##VIDEO ID:2M_5JbbAA50## let's call Mee order at 7:02 PM we start with salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine sunshine law endorses in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road bued in New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of September 23rd 2024 is available by call and phone number or conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute and time to questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question a comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in scheduled meetings which is adopted by resolution number 202 24-13 sent to the Asbury Park Press in the Two River times on January 4th 2024 post on the burough website the Bolton Board of the municipal building has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the B clerk is directed to include the statement in the MST of this meeting Alison may please have a l call Council memb Paul here here here here pres here administrator CF thank you and moving right along we have a Parks and Recreation update from the DJ Breen rdge how are you everyone doing wonderful how are you yes so just wanted me to swing by talk about the book chat that we're going to do at our page and then just run down a couple quick items that's quick um so so tji was a he lived in town for year to daughters here um your children might have attended Grand division soccer camps for years um he was the head coach at a couple different colleges AAL State um Liu now was at at vard college and um he' written a book 2024 that kind of intertwines lessons of sports and coaching and connection and Leadership and all those things um so we're going to do a book chat with him at the high school I talk to the athletic director over there and kind of intertwin it with some of the athletic programs there and then folks can ask him either about the book or anything from questions that a five-year-old parent might have or parent a five-year-old might have what have they can be a better parent coach um or supporter of their kid um anything up to someone who's looking to get recruited and someone who's you know been in that realm for 20 30 years so I found it was kind of like a little niche thing we haven't done it before which is why Chris just wanted me to kind of bring it to the attention here um and we're looking forward to it so first time we're doing it um I've been watching some uh some commentators and learn learning how to do I'll be on stage asking questions and all that stuff so do my research um which just kind of want that up and I I've given uh the council members um just a little bit more information about it uh once we get the official approval from high school which will happen at the next board event meeting which think is this week um then we'll do the registration we send it out and it'll be open to all fair and residents so any questions about that you know let me know um and I'll run down a few quick items that we have going on for w I know we had talked at the last council meeting about the mara Park basketball court Revival so we're able to take those funds from the bike playground that we're not doing anymore and we're going to fix up the mcar Park basketball court so we're just Nancy waiting on the the funds to be transferred oh nice well there we go funs came today which is great so we'll be a to get the vendor on site um next thing is just ordering the hoops and then we're going to be doing the crack repair um repainting the courts and all that stuff what if you don't use the whole 35 and it go to another Revival somewhere else um so we actually are at like it's like 35995 so it's okay yeah yeah so it includes new Hoops which are adjustable but only the school can be able to adjust them you don't want to have adjustable Hoops in the park all are dunking on them so we can adjust them for our camps and stuff like that but you don't want to leave them down and then you have the older kids coming and to get you know things breaking and stuff like that um so the school is going to be very excited for that I know princial schs was excited um so now that we've got those funds officially ready to go we get their po going and and have the vender come in and get the work done great yeah nice little fix up um yeah so this past summer um we had our 20 plus camps out there we had a Rec crew camp we had a Marine Science everything from sampology tennis pick ball clinics soccer all that all that good stuff um we have some more camps out there the fall sampology soccer t-ball multiports all that stuff that you'll see going on in the fields um and as far as recent and upcoming events we had the town camp out a couple weeks ago but thank you to the scouts they did a bonfire for us there that we do for the s'mores um we had a movie night there as well so that went well we had a few more attendees in last year which which is always good Ruckers coaching Clinic was last Thursday we do that with Rumson that's for all firsttime coaches so it gives them the Baseline of protection from the state um if anything should happen so we have all of our firsttime coaches do that it's a one and done and we do that with Ruckers um and then a couple things that we assist with more committ administrative and organization perspective um we don't actually run them but we help out with them we had the Color Run went well on Sunday um that was the first sign that was brought back since 2019 it was Educational Foundation and now it's a PTA so that went well and then we have aests coming up on Saturday so we have our last run through tomorrow Chris will be there cheve um the last run through of any last minute items for that but looking good to go I'm sure I'll see a lot of these faces there on Saturday night and then Halloween we got the egg hunt and the parade on the 20th followed by the house Halloween decoration contest and same thing that'll be a virtual contest where we put it out to all the house in town whoever wants to enter uh again and then we'll have an online F going for that so families can go around all the houses check them out and'll be a prized for the top houses in town and then Veterans Day November 11th we are still looking for a guest speaker um so if anyone knows a veteran in town who hasn't spoken we always like to try to get someone in town um normally we can find someone if we can we can you know uh bang out some doors a couple Towns over but if anyone knows anyone any veterans in town who would like to speak um definitely send them I that's all I've got if there's any questions on those um here thank D thank you thank you all right next up public comment on agenda items only this is only for agenda items please observe a three minute time limit uh please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record Bill Perkins just one quick question on the award ADV B what is what was our budget for that project was close to the award number the budget the budget was the grant amount yes so the gr so the grant amount that we received from the commit block development Grant was 17474 okay but then we're putting out a contract for $189,000 182 182 yeah okay yeah that was that was the low on the project okay so po numbers on Dat together is that what our budget is 180 minus 170 oh okay so so 1745 covered combining them and that's the3 is the the cost that was a little better okay we got 174,000 chain from the grant we had an extra 1,200 in um a grant for ball from a few years ago we adding that in and then the rest is GNA come from I just want to see what on mat is thank you very much anyone else agenda items only Ferguson andal Court uh can you just tell us a little about the tax exemption for 349 River I I sorry um so it is a um there is a veteran who lives in town who 100% disabled and they get a tax exemption for the% disabled as a US great thank you and it's it's new because they just down okay anyone else agenda items only Alison hi I want to follow up on that one that's 100% that's 100% tax exempt correct yes the veteran is 100% disabled they are considered fully disabled they receive 100% tax deduction wow this isn't this isn't from us their country and it is rear us and and I'd like to thank whoever that gentleman or or woman whoever that is thank them for their service okay my second can they speak to that's that's that's a highly that house is highly ratable however it's not a small house well we can't force our veterans to stay in smaller houses so the rule is the rule it's the state rule there's nothing we can do and and we okay SEC second question second question on your small ticket items for the various organizations in town you should put in a minimum or a maximum figure small ticket doesn't explain anything sure let's go n on okay so small ticket item Ruth tends to be anything under you know generally $50,000 most of them are less than that it's the smaller items that we fund through the budget so these are budgeted funds that are specific to Capital items and they're items that we don't run through the regular operating budget budget that different departments may need to maintain their services amazing amazing it used to be petty cash 50,000 is not petty cash okay thank you bye thank you Ruth um anyone else Alon no sir okay moving along Old business hearing and Adoption of ordinances start oh I'm sorry thank you approval of minutes September 9th 2024 regular meeting do I have a motion to approve second Al please have a roll call Council M yes stei yes yes yes yes thank you uh hearing adopt from ordinance number 20 24-13 amend amend chapter 7 sections 11 no stopping or standing certain streets during certain times 14 parking prohibit all times 20 stop intersection 21 multiway stop do I have a motion to open motion to open second all in favor I anyone opposed no does anyone here have any comments on this just clarification this is not adding that many right there is a slight addition in here as he's know he's he's chuckling because we went through this last time but it's it's it's good to note that we're not adding 21 multiway stops in 10 section check okay anyone else no is there anyone in the uh Public public comment on this Alison no do I have a motion to close motion to close second all in favor I anyone oppos do I have a motion to approve motion approve second Alison may I please have a roll call counc Paul yes yes yes yes yes yes uh thank you next up ordinance number 20244 supplement chapter 7 with Section 43 ebike and E scooter regulations do I have a motion to open motion open second all in favor anyone oppose anyone have anything they'd like to bring up on this well done to everyone on this I would like to say something sure um I am definitely going to vote in support of it but I would I would really like down the road to uh include education for some of our younger riders that really are not aware of some of the traffic safety laws that you should be adhering to and I don't think that this ordinance gives enough Credence to that so uh moving forward I'd like to see education as part of the ordinance I I don't know about part of the ordinance but I think definitely something that I support I don't know if the chief maybe can incorporate it with the schools probably the easiest way to do it this year do a school presentation the kids definit incorporate that more we do the bike we for that the same thing but we are more education I think thank you yeah I'll just add my um thoughts to this because I've spent some time contemplating that age Gap and kids are going to be in the street we know this is very good and we're going to get this done um but if we could be like have it on our radar and continue to support the chief and make sure you have what you need as you begin this education process because everybody's going to be learning all of this at the same time parents and kids so support we have send something out we can put on our website we okay thank you um anyone the public have any public comment on this Allison no do I motion to close second all in favor I anyone opposed uh have a motion to approve motion to approve second Alison please have a roll call Pa yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you uh facilities update Council La bar DPW concrete DPW trees and landscaping and B invol yes sir um so going to provide some context and background um when the design of the DPW was contemplated the side closest to Hendrickson right where all the trees are uh there was a known storm water management issue there um water was pooling Etc as part of the design um there was enhanc storm water infrastructure so that all the runoff from the roof went into retention systems uh it also um took into account certain runoff from the property itself um it also included there's um a catch base in there and Rich might correct me or Nick might correct me but there's a a place that collects the water as well on that side that uh was being improved as well as part of it um there was a weird I'm going to use that word or or or a funky condition if you've ever been to that side of the DPW there used to be two garage bay doors on that side and it was like a lip so they literally created like an asphal curve because of the water and everybody always kind of scratch ahead as as to why um they they went through they did their test and they didn't see anything else weird to to further investigate um fast forward about four or six weeks ago don't quote me the exact timeline um they go to in stall the water retention system on either side and what they uncover on the Hendrix ins side is three layers of asphalt and 12 in of concrete so apparently back in the day they used to have heavy machinery and that is apparently what you needed to install to handle it from buckling and cave in and all that so what that means in order to fix fix mitigate improve the storm water management issue all of that needs to be removed and it was unforeseen um so wanted to make sure that everybody here had the background of of what happened last year and then the series of events leading to the change order that is in the packet tonight can I say sounds like got out of it I think they have to remove it in order to install the the storm water yeah they got exactly system underneath there they got out taking it out we're not going to get the storm water plan that yeah so it's expensive it is you got I've never seen block like this it's it's unbelievable yeah yeah it's expensive unforeseen yep okay what's up the the contingency that we have in place for the facilities okay oh yeah financially yeah it's still covered number four n right we're still covered on the change order for the DPW yeah first change order well this Project's really pretty tight actually yeah coming in on then yeah within budget yeah for the most part the exception of this and the sheing because that was another person um DPW Trees and Landscaping okay context and background um so last year um when evaluating the DPW project there was a tremendous amount of time spent on the landscape buffer around the entire building because the the greatest issue with this is that you industrial site in a residential area so there was a tremendous amount of conversation to govern body open houses Etc to figure out how to mitigate that as best we can knowing that we weren't going to relocate the DPW building uh what did that mean that meant shrinking the site right we're moving the fence 40 feet in further away from Third Street six feet further away from Allen Street right to give as much opportunity toh enhance that landscape buffer part of our process uh that the governing body set was work working with the certified tree expert and the landscape architect great you're going to make all these improvements well what makes the most sense from those two perspectives right what do we do for natives what comes out what goes in when does it go in ETC and so out of that process which included the public we put together the landscape plan that ultimately the government body last year approved um fast forward Tracy and I I think we've walked the site seven or eight times now since um just because we're taking the trees and the Landscaping that seriously and we want the oversight there and when uh Sher our Sur expert came back out what she noticed the second time around that there were nine don't call me the exact number but nine maybe 10 um trees that had their collar ties ties stayed on and what happens is a collar tie is meant to help a tree grow and root and do all that but it's supposed to be taken off after a certain amount of time these nine were and what it does is it strangles the tree as it grows what ends up happening is the tree snaps because of the wind because it's compromised at that part of its um trunk so they do the second walkth through and they take these trees out it was an unforeseen the other unforeseen that came out of this and background again last year um on the Allen side there's a burm and the fence combined with the burn gives the perception that there's an 8ot fence around and the guidance that we had last year was really don't want to go that much higher because then you get kind of a prison type feel a confined area type feel and it's not conducive it actually it actually counters the whole idea of trying to make an industrial area more residentially friendly so that same concept is a BM on Third Street if everybody recalls right that burms being re buildable and we thought there was a burm on the Maple Avenue side well when everything came out it wasn't a burm um so okay background boom boom boom so that then what we did was um Tracy myself Betsy um we met with the residents we just met with them today um that are directly impacted by now this change we've also had meetings with a licensed landscape architect and cols and so what we are seeking tonight because landscaping and the goal has always been to plant in the fall I.E November because it's going to give all the Landscaping the greatest chance of success to Shore and grow what we're looking for tonight is is uh the intent and the approval behind the intent of how we want to proceed so what does that look like so one we want to work with both the landscape architect and Sherry just like we did last year to add additional plantings into the DPW landscaping design because now there is an entire area behind the building now that is completely open um last year right we did the six plus two six feet of fence 2 feet of burm boom you get a great look now that there isn't a burm we do want to add somewhat of a burm but don't put the fence on top of it and we want to have an8 foot fence behind on naal Avenue and the Third Street side because the fence which the 8ot fence which partially came down after Sandy if you go to the DBW say you actually see where it is and if we take a 6 foot fence the resident we'll be able to see directly into the cabs of the um the trucks so given we're looking for the fall November right we're on track for the building and the site to be done in December right the intention we're looking for is is on two of the four sides do an 8 foot fence same type um I forget the name of it B on board thank you um enhance the burm um and I don't know um if legally we're allowed to take clean fill that the burrow has and used it where we're trying to figure that out but fix the burm and enhance the plantains especially in the one area that was gone um if it's sub 5000 which we all highly doubt it would be this governing body has authorized the mayor to approve those change orders anything over that would come back here for approval from a change order but we want the the approval of the intention going forward given the timeline that exactly getting the L keeping right is we know body FS is a priority so and the residents are very much invested in it yeah they were all out there tonight it was great it was a great great night that thank you for talking to them yeah Chris Chris hand delivered a letter Friday night to every resid on map Avenue so that's a type of white club right that we got a great turnout today too and the residents team invested in it and the fact that they were able to share their voice um I think a long way it goes a long way thank you awesome questions yes sir so um I think we gave the background and Bill thanks for asking the question on the cdbg grant right so that's moving forward um the maintenance plan uh report was sent out an email so we'll probably set some time on facility to talk through with that and we're waiting for a um um a new project manager to help support the punch list item there was an unfortunate event uh with the project manager that Scott bergerson was working with not going to raise it here um so that's it on big PA mayor I did have cost that I just got on the antenna if you mind um you asked mayor uh if there was anything in the county we can get for the antenna um Chief did his diligence he can go into it short answered no um the costs to run the infrastructure to support the tower where it is is AB gland we originally thought the new infrastructure was 200 but Chief worked with our radio specialist and got it down to 170 um and so what we're talking about here is an additional 90 which comes out of contingency the antenna is going to go away in two three four years and what we're talking about is is avoiding doing all the work $80,000 in work and investing in the whole 170 so it's a net of 90 the antenna goes away all that's gone and we now have what is going to be County mandated um radio system Chief anything to yeah the county wants everybody go to this trunking system which say he had for we'll say 10 15 years anyone that is dispatched by County now must be the trunk system we kind of got away with it because we were on there before they had a trunk system but anybody knew has to so right now uh there's still supporting the way right now where we're hooked up it goes to repeter to Fort M from microwave from Fort m County if that goes down they're not going to maintain it anymore with the only ones left so either way we're going to have to do this probably in the next 5 years maybe tomorrow maybe five years so this is opportunity that we save the money not to rewire the that we have now the new building and we just purchase it now we're done with it we a few years anyway but we're not wasting at $8,000 10 down this would allow the impendent to come down uh uh and you know this is probably a 25 30y year timeline that these will be and the demo of it won't go up in cost right we think yeah by understand with ball was there we were we were talking about it we're hoping that the int the power itself might be wor something something maybe but when when we when Hall was there we said well might have to take it down we can't guess I to take it for us for free you to buy it he said oh I'll just take it down when the building need take it down he didn't didn't pick much up I take it out he didn't say so that well it's not happening we wanted to get we blessing here sorry I thought you said something about the antenna coming down in a couple of years no no that if we what that what he means even if if we don't do it now yeah it's going to have to and then you'll have I think you're asking for a big expense here and it wasn't on the agenda so why don't we adjust it send up the information to the council and we'll V on that okay yeah we'll SU it and we'll set it out thank you no worri oh yeah all set thank you so we're good on concrete good on Trees and Landscaping thank you okay 202 24-16 dog license code amendment I have a motion to approved it's 15 15 sorry 20245 20245 dog license quote Amendment we're introducing right this introduction motion wait we have one question real was what was the third thing that was listed on there that was now taken off it was the I just was wondering that's a question I have to now that we're in the discussion that was about 20245 well I you know what let me just confirm I think we're talking about license codends and it's the section that's stricken out on theed I think was flagged by AOC right yes so this was flagged by the administrative office of the courts saying that one part of the ordinance didn't confine state law so made the amendment all right thank you I was just was it that line any Frost reads yeah I mean that that just made does that happen a wolf and a dog Andrew you mentioned admin what was admin Administrative Office of the courts was the AOC which is the it's Trenton which oversees the entire traditional bridge and they like review our review all ordinances like ad H our has descend ordinances they also have report certain Cas and went up with and this and this happens in multiple jurisdiction no I just it's a learning experience for me it's the first time it's happened at least that you've explain it this way so thanks no I appreciate that good catch do we have a second second Alison please have a roll call council members call yes yes yes yes yes thank you consent agenda 2024 223 through 233 does anyone want to separate anything before does anyone have any comments I have a question about I mean that's a huge difference between J&M and G Meyer just fling I mean obviously the L but what is that the difference in B yes I mean that's like so one of one of the things was the uh actually went out to the site reviewed the work that needed to be done so had a much better idea where the other B Be HED much did not got it okay well that's good it's probably part of it yeah okay a we're confident that it's a good work okay so it would certifi by the county to we have to send all that to the question the question she's asking right yeah have we used j&n before uh off the top of my head I don't recall however it did the other item that did not that caused us to not raise a red flag was the fact that it came in right around the engineers estimate okay okay and did they submit references with the bid opening I yes and Drew one other thing too we had to submit this out to community block development out M County they had and they had to approve the vendor as well check check I just what I heard though right was Hydro ring right and so the first two things you ask is have we worked with them before and if we have has there ever been a negative instances of working with them and if there was that could be groundz dising right and then the second thing is part of the bid package is that there's references of what kind of work they've done and normally that's that validate as well so it's just well also the county that helps Mak uh counc mcole had a motion does anyone have a second second Al I please have a little call M yes Miss yes yes yes yes yes uh thank you Department reports August 2024 do I have a motion to accept the reports you submitted with a thank you motion with a thank you second all in favor anyone opposed thank you good to the burrow please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address to the record please observe a time limit of three minutes is there anyone in the public that I go to the burrow [Music] Alison no one hold on carollyn here Carn I'm Carn Ferguson Court I recall at the beginning of the year that you guys eliminated the reports from the Committees and I think we did one month of we provided a summary and I think there was going to be some new plan for how the public would learn what committees are doing I when if you had an update on that um I don't really have an update but you you guys can submit reports to any week it goes into our Council packets you know we get an idea of what's going on and then if there's information that doesn't need to be sent out through other means of communication on our burough Buzz stuff like that we can certainly bring it up in a meeting if it's um you know relevant is what I would say agend right to report on what committees were doing and that would the way about the public learned sure I I support it I mean you know that I phrased this I support bringing it back because I think it would be also a way for the council to be on the same page we we took it out for a reason um the reason it was uh definitely lengthening meetings we were spending a lot of time on um what I would call dressing up things um that we could be more efficient with our time as a council but if you have some ideas i' I'd be welcome to listen in yeah I understand that problem I think we were told that we'd start writing like a monthly summary and that would be distributed sure any anytime you write that out we'll we'll be happy to put that in the packet there's no one has really done well it's part of the system right somebody would say hey committees we want your updates every month by the state you know are you talking about the Natural Area advisory committee's annual report no uh just committee reports in general what's going on in the environmental commission sh Tre commission I did write a few of them at the beginning of the year but I was new in my term and so I'm not sure if I sent them to the right place um but I do remember writing them with you yeah I was asked to provide an update which I did but I understood that they were going to be published somehow want we can work with that again on centralizing that that's a good [Music] idea it seems like a lot of good work goes on and it would be helpful for people to that thank you thank you g anyone else to the Bur Alison Mrs BL hey r good evening two things uh can I have an update on the street lights Rich isn't here I can give you up the street lights um I have spoken with both rich and Nick they have been ordered by the vendor um however there is a significant lead time on them um but we are waiting for them to come in um hopefully we um hope to have them by October but again um there's been significant lead time and delays and you know this has been going on for this has been going on for over a year uh my second comment on that is the one that is across the street for me apparently is on some kind of a timer because it's never on on Saturday nights very dark out there my other thing is could could could the DPW take two hours out of their precious schedule to cut the tree branch that are in schanker pond they have leaned over all they have to do is cut them at the trunk and haul them up on the bank and cut them up it it adds to the mess that's in tanker's pond and they've been hanging into the pond for time in Memorial I think we could cut them back and it would look a lot nicer okay give give Rich a call tell him to get out his U pre-a thank you I don't know what you mean by their pre time that offensive ruction course that we have but the point on sh C is heard and yeah and I I will follow Nick Pinsky who's the um the director of DPW Alison anyone else nobody else okay um we're going to move to Executive session uh no formal action will be taken no no formal action will be taken time is 7:40 p.m. have a motion motion all favor thank you got make sure have a motion to close the meeting at 8:01 PM motion would so how's that