e e e e e good evening everyone welcome to eustus City Hall it is Thursday March the 7th 2024 at 6: PM this is a regular meeting of the eusta city commission at this time if you would like to join us in an invocation or a moment of silence and the pledge please rise amen commissioner Hawkins please join me in the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you officially call our meeting to order is there a proper is there a quum president a proper notice been given yes mayor thank you so much uh commission is there an agenda update Bill there are not thank you so much coming now to approval of minutes we have our minutes from our February 15 2024 City commission meeting so move thank you we have a first and a second any more discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I mayor Holland hi next we come down to presentations we're going to start with the eustus Police Department K9 retirement Chief Capri Aion tonight we have a retirement ceremony for one of our police K so may is one of our K units very effective can sees a lot of Narcotics weapons off the streets of the city of us made the city a lot safe but in time we all got to retire so she's done an amazing job her hand in has done an amazing job so today we're going to let her retire with full police honors and these police offic these dogs are considered police officers so you if you arm a police dog it's the same as hitting police officer same charges so police force any kind of Police Service so uh you want to talk a littleit may tell some the accomplishment she done we got yeah so this is something we we put together for Maya uh so in Maya's career uh she's deployed 418 times between 2020 and this year um she located approximately 18 and a half pounds of believable narcotics 34 firearms and $15,000 in US currency wow wow she'll now to go home in retir with f Cortez's family and be a part of that family when the dogs retire we stay with the handlers and their families because those dogs become a part of the family so we don't want to break up that family unit so police thoughts canines are amazing we have two others and we're looking at replacing some canines down the road too to get some more dos it's a great tool what would take a human being six or eight hours to search a dog can do about 20 minutes that being said we'll take a picture May guys want come up let's do let us GA in Victor I just like to say while we're getting ready for the picture those dogs are only as good as their handlers thank you for all that you do as well appreciate [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] it congratulations thank [Applause] you our next presentation is from our friends at Advent Health Community Clinic upd dat so I'm going to turn it over to you guys AEL it is nice to have you here with us thank you thank you mayor and thank you all for for having us over um my name is Abel Berry I serve as president CEO of admin Health Waterman I have the Good Fortune of being in that role for about six uh plus years but I've had various roles for about 10 in this community um and uh just delighted delighted to be here I also want to thank um council members Hawkins and and Ashcraft for visiting our our uh Free Clinic Primary Care Clinic uh few months ago I believe and um so that is what led us to to to this to this meeting so um much of the time I'm going to to relinquish to my colleague to kind of share some of the information you asked us to to to to share with uh with the community um we do a lot of things that at times uh we're we're not always sharing and I think that was the that was the eye opening moment for us when you visited um and we shared with you and like we we actually need to have this conversation uh a lot but just thought it was a good opportunity to share just a quick bit about our organization um one thing that I'm just really incredibly um impressed by is is for those of you who may not know our we we had our humble be Beginnings start here under the shadows of this very building right 1938 um and yeah so we've been in this community continuously for um you know coming up 90 90 years and going on so um we are woven into the fabric of this community and it is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to to serve uh to serve here uh obviously as organizations grow and develop we we uh evolve to be able to provide the kind of care we we need to and we've been part of the Advent health system or Adventist Health System previously since 1992 uh now the organization continues to grow we're in nine states over 50 some odd hospitals 93,000 employees across uh but localized care uh in which uh the the the essence of an entity is actually dissolved to to fit into the market we serve um we provide broad spectrum of services from open heart to oncology care to Orthopedics and Spine Care general surgery and as of last year we've also been able to bring um neurosurgery to this community um so we we really are covering a lot of territory robotic surgery is something we also introduced into the market um about a year and a half ago and and that continues to grow uh but we really are local local partners and if I if I may be permitted a slight dig we also know the difference between Eustace and Mount Dora thank you thank you I like too soon you we appreciate that I will let you explain to the audience that that is baffled a little bit um so two two quick things first one is that um we recognize in the in the healthc care market today um we are very uh expensive the pro the process and the the process of providing care is is fast outstripping a lot of things and and we recognize also that a lot of um to a large extent bankruptcies often are associated with people who've had to seek care and were unable to to provide with that um boiling the ocean is something we we cannot do but we do try and figure out how we interact uh with our community in serving those who are underserved or those who are unable to access it via Insurance uh which is what brought us brought us together so we've been running a a free clinic in the community for about 20 years and most people don't don't don't know that um we have looked for ways to uh expand the services it does and and edelyn will will touch a little bit on that uh we are looking for ways to expand not just the services within the Primary Care Clinic but how do we build in connection points with Specialists who are um who often obviously are either too busy or are unable to provide those care for the for the uninsured um the the level of care we provide in this space is not adequate um for the level of need that the uninsured have uh it is a start and it is one we continue to build on um but I while I recognize um we we have a commitment to this community uh and we're doing our part to try and enhance some of this care for the uninsured I don't want to pretend uh nor for us to all collectively think oh great job Waterman you're doing something it's still not enough uh it's not something we can change but it is something we can get involved in to help mitigate so uh what you have in our organiz ation is is um group of people that see our role as enhancing what you do as enhancing what the community does uh when you come to us um it is not because you want to it's because you need to and so the idea that we are the face of the community is not something that is appealing to me or to to us as an organization we are a safety net so that you come receive the care you need and then you're going back to your businesses you're running your business you're running your community you're running your schools all those things that are necessary healthc care is a a resort of a last resort of of of of some kind so we are here to uplift and to support and so to the extent that we can continue to work with the city um to help uh address some of these issues social determinance of Health as well as providing access to those that need it uh we we stand ready to do that thank you for the opportunity to speak before you it's it's an honor uh this is like visiting a place of our birth so so uh it is uh it is great to be here so with that and with your permission I would turn it over to my colleague but if you have any questions from me i' I'd be happy to address them okay I would just like to say one thing my mother um about last August September had a stroke and you all gave her the best medical attention that anybody could ask for it was second to none and she subsequently passed in October but I will tell you everything was spoton and amazing and I just want to say thank you again sorry for your loss thank you for sharing able thank you so much we'll turn it over to your team thank you appreciate it sir thank you so much for having us and again for commissioner Ashcraft and commissioner Hawkins thank you for touring the clinic and I welcome um the rest of you to please um visit our Clinic as we're happy to provide you a tour as well and and this will go into a little detail about our clinic but um first and foremost I'm I'm just going to allow one of your actual residents um of Eustace um speak she's a Clinic patient current Clinic patient and she'll speak a little bit about the care she's received at her Clinic I was diagnosed with breast cancer and without the clinic I wouldn't have known that well thank you for your store thank you for your time in the hospital for a really bad kidney infection and then um the hospital had given me the name of the clinic cuz I knew absolutely nothing about it so um I started coming and then I went for mamogram and found out I had breast cancer so they sent me and had my biopsy and it was all very quickly done and I'm highly impressed with that because usually it takes a little bit but within diagnosis to my surgery to radiation was probably 3 months it was all done within yeah about 3 months it was everything was done and every year I go back for my mammogram and I'm clean ble of health so far knock on wood keeps going that way what makes you smile about the clinic they're like family so it's you know they're if like not for them I don't know where I'd be yep so it's a beautiful testimony to the work that we're doing at the clinic and our team of caregivers um I've left copies with Christine to share of her story for you to read a little further on that um she is still current a Clinic patient but what I share and what Able's already spoken to is that we are a safety net the majority of our patients we are there for them at their biggest time of need and we help them even to then move on and then get insurance and then continue the work and be active members of our community so um I I do hope you'll read that and we're we're blessed to to provide the care and still be in eust so our Clinic is located right across from Lake Tech um we have been around since actually the year 2000 and we provide care to the uninsured residents of Northeast Lake County that are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level so for an individual one person that equates to roughly around $30,000 uh a year um 95% of our Clinic patients actually make half of that which is at or below 100% of the federal paria level um and then the typical diagnoses you'll see there are what a regular Primary Care office would treat um our patients once identified um whether that's at the hospital or a Walkin come in qualify through uh documenting this and showing us evidence that they live in our area and we're able to provide them primary care and access to the care needed to keep them away from um having to revisit the hospital um we've had a little over 1290 visits this last year that's an 88% increase in the past year um um 33% of our patients are from Eustace and um we've provided 300 specialist referrals in the last year and over 1 million in medication assistance for prescription assistance um and what that is is we work with our Clinic patients to establish them through pharmaceutical um opportunities to get medications it's a free 90day supply of medications that traditionally is the hardship that patients experience they get the care that they need in the ER they get discharged they get a script but they can't fill it because they don't have the money and so when they come to our Clinic they have the majority of the medications are covered for free through this pharmaceutical um participation that we uh function through and then this past year we received an appropriation uh we're blessed with Senator Baxley and representative trow support um to have helped sponsor this for us and we did receive this and they'll speak a little bit more about how that's continue to benefit our community patients so as far as Community statistics um the the numbers are just there two out of 10 in our community are essentially uninsured and and need care and need access to care um we are designated a um medically underserved Community for lwi income we're actually also identified as a mental health and dental underserved Community as well as well as for Primary Care and if you go to the USDA you'll see that even in Eustace and u m Dora good chunk of Northeast Lake County we are a food desert and you know we I'm appreciative of the work with Lake cares and and the Partnerships we have with the community and how we navigate our patients to those access points and so and as you saw in the video we did have representative trunell tour our clinic and he did did meet with several of our community uh patients and past patients but you'll see that our appropriation allows us for a nurse and a licensed social worker to be boots on the ground they identify patients that are uninsured they visit them at their home and help hold their hand through the process with Medicaid unwinding one of the difficulties is going through that process the paperwork they most of them don't have access to an email account computers so our team really takes that time and holds their hand to get them qualified whether it's at our clinic St Luke's or any other resource the wi Clinic um in the area and so it it takes a village it's a collaborative effort while we provide primary care and there is um there are gaps in that care it's not perfect um there are services that are currently not available in our area we do extend those resources and we work with our community members including the hospital which we are a part of for the care that these patients receive question any questions from the commission I would like to thank you for all that you all do um and AEL thank you for remembering that the start of that hospital was here in this community and thanks for remembering eustus when it comes to funding events things like that um there are other hospitals that have moved into the area and seem seem to not really remember where they're at um so uh we appreciate you and from the very humble beginnings in this open field next door that's right um to what you have grown into um it's it's amazing um so we appreciate Advent health and all that you do for our community thank you all so much it is an honor I appreciate the leadership that sits here um before me for the interest in working with us to further share the information that we are here to care for our community thank you thank you would you mind sending us that uh presentation so that we have it you have it you got it thank you K able yes sir yeah May alsoa so I think the the recognition what you what you just heard from from elyn is what we're doing in the healthc care space but but we're also looking at um food pantries uh looking at um day shelters so we're involved in various parts of this work because we recognize that's the same population that is that is going in between these spaces and a lot of it is even though there are at times resources available for this group navigating to access that is incredibly difficult yes um and we have processes set and this is not unique to us here but whether they're federal or state programs they generally tend to have a level of complexity built in on the front end to make it virtually impossible for the very same people it's designed to access so some of the work that is happening is to create simplif you know simplification on the front end so they can access the services are rightly designated for them and so um you know we are we are not there and I and I part of my hesitancy as I shared with you gentleman uh councilman when you visited is that this feels like hey look at us look at us and that's not it at all uh it it truly isn't it is it is it is it is Our obligation and commitment to the place where we serve um and so this is this is just family trying to take care of of family and so we're looking broadly around what other areas are is this population tapping into for survival and can we then connect the dots and can and create a better path for them to then have have that safety net and then help them transition to a more permanent scenario so that's working on we're here for you we're here as a partner every one of us up here took a an oath to protect our citizens and working with you were able to do that so if you need our help working with the state legislature going through the Florida League of cities whatever we need to do we're here for you likewise thank you sir thank you very much thank you I have to say Abel Abel you I I have to say that in the last six seven months I've met with him three times a CEO of a hospital very accessible you know accessible uh and and when commissioner Ashcraft and I you know toured you know one thing I noticed they had you know patients coming in but they they treated them with dignity you know and you know kudos to you guys I know you don't want hurah hurah but hurah great job thanks thank you all thank you for everything next we're going to come down to update from Hansel Rodriguez uh for the city Commission on uh 44 of Sharps LLC um through the next couple we are not going to have any audience feedback during this part if you want to speak to Hansel or any of the other next people that speak you can do that outside of the chamber if you want to address the commission on something there's a section on audience to be heard you can address the commission at that time Hansel thank you for coming back to see us appreciate that well that's going to be tough to beat he's in a he's in a much uh an incredible business um anyway I so mayor to your point and Commissioners City attorney I know there's a new city manager and nice to meet you temporary oh okay so it's only been a couple months but nice to meet you um as as uh you know as I said in my email and I tried my best to respond as quickly as I could you know offering a zoom call with each of you if that was the best way to get in touch um I just wanted to promise to come back uh to answer questions be responsive um you know I feel like we've come a long way since uh our discussion under a much different you know very different situation um we've now met all these obligations there's only one little thing I think Sasha that you and Jessica have been communicating on relating to a seaw wall but um it feels like things are a lot better um so but I did you know no agenda whatsoever truly wanted to open myself up for all of you um do um you know I I know there was some concerns that were brought up and we did respond to that as quickly as we could wanted to get the information in front of you um what I personally will not do is in standard practice in Property Management you do run into issues where you'll be in an eviction you'll be in uh some type of settlement negotiation with residents you know it is my job to stay out of that that's something that I don't want to say something that may offend somebody or vice versa or misrepresent the company in terms of of those management specific items so for that portion of it if you have questions I'll defer to Danielle who runs our operations is here um Jennifer as well Robert Roode our community manager is here as well so if there's specifics there if you don't mind me just deferring to them on those issues um you know but otherwise I'm here for you I just wanted to make sure I was here in person and not over the Internet so um and again I I also want to remember how different the circumstances were when when I came to you 3 to 6 months ago and how willing you were to give me a break and the company a break to be able to resolve these things as I'm sure you know we all remember we got I think we beat the goal by I think it was like four months so worked really hard to get it all done before Christmas and it was not easy uh but I'm thankful to say that we did it uh not to say anything is over yet there's plenty to do um but but anyway I just wanted to again thank you for that that was a huge um I just felt very grateful after that opportunity so um but that's that's all I've got so I'm I'm here for you all now commission questions for Hansel I want to start yeah I do sure um we we have residents that that have come to the meeting repeatedly yep mhm I mean how how are they being treated by the property manager there and why are they always here every week or every two weeks to talk to us so without getting into specifics right I think the I guess if we if we look back at where we were 12 months ago to where we are today there was an incredible openness from the city to receive the residents on every issue right I think what now we need to do is is from our side kind of grow up a little bit and say hey there are City related issues I.E seaw wall uh you know um issues with roads and things like that code enforcement infractions that we need to resolve and then there's our day-to-day Property Management I think there is a uh maybe a misunderstanding not only between uh even internally before uh on management and also from residents in terms of as you probably already know right I mean how many calls do you get about an eviction case I mean if I told you the amount of eviction cases we could have in a given day in Property Management it's a lot right and so what we've done and like I'm doing here uh you've got we've got an on-site manager that's onsite whenever things with a specific resident get what I consider out of line we actually forbid them from interacting with that Resident we think it's a it's a poor um reflection on a company to do that and so then it goes to layer up so we have our district manager and our head of operations who's literally here too my second in command Danielle prenis and so um you know in certain instances she's been in touch with uh chief of police and other things to make sure we're there for it and so I think it's you know to an extent what Sasha did say hey Hansel we've got some things we're concerned about could you you know could you lean in or something I'm at the very top but there's going to be Danielle that'll be a stone throw away at the property um and we'll we will just like we did here I I will promise you that will always be the case um to the best of our ability right um and and I will say too so with those residents that some of which specifically you're referencing there are active matters and so I think In fairness to them they're probably attempting to leverage that situation in a way that could lead to an outcome um for them so but beyond that I think it's just that open communication so well I mean I I mean we we all will agree up here you have a right to make money I mean you're in the business but our concern is is how how are they being treated well you know again if you want to get into specifics on that I I'll differ to my team on which case but um I would like to believe that we've made especially at sharp specifically an incredible amount of improvement nothing's perfect I I go back to the comment I made this is a 1943 or 1942 year Community it's old uh we repaved the roads we did a bunch of improvements to the tune of almost half a million dollars um you know if there's specific concerns I I you know we can address those but generally speaking I'd like to believe people feel that it's better have you have you reviewed any of the commission videos over the last the most recent one two months and heard some of the concerns that they that they've said outright that they believe certain certain things are happening we did and again you know uh to avoid names we responded all of those uh particularly on the last hearing we could go back one more hearing as well to make sure we we catch those but it's no coincidence that those complaints were related to cases in which we've not only been in some form of litigation with them through a normal eviction but we've offered settlements and they've rejected an attempt to get more money and so um very specifically it comes down to two individuals and so you know like we broke that down responded to each one of that ju Just so you can really break that down and any evidence support you need in and um to to support that welcome to provide you know we actually had an incredible amount of information but to some extent we don't want to bore you with it but I mean they they've made some really serious allegations about about things happening health issues and yeah and others I mean those are understood and and I will say like one of the specific ones right they said that sewer was on the ground do understand if if a line breaks the time it takes to get a plumber can take time and in that specific incident we had a resident that actually caused the damage we we don't want to say intentionally but it's concerning the way that it was done we have um plumber we have uh on-site you know people that were there that would basically verify that um but trust me I mean if it took more than 48 hours it was beyond our control like we were there to respond to it and our man you know Robert Roode is at the property um Danielle is about one and a half hours from here if if that yeah so and then we have an in between district manager that's within a drive away so we're we're doing our best but do understand I think we highlighted I think it was four or five incidents since the last time I was here in relating to sewage and each each time we even highlighted when we were out and when they were addressed who addressed them so to the same extent I mean Property Management I'll tell you there's we we have issues like that all the time it's just they older communities so it's not about how it's not about them happening it's about how quickly do you address them right I think that's what we're trying to be be good at so um but to the specific allegations I mean again I I think any of those points that anybody brings up if they bring it up to management we're going to try to address them uh but you know unfortunately there are there's there's always going to be some incentives at play and some people have have that in certain instances so thank you yeah yeah one of the things I'd like to say is yeah uh when you initially came before us I was probably one of the the biggest critics of of you and sharp understand yeah and I think I tried to hide that um but your response your thorough response is what impressed me everything that they came before you you told us when it was addressed who addressed it and in a timely manner so um so I appreciate that absolutely and it's not just me that's my team too I I've we've spent a lot of time you know making sure we we talked about the turnover beforehand before I got involved I feel very good about our team today um I really do there's it's never perfect but they helped me a lot with that and but like I said you know in that email I just wanted to make sure if one of you wanted to get on a call with me it could happen that day and and I want that to be a permanent thing we want to be here long term you know it's been almost 5 years now um so we'd like that to be a very long time since now and and so that's that's the goal with that and and we hope that that continues that way now just because I said that I'm not letting my guard oh it's I understand that's understood if I may Mr Mayor uh pansel did offer to uh speak to each of you by Zoom but obviously the request was for a physical um absolutely appearance and we didn't want you just just communicate individually with the Commissioners when if this is for the benefit of the public which is why sure that did not happen and um I do appreciate your attorney U Jessica iserman who has still been very involved and very responsive so as part of your team she has um relayed all of this information to you and to um your management team as well and contributed to providing the response that the commission has today as well as your appearance here today and I know you mentioned you wanted to introduce your team so I wanted to give you make sure he had the opportunity do that as well yeah just just only only for the same point that you know uh Gary to your point I I do want to make sure that as we move forward from fire drill to now a long-term partnership with the city that what I'd love to happen is kind of like she Chief Capri has done let us know when we when you feel when he feels that we're missing the boat on something know that that gets to Danielle uh myself even in certain instances the point is we want to hear that from you and then if we fail to address that after you've told us then of course right that's where um I'll be here every quarter if that's what you need of me but I think that's the goal long term is we need to get back to we're running a business and things happen and we we want to have a good partnership and let us handle that take those those hits on those issues um and hopefully bring you as good information as we can on on specific incidents as they happen so about comment yeah I I think just listening to everyone perhaps it's not what is said but how is said and I would encourage you maybe to train your staff in communication and how they treat and how they speak to the people and and sometimes people as we all know are not as engaging as we'd like them to be but when we're serving them we have to have the patience and use the right words and how we talk to them and talk to them and not make the situation worse and I think the training of the staff is so important and who you have communicating with them is very important so that's what I would encourage but I also need to it also needs to be said that it should be on the other side as well should reciprocate it I will say that um I know it's a park from the 40s but you knew that when you bought it oh for sure yeah Absolut that's kind of a move point with me but the other thing is and I don't have a problem communicating I'm very good at that but if you're communicating with your residents then you don't need me to get involved absolutely no and and look like a little more response time that's for me I'd like a little more responsive for sure and and we're working on that and actually Emily to your point um specifically uh that is why you know per my own recommendation and honestly Danielle too whenever the thing is we all get emotional right and so you know especially you think imagine yourself a situation where your neighbors with some of these folks um you could you could have a view of of an issue and somebody else would have a different view it can get animated pretty quickly and so I think what we've done in that specific incident is to say hey we don't want any communication you and that person let's doesn't matter who's right or wrong let's have someone above you to resolve it in amicable matter for the same reason that sometimes I'm advised uh that I'm not allowed to speak on issues because I'm very passionate about what I do right so so I think it's we're kind of retraining ourselves a little bit right to go from fire drill you know fixing a lot of issues to now let's let's focus on this as a long term and train our talent and Danielle can speak to that way better than me she's incredible at that I'm not kidding um so but but anyway but but to your point I mean when it comes to responsiveness I do personally want to know Sasha and I even open myself up to say hey forget about counsel let me know um which isn't normal but you know for the time being if if someone's lacking in response I do want to know about it so we can make sure that this is now in a positive direction as at the end of the day it's your responsibility absolutely and I said that last time absolutely I said that I mean if the guy or the CEO of a hospital system can be here I think I could show up so in all fairness thank you yeah yeah you see how you treats people too actually yeah else no I'm sorry yes that's fine em anything else I'm going to let him introduce this team in just a second what I would like to say again is thank you for being here absolutely you heard me tell the hospital our number one oath that we take when we're sworn in is that we're going to protect and defend our citizens that's why you're back in front of us tonight absolutely please just listen to them yep now that I've said that your Park residents need to listen to you as well right it's a two-way street right there is and I said this in several commission meetings now and no one seems to understand there is only so much that government is going to be able to do for understand you are a private own park right it is up to you to have the right heart and your staff to have the right heart to take care of people absolutely I can't put that in you I'm a funeral director by trade I sit here as the mayor of the city of eustus because I love my community yeah my family's been here for four generations yeah I want people taking care care of that's all I ask you to do y but I need to ask the people that are residents to do the same thing they need to be respectful when they come to you they need to do the right things as well right okay yeah so you've come a long way thank you we're not quite there yet for sure we're working on itos yeah just listen to them and try to treat them with the respect and I'm going to ask them to treat you with the respect as well absolutely okay and unfortunately it falls this way if I don't like where I live yeah and I know times are hard and this is going to come across very harsh times are hard and people are having trouble finding places to live absolutely but if you can't live in your situation get out of it find a way to move on and get out of your situation only you can correct your situation right you can't rely on other people to correct it for you absolutely okay yeah that's all I have would you introduce your staff yeah please I just want you all to know them on a personal level and and so if if you wouldn't mind Danielle would you tell tell everybody what you do when you stand up please Danielle it's nice to be in front of all of you I haven't had the opportunity yet uh my name is Danielle Apprentice I am the director for operations I oversee this one um here in Eustace which is lovely um amongst many other communities Nationwide I've been in this industry for well over a decade um before that and actually during that I also have tons of experience in Human Resources so our team is being trained on customer service and as well as the state laws and we're working together as a team to hopefully grow the community for better you welcome thank you hi everyone my name is Jennifer I came on board about three weeks ago as a district manager of North Florida so nice to meet you all thank you I'll Overlook the shirt so but that's at least Danielle's got the right color my name is Robert rude um I've been the park manager for about nine months there now I went through this whole process with them and I'm doing the best I can for I just want you guys to know that okay all right um so and and I guess uh to just quick things to add so Danielle especially so she oversees all operations um the the she she's very humble but in all seriousness she's an incredible trainer trains me honestly uh also huge Human Resources background so to your point on training that is you know the probably the missing gap of us as a smaller younger company um and so uh well to speak specifically we're actually building training programs internally around some of the things that we lived here um things as simple as well not to get into too much detail but the point is that you know I I do um I I actually feel very good about her background to be someone who's uh capable incredibly capable local responsive but more than anything has that HR mindset um to make sure that hey like you know to the point of issues where people may be conflicting like let's you know let's step aside let's somebody else a fresh party get involved and so um you know but please keep me honest if you feel that things uh heat up in any way again and and we'll be around so um thank you again thank you for being here yeah thank you H absolutely thank you right next presentation uh we've got the findings of recommendations of the business incubator facility uh feasibility study and we're going to turn over to Mr Al ler our economic development director so Commissioners uh um on August 4th of 22 you started looking at the idea of an incubator uh at that time um you asked us to while we were beginning to look at the incubator to look at Public Funding for that as well um in order to um um qualify for federal grants either now or later uh they need to know or have an understanding of the need of the community so they matched us 50% on a uh feasibility study to determine the need and that need will determine our ability in the future to get Public Funding um the uh Mark long of um long performance advisors is here to talk about the findings of the study Mark which one uh the the long that's not a good answer that's not a good answer he me long in time it's only 10 slides it's the one that has the tightest slide that say yep there you go mayor Commissioners and uh City officials employees and guests thank you for having me here today my name is Mark long uh to address the previous content my my or comment my father was a Christian Church minister for 66 years and he said no one ever complains about a short sermon so I will keep this brief and to the point this is a synopsis of a comprehensive feasibility study report for Lake County in the city of Eustace a little bit about my background uh I've done over 200 efficiency studies feasibility studies operational studies and management uh evaluations since 2002 I've done many in Florida Port Charlotte Tallahassee uh I've done studies all over the world and all over the United States 48 states and 46 countries uh I've done them for the federal government I've done them for the military about everybody you can think of I've also designed built and constructed such facilities and I've authored seven books on economic development and business incubation uh I am semi- retired my wife says I'm terrible at retirement but I'm semi-retired from the University of Florida which about killed me cuz I went to FSU and I'm here today to praise UCF so it's it's a convoluted system what is a business incubator we had a lot of people surveyed and interviewed that said I don't even know what this is what does it do it is not a building it is not a big warehouse for companies it is programs it has missions goals it provides business coaching counseling assistance uh flexible facilities to adapt to company growth and Company aims and goals and it has to help clients become viable and freestanding in your community to enhance the economic landscape here very simple that's what it is what are the goals for it well startup company companies to help them diversify the Commerce in the region and to improve the economy job creation of course uh per capita income to create what we call churn so that companies grow turn out plant themselves locally create jobs opportunities revenues taxes Etc and then a new company comes in behind them why do incubator programs fail one of my quotes in one of my books that people refer to very often is it's called a business incubator not a business microwave it does not happen overnight Economic Development does not happen overnight I was uh very fortunate to work with Al ladimer and his staff naen and Marissa and they added a lot to the study and helped me achieve this in a very compact amount of time a lot of people select the wrong person you're very fortunate to have Wendy here she does a tremendous job uh launching a program for a community is ready for it not identifying a champion somebody has to pick up that torch and carry it and make this important and last but not least is a Continuum of space for clients they even have this problem at the University of Florida in Gainesville where they have one of the largest incubator systems in the United States it's where do they go after they get bigger they come in with two people they get to five they get to 10 they get to 20 then where do they go well usually you know where they go they go to Orlando they go to Miami they go to Jacksonville you don't want that to happen and we don't want that to happen we performed a feasibility study number one to find out do you need this is there enough deal flow here to justify the fact that there's going to be enough churn to sustain it let me say say one thing and make it very clear and this is a n National Standard 97% of the 3,000 plus incubators in the United States do not make money they don't even break even they don't even come close to breaking even they require a constant subsidy from municipalities universities or private concerns to keep moving and grooving that's the way it works so is there enough organizational support County you guys Lake county is really fortunate believe me I'm doing a study right now in hoton Michigan you know I was happy to come here I was not happy that's way up at the top of the up up here I think it was 12 there today but I'm a Florida boy I I I said do you have the support they don't have organizations like lead like Lake 100 like all of those groups working together to advance the economy government commitment is a big thing who's behind it and are the citizens aware of the project and its impact well let's look at the things we found number one we found out as I said there is promise and potential here in Lake County there are people that want to form companies there are people that want to grow an Enterprise They want to own their own franchise they want to make more places to eat more places to go more places to sell that's a good thing there as I said there's a large large number of organizations working together and the current Mega workplace incubator and partnership the city of usce has with the University of Central Florida is tremendous it adds a lot to the area it's different uh less than 5% of the incubators across the United States are true uh non-university public private Partnerships that helps but what are the concerns well you probably already know these there's not a lot of cap capital investment dollars here that's a problem in Florida same thing in Gainesville and same thing in Tallahassee most of the Capitals in Miami for Lauderdale Jacksonville and Orlando and Tampa that's where the capital is available real estate but the big thing to us was lack of local awareness as I said a lot of people said incubator what's you know chickens eggs no no no no it's a little different we're doing something different here and there there is some concern about inter agency cooperation you know does Lake 100 know what lead does know what the city of Groveland Economic Development does knows what the City of Claremont does uh there needs to be a better coordinated effort so what's our final recommendation I promised you this would be brief and it is we don't recommend you move forward with a separate Standalone incubator that you would have to build you would have to pay at least half for you would have to support over the next years support what's here don't reinvent the wheel uh we do recommend that you can support it by working on a Seed Accelerator program with starter Studio out of Orlando in coordination with UCF work on building more people to be interested in forming companies helping them have an office or a co-working space where they can drop in and get started and then feed in into the incubator feed into the mega workplace to continue the churn in Eustace until you need two three four incubators you need more space again this is a Time wave thing of probably somewhere between two and five years that's the way it works so number one build community awareness have someone designated to go out and educate the community uh they're doing a great job with the one Million Cups program at the mega workplace UCF is going around trying to coordinate more with Local Economic and Regional Economic Development officials and agencies uh work take advantage of what's here as I said all those organizations and UCF in the mega workplace uh either purchase Lots in a starter space program or work with UCF to develop sort of an accelerator so people who do have interest are shephered through those next steps to really start something here and the the uh Economic Development Department should co-host events with entrepreneurs and have an annual event to attract funders because let's face it it all works on money when you get down to the bottom of it you know the average business can be started with less than $25,000 so we we need to attract more Capital here to Central Florida I live about 25 minutes from here uh I would much rather live on the lake actually but uh I I am working with a lot of communities in Central Florida to bring in that money bring in those investors you should have an annual event here to do so uh in in summary and here's some timelines I won't read them to you but you can look them over there is potential in Eustace there is potential in Lake County there are people that really want to improve the business environment here take advantage of that take advantage of what you got build awareness build momentum continue to monitor this over the next 18 to 24 months in particular and down the road there I am confident there will be room for expansion of the efforts here collaborate additionally with UCF they they have one of the most well-respected incubator programs in the nation uh they have done this in Florida cities the same size as here they've done it uh in in Sanford and apaka they've done it in St Cloud in casmi and lots of places so cooperate with them look at this hybrid approach and estimate how many people are going to need it and keep tracking those metrics how many jobs are produced how many companies are coming out how many people have expressed an interest in a program like this like I said I am retired but I'm 25 minutes away and I'd like to see nothing more than this area continue to grow thank you very much and I'll be happy to answer any questions any questions mark um what I there's no action required from the commission on this tonight but however I would like to ask uh that this commission consider going ahead directing Al and his Economic Development staff to follow the recommendations and and work closely with our incubator that we have right now to enhance what we do have and to be able to grow that into the program that we know that it can be uh Gary you good y that was the goal all along right what's that that was the goal all along still good y willly all right Al you've got uh the commission Wan you to move ahead work with the group that's there there a great bunch of people sitting behind you so thank you thank you thank you is it possible we can get a copy of that report yes yeah you will get aop of complete report aage at the beginning of the report is9 thank you yeah Mark your dad would be proud well s here think next we going go to Clifford house Historical Museum Landscaping and Gardening uh design Rick Garrick thank you Rick welcome thank you two minutes yeah start the buzzer my sermons aren't that short either so yeah uh Rick Eric Public Works director and all right so back in December I came up with conceptual ideas about doing the Clifford house grounds improvements and we brought that to y'all um under resolution 23104 um in there we made a promise to bring in a conceptual site plan of the beds once we had the planning material done before we moved on to that phase well we're there so um I want to share with you that but then also we've heard a lot I know there's been a lot of communication back and forth things are happening it's starting to take shape out there so give you a heads up of what we're doing what the time frame is what we're looking at how our budget is and what we're adjusting and the work Scopes um and then just also some other work that we're doing out there um at the Clifford house getting ready to get the museum open again so back in December uh we brought the resolution to y'all and we made the budget amendment uh for the 100,000 to do the work um as we started looking and getting into the design couple time constraints that we were working around one is we didn't um start work until after George Fest because there was some events coming up and then also we have a goal of finishing in May for the opening of the museum so um we've been moving looking at that and decided it's going to be best if we break this into two phases um still be under the same scope that also not only gets us done we could potentially get done with everything by May 1st but also some grant opportunities came up so as far as meeting the grants we decided we're going to go through and do a couple different phases on the work um we got started the Monday after George Fest on the phase one and we've been at it ever since and we're coordinating work with some other folks at we'll talk about as as we go through but I had promised that I would bring through the design um of what we're doing with the beds around uh the house itself and this is kind of something that I think it it kind of gives us a feel to look and you can see what it is uh we try there's a Florida wildf flower Grant so we they require Florida native species not Florida friendly but Florida native we tried to hit that our landscape architect said we got to put some aelas in front of that building and get the pop and you look at CLI it it's kind of screaming for his alas out in the front that is not a a Florida native it is Florida friendly um but it was taken off Florida native list so it doesn't qualify we'll look at that for phase to but the majority of these are Florida native species um what that does that a allows us to not have to irrigate as much it's not as high maintenance it's they're a little hardier plant for the heat um with the conditions we had again uh our architect didn't feel like he could get the pop we needed in the front with the shade and everything so that's why we we opted out for that so that is a game plan of what we're doing um as far as the the first phase of work and bringing in and the the plan of of the material that we're going to be using out there so where we are on the budget um again you know when I when I did that estimate it was it was conceptual we didn't really know what we were doing out there we didn't have counts we didn't have design it was just kind of a vision in my head and what I kind of tried to share with y'all as we went through and did this um so we had looked at 20,000 for the architect he came in at 183 the tree removal um originally was like 26 Grand I wanted to save a lot more trees what they were going to take when we got out there with the arborist trees that I thought were healthy he pointed out otherwise and he goes if you're going to open this up and have people walking around they have to come out and kind of showed voids that my eyes didn't see so we've taken a lot out um some of the trees are like the two big hickories out at the Pavilion we still have to clean those up yet we're keeping those um but we do got to get them cleaned up and and get a better printing on them uh TR the fence removal we pulled out um actually you know we we took that old uh galvanized chain link fence out um there was not a historical significance to that um I talked to one of the old Proprietors in museum said yeah they bought it a and like the 80s um and it just we took it to salvage and that's what we do and I know there were some concerns that brought up we don't let people take stuff we can't if we if we give somebody something it falls off the back of a pickup truck on their way of taking it or they get hit doing something that's just something we don't we don't ever do at public work so we take it to salvage and if we think we can reuse it we're going to reuse it um if if I ever reuse that type material y'all need to fire me because it was it was a mess it needed to come out and the day we tore it out it made such a difference to that site it really opened it up so on our first phase we're a little bit under budget don't get excited phase two's coming so um yesterday I got the construction plans real hard to see that say zooming in a little bit this is the overall plan for the for the property um since the original estimate that I gave you we're looking we've got some savings I think we can still get some more buy uh buy down savings on the second phase but we're looking at adding in that um walkway and then also put sight lighting to the walkway as well um I think that's going to help a lot I know there was some safety concerns um we get some light in there we're not going to use de lights we'll use more pedestrian type light space in the frost and and put some Led in there and I think we can really get some pop for that um the little pollinator like the little squiggly looking beds on the above the sidewalk toward the west side of the project um that's where we're going to work with Florida Wildflower so he looked at the areas and we're going to go in with some pollinators be it honeybees or um I what are the little the little hummingbirds and that type of stuff so we can do something put some signage in the walkway is significant is we're going to tie that in to each of the exits off of the lakewalk you one comes out in front of the community center you can get tied into this this will come through where you used to have a fence and it was very uninviting now that's going to bring you in we're going to put some benches along there um put the pollinator beds be able to walk through and just get a lot more use I think out of that property there so looking ahead and and the phase one you what I had budgeted what we have actual uh the bed plannings uh that estimate came off our from our architect so I had figured 10,000 he's saying it's 8,500 actually he said it was like 7,900 but I think by the time we do it and the irrigation we got to do we're looking more like 8,500 I don't want to short it um but then as we get into phase two the Furnishings I think are solid I've got a quote that will piggy back on there putting the benches in so that number is good we had figured 30,000 for the the new trees we're going to put some new trees in some Live Oaks and some Magnolias um the estimate we have now is 223 so we're a little under the sidewalk um I priced out is $7,200 Public Works will put that sidewalk in so that's basically concrete anding um not contractor pricing you're not going to get that in at 7200 um and then the sight lighting is 1,800 uh the fountain and the windmill we've got the windmill fixed 18,000 ,000 or 1800 18,000 okay what did I say 1800 1800 that'd be good but I don't think I'm good but I that good um we'll be out there with candles um the the windmill we fixed a windmill already it's spinning good so we got that going and we got some ideas for a fountain and I got 7500 in there but we got some ideas and I than Greg dobins and myself have got a good game plan and we're maybe going to build that inhouse and design that and get the look that we want as if that windmill was actually working and pumping water nice and it'll be kind of fun for us just as like a little engineering project to do but I think we can get something much nicer than what we're able to buy as a package outfit I just one have one thing when you talked about the Magnolias mhm they're beautiful but at the end of the day they're messy with that same stock Center that hard just like the hickory trees is just a little thought you know when they shoot out from the mower hits the leg it it hurts harder though that looks like water just a thought yes ma'am all right um there is a typo on here it was not 97 it was 99 750 but putting a sidewalk in putting a sight lightings on I'm about 8,000 over as I see it now um I'm thinking the wio we got done for next to nothing the fountain if it cost US a, dollars to do what I want so I'd be surprised I think we're going to be able to build it's going to be nice and get the flow we want and I kind of share with Emily some ideas that I was thinking about um but we're going to see what we can do there so I'm thinking we can kick that down and when we buy it down I can get that 108 down to 100 um also we do have some grant opportunities so T-Mobile goes in you have to be shovel ready which we are now um that goes in the end of this month so we've already naen I'm working with naen on that she's looking at getting that um filled out I've got to give her pending this meeting today give her some direction on that but I think we're going to be good to be able to submit into that uh Florida wildfower should be able to they can come up we'll ask for their help with the design because they kind of wanted to design those pollinator beds and we're going to ask them for the money for that so that if we get that that should bring us down and uh waste management is Promised as 25 did we look at the uh the Department of Environmental Protection as well they have grant money for a store hes we are looking at one I don't I I'll I know it's I know we're looking at one that's that was for the building for inside the building okay so but where we're at so we kind of pulled that phase two the sidewalk and those plannings ideally for us when we're pouring sidewalk in a month or so it would be let's Pour That Sidewalk out while we're going we're going to have to wait because T-Mobile once shovel ready to submit we can't start work ahead of time so so we're going to push off I have heard that they award by the end of May if that's the case we need to get those plantings in super quick otherwise we're planting in July and August and that's not what we want to do no so so that's the improvements we've got some other stuff going just with the Clifford house itself that I want to share with you um one the painting we scrambled with the painting and getting the uh you know the Rusted nails and stuff so that work is all going in we have already demolished all the beds so we've ripped everything out of the beds we Monday we should have the painters on board we had a little hiccup getting the paint for them but we're good we got that uh purchase order ready we should be picking the paint up either tomorrow or for a thing Monday so the painter's going to come in they're painting in the Clifford house the Citrus Museum and the Pavilion so they're going to paint it all we've got some wood Rock we got to get in there and do and uh it was brought to my attention that potentially we may have some termite issues so I'm gonna get Massie out there tomorrow morning and just have them do a termite inspection because we need that hopefully it's old damage but boy we would be remiss and not having them come out at this point before we're getting into all this work uh later tonight you all hear the resolution I think it's on sent for the roof um so if that roof uh purchase gets approved we're looking at moving with that I know there is a historic preservation meeting set because we're changing the material it's calite roof which is asbest containing material so we're doing the abatement getting that off and then we're going back in with the metal roof that should fit that Mo get a standing seam roof that we're going to do will it cost more to remove asbestos i' tell you the number I had in my budget was about 10 times what it actually cost us I my abatement stuff that I've done in the past has been super expensive we got a really great price it's quality they're doing the right job they're disposing of it not only that but Eustace Roofing who's our continuing roofer kind of our go-to guys and we have a contract with them they've agreed to take this firm that bid it and run under their contract as a sub because once they strip it they strip everything and we got to get a roof on it so if that's me coordinating I got fingers back and forth as somebody's late we've rolled that to them as a sub and they they agreed to do it without a markup which is Stella because I to me they had at least a 5% markup coming there like don't worry about it we'll do this so that was really cool um so that is happening if it can move fast enough and the materials there we may have the roof done before we plant it was not the intent the the roof was next but I got but if we can do that man we we got to try to do that um the mural that used to be on the doors of the Citrus Museum that material is rotted you know there was a lot rotted so we've pulled that mural we've uh reached out to a local artist and we've commissioned her to come up to a new do a new mural um one thing was you just want to restore that and she can't find the original artist she's been trying um it was a teacher in the 90s has since moved on can't reach him and it's kind of like that taboo thing for an artist to redo another artist's work they just don't do that so we have removed that mural um met yesterday with her walked her through the Museum she's going to come up with some ideas do a rendering and then send it into us and and just in talking I think it's going to be cool it's going to be different but it ought to be very nice that mural um see if y'all have interest in it we can restore it and she can restore it to a point just to keep the wood from rotten out more and kind of put a sealer in there and we could actually install that on the wall of the Citrus Museum so like where those doors are now when if you were to open those doors you see a glass sliding door when you're in the museum everything is so old and then you see these sliding doors yeah it's not a great look and they're non functional my thing what I'd like to do is have her look at getting that restored we can mount that on the inside so it's out of the elements and I think that could be that could be kind of cool to do so great and then lastly we have the cannon and I don't know if you noticed back on the the the cover when you look at that aerial and let me just pop back there because we shot this with our drone but what do your eyes go to right Canon Canon you know you see the cannon um there was not historical significance with that museum with the Canon the Canon was out at the legion the legion went away Canon went over to the museum which is kind of what happens with that museum a lot but it doesn't really fit um so what do we do you know I know there's um a lot of people like the cannon I you know agree I thought it looked great out at the legion I don't think it fits there also you look at the rot of the wood that was restored 10 years ago that was it it's only been like 10 years um judge wel paid for that to be done yeah yeah and I'm going to reach out and see if we can find out who did it but I'm thinking that needs to get moved and I'm kind of looking to see yall's thoughts and yeah we talked about maybe putting it out in front of City Hall yeah I don't know out at the Armory and then I came up with a really good idea and talked it out a little bit I want to share with you all and see what your thoughts are um we are in design right now and we're moving along pretty far with doing a Veterans Memorial at the cemetery we're doing a lot of pavers a pretty good area it's going to be like a 50ft long walk and a 50ft long walk and then some circular pavers we're doing monuments lighting we could make that work out there and I think it could be nice we can put a plaque of the significance and the time frame it's kind of World War I um so you see if I can find out some history so just kind of wanted to get your feelings on what your thoughts are about that and other than that we're moving forward I'll take any input y'all have are you good with the conceptual um we want to get cranking get this done at least the first phase um you know get that set by May and then uh finish the rest out hope hopefully by the end of May we're we're back into phase two and getting that going so I'd like to see it done by then at least by May because American Bloom I mean I I won't go this year but I know you guys are going and it that's a that's a key point for the city of eustus to turn in for that convention yeah it's it's it's important I'm good with uh you're moving forward a couple of things have we since we've taken the fence down what are we doing to address security down there cameras anything um haven't planned on that that's a big concern the fence wasn't um detering any kind of yeah I I you jump you could well it wasn't even jump I could with my little stubby legs I could kind of step over it um and I know we had some issues I can talk with Chief Capri tomorrow we can get some ideas one putting the lighting in there it's going to give all that Lighting in the back yeah and I think that's going to actually help more than hinder that lighting so at least as an officer pulls up either in The Crazy Gator parking they'll be able to see um we're putting some barricade stuff to be able to get people from driving that parking lot in but we're doing Palms we're putting in some sa Pals and spacing them you'll be able to see through it but people won't be able to drive a vehicle back in there and then from the other side we got the curb but they could pull in back by the community center and be able to see in so I think with a lot lighting is really the only thing that I'm doing I looked at the fence and we had some communication and really didn't see the fence as being a true deterrent of keeping people out of there um part of opening it up we're hoping we can get some people in there and if we can get people walking and in you're going to have less nonsense hanging out you we had some people living under that house we didn't even know it yeah I will tell you I drove by the other day and it I'm going to guess within at least at least minimum of 10 years since that fence has been down I saw actually people in the Gazebo and they were rehearsing something whether it was for a wedding or a play or whatever but it was nice to see people actually using the Gazebo and and just and there so I just I just wanted to share that with you are we we leaving the Gazebo where it is I know at one point there was some talk about maybe moving it I'm planning on it until you all tell me I got to move it um we're going to keep it where it is because we've moved one before MH very unsuccessfully we didn't even get it off the property before it fell apart it fell okay and the uh the last thing uh the cannon yes sir I I understand what you say but to me driving through it just catches my attention but I understand what you mean so we want the house to catch the attention but I and I we're this is the other part of the um American Bloom project that we're doing we're also going to include the cemetery so all of this is going to tie in together and uh I like the idea but I more specifically want to make sure that we label that Cannon the era and you the purpose of it if we're going to put out there I think in mattresses we have veterans and Rec recognition of all of that I think that'll fit well there um I one of the concerns I have is that Rick will be developing the um the W the water feature and I'm so glad that the windmill is now going my concern is that they're coming up with this fantabulous design for the water feature and I told them the only concern I have is that they're going to come up with a successful design and everybody's going to want and they're going to shut the doors here and go out there and sell those Greg's busy with his barbecue so yeah he's not going to leave his barbecue business okay but I'm so excited about what we're doing and I especially like the sidewalk with the lights and I it's going to make a big big difference and now with with the fence gone trees trim when you look out it's just one big view with the lake and opens it up and I think it makes a tremendous difference it makes that property look about half again as big as it was just had and the purpose too we are hoping there'll be weddings and birthday parties and all that Us in the grounds and so the the more attractive it is I think the more we're going to have people coming in and wanting to use it and be a part of it and thank you Rick you've done a wonderful job thank you yeah the um uh phase one you think will be done by when we're going to finish up by beginning of May by May we're going to have a May and that's yeah so be cool I've heard there's May opening plans and I'm staying out of that one I know they just gave me a date and I'm hitting it and uh yeah so we'll have that done some of the stuff we kind of like to jump on ahead of time but we're going to hold off because of the grant you can't start it right can't start it so we'll hold off rather than doing that but I'll make sure we get everything ready we can already get quotes on materials and and start getting stuff ready and and uh and and thanks to Ace Hardware they gave money to help with the Clifford house and maybe there are other businesses in the community or people who want to contribute to it also so we encourag that greatly I've had conversations with several people that their family members were originally involved with the restoration of that house that have reached out they will be writing checks to help so I know mirand is going to need a bunch inside there you've already got some five another 500 so there's more I know I know Miranda's going to need help on the inside and uh yeah so you know maybe we look like even the the fountain stuff we're going to do the material we get maybe we get that through a on that $500 and then put a little recognition on there or that or something so we we're look we're pretty with us doing the design on it you know we had Ramone help us but he's continuing and he works like he staff you know he he helps us out um we've got a lot of flexibility and that's why I came to you with the concept and like a really rough estimate took me about three minutes to come up with and we're hitting it so um it's I think I think it's going to be good we got something that's going to really turn that property around from what it was so all right okay all right thank you all right thank you thanks now we have audience to be heard we're going to ask that you please keep it to three minutes Bill anything I do I have several um Tristan nappy I believe left gone um Ivan Gonzalez gone Margie blo Margie blo Amy Baker she's Eileen she's and we are left with Juan good evening I asked Hensel to State I have some paperwork to give to Hansel but he left the new one I know I got six before I got shle one but you can share the last um Garcia and G um guys h oh just hold them just hold them I know so I still don't have my title that's the reason why I haven't left um on the paperwork you'll see the bill of $122,000 that sharp spark is charging me and they're stating that my wife and I are dumping drugs back into the sword of the sewage hey so those are pictures of the sewage and my property that's property 24 and 26 so they're charging me for all three properties that supposedly I damage this is under house 24 so how can I damage that area with my card if I can get under it how long how long do you think it lasted for this sewage to be damaged and all the pictures are included in your packages so I wanted to show you all of this because I've been complaining about the issue with the water the smell the taste oh was too many yeah three minutes yeah and Alice you've given him the information for the dbpr and legal aid as well uh I already uh nobody want to help me in this case and I'll try everything and I can say you guys I don't come back Chief the officer said come down because he's coming show all these paper they accusing me now me and my wife do Jo got oh you can see my wife with tank it's hard when somebody put the fingers when they know they pipe yesterday was the plom again because the SE o CL again not my house across the street you see that sewer next my door from my house the house that the S is in the park and the last picture you got there about we have a lake a CH a lagoon when the rain you got seven houses on the the water that's why I wanted him to stay here to be on the front of this he left and I feel we got down and thank you mayor I know you got you I try move out but every time I try to do the right thing I have to call the offices there because there always is something else I try to be nice with him I call him too many time but now I got accused the J jerks at the bottom and I send a letter to his lawyer we I see you in court because this is now because every time I come in here remember I said to you guys every time come in here what it did to me and I have the proof always accusing me for something and thank you guys for listening me for last few months I don't want to come back but Chief says come down here and show you then what's going on with you now and thank you guys I appreciate that I hope so you're not to see me no more but I'm not going to stay stay back like other people s out now because I want the best for other people in that pble Park there a lot of people they not want to com because they got training you come here you'll be kicking out but I cannot thank you guys God bless you and you're doing a good job thank you thank you that's all I had man all right anyone else like to address the commission on something that's not on the agenda not seeing it we're gonna move move Johnny Johnny oh coach Johnny did you have something you're going to wave all right sir um next we have our consider agenda there are five items under the consent agenda is there anything anybody wants pulled for discussion not hearing any looking for a motion second have a first and a second Emily first n second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi madam attorney thank you first we have resolution number 24-6 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of us FL Florida approving a preliminary Subdivision plat for Kurt Street Town Homes a 62 unit town home residential subdivision on approximately 5.97 Acres of property located on the west side of Kurt Street West of West Charlotte Avenue alternate key numbers 293 0497 and 385 9180 Mr Lan good evening Commissioners for the record Mike Lane development services director um I you have seen a uh a version of this previously back in January I could walk you through or I could give you more of a a speedo version um I uh I know it's been a long night so um I mean I can I I can quickly run through this so we can I I think the commission might just need to know what changes were made to the original presentation let me let me run to that that slide and that way I'll show you yeah yeah let me do the color version here okay so in essence what you have in front of you is the pickle ball court became the Tot Lot and at the at the point of our last hearing there was not a uh a walking trail that was depicted on the actual plan so it does connect the culdesac from the north part of the property down toward to the dog park down on the south uh Eastern corner there and that's uh that's pretty much it I mean you know we originally uh at the hearing the developer was present u i neglected to to call him out uh to if you guys had questions for him uh he immediately went back and made adjustments after hearing uh the um the verdict and uh and we we received the the site plan uh within days of the hearing so mam attorney it back to you okay are there any questions from the commission for Mr Lane is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on this item no cards okay I will say I believe the developer does have a representative here tonight all right would the developers representative like to speak if they are here are you the representative I'm here question you might okay um any questions for him no all right then I'll close public input M May before we have resolution number 24-6 what's the will of our commission so moved second cool everybody jumping on that toight let's give it to Willie first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi next is resolution number 24-21 a resolution of the city Commission of the City of eus Lake County Florida amending the 2023-24 budget to purchase financing in the amount of $891,000 $891,000 to acquire a pierce impel side control pum truck to use funds available in the sales tax revenue fund to purchase Oh the purchase will be a partial payment in 2324 in the amount of [Laughter] $297,500 please start the clock one minute let me tell you about the history of fire trucks um so the challenge we have realistically we're we're uh we're looking at 46 to 49 months to get this truck and uh the paying the cost increases and then the amount of time um I I don't know what to tell you I mean four or five years to get a truck after you order it is uh I'm having a hard time trying to plan this to start with but we need to get in line to get this started uh realistically by the time this truck gets here I might not be the chief anymore I mean that's five years down the road potentially that's a long time so huh help be here it'll be a brain in a bottle um but anyhow that's that's what it is we're trying to get on the list uh I did originally budget $750,000 uh that's uh the penny sales taac fund I believe what we're talking about now is is coming out of a different fund uh that realistically if we build station three this truck would be applied to that station three and it' be an increase in service so this is an appropriate use of those funds okay are there any questions for the chief would anyone in the public like to speak on resolution number 24-21 okay see none Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24-21 what's the will of our commission Ru for approval thank you I'll second it thank you ma'am any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb I mayor Holland I Chief thank you for thaning forward thank Youk you next is resolution number 24-24 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of hustus Florida approving the Corey R Field improvements phase one and authorizing an amendment of the 2023-2024 budget for this purpose Mr Garrick grick Public Works director um we met maybe a month or two ago um and talked about some of the stuff that we needed cor role um uh met commissioner Hawkins joined us uh coach Johnny uh we had a building official myself there were a handful of other people that we could talk about and as you know this has been coming up um jez for years out there is what we need so we came up with some really good ideas laid a lot of stuff down to see how how we can make the facility better be a lot better amenity for a park and recck Department and a big piece of this puzzle is how do we get it moving thank you Al um how do we get it moving and what do we do how do we get this this cranked and and get something going there's been a lot of talk let's get some follow through uh that's our property right there just off the tax assessor and what I'm going to go through today is a resolution 242 for and what the ask is for phase one Improvement but then also talk about future plans that we can do and and I'm going to suggest putting in a CIP project for us to discuss further but get some input and then just some big broad brush concerns about the turf I'm kind of jumping in with historically a park and rec director type thing but we're turning it into a project so I'm I'm jumping in we're going to make something happen so with 2424 I'm just asking for your consideration on phase one okay and and I'm going to walk through it a little bit of what we're doing um not a lot of detail and again very conceptual kind of like when I first brought Clifford house to you it's the same type of thing God ideas is we're talking it we know we need to do it I need to get it in front of you and see if can can we make it happen um I work some budget numbers up we've got some pre-work we've already taken the fence down around the rocketball court we almost took the rocketball court down but luckily Tom and Bill were out driving around they're like whoa whoa whoa I forgot to tell you we need it um so we saved the rack ball court um we're set up to pressure wash and then uh we're going to buy some paint I've already got the contract ready and I'm going to talk with Coach Johnny whenever he wants to we're going to pull the trigger he's got a volunteer group with his football team they want to paint some of it it's tall I don't think we ought to put kids up on scaffold so probably we had talked about Public Works coming after they're done and finish a top I'm going suggest we do it the other way and I haven't spoken again with with Coach about it but I may come in and paint the top because otherwise if he Paints the bottom I paint the top we'll get the runs down it it's not going to look good good so we may come in paint the top leave it to about 8 ft let them come in but have the paint but we're pretty much ready to do that and you and I can communicate and figure out what that works for your guys and and make that happen so that's like pre-work that I'm covering under my maintenance and then we'll start getting into the phase one stuff so this resolution again I'm going to talk more about the second phases quickly um but want get approval for what we're looking at on this uh right now we're talking on the east side of the rocketball Court getting two storage containers in there and they're going to be two by 20s they should fit we've got about a foot and a half Gap that we'll do some facade just internally just put some facade stuff on it's going to look entirely different for one they're going to be slid all the way back to the rocket ball in the rocket ball court itself and we'll kind of close off the front just you know with like some trim work some false work on there um that's going to get us some much needed storage we have or that we need um we can put a lot of the stuff to be utilized on the field if uh we're renting the fields out they uh they can put football gear in there do whatever so it's we'll have that set up and get the the storage boxes in um we're also going to take public works I'll design the the concrete found Foundation but we'll do a foundation for the bottom of the Press Box so we're talking about doing a stacked unit for the Press Box we'll do the concrete get that poured put the base unit in not go with the second unit yet that'll come under phase two but I am asking for approval to purchase that second unit because I want it to match the base unit so we'll get the same effect to it um at the other side of the rocketball court on the West Side the east side will have the two storage in its facility storage on the other side we're going to get one of the boxes modified we're going to get it structurally modified we'll get the engineered CS with it um I've gotten one quote uh that Johnny had gotten we'll have to go through our purchasing group and write the specs and everything but I know the numbers are there and we can get this and I've got at the end I've got just some ideas but we can get a concession stand put that on the end of the rocketball Court be able to have the the pull down Windows where people can come up buy Burger sodas whatever and then also have a through door in the back where we could have a couple grills out on what's now the rocket ball floor and we can slang burgers and hot dogs and stuff like that and that's going to be something that anybody will be able to use as far as is Park and wreck or if we have a big rental um user like during football season they can get in and do that we can store the stuff we can lock it up and and I think it can really be a big hit for us um again I'm going to buy the second box we'll store it we're going to have to do some modification for the top of the Press Box um but we want to get the structural stuff Complete because that was a big concern with their building official we can maybe get it done where me we modify or we do the the the welding and the reinforcing but we got to get an engineering sign and seal it and I just I'm not that level I'm more of an underground versus the structural so it's outside of my area um but we'll be able to get the design um done and ready so we'll have to bring some utilities I've got util utilities I've got water out there by the racketball Court we'll have to bring the utilities in with this phase uh for the refreshment stand so if we get this going we are targeting August completion so it's ready come football season okay uh right now that's a breakdown of the estimate is what we're looking again it's conceptual but I'm pretty confident we'll make that happen uh we're we're a little over 60 3,000 it's not a budgeted project at this time that's why I'm here to talk to you it sounds good we're looking at the design we can make it happen I think everybody wants it but I need to hear the vote um and see if it is if if it's something we can do uh it'll require a budget amendment um right now in our park and wreck impact fee and this would qualify I spoke to to Mike Shepard we think it qualifies it's a new amenity there um currently the fund balance there is just over 330,000 so we could pull this 603 out of that if we do that we'll get started on the purchasing and the and the specs to get this first phase kicked off and cracked two Yes Rick I'm sorry go back I didn't see the stairs phase two phas two phase two yep so that's part of the not setting the Press Box part yet um that's when we're getting in with the stairs on there stairs are a big hit let me get through it we'll go back yeah okay you'll see so again the phase one stuff is screened back again that's the base unit of the Press Box the top of the press press box is sitting back we'll be doing the wiring the AC and all that stuff on our own but phase two we're going to work kind of in coordination with coolage so you can see coolage is coming through that's G to change everything out there it's going to change the access gates the security gates that we have let's take advantage of that work and tie that into here Y and be able to really get this to flow so what I'm looking at is you can see The Spectator fence and if we start from the top you know the East Side that's like a probably three four foot fence and that's the type of fencing you put up you you see on YouTube and Tik Tock and the news and all this stuff of the parents running out on the field and fighting the kids and fighting the refs and all the nonsense associated with sports now that's a reality um this kind of keeps that separate it gets a little barricade off of that it kind of protects the players from the parents and the fans and The Spectators we're going to do that on both sides um um we're also we're going to have to modify that security fencing uh because right now the security fencing is kind of right on the edge of the coolage right away I think having that fencing there and then fencing on the other side of the part is a whole lot of fence and to me I don't think that puts the image that we want out there it looks like a prison you start putting all that type of fence out there and that's just it's not what we want we do need to be able to keep people from driving in there so we're looking at a long um hedge row and we'll plant the hedges right on the edge of coolage with the coolage road project we're going to have sidewalks so we can tie that in there'll be you know basically pedestrian access up into the parking lot if they want um the security fence is going to go on the field side of the parking lot and that's where we'll modify our big security fence to where people can't get onto the field if they haven't had the rental um if we haven't unlocked it you won't be able to get into the uh Pavilion and the restrooms unless it's opened and during our staffed hours so we'll still have that level of security the parking lot will be opened up though because there's going to be the access um we're going to put some gates in so we will have vehicle gates for the parking lot um you know to where somebody's not driving in there are they going to be able to walk through the hedges yeah to get par parking lot but big deal it's parking lot uh but we're not we don't want people driving in there and hanging out or something so uh we'll have gates at both sides and then we're going to put a man gate kind in the middle by the sidewalk so if there is an event where we wanted to sell a ticket somebody could staff that they could sell their tickets right there you going through a gate the other thing is and it's it's bad that we got to do this but it's smart that we're doing it you don't want somebody parking on the end and just rolling the cooler around over to the guest side because of course our home fans would never do that but the guests bringing their coolers and sit and drink beer during the game or something like that that creates a ton of issues down the line we don't want to deal with so people got to come through the man gate we know what's coming in and and what's happening so I think that gives us a level of control across it um I'm proposing we pay that parking lot you know right now it's millons it's Lime Rock uh I think we got concrete cut off poles old power poles cut to use as wheel step let's pave it let's pave it and stripe it it's a big hit I can work that in with the storm water on coolage so as we're doing that design because I've got to account for that attenuation I can pull that into that pond down on the north side of there um we'll do some sidewalks and we'll do that work we're going to put in another couple bleachers and at that point we'll set the top of the Press Box and do the stairs we're looking at over 30 grand for the stairs it is super expensive they got to be load rated and installed and to get up to that second deck um that's a big hit so this is a work associated with phase two I put design and perent because there is going to be the site design I can do but we're going to have to pay for the engineering um um we have to pay for building permits because we're putting the structures in and then the contingency number what I do with contingency when I'm pulling these very conceptual numbers I'm missing stuff I don't know what it is if I knew I'd price it you know so I throw that in um this number looks like 10% um that we put in for a contingency and that's just as we start doing design and get those numbers honed out we know what we're at so what I'm suggesting as we start doing this if it's something we want to move on the phase two I'll create a form 300 which gets it into the capital projects that's how we get our Capital going to the form 300s I'll create that form I'll get it uploaded we're going to be bringing capital budget to y'all probably next month or the month after I know it's soon my guys been working on it for about three weeks now um if you want to see this I've got the number actually in there already um we can add we can change we can delete we can put it in the different years but it's something I'm not looking for approval on it now if you have ideas you like what you see you don't like it you want to change it anything let me know now we can get a lot better number in so when I'm bringing you the capital I got a solid project for you um so also I think we've got a good possibility for some grants um we got a fap Grant Fred fox out of St Augustine is super tied in with fap um with his help we got when we redid the basketball courts out there uh that was a one from a one match I think we got 50 Grand and we had to pay 50 Grand we did redid the basketball courts we did uh the covers um all the benches and and redid all that stuff because it was kind of like a hodg podge of equipment out there um I think that is a good opportunity um he also got us money for skateboard park he got us 100 grand for that I think this qualifies I think this qualifies and and sometimes We'll add little things to it because we'll score points on the gr um but we know that game of getting the money and I think we could be success uccessful so I would suggest we put it in as a capital project I'll list out grant opportunities and we've got to be designed ready for the grants anyway that's why I'm not looking at moving with phase two and asking for the money for one it's a lot of money um but it's something we've been hearing a request for for a while I've sat in a lot of meetings and heard it you know and it's like let's figure it out do do we want to do this let's get it going or let's kill it and you know that's the other lastly and and this one again I'm just I'm wanting you all I'm looking at this from a public works point of view and not a park and wre um the turf turf is in rough shape uh 2018 it was replaced with Bermuda we don't have the equipment to cut it so with Bermuda you need a real mower real mowers are minimum 50 grand um they did the the turf I went to buy the mower got shot down on the mower so then we had a third party to do the maintenance they went at 25 Grand a year because the Bea you cut it at h e inch cut so you're cutting it twice a week crazy maintenance cost it's beautiful plays nice it's awesome all the colleges you're looking at permuda and it's it's great if it rains there's any ping water you ain't playing on it you'll kill it and you know so it's it's super weather dependent it's not super hearty looks good plays well we can't maintain it we did the best we could with like our Zero Turns what you got out there now is weeds we're cutting the weeds and we're painting the weeds and John's playing on the weeds so it's a mess um I hear that's a big part I haven't heard it firsthand but that's big part why the high school's not doing SOC out there anymore and you got to look at it so that's not in the budget but I think we need to talk about it and you got a spectrum um to me you're looking at something as much as Bea you know that is probably the cheapest it's the least playable but it's the most hearty um we'd have to keep top dressing it but you know we can do it we can cut it we can we know how to take the weeds probably the least desirable all the grasses are put down but it's kind of what we need to do um with that we got to look at protocols what do we do in the rain it's rainy you can't play and uh I know I used to rent fields and I did about 40,000 a year in Reynolds I had a big program and and we were all over the place every night we had fields and then all day over the weekends if it rained like if we got an eighth finish rain Winter Park shut us down we weren't playing if there was any p water out there we weren't playing um that's what's happening if we're putting Bermuda down if we put Bea we w't be able to play if there's ponding water no we're going to have to cancel doing what we're doing um I would think 50,000 gets us behad torn out redone tweak the irrigation whatever we need if we're looking at grant money and the stuff we're doing if we really want to steal a facility I'm throwing this out nobody's pushing me for it but I think we ought to consider artificial turff and grants make bunch of money bunch of money it rains we're playing yeah you may not want to play in the rain because it's dangerous but entry on the artificial turf you're probably looking around a half million dollars the lifespan on artificial tur what's the main M I don't know there is maintenance not as much believe it or not you still water it um you got to rake in the beads you get those beads and you got to rake those in um I read an article about it if it's something that is even to consider it I'm bringing it out and not knowing is this going to stick or not to me I think it' be amazing um it's a lot of money and I can't if it's something to explore you want us to explore I can do a different Capital project for the turf at that point have information for you what the main what the yearly maintenance is a lot of that data is out there a lot of it is very slanted um the the grass growers put out a ton of information the artificial turf people put out a ton of information I'm going to go back and talk to some of the facilities people I got um some people out at Lake Island they got an amazing field I'm not suggesting we do that um theirs is probably about a $3 million field but they had a professional golfer pay for it yeah um but we can do it the maintenance is less I'm guessing it's probably about 10,000 a year that we would do between the you know the exra irrigation on it it's you you water it every bit as much as grass and running those little beads in they like expectancy of it I don't know I'm going have to get that for you are there different grades oh yeah yeah oh yeah you got grades like the professional you know the NFLs I mean that's I don't know what it would cost I venture to think you're probably looking at $10 million turfs um it's come a long way there's a lot of different feel it used to be back when I was in my sports Heyday not as a coach but a player artificial turf came out and man you're blowing these you know just just tear your knees up the way it gave that's changed a lot of that has changed um it's a lot more playable Aesthetics are beautiful um you actually you don't strike the lines you don't paint so we don't have that you actually we put white lines in for football we could put yellow lines in for soccer whatever other sports we're doing I mean you can kind of look in some Arial at the different layouts and they just use a different carpet in there to get the lines that cut in um a lot of advantages biggest disadvantage is money and the other's heat so when I was out in the summer we were playing in the summer and I'd get out there about 7 in the morning till about 3 and I'd have um my turf shoes the actual the glue melted in your your bottoms of your shoes because you're on that all the time now the kids aren't because they're playing and leaving um but when I'm sitting out there running the program I was out there all the time it gets super hot um but you you take that into to your protocols as for the different sports teams so that's the ins and outs of turf from my more of a user than a installer type thing so again what I'm asking tonight and I appreciate yall give me the time to go through all this um resolution 2424 for the budget transfer budget amendment excuse me um that allows us to get the containers and get them out here targeting August um any direction you can give me on phase two what you like what you don't like do you want to see a capital project do you want me to burm the documents you know it's like whatever you want I'm good um also do we want to look at f app do you want me to look at Fred I need Fred's help I think to get it um and it would be beneficial for us you mentioned Park and breakfast or any uh portion of that that comes from their budget this is pretty much all coming out of park and rec impact fees okay so and in turn I would think you know if it wasn't parking wre impact it would be sales tax so I think all this would qualify under sales tax I have a question Rick and you might not know the answer but on for phase to you know we put it in CIP however what are the impact fees expected for the next year to come in for parks and wreck I have no clue you know what I'm saying yeah I have no clue but I can um get with with Mike get a ballpark of what we expect and email that out to you or at least have it when we talk about the project exactly so you know where I was going with that yes ma'am so and with phase two I didn't maybe I it's just not on here is there any is there any plans on putting air conditioning inside this box yeah the the press press Bo absolutely okay yeah we're just put I just didn't see it there I think yeah no I think it's going to be hot right with it being conceptual I didn't get in there I've got there's a line item for late utilities and yeah we'll put a little wall Shaker in and and when it comes it'll come already cut out so we're not cutting it if we cut it I got to get the building permit in there so we'll get everything set ahead of time talk all that out okay get that get the windows get everything ready and and good mechanism for security as well and you will give us more information on that artificial turf yeah if it's something you think you want to consider yeah I'll I'll look at putting in um get as much information out on it as I can and talk to some people and and see yeah I'm not I'm not a fan of the turf at this point we I'm not a fan of we we got to have a lot more data to spend that kind of money on on absolutely it's a big hit and that's kind of why we're talking and are there any other grasses that we can consider besides Bea The Zo Zoya or yeah can't play Ona we need to go ahead and move this along because we've wait we've been on this for about 40 minutes and and I know it's important my thinking is I don't want I want this completed project done by the end of 2026 M oh yeah um I don't want this sitting in a CIP waiting on things to roll I'd like you to get with mik find out how we can pay for this as quickly as we can uh it's been promised for years and I want to hold a vote on this as a city commission as this city commission yes things will change very quickly on us politically very quickly here coming up soon and um we just need to go ahead and get some votes done done if you could get with with Mike find the financing to get this done find grants if we need to but I think we owe it to our kids to finish this project quickly absolutely so I hope I'm okay with that the reason the reason I said CIP just to get it in and then we can always pull it back out that was my whole point that's kind of why I'm jumping into it too because it's I can push it we can always transfer it back we need to push and we need to push quick and I would like to see the a full full project put back in front of the commission for a full vote quickly okay do you want me to look at fur app opportunities and talk to them about time frame and see when it is if it can help yes but it sounded like you needed he needs equipment if we go to the grass that there's some equipment that's we don't have got but he we have we have that I don't have the real motor for the Bermuda it's a real delicate real fine thin it's like that that Kentucky type grass you know real soft stuff um we don't have the stuff for it and I wouldn't suggest that we buy it because we only have one field if all of our facilities were like that then that'd be different okay Rick before we move on yes sir um my concern is the stairwell you know if we're going to open up in August I'd like for us to open it up in August and I know that we say that the cost for the stairs going to be 325 we're getting and one of the things we talked about was the money from the the win one that would come back into our budget that's going to be $36,000 coming back into our budget that we can use to put these stairs in and we open it up like we should because I I foresee us having like a grand opening you know when you have the the the the first football game and I don't want to be a half well you know yeah yeah exactly so I would like to see the stairwell put in uh because I think that with the money that that we're getting from renting out the uh uh the facility at Ward we're making the money back but that's just me if we take that route I would suggest I add the money to be able to take get lifted set stairs built out yeah yeah and and the second building put on top right away right yeah can't have stairs we get the Press Box complete and wired and constructed and permit and designed so we're probably taking our 63 up closer to 100 um we can put it in I'll start getting the budgets before I pull the trigger on any of it is buying again it's it'll be conceptual we can take and pull the money into a project from Park and wreck I'm not spending it until I get your approval at that kind of same thing we did we're just jumping right back to Clifford Clifford I've got to bid out these units we're going to get all these units from one person we're going to get a lumps some price we'll know what it is I'll get the price and the design on the shars we'll know what it is I can bring that back to y'all and then we know where we're at and we get that in and so we target all the phase one shown here plus the second deck getting set stairs getting set wired we have a working Press Box a working concession stand and everything else taking into account the the money from from the building on Ward that 100,000 comes back down to 60,000 so it just makes sense to me okay so we're moving forward with with resolution 24 with this resolution that at least get something started he can bring it back to us after he works with Mike on getting the rest of the money put together can always amend it all right anything further from the commission do we have anyone in the audience that would like to speak on this item come on over again good evening Commissioners acting city manager and attorney this is quick thank you you're welcome that was thank you thank you all so much thank you this is something really pass to well Carla and I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you out there thank you thank you thank you go all right uh close public comment oh would more coach Johnny thank you m g the first time you came up here didn't say something I had to go home and pray [Laughter] about Commissioners mayor Rick I've been on this Verge uh Journey a long time thank y'all so much I see growth I feel growth this commission here rocks I can go home and tell my kids man this city made me proud tonight hardw do payoff we got some good folks that are listening that are making moves this ain't just for football this is for Eustace period behind the scene Chief and I are working to make sure that these kids don't feel second like that anybody wow okay this is right going down to the land actually shaking hand with that vendor seven n day turn around okay this this is this is Life okay uh boys and the girls I love right the project is just making sure that our kids here feel good they feel loved and nobody likes you talk about it competing with all these other little cities right around here so if we don't keep our act together these kids are not in use to they something s here we know what we're teaching we know what we're producing we know what we're governing and it's all coming together um everything sound great I'm a soldier I don't care about no grass I think everything else man will be a home run and we can just go play some football and have a good time all right I want to say thank you again for all the work uh I know when I'm getting 6 tonight I feel real good I know the work that's been going in I know the conversation and everything just feels so good tonight so thank you all so much I'm leave 58 seconds scale you can't yield your time sorry so we'll go ahead and uh close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have resolution 24-24 what's the will of our commission I'll second it somebody's got a second I'll second it who would like to take you can choice you can use your choice somebody baby any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft commission cob hi mayor Holland hi all right for second reading we have the group of ordinances uh the first set is 24234 first reading was February 15th um Mr Richardson presented will will there be additional presentation tonight all right so then we'll start with ordinance number 24-02 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eustus Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 1.88 Acres of real property at alterate Key number 11123 461 on the south side of East Spates Avenue at 2596 East Spates Avenue there's no presentation this evening are there questions from the commission for Mr Richardson no would anyone in the audience like to comment on ordinance number 24-02 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance 24-02 what's the will of this commission move to approve thank second thank you any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland I following that is ordinance number 24-3 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of USIS Lake County Florida amending the city of usus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 1633 187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 1.88 Acres of real property at alternate key number 11123 461 on the south side of East Bates Avenue at 2596 East Bates Avenue from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of eus are there any questions for Mr Richardson on this one from the commission would anyone in the audience like to speak on ordinance number 24-3 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor Comm of we have ordinance number 24-33 what's the will of the commission move it approved thank you second thank you any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner ashra hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland and the last one on the oh have a drinking some water sorry Sor the last one of this set is ordinance number 24-4 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of USIS Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 1.88 Acres of real property at alternate key number 1123 461 on the south side of East Bates Avenue at 2596 East Bates Avenue are there any questions for Mr Richardson from the commission on this ordinance would anyone in the audience like to comment on ordinance 24-4 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor of course we have ordinance number 24-4 what's the will of our commission so moved thank you second thank you any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi okay the next group for second reading is a 24-8 09 and 10 we had the presentation also February 15th uh Mr Richardson any additional presentation all right we'll start with ordinance number 24-8 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eus Florida voluntarily annexing approximately 13.72% numbers 178 469 281 4128 and 281 4144 on the south side of getford road east of kage Street and West of gat road are there any questions from the commission for Mr Richardson would anyone in the audience like to comment on ordinance number 24-8 seeing none we'll close public hearing commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24- 08 what's the will of our commission so moved second second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Hollands hi the next ordinance 24-9 is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of eustus the County Florida amending the city of eustus comprehensive plan pursuant to Florida statute 163 3187 changing the future land use designation of approximately 13.72% 4 144 on the south side of getford road east of kulage Street and West of gat road from Urban low in Lake County to Suburban residential in the city of eus are there any questions from the commission for Mr Richardson would anyone in the audience like to comment on ordinance number 24-9 saying none we'll close public a comment Mr Mayor commissioners before us we have ordinance number 24-9 what's the will of our commission so move thank you I'll second it thank you ma'am any further discussion not hearing any roll call please commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland hi and the last ordinance of the group is 24-10 an ordinance of the city Commission of the City of eus Lake County Florida assigning the Suburban neighborhood Design District designation to approximately 1372 Acres of real property at Al trinate key numers 178 469 281 4128 and 281 4144 on the south side of getfor road east of coolage Street and West of gat road any questions from the commission for Mr Richardson would anyone in the audience like to comment on ordinance number 24-10 seeing none we'll close public comment Mr Mayor Commissioners Force we have ordinance number 24- 010 what's the what's the will of our commission so move second thank you first in a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call Comm Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Cobb hi mayor Holland I thank you madam attorney you're welcome commissioner Hawkins any other business or future agenda items or a report uh yes um question uh and this is for Parks uh parks and R I know that we had asked about the awnings for the the bleachers did we ever find out where we were in that process Rachel do you have an update on that if you if you'll come up please they're not going to be able to pick you up from out there sorry evening um I believe that we've got 23,000 in their budgeted if I'm remembering correctly Craig had had quotes for 33,000 so we're a little on the short end some of this was put on hold because I didn't know what we were doing with the Cory R Field improvements to figure out where we were laying things out okay kind of makes sense yeah um I'll give a call tomorrow okay yeah s um And in regards to and I I brought up earlier not not so much for you Rachel I brought up earlier about uh uh win one and the the monies that they pay the city for the rental of the building and one of the reasons that I voted to approve it was to make sure that the money went back to pars and I'd like to know that that's happening and one of the reasons I'd like to know that that's happening because once or twice a year we ask them what have they done for us late lately What monies are they bringing in and if that money's not going back to parks and rck we're handicapping so I'd like to make sure that money goes back to parks and R you know as we initially stated or at least I initially intended it to go if you can look into that mik you get back to commissioner Hawkins you just get back with him if you don't mind the money going back that's impact sear okay so when someone R okay so when someone rents goes and they rents the building the community center it goes into the general fund now yes okay okay great thanks it's just reality um Rick I I I want to thank you for um you don't have to come up um you I just wanted to thank you for everything that you've done I agree with Coach Johnny I mean you you took off running with it at one point I was like dude slow down uh but but I appreciate it you know we you know we got with you you you saw the vision and it looks like you're really trying to make it happen and I appreciate that um we are we're short uh directors uh We've hired a new parks and rec director and I I don't know who he is yeah I was wondering when are we going to meet and and the thing that that gets me is if we have someone coming in town we should meet him if he's going to be working for us and working with us talk to your friend at the end the parks the we went through the parks application process Tom made a decision to hire a Parks director he was here for a brief period of time looking for housing he's from South Florida he has not started and he will not start until April 1st I don't even know his name yeah I don't know anything about it I'll get you his resume the information you know we you know with the um uh the guy that we're looking to to uh replace Mike you know we we knew who he was but I'd like to know who this these people are I mean it is up to Tom to hire but I'd like to know I can get you the information on that with regard to the finance director applicant the name was flowed teach of the Commissioners because you're responsible for approving the finance director yeah we are that has not worked out he has not formed an exit strategy to leave his current employer we're moving forward and I know Mike and I interviewed a candidate today that we're real excited about uh although Tom's off next week we're going to meet the applicant with Tom on Tuesday and and hope to have a recommendation and a new name to you okay thanks um and last thing I'm sure there's more but I've been gone for a week so I'm still on vacation um uh uh while I right before I I left uh Pastor Jay from the United Methodist Church reached out to me um and he wanted to put together a um a meeting with the local uh residents around the forward path uh so I've started to put that together where the residents from there will come in and meet with the forward path people there at the church uh uh I'll probably attend and I don't know if any of you will want to attend but we're looking at probably April the 3 I think that's a everything's falling on APR April 3D April the 3 is a Wednesday so the invitation uh from 6:00 to8 oh at night at night okay yep 6 to 8 it's going to be spaghetti yeah he's going to feed him spaghetti dinner and we confirm it and then yeah Ellis can send that okay all right so just so you know I wasn't just on vacation I was working while I was away all right [Laughter] that's like twin say shut it shut it JJ yes um oh a couple things um the original uh Arbor Day was scheduled for the 20th of April but apparently something else got moved to the 20th yes well weed day what I'm sorry that's Weed Day weed day we're not anyway um 420 anyway we um the African-American herit to Celebration got switched and anyway I've re we've re um we've moved the date for Arbor date for April 13th okay okay and uh Rick will get and Sally will get with um with Duke on the uh original uh uh sponsorship for 2500 in the plants and then I'll work the rest on the sponsorship for that as well same location yes sir that's why we had to move it because there would be no way way we could get in and out okay just too much traffic um you said the 13th yes ma'am the 13th uh I had the pleasure last week of attending the 4H public speaking contest for the middle schoolers in some elementary school children it was simply amazing they did an amazing job uh last year I did that as well and the winner we had come and present before the commission and they just did a fabulous job and there's two of them this year one was the little girl was the winner and the other little young man he was almost a winner but I I'm not going to say what he did but I want it to be a surprise so I would like to see as permission um if I can bring the youngsters up on March 21st if they're available uh during presentations sure all righty and then they can present what they did in the public speaking it's just amazing what they do with these kids in 4 AG it's not all about sewing and baking and and animals and that kind of thing so also too um uh the cool project Rick I want to thank you and staff very very very much um it's rocking along moving very nicely um the original ask for that project was 3.1 uh from Tallahassee um so far we got the cooling off period but so far uh we received 1.59 plus million from Tallahassee which I'm very proud of us thank you very much and for the uh Bates Avenue Water Treatment Plant um they gave us a half a million dollars from Tallahassee as well so our taxpayer dollars are coming back to us here in ustas so again I'm very proud of our staff to do that and um I'm just um I look forward to working with the project there is a little bit of a shortage on the funding and they are working with Lake County water authority to secure the rest of the funding uh for coolage um and I wrote fence down for something and I don't know what it was was four so I will move on from the vence and uh Chief Capri if you would just give us an update on the uh school zone cameras and what kind of update what kind of results have we had in just a few couple weeks yeah in two weeks since the program's been up and running we've got over 360 violations uh and that is with that's that's that's that's that's Monday through Friday that's just one one street over it was either 361 366 somewhere around there in five days no two weeks oh two weeks so it's between 50 and 60 a day so and that's just the one uh even after the warning this is just the warning period still so I think we got another two weeks of the warnings and then uh they'll start getting the tickets and I I I once the tickets start hitting the pockets I'm sure it's going you're going to see a decrease I'm predicting a decrease but then again people aren't paying attention and and uh they're going to speed through there we got to stop it we can't have it uh and they've even now got signs correct your we've done everything but drive the car for them okay so and they're still speeding through but and with that note I want to add we're going to be coming to you on the next meeting on the 21st for the the tag readers the lprs so we want to put 12 up in the city ring the entire city uh to prevent uh criminal activity from coming in here and so we can watch what's going you know if we get a stolen vehicle if we get you know car jack suspects uh eight of the cameras are being paid for by altimate no cost to us we only have to pay for four and it's going to be 12,000 a year and we'll have 12 cameras for 12,000 a year uh my recommendation is we jump on it and get on it get on it quick instead of waiting uh I want to make this city as safe as it can be this technology is going to do that we would not have caught our rape suspect without the Cy's tag reader nor we had a robbery at uh a burglary at um Ace Hardware on 441 and we were able to get uh off the tag reader in cables 44 we're able to get the tag number off that vehicle vle So based on that so this technology don't be afraid of it embrace it leverage it it's not spying on anybody it can't be accessed unless stuff's uploaded in there on criminals criminals coming in our city so I want criminals to fear this city and not come in here they're not welcome here so are we looking to put them in any of our cars no no these will be uh areas I have we haven't worked out with we need 12 to ring the entire city and we'll know who's coming in and out of here when a crime occurs okay for example a tag has uploaded in there to show criminal activity so we know when they're coming in we'll be alerted now like in the case of the gables can theirs talk to ours yes yes they bought their own and and uh theirs was about 3,000 4,000 a year MH so and all of this will be tied into our real-time crime center with the Sheriff's Office and our new emergency Operation Center that we've made at the at the police department we have our own emergency Operation Center now that we put together uh cuz we had some space so we have all the monitors in there for Palmetto uh Plaza also we want cameras in Sunset Park are going in we got the quotes for Fen Park and and eventually the downtowns with all the events we have down there we need to get cameras up we need to get real about security and uh we need to make an investment with all the events we have downtown and in faren park it's time to get serious and then eventually city hall because this needs to be Target hardening this is way too wide open and I don't want to wait till an incident happens uh you pay for what you get don't go cheap on the safety of our of our employees here we have to we have to do it now and we have a lot of grants available and we can we can we can make this work so just trust trust me and I guarantee it uh we'll make it work and we'll make the the city safe so that's what we're trying to do thank you for the update thank you and just real quick I would be remiss and and I apologize if I I left anybody off but on the coolage project I want to thank uh Senator Baxley and I want to thank um representative TR now this was Representatives TR now number one priority was eess this year and I'm so thankful that uh he made this a top priority so thank you very much here yes sir hey the only thing for me is just a shout out about George Fest it was totally amazing I know every Department was involved in getting it done and I had a guest and and I know you did to um an elected official from Claremont that was up um uh with us and he was beyond impressed on what we did for George Fest and it just it just makes you proud so just want to thank all departments that were involved in that thank you Gary vice mayor yeah they've all covered everything I was going to say buta the Lord just say thank you yeah I will say that um commissioner Cobb and I attended the uh dining in the dark oh yes that was quite experience and a few times I heard her say I put my Forks in my mouth but there's no food on it so we did probably use our fingers more than we should have yes um I was able to pour into the glass and that worked out I did fairly well so that was quite the event and it makes you really really appreciate your sight and makes you really appreciate the fact that you don't have we don't have to live in that dark world that they do um but it and also you learn how they cope all the things that they have to do and how they get live life so it was quite the experience and it was a really good turnout and again George bestest was tremendous and the parade was amazing so I thank everyone for that and I thank Rick especially for what he's doing as as uh commissioner Hawkins said he just got the vision and ran with it and we're all benefiting from it and we will have a Mother's Day tea and um Miranda's working on that on the inside we're working on the outside so I think it's going to be fantabulous and um we'll give you more information as it occurs so thank you you what commission that reminded me when you said that we talked about this probably two years ago catch the vision and I'm so proud we talked about catch the vision I'm really what you have um I see Darius don't know where he went feeling well but uh uh April 13th is his comedy show he's looking to put bring 10,000 people downtown uh he's actually ramping it up uh a couple of notches and he's turned it into a comedy and Community Driven uh events um and also uh commissioner C alluded to it uh the Heritage Festival parade and uh Festival has moved to uh April the 20th uh same place same time perfect Phil thank you for sitting in for Tom tonight while he is with Noel what during her recuperation at home watching TV the commission meeting by the way we s we sent our love to both of them um but thank you for sitting in any reports from you tonight none other than time and she's recovering yeah I must comment I saw Noel today she looks fantabulous she really does I I can't imagine someone having surgery and going home that night same night but she's doing really she looks really good today and um so all we can do is keep praying for her quick recovery good Madam attorney no reports thank you so much um again I want to thank our state legislature um yes we hit a rough spot that a lot of people didn't know about a week and a half ago and we thought that every bit of money that was coming back from Lake County was going to be pulled um and luckily some smart quick thinking people got a hold of the person that was going to pull our funding and um she was the bigger person in in that and uh the funding is coming to Lake County as far as we hear the governor still gets a shot at it but I think that we're going to be fine there so uh that money should be coming and we can get projects done uh George vest what a tremendous job that was done by every member of our city staff um events and tourism hit it out of the park again this year the tireless job that they do is unbelievable fire department Police Department Public Works everybody that volunteered thank you so much for 122 years of this celebration going on we're doing our our forefathers prow I really believe that so today I was able to um to attend uh with Mike Swanson a lunch where we got our plaque they call it now the Eustace plaque for the food drive that we that we are in competition with malor and tares um The Only Name on that plaque is the city of Eustace for the last four years um and next year is the fifth year and I want to be on that plaque again for the fifth year so we'll do whatever it takes to get that done Chief thank you for all you do to spearhead that you make us look good so we were 10,000 lb over the next city so um very proud of that fact very proud of that so um you know George Fest we we had a lot of fun the entertainment was good but two of our commissioners uh tended to have a little more fun than the rest of us um so you have something for me K [Music] oh my folks I I will I I'll say I've said this before and I'll say it again this this this commission works hard and we play hard together um we might have disagreements up here but at the end of the day we come back together for the betterment of this community and that's what governing is all about Ellis hi Tom Michael I hope we didn't embarrass you tonight Tom so hey I remembered the fence oh jeez it's just one thing there was a little out at M Mount Olive Cemetery when we did the clean up there's a section of fence that's missing thank you Joby the guys came out today to pick up the fence and so that little section at least you guys have it in your hands now so you'll be able to complete that fence okay thank you so that'll be completed folks thank you for staying so late with USF huh oh community service the community service Awards I know the community service awards were this week we had a lot of great winners one's right here one right there um thank you for all you do in our community you represent us very well as Mrs Lake County and working in Corrections Department thank you for all you do um I'm hoping your your award should go through to the county Awards and I'm hoping you bring home that big eagle for us okay big eag so congratulations to everybody won those Awards we'll next next meeting we'll give a full list of everybody that want so thank you for being with us we sure I just