##VIDEO ID:YZbNiw7EtHo## there you're never e we go [Music] our sure well I I do I you come we I to doer UPS they all these pictures on  the wall and stuff so at the chamber have on scam count redevelop agency regular meeting  September 5th 2024 9:00 a.m. please turn your   cell phone to vibrate silence or the off  setting the board of County Commissioners   allows any person to speak regarding an item on  the agenda the speaker is limited to 2 minutes   less otherwise determined by the chairman is  there proof of publication the c meeting was   published and the SC beign press on August  29th 2024 thank you are there any speakers   for public for uh not to my knowledge thank  you so much Technical and Public Service uh we   have one um recommendation concerning community  redevelopment agency meeting minutes August 1st   2024 we have a we'll entertain a motion minutes  second motion please vote raise your hand P four   in favor thank you budget and finance uh  three for your approval uh first one is   recommendation concerning residential rehab  Grant um program funding and lean agreements   second one is recommendation concerning the  cancellation of residential rehab grant program   leans and the third one is recommendation  concerning residential roof program funding   and lean agreement any speakers Mr chairman  we have none I move all three items in the   affirmative we have a motion second second  please vote passes for in favor thank you so much did we take three with that that I think  we did are there any items for discussion no   discussion item good I don't I don't see CLA but I  certainly want to make sure we have clarification   about c a doll in housing there's been something  what I believe is misinformation um do you have   any information on on the housing program where  we at with ship funding and HUD funding um that   would uh actually would be talk to uh Garrett  on that and uh I'll see Okay g kind of give   us the 30 seconds of what we've done what we're  doing and and where we are sure sure um let's   see here yeah we've U we've expended all of our  uh funds for the purchase assistance strategy um   we we've spent I think originally we had budgeted  around a half a million um but we went up to uh   around 1.3 million in that so we've we've spent  all of those so 1.3 million did it exceed the   budget it did by how much um by 8 $900,000 that's  a significant amount to go over the budget and   and what we did so is to keep the to keep it  running as long as possible is we our newest   allocation that we're going to be receiving we  went ahead and kind of backfilled that um with   some rehab dollars and then in October once the  money actually uh you know gets into the budget   we will move that money back over to rehab um so  we we've exhausted the funding for that strategy   but all of our rehabs our demo rebuilds our  wheelchair ramps our emergency strategies   all of that is still fully funded and moving full  steam ahead so so gar and I guess I only had about   two or three rehabs in my district in in the past  couple years and but there's a a long waiting list   how do we expedite this I mean what's the issue  with the waiting list what do we as a board what   do we need to do to help you because I've had  people on waiting list for three five years I   mean right how do we move that forward it it is  it is a long wait list um right now we have uh   around 350 folks on that weight list um I'm  I'm very proud of the work that our division   has done in the last couple of years um getting  more contractors involved in the community we've   got another meeting coming up uh with purchasing  um in October we're we're going to be reaching out   to more contractors trying to get them involved  um we've increased our rehabs by around 400% in   the last year um so we're we're trying to move  full steam ahead with with that okay um so I mean   it's just important to me I mean I don't care what  the writing but I mean it's important to me that   constituents get those Services right so I know  that there are people that I represent that have   been on a waiting list you know in perpetuity  I mean some probably since I was elected and   so you know that's I mean that's why they living  I mean unfortunately that's why we find dollars   in cras and bladed and safe neighborhoods is to  improve the quality of life so I just want to   make sure that we're getting that money on the  ground as quick as possible to help those most   vulnerable citizens commission Co I'm sorry no I'm  sorry I'm sorry I was just going to say there is   for for any of those folks on the wait list if  they have been on there a while which they they   may have um if they have any emergency situations  such as uh roof leaking dangerous wiring anything   like that we have created the emergency rehab  program to address those safety concerns and   we we don't keep a weit list for that program  once someone calls us they get an application   that same week and we can at least address  those safety concerns um while they're on the   weit list and then once we get to their  name we can more holistically help them   so if we have the money the weight list is because  we don't have what contractors I mean what why is   the weight list it's it's it's a lack of funding  um we can only with uh with our ship allocation   for example we get between uh let's say 1.5  and 3.5 million a year um so if with each   rehab project costing um you know roughly $50,000  let's say there's only so much we can do and then   we have our demo and rebuild program that we  started back up um and then purchase assistance   naturally so we're how many roofs have you done  roofs um dozens and dozens and that's just ship   I can't speak for CR but I know they do a whole  bunch of roofs as well so I think that would be   helpful I mean obviously we'll have a lot of  new members on the board but it would be great   ATC meaning that we have some type of analysis  or uh of what we've done the projects that have   happened how many roofs how many rehabs to kind  of put that you know in in a spreadsheet to kind   of demonstrate what we've done with the dollars  we'll have that on the next board meeting with   uh I have that um um information for you thank you  commissioner col yeah thanks commissioner man just   I want to make I think it's support for clarity  the $800,000 that was overspent when I sit down   with you guys I just want this on the record it  was the applications that came in from the city   correct not from our department that is correct so  it it wasn't on the the the county even though we   managed it we got applications from the city and  we did what was right but they over spent their   annual budget it wasn't on the county right right  I mean and but that's probably not the way that   it was portrayed or written Mike I mean and so I  think in good faith our staff uh gave a and g I   want to just make sure for clarifications since  a public meeting we allotted $800,000 over what   was budgeted uh for their first time home buyers  is that what correct yeah anyone that had already   submitted an application uh we didn't feel it was  fair to them to turn them down at that point they   had already you know found a house got got their  uh First Mortgage lined up so we didn't want to   harm any of those folks so we every application  that was active um that the the city had received   we did help all of those folks it was just new  applications coming coming in that we had to to   Halt until we got more funding because our rehab  need is so great in this community it's really   important that we you know don't forget about  those folks on the list well I mean since the   Inception of cras you know you know the goal  is to eliminate blight and we've over spent   $800,000 with the program that commissioner  Co said just not necessarily A County program   uh but I represent blighted neighborhoods  through Brownsville through Shannon toown   through Montclair and we can ride through this  morning and houses are falling down and so if I'm   going to reallocate money you know outside of this  municipality uh in my district is not being served   then that's fundamentally you know a problem for  me I mean and so that's something that I hope that   you guys will address absolutely I just want one  more thing on the record can you explain how we're   going to make up the shortfall of the 800,000 sure  so so what we did um we took we took that overage   from some of our rehab dollars and then  also some of our we we set aside roughly   a half a million a year um in hopes that we can  partner with a potential uh rental developer um   through um through an RFA that we put out um in  conjunction with Florida housing um no none of   the developers had made it the last year um so we  did have around a half million there that we uh   brought over for that and then the rest came  from rehab um and then again once we get our   new allocation that money will be sent back  over to rehab to kind of make it whole so   we'll recoup that money is what you're saying that  is correct that's correct thanks G you're you're   doing a great job I appreciate it than thank you  any more questions thanks any other discussion   items no I if not we stand a journ commissioner  Barry thank you Commission all right we'll go   ahead and move into uh agenda review today so  uh I'm sorry so uh uh board if you don't mind   uh we do have a new EMS director Wes was going to  take a minute to introduce him this morning if uh   nobody objects Wes yeah Eric if you come up you  and Chris Chris Watts our new EMS Chief hail's   out of Michigan brings a lot of experience we're  looking forward to it don't hold that against him   so now we're we're excited uh I've got Chris Watts  with me today Chief Watts uh he joined us uh two   and a half weeks ago and I got to tell you the  guy hit the ground running uh he met with Wes and   myself last week and had some ideas already that  we run by Wes and Wes gave us the green light to   do uh one was getting more field training officers  out there because we're getting the staff in we   just don't have enough training officers to get  them out so we're work he's working on that got   a good plan he's been out with the cruise for  two and a half weeks he's been running calls   he's been meeting with Community Partners been  going to hospitals doing what he's supposed to   be doing so I appreciate the uh the the excitement  and the uh the amount of energy he's brought to   the position and the crews out in the field have  seen it uh they're pretty happy and excited to   see him out there as well so I'll turn it over to  Chris and let him uh tell a little about himself   Chris thank Eric uh thank you for having me here  this morning um just a quick background of me I   did uh born and raised Southeast Michigan moved  to uh South Alabama in the Daphne area uh about   July of sorry June of 22 so I've been down here  for almost 3 years now um did flight when I came   down here uh in Michigan I was uh operations  manager for the largest Ambulance Service in   the state of Michigan uh so I got a lot of  experience there started here at Escambia   County uh just working the road as a paramedic as  a additional source of income originally back in   January because my wife just had twins and I was  hoping she didn't have to go back to work uh and   then the chief opening popped up and here we are  so uh happy to be here there's a lot of potential   in this County I'm looking forward to it we got  some work to do uh but I'm in it for the long haul   so appreciate the [Applause] opportunity thank  you Wes okay excuse me move into gender review   I have the invocation this evening Pastor William  Strickland from Harvest Christian Center be coming   Mike do the pledge all right anything to be added  to the agenda mam Council no sir commission may No   Sir Mr chairman nothing for me all all right I I  have a couple of uh discretionary items that'll be   distributed uh this afternoon Wes I all right  thank you all right and the proclamations uh   Employee of the Month Chief Powell's doing that  correct I see him nodding okay Mike you're going   to do the next two proclamations I can't okay  I mean I'm I'm happy to do one of them if you'd   like if your name your names on both of them on  the printed list I have but okay um Todd humble   you're doing the two related to the library is  he in the room yeah okay and then ratifying two   proclamations all right and Stacy the email excuse  me that came related to the public hearings um was   that the 531 32 and 33s that all have to be or  just the 531 okay yes sir Mr chairman just the   531 will need to be resed scheduled to October 3rd  at 5:31 what was the issue a legal description it   was the era was in the legal description and it  was the description or the advertisement both   oh okay all right um okay all right but the other  the other hearings are fine yes sir okay all right   Madame clerk nothing okay thank you Wes horse  I'm sorry not Wes horse Drew you sending just   to us up this morning Drew I understand yes yes  sir okay we have the we have the resoning cases   um several resoning cases and then we have our  September 24th consent agenda and our October the   3D consent agenda okay and no no changes for this  evening you don't need no changes are needed okay   thank you I'm sorry oh I hear you buddy um okay  Wes move on to your part thank you Mr chairman   we have 19 items on the technical Public Service  consent agenda I'm happy to hold anything that   board would like to talk about this morning board  anything out of the out of the consent agenda that   needs to be needs to be discussed this morning or  need to be held tonight all right Wes I don't hear   anything 61 items on the Budget Finance consent  agenda with the same can hold anything we need   to hold all right board anything specifically  that we know of needs to be held right now or   want would like to be discussed this morning no  okay all right and we have one item on discussion   the assess United States I know if you want Robert  to come to speak this morning or you want to wait   to do it tonight what's a majority of the board  or would you presume we would have people speak   this evening I would I would presume all right  well board would youall like just wait till this   evening let let Robert come okay all right thank  you Wes Madam councel there's seven items on the   agenda we can deal with them tonight board any  any objection to that all anything else any uh any I don't I don't know that there is anything  we that we can take off the plate um I recognize   our friends from PR key chamber uh leadership  class is there anyone yes please anyone would   like to speak I see a hand well I saw I  saw your hand raised that means you get to speak well I mean you know we we have we  have uh we have students when they come   there's always a designated speaker so who drew  the Short Straw I'm Tammy thuro I'm president   and CEO of the prido key Area Chamber of  Commerce and I want to thank Jeff and Wes   and everybody for hosting us today for this  is our first day of leadership and this is   our first leadership class ever so we're  really excited that this is happening we   have 16 in our class so thank you so much for  having us and we appreciate it we're learning   absolutely I recognize some leaders in your  class already so you know we'll see thank   you so much yeah thank you well thank you'all  for being here all right board anything else   this morning if not uh we will rejourn for  public form at 4:30 no objection thank you