##VIDEO ID:h8VUJGEUSiY## e e for for okay I have 10 o'clock so we're 
going to go ahead and start the   meeting if you'll please stand 
for the Pledge of Allegiance I'd like to remind everybody to please 
turn your cell phones to the vibrate or   silence or offsetting the opioid abatement 
funding Advisory Board allows any person to   speak regarding an item on the agenda the 
speaker is limited to two minutes unless   otherwise determined by the chairperson 
to allow sufficient time for all speakers   speakers shall refrain from any abusive 
or profane remarks protest or other con   conduct which interferes with the orderly 
conduct of the meeting upon completion of   the public comment discussion is limited to 
the board members and questions raised by the board has everyone had a chance to review 
the minutes okay do I have a motion for the   minutes a motion approve second thank you uh 
the next item on the so we have a speaker Sean Parker if you'll just state your name and address 
for the record yes ma'am uh good morning Madame   chair members of the council my name is Shan 
Parker I represent new season which is an mat   provider that is a center here in Pensacola that 
provides services to 707 patients the purpose for   my addressing this board today is the treatment 
Authority those providers are only serving 47%   of the patients seeking mat services in this 
County new season has the other 53% while you've   done a commendable job being good stewards of 
the settlement funds you're missing that 53%   of the population that are looking for treatment 
utilizing mat services including methadone which   is been proven to be the gold standard for UD 
treatment These funds that we're talking about are   not philanthropic in nature and in fact it's blood 
Money made by unethical and at times predatory   pract practices by pharmaceutical and doctors 
and all people that are suffering from opioid   those opioid epidemic should be allowed access 
to these funds for those on the council that   are concerned that for-profit agencies utilize 
These funds to enhance our bottom line in the   other counties that we have received funding for 
we have utilized these funds to remove barriers   for our patients whether it is Uber health or 
purchasing lock boxes which allow patients to   take home medications and protect the medication 
from their children so their children don't have   access to the funds just to name a couple of the 
things we utilize These funds for so um just I ask   you to consider opening for-profit organizations 
for the next funding cycle thank you thank you our next um person that I'd 
like to call up is Walter Arrington good morning um thank you for having me 
Walter Arington with Community Health Northwest   Florida um just wanted to come today um give 
a quick report out first thank you for the uh   the board support um for our Expansion Project 
um I'm happy to report as of the first we have   now gotten our third mat site um with provider 
with Ryan Bianco located at 350 or 348 Herman AV   uh up and running so he is now able to see mat 
patients um we've also got our Mobile Medical   unit uh with mat capabilities um so that's 
the first deployment of that will be on the   15th of this month at 31 Murphy Lane um it will 
be with the same provider Ryan Bianco um we are   seeing you know the referrals keep coming um 
so uh credit to um the county team with EMS um   you know we've had some some struggles lately um 
Growing Pains I'll call them um but EMS has been   great um and um helping a lot of people so I'm 
here if y'all have any questions I just wanted   to to come and um hopefully y'all be seeing a lot 
more of me at these meetings thank you thank you   uh Madam chair back to the first Speaker yes 
I don't think we can do anything about the   for-profit stuff wouldn't that have to go before 
the County Commission to change that or would it   be something else I don't think we have the 
authority to do that do we I believe that it   would but I could follow up on that for next 
time unless you have any information on that specifically okay does anyone 
else have any questions okay we have the opioid budget review is 
the next item I know Miss Kissle is not   here today so I don't think we have any updates 
other than what you've received today for the meeting we have on here to discuss the 
opioid abatement implementation plan   or any changes that need to be made to fiscal year 25 does anybody have any comments about that Madam chair at this point we don't know 
exactly what we're going to be getting right   that's we come in in the next few months yes 
okay thank you Matt did you have something   no I I was going to say we we don't know 
what we're getting yet so there's not much   we can do about that we'll move to the next 
line item which is the uh opioid abatement   notice of funding advertisement schedule 
does anybody have any comments on that at   this time when will that be going out once we 
receive the funds or how do we do that are we   going to have to go through a process again 
like we did before to have it advertised or   how's that going to work I believe we'll 
use the same schedule that we did last year that was my understanding as well I just have a question sure so looking at 
dates remember if we're going to be Outsourcing   and looking at smaller poti potential non 
for-profits or for-profits whatever the county   decides some of these organizations don't have 
grant writers so take that I I think you need   to take that into consideration 30-day window to 
get a grant proposal out can be a pretty tight   schedule for some of these smaller organizations 
just take that into consideration because I   think there was only a 30-day window last year I 
thought it was longer than that it may have been   longer than that but just take that under advice 
and then put that out cu okay that was all thank you does anybody else have 
anything as far as the schedule itself are there any new business items 
not a new business item I don't guess but   a question in terms of um what is 
our role going forward with the um   uh the funding that has been been granted 
in terms of any reports back to us do we   have any role go do we know if we 
have any role going forward with that in terms of reports to us or the process 
I believe that they will submit reports to the   county but they will give us a copy of those 
reports I believe that that's what the process   will be okay again we can follow up with Liz 
since she I believe is over the grant portions of   that okay and we can put that on the agenda 
for next next time to get some clarification   as far as the schedule specifically 
as well as that information okay thank you because one of the other items 
that we have just talked about is   really you know if there are any 
changes to the 25 implementation plan are there any other questions as far as new business hi well um that's all that we have on the agenda so do I have a motion to adjourn 
the meeting do we need to schedule the next   our next state absolutely do we want 
to go ahead and schedule something for   February that way it'll give um Miss 
kle time to provide that information   do we have will we have things 
to discuss you think in February or I'll be out of town for February be 
back sometime in March middle of March   but March will be fine um what is everybody's 
schedule look like for March the 3D excuse me   m chair yes I believe you guys need to make 
a vote on a to approve the funds just to I   guess confirm that you guys agree on all those 
numbers is how I read it but if you disagree   just let me know even though we approved 
it but it went before the board that my   understanding it's just the way she wed it 
but how about you feel it needs to be said um if we need to go back and approve that 
so on number six where it says approve the   use of opioid abatement funds um with the 
amounts listed below do I have a motion to   approve those so move and a second second 
okay the motion passes back to the date is   March the3d at 10 does that work for everybody 
uh not for me not for you but I mean I can miss   my one I don't know when I'll be back is what 
I'm saying oh sometime in March WEA dependent so well the 10th or the third week in March 
the third week probably be better for me no   when I'll be back by should be back by minute 
March 17th will that work for everyone at 10:   a.m. that works for me okay so we'll schedule 
our next meeting for March 17th 10:00 a.m.   and that'll give us time to review the 
information that Denise provided as well   so the meeting is adjourned thank you thank you