##VIDEO ID:hGSPkA9BGFQ## everyone and welcome to eusta City Hall it is 6:02 p.m. on Thursday October 17th 202 4 at this time we're going to have um our opening prayer and that's going to be given by Prophet Lorenzo our uh pledge will be led by commissioner Christine Cruz if you would like to join us please stand shall we pray gracious God our Father we've come once again just to thank you for a wonderful time of gathering and Leadership we thank you that you allowed us all to be safe during the storm season father now as they come together to make decisions and what's best on this for this city we ask that you would give them guidance we ask that it will remain peace calm we ask that you will continue to bless this wonderful city of Eustace we ask this Lord that you will look on all residents and officials and keep us together as one this we ask in your son jesus' name amen amen amen please pledge with me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you both officially call our meeting to order Christine is there a COR presentent proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much Tom do we have agenda update sir uh yes sir I'd like to give a brief presentation under presentations on uh storm uh wrap up and then also um we have uh I know we have a presentation for trout lake uh we're just trying to figure out if we have a representative from Trout Lake Nature Center see anybody here yet so um if they don't show up before we get there um we'll move it to the end sure or we'll just postpone it to our next meeting if that's okay with everyone okay perfect uh come down now to approval of minutes we have our U minutes for from the September 5th 2024 City Commission meeting and September the 19th 2024 City commission meeting what's the will of our commission approv thank you have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cruz hi commissioner Hawkins vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi next we'll go down to presentations Tom do you want to give us a storm update sir yes Chief Swanson you're going to be involved with that come on up Sir come on up so first of all um I'd like to thank our team um we have a great team uh always uh very prepared um you know we have uh Professionals in the various departments who all do their part uh to make sure citizens of Eustace are in good hands uh during a difficult time and so I want to thank uh the entire team uh just some information uh we collected uh some information today um during the storm uh and then uh following the storm uh we had 125 I guess what you would call tasks uh or items that prompted a response and those ranged from damaged structures to trees blocking streets uh so25 tasks that were generated as part of the storm and I think as of this morning we had two um that we were still working on I honestly haven't gone and checked on them yet but I believe there were two still yeah as of this morning I think we had two and so again want to thank everybody for their responsiveness and the fact that um the citizens of Eustace are in great hands uh also uh lots of data related to uh Public Works uh so Public Works um has uh picked up 993 piles of debris so far that's of as of a today uh 110 signs damaged sign posts so street signs where the street name was blown off or the pole itself was damaged uh and then lots of other um you know two light poles uh an issue in the cemetery uh some property damage um roads damaged so Public Works has been out there and and very busy um and then um we also got from the utility department um some information on damaged infrastructure uh we did um we had a fair amount of infrastructure damaged and that ranges from lift stations to utility uh buildings uh Utility Services um I think the estimate at this point is about a 100 th just over $100,000 and that again ranges from a tree down on a generator at a lift station to uh roof shap singles uh or roof damage to a utility building uh we're still working on um the city facility damage that's unrelated to utilities uh but that's been relatively minor uh some roof damage here and there uh lots of activity over the last few days uh I want to give an update on storm debris uh because I know a lot of people are interested in what's happening with storm debris um so if you have storm storm debris and you package that per our Waste Management pickup contract waste management will pick that a portion of that storm debris up as part of their weekly yard Wass pickup um they're not going to pick everything up at every house because then they wouldn't get through their entire route and so their plan is if it's packaged appropriately uh they will pick that up a little at a time um everything else our public works department is going to pick up and they're doing several rounds of the city because uh they hit the ground running but in some cases they got there too soon and someone hadn't cleaned up all their storm debris yet and so Public Works will probably do two uh rounds of the city uh that packaged uh Waste Management specs if you get it to the curb uh we will pick it up and again they're working through that right now so uh again I want to thank everybody that was involved with storm preparedness and then uh after action uh because again I think we have a very professional responsive team and again I think the citizens of Eustace are well served and of course we want to thank the city commission for all their support and all the resources they give the staff to do our jobs so thank you for that and uh if you have any questions uh sheath I don't know if you have anything additional to add no just the task that he's talked about her uh their mission what we call missions through EOC these are things that were uh beyond the capability of the city to do by themselves so like if a tree falls with a power line in it we create a mission so Duke goes and pulls the power line out and then notifies us and we go we go get the tree branch um th those those missions are m mostly completed uh the uh problem we have with it is is sometimes the homeowner thinks that we should do more you know when you when you cut a tree they want the whole tree cut down and then they want the stump grinded you know that kind of we we that that's not what we do so that's kind of that's kind of that gray area we run into people or they we're not finished but uh when we mitigate the the incident we're we're trying to make the road passable and make it safe for the citizens that's what our objective is when we deal with this commission have any questions of Tom or Mike actually I do I well I do I have one I was going to bring of my comments but I think it's I think it's per to now and number one is some of the expenses are we able to get any of that back from FEMA yes what one of the tasks is we have to come up with facilities right issues and we get together with the whole count County as a whole and we have to meet a threshold as a whole with the county I don't know what that threshold if where we are with it yet I'm sure I'll hear soon I don't know if you know I'm the LMS director and uh uh chair actually and uh uh that I'll be hearing some of those numbers shortly when we break thresold then we become the uh a disaster area and then that the funds are better flowed honestly you don't really want to get to that threshold because that means that we got hit really bad um right now I don't think we're quite at the at the critical mass for the thresholds um I can't tell you what the numbers are I didn't check on them this uh this afternoon so uh but uh hopefully we don't get to them because that just means that something really bad happened now Aster's not done yet there's a couple places where there's there's a lot of flooding going on that and the and the Damage assessments are still coming in so uh we're still watching things so that that said though I want to mention that through this whole process we are logging all of our activities on the FEMA form it's the form 214 and you have to say who what person where were what were they doing and so we've been doing since before the storm is logged on those 214s and then we'll be poised to submit those for reimbursement if we do meet the criteria and the thresholds so we're prepared if we do okay I I want to thank the chief and his staff for sandbags and the feeling of just the community camarad that was around there and everybody helping everybody true it was a really good moment and uh thank you guys for Prov providing it absolutely anyone else um I Heard danan speaking about an expediated project worksheet that was supposed to go out to the cities to pay for some re removal that we have whether that's with public works or that's through Denis yeah we're we're working on that okay so we did receive that worksheet from I just want to make sure that we receive that from the state and we can get that funding yeah that that comes through us through the lake EOC okay yes thank you sure and now again I don't know it depends on what county hardest is going to get the priority to the funds I believe he specifically said for cities yeah yeah yeah but I yeah we're watching it so I know I I I think he said that that we had 90 days to resubmit and they would reimburse 50% of it up front and 50% at the end of the projects correct so correct and I know I met with Lori today to go over uh some of the forms are updating so okay yeah thanks and I just had one one followup do we expect a lot of influx of repair coming in process because be above what our normal so I would the storm we actually have a process in place where we do know if the right term is an expedited process if somebody has has an emergency repair forward with that as long as they get in touch with us and after the fact uh get everything worked out now if if if what you're asking is are we equipped to deal with an increase in volume what I would say is uh we have a great building department but we also have contracts that us to bring in extra help if necessary and so depending on that volume hopefully we can handle it inhouse but if we can't we can bring in extra help uh to help with that and that if it's directly attributable to the storm we can see if that's a reimburse but if it's not then um the building department is uh an Enterprise fund and the money that we collect in permit fees funds that extra help we might need if we had to bring in contract I just want to make sure we have we have a plan cuz I know a lot of the frustration with a lot of homeowners is is just trying to get through their paperwork so they can get things fixed yeah yeah so we we have we have a great staff but we can bring in extra help when necessary all right thank you well some of those Enterprise fund fees also help with code enforcement to go and make sure that the permits were done appropriately that way it doesn't put an undue pressure on the police there are state requirements on how you can use those building department funds and I don't know if it allows for anything on excuse me on the code enforcement side uh but we can use it for purposes of um enforcing this the Florida building code okay yeah thank you anything else anyone yeah is is it I'm sorry thanks is it time for us uh to start having a discussion about you know uh you know the we we've seen a lot of a lot of damage uh a lot of flooding is it time for us to start having conversations about flood planes and and any any changes any things that we need to let our citizens know about and how do we go about doing that because I don't want us to be in a position where we get slammed again and half of our city is underwater so yeah uh if you're if you're talking about like new subdivisions um and not even new um you know just existing new and existing um I I think there have been instances where uh the county has changed some things and you know and the residents they haven't known anything about it yeah and I want to make sure that we don't have that problem if we have another storm of the central so I guess what I would say Is We I don't know if we have the ability to go back after the fact an existing structure and say you have to do some I I I think I understand what you're saying you're concerned about flooding and protecting our citizens from from flooding but I don't know if we can go to someone who owns an existing structure and say you have to redo your storm water and and that is not what I'm saying I'm saying is is there a way for us to make sure that you know if if the if the county changed the the flood plane uh do we know about it I'd like to have more of an update I I actually might be able to give a little bit of insight on this if if I that's true CU yeah because anytime someone gets a new mortgage on our property um some of the title work is that they they see if they're in a flood plane and any mortgage company is going to make someone that's in a flood plane flood insurance so they will be notified if it if it transfers hands the my my concern is if it doesn't change hands how do how do our citizens know about that so I think the Army Corps of engineer is the one that sets the the flood plane is there a way that maybe we can reach out to them and and kind of re-evaluate our area to make sure that we're kind of protected and as a tag on to that our storm water we we plan for what 16 inches is that correct I'd have to check and see what our code requires so if if it's something along that line and if we've got I mean what do we have 12 14 inches here I well I mean I think it's less about inches and more about the event and events have different so there's a hundredy year event there's a 500 year event and so I think our code doesn't say how many inches you have to prepare for I think it says this is the event that you have to prepare for a A 10year Reign A 50e Reign 100e Reign um I so I think wholesale changing of the flood maps does not happen very often but when it does I think we're supposed to have access to that because we're the ones we we're not involved in changing the flood maps but we are charged with enforcing the flood maps and that comes into play with new development that's when we really look at the flood maps related to new devel velopment um I guess we could get with the county um and um the Lake County property appraiser um and basically try to figure out uh how often these things are changing uh again they don't change wholesale very often uh but there may be an individual property like for example an individual property owner can petition the Army Corps and and say I think flooding has changed on my property here's I'd like it changed and there's a process for that but those are one property at a time those aren't wholesale changes um so I guess we need to talk to our local Partners our other jurisdictions and and talk to folks about it the prime example of this and and Mike I'm GNA use you I'm sorry Mike has almost lost his home because he was parked in a no flood plane area on his map when he bought his home mhm the county changed that map in June that's what we're saying June and never notified Mike that he was now in a flood plane so he did not have proper Insurance because he didn't live in a flood plane so therefore that's all out of pocket unless he goes back and does something with the counter so I understand what you're saying we need to take a and I would encourage every resident of the city of Eustace to go back and look on your county maps and make sure that no changes were made that you're not aware of of flood planes in the area because it it's it matters I yeah I know I know mortgage companies per period periodically do that evaluation and if they find someone is now in a flood zone They will require you to have flood insurance to keep that mortgage do we have the ability to to put that on a piece of paper that can go out with the um the water bill you know it won't be of course any big map but at least something for the citizens yeah even if it's not uh even if it hasn't changed but at least something so that they see what they're looking at now I think we could do if we could do a notice M saying we suest you check your current flood designation I don't know I mean whether it's a big map or a small a small map that fits in the water bill is not going to be legible at that level because you really need to zoom in and see your property but what we could do is send out a notice how to contact saying you should check your flood status and here's how to do it and is can is there a place for us to put something that important on our site okay and then and then put the notice in as well abely okay abolutely I want to say something everybody um I've been trying to get this in I would be more concerned too about making sure that all of our Cs and all of that is cleared and kept up because so many times you'll see all the little twigs and dirt and clogging up in there so I would make sure that the city um is aware and make sure that all of that is done so should a storm come we don't have people flooding because of that so U I think that's important for us to take note of too and we do um we do regular street sweeping but prior to a storm we have Crews going around and clearing troubled areas so we we do that uh proactively prior to the St what are those orange things that are uh at the drainage areas that there AR Big Orange um I don't know like snakes covering those is it to keep the debris out but the water can flow through okay Y and I've got one more for you Tom is is there any way to require anybody within a certain distance of the city whether it's County or another city that that AB buts our residents if if any of the flood map has changed to notify us so say within within one mile or half a mile of the city limits the county or if it's Umatilla or Mount dor or whomever anybody who's next to you has to notify the city that the flood plane has changed this flood map has changed and it's close to our city limits because that even though we wouldn't be in it and if we're already notified that way we would at least have a heads up it's gotten closer to our city limits you know I I I don't know the answer to that I I could I could just uh suggest something so every year March and April we do a full review of our Emergency Management plan MH um we could put a part of that is to review the current flood plan for with May a certain and yeah for the a reasonable distance outside of the city limits uh I would I'd have I'd have to fall back on Rick Garrick for that because he's the man that knows all um but I I mean we could build that into the plan and then just make it part of the annual review yeah I mean it can't be that hard to do you put the old one over the new one if it is a new one or check the dates if it hasn't changed it hasn't changed because they're supposed to put a revision date on it so if they put a revision date on it and it's the same as last year it probably didn't change and that's something that kind of puts onus on us which is which is good because we can be responsible and we can watch it it would be nice to also receive notices from from friendly neighboring cities and counties to let us know that something changed right outside the City so yeah but keep in mind that while while those other jurisdictions are involved like we are it's Federal and getting the feds I mean if we were to reach out to the and say if you change anything near us within a few hundred feet you have to notify us they may say that's not our process if something changed in the city of Eustace would they notify Lake County I don't we're not going to no and I know the state doesn't necessarily notify us of burn permits no the only reason why we get the notifications is relationships uh with within within the jurisdictions so it's not the state that does it it's you know that we have a relationship with the local Forest office that they tell us we're going to do a burn they're not required necessarily to do that right um but they do just out of courtesy and relationship as the daughter of a who was in the Army Corps of Engineers um they're they're really really big on Sops M and it might be worth at least reaching out to the army of Corp of Engineers and asking within our area if they can add that to their operating procedures to contact us if something happened within our area and they might be willing to do it because it's communication and might already be there to some limit it might already be there thank you Mike well one last question one last thing I got to write stuff down now cuz I've been gone so I know how um is there something in our uh in our code uh where we address uh uh the flood plane and I think we have to address it a little bit more significantly now do we have something yeah we're we're required to enforce the flood I mean the uh the building official is our flood plane administrator I think that's the right term mhm uh and he's required to enforce you know you're not supposed to build structures within certain designations within the flood plane and if you want to you have to bring it up and you have to change those Maps um and so uh we do uh enforce um flood plane um and when it comes to um storm water and retention uh we defer for the most part to St John's Water Management District I don't are our regulations any more stringent than St we rely on St John's to manage storm water Retention Ponds and storm water flow and we do uh we do have folks on staff that review a developers numbers and confirm yes those numbers are correct and your storm waterer Pond is large enough and and comp do we set our own threshold or can and and Is AO set at the minimum for uh the flp plate enforce Federal flood plane and we rely on St John's when it comes to so I guess I guess what I'm saying is I don't think we are more restrictive than lines or more restrictive than St John's okay okay all right thank you both Cindy I know you had your hand up but I'll get to you under audience to be heard because if I do it I'll mess things up so I want to thank this entire staff um I was able to be with the entire staff starting at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning and I think I went home at 3:00 Thursday afternoon to watch this group work together and pulled together to make sure the residents were safe um and that Eustace was able to operate on Friday I'm very proud of everyone and it was not just one Department it was every Department City pulling together so I just want to say thank you on behalf of the commission and the residents for all the work that our staff has done thank you you know I want to Echo that you know I um you know we get up and we we say stuff like this all the time but I think unless people are are in it they don't see what our our people they they do Mike Swanson never went to sleep exactly until he left that and he only left Thursday because his house flooded um he' has still been there till Friday had we have let him um so we sent him home we had younger guys that could take over and do the job but this staff is really unbelievable with what they really thank you all thank you I think we have Representatives at Trout Lake Nature Center Tom if you want to read what you have and I'm going to get Willie to present the check since Willie's on that board did she get it is she back there in the back right there there she is okay thank you Willie all right he just I was supposed to say a few words I'm Kathy Cates president Trout Lake Nature Center and I have with me Joanne who is our secretary uh we just found out about 15 minutes ago we were supposed to be here tonight so I don't have anything prepared sorry and the dog came along uh we would just like to thank the city we have had a great partnership with the city of eustus at Trout Lake we could not do a lot of the things that we do without the support of the city so we greatly thank you for that we thank you for being out there and all the hard work you do for for presenting to our kids um and just making it a great location for people to visit our city so thank you all it is a great location if anybody's not been there come out and visit us we are pretty dry actually right now believe it or not really that's unbelievable yeah if y'all would like to come in willia present you a check and we'll do a group picture if that's okay oh put the puppy in it start all right thank you and congratulations you like stand I need the contr I can't believe you didn't let me go down there see the do thank you both thank you very much bye bye next week I'm down to audience to be heard Tom you have some cards I do when you come to the microphone if you get three minutes at the microphone and uh keep in mind the commission may not answer you on something uh but we will in instruct staff to get back to you Tom uh Jacqueline Lucas thank you thank you Chief Blake Griswald hey Blake talk uh this really goes back to the storm issue uh the 500 homes going into Pine Meadows if you've been down that road even after a regular rainstorm it's 16 inches deep on the road already so my question is is the city going to be responsible for cleaning that road or fixing that flood issue when all the houses get on there because it's not going to get any better so who's responsible for maintaining that flood issue now once the homes are on there and these folks start calling up saying my roads are flooded is it the city that's responsible for it or is it St John's that's going to be responsible for it or do we have an answer for that Mike or Tom you got an answer sure so the I mean the the subdivision in the HOA will be responsible for maintaining the storm water facilities so the you know the the the culs the piping the um uh Retention Ponds will be this the developer and then eventually the hoa's responsibility if there is damage to a road then it would be the city or the County's responsibility depending on what stretch of road and where it is because I I envisioned the residence building out there I grew up here so I played golf out there and it was under water half the time so if I build a house out there and it's dry at the time I build the house and storm water's I mean the drainage is fine and the retention Pond is fine but my roads are still flooding are we going to be on a hook for is the city of eustus going to be on the hook for that to to re-engineer it or can it be looked at prior to anything getting signed off on before it gets to that point before the houses all get built out there so it should have all gone through engineering already and should be okay on some of those roads it's it's I mean you're it's almost I go back there I play pickle ball at Pine Meadows okay and I'll take that road back through there just to go through there and it's I'm in a truck and it's almost up to the bottom of my it it may be that it's not functioning yet as intended because they have I mean they're under construction and so they have storm drains blocked because they don't want debris to get into the storm drains and so what I would say is um it it went through review both St John's and the city and then once it is built it should function the way it was designed to function I just want to try to catch it before the city gets on the hook for that's all I'm because when it was a golf course you and I both know that a good thunderstorm put it underwater and that's what happened now decent storm all sudden those roads are flooded so now these residents new residents coming in are going to drive through this flooding and they're going to complain to somebody AB if HOA doesn't handle that are we going to be on the hook for that's all thank you thank Gail Isaac Thomas Miss scale good evening good evening good evening I tried to get Darius to come up here with me you all missed a good comedy show on Saturday night it was very good the ComEd comedians were funny it was really a good show at The Hiway Center it was good the next show is going to be December 28th so please put on your calendars December 28th and the main reason I'm standing here is to say thank you to Mr Sam Bron for all that he does for the golden seniors our people need to be recognized for what they are doing in the city and we really do appreciate him and we've changed Donuts to Crispy Cream all right which is good yes we were getting Walmart Willie okay they were kind of stale so now we're up to Crispy Cream I mean there no Dunkin Donuts uh anyway we thank him for changing over and one day we're going to get the city hopefully to give us money to have our breakfast and give Miss Barbara a break every year she say it's her last year every year she's already told me this week this is my last year the city needs to take over and buy food for you all okay Bob no problem when I go Thursday I mention it so I'm mentioning it ahead of time we don't want to lose her but I do understand she's not getting any younger and she needs to enjoy her latter days and we also appreciate her very much she's been cooking for us over 20 years and that's a blessing and she doesn't she retired and she doesn't look any older no she does and doesn't get around either but we all know you know eventually she just need to come and eat so please please please put some money aside in in Sam Bron's fund for the golden seniors even if it's once a month let's give her a break please and I just want to say thank you to the city of USTA Public Works fire department I Echo what has already been said they have really been doing an awesome job cleaning up our city thank you all thank you Miss SC thank you ma'am Tom uh that's it for cards anyone else that like to speak to the commission about something that's not on the agenda this evening Cindy come on up sorry about that good evening Cindy Newton and you could change some of your regulations because right now you allow two dwelling units per acre in your flood planes so that would be one thing you could do and also uh there was a big FEMA change that came through uh this this year that uh went into effect Lakes of Mount Dora asked for a review because they wanted to expand and what FEMA did was take a larger area because that's part of the wol franch uh Creek that goes all the way down the sink so did they looked at a larger area some areas shrank some areas got bigger Eustace was included in that but you weren't notified because they were new annexations around the airp report and it wasn't on the uh GIS map yet so Mount Dora and the county were notified and were involved in the process and I think you were left out so there has been changes in that area you do have uh approvals for some development already in there and you're going to have some more coming before you so that would be one you would look at uh I do have a copy of that revision if you want me to send it to you would love it thank you also if you go on the FEMA site there is a list that you can look up the county the cities and things and see what is in process and you can be part of that process of putting in in and um as it goes through it gives you updates on uh when it's approved and then when that would go into effect would you send us that link also cendy sure thank you so much and also if you go to the County GIS map and click on individual Pro properties it brings up whether or not it's in a flood plane you can add environmental uh things to it and it shows you the flood plane it shows you the wetlands and also there's a place there that you can click on it shows if those any any properties in that area have asked for a letter of of revision from FEMA okay okay thank you so much for that information anyone else come on up sir just Charles Newton I'm a resident uh in Incorporated Lake County so I've lived in this area for about 26 years so what I want to talk to you about is your school zone cameras and I support your schoolone cameras and um I've probably driven that road over at least twice a week about 50,000 times since I've lived here and every time that I've ridden down that road what alerts me to the 20 M hour change in flashing lights because it says flashing lights 20 miles hour so recently I uh driving down the road and I was doing 39 miles an hour so um I received the ticket so I was kind of shocked because I came home and I said uh I didn't think I saw that light flashing when I went through there but I got to take it anyway so my um my watch Cindy she um she's a little more pushed so she goes down there with her camera and she sits there at uh and interesting enough the ticket at 2 uh 230 no it's 2294 7 17 seconds before it would have been 3:30 okay so that's the time period I went through there and I was doing 39 miles an hour and so I you know I looked up at the light didn't see it flashing so I was doing 39 under the speed limit because that's the speed liit so anyway I got the ticket and that was in May so um I'm not sure if you put your signs up those signs that are up now were there in May but I had never noticed them so anyway uh she went down she took the picture those um lights sto flashing a minute before uh to the 330 times so I believe there's an issue where your camera and your flashing lights are not connected together they may be synced by time individually however I don't believe that that's going to be accurate enough for what you're trying to do 17 seconds difference probably is you know tolerance that might be acceptable in some instances but um for an individual that depends on driving for his career and having a clean driving record because they're driving other people's Vehicles that's a concern when you get that type of a ticket on your record now Chief the priest great guy he says he's taking care of it but my concern is I got a ticket from the your city okay it says from the city and I need something in writing just in case it doesn't get taken care of that I can show somebody that it it has been uh resolved so that's what I'm asking for chief is coming up right behind I just need just said I explained to him on Monday so uh I took care of it the company's looking at the calibrations on the lights and whatnot his ticket was immediately voided out uh for some reason uh they have to send you something I've told them three or four times that you're going to get something I mean I don't do you think I'm lying to you I told you you're good you told me you were good you never told me I would uh receive something in writing that's what I'm asking well it comes from the company it's got to come from them but we I take I came from the city us I want it come it comes from the company sir it's the company that we contract with sir I told you three times and I I'm just telling you I just told you I I mean I'm not lying I don't understand everything that he just said I told him Monday in detail Mr Newton if you don't get something give us a call back all right I don't understand it you're out of cration thank you anyone else would like to speak to the commission not seeing anybody we'll come on down to the consent agenda there are three items under the consent agenda uh anybody want anything pull for discussion uh I had a question no no next you good yeah I'm good looking for a motion to approve the consent agenda second have a first and a discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cruz I commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I Madame attorney thank you Mr Mayor we have a uh slide update to resolution number 24-8 and I we'll read that I believe you have a copy before you we just added information on there uh to explain the statute um reference the statute that involves the vacation of the plat it's already been subdivided so it's not um a material process purposes but we just uh because of the storm it the prior version got uploaded and we had those difficulties but we're able to still proceed today so it's a resolution number 24-8 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida declaring during a public hearing to consider an application to vacate a portion of a plat subdividing land pursuant to section 17711 Florida Statutes and the Land Development code more specifically vacation of a 16t x 25t wide utility easement located on property at 74 Slaine also referred to as Lot 4 block 2 Harbor Villa's subdivision as recorded in Lake County plat book 25 Pages 16 and 17 Mr Lane good evening commissioner for the record mik Lane development services director um I guess I should say just as what Sasha said we're here to talk about a a a piece of property at seven Forest Lane it it is actually in the Harbor Island Villas subdivision and of course Harbor um Island Villa subdivision is a a 49 lot subdivision that is east of Eustace Road and that's going to be uh south and east of Lake Eustace and Lake Shore Drive the particular lot which again seven Forest Lane is is four Lots in off of of Eustace Road and you'll note that the the lot itself is a little I guess dog legged or or it's it's a little crooked or stair stepped a little bit uh above Forest Lane and um the the Plaid itself doesn't even show Forest Lane denoted on the plat when it was recorded uh it it originally was recorded in 1980 U the house itself was actually built in 1987 on that particular lot but you'll note that track B is Forest Lane and uh again the road is not even denoted on the plat so when the surveyor was I guess making his notes on the plat he he decided to make a general observation or a note on the plat and it pretty much just says that all Lots within 25 ft or with 25 ft of all Lots in the subdivision are subject to an egress um access uh and utilities e M now i' I've I prepared this slide to kind of show you actually the Lots themselves they're the lots are denoted in yellow and you can see that Forest Lane actually uh encroaches into the the front lots of each uh not each but it they Meander into various Lots I think there's one on the North side and there's probably four or five on the south side of that road so the road was never officially part of you know it wasn't centered properly but as a a consequence again the the surveyor uh was trying to cover all his bases and he pretty much said that all Lots in here basically the first 25 ft are subject to that easement related to to utilities so when the owner of of seven Forest Lane tried to sell its property uh obviously the he had to get a boundary survey and when the boundary survey came back they denoted that note from that plat that talked about it being that the first 25 ft the interesting thing is is that in his 25 ft he has a garage and that garage is is what it it creates confusion or when the the mortgage folks the underwriters see that that structure and they see that language they immediately don't want to to talk about a loone there so he's he's lost out on multiple sales because of that particular I guess note on the pl how does that happen yeah well and and again I look at it how do they get a building permit well see here's the thing it was actually built in 1987 and what's what's interesting is that most of that subdivision the the front setbacks are 25 ft in this case the house was 9 ft off of that property line now I don't know if it was it was platted a me or it was really whose confusion it was again that road is is part of the the problem because it never was I guess aligned appropriately for the lots that were in there is is that I'm sorry is that a city road now I don't think or is that is that a private I would say because it maintained because it has an island there directly in front of this lot I would say that is not a city road there okay so when we talk about the utilities obviously his his um actual survey does show that there is an underground buried electric line on his property now when we go back in and we do some research with that particular subdivision we see that the water main easement uh does actually show right on the edge the north side of Forest Lane there U on this drawing they actually showed the road there so it makes it easier for us to denote here's where the road is on this particular subdivision so the sanitary the sanitary sewer actually shows up also on the same location where the the water main is on that Forest Lane North side but on lot four they also have a a sewer easement on the back of their property as well so again when you when you're looking at it from from the road you can see that in red that that's basically the front and side Lots there now in yellow is the buried uh electric line and the the two lines right there at the road are water and sewer so uh again the from the edge of the road to his garage is over 30 plus feet and uh again the the the notion that the that the utilities are under the garage uh for some guy who's underwriting this uh it's it seems really s it's it's silly well sorry oh well you're probably going to be a little bit more articulate than I'm going all right no the concern would be that um who says we couldn't come back and put a utility underneath there because that's the way it's it looks now that's why an underwriter wouldn't wouldn't approve it but and I'm sure that they have a check box that they have to check and and and that that's where I guess the request to us comes in and so in red is actually the location of the garage and we've we asked them to prepare the the legal description for that and it's denoted there so at this point we are bringing this forward to the commission for them to vacate that portion again it's a 16 foot by 25 foot area uh we I mean Lane do we ever see that we'll need that that that easement for any utilities out there not in that area okay I mean again this is technically I I can actually go back and show you that the the property that's to the the east it from the the edge of the road to uh or the edge of their property the very front part of their property line to this corner of the garage it's 35 feet tot from that corner so you're speaking my language mik gu totally okay and see what's silly is I I just I'm baffled that that they would be you know Frozen there can't there can't be you know uh structures like that in an easement you know for for title purposes so I mean it's and I understand the ease of an issue and for us we tell people you could build right up to it you just can't get in it it's it's standard it's standard mortgage complications and and and um and I'm surprised he's never had any trouble before when he bought it or he probably he probably built that Garage on it and that's same owner since 1987 no no but but but that garage that garage was built at the same time the house was so we just had a bunch of people that this was H how do you screw up so much in one area here's what I'd like to call a scrier error to be honest with you because the surveyor really did an unjustice he could have said excluding lots x X and Y and he didn't do that now I I will be I'm here to tell you that I think there's three other lots that are in there that may we may see the same issue M but I think there's one on the the north side and then there's two on the South Side in this same subdivision but at this point these are the only ones who come forward and ask that we well do we need to address those so that they don't lose out on the possible sale proactively well see here's the thing at this point I don't have their official boundary surveys for me to really gauge correctly but again I can tell you that from this point forward we're we're going to be very um aware of of if any new sub any new homes come in here because of this particular Clause but again these the bulk of the homes in there are at 25 ft or more and so that is that's a good thing does he own the the other three lots does he own the otheres no he doesn't he does not there are actually two new there's a home on either side of him now mhm uh and and both of them are be um more than 25 ft from the the front setback more than likely when he find when they find out what he's accomplished then they'll come forth maybe to I think what I'd like to see is I think I'd like to see us reaching out to those other properties that you've already identified send them a letter or we knock on their door and just say this is something that your neighbor has encountered we see that you might encounter the same thing we'd like to help you when you're ready to have this addressed but they would have to pay to get all of the survey everything done and then present that information to us surve are a lot less expensive if you've got multiple people doing at the same time in the same area though now the of course you know if the if these are folks that have lived there uh and they they do not intend to sell then it wouldn't apply it's simply those that they might not change anything but because we've noticed it it it's a neighborly thing to do to reach out I'm with Christine uh um you know I think that because we know now that some people are going to have that that issue we need to at least let them know uh and for the future Lots uh I'd like to see and I you know you say that you're going to really watch it it'd be good if you had something in the system just in case you and Jeff are gone I I understand commissioner right now there's not much in our system to push this is why you just approved for us to to have access to it will push out those sorts of things Edmonds doesn't push out anything if we put it in Edmonds it just it's like putting it in in an Exel spreadsheet I mean we'll forget about it nobody know we'll make we'll make a note to make sure it gets in go well and kind of flag those properties for the but they will be aware of it but it would be their choice that they want to come for I I'll certainly reach out to the three now I will tell you that that from just a quick measurement I mean one is like 23 feet and one's 24 feet now the other one is five feet so I mean I can reach out to the 23 24 but their surveys may come back and they're they're within 25 you know it just depends because some of these Lots aren't completely measured accurately online I think it's better to do that than them trying to sell a house and need to get out and ex at the last minute they can't and then they have to wait you know three or four months to get this taken care of yeah or if they plan to maybe give it to their kids and their kids have to go through it and probate then it becomes a big issue so it's to inform we know things are we done with your presentation yes sir I mean just just to kind of wrap it up and we we've reached out to the utility companies there is nothing in that that area so we do recommend approval for this it is a beautiful neighborhood but it is a neighborhood that is very strangely built I Marlene blly our former librarian lives in that neighborhood and I don't know how she just does not flood every time that we have a a little bit of rain I know that we have to put uh sandbags in front of her house because the driveway just drops down to her garage it it's unbelievable it's beautiful it's almost like you're in the mountains but it's it's a rough neighborhood so but um go ahead Sasha sorry okay any additional questions for Mr Lane no would anyone in the audience like to speak on resolution 24-8 okay seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24-8 what's the will of our commission so moved we have a first and a second by Gary any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cruz I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I next we have ordinance numbers 24-35 36 and 37 for presentation uh we will start with ordinance number 24-35 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Eustace Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 34 Acres of real property at alternate key numbers 144 3270 on East Orange Avenue and Cricut Hollow Lane North side of East Orange Avenue Mr Lane this is a request for annexation future landan use and Design District assignment for 255 East Orange Avenue as noted by Miss Garcia the alternate key numbers um property is owned by George trenfield um Pros land use is off or residential office transitional and the proposed D Design District is Suburban Corridor uh the property is located just west or yeah just west of C Hollow um it is approximately again 34 acres in size uh it is within the joint planning area it is currently the basically The Enclave that exists on the north side of Orange Avenue in that area we do have everything that kind of surrounds it on that North Side um request has been reviewed for chapter 163 3177 Florida Statutes as well as our own future Landes uh element appendic uh and chapter 102 of the ldrs for procedures um current land use is urban medium in Lake County this allows up to seven residential dwelling unit um dwelling units per acre um it also allows for or single family multif family office and Commercial limited commercial type uses the request is residential office transitional here in the city of Eustace with a approximate density of up to 12 residential dwelling units per acre um but the uses also allow for single family multif family office and commercial but commercial only as a conditional use permit retail commercial conditional use permit um the request is consistent with the future land or with the surrounding area for the future land use um pretty much and the Design District um again the city's residential office transitional and the urban um Lake County um public facilities are available uh it is a built site so there really is no impact to Natural Resources natural features um pretty much a similar use land use to the uses that are going to be allowed whether currently in Lake County or when it comes into the city so Transportation water supplier should not change um and it is consistent with Comprehensive plan and uh future land use for that area um this is the site as it kind of exists today and as it did last year this is 2023 from Google um back in 2019 it looks like about 2019 to 2020 was about the last time the building was actually occupied um office uses in there um and prior going back to 2011 it was kind of a mix of uses that were in there tanning salon airdresser um and a couple office uses uh Suburban Corridor is what is being requested um that is consistent with what is um to the east into the west of uh of of the site as it exists today our staff is recommending approval uh it is when the jpa it meets flid uh Florida statute requirements and it is consistent with the city's land use for the area all I have any questions for Mr Richardson you have one the density use changed just a little bit from the county if they're coming in the county was seven and we're 12 M will the the traffic and the parking lot sustain that there does that seem like it's pretty reasonable if it was going for a residential use um three quarters of an acre you really couldn't do much more than one or two dwelling units on it anyway they could might be able to break that into like say the existing building into like three livable units but I'm not even sure the size of the building I didn't check that yeah thank you sure anything else from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance number 24-35 okay seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor commissioners of we have ordinance 30 or 24-35 what's the will of our commission move for approval thank you have a first and a second and any further discussion without hearing any roll call please commissioner Cruz I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi next we have ordinance number 24-36 in ordinance of the city Commission of the City of usus Lake County Florida amending the city abused his comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 163 3187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 34 Acres of real property at alternate key number 144 327 0 on East Orange Avenue and Cricut Hollow Lane North side of East Orange Avenue from Urban medium in Lake County to residential off transitional in the city of Eustace do we have anything further on this item any questions for Mr Richardson would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance 24-36 seeing none we will close public input Mr Mayor Commissioners rep us we have ordinance number 24-36 what's the will of our commission move for second thank you both we have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Cruz I commissioner Hawkins vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland I and final item is ordinance number 24-37 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eustus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 34 Acres of real property at alternate key number 144 3270 on East Orange Avenue and Cricut Hollow Lane North of East Orange Avenue any questions from the commission on this item would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance 24-37 additional item it's not necessarily additional but I believe the title for that ordinance was wrong because I think it should be Suburban Corridor okay is it Suburban neighborhood is that the way it is this is written Suburban that ordinance was incorrect that ordinance title you'll have to bring it back to us at another meeting Jeff I'm sorry I won't let the commission vote on that without it being properly noed no that's that's why I brought it up all right this is how it was uploaded aded was uploaded into advertised that is how that one was advertised okay yeah we will have to bring this one back that has be advertised it needs to be re-advertised and brought back to us okay shall we do we need to take a motion on that uh we'll have to um yes just table this item to allow for read advertising and correction uh we can leave the same ordinance number and um since it'll be for first reading you may want to combine it maybe just do one first reading for this particular and then just do a second for the rest of it um depending on how you want to do that otherwise we can only hear the other commission if you'd like to if it's just easier because it's now it's going to be off by by one item can I get a motion to do what Sasa just explained some move what did I explain I don't have to just keep them all together the motion the motion needs to be to re advertise it but accept it as it is right now Gary's got a motion to keep them all together and Emily's going to Second it any further discussion not hearing any I'm just want to be clear the mo so we would it's going to be read advertised as to 2437 with a corrected um designation and that's going to happen for the next meeting we will have that one item as a first reading next meeting and then all three will come back the following uh commission meeting as a second reading perfect right is that that's what I was indicating second that motion okay just making sure that that's where I was going with it now his presentation had Corridor right yes okay that's and Sasha do you need us to repeat that um I just we just V that's got it you got it yeah Jeff does that work for you you yes okay great R call please commissioner Cruz I commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi mayor Holland hi uh thank you Sasha coming down to other business and uh starting off with a discussion of reconsideration who's going to do that one for me I can uh start off on that um so um the commission uh knows this process if an item is denied uh our rules of order say it can come back for 9 months unless you um vote to reconsider it or I'm sorry you give consensus as part of a discussion item to reconsider it in which case it would be read vertis and brought back to you or if the applicant makes significant enough changes where it is considered a completely separate uh project or application it can also be reheard uh in that instance and so so in this case um you uh you considered it um and I think you actually took no action on it the first time they made some changes I think they uh introduced the RW iron fencing because initially I don't think it was fenced uh a couple other items um but there were still some concerns about visibility triangle at the corner um there were concerns about cross access easement and them working with the shopping center owner uh and so uh the applicant has uh they've done some research on visibility triangle and they've presented some evidence to us that there are no issues at the corner with visibility uh and then they have uh proof of the Cross access easement and uh they're working with the shopping center owner and so our process requires that you have a discussion on whether or not to reconsider this uh if you choose not to then they would either have to continue making changes to the point where you are satisfied or they would have to wait 9 months uh from the denial to bring it back uh and so um we'd like consensus from the city Commission on whether you'd like to rehear this um and then we would read vertise and get it rescheduled before you at some point Gary I hear you down there what are you saying we didn't really vote for denial did we the first time you did not take action the second time you denied it okay and was do we members a vote on that 3 to one three to one all right personally I think we have enough storage facilities in the city that's just my opinion was one of the concerns the we have the entrance and the exit and that was the issue the exit through the back of the shopping center corre Sho so initially they were only accessing off of well the shopping center access they've they've added the second access on the North side that still accesses the parking lot but it exits onto huffstetler uh and so they have two exits from the self storage now both into the shopping center but one North access and one South access that's such a unique uh location I don't know what else we can we can get there um we've had them jump through a lot of Hoops they're they're only going to be single level if I remember correctly it would be single level okay correct uh and they're doing the uh the Landscaping with the metal fence they've added the metal fence and they've also as part of the second uh hearing they also added some faux windows I think they improved Pro the facade basically um is what they did as part of that the movement from the first hearing to the second hearing I was I was opposed to it you know when they first came to us uh but I think they've done enough to Warrant me saying I think we need to so do you want to rehear it yes pristine the last commission meeting we talked about doing an overlay to make sure that we've got a good mix of different type of businesses in the areas want to make sure that that's still that's still on track right we we are working on that and um we've talked to the City attorney and today I talked to Mike Lane about process and I think what we'd like to do is maybe bring it up on November 7th uh We've we've got a workshop on November 7th to talk about ldrs uh and we have a couple of options moving forward uh one option would would be uh to do an overlay uh where you say in these areas uh no no self storage within these corridors or areas uh another option uh would be and we need to talk to Commission on the 7th about this is um amend the table of uses and within certain land use districts uh Self Storage might be a conditional use in which case you would have uh the ability to review those on a case-by casee basis and Grant a conditional use if you choose to do so so there's a couple of paths forward uh depending on what the commission wants to accomplish but we are working on that and we will bring it up on November 7th and then if you give us direction we can then Institute that and and I want to make sure that we are very thoughtful with the planning and the different types of mixed use that we have here so we've got a lot of variety of them but as Willie said they have jumped through a lot of Hoops at this point um and I'm willing to at least hear them out again all right so Gary where are you my friend um well I I think I agree with commissioner Hawkins this this property is so so unique I don't I don't think what else could ever could ever probably be um on it so I'm willing to rehear it as well okay vice mayor I think it's in my mind it's a weird thing to put there but um I'm going to hear it again okay so that can convince me that it's going to be okay let's bring it back okay um Mike do we have um do we have everything we need from them and then do how do we uh we're going to have to meet some advertising requirements and so it may not be November 7th but we will bring it back to you as soon as we can as far as advertising and information we may have more a different perspective after number s anyway so that's good right all right you've got that Tom uh discussion of CRA priorities Al you doing that or Tom you doing uh I I've got that and I'm gonna I'm gonna go grab the um clicker oh boy clicker never works I got it here if you need it our stickers I made that all right so uh this was a conversation prompted by uh Horus Jones presenting to the city commission about uh the um housing authorities community building and so uh actually the next two items are kind of related uh I'll present first and then we'll ask Horus to come up and speak a little bit related to the community building so um here is a kind of a budget snapshot for the just approved 2425 budget um it gets a little tricky because uh the Waterman site uh we have both a revenue and expense that balances each other out um and so I've chose chosen my wording carefully here so recurring Revenue not including any loan proceeds for the Waterman site are about 1.6 million the nonwater expenses are are approximately 1 plus uh revenues exceeding expenses um the plan would be for that 3,000 uh to be reserved for future projects uh what that means is the CRA is doing projects all the time uh if there is a surplus It generally goes into a fund that's then earmarked for one of those future projects um the fiscal year 2324 which is the fiscal year we just closed the estimated uh reserves for future projects was approximately $1.86 million that does not include the 300,000 because the 300,000 is projected for this fiscal year uh if we weren't to allocate that $300,000 that 1.86 would be increased by 300,000 come the end of the year so I'm going to go over some projects some of which have been in the budget for a while um Bay Street drainage is $145,000 that's been a project that's rolled over several times uh for those of you that may not remember or don't know the um the orange cones there that picture on the right uh that is a drainage Inlet that goes nowhere and so it's just a hole in the ground and when it fills up it floods um that is a do Road um and so we have uh put some money in the budget uh to try to address address that including uh a redo of the parking lot that feeds that area but uh because there is the major do project going on now um we are going to hold off we don't we we think that 145 should stay in the budget but we're not going to do any improvements until do has come through and done everything that they're going to do now I do want to point out that their project is a Safety project and does not include storm water infrastructure so I think they are planning to fill that hole that goes nowhere but they are not introducing any additional additional piping or uh storm water infrastructure uh the other project is the seaw wall which has also been rolling forward uh for several years we actually supplemented additional funding this year because the funding was insufficient for the project um we did uh issue a solicitation we reive responses and uh happy to say that several of the responses were within the project budget and so we will be moving forward with that um that 975 includes both engineering and construction uh some other projects uh we put annually money in the CRA budget for Street rehab and then sidewalks and plantings uh and what this does is it allows us to provide a higher level of service for roads and sidewalks in the CRA uh because we have have more resources uh that we can bring to bear and as we've talked about before uh the money goes further here in Eustace because we pave these roads and we pour sidewalks with inhouse staff we don't have to go out and hire contractors for the most part uh to do these things and so that money varies from year to year based on uh what's going on with roads and sidewalks some other projects uh Palmetto Plaza that's been a multiphase project uh the latest phase is for shade structure uh um additional parking um a a playground Tot Lot um this project has been slow because we have been on and off working with everlasting life to try to acquire additional land um there's been some leadership changes over the years and we've had varying levels of uh cooperation uh at this point we may just need to move forward with what we have uh because it seems like leadership has changed every every couple of years uh but again that uh paletto Plaza project is a shade structure additional parking uh Tot Lot and and other Hardscape improvements uh to uh the plaza uh Carver basketball shade structure is one that's in there for $400,000 um recently I think the discussion has been um a shelter or shade structure above the basketball court probably doesn't get us everything that we need and so uh there is an opportunity to reallocate those funds uh to an indoor facility that I will talk about a little bit coming up here housing rehab is something else that we budgeted for this year it was originally budgeted at 250,000 and that uh has rolled through several years uh this um last fiscal year we ended with about $59,000 approximately 60,000 and the city commission and the CRA board said to supplement that with 40,000 of new money uh to uh for a total of 100,000 in fiscal year 2425 for that program uh the former Waterman site uh I mentioned before that we have some debt uh related to the Waterman site um and I I want to say that debt will be dependent on where we're going with this project meaning um we have um a development partner that we've identified uh we haven't worked out the agreement and so we don't know what the terms of that land transfer might be if it's a sale then that might erase uh the debt moving forward uh if it's a lease then we would have to structure the debt differently uh but we do we have approximately 2.6 million due in at the end of 2425 and we will either need to uh go out and refinance that or if we sell the property that would cover the debt but that's just an unknown at this point um but uh we do have uh significant debt related to that property that we will have to figure out what we're doing aside from the debt uh we have the actual hopefully uh the Redevelopment of the site and so uh we are working with our development partner on an agreement um but uh this in order for this project to come to fruition there may be incentives necessary to help make this happen and that could be uh subsidized land it could be rebates on incremental property taxes the advantage of that structure is the developer would get CRA funds but not until they build everything everything becomes taxable and then they would get rebates on those uh property taxes uh also some infrastructure uh we might potentially as part of an agreement with a developer have to do some infrastructure potentially a parking garage uh that was something that we had talked about with the atrium agreement previously was there were going to be two parking garages and one was going to be developer funded and the other was going to be City funded so uh there are a lot of unknowns as to what the developer might be asking for and what infrastructure might be involved uh could potentially include um expansion of um streetscape in downtown developer would potentially like to see an expansion of that streetcape uh there are costs associated with that related to that uh the master plan calls for a number of Investments um there are recommendations in the master plan that we improve the lakefront um in meeting with the city commission uh it seemed like there was uh positive feedback on um improving the improving and extending the lake walk potentially Canal Levering uh additional walk uh in Fen Park which you can see that image on the lower left um shade structures uh in Fen Park um the potential for expansion of the lake walk up to the community center uh the community center is is on our radar for uh potentially needing uh a redo uh so that's something that we have to keep in mind so there are a number of recommendations in the plan uh that are not funded and we have to figure out what's important to us and and prioritize those potential upcoming projects uh we issued a solicitation for a tour booat operator uh we did get a response to that uh but there would need to be some improvements to infrastructure including docks uh potentially some water and sewer and electrical upgrades uh we don't know exactly what those are as we're working with the respondent on that uh but those are on the horizon uh obviously uh the project that prompted this discussion uh the Housing Authority Community Building um the uh previously the city commission authorized staff and the vice mayor uh to meet meet with education Partners on an educational facility uh and then uh we also um we recognize that we are kind of at our limits as far as Recreation space um and then we had a presentation from the um the kte foundation about a multi-use facility that's uh Recreation but all personal but also personal professional development and tutoring and I think the master plan is going to include that yes okay um I think as part of the master plan I think we all need to figure out what would we like to see at Carver Park which if if meeting space is one of those things then yes potentially it could include that is isn't the isn't the um the cut right center going to be available sometime soon but yes ex okay thank y be happy to uh listen or answer any questions you may have thank you Horus you want to come on up sir good evening good evening hor Jones I wasn't prepared to speak tonight but I can uh I kind of wanted to rehash what I discussed at the last meeting uh regarding the community center and laundry facility this has been a project that's been uh planned planning for the last three years and it's basically a two-phase project uh the laundry facility is underway uh that was phase one uh the second phase is the community center uh and that's when I requested uh funding for U the second phase which is $720,000 would be the total cost for the second phase um CRA is $350,000 is what we're needing to complete the second phase we have gotten cdbg funds uh to compensate for the balance of the project uh so when I was here the last time I requested assistance financially for phase two uh the community center is going to be a nice facility it's going to have offices for people who may need to have temporary office space uh it's going to have a conference center for meetings um receptions if you will it's going to give us an opportunity to have staff meetings uh in our own facility so it's something that we've been planning for several years and um we need assistance in terms of completing phase two of the project and that's kind of where we are happy to answer any questions that you may have any questions of Horus Horus is that U is the facility going to be open to the general public it can be that's that let me ask that again is it going to be open to the general public um under specific guidelines all of the policies and procedures in terms of the use of the uh Facility have not been finalized but that's something that actually my board of directors will have to approve and establish okay um all right okay anybody else have any questions of course us so this part of this 350,000 is to help with the L is that the lundry facility or is that part phase one phe is already underway and funding for phase one is is uh we have no need for funding phase one phase two is where the funding requirement comes in and that would be the 350,000 and that would be for the meeting space the conference center how many residents do you have do you have it uh we have 116 okay units total residents I would say double that okay but in terms of apartment units we have 116 how does this building benefit the people within the CRA it gives them an opportunity to have a place that they can go and convene to have meetings or whatever it may be to suit the the needs of the community will there be a charge for that all of that's going to be decided by my board of directors if it's $350,000 and it's something for and that's coming out of CRA funds CRA funds should be there to to benefit the whole community and if they're being charged for it I mean that's be something to think about well the other issue too is that the facility you're talking about facility I'm talking about there's opportunities for meeting spaces to meeting um and it would serve all of hust yeah um where right now I I don't know that we have enough information if you're saying my board has to decide this we we give $350,000 and then they decide well we can't do this and we can't do that seems like we need more information I know we were supposed to meet but the storm interfered but I would think that we need more information about um will will there be a feif f who who can use it and have that kind of information before we make a major investment absolutely one of the things uh also and I and I think it's important that that CU Harris and I have had the conversation but I think it's important that you all have that conversation because my concern is if if we do this will that interfere with the thing that you need to talk to the rest of the Commissioners about I think you need to have that conversation it was my understanding from the last meeting that the conversation with the Commissioners was going to be about the charge neighborhood program and and see and and that's what I'm talking about I I I think that you have that conversation with them this this $350,000 that we're asking for will that be better suited at the other place at what other place at the Choice cities as part of that because that's still will be in a CRA I'm not should Now understand your question behind what we talked about at the school okay okay the $350,000 that you you're asking for for the community center community center corre would that be better suited at the second project that you need to talk to them about well M well why not just put it out there why why do we have to meet individually you're asking us to make a decision but yet there's some information we don't have well and and it's it's it's in depth uh and I think it would be better suited to have one meeting one Workshop so we can talk about everything yeah which is which is fine yeah as opposed to trying to meet with everybody individually I'd be happy to do that but I think it' be better if we had just I'm sorry can I something can I oh I'm sorry but I mean if if but if we can get like a Community Rec Center is part of the Carver Park master plan and have something over there would that would that work would that benefit you know it's it's interesting that we're talking about uh the Carver Park master plan because the choice neighborhood proog program encompasses really a master plan and based on what I'm hearing we're going to have the Housing Authority is going to be going for the choice neighborhood Grant we're definitely going to be doing that and it's something that we're looking to do hopefully if if the commission agrees uh and we can come to consensus on the choice neighborhood program but I'm with Gary I think that the master plan should include that all of that should be considered rather than we're talking about our P portion being considered but that needs to be in the master plan also and and I think that's what he's he's talked about as well yeah to avoid duplication of of services or duplication of efforts just have one master plan right because that encompasses everything you know we're having conversations about kte we're having conversations about you know this community building and then you know we do something with Carver Park and have a a a a facility for kte or anyone to use then you know wouldn't be best suited to talk about it with that with that Park the master plan Park yeah development I definitely think we should have a workshop on this well you know and one thing I want to make clear because I don't think the city commission understands the choice neighborhood Grant can do all of this it's not CRA money it's it's a grant as I indicated before we we're going to get $500,000 just to plan this thing this is not something that's going to happen overnight and if we award the grant we can get up to 50 million that can cover a lot of areas so I guess it makes sense to have everybody on board shooting for the same thing as opposed to the Housing Authority doing their thing cities doing their thing let's just have one overall that's why we need a workshop to for us to have all the information everybody can I think good let's let's schedule a workshop yeah at the last meeting I asked about doing a CRA Workshop or advisory committee and I think that another Workshop is probably the right way to go with this I think we need a workshop with the commission course when we do that bring the information that you have on on the the choice actually I'm going to have a person a consultant that would deals with ch neighborhood programs also talk to your board before then find out exactly if if we don't do if we want to fund your community center what the stipulations of use on that's going to be also from your board because that's going to make a big dis I think I think what I'm hearing the Commission in a long about about way say is if you're limiting our residents we hesitate on putting City money into it so that's kind of what I'm hearing up here if you'll talk to your board go ahead and put those priorities in place and then we can have that open discussion at that time because we need to talk about the gym meeting facilities Emily's been working on an education piece it would work if it would all put together if we all come with information regarding what we're trying to achieve so Tom what's the quick you need to check and see when you can get a representative here would you just stay in contact with Tom and see if we can get and I'd rather do this sooner than later so hon with you so so this may need to be a standalone because I'd rather it be a standalone okay we have uh the ldr's discussion on the 7th and then that next Thursday we have the um public the community meeting for the master plan uh we could if we felt we had enough time we could do it before Commission on the 21st or we could do a standalone Workshop I'd rather do a standalone because it on a Tuesday it's a big part of our community the stand alone is to discuss horus's project on everything yes and I I think we should have KT te here as well I agree so I agree and if Emily's got somebody on her education they need to be here as well okay so you we have multiple unbudgeted items that we need to talk about at that c meeting are we talking about next Tuesday I heard Tuesday we're going to need to coordinate with for us to get something sorry can I follow when's the community meeting master plan date uh it is the 14th okay thank you nov I'm sorry November 14 14 okay thank you and that is um 5:30 p.m. at the Women's Club where 5:30 pm at the Women's Club okay course if you can start working that with Tom he'll get it on schedule as soon as we can um I think it'll be a good meeting and it'll really move eustus forward if we can come to absolutely all right we can do that thank you my friend thank you um Tom can you go back to I don't know if mariss can go back to the uh the dots sure the stickers yeah the stickers the sticker chart I have a question too could we also include um p park in that discussion you know we're talking about putting a shade structure and that's a part of it too could we also include that in it in a discussion we we could yes we could include petal Plaza so that's a budgeted item so you want to add some of the budgeted stuff in there too I just want to have a discussion about it um you know I'm looking at at the dots and some of the things that we we want to use the CRA for and and I'm looking down at um uh you know spec space and and and rent subsidies you know I I think there's there's some opportunity for some businesses if we can get someone to go in and buy up some space uh but anyway uh I had something sent to me and this shouldn't take long can you pull it up maritz you know we we talk about CRA funds and what we're using it for and and I want to make sure that that the commission kind of sees the necessity uh other than downtown this is a house that someone's living in they are currently living there with kids it's heartbreaking okay thank you I want to make sure that when we have these discussions that it's not all about downtown uh when we have these discussions it's about the neighborhood um you know I uh and there's not a lot that that that we can do I've gone in with u uh Late Community Action and and there are some things that we're trying to do but just to get to a point to where they can live is probably going to be35 or $40,000 that's just the minimum uh but I think it's important that we see because we're talking about all these things that that we want to do you know downtown on on this side of uh of Grove Street it's important that we don't forget that we've got to take care of those that can't help themselves okay that's it I'm off my soap box amen amen okay Tom you want to finish uh that's that's all I have related to that item all right um let's see where we are then uh purchase threshold discussion sure I can get started on that um and I do want to thank um Mark and Jennifer for hanging out with us tonight Mark and Jennifer are with our purchasing department uh so they can answer any questions you have about uh the current ordinance Uh current purchasing policies and kind of how we do what we do uh you do have a uh staff report in your packet that talks a little bit about um our process it also gives you some data related to um comparisons on what other cities do um and this was prompted by uh first um as part of the budget process we had talked about I think the discussion was specific to um a um events mobile stage and we were we were putting it in the budget and it was approved by commission but we were trying to figure out exactly how to we hadn't identified one but when it came available how are we going to jump on it and get it uh and I think uh mayor Holland said we should really look at at what we're doing how we're doing it and also at our thresholds and then uh as part of our meetings with uh commissioner Cruz couple of things came up where commissioner Cruz is like we really need to look at our thresholds but also look at uh how can we be a little more Nimble uh how can we jump on stuff uh when it makes sense and so um what you have in your packet again kind of outlines what other cities do uh it also gives you some draft language on um the uh potential for uh unique purchases uh where uh if there's a purchase that is in the best interest of the city but it doesn't fit neatly into our procurement process uh that there's language in there that lays out a process where this the city manager can move forward with a purchase uh but it does need to come back to commission so we can explain to you what we did and how we did it so um at this point I would be um happy to listen uh as to your thoughts I we I think staff would make a recommendation that we increase our thresholds um just my initial thoughts um 2,000 for small purchases is very low uh it might make sense to up that to 5,000 and then um large purchases that have to come before City commission is currently 50,000 um it might make sense to increase that looking at what other people are doing maybe 75,000 makes sense uh but I'd be happy to um listen to what you have to say and and take your direction um there there will always be a purchase that doesn't fit exactly whether it's the thresholds um you know whether it's 50 or 75 there's always going to be something uh and so that won't change um but increasing the thresholds um will I think make us uh a little bit more business friendly and then the language on unique purchases would allow us to move forward uh and then report back to you on what we did why we did it and how we did it so yeah my my belief on this is we do need to increase these thresholds in today's economy um and we we've been guilty of this things in purchasing and by the time we are able to take action on it the prices have increased um so I'm I'm in full agreement with changing the thresholds to 50 or to 5,000 and 75,000 but I also think if it's something of real importance and we need to strike you need to be able to make that decision and then come back to the city commission we place we we we have placed trust in you you have not let us down and um I that's just my personal belief true yeah you know I I I I agree with Mike you know I know that when we were trying to get everything for the uh Cory Road field yes uh you know Rick had a lot of Hoops that he had to jump through uh to make that happen um so I I I think it's a it's a good idea one of the things I do want to ask is we know let's say we give it 75 uh we move the threshold of 75 or 5,000 do we want come to us at that 75 or do we want to give him discretion up to say discretion yeah that would be my opinion because like I said I think we've missed out as a city and we have paid a lot of extra money because we haven't been able to strike Because by the time you advertise it bring it back to us you're sometimes four four to six weeks out from when a decision could have that's exactly what I talk about and so let me just let me just describe the process a little bit um right so whether it's two or five right now um if it's below 2,000 we just have to do some price checking but the Departments can purchase up to $2,000 if we change it to five that would be five uh up to between uh 2,000 and 50,000 uh we have to uh solicit quotes we still do do our due diligence um and we do go out and we get those quotes but it doesn't have to come back to commission if it's in the budget and it's below 50,000 and so what the 75 would do is if we made the change the suggested changes between five and 75 we would have to go out and get those quotes or bids to make sure we're getting the best price but it wouldn't have to come back to commission unless it's 75 of of course everything is assumes it's in the budget um if it's not in the budget it comes back to you for a budget amendment um but if we go to 75 then if it's over 75 it would come back to you for approval I still like you have a little bit of discre I just heard you say that should it be like maybe over 75 that he could he he has some dis and then come back to us with it but strike while the iron is exactly exactly and we're talking about budgeted items and and months going over this budget line by line line by line and I know everybody up here is very fiscally responsible and we're we're watching out for taxpayer money but you spend months going over the budget lines and at some point you've got to trust staff to be able to execute on the budget items you've already approved I mean so why so why not why not just make it 100,000 that's exactly what I was about to say sorry no no no it's better that more more than one says it I don't have a problem bringing it up to a 100 the other thing too it seems like something gets stuck in purchasing it doesn't move as smoothly is that is that we don't have enough stat what's the deal there so we have recently expanded uh the staff in purchasing um purchasing does a great job um if you're I'd be lying if I said Tracy beat me here because I'm the first I'm here at about 6: a.m but Tracy is here until after she's here um after I leave and and she is working to get things done uh the purchasing department does a great job and they're doing their job which is to some extent to Pro protect the taxpayer to make sure that we're doing the right thing on purchasing and so uh I think um the in for a it was just Tracy and uh Jennifer came on uh and now Mark is on and so we Ed the staff and things are really flowing and so um I want to thank them for everything they do they're great um and it's we have we have here at the city we sometimes have people of action and those people of action sometimes gets frustrated the uh purchasing policies and procedures but again they're doing their job in their so um we um we we're we're trying to we're trying to balance that we want to be effective we want to be business bus friendly we want to be nimble but at the same time our rules are designed to uh protect how we do things okay so so let's stay let's stay with 5,000 on small purchases and 100,000 on big expenditures Bud budgeted items on the budet it things for the purchase and there's one thing that I would to see is I would like to see probably a little bit more transparency on some of the purchases without a public records request and this is not an immed this is just something to look at for maybe one day kind of plan out the way make some of those purchases available online for somebody and look so we can just show that we're being transparent with taxpayer money I see the notes thank you we'll take a look at that appreciate that and something that's normally done yep you can find places that do it they will put their purchases online m they you can redact information there but it saves somebody from pulling public records for all purchasing and you're able to financially Watch Dog it a little bit better I guess I don't have that much time on my no neither do I I don't think we get a lot but neither does staff trying to pull public the time for people asking what we purchased for how much are we okay with moving to the next uh agenda item the um well I I do want to ask um in addition were talking about add adding that language that in the case of of unique or time sensitive or strike while the iron is hot purchases um that we added some language that I could move forward uh at my discretion knowing that I would have to come back to you fact and explain what we did and how we did it again it would have to be budgeted if it's not budgeted then all bets are off right yeah okay so we will will increase the thresholds and then add the language granting some discretion to the city manager and Tom I you know in the case of an emergency of course what you need to do that's the way I feel even if it's not a budgeted issue if there's something that you need to do in case of an emergency in the city you you can't pull us red tape stop you yeah I mean in the case of a storm emergency that's part of why we passed that that resolution because it kind of gives Chief Swanson power to do that type of thing um outside of not sure if we have emergency policy but we'll take a look at that we're getting big enough that we need to look at those type things y all right does that give you everything you need I think so all right uh coming down now to the city manager's annual evaluation Karen you gonna lead that up all right come on up and Karen you have are doing a fantastic job as the head of that department we appreciate you with HR I appreciate you guys so um we gave every all the um commission opportunity to meet with Tom personally that was optional um we gave you the opportunity to the form uh the evaluation form that was also optional um and um I did a little research on what city managers in the area are paid um so on the sheet that's in your packet um it has CLA M Mount Doran tar city manager salary effective October 1st um the city employees received a 5% raise plus $1,000 on their annual salary effective October 1st currently Tom's um annual salary is one $179,800 if we were to provide him with the same raise um that all the employees got his um salary would increase to $189,300 and that's and then the $1,000 bonus as well that that includes the $1,000 oh that includes the that includes $1,000 5% plus $1,000 bonus right okay Gary are you good to that well I I mean I was hoping to meet with Tom and I was waiting for someone to get back to me when he had availability and I never I'm sorry I never got it yeah my meeting was canceled because of the storm well this was pre this was pre this was pre storm and I know you know we had the storm and I know unfortunately was ill for the last few days so I didn't really even get a chance to have that one-on-one conversation that I that I really wanted if if the commission would like to hold off until they have an opportunity to meet with me that's fine I want to know how he his salary compares to the others yeah yeah but right now okay so currently the Claremont city manager salary is 196 6,560 the leberg I'm sorry 19656 clont that's Claremont lesburg is 39661 I thought it was two no it's 239 661 okay okay Mount Dora I think is the newest city manager of all of them that I asked about and it's 183 195 MH and then taries is 23 174 or 740 and I think he's been there a while too yeah John's been there a good while when when when did we initially put out the request to meet with with Tom um two months ago two months um not for everybody just to clarify yeah yes yes M was a week and a half ago now I met with him before I left and that was a month ago yes so personally I don't want to hold up AR raise because I that said I if if the commission would like to hold off until I have an opportunity to meet with everybody I'd be happy to do that I know I know we had two storms and we had a lot of things going on it was really hard to pin everybody down um vice mayor I I think it should be more than 189 I appreciate app but I I would we all knew you go to say I appreciate that but I don't think I don't think I'm looking for any any more than the other employees received and so I'd be reluctant to do anything more than that Karen what's malora making um Mount Dora is 183 195 okay and leberg um leeburg is 239 661 yeah um and I know we voted on the college and on president what are they making okay I'm I'm not going to go outside of what Tom wants you know uh even though you know I think he does an amazing job um I know that if we try to do more he's yeah uh Am I Wrong did you talk yourself out of a better race I I think it's the commission has been very generous to me I appreciate that um but um I think it's I think it's fair um to um to for for me to get what other employees receive uh and it it it um whether it's um whether it's talking to an employee or frankly going into collective bargaining uh it's difficult to go in to say a collective bargaining session and say uh here's what I'm willing to offer and it's less than what IED well I think you to be commended for the great job that you're doing um you're very humble and you do well in communicating with us and um providing what we need when we ask you to so I appreciate that very much and I do think you're worth more Christine I've got some questions I don't think anybody's probably prepared to answer this but I can I'd like to shoot you maybe an email later on sure sure yeah Tom um I think he U you know he overlooks a city that does a lot with a little U and I don't know if any other cities City uh city managers thank you I don't know if any other city managers have the tasks that he has um you know he he's able to keep us uh in the um and like I said he's able to to supervise 180 20 180 200 people 250 oh yeah and to put up and to put up with for you hold on point out he pointed to that side that included Sasha uh you know I I do I think he does tremendous job you know Tom and I have had conversations about um you know him being responsive to all the Commissioners uh and I think that he's he's he's done a good job of that are are we EAS to to get along with all the time nah uh but uh but but he takes it on the chain and just keeps going so I really appreciate that you know I think he it would be great if he wanted more but he doesn't and I think that's just just we accept just just good well and also he also does other duties as not expected Tom's Catering is awesome could could I um also suggest that maybe we make it retroactive to October 1st that's when everyone else receive their race okay you know I get to travel to state with with Lega City stuff and um I watch other city managers function nobody does what Tom does he's in every morning I pass here some mornings at 6 o'clock the office like and we always have goodies always have goodies um he works our events some city managers show up for their City events um he's interactive with not just department heads he's interactive with every employee that we have in the city um I don't think we could ask for anymore so I'm proud of where we are and I think that um we need to go ahead with the 5% raise um since he won't take any more plus ,000 so you know I think something important and you kind of touched on it is to hear what the people beneath him say and I have not heard in the four years that I never set up heard one person say uh you know one bad thing about it Tom what is it that you do on Thursdays you're going to get me in trouble because okay okay then you have to do it for everyone so we'll leave it alone okay I I bring breakfast to a work group but I don't bring everyone breakfast every every week so uh christe are you okay with us moving and making it retroactive how much would it be for a part-time assistant for Tom for salard that was that's the one I was yes ma'am I understand but if he won't take a raise I can give him extra help I what I guess what I would say is um I'd like to I mean we're we're still Miranda and I are still kind of finding our way uh but we work well together um and so I'd like to kind of let that shake out a little bit um part of the reason it took so long um for Tom to go get help like commission kept telling me was uh we have needs throughout the city every department needs additional staff and so I I don't want to um there there's no need to uh staff up the city manager's office when we have needs in other departments and so I appreciate it um but I you know it's important for us to strategically look at where where our greatest needs and where are those resources best spent so but I I appreciate the sentiment I think Gary has pristine are you good then with going ahead I think so I mean I still with them okay I still haven't done any review I don't have a problem with with giving him the increase that is Comm with every else in the city that's I don't think that there's any kind of an issue with that okay perfect Gary I mean I I'll Echo I'll Echo what Chris said I uh Tom Tom works amazingly hard and we all know that I'm okay with the increase but I I would I would definitely like a followup okay um when you have availability absolutely thank you Willie I don't know you don't know of course congratulations thank you thank you thank you Tom Karen that give you everything you need for now all right thank you so much all right that's all the agenda items coming down now to uh future agenda items and uh any reports that you want to give since you've been traveling the world for 28 days would you like to start you did only because you know because you corrected Emily and I you said you were going to be gone a month you said no 28 days and you called on me first because you know I've been gone for 28 days and I probably don't have a lot to talk about that's what I was praying for well well well I just see the orange book trouble I just want to point out that February has 28 days no it it was great to be way but it's even better to come back uh to say I missed you all would be a lie U did you catch that I heard you okay all right did um you know I um last week uh you know during the hurricane I um I we we talk about how great this this city is this community is uh I was on the other side of the world and I had Commissioners reach out to me I had uh department heads re out reach out to me I had city managers reach out to me I had neighbors reach out to me what can do anything we can do to prepare your house for the hurricane I don't know where you get that kind of stuff U I don't know what other city does that uh but everyone out there listening that think that we live in you know this little Podunk town and you know and all that stuff keep thinking what you're thinking because this is probably greatest place to live in the state of Florida amen um you know we're not too big uh we care for one another uh and I just appreciate this city and I just appreciate uh this community so um that's the big thing for me um the the slides that I I I had Marissa pull pull up that came to me yeserday not gone out and I visited before I left and I do want us to to consider uh what we do with our funds uh for for the least of us I think is very important that we remember that uh you know you know and I'm sure you know the CRA money is a draw for a lot of businesses and all that stuff but if there's no City there's no business okay that's it thank you Willam welcome home Gary well you know I'm going to echo on something that uh commissioner Hawkins said about the community support that everyone had after the you know neighbor helping neighbor um all the um all the reach out that everyone did I mean I mean we we are we are pretty blessed to live in this kind of community so um I know everyone was involved in helping everyone trying to clean up their yards if they had damage so we are we are really uh we are really blessed for that so I do I do have a list of some couple updates I'm looking for um where are we add on Eastern plant numbers so um we have um just where we are in the process yeah uh we are uh We've brought a consultant on board I believe we've signed an agreement Greg uh and that consultant that consultant is going to get us numbers on things like what's the system worth uh what are the legal potential legal fees going to be uh who would be potential purchasers um and then there's different types of transactions like if we sell to a public entity it's a very different transaction than if we sell to a private what does the timeline look like yeah I don't know if we have a timeline but we do have a consultant on board to lead us through that process okay um and the next item something I've been asking for quite a while is the information about the insurance tiers that employees have ability so we are as you know we were working through uh open enrollment and we were get numbers from PRM but they were also going through open enrollment um and so now that things have quieted down a little bit um we Karen is working with PRM to get um what's the timeline look okay okay all right and we we need so it's very complicated I know it is because some scenarios are more expensive for the city some scenarios are more expensive for our employees and so we're trying to we have to try to balance what makes the most sense but we'll get you that data okay um and then one more update um I've been asking about the uh Pest Control bidding process once again I just I'm looking for timelines because it's seems like it takes us really long sometimes to get some of these and I know some of them are fairly complicated but you know it's and I know commissioner Hawkins you know said this way back when you know one of my frustrations and I think he said it's just the length of time it takes us to get certain certain things certain things done so so I would say we should have um we will be in contact with Pest Control providers next week okay um uh for those of you that haven't been involved in this process um we are um looking at pest control services sorry um and and something that came up out of that was we don't have one that does the whole city we do not we use different providers yeah um every department picks their one I mean should we have a contract for one for the whole city not NE necessarily it might depend I mean may have expert historic homes versus uh a police department Purity clearance who can go into the police department okay so it um I mean ideally uh somebody can provide services to all of our buildings but it's just not I mean we've had this discussion with cell phones it would be great if we could be on one provider for the entire city but some buildings don't get service um so um but we are um this is um it's a purch all told the city spends less than $110,000 on Pest Control um it we've been kind of with the providers that we use for a while but we want to be responsible to the taxpayers and and responsive to the city commission and so we are in the process uh it does not require um a solicitation we don't have to do an RFP or an RFQ because it's it's below $10,000 and so we are just contacting providers and getting quotes um but we that should happen next week okay uh excuse me Gary on on that what what I'd like to say is I kind of like it that they're different providers because that gives different companies the opportunity to work with the city keeps it probably pretty competitive too well I my concern is I've not heard us get into these kind of specifics before as Commissioners usually the Departments and and Tom handles this so is this something new that we're doing need to keep my bag off the floor I don't know why we're doing this well actually Hawkins if you really want to know um I mean I'm I'm I'm hoping that a usess based business would like would like to put a bid in to do service with the city and since they are a used to space business bu and that's what I want I I like it right instead of using instead of using a company that's out of Orlando that does I mean we should be supporting used to space businesses so that's that's really I Ag and and and you've brought that up many times when we're doing any developments you want you want you want the you know um contractors that are you you know so that's really how preferred I agree with that yeah yeah he did good on yeah he did okay and the last thing cuz I have to go to the bathroom um so I was at the homecoming game last Friday um usus did win their homecoming yay um it was it was a great game um it was back and forth there was a lot of support plenty of people in the stands I was happy to see that um it was their homecoming game and I just wanted to give a shout out to the king and queen queen faith Rodriguez and king cooper Adams so it really was a good time and I'm really loving being back involved in football that's it for sir that's for did we ever get in touch with the Carters without having Bella come up here we are um um we have not been in touch with the Carters but we have contact information and so we're going to reach out to Kade I think and get that arranged thank you yeah um and after since we're able to maybe after we're able to breathe from this storm um can we maybe do some type of a public campaign to where we work on an area where the public can report any assess damage or things that might be damaging in the future I know that there's ways to do that now but I want to do a campaign so it's a little more obvious because after the storm people are very hyper vilant about their neighborhood and the trees that are around them so once we kind of slow down a little bit I'd like to try to get the information out to the public on how they can report things around them right now um like public infrastructure public infrastructure trees that are near roads disease trees it might be around their area um do a campaign on I know they can anybody could call Public Works or the water department or Capri just let them know that something's happening anybody can do that but I'd like to do a little bit more of a public campaign to kind of maybe use the storm that we just had and the hyper villin and all the eyeballs that we have on the road to really kind of increase our awareness of what's happening on these different streets so whether it's a a Facebook campaign just letting people know where they need to go to for all these safety issues that they're seeing now and those are things that we can add onto our list to kind of address in the future yeah and I I think I'm okay with um doing something where people can report issues with public infrastructure I I want to be careful about private property because then we're getting into code enforcement and people can't make Anonymous code enforcement complaints so uh but I think we could do something related to like if there's something wrong with your street or a street tree uh we could probably figure something out I think there's a what is it um c clicket c click fix C click fix Maybe make sure that people are aware that that resource is available because everybody's looking around their properties right now everybody in eustus went walked around to see what their trees were looking like and if they're okay they probably left them alone but if they're thinking maybe one I need to take care of it now would be a good time to capture that information Citywide from people um and you know thanks again to the public safety offers staff uh Public Works the linemen the was crews are working around the clock and the residents that we have here um the Eustace High boys golf team won the Lake County cup for the very first time that cup has been there since 1998 and it's the first year that Eustace has won so congrats to the Eustace High Golf the boys golf team um I walked the Eustace Lake Shore with an FWC biologist this week and she identified several areas of concern talked about that with staff that it needs to be addressed um and we can do some of that in partnership with FWC and with Lake County um there's some grant money that is available to us to to replant some of our native Landscaping along that Shoreline um staff's pretty much already kind of reached out to them to kind of set up some meeting but overall as a city I wanted to report that we are doing a great job maintaining the Waterfront and encouraging a lot of the native plants and wild wildlife she was really impressed with how well Public Works has taken care of our entire shoreline too and I don't know if y'all have gone out there and looked at it but they have mulched most of the trees along our Shoreline all the way even past the community center from faen Park I mean they have really been working hard and my very last one is eus PD is doing a Toys for Tots run so they drop off you can drop off at the eustus police department until December 6 if you got any sort of new unwrapped toys you can bring it to the PD and they will take it into toys for Dots Station 22 also is doing a Toys for Tots drop off in addition the library also has a toys for tot's drop off December 6 for both of y'all December 6 Swanson all the same they all get picked up December so bring your toys in please the 22nd of December is Shop with a cop yes awesome and always got to one up the fire department all right Vice May that's all I've got thank you vice mayor yeah I was wondering Tom how will it be or what information do we have coming up about the uh Redevelopment and partners that the that we've selected to work on the project and some information on it have yeah so we uh we've actually been in contact with them uh over the last uh few weeks uh back and forth with some draft agreements um kind of the so the master plan is wrapping up the next step is to do um what I'm calling a pre-development agreement uh because a development agreement requires a lot more detail you know we working with Sasha on a development agreement and it included things like how much open space will the project have and how many parking spaces and we're just not there yet um so we're working on a pre-development agreement uh and we're going back and forth with them I think are we trying to meet with them next week Al is that right yes uh so we're working on it um and then obviously we have the master plan um community meeting on November 14th but we're we're actively working on an an agreement with our development partner so we'll hear more about it on the 14th uh potentially before that I don't think we'll have an agreement scheduled on the 7th yeah I just want to know what kind of progress we're making with them yes we're making some progress and then the other thing is Clifford house um I want to um to thank them the events Department they're working on tours and they're really working on the inside and Miranda could tell you more um but also at night I don't know if you've driven by the new lighting that's there it's beautiful and then we're going to proceed with putting in the plants so we're going to see a an entirely new um uh program and look to the to the Clifford house we also are working on with through American Bloom we're going to and we've got downtown businesses who are who are um uh wanting to get involved and we're going to have Planters and uh dirt to them and then they put in the plants and keep them watered and maintained them so that's coming um also but please look at Clifford house at night it's just very pretty we got bat houses that has been put up and there's evidence of bats being there because there's some uh droppings all around so we know that we have and um that's I have um yes that's it that's it I think they know how you get rid of bugs really you put the bats in there and they eat those BL we have fat bats because they'll have all those blind mosquitoes the purpose of it we're going to need bigger bat boxes Tom yes um so um mentioned uh Master community meeting that's uh Thursday November 14th at 5:30 p.m. at the Women's Club um also mentioned Our Land Development regulation Workshop uh that is Thursday November 7th prior to the city commission meeting that's 4:30 pm here at the commission Chambers uh we did 4:30 because we weren't sure if an hour would be enough so um just uh for informational purposes um we did um we have a replacement of some playground equipment at Carver Park planed um we weren't sure if what we had budgeted was going to be enough so we have applied for a fur deep grant for Carver Park playground equipment uh more to come on that hopefully uh Florida Redevelopment association meeting is next week uh I think um couple Commissioners are um Tanya Wilder was here earlier she's going as the CRA board rep uh and some staff so that's next week um one thing I wanted to ask uh the commission I think I may have talked to um a couple of you about this uh December meeting schedule uh right now we are uh meeting the 1 and third thir uh that third Thursday is December 19th uh which is going to be I think a little too close to the holidays and so what I would propose is consolidating the two meetings in December into one meeting on the second Thursday uh which would be uh the 12th so rather than 19th we would have just one meeting on the 12th uh it gets us uh a little bit away from the holidays but two um our commission packet for the fifth would be do the week of Thanksgiving and that's a difficult week to get a p because it's a short week uh and so that would give us an extra week to get our packet out for the 12th uh if that's acceptable to the city commission you got it okay all right um and then uh finally uh I just want to thank everybody the commission said some very kind words and I appreciate that uh but it's really the team that gets everything done whether it's um storm prep storm response storm aftermath or anything that uh I I do as city manager uh none of it works without the great team that we have and so um it also doesn't work without the commission's support so thank you all for the support and the resources you give us uh and thank you to the team that uh makes me look good so thank you everyone Sasha no report nothing Well since our last meeting we had uh the vice mayor celebrated a birthday so happy birthday to you thank you and I'm glad I'm not the oldest one up here because uh somebody else is celebrating a birthday today and happy birthday to commissioner Hawkins I was hoping I'd just slide by and also so close Al happy birthday to you as well my friend you have a shared birthday so you know we live in a great City and uh After the Storm early Thursday morning I got to go out with Chief Capri and right around neighborhoods got out and talked to Residents and um it really showed usess coming together people were actually happy to see us and um they they they were engaged not only were they engaged with us but they were helping each other and that's the brand of a city and I'm I'm very proud of of that and what I saw that day we just need to remember that as we go through the year da yes we need to love each other it's okay to disagree because we don't always agree up here but at the end of the day we love each other and we move on so I wish our community could learn that um because we are one of the best cities in the state of Florida I promise you that so what's that okay all right I think I'm on vacation I'm going with you one quick