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and responsible decision- making respect themselves and others problem solve individually and collaboratively become contributing members of a diverse Global Society thank you Mr dearcy I'll now hand the floor over to Dr Smith for presentations thank you m thank you Mr canthon and if I if you wouldn't mind joining me up front along with uh Mr physic we have the great joy to recognize some students tonight and we're going to start off with two Elks essay contest winners so if I could have Briel Wolf come on up and Ben forer come on up too he's here and from the Elks we have a representative I'm eile lynville and I'm happy to be here to represent the Elks of Marlton uh each year the Elks National Foundation offers a chance for our students to write essays um and they have hold a contest for it and uh usually the topic is something on americanism uh this year the students here wrote on what what does the Bill of Rights means to be so very impressive as far as I'm concerned uh these essays are judged both at the um District level the local level and the state level and these young folks have earned their right to receive certificates from the Elks for their excellent writing skills um I am happy to present Ben and Riel their uh certificates and commend them on their uh skills in their writing and encourage them to continue continue to Great to improve their skills and to continue to learn the knowledge about our great country thank you good job thank you continuing with the theme of writing tent etsd if Paige Halper could come on up so page won the junior upstander award from the the Esther Rob Holocaust Museum and Goodwin education center I'm I'm like so amazed by that can I tell you I don't know anybody else who's ever won that so you're like in that way the most famous person I've ever met with for that award you know and uh and I I don't know if like you you want to I don't know if I'm putting you on the spot a little bit so you don't have to but like if you want to share a little bit about what that award is or what it means to you or what you had to do no it's okay that's totally fine it's totally fine well can I say then a little bit can I can I guess and if I'm right you you tell me like okay so I think it probably means that you were courageous and stood up and supported someone who needed you yeah and that's awesome so great job okay so uh if if M wants to come take a picture come on up and we'll we'll get conratulations awesome so so our last round of awards tonight this is for staff and um so we have we're gifted in etsd with amazing counselors and administrators and um so what we have tonight is both our middle schools earn the uh the no place for hate designation from the Anti-Defamation League and this is the second year in a row that they've earned it and um that takes a lot of work so first I'm going to call them up and and then because it's easier to hear about that work from the people who actually did it so if I let's have um all of our Middle School team that's here come kind of come on up so Beverly green she's here miss green Mr Brie and uh Mr luch Bell Miss Miss Mel Isaac Mr Robinson from deacy Mr Fort as well From MMS Mr Hoffman Mr Donnelly Miss [Music] Williams Laura Mason I see her over there come on up Laura and Robins come on up here and uh I'm going to turn it over I think to uh okay oh you already figured that out yeah that's good that's good all right M Robinson if you can just kind of open the window for us a little bit into sure um just a quick like brief explanation of no place for hate um each school year we Implement um three different lessons throughout our classroom six seventh and eighth graders and we just touch on topics that are really um that really you know relate to our students so we might touch on things like social media bullying conflict resolution um and we change it up every year so by the time the kids go through Middle School they'll receive nine different lessons um and they also take a pledge and if you are in the room and can look up here we actually have the students um they all come sign the pledge they do so um grade by grade and they actually really enjoy it so I think it's been very suc successful and you know we're very grateful to be able to implement it perfect visual aid for anyone watching at home it's uh in the back corner that you can't see but other than that it's a great visual aid for everyone here more reason to come on out to our meetings you can you get to get it in three dimensions um but uh thank you three again for all the hard work and um I'm sure you're already thinking about for next year yeah yeah because there's more wall space over there so um but and and and and I just while the opportunity of just standing here in addition to the new police for hate work just all your all your work all year and and everything that you that you do you know Administration and counselors together it's it's a really important teamwork and thank you for that so much yeah thank you let's get a pick yeah right we're going to move from there into public hearing on our revised 2425 budget so yeah oh yeah this is the part where thank you Miss gford good reminder this is the part where I say everyone who was here for the student and staff Awards was welcome to stay but if it is summer after all and if you have something else to do feel free um no harm no foul the uh I myself am having like Day Day Dayja Vu just saying I'm gonna we're going to talk about the budget because this is the fourth time publicly plus staff presentations back in February March um and uh but this was a unique year because this year there was legislation that passed which enabled districts who were losing state aid this year to um through a a vote a board of education vote potentially go above What's um always a 2% local tax levy cap so um and as a board this presentation reflects um an increase in that cap in order to replace restore some positions um and uh so it's these are is a positive thing and we're going to not go through um all the slides because we've done that multiple times before the focus is going to be on the changes since um our final budget presentation which was May 6th so um this will be posted on our website it'll be in my update tomorrow so people can see the colors a little bit better then but just it looked really good on my screen but here looking at it like the maroon and the fuchsia um blend a little bit but fuchsia represents changes since um the May 6 presentation you can see no changes so I'm just not going to go over these slides we've talked about them before but essentially they just tell a really sad story about our District's um financial situation being million less than the average budget for a district our size um and that brings us to the tax impact which I'll pass off to Mr Ys for that thank you Dr Smith welcome back again everybody so here we are talking about the final revised budget that we're going to be uh approving tonight so I'm going to back up a couple slides just to show you guys some changes so our total revenues total expenditures uh you'll remember budgets need to balance in New Jersey so our expenditures need to equal our revenues in this case our total spend next year is projected to be88 mil 69,3 188 it changed very little on our percentages um across the board our salaries and benefits did increase slightly uh revenues our local taxes have increased because that's where we're we're um uh will be generating additional tax levy as part of this revised budget that we're submitting and then our state funding we did receive 8,331 in stabilized school budget Aid which was a restoration of some of our state aid that we were projected to lose from the state of New Jersey that stabilized school budget Aid allows or gives eligible districts 45% of their uh loss year over so for us our loss was was about $18,000 we're getting $833 back so it changes our total loss from $500 5,300 to 496 969 or 6.8% this year uh this was a slide that showed how the state has shifted the burden since the onset of S2 um it is now a heavier burden for the local taxpayers less of a burden for the state so they're Shifting the burden we're picking up um more of that lift and then here when we look at our total reductions again that number has only Changed by the $833 that we received as restoration this year our total cumulative State funding reduction comes to just over $31 million that we've absorbed uh so far next year if state aid were to be flat um we will absorb another $ 7,627 th000 loss so that number will continue to climb for us unless we get back every dollar that was taken and then let's talk about tax levy impact we are our full impact this year is going to be 3.9% from the previous year tax levy that total number is 7,892 83 it's an increase of $2,661 and uh 2,661 th12 you can see that in the top right the gray box shows the difference year over with the increase and increased percentage in the right in the middle there I know the screen's a little hard to read but the middle highlighted bar shows the average assessed values in eam which is roughly $272,000 the increase year over dollar increase for the average assessed home in Eve sham is $140 and 64 uh if you would say hey my home is not worth 272,000 it's a sliding scale so you go to the top of the scale for every $100,000 of assessed value your dollar increase will be $516 C and then if we look at the changes from the revised budget to what was what is current or what we uh had approved previously our increase in Levy is going to 2, 66112 up from the $1.7 million on the right and you could follow the chart there so the annual uh tax dollar increase for the average assessed home was previously $92 81 and it will increase to $14.64 tax rate went from 1322 to 1.34 and that's it thank you thanks Mr y so um one additional change not reflected in the um the positions that are being restored is uh we did receive updated uh safety guidance from uh Ean police they did additional uh safety study of the um firewood crosswalk and we're thankful for that effort in in investment of energy and as a result of that updated safety guidance we are going to uh provide busing or briwood MMS and Mees for next year in the 2425 budget that was going to represent a savings of $60,000 to make that up we are going to move 60,000 from from the shift dividend instead so and this I just kept the whole presentation from last time with um any adjustments so that's why this is struck through and here as well these are the positions that'll be restored so that 940,000 that's the um the amount of additional Revenue that we're bring in by going to 3.9% as Mr E explained uh we're going to use that to restore the instrumental music position to maintain the structure of the tier three program that was going to would have been a one position reduction restore the Spanish position that was going to be cut restore the related arts positions there were two special education positions uh in class support positions that we going to be cut we restoring those as well as four teaching assistant positions and one confidential secretary position for a total of 14 positions $940,000 so we're very thankful to be able to do that moving ahead to any of these slides that were so yeah so you can see like anything that was restored is now struck through so like the music position right right there all that struck through um the tier three restructure that struck through because um we were restoring that position for next year we have been uh in communication with the Ed Foundation as they uh undertook a very extensive effort to uh in um teamwork with Community Partners to raise funds to help support part of the cost of that position and we anticipate you know don't know what the future is going to bring in terms of state aid but we we anticipate um having that same um kind of shared cost sharing partnership with ef um not for next year since we won't need it for next year since we're restoring the position as part of the 940,000 in additional Revenue but we anticipate using that shared cost partnership for the 2526 in the 2627 school year again stru through the things that were restored Elementary Spanish related arts uh then um yeah and I guess the last word I I would just say here too is um the uh we do have um and I I think I we talked about it um we were going to talk about it that's right as part of the final budget presentation we moved it to a later date and talked about it um earlier this month but uh the preschool application so um you know we have on the agenda tonight recommended to the board to approve our district to complete and submit the application when it becomes available it's not currently available we check the website pretty much every day and the 2324 preschool application is still listed not the 2425 application so it's difficult slash impossible to provide numbers for the current the upcoming school year when we don't have the application for the upcoming school year what we will do is um pending board approval tonight to complete that application the approval tonight also includes that we will put the fully completed application on the August if that is if again if the deadline's before August then it'll be on the August um agenda but it will be on the next avail board meeting uh the fully completed application with details were recommended for board approval and we will make that publicly accessible prior to the meeting um and that concludes the revised final budget presentation any questions I have a question on the preschool application so if it is due before the August board meeting will we have a meeting where we get to see all the numbers and what that means yeah so our next meeting is August 15th so if it were due before that meeting we would be submitting it and then putting it for board approval on the 15th and if the board doesn't approve it then we would um basically remove our application that the state can't approve the application without the approving the application submitted so um it can't that it can't be approved without the board so we're saying we can submit it tonight but if we don't like what it shows then we can vote it down and it would be taken by exactly exactly yeah and we and and what we'll do is because we can't we haven't really been able to start working on it too much because we don't have the uh you know the 2425 application so we anticipate any day now it'll be made available and then we'll have basically like July and that first part of August to complete it submit it but then the missing piece will be the board approval without which it can't be approved by the state so good question thank you all right thanks everybody thanks Dr Smith um we're going to have two public comments in a row the first one's going to be for any public comment about the budget specifically so this meeting will now be open to the public um concerning the 2425 school year budget however if your questions or comments pertain to litigation student or Personnel items or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these matters in public please let me your comments at 3 minutes per person is there anyone would like to speak on the budget specifically hi my name's Robert raldi I live in the briwood is the additional Levy raise $700,000 did I hear that correctly uh $928,000 approximately so was the $2.3 million surplus a surprise I'm I'm not sure what 2.3 million Sur your there was a a message that went out that they're you're trying to build a reserve fund a message from the district I believe so I don't believe the district put out any message about Surplus um I said in my last update that we used 860,000 from the maintenance Reserve to balance this year's budget that's what you mean um May you'll be more familiar see let me just pull up the the board of education current year anticipated Surplus the reserves does that ring a bell I mean I'm I'm not trying to be smart but maybe I could forward this to you but it shows a capital reserve of 1.3 million and the maintenance reserve of 1 million total transfer 2.3 million yeah so you're referencing an item on the agenda where we're we the board is approving potential transfers to Capital and maintenance reserves but the board never made a statement oh okay so this just came through and I thought there was a a surplus that was being transferred to the res sure so this isn't related to the budget but if you guys allow me to clarify I absolutely so this authorization that we're seeking tonight happens at the June meeting statutorily and it is our best case scenario so if we'd like to restore some of our Capital reserves or maintenance reserves which are allowable savings accounts for the district if you will for certain requirements without this authorization tonight we can't put $1 into those accounts okay so we're just we're covering our bases in the event up to 1.3 into capital reserve and and I think it was a million dollars I put into maintenance it's my anticipation we don't come anywhere close to those numbers but in the the best case scenario I'd like to have flexibility to restore as much as possible if that makes sense yeah just what I was thinking if there's a $2.3 million surplus wire we rais in the yeah no there's no indication right now that there is a $2.3 million surplus and we won't know what our actual Surplus is until we get our fiscal year 24 audit back which we won't have until the fall okay my mistake if that makes sense though it's it's just this is authorization from the board to allow us if there's room to restore some of our reserves okay and I also want to thank you for busing the children in briwood i' I've noticed a number of incidents where the crossing guard um just just as a matter of fact in spite of the crossing guard having his hand raised and being in the center of the crosswalk whether our hired crosswalk or a police officer many people blew through it as they were reading texts I have two daughters who were five and a half feet from being struck right and I know you've communicated a number of times about this thank you for re uh examining that decision and protecting the children of briwood because it was just a question of when and that's not my feeling that's Chief Miller's feeling thank you anyone else like to comment on the budget specifically seeing none we'll move into public comment number two this meeting will now be open to the public referencing agenda items only however if your questions or comments pertain to litigations student or Personnel items or negotiations we would ask that you see the super after the meeting since we do not discuss these matters in public please state your name and address at the beginning and limit your comments to 3 minutes per person is there anyone who would like to speak about the agenda tonight going once going twice seeing none we'll move on we need an approval for Section six items 6.1 through 6.4 approval of the minutes do we have a motion motion by Mr visicaro seconded by Miss Fox any questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr y's roll call please on the approval of minutes Mr Bach yes dearcy abstained the 6.3 yes to 6.1 6.2 and 6.4 so yes to all abstain to 6.3 correct your abstention is noted thank you Miss Fox abstain 6.1 and the May 30th part of 6.4 and yes to the rest you made it easy all right I have you yes to all you're abstaining from 6.1 and May 30th item on 6.4 your exstension is noted thank you Mrs null yes to 6.1 and 6.2 abstain to 6.3 and again like Miss Fox abstain on the June 20th portion of 6.4 yes to all abstain 63 abstained to the June 20th portion of 6.4 your exstension is noted thank you Miss Lee abstain to 6.1 and yes to the rest except for the May 30th on 6.4 like Miss Fox that was May 30th yes all right so yes to all obain 6.1 and May 30th portion of 6.4 correct your exstension is noted thank you Mr fisar yes Mr uh no to 6.2 yes to everything else yes to all no to 6.2 yes thank you bear with me motion carries thank you Mr Gates we'll now move into item 7 superintendent report and administrative items we need a motion to approve item 7.1 through 7.8 do we have a motion motion by Mr demarcy seconded by Miss Lee before we head into a roll call hand the floor over to Dr Smith thank you Mr Canon uh first I'd like to congratulate all our students and staff on a great end to the school year from eighth grade graduations to end of the year parties clap outs lead graduations and more even our first ever preschool prom the wrap-up to the school year was such a wonderful time joyful and there's always that bit of Bittersweet as it brings goodbyes in the end of a chapter I'd like to thank our Board of Education artily fervently gratefully um for their support of um our work with the this final budget presentation and the million dollars in additional resources this coming year and every year Hereafter um I'd also like to share uh I I I included in the last few uh etsd updates kind of like an all call to families um for what we're calling like hopes and dreams for the coming year and the question was essentially like etsd families would you be willing to share a bit about your hopes and dreams for your child's school year last year we reached out to gradu to share messages for opening day this year we're reaching out to families we are planning our second annual opening day in service kickoff on Wednesday August 28th 2024 and are seeking responses from our families as window to help us see and feel inspired about the opportunities of the new school year we'd love to hear from as many families as possible anyone interested please email your share in writing photo or video to my secretary Cindy espito at espito e sham. k12.us or to me directly um sometimes things can be a little slow to come into momentum so I wanted to plug it tonight um in case that um helps anyone uh you know take the time and thank you in advance for for that share um I did receive one today that I wanted to just read as an example I I um excised any uh specific names that's the only edit um it goes uh son Our Hope and dreams for you as you go into sixth grade are to find confidence and to know your worth all things are possible with God and we believe in you so much your dedication determination and work ethic are second to none and we can't wait to keep seeing your successes your success in school in hockey and whatever you have a passion for above all keep being a kind empathetic generous person that people look up to we are excited for your future and feel blessed to be called your family mom dad and sis and I wanted to read it just as written because it's um clearly so meaningful and personal didn't want to change a word other than the the names I really appreciate that family taken the time to share it resonates kindness empathy generosity confidence these these are all qualities that we strive to Foster in all of our students all of our staff work towards fostering those as a district and as families in a community we share these values it' be so nice to receive some more shares in response to that question again etsd families would you be willing to share a bit about your hopes and dreams for your child school year and thanks in advance to anyone who would share best wishes to all our staff and families for a wonderful summer that ends my comments thank you Mr C thanks Dr Smith any questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr Yates roll call please roll call on administrative items Mr Bach yes Mr dearcy yes Miss Fox yes Mrs N yes to all except for 7.4 is that a no or an exstension it's it's a no to 7.4 thank you your no to 7.4 yes to the rest Miss Lee yes Mr FIS Caro yes and Mr conon yes the motion carries thank you Mr Yates mooving to item eight curriculum and instruction we need a motion to approve items 8.1 through 8.6 do we have a motion motion by Mrs N seconded by Miss Fox any questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr y's roll call please on curriculum instruction Mr Vach yes Mr Demari yes Miss Fox yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes yes Mr fisar yes Mr comp yes that motion carries thank you moving to item nine finance and operations we need a motion to approve items 9.1 through 9.27 do we have a motion motion by Mr fysic car seconded by Mr Bach any questions or comments from the board Mr deari uh I stated at the last meeting um where I stood on the revised budget so I'm not going to harp on that on that too much uh but I will be voting no on 9.17 um from the perspective of a younger member of this town trying to look out for the next generation of taxpayers and homeowners uh not just them but the current taxpayers and homeowners uh I fear that this state is becoming increasingly more unaffordable for an entire generation of Cherokee graduates who will not be able to call Marlton their home despite loving this town growing up in this town um and and for me that that makes you know the tax increases in the revised budget um I'm not able to support that however I do want to Echo uh sincere appreciation for the reconsideration of the briwood busing uh that has been something that I've spoken about before during executive session meetings uh at the last board meeting um you know that's that's something that I think was was a was a big mistake and I'm glad that we are you know correcting that and and that we did the work to uh to make that happen so so thank you to the administration who made that happen uh thank you to the presidents who spoke up about that uh and uh and I'm glad to see that's back in the budget so thank you any other questions or com any other questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr yat roll call please on finance and operations Mr Bach yes Mr dearcy no to 9.17 yes to everything else no to 9917 yes to the arrest Mrs Fox yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr fisar yes Mr Conan yes that motion carries thank you moving to item 10 Personnel we need a motion to approve item 10.1 through 10.11 do we have a motion motion by Mr ficaro seconded by Mr dearcy any questions or comments as it pertains to Personnel seeing none Mr Yates roll call please roll call on Personnel Mr boach yes Mr Marcy yes Miss Fox yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr FIS Caro yes Mr conon yes and motion carries thank you moving to item 11 policy of which we have Mr Kon if you don't mind just for one moment uh just one of the Personnel approvals that just uh took place which I just want to highlight for a moment so um we uh we have with us our uh newly appointed as of uh project the date of October 1st uh director of personnel Michael mongan who is also our principal of Jagger Elementary School and uh I just um and Mr M just to just to cue cue you a little bit like when I'm done my little couple M moments of comment here if you want to say a few words uh the mik's yours um but I just preface to that um we came into the district about the same time de of 2020 and uh I can remember having breakfast at Turning Point um outside of course at that point and um just you know the the um unprecedented of that time period um the leadership you showed throughout always putting kids first working with your staff building relationships um managing a school that that um is larger than I looked it up earlier today uh jagard is larger in it in itself than six entire school districts in our County um and to do that takes a lot of talent in a lot of different areas I can't wait to see that in this new position as director of personnel so congratulations um and uh that Mike's yours but if you would like to say a few words thank you good evening I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the the Board of Education Dr Smith Miss mulik Dr Bland Mr Yates Mr danten and to the other administrators and the secretaries are part of the interview committee I'm grateful for this I'm grateful for this time and thought that you devoted to this process also want to thank my family for coming tonight my wife my two sons my daughter had to work but and my mother is here and also my jaggard family so many showed up tonight and I I really appreciate that so when I arrived in E four years ago to become the jaggard principal I was immediately welcomed by an amazing enthusiastic community of Educators and students jaggard is a special place and I consider it a gift and a privilege that was afforded to me to have had the opportunity to be jager's principal my time at Jager truly has been four of the happiest years of my career and for that I'm truly grateful as I transition into the role your director of personnel I am truly humbled thank you for seeing my potential and giving me this opportunity I stand here tonight with pride enthusiasm optimism and a sense of responsibility to continue to promote the inclusive environment that defines the eam Township School District as your director Personnel I remain cognizant that is my responsibility to build staff capacity which is key to creating a sustainable School culture of Excellence this will be accomplished through transparent communication meaningful relation reltionship building and genuine Community engagement and a student centered approach to all decision making I look forward to Contin to work collabora with the Board of Education the members of the cabinet and my other fellow administrators in addition to the jaggard staff I'm eager to get to know and work with the other staff at our other seven elementary schools and our middle schools Mr danten rich I wish you a long happy and healthy retirement may you get the chance to spend many years doing whatever you want to do thank you for taking a few minutes to tonight and allowing me the opportunity to say a few words once again my heartfelt thanks for this incredible opportunity thank you thank you Mr mongan moving to item 11 under policy of which we have no new policy moveing to item moveing to item 12 committee reports would any committee chair like to share a report seeing none we will move into Old business of which we have no old business we'll move into new business there is no new business open public comment is next for any items of Interest this meeting will now be open to the public referencing any items of Interest however if your questions or comments pertain to litigation student or Personnel items or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after these meeting because we do not discuss these matters in public please state your name and address at the beginning and please limit your comments to three minutes per person is there anyone who would like to comment on any items of Interest okay seeing none we'll move into board member announcements are there any board members who would like to share an announcement Mr Marcy although it's not entirely School related I I did want to give a massive recognition to a member of the eam Township Police Department Kevin long uh he was recently cited in many major news headlines as running into a buring house to escort uh elderly residents out uh who were unable to escape themselves uh he quite literally save their lives uh and the reason why I'm bringing this up is a thank you and B uh we have so many great police officers here in our schools um you know that that work alongside officer long um and you know they they deserve great recognition for all the work they do to keep our school safe um you know and uh and keep our community safe so thank you to officer long and thank you to all the amazing sro's in our schools thank you Mr dearcy would any other board member like to share an announcement seeing none we'll move to a motion to adjourn motion motion by Mr V car seconded by Miss Lee all those in favor thank you everyone [Music] [Music]