##VIDEO ID:tBqeMK6rQI8## e e e good evening everyone and welcome to eusta City Hall this is a special meeting of the eustus city commission it's 5:31 p.m. on Wednesday September the 11th and we are here to um appoint an inim City Commissioner for seat number four at this time Pastor Bobby would you mind coming up and opening us in a word of prayer and then we're going to have uh commissioner Hawkins lead us in the pledge if you'd like to join us please stand thank you Pastor Bobby let us pray L thank you for this day this is the day that you have made we choose to rejoice and glad in this day we pray for our commissioners as they lead this wonderful City we pray that you continue to give them wisdom and guidance as they make the ision concerning this city we thank you we give you glory honor and praise in Jesus name amen am amen please join in for the pledge I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you thank you both we're going to officially call our meeting to order Christine is a quum president proper notice me been given yes mayor thank you so much Tom is there an agenda update uh no sir all right we're going to go right into appointment of inum City Commissioner seat number four we have two candidates that have applied we have Christine Cruz and Randy glisten uh we're going to take this an alphabetical order this evening Christine Cruz is on vacation she's going to um appear with us by by teams um at this time we're going to ask Randy if you would step out of the room while Christine uh talks to us and we ask her a few questions and once she's done we'll bring you right back in sir yes sir thank you Commissioners what we're going to do is give Christine up to five minutes to to talk to us and then we're going to open the floor for the four of us to ask her questions okay um at that time we will then go uh bring Randy back in and we'll do the same thing with him then I'll call for nominations from the floor and we'll go from there all right and Mr R before we call for nominations and I'll make the um announcement as to how we will treat a two2 vote or a tiebreaker thank you so much anybody have any concerns or questions about what I just said okay perfect whenever you all are ready to bring Christine into us I am here I'm not sure if you can hear me I can hear you how are you oh hey guys I'm lovely how are you great what part of the country are you in um I am on the I'm in Alaska right now I'm on the Inside passage in Alaska all right nice nice Christine we're going to give you up to five minutes um to uh talk to the city commission and the residents that are here tonight about why you want to be on the City commission uh and some thoughts that you may have then I'm going to open it for the commission to ask you questions um and then we are going to bring Randy back in to do the same thing is that okay with you sounds wonderful the floor is yours ma'am all right well good evening mayor Holland Madame vice mayor Lee Commissioners Hawkins and Ashcraft just want to thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today and allowing me to join virtually I have had the privilege of working with each of you and with staff various capacities within eustus for nearly 20 years and you have seen firsthand my unwavering dedication to public service and to our community my experience in eustus City Planning and Development began in 2007 when I worked on the downtown Redevelopment area parking study committee I worked on key tasks such as identifying current future parking needs recommending future development strategies and suggesting phase growth solutions this role gave me a deep understanding of the complexities facing our downtown area from infrastructure challenges to Future planning needs and since that time in 2007 I have remained engaged in Eustace on these issues attending commission meetings various board meetings Community meetings and workshops including most recently serving on our CRA advisory committee I have a thorough understanding of our entire community's needs and the challenges and the opportunities that we face I'm passionate about public service not just because I love volunteering but because I believe in inspiring others to get involved and to make a difference the leadership skills to encourage a positive change are a key part of this role cleanup Eustace has led cities across the state to implement similar initiatives and enabled City staff to apply for reduced burdens as they report our data directly to the EPA our partnership with the adopted Lake program offers volunteer hours towards a bright future scholarship providing our students a meaningful way to contribute to their Community while securing their future educational needs I have been recognized and honored for my dedication to our community cleanup Eustace was recognized by L 100 with the 2023 community service award in 2017 I contributed over 1,034 volunteer hours to Lake County government plus receive the Lake eustus chamber of Comm Commerce public service award I was nominated for the 2022 United Way Hometown hero award and honored as the lake and Sumter style magazine's best of the best volunteer winner in 2018 2019 and 2020 and I've been nominated every year since in our CRA residential area I have raised funds and worked at events to provide essential veteran care to underserved pet owners addressing an important need in our community my background in marketing advertising and public relations allows me to effectively advocate for usess I've managed campaigns that have increased engagement built diverse Community Partnerships and strengthened public trust my experience with the top defense contractor where I managed multi-million dollar government proposals taught me how to develop persuasive strategies and communicate effectively across diverse groups in complex situations all of which giving me the skills to promote our City's strengths and to help shape our future I am confident that my experience with our city and my professional background will allow me to make meaningful contributions in this position if appointed I will bring my knowledge dedication and my compassion to work with with you to ensure every resident feels valued supported and heard thank you for your consideration thank you Christine I'm going to go ahead and open it up for the commission to ask your questions and you may hear from one or two of us a couple times if that's okay absolutely all right um I'm going to go ahead and open it the commission anybody want to start off uh yes all right Willie uh Christine what do you think uh is the most important duty of a uh ustus City Commissioner um I think our most important duty is to strengthen Community BS to promote sustainable growth okay now now you say promote sustainable growth you know as uh you know as the city grows uh so does the uh some of the demands for uh Public Safety for housing and things like that give me an idea of what you feel how you feel about that so our little city I'm very familiar with the Liv local act and I know that we have we do have some limitations that we need to work with when it when it comes to the city and the state and what we are able to do um for myself to promote responsible growth growth I would encourage any initiative that respects and preserves our natural beauty while trying to kind of embrace opportunities that align with our community values and our characters okay um prioritizing development projects that align with eustace's historical and cultural values and supporting design standards and Zoning policies that preserve the charm of our community I agree we do have a lot of of there's a lot of considerations with Public Utilities with our roads and our infrastructure and all of those are initiatives that we need to make sure that we're supporting staff and we're thoughtful and considerate and well planned all right anyone else Gary any questions Emily hello Christine my question is is there anything in the city that you have concern about and that you would focus on changing I I think that our city we do have our challenges uh but I think that we also have a lot of opportunities as well um I personally I would like to see us kind of maybe do some more forums to really kind of increase the dialogue with different communities and with some of of our local businesses I think by doing that we really show our community that we understand what their needs are and we really make sure that they're heard and they're valued and I think that's I think that's a huge priority okay anything else Emily did you have another question uh no I think I'm good anything he Christine this is a commissioner Ashcraft how you doing can can you list maybe a couple couple of your strengths and a couple of your uh maybe a couple of things that you would think you would might need to improve on I think some of my strengths is is I have worked actively with this commission and with staff for I since 2007 17 years um and I think that's a huge strength we're we're looking at an appointment that is a limited amount of time um so I won't have that I I have that background knowledge necessary to be able to provide continuity of service in the position and I think that's a I think that's a huge strength for what we're looking to do here today do you have a a weakness that uh you think you could improve on I feel like I talk too [Laughter] much I do tend to talk a little bit too much I think I think I can definitely uh write things down and take it a little bit more slowly but I I think that might be my uh my my biggest weakness um trying to turn that into an asset to Foster dialogue between different communities um is the way you got to kind of take that weakness and turn it into a strength of mind thank you anyone else Christine when are you back from vacation ma'am I will be back on Tuesday sir and I am not planning to go anywhere else the rest of this year I will be in usedas every single day all right then thank you for your time if you'll just hold on there and uh we're going to bring Randy in and talk to him for a little bit and then we'll get the process moving okay thank you all very much for your time I appreciate your consideration thank you ma'am thank you hello Randy come right on up to the podium there thank you for being here thank you for having me absolutely we're going to give you five minutes to introduce yourself tell us why you really want to serve in this position um and then the commission's going to ask you a few questions if that's okay all right sounds great thank you sir first of all to the city commission thank you for this opportunity to be here tonight um my name is Randy glisten I'm a retired Chiropractic physician uh from Lake healthc Care Center I provided you an application with some information on the back that gave you a little bit of uh family history gave you a little bit of uh my work history but I I may review a little bit of that and then uh let you uh give you a little more information as well but you know um for us first of all thank you to my wife Denise and my mom glor for being here tonight um in in support uh you know it started in 1963 our family moved to Eustace and uh I can remember you know uh back in the days of swimming laps at uh at the pool the swim team and and I just have fond memories of growing up in this town uh I I attended Eustace Elementary Eustace Middle eustus High School and um and again the the small Town atmosphere uh was just was just tremendous um after graduating uh from uh high school I went off to Palmer College of Chiropractic and received my doctorate degree and then returned home to practice along side my dad uh we started out at uh a building on 27 East Pinehurst Boulevard and we went out on the corner of Mount Homer in Dillard Road and we bought a parcel out there and we uh expanded uh the office uh Lake Health Care Center became a multi specialty clinic with uh medical Podiatry Chiropractic and physical therapy um I was uh a part of uh in the later years of kind of overseeing the practice at one point we employed six Physicians and 20 support staff uh I was responsible for bringing the paper records to electronic medical records and basically assume the duties of running the office uh going over monthly profit and loss statements uh I was also responsible for developing and initiating policy and procedures maintaining compliance with federal and state agencies and in 2016 and 17 uh we were I was blessed and uh had some doctors that wanted to take the the practice over and so I uh set out into the wild blue y to kind of retire but I don't think I've ever quite fully retired um some of my accomplishments that I'm proud of outside the office uh was I served and chaired the Waterman Hospital Foundation board and I can remember the day uh Ken Madison walked in in the room uh president uh of the hospital at the time and and said listen I have an idea about starting a Heart Institute we all looked at him like you're going to do what you know here we are in Lake County and and and you know it's when you used to have heart surgeries you would go to Orlando or Gainesville and and he had this this this big idea to create a heart program at uh it wasn't Florida hospital at the time it was just simply Waterman Hospital but I was proud to be a part of Education educating the community and raising funs and money and helping in the early days of its development I've also been blessed to serve and chair the Florida State Board of chiropractic medicine uh I was appointed by B Governor Bob Martinez and later reappointed by uh Governor Lon Charles and I recall on we had some scope issues at the time uh the practice of Chiropractic and uh you would always uh you were in charge of discipline issues so uh it was U I enjoyed giving back uh to my profession you know one of my greatest successes has been being a part of the North Lake County Fellowship of Christian athletes and Pastor Bobby row uh is here tonight and someone I've worked alongside and just gotten so much uh so much back by by working with youth and you know those are our those are our leaders and citizens of tomorrow uh you know everything's gotten complicated government can't correct all our problems but what government but what we can do as individuals we can try to change one life at a time but uh in closing uh because I see my time's getting short here um you know in the next four months if I'm chosen to represent seat 4 my goal is is simply to to help make this body whole to be a good listener casting my vote when asked and giving of my time and extra preparation that will be required to get up to speed I've already watched some um some of the meetings from home and I feel like I have an understanding of the framework of the meeting and uh you know one of my passions the legislative process of Appropriations uh you know identifying funds available for such things as infrastructure public safety education Health Care Community Development and I don't know exactly what you have in the pipeline but I would love to be a part of uh of of understanding what your ask and wants are to be able to go to Tallahassee and use some of the relationships that I've made through the years to try and help bring money and funds back to this great city of ours Eustace and uh it's simply my honor to be considered for this commission uh to represent the citizens of Eustace and I look forward to answering any questions that you might have and thank you again for this opportunity thank you Randy Commissioners uh Dr gleon what do you think most important issue facing the city of Eustace and this commission well uh watching some of the meetings I think I think it's growth I think that uh as as uh as Eustace uh strong towns has been somebody that's worked closely with Lake 100 and I was at a lake 100 meeting today and they were talking about growth new developments and they were talking about that you know we're we're making a new development to help cover the develop development we just did and and it's just kind of uh some of them I don't mean to say that but described it as just near-term cash Advantage for a long-term financial obligation that the city has in other words uh so I think as far as growth goes that everything ought to be looked at is a at a case by casee basis uh you know and uh some of the high density housing situations uh you know where were just packing a lot of houses in a one small area I think we have to have plenty of feedback uh from the citizens and to uh as we move forward uh to to to manage growth but yet let we can't kill growth and then I think one of the most other important issues to me is Public Safety I mean uh I get up early every morning and I go check on my mom and uh and as I travel across Eustace you know um it's just important to have our our police out uh look looking after our streets and community and so I would say my two biggest passions would be probably uh trying to move forward with uh sustainable growth uh and to also uh make sure that uh we have uh Public Safety in place if you could wave a a magic wand and go back to uh when you move here 63 63 if if you could wave a magic W and go back to 63 would you or are you satisfied with what the city is now you know the the thing that and I don't know that it's at the city level as much but the the divisiveness that has occurred that I see in this community at times I I don't know that I remember that decis decisiveness that that we had then and uh but with saying that I mean I I always have hope for tomorrow and I think that uh this is a like I said a wonderful town so to say would I trade everything to go back to 1963 I I don't know that I would say that but I would say I think we can we can work on trying to be in more like 1963 anything else with Karen uh yes sir Dr Glen um I know you've been involved in the city for a long a long long time but can you describe some things recently that you've been involved with in in the city uh as far as what I've been involved with um well attending huddles at uh at eustus High School uh through FCA um and let's see what else have I been involved with um yeah uh just supporting and loving my community uh being behind uh candidates that uh represent our community uh you know that's one thing I prided myself on and when uh someone said well when I asked when I got into to do this someone said well why are you doing that I thought you just enjoyed supporting other candidates and I do enjoy supporting other candidates I do enjoy finding people that will that will uh create good policy and procedures in government so uh but I'll put it to you this way I have a uh a grandson who's medically challenged and and so I I'll say that in the past three years I've errored on the side of taking care of him and uh but I've enjoyed bringing him out into the into the community with my family and uh going to community events uh numerous times and I I I put it to you this way I will dedicate the next four months to doing everything I can to be uh a successful representative uh you know I when I saw y'all celebrated Carla Mitchell's uh thing I thought man I should have been there but I guess I'm some of the things I'm not in the loop with as much anymore I saw y'all down there today doing 911 wow would have loved to have been there so I guess uh I'm if if I've not done as much as I should have because I've I've had some other oblig I look forward to the next four months making up for it uh you've uh you know you you supported candidates what do you think the job of a Eustace commissioner is well from what I've seen uh being certainly being a a representative of the city is very important but also um I mean the the voting that y'all do uh the determination of of uh I saw uh the one uh the one thing on behind Publix where you know there was going to be a high density storage area in there and and y'all had debate and you you talked about you know what was best for the community what was best for traffic uh what you you know and and you came to a decision I mean see y'all perform in the meetings I would say that it's more in more intense and more grassroot decision making than I've seen at the county and even at the state level because you're on you're on stage and it's either this developer is going to either get get to know or he's going to get the go and that one is is a pretty pretty powerful so I see this uh this commission as uh a representative of the community of Eustace but yet really in the in the Grassroots weeds of every day trying to look out for the citizens of Eustace anything else Gary anything else I noticed um that you talked about serving your community and I remember remember asking you once at a candidate's u meet and greet and I thought you were running and you said no my goal is to be able to find and support the right candidates for for this city and um and now you're before us and um in a different capacity but you did say I have a passion for helping people I'm retired I will use civil discussion when my opinion is required and understanding importance are working together can you elaborate some more on that well um I I guess what I've seen in in politics is and I don't think this it works uh I don't think it works at the national level the state level the county level but I know it wouldn't work at at a uh at a city level and and when I just talk about the divisiveness of uh you know it's uh it's my way of the highway or I'm G you know uh I'm just going to be a a blockade here and so what I mean by that is that to have civil discussion and to really like you like you're going to do tonight I mean you you you've spoken with Christine you've spoken with me now you're GNA confer and you know you're going to you're going to make a decision but if someone's up there are you know if the discussion gets out of hand then it's not beneficial for the whole process I I guess do that answer your question and then I would ask you is there anything in the city that you have concerns about and that you would focus on changing well um yeah I I think you know uh you know beautification I've been a part of I'm a uh with Bay Street Baptist Church I I've been a deacon there I serve on the finance committee as you come in the north Corridor of Eustace and I came with the pastor that night and we talked about beautifying I started working with uh St John I started you know working with the Water Authority I brought them all down to the uh after uh Tom came out and and met with us and I I just been trying to go through the process so uh beautification would would be one of of the city and uh that that's it anything else from anyone Randy thank you have a seat with your family and we're going to start this process okay okay thank you I I've sat here and I've listened to everyone and I didn't have many questions and and the reason I didn't to and I'm going to be honest with everyone I've known Chris for a long time and I know what what Christine has done for our community and I've known Randy most of my life I was born in 1964 so um I know what his family has done in our community as well so I I pretty much uh know each of the each of these individuals and I'm very proud to call them friends and I very proud of what they have done uh for Eustace um so however this goes tonight I think that we will be well served for the next few months uh as we wait on the next person that will be elected uh by the electorate of eus to this position so um Madame attorney do you want to make a statement before we move on yes Mr Mayor thank you and I am looking for a consensus from the commission so Mr Mayor and miss and Commissioners my recommendation is that in the event of an equal vote for each of the candidates this evening that we follow follow the procedure in Florida statute 100.1 181 and in that case um it involves that the two candidates would draw lots to determine which seat uh which candidate will be appointed to the seat we actually have a box here uh with numbers from 1 through 20 and the highest number would be the one receiving the appointment uh since Miss Cruz is not here she would have the opportunity to nominate a proxy if that were to be necessary to select on her behalf and um again the highest number would receive the appointment um so is there a consensus on the commission just to use this procedure in the event of a 22 everybody good I have a question I remember I came into the commission SE in that process and I remember there being like a split vote and then they went around a second time and I think a third time before they did so there's no opportunity to do that it's just like if it's that's the end and you do that if you would like to make that suggestion we could follow a revote but just since we had two I'm not sure if we had um more candidates when you we we did this is the first time we've just had we've just had two so and since it's just two this is a more simpler process I I feel like that would you know if you wanted to if it ends in a two to two and we want to come back and have a little bit further discussion I would be fine with one one one more discussion one more discussion and then we move move back to the process is that okay with everyone yes okay great thank you I'm going to start by opening the floor for nominations for uh interim City commission number seat number four um so I would like to nominate Dr GL thank you any other nominations uh yes sir I'd like to nominate Christine Cruz all right beautiful um so we've got got um a nomination for Randy uh glisten and a second nomination for Christine Cruz at this time I'm seeking a nomination to close or a motion to close the nominations second have a first and a second on that all right roll call on that please commissioner Hawkins I vice mayor Lee I commissioner Ashcraft I mayor Holland I all right since Randy came first for nominations I'm going to place his name into consideration first um looking for a motion uh to nominate Randy glissen to seat number four on the UST City commission so discuss vote at this point we can just go ahead and vote okay on one and then vote on the other okay what do we do you want to have a discussion before yeah we can do that yeah I think we should have discussion first okay we've had that we we've had the nominations so we've got it both nomination let's have discussion you know I thought reading the um uh the resumés of of both that it was going to be tough but I didn't realize how tough it would be until we came here tonight and we had a chance to listen to them both um this is this is going to be a tough it is hard this is going to be a real tough it is hard Gary anything you want to add well um and and I agree with you Mr M I think we'll be served by by either one of them um for me um for me it's it's the it's the recent involvement that Christine has had in our city for for a number of years um she's she's been on various boards um she's donated many many many hours to to the city in very various capacities um she's she's she's made relationships with uh all of us and no offense to Dr dson but I in my opinion I think I think she's a better candidate Emily anything yes reason why I nominated is because of the things that he wrote and I feel like we had a commission that's been we may not always agree but we worked well together and we had that continuity and I I kind of feel like we'll get that from Dr gliston also he hit up on something that I'm very passionate about the beautification of the city um I think that's important and we have a whole program aimed towards that I feel like um he said the right things for me in that capacity I also believe that we are getting ready to Embark upon our budget and and I believe that um he has the knowledge and the capacity I'm not saying that Christine can't but I just feel more comfortable with the things that he could bring to this to bring continue the continuity that we have at this time did Christine say anything you all about budget and finance I don't recall no yeah actually did an understatement though uh when we talked to her I yes you know um you know I think commissioner Ashcraft you know was right you know in regards to Christine and her her involvement and my statement is not going to get us anywhere because um but I also uh agree and one of the things I liked about uh Dr gleon is you know his his longevity and and even though he didn't he doesn't have that that current um relationship I can just tell you know just seeing him in the community and then hearing him his love for the city not to say that Christine doesn't because we all know that she does but it was just something about listening to him and uh yeah I'm I'm not I'm not sure but I think I heard him talk about Connections to Tallahasse that's we need all the help we can get that's where I was going to go next both of them have a tremendous love for the city you don't spend the time that Christine Cruz does cleaning our lakefront and doing the things she does in the city without a love for the city when it comes to budget um it's crucial for us um I'm not sure where this economy is going um I'm not sure whether it gets no matter what happens in the general elections in November we're not going to flip a switch and the economy is going to correct itself overnight the economy is going to be a problem for a while um we're going to need all the help we can get people with Connections in Tallahasse to bring more money home now I know that we've had Nan with us and and Nan hopefully will win her seat in November and be able to help us in tallah hasy and we have a great legislative group in Tallahassee that's working with us but having connections um that are a little bit deeper than that that that have run the course for many years is a big plus to us um so I like I said I'm looking at both sides um I love them both I think they either way we go we're going to be well served um but that's just my opinion on that so questions on the connections will those connections serve us past a four month uh interim time oh I would think so I I I would I would like to ask who whoever we we appoint and if it is Randy or if it's not Randy that we really have Randy connect with help connect with us into Tallahassee to get some stuff done that we have not been able to move the needle on um because a city our size with a budget the way ours looks we're going to need all the help we can get um we we all have sat here we want a better Parks and Recreation Department we want a better Public Safety department uh that's whether that's building whether that's people um whether that is just equipment um and that funding is going to have to come from somewhere other than the taxpayers of hustus and our taxpayers put a lot of money into uh their taxes and a lot of it goes to Tallahassee it's time to bring some of it back luckily we were able to bring some back this year but not as much as we could have and I think if we s May up there that's really concentrating on it that loves J us we might come out with something better just my opinion well can I can I rebut to that pleas please do just just quickly I mean he's Dr glisson's been in town how long and he hasn't brought any money back to us yet why do we think it's going to happen within four months have we asked him and have we required it I If he if he wanted if he wanted to get involved to get involved why why get involved at this particular moment I think there's a difference if you're doing it as a citizen and if you're doing it as a commissioner okay I'm just saying he's had he's had he's had the opportunity for a long time though not as a commissioner and and I see uh I see both yeah I see uh Gary's point you know because Christine has done what she has not as a commissioner but as so I see that that point as well I told yall this ain't going to be easy it's not easy Mary what's the best way to run this procedure now we've had discussion we' got two nominations on the floor yes ma'am in the past you taken the nominations in alphabetical order and vote it on okay all right so and we alphabetical order or we going to do it in the way they were nominated the mayoral and vice mayor appointments you do them in order of nomination nomination but I believe the other on you've done in order of in alphabetical order so I think you you has surer clerk over many of these I'm going to go with your recommendation I'm not making a recommendation yeah I think you have enough discretion to decide which way it doesn't make any difference all right and I I plan to call the role in alphabetical order if that's appropriate discussion okay as to the nominees no as to the commission all right let's um let's do um alphabetical then uh we have Christine crw uh in nomination for hust City commission uh inum position for seat number four Madam clerk do you want to call the rooll on Christine Cruz yes commissioner Ashcraft hi commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee nay mayor Holland hey all right so we're tied there do we need to then vote on Randy yeah all right so we're we've got Randy GL name in for nomination for City commission inum for seat number four call the role please commissioner Ashcraft n commissioner Hawkins I know the show to say going back around again yeah Nate Mayor Lee I mayor Holland I all right so we came up with a two to two tie any further discussion um well we had we had the scenario planned so um or we thought it might need to be planned I mean Christine will have to with your guys's consensus she'll need to name a proxy to draw her number no we get another round of talking before I'm not changing my vote that's of were you going to say something thinking with me she she's done a lot for the community she been actively engaged uh and not to take away from uh from Dr gleon um yeah I'm I'm stick I'm going to stick with Christi okay I think we're at the we're still at a tie I don't think there's anything any reason to do another round of votes um Am I Wrong Commissioners all right is that third one out there anywh we don't know we can't do that [Laughter] Willie okay well Christine are you where you can hear us still I am do you have someone in the audience that you would like to pull a number for you I would like to nominate the city clerk as my proxy please got it ma'am she's headed her way over to Sasha now Randy you want to come up as well and whoever gets the number closest to 20 will be our inim City Commissioner for seat number four Sasha's making her way to the floor can you see us Christine I can indeed all right we need a bigger you know and the city clerk has the same name so you know honestly either way the city of hustus is a winner here I I believe the same way Christine yes good luck Christine all right okay alab alphabetical order is fine go ahead Madam attorney good luck to you both Christine congratulations Christine you there I am here thank you very much we cut out for just a minute congratulations Christine Christine we will expect you at the meeting on next Thursday evening we will swear you in before the meeting starts and uh read up on the budget while you're on vacation I was at the budget meetings but yes I will read up some more thank you very much all right thank you enjoy the rest of your vacation okay you what to Dr glissen about some of his connections so thank you very much all right bye bye conat bye bye anyone else on the commission have anything else this evening before we close all right Madam attorney thank you form oh right right I guess we do don't we all right I need a motion to formally appoint Christine Cruz as an interim City commission for seat number four resolution number 2476 oh there it is 2476 resolution 2476 so moved a second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call commissioner Ashcraft I commissioner Hawkins hi vice mayor Lee hi mayor Holland hi all right that is taken care of anything else from the commission Madam attorney anything from you Tom anything from you no sir Madam clerk anything from you no sir thank you all for being with us tonight the meeting is adjourned for