e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] good evening everyone welcome to USA City Hall this is a local planning agency meeting it is Thursday April the 4th 2024 and it is 5:30 p.m. so our cor pres proper notice been given yes thank you so much next we have approval of minutes from our March 21st 2024 LPA meeting so I have a first and second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please Miss Cobb I Mr Hawkins I Vice chair Lee I chairman Holland I and then we have considerations and discussion 2.1 who's presenting tonight you coming up come on up you want me to do this yeah we won't be hard on you this is your first one is it this is you got an initiator just one thing for me get into that microphone so we can hear you okay okay sure okay for the recourse I'm sheru the senior planner at development services and I'm presenting the proposed ordinance number um 24-13 for future land use assignment for uh 2024 C+ 02 for the property located on the east side of East one second we can't hear you ladies can you turn up that microphone on that Podium we can't hear all right go for it uh for the property located on the east side of east cr44 and south side of uh Bates Avenue uh with alternate key number 26071 73 uh the the property owner and applicant is uh green links and the subject property is approximately 1.26 acres and is located within the um ECE joint planning area or jpa the map shows the side location which is located on easterly side of the city and uh this is a view from the south side of the property the subject property and this is another view from the west side of the property uh the land use designations of surrounding properties uh from the north and west bestest side uh we have um the properties which are not within the city limits uh with future land with land use of urban LW and from um the south and east side we have uh the City properties which is the city we plant uh property and uh with future land use of public and institutional and with Design District of suburban neighborhood this application uh was reviewed based on um Florida Statutes and the city future land use and the city Land Development regulations uh the existing County future land use is urban LW which allows a four um dueling unit per acre and uh the city future land use will be Suburban residential which allows uh five dwelling unit per acre with primary intent for a single family detached or attached the requested future land use designation aligns uh with surrounding land use uh designations and established patterns for the public uh notifications we had the newspaper advertisements um on March 21st sorry 25th and April 1st and uh the public notifications were sent on March 22nd and the public um and the sign was up on March 203 uh the facilities have the capacity to serve existing and maximum development regulations requirements and the property lies within um 100 year flood plane and it's within WWA study um area and categorized as moderate drain Sandy soils The Proposal aligns with the city's future land use and comprehensive plan and consistent with existing development patterns the map shows the utility availability uh water service and Sewer U service are available from the west side of the property as the map shows as well and um there is flood zone designations affecting the property U according to uh fima 2012 firm maps and sorry the property is located within the viiva study area the soils on the side side um is classified as mayaka Sands and Placid which consists of moderately drained Sandy soils and as an evaluation of request or jurisdiction uh the subject property is located in a partial Enclave area of the city and at the end the staff recommends transmission of 2024 C+ uh 02 to the city commission as the Suburban res resdential is requested which is consistent with surrounding residential uh uses and the proposed designations are compatible and consistent uh with e comprehensive plan and um the E Land Development regulations thank you thank you any of our committee have any questions I do um and and and I correct me if I'm wrong I just we went by it and I don't remember after reading my packet today uh what was the total acreage on this 1.20 26 that's right and how much of it's wet almost um I would say 90% probably we have it in um on the map so 90% of it's wet I would say yeah I would say within the flood plane it's under the flood plane yeah it's not on wet plant sorry but it's under the under the flood plane almost 90% of the prop but there's but there's if you go back to it right there yes I would say so that's surrounding on the see the back part of that I can't it says zone four on it Zone a a Zone a Zone a yes okay is all of this wet back in here I mean like wet wet it's it's it's flood zone it's not under Wetland it's floods flood zone so it's not underwater but it is in the flood zone so it's not a wetland okay okay go ahead um we're good for now for now yeah yeah it's good for now any more questions anybody from the public want to speak on this keep in mind if the commission or if this committee sends it to the commission you will have a a a chance to speak at the commission meeting I have a card from Cindy Newton Cindy come on up sounds like me out every morning unincorporated Eustace uh if you could keep the flood map up for me uh you see that green line coming down that is on the southern side that's Lake Joanna Northern side it goes to Lake SWAT that is the natural flow of the water between those two uh areas it restricts at Bates and if you recall when you did the draw down on uh Blue Lake that's the path the water took what you see in this flood zone is the capacity for when we have high rain events because of that restriction that's where it floods so my recommendation is not Suburban residential because I it would be very difficult for you to put more than one house there uh rural residential would make a lot more sense they might be able to put a house in the southern the southern corner of that is the dry spot um otherwise you're going to have not only that house flooding but if you build it up so that you're out of the flood zone you're going to push the water over towards um Misty Oaks so thank you thank you I did have a question I couldn't find my notes on the natural resources and natural features and and number two I could you explain a where it says uh it would be within a recharge area and a s specific geotechnical and all of those words there um could you explain that to me and that is in the 100 year flood zone what what does all that mean to this property or the recharge are I mean or sorry 2 a and 2 B on the natural resources and natural features and are you referring to the staff report yes yeah Chef did you understand the question come on sorry basically when you're dealing with the recharge um and I think that's what your question is it's kind of related to that um the recharge areas are based on a kind of an overall so it's a broad picture of view when you go into each individual development that's why part of our requirements where we're going either doing a subdivision or a site plan is give us a geotechnical what's actually occurring on that site what is the substrate because you can have a you know um an area that says oh look I'm TW what 12 to 20 Ines really high recharge but when you actually do the sight specific you might find up hey look 20 ft down there is a clay confining layer that actually makes it so that doesn't recharge that's that's what that's basically saying okay and then and then it says the city does not have a record of Florida Master site files so how do you and no known historical or cultural resources exist so what does that mean and it basically means that it isn't a listed site on the National Historic register it is an identified site by the state or locally just and then the um no no known middens or anything like that on the property and then and then the 100 flood year flood zone area so is it is it impacted by it is 100-year flood within the 100 year flood means any building that happens on that site has to follow FEMA's regulations and then um tell me about the U the soil and the topography this the is that good or bad the Sands and all of this basically the Placid Myas are I would say that's probably about 50% of our area around here or either Lake Sands T very Sands or the Placid Myas basically it means it's probably not a real Great Sand to put a septic tank in but it's fine to build on no okay you cannot do those are those are my wanted clarification on thank you just north on the uh is is the on I guess it's a partial Enclave correct mhm yes okay just north on the Lake County side uh and I think this is an old map what's there now where just north of it which says Lake County unincorporated it was just I'm going back to see if I can find a there or anial it's there's I think there's a house in there's house so there's only there's a house okay so just one house okay yeah all right and based on what Miss Newton said if they build there we have to worry about miss the yolks okay and it it may interrupt the flow okay from north to south correct according to our comprehensive plan which I think we may have included the policies within the staff report within the flood plane basically you're limited to two dwelling units Breakers so that 1.26 acres is only going to get two dwelling units on it anyway MH per because of our comprehensive plan policy and essentially you don't need to fill it you can build up the stem wall you just have to be I think the female regulations are 18 inches above the base flood elevation so that would be what the finished floor has to be okay based on that what concerns me about this is the property uh on 44 and uh I'm just worrying about that same scenario Happening Here the one at SD and 44 that corner piece have the same concern yeah all right okay anybody else anybody else from the public yes sir your name and uh yes my name is Ben Champion I'm uh the owner of the property in question and um you know we we're told we can't build unless we Annex into the city because we are close enough to your water and sewer lines that it's a requirement that we Annex into the city which is great you know we'd love to be part of Eustace um a lot of these concerns which are being raised about the flood zone um I think are not entirely accurate first you're not allowed to build on a site in a way that's going to cause Waters to go off of your property onto an adjoining property so when you grade you need to grade in a way that your flow is not going to go onto the adjoining property so uh that obviously we would comply with um this is flood zone 1% chance of flooding each year it would be our intent to use what's called compensating storage uh to fill uh for a house pad and that would be to take dirt from onsite to uh build the house pad and that means that you would change there would be no net change to flood waters because you're digging a hole to you know build the house pad and the water that is displaced from your house pad's going to go in that hole so um I please ask for your um moving ahead with this um you know the property you know the owner uh is a company called Green links and my investors you know bought this property and we would like to develop it at some point and to do so we need to Annex into the city of eustus it's over an acre of land and so to say you could only have one house on it is uh very very restrictive from our point of view so i' I'd ask you to let us have the two houses that are normal for this um zoning thank you thank you sir if you have any questions on thank you anyone else verify that what's that can I plan verify what he just said what verify what he said yeah you want to ask him they yeah would you guys verify what he said um the comments we just heard can you say that that is a fact or well I need probably most familiar with most of this stuff um yeah essentially FEMA's regulations if pad and even if this becomes two lots or one lot essentially yes you're you're if you're filling just the pad itself or if you use a stem wall and back fill as a foundation to get your finished floor elevation to the appropriate generally that's going to be allowed and it's not going to be in conflict with the female regulations um Mr Champion have you done this before when you've built or do are you the Builder or okay I'm not a builder but I I have developed similar properties including um near 439 and 44 there's a development called Woodberry um 5 acre lots on average but some are smaller some are bigger and the entire subdivision uh was in the flood zone but we worked with FEMA and that was under County development to make sure that we complied with all of FEMA regulations and you know developed in a way that would not impact our neighbors all right thank you all right um on 2.1 looking for a motion to transmit this to the city commission for consideration can I I'm sorry can I ask a question um Mr Champion you I think you you handed me a second card and it there's no name on it but it says it's representing Lake County Conservation Council I apologize that that card was on the table and I put my card on top of it and then when I sat down and then I realized that's not where the cards you're supposed to go so I grabbed them both thinking I was helping somebody out but I guess if there's not a name on it so is there someone here that would like to represent the Lake County Conservation Council because there's no name on this card J J for the city commission meeting okay all right thank you all right anybody want to uh make a motion to transmit this to commission for um consideration I have a question yes ma'am and this is a Sasha question I know we talked about the you know the SR which which they're asking are we allowed at this time to say before we transmit to maybe if we say maybe rural residential are we allowed to change that Midstream or no the um as it's written that's how it was published and it was transmitted so if we're going to be Chang that's what I thought I just I just want to make sure it would have to be read advertised come back come back okay all right looking for a motion if there's none it will cease so at this time one more call all right we're going to uh this one will fail on on the first hearing all right go to uh 2.2 please uh I'm presenting the future land use assignment for 2024 C+ 03 for proposed ordinance number 24-16 uh property located on kulage street and Swani Avenue on North side of Swani Avenue uh with alternate key number 10 6439 the property owner and applicant is invisage homes and um the site is approximately 3 acres and is located within the jpa the map shows the site location and um which is located um at north easterly side of the city with a lot Frontage of approximately 102 ft and uh a lot length of approximately um 128 ft Dimensions copi directly from Lake County property appraiser records and uh for the land the land use designations of surrounding properties uh from the north and east side we have two wecken lots um which were um annexed to the um to the uses recently they are for First Assembly of God uh properties uh with future land use of suburban residential and Design District of suburban neighborhood and from the south and west side we have um sorry we have the South and yeah from the west and and South Side we have uh the properties which are uh not within the city limits and um one of them is single family and the other one is second this application uh was reviewed uh based on the Florida statute and the city uh future land use and the city uh Land Development regulations the existing County future land use uh for the subject property is urban low which allows four dwelling uh unit per acre and uh the future uh land use would be Suburban residential which allows five duelling unit per acre with primary intent for single family detached or attached and uh the requested uh future land use uh designation aligns with the surrounding land use designations and established patterns for the public notifications uh we had um the newspaper ads on March uh 12 oops sorry this is I think it's not updated uh we had uh the the newspaper ad advertising ments for March March 205th and April 1st and um for the uh public notifications uh we had um on March 22nd we sent the public notifications on March uh 22nd and uh the sign uh was up on March 23rd uh the facilities have the capacity to serve existing and maximum development requirements and the property doesn't lie within uh the 100-year flood plane and it's within the Via stud area and categorized as moderate recharge area The Proposal aligns with the city's future land use and comprehensive plan and consistent with existing development patterns as the map shows um this is uh the map for utility availability and uh the Water Services and Sewer services will be available from the west side of the property uh the kig street and Rosal uh Gardens um are the um Gardens area is the target for the city uh plant Improvement project that includes extensive water and uh sewer system improvements to the water distribution um sewer collection system and the the Improvement also include the storm water system as I mentioned there are no FL Zone designations affecting the property according to fima 2012 firm maps and uh the property lies within the Waka study area and retains the majority of trees and um sorry oops sorry okay excuse me the soils um the soil on the side is classified as myoco uh which consist of uh moderately drained Sandy soils and the subject property located in a partial Enclave area of the city and at the end staff uh recommends transmission of 2024 C+ 03 to the city commission as the requested Suburban um residential is consistent with surrounding area and um compatible and consistent with usce Comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations thank you thank you any committee members have any questions no sir anybody from the public have any questions on this if you do uh if you don't have them now if it getss transmitted to the city commission you will be able to speak at that time not seeing looking for a motion to transmit to the city commission for consideration so move thank you I'll second it any further discussion not hearing any roll call please Miss Cobb hi Mr Hawkins hi Vice chair Lee hi chairman Holland I Mike you up next all right for the record Mike Lane development services director good evening uh we're um looking at ordinance 2418 tonight uh this ordinance proposes to change a parcel in the Grand Island area from Suburban residential to Urban residential uh primarily to um convert seven duplexes into 14 town homes or Condominiums and uh that'll it will also make it consistent with our Land Development regulations and comp plan the site is actually located at Grand Island chores Road and West uh County Road 44 the property owner is uh JP Town Homes LLC and the applicant and contact is Logan Wilson with rlw realy again I mentioned that there are seven duplexes on the property it's roughly approximately 2 acres and the these duplexes were built uh somewhere around 1999 prior to our our current Land Development rigs they are part of the Johnson Point subdivision as mentioned they is currently under our Suburban residential category uh what's interesting is that category allows five units an acre by virtue of the unit count right right now they're in not in compliant with our code obviously they've got 14 duplexes there they by the current code they should be 10 so in order to make them compliant we're recommending that the site be changed to Urban residential which actually allows 12 units an acre and as pointed out these are uh duplexes that are going to be converted to uh individual units whether they be town homes or Condominiums and and therefore they they will allow uh home ownership in that area instead of the units to be rented out individually Lake County property appraiser area is in front of you again you can see the seven units there uh what what is of interest is that you can see that each unit actually has a uh a shared driveway the garages are side by side side they are already I'm sure have a a firewall in between them uh now this is the front view we're facing northward the South View if you look toward the the uh the northern part you'll notice that the rear part of the property uh actually has the the patios and again the patios are separated by a firewall and again uh this will be just a a very simple um at at one point a re plat of these particular Lots here notification uh requirements have been met and uh at this point normally during our comp plan and Analysis we we review all kinds of of policies with with this being a a pre-developed parcel it it pretty much is not applicable in this range so at this point staff is recommending that uh this be transmitted to the city commission for approval any questions of Mike on this Mike did we hear from anyone no sir okay anything else anyone from the public like to speak on this not singing looking for a motion to transmit this to the city commission for consideration so move I'll second have a first and a second any further discussion not hearing any roll call please miss cob I Mr Hawkins hi Vice chair Lee hi chairman Holland I Mike okay what you have with this particular ordinance uh is a a change in Our Land Development regulations just to make us compliant with the state statutes uh at the present the the state uh has adopted the 2023 Florida building codes which went into effect December 31st and our building department is already enforcing those basically what what we're doing is changing language in our code that talks about 2020 and our seventh edition of the Florida building code primarily to just say 2023 8th Edition and that's pretty much it any questions of Mike on this anyone from the public like to speak on this not seeing any looking for um Can can we do we have to transmit this to commission or can we just vote on this one no I think this one needs to go to commission Co commission all right looking for a motion to transmit so I second all right have a first second any further discussion not have hearing any roll call please miss cob hi Mr Hawkins hi Vice chair Lee hi chairman Holland hi that concludes our local planning agency meeting for this evening we'll come back in five minutes for the regular City commission meeting