##VIDEO ID:FhNYEqNgHTE## the that you I see uh can we do a roll call yes sir commissioner  kler here commissioner Wright here Mr Speed here   mayor Fitch here Mr Norberg here councilman Moore  here and both commissioner Smith and Mr Compton   are absent today but we do have a quum present  great thank you very much sorry I need to get the   speaker on um did anyone have a chance to review  the board agenda uh is there a motion to approve   it move to approve all right all in favor say I I  I None opposed passes unanimously um uh anything   on the board minutes from July 24th 2024 that we  need to change or discuss so moved okay second all   right all those in favor say I I I I passes unan  see all right we're to action items Matt I think   this is where you kick us off yes sir uh this is  our our special meeting uh primarily to tackle uh   action item 5A which is the approval of the FY  2425 Community grant program project proposal   proposals uh so as included in your backup uh  this is now our fifth year of the community grant   program we've awarded uh just shy of $1 million  uh to 36 grantees uh by way of our legislative   appropriation through the State of Florida uh  that has come through again uh for FY 2425 and   always give uh shout out and Kudos uh to Senator  broxon and our entire legislative delegation   represent Andra solsman uh for all of their work  in in helping push this uh push this forward for   this year we have $200,000 that are allocated uh  for the community grant program uh the funding   opportunity opened back in June and closed in  early August uh we had 11 proposals submitted   this go around um that was a bit less than we've  had in the past uh but also there is a great   flurry of of federal and state grants out there  uh right now so that is one consideration uh to   make uh the Review Committee uh last Friday after  having a chance to review and shortlisted the six   proposals that are uh in your backup uh for board  approval um happy to go into any details on any of   those proposals or if you uh feel comfortable and  want to approve it as a slate we can do that as well muted or am I okay yep clearly I'm I'm  I'm hot all right uh so uh uh this past year   uh we had some issues with some of the AES not  meeting some of the um deliverables right have   we done anything as far as language goes in the  contracts to further address that or we just   rolling with it as it has been in the past yep  so a couple of changes that uh will be included   in in the standard agreement is uh just further  clarifying um that you know failure to uh complete   deliverables on schedule results in in non-payment  for that work that's not completed um our team   has done a fantastic job in terms of trying to  communicate early and often uh with those grantees   to make sure that these issues don't persist  unfortunately the the challenge uh that we've   seen is is that lack of communication uh on on the  other end um that said uh you know from there's a   Logan Bailey do this every year and we'll continue  this year in terms of a onboarding webinar with uh   the grantees their financial staff uh to make sure  that they know what the process is um and so there   can't be any uh uncertainty of what that process  is after the Grants awarded um and uh another   element that we'll be including uh this this  year is a is a corrective action plan so as we   are moving through the the grant period if staff  identifies issues we can issue that corrective   action plan to a given grantee uh to make  sure that everything is is documented uh very clearly thank you and just just to to close the  loop there um we certainly already have every   right to uh uh not pay out grantees for incomplete  uh work um we are stewards of of State of Florida   funds and so we take that you know very seriously  um and continue to do so thank you and I do have   one more uh question if I may please all right  so I noticed that two of the awardees well two   of um the uh applicants are grants are going to go  to um Dolphin Island CA lab right um now this is   Florida money it is going to an Alabama entity  however the work is being done in Florida can   you just elaborate for the audience and anyone  else who's listening why that's okay as far as   the state funds go yep uh certainly so um even  though these These funds originate by way of the   Florida legislature research and monitoring based  projects that are Watershed scale Watershed wide   um it doesn't run into an issue of that of that  jurisdictional boundary uh nor is that a factor   in terms of the entity in which it's going to it  would cause an issue if restoration um or signage   for example was going to be wholly completed in  in Alabama that's not the case with with these projects um any further questions or comments  all right mayor Fitch I think you've turned   your you're good okay all right just want  to make sure I think I thought I saw that   all right so action item made then if there's  no further questions or comments do we have   a motion to approve the 2425 Community grant  program motion to approve okay all right all   those in favor say I I I passes unanimously all  right Matt let's move to action item B yes sir   action item 5B is ratifying the approval of the  contract with Jacobs uh Engineering Group in the   amount of 1,227 492 for p232 24-1 the Pensacola  base system oyster restoration initiative design   and Permitting Services the board um approved  authorization to enter contract negoti iations   back at the May board meeting it's taken some time  to get an agreement in place uh but as of last   week we uh were able to come to an agreement on  that as Spilled Out in your in your board backup   um the funding is coming by way of our Noah um  uh transformational habitat Grant and through   our Florida um d uh State appropriation Grant  uh so we are good to go and kicking off that project so Matt this is broken up between you  have those additional or the optional Services   included how does that how does that fall  out relative to to completing the D dollar   requirements and the Noah dollar requirements  yes so that's a good question so there's uh   some additional funding available in our D  Grant if we needed to engage those Services   um it wouldn't be the full if we had to engage  all of those additional Services it wouldn't   be uh that total we don't foresee having to  dip into or or engage in all those additional   Services um that said if we do there are some  other funding uh opportunities um that we're   working through uh with Water Management District  and some others that we could engage if if that   became necessary say for additional survey work  Geotech uh Etc so money won't have to be given   back if those additional Services aren't no  no no okay yeah all right just makeing sure   Y and I I think I said this in the backup that  if we had to engage those additional Services   we bring a change order to the board uh for that  for approval there with the accompanying funding source any further questions or comments move  to approve all right all right so 5B approval   of the contract uh we have a motion to Second all  those in favor please say I I pass is unanimously   so that's a that's a big win for the area all  right uh we're up to board Updates this is a   short agenda pretty much today Matt but when we  have special meeting 10 minutes sorry Mike and   Woody but uh we we we needed you guys here um I  think as as I've communicated to the full board um   I will be out starting the 1st through the 16th uh  Whitney will serve as acting director uh while I'm   away uh so don't harass her too too much uh yeah  right I'll I'll be back uh uh brigh eyed and bushy   tailed on uh September 17th and we do have a a our  follow on meeting is September 18th back here that   that's going to be a problem for me because we  got f are you going to f out on the beach I just   didn't I just thought of that there's actually  two conferences happening at the same time at the   same place yeah we may need to look at that date  Matt okay cuz I definitely have to be out there   cuz I'm on the finance committee okay so um does  anyone else have a conflict with those dates oh   you're in the same vote okay so we need to just  reschedule the September 18th meeting okay okay   is that okay Woody yeah it's good with me I um you  want to throw a date out I think I'm I'm good with   that date but I'm that's the first day back after  six days out so gotcha you know what I yeah so   we can look at that but yeah you may have a hard  time getting a Corum that if timing was is timing   an issue as far as wanting to charge do something  fairly quickly after that like the following week   or um we just need to do it before October 1st  to approve the final budget let's it the next   week yeah the following week would be fine just um  you know that's board meeting week for for S Rosa   County but as long as it wasn't Monday or Thursday  we should easily be able to to accommodate okay   I think we're in the same boat okay I'll follow  we have a budget hearing that week but other than   that I think we can make it work okay we'll  follow with everybody after after the meeting   okay yeah sorry about that no thank thanks for  that notice um any other updates We need oh   what did you sh want to share with where you're  [Laughter] going abroad it's okay you don't you   don't have to tell us abroad it's called Beach  right right yeah yeah you don't have to showare   this it's all right Mo Mobile County maybe just  playing with you man good job is there anyone in   the audience that had any public comments today or  anything that you wanted to get on present to the board okay well if not then this meeting is  adjourned thank y'all I I do I'm sorry quick   comment real quick so oak county has opened  up a position for Coastal resource coordinator   within our natural uh natural department so  I just wanted to get that out there I know   there's been a number of shares through the  various entities but trying to get the word   out that we're looking for an additional staff  essentially to to fill in similar duties that   I have and and make us even bigger and better  nice how's the Y is we doing well with that   selling tickets and I know I donated something  to you after you squeezed my you know yeah that   that's actually a great point you you uh uh  made me do a homework check on everybody to   see how how the board's coming along with  uh with your assigned homework but uh we're   we are chip Ki kersfield is giv some stuff  right yeah we got a talk oh hey chip you know   no uh things are going well uh We've we've gotten  some more tickets in we hope that there's um early   bird tickets are currently on sale we expect  uh probably most of those to come through the   day before as usual and then regular tickets  will be on sale through October six I think   something something to that effect but well if  you haven't bought tickets and you're interested   uh talk to Matt it's going to be exciting and  we're fortunate that all of our sponsors thus   far have recommitted from last year so that's a  big help to us yeah okay we're looking forward   to it unless there's any other comments I will'll  try to adjourn for a second oh Woody you have a   comment okay now for the third time we're going to  try to adjourn all right we're done thank you all