##VIDEO ID:zAUl_0Xpe4g## meeting it is is October 15th 3ish p.m. uh and uh  Danielle was the meeting properly advertised yes   on October 10th great thank you um if you would  please call the role Jeff bgos here James Reeves   Mary Hawking here Shirley cronley yeah here David  Bayer here Ronald Rivera matish Patel here tin br   and Casey Jones all right we do have five here  that makes uh Quorum so we do have Quorum thank   you so I will call the meeting to order now um  our first item is public forum is there anyone   here from the general public who would like  to speak today speak to any issues tourist related I see no one running  forward uh so I guess we do not um   move on to the next item is review and approval  of meeting minutes uh distributed um to everyone   was a copy of the June 18th TDC meeting minutes  did we did we also distribute the other minutes   yes both have been emailed and printed what's  that yeah both have been emailed and printed   out for you guys okay so we have so we have  the June meeting minutes we have the September   the September 9th and what was that those  were the two meetings wasn't it an August meeting St funds available okay well sorry June 18th September  9th uh minutes hopefully everybody's had an   opportunity to review them is anybody um have  any changes amendments if not uh take a motion   to approve so moved well we have okay we have  a motion from uh Mr bgos a second from Miss   cronley uh any objections other changes at all not  please show them adopted thank you uh next item is   review of expenditure audit Trail U Mr Baker  did I see him or you stepan flying solo today welcome Mr Hall oops good afternoon chairman and council  members so I did want to uh give an update on   on James Baker he is no longer working uh for me  and for the county he uh has a in in his opinion a   better job um and uh so I hope I I wish him well  and and his his future Adventures so um so with   that so um we we do have some an expenditure  audit trail that was just provided uh for   Council to review um you know at at as as you see  fit but one of the comments Council uh previously   made had to do with uh incumbrances so I did  want to provide that information um which is   basically you could look at the very end  of that report to find that information   and this is currently where we are in the 13th  period we have not completed the 13th period   so I will speak uh to that piece so for current  year fiscal year 24 incumbrances we still have $523,500 million for Visa Pensacola and  the unified budget um that we're currently   working through um on those incumbrances  to finish the fiscal year so we will be and   do intend to roll the uh art art culture  and entertainment purchase order forward   uh so that we can have the funds for Fufu  Festival um also uh intend to uh roll the   visit Pensacola encumbrance forward as well to  finish up with some of their items that we're   still working through uh for those visit  Pensacola reimbursements for things uh um   operational expenses that occurred during  fiscal year 2024 so I do want to give that update and if any questions I'll go ahead  and we'll go into status of funds uh Stefan   does that also include Pensacola Sports  um I believe Cola Sports uh we probably   will be closing their incumbrance  um I believe Ry will speak to that   here shortly but I think they're good  okay thank you any other questions or comments okay all right uh good afternoon council  members um so we will discuss status of the   tourist development tax funds through the month  of September 2024 the fiscal year 2024 collections   with interest through the end of September  2024 for total 23, 31,8 65 as compared to   the collections through September 2023 totaling 22  m490 654 uh with a collection increase of roughly   3.65% or 821 311 over the prior fiscal year it's  fantastic what was that percentage I'm sorry uh   3.65 thank you and again that is not the County's  13th period that is just through September so   there will be some additional funds uh to be  received uh fiscal fiscal year 2024 collections   without interest through September totaling 2,986  662 are 110% of the fiscal year 202 for tdt Budget   of 20 million so compared to budget we're we're  roughly $2 million over the budget projection   that's great expenses through September 2024 total  approximately 16.9 million the current tdt cash   balance is 33.4 million through September 2024  very good that's the total of all the restricted   funds and the UNR RCT it's everything yes right  is that's awesome all right any questions for San this great thank you so much welcome Mr Reeves  welcome councilman Jones um all right uh next item   on the agenda is well that was both of those  two items um G Coast JazzFest Mr Cadillac Banks   want to come on down cowboy I know y'all was  gonna say all that how you doing my name is   William Banks um first thing I would like to  say um and which I have provided to you guys   um this is a review from Ticket Master and  what this review tells us we're at 4.6 Stars   you can only get five stars so I'm about four  points off from this event being recognized as   a Five Star Event which is which is I think is  very good um for esami County and for people who   traveling here when they get on Ticket Master and  see that es scaming county has a 4.6 event um in   Pensacola and basically that's um what I wanted  to provide to you guys also as to 2025 I have   concluded that it is time to move this Festival to  a a third day we have been doing this to days most   festivals now are three days four days and the  reason for that really this would be four nights   and three days if we move it in 25 to Outdoors  for three days we'll be Indo be outside so and   I think it's it's time to do that I went up to  Jacksonville Jazz F and found out to my surprise   that the county um and the city together actually  give that jazz festival that jazz festival is not   given by a promoter it's given by the Duvall  County and what's amazing about that jazz is   four days and it's free and I have I met people  from all over coming to that jazz you it's hard   to beat free um so maybe one day we can get to  that point where esamia County can actually do   a free jazz festival we going to really need more  hotels if we do that I can tell you that um so far   we are doing very well with the Festival this  year with expect a whole lot of people to come   in from all over the country like they do every  year and I'm I'm proud to say that as long as   I've been doing this jazz festival we have had no  incidents at this jazz festival you know and our   reviews are great reviews so we want to continue  to do this and I like I say I'm here to see what   the board be willing to recommend to the county  that we move this thing to day three days and also   I my my belief is that everybody on this board  should at least take if they have the time come   and see what is being done at I mean um um Mr bage  he he comes every year I can't keep him away um so   you you guys need to come see what what I'm doing  I'm asking for this money you need to come see   what this money is being spent on and how great  this event really is for a scam County a matter of   fact it is the only in excam county that I know of  is the only music festival that we have is nobody   else putting if it is tell me because I have not  seen anybody else put up a music festival um on a   continuous basis unless I miss something up Days  Night Moves Festival during Fufu Fest it's coming   up that's Fu Fest yeah okay okay okay I ain't  going to forget about you brother I I get it yes   sir yes sir well thanks anyway way that's all I  had to say so Cadillac you're asking you currently   have been approved for $150,000 and to extend  it another day you're asking for an additional   $100,000 yes because there would be more artists  added to the ticket yeah that's basically what it   it's going to be it's one artist that I'm really  catching hell trying to get I don't know what it   is is it Mary J BL I don't do R&B we can't y'all  wouldn't approve Mary J BL her numbers are way up   there we do have a top artist um his name is Brian  cson if you have ever heard of him but he's about   65 $70,000 but he brings them in and that's I'm  going try it again I mean they can only tell me   no when I when I put in an offer to him that's  right yeah any question well I'll just speak   from experience he he puts on a great show I look  forward to going to many many more as you put him   on and uh I for my limited time here left I'm in  full support of it so whatever it takes was that   a motion that well sure I'll make the motion  we approve it that'll be my motion okay so we   have a motion uh to approve $100,000 additional  dollars to to Mr Banks is there a second to that   motion I'll second it we have a second from Mr  Jones commission councilman Jones Is there any   discussion any questions for Cadillac you got to  turn on your microphone people at home can't hear   you yes ma'am um is that going to be for 2025 yes  ma'am that's for 2025 to make it a Day Festival   and when you what are your dates then well I got  something from the from the city that I'm going   be sitting down with the city they are offering  a 5-year deal set in stone but I have to do it in   October in the Scher season right so we going to  see how that's going to work out if I had a little   issue last year when we did it the first weekend  in October cuz the cold snap came in and all those   people who come here they they really wasn't kind  of used to that you know so this year we telling   them at least bring a jacket or bring a sweater at  night cuz it does it gets a little chilly here at   night and so we'll see so it's going to probably  I might just stay in the middle of October you   know because this week has been beautiful so  we can keep it in the middle of I it's no more   labor day because the baseball game has overruled  that so I can't do September anymore sure okay   and then if you do a three-day are you going to  do it thir Thursday Friday Saturday okay let me   give it to you on Thursday we always do a kickoff  party we normally call it this year we call it to   the winter white kickoff party we do that inside  of Sanders Beach then out we go outside for the   rest of the day so it'll be a Thursday Friday  Saturday it might be a it might be a Friday   Saturday and Sunday but I think it's going to be  a Thursday if I can keep it Friday well it's going   to be Thursday let's go Thursday indoors Friday  Outdoors Saturday outdoors and Sunday Outdoors   they go back home Monday okay and I can't do it on  Columbus Day because this guy does this marathon   on a Sunday and he likes to be inside the maritime  Park so I can't I can't do anything so I've been   bounced around on these dates to do that but I  I trust me I'll figure it out okay thanks thank   you charlee any other questions or comments  I do I I have a question is this going are we   adding to the previous request that was it's he  currently has a 150 this is an additional 100,000   on top of it to make a total $250,000 okay well  I got something to say the $150,000 was for this year what's Stephan yeah that's already  been used for this year okay so we going   in I'm making this request for next year  so you only want 100,000 next year I want   250 if you can give it to me I think that  was kind of my point that was kind of the   point I kind of you know I'm left-handed so  left-handed people thece the back was does   uh does do they not have to go does he not  have to go through the application process   where it get submitted to us so he Stephan  he filled out the application and I think it   was that's you emailed that out to everybody it  wasn't it wasn't sent out till late till today   this morning but it was sent out he filed  the application went through Stefan Stefan   you reviewed it and it was had everything in it  it met it checked all the boxes for our process   okay it has to come here before it can go to the  County Commission so it has to get approval here   okay I wish it would come to us sooner than this  morning yeah honestly I haven't even looked at it yes sir Mr yeah turn on your microphone please  I said I haven't either you haven't I I thought we   were I mean we were going to go we asked for  this to be made into a nonprofit we did when   we were making our policies and procedures um  that the county approved for the use of the tdt   the statute did not require an organization to  be a not for-profit uh and so um so we abandon   that so the county approved the funding last  year um after we had that conversation and   so the county doesn't care whether they're  not for-profit or not I notice they don't care uh all we can do is recommend funding or  not funding for tourism development any other   comments or questions I I looked and I still  don't have that email so I don't know if the   rest of you have the email but I don't I don't  I have two emails that came through but it's   it's the fat packet that we always get with  all kinds of stuff but it's doesn't have uh   an application from this event I sent what Allison  provided me yesterday afternoon I know Mr petish   sometimes has trouble getting my emails I don't  know if it's an IT issue or what with that okay   and I'm not going to vote on an extra $100,000  without even the opportunity to look at okay okay all right well we could we have a we have a motion in a  second we can we can vote down the motion and   then bring it back up at another all right  if there's no other comments or questions   let's I'll call for the V will you please call  the role Jeff BOS absolutely yes James Reeves   Mary Hawking Shirley cronley yes David Bay yes  mati Patel no and Casey Jones yes what was that   total vote four to three so motion passes thank  you thank you gentlemen thank you m shotte thank   you Jeff thank you thank you all right next  up item on the agenda is pin skull Sports Mr Palmer good afternoon everybody Ray Palmer 4323  white leaf Court P Florida um glad to be back in   front of all of you uh so today what we're doing  is we're kind of the county after um you know the   county did a they did an audit and the state did  an audit on the county processes and stuff and   so you're actually seeing some things that we  probably should have been doing a long time ago   and so now we're doing full circle to make sure  we get all the documents right and that what we   do as your Now new official uh Sports tourism  Bureau is rounding up and making sure y'all are   fully aware of it our ask today is for no money  um what we are presenting to you are p basically   two contracts and I I think there's an apology  because I I'm I'm learning that I think you got   sent something twice and not something else at  all so the sunb conference you have a huge file   on on all the negotiations all our original bid  with our partners with the bay center and the   City of Pensacola and visit Pensacola and all  of us to get and the county to extend the sun   Bel conference contract for an additional 5 years  beginning in 2026 with an additional option for   another five 10year extension so that is all the  documents so what I'm looking for today is the   the uh the board of County Commissioners um is  needs you to say yes good um and then they can   approve this on their meeting Thursday and we can  officially sign the contract um Thursday and they   can do their press release um which is they would  like to do they being the Sun Belt Conference and   our marketing team at visit Pensacola to go ahead  and get it announced with their kickoff of their   basketball season so that's piece of business  number one uh so I don't know if y'all have   to vote on that Mr chairman or you want to stop  there or you want to do it all in one Fell Swoop   uh why don't we take those separately um but  if the County Commission needs us to make the   recommendation then we'll have to take action  so um are there any questions or comments are   there any um conditions about any expenses in  subsequent years are they just happy with the   arrangements right now so there's no built-in  Capital costs with the country contract you're   talking about specifically for the building for  for anything other than what we have now there   is what we did Mr Reeves is we took the contract  we rebid the contract when they went out and said   we're going to go see who else is interested we  rebid the contract the terms of the contract are   different but again we're not asking for any  new money Pensacola Sports our for partners   have all built it in their individual budgets  going out each year um to satisfy the documents   that we sent you that was additional a different  cash um guarantee there were some other tweaks   that we did that we learned some things on um  expenditures that things we were paying for   that really we didn't want to pay for and there  were things that they should be paying for that   they were willing to pay for and we were so we  traded some things we wrote a better contract   between the two of us and extended it for five  years with a fiveyear option if that satisfies   your is that your is that an answer as long as  I I just want to make sure we're not building   a new building and no sir all of the requirements  that and and Michael help me if I'm wrong all all   the requirements that we currently are committed  to with the bay center going to should s should   will satisfy the sunb conference now obviously  we're hoping that this other portion of these   repairs that have a lot of momentum and a lot of  energy some more of those do happen and they'll   may be even happier and I think that is going  to be the key to getting us to the second five years is that a motion in a sec so motion  from Mr Reeves a second from Miss haw   is there any further any debate  or discussion any questions comments hearing none we'll call the vote  please call the rooll Jeff BOS yes James   Reeves yes Mary Hawking yes Shirley cronley  yes David Bayer yes mati Patel yes and Casey   Jones yes great uh unanimous vote motion passes um  next item sir okay the next item is very similar   the Southeastern Conference women's soccer  championship and this is a document that I'm   afraid that you don't actually have but we have a  NE and I've talk we've been talking to again this   are these are new procedures for us the county  legal department is helping us walk through this   they understand that it's new to us and new  to y'all but so just so you know and and we s   sent you part of the documentation and that is the  agreement between ourselves and the Southeastern   Conference which is the contract we're both happy  with Theon the agreement and would like to get   blessings to save that the second component is an  agreement with with Pensacola Sports and this is   a memorandum of agreement between ourselves and  County Parks and Recreation Department for the   use of brosnaham field that document is agreed  to in theory with ourselves but it doesn't have   signatures on it yet now the SEC doesn't have a  signatur on it either because they can't sign it   till the board of County Commissioners sign it  but sign off on it but it is an agreement that   says Escambia County you will give us use of this  soccer field you'll stay off of it for 45 days or   whatever the contracts are that has been agreed  to by County Parks and Recreation Department all   our paperwork is in order ready to go this is  an extension they're actually just what they   did is they had a three-year with a two-year  option what they're doing they're extending   two years but adding a threeyear extension on  top of that so now we will go five with three   more years so they're exercising their option  but they would like to add up three more years   years and before you ask me yes sir there are  a few tweaks in this same thing as we learned   after 3 years with them there are some things that  were being done there were some things that were   in the first contract that were required as such  as the county had to build an ancillary building   we've built that building there's no longer that  commitment we had to replace the turf we've built   that Turf we have to do certain maintenance we  have pulled out the things that we've already   done we've added in some things that we've Lessons  Learned but again there's no money asked from this   Council other than the continued support of  Pensacola sports or the county if Pensacola   Sports goes away that the county understands that  they have this contract so they have to honor the   contract because we cannot commit the contract  but uh the county for more than one year so they   have to buy off we are the presenting again  our tourism Bureau official Sports tourism   Bureau we can only negotiate the contracts but  the county we represent the county and in this   case the city as well um and so we bring it to  you this is all part of this fun new process   thank you for your patience and then the the board  accounting commissioner will approve them Thursday   and they can sign off on that contract and we'll  be done for what hopefully is five at least five   more years the SEC as well right great any uh  any questions or comments for for Reay on this item well we need a motion I would entertain one  well I move that we uh move this contract forward   okay we have a motion from I second it from  commissioner BOS second from Miss cromley is there   any other uh debate or discussion questions I got  a question Ray is there any like TDC or tdt money   being used to or ask from the SEC um in regards to  this ask that they're making to pensac Cola sports   or how are they asking for funds or how's this the  SEC yeah no sir there are no there's no tournament   fee or host fee in the SEC it's basically um  the facility and I mean there's other things   that we a lot of things we do for them we have  to do do a video board and stuff but there's no   cash written to them for as an event fee to the  SEC for this component this this contract thank you any other questions or comments  hearing none please call the the role   Jeff BOS yes James Reeves yes Mary hawen  yes Shirley cronley yes David Bayer yes m   Patel yes and Casey Jones yes great uh motion  passes thank you so I have one more ask and um   and that is as Stefan mentioned um it's the  end of the fiscal year and Pensacola Sports   is a little bit different in our funding and  in what we do is a little different than than   some of the other agencies that you have in  that a lot of the business that we have is   not 30 days out or 60 days out it's two years  out it's three years out it's five years out so   we have ended this year with a surplus of money  and and the sunb conference has a pretty good nut   to it for the next five years beginning in 2026  what I'm asking for you to do is to approve the   remaining balance of my money that we've saved  this year that we did not spend for a variety of   reasons and a good example is we often will award  a um one of our uh event Partners um that a youth   group that is bringing in a sports tourism um  event and they go through our grant process   and we grant them most often we grant them what we  call a sliding scale they tell us they're going to   bring 2,000 room nights we tell you we tell them  okay you get x amount of for every room night you   bring us up to that and if you can't and but you  have to prove that to us before you get a penny   they often they're volunteer driven they often  are not capable of providing the documentation   so they don't get any money well that comes back  to us and our coffers and now we're at the end of   the year and the only way for us to spend it is  just go be creative and go waste it quite frankly   so what we're asking for and also a little bit  is is the um um supplemental fund sometimes when   they come later and later and later in the year  it's harder for us to find the uses for that so   with this year knowing this contract was coming  up we said we don't want to spend it we made   a concerted effort to save that I believe it was  about $140,000 that we were given in like July or   August that's pretty late for us to go spend so we  set it aside for today to say what we would like   y'all to do is allow us or allow the the office of  managed budget budget to create a reserve that is   specific to this multi-year sunb Belt Conference  contract that can only be used by Pensacola sports   with your blessing that we come back and say we  want to spend this money for sun to offset some   of our Sun Belt Conference expenses hopefully  because we've got an opportunity over here that   we need this that money somewhere else that we  already earmarked it's going to be about 200 and   plus thousand and that's our ask is that you would  allow Stefan for us to put a a new uh Reserve fund   I think is the right term Reserve fund that is  specific to Sunbelt conference soccer and that   5-year contract beginning in 2026 questions  seon is there is there any problem of doing that Council me council members so basically  all I would do I would get with the clerk's   office and we would create an additional specific  Reserve account just for this particular purpose   that would be separated uh from the rest of the  reserve policy if you would if you will uh that   the council has already approved so but no it is a  very simple thing to do and whatever those unspent   funds are on that that were previously approved  for Ry uh in his operation so we would just simply   again just put that in that reserve and that  will be available uh at at some point in the   future you know until till Ray says hey we need  we need to uh utilize these funds so I'm sorry   go ahead Mr re do you have an example of others  that have done that uh yes bear with me just a second well he's looking that up just to be  sure we're talking about this Reserve fund   will be restricted for the use of Pensacola  Sports for the sun Bel conference projects uh for uh under fund 108 it'll stay under fund  108 a new Reserve sub fund I guess uh restriction   for penscola sports to use for the Sun Belt in  the future and it's funded through his leftover   appropriation from this year that was not spent  unspent funds yes sir that's correct so basically   right now so remember we've got a special reserve  for beach renourishment and there's a unique uh   account number so that for instance that one is  59822 so that is the reserve account for Pensacola   Beach renourishment um or just Beach renourishment  uh we have the Special Reserve for marketing again   we have a unique uh numerical identifier we  have the public facility Reserve another unique   identifier uh numeric identifier we've got the the  board's reserves which are the original reserves   um with with that particular identifier and then  we have the reserve for special events so again   uh we can certainly set up a unique  numerical identifier and a unique   title for this particular Reserve  to keep it separate from everything else my my question is we can have that unique   number but how do we remember  what it was that was a reserve for yeah so so again how long will he know so the  county will have a description with the reserve   fund correct correct so at the end of the fiscal  year we are at the end of the fiscal year so I   would I would I would expect or anticipate Rey  at this time next year in front of council he   would be saying hey I didn't spend $100,000 let's  we'll just say that for an example I would like   to add that to my Reserve Council would approve  that I would make that happen so that's how that   process would work on an annualized basis and  then anytime there was a request to use the   funding from that by pensacol Sports they would  come back to us and say hey in addition to our   annual appropriation you guys have already made  we have this other SBC item that we need to fund   from and we'd like to fund it from that Reserve  yes that's that sounds like a reasonable approach absolutely or or or David maybe maybe even more  realistic and I don't want to get is that if an   opportunity came in 2027 or 26 came to us it was  a really cool opportunity SEC softball wanted to   come play at the Wahoo Stadium and we needed funds  I already have it in my budget I could take that   in my budget and supplement my budget with these  dollars so then these are not restricted to Sun   Belt these are restricted to just Pensacola Sports  it was your appropriation unspent rather than   than rolling it over and trying to figure out what  you want to do with it next year you want to put   it in a reserve and and have it available when you  might possibly need it for some type of event yes   I mean is that what you're asking no I I I really  was asking specifically for Sunbelt because that   will be Priority One because we have a contract  we have a minimum of $200,000 cash we have to pay   them every year if I could not take that out of  my regular annual Appropriations and I could take   $50,000 out of that just my annual Appropriations  and put it towards SEC softball or sunb Conference   softball or sunb conference volleyball or  another event then I would just supplement   it but it would be specific to I I termed it sun  Bel conference specific that's up to y'all to do   whatever but why restricted if in theory he's  going to come back to us to spend it whatever   he's going to spend it on now that isn't exactly  the same thing as this gentleman said because he   said he comes back next year and he adds it to his  reserve maybe not so what I would say to that is I   think it's always good to share that information  with Council so that council is aware of how we   are spending the money so so that's that's  from my perspective on that uh so with these   multi-year uh contractual agreements so the way  that I see this is this is a way to accommodate   what what Ray needs um and to meet the contractual  obligation of that roughly $200,000 a year um that   Ry will not have to come up with those dollars  out of his recurring annual budget so this is   a special uh special set aside to help support  that that's that would be from from my perspective yes so so just so I understand right you  said you said the $140,000 number and then   a $200,000 number can you I don't understand  what you're what are the the $140,000 was our   supplemental at the end of the year the  fiscal year fund balance carry forward   is so when at the end of this year the B  the county will count up all the bed tax   and then whatever's over they distribute out  to different different agencies we're one of   the ones that gets a portion of that or we  did through the unified budget our share of   that was 140 but we didn't get it until July  so June whenever it was summertime I believe uh you not P anyway it was it was later  than and so that's the 140 that I mentioned   but is two go ahead I'm sorry April and the 200 is  what we give to Sun Bel each year the 200 is the   cash guarantee of the Sun Belt each year beginning  in 2026 yes sir do do you have do you have 140,000   in reserve or you going to have 200,000 in reserve  that's the question our our estimated number is   right at $250,000 but of course it's that's  again that's an estimated amount so we go for   140 no no 140 was never let me clarify 140 was  only a portion of that 250 that's what made up   the Lion Share makes up the Lion Share of  that 250 the other are the events that we   explained to you that are like grants that we  we give to people that they don't they don't   qualify for their grants after they perform  their performance doesn't allow so we don't   just give them money that they didn't so the  140 was The Lion Share of a late allocation   to us that we would wanted to earmark with  this game plan so you had almost 90 million   in these people that didn't get reimbursed I'm  sorry 90 million what 90,000 yeah 90,000 I'm   thinking the big numbers yeah that was last  meeting the difference between 140 and 250   that's right whatever that number ultimately  ends up to be when does the county budget end   October 1st September 30th September 30th so  that's the end of the fiscal year it never ever ends breakfast lunch and dinner all right any other questions so uh so just the gist of this Ray  you're saying is the 140 you have left over put in   reserve fund and then next year you'll be able to  use that 140 towards the 200 you give to Sunbelt   no it's going to be we think it's going to be two  we think it's going to be closer to $250,000 total   savings uh that we will have at the end of this  year and beginning in 2026 when our new contract   with Sunbelt conference kicks in we will have  this Nest Egg of do of dollars to if we need   to supplement or an opportunity comes up instead  of paying the 200 plus the other expenses that we   pay for Sunbelt with all the contracts that we  have and all the components that are a part of   that that if we wanted to use this money that we  saved and use it and give us an opportunity to do   something else for tourism we would already have  the money sitting there and it would be designated   and the sunb Bel conference would be more or they  would be saved the county if Pensacola Sports   goes away the county would still have access to  this money it's their money but it's just oops   excuse me it's just set aside with a specific  use of making sure this five-year contract and   hopefully 10-year contract is maintained it's a  nest egg so potentially next year we would try   maybe if there's left over we would add to that  say again so next year if there's left over we   would add to that I I would love to yes yes sir  okay it makes us you know wiser with our money   you know we don't always come back and have extra  money there's been many years where we spent every   penny we could get and probably need for more in  certain years okay any other questions or comments   not entertain a motion I make a motion that a  reserve account is set up for Pensacola Sports   so any residual funds that they may have annually  can go into that to be used as needed all right   we I'll second it right we have a motion from Miss  cronley second from commissioner BOS is there any   further debate or discussion no hearing none will  you please call the role Jeff BOS yes James Rees   yes Mary Hawking yes Shirley cronley yes David  Bearer yes Patel yes and Casey Jones yes thank   you all very much great motion passes thank  you awesome thank you Stephan thank you Ray   all right um other business is there any other  business uh anyone would like to bring before us hearing that yes sir the only thing I think we  need to do is to have some sort of cut off like   if something's going to come  before us that we know that we   get the information you know 48 hours  before 36 hours I mean just the day before understand reminds me of the last meeting the last meeting was the second meeting  because we lost Quorum cuz cuz someone left that's why we had to have the special meeting  follow up after our two and a half hour long   discussion that we couldn't take a vote on now if  you want to argue about that I think the chairman   ran the damn meeting too long but you're making up  for it hey well we can right I'm trying to make up   for that today all right uh any closing remarks  commissioner BOS nothing for me thank you Mr   Reeves I'm certainly pleased with the length  of this meeting thank you Miss oing I think   it's awesome that we collected so much money this  year yeah thank you year I agree I think it this   year's uh exceeding budget was great but I also  appreciate the agencies I think visit Pensacola   Sports and Ace they're doing a great job and  appreciate the hard work you guys are doing   thank you Mr Patel a couple things I I agree with  Mr Reeves that I think if we're going to vote on   any sort of dollars we should have the information  to us at least 2 or 3 days before um and then the   piggy bank what Miss cronley said the agencies  are doing great um I do wish that these events   that come to us were held to the same standard um  I know the last meeting we had one of the events   showed a huge salary being paid out of the dollars  that were given them um it's great that we're   collecting more tax but if we don't watch how  we spend this money um I think we're just going   to get more and more people to ask and not show  actual return on the events that they host um many   events are great and many events do bring tourism  here but I think our job is to make sure we're   watching those dollars closer and asking them the  same questions we ask of Pensacola Sports visit   Pensacola and Ace um so that's all I got thank  you councilman nothing for me thank you thank   you uh yeah and I just want to thank everybody  um coming tonight I would also like to um thank