##VIDEO ID:oDnaMvN8U-8## something every [Music] ver oh yeah that's a good burger right there is it um we're getting there we only have five tonight so we need everybody show up look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] down [Music] [Music] one more last our last piece of the puzzle did you drive all the way up again from okay I mean your joke but I don't have anything like that near not yeah yeah we have so many people all the places they're stopping on their way yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] I'd like to call this meeting of the eam Township Board of Education to order pursuant to the public open public meetings act advoc a public notice has been given by the secretary of the eam Township Board of Education in the following manner posting written notice on the official bullton board at the Board of Education Office emailing written notice to the Burley County Times The Courier Post and fing written notice with the municipal clerk of eim Township can I have a roll call please roll call Mr Bach here Mr Brown was a notified absence Mr demarcy was a notified absence Miss Fox was a notified absence Mrs null Miss Lee here Mr Thompson here Mr fisicaro here and Mr Compton was a notified absence we do have a quarum thank you now I need a resolution to go in executive session whereas an njsa 104-112 allows for a public body to go into Clos session during a public meeting and whereas the Board of Education of esam Township has deemed it necessary to go into Clos session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and whereas the regular meeting of the Board of Education will reconvene following the end of the close session at approximately 7:30 p.m. now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education will go into Clos session for the following reasons as outlined in njsa 104-1 12 items 2.2 through 2.4 uh do I have a motion motion by Miss Lee do I have a second by Mr Bach any questions or comments seeing none go to a roll call roll call in executive session Mr Bach yes Mrs N Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr pisaro yes executive session at 6:35 p.m thank you uh we will reconvene at approximately 7:30 [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey heyy hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] la w B [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] e what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to reconvene this meeting of the epam Township Board of Education if you could all please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the stands indivisible thank you everyone at this point Miss Lee is going to read our eam Township mission statement the mission of the eam Township School District is to promote excellence in an environment that engages students in meaningful learning experiences in partnership with students dedicated to staff families and Community the district provides a strong Educational Foundation that will Empower students to achieve their unique potential Embrace self-directed lifelong learning develop the skills necessary for appropriate risk-taking and responsible decision making respect themselves and others problem solve individually and collaboratively and become contributing members of a diverse Global Society thank you missley at this point we're going to be moving the presentations item 4.2 the annual School self assessment presentation uh Dr Smith I'll give you the floor thank you Mr physico and I'm gonna pass that floor over to miss mulik he's gonna be okay um so this is the time of year it's either in um August or September depending on when we have all the information from the state that we give a report to the board on the self assessment that all schools do per requirements at the end of the school year so I just like to start out there you go uh talking a little bit about school climate why it matters so that whole idea we're looking for more satisfied students parents and staff improved academic outcomes better attendance uh lower suspension discipline referrals reduced violence and aggression lower reports of drug use and reduced harassment intimidation and bullying behaviors which is what we're talking about tonight um so that's just some different research in terms of why it matters ahead Frei um so on the left side we just list some different things in terms of schoolwide prevention because we always want to be as proactive as we can so that we don't have to be as reactive when things happen so some of the prevention measures uh that whole idea of promoting positive respectful and inclusive School environments focusing on diversity equity and inclusion uh we use responsive classroom as the district uh so reinforcing those tenants as well as cares which stands for cooperation assertion it turns to advocacy in Middle School responsibility empathy and self-control uh in terms of schoolwide campaigns we always have one as a district for this coming school year its responsibility starts with me sometimes its kindness matters last year it was cooperation is key um and we also have a middle school a campaign for no place for hate and then the last one is is having different supervision during unstructured time so we might have teachers who have duties at Middle School might be in the hallway uh lunch assistants or lunch teachers who are out um to help with recess and things like that on the right side classroom prevention so the idea of um again positive respectful inclusive classrooms we have morning meetings at elementary school we have advisory meetings at Middle School uh we have in all of our social studies documents rule creation where we create that together together uh interactive modeling so everything that we expect kids to do we model for them first we talk about what it looks like what it sounds like we have kids practice and then they begin implementing it we give acadm a choice wherever we can uh again when I talked a little bit about cares uh closing Circle to end of the day so some reflection good in terms of districtwide programs I just listed a few different ones that we use that we've talked about in the past so responsive classroom again cares we also have academic competencies which is traits of growth so that focus on things like perseverance flexibility optimism uh we also have a Character Matters unit that Focus specifically on anti-bullying that happens during the week of respect in our social studies units we have different things connected to community and Service Learning uh in Comprehensive Health and PE uh there's different connections to climate wellness and Technology we have different things connected to digital citizenship and cyber bullying our school counseling program is always focusing on this and I mentioned no place for hate uh next this just talks a little bit about some of the trainings so these are annual districtwide trainings but then obviously we want the schools and they do specific ones at their buildings as well so all schools we have them do a Hib refresher training that we develop um responsive classroom so we do different sessions whenever there's a need uh so it might be something on teacher language it might be something on logical consequences the next one talks about challenging behaviors we also do several book clubs with our teacher leaders in each of the buildings uh so last year as an example we did restorative practices with both our elementary school PLC facilitators and our counselors um the next one Middle School PLC we did teaching students to drive their learning and again the goal of turn King at the building level uh the next one talks a little bit about responsive classroom we use Quick coaching guides that they can then turn key at facility me at faculty meetings and then new staff get more extensive training so instead of a hi refresher they get the anti-bullying Bill of Rights uh training which is like two hours um okay good in terms of the self assessment itself here's just the process so it starts in May or June with the schools each school has a school safety team they self assess themselves in the areas that I'll talk about on the next Slide the state then opens up the reporting system the schools report it it gets submitted to me I review it um once we go through everything we present it to at a public board meeting certainly answer any questions then the required submissions actually have to go through the state and then later typically in the spring they'll actually release the grades based on what we self assessed and then within those uh once it's released we have 10 days we post it and then usually we'll have um it reported whether the grades matched what we did in the self assessment so this is the eight areas which we are scoring ourselves on and you can see there's different numbers so there's five indicators in number one but there might only be two in number eight so for each you will have from anywhere from two to five indicators and this is the scoring that you use so zero is you don't meet the requirements one is you partially meet two is you meet and then obviously three is you exceed so just wrote a little calculation at the bottom that um basically each School gets a grade and then the district is considered an average of all the schools go ahead so I know that's small but basically if you look to the right column because you have each of the elements and then it lists what the scores are but the the most important thing is on the right in terms of the total score there's a possibility of 78 points and you'll see a range anywhere from a school the lowest is 74 the highest is 76 so very close the bottom just shows you possible points for each element but overall in terms of summary every school in every area is either meeting or exceeding we have zero zero places where we're not meeting or partially meeting okay last two things so um for this one it's just really what what do we do with that once we have that information so we look at it in terms of we look at the data with our anti-bullying Specialists so those are our counselors in every school coordinator which is me and then the School principles we look at and come up with recommendations so we'll develop and share those and then we turn key that to the school safety teams at each school they set goals for the year and then look to implement it and then last here are some of the recommendations that we'll be kind of talking about with everybody as we move into the new school year so obviously implementing that uh responsibility starts with me that I talked about emphasizing that social emotional competence so cares both at elementary and at middle week of respect I mentioned Character Matters this year we're doing a little bit more with no place for hate as well as some zones of Regulation and then uh spring possible survey and then some of the things the school safety teams will focus on in terms of assessing themselves as well that's it thank you Mr I hope the large crowd didn't scare you off there um anybody on the board have any questions U gear towards Mr mul in our presentation all right seeing none again thank you very much M mulik right at this point uh we will then move to public comment for agenda items only if I can have the lights please I am scared of the dark this meeting will now be open to the public referencing agenda items only however if your questions or comments pertain to litigation student or personal items or negotiations we'd ask to see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these matters in public please limit your comments to three minutes per person would you like to speak okay all right that being said we're going to close that portion all right and we are going to move to item six approval of the minutes I need a motion approve items 61 and 62 do I have a motion motion by Miss Lee second it by Mr Bach thank you any questions or comments pertaining to approval of the minutes being none let's go to a roll call please sure just make a note that on the minutes Mr uh Brown was marked as present absolutely and we're going to have that corrected thank you I appreciate that all right motion to the approval of minutes and it will be corrected Mr boach Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes and Mr ficaro yes the motion carries excellent at this point we're gonna move to item seven superintendent report administrative items I need a motion to approve items 7.1 through 7.6 do I have a motion motion by Miss null do I have a second second by Miss Lee guys are going to be getting a lot of heavy working here today just be ready right uh before we do questions and comments I'm going to give the floor to Dr Smith uh for his superintendent report thank you Mr pisero so we are less than three weeks from today heading towards the first day of school for the 2425 school year very excited for that first day having all our students back our staff districtwide have been working hard to get the schools ready and prepared as reflected uh for example in the appointments and reassignments in Personnel approvals tonight a few highlights from Summer I'd like to thank all the staff who made our summer programming so successful over 700 students participated in our summer programs many staff contribute to making those programs a success I'd like to thank each and every staff member who gave their time during their hard-earned summer to help in this way um including perhaps in particular our administrators who supervise and set up the programs from our curriculum Department through our special services department with extended school year to our principles as the programs are spread and housed throughout our buildings further summer highlight is the work of our Personnel department and other staff maintenance in grounds Transportation everybody pitching in to get ready for uh the start of the Year and that work continues daily our parent portal opened yesterday thank you to our parents for their work too in completing all of the Genesis Back to School Forums if you haven't heard IAM Township's fourth annual backpack Drive is going on now to support our students with supplies for the upcoming year it ends this coming Thursday backbacks can be dropped off at the township building or at our district office on 25 South Maple just backpacks and monetary donations are being collected this year the supplies themselves are being donated by local businesses ilam marble and granite and lascalas fire thank you thank to both those local companies for helping out and many thanks also to everyone who's donating into the township of eam and H uniting generations for organizing this effort and support we are all looking forward to a wonderful school year thank you Mr piso thank you Dr Smith does anyone have any questions for items 71 through 76 being none let's go to a roll call please roll call on administrative items Mr boach yes Mrs null yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr fisicaro yes yes motion carries sorry lost it there for a second all right moving to number eight curriculum and instruction I need a motion to approve 81 through 810 do I have a motion by Mr Thompson Thank You seconded by Miss null any questions or comments pertaining to curriculum and instruction seeing none let's go to a roll call for curriculum and instruction roll call on curriculum and instruction Mr Bach yes Mrs null yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr ficaro yes the motion carries fantastic all right moving number nine finance and operations I need a motion to approve items 91 through 915 do I have a motion motion Mr Thompson do I have a second second by Mr Bach get him in there a little bit any questions or comments comments to finance and operations seeing none let's go to a roll call roll call on finance and operations Mr Bach yes Mrs null yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr fisicaro yes that motion carries thank you moving to item 10 Personnel I need a motion to approve 10.1 through 10.11 do I have a motion by Mr Thompson seconded I'm this Le like staring you down any questions or comments pertaining to Personnel okay um I will uh say one thing real quick one second make sure actually flag that I'm not going to say anything all right uh go to roll call please roll call on Personnel items Mr Bach yes Mr n yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr ficaro yes the motion carries thank you all right uh moving to uh number 11 policy I need a motion to approve 111 through 114 really 111 uh is there a motion Mr Thompson second by Miss Lee any questions or comments pertaining to policy seeing none let's go to roll call please on policy roll call Mr Bach yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr furo yes motion carries thank you all right moving to item 12 committee reports is there any committee that wishes to share their reports seeing none I will close that portion of the floor moveing number 13 old business do I have any old well we have no old business uh 14 uh new business we have no new business unless anyone here's going to surprise me with something nothing all right all right so that takes us to number 15 which is open public comment for any item of Interest this meeting will now be open to the public referencing any items of Interest however if your questions or comments pertain to litigation student or Personnel items or negotiations we ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these matters in public please limit your comments to 3 minutes per person Mr pman Mr peelman if you can state your name and address his mic on e for thank you Mr pman Right seeing no one else out there I will close the open public comment uh we will now move to board member announcements are there any announcements by any board members um I will just say this um listen the uh it's a new school year coming up and I always you know taught now for myself for over 20 years I believe that education sometimes is like the Phoenix you know and when the Phoenix Rises at the beginning of the year it's New Hope you know it's new you know New Life New Beginnings right and new adventures and I wish every teacher student parent board member uh Community member out there members of Staff Administration uh their best in in this school year and to treat this uh like every year like a new beginning the one thing I've always loved about education so one thing I've always loved about education is the every year is different whether it could be good or bad it's definitely different and it always keeps you on your toes and it's something that I've I've enjoyed throughout my career and I hope that for everyone this is a a great year and I wish you all the best all right uh we will not be going into a second executive session um so at this point I need a motion to adjourn motion by Mr boach seconded by Miss Lee all in favor I I have a wonderful rest of your summer everyone thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]