thank you   commissioner we'll certainly U take that um under  advisement and recognize that point no thank you   Jeff I'm Jeff you know obviously you know this is  a project that came about when Steve and I were   running years ago and it's been I follow the lead  of you and Steve on on this obviously because you   know your citizens and your constituents better  than I do but you said we we've had eight you   know negotiations that have failed right I mean  there's at least one commissioner up here who   said he want 30 plus million I've said my drop de  is 25 million ion so it's going to be 9 10 11 and   12 I mean I don't know what I mean the start of  the negotiation is a good faith of what we expect   the dollar to be and then you got to work out  the Town Center you got to work out everything   else for me we got to work out the dollar amount  and there's not a lot of discussion for me until   we work out the dollar amount and how we're going  to reinvest that money back to the citizens that   we represent you know how am I going to get  some more sidewalks and some more lights and   some things in my district and so that to me is  the beginning point of the negotiation any other   negotiation may not be in good faith because I  mean there's two people have said that I've said   I'm not going to vote less than 25 million and  so that's where we can start at so and I just   want to you know at least throw that out there  you know unless there's some underlying thing   where you come and there's you know some other  uh value that comes to the citizens of mamia   County that's not you know dollars but I do know  that you know I got a fire going on right now in   Brownsville that's probably because inadequate  life hiding you know and inadequate electrical   and I know that you know there are still places  in my district in Ensley and Wedgewood and   Brownsville and Shannon toown that still don't  have public sore yeah you know I mean that's   that's even like when we talking about C doll from  children trust I still how can I in good faith say   okay well I'm going to wave this or I'm going  to do this and I have citizens who can't do a   small barbecue joint in Brownsville because they  don't have a grease trap in sewer and so those   dollars you know $500,000 million dollar means  a lot to the citizens that I represent and so 8 nine 10 I mean I don't know how many more of  these things we going to bring back and put on   the agenda I mean there's no sense in putting  anything else on the agenda until the number gets   right yeah for me no no and I appreciate that  I would I would simply say that the difference   between this offer and the previous one is  um in this offer so far as I understand from   reading it um you understand you build out the  infrastructure including the boulevard so that's   a several million dollar swing there plus that  may be a plus so if you add that back into the   mix that's you know between the 22 .5 minus the 20  plus the 2 to 3 million to build it all out I mean   you're getting close to that 25 the value of it  so I don't disagree we want to get top dollar for   it but at some point you know it it is a piece  of property it's worth what someone's willing   to pay for it that's that's what it's worth yeah  what we're willing to sell and and the great news   for the board and for the citizens is you know  we're right now sitting at about 14.5 we've sold   a portion of it for 4.2 to Navy Federal they did  a world class development there with their park   probably the finest Park in in the Panhandle  that so far as I've seen and I think we can   make it even better with the addition of a tennis  court and a children's playground which I'm going   to work uh diligently toward doing if we can ever  come to a deal with one of the8 10 12 the problem   is though gentlemen it's going to become shop  Warn and and it is in some respects already um   and and I think that with interest rates going  back up the economy is not as stable as people   some people want you to think it is let's just  put it that way um other things in the world going   on could really make things go bad so at some  point we got to bring it in for landing and I   you know whether we get 30 million or not  right now it sits there vacant generating   no revenue for the school board or for us and no  value for the citizens it just sits there vacant   so and I agree with that Jeff and but Jeff I  will say one thing that we can't lose sight   of and that's probably not on the developers at  all but on on on good faith and Goodwill to the   citizens we we Promise Jobs and as you said  we don't know where the economy is but for   or we don't have to wait yeah we we got to go back  in there and create those light industrial jobs at   $60 to 80,000 those are s 250 Acres we don't have  to wait for anyone we're working on that that's my   point we're working on that right now I I'm sure  you are but I mean I just wanted to make sure that   that's there because at the end of the day you  know it's great to have a restaurant it's great   to have a town center it's great to have you know  quite frankly what's affordable housing there's   no such thing if you don't create jobs you know  create the jobs and then get pair value for the   house I mean but we're trying to say we're going  to create affordable housing Workforce housing   you're not not when people are making 12 $13 an  hour there's no such thing as housing uh for those   citizens so that's why we got to create the jobs  for them and to me that was a job creation project   at the end of the day I get the town center and  I get all that project was supposedly the last   flat land that Jim cronley brought for that you  could put light industrial and create jobs for   the citizens of esamia County because we have  no more land while we're sitting here woring   about you know a Applebees Santa Rosa County is  running very fastly creating those type of jobs   that allow for those citizens to be able to afford  the house that they want in Santa Rosa rather than   a subsidized house that Horn's giving them so  if we create the jobs people can buy the house   that they want to buy and to me that's in the more  priority for me is the promise that we made is job   creation on that property and hopefully hopefully  there'll be you know hopefully there'll be some uh   you know some type of activity coming forward  pretty quickly on you know part of the 200 50   acres on the North half hopefully um and and  no and I wasn't down that Mr chairman I just   wanted to make sure that we kept that front and  center a lot of times we get distracted in terms   of what they're laying on you know a fire station  a school or nothing against you a public park or   or Applebees but the sole intent of that was job  creation so I look forward to y'all bringing that   forward and Commissioners there's uh you know as  as was mentioned and I do have to abstain from   votes that relate to Ryan Shavers personally  I don't have a conflict with Cliff Mo but I do   with Ryan um so when you know when an agreement  you know if we're able to get to that point would   come back for a vote I would have to abstain from  a vote but I'm I'm certainly able to discuss it   you know it is a it is a public it is a public  matter and I have a you know have the ability   and I have a responsibility to discuss it but you  know I I think we all uh we all understand I do   have a voting conflict when it comes to a vote um  and I don't think the administrator is looking for   a vote today I think that I think that the The  Hope from the administrator is simply whether   to move forward with discussions with the you know  with the parties that sent the new letter and see   what you know uh Madam attorney I think will be  back be back at work a week from today I believe   I could be wrong but you know I know she's out  this week as well but um you know kind of whether   the board generally uh you know kind of green  lights uh administrator and the attorney to have   discussions with uh the folks that sent the new  letter um I did talk to uh to Steve Morehead on   Friday he as uh U as his um counterpart mentioned  you know he sent regrets for not being able to be   here but you know it was you know kind of due to  the changeing changing our schedule most you know   having the meeting be on Monday um there are a  couple of people in his office I think that have   been much more involved in the discussions than Mr  couch has been to this point um I don't begrudge   uh him I just don't I don't think he's been a  part of many of the discussions uh uh you know   going forward so when uh you know when Allison's  back I think uh if if the majority of us are are   good with them moving forward with just you know  with the discussion with uh you know Steve and you   know with Steve and Cliff and Ryan and uh Wes and  Allison you know trying to nail down some of the   terms I think the the terms you know the Topline  number is is you know is always going to be a a   headline Grabber but what's been my concern  from you know the discussion with Horton and   the discussion with uh you know previous folks  that have submitted offers and and you know what   we've been working with uh Fred and will on you  know for the last number of months you know the   top line is a number but the Top Line could say 80  million if the terms say we're never going to get   it it doesn't matter what the top number is and  I I I don't think that there's any debate that   the terms in this at least in this Loi the terms  appear to be much more along the lines of what the   board wants which is a quick close and something  happening on the property with money going hard   pretty quickly and uh uh so that you know you know  once you have money and substantial money go hard   you know you don't have a you don't just have a  buyer you have a partner moving forward because   they have you know they have considerable Equity  uh that's now dead money that's gone um you know   if they don't get the deal done so you know  the terms I think the the terms are what has   you know for me for the last year and a half of  real discussions whether they've been with bre   Lind or Horton or or uh you know Mr himmer group  the terms have been very problematic and I think   these terms are much more along the lines of  the feedback the board has given publicly so   uh you know I would I would think that um it would  make sense to continue those discussions or ask   the administrator to continue those discussions  with with them but commissioner May yeah and   commissioner Barry I would only assume that um  the county attorney and County Administrator are   going to negotiate terms that are going to be  fair and Equitable uh and certainly um to the   buyer as as well as to the county and so I mean I  I would admit that I'm not followed those details   probably not nearly as close as you would have or  or commissioner BOS would have and so you know in   terms of the you know this project does have a  lot of attention when when I talk about bottom   line number you know I simply just want to be in  a position to Advocate and um present the case of   how we redistribute These funds to help all the  citizens because I I continue to go back although   I think you you give preference to the residents  of BU and nature trail uh this is was an all in   by all citizens of mamia County and so they all  it could have been a countywide failure is what   if it hadn't worked yes it would would have just  been a bu failure it would have been a countywide   failure I assure you that you and I you and I  would have toted that failure on our backs as   much as just one more failure that's all as much  as anyone in uh in the county would have but yeah   no you're you're absolutely right I mean yeah  until that point and so I I recognize what what   yourself and Jeff is saying you know about the  bottom line in the terms but you're right you know   this is something that we started I mean nobody  you know as I I come to the end of my service I   mean there's nothing more that I would want to do  than to get this project gone and and and and get   it you know going at least going before we leave  here uh so it's important to me but at the end   of the day too I just want to make sure that we  can distribute some more funds and I trust you   know our Administration and our legal team to  do the negotiation uh but as you said you know   it makes headlines but it you know perception  is reality uh there is a perception uh that   you know people want to see and benefit of dollars  that's placed back in their communities absolutely   all right board if there's no further discussion  Wes do you have some general direction all right   Madam counsel yes there are three items uh three  action items on the county attorney's report I   can answer any questions board entertain a motion  for the action items thank you second please vote please all vote all right thank you item  passes four to zero Madam Council there   are two discussion items on the county  attorney's report and I believe there   are speakers on the first item  okay uh first uh item Keith Bo   this ISS a board's consideration for  request of payment of attorney's fees thank you regard regarding Miss Kenny's uh request  for legal fees isn't there a time period in which   she had 30 days to request legal fees be paid  isn't that time already passed haven't we already   paid $90,000 of her fine uh this seems to be  totally out of order and I'm just wondering why   why why is it happening why is it being considered  um it's I'm just amazed but isn't isn't there a   a period of time that's already passed for this  request and is it going to be the precedent that   we uh try and use either for or against uh the rep  the case with you know with p&j the case with uh   Jonathan Owens Alex art Ard droney I mean these  things are all going to come up and we're taking   things we don't have to pay and we're paying them  that that's the question I mean this this is salt   on the wound that's all I've got to say all right  thank you board that's our only speaker and and   that's our last speaker for today oh I'm sorry I'm  sorry Melissa Pina I didn't there's what thank you   meliss 413 Southeast boets Keith Bo has no idea  what he's talking about um Kate went to the Merit   system protection board which is you know the  proper order for things when this horrible thing   happened to her I've been really quiet about all  the Edler stuff because it's not going to do any   good anyway and it makes me sick it lit Lally  makes me sick and it hurts my heart to see how   all of this stuff is winding up a million dollar  to her off of no evidence it was very clear you   know when commissioner May says it publicly  when commissioner ker you know says someday   he'd like to see the evidence and I stood here  for years and said fire her now because she is   going to come back and sue the county anyway and  what she did to Kate Kenny was atrocious and if   I were Kate I'd be filing a cease and assist  on all of these people over at es uh ECW that   are talking trash about her crimes that have all  been expunged all been expunged I never said I was   advocating for everybody in that situation I said  that I was advocating for the innocent people and   when Kim skos and I went to the State's Attorney's  office off of Tom Williams's subpoena and I talked   with them and I talked with Kennedy from the  FDA they never even knew they had never even   been turned over the evidence that those people  that were being harassed were the ones that two   two consecutive administrators did not did not do  anything with their toxic Workforce complaints and   then they were the ones that caught hell for it  Kate is perfectly innocent of these charges which   is why her charges have been expunged I don't know  whether you guys can legally pay the $5,000 but   for for God's sakes $5,000 for an innocent woman  whose legal should have never been cut off from   the county to begin with versus a million dollars  to a woman who came to the county to sue it and   we still running still she'll get I'm sure on the  quam as well so if you can legally pay Kate's fees   please do it thank you all right board that's  uh that's all the speakers I'd like to have   a few moment discussion so I hear what you're  saying I've never had a conversation with Dr Ed   not on nothing on not even a phone call Facebook  anything I sit down with Kristen this week we're   convoluting two different issues here as we  always seem to do to make it complicated the   county in 20 had to pay $5,000 to the Department  of Health because the training officer gave out   fraudulent cards you can take a pre-trial  agreement after you want an administrative   board that does not mean that that didn't happen  it did happen that's why we're in the mess with   Edler with the false claims act it's just a fact  and we're shooting each one of our foots at the   same time I would after sitting down Kristen I  just I'd like your recommendation should we pay this it's the board's determination to make I can  point you to the policy which was included in the   backup and also advise the policy includes a  definition of successfully depend or Prevail   and the statutory and the common law remedy uh  that authorize the payment of fees and costs are   limited to payment for a prevailing defendant who  successfully defends against a claim or charge I   appreciate that Kristen and I sat down with her  in depth on this because this is half a stack of   the stuff I had to do still have to do just to  be a licensed nurse if you fraudulently bring   your nursing license your BLS license your AC  license your Pal's license your tncc license your   TCC license you lose your job it's Public Safety  we require it so the community knows they have   safe people taking care of them if you don't do  your se's I don't know Kenny she may have been a   great woman she gave out fraudulent cards and it's  wrong we had to pay $5,000 so I I can't support it   Mr chairman I'd like to weigh in on it sure I  followed this very carefully y since what had   happened I was on the board in 2018 in July when  the state came in and gave our EMS Department top   marks we we got accolades shortly thereafter we  made some Personnel changes and things just seemed   to devolve I'll use that word with respect to Kate  Kenny you're right this board did pay her $90,000   legal fee because everything she was accused of  she was never convicted of or charged with and   it's easy to say she did this she did this she  did this when you read the charging document but   when you read the stipulated settlement and make  no mistake about it people take deals all the   time they take deals to save money to save legal  fees to move forward she did not admit guilt to   any of that she was not convicted of any of  that she took a deal she took a deal and so   you have to be very careful up here Mike when you  start saying people are guilty of something read   read what she the stipulated settlement who's  responsible for the $5,000 I'm not going to   answer your question I have the floor just before  you spout off up here and and Destroy someone's   more than a former employee tried to do be careful  what you say be careful because she did not plead   to any of that she did not plead to any of that  she's not been convicted of any of that I'm going   to strongly support this employee there were a  number of employees who had their lives turned   upside down and ruined look we don't like the  way some judges rule we don't like certain   settlements the way they fall I can only control  within my three feet but when it comes to things   like this I will not countenance people up here  running down the character of a person trying to   kick someone when they're down she didn't she  did not do the things that you're saying Mike   be very careful she did not do that she did not  plead to that read the agreement she signed she   signed a deal she's a stipulated settlement  agreement um she's not convicted she none of   this is on her record we owe her the 5,000 in my  opinion I just want to know who's ever going to be   responsible for this because in the current  environment went in no one is and the only   people getting hurt up here is the citizens  of scambi County incorrect hey I'm talking   you just told me it's my FL the floor thank you I  appreciate the respect only people getting hurt in   this County behind this is the taxpayers you're  going to pay millions and millions and millions   of dollars because this man's in vindictive  Behavior against people and it's enough enough   we can't afford it all right I'm not vindictive  when I stand up for First Responders there were   six of them six of them that got point the finger  pointed at them you talk about vindictive reasons   you weren't here you don't know you're ignorant  you're I'll tell you what happened someone didn't   like something they thought they overheard sounds  like a sounds like a theme and then she went after   people she didn't like and guess what five of  those six had everything nothing they weren't   charged with anything they had their lives turned  upside down they had to pay their own lawyers and   now we're cleaning up the mess so that's what  really happened here now you say no one was   held accountable someone was held accountable one  man was he had it was a poor Record Keeper and and   he did he was found accountable but all these  other people were not did not do the the things   they were accused of Mike so look at the look at  the one person who who did it and he did he did   pay a price but the rest of these folks were not  charged with anything all right i' i' I'll tell   you what I'm going to do we never wrote to the  Department of Health on this board and ask them   why their investigation process was so screwed up  and were so right so I'll do that letter and ask   the governor why the his Department was so wrong  and this board is so right that they find us and   no one on our board is held accountable nobody I'm  sorry that's just the facts and so if no one here   had the courage to say the investigative process  was wrong nobody all right you going to write a   letter to the governor because you want people  held accountable when when you write okay you can   write another letter if you want write some to the  state attorney make baseless allegations but when   you write that letter to the governor maybe you  ought to maybe you ought to self-report yourself   when you got on this board you got drunk one night  and called each of us and I had to save you from a   Sunshine Law violation have investigate that you  called each member of this board and yeah so when   you put your letter to the governor maybe send  one to the state attorney and have investigate   you for trying to commit a sunshine violation  when you got drunk one night and you called   me we'll look it up and I told you I sa you want  down in the gutter we'll go ahead and do that when   you threaten drinking beer because I wouldn't vote  for you and you told me you had the votes remember   that that's a lie that mine's a lie he's right but  that's actually you oh you had your phone on while   you at Seville while you were telling me because  I didn't vote for got phone record you call me   you have a phone record of being in C quarter  where you said I have the votes oh come on man   see that's the problem your fork tongue gets you  in trouble just say and you make up allegation do   whatever report you want on me no you're the one  write letters go go send her I know dang well what   you said and you go send a letter have a seat go  send a letter have a seat derangement have a seat   this is the derangement have a seat have a seat  okay can you kind of give us a clarification of   of of this case I mean we settled it she tax  for $5,000 we gave her 90 I mean oober drama   October 20th 2022 Miss Kenny first brought a  request that the board authorized paying her   attorney's fees for the fdoh investigation and  the attorney's fees to the CL start off Chris   I'm sorry can you just you lost me but go ahead  start off so in 2022 a request was brought to   this board to pay for for Miss Kenny's attorney's  fees in two separate proceedings one was for the   criminal investigation the criminal case with  the FDLE in the amount of $30,000 the other was   a request to cover her fees then in the amount  of $55,000 for the fdoh investigation the board   approved paying for her attorney's fees in the  FDLE case but did not approve paying her fees   for the fdoh case because it was still ongoing  so the reason we didn't pay because Ong because Mike can we've only taken advice of what we we we  only taken advice of what we've been given so you   didn't pay the $5,000 because it was still un  investigation is what you're saying and we paid   the however the board at that time decided not  to move forward with her request for the fdoh   investigation but did approve the attorney's fees  was she exonerated from the fdoe investigation   that case was null Prost and was that mean I  believe there was pre-trial diversion and then the   case has since been closed and the record expunged  expunged so she was not found guilty correct she   was exonerated case was n Prost no but you know I  don't know obvious I don't know your mean lawyers   um she was convicted correct okay thank you  all right and we've already paid I'm sorry m j   we've already paid 90,000 no that is a a separate  proceeding I believe there was an mspb appeal uh   this is only about attorney's fees in the criminal  case and in the fdoh disciplinary proceeding so   everyone that was involved in I guess the alleged  falsification I mean obviously dealing with etler   case I mean there there was some falsification of  documents all those people have been removed none   of those people are currently working for us that  would be a question for Wes I believe that is the case that is correct all right board so we do have a request  from the that the board discuss this from the   county attorney's office do we have do we have a  motion to take action or what what does the board   want to do well I you know it might die right here  but I I'm going to follow through and I'm going to   stick up for people who got bullied and harassed  employees First Responders in this County and it's   happened over and over and we keep cleaning up  the mess this board had nothing to do with any of   it none of it but these actions were taken by an  employee of ours who was counseled and continued   to do what she did um but this employee here was  not convicted of anything there's nothing on her   record she could continue her career if she wanted  to she had to take a deal but she didn't admit any   guilt to anything and I think we ought to pay  the 5,000 000 if you guys want to support it I   think it's the right thing to do I'm going to be  on record making the motion that we support the   payment of $5,000 that's my motion all right  is there a second Jeff I I'll second it for discussion so we spend so much money in legal  fees that's ridiculous and sometimes false   accusations you have to spend your own personal  money when you when you get false accusation so   I I I experiened it um $55,000 is just not a  lot of money money in terms of how much more   we going to have to spend if we didn't pay it  what happens Christian I mean so I mean could   she repeal it would we end up court and your  time and lawyer's time I mean we've already   spent $5,000 talking about it today I mean  you count up the hours of the staff in here   and and what we pay lawyers and sitting here  it's more I adamant agree with that when you   add up staff time in the room oh yeah but but  we'll take a lot of Staff time just to attack   people you know we do that yeah we don't we we  don't mind if we're spending legal fees attack   people that happens every day around here um Chris  what what's the what's the other option it's the   board's decision what what what I'm saying and  then if she appealed it would that take uh your   time from your office and spending more time  with it I mean and I want to get some advice from you have to have some I I I get exactly  the recommendation that's purely our decision   but I just want to get a legal opinion as well  uh because we're we are kneed deep into lawsuits   and none of us have ever gone to law school and  so we end up in these frivilous lawsuits or or   courts um and as commissioner K just said it's  the responsibility boy like I take issue with   it knew nothing about it you know what we we give  it to an Administration to hire the best competent   staff I mean you know I can't we can't stop people  from what they're doing right now uh you you don't   know what with, 1500 employees how do we know  what we're doing someone could be FAL finding   something right now there could be an EMS driver  that's you know doing bad things right now that's   just not the responsibility of the board although  ultimately it comes to us but we really have no   control and so you we have responsibility for  things we have no authority over because of the   errors that happen and sometimes all you can do is  just try and clean it up I don't know whether this   person's innocent or guilty uh but I do want to  know our legal position and I do know often times   there have been hundreds and millions of dollars  spent on things when people thought that we'd be   exonerated and we know that we were on the right  side of right but we still still spend millions   of dollars of taxpayer dollars I mean we talking  about privilege taxpayer dollars it ain't this   board that's been spending privilege taxpayer  dollars uh on on on legal I mean so and because   that's not my intent I mean I'm probably the most  conservative guy when it comes to spending uh   government dollars so in in the course of things  $5,000 if she's not guilty I don't know that I   would oppose it I mean because quite frankly um  as I said we got $5,000 worth of Staff in here   right now that probably could be going do good  work you got 10 people out here that make over   $100,000 I mean 120,000 and so they're sitting in  here watching this debate over $5,000 it that's   bad government to me that's bad Administration  when we're sitting here arguing over $5,000 when   people can be doing good work for our County  reiterate what you said it doesn't meet the   intent of our instruction is that correct the 2014  ordinance it didn't that what we talked about the   the payment you agree that's why you kept saying  no because she did wasn't completely exonerated   so that criminal action that was dismissed this is  the fdoh investigation in which she entered into   a settlement short of a hearing so there was no  ultimate determination she settled she agreed to   settle the case after she had agreed to do the  administrative board and go through the Merit   system protection board that's an entirely right  separate process um the problem is not the money   here the problem is the public opinion about  safety and to not even recognize that there was   a problem with fraudulent um life-saving cards is  just I don't know I've only been nurs 33 that we   paid $5,000 and no one's been held accountable she  was a training off more than $5,000 we're payler   it's not good governance to do that and it doesn't  set an image that we're we're doing Public Safety   the way we should in my opinion if we're doing  Public Safety the same way that we were doing   it then we're not doing it the right way I'm I'm  assured now that there there's new Administration   we we spent hundreds of thousand doll to clean up  Ems I mean we started back with sending Jerry Mard   over there because we had a problem and you know  what I can't help that it whether it got corrected   or didn't get corrected I mean you know we were  not in administration I mean all we can do is be   a policy board uh and so mik you said not sending  a good message to me we're sending a good message   clean it up I've I've just heard that there's  nobody that was working there that's working there   now I mean so you know that's a start and and and  I'm sure if Wes finds somebody over there in EMS   or Public Safety that's doing bad things now he's  probably going to get rid of them I mean and so   that's all we can do is supported I mean it's it's  human era so for me I mean I'm not going to stay   here all day and swap yeah so if the landing spot  is if the landing spot is the greater is is what   the kind of comment from you commissioner May  is the the greater good I mean the alternative   would be potentially drop and bring it back but  then we're going to end up in the same devolve   discussion so I just soon do what we're going to  do I I can I can live with it so if I don't about   M well there's a motion in a second I mean so if  there's no further useful discussion about the   item that's vote all those in favor please vote  by say chairman before you vote Sor yeah I need   to make sure that the 5,000 does not include the  250 Kate Kenny fine as it was in the siiver bill   are you that's correct thank you yes okay is that  clear enough have we paid have we paid anybody   else's bill or is this the first one I believe  Matthew sover we paid his too well he also had a   settlement agreement similar to this one with that  resulted from the fdoh investigation and I believe   there and I'm Rusty on this but I believe there  was also a fee request related to the criminal   investigation as well w w we got protocols in  place now to ensure that that never happens again   I would assume we have policies and procedures and  practices in place our job is to make sure those   policies and procedures are followed that I think  that was some of the catastrophic failure over   there back in yeah I mean we had the policies  the whole time I mean we never you know I mean   so my bad it's it's I I believe I mean I'm sure  but Steve I I when you say all we can do as this   board is support policy-wise and administration  uh there was lots of money uh a lot of direction   to go straighten it out so I mean if you send  someone to do a job and they don't do it I mean I   I I don't know I mean so there there was effort  uh to correct things uh in public safety and   EMS I mean it's all it's all very it's all very  frustrating and and you know it's it's reminiscent   of some situations I think where you know I don't  know that there are two sides and one side is   correct and one side is is incorrect I think that  there's maybe not ideal behavior on both sides of   a discussion you know so it's just another just  another in the line of in the Litany of those uh   of those problems manifesting themselves so yeah  um no it's not you know living with it is probably   a good is probably a good phrase so yeah I can  live with it so I one final question for Council   so are we setting a precedent where there's a  Floodgate Of what others who are coming forth   that we're going to probably be petitioned to pay  I could not predict that I I do not know how many   more out there that we would have to pay all I  know is that in the past Mr sover presented a   request and I believe now that I'm thinking about  it I believe that was limited to his settlement   with the fdoh that the attorney fees that were  incurred for that defense um I don't know about   any others all right board ready for a vote  we have a motion and we have a motion and a   second and it U and there was some clarification  given by the council for the for Madam clerk so   I think we're good there so all those in favor  please vote by saying I or by raising your hand   any descent thank you item passes 3 to one with  commissioner ker in descent mam councel yes the   second discussion item is a request uh for further  Direction regarding appending attorney general's   opinion request um you had previously directed uh  the county attorney's office to seek an opinion   once uh and this is relating to the proposed  chappie James uh Memorial Plaza uh and whether   or not tourist development tax funds um would be  uh could be utilized for the construction of the   plaza improvements and so forth we were directed  to seek an opinion once the ownership of not only   the property but the improvements was determined  and that has not been determined and uh the   Attorney General will not answer that question or  you know address that potential um whether or not   that whether or not it could qualify as a museum  uh because that is tied to who owns it uh but   there is one other possible authoriz authorization  and we could narrow the request or we could simply   withdraw the request until ownership is determined  um if I might Mr chairman um Kristen we we have   batted this thing back and forth like a game of  I I'll use pickle ball now instead of badminton   back and forth between the TDC and the BCC and the  BC and the BCC and then the chappie James Museum   people I mean at some point I I I believe there's  broad support for what we're going to do out there   at that bridge to honor chappie James um I think  we've I think we've done our due diligence and   I mean uh you know my understanding was that the  city came forward with with you know documentation   that showed that um you know that that they were  going to own the property and therefore it was a   allowable expense since it's publicly owned so  if if the board moves forward at some point we   can litigate these things to death and we can  request letters that take six months and we're   never ever uh going to be able to do that I I  mean listen I I commissioner did they clarify   who's going to own this the improvements above  the dirt I think that's the I think that's the   qu question at hand well I mean and I don't know  the answer there's a support agreement there's an   agreement between the champie James folks and and  the city but I mean let me ask it this way let me   ask the question this way if we become decisive as  we should and make a decision to fund it I want to   support that worst case scenario what would happen  I mean I I just I don't want to get in trouble but   this is just so opaque um it's obviously going  to bring people but it seems simple did we send   a letter to the mayor to their legal counsil to  ask them the question we we no no we requested an   opinion from the Attorney General's office as to  whether it's the funding source that's the issue   because it's a restricted funding source we can  only use tdt money for authorized purposes under   the statute and there's a question as whether  this particular use would qualify so you've   clarified whether not who's going to own it no no  we have not been able to ascertain and we've I've   since even uh mayor Reeves recently sent you all  a letter but it only stated that they would own   the property and I since followed up with the city  attorney's office and he again confirmed that who   will own all of the improvements that has yet to  be determined but could he say I mean the letter   to the mayor did he say we will own it or we will  not own it I mean it's pretty black and white you   did not address who would own the improvements  can we just send that letter cuz I'm I'm with   you have send that letter either they're going to  own it or they're not going to own it and then we   get attorney general support I mean I'm going  to support this you did they specific Kristen   did they specifically say they wouldn't improve  own the improvements or they only alluded to the   dirt they will only confirm that they own they  will own the property and who will own any of the   improvements will be determined in the future okay  all right well I mean so they acknowledge that you   asked the question but they say they'll determine  that in the future and do they recognize that   funding is dependent on rather not who owns it  well funding could qualify under one category but   in order to qualify we would have to know the the  ownership element then there is a second possible   category that it could fall under and so we could  narrow the request that was previously sent uh   and only ask about that one purpose uh and see if  that if this project qualifies for that how about   this so we meet nine days what if we what why  don't why doesn't someone try to clarify either   I mean there's presumably there's three parties  there's the county the city and the foundation   why don't we try to clarify between the city and  the foundation who's going to own the improvements   and bring it back for discussion rather than  taking action today and because what I wouldn't I   I think what we wouldn't want to do is amend  a request to the ao's office for something and   then after we find out different information try  to amend it again I mean I'm not I don't know that   this looks great anyway but it certainly doesn't  look great doing that so maybe we just put it off   a week and try to narrow that down I I have to  meet with the mayor you know I think I'm at knob   Co you know at the end of this week but before our  next meeting I will meet with mayor Rees and try   to Define who's going to own the improvements and  I will ask if you would reach out to the league   Christian today I already have um would you send  them another email asking them to clarify it and   whether they answer it or not then I'll talk to  I have it in writing he's already confirmed that   they do not know it has not been determined  regarding the improvements with the exception   of the jet airplane which is on loan from the  Air Force okay that's commuted I'll talk to DC   okay I mean you can't yeah I mean you have to  get an answer I'll talk to DC all right we'll   we'll bring it back on the second hi board that  is uh that concludes the meeting anybody has anything e for