##VIDEO ID:w6nR1CY0Tvc## hey Steve you're GNA stay on we go something iion stum we'll just make sure W will  say that right or he will say right   he will yeah I'll just remind you but he  has to read he has to say all right let's go good evening and welcome to the regular board  meeting December 12th 2024 5:30 at the Ernie Lee   mahe government building please turn your cell  phones to vibrate silence or off setting the   board of County Commissioners allow any person  to speak regarding it on the agenda the speakers   limited 3 minutes unless otherwise determined  by the chair person to allow sufficient time for   all speakers speakers shall refrain from abusive  or profane marks disruptive Alberts protests or   other conduct which interferes with the orderly  conduct of the meeting upon completion of the   public comment period discussion is limited  the board members and questions raised by the board Pastor um Peterson can you please  come forward and we'll do the invocation please stand let's pray almighty God and Father who are above yet  with intimate yet distinct savior yet Lord we   give thanks for the grace and the kindness that  you have so richly provided for us even now as we   reflect on the season we are in celebrating your  coming to this world to be with us and to live the   life that we couldn't live and die the death that  we deserve to die we come to you gathered here for   the purpose of governing all according to your  will as we seek to bring about human flourishing   for all that are in our care so that they may  declare and display your kingdom all of us do so   oh God under the clear declaration that you are  our ultimate Lord and to you we will all stand   accountable so as this body governs father I pray  that you will display that you will that we will   display and bring glory to you we recognize our  need of you and your provision so we come to you   with those needs for this evening we thank you for  creating and sustaining us and today we thank you   for awakening us to a new opportunity a new chance  thank you for this community and for the grace you   have so richly bestowed on us thank you for each  person that serves as our elected officials and   those who administrate for us thank you God for  the businesses and the churches that fill our   community for the families and the people who make  this such a great place to live yet father every   one of us are created in your image and because of  that we know that we all often fail we acknowledge   that we are not deserving of these good gifts  nor your favor we often find ourselves straying   in thought and word and deed from what you have so  richly provided for us we do the things we should   not do and we don't do what we should we often  have not loved you with our whole heart soul mind   and strength and we often do not love our neighbor  as ourselves so we come to you Jesus who died for   our sins and ask for you to forgive us give us  hearts of obedience to your word and from this   may we discover that in our own forgiveness that  we can find the source to forgive one another give   us Grace to acknowledge our limitations admit our  faults affirm our fellow human beings despite our   many differences Deliver Us from Evil grant that  our city would be known as a righteous city a city   that confesses Jesus as Lord a city of peace and  hope a city with happy homes a city that welcomes   a stranger a city that cares for the needy a  city that defends the innocent I pray oh God   that our civil servants acknowledge the calling  to Bear The Sword and perform it Faithfully be   with our courts in the law enforcement grant that  they would never neglect or abuse their Authority   but they would stand firm for truth and Justice  keep them safe from harm as they serve I pray   specifically for these council members who have  been given a weighty responsibility to seek and   serve the common good of those who live here grant  them the wisdom of Solomon the courage of Esther   the patience of Jeremiah and the humility of Mary  may they be guided by your Providence strengthened   by your common Grace so that they may fulfill your  purpose for this community so that every decision   that they make be righteous in your sight and  for the benefit of all and For Your Glory Jesus   we pray all this in your mighty name for it's in  the name of Jesus we pray amen thank you Pastor um   um Pastor Peterson's from Christ the King  Church and on your way out Dorothy if you   would see my Aid I'd appreciate that Comm bar  will you please please in the pledge please   join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the  flag flag of the United States of America and to   the republ for it stands one nation under  God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right are there any items to add to  we add to the agenda tonight Comm r no sir   none I'm sorry I'm sorry M clerk okay thank  you commission commission may I think I had   one I think it's has it it's been added was that  agenda thanks Jose it's it's been added thank you   so much uh Comm strober nope okay uh Wes do you  have anything okay Madam cler okay move to adopt   the agenda second all right please vote we're oh  actually we're going to try this electronically so   they say it's fixed so let's see if it works  all right maybe sometime make sure you save it did everyone save oh well is that incorrect approve the agenda it is 3 to two but  normally that's a 50 vot but it's okay the two   two people fortunately we got through that  could be a long meeting it a 32 that's the   way it'll be all night a 3-2 all night all  right let's move on to the presentation to   Ser uh commissioner's form I'm sorry I'm can read  commissioner Barry super thank you Mr chairman um   first I want to uh acknowledge the passing and  and send the thoughts and prayers of the board   out to Hattie Marie McGary who uh was a career  um career long in scami County School District   uh employee and she when she retired she opened  she opened Hatty Marie's cafe in carer Park just   south of Mogi Road on 297 and uh it's you know  one of the things you look back on when I saw   that she had passed and was very sorry to hear  that I remembered um some number of years ago   when she was trying to get her business open  there was a a slight issue with something I   was able to was able to help help uh you know  help in a administrative way and it you know   made you feel good then I know she functioned for  another seven or eight years after that before uh   uh before she passed recently but the restaurant  uh the restaurant lives on I think they're going   to be closed for a few weeks but then they'll  be reopened again also want to acknowledge uh   the scam County School District put out their top  five their teachers of the year list their short   list a few days ago and two of those are from uh  District 5 and happen to happen to have uh years   of attendance for my myself at both schools so  Stacy Hammer from Ransom and Kristen mom from Tate   were two of the top five teachers in the school  district so perhaps one of them will be the uh   SCH County's teacher of the year uh coming early  uh 2025 when that's announced at the golden apple   Awards as well as a couple of uh good things going  on Megan Walter has mentioned during public forum   the park going in at Mogi Road uh and Highway 29  at the old golf course it's going to be known as   IP paper Park and we've got a grand opening that's  uh ribbon cutting and those things scheduled for   January 30th although a lot of it is done there's  still there's still quite a work quite a bit of   work to be done to be completed they're installing  the disc golf course right now um but certainly   all of the board and and staff would be welcome  to that uh ribbon cutting in kantom on January   30th and probably earlier in January something  that hasn't been a big uh hasn't been as big   of a discussion but U those of y'all that are from  here there's a property that's in Gonzalez uh that   was formerly the home of the 99 Boys Ranch it's  uh just a little bit east of Highway 29 on Old   chemstrand Road that is uh going to be a going to  be a community park in Gonzalez we're going to do   a grand opening ribbon cutting out there probably  the middle of January the uh the playground was   installed recently want to thank Mike rhs and  Adam Reed and all the parks and wck folks for   getting that done and Jamie higgon uh from Public  Works they are still working out there kind of   getting you know getting the parking area ready  getting some other things done for Access but   you know we're shooting for Aid January opening  of that uh of that Community amenity and quality   of life uh Improvement for the folks uh there in  Gonzalez Community thank you Mr chairman thank you   commissioner Mary commissioner mayor thank you  Mr chairman uh first as we we're going through   this cold weather and uh many constituents uh  in in my district uh need assistance and and   we work with many of the Social Service Agency  but I want to thank Rick Brier Rick thank you   uh often times people would have their lights cut  off and they say call JT but I say call Rick and   Rick I do appreciate it there there families and  children that wouldn't be going to school Rick   had you not had their power turned on and so I  want to public acknowledge that and thank you   uh to fpl and your community service and making  sure that constituents U that call my office uh   at 11:00 at night because their lights off and  they have a six-month old baby uh you get up at   11 o'clock at night and make sure their lights  turned on so Rick thank you so much I I really   appreciate that and uh tell JT I'm not going  to call him I I appreciate it um commissioner   Barry certainly I don't come up in your District  very often I I would think that I'm welcome but I   I don't but I do come to eat with Miss Hattie uh  and you know my mother loves livering onions and   uh Miss Hattie was the place that I could go get  some livering onions and bring it back to District   3 and she has been a icon in District 3 an icon  in the African-American community and and so um   my condolences and prayers and support with Miss  Hattie and hopefully you guys get open back up in   January so we appreciate her uh Rodriguez Kimbro  who recently retired from us uh his grandmother   bu black uh anyone that has had a child in  District 3 uh would have gone to the bu black   daycare uh my prayers and condolences to The Bu  black family uh she is an icon of the Englewood   neighborhood of the North Hill Neighborhood uh  grew up she's been a great supporter um I don't   look forward to being there but I'm certainly  going to be there at her homegoing and uh to   everyone that's been uh affected by bu black um  our prayers are with you and her grandson ran our   mass transit from many years and so our prayers  are with her uh and with that Council Council   Donna of black senior uh from the Inglewood Boys  and Girls Club uh lost his life uh Michael Brown's   brother and and that family have they've just  been great supporters of of District 3 and so our   prayers are with them I certainly want to thank  every every one uh that's helping out uh with the   the price of eggs and the price of milk and the  price of groceries many children may not have a   Christmas I've had the opportunity um to be a part  of U many giveaways and we're going to continue   to do giveaways in District 3 but certainly  want to thank my dear friend uh Florida State   seminal Derek Brooks uh had an opportunity to be  uh with him as he gave out 300 pair of shoes and   we're going to continue through next week probably  giving out another three or 400 pair of shoes uh   through the Derek Brooks Foundation to making  sure that children uh have a nice Christmas and uh   Priscilla sap as well as John pal and uh Community  caring had the opportunity to be with the soccer   program thank Ray Palmer for PSA was over with  Sue strong and Sandy Sansing uh as um most people   think it's just toy giveaways and bike giveaways  and turkeys and hams that we do uh but because of   the generosity of the Fred Levan foundation and  Levan p anonio uh law firm uh we were able to put   together um last week a thousand of underwear and  hygiene items uh to make sure that children uh not   only have toys uh but they have uh things that  are necessary for that s strong strong gave a a   a real testimony of a lady who said my child don't  want toys uh he just doesn't want to be picked on   in PE because he doesn't have underwear and so  it was great uh that uh the SEC soccer ladies   uh were in t to that helped us bag that and to be  over uh with Sandy Sansing and S strong uh to make   sure that children in Brownsville and Montclair  and uh Gul Beach Highway and Warrington Village   and Forest Creek are are being able to um be  aided at Christmas I want to thank clar long   and her staff for recognizing the importance  of not only giving meals but making sure that   children are being taken care of many of us take  it for granted uh that we can wake up with gifts   under the Christmas tree uh but many children  right here in our community don't have a tree   uh they don't have a home and they don't have  a gift and so to be a part of community caring   uh that we will be um this uh weekend uh this  Saturday and Sunday putting those things together   to make sure that every child not only in District  3 but every child in scami County uh wakes up with   a gift and I would say this because we're uh in  in a public Arena if there is a child uh that's   uh within your reach no matter where they live  in District 1 2 3 or four or five that you know   of that will not have something for Christmas uh  please uh give my office a call or you know reach   out to our staff at Brownsville or or reach out  to uh Community caring uh because we want to make   sure that every child that wakes up on Christmas  knows that someone uh really cares for them and   commissioner Cola thank you uh for on bikes uh we  were together the four of us and unfortunately I   got sick uh too sick to attend uh and uh the  own bikes I mean because children still ride   bikes and thank you for doing the own bikes for  me and and stepping in and uh being a part of   that so I certainly appreciate you would still  Rod a bike L I do but I'm I'm old and fat so I   got electric bike but again thank you commiss col  I I I certainly appreciate that and we're looking   forward to the Christmas parade on Saturday uh and  then we're looking forward to also going out uh to   the fairground and working with Community caring  uh and then throughout this entire week working uh   with uh the different schools within our district  uh to make sure that children have things and to   make sure that we have feedings with our seniors  uh to make sure that we know that our children   and our seniors are appreciated so thank you I  was a little long but thank you Mr chairman okay   thank you commissioner May commissioner strober  yeah I just got a couple things the first thing   is I want to mention Red Cross dying for disaster  that's something that we're doing for the second   time this year um the Northwest Florida American  Red Cross chapter will host their second annual Dy   for disaster that's going to happen in March  March 27th but I'm I'm saying it now and I'm   going to say it later because uh you got to get  the word out to make it a success that's why   I'm doing it early uh participating restaurants  will be donating a portion of their sales to the   American Red Cross and I think it's roughly 10%  um all proceeds benefit disaster relief in the in   a scambia and in the panh so I think it's a good  thing if you uh are restaurant owner um and you   want to do you want to participate in this please  let me know and and I'll get you on the list and   if you want to go to one of these restaurants  and and participate by eating then uh I'll let   you know what that list looks like the second  thing is um a passing of a friend of mine rich   whittig and and I only found out about it uh a  couple of days ago because I got a a Christmas   card from his wife a nice note from from her  too he he passed away on August 2nd and I I   just I just found out about it I mean it's a small  world and I we live together on innerer island I   haven't seen him since very early in my campaign  um I had lunch with him and and Judith and she   showed me some of her art she used to work um at  the uh uh at the Smithsonian in Washington DC and   um just they're wonderful people and I I didn't  know that was the last time I was going to see   um rich but he passed away um on August 2nd and  my prayers are with him thank you thank you very   much commissioner Hoffer thank you so much um  I want to start by thanking you for hosting our   first cow this morning it was great and I feel  like we accomplished a lot and it was very well   ran so thank you also want to thank Eric Gilmore  and chief Watts um with Public Safety and EMS we   had a great meeting this week just exploring  new ideas and New Opportunities around uh   recruiting and retaining paramedics and EMTs so  thank you for being so dedicated to providing   not just jobs but actual career paths for our  community I um also want to note that we had   three people within Public Safety that celebrated  30 years this week and that's incredible and I   was able to attend the HBA ceremony today where  they installed their new board of directors but   they will be celebrating 75 years of moving our  community forward and creating beautiful places   to live so wanted to give a shout out to them  as well thank you just a couple things I want to   mention then we'll move on last week um December  6 was 5 years ago that we had the terrorist attack   on NAS Pensacola um I was out there that day I  was an EXO out there and um Ryan Blackwell which   lives in G Breeze you may or may not know him he  took Six Bullets that day saved a life and I just   don't ever want that to be forgotten it was such  a impacting event for the base in the area that um   it's hard to believe it's been 5 years but those  kind of things it was in our community and I think   it's worth worth mentioning and remembering we had  some great news this week um I'm fortunate right   now I happen to be the chair of the penso pr estay  and the house voted it must have been on Tuesday   on the national EST program which was authorized  I'd like to take credit but there were so many   people involved from both of our US senators  to former Congressman gates to Congressman dun   the board Matt pner you guys in natur resources  even Grover it'll have a huge impact I know it's   got a lot of media coverage but it's authorized  hopefully next year we'll get the Appropriations   which will Infuse $750,000 and hopefully this  hasn't been done in 30 years it will change our   waterways long after I'm gone and uh for all of us  so that was a very big deal um so I'm glad to be   part of that now something a little bit slower but  I got to thank the engineering department with we   had TPO on Wednesday and they had put in to have  some sidewalk stuff done over on lilan Highway and   it got approved I know it's not going to happen  for a couple years but they're building a new   school over there M Grove Elementary and they  will have sidewalks on between 57 and 65th and   that was only because the engineering department  working on that so thank you very much um I want   to thank Hassan Hills long before he started  working for uh Steve he was working for youth   left behind and I know he's sitting here he um we  would go out and get Christmas presents as some   of the porest areas in District 2 we're going  to do it again this next week and H's uh his   heart is just so special and right uh in trying  to change our community so Hanan I look forward   to being with you this next week like I told  you I would and we'll be doing our part to uh   help some kids that wouldn't probably have a good  Christmas if it wasn't for Assan and this will be   the last time we meet before Christmas and New  Year so just Merry Christmas and Happy New Year   to everyone one and I think that's it we'll go on  with the agenda Mr chairman y I do want to thank   Hassan me me and Assan have spent many late  nights at at Brownsville loading up bikes and   loading up toys uh to get the kids in Marina Court  that's in your District but also loading up boy   toys and bikes to get to children all over this  community and and making sure that they are there   so H son welcome aboard and so um we're going  to keep giving out toys and bikes I mean we're   going to keep doing that until the end Mr chairman  there's um one thing um I do want to congratulate   the graduates of the University of West Florida  and Pensacola State College who are graduating uh   starting tomorrow and I'm very honored and uh to  be a part of the ceremony tomorrow at Pensacola   State College my alumni as we talk about Economic  Development outline fi 8 today uh it is the to our   state college and our University that's training  the next generation of leaders so congratulations   uh I know we have some employees who have taken  classes who are graduating and some employees   children who are graduating so congratulations  to all of our uh graduates and I look forward   to being a part of the ceremony on tomorrow  at Pensacola State congratulations all right   let's move on to item number six uh chips are we  going to do the presentation or certifications   appreciation by the natural resource management  department are Robert you're going to do it okay   thank you Mr chairman Commissioners it's my  honor and pleasure again to uh introduce you   and help us celebrate and appreciate the 40 plus  Volunteers in our community that um that conduct   our sea turtle nest program and you'll see some  pictures on the uh on the the the monitors that   just give you an example of what these folks  do but it's not just the the riding down the   beach in the morning looking for uh sea turtle  nests they have to go through a very rigorous and   thorough training that allows us to operate under  the permits that are that are uh uh giving us our   Direction and and authority to even handle these  sea turtl nests and and hatchlings so there's a   lot of training that's involved they also have to  work with a number of stakeholders they work with   residents and visitors they conduct a lot of  Outreach and education um they work with the   beachfront uh business vendors the the folks that  put out the the uh beach chairs and umbrellas um   they also work with Anglers and the folks that  that operate the pier the fishing pier and I don't   want to forget the Pensacola Beach lifeguards  these folks are an integral part of what we do   um they also rescue stranded and entangled uh sea  turtles and other marine life they transport these   uh injured animals to either uh Okaloosa County  or Bay County to the rescue facilities and they   do this on their own time and their own dime so  we really appreciate that they also patroled the   uh the shorelines during cold events and look  for cold stun Turtles and then the hatchlings   that are sometimes disoriented they make sure that  these uh these Juvenile and baby sea turtles make   it out to the to the uh breeding population so  um Mark Nicholas is with us here and I also want   to congratulate mark on five plus years with the  county in addition to his 30 plus years with the   US Marine Corps and National Park Service he will  be retiring and be able to go out and do a lot of   fishing and Diving on his own so as we ask our  our volunteers and Mark to stand could we please   give them a round of applause please come on  would you like would you like to get a group   photo with everyone pardon me would you like a  group photo up front with everyone yes please we   could hey if y'all would come up we'll get a quick  photo and and thank you so much for volunteering   for this this is a you know a lot of people  have a lot of passion for the the sea turtles okay yeah I mean some of you may  have to slide on the other side Maybe all right actually can I get can we do two  rows can I have some people in the back and   people in the front I tell this corny joke  once in a while but I'll go ahead and do it   right now what' the snail say when he got on the  turtle's back cuz he's so excited he's moving so fast when are you going to start doing c  stand up dude we're talking about [Laughter] Turtles thank thank you all again we appreciate  your volunteerism well now we have what I think   is probably one of the best Productions you'll  ever see we have the Winterfest folks here and   I I think they're going come up and share some  of the stuff they're doing for us right Mr Kim   Cary we need to come to mobile and play some  basketball like slowest Turtle so make sure   y'all might win yeah but we're coming well we  want to thank you um for allowing us to park   Santa slay in front of the county courthouse  for the 15th year and I know that Martha may   huier who is the Grinch's girlfriend has some  wonderful cookies for you and a few words of   excitement come on Martha may and she's  accompanied by Rudolph of course oh that   nose isn't very bright but hello I am Miss  Martha may huier the most marry who in all   of houille and I would like to introduce my  friend Rudolph the brightest reindeer leading   Santa SLE I have one more friend I would like  to introduce today and I would love to do so   with a song and if any of you know the words you  are more than welcome to sing along with me you   better watch out you better not cry you better not  pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town whoa welcome Santa welcome Merry Christmas  Merry Christmas Santa which Commissioners have   been good and which ones have been bad well have a  list I didn't bring it with me so uh I'll have to   check that later but I'm sureem District 2 at my  scami say there's a public records [Music] request   well I have a Winterfest Proclamation that I'd  like to read for you uh whereas the Escambia   County Commissioners Have Been instrumental  in allowing Santa Claus to bring seasonal   happiness and joy to the children of Pensacola  by permitting me to park my sleigh in front of   the courthouse during winter fest activities  whereas the children of Escambia County and   surrounding areas have proven to be the nicest  most polite and cutest children in all the world   and whereas the beautiful holiday lights and  decorations in downtown Pensacola rival those   of any City that I visit during my Christmas  Eve journey and whereas National recognition   of Pensacola Winterfest has put a visit to this  city and county on the Christmas wish list of   thousands of holiday marry makers therefore for  be it proclaimed that I Santa Claus solemnly   named Pensacola and Escambia County my favorite  place to visit during the Christmas season Merry   Christmas 2024 merry christas thank you so much  for all your help we really appreciate it thank you well I appreciate the cookies and uhoh hey  did youing one two three oh hello oh hi hello   everyone I am the Grinch as you guys know um I  would have been here on time for the meeting I   was car pulling uh in Shanta slay but he let me  off in New Jersey and I had to walk here sh thank   you for that everyone I hope you guys have been  super naughty this year super slimy super sleazy   but if you haven't been let me give you guys some  ideas sh I am opening a new small business in town   I think it's going to create a lot of jobs well  at least it's creating one for me uh I am opening   my new Christmas tree lot it is the grinches  Christmas tree lot don't ask where the trees   came from they didn't come from the state parks  and they didn't come from China they may have come   from your living rooms but you know you guys won't  miss anything you can come back and buy it from me   for a small donation but you know what we'll have  to talk detailed here I'll text you later okay ah   what else maybe you could just tell them all  Merry Christmas Mr grin oh yes Merry Christmas   guys yeah Merry Christmas don't worry you don't  have to find me I'll find you toles thank you   thank you very much thank you all for the nice uh  cookies and presentation thank you thank you very   much Merry Christmas Merry Christmas yeah that's  a great thing for the city and county every year   all right well goodbye everybody we got to move on  all right so the do we have a motion to adopt or   ratify the move to adopt the proclamations  a second okay there's a second please vote this is interesting delay okay the motion passes  5 um our first one as a will   be uh presenter will be thus dport  will Mr Carter Willie Carter Jr come up do we speak communication oh we do okay and commissioner May will you  do the honors in joining us down here of whereas Escambia County has established  an employee of the month program to recognize   one employee to represent various departments  and whereas Willie Carter Jr bus operator in   the mass transit Department began his  employment with the county on October   12th 1974 and is selected as the employee of  the month for the month of December 2024 for   his standards of excellence he displays  in his performance and duties and whereas   and his role as a bus operator  for 50 years Mr Carter has driven 3,134 miles and for 45 years have driven and has driven 2,817 360 miles without  incident or accident which has earned him a   recognition in the national Safety Council in  2024 for for his unwavering commitment and his   safety and dedication for the citizens of escamia  County Florida and whereas Mr Carter is a value   and reliable team member who is always willing  to cover additional shifts and volunteer for   overtime and he has touched every passenger  on his bus with his kindness and safe driving   and whereas Mr Carter has commended for his  public service by the national highway safety   administration in 2014 14 and whereas Mr Carter  Still Remains physically active as a softball   player and a deep compassionate person who is  always looking after his elderly neighbors by   delivering their prescription medications to  them wow now therefore be it proclaimed that   the board of County commissioners of Escambia  County Florida hereby commends and congratulate   Mr Willie Carter Jr in his selection as  the employee of the month for the month of   December Board of County Commissioners  Escambia County Florida Michael ker chair   District 2 Ashley hofberger Vice chair District  Four Steven Steve strawberry district one Lumen   J May District three and Steve Berry District 5  once again congratulations Mr Carter thank you my kind wor to each and everyone just here  tonight my life has been good and what more   can I ask for I'm 80 years old now and my health  is very good God has been over me for many many   years and I want to continue doing what I'm  doing today being a Transit operator I have   learned a whole lot about people some people  are good some people are bad but at the end   it's going to be okay and I'm and I'm not going  to stand up here too long and talk but everybody   knows how you live your life and my life has been  real good and my management staff always want me   to do something for for them and I'm sometime I  have things to do myself I just go ahead and do   my job so I'm not going to talk that long  because there's other people in here have   some words to say but all I can say to everybody  here is Merry Christmas and a very happy new year amen thank you Mr Carter and  congratulations on that service that's impressive thank you thank you everybody thank you our next proc is for employee of the  year can Mrs pal and Mr Ed spanar come up for the rest of the HR team that's here if   y'all want to kind of slowly make  your way down for the the picture oh so just under a year ago I was able to stand  before you and recognize Ed as our January 2024   employee of the month so I was new to my role  but having worked with Ed previously I was able   to come and the words came easy to tell you the  level of Integrity that he brings to his duties   on a day-to-day basis his ability to deal with  confidential situations his attention to detail   his thorough understanding of all of our numerous  County policies and just all around great person   that it is after having been working with him  on a day-to-day basis I can tell you just how   much of a mentor he has become to me and one of  the go-to members of our team he never tires of   my ins insistent questions and because his  duties touch every division HR he's always   quick to respond to the hey Ed I need you that  he inevitably hears every day he's the epitome   of a team player always has a posit positive  attitude his integrity and his day-to-day duties   and his commitment to es scaming County are to be  committed to every day but we are so honored to be   back before you to recognize Ed as our employee  of the year for 2024 his immediate supervisor   TR I think would like to say a few words and then  we'll read his Proclamation good evening everyone   today is a special moment for human resources and  in the employee relation team as a leader there's   nothing more rewarding than recognizing the talent  dedication and hard work that drives our success   the title of employee of the year is not something  that is given lightly it's earned through   consistent effort a commitment to Excellence  and the kind of attitude that inspires others   Ed amplifies all of these qualities and more so  Ed I applaud you thank you and give you great   gratitude for all the things that you do for our  team and this is a well-deserved Honor on behalf   of the employe relations team and I'm sure the  other departments in the back thank you for your   incredible contributions I'm lucky to have you  on my team and this is well deserved thank you so [Applause] much whereas Escambia County has  established an employee of the year program   to recognize one employee to represent various  departments and whereas Edward Ed spainhower Human   Resources specialist in the employee relations  division of the human resources department began   his employment with the county on February 4th  2014 and whereas Ed was selected as employee of   the month for January 2024 whereas Ed is charged  with maintaining employee records facilitating   training opportunities overseeing all FMLA  and Ada processes and educating staff on human   resources policies and procedures while ensuring  compliance with employment laws and fostering   positive relationships with employees and whereas  Ed's integrity and commitment to the adherence   to regulatory County standards is demonstrated by  his participation in the Progressive disciplinary   process as he ensures these tasks are carried  with consistency fairness and impartiality and   whereas he has taken the initiative in assisting  in the implementation of policy changes instruct   a variety of training sessions for County staff  develop necessary standard operating operating   procedures for the employee Relations Division  and play an active role in prominent internal   investigations and where has Ed has also aided in  the development of fellow employee relations team   members through mentorship and continues to help  Advance the goals and improve the processes of   the human resources department with innovative  ideas and dedicated disposition and whereas Ed   is also an exemplary citizen of Escambia County  assisting elderly residents with their communities   upkeep and curb appeal providing transportation  for their medical appointments and contributing   financially to unhoused and unemployed people  and whereas Ed whereas as a veteran Ed donates   his time and money to disabled veterans through  organizations such as an vets American Legion   disabled vets of America and the Golf Coast  Foundation now therefore it be proclaimed   that the board of County commissioners of esamia  County Florida commends and congratulates Edward   spainhower in his selection as employee of the  year for 2024 Board of County commissioners of   scami County Florida Michael koher chair  District 2 Ashley hoffberger Vice chair   District 4 Steve strob Berger District 1 Lumen  J May District 3 Steven Berry District 5 thank you good evening one of the many things I learned  while serving in the Navy and Coast Guard was that   while speaking in public one should keep things  short and sweet so with that in mind I offer the   following honored members of the board and guests  I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the   citizens of Escambia County and feel privileged  to work with and for the outstanding men and   women of the County Workforce I feel blessed  to receive this recognition and am thankful   for those folks that support me in my duties I  could not excel at my job without the support of   those that I work with for this selection I offer  my heartfelt thank you thank you and [Applause] congratulations I'm assuming since the Coast Guard   doesn't have a football team you're  rooting for Navy this week go Navy beat Army thank you okay if uh we're going  to go to Proclamation on the friends of   the southwest branch library can Mr Hubble and the   Melanie Skaggs from the southwest  branch library please come forward good evening chair and Commissioners um I  want to do just a slight deviation um back   a little over 50 years ago a young 16-year-old  woman came to work for the library system she   worked until she retired I'm not sure how  many employees have worked 48 years for   the county or the city she did not want to be  recognized then but she's getting recognized   now we appreciate all the hard work she's done  she's the current president of the friends group   at southwest branch it's actually exceeded  50 years of service to the county and our citizens so in summary back in 1998 the  southwest branch formed a friends group   to support the people in PTO key area and in uh  2004 they actually built built the current Branch   Library it's out there so it has been there  20 years but from 1998 when it originally was   in a storefront and previous to that had been  a bus stop for our bookmobile at the time um   this group has supported not only the library  itself but also the local schools the Pitto   key area by providing books and programming  and they've used funds within their group to   enhance beyond what the downtown library system  has been able to provide so I just want to make   sure that uh we recognize the friends group for  their service um we're toting our own horn that   we've been 20 years at Southwest but really the  person who should be honored here tonight is Miss gegs thank you it's been a privilege and an honor  to work for the library system um as he said as   a young lady I went to work and it's just been  wonderful when I went to work it was the city   of Pensacola's library then when it became the  Regional Library and the county took it over   and now it's West Florida public library and I  want to thank you all for all that you do for   advocating for our library system my job was a  dream come true and it's been a career that I've   thoroughly enjoyed and I ask that you continue to  advocate for our library systems because they're   so needed thank you thank you Miss gegs and  thank you for 48 years of service [Applause]   Vicki I think Vicki's here too  from the southwest brand no okay okay that um sums up the proclamations  ratifications we'll move to written communication   environmental code enforcement lean  relief for property located at 3804   West Blunt Street I think we have one  speaker is Reggie Warren in the in the audience please come up Mi Mr Warren respect all of this but um I was coming  to speak on behalf of my property you're a tall   guy but can you push this yeah there thank you  okay can hear me yes sir yeah I was coming to   speak on the behalf of my property uh 3804 West  Blunt Street um there was a lean placed on my   property um from code enforcement I I got the  information and from Cod code enforcement like   I wasn't getting any e mails or anything  about it until um my tenant had left and   vacated the property so um I end up getting  the information and I quickly jumped on it   and took care of everything and brought it  up to code and so chairman Reggie thanks for   calling I mean I don't know know Reggie was a a  stand up football celebrity for us at one time   playing but Mr chairman Reggie I think you'll  be happy with the motion that I'm about to make   okay uh Mr chairman um the court cost was $250  administrative fees was 5200 and unless chips   can tell us that that was not a real cost there  was no abatement cost I'm moving uh to uh make Mr   Warren pay the the court cost which was our hard  cost administrative cost was no cost uh so he can   put this property back uh on the tax roll and  get it uh building up in my district and so I'm   I'm making a motion uh to assess the $250 court  cost and to wave the 5 uh 5200 um administrative   cost uh does commissioner may have a  second second all right please vote no okay motion passes 5 thanks Reggie I'm  glad to see you home man appr keep doing the   good work you're doing thank you thank you  all right let's move n did the clerk office   receive the proof of publication for public  hearing Mr chairman the clerk's office has   received all proof I kind I have a motion to uh  wave the reading is there second second please vote motion passes 5 Z thank you  moving on to public hearings um   5.31 we have several speakers um Ashley  Gallagher would you like to come up first hi I wrote something uh that I feel about  this uh this policy our policies regarding the   unhoused population reflect our values as a  society by criminalizing homelessness you show   a disdain for your constituents who are most in  need of your help this proposal is a disgrace to   humanity it is an affront to the Constitution  if your goal is to bring homelessness to an   end the appropriate action would be to create  policy that prevents it and helps those already   struggling with housing insecurity it is not your  place to make this some other County's Problem by   relocating the homeless or hiding them behind bars  have courage and work to strengthen our community   life liberty The Pursuit of Happiness those are  our values we do not sweep issues under the rug   like cowards We rise we help our neighbors in  need this is a country founded on freedom we do   not oppress the homeless we stand together to  make a home for all Americans today I ask you   to consider the Legacy you are creating for our  county is it one of Cruelty where we kick those   citizens who are already down or will embrace  the challenge to fix what is broken do you   want to spend your term as an official facing  backlash and legal disputes over a heartless   and futile policy you enact or do you want to be  recognized as the compassionate and industrious   leaders you are thank you ma'am I appreciate  your comments our next speaker is Larry DS Jr Larry D J plumet LLC because FAL matters uh  and I don't know why we're doing this all across   the country you know uh you can't have freedom  without freedom and I know it's unsightly I know   it's dirty it's even dangerous but I founding  fathers preferred it that way they like that   dangerous dirty freedom but for some reason or  another here and I bet you I bet you y'all all   vote for this you know because we can't have  those dirty homeless people out there we just   can't have them out there we need to yall  know what it it costs to lock them one to   lock one up it's around $552,000 a year now you  know somebody's going to come up here and say   hey why don't we just give them money which is  actually what's been going on you know uh with   with every program we've ever uh implemented  in this country as a war on poverty it's the   same way you know it it starts out with the  parents and it goes from there y'all cannot   legislate a fix to this otherwise it' already  be fixed it' already be fixed there's no way to   legislate a fix to this the only thing you  can do is criminalize them criminalize and   I get it who who wants to see a dirty homeless  you know who who wants to see that nobody does   I get it but the problem is that is freedom The  Good the Bad the Ugly it just is you can't it it's   see y'all are going to Advocate with your vote  you're going to Advocate against freedom and that   and that's the problem with freedom i' I've said  this before I'm sure y'all heard it before the   problem with freedom is when you have freedom  you have have the freedom to Advocate against   freedom and that's what y'all are going to do up  here so no matter who speaks behind me I mean I   want y'all to know that it doesn't matter what  y'all say they're not going to listen to it not   going to listen to it or if they do listen to it  they'll say we get it we get it Larry but oh it's   just not fair to the others and it's not fair to  me you know I like having the bums and the hobos   and the homeless out there I like them to be able  to come up to me and ask for help sometimes I give   them help sometimes I don't but that's the beauty  of Freedom maybe we need some youngsters to see   this type of stuff maybe that helps them to steer  clear of it you ever thought about that it's a   possibility but if you just had it it's just going  to keep reoccurring and growing just like just   like a tumble weed it's going to it have y'all  seen a where it's hasn't thank you Larry for your   comments appreciate it you're welcome gwendelyn  Gibson our next speaker is gwindel in the audience gwendaline Gibson is oh she in the back   I see her okay and our our speaker  after that would be August dado on Deck sorry that's okay thank you ma'am good  evening I'm gwindel and Gibson I live at 64 Murphy   Lane I own 64 and 62 for the past 10 years I've  been fighting the homeless because I only have   one way in and out of my road and these aren't  homeless that want to get help these are homeless   for the center that's there and they live on the  side of the road and I've called the sheriff's   compan sheriffs I've called code enforcement I've  tried to work with everybody nothing's transparent   um for 10 years it has affected my life in the  morning I go out there's drugs passed out people   um using the bathroom constantly I have to shoe  them away I have to drive my truck from my front   door to my road because you can't walk up and  down my road because of the violence uh 3 days   ago was threatened with an 8ft Pole to hit my  truck um I love my truck more than anything   you know I'm a hard worker I've worked in this  I'm a third generation pensac colan you know   we've never had this um I don't see an end to  it they won't um listen to us that live on the   road I live with this 10 years I live with it  I had 78 camps behind me on the Merill property   um I fought it the first three years um by myself  the next three years it took me to get them to   code enforcement in front of a judge to get them  to clear their property the next three years I'm   still having to do it now I'm on year 10 you know  and um I'm stuck I don't know what to do I have no   recourse I have nobody helping um I can't see any  end to this why am I scared drive down my road why   am I scared to go home at night do y'all get to  go home you know without people in your yard you   know without people laying in your street you know  I know it's a big issue and it's got to be taken   care of but and I know there's only a few people  on my road um I'm exhausted from this you know I   have three with dementia I work a full-time  job I've been working 48 years of my life um   I don't see why I have to do with this morning  noon and night you know because they can't control   my road and I'm supposed to uh run over them  or shoot them or whatever I've got to do that's   completely wrong I don't believe in that I think  we can all work together I don't understand why   we can't get anything done I mean I'm sorry I'm  a little quivery and a little emotional because   it takes a toll on you after 10 years of them  coming up to you saying well you don't have the   right to do this well what are my rights what  do I have rights with Miss Gibson I sympathize   with your situation and thank you for sharing  your comments with the board tonight thank you   um August dado if is August here Dev Devoto am  I saying there oh okay thank you sir are yeah L ladies and gentlemen I'm August aoto and I live  at 60 Murphy Lane my neighbor and I have been   working tirelessly to remove the illegal occupancy  of the homeless on Murphy Lane we've called in the   complaints to the Sheriff's Department the fire  department and countless calls to the county code   enforcement Mr Beasley was my contact he was  helpful initially but after a while he was not   he would schedule the trash removals but  the illegal occupancy never quit he said   that we had to hold out till October  1st for the law to go into effect that   Governor DeSantis signed last summer well that  date came and went and local news heard that   Escambia County gave it a 60-day reprieve till  December 1st well it seems that begs Lane got   the notice and and the media a lot of them  came to Murphy Lane so they got booted out   and they they came over to Murphy Lane this  county is not keeping the law you all knew in   advance that you had months to figure this out  whenever it became law yall did nothing 60-day reprieve December came and now Murphy Lane is  even heavier with illegal occupants Mr Beasley   has sent it has been sent many pictures by me  the newspaper has been sent to pictures still no   solution I've been accused through these homeless  people of running over some gal's dog flat outly   and every time I drive through that Gauntlet  I get threatened by her or some other Refugee   other neighbors have been assaulted Neighbor Next  Door was stabbed in the head and threatened and   there's gunshots throughout the night there's open  drug deals public urination and defecation and the   trash is constant even though I clean up in front  of my house daily there is a huge problem and you   all were nominated or hired it's part of your  job to solve this which you are not there is a   law to uphold is the county upholding that law  no thank you AUST I just for a point of order   I just want to put out there we have 55 speakers  signed up tonight on all the agenda this so just   know we're going to cover a lot of ground tonight  I didn't realize how much topics we're going to so   the next speaker is Eric sharplan but that's our  job we're going to listen to youall so please come   up and express your what you have on your mind and  um we want to hear it but just know we're going to   be here for a while that's good good Mr chairman  yeah this is a serious problem you know over there   where I live at and you've been to my house Mr  chairman you know the house that got torn down   on the other side they had four RVs there people  were trying to survive and they you know four RVs   in the back of a house and you had I guess  you had a mini homeless Camp there is what   I would call it but you know it's like now  there's one popped up beside my house there's   an RV with people living in it now and I mean  these people have got to have somewhere to go   I don't know what the solutions would be a lot  of them are going to be going to the emergency   rooms when it gets cold and who is going to eat  those bills and it's like a problem that have   y'all thought about doing a serious town hall  on this to get ideas and input on what we can   do to possibly improve the situation you know  there's got to be there's got to be an answer   out here I just don't know what it is some of  them they don't won't help and some do and the   ones that you know scam people makes it worse  on the ones who are actually trying to get get   get the help they need there's a lady right  now crying on next door that she can't live   in a hotel on a $1,000 SSI check well there's  no way and you know that I guess there's just   not enough housing out here and she ends up  homeless with kids at the last part of the   month so uh I thank you for your time Mr chairman  thank you Eric our next speaker is Miss Blackwell good evening to all of you and I'm speaking off  the cuff but I had meant to do this tonight and   I forgot about it so um I was a reporter in Clear  Water and I covered the homeless like Molly does   so well and what I found was those men out  there they had a long wrap sheet for doing   things that we're able to do in our homes they  can't pop a they couldn't pop a beer open and it   or get arrested I covered one man they popped a  beer open and it happened to be right below the   police station and they took exception to that  they shot the man's dog uh he was tied to a tree   and all he had to do was step outside the the  length of that rope so I don't think it's fair   that a certain part of the population should bear  the burden of the homeless but I don't think you   can just make them illeg Al it's just make them  illegal to live they can't go to sleep it's just   to me I can't fathom it I know there is a state  law that we have to take into account but the the   state law does say that you can have facilities  with restrooms and whatever so that they can have   a tent you know have we we just I think we need to  organize something like that so they can at least   you know not be a burden on all the these people  I know that's scary and some of these people are   mentally ill I mean I know that from Clear Water  so why is that such a difficult thing take some   government property where they're on a bunch of  neighbors around and give them the restrooms and   and water and whatever they need to survive  so that's what I'd say these are humans it's   ridiculous to put them in jail give them a wrap  sheet for going to sleep in public thank you here   thank you Teresa that concludes all our speakers  on item 531 is there a motion or discussion on   this item from any commissioner Mr chairman so  don't we Wes don't we have some homeless money are   we where are we on terms of the low barer shelter  and and and providing resource for the homeless   we do have some beds in this community that are  vacant and available to be utilized should they   choose to go get some help at Waterfront for  for for exist uh example or Ministry Village   for example so every night there are beds that  are available that are not being utilized every   night there are beds that are available there  has been some discussion about a low barrier   shelter uh I know between us and the city I  think the challenge there are some challenges   there funding continuous funding challenges to  not only build it or construct it but also run   it and operated with all the supporter services  so I what our approach has been has been to   utilize Our Community Partners Ministry Village  for instance we have project reconnect and they're   ministering that program for us and as of today  we've had 103 homeless folks that volunteered and   wanted to go home or go to a family another family  member's house or where somewhere they think they   have a better support system and so we're paying  for bus tickets and plane tickets to do those   sorts of things and we're also working with all  of our Community Partners our Comm Continuum of   Care is taking shape and taking form it's much  better than it was two years ago and they're   fixing to have an administrative Advisory Board  I think you will see some positive movement as we   continue to work on this issue but it but it has  been challenging there's no doubt about it right   so um so we do have some resources that we're  going to deploy for the homeless here yes and we   have been deploying uh resources for the homeless  we've been having community events where we bring   them in they get their uh help screening they  can get re uh food clothes a hot shower whatever   whatever the need may be and we've done that three  times at least this past year and we're looking to   do more of that as we move forward and and was  just for my clarification or edification this is   almost like a a mandate from the state I mean we  don't have a lot of choice and how we adopt this   ordinance it is it is some of a mandate from the  state that did not come with any funding right   is there any other comments if not I got something  I'd like to share this uh this obviously was House   Bill 1365 it came up with the sheriff asking  us to be aligned with the city um we're trying   to meet the intent and the purpose of the law  that was passed by the legislature but I think   it's important to look at facts the other day when  they cleared out beg's lane They removed over 15   people 13 people went to water Fort Mission four  stayed and there were plenty of beds so some of   these folks didn't want help and so we got to  look at this and look at the totality for the   citizens in my opinion that um no one wants  to criminalize homelessness but at the same   time there's citizens out there that are living  with this um in their neighborhoods and they're   reaching out to me and I know other Commissioners  on this board pleading for us to do something   and this is just an line with what the state  legislators is asking us to do and to do what   the sheriff has asked us to do so that there can  be be some consistency between the city and the county is there a motion to move forward with this so your motion is to approve um  public hearing 5.3 531 I'm sorry was   that a motion she made a motion  I'm sorry a second okay please vote push save oh there we go okay the  motion passes 5 Z thank you let's move   on to public hearing 5.33 we have one  speaker Andrew blur did Andrew leave us okay I was here before calling once calling  twice all right um what's all right double time   Andrew we got a full schedule we got time  for winest we got time for me we do we do   we're we're waiting for you well line Adam we on  Number 533 we're talking about the franchise fee   on what Florida Power Light franchise well we had  a little bit of discussion I wanted to agree with   um Stephen Barry because we don't agree on too  much but I want to agree with him or whatever   I don't want y'all to collect fees and uh  and pass them on through Florida Power and   Light and make them look like the bad guys or  whatever and then y'all get all the good money   because y'all already getting 4 cents gas  tax for ecat you getting the local option   sales tax and I mean you remember what los1 was  for Steven Barry to begin with that's for that   good stuff like my boat ramps and community  centers and stuff like that in district one   I was promised all that by Mike Whitehead and  then Wilson Robertson and then who's that other   guy Jeff BOS dang can we get um who was that  one that went to jail that was he need we need   him back all right thank thank thank you Andrew  any more speakers Mr chairman commissioner what   was that any more speakers no more speakers I  I I move to 533 is there a second second please vote okay the motion passes 5 Z thank you  let's move to the clerk and comp ters report   there's one speaker um um on number two  Madam clerk I I just realize that maybe   we should Andrew you signed up for  CR one-2 Andrew you where'd you go do   you want to speak on the clerk's report  the numbers or you or you want to wave off come on let you're going to be you're  you're turning this into Winter Wonderland 2.0 um The Honorable pan chers thank  you for the great job you've been   doing I appreciate you know fighting  for our tax dollars or whatever and   not throwing them away but as you can  see here on that uh item number two or whatever wait we actually had a  decrease of 3% for the October   I mean she can't do it all by herself so y'all  going to have to tighten the belt a little bit and   like I say we need to see bed tax for seed money  here locally or whatever I mean I want to have   my community center on the North P Paro want to  have the um koses there where we can say you know   hey you want to go diving you can go to the Kos  and find out where the risking is at or whatever   if you want to go and find out where is a good  place to eat at you know at the florama Old River   um restaurant you can go to the kios whatever  and we can actually charge charge these different   places you know all these here die Pro people  or whatever we can charge them for advertising   on our koses and like say florama um everybody be  coming in here trying I mean we was thr that for   Acres or whatever my original plan was we was  going to be up there like um what that stone   Lake a lake Stone where we have campgrounds  and stuff like that but Robert turban kind   of messed that all up for me or whatever and put  all that poisonous dirt on there but I got plans   we can use that still we can use that dirt we  can use that mound that way it won't flood on   the top of the mound but I've been trying to  get commissioner stromberger hoffberger col   and Steven Barry and L May to talk to me I  mean evidently their secretaries don't pass   on the notes to them or whatever but like I say  Lum may I want you to be my county commissioner   when it comes to storm Ward or whatever because  I've been screaming now for Andrew we're talking   about tourist development tax huh tourist  development tax is the it saying that tourist   development I want to develop that 40 acres  that Robert kind of messed over okay but we   need that tourist development there don't send  it to Birmingham don't send it to Atlanta and   Montgomery because we need it way more than they  do thank you very much for your comments there's   no further speakers Madam clerk if you'd like  to proceed with your report I have four items   on the agenda the first one is acceptance of the  September 2024 investment report you'll see that   under my direction we manage a $510 million  portfolio number two is the exceptions of the   tdt collections for the month of October so  that would be for September returns and yes   it had a 3% decrease however number three is the  November collections which represents the October   stays that had a 3% increase typically on our tdt  collections this county is about 22 million a year   in collections a substantial increase over years  um that is to our our natural resources and our   private sector advertisements and the commitments  that they have that bring our V visitors   and number four is minutes and reports that we've  prepared thank you chairman thank you very much   do I have a motion to approve the clerk's report  I'll make a motion second okay thank you please vote all right we're thanks hor for being there  let's move on to the growth management report uh   we're on gmr number one sir go ahead and horse  and we'll move forward for the we have several   resoning cases um we have on Cas Z 202 hor I just  realized we have lengthy amount of speakers before   you go there on this item too so if you want to  hold off I'll let the speakers come up first if   that's okay I presented you want to wait or do  you want to go gmr1 gmr 3 gmr 5 gmr 127 with   the resoning it maybe best to let the director  introduce what it is the request is and what the   recommendation from the Bo please proceed yes  sir um we Zing KZ 24-11 the um from low density   residential to medium density residential  the planning board made a recommendation for approval all right at this point um is there  Larry fedman in the audience he said he but   he gave me his heed to read are you want to do  you want to read for Larry Federman ma'am we if   you'll allow that we can only take speakers  who spoke either at the August 6th planning   board meeting on this topic or the October  29th planning board meeting on this topic   did you speak at one of those lar you can't  no but did you ma'am yes she can speak on her   own behalf to summarize what her testimony  was she cannot summarize another speakers   okay did you sign up to speak as well I  did okay then we'll get do you what what   what's your name ma'am my name is mar okay  please come on up we'll take your comments now and Gwen EU banks will be on deck Bank just  had knee surgery I have her paper too okay so   she's not here no she could okay thank you  days David Gibson will be on deck after uh Mrs konopka ready I'm ready ma'am I'm willing to  listen to your comments let's go it's time   for a change in District one because our citizens  deserve better and with your help we can deliver   the citizens do believe that plastered across  the internet for commissioner strob Berger we   believe we voted and we do deserve better the  purpose of chapter 3 zoning regulations of the   LDC is to balance individual property rights  with the interest of the community to create   a healthy safe and orderly living environment  so please listen to all my fellow Neighbors   when they get up here listen carefully um I am  quoting from the LDC exact verbage and I hope   you have the meeting minutes from the uh Planning  and Zoning Board who was on October 29th who was   really confused as to why uh commissioner BOS  remanded it back to them they're like oh well   we already approved it they presented nothing  for from an engineer except for the applicants   engineer which is paid by them and it's going  to say whatever they want him to say uh but   any rate you also have some pictures from one of  my uh fellow neighbors and it shows inundation   everywhere when it rains many backyards end  up with standing water do you all know what   that means nobody wants to talk about it but it  means your toilet won't flush and when your toilet   won't flush and it comes up to the top you're  really in a um bad situation the guys can walk   outside no problem with them but what are you  going to do about the girls put on your waiters   honey and wait out there and just squat how about  your mom you're 85y old mom who's on a walker   and you have her go out that's not going to work  she's too fragile to bundle up it's raining cats   and dogs you got to bundle her up put her in a car  and take her to the Tom Thumb that's not going to work commissioner Coler I know your story best  a fellow Cor oh thank you a nurse a leader you   know in geriatrics when you got to go you got  to go they can't hold it and they can't walk fast so it's a problem and what  miss kopa your time's up if you   can just wrap up here shortly  because we have several speakers um that's just a a quality of life um  that I've been speaking of that that we   just don't have and to put impervious  structures on more property and not   know if it's going to flood or not it is  not right for us this has been going on   for years thank you ma'am for your comments I  appreciate you sharing your thoughts Mr Gibson if someone could instruct me on showing the  pictures and put them up just press on it um   who can help them with no I'm looking for someone  you can't bring new pictures are these pictures   these are pictures that's on the computer okay in  your okay okay Peter can you see if you can have me don't don't start trying to get these pictures up okay just hit the arrow thank you thank you  David Gibson 608 Yellow Rose Drive Pensacola   Florida this picture here is looking out of  my backyard into the catchment pond that uh   supports um yellow or Rosemont subdivision uh it's  important because uh this was the uh aftermath of   Hurricane Sandy and this was day three after  the hurricane and you can see there that water   was back filling out of the ditch into the uh  catchment Pond that ran like that for 3 days   before uh it stopped and water was able to go  the other direction this in turn created this   uh this was in front of my house uh that is  really a a low flood uh I've seen it to where   it's halfway up to that crpe Myrtle there in fact  all the way up to that crpe Myrtle at times uh   the Water because of the rain that's coming down  it was like that for three days that car that's   over in the front yard that white one was when a  neighbor tried to go across that neighbor's yard   got stuck and it was there for about a week until  they could get it out and so we're continuing to   have this kind of problem when we have a lot of  rain uh this was November the 19th uh this was   uh after the board meeting uh took the picture  this was less than an inch of rain uh it come up   about to halfway on the car uh I'm sorry you're  you're bringing in new testimony and we can't do   that these are postdated the last planning okay  there it is again there that's another picture of and we're back to this one uh we we've got a huge  problem there and it's a a Confluence of a lot of   events that have taken place to bring it about  uh it started with the state did their work on   Blue Angel diverting a lot of water down bellw  it was compounded when they came in and filled   in the south side of bellevue's ditch with uh to  make room for uh sidewalks and all the water was   diverted to the north side and uh and that's  why we have this problem here or one of the   reasons why another problem with that is that  uh under that area there there's a lot of or in   that area there's a lot of clay pits clay was  uh mined there and uh about 2 to 3 feet down   under the top soil and gravel there is about  two to uh about a foot and a half to 2 feet of   clay that does not allow the the uh water to  perk it was very interesting when I met made   this point at the zoning uh board that um they  could not produce any perk test or understanding   of what was going on with that area there uh  it was very interesting too that within two   to three days after that that whole field was  covered with trucks going around Drilling and   taking core samples to find out what exactly  was under there which should have been done   by the developer before they even a bid on this  to find out what was taking place and uh so the   the issue for us is that we're not against  development we're against a 4 to 10 uh we want low   development second of all Commander Gibson can you  summarize your thoughts here shortly do we have a   security issue that has been there we have a water  issue and we don't want to make it any worse than   it already is and it's we've got to have some  remediation and some problems fixed before we   have any more development there thank you thank  you very much our next speaker is Chris cerb oh before you start my clock here uh I'm going to  drop out of the car uh uh I'm got to buy my notes here it's the car 2- 52 and I lost  my notes okay got it thank you all right just to say on the car 2- 52 uh let's  stay on this one right now but I'm going to drop   out of that I'm I'm going to leave I want to let  you know that the neighborhood there is pleased   and they support that change order so as far  as this on the rezoning uh I'm in opposition   of it until the county gets the BW Hogan  pit BW drainage and Hogan pit Pond project   funded designed and at least under construction  even though sometimes developer can help plooding   problems in the neighborhood by making a pond  bigger next to it the problem is much deeper   and bigger than that um I was uh accepted as  an expert witness based on my experience at   that planning board meeting and Horus basically  said that U we're using 100-year design I submit   to you that we are not using a 100-year design  because you're using 1979 rainfall data until the   Land Development code changes which is almost 50  years old section 2.7.2 of your Land Development   code says the decisions should be made in  the Public's best interest there's a lot of   flooding there and if you increase the density  in there you're going to have more impervious   area to an already existing problem the drainage  system on B Avenue is grossly underc capacity   and Associated Hogan pit doesn't even have a  positive outfall and it's doesn't have a big   enough volume because what happens when we have  these events is it backs up into the drainage   and into people's yards specifically Andrew BL is  one of those that's why he's been coming up here   for 30 years and your uh proposed code that you  got coming out for 100-year ponds with no outfall   a 6 in freeboard I mean come on do say  You're supposed to do 100 years 7day and 10 day scammy county is got some light at  the end of the tunnel though they have   been working on a a large scale multiphase  project called the Velma softly fi moldon   project and they've done quite a bit of study  the only problem is it's quite costly to build   all those improvements I think it's four phases  the the biew Hogan pit Pine is I believe it's   out for uh rli or you're working on it I hear  that a lot with government we're working on it you could get a flood resilience Grant  um maybe uh by the way uh funding for flood   resilience grants they have strings attached  like the vulnerability assessment who knows   what's going to happen when uh Noah Atlas 15  comes out and the floods Act and the precept   act kicks in because when that kicks in you're  going to have Grant eligibility requirements   to have your storm water standards meet those  new rainfall dat still opposed to it if you get   the project done over there that'd be great  and then I'd be all for it thank you I'm not   against development I'm for responsible  development and this ain't it thank you   for your comments and thank you for  staying on time Jacqueline Rogers is next good evening um I'm going to stick to what  I said which was basically at the planning board   they have five criteria they do a through e but  you list them on your Land Development code in   section 27.2 and it says LDC zoning map and text  amendments so a rezoning is a zoning map Amendment   and even if this resoning meets all the other  criteria at the end in board action number five   it says the board shall then consider so it says  if the reviewing board finds at the record of the   hearing that the applicant has presented competent  substantial evidence establishing the required   conditions those previous five the board shall  then consider whether maintaining the current   zoning will serve a greater public interest and  then says you can only recommend approval if there   is no New Uses density or intensity of use of  the proposed zoning that will likely diminish the   quality of life it says reduced property values  confer special benefit on the subject property   to the detriment of the community as a whole or  create adverse impacts upon surrounding properties   more than the uses densities or intensities of the  current zoning so if it's better to leave it at   the current zoning than up Zone you're supposed to  do that even if they meet all the conditions this   is in section 2- 7.2 we've confirmed that with  your attorney so commissioner Bach sent this back   for a reason he said there's flooding in the area  he was concerned about the flooding it went to the   planning board and there was no more evidence  from the staff that said this will be okay like   he said the or one of the speakers said one of  the engineers for the applicant they're hired to   do the best case scenario so once you reone you  know what you're going to have you're going to   have more impervious surface if you reone to  more impervious surface you're going to have   more storm water and if you know that you have  a project like that pit that Chris is talking   about that is an adverse um impact and that's all  I wanted to say is that you have to consider those   quality of life whether you should leave it the  same or you should upzone it and you can consider   that even if they meet all the criteria thank you  thank you than M Rogers our next speaker is Andrew blur Andrew BL 6101 mest place and stepen Barry  and lummen may you know that I've been coming   down here for just about 30 years and I mean even  Wilson Robertson when he was updating District 5   knew that I had problems with this ear flooding  and y'all have not done anything to fix this I   mean boy y'all fixing 11 Mile Creek because  of what Navy Federal Credit Union you'reall   going to have the bigger problem with y'all go  to ol8 and I and I discussed that but here you   go here we the people do not feel that y'all  have done to do diligence needed to dismiss or   to determine the quality of life the possibility  reduction of property values in the area all those   houses in that area Rosewood estate Zachary St  Tanglewood um um Ember Ridge and the Buckland   drive all those are low density housing and look  at the flooding we're having Jeff BOS did three   storm water projects for Adams Homes of Gul Breeze  because they were the contractors over there for   Ember Ridge and um Tanglewood and then what was  that faridian or whatever but we still have storm   water Pro running off of Godwin Lane coming down  Buckland into a holding Pond that they've been   working on since August trying to fix and it's not  not fixed so I mean we want green spaces just like   y'all did at C up there in Canton Golf Course  y'all turned that into a park or whatever why   don't the county buy it and just make it a park  there just remember it was low density when the   church bought it it can be low density when the  church sells it and Baton R Louisiana contract or   whatever can develop it at low density it does not  need to be upgraded so he can make money and the   um real estate lawyer can make money and they  haul off and run away and you're going to have   the citizens of a scam you County foot in the bill  to fix these problems that they have generated we   don't need need to line the pockets of real estate  day real estate uh developers in Baton Rouge   Louisiana we got enough Adams Homes over there  in Gul Breeze that we can line their pockets Miss   kopa please we need to listen to who's speaking  right now is that those wetlands in tangle Woods   you can see in tangle Woods all that Wetlands  go into Rosewood Estates it goes into um Zachary   States now if you got a $5 a five gallon bucket it  holds five gallons of water if you drill a hole in   the side of it it ain't going to hold five gallon  water and this is what West Marino and County   engineering has done with Zachary EST States thank  you for your comments I appreciate them uh Mr Don tinker and then Merith Bush you're the last  speaker on this topic thank you for your time   um certainly you've heard a lot of testimony  already on a variety of different things uh   the planning board uh not sure that they did do  diligence and things in actually going out and   physically looking at the property and and and  providing an assessment of the property and the   situation that we Face uh certainly for example  uh Belleview Avenue what has been described is uh   just a two-lane roadway there's no paved shoulder  uh no bike Lanes and travel Lane width is 10 feet   and this was presented to the tra uh to the  planning board as a rubber stamp and saying hey   from the tto it's good to go now from a Safety  and Security standpoint Belleview Avenue sits   between Blue Angel Parkway and Mobile Highway  and right there on Mobile Highway at um there   is bellw elementary school and right there uh 5  days a week morning drop off and afternoon pickup   or children dismissal there's traffic issues that  resolve there two-lane high or two-lane roadway is   not adequate for increasing the density in this  little area of acreage um the average homeowner   has at least two vehicles per household and you  increase the density in that little space there   you're going to create a greater traffic Hazard  and we have no room to widen that roadway there's   sidewalks on one side open ditch on the other  I can't tell you how many times there's been   incidents where vehicles have uh beer off into  the uh ditch I don't know about anything off the   sidewalk but people use that sidewalk going to and  from schools they use it for exercise and to get   around and all it takes is a distracted driver  whether they're texting or even somebody that   might be under the influence and just slightly  Veer off and swerve and then you have a serious   incident resulting in serious injury or even  death um that property has been vacant I've   lived in my property for uh 27 years the property  has been owned by the church for a number of years   now they haven't done anything with it I don't  know that this is a result of them expecting   Cash Cow but I certainly think that it warrants  another look and resolve all the problems have   been addressed I appreciate your time thank you  thank you Mr Tinker um Miss Bush you're the last speaker good evening Meredith bush1 125  East in tendencia um attorney with Clark   pardington and agent for the applicant so this  went to the planning board twice and twice was   found to meet all the criteria twice the  planning board has recommended approval   um after this board remanded it to the planning  board our engineer met with County engineer   and County Drainage team and came up with a few  solutions that um the development could assist the   existing drainage problems in the area although  it's not the responsibility of this development   there is a pathway forward where the um one  solution could be the combination of the existing   storm water pond that's within the Western  Le neighboring subdivision with the new storm   water Pond um there was no competent substantial  evidence presented that this would create any   adverse impact there was no competent substantial  evidence presented that there was going to be a   reduction of property values while we understand  the neighbors have concerns with their existing   flooding that's not the responsibility nor  is it caused by this development we have met   all criteria and we would ask that you adopt  the recommendation of the compling board and   approve the resoning and I'm happy to take any  questions okay um you can have a seat and if   there's some questions from board we can move  forward all right uh board that's the end of   all the speakers um is there any discussion or a  motion I know commissioner strober this is in your District my turn please yeah so i' I've talked with engineering and and   development services about  this today maybe more than once and it sounds like we have an existing  problem and we're going to add to it it sounds   like we got a problem it's obvious to me  it's obvious we have a problem with with   storm water issues over there right now I  don't know how this is going to help that   situation I I think at the very least you  you've heard um Mr Gibson say that he's   not against development someone else is but  we haven't we haven't we haven't laid the   groundwork for that development yet amen so  I think we need to fix the issue we have now   and I don't know if it's Hogan's pit if that'll  it'll if that'll fix it um you still here Chris cerb um um but I want to learn more about that  I want to learn more about what we can do about   that to fix the issue before we even go back to  the idea of resoning that's that's that's all I   got well in this situation um it sounds like  you don't want to make a motion to approve do   you want to make a motion to remove deny some back  to the planning board what exactly is are options   here I have a question is Joy here Blackman so  if I could um the decision needs to be made on   the record that you have in your backup and if  there is an effort to reject the recommendation   from the planning board we would need to address  the criteria or which Criterion is not met and we   shouldn't be bringing in new testimony and and  new new folks that's not so madam attorney so   if to simplify this it's obviously was that the  zoning Chang from low density to multi multi-use   um would a appropriate motion by someone be to  keep at low density so the recommendation from the   planning board is for approval and they have the  the the record is in here indicating that they've   met the criteria and that's the same argument that  you got from Council for the applicant so I think   we is our options right so um it's it's now been  to the planning board twice if the board had a   really specific reason to send it back your  ordinance would allow that but at this point   I would steer the board towards looking at whether  or not you were accepting based on the record the   recommendation to approve the resoning request  which would allow it to go to MDR if the goal   based on the record is to keep it at ldr then I  would suggest that either the motion would be to   reject and replace one of the Criterion indicating  that they have not met it or that you are making   a finding based on the record that there is some  overwhelming public purpose that would allow you   to overcome the burden that's been given to you  by them meeting all the criteria so that's kind   of where I would St opening up new testimony he  can't send it back to the planning board if he   sends it back to the planning board it needs to be  with very specific instruction that and it needs   to be something that the planning board has not  already been asked to do Comm Mr Barry I know you   used to be on the planning board do you have any  opinion on this I just I know you have a little   experience in it um well my impression would be  that if if we were going to reject the planning   board's finding that that as mam Council said we  um should identify which are the Criterion that   we that we have an issue with that we that we you  know that a board member does not agree with and   uh and then for that reason we would reject the  planning board's recommendation and and find a   different uh and find a different outcome I'm very  uh very open-minded what commissioner stur has to   say as I was for commissioner BOS when he uh you  know when he the item came before us previously um   I just I'm not sure exactly what that what that  intent is but I'm I'm very open-minded to it so   I I think the The public's best interest is the  operable words and and it's not that I think that   it doesn't that I'm rejecting necessarily what the  planning board is recommending I just don't think   that we've gotten to the part where we should  be even considering this and I just got here you   know so why we're here at this point approving  this when they've got a big problem already uh   you know Mr Gibson told me about this when we were  when I was campaigning I hate I don't want to keep   bringing that up but but but he was a supporter of  mine that helped me and this is the issue he had   he talked to me about this and um in the Public's  interest I don't think that we should be rezoning   this until we fix the issue the existing  issue we have um so I'd like to explore that [Laughter] okay what if there's not a motion in  a second where do we end up on this mam attorney   no motion then we just move on right well they  they have a right to a decision so we I I just   don't think I don't see the point in sending it  back to the planning board to get the same result again well we we need to give the applicant some  sort of decision so either we are accepting the   recommendation for the approval of the resoning  or you're rejecting it but there needs to be   competent substantial evidence for your reason why  you're rejecting it and that needs to be explained   to them so that they know why they're being  rejected and it's legally possible to remand it at   this point but you would really need to give them  very specific directions as to what it is they're   supposed to explore ma Madame attorney uh if if  it was rejected can you give him some examples   of what could potentially be legal in this  situation because I think that's where we're hung up Andrew please we're trying to run a meeting  thank you madam attorney I mean it it sounds   as though where where the the commissioner is  headed is the feeling that the water intrusion   the flooding that is according to some of  the testimony already problematic in that   area is of such a threat is that is that what the  concern is because I think that they are going to   be entitled to know what the underlying reason  for the rejection isn't it needs to be something   that's that's in the record that you've been  provided which is what the witnesses have said   or that your staff testified to below with  the in front of the planning board or is it something uh at that time the then commissioner  for district one had concerns about storm water   and wanted the planning board to explore  that more fully yeah they did and they   came back with the same result to move  it to next year but isn't that based on   that's that's based on the rezoning and  and that issue alone that's separate from   the problem that existed before this whole subject  came up these folks as land owners are entitled to   ask for the resoning so we can't we can't just  T we can't just table it we need to give them   some resolution so that they can explore their  potential I have a question so I I understand   that it went back to planning and then they  asked for solutions for the storm water drainage   the engineers for the project that with County  employees and came up with multiple Solutions did   that do I understand that correctly so that sounds  like that from that's coming from the attorney for   the applicant and my and I mean she can certainly  address that but my my impression of those   comments was that that was sort of an outside of  the planning board realm they went and had this   meeting to explore possible remedies for when they  pursue development of the property what possible   routes could they take to address those kinds of  concerns did they share that with the planning   board there's not a lot of detail in the current  record about what the storm water I Ian I think that's well we need to we need to take an action  where we at on this commissioner sherber I I'd be   happy to happy to support you in what you what you  would what you would like to what would what would   you like us to do I'm not sure what I I know what  I want I just be here a I just don't understand   why yeah because this doesn't sound like we can  we can explore the idea of remediation before   the rezoning um no Mary please please let us let  let us deliberate right now so I I might propose   that perhaps you want to consider remanding it to  the planning board with very specific directions   that they need to take some testimony from uh  an engineer or an expert witness on the issue   of storm water and flooding and have but did we  get an opinion of our engineer on on on flooding   I mean I I don't think that Joy testified before  the planning board I don't believe that she did   and I but I mean wouldn't we get that before  we hire an outside expert David Fitzpatrick is   at this is listed as a witness for the second  hearing but he didn't show up to speak this   evening but I mean he is an engineer he he's  here D you have a comment that we could help   us I'm I'm David Fitzpatrick 10250 North POF  Fox Street I'm the engineer of well going to   be the engineer record if we successful um we  did meet with joy Blackman and um and her staff   and we came up with a what we thought was a  solution that might help the neighborhood it's   not going to completely fix the neighborhood  but it is going to help because we're going   to increase the size of the storm water  Pond by of the neighboring storm water   Pond and include it with ours and continue  to study it with joy and her team okay so I   I have a question on that so it would not add  to the problem no ma'am okay yes Andrew please M say David if if if you're saying and  commissioner whatever you want to do man I   mean I'm with you um you said it won't add to the  problem and it won't fix it completely Andrew you   cannot yell out any longer or you'll have to leave  we are trying to conduct a meeting I appreciate   your comments but you cannot do this while we're  trying to deliberate please commissioner May yes   sir thank you Mr chairman I appreciate that I'm  just wonder what's the impact because I I think my   colleague is concerned about the flooding that's  happening in his district and so I think he's just   trying to find the resolution of of the flooding  in his district right the existing storm waterer   Pond is probably designed for the 25-year storm I  know Chris made some comments about the 100-year   storm that we use today it's a little outdated  which is true but it's better than a 25e storm   the fact fact is the properties zone ldr now which  would allow 80 Lots without you guys looking at it   so we're we're talking about adding about 10 Lots  by going to MDR because you can't physically fit   more Lots on the property because it's only like  20 acres so um that's about what we're trying to   add so we did nothing today they could do 80  homes that's correct potentially and and if we   approve the upzoning they could do 90 homes  thereabouts I haven't I haven't designed it yet so   yes around 90 homes the zoning density allowance  in MDR would allow 190 Lots or houses to be built   on the property but physically they just will  not fit on the property oh got it you could okay   commiss show I mean whatever you want man you got  my support I think we need to well obviously um   Madam attorney's identified what we can do I mean  could we get I know Joy's here I mean could we get   ey engineer opinion real quick because I mean what  he's saying physically land mass you could only do   90 homes right although the zoning would allow for  whatever 190 physically if you broke them down to   50ft Lots you could only get yes sir going from  us you're going from 60ft lots to 50ft Lots right   so if we go to a 50ft lot that's all we could get  is there's 90 homes yes sir approximately approxim   and that includes the the run off the holding pond  that's what you know the Pond's going to be large   so it might take up some of those lots that we're  talking about even if we put in the 60 foot Lots   we'll still be looking at a very large storm  water Pond just to help help the neighborhood   and help our we we can't increase the runoff by  technically we can't increase the runoff from   our existing site by Alt code so we have to have  the predevelopment runoff included in our storm   water Pond uh design for your calculations yes  sir and so you obviously you're saying we can't enlarge or deepen the pond at all I mean no you  can right you said you were going to do that you   were going to yes sir we're going to try to  join our pond with the neighboring Pond that   was designed with the 25e storm we're going to  go with a 100-year storm design for hours but we   have to just look at the impact that we're going  to create by the you know for the neighborhood   and it will be larger than the typical storm water  pond that's in a subdivision just because of the   the physical constraints that we have and the  existing neighboring flooding issues they would   and obviously you're one of the best Engineers  I know um but would it be fair to commissioner   stroer to run those calculations look at that  runoff before he approves that so he could be   assured of you know the runoff in this community  I mean storm water Pond increasing that is that   the first thing you do before you start everything  else uh well we do preliminary layouts and then we   have the geotechnical work done then we can design  a storm water Pond but we've got to work with the   county on on seeing if we can help out by making  that storm water Pond a part of the neighboring   stormw Pond a part of our new pond so there's a  lot of work to take place and a lot of money to   be spent to get to that point so they hadn't even  ran all the perk tests I mean they hadn't done any   Geotech I don't believe I've got the Geotech  uh done completed done yet because depending   on how it percolates depending on the size I mean  the saw samples and all I mean there are a lot of   variables in in terms of how we're going to uh  percolate you know maybe a solution is Joy you   know I had the same problem out an Emerald Estates  and then when we went back and ran the numbers we   found out there was a drainage problem do you have  a comment or have you guys looked at this I know   you don't want to get up and talk about it but  I I think that could maybe be an option possibly no can can joy talk Madam attorney I'm sorry  I should ask you no if you say no then that's   fine I won't pull up strain way outside of the  record Tes well then keep us in check all right   so all right sorry Joy if you're tring well  how do you get to the point where you we're   going to get we're going to get advice from our  professional then if we can't get it now it could   have it could have been before the planning board  we can ask them to do that how do we get back to   it because now I mean now it presents a problem to  me trying to support my colleague I want to hear   from my Engineers uh exactly uh the position  of of what can happen and although I love Mr   Mr David I I mean we want at the end of the day  ultimately we're going to be responsible I mean   I think it's fair to if we can you know I want to  support commissioner stroberg to be able to hear   from our engineering staff I mean how can we get  to that point is that we make percate then we got problems please Andrew I'm you're  on thin so as a developer what is   your legal responsibility to make sure  that your runoff doesn't affect anybody else there are very specific storm water  requirements that are part of the development   process I'm not sure it's not really relevant for  this conversation exactly what they're going to   build but if it's a subdivision the county  typically ends up accepting the storm water   infrastructure as part of the subdivision plating  process and there's typically at least a two-year   warranty that we require in fact there are a  couple on the agenda tonight where the county   uh basically keeps them contractually obligated  to be responsible for the first two years of that   infrastructure to make sure that it's working  appropriately um and then after that it could   become either a private civil matter a code  enforcement matter those kinds of things maybe   even injunction just depending on what happens  we've had FD get involved in a couple thank you all right I think we need to make a decision  there there's record there's record evidence in   here from Mr cerb who testified uh Mr Fitzpatrick  who testified a little bit we can look at that   um or you can remand it back with very specific  instructions about the and I have to give those   Specific Instructions I in my motion yeah the  ordinance typically needs instructions to the   planning board so that they know what they're  being tasked to do and we did send it back once   for storm water already so I would say be even  more specific than that if you're wanting to hear   from our expert um licensed Engineers on County  staff relative to the um storm water impacts the   public purpose related to that I I would say  that's probably the best bet b on best based   on what I'm hearing you say that might be the best  bet all right then I then I like to make a motion   to remand this back to the planning board to hear  from an expert on the the storm War issue that's   existing there second is that an appropriate Mo  uh motion and second Madam attorney meaning the   County engineer or other licensed County staff yes  that's what I heard yeah okay is that appropriate   yes okay please vote did was there was there a  second yeah it was that was commissioner May was a second wow okay the motion passes 5 Z  to return back to the planning board   for an engineering uh reveal all right  let's move on to what we want what we   Mary thank you for your comments you had your  time Mary thank you we're moving on to gmr 5.45   than horse there's one speaker but go ahead so  basically with the with that motion we're going   to move that drop 5:45 who's The Speaker  are we bringing it back bringing it back   at a time certain Steve oh just whenever I'm  sorry say again are we bringing this back at   a time certain or just whenever yeah whenever  okay M chairman who's the speaker on the on 545 so we got to drop okay sorry I you I  think you know where we're going to drop   545 yeah is there you said is there a speaker  on 545 there is Andrew Andrew is our speaker   thank you Andrew that made my night all right I  moved thank you Mr chairman I moved to drop the   545 to come back at a time to be determined in  the future second Mr chairman all right please vote all right let's move to gmr 1.3 yes  sir the next resoning item is z 202 okay   I'm sorry oh I'm sorry the vote passes  5- Z excuse me now we can move to gmr   3 okay moving ahead the next item is  reson Cas z22 24-20 from low density   residential to commercial the planning  board made a made a recommendation for denial okay we have three speakers  on this Miss Rogers you're our first Speaker good evening again um the planning board  did recommend denial 5 to one the record at the   time they were separate Parcels so you can't add  to the record today when we had our first stopped   out commissioner Barry and commissioner Grover  Robinson promised that people wouldn't if they   opted out of the sector plan they wouldn't get  anything else what they had so this this opted   out it became low density residential if you  look at the pictures in the record across the   street our homes large lot homes down the road you  just approved a subdivision um bellara has a Bel   uh Bell grve it's residential so uh the applicants  agent says she admits its spot zoning but she says   commercial is Transitional next to low density  residential that's not transitional the primary   intent of commercial is to allow more diverse  and intense commercial uses than the neighborhood   commercial allowed that's not a buffer next to low  density residential it's not appropriate here she   said that it would mitigate the noise the traffic  and and and visual disturbance but that's exactly   what they have planned is commercial lot there so  it is not Urban infill that's one of the things   the applicant used if you've been down the street  on West Neil Road it's we have horses donkeys   chickens in our neighborhood barns ponds this  is not an appropriate infill is appropriate an   urbanized area where infrastructure is sufficient  that's what the um applicant said but this is not   an urbanized area this is north of the paper  mill there's no been no repaving in 20 years   um that I've lived there there's potholes it's one  lane going one way one going the other there's no   shoulders so you you're going to invite more  commercial um into a dead end Road this road   goes all the way down Neil Road ends onto hillock  you've already approved quite a bit of residential   zoning not only on Bella Grove but behind the  Acres behind there that opted out there's a   total of 400 residential homes to go in there  so commercial is not appropriate uh Neil Road   is not an arterial Road this is not Frontage  to Highway 29 and that testimony was in in the   planning board that's why they were denying it  it this will intrude into our neighborhood um   and the staff never should have approved any  type of lot combination because now it's going   to create split zoning and we're trying to get  away from that industrial is not um not a use   that's going to be allowed in mixed use Suburban  land use so that's why they said they were making   it commercial because they couldn't make it hcli  but it's because it wouldn't get approved under   heavy commercial light industrial you would be  allowing 25 dwelling units per acre right next   to four dwelling units per acre how is that  transitional in a low density residential   area that used to be conservation neighborhood  in the sector plan at three homes per acre now   you're going to allow 25 homes breaker primarily  commercial M Rogers can you please summarize your   final final comment this is spot zoning there's no  commercial nearby and so you should deny this just   like the planning board did 5 to one thank  you okay thank you our next speaker Sharon curn Hi um I just wanted to set the scene a little  bit to let you know about this property um as you   drive north on Highway 29 um you go past um the  entrance to Tate high school you'll see Windixie   on the right and then it's pretty sparse and  you come to the big huge major intersection   that we have in cantonement which is Highway 29  in Mogi where you have the paper mill that's on   two corners you have our beautiful new park that  looks fabulous on one corner and you have a gas   station on the other then from there there are  Zero commercial properties on the west side and   there are very very few commercial properties on  the east side you'll see Wide Open Spaces lots   of green grass lots of trees when you get to Neil  Road and this is what I love about my neighborhood   you turn onto a beautiful two-lane treelined  country road that dead ends into the neighborhood   where I live my family moved to the area for  the opportunity to be in a rural community all   right we wanted to give our CH our children the  chance raise animals we've had horses goats sheeps   turkeys peacocks Pigs and the list goes on we  didn't move out there to be convenient to anything   we didn't we don't want to walk to anything um we  want to go out back we want to see our animals we   any commercial property it has a very good chance  of becoming another vacant building in a future   isore in our community I ask you to please follow  the recommendation of the planning board to not   approve the rezoning um of this property um I  think that we proved at the meeting that it did   not meet the requirements and um I just wanted you  to see a little picture of of one of the reasons   why it doesn't meet that requirement thank you  thank you ma'am our next speaker is um Meredith Bush good evening Meredith Bush 125 East  in tendencia Pensacola Florida 32502 uhor   with Clark Partington an agent for the  applicant um so the planning board did   deny recommend denial based on the one criteria  of spot zoning however I would point out that in   your code spot zoning itself is not prohibited um  the commercial zoning is Transitional between the   low density residential and the heavy commercial  light industrial um they are not separate Parcels   the Lots were combined the maps however were  not updated at the time of the planning board   meeting that's why on the maps it shows the  two distinct Parcels however the lots have   been combined so it is Highway 29 Frontage um if  this board is leaning towards um denying I would   ask that you remand to the planning board for  consideration of high density mixed use versus   a straight up denial tonight happy to take any  questions thank you Mrs Bush that uh concludes   all our speakers uh commissioner Barry this  is in your area yes sir thank you Mr chairman   and and and Meredith may want to may want to  speak to this it's not a specific question but um when I look at rezonings I'm you know and  I've mentioned this many times on aort try to   find a way to uh try to find a way to get the  yes um you know we we can't make our decisions   based on what the proposed project is going to be  on the properties um I haven't I haven't talked   to Meredith nor the owners but uh what I've Been  Told anecdotally uh about the what could go on the   ground at the at the property I'd be supportive  of that I think it's a good idea it's a it's a   matter of trying to find a way to uh uh trying  to find a way to get the project on the ground   um and I don't uh you know it's it's uh you  know potentially a uh a use of business that   we don't have in that area that I I think would be  fantastic so while I would like to try to find a   way to yes my my greater yes is I'd like to try  to find a way to yes to get the project on the ground the fear with the resoning to commercial  is if something were to fall through there's a   there's a proposed project and and you know that  sounds good a lot of things sound good the fear   from my point of view to rezone to commercial  would be as as was mentioned the density and if   the project fell through for you know for whatever  reason which you know projects interest rates have   not come down as uh as much as some had expected  and you know some things are not happening as uh   as quickly as as as people had envisioned you know  six months ago and if you know if something were   to happen and the property not change hands the  contract not be closed then I feel like I would   be opening uh opening my constituents up to a  bad situation having commercial off of Highway   29 and there's a lot of there's there's a lot  of density and intensity that could then go onto   that property and uh that includes multif family  it includes things that I I know that's not the   plan but you never know what happens uh what I'd  like to try to do in Meredith I you know I had   not spoken to you but if that's the intent I I my  comment was going to be I was going to support the   planning board's recommendation for denial with  a comment of trying to work with staff to find   a way to get the project to get on the ground I  I would I would hope there would be another way   I didn't know if there's uh you know a possible  commercial PUD process or something I mean I and   Alison I know this is something I've mentioned to  you many times when we look at the densities you   have to manage the worst case scenario which is  what happens if whatever I think is going to go   on the ground doesn't go on the ground what then  are you know people left with and and decisions   to commercial decisions to MDR decisions to  the higher density zoning categories are you   know large they're they're often considerable  changes in intensity you know uh uh affected   by that by the vote we would make is there is  there a commercial type PUD process we could go   through is there any process we could go through  that would have us approving the project with the   with a resoning change like a like a put because  if the visual of the project I wouldn't have any   issue with that if that's what we if that's what  was impact instances I believe where things have   come through concurrently where we've even had a  flu change and a rezoning and something else that   goes with it but you can't tie the real estate to  a specific project you just we just don't do that   it's just so I mean if it was a if it was a putt  on the residential side we we could be approving a   project we could be approving a layout is that not  is there is there not a commercial it's possible   to do the it would be possible I don't know  that if so one option if you were to remand the   planning board for hdmu to do the project that is  currently being floated would need conditional use   approval so there would be a boa hearing where the  specific projects is considered I mean we would   first have to get that hdmu resoning but we could  still do what we're trying to develop um through   a conditional use in hdmu so if your inclination  is to deny wanting a specific spe but as far as   a commercial PUD I'm not aware of anything like  that all right would what would ldm LMU do would   that have the square footage I understand what  she said I'm asking ldm 30 ldm um I'm not sure   I know hdmu would be 35,000 square fet LMU can I  is it is it possible to ask to have it remanded   back to look at a different without defining the  different zoning category to have them look at it   to to have the planning board consider different  zoning category without defining what different   one a lower intensity use I I'm I'm good with  that Mar thought you know I you know these these   positions you criticize for being pro-development  criticized for being anti-development but in this   case it's a it would be a good it would be a good  project I'd like to find a way to to uh uh to help   and and put that project on the ground I'm sorry  Drew just as a informational item the LMU and HD   CMU both have the conditional use option to go  up to 35,000 square ft okay on that parcel all   right I would prefer then to you know in in a in  an effort to to to try to help I would prefer then   Mr chairman to to make a motion to remand the item  back to the planning board and uh have them assess   the the request at an ldu level and that would  allow your your boa which that hearing could then   be tied to your project and you could you could  show them exactly what you're trying to do and I   thank you Mr chair I'll second it but Steph quick  question I so you manand it back to the planning   board do they still have to go to the board of  adjustments it would be a separate Pro we'd have   to do both yes so they still have to go back to  the board of adjustments even if youand it back   and even even if it's approved here they still are  going to have to go to the boa commiss was it low   density or high density your motion is to send  back to planning board I I missed that I'm sorry   toand back to the planning board and and have them  uh assess the the request with an ldm okay with an   LMU uh zoning category and and and the benefit  that the applicant would then have at at the boa   is at the boa they can take a they can take a uh  a conceptual layout you know site they can take a   site plan you know drawings and uh uh and I think  that you know it's a it would be a good thing but   I'm sorry yeah so Steve so there's not in in your  thought pattern it's not a consideration for the   hdmu is just uh you want you want to remand it  back for them to take a look at the ldm I would   rather them take a look at the ldm just being a  lower intensity than the hdmu I'm you know while   whatever you want to do it's fine I'm just trying  to get clarification I'm trying to I'm you know   trying to take on as small a risk as possible and  the eventual risk if something were to happen the   risk would be much less with an ldm cap with an  ldm designation rather than hdmu so that that's   that's the reason for M if they if they chose to  do a different project other than what's currently   being proposed you could ensure the growth I would  assume yeah and that makes the worst case scenario   to the west of it I would have ldr to and then  this parcel H in that case if we approved ldm so   I would have ldr I would have ldm and then we'd  have the htti that's along Highway 29 which and   you know one of the speakers mentioned there's a  lot a lot of commercial um uh uses on Highway on   the western part of Highway 29 and very few on  the eastart there that may be the case currently   but there are going to be more and more that is  mean we are going to drive try to drive commercial   traffic to Highway 29 I mean that's where that's  where we want it as the as the residential numbers   warrant commercial development which is what  it takes first you got to have rooftops to   have businesses want to be there so as those  things happen we we we want to you know we   want to funnel our commercial Corridor to Highway  29 and and again this hypothetically if it's what   ended up happening would be a great project  in my opinion so commissioner bar do I have   I'm sorry CHR did you have another comment no no  sir I'm sorry Mr goad so the motion is to remand   back to planning board as an ldm and you have a  second is that where we are yeah happy to Second   yes sir Mr chairman uh I'll second that with the  ldm yes sir all right thank you all please vote all right you got to vote go through okay the  motion pass delay 5 z uh since that's the   case do you have a motion to drop 546 yes  so moved second Mr chairman please vote okay and we're up to gmr number five  horse thank you the next resoning uh   request is z20 23-3 how standby it was a  it's an administrative thing and we got   to count the vote and it's just a delay  I'm moving faster than the computer the   the vote passed at 5-0 on dropping 546 let's  move to gmr number five thank you horse yes   so let me slow down um from low density  residential z223 d03 from low density   residential to medium density residential the  planner board did make a recommendation for approval Mr chairman you have a number of speakers  perhaps well yeah we have several speakers okay so   how many we got M we got lots of speakers tonight  no I'm saying on this item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight   nine nine on this item just just this item so Mark  Taylor you're up first and Richard West you're on backup it's exciting all the public citizens  want to talk tonight all right thank you Mr   chairman thank you County Commissioners hey Mar  oh man so uh when I was growing up my mom would   often say I'm not sure if I should laugh or I  should cry and that's kind of how I feel this   is my third time here with you guys over the  last two years and um um you know when I bought   this land and and had some plans for it everything  looked easy know the code of ordinances are very   clearly laid out they give you five Criterion  just follow the law and it works right that's   what you do as Citizens you invest millions of  dollars to try to better your community and uh   and you follow the law and I would have never  in my wildest imagination six Generations spolan   Seventh Generation my four Sons I'm missing  my 8-year-old's birthday right now who turned   today to be here for the third time in two years  and I'd never if someone would told me 3 years ago   that I would have to sue my county that I've lived  in my entire life I just said there's no way no   way I'd ever sue my county they're going to follow  the law just like everybody else does there's this   is not going to happen and I can't believe what  we've been through we came the planning board   unanimously approved this we came here and  it got declined and uh we sued took a year a   year year quar million dollars tied up this land  was on the market for years like five years this   land was on the market any neighbor and I'm very  empathetic a lot of you guys know me or know of   me I'm an empathetic person I live every day to  try to help other people that that's that's the   purpose of my life and I'm very empathetic to the  other nine people that are going to talk against   me today but the bottom line is any nine of those  could have bought this land for a quarter million   dollars over that 5 years but and turned it into  a park and walked their dogs and enjoyed the birds   chirping and everything that do because it it's  a beautiful piece of property and um but but they   didn't I'm the guy that came and I'm the one that  put my quarter million dollars down and I bought   the land for something that was very clearly met  the ordinance to go from low density residential   to medium density residential and now two years  later tens of thousands of dollars in legal   fees the judge agreed with me the planning board  twice has agreed with me the last time one person   did did vote against the newer person who is a  representative um um but unanimous the first time   almost unanimous the second time can we just get  this over with if you want to maybe the ordinances   need to get changed maybe we need to be having  this meeting to figure out what those criteria   should be so that more of these things can get  denied but when I bought this property and when I   applied for this the ordinance is what it was the  testimony is what it was the professional hearing   David stay he's also our engineer of record as  well um guys we're talking about 10 or 11 Lots   about 29 Lots can go on this property the way  it's set up right now at best at best 41 Lots   will go on this property if all the storm WEA and  everything lines up perfect if the stars align we   might be adding 12 Lots 11 or 12 Lots best case  scenario please do what's right let's get this   over with I could tell your passion thank you so  much for your comments Richard West please uh come   up and comment hi Richard Wes 128 Tiffany Drive  um so I'm here today to ask the County Commission   to use their authority to determine that the  documentation provided by the applicant um to   the staff and the planning board in early 2023 did  not provide accurate information for the planning   board to make a correct recommendation for the  County Commission um we'll we'll stick you know   we do have the Criterion to to to do the resoning  um and they're there for a reason um and so   specifically I'm going to go through those three  things Criterion a the proposed resoning would   introduce a density that is incompatible with the  existing subdivision accessed via mtle Court where   the average lot size is approximately a quarter  acre which essentially makes it four units per   acre by definition compatible development should  enhance the usefulness of neighboring developments   and the proposed higher density does not meet that  criteria Criterion B the proposed resoning to MDR   is not consistent with the intent and purp purpose  of the Land Development code the high density of   MDR becomes an issue for consistency with the  low with LDC because the purpose statement for   MDR zoning requires development to feature an  efficient pattern of well connected streets a   condition that's not met by the parcel in question  that parcel is connected to mle court through a   long narrow strip of land if a connection to  Tiffany Drive was approved that only circles   the traffic back around because it's a closed  subdivision um due to that lack of an efficient   pattern of well-connected streets that request is  not consistent with the Land Development code and   therefore does not meet Criterion B Criterion  C the proposed resoning is not compatible with   the surrounding existing residential uses in the  area as stated earlier all of the homes in the   bordering neighborhoods that would be directly  impacted by this amendment are built under LD   our conditions which just because there's a small  mobile home park that's pre-existing does not mean   that piece of property can be rezoned when doing  so would negatively impact the majority of the   surrounding uses so I'm asking that the board of  County Commission uses their either their personal   knowledge of the area to reject the planning  board's recommendation for approval over the   resoning OR at the very least the recommendation  should be sent back to the planning board with   specific instructions to have staff re evaluate  the resoning request with a particular emphasis on   criteria a B and C thank you Mr Wes I appreciate  your comments Roger Moore you're our next speaker yes um I'm Roger Moore I've lived  at 749 Rich Road for 4 Mr Mo will you pull   the mic down so we can just hear you thank  you is that better yes sir okay um I'm Roger   Moore I've lived at 749 Ridge Road for  the past 40 years okay according to the   public hearing that we all received changing  the zoning from low density residential to   medium density residential would allow the  building of 10 duplexes per acre according   to the scambia county tax rols this parcel  is 7.43 Acres potentially 70 new duplexes   or 140 new individual residences would ultimately  mean a large increase of people and vehicles that   would lead to heavier even congested traffic  on Motley and at the only entrance an exit to   the neighborhood 10mile Road at modley we believe  that rental duplexes would change the neighborhood   from a predominantly owner occupied subdivision  with mostly well maintain homes and property   to a non-owner occupied and poorly maintained  neighborhood that we believe would eventually lead   to increased vandalism and crime for the entire  subdivision therefore lowering property values for   the entire subdivision also what is the plan for  sewage management for these duplexes according to   ECUA there is no sewer available close enough  to connect to this parcel to provide sewer   service will there be multiple septic systems  built for these units that would be much more   closely situated than the existing single family  dwellings our entire neighborhood is against this   thank you thank you Mr Moore Raymond Higgins  is our next speaker and James pace is followup good evening as my as you said my name  is Raymond Higgins I live at 10530 mle   court uh I two am absolutely opposed to uh the  rezoning here what Mr West uh told you earlier   was not just his opinion on uh whether this  uh uh plot should be uh rezoned it's actually   the findings of the planning board's experts  they took a look at all the evidence all the   material evidence that had been presented to  the planning board at the initial uh hearing   that was presented to the County Commissioners at  the initial hearing and they changed their mind Miss Rogers say can you validate that that's correct I I think her her comment  is noted he's got a couple Pages   worth of testimony before the planning board um certainly agreed that's not going to be relevant  for purposes of their decision today it was not   introduced at the planning board because the  planning board refused to listen to them they   had it there they had it in the uh pamphlet  that was online I got a copy of it evence for   the interest we want to hear your comments but  we have to play Within the rules of the of what   happened at the planning board so if you could  if you could talk to those points i' it make my   life a little easier sure those those findings  were based on evidence that had already been introduced they're finding that the proposed Zone  would introduce a density that's incompatible with   the existing subdivision access in mle court  where the average size is approximately 2.5 acres m'am M M for your reference the entire  transcript verbatim of that second plan   Board hearing is in your backup the record is  here your goal is just to summarize what you   testified to at that first planning board hearing  um when you testified back in March of 2023 you're   just supposed to summarize those comments we  are not taking new sworn testimony today I'm   not introducing new testimony back at that initial  planning board meeting I had stated that you look   to the east you look to the West uh you don't  show uh the other side of the woods if you look   at the overhead areial you'll see nothing  but to the north east the South residential units there was U we we testified then  that this was uh uh low density it was   not uh middle density while it had been  zoned uh medium density it was in fact   low density housing there now that uh you  take that to conclusion that it is not   compatible with the uh existing housing  that's there having a high has a medium   density housing is not consistent with  the low density housing that is existing there the traffic that also been uh spoken of  numerous times throughout that initial hearing   and at the initial County Commissioner's  hearing as well the entrance way to the   uh uh proposed lot is inadequate for uh  multi-unit uh uh housing it's uh adequate   for perhaps uh low density housing that  it exists but not for a medium density housing and the uh commercial use  that the applicants tried to make   in this lot is just not there the convenience  store the apartment complex is outside of this   neighborhood it's nearly a half mile down 10  Mile Road it is not part of the neighborhood   this neighborhood that's the conclusion  of your time um I just for the record we   you know we aren't at the planning board so  we have to live by the rules of the planning   board I understand that you're concern and  I appreciate your comments I really do but   um we have several other speakers that want to  comment on this thank you Mr James pace you're next I'm James Pace I have lived in the uh mle  Court uh area for 28 years um I'll just summarize   what I said in 2023 there are like nine rows that  feed in to mle court which is a single street that   goes right through our uh our housing areas and  uh I I I don't believe that adding another one   is going to help at all I I believe that it uh  uh got a a potential for traffic congestion and   um I believe it should remain at at low density  that's thank you sir for your comments uh Mrs   Bush I think you're up next I don't you were here  a minute ago oh there you are Meredith come on up and then um Lisa menues after Mrs Bush Meredith  Bush 125 East in tendencia Pensacola Florida 32502   um so I handled the original resoning request  in which the uh planning board found that it   met all criteria and recommended approval as  Mr Taylor testified uh the planning board again   has recommended approval uh we would just hold  the position that we've met all of the resoning   criteria um as required by the code and ask  that you approve the resoning to MDR happy to   take any questions okay thank you um Miss muu  are you oh thank you you're right here in the front good evening my name is Lisa muu and  I proud to represent Mark Taylor and his   uh Calvary uh this property has been the  subject as he said for two years now two   years uh he's had to go to Circuit Court  he's had a judge direct this commission to   do the right thing to not take more evidence at  this hearing to only base your decision on the   record from the planning board um nothing  personal Mr Barry but I'm pointing out   to the new Commissioners that the Circuit Court  said that new evidence that was introduced by   Mr Barry himself was inappropriate that you  shouldn't be looking at your own personal   history of the property you should be looking at  what was presented at the planning board we went   back to the planning board again and the planning  board very clearly you have their record said we   did a good job the first time now remember they  are are people you appointed there are people in   the industry and they found that they had done  a good job listening to all the sides listening   to all of the evidence and that they concluded  again that this project meets all the criteria   and it should be rezoned as Mr Taylor said  you only need to look at what is the increase   and the maximum increase is going to be about 12  Lots because the density changes from 60 feet to   50 feet so there's going to be a subdivision  there regardless it's just a matter of whether   it's going to be something that Mr Taylor can make  affordable which I think housing is something that   we need to be concerned about in this County  it do we have enough affordable housing um so   50ft Lots allows for about 12 more houses that's  it that's the only thing that's different here   we're not looking at any commercial don't hear  any of that there's nothing about commercial   here you're supposed to only look at what are the  possible uses from the existing zoning around it   and the existing zoning is ldr is a HDR it's  the same thing that that we've been trying to   get here the the medium density residential so yes  there's older houses there that are on bigger Lots   but that is not not something that you should  be considering at this point two years is too   long for a small Builder like Mr Taylor to have  to fight to use his land that's all we're asking   approval please thank you ma'am from your comments  Katie hubard is is Katy hubard in the thank you   Katie you're next and then Mara Maples after Katie  thank you good evening my name is Katie hubard I   live at 790 deer Avenue um I'm just here again  to State my disapproval of the requested zoning   changes um I myself am a longtime resident of  the Valley Ridge Neighborhood and I can tell   you from personal experience that if the zoning is  increased to medium it will diminish the quality   of life for the residents in our neighborhood um  specifically this is going to bring in an influx   of people um I know Mr Taylor said that he's only  going to build a certain amount of houses but if   he was actually going to do that I don't think he  would be trying to rezone this to medium density   um he could do it at low density and no one's  stopping him from doing that right now he has the   power to build at low density um so that you know  I feel sorry for you but you could have already   been building um and again there's only one  entrance and that also serves as an exit that goes   in and out of our neighborhood um there is not a  traffic light there it's just not set up for the   amount of people that this would potentially bring  in and um I would just ask you to consider um the   quality of life for the residents who actually  live in the neighborhood and not a builder who's   just trying to come in and make a profit thank  you thank you Miss subard uh Marsha Maple thank you my name is Marsha Maple and I live at 1100  it's Martian Maple I live at 1100 of course   teras Pensacola Florida 32514 thank you  Commissioners for letting us be here this   is number three and the very first time that the  developer brought it to the planning board there   was an HDR request I am a retired Navy Chief when  we did our budgets we always ask higher and what   we wanted and sometimes it worked and sometimes  it didn't but sometimes it came into the middle   and that's what this game is so I am opposing  this as an MDR um it's not compatible to us when   it went back to the planning board after being  remanded by Mr Barry um it was not not allowed   to be no testimony no changes nothing because  that was an an analysis That was supposed to have   been done and that was not able to be presented I  believe believe that does need to be done because   as we've said before there's only one exit one  entrance one exit I've lived there for 28 years   and I live in the back area of the neighborhood  and so when I come forward to the front and we   have accidents right there in the front of monley  court in 10mile road we've had fires we've had   hurricanes so when you start moving from an ldr  to an MDR then you're increasing I understand Mr   Taylor's frustration that he wants to be  at home with his children I was supposed   to be at a movie tonight okay but instead  I'm here and I'm defending my neighborhood   my neighbors I don't mind having an ldr build  you know I'm all about Commerce but please if   that was the case then just stay with what the  original intent was to go from an HDR request   to an MDR request it doesn't mean it you have  the opportun Unity Commissioners to send this   back to the planning board and to have them do a  developmental analysis of the impact according to   criteria C and compatibility because it's not  compatible with us you have the opportunity to   make this right the situation continues to be  a chess game a golf migan if you want if you   say playing checkers okay just for an opponent's  desire to make a change you Commissioners have   an opportunity to make it right we continue to  state that this change is not compatible for our   neighborhood and we have the right to be listened  to and to be taken into account and to let it go   back I am not an attorney so I do know that from  that HDR to MDR when we went in for the MDR in   March of 23 it was already prejudicial and biased  and I am not an attorney but I do know those two   legal terms when the recommendations was from  MDR even though they listened to us they just   Heards and they went straight to MDR please send  it back and remand it for a full analysis thank   you very much Happy Holidays thank you Miss Mel  that concludes all our speakers um board any   comments on this yeah Mr chairman if you don't  mind yeah please thank you thank you Miss menu Bond yes commissioner yeah and I certainly didn't  take your comments personally but what you did   reference the judge's order so what what exactly  did you perceive that to say well I I think you   have a copy of it in your record about that you  committed error by including evidence at this   hearing uh about your personal knowledge of the of  the the neighborhood and that you also failed to   apply the correct uh Land Development code section  uh looking at the existing uses surrounding as   opposed to the uh the existing zoning and what  could be allowed there okay is that is that what   you told the planning board when we had remanded  it back there uh I think we did talk about what   the Circuit Court said and they did have uh the  I believe staff gave them the order so our our   board did clearly asked the planning board to to  reconsider the criteria see the compatibility with   surrounding uses I mean there's no dispute in I  mean that's what our board asked for right I I   think that the motion speaks for itself okay well  so what was there was a case that you referenced   multiple times in your testimony to the planning  board to to to make them not um it certainly you   mentioned it many times and it seemed to have  a lot of sway with the board members do you   mind briefly just educating my board a little  bit about that well appears that you know all   about it commissioner Barry you could speak to it  yourself but this is another Cas I'm not on the   record speaking on on the record in the planning  board I'm curious as to what your take on it was   because I do have that record so what do you  mind explaining it sure uh it's another case   against es scambi County that took place a  couple of years ago it was a case that came   out of the board of adjustment and it concerned  a Dollar General and it was very similar in that   uh the case had come up and gone down and the  county had tried to open the evidence again and   tried to give the opponents a second bite at the  Apple that's what the court said and the county   was found in contempt for allowing that to happen  and that they had to uh the county was supposed to   follow the LDC and um that's what it said and I  gave the I gave the lawyers a copy of that case   okay and I mean would you consider an action that  the board of adjustment took that was adjudicated   to be the same as ours I mean is that Apples to  Apples I I did talk to them about that being a   boa case and they acknowledged that and several  of the board members had been involved in it um   and you had Council there the county had Council  there and they addressed it also but I think that   if you read the um actual minutes of that meeting  and the transcript of it you'll see that it wasn't   so much that case it was that the planning board  members took offense that your board had somehow   suggested that they had not done a complete and  full review of this application the first time   and they felt like they had done that and they  didn't want to go back and do it again well you   I mean you were the first person to tell them  what a good job they did and then and then a   couple of them did speak up and say yeah you  know I guess we did do a good job but I mean   you were the one that originally said they did a  very good job I I I'm not sure why I'm having a   legal discussion with you commissioner but um I  do think they did a good job okay it's it's this   is the it's the verbatim minutes from the meeting  that precedes this not a legal discussion I mean   these are your statements that were made did you  okay so but it you mentioned the teramore Dollar   General case about a half dozen times probably  during that plane board did you mention to them   what ended up happening with that decision I did I  told them that there was a contempt order and that   eventually the contempt order was uh I believe the  Dollar General was built what was the decision not   vacated it was after discussions with the county  the judge's decision was vacated by by the judge   by subsequent judge yes yeah after discussions  with the county you don't and is that part of what   we're discussing today well I think it's pertinent  when you make statements to the planning board   members to put fear I I if I sat for five years  on the planning board if you had told me that I   would have been afraid of being in contempt well  but you didn't tell them that the decision was   then vacated by the next judge but not because of  it being wrong well why do you think the decision   vacated because has there been discussions  with the county about how to resolve it okay okay thank you miss m so you know I'm not  sure what the purpose commissioner Barry but you   know in the last meeting I asked you to recuse  yourself because you seem to have personal um   unusual um bias against Mr Taylor and his  his project and you never did address that   last time you just I'm not going to recuse  myself I have responsibility to represent my   constituents which I'm going to do I have no I  have no conflict in the neighborhood I have no   conflict with Mr Taylor I've never had a cross  word with him before um but you will follow the   law right well and I I'm not sure that I  agree with exactly what you said that the   judge said I'm going to read verbatim What the in  summary the court finds the respondent denied the   petitioner its due process and departed from the  essential requirements of law when a commission   offered new evidence during deliberations without  affording the petitioner an opportunity to rebut   the same in the absence of the commissioner's  comments it's not evident the respondent would   have found competent subst substantial evidence to  support the decision so that's what she based on   that was the decision no I don't believe in Judge  Fred jovic's decision she said that I did anything   wrong it says you committed error you just  left that part out no I I read the verbatim the   conclusion would me to read it I have it I made an  error in not allowing the petitioner to respond to   rebut my comments and that is my mistake I did not  know that once we closed the public comments that   my statements were open to rebuttal and that's  that's my mistake and that's what the judge I'm   you you you've been accusing me of not telling  everybody everything this board has the order   and the order is long and in that discussion not  the final paragraph it talks specific specifically   about the errors committed by commissioner Barry  and why his interjection into that discussion was   wrong and that's why you can't do that at your  level um I'm just following the law that's my   job is to help you understand you have a great  attorney over here who has been doing the same   thing tonight she's been telling you don't add new  evidence you're supposed to be basing this on the   record the record before the planning board was  that this applications met every criteria and that   they felt like they had done a full and complete  review of the application there was no competent   substantial evidence at the planning board to deny  it commission and that's what this statute your   ordinance says if there's no competent evidence to  deny it you have to approve it and that's exactly   what the judge in this case said also he read it  just now that there's absent Mr Barry's comments   at that last meeting she did not see anything in  the record to support a denial he just read it   thank you m m thank you m comments on this yeah I  do so I'll quote what Miss menu may be responding   to as well that it's evident from the record and  seemingly conceded in the respondents brief that   the commissioner's analysis goes beyond the record  evidence its defense is impact in part that quote   it is expected and beneficial for a commissioner  to have familiarity with Parcels of land within   their district end quote while that may be true  the court finds the commissioner's comments went   beyond General familiarity and because of that the  petitioner should have given an opportunity to be   heard in response again so there's two references  to that that being the mistake I believe and I I   love the staff I love the folks on the planning  board they do a good job I know how thankless it   is the planning board part probably the staff  part as well the assessment of the compatible   with surrounding uses that is what that is what  I disagree with and I you know you look at you   look at what the zoning is I see that that is it  looks as if it's compatible it is not compatible   with what's on the ground that is what I found  that is what I found fault with that was my issue   I'm told don't it's not a great leg to stand on  what I you know I've got no intent to you know   to have lengthy drawn out Court proceedings one  of the one of the speakers who I you know uh uh   mentioned a couple of times the reference to  the duplexes I don't believe that's anything   that can happen um because of the previous zoning  of the property I don't believe any multif family   can go on the property and and horse the planning  director is nodding in in agreement with that so   what we're looking at is how many single family  dwellings can you get on the property and I think   the ldr is appropriate I understand that's not  uh that's not what our staff said that's not   what the planning board said you know we all have  a responsibility to represent our constituents   whatever whatever the majority of the  board needs to do is commissioner Barry   I think and you know this is one of the  areas I'm learning as I go and I'll just   be honest um but I I do think we're we're  in a situation where if I was in your seat   I understand where you're at but I think we  should take the recommendation illegal which   way to go forward honestly I uh unless  you think there's another out here that   but Allison what's your recommendation  on moving which way to go forward with this I I can't make the decision for you well  I know that but you give me a you all have to   make the decision um the judge freder hov's order  makes it very clear that you should disregard the   comments that commissioner Barry made during  the bcc's first consideration of this matter   that you should not con consider that this  evening as part of your decision- making   you have before you a record from the planning  board and that may very well be true her reason   for that is that they were not given the  opportunity to rebut my comments I just   want to be clear no one is referencing that I  did anything inappropriate by my comments if   they were not given the process to rebut I was not  aware of that I was not made aware of that at the   time that's this is my that's my mistake yes and  this is my interpretation of what of this order   that we're referring to which is Judge frederic's  order your tasked with making a decision on the   rezoning request there is a record you should  disregard the comments from the previous BCC   deliberations made by commissioner Barry you have  a recommendation for approval of the resoning request that that is what is before you um  but Madam attorney and you know it's it's   it's hard for me in in full disclosure Mark and  I our friends um it's hard for me to go against   any commissioner as it relates to their District  if this was sent to the courts who has Superior   power over any commission I mean didn't this  judge have the ability to rule in the favor I   mean sending it back put it back for us to make  a decision whereas this judge could have made a   decision correct the judge does not in my opinion  have a legal right to Grant a rezoning or give   a zoning category that's a separation of powers  problem but what she did was she but she didn't   give us did she give us a recommendation on what  decision to make I mean other than disregard the   statements and to rehear what was said well  I mean I can interpret from what she's saying   that if you from what she's saying this is what  you all dealt with the last time this came to   the board she's saying minus the comments from  commissioner Barry it would it is not evident   that the respondent would have found competent  substantial evidence to support its decision to   deny the resoning request which is what we did  so when it came back the last time the board   remanded it to the planning board which ended  up in this procedural um Boomerang that's now   sent it back to you all I would encourage you  to look at your planning board's recommendation in combination with the Judge Fred jovic's  order and come to some conclusion commiss   Barry I I'm sorry no I'm sorry I think you're  done commissioner keep on I mean is this in your   opinion Madam councel is this another one that  we could not REM back to the planning board I am   discouraging that you've already sent it back once  they've sent it back we sent one earlier back and   we sent it again what I don't want is I don't want  you all to be accused of trying to sidestep Judge   Fred jovic's order by continuing to Boomerang so  is her order for us to approve it I mean I'm not   going to sidestep any judge I mean if the judge  is saying approve it I mean it's approved neither   the judge nor I can tell you that you have to  approve it but if you're going to do something   else you're going to need to find the competent  substantial evidence in the record to support   that other conclusion commissioner Hoffer so my  concern here is that we have Horus and Andrew that   run an entire department we have people that  we have put on the board to help decide these   things and we can't set up here and continuously  overturn those I get you sending yours back CU   you had a very specific concern and it was more  like solve this problem and come back to me so I   understand that this is the third time around  and we've already been to court so as someone   who doesn't believe in going to court and taking  the recommendation of an attorney I think we need   to make a decision so I'm trying to be clear  right now we're deliberating so and commiss   I hear exactly where you going I'm I'm trying to  get a clear understanding from the attorney what   is the recommendation what is clear I mean I'm  going to always take the advice of a judge and   attorney if it's clear advice I mean there's no I  mean get I mean it has be clear I mean in I don't   know if it's black and white at this point so Ian  it seems you know right to me in terms of what   the judge says and what you're saying so Al are  you saying that legally we need to approve this   or you saying that we the judge sent this back  back for this board to make a decision based on   evidence and testimony that we've got the judge  can't make the decision for you by separation of   powers you have to make the decision by judge's  order you need to take out the comments from the   commissioner look at your record the record has  from 2023 it's got evidence in it and based on   that evidence your planning board is recommending  approval of the resoning if you are coming to any   other conclusion I would recommend you look in  that record and find the competent substantial   evidence to support another conclusion well I'm  not a lawyer so I'm not going to go find that   information I mean is that information there in  your opinion is I say is that information there   in your opinion yes um the judge is hinting  that she is concerned that it may not be there I mean she says she doesn't know that with  minus that's minus comments she's not sure it's   there and you didn't get any additional  testimony or record evidence when it went   back to the planning board there's no additional  stuff added so commiss Barry I I think the board   supported you on this I know this is I read  the order and it seems like she we're getting   direction unless you could pull something out to  send it back to planning board my recommendation   is to take the pill and move forward but I I  you know I think that we were on your side I   I know we respect each other in these things but  I think honestly I don't know where we're going   to end up if we I I I think we're in a vice now  and I think we need to move forward and I respect   your position and I just I don't know I think we  should prove it um unless you can suade me some   way not to reading that order Steve I mean can you  you know it's it's difficult for me to you know   because I want to support Commissioners as they  support their consti I mean do you feel that you   have points in which you can remand it back that  you feel comfortable in sending you that would   not put us in a problem yeah I mean told because  I don't want to go to court I mean because I I   mean you know the unfortunate thing you know we're  we're kind of oh for the postseason you know and I mean I think what we're hearing from a judge  and legal Steve is that's where it lands I mean   I just think that's where it lands I mean I don't  want to go to listen and obviously commissioner be   you know I I will support you and you know and  where you are and um but if legal is telling   us and you know I we had a you know obviously  there were situations previous with other board   members where advice of the legal department  wasn't taken and uh up in the loss of you know   lawsuits and so I don't well commissioner have  a motion to move this forward because we still   have quite a bit going on tonight yeah it's  it's regrettable that the that there wasn't   advice given that evening that said in light of  your comments commissioner we should allow the   pl of counsel to rebut your comments because  I think that could have avoided uh the what   appears to be the substance of the order but that  didn't happen so nonetheless I understand but yeah   do do what I know we have other items yeah I  well I mean there's no more item that's more   important than the constituents that you represent  because when it's an issue that's important to the   citizens of District 3 I mean I don't care what  the delay is I'm going to try to represent the   constituents that elected me to the best of my  ability without reservation commission bar if   you feel there's some tool to go back I mean the  planning board I will but I think we should move   forward unless you really feel passionate to go  down this route again I think we should approve it   I have pushed and proed and pulled and poked and I  cannot I don't know what that to is Mike okay well   and commissioner Barry and I don't want to end up  I mean I'm sick of the litigation and the ca to   to to Citizens um on things that we don't have to  litigate you know and from preach uh commissioner   May preach so in this the want go to Black Baptist  Church but you know if you want me to anytime   after 8:00 I'm going to preach all night in the  spirit of saying out of litigation I make a motion   that we move forward with the recommendation  of the board okay I second it okay please vote okay motion passes 4 to one with Steve  Barry voting no okay do I have a motion   where we at 54 yeah do I have a motion to approve   547 the adoption of ordinance 020  20233 I make a motion is there a second second please vote okay I'm waiting for the result motion passes 5 to zero horse run  gmr 5. 548 yes sir this is for to   review and transmit to Deo this is  to for an opt out request uh we we   have four speakers on this transmit  um jacqulyn Rogers you're up first I'm always first okay in the analysis for this so  when is a when is a master plan just a suggestion   plan when it's in Escambia County this was passed  in 2011 over a million dollar worth of resources   have gone into passing the sector plan this is  the 13th opt out it says in the staff analysis   the balance between the work and the and the  homes are in you know getting out of balance   continually this was passed to allow development  in previous agrarian land so you went to the state   you said this is what we're going to do this is  where we're going to protect natural resources   and every time these come up you guys say not  obviously not all of you but yep yep we're   going to opt out there's no data in analysis to  support the storm water is ready under the storm   water this is from conservation neighborhood  three houses per acre to mixu Suburban 25 units   per acre which allows commercial this is what  the staff said this amendment itself will not   rely on storm water requirements or calculations  why not why does not the staff not have to do   that and Jay ingwell the district one planning  board member has asked the staff to can do the   maximum that is allowed if you're going to allow  by opting out you're going to allow it to go into   mix use Suburban then you guys have to do the  calculations for that uh on the um analysis   for the Road they say over here that it's a  two-lane road there's no improvements there's   no pave shoulder but you're going to let it opt  out to mix use Suburban 25 dwelling units per acre   it's surrounded by conservation neighborhood  the application said it's surrounded by hcli   but it's not those other properties have not  opted out you guys can't keep making Master   plans and then throwing them out when they don't  fit the developers that you want to do them for talked about the infrastructure here it says  the 13th this plan could uh changes to the   variations of any original data used for the  plan could hinder the balance and viability of   attaining the sector plan goals and objectives so  basically you did a bait and switch you opened it   up for the developers to do the heavier density  but you didn't protect the existing residents um   you're changing the fin the the final design in  natural environment they said as stated in the   sector plan document that this daap contains  significant Wetlands that are regulated by   the state and the final design was to avoid  and minimize Wetland impacts to the greatest   extent possible well that's great that's what  the sector plan did did they do an analysis   if you opted out of the sector plan what that  would be to the natural environment no they're   just quoting things from the sector plan to opt  a property out of the sector plan this is not   making sense the 13th property that's been  opted out I feel sorry for Bula has a master   plan I feel sorry for Puro key because you  guys don't respect a million dollars that you   spent on a master plan thank you Mrs Rogers your  people want consistency whether it's going to be   up zoning or not we want consistency thank you I  appreciate your comments Mrs Bush you're up next Meredith Bush 125 East intendencia  of Pensacola Florida 32502 uh so I   represent the applicant in this opt out um  we did present to the planning board and um   met all criteria required the planning  board has recommended that you opt out   the parcel I'm happy to take any questions  okay thank you standby our next speaker is   Stephen Harris is Stephen Harris still here  did he leave going once going twice okay our   next speaker is Kenneth Harris is Kenneth  Harris here all right I don't see them they   may have left um board that's the conclusion  of our speakers um have a motion or yeah Mr   chairman I move the 548 to uh uh to approve the  opt out is there a second second please vote Comm Mr may please [Music] save I know it's get  we're getting used to this again yeah yeah I yet   good motion passes 5 to zero 549 it's a 549 distes  to review and approve the scamman county Landfield   crushing U recycling permit do we have any  speakers we actually do okay how many one uh Larry DS Larry DS Junior Plumbing LLC because  FAL matters all right uh this is I spoke   on this one last year believe youall  got to do this every year approve   your own permit is that right is that  what we're talking about here yes yep uh whenever y'all got to approve a permit  for your own operation you know how you   kind of Turn Down other people's permits  for their operation in the private sector   and when you're approving your own why don't we  develop a committee where we can advise y'all   you know just so we don't have problems  like y'all just had you know with Barry   you know maybe maybe one of y'all you know could  go with or against a committee who would advise   y'all to do this or not because I know we have  private sector uh asphalt and concrete crushing   uh operations and I know that generally you don't  like them to have it CU that's a competitor so uh   so I'm not I'm not really uh I'm not really for  y'all doing this so why don't y'all vote against it Larry I never thought I'd hear you say you  want more government that's the first time   no I want you to vote against it vote against  your own permit okay there's no more speakers   um do I have a motion to move this move to  motion I'm sorry I second okay please vote motion passes 5 z um let's move to gmr action  i1 yes sir this is concer appointments for the   professional advisory commit um committee um  candidate a through D okay there's no speakers   team there's no speakers can get a motion  to approve yes I'm sorry please okay yeah   second we got to keep trucking here you  have a second I know yall getting tired   but you're going to be here later if  we don't get to work all right I got   a motion by commissioner Barry and  a second by commissioner may please vote motion passes 5 Z gmr 22 cyh code subdivision  permit to review I mean to approve final plat   all right do we have any speakers tostain  do we have any speakers no all right let me   read my exstension please I Stephen Barry hereby  disclos on December 12 2024 a measure came before   my agency which inur to the special gain or loss  of Ryan Shavers by whom I am retained the measure   before my agency and the nature of my conflicting  interest in the measure is as follows the scambi   County Board of County Commissioners meeting  December 12 2024 growth management report item   22 concerning Cypress Cove subdivision per permit  FP 249 3812 pd- FP presents a conflict of interest   pursuant to statute 112. 3143 Florida Statutes or  the appearance of a conflict of interest pursuant   to statute 28601 to Florida Statutes because  Ryan Shavers who is a principal of Northwest   Florida land deals LLC is one of the owners of  Cypress Cove Development LLC and Ryan is my client   okay thank you do I have a motion to approve uh  gar 2-2 a through d motion second okay please vote motion passes 40 with commissioner  Barry abstaining uh horse gmr 23 yes sir   Sanctuary subdivision final  plan approval okay we don't   have any speakers is there a motion  to approve a through D A through d   I'm sorry Mr chairman I move the item a  through D is there a second second please vote thank you we got gmr today motion passes  5 Z three gark consent agenda agenda January   the 9th okay do we have a motion to appr approve  the consent agenda a through E I make a motion   to approve is there a second second please vote  thank you it was that was good gmr for report   tonight Horus good for the end of the year next  time maybe we can have a few more items so haris   on the opt out we've the first public hearing was  tonight for the sector plan it was to transmit to   review and transmit but then in January we'll have  second of two public if it comes it got to go to   Tallahassee if it come back yes sir so it it'll  be in Tallahassee and back by January is what   you're saying that is our goal but what if it's  not in I mean then we we we have to reschedule   it okay it got it got to be blessed and Tass yes  sir because what I was understanding that because   of everything in Tallahasse at the holidays  it wasn't going to be bad yes sir so you're   not worried about that you'll just reschedule it  at yes sir if so we schedule yes sir all of the   items where we schedule for those that have  to go to T yes sir okay thank you very much   let's move on to the county administrative  report Wes thank you Mr chairman sorry   vote pass Five Z this has got to speed up that's  only delay I mean all right let's move on to the   county administrative report thank you Mr  chairman 26 items on the technical Public   Service consent agenda there are no changes  please hold for speakers car 1-1 and car 1-13   okay Mr chairman I move the balance thank you is  there a second I make a second second please vote commissioner man I know you're getting  tired but you got saved yeah no no hold   on please Mike um two can we hold two24  we're in car one I'm car I mean car 1244   sure Daniel 124 all right I I I'm sorry I in  my motion to uh to move the balance of the   of the consent agenda removing 1-24 as well okay  thank you I have second second all right please vote okay motion passes 5 all right 1-1 the  recommendation concerning acceptance of the 2024   affordable housing advisory committee incentive  plan review report uh Leslie Yandel or yand thank you and good evening I am Leslie andle I am a resident  of District 4 and am also a just research   Committee Member as you probably know the for  housing advisory committee is required to exist   under chapter 420 of the Florida Statutes but it's  more than this the the committee is comprised of   up to 11 city and county staff members a member  of the city council and a county commissioner   and dedicated citizens with diverse skills  and housing experience who are dedicated to   understanding the affordable housing needs and  making recommendations it bothers me that there   are over 2,000 children in grades K through  12 in a scambia county that do not have safe   consistent place to lay their heads at night  there are over 1,700 households below 80% area   median income paying an excess of 30% of their  earnings for apartment rentals they are considered   converdant they are having to make very difficult  choices every day between food medicine utility   bills paying their housing the need is large and  the impact of it is heart-wrenching perhaps you   may have read in the p&j today that the nonprofits  sleep in Heavenly peace they've built more than   800 beds for kids so that they don't have to  sleep on the floor Family Promise is providing   transitional housing for families with kids many  of Home many of these would have been considered   homeless if not for Family Promise so we know  that there are many nonprofits and church churches   doing their part to reduce the impact of the lack  of affordable housing on families the big problem   is the supply there is not enough supply of  affordable housing and rentals to meet the demand   at the price levels that people can afford to pay  we need system systemic Improvement and removal   of barriers so that we can increase the supply of  affordable housing not just treating the symptoms   the aack report before you I think you all have  a copy this was presented and as I understand it   the recommendation is that it be um accepted and  acknowledged accepted and acknowledged I am here   to ask that not only do you accept it that you  agree to the recommendations being offered by the   ahac committee that will serve to incentivize and  encourage the building of affordable housing and   if necessary I can go ahead and identify specific  sections Miss Handel your time's up I you know I   got interest of time I know your passionate  for this but we may have some discussion but   I'll give you 15 more seconds okay many of these  have to do with giving preference under different   circumstances for affordable housing but there  are an additional three recommendations made at   the end of the incentive report I ask that you  consider those very carefully thank you thank   you for your attention I appreciate your comments  M Handel I know your passion for affable housing   um I don't know if everyone's had a chance to read  this uh Neighborhood Services is ever still here   or or Claire is here they recommended to accept  and approve the recommendations commissioner May   you're on the affordable housing I don't know if  you had a chance to look at all them and if you   agree with them yeah I mean I've read them I mean  I and I agree with the speaker and and and the   passion that she's had and I mean obviously we're  doing everything we possibly can for affordable   housing it's been my number one initiative uh  but I do agree with the recommendations of the   staff uh personally so are you going to modify to  adopt the recommendations or accept what what was   put to accept and acknowledge the report which  is I think there's a disconnect and there's a   couple things in there in tiny houses Community  Land Trust there's several different ones which I   some of them I support some I think historically  the board has had um some some concerns about   right uh I mean you know I mean it's not far  off I mean from where it is I mean I don't   see where the staff recommendations are going  to impact affordable housing okay and they're   the subject matter matter matter experts I mean  they didn't consult me on it but I I certainly   have read it and you know appreciate the work  that they've done in their recommendations I   guess I would just ask um if you want to make  a motion then or do you want yeah I'll make a   motion to accept staff recommendations I'll second  it okay so we have a motion and second um please vote okay motion passes 5 then West  Carl 1-13 the recommendation concerning   certificates of public convenience and  necessity for the provision of advanced   life support and or basic life support  services in escamia County Miss jacqulyn Rogers okay just briefly I was need to ask for  clarification on this because I was going to   congratulate you on this step I thought it was an  increase of coverage um whereas like HCA Florida   West was able to now go from their emergency  departments to their hospital and not just take   patients home or to a nursing home but I'm we  were being told by CMR that this is not not a   change so if you guys know maybe um commissioner  hoffberger would know since she's been working   on this uh I do applaud having lifeu be back up  for transfers because obviously that will take   the pressure off the crews that are responding um  so this is a good first start so I'd like to know   is this a change because I perceive it as a change  reading the copcn the certificate of needs but um   it's a good start to deal with the unacceptable  wait times for the ambulances but I'm asking   asking you guys also to start taking the statistic  again of how many times we go unavailable because   I hear about it you guys should know about it to  make informed decisions and unavailable for how   long and what kind of calls because they're not  always low Acuity calls the other thing that I'm   asking you to do is start timing response times  from when the 911 call was not from when they   transferred it from one truck that one couldn't  make it so then they transfer to another so those   are requests but I do applaud you for doing this  we do need to more properly staff the this this   you need to budget for more more people um you  need from what I'm hearing at least eight more   on the daytime and six more on the nighttime crew  you can say you're fully staffed but that's only   fully staffed from what you guys have in your  budget that's that's deceptive so until we have   an acceptable National Norm response time that's  what I'm asking you but good job on this I know   I'm always saying the bad things thank you very  much for doing thank you Commission hoffberger   you have a comment yeah that was the main reason  that I ran we are tracking those times now that is   an upgrade that Chris Watts has put into place or  chief Watts um this is also adding some additional   Service Chief watts do you want to come up here  and elaborate on what this is Eric Eric Chief yeah adding and we are recruiting for those positions  as well we're doing a a really good job on that   thank you what does this do uh commissioner  I'm yeah okay thank you can you clarify this   yes good evening uh so one of the things we aim  to do with the copcn and the changes that we are   making is to uh afford HCA in this case the  ability to do more of the transfers instead   of just taking patients home being able to move  patients from their freestanding ER that's in   Puro Bay back to their main hospital and bring  patients from outside the county back to their   main hospital so it should be it should be an  increase in the service that they can provide   is this a financial impact to our bottom line  and transports uh anytime that somebody else   takes a transport within the county it is it is  a financial impact to our bottom line for EMS   yes what do you think that Financial impact is  I don't have those numbers with me we get first   rer refusal we yes we do get first rer refusal  for the transport so there's really no way to   calculate that currently and and I also think  it's important that we highlight the fact that   the most important thing is getting the patient  to the help that they need not the fact that the   county makes money off of that correct thank you  for seeing that so and with the hospitals even so   canise companies provide transport through the  nursing homes like um to the hospital or back   and forth the nurs home we still be doing that so  currently the way the copcn is written if if we're   discussing HCA specifically they can take patients  out of their main hospital and back to home or to   Skilled nursing facilities and they can also bring  them from their freestanding emergency department   in purito back to their main hospital but not at  independent um nursing homes correct they wouldn't   pick them up there and bring them to the hospital  that would still be our responsibility that would   still be us okay any further comments commission  may um I want to applaud commissioner hoffberger   for taking this on and um I appreciate what you're  doing Chief wats I um I know that we've you guys   have taken some arrows over over there but uh  I do believe that we're going in the right way   we've got eight new ambulance if I remember that  right quick to anyone new okay so more than I that   that calculated and the staff so I just want to  highlight for the community we're listening to   you we're we're working to make it better and um  I think from some of the comments we got it and   um uh I think it's getting better thank you Chief  Watson Eric for what you're doing and I hear good   things coming that way so do I have a motion to  approve I make a motion to approve excuse I said   I said we have over 20 new analyses on the way  there's three on the agenda tonight yeah all right   second second still stands Mr chairman okay thank  you please vote but Eric will you stay around   I'm probably gonna have some more questions  toward the end of the night absolutely sir thank okay that passes 5 to zero uh I think  the next one holding for commissioner May 124   commissioner May we're holding 124 it's on the uh  committee assignments thank you Mr chairman and   and thank you for an awesome job of of pitting  the assignments and most of the Social Service   things i' I've been there I was I I know that  as I read them commissioner strob Berger was on   Area Housing which is um that I've been working on  probably even before I was elected and I was put   on the uh community action I was just yielding  Mr chairman to see could we just switch those   to uh between Area Housing and Community Action  when I put these together obviously I was just   trying to have Equitable assignments on the  Committees I'm glad to give them up no no no   I know I I appreciate that what I think what you  know as you can see I think Steve had all his if   if commissioner um stroberg is willing to make  that change I have no issue with it are you good   to see what's the change commun the action versus  Area Housing I'll change all right thanks that was   very nice to you Steve thanks Steve okay and then  the only one else the other one on there I didn't   have a chance to get in touch with um The Early  Learning Coalition wasn't it which one yeah Early   Learning Coalition so I'll try to reach out to her  tomorrow and other than that I'd like to move U   the appointments except for that one till I talk  to her and if I she does not want that assignment   we can bring it back in I didn't hear you see um  it's Early Learning Coalition she has been on it   for a while I reached out to her and I haven't got  in touch with her and so I'll call again tomorrow   that's the only one I want to hold off till um I  get would you want to do that I mean I make them I   mean well I'd like to talk to her see if she wants  to you know if we have people that want the jobs   and they're excited about them I I have no problem  keeping them on there do you have a comment   commissioner bar I'm sorry what was it did you  have an alternative no I didn't so I mean if you   want it I guess I don't want I would think it'd be  good for the cheer I mean Early Learning Coalition   is doing a lot of good work their meetings bus  their meetings their meetings are normally on   Thursday that there's their their meetings are  normally in conflict with our meetings yes is   that why you know all right so unless everyone  else has a problem I'll reach out to her and if   she still wants to stay on it we'll keep her on  there okay anybody else submit wantan to be on   it one more time I didn't hear that I'm I'm sorry  Mr sham did anyone else show interest in serving   on it it say she didn't reach out to you no one  else so um that's where we're at on that so if   if you with the changes with putting commissioner  May back on I'll I'll move the item Mr chairman   affordable housing and Steve on um Command  action make a second all right thank you please vote change change call okay motion passes  5 to zero Mr chairman there are 70 items   on the Budget Finance consent agenda  there are no changes please hold card   2-54 so commissioner Mary can abstain hold for  speakers card two one uh sorry 2-7 2-8 2-4 and 2-32 do I have a motion to move the balance I  make a motion to move the balance I'm sorry Mr   chairman do you do you mind holding five  as well just okay sure let's hold car 2-5 yeah yeah with 70 of them you sometimes any other ones that you held 27 uh no I don't think we did hold 27  right we one we don't have 2 no we don't have that   one held you want to hold two to 27 yes 27 uh 28  29 27 28 and 29 did I hear Comm Mr strober do you   have any your your want to hold no okay I'm good  okay so I have a motion to move the balance the   second so move all right and commissioner  B will read the second yep okay please vote okay motion passes 5 to zero okay what we want hold  car 2-4 first for speaker uh does commission m   going go you want to do your Obion car 2-54  yeah whichever one we'd like to do sure so I   Steven Barry hereby disclos on December 12 2024  measure came before my agency which inur to the   special gain or loss of Brian Shavers by whom  I am retained measure before my agency in the   nature of my conflicted interest in the measure  is as follows the scambi County Board of County   Commissioners meeting December 12 2024 County  administrators report item 2-54 concerning the   contract award for the general Paving and  drainage agreement PD 22- 23126 presents a   conflict of interest pursuant to statute  11231 Florida 3 Florida stat 43 Florida   Statutes with the appearance of a conflict  of interest pursuant to statute 28612 Florida   Statutes because Ryan Shavers owner of  Shavers construction is my client okay   thank you um do at this point do  we have a motion to um move uh 254 that's where we're voting  second all right please vote motion passes four to zero with  commissioner Barry abstaining car   2-4 the recommendation concerning  resolution to convey County owned   properties for development of affordable  Workforce housing speaker is Larry DS Jr Larry DS Junior Plumbing LLC because FAL  matters I know y'all getting tired of hearing   that just give me a call when you need some  Plumbing though uh these are the uh how many lots   are these was it 17 let me find it on here I don't  got here we go right there conveyant 14 so I some   of y'all weren't up here but about 5 years ago  I brought a uh Lum Barry was here um I brought a   a big poster board that was actually made by  somebody in the in the permit office he's now   dead but he did an excellent job on it and he  listed all the properties that our County owns   not State not federal not the school district  not the city just the county and it was a slew   of properties I mean it was uh I think it was  like 780 something buildings and then like 11   or 12200 properties I have to bring it up here  but I want to get it redone so that I can see   where we're at uh and I don't know how long or  how y'all acquired these properties uh I'm I'm   assuming probably through some sort of grab  of some sort you know with fines and all all   types of stuff I mean any y'all can grab  it all kind of ways but um why why don't   why don't we auction these properties off why  why we affordable housing is is a that's an   oxymoron I mean what makes houses unaffordable  is our government I've told yall this before   I mean the more government you have the more  unaffordable Everything is Everything so you're   going to give these properties uh says adopt  a resolution authorizing the conveyance of 14   county-owned properties to the City of Pensacola  for development of affordable workplace housing   man that's that's you know Republicans shouldn't  be for this type of stuff y'all should just put   them up on the auction block and let the  private sector do their thing don't you   think I mean wouldn't that be a good idea if  you're for limited government I mean really if   you're for limited government and you're for uh  free markets that's what you'd do anything the   government touches doesn't seem to get better  it seems to get worse so so I'm not for this   I'm for y'all to vote this down put it on the  market let let the people buy it in an auction   adios thank you Mr DS there's no further speakers  I'm move item Mr chairman a second okay please vote uh motion passes 5 to zero Mr  chairman we have item number seven   2-7 the recommendation concerning  change order number one to purchase shoulder yeah Mr chairman I  I'm sorry Mr administrator   I asked to hold five okay just is Clara here yeah and I I certainly support support these  projects and and certainly support this I don't   not familiar with the property but certainly  support the project but we have been getting   a lot of participation on our bidding and  we only got one bid on this what what what   do we think that's due to did you talk to any  of the other folks we have awarded these two   recently the rehab yeah it is this is for um  housing rehab for this home and uh it was in   it was in like a d need of repairs and so um  of course schafers was the lowest bidder in   this process what you saying is there was another  biders how many biders did you have how many it doesn't it's not in the background we did put it  in the in the background of the um proc usually   it's it's more than three we usually get more  than three biders it goes out to 100 over 100   U contractors yes sir okay I just don't have  it in front of me do you have a copy of that here maybe my backup got  attached to the wrong item it's possible all top possibilities I'm sorry so from what I was  told from purchasing um we only received one um   applicant to bid on this property okay has  somebody evaluated that to see if that's I   mean I'm not qualified to do so but I mean do  we have an expectation as to what the bid would   be for we're getting award on one bid um yes  sir this was a rolic and what happened with   it is we had advertised several arper projects  for the housing we oversaturated the market so   we were trying to get bids in for these projects  to get them done this I don't know man bid like   this I mean I I'm in the contracting business I  know a lot of small contractors that would love   to have a bid like this that's and it is a very  extensive repair on on this property well don't   you think since we had one back and send it back  for a bid yeah we send it back out yeah I'm yeah   I think that was a good catch commissioner yeah  yeah I don't think I can support it just one be   I mean you I mean what's sensitive about it is it  because we're losing arpa dollars I mean why do   we have one I mean it's a repair I mean it's what  other repairs I mean I mean what you saying at the   time we we put this out for bid we had a lot of um  some of our Opa um INF housing projects out there   on the streets at the same time and some of these  same contractors um they bid on those infield Lots   as well as the but these small guys are hungry  right now I can just tell you small guys are   hungry right now with interest rates there's no  new construction I mean you know for me I mean   you know there a lot of small contractors that can  use some work we can put it back out there for bid   if you would like can we have a motion to drop  if there's no offense I'd move to drop the item   I'm not sure ex I don't know exactly where 208  opal is so I don't want to offend anybody mayair   okay correct it's in the Mayfair yes yeah we can  put it back out there y That's my motion to just   resol gared what's so sensitive about this project  though I mean is it I mean is it a baitman or lead   or anything like that so I I think this one is  just one of those houses that unfortunately we're   starting to see more and more of that are are  just in really rough shape if if we think that   the bones of a home are good enough we'll try to  go in and Rehab them even at these higher limits   because the only other option is to put them  on our demo and replace placement list which we   already have 58 families on that list right now  so we had we had raised the limits of our rehab   strategy to 75,000 so that we could accommodate  more of those kind of in the-middle projects   where it's not quite bad enough to where we need  to knock it down and build something new um but   it it's more than you know our previous limit in  years past was uh usually limited to 50,000 and   with prices the way they are right now we kind  of we weren't able to help these homes as much   as they really needed to be so this like a re-roof  replum I mean re mechanical re rewire it's it's a   lot it's a lot but um I I had spoken with our  inspector is it condamned no no I believe the   family is still living there um which is which  is why we're trying to you know do everything we   can for them um the the goal is to go into these  homes and and leave them not still with any safety   concerns yeah this is this house is we split this  in Mayfair is it yours or mine it's barely your   it's off aquarium it's just down a block but  it's right next to a park and I'm looking on   the satellite I think we should go back out  for bit yeah I mean and and I'm not familiar   with the area it may very well be a good a very  good number I'm not I don't know Mr schaer but   it just you know the one bid part I don't you  know I don't like that but so my motion is just   to to ask him to Res and thanks Steve I I didn't  that's recogniz was in my district but all right   so we have a motion to drop in a second please  vote Mr chairman who was that I'm sorry what was   the motion can we assure the family that they  are still going to get their repairs it just   has to go back out to bid I mean because it's  in my district I don't want them to think that   we've abandoned their project we just need to get  a bid and we may get a better bid maybe a cheaper bid okay all right thanks you second that   cor commissioner May yes sir  okay please please vote thank you I don't think I know what the motion  is what's the what's the motion to drop okay motion passes 5 to zero Mr  chairman we have uh car 2-7 car   2-8 we have the same speaker  for both items Andrew blur and just remember y'all let Santa Claus speak and  y'all let the Grinch speak so let me speak on   both topics Andrew bler okay well look at here  this is the natural resources conservation Marine   Resources here we have original bid of 31 and  now the change order is 40 [Music] $5,000 that's   close to a 150% increase for temporary labor how  come Robert turp and natural resources can't go   out there and do their work themselves why they  got to contract out some temporary labor I mean   they got strong backs I mean they just picking  up orer shells or something like that I don't   know what they're doing cuz that it's not a I  mean y'all have backup on that can explain me   this here 150% increase on temporary labor  is y'all not interested y'all was going to   rubber stamp this without anybody discussing it  I guess it's just taxpayer dollar being thrown away now I get three minutes on the other one too  sure we can just okay so I mean can't Robert turet   or something else say what this temporary labor  was using for or y'all have backup that says   what this temporary labor is come on Steve Barry  help me out did you move to 28 what's this backup   labor for yeah what is it it's just throwing away  taxpayer money and you know why we could take that   $45,000 and clean out ditches on Belleview Avenue  that um Mike Whitehead covered up and that would   help a lot of drainage on moldun and bellw avenue,  Mr BL you're talking about the the one you're   talking about right now is the living Shoreline  28 you said you have three more minutes to no I've   said 27 27 we're talking on I thought you said  could you go to 28 and I said you could so are   we back for your one minute you left I said did I  get three minutes on each one I'm still on seven   I'm still on I'll let you finish another minute  don't interrupt me my time's still ticking while   I'm talking and you interrupting me Trucking but  I asked you do you know what the backup is on this   anybody got a back it's just throwing away money  well I got a lot of plans in district one to do   with that money come on district one tell me what  this year $45,000 is going toward I mean we spent $31,000 nobody's got a clue hey hoffberger  don't be a I hire tell me what's this here   money going to answer me what's this money  going to but y'all going to rubber stamp it   right y'all going down on the board saying well  I mean Steven Barry and lummen may or whatever   they got 12 years or whatever of rubber stamp  and everything so I mean I guess that's pretty   good may you fat ass over and I'll tell you  yes sir thank you chips it's it's a it's a   pretty simple uh situation here we've had two  employees leave and so we have two openings and   so we need to hire part-time temporary labor  to fill the jobs of those two people thank   you so we had two employees leave so we fill up  with temporary labor you okay with that Andrew   well why don't we just use the two employees  salary to pay for the I mean you mean your   temporary help is going to be more than the two  employees that left come on now give me an answer it's getting ridiculous it's different pots of  money so so we have to allocate for that there   they're different cost centers for permanent  labor versus temporary so the two employees   and the state pensions and stuff we're going  to recoup that money when they left we're going   to recoup all that money right I um Pam check on  that for us and see how we recoup that money okay   I'm ready to go on to number eight now Andrew you  get two minutes on eight cuz you already had five   minutes that you said because you said you're  going to eight so okay I'm on eight now City of   Pensacola we got this here funds here that we're  spending oh living I know I don't know that that   is that's $23 million how come we don't have  Pensacola the City of Pensacola matching this   this is FWC money that's going to uh work around  the Navy base well I mean they got a nice little   sidewalk down there you can go down there and ride  your bicycle along that Shoreline or whatever you   would think that uh City match that you mean is  is the City of Pensacola still in bankruptcy or   whatever and y'all still bailing them out the  city of P Co is not involved with this project   Mr Andrews this is a county project you ask  them I would come on talk to the mayor and   see if you can't get them to match funds I mean  we gave $8 million to the City of Pensacola and   ECUA the move old stinky whatever and then stter  got the property there and he's just got it open   Mr Blue are you open to hear where the money's  coming from we're not putting the money in it's   coming from FWC and the city FWC comes from the  taxpayers well maybe you're at the wrong meeting   we're not FC I don't know what to tell you man  you're not in DC no we're not they gave us the   money we're going to take it and uh do a living  Shoreline around Nana Pensacola wow like we did   with the arer shells at Navy point Thank you thank  you all right that's all the speakers on that Mr   chairman the junior May's here he probably could  explain where all that money went machine yeah and   can you just ask give us 23 million out of your  budget got okay can I have a motion in second   Mr chairman I move item seven and item eight  okay second all right please vote can't make it oh boy Mr chairman are we going to try to  get done by midnight I can stay out late   hey I know people are getting giddy  but you know this is like a meeting   anyways Wes let's keep pushing on it's  27 28 29 27 28 29 for commissioner May UMES could you come just come for just a second please I just want to be on record that this  is for 28 these are all Grant funds correct   none of this is coming out of our gas tax or  operating that is correct sir and that's for   28 and 29 28 and yes sir 29 okay I just wanted to  be sure about that I I I may have some questions   about the micro Transit but I just wanted to go  on record that these two are coming directly from   Grants that you and your staff have secured  without any general fund dollars and without   any gas tax out correct correct yes thank you  for your hard work any fur comments yeah I just   want to get that point of clarification thank  you so do you want to move 27 28 yes sir please   I'll move it okay there's a motion to move 27  28 29 and second by commissioner Barry please vote M motion passes 5 to zero I think we're   right part 2-32 the recommendation concerning  the issues of a purchase order inex $50,000   for temporary microtransit vehicle operators  uh Harold Griffin Jr is Harold here thanks Harold uh Harold Griffin Jr 6869 Highway 995a  North Molino Florida 32577 there's been lots   of confusion and speculation regarding the micr  transit pilot program and effect it will have   on the current PA Transit ridership this concern  has come from the users of the service Community   Advocates and stakeholders these concerns  were barked forth at the last Transportation   disadvantage board meeting none of the board  members were aware of the new microtransit   pilot program in the agenda item the county  is proposing to use a temporary labor service   to supply the customer service STS and drivers  for the microtransit pilot program our ongoing   contract with the county is to provide these  exact same Services as are contemplated in agenda   item which contract which contract specifically  includes the pro provision of drivers to perform   the same Services as the company is currently  providing we have trained experienced drivers   who are familiar with the routes for scambi County  who are familiar with when and how to assist the   transit riders with getting in and out of smaller  Vehicles who are familiar with the regular users   of community Transport and these drivers continue  to be available to perform these Services there is   no need or appropriate justification to use temp  labor when the county already has a contract to   use itl for these Services itl stands ready and  able to fulfill the driving needs and customer   service reps with the pilot program under  its existing contract commissioner be you   may remember several years back when the county  created a similar pilot program to service the   northern part of the county the county received  grant money on this pilot program as well and we   supplied the drivers and customer service reps to  operate it under the existing contract moreover   using the temporary labor during the pilot program  would actively reduce the trips itl completes   for the county because itl is paid by the trip  the resulting reduction in revenue of the itl   would have a material detrimental effect on our  employees and the company diverting rise to Temp   labor was not contemplated by the parties when itl  put in this bid for the contract and the parties   not contemplate the rise will be reduced through  the use of conty temp labor in summary The Bard   should reject the proposal to use temp labor and  exercise his right to use the existing contract   with itl to provide these Services if the  county decides and wants to move forward   with the microtransit pilot program the county  should honor its existing contract with our local   company and our local experienced train drivers  thank you Mr Griffin Sir Mr chairman Mr Griffin   and obviously um appreciate all you do um when  you provided that service in in the North End I   remember for commissioner Barry was that was that  parttime workers or were those full-time workers   they were full-time okay so thades I I guess I  would have a question thades or Stefan where oh   probably you th yeah probably because this was  brought up at our transportation disadvantage   meeting by uh quite a few people why um was  this bided out in terms of uh procurement or   why wouldn't we use our existing provider uh for  this service and could the existing provider do   it cheaper and have we done some type of analysis  on this microtransit pilot program that we really   know the real cost so for the surface grant that  was awarded toam County once again it is a service   development Grant this is a a pilot program um is  it funded clearly by all grant money yes sir all   through grant money all fund through grant money  so that would that make uh our current provider   not eligible to provide that service because it's  grant money yes sir he could not provide it yes as   it was written in our contract for the um service  development so yes sir it would not be um for the   current provider to be provide that service so  we bided it out no sir um when we say bided it   out is that like I mean how it's a half a million  dollar contract and I mean how did we sold Source   it to this Staffing Company without bidding it out  to see if we could get a better price um so it was   part of the all contract that we already have  with the um County so if we definitely need to   um revisit that but like I say it all went through  the legal department we went back and forth it was   approved so that's how we move forward with  the contract Service like I say it's a pilot   program for one year once the pilot program  is over we would definitely open it up to all   employees to be able to come over to the bccc side  commissioner May the temporary service contract   we do have a contract that was competitively bid  right and advocus was a little better but but I   guess what my question would be was you know if  we have full-time people that are transporting   the disadvantage what would make this company  ineligible to be able to provide this service   is um well the use of the grant dollars for  the development grant for one microtransit is   something that we're going to disperse in a larger  scale throughout the county in different zones   it's more it's almost the on on demand service  right understood and so right now I think we're   budgeted in the contract at 88,000 trips and we're  far exceeding that at 120 130,000 trips right so   we're way over budget on the contract so this is  an initiative to try to reain those costs in and   make it more efficient cost financially right well  I mean yeah and and I I'm clear I'm clear on that   West I I mean I guess you know what Mr Griffin is  saying that they probably could have provided the   service for cheaper I'm just wondering if we had  full-time employees that are already servicing our   residents why wouldn't it be is it I mean maybe  it's not maybe there's a justifiable reason I I   know that there were a lot of subcontractors who  worked for itl in the community who because of the   uction of trips are now not able to employ their  people doing during the holidays if there was an   opportunity uh for the current provider to bid  on it I was just wondering I believe I believe   with the pilot program there will still be plenty  of work for itl this is going to be uh simply a   pilot program we have new software that that y'all  just awarded uh that's being installed on the on   these vehicles we have nine of them we're looking  to get nine more and uh keep building that mic   Transit Fleet you know again I think we need to be  more financially efficient and and a good Steward   there in that area uh it's it's been a challenge  and we've met many times with Rod and Thad and   and Stefan and I think this is just something  that we have to at least at least test yeah I'm   not I'm not I mean I'm not necessarily sold on  on microtransit completely because I know there   there's been issues across the country I was just  saying if there's a more efficient way if it could   have been U an opport opportunity for an existing  minority company to have an opportunity uh to   take advantage of that you know even at a reduced  rate my question would be why but if we're saying   we can't then we just can't if it's by you know  the law I mean and that's that's fine if that's   what if that's what I'm being told then that's  what I I will accept I certainly would rather   help a a small existing minority company then to  hire temporary labor we all know what temporary   labor happens to be it's temporary labor people  not being committed to uh their job they're just   looking for the next paycheck so um that's that  was just my question way so that's that's fine I   mean if that's if that's what y'all are telling  me that that's a fact that we they they were not   eligible to bid on it you want to oh I'm sorry did  you have a comment no I'm yes I mean this was news   to us I mean this is not the first pilot program  like I said we ran one um a couple years ago same   type and we provided it then so and we we weren't  made aware that we weren't eligible to provide it   all right thank you um do have a motion to move  forward with this or where we at commissioner May yeah I mean that's all right someone's  got to help me out here I if if there's a   if there was a possibility uh to  give them opportunity I certainly   would would support that but if it's  if that's what the administrator and   the director is saying I mean I I don't  I don't assume that there's any options so do I have a motion I'll make a motion to move  forward on 232 is there a second yeah so we don't have a second on  this I do oh I'm sorry I didn't hear   you commissioner man it was a second please vote motion passes 5 to zero Mr chairman car  3-1 is a recommendation concerning it   game of children's trust applicants  uh we can submit all the names but   we need to at least submit two  okay we we need to vote on this don't and W we continue to keep that open correct  please or we actually we can submit all three and   let yeah we can sub yeah that's I'm getting tired  yeah can we uh is there a motion to submit all   to submit all three and continue to keep it  open rolling so can apply until that point as   long as it stays open and seconded  by um commissioner strober please vote that passes 5 to zero Mr chairman  car 3-2 is concerning an amendment   to the interlocal agreement between  es scambi County Senate Rosa County   Okaloosa County and Walton County for the  development of a regional medical examiner facility okay um this I think everyone knows  what this is they came back for $800,000 uh   the other Three Counties have voted unanimously  on this um is there a board discussion on this   did I just have a question so the the figure  the other counties put in was 800,000 each I'm   not positive but I think think so I do know  that all three other Counties have approved   an amendment to the interlocal you mean the the  dollar amount yeah I've talked to them all at   fact they all did except Walton was lower Walton  was lower yeah because the size that they were   15% so Santa Rose and okoa put in 800,000 and  I think Walt was 400,000 you know there was a   a lot of back and forth about the size of the  facility the cost of the facility those things   we were promised at that time that we would  never exceed that dollar amount but I know   well that's not accounting for three that's  not accounting for $3 million 100 I'm sorry U   I flip my page but 35 additional square  feet or whatever that is 135 Square F feet yeah yeah 165 I mean I'm sorry 135 more  square feet does it cost $3 million so that's   not the that's that's not the rationale for it  it's we were promised well will'll never exceed   this number regardless clearly it's going to  happen I just want to voice my I displeasure   with the the Pres with the good faith effort  that this board moved forward after a lot of   discussion but you know good faith often only  goes one way up here so I understand that so   we'll we'll you know apparently we we'll allocate  their additional monies so I will tell you that I   was very clear to Dan and Dr gesy that don't  come back to the well and I think Santa Rosa   made that clear as well because I think a lot  of people felt like they that um we wanted to   go in good spirit but you know we have you you so  You' made that you've made that comment this time   about it that Pro that comment I assure you was  made by your previous board that myself and my   friend sat on with the other members the first  time it came forward it was don't come back to   the well this is a lot more money than we had  ever envisioned because it was a lot more than   the original estimate yeah so we're at our second  don't come back for more money but it you know I   get it I mean we see change orders just like they  said every time I I understand the complexity in   this and um I think we I think if we didn't move  forward with this it would really I think it' look   really bad and I don't think it's in the where we  need to go for this project but I need someone to   make a motion or I'll make a motion that we move  forward I'll second it all right please vote motion passes 5 to zero L I think ripped ol8  card two 3-3 ol8 discussion we have 22 speakers   all right we have 22 speakers so Mr chairman I  I don't know you some some of the people that   signed up gave were presenters this morning so  I don't know if you want to let them wait to the   end or or yeah the folks that were in the bidding  process let's put them at the end is that what I   think I saw that too is that what you're saying  was I agree unless any I think that's the way to   go so let's just move forward with um the um Miss  Rogers as the first one yep okay Mr chairman yeah   I mean obviously we all expressed toward the  end of the meeting um priority's concerns and   what we could live with so we would be able to  hear from those presenters at the end correct   because I would assume that many of the teams went  back to try to address some of the concerns that   we laid out so before we vote we would be able  to hear from them would you allow for that of   course I think that's important in this type of  decision yeah okay that's all all thank you okay   just briefly these are my opinions but thank you  for reinstating the um Committee of the whole that   was really great and commissioner May thank you  for your questions on clarification that was very   helpful for people listening to um my opinion  opinion only but I don't think any decision   should be made tonight um as to which entity  do you select I think it should be decided at   an adequately announced public meeting possibly  after there's a town hall with the bua citizens   and any other citizens in the county so they  could ask their questions because you guys got   your questions answered but I'm I feel the people  in the community might some of the people in the   community have become experts um you know not  not certified experts but they've really looked   into this so for for the sake of transparency  typically a committee of the whole was on an   alternate week from a uh County Commission meeting  so the reason why you take no vote is then it has   time to circulate back to the people the people  can inform themselves and then they can show up   to the next meeting very few people could have  come this morning or watched all this morning and   then stayed to what is it 9:30 at night tonight  with such a long agenda I support following the   dpz master plan any changes that were made should  be in publicly not meetings um and please don't   allow any adverse non-compatible uses to the  existing residents that surround Olf field   but thank you for your work on this thank you  M Rogers what's I'll our next speaker is John Moore so my presentation started out with good  evening but I think it's good night now um I'm   here to represent the majority of BU residents  who participated in studies that resulted in   the ol8 master plan and the yet to be revealed  Bula master plan over many years and a cost of   nearly $2 million the opinions and wishes of our  community were tabulated the biggest desire of   Bula residen as development occurs is for bua  to retain its rural equestrian agricultural   character we would like a town center where  we can shop eat make doctors visits pay bills   participating in religious Services sharing  social events and other undertakings locally   many of these activities currently may take  us 20 to 30 minutes of travel to achieve the   codified ol8 master plan reinforces our wishes if  it is followed as written we want you our elected   officials to continue to represent us in our  desire to maintain our current way of life we   understand the master plan we understand light  Industrial and Commercial development is coming   we're advocating that you enforce the master plan  and make it binding as written in any future real   estate transactions involving Olf ol8 I'm sorry  the ol f8 hybrid master plan was a compromise   that was accepted by the board of County  Commissioners and the residents of Bula were   not comfortable that an economic development  alliance with average record of property   management may desire to control of this land  effectively diminishing our voices please do not   let our community down by allowing any changes or  alterations to the master plan we're committed to   economic development that benefits the entire  County but the recent drive by pedc Florida   West to squeeze every possible Penny out of this  land regardless if it violates the master plan   or destroys the charm in appeal of the area is  absurd District 1 made our Collective statements   loud and clear as we could on August 20th of this  year this will be the bcc's first opportunity to   acknowledge our efforts please don't let the  people down thank you thank you Mr Moore Peter Bolton Joe culbertson's on Deck good evening Commission my name is Peter  Bolton and I live in bu we opted out of downtown   for for more house and a p the Pastoral Serenity  of the Bula area it's beautiful I first visited   and fell in love with Pensacola in the mid '70s  three generations of my family have attended   flight training at NIS my grandfather was a  naval World War I veteran my father was vice   president of transportation for raicho chemicals  at the time Pensacola has a reichle plant after   the office meetings to take the manager out for  dinner for more decompressed conversation the   plant manager explained to Dad the way business  was done here and my dad and I listened it was a   different time and I listened and learned at  the pedc board meeting on Monday I learned a   lot there too first thank you to commissioner  Barry for announcing the deeing of O f8 to PC   is off the table and olfa will remain an asset  of SC scambia County and its taxpayers Guided by   the Board of Commissioners and a master plan and  any Amazon distribution center is dead no Amazon   thank you for listening what surprised me was  the insistance of most of the other pedc board   members on deeing the property over multiple times  clearly somebody isn't listening our funding to   board is $800,000 a year taxpayer dollars why they  brag on assets and successes and a need for a war   chest and at the same time owe Escambia County  $2.5 million PDC has a tech Park and that's pass   do its dat to revert to the county why because  it's just grass it's a park with no Tech nothing   great investment performer like that shouldn't be  on our payroll in DC if you can't kill something   you defund it and I think that's a great idea  in this instance to butress this recommendation   during the pedc meting meeting I witnessed a  representative from FPL scream that we don't   owe the county a dime when this came up it's  public records screaming or not self-exposure [Music] I also watched a local bank president  who was just a proxy demand the deeding to   P DC again because they know what's best for  us and they're in touch with our needs after   a resident spoke in opposition to the  deed issue he get up and disparaged her   in front of the board and the attendees saying  something to the effect of lady in the corner   people like you will never be satisfied you  just get mad and create impediments very dis   respectful individual I thought to myself  if this Bank president doesn't know who   Teresa Blackwell is he's not in touch  with any of us Mr Bolton your time's up   thank you very much thank you 50 years is  a long time change is needed thank you Mr Culbertson how we doing I'll just say after  tonight um I got no interest in sitting at   that chamber anytime soon I'll stay in the  car business um first of off I'd like to say   congratulations for bringing back the committee of  the whole it's refreshing to see open government   once again play a role in Escambia County early  on in my professional career a mentor told me   that a customer's perception is reality and when  the committee of the whole was done away with and   the open conversations disappeared the result  was the perception of this board that became   the reality of the general public was not a good  one oh I know every one of you felt that from the   con constituency I'm hoping with the most recent  changes of The Changing of the Guard that we can   get back to doing what this board was designed to  do and that is lead lead the county in accordance   to what your constituents are asking you to get  done lead from an executive level by setting   policy and then enforcing those policies the rest  should be left to up to staff to execute most of   the problems that the previous board stem  that the previous most of the problems that   the previous board created stem from the board  venturing into areas that should have been left   for staff to handle let the department heads  run their departments some of that Meandering   is exactly why this board found itself drawn into  lawsuit after lawsuit it's time to put that to an end it would probably be a good idea also that  when your county attorney offers you legal advice   that you actually listen to it how does this  relate to ol8 simple this board has a clear   and concise path forward with the dpz master plan  that will allow the board to get back to managing   at the executive level and not be drugg into  the day-to-day negotiations and haggling out   that is of every detail that has drugged it out  drugged this process out this far the idea of   changing the rules at every other meeting to  appease a special interest of a privileged   few is absolutely ludicrous this morning I saw  three presentations all of which for me fall in   line with what we think I think the residents of  bua have been asking for which is the execution   of the dpz Master Plan Three companies who are  willing to Pony up $40 million to execute the   plan that we've all agreed to folks it's now time  to pick a developer hold those accountable hold   those developers accountable to the plan and move  forward for the betterment of Escambia County the   question is now whether this board will act in an  executive capacity to move forward or we drag this   out another four years carving out bits and pieces  just to PE the egos of a privileged view thank you   thank you Mr cson Kim Adams is Kim here oh all  right Kim I know you were came up this morning   you finally get your time yeah it's been uh it's  been enlightening for sure hi I'm H Kim Adams I'm   a local attorney here I grew up here in Warrington  I went to Warrington Middle School uh and moved   out to cantonement um many years ago um I have  an interest in enhancing the community out in   the cantom area and the Bula area uh Commissioners  thank you this morning for all of your insightful   comments expressions of intent to respect the  master plan which I recently have really become   to study and learn um the need for diverse jobs  and the need to create Community which is really   important um thank you to the residents of ol8  um and and the surrounding areas for maintaining   in Communications concerns about the efforts of  not following the plan and obviously knowing that   the devil will be in the details as to what is  actually clean manufacturing and the intensity   of use issues and those sorts of things um so to  why I'm here Community Aquatics Sports children um   that's really why I'm here I think that there's a  definite need in our community for Aquatics we're   a Coastal Community um swimming is almost a year  round sport here where we are um it's estimated   that 79% of children do not know how to swim  in lowincome areas uh areas around I was one of   those children um we've lose about a hundred kids  a year in Florida to Drowning uh and yet here we   are with one pool uh Washington High School wuwf  which is a good 30 to 40 minutes now on 9M road   to get down there at PSC it may seem insignificant  but I think swimming is a Sport and it's and it's   a need how do we know it's a need well the Florida  government uh programs they're offering 2 to30 um,   a year to help build pools I've sat on some of  those Grant meetings myself just to see what it   was about they have swim lesson vouchers they  have water safety grants there is all kinds of   money hanging around in Florida that can help  contribute to these particular programs um we   have 20 plus swim teams in Escambia County Middle  School High School this is not even including all   of the the young children that start swimming at  a young age um we have no 50 meter pool uh at all   except for wuwf which is very limited on its use  obviously Washington High School uh you can just   go in and swim whenever you want to the other  pools are outdoors and are not very well-kept   um that would be a hunter pool which is great  pool but it's uh not well kept and it doesn't   hold a whole lot of kids um there's an a great  opportunity for sports tourism with pools Aquatics   um and Just Sports in general aquatic centers  can be used and can be self- sustaining and and   in fact very profitable if you look at pools in  the surrounding areas and we've got statistics   for those can you sum up your your joh I sure  will yep uh Community Health in infants seniors   create jobs uh cardiac Sports um rehab lots of  different ways that uh I think that aquatic should   be considered in all of these Master plans we're  talking about thank you for your comments Kim Kim   thanks for spending some time with me because  I think that the swimming is important in the   funding sources I mean we spent a lot of money in  American magic and sailing but if kids can't swim   how are they going to sell so I think that you  have some great ideas U bringing forward thank   you commission may I want to go to the beach let's  do a beach day is Matt O'Brien up Matt come come on who's next Matt O'Brien I thought you wanted to  put the folks on the bidding go ahead Matt um this   morning was a good meeting I was happy to see the  the three offers that that came about uh one of   the offers mentioned something about uh a service  road or an alternate roadway for the trucks so   that they're not going through the intersection of  BU Road and Frank reer um so if if one of them can   offer that um I I think that maybe all three of  them that can incorporate that into their plan it   sounds like uh it's going to make a lot of people  happy as far as the roadways uh the other thing I   wanted to mention it was they talked a little bit  this morning about aircraft manufacturing uh and   light industrial um I worked for the Department  of Defense uh aircraft manufacturing for several   years uh that's a highly skilled job and the I I  believe that that's not going to employ a lot of   local uh people they're probably going to have to  recruit from out of town and I know they're highp   paying jobs and they're good jobs and mentioned  something about being able to have thousands of   workers out there we're not looking for thousands  and thousands of workers coming to buah I mean   we're looking for a lot of things out there but  we don't want another 8,000 employees coming in   for a manufacturing job I don't think that's what  the community is all about um the last thing I   had to I have a question so what safeguards are  in place or will be en ensure that we have the   master plan will be adhered to once the project  begins or especially along the way is there any   safeguards in place that we know that it's going  to stay focused on exactly what we're looking for   uh I don't want to put anybody on the spot I'm  just does anybody have an answer to that I mean   developmental services will be managing as we go  through to make sure the dpz uh uh intent is being met okay we also talked about recording  the dpz plan as restrictive covenants on   the property all right thank you all  right thanks man uh Teresa Blackwell good evening again Teresa Blackwell thank you  Mike for bringing this C up and making ol f8   your first topic I appreciate it and it was good  discussion this morning I liked uh commissioner   Barry's process uh about how changes would be  approved and that uh the presenter at that time   agreed to it I think it was Chad Henderson so um  and I have talked with all of these developers   in the past and just in passing Kim I've been  I talked with Kim and I support her idea for   swimming I remember being a kid not knowing how to  swim and I would try and and I would try to invent   is there something I could be holding or something  so I could let people know I'm drowning my mother   almost drowned another child saved her so I I  might not have existed but anyway off topic but   um basically sell to one developer the entire  site which is the way you're headed uh forget   this whole idea of deing and um and I'll go  to uh the the Jill I can't say her name but   the study from WWF this morning um there are  lots of Target Industries we don't need to   fill olfa with just Advanced manufacturing we can  have some of that but we want a diversity there   everybody doesn't want to work at Navy Federal  we don't want them to have a choice Navy Federal   or Advanced manufacturing so uh there are other  Target Industries like healthc care cyber we can   do some of that you know and and I think that  one developer it'll be in their best interest   to pick something that belongs there something  that'll work my idea which goes along with Kim   is what I'd like to see is that ol f8 is an  outdoor experience Health you can have health   related uh you can uh you can it'll be something  for the day that's different than Pensacola maybe   you have healthy food just all those kinds of  things Gardens and you know that goes along   with Bula and so I did like Ryan's Bell's idea  we're not exactly the old west we do have horses   but it was a nice idea he presented it well uh my  tripping point with him would be partners secret   partners that he can't name um you know we we  should know who they are bu Town Center I had   counted on Metro to be uh the urban planner in  in that group and I was disappointed that he was   not familiar with the master plan so I'm sorry to  say that uh Chad Henderson when he spoke knocked   it out of the park I'd say uh so for the both of  the two um town center and Chad Henderson that's   great what uh Ashley hoffberger just mentioned  putting that Master Plan into um the contract   because that is lacking in their offers Teresa  your time's up and I'm let me just finish my   sentence the one does have uh um Fred's Fred  Hammer does say he will follow the design code   but uh that's that's a good starting point but  the other doesn't say that anything so thank you   said that was a paragraph not a sentence I  know thanks to all my uh bues Larry you're up Rob Aaron John deck all right I'm gonna leave  my hat on this time since we're dealing with bua ah man I've heard it I've heard it all  y'all know y'all y y not supposed to be in   this real estate business but I've heard it  all up here over the past what three or four   or five years how long's this been going maybe  in another 10 years you actually might be able   to do something I mean I don't know though uh you  know last meeting I was at meeting before last uh   I was in Dixie County last the last meeting  y'all had so I couldn't couldn't be here for   the for the festive Festivus uh but the last  meeting that I was at here uh some lady come up   here talking about ice skating we need to have an  ice skating rink now it's swimming pools and you   know what's next movie stars some acting schools  I mean this is a this is unicorns and fairy dust   I mean I don't know why they trust government you  know with all the secret Partners there's going   to be secret Partners they're always is I mean you  know Barry's up here freaking recusing himself two   three times a a meeting uh you know for conflicts  or appearance of conflicts so anyways uh you know   kids when I was a kid kids could swim poor kids  could swim poor redneck kids that didn't even   have shoes could swim they could swim better than  a you know than a 25 horse Johnson outboard with   electric choke you know I don't I don't understand  why we have become so dependent upon government   creating and you know in these grants you know  the all kinds of money for this stuff all kinds of   money how y'all really think this is sustainable  I mean grants grants all kinds of money it's just   a just falling off the the fairy you know the  fairy dust I guess just sprinkling down um I mean   I just kind of here just point out the obvious I  hate to tell y'all that the glass is half empty   but I mean it's obvious isn't it I mean I  don't I just don't you know I get it it's   all with good intention it's all with good  intention you're going to build a Utopia   Utopia let's see how happy they are in five or  10 years or whatever whatever Shenanigans goes   on all right I don't even have a I don't have  an answer for you cuz I don't think nobody does   in this country thank thank you lar appreciate  your comments Rob erens pleas please if you're here Rob erens 9112 mcmillon Lane Tampa  Florida nice to see you all again um one   request Mike do you have your cowbell I'd  like to hear more cowbell this is you know   they're in my office but I'm glad they  tickle tears this morning real quick uh   we all huddled up today obviously we heard  all your comments what you'd like to see   I think we've got some other speakers here they're  going to address a lot of that um we provided you   a handout I I know Ashley was very concerned about  Job production um we gave you some stuff that   we've actually done um uh what what we've provided  communities we've done and the jobs we've created   and how we started and then what we've been able  to develop with that so I I please read it if you   have any questions you can reach back out um  we're here we're passionate we want to do this   job I think this is a really special one this is  what we do for a living we do Master Plan mixed   use communities that we're proud of and we want  all these people to be proud of it as well so   uh I'm going to uh in my normal form I'm going  to make this quick and succinct thank you for   your time thank you rob Cecilia Campbell  and then your your husband will be next Cecilia Campbell um Frank reer Road and bua um  this this has really been a refreshing to um   uh I can't begin to tell you the the hope that I  have for uh the future at olfa because uh hearing   about the um P at the pedc dropping their plan for  the um Amazon C next to to my fence that was just   remarkable and for um the the steps y'all have  taken to taken forward and deciding that you're   not going to be the developers and that you're  going to let one person do that one contractor   do that um I everything we heard this I didn't  hear anyone you know really with uh terrible uh   uh dismay over anything that we heard this morning  and I do believe that um any any of these three uh   and I'm sure you're going to be hearing more from  them tonight and I'm they've probably already um   met together with in to give you more information  after we finished talking but I I just want to say   that uh Bula is a very special place and um many  many transplants there uh some of the newer newer   people are U coming back from um other places to  finish their career to retire here a lot of n we   have a lot of Navy Folk that are brought back to  Bula and I talked to a young couple not long ago   that when they heard that that the a possibility  they were instead of purchasing a house they   decided to rent a house when they came back  because of the what they were hearing about what   could happen on l o lf8 and the the thing they  named was you know distribution warehouse on Frank   Rita Road I am also excited about the possibility  the um I know that when uh Ryan Bale mentioned   um a a different um Access Lane for trucks  that would solve everything it I know that   we had one time there was another road coming  on the far uh Far Eastern side and it wouldn't   take much to find an access road that would still  preserve the sense of residential area on um the   north side of Frank Rita Road if there are another  access road that would not endanger all of us um   our road uh when our children were growing up they  actually Dr rode their horses down to both sets of   grandparents okay and uh that has changed a lot  has changed in Bula but um we we had high hopes   of walking trails riding trails uh things for the  community that do get help preserve that sense of   the rural community that we are um there there  was a large Exodus of horse people back when um   uh the the very beginning of our um um zoning  requirements out in bua a lot of them got out   can you summarize your thoughts so um I'm we're  we're excited to hear all of them U mention   trying to preserve some of our rural lifestyle  thank you so much Zachary if you're next Mr Campbell uh Dave hoing you'll be next   it's been about five years I think over  five years we've been having the Olf ol8   discussions and I guess towards the latter part  of the five years there seemed to be a strange   tug ofar between our government elected officials  and their constituents and the residents of Bula   uh Frank Rita was my grandfather and I was born  and raised out there my wife and I have owned our   property for 44 years I guess and it borders  olfa so by way of disclosure we have a vested   interest in that and that TW that tug-of-war  between competing interest and all that was   was really stressful so it was a breath of fresh  air to hear what went on this morning I thank you   for that and so going forward I I I'm looking and  I'm anxious to to see a transparency U and open   discussions and gosh this meeting this morning was  the first time in several years we had something   like that so transparency and also a a consistency  with the plan having to do with maintaining the   quality of life um and consistency with the dpz  plan and I think also importantly a a a rational   logical approach to concurrency um and growth  management and the sequential development of   ol8 and other thing I'm looking forward to is is  going on with these discussions with the openness   and the new transparency with gentleness  and respect thank you thank you Mr camon Mr hoing uh good evening and thank you for your  service the lf8 decision is the most important   decision that you all make probably for your  political career because it greatly affects our   our future and as the woman from WF said this  morning the numbers are really impressive for   economic development so I do believe in the plan  but very concerned that the E Economic Development   part of the park um is done effectively so some  comments my wife Mary and I own radio stations   and our goal is to Super serve our community  every day and as in Economic Development I   volunteered for two decades I've been on the  PDC board for seven years and separately we've   contributed about $770,000 uh towards Economic  Development over the last 20 years um to help   subsidize what we're doing you guys put in a lot  more money than I do but I do have skin in the game economic development is  important because it raises uh   the standard of living for our citizens  and we want to be as effective as we can   be and fla West has had a great track  record in their 11 years of being in business so even though lf8 is a long-term  uh project and I know you guys are tired   of talking about it and thinking about  it [Music] um I we shouldn't rush to a   decision uh this month uh it's been a long  night 40% of you are have been on the board   for a month and um this requires some time  so as a business person what I would be doing   now is putting together an RFP and asking  the people that are interested to respond   so everybody can be judged Apples to  Apples so that's something you may consider then going in another Direction  previous to today I didn't have any kind   of choice or or opinion really about who is  the best to uh carry ol of ha forward but I   did watch all three presentations this morning  and so I do have an opinion now which is from an   economic development P perspective uh I favor the  Chad henerson group because I think they'll get   the good jobs there the fastest thanks very  much thank you Dave Todd Thompson you're up next good evening Todd Thompson president and  CEO of the greater pcola Chamber of Commerce   speak speak on behalf of uh my board of directors  uh and the message from our board is simple uh it   is this has been a a long process and and uh from  the beginning Economic Development and jobs has   been at the Forefront and we want to see that uh  heard a lot of discussion about the master plan   and uh the economic development that's contained  in that master plan I'd like to see that continue   that those conversations and you know let's see  what we can do to to bring those quality jobs   to Escambia County uh I think Miss Blackwell  with her comments about the diversification   I think that's important as well um and what  commissioner hoffberger said this morning her   goals uh with the number of jobs and the salary I  think those are great numbers as well so you know   as you deliberate as you consider these proposals  please keep uh jobs economic development at the   Forefront and uh thank you for your service  and Merry Christmas thank you Todd um Chris plat and congratulations on  your new position sir thank you uh it's been quite a day for me I left  Charlotte at 4:00 a.m. so um the chairman   caller commissioner ad Minister Moreno it's my  pleasure to speak to you tonight I'm Chris PL   I'm the new incoming CEO for Florida West  Economic Development Alliance uh it's my   first official day will be on Monday but uh uh  as you can see it's been a pretty busy non-w   work day um so I look forward to working with  you all I'm very excited and honored to be um   to have this opportunity to work alongside you  as we build the economy uh here for uh scambia   uh concerning olfa uh this property provides  our County with a very competitive opportunity   for prospects and a place for significant wage  high wage job creation uh from my experience   Industrial and Commercial clients do not look to  add communities to a list when they're looking   for their their client's location they want to  uh make their job easier and try to find ways   to eliminate you from that list so the need for  certainty and predictability is critical in all   the considerations that they have so many economic  development rfps that come through our office uh   there's a preference for property that is either  publicly owned or publicly controlled in some   manner um because again it provides those projects  with certainty on the real estate component as   they do the final due diligence through their  location um go through those location options   and it enables us to use other grant funding for  the project so I hope in whatever path that you   choose to go forward with with ol o I'll learn to  say it o o lf8 uh we will uh maintain a consistent   uh that that it maintains a consistent site  plan for the light industrial portion that um   we strive to meet the criteria for the most  desirable prospective companies and that we   retain the site's eligibility for infrastructure  grant funding for this vitally uh important land   so I do thank you very much thank you Mr Plant  Mr chairman oh I'm sorry commissioner Chris yes   sir um welcome to Pensacola thank you so much so  obviously we know you're new on the job and we've   never met but how could you envision no matter  who we choose uh as the developer we choose them   tonight or whether we choose them in later dat  how could Florida West and PDC work with them   for the jobs I mean how do you envision that oh  I think you know that's pretty you know looking   at the the targeted industries that we want to put  together yeah each part of the county is going to   be different this is a strategy to look at how  do we develop the economy for the entire County   certain areas are going to be uh targeted for  certain kind of Industries like the tech Park the   Bluffs we'll you know we'll look at something else  up there we'll be working with whichever developer   is assigned to it to make sure that those match up  with the plan that they have but it's going to be   in that area with the interstate everything else  your higher Tech you know uh job so looking at   Aerospace which is something that I'm very strong  in developing as well as the Cyber and some other   things too so white coat manufacturing  um so those kind of jobs so a scenario if a developer finds the number that at at least  three of us can agree to or hopefully five of   us can agree to um and they were to inherit the  entire site um how would you envision being able   to work to produce those 200 acres worth of light  manufacturing jobs I mean does that work I mean I   I think it would definitely work but there'd be  some um to access other funding grant funding   I think there'd be some legal uh things that  would have to occur between the pedc and the   um developer as well as obviously the county as  well so um again not as familiar with those as   as we're we're talking right now being that you  know a few hours away from starting the job um   but we will um I can promise you we can find a  way you're I mean I've built multiple industrial   parks we've done it both with private folks  as well as all public dollars so well I mean   obviously you know we fund Florida West to be  our Economic Development and job creation entity   I guess my my direct question uh you're not  necessarily oppos to us um hiring a developer   um for all of the site or are you advocating for  a different position uh we can work with both so   whe whether that is a you know that something  is deed to pedc that would be wonderful if it's   working with a developer we can do that too  so we just need to find a way that there is   some some public component or public control  where you and and our group work together to   make sure that there's consistency you know  that there's not a price spike for example on   the land that someone's looking to come in and  all of a sudden it jumps those kind of things   or there's property housing gets pushed too  close to an industrial site where then all of   a sudden it doesn't become marketable for those  industrial is that so I would just say three is   a charm you're the third director to work on  this project so hopefully we get it done with   you thank you very much yeah I like this comments  thanks Mr PL uh David bear would you like to speak yes good evening thank you Commissioners uh  appreciate this opportunity to speak with you   tonight uh and welcome Chris uh trial by fire  he comes to work before he starts working um so   yesterday we had a Triumph Gulf Coast meeting  in Panama City and at the meeting we approved   approximately $85 million in Grants to support the  enhancement and diversification of the economies   uh and in support of Workforce Development  programs within the Triumph service area in   Escambia County several organizations have been  successful in receiving Triumph grants since 2017   examples are ihmc University of West Florida  Pensacola State College City of Pensacola Ami   kids and pedc unfortunately there has not been  a funded grant for an Escambia County project   pedc has been working projects with companies  that are interested in developing at ol8 but   the county has not approved L the Lois to Simply  allow those companies to evaluate the property for   those projects the Lois were not purchased  in sale agreements PDC was created by the   Florida legislature to be the official Economic  Development agency in Escambia County and ol   is an example of an asset needed for ol8 to  accomplish the work set out by the legislature   I'm recommending that you allow pedc to work with  one of the prospective buyers to develop the light   industrial heavy commercial property outlined in  the dpz master plan to develop the land for clean   high- wage jobs in targeted Industries under this  scenario ol8 would be eligible for Triumph funds   to help pay for the needed infrastructure on the  property we're talking about millions and millions   of dollars that would be brought in for public  infrastructure into Escambia County and into the   growing Bula area so long as the property stays  public it's eligible for the Triumph funding if   it's sold to a private developer it is no longer  eligible I have been contacted by two of these   prospective buyers to discuss working together  with ped C Chad Henderson and will Wilson's group   and Ryan Bell of these two groups only one of  them have provided pedc with anou to outline and   confirm their interest in working with pedc and  that was Chad Henderson and will Wilson's group oops I think this is an opportunity for the county  to show its support and investment in Economic   Development for this is a once in a-lifetime  opportunity that has been 25 years in the making   we've heard tonight that we've talked about this  for two three five years we've been talking about   this for 25 years the dpz master plan excuse me  the dpz master plan has been agreed to by the   county the citizens and uh in the neighborhoods  surrounding it Navy Federal in the plan dpz speaks   specifically about the importance of utiliz izing  multiple developers due to the expertise in the   different developers of the different developers  in the different areas of development are you   getting close David I just want to be finished  I apologize uh the success of the development   depends on the Cadence of the difference types  of development identified in the plan working   together under the master plan please make this  consideration carefully because what you do with   this project project will reflect on your legacy  as a county commissioner thank you for your time   thank you for your comments so and obviously you  know you said 25 but I I know I've been around it   12 15 years and so in the PDC and I know you're  with Florida West in an Ideal World we would work   with the developer uh in some type of Covenant  or restriction well would allow for some of the   property to stay eligible for the millions of  dollars we could get from Triumph I mean is that   the blueprint that you're presenting so what I'm  suggesting is if the portion of the land for job   the light industrial heavy commercial land could  maintain uh or be kept as public property then   it would be eligible for the Triumph funding I  don't know if I'm breaking up uh Tri the statute   that outlines the what Triumph May fund says  specifically it may fund public infrastructure   it may not fund private infrastructure uh so we  can do roads and utilities the county of applied   for a $14 million grant for ol8 to put in a  road and utilities that that Grant has been   held uh waiting to see what the county does with  it if the county sells it to a private developer   that Grant opportunity goes away if it becomes  if it maintains and stays uh public whether that   is through the County's ownership or through PC's  ownership which is really just almost an extension   of the county as the economic development Agency  for the county uh then it would be eligible for   those funds so did that Grant application has been  granted just not awarded because we've not made a   decision on the property is what you're saying it  has not made it all the way through the process it   the county uh submitted a pre-application uh and  it was um told that it was eligible for funding   and so then it submitted a full application  uh and the board of uh and it was scored   uh as an A and the board uh Triumph board voted  in favor of it to move it towards um term sheet   negotiations uh and it has not gone to term sheet  negotiations because the county started receiving   uh unsolicited um purchases I guess agreements  um offers to purchase it by private developers   and so uh no one has come back to pedc to move  forward I mean excuse me to Triumph to move   forward that Grant application uh to the term  sheet negotiations because it's um they don't   Triumph doesn't know whether it's going to be  owned by public or if it's going to be owned by   private if it's owned by private then there is  no reason for Triumph to spend resources moving   it Forward I understand so they're just waiting  obviously we we we have some friends on Triumph   uh yourself included so being granted an a it'  be a high probability of receiving those fon   you would if it was public if it was public okay  I I can speak for myself I can't speak for the   other members but I would definitely support it  I voted in favor of the application when it came   before us I'm in favor of public infrastructure on  this property but it's got to M it's got to retain   uh remain public un understood thanks thanks a  appreciate you Mr bar you have a question not   necessarily for Mr be if what's that I said not  necessarily for Mr be how many more speakers do   we have just oh we got about six more oh yeah  okay before the presenters from this morning   yeah I think after we get two speakers may we do  need to have a comfort break or something okay   oh well I wouldn't necessarily ask but we have  six more speakers before we get to presenters   that's correct that's correct okay so can we  just do the break after the six speakers and   then before the presenter okay do you want to  take a break to can we do it in five minutes   because it's getting late yep yeah let's do the  six speakers first yeah that's fine all right   let's keep pushing on uh Ryan Bell you're up  next oh sorry I'm sorry I uh Ashton hey can you speak I know but they all they're I'm down to the  groups that were briefing so if you want to have   each one of you brief or because I you know it's  down to Ryan and all the you folks as well as your   your group do you want to do them individually I'm  sorry so Mr chairman so we're down to the three   groups is that what we're down to okay we don't  have any more citizens no more citizens uh oh I   made a mistake I forgot Andrew I I I I I just  I made a mistake please come up and share your   comments Mr and Mr chairman while he's on the way  up I just want to be clear if it you know and I I   would ideally like for us to take some action this  evening and to be clear it's not this would not be   the first nor the second time that we've taken  action to Simply ask Wes and Allison to try to   negotiate a contract that has acceptable terms  we've done that a couple times before we were   unable to come to acceptable terms with those  parties so we never had a contract come back   to the board it's really just the first step of  something it's not a huge I mean I think it would   be good but it's not a huge accomplishment it is  it it it's the first step in something happening   I understand Andrew please come up and and state  your comments Andrew BL and I'm you found my Crypt   tonight or whatever Molly Bar's is here so  I'm going to have to be on my M best behavior so um me being a submatic expert on flooding or  whatever and y'all haven't address one bit of the   flooding of ol8 what what damage is it going to  cause because I mean anybody done a topo map to   see which way the water's going to flow because  when I mean the citizens of Bula would probably   tar and Fe feather langly Bell not because he  gave the land to the 4 or whatever but Langley   Bell let the board of County Commissioners be  the executive of the state and that's where   y'all got power hungry thinking y'all are real  estate people and you're nowhere close to being   real estate people so I mean I thought it was  he said 15 years I thought it was 24 years but   he corrected it says 25 years now with the 4  Club Navy Federal Credit Union Spencer field   y'all haven't spent any of this time on  Belleview storm water mold Dune problems   and stuff like that so I want y'all to address  this here where is all this water up there on   ol8 is going to go it's going to go through all  those ponds that supposed to be catching all the   water Navy Federal Credit Union supposed to catch  but it doesn't work does it those ponds up there   in Navy feder cred you don't catch all that  water cuz what are y'all doing y'all spending   money what to fix 11 Mile Creek y'all Mobile  Highway floods with Le Mile Creek houses y'all   had to replace houses or whatever or FEMA y'all  bought out houses on uh Le Mile Creek and what's   that um Cedar Ridge Cedar Ridge or whatever  y'all bought you know star water on Cedar Ridge second question you don't know where the  water is going so I say put a 8ft BM around there   and then a Floodgate a water type Floodgate around  there and let all that water stay on ol8 because   you ain't going to be able to do it next thing  how about payroll money y'all talk about all these   jobs or whatever but way I see it all the money is  going over to Balwin County Santa Rosa County or   whatever y'all need to have a payroll tax on those  people on there all along with Navy Federal Credit   Union you could probably do that with Baptist and  Sacred Heart or whatever we had to spend money   on widening the bridge to Gulf Breeze or whatever  nobody wants to live in a scambia county it looks   like everybody wants to escape to another County  but they'll come and take our jobs away from   us and y'all having to address that now Andrew  your time's up I no not I still had time no you   didn't Andrew thank you for all your comments  I think it ought to be Andrew your time's up Jeff's community so in the interest of  U moving forward this evening I'd like   to break until 10:35 and then we'll reconvene  with the three briefs and then um and go from   there so let's break until 10:35 we'll  start sharply at 10:35 thank you'all you stay there thank you I I I get you e my hey Mike were don't two minute two minute warning everybody what time is it holy [ __ ] don't all we'll be done I'm going to drop  the other one tonight technology CU issues with it bring it back on the night  so that's going away so yeah we get that well   I'm going to B bring back I already have  problems with it so if everyone's okay with it have you yeah once orce all two years I've never  had gmr killed us tonight I don't think we   heard of them anything okay test okay here we  go hey if we could reconvene everybody please   take your seats and i' like to keep moving  it is getting late and I want to make sure   that we're attention to Det detail on where  we are we have a lot of business still to do all right please take your seats Ryan blackw   or Ryan Bell I'm gonna have  you come up first if that's okay well the the we let's let I guess we should  Define this because there's several speakers in   each group I know Ryan you're on your own can  can we do you want to have a group total of 10   and and then that's is that fair enough and so  whoever wants to talk out of the group you get   10 is 10 enough for the whole group is the board  okay with that I think it's great idea okay Ryan   10 minutes and then have discussion Ryan you're  up all right start the thank you here we go um so just to take a second thank you  for the 10 minutes just take a second   to reiterate my belief in the dpz design  that that was my initial inspiration and   that's what has inspired um the group that  is supporting me um to answer a couple of   questions from Miss Teresa Blackwell um  I have put my own private money up to pay   for the professionals excuse me that I'm  working with um and the larger individuals that are on the Fortune 100 list I'm just  not at this juncture able to release their   names I've invited them to come up and visit  I've invited them to buy a house here um and   they may bring some of their corporations  to this development um and it's just too   early in the game to to do that but I will  be happy to release names as soon as I'm able   um so another thing I'd like to share is that I  really want this to be a development that is for   all the people of Escambia County and so when I  have local relationships one such relationship is   dag they are my pick to be the lead design firm  D they've done extensive work here in Northwest   Florida um in Alice Beach Rosemary Beach dag  is currently working on the wuwf stadium to   build that Mr Dave Latrell is the lead architect  that's been assigned to work with me and I met   with uh the founder of dag Charlie Clary today  and he gave me this signed letter um that he's   wanting to work with me so I'm wanting to submit  that didn't have time to submit that before the   meeting because you guys have been in a marathon  all day so I'm very thankful for your service I   know this has been a long process so when I say  all the citizens um Charlie Knows Mr Eddie Todd   I was on the phone with Mr Eddie Todd today  and I'd like to have Mr Eddie Todd also be   an architect as a part of this group and Charlie  has agreed uh to work with Mr Eddie Todd who is   a long-standing member and has worked at Maritime  Park before um I asked some of them to be here but   just with their own scheduling and the nature of  this process they weren't able to physically be   here uh someone else that I want to work with and  I care deeply about all the citizens of es scambi   county is J rby with the Urban Development Center  um John is also signed of letter of intent that   I'd like to work with his organization because I  believe in their mission to help the underserved   in our community to get the education that they  need to not take the same path as some as their   friends and their community members that get into  gangs so that's the work of the Urban Development   Center and I'm going to partner with them and  help them uh have some of these students that   they work with be able to learn the skills that  they need to work in these higher-end jobs that   we can bring to this field um so David I would  have sent you a letter of memorandum I'm sorry   that I didn't do that but I'm happy to work um  with Florida West and to work out the creative   um the creative structure that we need to have  in order to use some of the grant money uh for   the work that they have already done I don't think  there's any uh benefit to slow down the momentum   that their organizations have uh to continue  the economic development um and with that I   also maintain my commitment to the people and my  family members who are extended family members   that are here today and to my uh children and my  their cousins that walk down Frank reita Road I   absolutely believe in my commitment to make that  service road uh to keep any industrial trucks off   of that land so when I say that I have the network  and the ability to make this a perfect partnership   uh I believe in that and so I also still believe  in my 8th month timeline and I am willing to   negotiate um yes commissioner I don't want to  start a bidding war but I have another signed   offer here um so if you guys are willing and Lady  Madam uh you can sign this contract and I can get   to work to close this in eth months um so if you'd  like me to submit this now it's for 4 million and   you can pass around how much is it Ryan it's for  40 million 40 million I was on the phone with my   fund and they authorized me to go up to 40 million  awesome good step so this making it tough on us tonight and Ryan I do appreciate you we're  not trying to create a beating War but I do   sir I appreciate you recognizing the importance of  all five of our districts how important uh those   funds are and there are multiple people today  that you know you are you're highly respected   in a lot of the circles that uh I I run in  so thank you for submitting thank you for I   don't want to take any more time I know we've  been here late but I am committed to everyone   in this County and I and the people that I'm  working with fully believe in this development   and the dpz design plan thank you thank you um  well that didn't take 10 minutes um let's do   uh Fred hmer group was that okay to bring youall  up next and whoever wants to talk for up to 10   minutes feel free I know rob you talked earlier  but you're part of the team I your last name threw   me off but whoever Fred you want to have it's you  got 10 minutes yeah and I'll be fast um obviously   Fred Hammer Bel Town Center uh thank you for the  community of the whole today that was good to   have that discussion we listened very carefully we  huddled this afternoon we've made some adjustments   to our proposal we've clarified some things  in there um you have those in front of you now   um I do want to have Rob come back up so he can  explain a couple things quickly on the uh the job   information I know that as that you were looking  for there uh one other comment just want to make   sure I think we've said in the past but just want  to make sure it's clear with everybody you know we   are the owner of the largest uh parcel of land  in the county that is fully entitled you know   about 4500 units up in the cantonement area Metro  development is our joint venture partner on that   you know that's a 10 to 15E project they have  committed to this area um this is not somebody   who's just a Hired Gun to come in here to do  something for us they are a true partner and   they're making a sizable investment into this  area so I'd like Rob to come up and explain you   know quickly the information regarding the jobs  and then Brian Spencer and will will come up and   explain coule couple of the other changes that  we have in the document that you see thank you I apologize when I was up here last I thought  you had my handout I think you have it now   and all that handout is is a community that  we've done down in another County near Tampa   that actually shows what we've actually done  as job creation and how we've developed this   mixed use Community to have a combination of  everything that I think you're looking for an o   L f8 it has industrial it has Health Care it has  schools it has many Town centers with groceries   and offices so I wanted to make sure you had  that and you can take that and study it but   the most important thing there is that's what  we've done we are doing that today mafit Cancer   Center 24 million square fet the first three  buildings are currently under construction and   they're first four or five story building has  been topped out so this isn't a dream this is   reality this is what we bring to a community  when we find out who needs what and we work   together to make it happen so again I'm going  to keep it short I'm going to turn it over to Brian thank you uh thank you  chair thank you all commissioners   um I'm going to go ahead and burn up a little  bit of time just telling you all how much I   appreciate every one of you serving as you  are as a public servant as an elected former   reformed elected official I can tell you that uh  your attention this evening is admirable and um   I've sat in those seats thank you so much  for being here tonight I am very proud to   be a member of this team I'm not this is is not  just architect Brian Spencer but I am a partner   I was invited by these gentlemen to join them as  a development partner and I think if you know my   history as a pensac colan I consider public  realm buildings streetcape architecture the   experiences that people have and gain from being  in well-designed communities and even buildings   is what defines a community and attracts others  and sustains and maintains people as residents   and workers so when I was invited I had to do my  own evaluation of this team of Metro Development   Group Fred hemmer Chad horn to understand what  is their history before I associate and attach   my name with these individuals I'm proud to say  that they are consistent or they have a track   record that is consistent with my dedication to  excellent design and architecture this morning's   C or I would like to say almost Workshop was very  productive as you all have alluded to we all were   able to go back and look at our presentations as  well as the purchase um agreements we already also   have an agreement with dpz to have them be basic  a Consulting land planner with us in the process   we did not mention that but I have worked  with Marina Curry a principal and Marina is   very excited to work with us and to also see  ol8 become a reality thank you I'll call on will thank you Commissioners I'm going to get  um right to the details um I appreciate um   commissioner Barry mentioning that it was one year  ago that this um board approved for The Bu Town   Center to enter into negotiations with your staff  for a contract I do want to remind us that at that   time we were not talking about the industrial  top half that was for the bottom half and that   had changed the entire process so it took out  the middle uh Avenue it took out the uh Triumph   funding because we met with immediately after  we got that nod we met with u the administrator   and he brought in his entire staff planning  engineering everyone and we tried to talk about   how do we get there and we came to the agreement  that a master development plan would be the way to   make sure that this fuzzy discussion about the  dpz plan the spirit of it the bones of it how   do you control that we decided that a master uh  development agreement would be the way that's why   in the contract that you've had before you from  The Bu town center and you have it as a backup and   the one page that has been provided to you tonight  just references the paragraphs because I want you   to understand that we have spent an entire year  going through this process understanding and   listening but it was very helpful again at the  committee of the whole this morning to get the   details of what you were talking about no one had  ever mentioned before the the issues and the focus   of the particular issues that you were looking for  each time we heard we came back with what you were   looking for so just to be clear late at night on  this particular deal point that you have in front   of you the PS the the puron sale agreement for  bu Town Center we're talking about all 540 Acres   42.5 million you have an EMD of 25 down in 5 days  that's non-refundable you have a $500,000 within   5 days of the bcc's approval of the initial site  plan that's very well developed in paragraph 3.2   of the agreement that then we provide you within  30 days a schedule a timeline with benchmarks   within 30 days of how this process is going to  look like that initial site plan must be submitted   within 90 days the closing date is 30 days after  the conditions in paragraph 7.2 are satisfied and   it cannot be extended for more than one year  and then on it's paragraph eight that talks   about the master development agreement your staff  told us that the development and infrastructure   that is in the dpz plan which is $40 million  of investment in the plan public investment is   what that Plan called for they indicated that for  instance storm water the road systems that was not   something they were interested in what you have  is the ability to control the development with a   master development plan you the idea is you're the  bid that you're getting tonight from either all   of the three you've heard dpz Spirit of the plan  that's because under the actual plan that's not   what the $40 million that's being submitted to you  for these three projects because all of us have   talked about the spirit of the dpz plan because  the nuts and bolts of it in putting it forward   and getting it zoned in that correct is not there  yet that's why we have a master development plan   in the process in the PSA so that is the way that  we are proposing to go forward that gives you full   control of the process you see the initial uh site  plan development within 90 days you have the uh   full approval of the master development plan which  then gives you the entire concept and you have a   plan that the developer uh has submitted that  you can approve and that you are guide as has   been indicated our team is already um has on board  uh dpz will act as your master planner just as you   were discussing this morning will'll be uh happy  to work with and there's no reason that in that   development master development plan process we  can't accommodate and if you're staff is looking   to provide for public infrastructure that can be  accommodated we're committed to as Rob said the   job creation the benchmarks that we heard today  and we're committed to finalizing this PSA with   your staff within 30 days or you can sign the one  that's there before you we're ready we've been   here for a year working with you in detail to come  up with a plan that you've heard from the citizens   and that you've heard we've heard from you meets  your plan thank you thank you will all right um   appreciate your comments Chad and Ashton whoever  from your team wants to come up and talk or Chad   are you going to lead the fight here thank you  Mr chairman uh Chad Henderson here representing   the Catalyst Wilson team commission thank you so  much uh again very admirable for for hanging in   here uh through through the whole day events  want to just recap um our um our discussions   this morning presentation this morning about first  and foremost of understanding the gravity of the   decision that is before you uh we understand this  is not just a real estate transaction and this is   not a developer selection this is a partnership  selection uh we are focused on this uh from a   a partnership perspective from an alignment  perspective and certainly from an outcomes P   perspective we've uh We've addressed three sets  of key stakeholders I spoke to earlier today uh   number one is the original temp of job creation  uh we're all here standing on as I said earlier   on the shoulders of giants that got us to hear  for as uh commissioner may put 25 years worth   of work uh and and the original attempt was jobs  creation and we have to do this with very much   a unified front it's going to take all of us to  come together to bring those high-tech high-wage   jobs that we all want that's why we sought  out you know working with and reaching out   to the business Alliance you know other aspects  of Florida West pedc and deliver toou that we   want to be hand inand we feel like we can bring  on our own Merit a lot of opportunity to the table   but we also know that having every tool in the  toolbox available uh to to do that is the right   thing to do uh we share with you some case studies  from that e District perspective of of how we've   been successful in the past we shared with you a  case study of easta East Chase in Montgomery 300   30 Acres that 20 years ago was a Hayfield and now  has 4,500 jobs and has a vibrant Beating Heart to   a community uh 30 food and beverage out uh outlets  and so forth we talked about the Redstone Gateway   Redstone Arsenal about how now it's 8600 jobs  uh and how it has another 2 and A5 million   square feet to be developed contract defense  again High wage shs talked about another one   at at the bellward campus up in Maryland off of  Kent around Kentland in Ash syca pharmaceutical   manufacturing and such but we understand these  are the kind of jobs you're after we understand   how to put together a plan that makes sense  and moving forward we talked about working in   with the spirit of dpz and within the bones of  that plan reaching out to DPC we've already had   conversations with them to come back to the table  to make sure that we are you know looking at every   aspect of how we can improve the plan to make  sure that we're all set up for Success we talked   about the other group of the stakeholders that we  talked to was creating the Beating Heart of Bula   we've talked to community members we've talked  to Miss Theresa Blackwell we've talked to Navy   Federal folks that have been there some that  were there when the original started this and   some that have since moved there and we felt that  that their their voices needed to be heard but   they wanted to have a beating heart they wanted  to have a place to gather want to have a place   for human capital exchange a place to to be with  friends and family around experiences uh and that   they can enjoy one another and that's what we  we really worked hard from that perspective of   creating this Beating Heart uh that was simply  called the mixed use District understanding how   we can have a a um a an 18-hour District of  people centered development again where it's   it's walkable uh and you have National regional  and local uses that are com together that would   would make the whole greater than W the sum of  its parts we'll be more successful in recruiting   high-wage jobs by having a very successful and  highly planned out curated mixed use experience   the third stakeholder group we talked about with  you guys about being a steward of this and how   picking the right developer the right partner is  so important certainly The Upfront purchase price   uh creates an opportunity for immediate Roi on  the investment of the taxpayers up to this point   we completely understand that but it certainly  but we believe it just starts there of how much   that we can do uh by implementing and executing  on the plan we went over our platforms not just   individuals but platforms have come together  Catalyst and jwa Associates over 250 of real   estate professionals from a capital markets  background uh a a leasing background Asset   Management development construction management you  know Financial Accounting financial reporting all   of these are are different uh deliverables uh that  come together that that create a very very viable   platform to interact with private Equity Real  Estate and other you know pensions and other large   institutional investors that this project would  absolutely need when we talked about working with   pedc we certainly think there could be some other  avenues for Capital and that's why we want to work   with them because we want to explore that but  to do that then come back to the commission do   that come back to the commission it's not very  it's just not it's not going to work you have   to have one master developer with one throat  to choke to work with Partners like this to   craft what we believe to be the best shot in  making sure that this is successful cuz it's   takes all of us it's with that that that I would  sincerely ask the board to consider to um uh uh to   to make a motion to work and pick a developer  and work through um a a a contract a purchase   and sales agreement I know there have been some  putting forth from front of you uh but a decision   of this size and a a contract of that complexity  certainly there are nuances that need to be   commented on discussed and negotiated and we are  prepared to do that um thank you very much thank   you Chad Chad to be clear your offer is still at  40 million right our offer is at U commissioner   May our offer is at 40 million um however uh  we are again we're opening to listen through   negotiation of exclusive negotiation of this  contract um you know purchase price is one aspect   of the contract there are other aspects of the  contract and we would like to address those as a whole okay thank you okay at this time board  that's I guess the completion of all the briefs   um it's open for our discussion commissioner  Barry would you like to start unless commissioner   stobber has some comments I'd be happy to make  some uh was genuinely impressed with all three   presentations and I I you know I think even the  even the presenter that I'm not as familiar with   as the other two uh presented a a capacity to  be able to uh you know a reasonable capacity   to be able to do the project um but I you know  certainly know the other two I I you know have   relationships in the you know the Tampa Orlando  area that have that have worked with and around   uh Metro development and uh you know just seeing  the other multi-use projects that they've done it   certainly seems like they have the capacity as  well I'm inclined to uh to hope that the board   would instruct Wes and Allison to um see if we  can negotiate an acceptable contract with the uh   the triw the Wilson group um and see if we can  move from there uh that doesn't mean that you   know I hope that means that eventually we'll have  a contract come back to our board but it doesn't   mean that it will um you know it's going to take  there's there's uh and commissioner hoffberger   mentioned this morning hard money issues that  was um and just candidly there were a couple   of issues with with a Horton discussion 18 months  ago but the hard money was was a big one and they   were it was we were never able uh there were  probably would have been other issues but we   were never able to get past that one issue so  you know I agree with you the the hard money is   going to be an is going to be an aspect the uh the  months to close is going to be an aspect the time   frame that's on the contract um the ability to uh  you know the the appetite and the willingness to   work with uh uh to work with Florida West and work  with pedc for the job creation I think that that's   that's going to be a component I I think some of  that has been indicated by um you know anou that's   been sent from them to PDC or Florida West uh you  know fairly recently so there's I think there's a   lot of components that are going to go into it  I think there's going to be components that are   related to the to the to the bill that you know  you mentioned this morning uh commissioner ker   about no that was the bill earlier the other  Bill the live local act I think that there's   going to I think we're we're going to have to have  language in there related to that that protects   you know protects the board we can't you know we  can't exert that type of authority over privately   owned property now but while it's still publicly  owned we we do have the ability too and I and and   I think that's something that we're going to have  to manage uh so there there are a lot of moving   pieces that go into it but the important part is  to me having the right partner that has those you   know those attributes I mentioned this morning  to put a quality project on the ground create   the high wage jobs that we want out there um you  know I would just I I would love to see you know   some upline downline you know supplier you know  either customers or uh customer or vendors to   Navy Federal next door that seems like a natural  seems like a natural fit I know they've spent some   time with some of the leadership at Navy Federal  those I think we have an opportunity to maybe get   the right partner so that's what I that's that's  what I would hope that we would do at the end of   the evening but thank you for your comments  like uh commissioner may you want to go next or do you want to go next commissioner strober  or do you want to let us talk before you go okay yeah I I gave him wrer first rusal yeah so  so Steve in your mind I mean how do you see um   the inclusion of not losing those public dollars  that David be talked about earlier so I don't   know exactly legally how how how we make that work  but I think that when we have you know we we have   ourselves we have uh you know a potential partner  and and then we have uh you know we have a public   agency or or and you know the the whether the  vehicle is you know pedc vehicle I think there's   a way to manage ownership I mean just estimates  related to storm water on the property were double   digit millions of dollars um when we had some you  know and this has been six or eight months ago uh   when w when we had ECUA in the room um we had the  uh the I think threers leadership team from ECUA   head engineer executive director head engineer and  I don't know what Stacy's title is but the the of   their chain we had them in the room talking about  utility cost out there um so this is unrelated to   uh unrelated to power unrelated to other other  utilities that you know may be necessary the   ECA numbers were staggering for infrastructure  because there's uh there's not uh there's a new   a completely new lift station that would have  to be built they were talking about uh they're   not even close to um they still in in the design  phase of one going in north of the interstate so   we were we were a long way from having capacity  there and the numbers I think historically the   numbers that come out of e are huge and these  numbers that they were and these were just back   of the napkin numbers to start feeding real  commercial they had capacity to uh to serve one one project with water that had very  little water usage one you know they there   because there's a little bit of extra capacity  off of the Navy Federal Pro off the Navy Federal   property there was very little other capacity  in that area so I I I I think there's a lot of   infrastructure public infrastructure that we can  find a way to manage in the contract and um and I   wouldn't foresee you know if the build out of the  whole property is is going to be just substantial   I don't I don't know enough to know the number  but it is going to be substantial and these guys   whether it's whether it's that group or another  group you know you don't make money accidentally   so if there's an opportunity to have uh to partner  and have 10 12 1420 million of infrastructure   through the way that we manage the contract or  manage the title transfers or the D transfers   there's a way to manage that that's going to um  allow the job production that's really going to   you know that's really going to jump start the  site then how would they how would they not you   know just jump at that opportunity so I I I  believe there's a way to manage it if there's   a want from the people involved and I believe that  there is a want from the people involved well well   let me say Steve I mean since the beginning I I've  I've certainly um supported position of you and   and commissioner MOS and now uh commissioner strob  Berger and you know I don't see me uh swaying from   you know supporting uh because you represent a  large portion of those who are directly affected   but indirectly people that I represent are  affected and so um and to be clear my district   is about about a half a mile from here I mean it  it's it begins at the interstate I mean it is very   no no no and I respect that yeah I mean and and  I hope hopefully you know my respect uh to my two   colleagues who represent those districts uh you  know has you know been appreciated and I'm sure   it has been because you you you always have and  I'll continue to do that but when when I make that   comment commissioner I'll simply make the comment  in terms of how do we get to where we're going   I mean certainly I I know you know there's not a  doubt I know Brian Spencer and and Fred hmer know   Brian Spencer you know well and the great work  that he's done I've known Ashton Hayward my entire   life and and I know Chad Henderson so I mean those  two great groups and I was impressed with Ryan you   know quite frankly I was impressed with it with  with his number so I don't think we we go wrong   I think we got to get out to the development  business for me when I'm hearing my PDC and my   Florida West on the infrastructure when you know  we're hearing that there's money uh that's already   sitting in a grant that we scored an a I would  hate to lose that money because you at the end   developer needs to make money and I'm I'm not a  developer I don't know how to forecast I I don't   know how to read spreadsheets balance sheets  performance none of that stuff you know that's   not what I'm what I'm doing but I do understand  dollars and cents in bottom line and if you know   you can get 30 million from Triumph to put in  infrastructure then the houses are cheaper you   know I mean development cost is cheaper I mean I'm  you know so give give or take that that I think it   was $14 million that was approved you know that  the lowest number and this is this is that this   is that a a high wage a high wage job production  you know that would have come with a a commitment   from the county for 700 jobs at at at a minimum  you know the the highest wages the highest the   highest Grant allocation I believe unless unless  I'm incorrect and Mr be could correct me but I   think he spent $50,000 a job so that $14 million  would have required you know 700 jobs give her you   know give or take understand so I mean we would  have been on I'm sorry that may not be correct so I sorry 280 jobs excuse excuse me 280 jobs  for that $14 million at best case scenario for   and you know so the I think we can meet the job  numbers but they're going to but they're going to   be you know there's going excuse me there's going  to be requirements that are going to come with any   of that public money and there was also I mean one  of the things that came up a couple months ago was   there was there's Governor's growth uh Governor's  growth fund that has money that could go directly   into uh you know directly into infrastructure out  there as well and I I think the uh you know the   the process to maybe tap into that is even you  know it's maybe even expedited but yeah I mean   I the govern's growth fun I mean I I remember  initially Scott LOF talking about that and other   different pockets of money you know I can you  know I've never been to a trium meeting I know   David serves on it and I have seen you know we've  heard people talk about what our neighbors to the   east of us are getting but I have seen you know  other counties um get a lot of Triumph money and   I think we deserve more money from Triumph here  in this game County cuz we were uh affected uh   just like the surrounding surrounding counties uh  but back to what I was saying Steve in terms of of   respecting uh my two colleagues you know whether  it's 40 million rather it's 42 million rather it's   43 million you know every 5,000 makes a difference  in my district you know and so um that's you know   I I have to get there and quite frankly you know  we've had some conversations um on on how to get   there because those things are important uh for  all of our districts and for all of our citizens   to win the citizens of BU need to win but the  citizens of all scam County need to win too uh   the majority of the citizens that I represent  uh the only time they'll enter that town center   it's probably on you know a a a night out you  know every six months uh and so as we're moving   forward you know it's going to be important for  me and quite frankly for me to be so supportive   uh is that we maximize uh those dollars and as  minute or as small as they may seem uh to some   and when people talk about the 10 to 20 to 30  year Roi uh that's great but I have the current   property blight despair in my district today uh  and so it doesn't wait for me 10 20 years it it   happens in my years of service that I'm going to  do everything that I can to improve the quality of   life for the citizens that I represent if that  put in street lights and sidewalks and Parks   uh you know 10,000 at a time or 5,000 at a time  that's that's critical for me uh although I can   certainly respect uh the long-term vision of my  colleagues or any other person so with that said   U Mr chairman you all I think I've pretty been  pretty clear in my position I mean my position   has always been simply High wage jobs uh you  know never thought of housing until uh Theresa   and her group came and loved the idea aide of the  attainable housing and and making sure people have   high wage jobs so they could be able to attain  those homes uh and being able to recruit Revenue   funds uh for you know our portion uh that I would  think that would go back into my district uh after   we sign a deal and get the income so you know the  income is still very the current income is still   very critical to me thank you Mr chairman thank  you commissioner M so if I'm hearing you right   the the price is important to you it's absolutely  I I think I don't I've never wavered okay I mean   I think that's the only thing that I've said  I've I've supported the two Commissioners from   that District 100% but my my position I've only  made two points highways jobs because that was a   promise uh and then the ROI that all five of us  will enjoy I mean it won't be one commissioner   it'll be five Commissioners being able to go back  into their District uh to do to do great work and   and Mike you know rather you know it's you know  a half a million a meal two meal two and a half   meal that's pretty important uh to cras you  know that's more money that's more money than   we generate you know in a year's time in a tiff so  you know we were talking about you know rebuilding   houses we had sent a contract back tonight for  $73,000 if I had 500,000 I just I just change   the life of five families right in my district so  thank you thanks for your comments uh commissioner   hoffberger I'll I'll jump commissioner stroberg  if you'd like to comment thanks um I would love   to see if she's more Triumph dollars we have  Ellison industrial park that hasn't been repaved   in 30 years the bluff industrial park that I'd  like to see revitalized and the possibility of   the Midtown Commerce Park as well not to mention  Workforce Development what I don't want is to put   jobs up in Bula and us bring in people who don't  live here to take those jobs amen so I feel like   there's room to use Triumph dollars for Workforce  Development I'd like to see that happen uh I want   to Echo commissioner Barry and move forward with  the triw proposal uh I believe they showed the   best track record along with the priorities that  were in line with our priorities of creating jobs   okay thank you thank you commissioner all right  I'll make a comment and then I'll let Steve go   and then we'll kind of try to wrap this up I  um I said this this morning I I think you all   are going to be able to develop something out  there that we're going to be proud of I really   really do I've felt the passion by everyone um I  think all the Commissioners have been listening   intely trying to process this um some of the  things I've looked at in the in the all of the   bids obviously the price I like the additional  deposit that we talked about this morning so   the county if it something fell out I don't want  to completely waste a bunch of time like we have   in the last year not getting any anything back in  return um jobs obviously are important important   I think it's and I and you know this is more  a comment for uh the legal department I don't   know how we can work with pedc so we can get those  Triumph dollars and I think that's something that   I don't know you can answer that night or if you  can look back somehow to see if there's a way that   we can sell it to one developer and still work  through that um because I think we know that pedc   has a role um but there seems to be quite a bit of  restrictions and from what I'm hearing we want to   selda one developer the timeline for me is very  important um but it's not instrumental but I do   like sooner than later and I do agree I do agree  with commissioner May and it's only because of the   district I represent um when you have a lot of c  and I have a very uh mixed District um those small   amount of monies I have three cras in my district  I'm going to have a fourth one after tonight   um we have a lot of low income and when you have  what like he said $200 $500,000 that would go back   on the price it's a huge difference when I go out  to a neighborhood and they say hey I hear ol fate   or the beach is getting this and they're saying  what am I getting in Beach Haven that's what I   got to represent and we all have to represent the  whole community and I know that's not what you   guys are looking at as the developer but I have  to talk to those folks just like commissioner   May does and those are hard conversations  sometimes at those neighborhood meetings but I um I'm split between two of you I'm going  to kind of wait and see what commissioner   strober has to say and then we'll see  where we end up so I don't think we're   going to lose by doing this with any of the  developers I really don't think that I think   that all of you have the passion to to do a  great job um the jobs worries me the the the   jobs the subject of jobs worries me because  something I I I've given it a lot of thought but I think without the  infrastructure we can't get those jobs so we have to find a way to work  with pedc and keep that public I think   all the developers have shown a willingness to  do that too I've talked to them all they've said   they are so that shouldn't be a problem um but  all things being equal you know I I expect one   day I'm going to be out there on all f8 in a  lawn chair with Teresa and CC and we're going   to watch this happen and we're just going to be  sipping some tea or something and we're going to   finally be so happy that we've got in here and  it it could be with any of you but all things   being equal you know I think the money makes  a difference I have I've seen the passion that   um Metro has sir I I I love your passion man  you were you weren't even selling me like a   Salesman you were selling me like you want me  to move there and that that's how I felt about   it I I've always said that I I want someone to  develop that thing to make me want to move out of   parito key and move up to Bula and I I think you  guys can make me move to Mula I really think you   can and I trust that you'll stick with the master  plan you've I think it's key that you you've said   that you've got a Consulting planner in dpz I've  talked to Marina Corey too I I know that Chad's   group has also talked to Marina for they're I  Ashton's pretty tight knows her pretty well too   I think that relationship is it's also key to me  too um working through that master plan with dpz um so I I I'd have to say that for me the  difference you know in that in the bid is   is a tiebreaker for me and I and I I I  would have to go with the metro and the hammer so Steve how do you see so I guess the  commitment is to keep that with what you're   saying to keep that um public the 270 acres  is that what the number is going to be it's   going to be that 270 I I 270 221 I mean that's  I think like I said before I think we need to   re-evaluate with the help of the developers in  dpz to figure out what really is viable up there   for in you know light industrial and and and I've  said it again and again about the definition of   light industrial makes me nervous too because  it's such a broad definition but we'll figure   that out I I but I think that um I think that we  I I don't know how we do that I don't know how   we keep it public but I know that they're willing  to work with pedc and and um um but still buy the   whole thing I don't know how that works m m I'm  sorry who's for I don't care no no no okay thank   you you have a com either way I mean M was going  to be quick I honestly was going to ask um ask   Chad and then ask Fred can I ask Chad Chad can you  come forward please can ask your question please sir so I know you said you talk talked about  it in negotiations uh that nothing was solid I   mean obviously I mean you've probably heard from  colleague that represents that District you know   a deal breaker is the number and how important  it is to myself and uh commissioner um ker I   I my question one is can you work with keeping  the 270 or the 221 public and I mean when would   you have a a a be comfortable in giving a hard  number of where you could be well I'll speak to   the uh to the you working with pedc uh on the  what could Remain the public I think that's a   that's a a big question around structuring and  how to appropriately structure I think that is   a uh that is a workshop in itself uh in working  with um all stakeholders uh pedc Florida West   understanding uh from a Triumph perspective  perspective how they look at those things uh   and that was quite frankly what our mou was about  is to dive deep uh to make sure that that we were   looking under every rock at the same time we were  as a a private developer we weren't running from   the fact that if it had to stay private we could  stay private and certainly are prepared to do   that uh to provide uh you know all the capital  necessary to develop a project uh but uh you   know this is a very uh large uh generational and  complex project and to um and to and to stand up   here uh with not all the information to say with  certainty uh that we have a structure that would   work um I'm not going to say that but what I'm all  I'm asking is is to have uh the right uh to have   the property under contract Focus uh not here on  day one but day two which is how to move forward   uh and that is to getting all the experts in the  room uh to to look at every different avenue to to   make sure that we're utilizing every tool in the  toolbox to get there um from a perspective of of a   hard number um you know I like I I shared with you  earlier the CW we you know we modeled this thing   and have modeled it um you know quite extensively  uh with the knowledge that we have with staying   in the spirit of the dpz plan uh looking at past  experiences understanding true cost understanding   what uh uh what return profile risk return profile  our institutional Partners institutional capital   would would need to have on a project like this  and so flippantly you know we can't come up in   something like you know 10 million of value you  know in the course of a you know a 4-Hour Break   um uh we're going to you know I would I would say  that that we put certainty of execution you know   first uh about what we can put forth uh that  said um I if the Commissioners find uh that um   our uh team is um is you know is equal but I'm  not interested in getting a bidding war there   has to be some sort of value placed on on what  each team brings um if if we're not if we're not   good enough then I promise you I'll be the biggest  cheerleader for for whoever gets this uh but I do   feel uh that we're the best choice given you know  all of the things that we talked about earlier I   said get it uh want it and have the capacity in  their relationships to do it that's also from a   job creation perspective from a beating heart  perspective and from a stewardship perspective   um so uh commissioner may I mean I I do think  there is there's some room in our I think there's   a little room in our number but what we'd like to  is look look at the contract as a whole uh and see   you know what's important to you uh commissioner  hoffberger from a perspective of of money upfront   um but I want to address the money up front I  want to address you know what the Milestones   that are important to you guys especially now  that we're talking about working with uh another   entity in pedc in Florida West and how we can  explore that that has to be factored in and to   we think about going through these Milestones um  in anyway so so commissioner May um um we could   support um you know some some sort of increase in  our our uh our price um I feel that um I feel that   we would really want to sit down and go through  the entire contract with all the pertinent terms   uh and have it right there in front of us and then  if we could not come to a term agreement then you   know we understand but um uh I do find that that  we bring uh a lot of Merit to the table uh in our   approach uh and our willingness to work with pedc  and being flexible and being entrepreneural uh on   how we um you know we Orient towards getting  every again tool in the toolbox to be unified   uh on the job front uh on the Beating Heart side  of the house I think that we we can do that really   really well and and we could also create the  place uh that you're you're having te in the   ader duct chair um so commissioner and Chad I  mean I I I I I get kind you know I mean if if   I was leaning I'd be leaning because I've seen  your work I've seen the development at Baptist   I've seen seen the work that that you've done  um I hear what two of my colleagues have said   and I certainly respect you know all of my  colleagues I I do respect the two colleagues   that are directly affected commissioner Barry and  commissioner stroberg I I think that their opinion   uh weighs heavy on me uh but I I I do you know  have a commitment you know to where I am I mean   Teresa Teresa got up and spoke very highly but at  the end of the day for me I would be inconsistent   with what I've said Comm Mr Hofer do you have  a comment I was waiting for them to finish Ian   I stopped Chad you something you want to say no I  mean I'm just saying this to Chad because I mean   now I think fairly the question I asked Chad I  should ask Fred and I should ask Ryan as well in   all fairness if we're gonna do this I mean for me  you know the dollar I would be inconsistent in the   message that I've said repeatedly I mean whether  it was privately or publicly uh if I didn't say   that the highest and the best bid financially  for me uh was not important and so that's what   I would struggle with I would certainly say that  uh what I've seen with Mr Wilson what I've seen   with you is awesome uh but I I will say that  you know I can immediately make impact in my   community the moment we can get to the end of a  contract uh with and you know two two and a half   million dollars quite frankly it's just two and  a half million dollars I mean if all things equal   I have two colleagues one supporting here one  supporting there obviously they both I I would   I completely respect your position I respect all  of your POS positions and I guess you know my ask   was is that if if I went to 42 A5 million U is the  next conversation you know 43 million um we're not   interested I no I don't think that's it I think  for me not for me I can't speak for anybody else   but but to answer your question I think there is  room um and conferring with my partner uh I think   there is room uh in our bid uh to to um to explore  matching uh at 425 but we we would like to have   again the opportunity to negotiate the contract in  whole you know with all of the parameters all of   the pertinent terms and we have uh in large part  uh gotten U you know at least some way uh with the   county attorney uh but there are things that we  certainly can tighten up we haven't really seen   a red line back because we were waiting for this  point uh we we did get some high Lev things that   were important uh but we haven't received a red  line so I mean I I think you know what we would   ask is that if if we could commit to to matching  the prices that we have an opportunity to have an   exclusive right to negotiate the contract is that  fair commissioner May well yeah I'm not going to   negotiate the deal from from the dice but I that's  very respectful and that was very important to me   and so whatever the terms of the deal is Chad I  just want to get across the finish line but I just   want to be true to who I am and to what I've said  uh since the beginning and those are the only two   things that those are quite frankly the only two  requirements I've ever had uh about that and and   you know other things came along because I had no  idea that it was going to be housing I never I had   no idea it was going to be a town center which  are all great ideas and appreciate uh what the   bu community has said uh and so I hope that and  as commissioner Barry said that we've negotiated   multiple times uh to no resolution and so I want  to get out of the negotiations get out of it get   an get get an offer get a commitment get the jobs  and you'll get the bottom line dollar and then we   move on and we get out of it because we'll be here  to midnight in perpetuity if we continue to try to   negotiate with developers and negotiate a deal so  that's the number was it was important to me and   back into everything else and I I I I appreciate  you um matching that because it's important to the   people that I represent as commissioner ker said  you know you got to go back to your investors and   you got to go back to your partners and answer  my investors and my partners are the people that   I represent uh that I made some um commitments  to that's where I needed to where I would expect   to be and that's just not for district three I  mean it doesn't all go to my district it goes   to five districts uh but so it's not a a huge  amount of money money but it certainly makes a   big difference uh to our five district so so I  appreciate that Chad uh commissioner offer m b   I'll give you an opportunity to make a quick  statement but can let's let commissioner Hof   so knowing that Triumph funds are important and  I agree and work force development is important I   believe there was a section in your proposal where  you were donating property back for school we we   were uh certainly contemplating that from the  first um uh contract that we presented uh we have   sent again that that's why that contract has not  you know been been put put back to us okay um you   know now we were focused more on working with the  pedc and the E District uh from a jobs perspective   to making sure that certainly We Believe on having  some Civic anchors within the heartbeat aspect of   our um our mix use aspect of our plan uh but  the E District was been the focus focal point   after getting you know good direction from the  stakeholders uh that we address as I spoke to as   I spoke about earlier okay thank you okay thank  you yeah and I think that is I think everyone   knows the school board bought some property  pretty close to that just recently to build   a school so um that's more in their Lane anyways  um Mr Bill I'm going to let him he's been waving   it I don't know if you want to answer commissioner  May's question on price or if you have some other   comment yes sir so um running running first  of all um I I do appreciate everyone and my   other competitors here this is not the ideal way  to negotiate a contract so out of respect though   I don't see as a citizen how an option contract  for two years is in the best interest of this   community okay so I just want to I'm not all due  respect the option contract we're we're ready to   move forward with this number I was on the phone  with my principal at the fund approved the 40   million to close and I think in that six-month  period I more than happy to have a conversation   with Florida West and PE EDC uh to see how we  can apply for the appropriate money to have   some of that grant money on this field so I think  in that six-month window we can we can come to an   agreement okay thank you I I think here's where  we're at we either need to set some parameters   that we agreed to and re have them renegotiate  or we need to make a motion if someone's willing   to do that and Mr Mr chairman I'm comfortable  making a motion to ask Wes and Allon to negotiate   an acceptable contract that encompasses the  priorities of the board with the J or the triw   group and see where it goes we will it's not as if  we'll be distant from each other for months on end   you know after the holidays uh we have we have a  lot of business beginning in January January we'll   we'll be together regularly especially with our  our uh standing committee of the holes now that   are scheduled so we'll we'll we'll be convening  together regularly and uh I'd like to I think in   my opinion that's the right partner I'd like to  move forward with those discussions and give an   opportunity to see if we can get there and see  how it goes Mr commissioner Barry um can I let   commissioner strober before we ask for a second  to see if he would want to make a different motion   or allow that to go forward and see if there's a  second I'd like to see if there's a second if you   don't mind Mr chairman is there a second at this  point before no I I'd like to make a motion too   well yeah hold on there's a motion on the table  right now so I just wanted to put that out there   I I was trying to be respectful since it's in  his district is there a second on the initial motion I don't know what the rules are can  we hear the second motion and then pick how   does that work um we can if we if if there  doesn't get a second motion then we can let   commissioner stroberg go and then if uh  commissioner Barry wants to reenter his   inial motion we can go from there are you okay  with that commissioner Barry if there's not a   second at this time and and Mr chairman  I know that you were moving forward and   that's fine that it was a motion but you know  I did want to hear from we let Ryan speak and   Chad I wanted to hear from Mr Hammer but you  I'm sorry I you did say that can you want to   bring Mr Hammer up yeah it was just quite frankly  it was just a question of keeping the 270 public Fred are are you getting tired yeah we're here for  you Fred it was just the addressing working with   pedc in the 270 acres and keeping that public  is is that a commitment that you guys would   keep it public yes we're willing to do that you  know we we've been going back and forth whether   it's the whole whether it's 250 acres and we've  accommodated everything that's been requested   from us I mean I can tell you two years ago I  met with chips trying to go through the details   here how to get the county their Triumph funds  so we've been very concerned about that and as   will mentioned once the property sort of got  bifurcated it sort of stopped that process now   that we're maybe going back into it we are  certainly more than willing to do anything   we can to help the county get that Triumph  funds money so we you know we stand here   I think on equal level with anybody else for  that consistency um just talk to my partners   if we have to come up another million dollar we  will do that we'll always take more money Fred um I promise you know I'm you know you know I'm  not trying to help people in a biding I have a   separate question on uh you were the only ones  that you know I know that the other two biders   or developers had said they'd work with PDC  I I'd like to see you guys do that I talked   to you about that I've talked to everyone about  that actually you you're you'll have a commitment   to try to use them in the economic devel is that  you absolutely okay I just want to make sure that   absolutely and and Mike I mean commissioner Coler  I mean this is probably the larges and thanks Fred   you've answered my question thank you Fred we're  good you answered for me thank you yeah no thank   you so much no thank you um as you just said the  parameters um this is such a huge project uh that   we're going to have to lock arm and arm to work  with in where you know obviously we had two colle   leagues have clearly stated where they are uh  you have not really stated where you are um I was   torn and you know obviously you know um my whole  commitment was if you know it reached the 42.5 you   know I probably would support um uh Chad and his  group um but it's important to me where commiss   stroberg is but it'd be important to me where  we had consistency I mean I mean where this land   you know probably could easily be you know a 32  or 4-1 vote on something that's going to take all   of us working together really with you know and  so and I like what you said let's get the let's   get the parameters that's why it would have been  so important to have an RFQ and RFP set out with   our expectations our criteria the minimum amount  of money you know exactly what we wanted rather   than these unsolicited proposal because it is  vague I mean we're we're not necessarily voting   uh on specific criteria we're kind of voting  on a presentations and and somewhat emotions   which you know is is not necessarily you know how  you would do a a request for proposal it would be   criteria uh but my goal is you know we have two  guys one to my right one to my left probably with   two different motions you know how do we uh Define  the par parameters I know everybody wants to get   off base at midnight tonight how do we Define  those parameters come to an agreement where we   we are all singing from the same shoo of music  I mean for me it's almost a dead tie right now   you know and probably I probably would lean uh  we have two people voting that way I don't want   to have a 3-2 vote you know I probably would  support my colleague and um commissioner um um if we had to come down to that vote but I I  want to figure out how do we get this you know   in a way that's going to have a real consensus  I know in this world that we live in some things   end up being 3-2 some things end up being 41 but  I can tell you something this major we we have to   clearly Define to make sure that we're all voting  on the same criteria uh to move this forward and   to have the clarifications because here's part  of the problem we got will you work with pedc of   course I will will you keep it public of course  I will who knows and then once again we get it   into negotiations and it fails again because it  hadn't clearly defined here you know at midnight   we've throwing out some criteria and tried to  force some people you know to do something you   know that we want them to do and so to me that  is not necessarily the best way I will do uh   you know what my colleagues want to do I mean I'm  good with that if if we just had to make the vote   but i' Lov I like what you just said we need  to set the parameters we need to have a clear   vision of exactly the criteria that we're voting  on and what's important you know and don't box   ourself out you know what I mean I don't think  we tell any any I mean these two groups are so   close I mean I don't think you just snatch the  ball and tell somebody you need to go home you   know I mean because what if negotiations fail  I I agree with I think everything you said I I   think we should allow commissioner stroberg at  this point oh yeah oh yeah absolutely I don't   know how much more I need to say I I do want to  make a motion that we uh begin I'm sorry go ahead okay okay we heard that so Fred's bids 43.5  so we we'll we'll have the contract over or   whatever but let's finish and see where  we end up all right well I like to make   the motion that uh we begin negotiations  with bua Town Center is there a second I'll second just because I think I should honor like  we normally do the commissioner's District it has   nothing to do with the people that have played  here today I think that the board has always   respected a person commissioner's District I  think both deals are all the deals are fair   I don't know where we're going to up on this vote  but there's yeah I'm still ful the come to I mean   I'll be candid I mean because I I still have  to look Chad in his eyes he he he came to the   the podium and said if I went you know it's 425  what you've back for all day and what's going to   happen in 5 minutes what be 43 and that's see that  I wouldn't feel good about that because I said no   Chad that's not where we going I mean the number  is you know I I want to mention something before   we vote and and two of us and Mike I think you  were on the board when this happened you know we   had we had breand and we had breand and Horton  that were in that were in discussions a couple   of years ago and uh you know I I thought the  program from uh the proposal the history of   work the resume the portfolio of work I really  I I really liked the Breeland proposals because   I liked a couple of the like-sized projects that  they had done in Alabama um there's a principal in   the breing company that's from Pensacola it's from  Mambi County that uh uh you know so he's he's here   frequently and what ends up happening they just  you know it's a privately held company you know   they're they're well resourced but you're well  resourced in a bidding war with a publicly traded   company that has unlimited access to funds and  that's I mean that's what Dior Horton has that's   what lenar has our two public builders that we  have locally and they have unlimited access to   Capital and the comment was just made that not  going to get in a bidding war with them good   luck ever getting your money that's the that's the  issue that that's why we never had a contract that   even came back to the board we were not going to  see the con The Proposal could have been for $80   million we weren't going to see $80 million we  weren't might as well a bit imaginary money we   weren't going to see those dollars actually come  to our coffers and you have a well-resourced   private company that says said look Stephen it's  not worth it why would I why would I continue why   would I continue in that endeavor just a little  bit of historical knowledge you don't believe   that these folks don't have the resources to fund  this right I believe that I believe both it and I   don't know Ryan as well as as as I do the other  folks that are involved I believe that all three   have the resources just because someone has the  resources to do a deal doesn't mean we're going   to get the money from them that's my point Horton  had unlimited resources we could have we could   have we could have gotten an offer from Horton  for $80 million for the property it doesn't mean   we were going to see the 80 million there's so  many other terms that are going to go into the contract we continued redlining deleting terms  in there as to when we would actually get paid   those terms continued coming in there they  they continued being reut in by their general   council's office we weren't going to see that  money they basically we had 18 month 24 month   just a contract just to tie our property up and  see how the market goes if the market goes well   maybe they maybe they close if the market doesn't  go well they want to come back and renegotiate   they were going to be out no hard money we were  if if they wanted to close and it was actually   an unlimited time frame because the closing was  dependent upon approved development orders anyway   the terms in the contract are going to be a bigger  deal than the front end money I just it's not what   I'm saying is though I I do think that if it was  in your District completely I know it's close I   would have respected you on what you wanted  I mean I have to take into consideration I do   Steve Won bu buy a massive amount the people  out there listen it's I mean I think we need   to listen he talked to those people out there  and for me I think that that has lot of weight   I believe both companies or all three of the  developers will do that but and Mike I'm I'm   the first four term Republican commissioner  in scambia County history for the record what   does that have to do with well you you're just  mentioning Steve Won bua by a massive amount oh   yeah I meant yeah I got you well congratulations  well that's it's m that's that's that's not   newsworthy it's it's never been but that's the  truth so I understand what you're saying but   there's I mean there there's there's political  Capital that exists in multiple seats on the   St I agree in my here's where I am if we have  to go because you know obviously um it's it's   almost like John R Jones it's my district but  stepen represents a lot of people uh there's a   vested interest from two of these guys and uh  I I certainly have seen the sweat tears that   commissioner Barry has put in this for years  and I see the passion of of of Mr stubber to   me this is the the largest project that we're  doing and we made tremendous amount of progress   tonight a tremendous more than we made in  years thank to thanks to your leadership   but in my opinion he's making a motion he's Mak  it's not clearly defined in terms of our legal I   mean the parameters of the contract in which  we are expecting from people to me should be   more defined as we move forward we got to the  major point when you and I wanted to get to was   the numberer we're happy with the numberer  I mean and and so in in my opinion if this was we're tired we've been at this 10 hours and  we're about to make a a a a a huge decision you   know to me we're there it looks like there's  only two people left at the deal there's some   things that that PDC PDC has brought Florida  West has thrown out Florida West new executive   director threw things at us tonight David  barar threw things at us tonight we threw   things back at the developers tonight uh we to  me in my opinion we need time to develop our   RP our instrument and have that conversation of  those criteria that's important because no one's   really said definitely that they could live by the  criteria that we've set maybe we'll negotiate it   we can get there but some things that we may say  that may be unreasonable and at this Midnight Hour   we we can't put that together in my opinion I I  think that fresher Minds a little time and not   kicking it down the road but we have we have made  tremendous amount of progress and listen to lots   of lots of of lots of people all day uh to the  point of fatigue where our entire support staff   that's going to help help us implement this are  just about gone tonight uh I don't like I mean   I'll be candidate I don't like the vote at the  Midnight Hour of something that that's significant   here uh I I I I I I really don't I I I think you  know we Committee of we're there I mean we we   somebody said 25 years okay we've been waiting 25  years and now you want me to make this decision at   midnight after we've been at this thing for about  15 hours uh after um commissioner stobber been on   this dies two times you know I mean we need ter  for administration legal have more conversation   have conversation with both of them I mean  one they may back out I mean because there   are certain things that we wasn't going to bend  on I wasn't going to bend on 42.5 million there's   things that Steve's not going to bend on there I  mean commissioner Barry commissioner stroberg I   mean so to me it would be wise to you know take  a moment give us some rest vet this out so we   can talk to Legal so we can talk to so we can talk  to people who do professional rfqs rfps and other   developers so we can move forward we not kicking  us down the road you know for months but at least   not making a decision where citizens are going to  say we made a decision you know probably you know   at midnight about something that this major and so  you know there's a lot of emotions here uh there's   a lot of things that have not been defined here  tonight I think you know for me I would like to   take a breather and think about a decision that  I'm about to make because I am poor of where I   need to be and and I've committed you know I I I  said to Chad you know do do this I mean I can't   kick the ball you know and you know keep moving  the goal post down the road but I certainly would   like to think about it be able to discuss it we've  been in blackout I purposely not talk to these   guys because of blackout and and a fear of what we  can do now we have two people that we can go into   and maybe we can begin to have some conversation  and make a wise decision so in my opinion   you know if it's been 25 years another 30 days for  a commissioner that's only been here for a moment   makes sense to me okay let's say uh who's next  commissioner H or commission I do have a question   should should we just per your recommendation kind  of revamp this whole process and put out an RFP   instead of just blanket offers to me I don't  know I'm just asking because it's been thrown   around like four no I don't think that's a bad  idea I mean I mean no I think that's a wonderful   idea because it sets the and I'm not that may  be too long of a process if we're not going to   choose a a developer to go with I don't know how  we're going to negotiate the contract that you're   talking about without having the criteria that's  important it's not fair to make them sit up here   and overbid each other right no that's unfair yeah  and and and you know earlier I said that I would   like more decision time you did and if that's  what everybody wants then I'm okay with that   but now that I'm sitting here I think that we owe  it to these developers to make a decision I mean   I mean they they've been here just as long as who  we are and they're all waiting for us to pull the   trigger so but if you guys want to wait I'll wait  but uh I'm also willing to make make the decision   and and and pull that trigger right now we've got  a motion and we've got a second I'll say this I I   hear what everyone's saying but we've been doing  this for two years we're eventually going to   have to make a decision I mean and you know I it  I'm be willing to retract if I thought that the   conversation would be different in a month but I'm  not really sure it would be that much different   I've been sitting here for two years we've had  multiple bids everyone in this room would feel   the same way Mike I mean Mike all I would say to  you we've never defined the RFP the request for   qualifications the actual proposal I mean you know  we we we've not ever said to any developer here's   the minimum guidelines here's the minimum fee  here's here's here's the minimum time it's all   just been kind of thrown kind of thrown out and  so but I'll do whatever you guys want to do but I   I really think that you know come back at the next  meeting and not admit night and make this decision   to at least give us time to go home and sleep on  it well well isn't that what the the motion is is   to begin negotiations they may not work out but  that's what I'm saying St then we get rid of one   because we're going to choose one why don't we  come back commission man I can't Sor what you're   saying that's why I was saying comeback Steve you  know in next meeting give us time to talk to staff   talk to legal and look at you know we got this  spreadsheet we didn't set these criterias these   criterias were defined by someone else and it  just to me gives us enough time to just take a   breathing room and not make a decision at midnight  I'll say this we've negotiated under these terms   um how many times Allison five I'm not sure what's  different with commissioner strob Berger's request   tonight than the other five times if someone can  Define that then I'll well I I don't think we've   ever put out an RFQ and RFP for it I mean we just  had but if you got I I'm I I can only speak for me   I mean I'm I'm not comfortable at this point you  know at at midnight you know making this decision   uh I'd much rather come with fresher eyes even  if it was a special call meeting next week uh or   or at at our next board meeting there's nothing  that's going to happen in these holidays at all   I mean before our next meeting for the first of  the year I mean we're all going into the holidays   that's an interesting concept would would you  want to have a special meeting next week I oh   okay that won't work we could bring it back to  the January 7th no bring it back to January 7th   after the holidays if Steve's if you're okay with  it Steve I'm going to defer to you if you want   to move I think we I think hopefully at that  at that that point I think it is going to be   something different I think it is because I see  the passion for Mr big uh I I I see Ashley I see   Steve I see Mike I mean I see the commitment  to trying to come to a point of comaraderie   and working together and have this thing land uh  with a unified front that's what I see and I think   that we're getting I think we're almost there I  mean this was probably on the third third meeting   with commissioner halberg and and and and second  meeting with commissioner stroller and obviously   commissioner Barry and I have been together a long  time and and you've been here a year I think that   I've seen that we've got in progress and so what  I'm trying to find Mike is the consensus that I   believe that we can find together with just a all  right I'm going to go back and then we're going   to finish this up commissioner stroberg  do you want to withdraw your motion no I don't okay all right there's a motion in a second   please vote what what's the motion Steve  please repeat your motion the motion is   for the county to begin negotiations  with buet town center and keeping the 270 all right is there a second is  that correct keeping the 200 and   whatever yes as one one whole property 540 Acres say we're keeping 270 for the U for  the public light industrial is that   what we're doing with PC in Florida  West yes that's the way it's been designed commissioner straber this  isn't my district but your people   are they don't look happy that's why  I'm need a table just for a little bit the math is drastically changed I'm sorry  I'm sorry the math is drastically changed   when you take away 270 Acres there is 180  Acres that is zoned for public use so the   developable Acres when you total this  project is 424 so when you take 270 for   424 and you take 180 from that southern  portion you are left with 90 developable   acres and 60 of that is zoned residential  I'm sorry the numbers drastically Chang r i that's why I I I I I tried to make a  substitute motion to the table till we get   all that because the things we're throwing out  tonight with pedc in those 221 or 270 Acres we   have to have Clarity and right if we we don't if  we don't have we don't have Clarity when excuse   me that's why we to me we have to make sure that  we have Clarity uh commissioner stobber I think   what you I don't well I don't want I think so  I think you meant to sell the whole property   to or to go into negotiation with the 540 Acres  right with it with the intent of using pedc for   the yes yes sell the whole property but with the  intent of working with pedc to develop to keep it   public we can't do that we can't keep it public  no we can't do that and then once pdc's help no   we're not going to be able to do that so we can  use PDC to bring in compan and to bring in jobs   and to bring in Workforce opportunities but if  we sell the whole piece of property we cannot use   pedc to develop that property via Triumph funds  right right that's I'm sorry I'm sorry and but   that's my understanding correct the Triumph Grant  requires I appreciate you can't just jump up and   every every time you have something that Trigg and  so Steve what we lose and that's the only reason I   ask for a little more clarity a little more time  because David saying you know it's 14 million   for public infrastructure dollars listen I don't  want to it's it's you and Steve's District I don't   want to kick it down the road just want to make  a decision but I want to get clarity to take   some time to be able to ask those questions uh  that's the only reason I wanted to table and get   our legal opinions and and sit down and make sure  that we are going in the right direction because   once we go private I mean once we sign a deal  with a developer whether we sign with Fred or   Chad Deal's done I mean we can't go back and say  you know what it's not it's not it's not public   and you know my commitment was price in in those  jobs that are important and for me commissioner   St you know maybe that's not the right you know  the right way but I hadn't been clearly defined   of if I make that private am I going to be  able to produce those jobs because I mean   you need in order to create jobs you're going  to have to have some public dollars to create   jobs I mean that's what what we've done private  sector Ryan please I appreciate your passion but commiss strober yeah we need to wrap this up it's  almost midnight I need to know commissioner Barry   commissioner Barry when we were at the uh uh the  last meeting we went to the pedc we talked about   maybe um the county still still being able to get  triumph dollars is that not a possibility without   pedc the county I mean the county doesn't need PDC  to get triumph dollars I mean no that's that's I   mean it it's certainly a vehicle but pedc is a  PDC can be a recipient of Tri dollars just like   the county could be I mean you would just you you  need to I think you wouldn't be closing for quite   a long time I think there's a there's a lot of  time for something to happen now I you know and   I'm very supportive of of PDC being being a part  of the discussion during this time frame talking   about a due diligence period that's going to be  lengthy anytime during anytime during we can write   in the contract that you know before before D  transfers before the title changes that that   you know some of it gets extracted out we reduce  the purchase price accordingly you have a proat   of purchase price and if you know if you have a  if you have a project that makes sense that you   know that fits that fits the master plan you pull  that out you Prat reduce the closing price by you   know $100,000 an acre or whatever the number is  and then you know pudc or the county maintains   the ownership for that and you and you look at  a Triumph Grant you know the the trium grants   still there's going to be huge infrastructure  needs out there I I think that that's still   those things are still possible but I don't  know I mean I'm just kind of listening and and   and taking in the discussion currently so whatever  whatever you guys want to want to attempt to do is fine all right it's midnight commiss strober do  you move forward okay I think we need to push   this for more discussion I think I don't think  I'm I'm going to you trct your motion yeah okay   what I would like to do in the interest what  I would like to if the board board is okay I   would like to have them negotiate with all three  and on the next meeting though I think we need to   be prepared to make a decision I I'm I'm not going  to let this go on for two years Mike I commission   Co I agree can they negotiate with all the things  that stroberg Barry wants and the community wants   and whoever has that like you said bring negotiate  with Al three them and just bring that back to us   and I know I know that that's frustrating for  the staff but we have set some new parameters   Alison you have some question respectfully Mr  chairman I don't know what to we don't know   what to negotiate for well we've discussed quite  a few things tonight from all that's the problem   I respectfully that's the problem is it taking  270 out is it keeping it in is it to have public   infrastructure not public infrastructure is price  the most important is it not I mean it's almost   impossible it's that is a task that I feel is  almost possible unless there are more specific   parameters provided by you guys by a majority I  just well let's let's cut and dry just some quick   answers because it's get like do we all agree that  we should we're going to sell the whole property   or we're going to split it up that's an easy one  for everyone on the board to make a decision Mr   chairman with all due respect there's no way to  expect the staff to negotiate three with three   entities if the board's there's no way to expect  the staff to negotiate with three entities if the   board's not willing to take action then how can  we ask our how can we ask the two the the the   only two employees that we have to basically  take action for us or create action for us if   we're not willing to take action okay then we  just come back and do it again so what's your   recommendation I I I made a recommendation I made  a recommendation that that that was dismissed so   that's fine but if we're not going to take action  I don't see any way we ask Wes and Allison to do anything okay um I mean   so what's the minimum purchase price we're going  to take 4.2 4.2 what's the um what's the minimum   deposit we're going to take what's the minimum  inspection period we're going to take that's   what a developer who a developer representative  would do for us I mean it's minimum and and so if   he came up with two years well we're not going to  accept two years it's the minimum qualifications   that you have on any development project that  yeah and you define that and you go what are   the contract terms that's what you do and if we  don't have someone on staff to negotiate that then   we hire a development consultant very quickly to  make sure that we are maximizing what's best for   the citizens of esamia County you know we're  not going to be able to negotiate with Chad or   Fred or any of them that's not our expertise  but we what we do is Define the parameters I   mean we want to see attainable housing we want  to see jobs all those things have to be Apples   to Apples so you can evaluate you can't evaluate  some you know that's you know that's a narrative   so here here's what I'm hearing commissioner May  commissioner Barry wants to make a motion still   for U or you oh Comm no commissioner Barry's  motion died for lack of second now hey so I've   got I've got no more comments I don't think our  board's going to take any action that's fine if   we're gonna we're now talking about putting out  an RFP for something RFQ what whatever I I mean   we we're discussing things that put our  actions years in the future no I agree okay I mean all right since there's not a motion our second since  commissioner strober withdrew his motion I think   what we need to do so there's no motion on  the table right he withdrew it I think that the only opportunity at this time of night is  to come back at the next meeting and redo it   again but but Mike I mean and I and see I'm not  going against anything you saying and I'm we and   hindsight R but all I'm saying is that if we had  an inspection period we got one person said one   year one person said two years one person said  180 days and we clearly didn't Define what was   our minimum expectation of an inspection period  I mean there's just a few general questions that   I think should be minimum that we' decided as a  board that people should be able to respond to   but at the end of the day you know we want to come  back at the meeting and just vote well I think I   think it since there's not a motion in a second  we need to we need to just come I'm sorry guys I   wanted to get there tonight we exhausted this but  it's it there's there's there's not an appetite   to get there tonight and maybe it's because  we've just been here for a long time but um I   guess what I would like Wes is to put it back on  the agenda at the next meeting give you guys the   opportunity to reflect on what we talked about but  I promise I'll bring it up every meeting until we   get this resolved I um I was hoping we'd get there  tonight but uh we we're not there yet so um with   that said I think we're we're done with card 2.3  all right let's move on to the county attorney's   report oh gosh I forgot we had that too all right  legislative priorities let's can we do this fairly   quickly do everyone know what they want to put for  legislative uh wish list I've got the Beach Bridge   that's going to have to be replaced sooner than  later and I would like some help with some beach   parking okay any other things that the board would  like to be I know that insurance came up last year   we're going to bring that up again I know that's  a uh is that something that anyone wants to bring   back again I know everyone in the states worried  about insurance rates insurance and the Housing   Trust Fund for me okay Housing Trust one I I  know that fdot the front gate of the base since   we got the design through TP would be nice if we  could potentially in the following year get some   additional funds for that that's the only thing  that I would like to add on there is there there's   four is there anything Steve that you you thinking  about yeah we were talking about this yesterday   Alison and uh we were it was um it was cleaning  up that um Gateway into um Pensacola Beach the um   the toll booth and stuff uh the Eastern Gateway  project um that will tie into this but it's not   specifically this I don't think that's eligible  for State okay or maybe we've already gotten some   State we got some State funding for that already  right we did get 125 allocated last year we're   putting in Appropriations again for this for this  year for I mean if they want to give me more I'll   gladly take more representative Andra is more  than willing to carry that thank you okay is   there anything else for that meeting on the 8th  that anyone Okay then if that's the case but but   Mike can I just ask one question we've tabled it  just so we what's the minimal initial deposit we   gonna take are you going back to yeah I just want  to know I mean because we're coming to boat on it   I want to know I mean because I recommend $250,000  it goes hard within1 1880 days okay well I like   the for if someone's going to give me 43 million  or 43 and a half I ain't going to turn it down   why don't say 43 million okay let's do it all  I'm saying is just just put the criteria down   like you said so we won't be going back and forth  okay we retracted back to that but but um can we   stay on this if we want at the end you want to  come back okay yeah we got a couple more things   man all right so on legislative priorities is  there anything else that we need to address   that is burning with anyone's heart okay Wes you  and I will brief those four things at the next   meeting all right and I'm going to I think that's  it now we're ready for the county attorney's   report thank you Mr chairman there are three  action items on the county attorney's report if   I could have a motion for all three that would  be fantastic so moved second okay please vote okay uh that passed 5 Z and then Mr  chairman you had asked us to put on   the county commissioner social media policy as  a discussion item I've gotten some feedback from   a couple of the um your board members uh I  would suggest I can bring that back on the   January 9th with some of those proposed  tweaks and then maybe we can discuss it   then I'm a supportive of that but we have  two speakers signed up okay so Jacqueline   Rogers if you'd like to speak on this  and I I'm in full support of what you're recommending because I'm not sure I can come back  I'm in $8 into parking now so it there's good   and bad in the policy I really like the fact  that you're not going to have people texting   and emailing during the meeting be present pay  attention um electronic uh email number three   that was good too you shouldn't use your private  email to conduct County Business uh and if you   accidentally do it or you accidentally get  something on your phone when you forward it   the textt messaging I just don't understand  that you you're not going to let people text   message throughout the day um it's it's kind  of what people use nowadays so that means your   constituents can't text to you either it's going  to be and then you you said you have it disabled   on your county device but you're not insuring  there's nothing in this policy that says you   have to carry a county device so if you have a  personal phone you can text but if you have a   county device it doesn't matter so um are the  county owned devices still being backed up it   shouldn't be a problem if everyone is made to  C carry a county device if that's your policy   and they're backed up on the smart system it  doesn't matter social media accounts I really   just don't think that's constitutional um I don't  think it's uh enforcable and I also think it's a   little outdated I mean it's just you guys don't  use it uh Mr stroer Burger probably doesn't use   it but a lot of people do maybe nobody on this uh  board but you're making a policy I mean are you   going to say carrier pigeons you can't do that  you know I mean you they're just communication   it's all in the heart it's all in the ethics of  how you're going to um do that now I do like the   ABC those are good those are all good um could  you have County maintain could you say you cannot   have a privately owned uh Facebook account  or website if you're going to have a website   you're going to have access like your CMR is going  to have access to it and you can still post on it   but that way if somebody has a public records  request it could be downloaded there's nobody   that could hold it back um the enforcement  is difficult too because um a majority of   Commissioners may take any available enforcement  action so it depends on who you like I mean you   guys are all getting along well before this last  issue pretty well but at some point you may not   I'm just Kidd even that was good that was a  I'm just kid it was because we have good we   had good but you know what I mean if if there's  a if there's a dynamic where you don't like one   person you're going to enforce it on one or  not the other what Authority do you have over   each other the governor has authority over you but  how can what are you going to do censure somebody   that's just my my input there but I do like the  fact that especially not nothing during board   meetings that's really helpful thank you thank  you Jacqueline um Larry DS you're going to be   our last speaker can hardly believe I'm going  to have this before I go to damn I'm the last   one I'm going to wrap this thing up just like the  last Rider at the rodeo all right uh what what are   y'all doing what are you doing Freedom you can't  have freedom without Freedom y you're going to be   telling each other oh you're on a yeah you got a  secret social media account a sock Pucket come on   you can get on there y'all grown men and women  you can get on there and do whatever you want   won't you can you can call text anybody from your  personal phone there ain't nothing nobody can do   about it you kidding me you're you're free you're  grown you're elected I mean if y'all do anything   it's just going to be you know a policy it ain't  a law it's you're wasting our time and I'm wasting   your time right now talking about it but you know  just so long as y'all know what whatever policy   you put in doesn't Trump nothing it doesn't  Trump the First Amendment it doesn't trust it   doesn't Trump my ability to communicate with any  one of y'all any way I want to communicate with   you now you know you can make better decisions  for yourself that's that's that's on y'all the   onus is on y'all policy means jack squat so quit  wasting time with this kind of stuff and just   move on make better decisions in your personal  life okay thank you um board I think I had some   problems with this on number five I know and what  like Madame attorney said I would just like since   there's a discussion on just to move it to next  meeting if everyone's okay with that all right uh   sorry for the short meeting but um unless there's  anything else this meeting is adjourned thank youall for