##VIDEO ID:6aiEsa2FxYw## wife commissioner you ready yep Ready to Go hi good  evening goe and call this meeting to order Board   of County Commissioners regular meeting November  7 2024 5:30 earn mahad government building please   turn your cell phone to the vibrate silence  or offsetting Board of County Commissioners   allows any person to speak regarding an item  on the agenda the speaker will be limited to   3 minutes unless otherwise determined by the  chairperson to allow sufficient time for all   speakers speakers please refrain from abusive  or profane remarks disruptive Outburst protest   or any other conduct which interferes with the  orderly conduct of the meeting upon completion   of the public comment period discussion  will will be limited to board members and   questions raised by the board is Pastor  James Carter for Milestone Baptist here   yes sir thank you I apologize you we're  behind Mr Carter there and I didn't see   you uh I didn't see you in the room uh if  everyone please rise you have the floor Mr Carter let's pray Heavenly Father tonight we just  come we say thank you for the men and women who   have come and have dedicated their lives to serve  this evening as they prepare to do their Duty   we come to lift them up for you in your word  you said that if anyone lacks wisdom that we   can come and we can ask you and you would give it  tonight we're asking for your wisdom we recognize   our need for your guidance and all that we do as  we come tonight we're asking for three specific   things first we ask that you give these men and  women eyes that see clearly the issues that need   to be addressed second we ask that you give them  wisdom to know the next steps that they need to   move third we ask that you give them the courage  to stand and do what is right in the face of   doubt and opposition Lord we ask these things we  know these men and women have unique experiences   different perspectives and Lord we ask that you  use these differences that they have as a tool   that will strengthen and build our community  Lord give them the Insight that they need to   serve us well we ask that you bless these men  and women in their families we ask that you   bless our community our trust and hope remains  in you in your name we pray amen amen thank you   very much commissioner hoffberger lead us in  the pledge i al United States of America and   to the Republic for it stands one nation  under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you thank you Pastor as as you walk  out I want to thank you for the uh for the use   of the facility over the years for many public  meetings at milestone bapti thank you very much   Madam Council anything to be added to the agenda  no sir commissioner May yes sir Mr chamman I think   uh we have a few discretionary items that have  been added but I've been advised that have three   that have not been added that'll be passed out  okay super and so if we can do those i' certainly   appreciate it nothing for me Mr thank you  commissioner ker commissioner Hof all right I have   none Mr administrative none all right uh entertain  a motion to adopt the agenda so move Mr ch second   please vote thank you uh agenda passes 5 to Z  commissioner for commissioner May um thank you   um um Mr chairman I certainly want to congratulate  uh you chairman Barry uh for sucess race and uh   commissioner hobber Ashley congratulations and  uh commissioner stroberg I think that he's here I   want to congratulate each of you uh for those  of us that put oursel out to be scrutinized   often times undeserving uh to to serve uh it's  uh something that um cause for your character   to be able to do that so congratulations to each  of you certainly want to send my condolences and   prayers to uh Miss Vita Owens who worked for in  scami county for more than 30 years her daughter   Tracy Hayes uh lost her life uh this past weekend  uh this past week and so our prayers are off off   to them and and and to uh two uh inmates in the  scaming county jail Kevin and Kenny who are both   friends of mine uh who were inmates at scami  County Jail uh to their families I want their   families to know that uh we are concerned uh we do  recognize The Importance of Being sympathetic and   sending our condolences uh to families who have  lost their loved ones whether they're incarcerated   or whether they're not incarcerated uh they have  mothers and fathers they have sisters and brothers   they have aunts and uncles and so uh our prayers  are going to continually go out to them uh and   and finally uh Mr chairman I want to thank Wes  Marino uh Wes uh throughout this week we've had   some challenges on housing issues and those issues  and I appreciate your leadership in navigating   through that to uh get to what is true and what is  right so thank you thank you so much Mr chairman   absolutely commissioner mot yeah thank you Mr  chairman just a couple of quick things um first   of all uh to to every citizen in Escambia County  I want to say thank you um for really the honor   and privilege of my life this is this will be my  last meeting um on this board and at the end of uh   the 18th of this month this will be the end of my  service but prior to that for the 18 years prior   to that I just feel like one of the luckiest guys  in the world I got to be a school board member   serving my district um and I got to be a county  commissioner serving my community and very few   people get the opportunity to do either and so I  I just can't thank the citizens enough it's the   greatest privilege of My Life um being able to  serve and I I'm I as I drive around the district   as I drive around the county um and I see some of  the the marks of what the school board did during   my time and I see some things that we've done here  on this board it it's it's a sense of Pride and   you know just basically just kind of going through  the chronology of it when I was first elected in   November of 2006 the very first meeting after  the organizational meeting and I got I backed   into politics I was asked to run had really no  interest in local politics at that time owned   a small business but the very first vote that we  had to make on the school board December 21st 2006   never forget it was to close Woodham High School  can you imagine what kind of meeting that was I   was there you you probably were there it was it it  was unbelievable hundreds of people and I thought   to myself at that time what have I gotten myself  into and I've been to a few of those meetings down   the line 2009 actually 7 through eight the Great  Recession the big budget cuts we had to take and   then 2009 we closed Carver Century 2010 through  14 we had a lot of good good things happen built   some schools um we lost some population and then  2014 another really great honor in my life I was   elected uh opposed and then 2016 um was a very  tough race but I was able to win my my first   term on the board of County Commissioners and  we've done a lot we've been through a lot but   we've done a lot and so you know things have it's  hasn't always been a smooth road but these local   elected offices they're not for the faint of heart  as you all know as you all know and I want to   congratulate everyone who ran for office I want to  congratulate the winners and I will tell you the   to the folks who lost um i' I've had my name on  the ballot seven times I won six of them couldn't   get the last one but I know the feeling on both  sides and and I think it's something that everyone   should experience everyone should be able to have  the opportunity that I have had to serve um and   serve uh something that's greater than yourself so  there's a lot of tough challenges that this board   will be facing in the next few years um I don't  envy you you have to make some tough decisions but   I just want to from my perspective I want everyone  to know um I leave this board very optimistic   I am very bullish on the future uh the election  went the right way at the national level and I   think there's a lot of great opportunity ahead  so thank you to every citizen I want to thank   my family my wife um she couldn't be here she's at  a conference in Orlando I thinkk my kids you know   as you all know who have run for office it's it's  hard enough on the candidate but it's incredibly   difficult on the family so always think I would  just encourage you think about that you know when   you when you criticize people online when you  say things about people online most of us up   here have thick skin but it's the families it's  the families and to the staff Wes you've got an   amazing team I've really enjoyed my time working  with this staff everything I've Ever Needed every   constituent issue um they've been handled um I'm  going to miss the staff you guys were great I've   enjoyed working here again one of the honors and  privileges of my life so um Mr chairman um I'll   leave the remarks right there but I just want  people to know one word about this gratitude I   have gratitude I'm I'm very grateful for the  citizens that have put me in office and um I   wish everyone the best of luck going forward thank  you Mr chairman Mr chairman yes sir we should have   let Jeff speak last yeah exactly fantastic that  M and Jeff I did not did not mention you but uh   since you were elected we sat next to each other  and and we disagree I mean quite frankly you   just disagree that we made the right choice on a  national level I don't agree but um but but yeah   I mean I know I saw your Mega hat to um but Jeff  we've been able to uh agree to disagree and and   civy and I appreciate your leadership and you know  I see commissioner Wilson Robertson out there that   we probably had different political ideologies and  so often within politics just because we uh don't   align ourselves with political parties we have to  be adversaries and we have to do hateful things   to each other and and so you know what maybe we  disagree on politically uh but fundamentally we   agree that we want to do what's best for the  citizens and you've always done that it's been   an honor to serve with you I mean we had some  competitive times with who has the best jacket   and who had the best tie I think I think I've won  most times but uh Jee it's been an honor to serve   with you and we wish you well and if you ever  need a liberal on a conservative radio show I   mean call me early enough I might take you up on  I may wake up and do it but again Jeff it's been   an honor to serve with you I appreciate thanks  thank you absolutely commissioner caller yeah   I guess I'll start with you first cuz um we've  had our ups and downs it's no but I will say one   thing Jeff did fight for district one I saw him um  to the point sometimes I wanted to reach over and   give him a punch in the arm honestly but um people  know your legacy they know what you've done and   um I wish you the best I guess you're trying to  take on Russ lmar or something now but but good   luck with that and um and no hard feelings for me  I mean that um Mr chairman I got a few things I   want to talk about so Dorothy will you please  stand up for just a second Dorothy Barry will   be working in my office I know for the staff I  just want you to know who she is a retired Navy   Chief um she has also worked out at the base um  at nsy and she's going to be on board as the um   Aid and working with cherl which you all know  cherl she's she's keeping the staff busy I know   that but U please welcome Dorothy and um I just  wanted to introduce her all right let's talk a   little yeah thanks Jan I got a few things I want  to go through here so first I want to congratulate   obviously president Trump if you like him or if  you love him you like him or you dislike him it   was the most historic election in my lifetime well  some of you know some you don't know I have had   the honor to work for president Trump for the  last two presidential elections and it was an   honor and I can't express how proud I am uh to  have had that opportunity I got it by accident   honestly and I'm just really happy for him and um  I know that many of you may have seen me in a red   hat the other night that's probably true um on a  lot of different news Chanel like it a little bit   big red hat but anyways congratulations to him  and all of us you need to unite and get behind   our country and see where we end up the second  person I want to uh congratulate and I'm moving   down by Chain of Command here is Senator Rick  Scott Senator Rick Scott I was on his Veterans   Coalition team this time I've known Senator Scott  for over a decade this was his biggest victory in   all of his elections he won by 13 points it was  enormous um most of his has been with less than   1% or two at most so big night for Senator Scott  um but even a bigger thing is going to happen next   Wednesday and it's big for Florida he's up for  a majority leader with two other people it'll be   a vote with senators from other other States and  has a very good chance so if you know any senators   from another state reach out to them and ask them  to vote for Senator Scott congratulations to Steve   and Ashley it's good to have you on the board  I look forward to working with you guys in the   future Steve obviously I congratulations I know  you're sitting in the back but we'll see you in   the future and look forward to working with you as  well I want to congratulate the Blue Angels last   week they had their end of year celebration um  some people said there was a traffic problem out   there I know there was but putting 130,000 people  on the base it's a math issue um I talked to the   sheriff I talked to the base they're pushing  people through we're very fortunate to have   the Blue Angels here obviously the Thunderbirds  was a um an additional blessing but um we get the   problem the base gets the problem the sheriff gets  the problem we understand the the restrictions on   Blue Angel as well as um Gul Beach Highway we're  we're going to have to figure something out as   well as Vice adal gry knows the issue uh last week  we talked about the installation um in San Antonio   so we'll well that's a moving um discussion it's  not forgotten trust me I hear it all right this   weekend tomorrow's going to be a big day es  scambi High has their Veterans Day celebration   it's really more for uh a memorial even though  it's in Veterans Day for all the students that   went to Escambia High that died in war it's a  very moving ceremony I went last year um it's   it's very moving I'll be honest I I was I teared  up last year it was such a powerful ceremony and   I just want to do a shout out for scambi high  for doing that and then on Monday we have three   things I know the Golf Coast veterans looming  some of the folks you know have a prade at 9:00   maybe you'll be riding in a a car or something  then we got the veterans um uh Pro the Veterans   Park folks having a service at 11:00 and then  on the beach at 2:00 and I'll try to attend   most those and if any of you are out please come  attend those as well all right Mr chairman that's   all I have absolutely commissioner hoffberger  thank you Mr chairman fellow Commissioners and   Escambia County Citizens it is truly an honor  to sit here tonight as your District 4 County   Commissioner I want to thank you for trusting me  with this responsibility and it is with sincere   humility that I accept the privilege to advocate  for our community every day I am encouraged by the   resilience and the pass passion of our citizens  and I am looking forward to taking that passion   and rolling it into meaningful movement for our  community forward I am here to ensure that your   voices are heard and your needs are addressed  thank you for your trust your support and your   engagement together we will continue to build an  Escambia County that is United safe and thriving   and somewhere that we are all proud to call  home so thank you so much for this opportunity yeah Bravo thank you commissioner and uh want to  thank my colleagues for their well wishes   and a couple folks from the public forum uh very  pleased and uh you know very humbled as well to   to have an opportunity to serve again um Michael  rhods uh Parks and Rec director is not here with   us this evening uh because he's he's attending  the SEC women's soccer tournament Ashton Brenham   today was uh today was the semi-finals uh this  afternoon at 3:30 the second game will begin   at 6 o'clock tonight and hopefully everyone's had  an opportunity to make it out there at some point   in time the championship game will be on Sunday  afternoon and uh it's the third year of hosting   it it's been a fantastic it was a fantastic win  for our community to bring it here and it's been a   great it's been a great event every year um we're  also making a lot of progress on a huge project in   uh in the heart of cantom at Mogi Road in Highway  29 um it's going to be called paper Park but it's   through a uh partnership that took a long time  to uh actually get ink with International paper   in The Gambia County but we've uh made a lot of  Headway on the uh construction of the walking   Track around the exterior of the of the property  as well as uh you installation of disc golf   course and I saw some pictures today with a lot of  progress on a very nice playground that's going in   there so I think that's going to be fully fully up  and running here in the next just a week or so um   um it's it's you know sometimes Partnerships take  a while and that one that one certainly did take a   while uh and uh I want to recognize a friend that  passed last week I was unable to make the service   uh but Ricky Wiggins who many of you uh many of  you knew uh he was a builder and his brother Lamar   Wiggins built houses for for many many years uh  Ricky was a stalard in our community and uh he   he passed away service was last Monday and just  the thoughts and prayers out to his friends and   family of which there are there are many many  uh friends and family that Ricky leaves behind   uh Mr administrator thank you Mr chairman I want  to offer condolence to Rich Powell and his family   and uh their extreme loss that they experienced  earlier in the week those services will be next   Tuesday at Marcus Point Baptist Church but  our hearts and prayers go out to him and his   family it's just uh unfathomable what he's going  through right now uh I also uh want to you know I   have some great directors I have great I have a  great a great team that we work with and I want   to say this about Horus Jones and joy Blackman  I've known these two people forever they're the   most honest you'll ever meet and they work hard  and guys I stand with you and behind you 100% I   don't care who walks at that Podium I'm not going  to take that it's uncalled for and I'm not going   to take it I love you guys youall do a fantastic  job as do all of our directors all of our team and   all of our managers and the boots in the field  the guys in on the ground that's where the work   gets done at that's where the magic happens so I  support y'all I do have one thing I want to read   for John Robinson he couldn't be here tonight but  he participated with FDLE and they sent a brief   letter it says John Robertson represented your  department with professionalism while working   with criminal justice staff to develop the  40-hour advanced course investigating crimes   against animals and the 16-hour specialized  course recognizing crimes against animals his   knowledge and experience with the subject matter  were essential to the success of this project   we sincerely appreciate your agency support of  our ongoing efforts to provide quality training   curricula for the state's uh criminal justice  officers I'll tell you if you want to spend an   interesting day in a department go to Animal  Services I've never heard so many uh unique   experiences I'll say it like that uh from folks  and uh it's just a a really they got 400 dogs over   there and they never quit barking and I don't  know how you do how they do it over there but   they they they do a fantastic job and that's it Mr  chairman thank you Mr administrator uh next on the   agenda Comm I'm sorry I was not I was not going to  mention Chief pal Rich Pal's uh situation and West   thank you for bringing it up uh um but to whether  you're a director administrator or whether you're   elected um the amount of abuse that you take and  it trickles down to your family and your children   and to lose a child I mean unexpectedly and so uh  I've been in constant communication with him and   so uh Chief pal and I know Deputy Nash all y'all  are praying with him uh our prayers are with him   and we certainly understand the enormous amount of  pressure that happens on those who are around you   uh when pressure comes your way so our prayers  are with him and and W thank you for bringing   it up I wasn't going to bring it up because  we've had a lot of confidential conversations   but Chief pal uh we're certainly praying for you  thank you Mr chairman absolutely commissioner mcos thank you Mr chairman yes sir as you know  as you all know up there the work that we do   we can't do it without support we can't do it  without help we can't do do it with without   great appointees that serve on the boards um I  am leaving office and I appreciate staff working   uh with Angela and my office to make sure that  we had very nice plaques uh for the folks who   have served on my boards and committees and  so I'm thankful that many of them most of them   have been able to attend tonight and I want  to take a moment of personal privilege here   to recognize each and every one of them one  at a time uh Mike Godwin please come forward Mike Mike has been a great great friend to this  board and to me and he has served uh in multiple   roles in the county um going way back but he has  served as as my member of the board of adjustment   uh recently from May 25th of 2017 through November  18th 2024 and um for that I appreciate it these   boards some of them require a lot of time a  big commitment and uh Mike to the best of my   knowledge has never missed a meeting am I right  so let's give a round of applause for Mike for his dedication pict thank you thank you for being  here thank you for what you've done without question the most difficult board to  sit is the planning board they make they make   decisions I'll tell you as a county commissioner  I'm glad I don't have to sit on that board I mean   so um thank God for those citizens that serve  at the at the pleasure of each board member uh   that serve U this individual is here tonight and  I'm going to recognize him Jay ingwell can you   come forward please Jay uh took the took the  assignment right after I was elected in 2016   now he still works he's a retired military  man still works a full-time job and has been   a stalwart on that planning board and and  I've got to say on these boards sometimes   your appointee doesn't vote the way you would  and multiple times you know I I would watch I   never I never reached out to him I never uh  put a thumb on him um I trusted him he lives   in Bula like I do and he's made he's made a  lot of decisions frankly um that were very   good a few that I would have done differently  but uh I just want to say to you Jay thank you   for your service eight years on a planning  board no compensation sometimes five six   7even hour meetings thank God for everyone that  serves but give it up for Jay inell for your service you say anything all right here's another great dedicated citizen  passionate about the marine environment   and long serving nine years I'd like  to invite up to the podium Captain Mark   Moore Captain Moore has served on the  advisory committee as the district one   representative from September of 2016  through November 18th of this year I   appreciate your service I appreciate your  service to the community and I appreciate   your dedication to the marine environment  thank you very much Captain Mor absolutely we had a vacancy come up just not too long  ago and um this gentleman stepped up to fill   it and again you know we have a hard time some of  these committees like the uh um Transit advisory   committee we I mean we just have a difficult time  filling them but uh this gentleman Donald lch   he uh he stepped up and served on the uh Marine  advisory committee for for me for the last year   and a half so uh I appreciate his service um Don  Lurch please come forward he served on the Marine   advisory committee from July 18th 2023 through  November and he will serve through no November   18th of 2024 when my time on this board concludes  and I appreciate your service thank you thank you appreciate that well this one's last and this one's very  very special I've known Bridget Brooks for   15 years and she is tireless advocate for this  community dedicated a me she was been a president   of the PTA I knew her from when I was back on  the school board and when I was elected to this   position um I had a lot of people putting a lot  of pressure on me to put their guy on the island   Authority I never even thought twice about it I  knew the right person with the right disposition   and the right temperament was Bridget Brooks  and so Bridget has served eight years on the   island Authority she's currently the chairman and  Bridget can if you come forward Bridget and her   husband Larry are just the salt of the earth the  greatest people um fantastic and Bridget thank you   so much for your service on the Island Authority  thank you very much let's give it up for Bridget Brooks thank you very much Mr chairman and my  final comment on this will be to all of those   who currently serve on these boards and committees  you may not always know it you may not hear from   your representative upon this dis but I will tell  you your service is appreciated it's vital these   boards and committees they do very important  work the island Authority the Marine advisory   committee um so thank you to everyone everyone who  serves on those committees thank you very much oh Stephen absolutely well this this wasn't part  of agenda review but it is going to be part   of the part of the board meeting this evening  uh we do have something for you commissioner   and uh this is not a part of the Proclamation  no one asked me for any personal anecdotes but   uh you know you mentioned your time on the  school board that's where I first remember   uh remember interacting with you when I was uh on  the public school foundation for 10 or 12 years   and uh we would come and we would advocate for  Partnerships and advocate for uh help from the   school board from the superintendent's office and  uh you know we always received that and I want to   I want to thank you for that uh you know it's it's  unfortunate that uh uh that Sally is out of town   and Gary and cariss are out of town as well but  it's uh you're left with uh you're left with your   colleagues and friends that are here this evening  but we do have something for you it's uh eight   years is a eight years is a long time 18 years  is even longer that's uh it's a long time to be   under scrutiny and under the microscope and uh uh  and you've survived and you've uh produced and the   production is what uh is is what you see when you  drive around district one and it's uh if you look   back eight years it's nothing like what it looked  like before so you've produced for your District I   think in an unprecedented manner but I do have a  proclamation so commissioner Jeff bgos was first   elected to represent esami County's District 1 in  2016 and reelected in 2020 serving the citizens of   district one in all of Escambia County for eight  years demonstrating a steadfast commitment to   improving his district and advocating for all of  his constituents during his two terms commissioner   BOS served as a chairman of the board for the  year 2017 2018 and 2122 and is vice chairman for   201617 and 2020 21 commissioner BOS has served his  community in numerous capacities throughout his   tenure on our board serving as VI as chairman  of the value adjustment board in addition to   serving on the Florida Alabama Transportation  Planning organization as well as chairman of that   board for a tenure uh the tourist development  commission believe chairman of that board for   a tenure as well I didn't get that one we we'll  work on that thank you still be you still be an   Affiliated member with an interest in the tourism  uh in the tourism uh industry pensco scambia are   area Economic Development commission and more  commissioner bgos is long history of dedicated   Public Service in Escambia County joining the  Escambia County Commission only after serving   Escambia County school board for 10 years as its  district one member in addition to his Service as   an elected official commissioner BOS is an active  volunteer in the community with a particular   passion for supporting organizations that  benefit children and the military volunteering   with organizations including the Boy Scouts of  America Waterfront Rescue Mission March of Dimes   Relay for Life many more during his ten years the  county commissioner commissioner bgos actively   interfaced with his constituents via his monthly  coffee with the commissioner events of which there   were 92 92 how about that that's something get  to 100 that's something uh both in person and   virtual along with frequent Town Hall meetings  keeping district one residents informed and   engaged commissioner bash spearheaded numerous  projects to enhance the quality of life for   district one residents including the construction  of the bellw Library which was your first public   library in the district I believe a new Bula  fire station A P key multiuse path PR Key boat   ramp along with with numerous Road sidewalk and  drainage Improvement projects including the long   Leaf Drive Road widening and Bridge replacement  Barefoot Estates drainage improvements kondik   Road Bridge repairs moldun Road sidewalks and  lighting many many more in addition to numerous   playground and park improvements throughout  district one for commissioner bgos actively   advocated for maintaining Public Access on P ke  beaches and made numerous improvements to public   access areas working with Public Safety to expand  the Pensacola Beach lifeguards coverage to include   a lifeguard tower on PR key making the public  beach area safer for beachgoers commissioner   BOS has worked on initiatives to plan for and  enhance the future of district one Community   including the bu master plan as well as outlying  field a commissioner BOS worked diligently with   the transportation planning organization  state legislators and the Florida Department   of Transportation to help secure $240 million to  fully fund The Bu interchange project which will   provide much needed access to a rapidly growing  area of district one commissioner BOS has devoted   countless hours in service to his constituents  over the past eight years with our board working   to improve the quality of life for all district  one residents now therefore be it proclaimed that   the board of County commissioners of esami County  recognizes and thanks commissioner Jeff bgos for   his dedicated service to residents of District  1 and to all of Escambia County Board of County   Commissioners Steven Barry chairman District 5  Ashley hoffberger Vice chairman District 4 Jeff   bgos District 1 Michael ker District 2 Lumen May  District 3 commissioner congratulations thank you Personal Privilege extended so thank you Mr  chairman well I I must admit um I I did not expect   this I did not anticipate this um I was hoping  to make it somewhat lowkey with the with the um   things my remarks that I made at um commissioner's  Forum but you know as I as I drove today into the   parking structure there was a lot of lasts was  the last time I'm going to drive up there last   time I've come to my office more than likely  the last time I'm coming down here and probably   uh unless something goes really off the rails  this will probably be the last time I'll be at   this Podium too so I just want to reiterate and I  thank you for um your consideration of the time I   just want to reiterate just how grateful I am how  gratified being a member of the school board when   my all three of my children were in the schools  the public schools of esami County where I'm   a very very big champion of public schools  um and having the opportunity to be on the   stage when my daughter graduated from Pensacola  High School the school that I graduated from who   who gets to do that who who who gets to be that  fortunate two years later when my son graduated   from West Florida high school and I got to be  on the stage and hand him his diploma who gets   to do that so fortunate when my youngest son  graduated in 2018 I I did not I was not able   to be on the stage because I was no longer  a school board member I was here on this   board but I did get good parking and I got a good  seat so there's been so many different things um   and you just can't you just can't encapsulate  it into a couple minutes but that's why I just   want the word the takeaway from tonight to be  that Jeff bgos is grateful he's grateful for   a great family his he's his faith I'm grateful  for my faith in God um because you need it you   need it in this job you you a got that you got  nothing you don't got a strong family you don't   have faith in God you got nothing so I'm thankful  to all the citizens I'm thankful to my family for   uh tolerating this 18-year uh Endeavor that I've  been in and I just I want the citizens to know   that this has been the honor and the privilege  of my life I will look back with fond memories   the good times the bad times the memories um  I'll look I'll look back fondly and I I will   miss this but um as I said before I'm bullish on  the future of bambia County I know that we've got   great things in the works and I uh I'm rooting  for you guys as I leave thank you thank you next is going to be the presentation of  the 45th anniversary with the recognition   of Escambia County as a council commission  manager form of government Mr administrator   if you might join me at the podium and  Mark Ryan if you might make your way good evening Mr chairman Vice chair members of  the County Commission County Administrator Maro   County attorney Clerk of the Court County staff  and amazing residents of Escambia County my name   is Mark Ryan and I'm a retired city manager of  more than 40 years in Bard County on Florida Space   Ghost I manag three cities in the same county I've  been appointed a volunteer senior adviser from the   Florida City County management association I'm  one of eight in the in the State of Florida to   share my experiences with cities and counties  to help them grow and prosper on behalf of the   Florida City County management association  I'm privileged to present the scambia county   Board of County Commissioners with a certificate  celebrating 45 years of the council commission   manager form of government on behalf of the board  of directors of the fccma and the international   City management association we offer our sincere  congratulations on this achievement the council   management former government is very similar to  a corporation we have a board of directors you   the Commissioners a CEO ex City administrator  and the stakeholders the residents of your county in Florida nearly 70% of Florida cities  are under the council commission manager of   former government in 6 of the 67 counties all  but two have a County Administrator you have a   commission that works well together and I applaud  you for that you have the best interest of your   community at heart and it shows you also have a  County Administrator who's leading your county   when has a wealth of institutional knowledge has  helped the community Through various troubles such   as covid and hurricanes but has also helped the  community move forward move forward in such a   posi positive way to get your goals implemented  you have an amazing team Mr Marina and all too   often we hear the negative about the city and the  county staff not here you have an amazing team and   an amazing leader and with that and recognition  all your accomplishments I am proud to present   to you this certificate honoring 45 years of  the council commission management your former government with your apologies I  have a three hour drive to go home thank you thank you Mr Ryan Mr administrator  next is going to be proclamations I'd uh   entertain a motion for the proclamations  second thank you please vote item passes   5 to zero commissioner hoffberger as she  makes her way down first proclamation to   be extending sincere congratulations to  Ula May Stevens on her 100th birthday if absolutely I want to thank former commissioner  Wilson Robertson for nominating you and letting   us know to celebrate your birthday um Miss Ula  May Stevens a longtime Escambia County Florida   resident is celebrating an incredible Milestone  of A Century Of Life turning a 100 years old on   November 16th 2024 and Miss Stevens was born as  Ula May Greece on November 16th 1924 in brutin   Alabama to parents Riley T Greece and Alberti Al  Alys Greece and was the oldest of three siblings   and Miss Stevens grew up on their family farm  in brutin later moved to Pensacola in 194 42   upon graduation from WS nil high school and  she remained in Pensacola in Escambia County   after meeting her husband George L Stevens while  waitressing at the Pensacola Dairy company also   known locally as the Dairy Bar or the milk bottle  and after she and her husband had two children   Roland and Pat Miss Stevens embraced her role as  a stay-at-home mother serving as Home Room mother   at their school and a Girl Scout Troop leader and  once her children entered High School Miss Stevens   began working in a credit union and finance  for a local credit bureau and department stores   including Montgomery Wards and WT Grant remaining  devoted to her family throughout her career and   Miss Stevens has been a woman of Faith throughout  her long life growing up in a small Missionary   Baptist Church in brutin and later attending nor  North Side Baptist Church and Olive Baptist Church   in Pensacola and Miss Stevens is described as a  loving and giving person who is affectionately   called granny Steve by her family and many others  who know her and love her and miss Stevens has   been fortunate to watch her beautiful family  grow over the years with five generations living   today including four grandchildren four great  grandchildren and three great great grandchildren   all of whom she talks about frequently and loves  dearly now therefore let it be proclaimed that   the board of County Commission commissioners of  Escambia County Florida wishes Miss Ella May UL   May sorry Stevens a happy 100th birthday we extend  our sincere congratulations on this Monumental   occasion and wish you and your family continued  health and happiness over the years to come happy birthday oh and these are for you   and Wilson Wilson and Ann I see former my dear  friend former city council member of PC woo here   as well would you'all like to come up and and  maybe take a photograph with Miss Stevens as well you have a wonderful birthday thank you we'll hold this again everybody fantastic thank you again thank you commissioner hoffberger next  is going to be adopting the proclamation   commending and congratulating Miss Raa McCoy  Administrative Assistant engineering department   for his selection as employee of the month for  November 24 I see joyy and Chris you have the floor good evening Commissioners I'm going to  give them a minute to shift around come on down Raa Raa has been working with the county for a  little over 30 years now so a lot of you know   Raa and uh probably didn't realize that I stole  her from the downtown crowd and uh we're we're   so proud to have her now in engineering uh she  actually began her employment with scami county   in June of 94 so you were 15 perhaps maybe  and she's uh now working as in construction   management as administrative assistant and  on the business side she's no slacker she   has assisted engineering project managers  and the program manager maners in tracking   and multiple applications for over a 100 million  in grant funding you all know about this but it   just this is the lady that helps us keep it in  line she's also uh working with this tracking   the drainage calls and those issues on our in  our website so we those are important features   but that's probably not the thing we're the most  proud of to have and the value that we have for   Raa Raa is more importantly to us and I'm going  to try not to cry a source of inspiration source   of counsel a source of positive thoughts and  love and that's just when the things are tough   in the everyday life she has been a member of  the Hill Crest Baptist Church over 20 years   and she teaches special needs Sunday school and  if that wasn't enough she's also a mentor to um   special needs children and that includes Us by  the way and some ways we have our own special   needs but we are a we are a family we're a  dysfunctional family in our own way but we   want you to know how much you mean to us and  you know you you might be wife a mother and   a grandmother but you are our sister our friend  and we love you very much congratulations come on thank you all my people yeah get down thank  you say something it's been a long time since   I've been down here um gosh I didn't realize  this was going to be your last meeting so um   thank you for everything I want to start off I  wrote down what I wanted to say but I want to   thank you for um showing up in my neighborhood  and asking what you could do I'm going to cry   right too dang it um I do appreciate that that's  um service I appreciate the support that you've   shown for staff over the years um like I've heard  it and I appreciate that so that means a lot um   I'm really humbled to accept this recognition  and I'm only here because the people that that   I work with I don't feel like I deserve it because  I think that we all work together as a team and um   um I I'm so blessed to call these people there's  a lot of them that aren't here and there's a lot   of work that gets done um we have a lot of work  still to do with all the grants and flooding and   um I think we take a lot of complaints you know on  a daily basis and I think most of the time people   just want to be heard and I think when they feel  like they're heard and then they you can explain   the process of how things work then they're a lot  more more understanding so um that's something   that's important to me um I think working together  as a team and encouraging each other is really   important and um Joy did rescue me 15 years ago  I loved working downtown but I didn't realize   how much Sharon peacock told me how much I was  going to love working in engineering and she was   really right and then I've worked for a I've had  some amazing bosses and Rob McCracken has been   amazing he's his wisdom foresight encouragement  and just constantly being positive is truly a   Guiding Light to everybody in our department  um I'm really proud of the work that we do   and uh the improvements that we make in our  community I drive around and see projects   that we're working on and it makes me proud I  point it out to my family go we did that that's   you know it's it's important my grandchildren  know which projects that we worked on so that's   kind of cool so so um I wanted to say my atwork  family your love and belief in me have been an   anchor and a blessing and I'm thankful for each  one of you and again thank you for this honor yes sir next is going to be adopt Proclamation  declaring November 2024 is National epilepsy   Awareness Month Mr ker is making his way  and is Michelle in the audience yes here we go all right I'm going to read this on behalf of  the national epilepsy is that one here okay or   as the November is recognized as National  epilepsy Awareness Month celebrating the   unflattering strength and courage of epilepsy  patients alongside their families friends and   caregivers and whereas although 3.4 million  people 470,000 of them children in their   families are impacted by epilepsy in the United  States there's still a lot of work to be done to   combat the misconceptions and Stig stigma excuse  me around this disorder and to shed light on the   multiple challenges that people with epy face in  their daily lives and whereas organization such as   such as epilepsy Alliance Florida drives advocacy  campaigns to spread awareness and improve outcomes   for people with epilepsy and provide programs and  service to help effective individuals navigate   life with EP phsy while providing comprehensive  prevention and education services case management   and medical and psychological surface and whereas  in 2024 epilepsy Alliance Florida strives to   provide Aid to more than half a million floridans  living with epilepsy through part participation in   shine your light on epilepsy initiative which  seeks to promote acceptance and destigmatize   the lives experience of people with epilepsy  now therefore be it proclaimed by the board   of count commissioner hereby declares November  2024 is National epilepsy Awareness Month in a   scambi County Florida and encourages residents  to spread awareness about the struggles faced   by people with epilepsy combat misinformation  about this disorder and together help improve   the quality of life of those affected and their  families Board of County commissioners of scami   County Florida Steve Berry chairman District  5 Ashley H hoffberger Vice chairwoman District   Four Jeff BOS district one Mike ker District Two  Lumen May District 3 thank you ma'am thank you're gonna thank you you want anything say Michelle  make a comment thank you so much for recognizing   epilepsy awareness month for November um  I'm just going to say very quickly when I   started this job um with this I really didn't  know know what epilepsy was and then I put on   Facebook that I had this job with epilepsy  Alliance Florida and I had all these people   in my inbox babysitters people I'd known  my whole life what I had epilepsy when I   was growing up I have it now my sister has it  my daughter has it no one ever talks about it   so it's kind of a silent it's out there 1 in  26 will get it and it's something I knew and   there's a lot more to learn so thank you all  for paying attention I appreciate you all thank you Michelle thank you you and I appreciate  you reaching out to my office but getting a   commissioner caller to read it I  mean it shows your loyalty good   seeing you uh if uh Kevin monfreda as  well as animal shelter folks would come forward evening sir yeah thank you than you for coming there we've got a lot of  folks all right even without uh even without Mr   director here a lot of folks attending thanks  to uh uh thanks to all of you for taking the   time to come this evening and um so the Humane  Society of the united states recognizes the first   full week of November as national animal shelter  Appreciation Week celebrating the hardworking men   and women of our local animal shelters who provide  compassionate services to animals and people in   our community the esami county department of  Animal Welfare Works in partnership with the   community to create a safe healthy and caring  environment for esami County Citizens and its   animals the department of Animal Welfare consists  of the animal welfare and adoption center and the   Animal Welfare enforcement divisions working  tirelessly each day to protect the Health and   Welfare of animals by promoting citizen safety  responsible pet ownership and education in the   importance of spaying and neutering to help  mitigate animal overpopulation during the   last fiscal year the animal welfare and Adoption  Center kept 302 lost pets safe until they could   be reunited with their families found new homes  for 1,840 pets through adoption and transferred   249 pets to partner rescue organizations to  make room for other lost animals while the   Animal Welfare enforcement division responded  to over 10,000 calls for service investigated   over 5,000 nuisance or cruelty complaints and  addressed 3750 roaming atlarge complaints in   2023 the department of Animal Welfare received a  grant from the ASPCA to fund an animal search and   rescue team comprised of members of esami County  Animal Welfare and esami County fire rescue to   be deployed during disasters and to be trained to  conduct Swift water re rescues slack water rescues   large animal rescues and rope training Animal  Welfare is dedicated to building strong Community   Partnerships to help raise awareness of their  programs and services and participates regularly   in community outreach programs and adoption events  including poy gr barktober Fest the Bissell Pet   foundations empty the shelters adoption event and  thanks to a pro a strong partnership with Wolf   Gang Pensacola a scambi County Animal Welfare  was the benefactor of the poy GRS in 2023 and   2024 raising nearly $40,000 towards Emergency  Veterinary Care heartworm sponsorships enrichment   programs new playground equipment for the animals  transports training and supplies the shelter has   been announced as the benefactor of the 2025 potty  GRS event as well to be held in downtown Pensacola   on February 16 2025 these accomplishments would  not be possible without the dedicated efforts   of the staff at the animal at the department  of Animal Welfare as well as The Fosters and   the volunteers who help care for the animals  that are in our community now therefore be it   proclaimed that the board of County commissioners  of es scambi County hereby designate the week of   November 3rd through November 9th 2024 as national  animal shelter Appreciation Week in esam County   urging all citizens to join in recognizing Animal  Welfare staff and to acknowledge the substantial   contributions they make for our four-legged  friends in esami County Board of County   Commissioners Steven Barry chairman District 5  Ashley hoffberger Vice chairman District Four   Jeff BOS District 1 Mike kler District Two lummen  May District 3 thank you very much for being here please when your name's on the agenda you  you you get to speak so the downside of   it well I'm not John so I won't say too  many words I just want to say thank you   very much uh we appreciate appreciate  it um we have a really hardworking   staff here uh they do a ton of stuff  for the animals in the in the county   and the and the citizens in the county  so we appreciate this thank you have a thank you thank you thank you and as a as  a proud uh owner for eight years of a of   a a black lab that was adopted through the  animal shelter we are we uh my wife and I   and our children are very appreciative of the  work that you do as well thank you very much apologize next going to be the years of service   award for Willie Carter Jr at  E I see Rodriguez and th coming forward uh this is actually just honor just to  be able to represent you know up here right now   uh just being someone from this community uh home  homegrown director being able to uh give someone   like Mr Carter this actual award um now before  we even get to that Mr Carter I I know you've   actually heard me say this and I just want to say  this just again out loud to you you are a living   legend this community and without an individual  like yourself exemplifying all the hard work that   you actually committed yourself to I wouldn't  be who I am today when I hear my mom say things   like Mr Carter was my bus driver uh which allowed  me to be able to get to where I need to go I want   you to know that I would not be who I am today  if it was for individuals like yourself so I I   I know I thank you all the time but I just want to  just thank you again in open form and now again Mr   Carter Something That We're actually doing that  hasn't been done I want to give you this first   right Miss Carter he's receiving that honors  from the national the national Safety Council   in recognition of his unwavering commitment to  the safety and his dedication to the citizens of   esamia County for 45 years 45 consecutive years  he has driven an astounding 2, 817360 Mi without   a single accident or Incident That's a testament  to a skill responsibility and villagers on the road over Mr Carter's 50-year career he has safely  transported countless passengers covering over   3,130 th400 Mi for scammy County Area Transit  again that's that within itself Mr Carter you   know I appreciate that because something that  the one person I know gave gave birth to me in   this world you you transport a horse so thank  you so much so your remarkable achievements   reflect a lifetime of service and dedication to  ensuring the safe Transit of the community that   you serve right so I just want to just thank you  I you know I got to shake your hand cuz you're a   living legend now to the pro Proclamation whereas  Willie Carter Jr has dedicated 50 years of service   as a professional bus operator for escamia County  Area Transit consistently delivering outstanding   customer service to his colleagues superiors  and the citizens of Escambia County through his   exceptional safe driving courteous demeanor  and discipline discipline work ethic and Mr   Carter began his career on October 12th 1974  skillfully transporting scambia County's most   valuable asset is Citizens throughout his  impressive impressive tenure Mr Carter has   adapted to numerous advancements in  transportation Technologies mastering   modern systems such as double Maps Zonar and  most recently P Paso to ensure the safety of   his passengers and the us before and after  every trip Mr Carter regularly participates   in scheduled training sessions enhancing his  ability to drive safely and state updated on   office policies procedures and changes in local  and federal traffic laws and Mr Carter has set   an extraordinary standard for public service  and safety and has driven 2 million again 2, 817360 Mi over 45 years without an accident in  earning accommodation from the national highway   safety C Council for his exceptional safe driving  record over his 50-year career he has driven more   than 3,130 400 miles demonstrating unparalleled  dedication and expertise and Mr Carter exemplifies   commitment to his profession and Community  frequently covering additional shifts and working   overtime when needed to ensure reliable service  and Mr Carter is a true a true living legend known   for his reliability compassion and engagement  personality and remain steadfastly devoted to   his job and the cities of scambia County now  therefore be it proclaimed that the board of   County commissioners of Escambia County Florida  expresses his appreciation to Willie Carter Jr   and recognizes his achievements and dedication for  his 50 years of faithful service to the citizens   of Escambia County Board of County sign board  of County Commissioners Steven Barry chairman   District 5 Ashley hoffberg Vice chairwoman  District Four jeffre BOS District 1 Mike   po District 2 and Lumen J May District 3 thank  you so much Mr Carter thank you thank you thank Youk thank you everybody thank you thank you first I want to thank Mr um district one  uh individual there I remember him from way   back and he all he didn't know me one day we was  at a church and I walked up to him and I spoke   to him and he say I don't know you and I told  and I told him who he was and I told told him   about that and that was pretty good and he's the  last guy and L May is the one that start calling   me a living legend it's been called me that a  long time ago we played softball together and   I always held my grounds most of the guys were  much younger than what I was back during those   days but I had in my heart to do whatever had has  to be done speaking of me driving a bus a lot of   the guys at the garage they say I drive very  slow one thing about driving slow you paying   attention what you're doing that's right and  I really don't talk to many people while I'm   driving that's not a good thing to do just drive  it watch what you're supposed to do and I've been   driving a long time and each time I get ready to  think about retire it's not in my heart you know   I'm in just about 80 years old now and I'm went  to a little party the other day and I stood up   here and I spoke and then people was looking for  me to say that and I told them Point Blank I'm not   ready to retire you know you sit around the house  all day long that's not good for you you got to be   accurate and I'm that type of guy I ride bicycle  I walk around the block and I keep my eyes open   and when I get up to go to work in the morning  it's unbelievable the clock don't wake me up I   wake the clock up that's the way I work and when  they ask me to work I don't hesitate about coming   to work and you know I'm getting a little bit  older now there's nothing wrong with me a lot   of time I have doctor's appointment and and I go  to my doctor's appointment believe it or not when   I go to the doctor they say you wern't here today  why didn't you call they know and I sit there and   talk with them about get my appointment make it  don't worry about it we already got it taken care   of I'm not going to stand up here and talk a whole  lot my heart is good and I continue doing what I'm   doing and Mr pimber I appreciate you supporting  me like that Mr dbport you do the same thing that   these two young ladies come in here if I need  any assistance I get it from them I have good   touch with management and I hope other people  when they get a job they do the same thing all   you have to do is go to work and do what you have  to if you have an emergency on a job your manager   will let excuse me will let you go so I'm G get  off this phone right now this ain't no phone this   old age Rush that's old age now yeah that's old  AG okay but all the guys up here I enjoy it Mr   Barry yes sir I hadn't forgot you I remember you  a long time ago when I walk walked in the door   you call my name I heard you loud and clear yes  sir okay in the name of Jesus everybody in here   I have a good heart for you I don't even know you  but you at my heart thank you God bless you Mr ch   Willie Rush Mr chairman I'd be remissed if I  didn't recognize Willie and when I talk about   Transportation it was the great equalizer  of civil rights and through the Montgomery   Bus movement and the transit workers became the  leaders you became uh the protesters you became   the people that stood up that allowed for me to  serve and so if we go back to commissioner Junior   and commissioner young uh you were driving before  any of us and I remember when I was going to run   for office and I walked down on Gregory Street  and you said let's do it and Willie for Tony and   for Kim you and I played many many many days of  softball together Salvation Army and I want to   thank you for what you've personally done for this  community and just keep on driving and will let   me just say this uh my other colleagues were not  here but commissioner brry was uh Mike Larry was   when we were doing Union negotiations in terms of  buyouts uh and one of the things that I advocated   for was buying you out because I knew that you had  at that that time did about 40 years of service   and I thought you deserved your retirement and  we fought and fought to get you your money uh   over and over with our attorney to make sure  that you were compensated properly and once we   got you your money you told us to keep the money  because you rather serve than take money and you   left money on the table to serve so Willie that's  a compliment to you and so I appreciate what you   did I thank that sir I have two more statements to  make Mike lry is a very good friend of mine he's   he the union presence that but our relationship I  thought you voted him out no I never do that for   Mike Mike is a good guy yeah he's he's a nice guy  he he does what he's supposed to do in the in the   union hall I'm quite sure him and management have  words to word but I hope once they get outside   that door just forget about it do what you have to  do both of you guys got a job you know that it's   a wonderful thing to sit down for the employee  and the management get together and talk you know   sometime with the decision is very hard to make  so that's the way it's supposed to be that's right   but once again I'm going to start it all over  I'm going to do it I'm going go go ahead Mike   commissioner may you you said something that's  I just want to tell a short story to end this   it's an amazing story this is what inspired me my  entire 30 years coming up 30 years of driving it's   Willie Carter and The Story Goes Like This Willie  told me that when he was a young man he rode the   transit system and when he used to get on the bus  the driver a white male who happened to be the   union president by the way Leroy Williams Leroy  will told him he had to sit in the back of the   bus when he was hired on October 12th 1974 guess  who was the individual was that was going to train   him that day and he walks out to the yard and  there's the same driver the one that told him for   his young years to sit in the back of the bus and  Willie looked at him and said do you remember me   he says I kind of do but I'm not sure who are you  he says well when I was a young man you told me to   sit in the back of the bus but today I'm sitting  in the front seat and 50 years later here he is this man got a better mind than I  have so wait a minute let me finish that   yeah go go ahead go ahead okay okay I got leave upk thank you great job board we also adopted  the proclamation commending and congratulating   the Florida Association for home Community  Education on their 100th anniversary they   were unable to attend this evening but did the  clerk's office receive proof of publication Mr   chairman the clerk's office has received  all proofs entertain a motion to wave the   reading I move we wave the reading all right  please vote wave the reading passes 5 to Z 531   public hearing to adopt the uniform method of  collection resolution i' entertain a motion we   have no speakers board I move the item in the  affirmative please thank you thank you please   vote 531 passes 5 to Z Madame clerk thank you  two items on the consent agenda they're both   routine thank you move the clerk's report second  all right thank you please vote Clerk's report   passes 5 to zero growth management yes sir good  evening we have um resoning case number Z 24-16   we're asking for this item to be dropped I move  we drop the item all right please vote dro the   item passes 5 to Z 545 for us 545 consistent  with above motion for this to be dropped move   that we drop the 545 thank you thank you please  vote dropping 545 passes 5 to Z for us we have   resoning case 20 24-17 from medium density  residential to high density mixed use the   planning board made a recommendation for approval  all right board we have uh we have one speaker on   this would you like to hear from her yeah can we  go ahead and from speakers Mr chairman yes sir uh Meredith thank you Meredith Bush 125 East  in tendencia um the planning board did make   a recommendation for approval we've met all  criteria we would just ask that you approve   super board i' entertain a motion that's the only  speaker so move Mr chairman second move to approve   that's is that the motion yeah that's it okay  any other discussion hearing none please vote   approving approving the resoning passes 5 to Zer  for us 56 we have 546 adoption of the resoning map   that's was just approve thank you entertain  a motion so move thank you all right please vote 546 passes 5 to Z horse we have reson reson  case 20 24-8 short case all right board we do   have we do have two speakers can we hear from  the speakers first Mr chairman yes I do I I do   want to uh I do want to say I believe there's  been some Comm communication about asking for   this item to be pulled for the evening as well  but we have uh we have Meredith Bush who is in   the front Jennifer Williams is also Mr chairman  I mean to say say mered it's in my district and   I'm I'm going to move to drop this and and and  remand this back to the planning board okay   so um yeah I know there's a move that we Deni  it but I I I want to send it back for further   consideration all right so the intent is to send  it back and not just drop and bring it back to us correct excuse they just want it dropped I believe  they just want to drop the communication that I   received earlier was they just want to drop  the bring it back well they just want it drop   then we'll move to drop it then okay all  right is there a second second all right   please vote item passes 5 to zero to uh to drop  then the 547 again motion to drop this item from   the agenda so move Mr chairman all right second  all right thank you please vote 547 dropping the   547 passes 5 to Zer 548 548 is for to motion for  cancellation of the public hearing 2024 202 24-19   all right thank you entertain a motion so move  thank you second please vote item passes five to   zero forse then we have our uh recommendation for  the final plats we have the first final plat for   approval is concerning Ellie's Cove subdivision  final we have uh we have one speaker on three I'm   sorry that's 31 I apologize uh we have no speakers  board I entertain a motion for and D for ABC and D   ABC and D thank you all right please vote item  pass is 5 to Zer horse we have recommendation   concerning final plight Eagle Point phase one  we have no speakers board I entertain a motion   for a through D move a move the item a through  D second please vote item pass is 5 to zero for   recommendation concerning March and preserve final  plat entertain a motion for a through D so moved   thank you I all right thank you please vote item  passes 5 to zero hor us then we have our consent   agenda for December the 12th all right we do  have a speaker for the consent agenda Andrew BL Andrew bler 6101 midus place okay this  y'all had back in a August or September um   y'all remanded it back to the resoning board  uh the reboarding the rezoning board didn't do   anything except changed the numbers on the sign or  dates on the sign and took new pictures on of this   thing and joy Blackman wasn't present horse was  present and I don't know he's confused he's really   confused because we had discussions about hog  on Hogan's pit we had discussions about Rosewood   estate which is right next to this property we've  had uh discussions about Zacharia estate there   this property and on the back side of um Godwin  on Godwin Lane you got Tanglewood Estates which   was supposed to been done underneath the new 100e  flood plane or 100e plan or whatever um we had   to do uh Los money funding that Jeff BOS pushed  through for that that was for Adams home of Gul   Breeze don't know why but then after that they had  Amber Ridge and with Amber Ridge they went and did   another plan that ex basically y'all added another  holding pond on Godwin's Lane and redesigned the   last project y'all did the one before that you  had to redesign it so the water would now go   east instead of going to West and then uh then  we had to do another project in Florida Town off   of Godwin Lane because of Tanglewood 100e Pond  couldn't hold the enough water so it actually   washed out what was that Jeff for go it was washed  out the backyards on Florida town so you threw in   a bunch of money to fix fix that too so can you  tell me what the total amount of money we wasted   on Godwin Lane to fix just those two projects and  then now we got a project here that you're going   to have on Belleview Avenue on the back side of um  this piece of property there is a problem we have   um Buckland drive that has a holding Pond and that  holding Pond was designed to be dry so it would um   catch all the water running off of that Buckland  drive lane it doesn't work there's work requesting   the Public Works to have that fixed and Public  Works hasn't gotten back to me on that so I assume   that it hasn't happened and it's they were saying  about uh the pump trunks broke they were saying   that's your time and well get joy to explain  why they haven't expend Hog Pit until don't   don't reone thisand it back Andrew that's your  time thank you all board that's our only speaker   I entertain an item for move the consent move  the consent agent thank you is there a second   thank you please vote consent agenda passes 5 to  zero thank you horse Dre Mr administrator thank   you Mr chairman 17 items on the technical Public  Service consent agenda there are no changes please   hold for speaker car 1-10 and 1-15 entertain a  motion for the balance move the balance please   vote balance of technical Public Service consent  passes 5 to zero car 1-10 uh we have one speaker   Andrew blure this is a recommendation concerning  the request for disposition of property for mass transit Andrew it's you're up if this is  what you intend intended to speak about well I just didn't want y'all to rubber stamp this  um I wanted to have a little bit of discussion on   this okay you're disposing of property of  mass transic uh I guess if y'all would put   a distribution out there I'd know what it is but  I just want to know is this that EV buses we got   that y'all say y'all can't charge or something can  somebody explain that can you get the guy that uh   ecat to explain what you're doing is it Andrew  please speak to us okay it that's your question   please okay basically I want to know is that  the EV vehicles that we couldn't run because   we couldn't charge them okay I understand  and and now we're going to dispose of them   okay thank you Rodriguez uh so the that actual  vehicle uh that's actually being disposed of is   not an electric vehicle we have not we have  scami county has never received any electric   vehicles this vehicle actually been disposed  of is actually being given to a pyramid Inc   uh which actually provides a service to uh  uh disabled and and uh individuals who are   in need of Transportation this is actually  a a great thing for scam County uh bard of   county commissioner as well as scam County Area  Transit to provide such a service and have this   ability uh the vehicle has actually reached its  useful life um and and it has no lean from the   state the state is actually smiling on us for  this service that we actually want to provide   to this organization and so uh again it feels  great to be a part of this Comm community and   just be able to provide a service like we do  thank you super thank you Bard I entertain a   motion I move item 10 thank you I was going to  say I actually saw a appear mid in they they   did a presentation at impact 100 and this made my  heart Happy When I saw this so thank you is that   a second that's a second absolutely all right all  right Entertainer uh please vote item pass is 5 to   zero Mr administrator car 1-15 we have one speaker  this is the recommendation concerning the author   authorization of out of count travel and the  2024 2025 board's annual Travel schedule Andrew BL H BL 6101 m is Place uh we're going to have  to start tightening our belt Pam Childer's here   she can't make the profit on our bankroll that  we've got down and the interest rates is going   down so we need not just rubber stamp all this  is travel I think we should scrutinize that so   can you give me some examples of this here out  of County travel that we're going to be rubber stamping so basically County Commissioners or  administrators or anything like that want to just   take a vacation they can just take a vacation to  Tallahassee or wherever they want to go and have   fun and that's it the tax taxpayers dollar right  thank you all right Bard inter a motion I move   item 15 thank you please vote item passes 5 to z  Mr administrator thank you Mr chairman 71 items   on the Budget Finance consent agenda including  Commissioners May's add-ons as car 269 2-7 and   2-71 please drop car 2-30 the purchase order  to Unity fiber LLC for the West Florida Public   Library hold car 2-9 for commissioner burgaz  to abstain and hold card 2-28 for commissioner   Barry to abstain please hold for speakers car  2-6 car 2-45 2-46 2- 52 1-7 2-48 2-8 and two   2-9 Mr chairman I want I want to hold 232 just  for comment and some discussion on that as well Dela is that good you got it I'm just  going to confirm we're holding um 19   and 28 for extensions car 26 455 46 52 48  8 and nine oh and set got it and then 32 as   well for commissioner Coler correct board  sound right entertain a motion for the balance thank you thank you please vote please vote balance of the budget and  finance budget and finance passes 5 to z Mr   administrator we have car 2-30 that we dropped  and then we hold in 2-19 for commissioner BOS to obstain yeah you ready to go yeah go ahead  buddy all right all right I have to read   this form I Jeff bgos hereby disclose that on  November 7th 2024 am measure came or will come   before my agency which will endure to the  special gain or loss of my relative Sally   Burgos she is the executive director of the  health and Hope Clinic and this is a sheriff's   uh um law enforcement trust expenditure to  support the clinic so I will be abstaining   from this and I will turn in the requisite  form thank you Mr chairman sub entertain a motion I a motion for the item I'll make  a motion thank you is there a second a all   right I'd like to make a comment sure I um I  and I know the board on let funds and it has   nothing to do with hope and health it has to do  with let funds in general Jeff so I just want to   have the discussion there's a lot of stuff on the  Le funds that um I went and talked to Legal about   uh the sheriff has a lot of authority I know  the board can only turn down we can't do much   with the let funds but I do think that um in the  future we probably need to have discussion with   the sheriff on L funds because this alone is  more than all of our discretionary funds this   this uh month so it's a lot of L funds that  the sheriff has I am in favor okay super uh   we have a motion and a second please vote all  those in favor any all right any descent any   abstention item passes 4 to Z with commissioner  bgos abstaining Mr administrator holding car 2-28   for commissioner Barry to obain thank you I Steven  Barry hereby disclose on November 7 2024 a measure   before my agency which inur to the special gain  or loss of Ryan Shavers by whom I am retained   the measure before my agency in the nature of  my conflicting interest in the measure is as   follows scy County bard of County Commissioners  meeting November 7 2024 County administrators   report item 2-28 concerning the contract award  for divine Farms Bridge replacement and Road   alignment American Rescue plan act project PD 23-  24125 presents a conflict of interest pursuing at   the statute 112. 3143 Florida statute statutes or  the appearance of a conflict of interest pursuant   to statute 28612 Florida Statutes because Ryan  Shavers owner of Shavers construction is my client   I'd entertain a motion for the item so moved  thank you all right all those in favor please vote any descent any extensions  myself item pass is 4 to Z with   uh commissioner Barry abstaining Mr  administrator we have several items   that we're holding for speakers Car 1-6  Chris cerb this is the recommendation   concerning the contract award for skimy County  Environmental ad Justice review of codes and ordinances Chris all right we're testing testing Chris  cerb um with flood Defenders um this is an inter   uh contract been issued here to the water  Institute of the gulf on to review local codes and   ordinances uh for environmental justice Concepts  um I was looking through the contract language   there and it does have a little public involvement  there with your uh regular meetings with key   stakeholders it mentions advocacy organizations  uh I believe flood Defenders is an advoc   or organization so I would like to be a part  of the public involvement I would also like   to point out um Senate Bill 7040 that uh was  approved this past year um we will have new   environmental resource permit rules under  chapter 62 330 uh that will go into effect   January 2025 so uh that may be something that  I didn't see that in the scope of work but uh   if you're going to be doing environmental  codes and you're going to be reviewing Your   Land Development code for environmental code  you might want to look at Senate Bill 7040 uh   thank you thank you Bard entertain a motion  I move item six in the affirmative please   vote item passes 40 with commissioner May out  of the chambers Mr Minister have one speaker   for C 2-45 the recommendation concerning  the contract of War for Oakfield Acres curb and if you don't mind I'll do 46 and 52 while  I'm here I save a little time does that sound good   um speaking of this this is another um arpa funed  project I mentioned at public forum there's a lot   of arpa funed projects on the agenda um I was  hoping uh I'd get to the D5 part that I was   mentioning all the other five Commissioners but  Old South Highway 29 uh where Miss Brooks lives   uh if y'all can add a project on your list of  things but anyway uh project 40 um oakill Acres   um car 245 um that's um one of our first flood  Defender neighborhoods uh uh where um shelle Tyler   um was U pretty active coming up here with her  BME uh neighborhood and uh I'm really interested   in seeing this project move forward um I didn't  see the plans on on uh the website but I did uh   send an email to the project manager to send  me a copy of those plans the Chandler Street   drainage project I also have some uh that's a c  car 246 I have some flood Defenders that live on   Chandler Street area and uh that goes all the way  back to when commissioner Wilson Robertson was uh   uh Robertson was here uh he was here tonight  and uh had to wait on the holbury project with   Highway 29 widening for this project to happen I  can remember the road department pulled out a root   system off of palifox street there's dual 24 in  pipes there probably here the sheriff over there   remember that West that was a bad plug in that  Pike but anyway glad to see this project moving   forward as well as well as the Stacy Road  and quintet Road Project which is car 252   also a flood Defender neighborhood project  with Margaret Hayes so I just wanted to rise   in support when y'all are doing good things I  should be up here telling you y'all are doing   good things and uh appreciate it thank you thank  you our board i' entertain an uh motion for all   three items so move thank you is there a second  all right please vote items pass Five to zero   Mr administrator Mr chairman uh we held item  48 because we thought we were going to have a   speaker that is since changed so we need to vote  on item car 2-48 separately all right end a motion   for item 48 so moved okay all right please vote  item passes 5 to zero Mr administrator I have   one speaker for car 2-7 the contract awards  for design per permitting and construction   engineering and inspection services for  the SC County Dune Matrix Andrew blure I thought the cheer was supposed to call me you're  calling me okay well here's the problem I've got   here County Commissioners it's your responsibility  the money y'all spending here and it affects a lot   of things it affects me a lot and just with the  situation here y'all got down in item be that   you're going to let the County Administrator be  the designate signing off sign off on this well   basically on Godwin Lane the county Engineers  came up with a plan this not about this is not   about Godin Lane this is not about Godin Lane it's  about the money y'all going to spend it's about   the Dune Matrix CI contract right it's Dune Matrix  but what I'm saying it's about responsibility of   who is responsible for making sure the contract  is done properly this here says design permitting   construction engineering and inspection and you're  going to have the sign off on that right you can't   even do a road table on Godwin Lane and get it  right you can't even do a road table on there so   why would you five County Commissioners  let him be in charge of this here $58 million y'all Trust TR him that much when he's  got breach BMS on Zachary Estates he's got breach   BMS on the softly Field Pond and he hasn't fixed  that's engineering and he's signing off on stuff   like that you got joy Blackman signing off on that  stuff you got same thing with um Godwin Lane with   Tanglewood that's horse with all these different  proes stuff like that amberidge same thing with   Floridian and y'all sign off on that y'all rubber  stamp it but it costs millions of dollars millions   of dollars and then here you're going to go  $500,000 you're going to and what is it for sand dunes thank you board that's all the  speakers I to entertain a motion I   make a motion thank you is there  a second second all right please vote item pass is five to zero Mr administrator  2-8 uh the recommendation concerning the design   construction of the paddlecraft launch  at PR bay boat ramp one speaker Andrew BL here's where I wish wi wilon Robertson was  still here he was supposed to did a pass down to   Jeff BOS but evidently there wasn't a pass  down that was supposed to be um that 40 acres   was supposed to be something Robert Turpin just  messed it up and now y'all want to spend another   $200,000 for a paddlecraft launch does it really  cost 200,000 I mean 200 yes is that really right   $200,000 for a floating dock and a floating  pie piece of plastic that you can put a paddle   Craft on and launch is that really $200,000 I  would I would like somebody to explain that to   me why would that cost $200,000 just to have  a floating dock attached to a permanent Dock   and then you just put a paddlecraft on it and  launch it when there's Beach area if Robert   Turpin would have had a put put the boat ramp out  on the bay there would be sandy beaches that you   could launch your paddlecraft from or your canoe  from a Sandy Beach but now we're going to spend $200,000 of what is this it  Florida Department of Environmental Protection love it and what happened what  happened to the plan of having the kids park   out there and the Digital Library out there and  the observation deck and the koses out there he   Wilson Robinson didn't give you a pass down  on that that was in the works for almost 20 years and we're not going to get any of  that Michael RH is not here nobody's going   to go and try to fund the the things  that we should do on that 40 acres   but Robert Turpin he goes and takes the silt  out of the bay or whatever piles it up there   and now that land will never be used it's  just a wasteland kind of like Mount sofle   we got there on sofle field that speaker Mr  chairman I will gladly and gladly move item   eight forward it's a great project second gladly  please vote happily item pass is 5 to zero say   you don't have any money administrator car 2-9  one speaker Andrew blore this is an amendment   two to the 11 Mile Creek restoration and  storm water enhancement project from uh fdp here's another one love it you know I  wish that we' spend as about as much time   on Hogan's pit as we did on the 4 property that  y'all sold the Navy Federal Credit Union I wish   we had spent as much time as y'all spent  talking about Spencer field over there in   Santa Rosa County I wish y'all spend as much  time as y'all spent talking about ol8 but you   haven't spent that much time tell me how many  times y'all have talked about the expansion of   Hogan's pit do you have a date for expansions  of Hogan's pit no but yet you want to go and   rezone on that area on bellw Avenue when you know  there is a major problem there on Hogan's pit but   here you go Navy Federal Credit Union ponds are  not big enough so what we're going to do we're   going to take taxpayer money and fix Navy Federal  Credit Unions problems because people have houses   flooding on Le Mile Creek why didn't County  engineer and horse doing the uh DRC make sure   Federal Credit Unions ponds were big enough to  take care of the water on those um buildings   and the parking lot why do we now have to  use tax dollars to fix this it disgusts me   it already disgusts you your heart ought to  get right you're wasting money of taxpayers   money y'all up there saying well how can I  how can I get a a long-term pension I want a   state pension oh no I want a scam you County  pension no I want a 401k I'm looking out for myself I don't want to look out for the citizens  of a scam you County I don't care when I can go   over there to Orange Beach and see what they have  over at Orange Beach or go to Fair Hope and see   what they have over at Fair Fair Hope or whatever  I want to live in a scam you County here y'all go   and add an extra half cent gas tax or one cent gas  tax for ecat I'd rather go over to bwin County and   buy gas y'all spend money to expand 9 Mile Road  so people can get over to Santa Rosa County faster   see people can get over to Gul Breeze faster you  can get over to Balwin County faster why don't you   make the people tie up in traffic or whatever  and make them spend some of their revenue in a   um a scami County you ought to have a payroll tax  for all the people in u Navy Federal Credit Union   why do we use our our tax dollars board that's our  only speaker Mr chairman I'll gladly and happily   move item number nine in the affirmative all  right is there a second thank you please vote item   passes five to zero if I you holding item 32 for  commissioner ker yep yeah this is actually I think   a good story um I didn't have enough information  this morning to bring it up but I wanted to bring   it up now obviously we don't have time to talk  but I had I knew that there was issues with the   r contract Mr chairman and I asked Wes to look at  other ways that we wouldn't lose the money the $5   million out of arpa funds and I want to give  the staff accolades for moving that into the   interest so that we won't lose that $5 million  and it'll go for some of the the fire safety   equipment um that will help with the firehouses  and some other things and so we always get beat   up on losing money but this was actually fiscally  responsible accounting moving the money before   the end of the year to make sure that um we don't  lose that money and as far as the contract I know   there's a discrepancy that's another issue between  the clerk and our staff um I I think that you're   getting everything you you want and you I think  it's done is that correct yeah I mean substantial   completion was achieved a little better than a  year ago um the redundancy in the ring substantial   completion of the project was achieved a little  bit more than a year ago the ring which provided   the redundancy for the uh for the Fiber service  was completed six or seven months ago so yeah we   very pleased the take rate is increasing and it's  a uh uh it's a great thing so yep yeah I'm glad to   hear that and uh I appreciate the staff looking  into that and um and I know there's some issues   with invoices with the clerk I I believe but um I  want to applaud moving the money so we didn't lose   it that's a big deal to me because I I didn't want  to lose the money did you have a comment I don't   have a conflict with staff where we're at is that  contract expired September 1st of this year we've   only received 630,000 in Billing it was an up  to 6.3 million in Billing so we've been asking   for the invoices of a substantially completed  project so that's where we're at shifting it   to interest not a problem that's probably good  but if it's substantially complete we should   have invoices and what's problematic for us uh  two weeks ago we got an invoice for I don't know   75,000 76,000 and most most of it was dated prior  to the contract Inception which was around March   of 2023 so that is the back and forth between  staff that we just have to work through it's not   really a conflict we just have to work through  it well I think there are need invoices I think   there are questions about the expiration of the  contract being at that date or the contract being   expired I think there I I don't think that's a I  don't think that's a given fact Madam clerk but   then maybe I misspoke but it when the contract  that I have on my desktop I think was 583 days   which would be a September 1 so we'll go back  and review that I believe the STA I believe the   staffs are working on it Mr chairman this wasn't  about the ere project was about fiscally moving   the money the right way so we don't lose it I I  don't know ere project was brought up so that's   what I'm going to discuss when it's brought up  Mr commissioner yes sir but since we're talking   about do we have have an issue with the contract  Alison I mean I that wasn't my intent but do we   we no I I I mean I'm of the opinion that the  contract doesn't have an expiration date it   had a project work date of not dates but number  of days during which the work needed to be done   was my understanding that all all of that work has  been done I do know that there's been some back   and forth on the documentation that's necessary to  substantiate that work so that's what I understood   to be the back back and forth okay well hopefully  we can work that out and and this was not a jab   was actually to come you know give congratulations  the both Wes and the and the accounting staff for   doing what I thought was the right thing so we  didn't lose any money so that was what I wanted   to get out there super absolutely absolutely  thank you I'll move 232 forward thank you is   there a second all right please vote item pass  is 5 to z Mr administrator completes my report   Madam councel yes sir there are three  action items on the county attorney's   report for this evening I can go  through with them individually if   you wish entertain a motion if there there's  no speakers on the action portion is there a   motion or conversation I would move all three  action items Mr chairman thank you is there a second all right super please vote lman please  all vote there we go 5-0 to our friends from   fpnl congratulations got a end date an end date  set perhaps and uh if we can make it five more   weeks then we'll we we'll be in good shape  so congratulations Rick hey Mr chairman I was   going to pull that aside just because Rick buers  was here but I think he does deserve an Accolade   when we went to him he jumped over hurdles to help  us out I know our County attorney was wondering   if we're going to get there and good job Rick  and I really appreciate it we're going to carry   a few blocks south and west and see if we can  help you over there but you know we'll do we'll   do what we can with our neighbor jurisdiction but  Madam counsel Rick I Rick I know you got Florida   West and you get as many Arrow as we get so I  mean you know welcome to all the love you get   whenever you serve welcome to Facebook buddy  oh oh yeah and you don't have to be on there   to to to catch the arrows either Budd you don't  have to participate you can be a passive you can   be a passive Target I assure you and all 17 of  my Facebook about you mean so and that's great   but Rick I want to thank you I mean what you  don't get accolades for is when people call in   our office and their lights have been turned  off uh Mother's with a baby which was in um   Oakwood terce who had her lights turned off and  in the middle of light you had her lights turned   on with infant children so Rick I appreciate  you you know getting up at you know midnight   to make sure that uh that mother had her lights  turned on and so I know Audrey calls you a lot   for other ones that people just can't pay I  mean and in this economy uh people can't get   their sometimes people just can't pay their  bills uh and Rick you you've just been great   and in doing that I know you're working three  jobs right now with Florida West and uh nfpl   but you're still responsive so from District  three we really appreciate it Rick thank you   Madame Council yes sir there is a discussion  item this is a carryover at the board's request   from its October 17th board meeting regarding a  request from the children's trust I can refresh   board's memory uh what it did at the September  5th board meeting if you need that or Mr chair   yes sir so I I I I have the opportunity to to  have probably been around the children trust   uh since the Inception and I I serve on the board  and anytime there are children issues I'm probably   going to be engaged uh I see uh the deputy mayor  Alex here and I've been working with uh Mayor DC   Reeves and how they are moving forward with an  interlocal uh and this came before our board   uh uh at the children trust and all uh on this  agenda we're seeking uh is to allow for our   administrator and and our attorney uh to work with  the children trust to work out an interlocal to   where we are being able to provide an interlocal  agreement uh with monitoring and measurements uh   and working with the children of esamia County uh  and so that's the request for this being on the   agenda our board uh we do have three speakers  want I'm sorry I didn't know you had speakers   yeah do we want to give them the opportunity to  speak as well all right first speaker is Kristen Fairchild I have received many funds from the  county over the years with outside agencies we've   now been moved over to the children's trust and  I just wanted to to speak to um the amazing job   that the executive director I know the children's  trust had some bumps in the beginning but under   the leadership of Lindsay Canon has done a  phenomenal job what commissioner may just   referenced in inter agency agreements what  they can do in measurements and seeing that   needle move forward I know with Outside Agency  it was always difficult for this board to go   okay we're grining this money we know they're  doing good work is it moving with the needle   of what we're trying to do and I just wanted to  speak on behalf which what I have seen um they do   a phenomenal job they make my job harder cuz we  receive a grant but that is what they're really   doing which is good and I mean job harder in is  what you're doing Serving kids changing education   on what we're paying for and that is what we  all want there are 3,300 nonprofits in this   community having an agency like the children's  trust that Mak sure taxpayer dollars are being   used in the right way to get what we all  need is very important so I just wanted to   talk on behalf of the agency and the inter agency  agreement and thank you for what y'all do thank   you Christian next speaker is Leah Harrison  oh I'm sorry all right next speaker is will dway thank you Mr chairman will onway um  I'm represent uh the council for the schem   of children's trust I'm here with the executive  director to answer any questions that you have   I appreciate commissioner May and um that's  all we're looking for is the opportunity to   work with staff to um talk through an interlocal  agreement so that we can put that in place we're   here to answer any questions or anything that you  need to hear well thank you for navigating and   bringing this forward we I certainly appreciate it  thanks Lindsay thank you well thank you Lindsay so   commissioner Bay I apologize you have the floor  again that's all speakers that that that's and   it's simple the request that we'll had uh to  give our staff an opportunity uh to talk and   work it out because at the end of the day we  want things that are happening for children   Madam council is that good enough direction from  our board can you take that as a discussion item   um it would be super fantastic if we had a board  vote because your current vote is that you denied   their exemption what was the date of that vote on  September the 5th how about a motion to resend the   action that we took on except they've paid one  year so there were three retro years that were   due we the board voted to give them 45 days to pay  they did pay one year they have not yet paid the   2021 or the 2022 tax years um I would just say  may if you want to sus you know suspend their   payment in for a certain duration to see if we  can work out an interal agreement um I and so Mr   chairman and so in mology speak all we're asking  uh for those two years and and I certainly was   very supportive um with my with my colleagues  because of the safety and trying to get those   funds uh to the sheriff and that is not off the  table of of of working with law enforcement uh   but the opportunity to work with our our mayor  and work with our law enforcement and work with   our our our children Trust on those two years is  what we're what we're asking for I'd like to make   some discussion here because I there's 19 programs  Lindsay I believe the E Fund in 29 John Singley   put a really good article out um about a month  ago and I want diversity equity and inclusion   across the county everyone that's a homeowner pays  into the children's trust fund and I don't I don't   believe that's the case and I have a problem with  it because I know I have some really poor areas   in District 2 and I don't think they're getting  represented at all and I'm going to put that out   there that's why I have a problem with it and  I told you that Lindsay when we sat down and I   asked to come up with the plan and Neighborhood  Services put a plan together and out of the   330,000 folks the majority of it's in the city and  commissioner May which I have no problem with that   but that does not represent I don't even think  commissioner BOS has one program in his district   and I think you have one commissioner Barry that's  not Equitable that's just not Equitable I can't   vote for that and I just think it's wrong we need  to make sure the children trust I don't think   there's one person on the children's trust from  District 2 representing it that may be my fault   I don't know but but the bottom line is there's  not representation and uh when I got the only   failing school in in Escambia County achieve out  in Pleasant Grove were the most troubled kids that   someone wearing ankle bracelets I'm having a hard  time getting there man Mike m listen listen Mike   I I I concur with you so and what I'm saying is  that when the interlocal we have and I'm certainly   advocating uh because of the request of of the  trust uh you listen I don't have a middle school   in District 3 I mean I have the highest crime in  District three and so I I've said this publicly uh   in children trust meeting the very children  that we utilize for the collateral material   particularly black and brown children from inner  cities whether it be your inner city or my inner   city quite frankly uh is how we passed the tax  as soon as the tax was passed it became for all   children and you know what it is for all children  but you have to have a starting point somewhere   and quite frankly you know I believe that we have  to go to where the greatest need is I think this   is an opportunity to have further discussion  I I don't think this end all uh but I'm saying   certainly to allow for further discussion to make  sure there are programs in warranty that there are   programs that are happening that we can do that  and there's only we're only asking for 5% for   Neighborhood Services out of their budget we're  not asking for 90% 5% I went back and looked at   the numbers you guys can still do all that with  the other 95% and the sheriff wanted the money   for cameras and I supported the sheriff on that I  think and I'm and I'm listen I supported Mike Mike   and I'm there and I and I and Mike listen this  is SC be got children trust let's be candid you   know we're having this discussion I mean you  know I want our after school programs funded   I want our summer employment programs funded  that's come from all our district and you're   right there's a disproportionate amount of money  that's funded to the City versus that's funded to   the county I concur with that I mean and that's  fact but I think give them an opportunity give   lens an opportunity to work through that because I  agree with you I mean the after school program the   summer programs there's probably five or six that  are funded in the city that are not funded in the   county and quite frankly there are programs that  I believe that should be funded in the county that   are not funded in the county I agree with and so  when I would never you know bring I I brought this   because of the petition of of of mutual uh  supporters of yours mine and everybody on   this board to just have a discussion and if we  can't come to a resolution of an inter local I   then I think that we do reserve the right uh to  make sure that our cras are safe because I do   believe that if kids don't have sidewalks to walk  to school if they don't have cameras for their   safety if they can't walk to Parks if they don't  have lights then none of these programs are any   good but I think that there's an opportunity for  us to walk and work together to make that happen   and this is an ol Branch between the children  trust in the county in my opinion to be able to   work together but listen Wherever You Go With It  Mike I'm okay you know I gave my word to the trust   that I was going to Advocate you know to be of  support if that's not where you want to be on it   I mean listen you know so I have a question would  an interlocal agreement allow us to work with you   to lay out priorities as District by District  yes so sorry it's a little high so interlocal   agreement ments that have happened in other areas  of the state are typically the way that you manage   this situation we have two statutes you don't know  which one supersedes which so this is the way you   work through that is an interlocal agreement and  so it can be done a variety of ways they have ones   that say take all of this money and make sure that  you put it towards some sort of children's service   within this particular area and it can be all of  it or it can be some of it so when you break it   out over 9 cras you're talking $443,000 some's  going to get 100,000 some are going to get I   don't know 8900 you know dollar Lind can I hold  you can I hold you up I mean there's no doubt   in my mind Mike uh that this money is for cras  identified areas of blight yeah and so I mean   you know I'm not going to support saying that we  distribute this among all of his it's not a lot   of money compared to our budget but you know what  it should be distributed actually has a a CRA you   have two cras two and a half two and a half I mean  and so if if I happen to have the most cras I just   happen to have them because I have I the most  Bight I mean that's by Statue that's by a plan   you know that's by identification measurements  uh the reason you have those cras and so to me   you know this the reason you have a tiff in a CRA  is not for you to go to a general fund you know I   mean if if it did you wouldn't have a c it would  just go as an AV alarm into the general fund if   the Tiff was important if the state statutes  didn't allow for us to identify that there   is a need Within These geographical areas and  so to me Ashley that money has to stay within   those geographical areas because that's what it's  identified for whether we allocate it or whether   we allow for the trust to allocate it but in my  opinion that's if you asking a question for my   vote as we're waiting on a precedent from the city  uh is that how do we identify those priorities   work with the trust and then allow for the trust  to help us manage where those dollars are going Madam mad but that administrative cost because it  doesn't cost any more administrative cost right   I mean we're not giving you more administrative  money for that correct no but what you're getting   is a service that's actually going to measure  and give information back to you on whether   these programs are moving the needle or not um  and and that's part of all of our contracts with   all of our employees I mean all of our contracted  entities so and Mike Mike I will agree I I I think   we have some of the best after school programs I  think we have some of the best CRA programs and   you know to Lindsay credit she wasn't there our  programs were not funded I mean probably to the   tune that others were funded so I concur with you  Lex ter should be funded uh Forest Creek should   be funded warranty middle school should be funded  Marina Court should be funded I mean you probably   got I mean the Pines you probably got a greater  need in your District you have as many shootings   as I have in my district and that's one of the  things that I've said to Lindsay privately and   publicly I mean where how when are we going  to start allocating dollars uh for all of the   violence that's happening in our community  and that's one of the Mike I was full force   supporting you and the sheriff on those cameras  and I'm going to support that I mean I'm going   to continue to support that because I think that  it's important for the sheriff who was denied uh   funds for his camera program that we got to have  cameras we got to have lights and we got to have   security because if a Park's not safe I don't care  how many programs you have if a kid can't walk to   a program safe it don't matter right yeah I mean  if a kid can't walk to school and walk back home   and he's not safe it doesn't matter how great  that program is my my issue and I'll just put   this Lindy if we have a small amount that goes to  CRA I can go over to Clare long and say what are   we doing with this I got to wait till you put up  a plan I got to wait for that see if it's going   the right area I know exactly where it's going  in the C for that 5% 100 we control it that's   not that much of the budget and it's going to the  poorest kids in the scambi county I don't see why   the board has such an issue with that it's allowed  by the statute I mean why is that why is that such   a hangup because our St and I'll have to let will  share that with you but it's it's there's compe   in statutes related to how we can spend those  dollars and Our obligation is to spend them on   children's services and so there's a a fine line  for us we're wanting to do the right thing we're   not trying to be argumentative we want to work  in Partnership but we do have a conflict that we   want to work through the way other trusts in their  counties or their cities have worked through this   problem has been an interlocal agreement where  you're able to say I get 100,000 let's say in   the Warrington CRA I'd like you to fund I don't  know whether it's after School youth employment   you know whatever it is you can direct it but  we're still the ones that manage it for you   yeah I don't know if I need someone else manag  and I already have a neighborhood services hey   Madame attorney we have is there a difference  in the statute that she's saying between what   we can do and what what they're say so if the  if the board has the money it is going to have   to be obligated to the cras that it was accured  from and C have very specific use that you're   allowed to spend that money on to essentially you  cannot spend it on what I would call programming   so if the county has it and it goes into your  CRA you can spend it on things like sidewalks   or playground equipment but you can't spend it  on things like basketball teams and basketball   jerseys that's more like programming they can  spend money on that they would not legally in my   opinion be obligated to spend that money within  the CRA geographical areas but politically that   may be if the board is willing to negotiate but  they would be obligated to spend it if you had an   inter local that said this is where they going  to spend the money I mean they can't just take   the money and spend it where they want to spend  it right politically the board politically but   I'm saying legally I don't care what they can  do if the language is in the interlocal Allison   correct if if you have defin geographical areas  or you draw Bal that's what it takes to get the   board comfortable with allowing them to keep  the money then absolutely I'm with what I'm   comfortable in that the money stays in the CRA for  the designated areas that it was designated for   then that's what I'm comforable I don't know why  we'd create another layer the statue already says   it would go to ourc because you won't be able to  spend it on programming and they can that's their   argument but they're still going to be able to  spend 95% of what comes in for the entire County   from all the people that pay into that we're only  talking about the poorest people in scam be count   why do I need an interlocal agreement to give  money to the poorest areas of the county I mean I   just can't get there man I I got no no no no no no  no M so the what what are you saying is that what   Mike is asking a legitimate question so you mean  to tell me that they can't spend money on on if it   comes to CR Claire can't spend money on playground  they can't she can spend it on playground in   my opinion she can spend it on playground she  can spend it on sidewalks she can spend it on   lighting there are certainly things that CRA can  spend money on that help children 100% there are   things that would help children but CR CRA money  is designated for things that address blight it   is not designed to deal with programmatic things  for children like early learning programs or music   programs or teams for athletic EV she could buy it  was doing a program at lexs he couldn't buy music   equipment I think you the way you explained it  to me is no consumable item so if it's something   that a child's going to use once and outgrow no  but if it's something that's permanent yes that   that makes some sense um I I think any in some  sense or all sense I mean so you mean tell me what   can I can I buy a piano or can I buy synthesizer  or can I buy a trumpet or what can I I would not   think musical instruments would I off the cuff  would not assume that they would qualify unless   maybe they're attached to the infrastructure like  a built-in piano or organ or something that's a   performing art yeah I don't I consider Fine Arts  programs may definitely benefit kids I would not   think that that would be an allowable CRA use  but it would be a programmatic use that could be   used could you buy food for children I would not  think food would be an allowable CRA use so m i   mean listen wherever you want to go to me I mean I  would just ask that we' be allowed to have further   clarification but wherever you land on it here's  what I like to say poor kids don't get nice Parks   poor kids don't get sidewalks poor kids don't get  to go to swim club because they don't have a ride   there poor kids don't get to go to sailing down  at sator because I know because I tried to get   him there and so when we're talking such a small  amount of money out the children's trust to help   the environment of kids walking through garbage  from the pines and try to make the environment   better I'm I think the statute's clear we have  the right to do it I don't need another layer you   still have 95% of your funds coming in from all of  the taxpayers in the county to do a lot of great   things so I have I have no interest in not going  forward with what we voted on before and I and I   we couldn't you know I just don't think it's right  I I mean Mike so in an adversarial way I simply   wanted to have a conversation of what I said to  our trust what I what I said to our trust board   I mean Will's a friend but I mean he's probably  having billable hours that's probably going to   end up against the taxpayers at some point to not  end up in litigation because you know I often say   we're 0 for the season uh in in litigation so I I  I I I don't like I I I don't want an adversarial   position you know I'm not going to jump off the  bridge either way because at the end of the day as   long as it's going to the intended use of the end  users which are the people who are in the pockets   of property the people who live in CRA districts  you know rather I give him a swing set or rather   I program somebody to teach him uh to swing I mean  uh you it's something that's happening for a child   uh because it's a scami County Children's trust I  simply I ask the administrator and the attorney to   put this on there to have a discussion uh because  of my commitment that I said to Lindsay and the   board to have this in a a a public discussion  I think it works either way Mike you know what   I mean I think you know if there's a a great  program that mesh Hall is running and kids   need lights or if there's a great program that  boys and girls club that's working at at over   on Leonard Street and we got more sidewalks we got  more swings I think that it works as you said it's   a very small amount of money quite frankly in in  in in in in the scope of what we're doing but in   the in the spirit of collaboration in the Spirit  of Harmony uh I gave will my word that I'd bring   it I'm certainly not going to have Discord uh  with my colleague as it relates to you know your   opinion because I know the challenges that you  have I mean I know children in farest Creek are   flooding I mean and they have to get on boats to  get out of farest Creek I know that there's trash   steep you know stacked up at the pines and I know  you have shootings quite frankly you know and I am   very involved and volunteer have volunteered for  over 50 years 40 years of my life in inner city   programs and many of the kids that are carrying  guns in my program come from your District you   know G Beach highway is tough Marina Court's tough  the Forest Creek is tough as I have Oakwood tears   I have Addis Court have uh Mars Court which are  all the city programs so you know I was just   trying to have the conversation to give staff a  chance to meet with their staff to see if there   is a resolution and if it was not a resolution  that we could hold firm to just give it a little   bit of time to just have that conversation but  I'm listen you know 5% you know $400,000 over the   course of $820 million you know we probably have  uh taken uh more time on $400,000 than we voted   on you know 30 million in the last hour so I'm  I'm open I've laid it out Mike and you certainly   are not going to have me uh opposing you in the  direction that you're going Al what's the right   and left uh boundaries on this because they're  delinquent now on the other two years correct   yeah they are we gave them 45 days from the vote  on September the 5th that that has passed in the   interim they did pay one year in full and they  did send a letter asking for this conversation   basically to approach that the board uh engage  with them to work through an interlocal um the   I would would suggest that if the board wants to  see since it's already passed the deadline that   you set my suggestion would be that you might want  to consider a motion that would extend the payment   date that you set in SE back in September that you  extend it by say 90 days and see if in the interim   an interlocal of some sort can be negotiated that  the board wants to entertain to vote on or just   say we meant what we said we've already voted on  this and at that point you know consider those two   years delinquent the 2024 is not due yet so but  let me ask Alison for a point of clarification   for me you create a tiff and those dollars end up  in a c correct I mean because the property value   remain so those dollars no matter what we do when  they came in you know and the tax collector got   them those are CRA dollar correct so I've I've  accepted those as a c dollar so now I've taken   those as a c c Dollar in a tiff and then I give  it back and say well trust you keep those dollars   because those are C dollars I mean there's it  doesn't matter where you are I mean whoever gets   those dollars I mean whoever whether school board  or whether it's whoever taxing Authority they get   those CR CR dollars they come in as a c dollar  and we give them back are there restrictions to   that CRA dollar so what clears up and and and  only reason I asked is because Mike Mike has a   great point so I mean so I take those dollars  in as a as a c i I accept them and I said well   wait a minute you know by Statute those are CRA  dollars I'm going to give those back to a trust   so do those restrictions fall off because we gave  it back or are the same restrictions uh attached   to those dollars that would be attached if we just  took them in a c their ask is not their ask is   that they don't ever pass it to you in the first  place they're asking to keep it within their own   control instead of paying the Tiff to you all  they don't have the same Geographic boundaries   unless the board enters into an interlocal  with them that tells them it's restricted but   see I don't understand that I mean and so they  came in for a CRA is designated by a plan and   it's put into a tiff and so those dollars that  were collected were collected through that cra   correct I mean they wouldn't collect it I mean I  didn't collect those dollars in s kites in North   Hill I collected those dollars in Brownsville and  Montclair or whatever Oakfield or whatever tip I got I don't know I mean honestly I mean this I  really don't understand to me those dollars are   had to be identified as a CRA dollar they were not  general fund dollars right right but there a tax   collect door and so the point here is whether or  not they are being obligated to remit their Tiff   to those C or not they haven't except for one year  they haven't remitted that to the county yet so   their Position will position would be though those  are not necessarily C dollars correct well there's   no argument then he just keeps them well what we  don't get them yeah you don't get them I mean if   they're not CS but that the statute allows for  it this yes they they are in my opinion they are   legally obligated to pay those unless the board  enters into an interlocal with them as the trust   that says we know you owe us this but we think  you have a better way of spending it than we would   have so we're going to let you keep them if you  spend them in this manner that was a good question   here's I'm going to make it simple for me another  layer of government not going directly through   our neighborhood services where I can go talk to  them I'm not interested in it it's 5% and and I've   committed the sheriff he wants them you still got  a lot of money to help all the kids that I can't   I have very little control over all we get by  Statute legally is that we can put a very little   bit of that money into the poorest areas of our  our County I I'm actually not surprised you're not   asking us to take it I'll be honest man instead of  fighting us cuz I we're talking about the poorest   is of was scambi County I just can't believe I'm  having to defend this this hard but anyways I I'm   for moving forward I see where you going I'm  out think that I'm opposed to you commissioner   commissioner caller what if what if uh what if the  board amended the previous action and put another   90 days on there to allow some more discussions in  light of some of the comments and and the requests   from commissioner May what if what if we did that  it's not that's not a changing of the action it's   an extending of the of the deadline and you know  I don't know what enforcement we would have in the   deadline anyway I would hate to I would hate to  have you know anything move forward in a in a in   a litigation manner I mean although it would give  my dear friend an opportunity to win a litigation   if you're on both boards you'd win a one of them  lummen some days you some days you try to get a   win and L this is what I'm trying to avoid Mike  and and and will correct me is what the challenge   what I heard in the trust is we're going to engage  in litigation now you know and you know that's   that 5% go I don't we've already Hey listen we've  already hired him as a lawyer to negotiate this In   fairness I've spoken with Mr dunway and that is  not the type of threat that he's making I didn't   say he made a threat I mean don't don't insinuate  that now I said I'm trying to avoid litigation and   a in a a he is negotiating and the trust did hire  him to negotiate a position that they're paying   for that's a fact Alison I need one answer do we  have the authority to give this money to the cras   and if you say yes I'm trusting your legal opinion  yeah and I'm not I'm not worried about the legal   suit that's all I'm asking if you say no there's  wiggle room I need to know that the tax collector   the trust is obligated to pay the percentage to  the CRA tiffs they have already paid one of those   years they were obligated to pay it when they  started collecting taxes in 201 21 they remain   obligated to pay it each tax year going forward  they already paid well what if they didn't pay it   what if they just said they're not going to pay it  we could find them I think but there are penalties   and interest now you guys waved their penalties  and interest for the three years that they haven't   paid there's a statutory after January 1 there's a  statutory penalty and interest that would kick in   you all have waved it for the three years that are  retro well I and will in no way I meant to put any   words in your m if you need the microphone will I  would ask the chair to give it to you yeah please   if if yeah yeah and thank you Mr chair with with  a respect to to Will and to Lindsay I I you know   I understand you certainly have information we  just you know we we don't have an opportunity   to discuss things except in this except in  this fashion and as long as there is a healthy   discussion among among the board and the attorney  or the administrator I'd like to try to allow that   to continue as long as that's possible but please  commissioner May thank you Mr chairman and and   again I appreciate that um the the esami county uh  the scami children's uh trust board does not want   to be an adversary that that was very clear the  idea and the reason that the statute we believe   is set up and we have other trust in the in the  state that work in this way is that the taxpayers   in the county have elected to have a trust to man  manage uh funds that we collect those taxes it's   a special entity and to use those for children's  services in that's why the statute has in place   the interlocal agreement you have the authority  to exempt the tax collection for the CRA and the   statute requires if you do that exemption that we  enter into an interlocal agreement we simply have   not had the opportunity to come before you to your  staff and talk to you about what that interlocal   agreement can say the interlocal agreement is a  contract we can negotiate the terms and you can   be as granular as you want and that's how it'll  be a managed the concern of the board was that its   obligation was it's collecting these taxes from  taxpayers who said serve the children and that's   what it's trying to do the discussion item and  thank you commissioner May um both on your service   as the board on the trust and also here to bring  it forward so that we could make a pitch it's very   clear that we have failed you we as a board have  failed you the Commissioners in not explaining   this process in in the first two years that was  our fault we should have been doing what uh we're   doing with our partners at the city and having  more robust discussion we're asking for that time   now to sit down and get with you and say where  are these programs and where can they be funded   and where are we not meeting your needs so that  we can get there so that we can be your children   service provider in the poorest areas of your  cra's commissioner and in commissioner will Mike   what what about this can I ask him a question  when yeah just just one what about this Mike   you're very passionate about the issue and and  and I understand that and you know none of our   districts are the same and you know we each have  our challenges and you've you've uh articulated   uh some of the challenges in District 2 very well  and uh and with this issue you've also you know   made a very uh you know a very passionate plea  for the action that the board took previously so   without without you know without undoing that that  action and you know we are you know one of the   things that we're that we're going to try to do  is is you know move forward in a way that that is   Progressive but it's also you know as as collegial  as possible what if in light of that uh in light   of that attempt that we you know without undoing  anything that the board did but you know give   give 90 days or 120 days to try to uh you know to  try to work out an interlocal agreement to try to   have more Communications um you know commissioner  May is is our you know is is our representative   on the children's trust and um I think the you  know regardless of the outcome of the discussion   I think the discussion that that you and he  have had tonight is is very healthy and um you   know it's uh probably informative maybe you know  maybe informative somewhat both ways because it it   informs each of you about you know your positions  that you may not have known you know previously   um uh you know commissioner May is very public on  the trust he has to take part in meetings but you   know you and I don't get to sit at that table so  it's it's different um and what if without without   coming off of your position any but just allowing  a bit more time that we take that action and and   that seems like a a reasonable outcome for a  discussion tonight if you can live with that   well can I ask you a couple questions so thank you  Mr chairman and I I I get what you're saying and   I'm I'm I'm walking on hot coals here but but only  because I am a little upset because I honestly I   I'll be honest I'm surprised the statute allows  for it why the board didn't just automatically   say set that money aside for the cras I'm I I find  it exhausting that I have to plead for money for   poor kids for 5% I just so I have to come back for  an interlocal agreement when I have a neighborhood   services department that the statute allows has  the board ever said why don't we just sett that   amount aside that the statute allows for the  cras is that discussion ever happened part of   the um the issue commissioner is we were looking  at precedents in other areas of the state and in   other areas of the state the Commissioners  or the the governing body once the citizens   elected a children's Council and funded it then  they allowed for those services to go forward so   those funds were never asked for so or they went  into an agreement immediately so we've never had   a situation that I am aware of or that our state  Association is aware of in which a county ask for   back taxes which is what happened here in in this  instance now again I think that we both have a   learning experience through the establishment of  the children's trust and then coming on board and   and learning and creating a new tax Authority  and starting it up but that's what happened in   this in this way should we have gotten together  with staff earlier three years ago and and talked   about it absolutely uh should we now I mean  that's what we're asking for can you answer   me a straight question as a lawyer CU I know  sometimes it's hard for lawyers to just do a   straight question do you believe this board by  Statute has the right to collect that money it's   a yes or no question yes okay that's why we paid  the year that you asked for it for this year okay   that's what I needed to hear thank you Mr chairman  yes sir and and and my guy yeah I think you're   absolutely right into our neighborhood and Human  Services I mean that's what the department is to   work that's what our CR should be doing should be  eliminating blight building lives building people   up that's what that's what it's intended to be  uh the children trust and in my opinion is what   they should be doing is helping the least of them  uh helping uh the kids are who in high in poverty   and low in educational attainment the kids who  are being placed at Warrington Middle School and   the kids are being busted as you said it you know  from Forest Creek you know and and how do we find   that happy medium uh to work together I think  that it's important for all of it I think you   know whether it's a sherff Blazers program or you  know quite frankly I mean if you go to Montclair   where I'm from we got aund not a 100 but we got  many unsa murders because we didn't have cameras   you know I mean people need those I mean you know  kids need to be able to walk you know uh down PE   Street at Cy you know on a sidewalk and be able  to ride their bike I mean all those things are   important to me I mean it may not be important to  some people to buy a ball in a bat but I say that   a ball in a back keeps a g a kid from having a  gun I mean for me a kid having a light in a part   keeps this kid from getting in Mischief so I mean  even if I'm programming that Park I need to have   lights in that Park so Mike you and I are at the  same place uh we we should be I mean it it should   be working you know our neighborhood services  should be a part in my opinion a subcommittee are   working directly with Lindsay I mean CU how can a  children trust uh simply uh a dress a deliverable   uh within our neighborhoods without looking at  the infrastructure the superstructure as well as   the programmatic part of it I mean it's it's all  one I mean you know you can give the kid all the   mentorship you want but if he goes home without  water if he goes home without food I mean what   good is the mentorship you know what what good  is a child if they don't have a house to live in   I mean what good is a kid when they're living in a  house with nine children with rats you know I mean   all the those things are important I mean it's  just not to me it's not one solution that we're   walking down the road I mean it's a collaborative  effort and if we're going to save children we have   to save children collectively we can't save them  individually uh and and it's great and I hear   this on our trust board like all the time it's the  children trust it's for all the children of esamia   County well quite frankly y'all didn't Market all  the children of esamia County y'all Market the   poor children and so you know what until we get to  the bottom and build a foundation solid I mean we   can't worry about you know putting a roof on when  we don't have a foundation and so we should really   like going to where you are really the children  trust in all of our programs should be targeted   to the poor children quite frankly I mean that's  really where it should be because you know we can   fund all these other kids and all these other  after school programs who parents can afford it   but we're forgetting the very kids that can't so  like I just want to tell you I'm not opposed uh   it's one thing I've always said if I give somebody  my word to Advocate and I said this to the board   and I said the will I was going to come Advocate  but I'm certainly going to be a consensus Builder   you know and at the end of the day you know if  we had to go figure out some money to help I   mean we could uh like you said it's $400,000 your  district is hurting my district is hurting uh the   sheriff is calling on us to get lights and to get  cameras and you know to protect my neighborhoods   where people that work for me got to drive home  tonight to Montclair and they need to be safe   so I understand on both sides of it Mike so  you know I'm not going to um certainly um I'm   not going to contradict your position because  you and I share the boundaries you know what I   mean our districts are almost the same I mean  you know a poor is in Attis court it's a Port   Island Marina Court I mean they're cousins often  time they brothers and sisters cuz they all live   together anyway you know what I mean so I mean it  doesn't matter I mean we share Brownsville we we   share gy taiway we we share uh Lex and T I mean  you and I share all we share the Pines I mean I   got more people in the Pines in my district  probably than you because I mean the least   says the Pines but the actuality says that you  know they C football yeah they playing football   with me yeah they're C but their dad and mom  C couch surfing so it's good so I so I respect   I respect where you are Mike and you know it is  what it is and you know I'm not going to I want   to make one comment and then we'll come to some  sort of agreement Mr chairman so 95% is programs   I don't have a problem with 5% infrastructure  going to CRA kids need to see and believe that   their environment is is better than just living  in Gulf Breeze and so I I guess that's where we   differ a little bit or maybe I don't know I think  Len's on board but where the I'm challenging the   children's trust we're only asking for a small am  amount that can go to Neighborhood Services for   infrastructure you still have 95% of your money to  go for programs I I that's never ever come up as   like maybe we should do infrastructure through the  C then why why don't your boy okay I'll be willing   to have you go back and just make this make you  guys look good and and Lum IA look bad you know   I mean I promise you I won't win trying hard but  I promise you I promise you I won't win either   way it doesn't matter what I say I won't win I  don't want to charge them any fines I don't want   to do anything like that I don't think that's  beneficial to anybody but I do think that we   should allow a small amount since it's allowed by  this legislature to go for infrastructure for poor   areas and Mike and and Mike listen you know I'm  I'm I'm I'm I'm going to support you agree can we   do that with the interlocal agreement though can  we we can dictate that that goes to infrastructure   correct why do we need another layer of government  to do what the state legislator already said we   could do but could we at least direct Mike I mean  would you feel comfortable if you and commissioner   Bean commissioner hbert at least have our Human  Services begin to work with the trust I'm fine   with neighborhood service absolutely I what I  would do is go back into the trust and say hey   we got a wonderful opportunity to help poor kids  we can give them 5% to the C that's what I do all   right dude I'm all right I mean I that's where I'm  at all I mean listen I was not asking for anything   tonight other than to open up the doors of  communication M and I certainly I think you you've   made your position pretty clear Mike and I respect  it some some of the feedback from the from of the   some of the feedback from the County attorneys  that she doesn't feel like she can uh that she can   negotiate in good faith with a with the previous  uh formal board action of uh of what we did with   a time frame on there so while leaving the action  the same can we can we Act to put some more time   frame on there so that she can uh be allowed to  in good faith negotiate with uh with Will and   that would also give us you know three or whatever  time frame you want to put on there but give us   some time to work with the staff and uh you know  Allison can negotiate with Will and then hopefully   Lindsay can work with with Clara in our he in  our neighborhood and Human Services to try to   negotiate on the staff side some as well can we do  that I if if we don't if we don't take any action   then my conversation with the county attorney  this afternoon was she wasn't comfortable   moving forward because we've got a deadline  that is passed and while this has been a you   know I think a very valuable discussion if I  think we're missing I think we're missing an   opportunity and won't you know be together  for Action like this for a little while if   we don't allow them an opportunity to uh to  talk Mr chairman yes sir linday can you kind   of discuss what the interlocal looks like at the  city uh I was going to ask Alex but he's walked out already's on uh we don't we don't currently  have one what I will tell you is that's the   conversation that we are having is um the mayor  is very interested in his schools performing   within his particular City Limits now some of  those schools that have needs do not fall in   a CRA and so he recognizes that if we move the  dollars from the trust and that he's going to   need to break those up over the CRA that wouldn't  necessarily affect the children that are at those   particular schools so what he wants to work with  us on and he's doing his research he's gone to   all the schools he's reached out to our state  organization he's reached out to Miami which is   I think our longest standing CSC in the state to  ask how they've negotiated those and how they've   worked on those collectively so you know the the  ones that I have seen and and read and I've gotten   I think a copy of almost all of them the one that  kind of stood out to me that because I lived there   at one point was Coconut Creek which is down in  the Broward County area they get like $330,000 per   year and the interlocal agreement basically said  children's trust will spend $30,000 on children's   programming in Coconut Creek they didn't dictate  it now I have seen some um and have been advised   by my counterparts that they do have more  granular programming like like commissioner May   we're talking about like your Youth Employment  Program they would say that's what we want you   to fund and if it's within one CRA it would  be whatever that amount is or you could what   I call like crowdfund it and say we'd like you  to take care of this at this amount it can be   done a variety of different ways and each of your  districts have a variety of different you know   issues um you know but I do want to just clarify  like District 2 has 739 children that have been   served since the trust started um um District  3 2081 those are fresh numbers for you guys so   we're we're covering a lot of it but we're at the  beginning to you know what served in what capacity   what do you mean by that those are with programs  and services that we pay for at the trust through   contracts with local nonprofits can you email me  tomorrow where they're at I can send you all of   it we've got a whole power I can send it to all  of you um I had I had my data guy break it down   for me because I wanted to see what does it look  how much money goes to Direct Services not admin   cost not um just directly to those children for in  these CRA or or overall I mean I don't want to put   you on the spot like that but overall I mean what  percentage of the dollars go directly to because I   I see where commissioner coer where he's sitting  I mean how much money gets caught up into salary   staff and indirect cost at at the trust we're  at about a 9 to 10% administrative rate and I've   cut a lot to do that because that's that's about  the rate you should be as a nonprofit even though   we're and any organization that you fund would  still be at about 9 to 10 or would they cost be   a little higher they indirect cost and admin cost  for some of the other organizations they can go   up to 15% is what we have in policy um but they do  have to justify it and not everyone takes indirect   which is that sorry that we call it indirect it's  that indirect cost there all things we're looking   at commissioner may you know those are things well  know I'm like on SPL seven months here um but I'm   bringing my experience to the table on what that  should look like and we've had to correct some   things we've had to cut some contracts we've had  to have some tough conversations and I'm okay with   that and Linda you're not asking for an exemption  You're simply asking for interlocal agreement uh   with restricting those funds to a CRA to have  you engage in the monitoring and measurement of   those it's not only that to make sure that it's  spent on children's services and that's where our   Board gets hung up on that is the the difference  I think between what we identify as a children's   service and what would be infrastructure and what  we promised through the vote it was going to be an   interlocal agreement will not earmark those small  amount of dollars to C they can that interlocal   agreement could go for a lot of different things  is that that's correct right if you want it to   right that's why I I like what the legislature did  and gave us a little bit of teeth um I like what   we voted on before I've supported the sheriff um  I think I don't think it's going to hurt the trust   I think it's actually going to make your life  a little bit easier because you'll be able to   say some projects that neighborhood services  are doing um but we got in this eventually   um and that's fine yeah we've we've beat a dead  horse all all I mean we we we've killed it I mean   you know honestly just wanted to have this about  the interlocal and the Tiff and to kind of model   what the city is doing and obviously they've not  implemented where they want to implement you know   at the end of the day Mike I think we all want  to do the same thing what's what's what's good   for the community what's good for the children you  know and and I get it this and you know although   you know funds are restricted for children trust  for children but if I don't do something to make   the family safe I mean I can't save the children  you know it's often when we do feedings and and   giveaways people say we're just giving it to the  children and I'm one of those that I give it to   the children and the parents because I said  I just can't feed the the children and the   parents go home hungry so I I mean I get that we  got to have safe neighborhoods Mike so in no way   am I being contradictory to uh what you're saying  and um I certainly was advocating uh just for a   more conversation with you know our staff but you  know at the end of the day Mike if we're going to   send Allison and Weston to negotiate and come up  with something and then it's going to be a big   debate on the dies I'd rather you know have find a  consensus tonight relance in staff to come back to   where we don't have a consensus in 120 days we're  still you know uh beating his horse so um I'm well   in position to make a motion to give him 60 days  to pay the remaining money um and move forward and   then i' be more than happy I don't know if I have  a second but I'd be more than happy I mean you   can leave things where they are you know I mean  yeah but I don't want to find the trust fund I   don't think you know no I mean I just asking for a  conversation you know and so that's I I mean there   there could be no action I you know I've done  what I told Lindsay and the staff I was going to   do I brought it forward you know what I mean well  I'd rather just leave it the way we voted before   honestly that's so we don't have to have a vote I  mean honestly I mean is that correct Alon I mean   there's I mean there's no vote that it is correct  you don't you don't have to vote on anything you   already voted in September they at that if that's  true then they're delinquent for the two years   they haven't paid all right well I'm fine with  that at the rest of the board is yeah I mean that   that you know that may not you know that may not  allow uh you know based on the conversation with   Allison this afternoon may not allow her to feel  like she's negotiating in good faith when that's   the standing board action but it doesn't preclude  any of us from having those conversations with   with their board members and their staff and  with Lindsay and it doesn't you know that the   board action standing it's not like we're taking  action to do anything different we just leaving   the action from September on the table and um or  August on the table and do we need to extend that   though we do need to extend that we don't that  is if the board wishes to extend it this would   be the opportunity to do that otherwise they're  about two weeks overdue on the two years that they   haven't paid you did also wave their P they're not  going anywhere it's the taxpayers they can't run   and not pay we I guess my question to the board  is do we want to know what an interlocal would   look like so we can vote Yes or no or do we not  have any interest in knowing what one would look   like I have no interest the city doesn't have one  yet and we're talking 5% so to me commissioner do   we want to extend this until the city has their in  local no I want to lead I don't want to follow the city okay all right Bo it doesn't seem like  we're really going to come to a consensus and   and you know I don't know this is not I would  I mean you know Mike I don't yeah I'm I'm done   but I don't know you know for me like you  and I have geographical lines uh have no   boundaries of property crime or whatever  so for like me I serve with the city but   directly affects the city directly affects  me you know I mean to me it would be you know   great if what if the city and I were doing the  same thing but I I I get what you're saying we   don't necessarily have to do what the city  is what the city is doing and so with that   um I'm waving the white tow all right and I'm  good with that too I mean I you know I thought   we may have been able to get there but it's uh  it's this is not it's not not my issue and I'm   not going to you know not going to weigh in  with a with a with a heavy uh heavy comment   well well my commitment is I would like to see  consensus on the board I don't want to you know   I'm I'm not going to try to force a vote against  my colleague you know on something I mean that's   going to be you know that that I got so we had  a lot of good discussion especially so there you   know that's a lot of good discussion and we're  still cool Mike you know I mean it's fine yeah   it's all right I mean it's all right thank you  will uh Lindsay thank you all for being here   and engaging with the board uh board that's  that's all the agenda Madam Council you have   nothing further I presume and we will reconvene  on the 19th for a uh for a festive festive day --------- ##VIDEO ID:0jBL29zcsgM## e e e e e e e hi good morning folks Mr chairman would you like  to convene thank you Mr chairman so what happens   when you win a decisive race you come in and take  charge so we're going to do what you tell us to do take take Junior I'll take Junior charge how  about that take Jun I could have wore that red   hat that I had but I'm not going to I'll wear it  tonight all right the one that Mike had on the   big the big hat yeah yeah I saw it on CNN uh it's  cam County Redevelopment agency regular beeting   November 7th 2024 9:00 a.m. please turn your cell  phone to vibrate silence or the offsetting bard   of County Commissioners allows any person to  speak regarding item on the agenda the speaker   is limited to two minutes was there proof of  publication the meeting was published in the scam   County sunpress on October 31st 2024 thank you are  there any speakers for public for uh not to my a   knowledge okay technical and Public Service uh  recommendation concerning community redevelopment   agency meeting minutes October 17 2024 Mr chairman  I move the technical and public service consent we   have a motion please vote that pass is unanimous  thank you so much budget and finance I have three   for your approval first one is recommendation  concerning cancellation of residential   rehab grant program and leans second one is  recommendation concerning residential roof program   funding and lean agreements and the third one is  recommendation concerning residential Improvement   grant program funding and lean agreements thank  how many roofs did we do this year uh I don't have   a total right now but um guess guess probably  I wouldn't say around 30 about 30 yeah about   30 so is that on par from previous years or is  greater demand uh a little bit down from last year   I looked at it actually looked at it this morning  uh we're a little bit down from last year but down   for demand or just down from being able to provide  them uh the demand and getting people um getting   them um approved you know some of the concerns  would approved um some of the things that we   have been running is uh with the um Homestead and  different things like that so I mean it's just odd   to me on Down On Demand because we we continuously  having a lot of people call our office form so you   say well get get them approved though get approv  problem that's the problem um some having you   know not having um the right uh what's the word  I'm trying to say here um when you're getting   to improve them you got to they've got to be  [Music] um uh what's the word I'm trying to   say here um I'm don't get in the blank right now  but yeah the pro well well that's fine I mean yeah   and and that's fine not to put you on the spot I  mean but I what I would say if there are barriers   that are keeping us from helping people get their  roofs then I mean I would hope that our department   is looking at how do we streamline it and make it  more user friendly if there are barriers so yes if   there is policies that need to be brought before  the CRA please you know get with us individually   I'd be happy to bring uh those policies to to  our colleagues here if probate probated issues   that's what I was trying to get to so probated  issues yeah that's and I think that we've funded   legal services in helping with probate right are  we still doing that Claire we did two we did two   yeah so yeah I mean quite frankly that's how  quite frankly people in my district are losing   their property why we having all these problems is  because of probate issues yeah probate issues all   right Sher entertain a motion sub Mo second please  vote that passes unanimous thank you so much much have anything else no discussions no  discussion is there any discussion from any   of our colleagues if not we'll um entertain a  motion for the adjournment so one second but we   stand a j thank you so much thank you Mr chairman  our board we'll go straight into agenda review um   and uh you may notice that administrator is not  not with us this morning there's a um Family issue   but he will be here with us uh he he will be here  with us uh beginning after lunch and certainly for   uh public forum in this evening's meeting um I  have the invocation this evening and uh see uh   commissioner hoffberg would you like to do the  pledge sure all right any items to be added to   the agenda Madam Council no sir I I'll have two or  three but we'll get them distributed uh throughout   the day U Mr Mr chairman just discretionary but  M Mr chairman I do have a um medical issue with   my mother so I'm probably gonna leave out here  about 9:30 okay so if there's something that   needs to be discussed before that that's fine if  not I'll certainly be here tonight okay I'm not   sure that there is I don't I don't I wouldn't I  wouldn't anticipate there being anything that's   necessary this morning thank you commissioner  nothing for me Mike all right Ashley I'm good   all right um and I have some that have worked  their way through or okay all right we're uh   I've got to their discretion only discretionary  uh discretionary allocation related uh chips   there's not anything from admin no okay super all  right and uh Jeff do you know who's going to be   in attendance this evening do you have some folks  you feel yeah we'll have about five of my five of   my six people will be here to get the plaques  all right and then Mark Ryan is going to be   here from uh Florida City County management and  I think we've got the proclamations uh assigned mam Clark anything this morning before this evening shaking your head no all right uh gmr  we have public hearings we won't necessarily   discuss those Mr chair just on a proclamation am  I doing the epilepsy or someone else I just want   to ask that's okay I want to make sure yeah I'm  sorry so um uh commissioner hoffberger is going   to be doing the the centenarian uh Proclamation  Joy bman and Chris Phillips will be doing the   employee of the month uh commissioner  ker be doing the epilepsy awareness   100 Years of the association for the Home  and Community Education Nick Simmons will   be doing I'll be doing the animal shelter  and then Rodriguez and thus will be doing   the proclamation for 50 years of service  for Willie Carter um but we present that   to Willie or has that been presented let  me see um it's on here to be presented I   I do not know uh I would assume he's inoc is  planning on being in attendance commissioner at least based on what we're uh what we're  aware of currently so oh I'm sorry R yeah uh   it'll actually be presented to him today also  his a million miles so we we'll be presenting   him with a certificate for million miles that he's  driven he's actually driven about 2 million miles   since being a servant of scambia County no that's  fine rightfully so I'm glad that he's going to be   here I know we were at his event last the other  Sunday I didn't know if it got presented or not   but that's great all right and without discussing  the public hearings and you know we do have a few   rezonings on there but uh going into the other  gmr do you have some comments just uh just we   have have thank you thank you good morning and  congratulations commissioner bar as well and   all of the Commissioners um we will be having um  res zonings to is it's request to be councel and   we'll be going over those tonight and we do have  several um uh um uh final approvals for tonight   as well all right horse which which ones have  been requested to be pulled okay the first one   is uh z202 24-16 that's that's being yes that a  a request came in for that to be dropped okay the   planning board had a denial of that one uh they  did but yes an applicant sent in for a request   to be dropped okay and then we have which one is  that hold on is the the first one 6200 West 9 M   Road yes the applicant asked to drop it yes okay  and and then we have a um another one of 548 20 24-19 and that and that they they sent us  a request to cancel that uh earlier in time   that's why you don't see it like it is so  but that was already they send it request   everything to put that but that's going to  be moving item seven which is canceling a   hearing yes but we're moving item seven  the affirmative okay all right got you   buddy thank you all right any any any  news on the or any questions for horse   related to the other gmr action items  related to final plats I see a couple of those all right hearing none thank you for all  right uh the County Administrator technical   Public Service consent agenda there are well  I'll brief read these well I guess everyone   has had conversations with the administrator  this week any any items in the technical Public   Service consent that anyone would like to discuss  this morning or hold uh or hold this evening for discussion would you like me  to briefly read them would you   rather that I don't think we need okay  all right all right super all right   just speak up and if we if we need to get back  we we can get back all right Budget Finance uh   we'll briefly read these first going to be  cancellation of residential rehab grants leans next is going to be residential Improvement  grant funding and lean agreements which these are   items that were handled during the CRA next is  going to be uh concerning residential roof program   funding and lean agreements fourth is going to  be uh solicitation for a ship rehabilitation   fifth is going to be purchase orders in excess of  $50,000 for natural resources and sobody anybody   just kind of speak up if there if there are any  issues six is going to be contract award for arpa   and the water Institute of the gulf chips all good  with this everything good with it all right super   next is going to be an award for BDI for the  scami county Dune Matrix enhancement project   all right next going to be with d for 200,000 for  the design and construction of the paddlecraft   launch at pretty debay boat ramp all right  next is going to be D for 11 Mile Creek restoration next will be a budget amendment uh  from Stefan concerning Personnel some Personnel   dollar issues next is going to be supplemental  budget agreement for carry forwards and amendments   next is going to be a change order for SMG  or currently known as ASM uh for base header   management Mr chairman can I ask a question on  that so I looked at the background it looked like   we had paid $450,000 so this is a change order  to the uh base Center for food and management   does it can anyone answer that I just didn't know  if that's normal um for last year it seems like I   guess I need to know why they can't maintain on  their own but I know things generally have been   better as a as a as a rule of thumbil  historically well no historically been   less less well have been poor um the last  year or so has been has been better ASM   has been we've had better financials  out of there considerably so Stephan Devon absolutely commissioner so uh the base  Center is being utilized fully um they're doing   a great job over there so the more utilization of  the facility we have the the the costs are going   to go up this uh this additional change has also  to do with their current contract with es scambia   County so we are following the contract these are  all uh food and beverage fees and management fees   that have incurred that were incurred during  fiscal year 24 so again this is just to get us   per the contract terms to get us through the end  of the fisal year based on the productivity at   the Baye Center is some of this related to the  incentive for better performance is yes better   than this yeah so a portion of these fees are the  incent they they have an incentive clause in their   contract for for better performance you know  and a portion of this 100,000 I believe to be   uh attributable to that incentive hey U on the  next year's budget what did they put in for what   they requested because last year was 450k do you  know for 2025 what they requested uh so that is   something that is determined by my office I  have historically looked at what we spend um   and I just I take it up 50,000 or 100,000 um but  since we come out Co I mean the the facility has   been greatly more utilized or better utilized uh  on a historical basis um so we're kind of seeing   some things we haven't seen before which  is actually very good it's very good for   the county it's good for the community and it's  good for tourist development tax well I'd like   to see them make it without taking our budget  but it sounds like they're going in the right   direction thank you yes sir thank you Stephan  next item is going to be uh concerning approval   of a contract for Public Safety using arpa  funds next is approval of a software licensing   agreement related to information computer  aided dispatch Public Safety next is going   to be the volunteer Florida emergency management  performance Grant Community Response Team program contract next will be uh concerning schemy  County Corrections Amendment for part-time   Physician Services contract next is going to be be  scam County Corrections inmate telephone services contract next will be concerning state  law enforcement trust fund allocations   the Sheriff's Office yes sir Mr chairman  yeah I ask that we hold that I need to   abstain from voting on that item thank you  and so it's probably easiest just to hold   the hold the whole item and abstain  from the whole item okay super all right Lumen Watson Family Foundation is that  Aon Foundation yes okay um next is going to be   issuance of purchase order in sex excess of 50,000  for Fleet Rolling Stock for mass transit next will   be purchase order for transportation disadvantage  parat Transit next will be the amended and   restated power plant site lease between fpnl and  Escambia County at uh at the landfill next will   be a concerning a caterpillar certified rebuild  of a uh piece of Machinery next will be purchase   of one caterpillar machine for Waste Services next  will be the purchase of two 2025 Mac Mac trailer   moving floor trailers next will be contract  for customer Convenience Center hHw contract work next will be cont contract for Pito  landfill metal building demolition Mr   chairman I have just a question on that one  is that that the recycle building that we're   tearing down out there and if it is it's  not okay that's just I want to know thank   you okay super all right next will be contract  approval for arpa funds for divine Farms Bridge   replacement uh I will have to abstain from this  uh because of my relationship with Ryan Shavers   next will be an agreement between West Florida  public libraries and Panhandle Library Access Network next will be a purchase order  to Unity fiber for the West Florida   Public Library internet service I'm  sorry item 30 is going to be dropped   okay for item 30 will be dropped next  will be purchase of 2025 for Transit 250 next will be a supplemental budget  agreement related to multiple fire   apparatus purchases um using arpa funds next  will be the purchase of one 2024 Long Reach   excavator for Waste Services next will be the  acceptance of RightWay donation along Johnson Avenue next be the purchase  order for vision construction   for Brownsville Library renovation sorry  the change order for the to the purchase order next will be administrative budget  amendment for the Insley fire station renovations next will be the issuance  of a purchase order in excess of 50,000   to Simco Refrigeration for the  ice plant upgrades at the base Center next will be issuance of a purchase order  in excess of 50,000 to athletica Sports systems   related to the ice rink system and other ice  infrastructure at the bay center next will be   issuance of a purchase order and excess of 50,000  to husy seating company additional infrastructure   at the bay center Mr chairman this is one I just  have a question too I know there's a lot of talk   about renewal of the the Baye Center there's  about $700,000 in seating that we're going to   fund here I think it came out of TDC jeup well if  there is any remodel uh remodeling of that will   that seating have to be replaced do we know see  I don't it won't Mr Hogan yeah we sure yeah okay well yeah oh you're here thanks Mike I was going  to call this morning you have the answer yes   absolutely thank you um no the this retractable  seating will be the upgraded updated version   uh it will stay in place regardless of any  Renovations that go on at the base Center okay   and all of these allocations are um are funded  through the UMC the 10 million the 10 million   that was previous previously allocated yes this is  part of that 10 million plan the first years that   we're doing and uh so we we've vetted everything  we're bringing these back to you for the official   yeah I had no problem with the TDC moving that  I just didn't want to put $700,000 and if we   do more at the base Center waste $700,000 so I  got on record we're not going to do that yes sir   thank you well yeah now and that's a fantastic  thought and we we have had some other folks on   at the podium that have been on camera and it it  has still has not worked out the way that they   had said on camera at the podium not not Mr  caps of course but some other folks uh in the   past but uh next item is concerning purchase  of emergency generators for various County facilities next item is going to be the  termination of a contract between scami County and   J&B Services next will be an agreement between D  and scami county for frenches Heights storm water   improvements project I may pron I may be incorrect  pronunciation but next going to be purchase order   to Gulf Beach construction for upgrading  the curb ramps to ADA compliance at casino Beach next item is going to be contract for  to sight utility for Fairy pass Community   Center project I'm sorry a change order to  the contract for site and utility for fery pass making some progress over there in  the community center yes it's looking   good about naming it too is it going to  be the Robert vender Community Center   he recommended something else oh he did perhaps we'll flip a coin  between the two of them uh next   item is going to be contract award for  Oakfield Acres drainage Improvement projects next item is going to be an  award for Chandler Street drainage   Improvement projects and Robins  Ridge drainage Improvement projects sorry I feel like I'm missing an item I apologize  that's was just apologize several Pages uh next   item is concerning contract award for computerized  maintenance management for engineering next going   to be a contract award for construction  engineering and uh CI services for West Roberts next item will be contract award  for Deerfield drainage improvements this   item will be a contract award  for Palmetto and live o drainage improvements next item will be a contract award  for solar lighting for Pensacola Beach on Via   DeLuna next item is contract award for Stacy  Road and quintet Road drainage improvements   next item is contract award for West Roberts  roadway and drainage improvements next item is   purchase order to CDG for Professional Services  or CI services for Chandler Street drainage next   item is going to be purchase order to to Gulf  Marine construction for the rehabilitation of   Wiggins Lake Road Bridge over little Pine Baron  Creek next item is to purchase order to Thompson   engineering for Professional Services related  to Stacy Road quintet Road drainage project   next is recommendation concerning changes to  scami County Health Department fees next item   concerning a memorandum an agreement with the  sheriff for Security Services next going to be   a discretionary allocation to a scambia high  scambia high school girls soccer commissioner   ker next is a an analysis of impediments to  fair housing Choice study from CLA Long's Department to emal Coast Regional Council   yes okay next is a uh do state funded Grant  agreement for the Pensacola Beach Northern Gateway apologize so what is the northern Gateway  is at the bridge atot of the Bridge Plaza that doing all right discussion items I'm sorry  no disc discussion it for administrator Madam Council uh yes Mr chairman uh there are three  action items on tonight's county attorney's report   the first one is an extension of our agreement  with niia it'll be an MOA to um extend that   relationship uh the second one is scheduling  a public hearing for your December 12th board   meeting relative to your uh Florida Power and  Light franchise fees Madam Council so is this   uh is this a one action or a two action it's  it's only one public hearing once it's once   we hear it okay but that public hearing will be  on December the 12th yeah I understand but that   that's that then yes sir hypothetically okay  yes sir your existing agreement will continue   in force until December the 31st of next year  so the new agreement would not commence until   January 1 of 2026 assuming you you pass it on  December the 12th um the third item is the um   continued representation by Mr Matt Carson in a  case coming out of your Corrections Department   and then the third the non action item but  discussion item this was based on the board's   discussion and vote at the last board meeting  regarding the Tiff funding obligations of the   children's trust at this point you have declined  the waiver request from the children's trust but   the board wanted another opportunity to discuss it  so it's on your agenda for tonight board any any   appetite currently you want to take it up this  evening I certainly have some input and we we   serve on that board and I think that there's a a  great resolution but we could discuss it tonight   super thank you madam Council any any other  comments or anything needed from uh from my   colleagues before we get before we reconvene this  afternoon m i I'm sorry Mr chairman I do need to   remind the board that there is an attorney client  session in the hoopert matter that's scheduled   for 4M today we'll need to convene in this room  first and then adjourn into the back okay I do I   don't have that on my calend four 4:00 today  yes sir okay all right super see y'all then