##VIDEO ID:NUsnkYe4DQY## e good evening everyone and welcome to eustus City Hall this is a meeting of the local planning agency it's 5:46 p.m Thursday October 17 2024 is there a quum president proper notice been given yes thank you so much first thing on our agenda is the approval of minutes from the September 5th 2024 local planning agency meeting so move thank you have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please Miss Cruz hi Mr Hawkins hi by chair Lee I Mr Ashcraft hi chairman Holland I next we have ordinance number 24-36 Jeff ordinance 20 or 2024 c+1 for proposed ordinance 2436 um future Landes assignment this is for approximately 3.34 Acres um just west of Cricut Hollow um George tadfield is the owner this is request for assignment of the residential office transitional land use and uh it will be a Suburban Corridor potentially assigned um if passed to City commission um General location uh this is the existing building that has been there for as long as I have been living in Lake County anyway I believe um so about 30 years um actually go back one second the address is 255 East Orange Avenue this is the last kind of dnut hole that is left out in that area did you say 3.34 or3 34 okay that's okay possibly my frog in my throat okay um it is within the jpa um it is actually an enclave it is the basically the last remaining hole on the North side that is not um been annexed um this one as you remember was previously postponed due to a error in advertising everything has been advertised appropriately this time the newspaper articles went out um last week and again Monday um the mailings went out uh last week so 10 days ago and the sign was posted before the storm it is not there that now obviously um again County current County future land use is residential professional uh or sorry urban urban medium the zoning on the property actually is residential professional um the county Urban medium allows for densities up to seven dwelling units per acre it allows for single multifam use as well as office and limited commercial type uses um um the requested future land use is residential transitional uh this does allow for a residential density up to 12 dwelling units per acre um the uh at an F of one um again the land use allows for single family multifam office um and Commercial as a conditional use in the city this is an again an ex has an existing office type structure or has been used for office and Professional Services um for years um the request is consistent with the surrounding future land use patterns it's basically everything on Orange Avenue is the residential transitional um and there actually is some parallels between the current C's Urban medium and our residential transitional um especially when you count in the Cy's currently assigned zoning of residential professional um facilities are are um public utilities are available um natural resources is an existing developed property um with commercial office residential professional uses on the property or were I do have some photos later on kind of giving the history and when it seems to have been last occupied um transportation basically isn't affected from its current uses um and as far as for the comprehensive plan it would be consistent um this is the site as it kind of exists today and did last year um 2019 it was being used for office uses and back in 2011 there's kind of a mix of tanning salon and nail salon in there some so some Professional Services as well as office uses Steph is recommending approval or recommends that the LPA does transmit 2024 C+ 11 uh for consideration for adopting ordinance 2436 thank you Jeff anybody's got any questions of Jeff actually I have one yes sir if this has been that way so long in the county do we know what's prompting to change now um not necessarily they they approached us that the owner current owner has a potential P purchaser that will be doing Office Professional uses or you know Office Professional type uses Professional Services um basically he's a coin broker dealer so he will have a little limited retail in there but no more so than a nail salon or so I don't know whether it's that the county won't approve the use to go in there then again they don't necessarily issue business tax receipts anymore so I don't know how necessarily that would be caught on their side in other words I don't have a good answer for you I I'm just P it was been that way for so long then why why it has been vacant though I think well I think it was since 2009 so the county may have looked at that as a discontinu of uses okay thank you anyone else uh Jeff what's directly behind it to the North that actually is I believe the Cricut Lake subdivision or actually there's a vacant parcel and then it goes into the residential parel the vacant parcel is what I was yeah directly that is also RT a residential transitional there's nothing on there right now I if you remember back a while ago I think we had an application for a a quick service restaurant on that property to the north it was right on the corner yeah and we turned it down because of traffic flow okay all right until the county can come up with a better idea for Orange Avenue out there we didn't all anything to be developed okay if if if we approve this does that allow them to come to us now something like that I think it really changes anything from the existing the existing building currently has two driveway Cuts MH I believe those were probably do approved driveway Cuts because it would have been probably back far enough that it would have been under their jurisdiction at the time okay this is definitely one of those enclaves though that we've been trying to clean up along Orange Avenue so at least if we bring it in it's under own control the counties so Jeff you said this was noticed yes did you receive any sort of comments from the public or the neighbors or anything about I had a lady come in yesterday but it was not for that it was for the maintenance of in the right away I went through a whole discussion with her because she W kind of waved a piece of paper in front of me and I thought it was the notice for this it happened to be a code enforcement notice to the current property owner that's on the corner thank you go all the way back up to the lake um no no okay no just just what's highlighted in red there Square okay any other questions of Jeff anyone in the audience have any questions keep in mind if this gets transm transferred to the commission you'll have a chance to speak there as well not seeing any uh looking for a motion to trans mayor yeah all right come on up please her hand is wrapped so I think it's in Disguise yeah I couldn't see it and Lorenzo was blocking her sit down l so no no ma'am what they would have to do whenever they do if they try to build something new they would have to come back to us uh to get approvals for whatever they put in there they would probably need to come back for us for a conditional use permit yes ma'am so it's just a lot where the house is that is correct okay thank you yes ma'am anybody else you'll have to you'll have to come up here that's fine go ahead so I moved to Eustace in 2020 because the town was very small there was not a lot of traffic and since I moved into cricet Hollow they've built three single family residents directly across the street now they're putting in tow houses now they're putting in a 7-Eleven I understand progress but progress requires infrastructure and our street cannot take any more traffic I commute an hour and 30 minutes to work and this adds more time every day it takes me sometimes 20 minutes to get out of my subdivision in the morning so I just want to know what kind of traffic impact is it going to have and what kind of clientele is that going to bring it's a coin shop is that like a pawn shop or we going to end up with a lot more Riff Raff on our side of town it's nice and quiet there until we get something back in we don't know truthfully this is on the annexation of this property okay okay yeah thank you ma'am anyone else all right hearing no one else uh looking for a motion to transfer this to the city commission for consideration second have a first and a second any further uh discussion not hearing any roll call please Miss Cruz I Mr Hawkins I Vice chair Lee I Mr Ashcraft I chairman Holland I all right thank you all so much that ends everything for the local planning agency meeting we're going to adjourn and we'll be back with the city commission meeting at 6 o'clock