##VIDEO ID:V6mUcOvE268## e e e e e commissioner Coler J all right well hi good morning it is 9 o' October  17 2024 scy County Board of County   Commissioners installation organization meeting this meeting of the scam County  bard of County Commissioners will come   to order we will now begin the swearing in  ceremony for appointed commissioner Ashley   hoffberger District 4 the honorable Judge Jennifer  federovich First Judicial Circuit will administer   the oath of office and loyalty oath to appointed  commissioner Ashley hoffberger District for judge   federovich will be followed by The Honorable  Pam shers Clerk of the circuit court and comp   troller with the reading of Mrs hoffberger  commission to the public judge federovich   would you please join appointed commissioner  Ashley hoffberger District 4 and Mr hoffberger   along with their children parents at the podium  followed by Miss Childers in a moment please all right I state your name I Ashley hoffberger  do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I   will support that I will support protect and  defend protect and defend the Constitution and   government the Constitution and government  of the United States of the United States   and of the State of Florida and of the State of  Florida that I am duly qualified that I am duly   qualified to hold office to hold office under  the Constitution under the Constitution of the   United States of the United States and that  I will well and Faithfully perform and that   I will well and Faithfully perform the duties  of county commissioner the duties of county   commissioner District 4 District Four on which  I am now about to enter of which I am now about   to enter so help me God so help me God one more  I state your name I Ashley hoffberger a citizen   of the State of Florida a citizen of the State  of Florida and of the United States of America   and of the United States of America and being an  officer of a scam County and being an officer of   Escambia County and the recipient of public funds  and the recipient of public funds as such officer   as such officer do hereby solemnly swear do hereby  solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I will   support that I will support the Constitution  of the United States the Constitution of the   United States and of the State of Florida  and of the State of Florida congratulations you congratulations stand we met right yeah okay I Pam shers the  elected Clerk and com controller present your   commission on behalf of the executive  department of the State of Florida on   behalf of Rona santis governor of Florida by  virtue of the authority vested in Me by the   Constitution and laws of this state du hereby  commission Ashley hoffberger Who was appointed   on the fourth day October 2024 to be a member of  the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners   District 4 for a term beginning on October  4th 2024 until the 18th day of November 2024   according to the Constitution and the laws  of the state and in the name of the people   of the State of Florida to to have hold and  exercise the set office and all the powers   and responsibilities appertaining thereto and to  receive the Privileges and emoluments thereof in   accordance with the law signed Ronda santis  governor of Florida congratulations thank we will get thank you judge federovich and Madam clerk  congratulations commissioner hoffberger as you   make your way back uh back to the dice  next item of business to be considered   by the board in this meeting is approval of  the newly installed commissioner hoffberger   nominees to the Escambia County disability  awareness committee and Escambia Marine   advisory committee additional appointments  will be brought before the board at a future   meeting the board had entertain a motion on  uh commissioner hofer's appointments make a   motion thank you second all right please  vote item passes four to zero all right   Commissioners thank you guests thank you and uh  we'll now move on to the regular scheduled board meeting board of County Commissioners regular  meeting October 17 990 9:05 a.m. please turn   your cell phone to the vibrate silence or  offsetting boorder of County Commissioners   allows any person to speak regarding an item  on the agenda this speaker will be limited to   3 minutes unless otherwise determined by  the chairperson to allow sufficient time   for all speakers speakers please refrain from  abusive or profane remarks disruptive Outburst   protest or any other conduct interferes  with the orderly conduct of the meeting   upon completion of the public comment period  discussion will be limited to board members and   questions raised by the board commissioner  may you have a guest for invocation this morning thank you Mr chairman we do have  Pastor Sabrina Williams Hopkins of the of the   6th Avenue Baptist Church uh Pastor Williams  thank you for being here please stand thank you let us pray Heavenly Father we come to you  this morning to say thank you God we honor you   this morning we first give reverence to you  before we even open this meeting for business   God we humbly ask you Lord for your grace and  your mercy during this meeting God right now we   humble before you oh god father God we ask you  oh God to be with everyone here in this room be   with each County Commissioner and their families  be with our city and county officials oh God as   they conduct business oh God in your kingdom  building Lord we pray that each position that   serve on this board is here to do your will and  we pray that your will be done father Reign on   us the joys of Jesus and the happiness of the  Holy Spirit be with us Lord as we lean on you   each and every day thank you for this moment  thank you for this time thank you God as we   hold on to your unchanging hand Lord we love  you and ask all these blessings in your son   Jesus name we pray and say amen amen commiss  hoffberger would you like to lead us in the pledge Al to the flag of the United  States of America and to theic   for it stands Nation indivisible andice for all M chairman thank you and yes sir um Pastor  Hopkins thank you and Pastor Johnson men a lot   and the work that you're doing at 6th Avenue  is commendable uh in our district although   in the city uh it's making District three  better and thank you for your Outreach and   your commitment to service thank you  for being here thank you commissioner any items to be added to the agenda um  Madam attorney no thank you m No Sir Mr   chairman Mr foros nothing for me Mr CER no  sir all right uh board I do have one that's   a discretionary add-on for on bikes is being  distributed right now it has been um it has   been added to the agenda I believe for the  administrator um i' entertain a motion to   adopt the agenda so move Mr chairman a second  thank you please vote agenda passes 5 to Z   commissioner SW commissioner May uh I don't have  anything today Mr chairman all right commissioner   Vos I just want to congratulate Ashley hoffberger  it's a tough it's a tough thing that you've done   and getting the appointment before the election  is uh is very good so congratulations to you   and Grant your family um I also want to discuss a  couple quick things uh at from the last meeting um   we had several speakers that were asking about the  Bula master plan as you as many people know we've   worked on that for years and years and uh I did  after that meeting check was staff and so there's   still some revisions being made we've asked them  to come back with some design standards some more   robust information so um it will be coming at a  later meeting more than likely it will be after   my time on this board but I'm very proud of the  work that's been put in that all the residents   who gave their time coming to the charettes um and  the team from um you know the team that we've put   together to put uh the master plan together but  it's just there's still more work to be done so   I wanted to make sure that was publicly announced  and today on today's agenda I just want to make   this point as well we've got got a couple of  important projects in district one we're still   moving forward with all projects even as my time  on this board winds down uh one of which is on   Klondike Road a bridge there we're moving toward  the replacement of that we worked hard to get   that done and then also inity Point Road we're  doing some safety improvements on that road so   just want to point out those two things will be  more than likely approved on today's uh agenda   so thank you Mr chairman absolutely commission  CER yes thank you Mr chairman well commissioner   hoffberger welcome that chair has been empty for  a long time I thought there was going to be a go   hting it for Halloween but um I'm glad you're here  and welcome aboard um want to thank a couple of   the staff Robert McCracken and met Skipper this  week we had a meeting out at bog Grande they did   a great brief on the uh storm water drainage plan  out there um the that community's um mobile home   Community um has needed some help for a long time  and they did a great job with that um if we got a   lot of neat things going on in the county the next  three weeks we won't be back before the election   but this weekend we got JazzFest next weekend  if you got a pet that you want to dress up or   can do tricks bring him to barktober Fest I know  the judge maybe looking at him but there has to   be a pet that looks cool for Halloween that'll  be next Sunday and then the following week um   we got the Blue Angel home homecoming with the  Thunderbird so that'll be a huge event they're   expected between 150 and 200,000 people out the  base um so that'll be fun if you can get out there   um again welcome commissioner Mr hofberger  and that's all I have today commission Mr chairman thank you so much I am excited to be here  and thrilled to hit the ground running thank you   to my family and friends that came out to support  me and I just appreciate you being here fantastic   as uh as my colleague say congratulations look  forward to uh uh working with you ideally for   more than uh more than a meeting or two depending  on what happens in a few weeks but hopefully so um   the tickets for the SEC women's soccer tournament  are on sale now and uh want to want to highlight   that um it's an item that'll be later in the  later later in the County's attorney's report   but there's an extension to that agreement with  the SEC which is fantastic I want to thank Mike   rhods and Ray Palmer and all the other folks that  uh that have been involved in that extension as   well as an extension for the Sun Belt which I  know is uh you know important to uh important   to a number of us and been a lot of work done to  complete those um want to thank Scott Lansford   he's got his tax collector and other uh services  that are available in Sentry today he's got the   mobile the big mobile work uh uh vehicle up there  that's uh it's always nice there's a tremendous   lack of uh lack of resources to the extension  of Mobility resources in centry and uh taking   the County Services to them is uh is always  a good thing and I want to thank Christian   Danley who's principal at lipsum elementary for  having me out a week or so ago and uh cutting a   ribbon on a on a book vening machine which is  a really neat uh really neat concept our board   uh our board paired with uh uh paired with the  PTA at lipsum to purchase the book vending machine   and they give away tokens for uh you know for  achievements and Advan and accelerated readers   and uh achievements in school and honor  uh honor role those kind of things and the   kids get tokens and it's really neat I don't  know if uh any my colleagues have seen those   but they're really neat things I want to thank  uh Kristen and the lipskin PTA for partnering   with us on that Mr administrator thank you Mr  chairman I want to welcome commissioner Hoff   as well congratulations and I want to say thanks  to all the folks in engineering and Liz Kell and   facilities and everybody who's had anything to  do with the arer funding we've been driving hard   uh Travis Tomkins emergency management team been  deployed for almost a months they've been doing   a fantastic job running em for other counties  throughout the State of Florida I was contacted   at the end of last week by an old friend of mine  with the American public works Association that   I met when I was managing the County's pavement  Management program some years years ago and he   says hey I need some help I said what do you need  help with he says well we have two truckloads of   food down here around Sarasota Pasco County but we  don't have anywhere to cook it I said well I can't   come down and cook I mean I like to cook I mean I  bought a Big Green Egg a couple years ago so but   through buy that Big Green Egg I got to know Kevin  green who own the owner of the butcher shop here   in princa if you know him was fantastic guy very  philanthropic here in the community and I called   Kevin I said listen these guys need some help and  so he put the word out because the ships meet to   everybody in the country country and then I had it  called another buddy of mine and Coral Gables that   I met through Big Green Egg and he put the word  out and then Sunday I got a phone call from from   Chris ERS he goes man you ain't going to believe  this he goes we got all these barbecue teams   coming we're going to be serving a th meals a day  so you never know just from buying a Big Green   Egg just four or five years ago what opens up to  you so I want to say thanks to Kevin green here   if you know him if you don't know him go by and  meet him uh when we had the pandemic he made sure   he kept plenty of hamburger meat on on stock for  everybody so great Kai great business and I just   want to mention that this morning thank you thank  you board entertain a motion for the proclamations   so move Mr chairman thank you second all right  please vote the proclamation pass Five to zero Mr   chairman yes sir uh I didn't get an opportunity to  represent the deputy mayor and my favorite other   Republicans sitting in the back uh representative  so good to see you oh absolutely yeah she's hiding   behind Alex I see that absolutely he couldn't  show his face until DC left it's it's a tough   a tough shop around there um adopt the first  is adopting the proclamation declaring October   2024 as a peanut butter challenge in esami County  Nick Simmons and your folks if you might make your way good morning Commissioners glad to be here  again um recognizing one of our highlight programs   that we really look forward to each year uh that  is the peanut butter challenge uh this has been   going on Dorothy I think more than 10 years uh I  think it originated here in Escambia County it was   an idea that started here and now it extends well  East uh probably over to Jacksonville or better uh   with extension offices and counties throughout  North Florida who are involved in production   agriculture uh doing this as well and it you know  it's really one of those great things to uh you   know connect agriculture you know a lot of people  think of the scambia is of the beach and and and   the city and all the things that go with that but  agriculture is certainly one of the key drivers   of of Enterprise and and really a highlight  especially on the north end of our County and   so uh this is a great way to connect agriculture  to other parts of our community and to tackle one   of the the things that we unfortunately deal with  and that's hunger and U uh with me today I have uh   Dorothy Lee she is our family and consumer science  agent she's been with our office for for many   years and and does a wonderful programs that that  reaches all parts of our community I also have our   our newest uh member of our faculty and team is  Millo marata he is our agriculture agent and uh   after I read the proclamation they'll they'll  mention some some other things too uh as well   regarding the program uh I also wanted to welcome  commissioner hoffberger uh we uh certainly extend   an invitation for you to come up to our office  on Stefani and check out all the great things   that we're doing so uh I'll go ahead and read the  proclamation and then uh Dorothy and Maro if y'all   want to speak to to some other things whereas  the health and well-being of our community are   of utmost importance and access to nutritious  food is a fundamental right for all and whereas   peanuts are a major crop grown in our community  with roughly 10,000 acres of agricultural land in   Escambia County planted in peanuts and nearly  33 million pounds of peanuts were produced in   Escambia County in 2019 and whereas communities  in Escambia County have been participating in the   peanut butter challenge since 2012 and in 2023  collected 1,3 jars of peanut butter amounting to   more than 1,410 lbs of peanut butter and whereas  peanut butter is a shelf stable rich source of   protein with healthy fats and essential nutrients  nut making it an ideal food item for families in   need and whereas the peanut butter challenge  encourages our community to come together in   support of local food banks and organizations that  provide for those facing hunger and whereas by   participating in in this challenge we not only  support our neighbors but also Foster a spirit   of collaboration and generosity throughout our  County and whereas it is it is vital to educate   our residents about the importance of community  engagement and the impacts of small acts of   kindness on those in need be it further proclaimed  that the board of County Commissioners declares   the month of October 2024 as the peanut butter  challenge in Escambia County Florida and urges   all residents to participate by donating unopen  jars of peanut butter to local drop off points   and spreading awareness about the importance  of nutrition and food Security Board of County   commissioners of scambia County Florida Steven  Barry chair District 5 Ashley hoffberger Vice   chairwoman District 4 Jeff BOS District 1 Michael  Coler District 2 Lumen J May District 3 thank you good morning Commissioners good morning  everyone it's a pleasure to be here my name is   maril Morada I'm the agriculture extension agent  um here in scambia County as Nick mentioned uh we   have almost like 10,000 uh Acres of peanut  here and with cotton makes our main crop   rotation here in the area so the the peanut but  challenge is not only to promote agricultureal   uh agriculture awareness and uh uh for our  products that go directly uh from the fields   to the customer hands but also to um Foster um the  community engagement and help the local farmers here good morning I'm Dorothy leading faming  consumer science AG agent for Escambia County   and um please help us Stamp Out Hunger in  our community one 12 O jar of peanut butter   yelds 12 peanut butter sandwiches so please  contribute to our worthy cause there are drop   off boxes actually there's one located here  in this building and throughout our community   for more information uh you can contact us at  Escambia County Extension 850- 475 523 zero thank you and just just a little bit of a note uh it  it is a challenge there is a bit of a competition   and uh we we have won the competition multiple  years uh unfortunately our friends to the East   Santa Rosa one last year so we're trying to uh  get one up on them so um like Dorothy said uh   you can visit our website uh SC scambia County  extension services and it has the full list of   all the drop sites I know we have libraries  and and our office as well but thank you [Applause] all next I'm honored to uh to recognize  disabil disability employment awareness   month if uh Debbie try and our friends from  uh Global Connections and Tech young your   Tech professionals high at place if and of  course scami County HR Nikki if uh everybody   might come up so we have four entities that  are going to be receiving uh the award today   certainly appreciate everybody's partnership and  I appreciate uh my friend Debbie Troy for kind   of coordinating with our office to try to help  get the uh get the proclamations put together   and help get the guests all here and thank you  for your attendance on a on a Thursday morning   that's uh very appreciated so whereas the purpose  of national disability employment awareness month   is to educate the public about the employment  concerns of persons with disabilities and to   celebrate the many and varied contributions of  America's workers with disabilities this year   marks the 79th anniversary of national disability  employment month as Congress in 1945 enacted a law   declaring the first week of October each year  as National employ the physically handicapped   week later it expanded to a full month and  its name and scope evolved to acknowledge   the importance of increasing the workforce  Community with people of all types of disabilities   workplaces welcoming the talents of all people  including people with disabilities are critical   part of our efforts to build a community with a  strong economy and activities during this month   will reinforce the value and talent that people  with disabilities add to our workplaces and to   our communities and especially affirm Escambia  County's commitment to increasing access to good   jobs for all workers including those disabled  now there are four partners that are recognized   um if uh I see GCE behind me Global Connections  oops thank you very much and let's see your Tech professionals okay Debbie you can you  can hold that if you don't mind and   let's see high at place thank you very much  I recognize you from last year I appreciate   you I appreciate you coming and then the  HR department from es gambi County Nikki   there you go and if um maybe we can come  down and have a picture and want to give   Debbie an opportunity to recognize the four  uh the four entities that received and then   each of them would have an opportunity to  speak Andy let's I move in for a picture and Debbie you have the floor and then each  of our each of our four entities uh you   certainly have a minute to speak but thank  you all for your contribution to uh to all persons thank you commissioner Barry um I'm Debbie  Troy with Vocational Rehabilitation and I I don't   know if you can understand how much it means when  an individual gets a job that has a disability and   they can go home to their family and say I got  the job it is so exciting and so we have four   great companies that have a really kind of shine  in doing this we have the Hyatt for Hospitality   Services they uh train people to be um I think  they've had six this year that they have had on   on the job training and they hired five of them  I mean that is like incredible really incredible   and then your Tech professionals is a small tech  company um off up right by smokies and um they   have had 12 ojts in the in the last 5 years that  come through and I'm sorry that Miguel isn't here   uh because he's a a great example uh he started  um at the front desk he was working at Dollar   Tree and said I really want to do something more  and now he's their web designer and he's still   there five years and they've had 12 ojts over the  years um that they've helped train in in high-tech   professional job and then we have a scambia county  you do not understand how tremendous that your HR   department is I mean TR is wonderful she's done a  wonderful job the last two years you've had nine   ojts here that have just just really shined  and that you're able to you you're the model   for the whole state for VR for doing ojts and  to bring people in I think if you get a job in   government it is just the luckiest job you can  get cuz probably it's the only place you get a   pension anymore and then of course we have GCE  I mean they are one of our largest providers and   they not only have I guess Nas they have the  Whitefield they have the federal uh building   they also uh do lake view for custodial and for  also Food Services and they do a great job when   we have individuals that come into VR that are  looking to try to find a job and something the   impediment is there they're able to interview  the client give them the skills they need for a   resume give them the opportunity to practice to  be able to be interviewed well and then be able   to do the job if they need job coaches they take  care of that and all kinds of other activity but   I want to give each of these wonderful companies  opportunity to say some words about how great VR is well the Hyatt and inis free are  always Delight Ed to work with VR   and all of the communities that we serve  um being a critical piece of disability   employment in our communities is humbling  and something we are honored to be a part   of so thank you Deb and GCE and everyone  else that we work with thank you all thank [Applause] you yeah Deb um in addition  to VR we also do project search which   is kind of a a high school version of  that but what I'm really proud about   GC is one of the largest employers with uh  disab persons with disabilities in the State   of Florida uh just in Escambia County alone  we have nearly 400 employees across 10 lines   of business and that includes everything from  food custodial to Information Technology work   and administrative support services and so  having this month recognized to celebrate our   persons with disabilities like Raymond and Keon  that are here with me today um it it really is   important we we thank you for that Mr chairman  absolutely thank you please thank you uh we're   honored to continue to partner with VR and if  if it wasn't for tr's passion for this program   it would not be successful here at Escambia  County she just takes this and runs with it   and as Deb said we are the model for the rest of  the state so thank you well that's perfect thank you and Debbie you didn't get an award today  but I I want to thank you publicly for your   advocacy for this uh for this demographic  of folks it's uh uh you know as commissioner   May has often mentioned over the years  it takes uh you know it takes advocacy   from people that have you know that have  relationships that that are in certain   positions to uh uh to affect the changes of uh  the changes in the lives of others and you've   certainly done that so thank you and thank  you for all the folks that were here thank you all right written communication Madam  Council yes chairman thank you um there   may or may not be a speaker here  there's a we do have a speaker   okay would you like to hear from the  speaker Larry DS Oh I thought it was representative Hello Larry DS Jor Plumbing  LLC because FAL matters uh this in written   communication all right yeah I I I just wanted to  speak on this issue because I think uh you know   y'all should Grant relief anytime you can to we  the people you know because this is already a huge   overreach to begin with so you know if y'all can  find in here it says to review review all requests   for forgiveness so if y'all could just find it  in your hearts to forgive the people you know   for you know I mean it would be don't wouldn't it  be better for y'all to work for the people with   the people instead of against the people it just  seems like it's a much better way I mean because   I would have been done I would have been out of  here I was just checking one more time just to   see if you know if we could get some forgiveness  for you know occasional slippage I forgive you   Larry well but but it but it's but it's in the  actions it's not in the words you know we're not   children that y'all are governing over we actually  pay for this this same way here you know we're   uh we're it it just seems like it's the other  way around it's like that y'all are the parent   giving us like this says forgiveness you know  what I mean forgiveness are you this this is   just sad it's sad where we are and it could have  been over but now it's not and you putting you   you've been put on notice for violating my rights  Barry okay we could have been just just over it   just with one little point but couldn't let it  happen Okay super all right B that's our only   speaker uh Mike this is in District 2 I still got  just a second oh yes you do and also if y'all I'd   like the other Commissioners to vote on this to  Grant this forgiveness and also if Barry needs any   attorney fees in the future don't vote to give  him on the case that I may be bringing forward   thank you okay super all right board Mike this is  IND distri yeah Mr D you may want to stick around   for this one because I'm going to tell you why I  can't support it um this this property there's no   other speakers right no sir that's it so this  property obviously after talking with code as   well as um legal um this property is still not  in compliance so without being in compliance I   don't think we should be moved forward with the  given the relief um if you looked at the pictures   that are on file it's a complete disaster to the  people that live on Lynch as of today so I'm not   recommending moving forward with this all right  is that a motion to drop it or motion to deny   it what would you like motion to deny okay is  there a second second all right in discussion   hearing none please vote all this please  all vote sorry item passes 5 Z to deny the   request I don't know no forgiveness I still  I I forgave you for earlier but perhaps not   on this item uh Madame clerk I'm sorry  did the clerk's office receive proof of   publication Mr chairman the clerk's office has  received all proof thank you Dela entertain a   motion to wave the reading so moved thank  you is there a second second please vote item passes 5 to Zer to wave the reading Madam  clerk thank you we have three items on the   consent agenda the first one is acceptance of  the tdt collection data for September and you   will look in your backup this would represent  August with a 5% increase in revenue for that   month the second is documents for filing  the third is minutes and reports that we   have prepared thank you thank you m clerk Bo we  do have a speaker before we take action Larry Downs Larry Downs Jr Plumbing LLC because feal  matters uh man y'all could have been done with   me I'll be out of here I got first amendment  Auditors at my house right now they're going to be shocked uh y'all know I don't agree with us TDC  uh you know double taxation I've already spoke   even at the TDC board it's double tax you you  taxing people to come here it's just so corrupt   it's so bad so you know recommendation concerning  the acceptance of the TDC collection data and of   course we're talking about lots of money so uh  you know and I'm speaking on this agenda item um   I know y'all are going to accept it and I know  that this is probably going to never end it's   probably going to go up I mean there's no  way to reverse it I mean I don't think but   I just want y'all to keep in mind that every  time y'all accept to to keep going with this   collection plate which is not voluntary it's  Force government force and coercion to double   tax even us cuz we live here so when I go out  and get a hotel room on the beach I got to pay   it I'm not a tourist I live here maybe y'all  could grant us an exemption from this taxation   double taxation so anyways my my don't accept it  just let it pile up all right thank you all right   Bo entertain a motion for Clerk's Report with  the clerk's report thank you a second is there   a second sure thank you please vote item pass  is 5 Z thank you madam clerk growth management   horse so uh for today we have uh recommendation  concerning Lai uh c16 Town Homes final plat all   right board we have no speakers I'll move  the item in the affirmative thank you right   please vote item passes 5 to zero thank you  Horus Mr administrator thank you Mr chairman   there are 10 items on the technical Public  Service consent agenda there are no changes   hold for speaker car 1-6 all right I'd entertain a  motion for the balance move the balance thank you   please vote balance of the administrator technical  Public Service consent passes Keith Bo for item six so recommen sorry recommendation concerning  State of Florida D agreement for Beach Haven   phase two I just want to thank everybody that's  uh been involved with getting the Beach Haven   drainage project going I'm sure you're going to  go forward on these next two items I just want to   tell you how important it is as a flood Defender  uh Chris cerb couldn't be here this morning but   he asked me to uh say something on it in a very  positive manner and uh we absolutely do appreciate   it I personally live across the street from the  uh drainage project and it is one gorgeous place   to go out walk enjoy take pictures whatever we're  going to do but more important than that we need   the drainage to function in this County and  this is an example of where it works where   it makes it more beautiful uh and uh I'm proud  to be wearing this shirt today for Warrington   revitalization committee where I stay involved  among other places thank you commissioner ker we   appreciate your support and we look forward to  uh the work being done on South Navy Boulevard   so thank you Keith Mr chairman Keith you all look  good in those new shirts I know Miss Birdwell got   and my hopefully we won't have 20 people here I  saw she hading it out a bunch the other night but   I'd like to move car 1-6 and and um and support  is there a second I'll second all right please   vote item pass is 5 to zero Mr administrator thank  you Mr chairman there are 47 items on the Budget   Finance consent agenda including commissioner  Barry's discretionary to add-on uh as car 2- 47   please hold CAR 2-36 contract award for divine  Farms Bridge replacement for commissioner Barry   to abstain hold for speakers car 2-23 and car  2-42 Mr chairman yes sir I also need to hold   item 2-15 so that I can read my abstention  form and abstain from the vote all right and   commissioner do you have your form you  do okay all right all right entertain   a motion for the balance so moved all right  all right please vote balance passes 5 to Z 2-15 commissioner bgos thank you Mr chairman um I  need to abstain from this vote I've filled out the   appropriate paperwork I Jeff bgos hereby disclosed  that on October 17th 2024 a measure came before   the board on which I sit which ures which has the  appearance that it endures to the special gain   or loss to my relative Sally bgos um the measure  before my agency and the nature of my conflicting   interest in the measure is as follows es scami  County Board count Commission comm's meeting   October 17 2024 County administrators report item  2115 recommendation concerning the fiscal year   2425 miscellaneous Appropriations agreements  for outside agencies presents a conf conflict   of interests pursuant to um floor statutes 112.  3143 or an appearance of a conflict of interest   pursuant to uh Florida Statutes 28612 because my  wife Sally bgos is the executive director of the   health and Hope Clinic so therefore I'll  be abstaining from this vote thank you Mr   yes sir i' entertain a motion second sorry  who moved it so I'll okay all right and   second from commissioner may all right  all those in favor please vote all those   in favor please vote any any descent any  exstension item passes four to zero with   commissioner bgos abstaining all right  item 2-23 uh speaker is Carolyn grow sorry for a little bit of those Antics I thought  it was going through already and I was concerned   um Commissioners I am very concerned about uh  223 going through and about a vote that you   all already had on 103 uh because um cuts to  Transit disadvantage and even this uh little   bit that you're going forward with and some of the  changes that you made for Transit disadvantage are   problematic for the the disability Community you  just did a uh wonderful presentation for um the   October National disability employment Awareness  Month however do you realize that those 400   employees that you were just talking about are the  very people that you're cutting rides for you are   now making it such that only 74 people are able  to take transit disadvantage rides and there's   400 people that you were just talking about that  need rides rides every day and though only 74 of   those people are going to be able to get some of  those rides that some of those very people are the   ones who are stocking the shelves at the grocery  stores where you get your orange juice that some   of those very people are the ones who are helping  the persons to be able to get their uh services on   the base so that the people who help us to all  have our freedoms to get their count Comm the   commission's stock so they can get their services  that while we are all are all maybe out at the   base or excuse me at the hotels watching the air  shows and you're on your lazy river getting your   um uh rafts or your towels and maybe your drinks  or whatever and you're getting clean glasses and   food and everything out there that those are the  bars and the food and everything that's getting   prepped those are the people who are working they  don't have rides now I'm one of those Transit   dependent Riders last night when I took a ride  ride home after 8:00 it cost $45 to come back from   PR do Kei to get back to the City of Pensacola  those are the rides that you're cutting from   people that's the $3 million Delta that you're  talking about those rides that are needed are for   people who actually work who need to get back and  forth that's the services that are going away that   $442,000 that's going to be continued by having  that service that's only a little bit of the fra   of what it cost to get people tuned from their  jobs that's not enough of the services that are   needed commissioner bgos you've been in the  services for people with disabilities you've   got access to the beaches you got services to Bula  commissioner Barry you've been about having access   for Education you've been about having services  that have been going a long time for Cil and   other people with disabilities commissioner  Lumen you've been about having services for   32501 and 32503 to continue commissioner Coler  you've been a nurse you've been in doing rehab   you were out at the Cil and I saw hundreds of  people at that services that we were providing   commissioner Ashley I know you just got here and  you're going to be doing disability services with   the with with that Community but we've got  to do more not less transit for people with   disabilities and for people who are lowi Income  trying to get to and from Services it's economic   development that's going to impact everybody  not just the people with disabilities or the   people who are lowincome in our community we  cannot afford to cut services to the people who   need it most by giving less Services it's going  to affect everybody not just the people who are   needing that service most thank you Carolyn  thank you for your time and please do not cut   services please do not make the people who need  it most get less it's critical thank you Carolyn   yes sir Carolyn thank you for your advocacy and  I serve on the transportation disadvantage board   uh I talked at length with the administrator  last night uh and there's going to have to be   a resolution and a solution he's told me that  that's not going to be you know the proposed   idea you know would take to June to implement but  I think that you know from my position it's going   to have to be a pause because the least of them  and you don't have to reply you just know that   I'm supporting uh and I'm going to work with  the administrator to bring back something uh   you know that doesn't take away the opportunity  for people with disadvantages to go to work and   to get their healthare we need to look at the  local option sales tax we have public Community   forums to we'll figure something out yeah thanks  yeah Mr chairman I would say that we are we it is   a work in progress there's no final decision  been made on anything we've not cut anything   at the moment we will continue to move forward we  continue to work for res time already people can't   if you're going from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. you  can't get people to work who have to be there at   3:45 Carolyn thank you thank you thanks Carolyn  and and I Mr chairman yes sir can and and we're   working with um um administrator Marino when I  was brought to my attention this week uh and I   do think that we're going to have to address  the times uh particularly with those people   who are going on the base and getting off at 8:00  uh we have to do an analysis I mean because those   people uh will become unemployed if they can't  get to work you and GC as Carolyn said I mean I   can't be hypocritical in give them a proclamation  an award today and then cut off the services that   provide for those people to go to work I mean  that's you know I've heard for years that you   know west of West of Leon County in the Panhandle  you know we've had a lot to be proud of about the   Transportation uh Transportation opportunities  for disadvantaged folks that we've have you know   we're one top in the state yeah many of the  counties in the Panhandle don't have uh you   know don't have uh programs at all in place  or or very very very limited programs and uh   uh I I don't think that that's the I don't  think reducing those uh reducing those rides   and reducing those opportunities is the intent  of this board so I think we'll we'll we we'll   work and we'll figure something out and and Steve  to the credit of our staff and our Administration   if you go to our friends to the east of us  probably even Beyond Leon we probably have one   of the most reust and efficient uh Transportation  disadvantage boards and and I serve on that board   but even with that uh people have become dependent  on those services and it's going to be a challenge   to not try and reallocate or find S resources  to make sure that those people are able to get   to work I mean they are the citizens uh with  disadvantages and so um they don't have the   ability uh to get a ride so I don't know what the  solution is but uh Wes was very open and and told   me you know it was not a direct impact as I've  been told um and it certainly the plan wouldn't   go into place to June but I think that we would  get an opportunity once we were seated with you   know we have one new colleague today and we'll  have another new colleague soon uh to revisit   that uh to make sure that I we can't make we can't  increase gas taxes the revenue is the revenue but   I think we can look at how do we reallocate  right um board we have another speaker Larry DS Larry D Jr uh this the ccat yall know I've  talked against against public uh I mean against   the uh government getting bigger and bigger  and bigger just like uh commissioner may just   said you know the people have become dependent  so you're going to have to there's going to be   more dependency on Big Daddy gov that's what's  happened so maybe we could take some of that   double taxation money from the tourist because  technically she's saying that people are using   these ecat rides to work while the tourists need  the workers out at the restaurants and the hotels   and all that so maybe we could take that double  taxation for the TDC and pay for more free rides   wouldn't that make sense best idea yet do what  best idea yet to that lar perfect because if   we're going to go ahead and do this at least let's  do it let's let's take the the over government the   over the over Taxation and let use it in a place  to where we're creating more dependency I think   that would be the best what do y'all think good  idea all right thank you thank you all right board   that's all our speakers i' entertain the item I'll  move the item in the affirmative thank you there   a second all right please vote item passes 5  to zero next item is going to be my item uh 40 46 I'm sorry 36 I'm sorry recommendation  concerning contract award for divine Farms   Bridge replacement I Steven Berry hereby  disclose on October 17 2024 a measure came   before my agency which Aur to the special gain  or loss of Ryan Shavers by whom I'm retained   the measure before my agency and the nature of my  conflicting interest in the measure is as follows   schemy County Board of County Commissioners  meeting October 17 2024 County administrative   report item 2-36 concerning contract award for  divine Farms Bridge replacement and Road Alliance   American Rescue plan act project PD 23- 24125  presents a conflict of interest pursuant to   statute 112. 31 Florida 3 3143 Florida Statutes  with the appearance of a conflict of interest   pursuant to statute 28612 Florida statute  because Ryan Shavers principal of RA of Shavers   construction is my client I'd entertain a motion  for the item I'll move 36 in the affirmative all   right thank you please vote all those in favor  any descent any extensions myself item passes   four to zero with with commissioner Barry  abstaining next item is going to be item 42   which is recommendation concerning the purchase of  software for live meeting management speaker Eric sharplan good even evening good morning my  question is will this here be compatible with   the new windows 11 I think as of October 2025  you know Microsoft's Dro in support for 10 and   so it's going to affect a lot of people because  they've got these crazy outrageous requirements   that most computers today cannot upgrade to it  and I mean I mean the staff here going to have   to make a big upgrade here to Windows 11 as well  or is that going to be no a good question I'm not   qualified to answer we won't no we're good okay  is he says we're good okay all right thank you   Mr chair all thank you all right board that's  all the speakers that entertain the item thank   you all right please vote please all vote item  pass is 5 to zero oh that's that's all right so I   don't want have to reconvene a special meeting  uh to uh to to have you take action buddy all   right uh thank you Mr administrator Madam Council  thank you chairman there are five action items on   the county of attorney's report I can answer  any questions board um no no sir I'll move all   five of thank you all right please vote items  pass Five to zero anything else Madam councel   thank you thank you all right board if there's  uh if there's nothing further we're adjourned   congratulations Ashley at 40 or 45 minutes it's  not bad it will it will probably be the best   meeting that you sit in that you sit through  so it's all it's all downhill from here so