##VIDEO ID:4BG7IhmonJ0## thank you for l could question all right good morning everybody this meeting of the Escambia  County planning board for August 6 2024   is hereby called to order with eight  members present we do have a quorum   uh if you would please make sure to  put your phones on silent or vibrate   uh to not disrupt the meeting and if you would  please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to flag  of the United States of America to the   stands Nation God indivisible andice for all all right thank you do we have proof of publication  yes sir did the publication meet all legal   requirements yes sir I now entertain a motion  to wave the reading of the legal advertisement   got a motion do we have a second second all right  all those in favor please signify by raising your   right hand motion carries the resoning meeting  minutes from the previous meeting dated July 2nd   has been provided to the board members were there  any additions deletions or Corrections seeing none   do we have a motion so move got a motion and do  we have a second got a second all those in favor   please signify by raising your right hand all  right motion carries the resoning hearing package   for August 6 with findings of facts has been  provided to the board members I'll now entertain   a motion to accept the rezoning hearing package  with findings of fact and the legal advertisement   into evidence do I have a motion motion second  great all right all those in favor please signify   by raising your right hand all those opposed will  a court reporter please swear in members of the staff right the board has previously been  qualif has qualified staff to offer expert   testimony in the area of land use and planning  does anyone have any questions regarding their   qualifications and ability to offer expert  testimony all all right at this hearing the   planning board is acting under its authority to  make and hear recommendations to the board of   County Commissioners on rezoning applications the  these hearings are Quasi judicial in nature quasi   judicial hearings are like evidentiary hearings in  a court of law however less formal all testimony   will be given under oath and anyone testifying  before the planning board may be subject to   cross-examination all documents and Exhibits that  the planning board considers will be entered into   evidence and made part of the record opinion  testimony will be limited to experts and closing   arguments will be limited to the evidence in the  record before making a decision the planning board   will consider the relevant testimony the exhibits  entered into evidence and the law each individual   who wishes to address the planning board must  complete a speaker request form and submit it   to the planning board Clerk these forms are  found at the back of the table they're the   pink forms which I think most everybody's gotten  one in um you will not be allowed to speak until   we receive a completed form and please note  that only individuals who are present and give   testimony on the record at this hearing before  the planning board will be allowed to speak at   the board of County Commissioners hearing no new  evidence can be presented at the board of County   Commissioners meeting therefore all testimony  and evidence must be presented here today the   planning board will provide a recommendation  for each resoning request to the BCC which will   review testimony documents and Exhibits consider  the closing arguments and make a final decision   all Decisions by the BCC are final anyone who  wishes to seek judicial review of the decision   of the BCC must do so in a court of competent  jurisdiction within 30 days of the date the BCC   approves or rejects the recommended order of the  planning board all written or oral communication   outside of this hearing with members of  the planning board regarding matters under   consideration today are considered expar  Communications expart Communications are   presumed prejudicial under Florida law and must  be disclosed as provided in BCC resolution number   96-13 as each case is heard I will ask that  any board member who has been involved in any   expar communication please identify themselves and  describe the communication as required by section   2- 7.2 of the Escambia County Land Development  code the planning board's recommendation   to the BCC shall include consideration of the  following six approval conditions the applicant   has the burden of presenting competent substantial  evidence to the reviewing board establishing that   the requested rezoning District would contribute  to or result in a logical and orderly development   pattern the appropriate surrounding area within  which uses and conditions must be considered may   vary with those uses and conditions and is not  necessarily the same area required for a maale   notification a logical and orderly pattern shall  require demonstration of each of the following   six conditions a consistent with Comprehensive  plan that the proposed zoning is consistent with   the future land use flu category as prescribed in  LDC chapter 3 and with all other goals objectives   and policies of the comprehensive plan if the  rezoning is required to properly enact a proposed   flu Amendment transmitted for state agency  review the proposed zoning is consistent with   the proposed flu and conditional to its adoption  B consistent with zoning and District Provisions   the proposed zoning is consistent with the purpose  and intent and with any other zoning establishment   Provisions prescribed by the proposed District  in chapter 3 compatible with surroundings all   of the permitted uses of the proposed zoning not  just those anticipated by the rezoning applicant   are compatible as defined in chapter 6 with the  surrounding uses the uses of any surrounding   undeveloped land shall be considered the permitted  uses of the appal district compatibility is not   considered with potential conditional uses  or with any non-conforming or unapproved   uses also in establishing the compatibility of a  residential use there is no additional burden to   demonstrate the compatibility of specific  residents or activities protected by fair   housing laws D appropriative Spot zoning where  the proposed zoning would establish or reinforce   a condition of spot zoning as defined in chapter  6 The isolated District would nevertheless be   transitional in character between the adjoining  districts or the difference with those districts   would be minor or sufficient sufficiently limited  the extent of these mitigating characteristics or   conditions demonstrates an appr apprpriate s  sight specific balancing of interest between   the isolated district and adjoining lands  appropriate with changed or changing conditions   if the land uses or development conditions within  the area surrounding the property of the rezoning   have changed the changes are such a degree and  character that it is in the public interest to   allow New Uses densities or intensity in the  area through rezoning and the permitted uses   of the proposed District are appropriate and  not premature for the area or likely to create   or contribute to sprawl at the beginning of each  case as long as there are no objections from the   applicant we will allow staff to briefly present  the location and Zoning maps and photos of the   property next we will hear from the applicant  and any witnesses that they may wish to call   then we will hear from the staff and any Witnesses  they may wish to call and then finally we'll hear   from members of the public who have filled out  a speaker request form and turn that in there's   one case to be heard today the first resoning  application for consideration is case z-20 24-11 which requests resoning of Belleview Road  from ldr low density residential district four   dwelling units per acre to MDR medium density  residential district 10 dwelling units per acre   as requested by Meth Bush the agent for house of  prayer for all nations the owner of the property   members of the board has there been any expart  communication between you and the applicant of   the applicants agents attorneys or Witnesses  with fellow planning board members or anyone   from the general public prior to this hearing  have you visited the subject property and please   also disclose if you are a relative or business  associate of the applicant or the applicant's   agent Mr Adams will'll start with you no to all no  to all no to all no to all no to all no to all no   to all no to all all right staff was notice of  the hearing sent to All interested parties yes   sir was notice of the hearing posted on the  subject property yes sir all right uh mayori   are you good with having staff present the photos  Okay staff will now present Ms and photos uh for   case z-20 24- yes good morning board Caleb Mardi  urban planning manager certified planner for the   county um here for our case um is our location  map this is our 500t radius zoning map showing   the property is ldr and the request is for MDR  this is our future land use map it's mix use Suburban this is our existing land use map showing   existing uses in the area and this  is a wetland map that we included um we do have an exhibit a um showing  the subdivisions in the area and also   more focused aerial map here is our public  hearing sign as posted on Belleview Avenue   this is looking North at the subject  property along Belleview Avenue and   this is looking South AC cross Bell View  From the subject property this is looking   west across the subject property on bellw and  this is looking East along bellw towards Mobile   Highway from the subject property this is looking  West along bellw Avenue um subject property is   shown on the north side of B we did post a second  public hearing sign at the rear of the subject   property on Buckland Avenue this is looking at  the adjacent property from the back side of BW   on Buckland this is looking East from the back  side of the subject property this is looking North   from the rear of the subject property located at  the CEST saac on Buckland and that concludes our   maps and photographs for this case all right  thank you and Meredith I'll have you come up now and please uh State your full name and address  for the record thank you Meredith Bush I'm at   Clark Partington 125 East in tendencia Pensacola  Florida 32502 all right and you did receive a   copy of the resoning hearing package with findings  facts for today I did correct all right and then   you understand you have the burden of providing by  substantial competent evidence that the proposed   resoning is consistent with the comprehensive  plan furthers the goals objectives and policies   of the comprehensive plan and is not in conflict  with any portion of the County's Land Development   code correct all right you're good to go um  thank you Mr chair and memb members of the board   I appreciate your time um just before I go into  the criteria um I had some questions this morning   regarding whether or not this was going to be an  apartment complex um so I want to make it clear   that the MDR re zoning that we're seeking would  not allow for um an apartment complex so what the   developer is seeking is single family detached  um dwellings um the current density of ldr is   four per acre at fully built out we we would have  4.4 units per acre so slightly larger once built   out and I understand you can't base your decision  today on the proposed development but how however   just so you know um diving into the criteria as  to criteria a the proposed amendment is consistent   with the intent and purpose of the current future  land use category of mu mixu Suburban criteria   B consistent with zoning District provision the  proposed amendment to MDR is consistent with the   intent and purpose of the Land Development  code the parcel is across the street from   medium density residential and adjacent to low  density residential property the medium density   residential district establishes appropriate areas  and land use regulations for residential uses at   medium densities within Suburban or urban areas  the primary intent of the district is to provide   for residential neighborhood development in  an efficient Urban pattern of well-connected   streets at a greater dwelling unit density than  the low density residential district residential   uses within the MDR District are limited to  single family and two family dwellings uh the   district allows certain non-residential uses that  are compatible with suburban and urban residential   neighborhoods the residential nature of MDR is  consistent with the intent and purpose of the Land   Development code AS to criteria C compatible with  surroundings the proposed amendment is compatible   with surrounding existing uses in the area within  a 1500t radius the applicant has identified   property zoned ldr MDR hdmu and hli within the  general vicinity there are residential uses the   Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds and various  retail uses to ensure additional compatibility   with existing adjacent uses if the amendment is  approved further review and evaluation through   the development Review Committee process may  be necessary as to criteria D appropriate of   spot zoning the amendment request if granted would  not create spot zoning the property is adjacent to   MDR zoning and within 1500 ft of MDR hdmu and  hdli zoning and then as to the final criteria   appropriate with change or changing conditions  based on the existing uses and intensities and   the zoning District allowances the proposed  amendment would not create urban sprawl and   would be compatible with existing development  it is in the public interest to allow the MDR   zoning the proposed rezoning will contribute to  a logical and orderly development pattern um one   thing that's not in the criteria but was also  mentioned to me this morning is a concern for   storm water um as you know the code requires all  storm water would be addressed on the site itself   and no runoff to other site other properties  would be allowed um and obviously with a new   subdivision they would have their own storm water  management system so I'm happy to take questions   the Developers also present for questions  right any questions for the applicant at this time all right uh if we need to get you back  up here we will thanks all right staff um I'll   let you go ahead and make your presentation  excellent thank you um concerning Criterion   a consistent with the comprehensive plan and all  applicable goals get objectives and policy of the   comprehensive plan we found that the proposed  amendment to MDR is consistent with intent and   purpose of the future land use category mix  use suburban estated and comprehensive plan   future land use 1.3.1 mixu Suburban allows  residential development and different types   of retail sales and services while promoting  compatible infill development in accordance   with Comprehensive plan future L use 1.5.1  the maximum densities and intensities are   encouraged and underutilized properties in  the mixed use Suburban category to promote   the efficient use of existing roads utilities  and infrastructure furthermore future land use   2.1.2 promotes compact residential development by  allowing rezonings to higher density in the future   or mixed use Suburban future land use category  concerning Criterion B consistent with the Land   Development code we found that the proposed  amendment to Res a medium density residential   10 dwelling units per acre is consistent with  the intent purpose of the Land Development code   the primary intent of the lowdensity residential  zoning category which this property currently is   is for predominantly detx senal family dwellings  with a maximum allowed density of four dwelling   units per acre and to preserve the character  of existing and established communities within   the low density residential suburban area medium  density residential zoning district is appropriate   to provide trans positions between area zone are  used for low density residential and area zone   are used for high density residential or high  density mix use MDR zoning allows for single   family same as ldr but with a higher density of  10 dwelling units an acre the property to the   West is a plaed subdivision with the same zoning  as the proposed MDR additionally the resoning to   MDR is an appropriate transition between the MDR  property to the West the ldr property to the North   and the heavy commercial and light industrial  property to the east due to the previous zoning   Des designation of v2a the property would be  limited to single family residential development   additionally in a memo stated dated July 18 2024  from transportation and traffic operations staff   comments have provided concerning the resoning  request ttoo has no traffic capacity concerns   related to Belleview Avenue and the vicinity  of the subject parcels there are existing speed   tables on bellw please note that tto's review  is solely based on the resoning applications sub   midle packet so the comments above hold no bearing  on any tto comments made during the development   review process continuing to Criterion C if the  resoning is compatible with the surrounding uses   we found that the proposed amendment is compatible  with the surrounding properties in the area the   surrounding uses are similar to The allowed uses  under requested MDR District which is single   family within the 500t radius zoning radius area  all properties with the ldr MDR and hli Zoning   districts that consist of single family dwellings  or commercial uses on the individual lights the   abing MDR Z property to the West is single family  subdivision dwelling subdivision of approximately   18 Acres the resulting density of the West  subdivision is calculated to be 2.5 dwelling units   per acre additionally the ldr zone property to the  north is approximately 10 acres and also a single   family dwelling subdivision with a calculated  density of 3.2 dwelling units per acre we also   we also added a exhibit a Subdivision map to  reference that if um the board would like to see   that later Criterion D appropriate if it's spot  zoning we found that by definition the proposed   amendment to MDR would not be considered spot  zoning due to the contiguous land being the same   zoning and will be compatible with the surrounding  properties in the area that are developed with low   density densities and intensities concerning  Criterion e if this appropriate with change or   changing conditions we found that the land uses or  development conditions within the area surrounding   the properties have not changed the development  within the area has remained low to medium density   residential and with the request of for MDR the  potential uses densities and intensities Allowed   by that District would be compatible with the  existing surrounding development patterns the   proposed amendment would not create or contribute  to Urban bra that concludes our staff's findings   for this request all right board is there  any questions for staff at this time I have   a question regarding criteria B the uh traffic  traffic comments uh tto has no traffic capacity   concerns is that based off of a maximum buildout  in the event this gets approved so they they look   at the potential densities related to and the  traffic impact and provide us with um you know   comment related to the proposed densities and  intensities um they didn't have any issue there   now at the development review process they would  likely require some type of turn laning analysis   um some some additional impact if there's right  away this need to be acquired and those technical   things um but at this time they did not see any  concern related to the proposed U densities of the   requested resoning thank you all right any further  questions all right at this time we'll uh move   to the public for those members of the public who  wish to speak on this matter please note that the   planning board bases its decision on the approval  conditions and exceptions described in section 2-7   .2 of the scambi County Land Development code uh  please note that only those individuals who are   present and give testimony on the record at this  hearing before the planning board will be allowed   to speak at the subsequent hearing before the  BCC um and we'll have you guys come up you'll be   sworn in and um you'll St your name and address  for the record and we'll get your three minutes started all right so first  up to bat here is Don tinker now I'll have you state your name and  address for the record and then we'll   have you sworn it Don Tinker 6050  Yellow Rose Drive here in Pensacola 32526 I do um in concerns with the uh proposal the  U property has been you know vacant for quite some   time and we're not opposed to it being developed  but we certainly have great concerns uh certainly   the traffic uh on a two-lane roadway bellw  Avenue is um not what everyone um might hear   understand or perceive to be real I mean I travel  it daily and so I know the the shortcomings and   the frustration there's you know there's right  now there's uh speed bumps just to slow down   traffic and then we also have uh heavy vehicles  coming through there cement trucks and stuff   we'd like to see it not be a uh you know heavy  vehicle traffic way um the impact as far as you   know drainage and things like that that's a  community problem some of these things been   put off as a county problem some of them been  put off as a state problem but we look at it   as a community problem and the development of  this property is also going to impact on how   the surrounding um drainage issues either are  resolved or get worse so you know like I said uh   changing it to a medium density and the key word  being density increasing that population of uh   occupation per se in our little Community is going  to have a significant impact there's a school just   right down the road that uh if you're coming off  of uh Mobile Highway onto Belleview Avenue and   they're trying to get in and get their children  into school there's a backlog that's created   and sometimes you don't see that especially when  school's not in session so if they looked at that   traffic issue at that time it it's non-existent  but when you look at it during the school year   it is a pretty significant impact on what comes  and goes up and down Belleview Avenue and then   take in the fact that the fairgrounds when they uh  empty out during the fair and things they use the   Belleview Avenue exit to get some of the people  in traffic out of there when the fair closes so   there's a lot of variations in and things that  aren't being presented or maybe considered   because these are factors that just take place  at odd times throughout the year I'd certainly   like to just see things exist as they are with a  low density rather than a medium density type uh development all right thank you  all right all right next we have   uh Jerry Arwood no no questions  uh did you were you did you want   to wave and support or uh against  the project at all or just you're good okay fair enough just want to  make sure all right next we've got   RS Morton same thing all right  we've got think this is Nathan Eubanks is that Gwen and Nathan okay and we'll  um uh Mr Eubanks if I could if you would like   to speak as well could I have you fill out  a separate form and we'll have Miss Gwyn go   ahead and go and then because that way we gotta if  you want to speak um at the BCC we got to have a   sheet for each of you as all okay all right miss  you if I I get you state your name and address   for the record and be sworn in please gwindel  Eubanks 4991 bellw Avenue Pensacola Florida 32526 okay and I do yes we live on Bell viw one house  before mold Doom Road as the gentleman just spoke   earlier we moved out there because we loved  it it's family oriented the issue is I have   grandchildren I have children that speed bump at  my the very first speed bump on Bell viw is right   in front of my house my grandson almost got hit  I've called companies people just come through   there bam like I say the traffic where you used to  could leave home and get to work in 10 15 minutes   you're having to leave home get to work in 30  minutes because school traffic or whatever and   between mob Mobile Highway and Blue Angel that's  a cut across it's not it's just it's hard and   then I'm not opposed to housing but it's going to  make it difficult for the traffic and just for the   play our kids can't even go out and play unless  we're out there watching what goes on you cannot   let them come play because they're just coming  through there's big trucks like the gentleman   stated it's just a overall I mean and just when  you go to digging up and messing with that kind of   we already dealing with snakes raccoons we  dealing with um um uh coyotes and stuff out   there so when you go to digging up this kind of  land it's going to cause all kind of other stuff   but our biggest thing is the traffic and the  trucks coming through and our children's way   of life and I moved out there for a simple life  I'm just not okay with it all right thank you   very much all right Mr Mr Eubanks we'll get you up  here and you'll just state your name address for   the record be sworn in and we'll get you your time  started Nathan EU banks at 4991 biew Avenue P gold Florida yes yes we like she  everybody stated that the traffic   the understanding of children outside playing  they can't play like they want to play because   of what's going on and if you putting more houses  and different things across that street you got   a problem already that hadn't occurred and Water  Rising and we don't know what what may come we got   like she said we got coyotes snakes everything  out there and then you disrupt what's all   already there now it leads over to the property  owners has to deal with what's running around   in they y people don't already had cats and  dogs get killed but now we come to a point   to where what about the children what about  understanding that the more you put out that   people move out there and understanding  that guess what of a comfortable life   of understanding now where our property is going  to buy you at when you begin to move things and   put more stuff in property value begin to drop so  we have to come to understanding of what's what   how do we get out of a high note that we already  have so however y'all look at it you got to look   at the people versus our pockets that's what we  concerned about because of the fact of it is we as   people we can't keep going on woring about staying  outside watching children when people running   up and down the road like it's a racetrack even  though you got speed bumps there nobody you call   the law may become come out there may not but we  have to be concerned about what's happening in   the residence thank you thank you next we've  got Jesse Embry state your name address for   the record and be sworn in morning gentlemen  my name is Jesse Embry I'm at 5011 Belleview Avenue I do yes sir uh my wife and I spent  eight years trying to find the perfect house   for us and uh we we finally found it it's right  in the middle of the south end on bellw looking   dead at that big beautiful open field and I hoped  it would stay that way forever I knew it wasn't   my my biggest fear was I hope they don't put  an apartment complex and ma'am I'm glad they   that's not what we're trying to do here today  that's awesome that that takes a big you know   big weight off of us uh but the high density thing  I still don't like it man that's that's 150 more   families looking dead at my house every time they  leave work I have seven grandchildren that play in   the yard you know what I mean I got my wife who's  not too well that's our dream home we just bought   it four years ago and it's awesome it floods  the the flooding is a real issue right there   and the traffic I don't know what the tto was  looking at but the traffic is already bad right   there you put another 150 homes there I won't be  able to get out of my house in the morning it'll   take me an hour to get to work uh the flooding  is bad I had to spend 30 grand already under my   house getting it encapsulated and water pumps and  all that put under there because the water rises   really quick right there and if they build up that  land right across the street with the little ditch   that's there right now my house will be underwater  every time it rains um that's a fact that's that's   true you come down that road at any time all of  our houses across the street from right there   all get Rising water right there so it it is an  issue um I would like to see nothing built there   of course but it's not my land I I get it um but  I disagree with the high density or the medium   density um I just wanted to State my opinion on  that I hope we keep it the same and not rezone   it thank you thank you all right next we've got  Chris Steven please come forward state your name   and address for the record and be sworn in Chris  Stevens 521 Belleview Avenue pens Florida 32565 32526 um it's hard to really say something  that hadn't been touched um four years ago   we bought our house um with a big sign across  street that said future home of agent for House   of Prayer we were cool with the church or  whatever building they were going to build   and then now we're getting development it's  not something we want but uh we're going to   cut it short my wife's having surgery this  morning but she made it a point for me to be   here so I'm just gonna say I'm against it and  head out thank you thank you good luck on your wife kadji Hurst you're next if you could  please come forward and state your name   and address for the record and be sworn in  um my name is kadijah hearse I live at 6016   Yellow Roads Drive Pensacola 4 32526 and  actually in one of the photographs my oh sorry um the first thing I wanted to bring up  and it can you move the mic just a little bit   closer thank you sorry um the first thing I  want to do is talk about the traffic and this   may reiterate a lot of what has already been  said um there is actually a apartment complex   being built on Mobile Highway um right after  the Belleview Middle School I don't know how   many people it will hold but um if perhaps they  have to go to Blue Angel that traffic will also   turn up Belleview to go up Blue Angel and the  problem with that is they're on one side of the   road where they would have to make a u-turn  and it just I feel like that will become a   big issue just with them prior to you this  this whole read uh zoning matter so I don't   know if the tto has taken that specific  um change coming into consideration but   I personally have a big fear of that before  this even came up and um the other thing is um that softly cornered too cuz everybody's  kind of coming back across town um the softly   and Mobile Highway there's always really bad  accidents right in that big intersection um so   even if it's rezoning in my area that will cause  more pile up more catastrophic accidents at that   big intersection as everybody's doing their  shopping or whatever um as far as flooding   I don't have specific statistics but I did just  do a quick Google search aamy County apparently   has 65 in of rain annually and when we do have  those really big um time frames where it rains   for like two weeks straight sometimes our water  run off like as I'm coming up bellev Avenue I can   already tell when my neighborhood is going to be  flooded because the water will have lots of water   sitting in the the retention that runs along  the road as far back as right after the school   sometimes um and um we only have one exit to the  Yellow Rose uh neighborhood and when we can't uh   when I first moved in there was a gentleman who  had also just moved in had a low riding car he   lived literally at the exit of our neighborhood he  couldn't back out of his driveway because because   it told his car like it is high enough for if  you don't drive an SUV you not making it out   of our neighborhood at certain time frames in  the year and this happens and I I do actually   have some photos if that needs to be presented um  where it has come a little bit to my mailbox and height thank you thank Youk you thank you next we have Mary kopa I don't know if I  got that right but Miss Mary please come   forward state your name address  for the record and be sworn it my   name is Mary kopka I live at 6248  moldun Road penscola Florida 32526 I do I have some uh a point paper  I made that I would like to submit   into evidence if I could approach  someone to give them Point papers   no um board how would we' like to  handle this would will you can we have you you're able to see the evidence  uh before before you admit it into   the evidentiary record so you can  inspect it and then decide to vote   on it all right that sounds good to  me that sound okay with everybody else sure they're all the same I just made a lot of  copies three copies I also have photographs um   but I don't know how to submit them to you but I  do have them on my phone right now and they were   taken this morning and it shows atrocious  infrastructure and problems with drainage   in that area seems like the water comes right  down moldun Road from bellw Avenue and um the   the current infrastructure isn't really able to  handle it so I can't see putting in anything new   until the old is fixed um um sewage does back  up in the houses in bellw the people that have   spoken already that live on bellw may have  that problem I know that I was going to buy   a house on bellw and and when it rains the toilet  doesn't want to flush so I didn't buy it but the   person who did buy that house I have met and um  he has that problem he would be here but he had   an appointment ointment at the VA clinic and  you just don't bypass appointments at the VA   Clinic when you get them traffic is absolutely an  issue especially during the school year especially   when people and buses drop off the kids and when  they pick them up it is a nightmare to get down   Belleview to get out of the neighborhood if I  were having to travel to go to work and leave   that area to go to Mobile Highway I could not go  to biew and go to Mobile Highway without waiting   probably a half hour because of traffic it's  horrible um schools I'm worried about schools   um yes they're building another complex in the  bellw middle school and Elementary School area   bellw Elementary being there at Mobile Highway  in Belleview and then bellw Middle School being   right after it on Mobile Highway those schools are  already overcrowded we don't need more kids in in   schools that are already overcrowded I I just I I  can't go with that um so I am against development   especially if it's medium or high density um I  would like a way to get photos to you so you can see the pictures that I took just this morning is  there any way to do that I don't think so at this   time unless you had them on on you in a hard  copy physical copy for us to look at before we   could enter into evidence so there's no email to  send them to you could send it to staff but our   decision will be made probably by the time that  they get get there and also also maybe our count   maybe our count attorney can Chim in um at these  proceedings they're very very quad our judicial   that mean they are they're regulated by state  laws and state statutes all the evidence that that   got doing these the evidence pictures anything  they got to be presented today at this meeting   we can't have no other additional meetings or  information presented after this meeting for the board it's up to it's up to the count attorney  if that can be introduced as evidence for here's   here's what I'm going to say one I I appreciate  that you typed this out and this was essentially   the testimony you just gave to us which is  going to be recorded by the court reporter   so it would be I don't see a reason to enter this  into evidence because you just did by speaking to   us and I don't know if my if the board agrees  with me on that or not okay um but I mean you   you covered all the points here in speaking and so  that evidence has been put into into the case File   um as far as pictures I mean we've we've got  the photos that the staff has presented to   us I understand you've got maybe photos from a  different time frame or whatever it may be um   and if we don't have them a hard copy of them  right now I I don't we're not going to hold   up the the hearing to to try and locate that  before we make a decision so that's my opinion   I don't know if the rest of the board feels the  same way but Mr chair I do agree and I will add   and maybe Horus you can help with this we want  this kind lady to understand her labor is not in   vain and and she has good points the points  made are really not addressing the purview   of this committee today but they could be used  during the development review process so if we   could help her and guide her there this document  would not be in vain there may be opportunity for   the photographs to make make it uh and land in  an appropriate time for consideration as well   but for what we are held to today with our five  criteria to meet those uh pain points that you're   experiencing do not relate to the five criteria  this board is considering today right um U thank   you for that Mr FS um and and I know she I I  thought there was issues raised about flooding   and and and storm water issues this for any type  of development every project got to be able to   maintain its own storm water systems and even with  that our would the County engineering department   they will be looking at how during the site playy  process if this approved how the project will even   impact the surrounding storm water and basically  they're going to if there's any detriment for this   project to make the storm water impacts works the  County engineer department is not going to lie for   that they really looking at how it can make it  better because see it may by the includ of I'm   not a strong water expert but by the inclusion of  the storm water Pond for this development they're   going to be looking at how that storm water Pond  can make the other issues regarding storm water   better that's one thing that we have to look at  not to make matters worse when it come to storm   water to to make improvements for new type of  development they got to so I just want to say   that for flooding that may be going on they going  to look at and see how they can make it better for   the whole area even for this development they  got to capture their own storm water and they   definitely look at the surrounding development  and how they can make that improvements to make   that area better when new development comes in  well okay well my final thought is on traffic   because the lady here said it was just public  interest which it's not because there will only   be one maybe two exits from this development  because you got the fairgrounds over there and   um you got building neighborhoods already over  there and over there so how can you have a lot   of streets that are going to exit onto bellw and  and provide relief for traffic I I don't see it I   don't see how tto I think that's what you called  them yes has they haven't even been out there I   can guarantee nobody thank you so much and know  Mr Adams I know wanted to add something about the   schools yeah did I'm School Board District One  and there is no capacity issues right now with   bellev and uh bellev middle are Elementary and  actually there's going to be an announcement later   on this month by the superintendent where we're  actually going to try to do something that even   decrease the Middle School enrollment on top of  that so so anyway now the traffic problems for   the school there guess is somebody gets caught  all the time on it um we got a lot of car riders   and buses trans transport 28,000 but the other  ones they'll get in that car rid or line and it   it is a problem with the older schools new schools  we we build a lot longer car rider line actually   going out on the playground just about it with  the roundabout so uh so if more b elementary   just went to a b school you know and getting  a lot of good news so enrollment could go up   but right now we're okay thank you and chairman I  recommend that the board either vote to admit or   reject the the document into evidence but I think  there should be a I recommend there is a vote on   that I got you um all right so I'll take a motion  on um the evidence that was presented to allow it   or not I move to reject it her testimony was okay  we have a motion do we have a second second all   right all those in favor please signify by raising  your right hand okay all those opposed and I just   want to make that make it clear the testimony you  gave was very good was accepted into evidence it's   just the written version of it was not so I all  right well thank you so much you're welcome all   right Thomas BR if you please come forward state  your name and address for the record and be sworn in I'm Thomas Brown senior and  uh I live at 6309 Buckland Drive 32526 yes I guess I look back when I retired out of the  military and I found where I'm living now in 32506   it's a good area uh I noticed the fields behind  and to the right of my house and the pictures   actually showed my house and where I'm located  one of the things I'm kind of concerned about is   like um one someone mentioned is Buckland Drive is  that going to be open to to allow traffic to come   through that um development it's a closed road  right now but that's that's my main concern and   my neighbors you know so that's one of the things  and and as everyone said the flooding and everyone   said but then I I heard what the gentleman said  that they already looked into that but that's a   small area and to add those in there I think the  neighborhood is really going to have problems and   uh on speaking for the whole area the people I've  talked to they are very comfortable in that in   that area and want to see it stay the way it is I  do understand we do need continue to develop but   there are other places we can develop at and uh I  am I'm in love with where I live at my neighbors   I love them but if we have that over there I think  it's going to be more problems than we really want   to handle and I'm just speaking in general as no  so and I do love the wildlife as what someone said   I love hearing those coyotes out there yelling  and the Hawks and the rabbits and we have a lot of   that I love it that's one of the reasons I moved  out there so I would love to keep that and my main   thing is the road if they open it I'm going to  have problems that's I don't think that's part   this discussion okay yeah that would be  later down the road on the road and I   figured that but I wanted to bring it up  thank you fa thank you all right board uh   well I know we we did have the the developer  I don't know if um you want to say anything   at all Brian or if you're good and my  no merth got up and presented earlier   but you don't have to but just wanted to  make sure you were offered an opportunity oh yeah thank you uh my name is Brian Danton yes sir yes oh yeah my name my name is Brian  Danton Danton Bruce development uh 4469   Blue Bonnet Boulevard Baton Rouge Louisiana uh  yes Miss Bush uh gave a great um um outline of   what we're doing there and I don't really have  anything to add I just am here if I have any if   you have any questions or anybody has any  questions for me thank you thank you good   thing is you've heard what their concerns  are so neighbor just keep that in mind   absolutely yes indeed uh Bard are there  any questions for the applicant and for staff I do want to address just one thing because  you heard this more you over and over we got a   pink a lady who's got a pink form too did you  oh yes she just she just got here and you can   go ahead and come on up and read unless yeah I'll  hold it until until it's done all right um Miss   Judy Billings if you'll please come forward St  your name and address for the record and be sworn in Judy Billings 5111 BW  Avenue Pensacola Florida 32526 yes okay everybody's been talking about this  water I live on bellw Avenue we have a huge   house and when it rains it floods I mean it  comes up to our knees sometimes not all the   time but it has almost got in our house the water  is horrible most of these people complained about   it it is very very true I wish I had pictures  that I could give yall to put up there they   wouldn't well the water is horrible that the  roads flood cars flood out it's sad it's very   very sad and the traffic is horrible I'm the  one that walked the neighborhood and got the   speed bumps because cars are just crazy they  they just line up and they they speed down   that road they're crazy but the traffic at  biew is awful where the school is and that   is my concern about the flood water and  you said how much money did they spend on um do you hear that six $6 million they spent  six million $6 million on the ditches we had a   ditch in front of our house and my husband  loved it but they covered the ditch up and   put sidewalks which I love and now the water comes  right into our house and it's it's very very scary   especially when we have bad brain because I don't  want it to come into my house I don't have flood   insurance and that's it thank you very much thank  you Mr chair yes sir I just had an update by the   superintendent this Belleview Middle is showing at  capacity right now on their list but only because   we're putting in new floors for a whole new Wing  so he expects in two weeks it'll go back full   Choice okay so if anybody looks up there and see  at capacity it's only because we're closing down   a whole Wing getting new floors put in which is  a good deal good yeah okay thank thank you Reed   yeah I was just you know I was kind of looking at  the maps and looking at the area um most of these   most of these neighborhoods were built um prior  to 20012 2002 um and I know the flood issues are   of are huge concern and plus along with that some  other issues um the only one that's somewhat new   is kind of what it says campfire way I think  that's a brand new subdivision um and the good   thing is the scami county and the development  world has has really learned a lot over water   over the last 25 years 22 years um sometimes when  you get a development like this it actually helps   the water mitigation because this is just flat  land I know water does you know tend to get into   flat land and and and sometimes stay but sometimes  it doesn't so sometimes when you see development   like this it actually helps your area um not  always but it it you know they'll keep water   on their own property um developments you know  nowadays do a heck a lot better job than they   did you know 20 years ago um and you know again  most of these most of these neighborhoods are 20   plus years old so you got to you got to take that  in consideration um and my my hope is that you   know this this neighborhood becomes um something  that all yall enjoy in that area and maybe with   the capacity um of the road it actually keeps the  people from Crossing it over because they there's   you know there'll be more people there and usually  people like uh empty roads to speed down and when   it's not empty roads and there's neighborhoods  they tend to avoid those because of the uh the   problems so just my thoughts future future looking  excuse me sir you just spoke as if the decision   had already been made Mr Speaker I'm just giving  my opinion he's giving his opinion we're not going   to take any more comments from the crowd but Mr  Speaker real quick I'd like to say that for the   folks in the crowd this particular we' I've done  this nine years this particular uh zoning on paper   as we review we do review these prior was probably  one of the easier ones uh cut and dry look you   know with no problems which is why it's important  that you guys come and show up and to the point   that was made earlier it's all on the record and  this is you're the problem is what you're trying   to do at this place is probably not going to be  as effective as you want it but it is extremely   important that you continue to be part of the  process through the development review you know   when you're you're the person's here listening to  the concerns I Echo the fact that typically with a   with this in the process developer and what they  have to do with their storm water and mitigation   it has most likely will improve what is a bad  situation now right now now that sounds like well   you may not want to hear that but that's just the  fact the second thing is the problem uh that you   are definitely facing is the Blue Angel and Mobile  Highway it's a fact it is a a Raceway cut cut off   between I've used it that way plenty of times  you know kudos to the activism to get your speed   tables in there because that certainly will help  matters I don't know that it solves a problem but   again this information needs to be carried from  you to you to the folks who are are are are doing   what their property rights are allowing them  to do most likely but uh I I just think that   you it's important that you continue with your  process e even if you feel the need to go with   the board of County Commissioners and speak to  them about your problems but don't quit there   be part of the process work with the developer  I think the developer if they're wise uh they're   going to try their best to be a good neighbor  you may not like it but I mean it's uh again   back to our property rights issue it looks like a  pretty easy one as the as the County's uh findings   have have fallen that's again just couple two  cents okay can you pull up the areial of this um you go to that one go up one more okay and this is just just  for me where's the storm water   mitigation on the on the development  to the to the west of this subject property the one to the West yeah I can't tell exactly from where that  map but let me see maybe getting caught in the   wetlands to the north I'm guessing so I know  that where the wetlands lie is that subdivision   is fairly new that's Tanglewood um that one's just  a few years old I would say four or five years at   this point but um there may be some drainage that  is going back that way but yes it's not clearly   shown um how the storm water for that Rosewood  Estates the one directly to the West MH um is   actually handled so I can't decipher that from  the aerial myself so I gota it may be the very   far Southeast um if you zoom in there is one  vacant parcel it may be a small detention Pond   that lies along bellw um if you go to the aerial  the actual aerial yeah it's that piece right yeah   so um I'm thinking it's that larger piece that's  associated with Rosewood that's likely the storm   area got and it may be quite small from the area  and if I and if I may Mr Walker we're not I'm I'm   sorry or not we can't take any more comments just  because of the type of hearing we've got um but I   I guess that is the storm water mitigation there  on the Southeast corner of this development um   and so I was just trying to re's point saying that  that maybe 20 years ago when that was put in that   if that was the only storm water mitigation that  was placed in that subdivision I highly doubt that   that's sufficient for um a development of that  size which when you look to the parcel to the east   we're talking about today it's a very similar size  piece of property um with storm water mitigation   issues that are that are going to be scrutinized  much more than they were when I believe that   was probably put in um and being given the same  amount of density as that development is there on   the west um anyways any further comments from  the board horse did you want to say something   Mr Walker you you and Mr Reed y'all was spot on  with fat again again if there is is if this moves   forward storm water traffic all of those things  are part of our review process and we do have   I'm not a storm water expert I'm not an engineer  at all but I know that with my tenure there have   been substantial improvements to the storm water  requirements drastically and and because of all   of the different rain events we've been having our  engine Department along with our commissioner that   looking at how these new developments can make  the surrounding better as it pertain to storm   water they are they are always focusing on how  can these make these old developments better when   you bring in new development adjacent on close  SP temperature then that's one of the golden   Ru that they're always looking at so I'm quite  certain that once they if it is approved once   they start the engineer once they start doing  their historical analysis and historic over   the area problems going to be raised and there  going to be situ situations where they have to   make improvements so I'm glad the developer  is here because our engine Department along   with our access man Department that we will be  looking at these things very very carefully and   closely so that we can help the neighborhood  not make it worse to enhance it there's only one I mean we have to base our you know  decision on the criteria we're given   most of the comments and it's opinion that's  going to be best suited for the development   Review Committee and for staff when this is  going through the process when they're going   to develop I mean we have to look at the  underlying zoning that's the situation here   board any further discussion okay if there's no  further discussion at this time I'll entertain a motion chair based on staff findings I make  a motion that we approve the application of 2024-the signify by raising your right hand  all those opposed motion carries all right is Walker Walker do you want to adjourn the res so  we're going to adjourn the uh rezoning meeting   of the planning board and we'll go into  the regular board meeting for the planning board we'll start in five minutes what's theity talking so in the  loadity current right now it's ouris is emel foron my name is Joe I'm chair the TR  from is our case going to be heard this   it's going to be heard next I just want to  make sure yes sir they to the earlier casear out no so you're on the regular there's a rezoning  agenda and there's a regular meeting agenda the   opt out's on the regular meeting agenda yes sir  so yours will be heard here in just a minute   and I don't think there are other citizens  here on so hopefully it'll go rela smoothly speaks very highly of your time oh  I adore she's special got quite a   bit my wife was the court administrator  for this circuit she just retired last year we' be good those were some good years in front of her oh absolutely you you better be prepared you  better be on top you better have to spoken to   your clients know what you're doing not any  unnecessary delays um straight to the point   right but but fair very fair absolutely  like I'm a retired federal agent so she said oh good it's good  to hear back here listen Okay thank question for you yes sir low Med instead of a it's absolutely still residential  not condos not Town Hall no sir this is just subis it's still  be abely single family home yes sir no sir bece well so the low density residential allows  four dwelling units per acre correct this   when it's built out because of all the  infrastructure requirements and setback requirements fin decision so I couldn't really plan and really organize much it just seems like the notification is kind  of like a short notice is there a way to expand   it a little bit more or now those are governed  by set rules too uhhuh these they governed by   so many rules and we got to go by the rules of  not things can get overthrown for technicality   let's say the county would have been in favor  of it if we would if we would have missed those   deadline rules notification we could have lost so  that's why those rules in place we got to get to   them if we don't well and then the other thing is  so I got 3 minutes to go yes sir as you hear from   more and more people and stuff and then even when  the board said want bring up that aial and things   so some of the things that they talked about when  that area was up I raised my hand and I wanted to   point out something that you can't speak anymore I  because these are qu again these are quad judicial   rules that's governed by statutes and if we  violate those rules this board could be sued the   commission can be sued for violating these typ of  something question that I could have pointed out   answer but you but the board they can't allow  for this woman once that comment period closes   out I'm telling I mean are we will the board once  again their hand those rules govern that process   it really does but even you at the end because  I'm the staff I'm the staff I the but the na   and citizen participation governed by R because  see I'm telling you we got two cases right now   two cases that got to come back before this board  because of some things that were not done properly these all right we need to get uh going here with  the regular planning board meeting hey horse if I   could uh horse can we get people to move this out  attention everyone move out we got to start thank   you we got to start our next proceeding if i' be  outside to talk to anyone but please empty the the this all righty we have no this is kind of all right this is the meeting of the  Escambia County planning board for August   6 2024 hereby called to order with eight members  present we do have a quorum do we have proof of   publication yes sir did the publication meet  all legal requirements yes sir the chair will   entertain a motion to wave the reading of the  legal advertisement so moved second motion is   second all those in favor please signify by  raising your right hand motion carries the   planning board meeting minutes for July 2nd 2024  have been provided to the board members I will   entertain a motion to accept the planning board  me meeting minutes into evidence do we have a   motion so moved second we got a motion is second  all those in favor please signify by raising your   right hand motion carries the planning board  hearing package for August 6 has been provided   to the board members I will entertain a motion to  accept the hearing package and legal advertisement   into evidence do we have a motion so moved we  got a motion second second all those in favor   please signify by raising your right hand motion  carries today we have a public hearing concerning   the review of an ordinance removing a parcel from  the county daap and assigning a compatible flu   -223 d01 that the Board review and recommend  to the BCC for adoption an ordinance amending   the Escambia County Midwest sector plan final  land use plan figure 2.0 1.a removing a parcel   within section 03 Township 1 in range 31 W  parcel 42- -00 totaling 3.68 plus or minus   Acres located on Highway 29 from the Escambia  County Midwest sector plan further amending part   two of the Escambia County code of ordinances  the Escambia County comprehensive plan 2030 as   amended amending chapter 7 the future land use  element policy flu 1.1.1 to provide an amendment   to the 2030 future land use map assigning  a future land use category of mixed use Suburban staff I'll turn over to you yes  good morning um Allison Lindsay urban   planner development services so I'm going to  give you just a little quick refresher because   it's been a while since we have an opt out so  the the Midwest Escambia County opal sector   plan consists of approximately 15,000 Acres um  and it's in the North End of the county from   Interstate North to Highway 196 and then west  of Highway 29 the intent of the Midwest sector   optional sector plan was to recognize the  benefits of the longrange planning for areas   greater than 5,000 acres and promote Innovative  and flexible Planning and Development strategies   the adoption package was approved by the BCC  on January 2011 and the notice of intent to   finding compliance from Deo was received February  2011 can you put up that dap Matt thanks so the   um there are two detailed specific area plans  we call them daap one is the Mogi daap it's on   the southern half of the overall sector plan area  which is comprised of approximately uh 3,380 acres   of developable land the second is Jack's branch  which forms the north half of the sector plan and   is comprised of approximately 5,231 acres of  developable land which totals um 8,611 Acres   of developable um of the overall 15,000 Acres so  in the um the so far the Jax branch and the opt   outs that we've had and have been approved we've  had 214 plus or minus Acres that have been opted   out in the Jax branch and then approximately 94.1  three plus or minus Acres that have been opted out   of the Mogi so that totals 309 op opted out Acres  um overall um so as part of the sector plan the   the detail specific area plan it was really Dei  defined to develop standards and to identify the   distribution extent and location of the future  uses public facilities and any um all this for   the short term and the buildout so this um I can  go through the maps um so the this is the aerial   sorry the location map of the the the opt out it's  on Highway 29 and then that's fine and then the um   location um go to the next one so the zoning map  showing currently the underlying zoning is hli   and the future land use is conservation  neighborhood in the DAP and then so they   proposed they're requesting to change it from the  conservation neighborhood to the mixu Suburban   and this is just showing the daap area outline the  parcel in blue and this is showing the Jack Branch   map and the area in question is over on the east  right on Highway 29 a little South right there at   Neil Road and then here's just the it's in the  Jack Branch 52 and it shows that it's the 13.6   68 acres and out of the whole 342 from the JB 52  and this is the prime sols and the wetlands map   showing that they do have some wetlands and Prime  soils on the site and the flood zone map shows   it in an X flood zone and here's an aerial map of  the site and this was the public hearing that was   posted on Highway 29 just south of Neil Road and  this looking West at the subject property looking   across Highway 29 from the subject property  and this is the second public hearing sign a   little further down on Highway 29 and this is  just a additional view of the subject site and   looking North from the property on Highway 29 and  looking South along 29 from the subject property   and that's the maps and photographies so I don't  know if you want me to go into my findings or if   you want to hear from the applicant it's  up to you we'll hear from the applicant okay good morning members of the board Meredith  Bush 125 East in tendencia um so we agree with   staff's findings but I will go through there are  quite a few criteria to consider when considering   an opt outs I'll briefly touch on those um first  wellhe heads based on the GIS system the subject   property is not located in a Wellhead protection  area historic next historically significant sites   a copy of the division of historical resources  TRS site file correspondence is included in   the submission by the applicant there were no  historical resources detected on the subject   property a cultural resources map and site roster  was also attached um third natural resources um I   actually show there were no wetland there are  prime soils but no Wetlands on the subject   property the property is located within the Jax  Branch drainage basin uh within the flood zone X   the soils indicated on site include porch Sandy  LOM and malbus Sandy LOM as far as traffic goes   uh the subject properties are located to the west  of US Highway 29 North fdot provides an annual   average daily traffic count along this portion  of Highway 29 of 19,600 trips all area roadways   have capacity to support the rested the requested  change in the future land use category sanitary   sewer and pable water Cottage Hill Water Works is  the area water provider the proposed amendment is   not expected to create capacity problems for  Cottage Hill Water Works once a project is   proposed and application submitted to the county  such proposal shall identify any other providers   and determine whether Septic Tank Service or  available sewer connection will be utilized   ized any proposed development will receive  approval through the site plan review process   ECUA will provide sanitary sewer if applicable  the proposed amendment is not expected to   create capacity problems for ECA wetlands and  drainage any necessary storm water management   will be provided in accordance with the scambi  county and Northwest Florida Water Management   District regulations the storm water system  will be designed for a 100-year storm event Solid Waste will be collected by ECA for disposal  in the scambi county landville which has adequate   existing and projected capacity parks recreation  and open space if required the development review   process will address the preservation of open  space the applicant understands that a detailed   review is required through the county site  plan approval and development Review Committee   processes schools the current School assignments  for this location for the 2024 2025 school year   are um K5 Jim Allen Elementary uh Middle School  is Ransom Middle and then Tate High any increase   in density may or may not have an impact on  student population projections any proposed   development will adhere to the site plan review  process um and then the applicant submitted a   very thorough U analysis of the Land Development  code articles and comprehensive plan policies   identifying an a land use need particular to the  scope and function of the comprehensive plan for   which an amendment is clearly warranted um the  proposed amendment applies contemporary planning   principles engineering standards and other  professional practices to provide an effective   and efficient remedy for the identified land use  problem or need um and then there are a list of   I believe about 40 or 50 comprehensive plan  Provisions that are supportive of the request um parcel size and aggregate of other opt  outs the subject property is 13.6 Acres   this property represents 0.1 1674 per of the  existing development acreage of 8,168 22 Acres   described in the sector plan the total acreage  of the Jax Branch daap designated conservation   neighborhood is 2,359 Acres withdrawal  of the applicants 13.6 Acres will result   in a 0.579 decrease in developable acres  within that Jax Branch daap at the time   of the application the total acreage opted  out of the sector plan is 442.19 Acres um   and then as far as the underly zoning and  compatibility with the daap the underlying   zoning is hcli and the requested uh  future land use categories mus uh   the application includes the hcli zoning  regulations and um an analysis of the hcli with   the request requested excuse me flu of mus which  would be consistent with the underlying zoning   uses densities and intensities allowed um and then  finally prior loss development rights prior to the   adoption of the Midwest sector plan this parcel  was Zone gbd The parcel was effectively down Zone   by the adoption of the sector plan and a copy  of the gbd zoning District regulations were   also included in the applicant submitt um based  on that we feel we've met the criteria and would   ask that you opt this parcel out all right  thank you any questions for the applicant or   staff I have a couple uh Miss Bush when did the uh  current owner take possession that I do not 1998 and with the uh the Gateway business  district was any residential allowed   in that let me check I have the  Gateway business residential um   zoning regulations included but  I'm not that familiar with them um and while you're looking that up if staff could  uh provide the current zoning category closest to   what gbd provided so gbd um permitted C1  and C2 which are both commercial type uses   planned business developments Reclamation of  borrow pits those are the three permitted uses   within the gbd zoning category so there there  was no residential allowed it's it's C2 type   distribution manufacturing fabrication and  assembly type operations which are completely   completely enclosed within the confines of  a building outside storage permitted when screened the district was intended to  enhance specific segments of the us29   and Sr 97 Corridor as a visually attractive  well-planned business Community is the intent   of the district districts characterized by  community service in commercial uses located   adjacent to or in immediate proximity to the  us29 corridor and in immediate proximity to   Sr 97 at the Alabama Florida state line and  I think it also had the future luse also had   but hli if the future lenu uh you could have  residential but the gbd go ahead okay I saw   you Andrew Homer developments Services um so gbd  was one of Special Districts that the county had   put in to allow in certain areas an option for  commercial uses um you know as you're coming   into the urbanized area of the county there  were districts that were created like this um   the the weird thing is the old code if you will  recall up to C1 everything was cumulative up to   C1 so all those uses if it was in the previous  category it was allowed and so on and so on uh   one did allow for all the residential uses that  you broke that off at C2 where you stopped having   those residential and as you went up from there uh  the Gateway districts because they were including   C2 that would have prohibited the residential uses  that were cumulative to C1 does that make sense   short answer is no for residential it wouldn't  have allowed was not allowed in gbd correct sorry Mr chair I'll ask if I if I recall when we  were talking the daap uh when we had this I don't   know if it's two years now I'll say two years  and somebody will say it's five but anyway um we   had a a a consultant if you recall and all I could  think of when I was reviewing this is this is like   textbook exactly what they said proximity to 29  size I just kept going through my memory that this   again I guess kudos to Miss Brown you've had two  that seem to be very cut and dry without anybody's   input uh exactly following the letter of what how  we established it before I may be mistaken but I   kept trying to find a flaw on it but because after  time you know you hear an opt out another opt out   goly and then you look at the acreage and quite  frankly it's seems fairly minute I mean all right   there any other questions or comments for the  applicant or staff and we have no one signed up   to speak so yeah yeah again what would be the  closest current zoning District to gbd H it is and that allows residential if if there  request for the mix use suburban and yes   those two would be so in that sense it was this  could be considered an improvement in rates to   develop residential correct correct as well  as commercial on the highway 29 and I'm I'm   sorry and there and if you look at if you look at  there's if you look at the Land Development code   on the acli it it says there's some uses that  are prohibited if you got a mix use Suburban F   land use category as well so so so so so there are  still some controls on on the type of industrial   uses if you got hli that's spelled that's spelled  specifically out inside the Land Development code   for for acli so there are certain prohibitions  against heavy commercialized industrial type   uses I think his worry was residential right  Jay I mean no my my issue my issue has been   and is uh this whole opt out process we have  a we have a sector plan and it's evidently   not very popular so again I I believe it's Inc  coming upon the board County Commissioners to   to make a decision with that a major decision  either do away with it or uh just or continue   with it but the opt outs are are kind of I've  said it before it's a death by thousand opt outs all right if we get no further questions  uh for either the applicant or staff we do not   have anyone signed up to speak from the  public um will entertain a motion at this   time move to approve um OSP 20241 as presented  we got a motion do we have a second second any   further discussion all those in favor of the  motion please signify by raising your right   hand all those oppose all right motion  carries six to one all right thank you   Miss Bush um now we've got a public hearing  concerning the Warrington Redevelopment Plan   update that the Board review and recommend to  the board of County Commissioners for adoption   the Warrington Redevelopment Plan update  to extend the time certain to complete its   Redevelopment objectives and I think we've  got someone calling in for this where's Max yes we'll find out all right I'm put you on speaker okay let's see if it works so I've got  Max Rogers from CRA on the uh on the phone on   the speaker so let's see how hi this is Max Rogers  can you hear me hey Max yes hey uh thank you for   accommodating me I tested positive for Co over  the weekend I'm feeling better but just not sure   how quite contagious I am at the moment um so  what we did here is um we updated the Warrington   Redevelopment plan very similar to what we did  in uh 2010 was the last time we updated the plan   um so this is the 2024 update what's remarkable  or of importance for this update is that we are   looking to extend the time certain to complete  the Redevelopment objectives meaning that uh if   we do not update the Redevelopment plan now the  Warrington CRA will sunset uh in December 2025   which is the 30-year time span that was initially  created for the warrant and CRA um but what we   found was there is still blight in Warrington  um average incomes are still 30% lower than the   rest of the county there's a higher incidence  of crime housing conditions um still show uh   lots of Need for improvement so there is still a  need for the Warrington CRA to to go forward and   what we'd like to do with this re development plan  update is to extend the time certain to complete   its Redevelopment objectives for another 30 years  as allowable under Florida statute um which would   extend the um the Sunset date for the warron CRA  to December 2055 um included in the update is also   um we had a series of public meetings uh with the  community in April and may to get input and U work   with the community in this process um we looked  at the objectives which we um left the same as   it um as the current plan has but what we did is  update the strategies including more specifically   the neighborhood strategies to make sure our  Capital Improvements are better reflective for the   changing needs for the different neighborhoods and  we also updated the capital Improvement project   list so we completed most of the Capital  Improvements that were feasible from the 2010 plan   so we created New Capital Improvement projects  based on those objectives and strategies so that   is the update for the Warrington Redevelopment  plan but the the important part here is that we're   looking to extend the time certain to complete  the Redevelopment objectives um which would keep   the Warrington CR from sunsetting in uh next  year and extend it to December member 2025 so   I'll go ahead and mute my phone and I'll um put  the volume back on YouTube so I can answer any questions anybody have questions well  not questions but I mean I was I'm the   vice chair of the Warrington Redevelopment  committee and you know I will say Max has   done a phenomenal job with this I will look at  the parallels with the city and stuff like that   with similar projects and what he's  been able to do here with this he's   done a great job and I think he deserves  kudos for it and we look forward to this   being hopefully you know adopted for the  future um this is something for the warron   community that is important and the Tiff funds  do benefit the community there I will say that so what Max what percentage of the Tiff is owed  from the property tax revenue what percentage   does does the CRA capture off the uh increase all  of our cras are at 75% and what's the what's the   Warrington CRA income currently um on an annual  basis I believe it's about 1.6 million per year   do you have projections of where that's headed  over the next 30 or 10 I I don't we didn't do   the calculation but I imagine it's going to  slowly start to increase what's the base year   for the Warrington CRA 1995 what's the value  of the property tax that County collects off   that valuation from the base year so um last  year was I think was around 1.6 million so   it's so the County's getting 1.6 and the  cra's collecting 1.6 correct half and half are there any policing programs in place right  now in the warington CRA that that are being   funded no we did policing efforts um probably in  the 20110 um it's been a little controversial uh   the staff has found that there there's been no  measurable decrease in crime um there there's also   been an issue of having the police officers um or  the sheriff's department um taking calls outside   of the area so you know as backup that um that  it wasn't necessarily dedicated to the Warrington   area when we were paying for it so it it is  something that's allowable um I can I know from   higher up above me that it's um it it's not  it's not as it's not seen as favorable is   that it's really accomplishing anything  but I guess it could be considered in the future yes we allowed we gave land to the county  for a substation down down there it's it right   at Warrington elementary school so it was  probably about 2010 time wasn't it somewh   they have been before it's been there a  while so they got substation in warron   AR no can't take that from fire  departments or law enforcement gotcha um sorry I'm peppering you with questions  here but um so what are the what are the major   program expenses for the Warrington CRA so  probably one of the biggest reoccurring one is   actual just paying for the street lights um that's  we spend about $450,000 a year just to keep the   street lights on so that that takes a huge  chunk out of it um but we also have our grants   programs we have uh residential Improvement Grants  commercial Improvement Grants and uh commercial   mural uh programs that that's a brand new one um  but so we're looking to extend our grant programs   and and get more done as a private a public  private partnership um as you may be aware   the commercial grants have been on hold um for  a few years I think since probably about 2017   or so but recently we're approved by the board of  County Commissioners to begin again so we do set   aside money every year to um do those programs  we also do lowincome roof programs that anyone   in the Warrington CRA if they in come qualify and  their house is homesteaded and their roof is in   poor condition they could get a a brand new roof  for free so that does also come out of the grant   program gotcha can we put up the boundary map for  this too yes so the boundary does not change so   that's that's important is that the boundary uh  there's been three uh changes over the over the   course of the Warrington crra three three boundary  expansions only one is notably large and that was   um I don't have the information in front of me  but I think it was 2001 where Beach Haven and navy   Point were added um there was a small Amendment  um where the U extended stay at Old Corey uh in   branis was uh added into the map just that one  parcel and then there was another small change   um a few years later uh in South Beach Haven  where they where I believe the bound boundaries   were cut across certain parcels and they were  just cleaning up the map so there there's been   no changes besides that one substantive change  uh I think in 2001 where Beach Haven and navy   Point were added so there is no there is no  proposed changes to the warrant and CR geographic area sounds good I just curious what the exact  area was so I appreciate that and then I'll just   say for my part um as far as you know crime and  safety go um you know in my in my day job with   the downtown Improvement board um we partner with  the urban core c in the City of Pensacola and fund   four positions for Pensacola Police Department at  a tune of probably close to $300,000 a year it was   two two officers um now it's gone to four and I  think the CRA downtown is is looking at adding   a fifth position to kind of manage that now a  group of officers but um and I know the urban   core rakes in quite quite a few dollars probably  more than the Warrington CRA district is currently   but um just a thought of reaching out to to  our neighbors just across the by you there um   with in Victor with Victoria and and maybe even um  officer partrick who currently leads that program   or or chief of police um Eric Randall to see you  know what steps they've taken over the past few   years that we've been running that program uh we  we certainly feel that it's been an advantage for   folks in the in the DI and then also I think  the urban core CRA members would agree as well   that we we've seen a decrease in crime we've  we've got better call times to those areas and   um certainly maybe worth a program to look into  for for this area and I know commissioner Kohler   sits on the dib and has seen the work that that  that program's done in downtown Pensacola and I   think he'd probably be somewhat aable to an idea  of that um in the Warrington CR District if it's   financially feasible and also you've got you know  the funding to to have the staff there as well   which is also another issue but um just my two  cents okay yeah thank you we'll take that into consideration any further discussion then we need  a motion to approve or send a recommendation is   what we're looking for I make a motion to approve  I guess all right we got a we got a motion we got   a second forther discussion all right all those  in favor please signify by raising your right   hand all those opposed all right motion carries  Thanks Max thank you thanks for accommodating   me um all right so that is the last I don't think  we have any public comment any updates from staff go ahead sounds fun what uh okay September 10th uh we're GNA have a uh a  second round I would say uh with the motley court   that rezoning uh if yall remember it was quite  contentious was um went to the BCC was turned   down Court s it back so um considering all the  factors involved I would pack a lunch too much   water under the bridge can you remind me okay SE  yeah so this is the one sick so you just got Ved back so this this is out by uh GF Florida Power  the Crist plant uh 10 Mile I think it is yeah this   is um so mle court goes straight North uh there's  subdivision up there everything feeds down through   that one road on the east side of the road partway  up there's a there's two Parcels uh there's a   church that is in there and they also I don't  know know if it's the same church own the property   behind them that's Woods uh unfortunately contains  their storm water Pond um so it's a I think   approximately s acre flag lot and they wanted to  rezone to or a up Zone to MDR I believe it was so yeah we've their first request was  for HDR then they requested MDR so um we   will take care of sending out the notices the  advertisement and um we'll we'll see where it goes so how did it it it came  through here approved went to   board County Commission they denied  it the developer whomever sponsor   took it to court to come back here  we start over correct the circuit   Court quashed the decision of the BCC uh and  REM and the BCC remanded it back to the planning board say say that one more time correct recommend  reviewing the the record on that order and we'll we'll provide that as part of  the pack and someone recall something kind of   notable is what the effect is of a something  notable is the effect of a quashing by the   circuit court has or what exactly happens after  that quashing takes place uh case law has shown   that it's as if the BCC never made that vote  to deny the resoning so uh everything that   they could previously do they can still do uh the  Circuit Court did not provide other instructions   so the BCC it's there to discretion on how to  handle it and they decided to remand it back to   the to the planning board is that case closed  or is our vote going to be a part of that case   let me say something we're just giving you  general information at this time General I   I strongly I don't want to get into anymore just  be prepared the County Attorney they gave you a   gist of overall overview because we don't want to  get into anything that may cause more additional   challenges on this is very very so so so all  those questions save them writing them down I   would yeah I would almost say I mean I think we  probably should end this conversation and move   on um yes sir as yep agree all right thank you  for the update and if with that we stand in ad   Jour if you could could we I one item I wanted  to bring sorry I apologize we are on adjourned   just yet I'm sorry too quick that's okay uh we  have our five criteria that were tasked with   evaluating these resoning on do we can we pull  up the Land Development code specifically two 2.7.2 I'll try to be quick but  we have the five criteria and   then there's there's a paragraph that that  follows that that talks about board action   and it's been brought up and I think  today it it kind of applies it's and it's it's uh 2. 2.7.2 Bravo 5 if you find the five criteria what what look at additional board action I'd like to make a recommendation that  we add this into the into our calculus and   like for today I think it's covered if you if  you read that read paragraph five and we talk   about qual everybody talks about quality of  life red reduction in property values uh and   adverse impacts on the surrounding properties  I know we all think about the fact that we're   one step in the process there are other steps  to follow with the development review and it's   you know our understanding that a lot of this  stuff will be addressed in those those other   steps but I think it'd be important that we put  this right up front when we hear these cases so   that the public understands that we are looking at  it we do consider it and it's part of our decision Matrix again just it's a thought I'm more than  happy to do it and I brought this up last time um   and I'm with you it says the board shall then  consider whether I mean it says it plain as day   this is in the code I know some of us up here  don't agree and that's okay but that I'm fine   with that it it just remember resoning are quasa  judicial hearing um it's one thing for to add a   statement that says this paragraph that what you  as the board are going to do uh shall um it would   be different if this was a criteria because some  of these are a bit nebulous and um you know who's   who's the expert to say um diminish quality of  life um you know lower their property value so   when would I use that paragraph when I'm making  a decision well that's that's what I'm saying it   not it might be a challenge if that was put in  as one of the criteria um but maybe something   some statement that says hey by the way because  you know you do have the script um maybe work this   into that somewhere and and and and like do a spot  on this that this question has happened before   and as a matter of fact we I we looked at it again  and we would look at it with the kind of attorneys   again and it was my take that that that that was  that this was specifically for the BCC to look at   to give them a little more latitude and and and  things like that because we do try to incorporate   in our findings compatibility adverse surroundings  impacts but as duw stated property values those   are much more and we have had cases recently  where in some of those cases the judge looked   at said those got to come from by by professional  so everybody so case that we have sort of had our   hands spanked on and they going through different  case and they mention about property values and   that ruling have to be done by professional  people so so but we would definitely engage   with our countor office again for us to said we're  going to look at these things I'm telling you I   think I think we may be open up something that  we may not be able okay and the way I read this   as well is the only time you use this paragraph  is if the board agrees that the applicant has met   and made substantial and and proven the previous  criteria but may want to make a decision to reject   the zoning change that's to me is where that  paragraph comes into play yes I believe you're   correct that's that's where there is a bit of a  gray right spot here um and Rachel had just pulled   up the notification she she sends out on the back  side it's got the criteria but down at the end   it's got that very paragraph So the citizens are  getting this as part of their notification for   the hearing it might be best like like you said  to kind of emphasize this dur during the actual   hearing right but just just with understanding  that that there are certain things that you have   to really be factual based especially with quality  of life because that's so very very subjective and   I know that Mr Mr J been doing a long time that's  very very property values and Mr Reed those are   so we have I just want to board in with advice of  the count Attorney office to be careful so that we   won't y'all be UND for not following the boy y'all  so that's all and I I'll add one more thing and   then I'll let other folks jump in here but I mean  I don't I cannot think of a time that we have sat   here and listen to staff and the applicant agree  on those five things and I sit here and deny it   so it would have to be some extreme circumstance  um where that didn't happen and we would need to   make a case a big one that overrode those five  criteria from my view out let anybody else chime   into to so let me let me just I'm going to clarify  clarification on this just for my own personal um   you of course it does say the board shall but  then also comes in and says you prop zoning   will likely diminish and I think y'all just said  this and I just want a clarification that's not   us determining that that is the expert somebody  up there and if they say that yes these criterias   life will diminish property values will diminish  and they're an expert and we've qualified them   as expert then we can go back to this Rule and  say Yes based on this this criteria of us saying   diminishing quality of life we have the ability  to approve or deny most likely deny based on that   is that what I heard y'all saying it would be  difficult to Quant yeah to qualify someone as   an expert in quality of life I I don't disagree  with you I'm just I'm just makeing sure that we're   not it's not you're not looking to us to make  a determination of we think that the quality of   life or a member of of the community thinks the  quality of life that's that's a tough one that   is not what that to me that does not say that that  that's what got me concerned about if you know the   idea of putting that as one of the criteria and  everyone testifying on that we're going to have   Mr chair Mr ingell specifically may I suggest it  that I think you're right that the number five   the emphasis should be more towards the applicant  in my opinion when I look at the zoning changes I   think there's a Unwritten and I think it should  be written incumbent uh responsibility of the   applicant to do their best to sell their product  and quite frankly I know several that walk in here   who could give a rip about the neighbors or the  people and you can tell and they're just like look   we go buy the five and appropriately so because  the qu ey judicial it should be it should not be   subjective it's very objective this is these are  the rules the subjectivity comes in if they want   to make their path easier they should take note  of that and perhaps try to sell it have their own   little charet meetings do whatever they should do  so that they make their own life easier and for   some reason it seems like we never emphasize that  or never they just throw it out there go good luck   guys hope it works for you and make your decision  and infuriate the people that that think oh   this is a sham and I think there should be more  burden put on the applicant to realize that we do   have the ability to take some of these subjective  items in question I agree again but the intent   is I think it would build conf if we address  it formally it would build confidence in the   adjacent land owners that we are considering these  things and again it could put the pressure on   the applicant to address these things it's it's  always going to be the applicant's case to make   they're coming before you seeking an affirmative  action um we we run into this quite often at the   board of adjustment where they say yeah I agree  with the staff's findings and they want to go sit   down well staff isn't here making your case for  you you still have to address it and make your   own case um that's why if there's a tie they  lose you know they they need they're seeking   an affirmative vote so it it's always their case  to make I mean I'll go by the basic fact here is   we're going by statutory stuff in terms of the  objectivity of the five criteria I mean we have   to stay inside of that realm anything else that's  kind of opinionated and it kind of goes off cancer   from it I understand that people come up here and  want to say quality of life but that's one of the   reasons why we have the criteria I mean quality  of life is subjective I mean that's a tough thing   to say you know a person that lives in the city  is a different than a person that lives in the   count or the rural area you know it's a glass half  full glass half empty type of scenario that's why   the criteria kind of makes this so that we can  fit it into that box and say hey this is how we   make our decision and go from there but again uh  paragraph five is in the Land Development code   and it states that it's board action we shall do  this but again I really think that we give give   us the opportunity because see we have to look  at the way the entire section to make sure that   that that this applies to you and not the BCC  there was some there was some questions about   does this apply to the planning board or does it  apply to the BCC so give us some I don't want us   to say I I just want to be so we go back and read  and look at it carefully and then we'll give the   county attorney's office and he can provide H and  the office can provide because these are I don't   want us to cause any more challenges for the  planning board and these case being thrown out   because we're not being governed by the black and  white language of the land of vet c as it flows we   have to look at everything not just one paragraph  We have to look at the way it's written in to that   sentence actually says the board shall recommend  approval to the resoning request to the BCC so   actually is pointing to us um that the no New  Uses density or intensities of the use of proposed   zoning will likely diminish quality of life  reduced property values confer a special benefit   you know so on so on it that is it is directly  talking about us this board here um I just don't   like the will likely diminish that right I you  know we we've talked about you know at at links   about how words mean something it does and I I  really miss um uh Tate yeah Mr Tate and he was   so great about pointing out those words words and  um and being very um uh demanding that they made   sense because that to me that will likely diminish  um that's just puts too much of a burden on a a   very uh subjective um part of the board's actions  um and I agree that it should say something more   of the of the line that the uh applicant needs  to um make sure that you know they have looked   at the quality of life diminishing values and they  will or will not you know done some sort of study   or whatever that it will not you know affect the  the the people around them but again that's overly   subjective um I just I I I hate those those type  of words and and anything that is qua judicial   yes sir and judges do take those little words and  they can they can overturn any decision so I want   y'all to be careful with telling with say that we  want to start based on those things you you I I   so but we could look at it but I just don't want  to say to do it right now we need to to make sure   we don't want to do it right now but we'll be back  in a month and I just it's I'm I agree I I kind of   agree with what everybody said but I'm just saying  it's there we've had people point it out time and   time again let can we get an answer on it and  figure out how we move forward yes you can cool   the county attorney's office is here thanks that  fair all right now we'll stand a Jour number two