are you great uh attorney so are you locked in is your legal advice ready again I mean all right uh let's call this meeting to order at 7:01 p.m we're going to start with slop to the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and for which it stands one nation God indivisible libery and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from bur Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of May 28 2024 is available by calling phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was incl clud a schedule of meetings which is adopted by resolution number 20243 and sent to the Asbury Park Press in the two times in January 4th 2024 post on the burough website the bulletin board and municipal building it has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the B clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting Allison may please have a roll call council members call here here here here here ol great thank you uh jumping right into Workshop I'm actually going to uh start with NJ do I think one of the members of our Farmers Market was running late today so we pushed that to the bottom of Workshop to hopefully give her a chance to attend so we are starting with NJ do uh fiscal year 2025 local aid grant engineer Gardella is with us how are you good how are you sorry had a few thought I had a few minutes here so once again it's that time of year we're um called upon to submit our annual NJ doot Municipal aid grant to the state it's an online submission uh every year I come to you guys about this time of year we talk about a couple potential projects um obviously roadway Improvement projects for submission this one is due July first the grant is submitted through my office through the online portal like I mentioned and the only action by the governing body is to do a resolution which the clerk will prepare for a meeting in June and then that get submitted alongside the Grant I had sent email a couple weeks ago um as with all the projects we kind of tracked which roads would be suitable this type of project this past year was funded improvements to Filman that was from sear to H the year before that and the prior year before that are the improvements to Fair Haven Road that was the phase one and two that's in design right now which I'll be coming back to you for authorization to for that and the other projects that we've had uh funded by this grant was the huny the improvements to Third Street phase two the improvements to Harrison baton and so on um I was going to pull up in the meantime just to kind of give you an overview of what kind of funding we typically get I have it in my spreadsheet here and just while while while this is coming up um what we do is we do an Engineers estimate based on what the improvements would be the estimated cost that gets submitted we put in for 100% because the project is designed in house we don't have to typically in house we don't have to go out and spend uh professional fees and put that towards the grant so it's typically All the Monies go towards Construction in fire years if we only get a certain amount rant money we know what the engineers estimate and then it would be up to us to figure out whether or not we want to fund the entire project or scale the project down but typically do if you set a limit of the project that's kind of where they want you to to do if you say okay I'm GNA go from like on foran from Cedar to Hance that's pretty much the the scope so just to give you an overview of years past um be Haven Road phase one we got $251,900 phase two we got 675 so for that uh phase one and two that those were very strong numbers for improvements to Hansen Cooney we got $350,000 for some of the other projects for example um Street Third Street we got uh 240,000 Harrison we got 260 F and 350 so you can see the numbers typically range from the high twos to the mid 3s obviously this The Phase 2 Fair Haven Road um we were able to get some additional funds through discretionary monies the latest project that we submitted for last year was Forman street that was $34,200 I don't know where they come up with these Brown figures but um looking at the other municipalities Within in the County Fair Haven typically ranks pretty high with funding so can you explain that why why we do so well I mean clear is a great staff and you know how to make the best use of the program but it's it it also because of our The Pedestrian components of our planning and what they know we're committed to in terms of yes it's scope work commitment to the project the elements of the Design Within the project the ability to have more of a shovel ready type project where we design things internally we can get things out to bid fairly quickly we don't have to go out to Consulting and go through that whole process um you know we basically take projects from the time we submit the grant all the way to close app they'll all start to finish once you get the grant we have 18 months to get it out to B to not not get out to bid to award the contract it may sound like a long period of time but when you have other things in the queue it kind of comes up pretty quickly and it it's worked very well for us in the past with all the other projects going on throughout the burrow and Fair Road phase one Fair Road phase two obviously going out to bid and then uh the improvements to for so having said that I had recommended Ed two roads um as possibilities the first was improvements to Lyndon and the second was improvements to Cambridge in no particular order from Lyon basically you would go from Fair Haven Road all the way across Kemp and tied into South Woodland area that that project would basically consist of removing and replacing the existing concrete curve because those curves are somewhat original to the neighborhood milling and Paving doing some signage and striping improvements and that's pretty much it no sidewalks in the area so no sidewalks it would just be basically a reserving program there's some flooding that's happening there this also look at the intersection at Kemp that's been a hot spot for us we are aware of what's going on there so we put some monies in for some storm water management you said tie it in what's South Woodland what's that road so as part of the micro projects we just finished some curb work up on the South Woodland Woodland area and then we're going to be doing some milling and Paving this summer in that area so we tie into that tie it all together and also tie into um the water company at d improvements a few years ago and they had mil paid some of that area so that yeah is it a disadvantage to us with the application knowing that Fair Haven Road right with and Hansen Cooney haven't been completed yet and for no we're we're right on track we we're in compliance with the timing of all the provs okay they they understand that the phase one for Fair Haven Road is going to be tied to phase two which obviously makes for a better project overall and then we just got notification a couple months ago that they funded for it so that clock just started ticking 18 months correct the other project would be the other roadway would be for Cambridge basically taking it from you know Ridge Harding all the way down around and tied in to behind the school basically behind no by Parker that that roadway has obviously existant curve but also has sidewalk we did some pedestrian improvements a few years back to extend the sidewalk which helped link that area behind the school the main issue on Cambridge is the sidewalks are in po condition cracked so somewhat original non Ada compant the curve ramps at the intersections definitely need to be redone and then Milling it PID from a cost perspective they're pretty close in price um lynen these are rough numbers just just so you know I'm going if if and when we choose I'll put pen to paper and go out and measure everything as well roughly 400,000 for lynon and give or take 450 for Cambridge from a linear footage standpoint lynon is just over 2500 linear feet so just shy of a half a mile and Cambridge is roughly 18 00 linear feet which is about a third of a mile so to put it into perspective the reason Cambridge is a little more money is because obviously you've got the sidewalk 8 that would drive the number of SL do Cambridge have any disconnects in the sidewalk Network right now so we connected we've done a few things as houses were being built along or rebuilt along that Corridor we had developers and applicants extend sidewalk in some of those areas we have full connectivity we do not have full connectivity on both sides the sidewalk on the east side ends at the last cross street which is Princeton Princeton okay and then on the other side on the west side it continues through goes around the bend and ties into Park do the projects have to be like does it have to be consecutive distances like can because we had looked at this on the grants committee as well and one of the proposals we had was possibly for the entrance of H of nolwood is there any way to tie that part in that yeah that question had come up through an email I got although a great project and I actually had it designed and laid out tried to kind of push through another project the projects need to be contiguous within the same limit of work you can't necessarily SP money you know jumping a park two blocks away yeah that's a good question though because the only thing that exists between one end of Cambridge and that particular location is the school parking lot is it still could we argue I would recom men looking at the other stakeholder yeah the Board of Ed and seeing if there's some type of partnership we can do in a future project to implement some of the ATP recommendations and some of the pet improvements there there's the goal is to fully fund either of these projects I assume the goal as a governing body is to fully fund to get a complete roadway done but from the grant perspective we submit and say okay this road is going to be 450 may they may only come back and fund 325 so you have a shortage and then we decide what pieces we want or possibly if we want to take any pieces like which pieces we'd want to do traditionally pass an ordinance that funded the whole that funds the whole project so then we cover the difference well if we can afford it but it would be you know Bond ORD that would basically be adopted to without the bond orders regard but traditionally the Govern body has fully fund have you found that the more expensive roads get less funded is it is there I guess because when you're first when you're first um explaining to me truthfully I don't see that much of a difference here it sounds like you also think they're sort of in similar [Music] um uh conditions where they need to be replaced so I hear that one is more expensive I'd rather knock off the one that's more expensive if we can get the gr dollars for that the one bid the programs change in the future at least we're left with a road that's less expensive to fix Cambridge would probably be more of an attractive Street to fund because you can the one the way we write the grant is we need to tie it to Municipal facilities the schools um I can even sell you know the linkages of you know all the other improvements that we've been doing you know and the sidewalk Network in itself they they like to fund that type of stuff they don't typically go for although they will a strict Mill and pave remove and replace curving is somewhat of a generic type project where if you start putting in some ad you know the Ada and pedestrian improvements things of that nature tying it to schools facilities parks and all the linkages with the neighborhood you can really ATP ATP look at the ATP we take expert excerpts from all those documents the master plan all that and we insert it all in and yeah do do you think whichever one we choose is it your best guess that you would recommend the other one next year for the same Grant or is there another big road that is on the precipice perhaps of being needing the work but we're just not quite there yet we're not quite there yet I mean obviously we're getting a lot done through this the micro projects I spent two and a half hours this afternoon walking all the streets with the water company through all the roads they're going to be repaving which is a very aggressive Paving plan and obviously the three projects phase one and two of faren Road and then Forman I just thought these kind of played in nicely based on everything we've been doing in the last say 15 20 years but um you know at some point H road is going to have to get built and paved um some of the other you mean the rest of h Road well that not the current h Road what's the date on that for the Hansen Cooney yes possibly next week I'll better tomorrow I have some emails out right okay get notices out so so what do we need what do we need here do we need to actually provide a yes direction direction so we can prepare the resolution of support and Rich can start preparing the grant you guys want to ask more questions do you have an idea what's your so I just I just my my only concern is is the money from there there's a lot of financial unknowns right now right we have the rest of the um facilities that will get funded right as we pull those notes when we need them um Fair Haven Road's not done um we have an executive session discussion today where there's another Financial unknown and my my concern is is given the number of financial un knowns is it prudent on us to do this not knowing how much we need to commit you know past behaviors you know somewhat of an indication of the future but there's no guarantee with the state so my only concern is racking and stacking against us the financial commitments we can't forget that we also need to um do the work with this Chapel right which is another kind of unknown um so I'm just I'm a little concerned with the number of financial unknowns as well as you know we're on a good trajectory trajectory right now to complete quite a few projects and I just would like to continue that Trend so those are my two concerns with it I I agree the answer to that would be the grant submission is not complicated it would be easier to submit the grant based on a street you select and then if for any reason that you decide to not fund the shortage we could go back to Dot and say thank you but no thank you they're going to call if we don't submit they're going to wonder why Fair Haven didn't submit different this is full a full Aid is it's it's an annual what when would this work be done are we talking about 26 so typically we submit in July we usually know november-ish and we get our award letter and then so you're looking at we have to have this awarded by May of 26 we'd have to pass a resolution on November saying we fully funded the project this year no you would do it at the um well you would do it prior to authorization to bid the other thing too as a as a funding mechanism is we do have monies in Salk trust so the Cambridge would fit into that category so just to offset I will say of all the roads I get complaints on Cambridge via email from residents C just highis mostly because parents are walking their kids to school in that area condition to sidewalks are very poor so rich Let's just say this the county gave us 375 of the state gave us 75 so we're short approximately $75,000 give or take we we could possibly use the sidewalk trust fund to to right now we have about 85 in there are there other about all the complaints is it obviously I know the bigger complaints on Cambridge but the condition of the road itself is it in bad condition or is it more just a size combination of both is the condition of the road it's the age of the road the it's overdue I mean personally between the two I would choose Cambridge because of the connection to the both schools um arguably I know that we have five walks everywhere we need them um but I see the benefits and the way that advances are larger B are consistent with the values of very and connections and being able to get to schools complete schools and um policy pledges that we've made that said I also understand what council La Bara is saying I feel the same way we had a lot going on um if but I understand the municipal Aid um it's the annual thing they've been very generous I know that they like what we do with their money and I feel like we would probably get a nice Grant so I don't want any money on the table but if we get to the point where we're not we just we know we can't keep spending I we're not pre OB ated as I understand it and correct me or Teresa correct me where I'm wrong a resolution to support of the application is just that it's the application we're not committing with that resolution we're not committing to execute balance of funds and so on wait you make a further commitment when you adopt the bond orans which you have to do before you put have to B but it's the same it's the same conversation that we have with the grant like you never would want to shy away from free monthy and we can't forget all the time that's going to be spent between now and July 1 to get the gr out right well he's done it he's saying it's a pretty easy process he's done it a lot and I'm sure there's a lot of cutting and pasting from past but but so the question is though have we ever not have we ever put it out and sorry applied and not done it done the work been awarded and not done the work we've never done that before do you think it would look bad on us if we did do that I think if if we put in for so much amount we only got a fraction I would then recommend we have a pretty good relationship with Dot and the state go back and say listen we just we have this funding shortfall can we just not do the last block or scale it back you know be creative and find a way to at least do something so without going to them we have to do the whole scope of work based in based on what our application is we can't just on our own cut pieces we have to follow through with the entire scope of work I think we need to get it approved because if I recall Hansen Cooney was a different scope of work than the originally a little bit guess yeah saying you have to get it approved but I'm yeah they are heon's biggest Financial challenges are in the current fund budget they're not in capital we're in very good stad of capital very good step with our Capital Improvement fund um and and I don't see that that funding a portion of this in 2026 as part of your overall Capital plan would be difficult debts outside of cap you know it's it's something I think the finance committee who are very talented and creative they look at their long-term planning that's one of the reasons why you get the extra time you know you got the 18 months you know you get a chance to look at where you know where you are with capital funding over the next three four five years and and get a feel for what you want to commit you know to overall bondable capital and and generally speaking a portion of that is is for RADS sometimes it's done in in a big adoption like you know 500,000 or a million they pick away out over five years where sometimes it's done annually but you're always looking at that two threee spread of what you're going to fund for Capital Improvements when it comes to water ticket items like that and we've been used page you go Capital before for for project now we need to give dire now on um which project I think counc us I think you've voiced support for Cambridge a choice between the does anyone else want to voice uh support Second Cambridge it sounds like Cambridge is the dire thank you thank you um okay so we're gonna we're g to do the faen farmers market um this is regarding Brewery sales on burrow Street come up uh fantastic uh fantastic event thank you all still recovering we all for you yeah thank you guys for your support for being there all of the good things it was honestly beyond our wildest scen going be starting this conversation in October and I think similar to the art show we're finding little ways that we can give back to the community in easy lifts on our part that people really want and they they're craving and they need and one of those is a farmers market so the majority of our vendors sold out within the first hour and a half which means that they'll have to bring more we're able to bit more vendors next time we've already got a short list um that we are vetting 20 plus people have reached out to us since Saturday to get involved um the foot traffic in town was positive um people said that the the vendors were happy with the way that the load in and out was it was minimally destructive to the street itself um as well in the surrounding area so all in really positive um thank you guys for your help for your approvals we moved fast so we um we appreciate you guys letting us do our thing but I think it worked out so now we just have to do that six more times oh yeah you're not going any so we're staying but but um we're happy to do it we were really proud leaving on Saturday and exhausted so all good things we would like to include um Ross Brewery in the next we had originally um contracted with them to come there was a a snap with the permit so we're here to seek approval to make sure that they can join us it would not be for open consumption they would just be selling their beer perfect to her father's day she's already spinning up the post so um we would really like to get them on board as well so that we can have a local Brewer involved in the market do they do they sample they don't they don't sample they sell approval they're allow to like the little tiny cups but we are your call yeah we're not trying to push the boundaries here so we're here to make the best plan with them that you guys agree to I mean personally I love beer and I like to before I purchas it but if that's off the table we can work with that if they do do samples they cannot move from that tent chief chief do you have any uh I don't really see any problem with that as long as you know they follow the ABC rules and and the ID the people I'm sure they will they have certain rules to follow by follow rules package sales they can't just pop on open on home and the beer is not cold when they get it like if they buy it is it a cold beer probably not I mean think they would something we could ask my concern is if it's cold someone just on their own massage and this is rber started strictly at farmers markets and they just within the past two years opened location so they have a ton of experience with this and have assured me they're used to push back and then and they're very respectful and they want to work with us the town to make it that everyone's do you expect to expand this to other was it going to be a tequila company so not to put you but is that a possibility they are expanding to become a Distillery that includes some of the homemade mixes but that's not in the immediate [Music] soed solely at thisy or would it be moreon this this approval is specific to the one request it doesn't if they wanted to come in with another keiler or something like that R Brewing they come back again and that's again the only reason why they're for you because in the application it states it's the street that it's being sold or the property it's being sold under the control of the state county or and they head marked now and speaking to the ABC got BL so they just need council's permission to sell it on Willow Street because it's under the control of the burrow control by our police was our original approval including the sale of alcohol no so then how were they able to submit the vendor program before and they hit the snap we didn't know that we had yeah we thought it was not consumed not opened not part of so taking so taking a step back right we we we have one Farmers Market was super successful what what do we want be Haven's Farmer Market to resemble because this precedent setting right when you allow somebody to sell alcohol right where does it start where does it end and and what type of farmers market do we have do we do we want to have so have you guys thought about that as Anna stated we've had over 20 people reach out already and some of the messages we've sent right back and said thank you so much for your interest this is a farmers market it's food it's perishables we have a few exceptions for Artisans but we have a clear mission of locally source and grown consumable items so you know I understand concern on alcohol and we're happy to work in whatever dire but in general we do want it to be food or you know things that you can take with you and consume and come back and buy more of yeah it's not a street fair it's not like a a drag in Savannah it's a farmers market so if you want to be you know responsible and grab a sixpack for the barbecue that you're doing I think that's you know a pretty acceptable thing to provide but we're not how long just the season so so it expires at the in October I assume which is November November is the last one they're good for N9 months I told them that they have approval for 6 months the ABC and they were fin the one permit that'll cover the entire event I do have concerns about selling alcohol you know in a farmers market which to me is organic produce maybe some Artisans um I did notice that the portable people sold that right away people did yeah very anxious I think there was a Blackberry or a blueberry it's very good very but but I I do have concerns with monitoring whether or not the containers are open we can't B people around and make sure that they don't open the containers and there were a lot of children there um I think it might be hard to to monitor I also think there's so many other types of that you could focus on aligned with what the essence of the farmers market that you're trying to do so I share I share bets's concerns yeah we're not we're not concerned about space so we we tried people on both sides of the street and I think that we could actually fill both sides of that street so in terms of the amount of vendors that we can fit I would say what we had was 28 plus two in chair a table we could probably fit almost double that so we could be really like prolific on who we include but I think that like in terms of the thing the things that we were trying to provide to the community listen I mean we're all adults you know if you see someone opening a beer at at 10:00 a.m. on the street you're just going to be like because that's unacceptable like we all are going to walk around and be like you can't you just can't do that um I don't think that we should necessarily deprive people of being able to make that decision again it's your call but um they got started at farmers markets they've seen I remember the vision that you guys I remember the vision that you guys articulated right months ago right and you and you said it again right the The Artisans the organic produce right the local shops and everything to me that's that's what you sold on and I think adding an alcoholic angle to it changes that I think you could still do it in that elevated way that you're envisioning um because you know it's not like food trucks and beer on top and smoke and generators and it's it's really it's you could taste so that you can a lot like a lot of the other food venders you taste or sample something and then purchase it it goes in your bag or your wagon or your basket or whatever um and you leave with it also I think it's the kind of thing if if it's determined that it's okay to try it if it doesn't work well then that's a clearly not going to be able to but SC understands because that's putting their permit in Jeopardy people are walking around and doing that so if they could put some kind of signage purchases for consumption off premise put the whole Market at risk and then that's that you know that's not you know when people get three blocks away I hear you I guess they could they could go to the liquor store and do that too what are the circumstances under which the perer if they're if they get caught somebody's taking a sample Juni we can revoke it it would take a vote of the governing body to Market if they see that feel comforable without samples that's that's totally fine if you would rather not have someone sample consistent with the's application they said just for sale they didn't say that they would be doing samples they actually they said no samples they would like to S but I just want to cover everybody so right that's I'm I be comfortable with no samples um and then just to figure out way as far as the person has to be carding I think they have the license for they see right yeah in order to do they have I don't know the law on that yeah as far as who is able to determine whether in fact they are of age or not um so we're able to meet those I believe conditions I be okay with it that would be up to the to the seller you know the the c or the truck or they're bringing just you know just like if they sell it after their shop and up to them to make sure they check the ID that you got point if you sell warm right warm I like the idea of warm I'm also thinking to myself you know it's going to be 95 degrees out that's not warm that's hot which might be a problem for them also I mean if you guys it we are like we've said since the beginning Nimble if you guys are not comfortable with this tell them right now if you don't you want to try it one market and you want do it in June you don't want to do it in July it's okay I mean everybody is running with this and we can certainly go back to them and just say this is not something that we've done it before we've had food vendors come to us and say that we really want a food truck and we're like we're just not we're not there yet we're not comfortable with that yet so it's okay it's a good it's okay conversation to have and Ross is they have a brewing license through the state of New Jersey they have an establishment import M so they have people they are used to the carding and the whole ABC procedures so they have a brewery license M they're familiar with the procedes because I spoke with the ABC he's familiar with that I also and I'm not trying to be the naysayer I just have questions um I I know that you were you were quite public about the fact that people could not bring dogs to the farmers market but there were quite a few people walking around with their dogs and maybe you guys Tred to get them to leave but I didn't see any attempt to ask people to leave with their dogs and I'm wondering what's going to happen with the beer I think that the from what I've seen through this whole process is the dissemination of information has been an interesting problem because some people the day before the market asked where the market was like they didn't even know there was a market going on so we can't reach we just can't like until we're fully saturated we cannot reach every single like someone legitimately was like oh there's a farmers market I was like it's tomorrow it's right there so we're just not going to be able to get this information out until you know it's fully in the full swing so the first one I don't think that we can be judged on like I don't even want to tell you guys no but I'm saying like I agree with you like we did not do good enough additional sign we'll do more signage but it was such a learning curve with all of that we couldn't expect people to not bring their dogs because people didn't even know what was going on so I think as we go down the line we'll have a better handle on on the dos and the don'ts and the yeses and the Nos and I and I the three of us would be perfectly fine with going up to someone and saying your dog and going into mcarter park on the leash it cannot be on this drag I think on Saturday we were just like what the hell is going on you so if I'm being perfectly honest with you June we can level set and say like no absolutely no dogs we see a dog I'm sorry you've got to go you said level set I think is that like am I speaking your language um so so one I I appreciate that and two again I'm not trying to be be difficult but with what you just said do you think there's any value in allowing the farmers market to mature over several more weeks to get seven months seven months to get good at figuring out the dissemination issue figuring out flow figuring out signs right there's some fundamentals of a farmers market why introduce complexity so early because I think you can hear some complexity say El um so I just offer that as well I agree we've looked at we've had conversations we've been today where we were like let's table this conversation let's get two or three under our belt and then we'll kind of stick our necks out there I don't think that the speculation as to whether someone will buy a beer at this farmers market and crack it 5et down the road is something that we should hinge like we should weigh on on including a local business into this I think that we should default to the stand that people will be responsible and buy a sixpack of beer to bring home to their house and enjoy early in the day gone I would worry a little bit more about that like 5m. we aren't probably going to change it for this year but it was pretty quiet by like 11 yeah so just to put that in the thought with alcohol it really is hopefully purchas to take but we don't we're we are flexible like I we keep saying if this is not something that sit well you guys we're not going to press it truly we can you I don't I don't you know it comes down to enforcement um I will say that the only thing I am completely against the sampling I actually have the law up right now it's the requirements and obligations of the people that are operating in the Farmers Market is significant um monitoring how many ounces are in a sampling cup things of that nature so if you were as a burrow to authorize this um that would be the one thing I would be advising against is allowing sampling so so this is where I am I see what you're saying see what you're saying definitely see what he's saying um I'd be I'd be I'd be okay with it without the sampling but I'm kind saying like maybe being okay with it for a month to see how it goes that's where I'm at and if it went well then it would just be I'm not sure if we need like a deep conversation here again maybe it's um if the council felt comfortable we could do it on a trial basis something like that but that that's kind of where I'm at um but i' also be okay if you prefer to take like two more cycles of the farmers market before you do that'd be fine too what ever for me personally I'd feel more comfortable getting a couple more under the belt that's me I'm supportive but that's that's how I feel about are there any limitations so will being selling alcohol next to a school in the ordinance you have to be certain amount of feet away from the entrance of the school or anything church is 200 it's Church yeah church or school is 200 feet church or school do school account it's closed that's for a sting liquor license I'm not really sure about a forers market that might be a different C is that something we need to know I don't see anything about that I don't think it address I think it's a permanent St I I want to wait ahead on a trial basis and you know to me it's it's a retail thing it's in the morning the school's not open we're not talking about it you know personally I think also this the vendor has grown its business in farmers market so we're not dealing with some Gung doesn't understand what's at stake so um that's that's where I am I'm comfortable with it even if it's only on a trial basis so that we can obviously we need to say that in order to eliminate them if they're not participating responsibly um that's can you limit the approval you said the approval was 9 months so can we approve it we can tell them I just have to go back and let her know Council has allow is going to allow this to happen on a burough Street or not allowed and then she can take action from me if you want to say for the month of who is the person who hand eating S at the S level prefer to put it on a limited to see I can tell her you want to try it for June then can we continue something I would even do June July give it give it two cycles and then revisit it and see how it works I don't think I don't think one Cycle's enough I don't know that I feel comfortable though limiting whether they do it cold or hot they're know I'm on the New Jersey craft website right now there's 40 different breweries 20 30 Farmers Market just fut we the beer people to decide what they want to do with their product but I I think we we still I think we said no samples based on our our legal um advice it is allowed under the lawre but there's other regulations on but if they also have done all these markets why would it be any different at ours you know like why is it going to be well you know we're I'm not saying that I'm just saying there's there is proven to have work several Farmers I'm not saying that just because somebody else has done it going evidence we could also you know we could give the approval for June July and then see how it goes and change those limits based on the experience yeah doesn't have to stay that way yeah but we got legal advice that he's against samples I'm not looking to overrule the legal advice we get I think that signage is necessary it says no consumption at the farmers market and then my my third thing which I'm not sure everyone agrees with is I I'd like the beer to be room temperature to not but but I also don't want them to ruin their beer that the one thing my sorry goad no that's that was those were my um have we thought about only because I feel like which is a good problem to have is going to get big but there's going to be a lot of demand for it have you thought about at what point do you put some sort of Charter together that says we're g to have X amount of breweries for find out why am not only because I wouldn't I feel like if we open up this door then we could have it they sold a lot of products we could have a problem on our hands where we won't we can't control the number of breweries and the types of businesses that are applying or maybe you haven't thought about that we're keeping the operations to the three of us so we're not including anybody else new to the mix and we all of us have worked pretty tirelessly on this and we have a similar idea of what we want and we have that problem with like like there's a lot of people that want to come be bers and we're just we're just having a conversation around it local is first like close you actually are to and quality is a very very segment and point out this is actually the one category that the governing body can control because they have to come for the permit by The Entity okay so in essence they they you know they control the Bakers we're stuck with whatever sour dough they give us but we want only one a for it's a little bit unclear to me if we if we can give a temporary permit for two months or do we give a season and then can revoke Jes St should just revoke it right problem those are two different approach we can roke it any we can but but can we say for just two months yes it's permitted for the season but if you want to limit to three months we can do that now we just have to let them know before they ISS theual from we good with that set of plans so they'll have to come back to us in two months to hope hope I is everyone in the council okay if this goes out without a hitch and you don't have concerns that we just put it again on the consent agenda they don't have no but this isn't clear because we're s there's two different things that we're saying here one we're saying we're doing us on a two-month basis so if they're going to send the approval for two months then it will have to come back to us to approve what I'm saying just go on the consent agenda instead of making them come back I'd like to get a firm answer on school sorry wasn't wasn't convincing not operating during scho hours and that's the that's the difference is that this could be taken down any time as opposed to place that is establishing a lease hold over you know the Acme that's a different deis so I could put a a pop up beer with ABC near school if children are if it's a children there's no school functions remember alcohol is legal so as opposed to co you sell Cox within 500 ft of a school that's a different law right generally speaking if schools a problematic they put an application are you located within 200 ft of a school you'd have to check yes or no and eliminate you since they don't have that in the application to Alison's point and to Andrew's point I think it's it won't be an issue you need a vot I do I so I have it's GNA be a motion to approve for June and July no samples and preferred room temperatures W I think it should just be not preferred just room temperature I think we let them do their thing they know how how to run their their vendor this is their business they know what they're doing I don't really want to get into their product just it would just be bad business for them if they sold really bad we can ask yeah marketing I would like to have the temperature be The Sweet Spot between you know what's enjoy temperature like C and doesn't R the beer try to split if there's a way to communicate agree feels I mean they understand through these permits that they've done before that right yeah nobody should be walking up in that's the ABC's concern too that drinking alol an open street is against the law that's something we'll tell everybody things you want to make a motion anyone wants to make a motion make a motion yeah we approve the request for U labery for a two Monon period with the assuming I don't want to get too detailed Alison but um ping this probationary period if it goes well the consent agenda can address this for ongoingly um and with no samples please no samples and adequate signage to temperature and a request my motion does not include the temperature I agree with that so I'm not sure how we wanted you got to Second it I second that one uh is this in all in favor Alison or all in favor I I opposed no no said I oh you said I so okay thank you we have another thing we don't have to come back time up but we do need um we would like to formally request um two garbage cans on either end of the street for people that are leaving the uh market so the one in the middle was utilized there was no trash left on the street after the market we did a um we did do pictures we cleaned up it was pretty seamless but there is a request to have one on each end we notic a lot of people walking holy garbage that is not ideal I thought each was gonna put their own yeah they did and when everyone left they were happy I think it's more of like almost a customer service perspective of we would like people to not be searching so hard for garbage and we can first and foremost approach it from The Stance of it seems like something that t could provide and could live in those Parks it's also how I'm gonna I'm gonna talk as a obviously I'm a citizen here but res this is as a resident of fa there's obviously becoming a lot of issues regarding the garbage in very Fields it's that's it's I can't even tell you the amount of times I have to answer questions regarding garbage cans or the lack thereof garbage cans in Fair Haven Fields I'm in Fair Haven Fields probably about 8 to 10 hours a week with baseball we have to look at what we're doing for garbage cans throughout Fair Haven we just approved it for the farmers market and this is viewed by anyone on Zoom or the public and they get wind of this there's going to be an upward it's it's becoming almost it's a Hot Topic in town just like you know the farmers market was extremely successful Buzz around the county I know I knew numerous vendors from outside and said it was fantastic loved every second of it I've been going to Farmers Morgans for years and you know being a vendor we have to look at the garbage cans if we're going to improve garbage cans at the Farmers Market and it should be looked at at Fair Fields as well well that's a bigger conversation thank you for the comment as a resum um what what I was going to say is just I wasn't prepared to discuss this and I think I need to discuss it as part of the larger trash conversation before we can get back to you and let you know well and what we can the other route is that we purchase garbage cans from a store and put them there and then we figure out a dumpster to put it in so so we are just coming to you first line in events would be this is benefiting this town this is people from this town their TR that makes a lot of sense to me I also spend a lot of time in that Park and it's almost like a forced litter situation because it's falling out so I agree it's a bigger issue but for June 15th we want to make it better so should we just purchase verb and put it in our garbage on our street option I'm not going to tell you not to do that I what I what I can say is I think we I don't know if that's a DPW conversation with our with our DPW committee DPW I don't think we necessarily have to put it on like um a future meeting but maybe we do but uh I think maybe we could knock it out just uh before before the next poll we'll get back to we let you know where we're at and if it needs to be listed June 11 is right before your don't us so let us know we'll be you know flexible on that are there any just quick question on that since June 11th is before the next one if I can make a request to the three of you to brainstorm if there's any additional requests that you would like to make overall that that has and don't need the answer now right but the original approval right if we go back right was you know no no Street uh no taco trucks right no food trucks right there was no garbage right originally so if if if you're able to self-reflect and there are additional requests that you would like to make that would deviate from what was originally expected this you learn I would just request that we have that entire picture so we don't see like we're trying to like peace meal or do one we are trying to peace meal it because we are still learning so every market like we are going to have to do some ADA compliance stuff this time we wheelchair that we have to accommodate respectfully that makes perfect sense so that was a learn so i' say so I say for everyone then if there's extra reques this is something that we can work with Chief on it should be no problem the team was incredibly accomodating for the group that's a lesson learned so we are you know I'll be transparent with you they're we're going to walk away from every market and say this is a lesson learned we have to get wagons so that people can we can to help people get their things back to their car it's a good problem to have these are things that we're just going to have to come to you guys and say like we like we've done the whole time we will handle it as long as we get your support but I don't want to say like I'm going to have this whole thing maed out for the next 10 years no no no all I'm saying is is right just like tonight where the the garbage cans came up right without having any free awareness or knowledge of that since June 11 is before the next one if there's anything in the addition that you want to have top cover on just bring it all together that's all I'm saying Y and I just want to say thank you again I I couldn't go I had a little bit of fomo but I was seeing it all and it looks amazing so I'm so proud of what you did and I can't wait till the next one they're gonna be well prepared for the the group most people mention the bread apparently the bread sold that like 105 my favorite statistic is 29 h a girl who grew up on H streety and sold out by 10:30 mom told me she didn't think she had enough when she came she yeah she was uh next up MTH County open space Park Improvement Grant councilman Pole Council and I will tag team on this and obviously feel free to jump in with questions and thoughts we go you all received um as usual your summary text template um I'm not going to go through the whole thing um but I'll just give you big picture um this is M County open space Park Improvement Grant um you may recognize this is just park M County uh open space print there was some changes made to the program this year um those changes were announced in April they split they well they increased the funding from um $2 million annually to $6 million anually they increase the municipal threshold or ceiling on um your application from 250,000 to 500,000 um they have streamlined the application process and um they're this is a very aggressive and enthusiastic program that the County's committed to helping get good um good dollars and good projects out on the county so what you have in front of you this this one as compared to some of the other Grant templates we prepared for you this one was a little bit more unique one because um there hasn't been a need to talk about bonding there hasn't been the need to talk um about this size or this important amount of money um so we took an extra step on that with the program director and not knowing what council would want to do really um and it's not the grants committee's role to recommend a specific project or even chase a grant in the name of the governing body that's really jurisdiction of this body but we identified three different types of projects and explor the eligibility of those types of projects with the program director um the three that we explored with her have to do with um continuing to improve Public Access to the river and what this means is for example improvements to Normandy or 21 or hence or really collectively overall we should acknowledge the County's been the county has their own goal to opening up public access to the river they consider that an amenity uh improv liability for all residents in the county and it's of course one of our goals too in our master plan um and they've been functioning as a partner with us on this really since um number of years ago um in 2009 was the first time they assisted with the acquisition of the G Normy te so since that time they've been helping to fund public access to the river in Fair Haven so we we spoke with Amanda the program director about that and that's considered very eligible and also she looked very highly on the idea that we would be looking at it comprehensively known it had multiple components and could be implemented over a number of years in phases um as we explore the possibility of those Investments right our Readiness financially our preparedness in terms of concept plan development so that was one that was very very eligible we we also explored with her the um Community Center Fields as an initiative that also very much like other grants for this particular fund and that would also be eligible what there it doesn't have the same Readiness as some of the other ones because we don't really have a plan or a concept plan there's no planning concept plan or design the design can come after a b there's some initial planning and a concept plan um that we don't have I should go back except to say that in the um public access to the river we do have a partial development on the concept plan for um to Normandy nowhere else do we have that those soft cost that we would have to fund right they said that cover soft cost um so all that planning would be soft costs all of it those professional are SOL yeah I should back up and say you can apply for up to 500 ,000 that commits the municipality to a million doll project with a rebate of$ 500,000 and no soft cost cover this is money to build execute complete a project um the obligation is complete to complete the project in 30 months obviously there are times that doesn't happen we fall into that category too and um they were very complimentary of Fair Haven and rally our administrator has done a fantastic job communicating with their office of years you know I I'll say quickly before I jump to that that the third thing that we ran by them had to do with um removal of invasives completing Trail linkages and bottle fing stations throughout not throughout but in key places in Fair Haven um and that was also eligible so three very different types of projects all eligible um how did those three projects get identified we did our best to kind of think of distinct kind of what what could we provide counsil that we give you guys the ability to rule in and rule out you know other things that might look like un C or might look like public access to the water or might look like the invasive we did our best not honestly we also know that there obviously it helps if it ties back to the master plan helps if it's something that's been discussed looly it helps if it resonates with the community so but again with I I would say we kind of drifted out of our lane a little bit in order to provide some basic information to the governing body but um only in terms of categories were both wared this brand um I don't believe it coincided with their master plan but I know they both receiv I think one was Victory Park didn't they get funding for a victory par no they just got the they just got um metal metal rid Road and I mean this is it is awarded often and one of the questions I did ask is that we had since we haven't closed out or even started one of our projects through that was being funded by this is will that put us at a like on a negative in terms of getting awarded again and they said she said no so it doesn't hurt that we haven't even started some of the projects that we have funding for currently and I just want to give governing body and overview um since 2003 and this is a really an acknowledgement of our staff since 2003 um the bar Fair has applied for 13 grants um of those 13 seven were awarded for a total 1, 248,000 the the balance of those remaining six grant were not funded um two of them are still I'll suggest relevant in that one had to do with um in 2016 Bank stabilization and park improvements at William Allen robard Park [Music] um I have looked at it there's some there's some relevance if it was something that the council wanted to explore there's something there to build on um if we wanted to consider an application and same thing in 2020 we put in an application for fair Fields Trail engage and expansion it was also not awarded um but there's something there again application wise there's something there that's if we wanted to build on it and put in a submission you know no matter what it's a question of whether or not we can afford to do something and and in some cases you have to ask yourself are can we afford not to you know are are there something so urgent that we can't afford not to try to get the money for it and I'll leave that there for discussion I have a couple questions do you have the support of the B administrator and the engineer I have the support yes no I can this is coming to council yeah but you have their support I didn't seek their support so you don't have their support right I'm the the count the grants committee comes to the governing body okay I'm just asking and then so how if the governing body tells the staff what the committee that is what that I mean that is what's technically happens like if we decide as a governing body that we want to push this grant forward yeah I understand we do want their support obviously but it doesn't sound good well we don't have a liaison for the from the administration which I know Tracy had asked in the past that we thought it would be good to have someone from the administration actually I'd hope to have staff person on the committee but I understand how thin the Comm the count the staff is stretched understanding that but it's you know the the staff doesn't have a whole lot of time to prepare Grant applications um that to determine whether or not we want to select a project and submited application is up to this body and the second question is how will we pay for it we're not we're not the finance committee that's not that's a function separate from the grants committee I mean I listen I've done a fair amount of conversation with people about that things that um there's a there's a there's a planning piece of this that isn't part of the gr committee and there's a finance piece of this it's not part of the grants committee um we don't have a staff person to you know Pro those resources um I think it would be helpful I mean I I could ask you how P for it would be a bond obviously I want to know what the projects are first well that that's that's why we're here that's the jurisdiction of the council so I have a couple of questions and we actually talk about some of that today um first is uh the ran numeral 8 uh FAL staff and organization of the designated staff member will be required to serve as a municipal contact person that seems to me that that based on the overview of this grant that that would be substantial amount of work and as you just said we're stretch th our St so I I I would hate to encumber a staff member that's already working at full capacity with a request such as this to oversee the project because it really seems to me to be a very extensive project and secondly we would have to bond for a million dollarars correct so if we applied for 500 so for the sake of of easy M let's just use a million 500 regardless of what it is so the understanding would be that the grant would pay us back $500,000 so my question is that $500,000 would that be automatically applied to the million dollars that we borrow and are paying back right away or is it the million dollars that we buy bonded plus another $500,000 that this grant would provide the burrow of Fair Haven my my question in addition to that is if that $500,000 could be used to pay back the bond that took out which was a million dollars are there prepayment penalty fees associated with that because sometimes when you take out a loan and you go to pay back that loan earlier than originally agreed upon there Fe is associated with that so there are ways to do that structure a bond but it usually entails higher interest rates so you sort of pay it one way or the other you pay for the optionality just to clarify when you do a bond authorization that involves a grant whether it's an open space Grant or dot Grant you put the full amount the million dollars in bond authorization and it the bond Council automatically put in the offset by a $500,000 Grant we wouldn't borrow the million dollars you cash flow is such that you know this is a reimbursable grant you you you fund the project you pay the project you get your grant money back but you would you might not issue that debt for two years you know when we actually we we bundle debt together and issue it all at once we don't issue it per Bond authorization so so there's no prepayment P worries or anything like that that's not how that's not how it would set up when you look at it any bond that's the way it would be written and and the last part is I I am really concerned about applying for another Grant especially a grant with the scope with everything else we have going on we have a lot of projects in open q and the statement of need states that we have Park facilities in need of investment um and I I believe that through our micro Park projects we have been addressing some of those problems and bonded for it already you know the end of GRA um baton the end of Baton Road the the uh the launch site so I I'm reluctant to put ourselves in Greater debt before we actually take care of what we've already committed ourselves to so the the only thing I'm going to add which I think we've spoken about is the one project that I feel like perhaps this would connect with um is the Robards living Shoreline my concern with that is I think that um by doing that and potentially if the decision is made to do the same at 21 faen Road I have to think from a planning designing um we we would have um some synergies in the cost in doing both of them at the same time and since we're not there yet I think um you know to to put forth a grant just for the one project and not both them at the same time would be shortsighted so like in my opinion I don't know where we'll be next year at the same time but that would be my target on the top of my head is maybe if we if we have the time to prepare maybe we could knock out that whole part of the shoreline at the same time or maybe there's another project at that point that this body has decided we have to do this and this will qualify for and at that point I think we'll be in a better uh position that's that's my opinion but you know someone else wants to make a motion or something like that well this funding is um you know it's going to come up every year sure so even if you know the grants committee's charge is to metabolize the grants as they come in um summarize them for you present them you know that's what this is this is hey this isn't Grant this out there it'll be they'll be around their and we and we should mention um I spoke with councilwoman Cole today um not the next meeting the meeting after uh the grants committee is going to give sort of a summary of um the entire committee and the timelines of future grants that might be out there look our best yeah it was and then maybe uh that'll be a good path forward to understanding what's coming down the fight as well give a little Clarity of the we summary of what we have yeah that we haven't it's oh that would be helpful yeah can I ask the question of Teresa so like this is a grant that we have applied for in the past just and this will come up I think when we have our larger conversation but I think there's more of a conversation to be had with what the administration's looking at and what we're looking at I think there needs to be a lot more communication there kind of to your point but had had you guys looked at this Grant and then decided we just didn't have any projects that fit it or just how did you decide in the past that we wanted to move forward with this Grant and not this time around generally speaking we discussed it at uh the committee level and then came to the full governing body um commit level engineering Public Works generally because it's you know usually engineering uh that that helps assist you know we've submitted every momental Grant um in the last since I've been here and we've done it internally you know yeah I took the lead and use our staff members and every contributed their part and we put them together they're quite extensive I mean I sent you some 112 Pages there's a lot that goes into a m County Grand application and and I I believe we're very capable I don't know what my successor's uh BR writing ability to be but I'm confident that that you know we've been very capable in the past to do them internally but the time frame here here um with everything else we've got going on in the burrow you know doing an in-house Grant submission for 2024 cycle would not be practical or possible um I'm retiring which as many other projects that he's trying to get out door right now you know for the design and all that and I also think that um this governing body as part of when they look at Capital funding and their plans for down the road have to look at all of that and if you take your time and get input on on what you feel is a priority for good application I wouldn't waste $125,000 or a small project now now that they can give you $500,000 put an application because you're don't going to get on every Grand cycle so put one in that's really going to give you bang for your buck for the for the next season start talking about it in September start getting input of of what public field what you guys feel you know maybe it is the community center fields at that point maybe it is the the the you know waterfronts whatever the case may be then you'll have time and if you tell your staff in January there's no secret of when the mon open space Grant this is the governing body's priority for our 2025 mon count open space Grant and we want to do this particular project you'll have plenty of time to write it inhouse and and hopefully by that time you know your facilities will start to be getting wrapped up which have several projects out to bid my successfully will have their feet wet you know and and I think shooting for a very good strong application in 2025 is a much better option um than trying to rush one in for 2024 I just don't think you'd have the ability to do it in the house and get it done and I also think your finance committee you know it's a strong committee and and they're looking at a lot of things and you can sit down with your financial planners new CFO and really start to take a look at what your you know three-year Capital plan is and how that Grant fits into that you know and and your road projects and everything else that you that you want accomplish over that time frame I I would like to suggest that we do talk about that in advance of the budget for you know next year as we start contemplating what we want to prioritize um these decisions kind of shouldn't be made in a vacuum right really doing a good job they shouldn't be made in a vacuum absent um the financial component absent the big picture planning piece and you know you that's that's what I think too I don't I I don't want to leave money on the table um the application is significantly leaner uh it doesn't diminish your point about availability of Staff but it is a much more streamlined application nowhere near the number of pages that it was before so that's one of the other significant changes in the program and can I just add to that I I absolutely hear what you're saying and I definitely take it to heart um the we're going to it's good for us to discuss them beforehand because they're always going to be a quick turnaround because this didn't come out until April like they didn't come out with all the specifications until like the beginning of April and then we met you know and then we met with the county so it's it's always going to be a little bit of a smaller not a huge window to turn these around so if we know go into the grant season knowing having a better understanding of what our three-year plan is or what our instead of saying our priorities necessarily our needs are then we as a grant committee would be able to make stronger recommendations but we were kind of going blind not knowing what our priorities are knowing we have a lot of projects but we really haven't talked about what is next and what we're thinking about next so I I think that's a really big piece of this that needs to be discussed well that should be first ideally true but we but we didn't I think as as as as the summary is put together of the grants right for whatever June me right understanding what those gaps are right because the the committee is made up of the governing body members private citizens whose mission will be to review advise governing body and available State F grant opportunities right so knowing that that's the mission if if you can identify all the questions that need to be answered so that we're not you know we're very effective and efficient with our time right you'll know what grants to look after and what not if we say of three your plan includes X1 and Z what do you mean questions to be answered questions for the specific Grant or questions of what's the most important project to what what grants should we be looking at right that's the question we have how do we know what grants we should be looking at right and that should be tied to what are our our priorities right as a governing body right like we're not going to apply for every and any grant that exists right it has to come back to some foundational component and I I get the master plan but the re-examination is up next year right so you know that's 9 years old now right so there are certain questions that need to be answered in order to Drive the direction of the grand commit definitely which wasn't given um it doesn't exist almost like it's almost like a project plan for lack of a better term but it's like there's here's this period in which we're going to decide our priorities we're going to seek grants accordingly we're going to seek resident feedback we're going to make like it's almost like I I'm picturing like a project plan that's kind of what we need to do and Al in tandem with that you there if we if we have the Long View and we can see what we want to accomplish even it even if it considers AER horizon line then the finance committee and the CFO can guide and advise as to you know when thatb is rolling off and when we can consider some of these other projects for Bond you know to me because to do one without the other we're just going to be in this position where and a lot of work just because I want to say like Chelsea and um vendor and the rest of the team they put a lot of work into this and there were a lot of grants that we didn't put forward you know we were thoughtful about what project we thought could be but again there wasn't enough information on what is are our priorities or our needs so I'm glad we're kind of on the same page I think it's a bigger conversation we can continue when we have our meeting in two two times it's a public heing required for these open space Brands yeah because they're going to need minutes and all that there's a an enhan public participation component but um it does fit between the April July 17th although I do Wonder as I mean every municipality is in the same position Fair than in the program guidelines you know if for the towns that anticipated those small changes some would say they were pretty significant but um it has to fit between April and July so has to be a a public notice that you're this with the specifics of the grant they're looking for so then the public can provide you with their input and then I can take the minut so that it can go your Grant page are we are we toight are we discussing whether or not to apply for the grant or are or are we discussing are we assuming we are need to pick an address well I think the ask um from the committee Maybe it's not a specific gu it was a discussion of whether the governing body at this time wanted to move forward with applying for something with this grant I got the sense in this chair that there wasn't that support but if there is please let me know before we move on accurate accurate is that an accurate accurate okay so I think it was a good conversation we come back in two meetings continue that conversation maybe on a larger scale not having to do with this specific Grant or just the grant grants um uh Grant Committee in uhal all right all good okay all right thank you uh moving along public comment on agenda items this is for agenda items only please observe a three minute time limit please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record is there anyone in the public with an agenda item only yes he Carolyn car report on theair the Natural Area committee um I just want to remind everyone that for left year we've been asking for curbs on par road so as you go work on the uh Fair Haven Road curbing plan if you could consult with us we'd appreciate that I'll reach I'll follow up with you okay our specific need is uh at the end of Buttonwood we'd like a piece of curve just to we're getting a lot of erosion the water comes right off I think Rich you're aware of right is it documented by the county the county plan that you got Parks guidance on I is it just I know that you had a report prepared by the county U Park Service yeah no this was just something we've observed for many years that there's erosion and we've tried a variety of techniques okay to interrupt it we're we're definitely aware of that area yep thank you Carn is there anyone else uh public comment J items only no Alison no one has their hand ra all right thank you U moving along uh we have uh the hearing and Adoption of ordinance number 2024 d-06 to amend amend chapter 3 police regulations to add section 21 entitled resident protection I have a motion to open second all in favor anyone oppos anyone have any comments on this before I ask the public no anyone in the public have any comments in relation to 2024 d06 can she can she just articulate what value it is one more time just so everybody has it yeah we talked about it had value of there maybe something that doesn't quite reach a state state statue but maybe we covered or down hope won't have to use it but it's it's to prohibit loitering uh in front of residences of people trying to case you know case The Joint [Laughter] yeah so it's almost like like Gap cover got cover some of stuff that's not quite super thank you so the mayor brought this to me few mons ago there a great ordinance and that's I right uh anyone in the public comment no Alison do have motion to close close second all in favor anyone oppose uh do I have a motion to approve motion to approve second Alison may I please have a roll call comm's call yes yesen yes yes yes yes thank you uh new business introduction of ordinances 20247 amend Chapter 30 land use and development regulation to comply with the NJB storm water management rules motion to introduce second Al M please have a roll call Co yes de yes yes yes yes yes thank you 2024 -08 discussion no that's his introduction all right 202 24-8 uh General Capital ordinance motion second Alison may please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes uh 20249 amend salary ordinance number 2023-the have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you consent agenda we're talking resolution 20 24-1 133 through 2024 d150 um before I ask for motion does anyone want to uh separate anything um I don't know where that stands when we spoke earlier but um 202 24- 138 there remains an open question unless that got resolved today I know about it uh Teresa did you hear back from uh I did not I mean I reviewed them both and so was L be you know I the the scope of work uh to us is is the same um but I did send a follow-up email um to Laura bwin today confirming that uh if the governing body wants to you know move forward you can if you want to wait can that's up to you all right uh so I'm going to withdraw 202 24-38 Alison if you can place that on next uh on the next meeting unless we tell you otherwise please um we're talking 2024 133 through 137 and then 139 through 150 is there any other resolution anyone wants to separate is there any other resolution anyone wants to make a comment on does anyone want to make a motion to approve second Alison may I please have a roll call yes Miss yes yes yes yes yes thank you uh Department reports April 2024 um do I have a motion to accept the reports say submitted with a thank you motion with a thank you second Alex all in favor I anyone opposed thank you uh good to the burrow please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please try to observe a time limit of 3 minutes is there anyone in the Public Public comment hello right over here thank you hi Mar young I live in LPR actually and um but I'm here representing clean water action I don't know if you all have heard about skip the stuff it's been in the news it's been um been on the radio but it's a it's a campaign in which that's going town by town There's a state ordinance or there is a state bill but it's restaurants uh only give Cy and cond upon West it's a purple win it saves restaurants a lot lot of money my other hat I wear is I work with a rethink disposable program and I work with emergency food providers I've got case studies that show how getting rid of unnecessary single use and replacing it with reusables is just a huge savings um but I don't know about you but I eat out a lot and I can't tell you how many times some people give me nothing but other times I get a handful of plastic color and people get home I either stove it in a dour or open up my refrigerator and put the soy sauce or whatever in that until I realize it's expired or it's been shoved in the back of my refrigerator and I threw it away so again it's a this skip the stuff is what we're calling it is a triple wib but thirdly it really helps the environment 40 billion single use disposable plastic silverware is thrown is is is discarded every here in the US law and most of it's never been touched it's never been used so again it's such an unnecessary burden on the restaurants on you and me as customers as on the environment so we are going town by town to ask for um you all to support this ordinance I actually just came from on the beach and they passed the first reading Hoboken passed the first reading a week or two ago Jersey City is committed Red Bank a handful of towns woved into to in in 2019 2020 including Stone Harbor um Maplewood Maplewood has a great ordinance um but Red Bank and Garwood passed unanimously uh Red Bank has a great ordinance they both passed in March um model ordinances to follow our wood um again uh arine is working on it there's a about a dozen different towns across the state of Cranford that are passing ordinances and um Senator um Bob Smith has a bill introduced into legislation we tweaking on the language it will probably be introduc will probably we'll see but it was supposed to be we were supposed to uh discuss it this last time uh what two weeks ago but we will discuss in two weeks again Senator SM is a Big Sur of this would love you all to pass it in Fair Haven I'm open to ideas or questions Red Bank has phenomenal Fliers and we help produce both in English and in Spanish to help educate the businesses and account people you know I was hearing about not have to say I did not know about your farmers's Market I try hard to go there but you were talking about litter one of the you know the advantages when I was talking to mayor of Trenton a couple weeks ago his first reaction was oh my gosh it's going to get rid of the the litter on the streets so let alone the waterways and such um the plastic that's building up in you know in our bodies it's you know it's crazy to think that the microplastics can break down into such small micro nanop particles the vegetables that are being grown you know are actually sucking it up so we're actually getting it in our carrots and our apples sorry I have to take a moment when I even say that because it's my bogling to me um but do you guys have any questions um so thank you very much for your comments if you want to send me an email with the proposed legislation I'll certainly share it with the other counil I will send you hens I'll send you Red Banks B um I'll send you Red Banks fers um and please use me as much or as little as you would like but thank you very much for your time thank you thank you is there anyone else in the public with a public comment no Alison I have Ruth Blazer hi Ruth good evening Ruth we can't hold on one sec Ruth hello heard something I heard her but she was distant yeah I am I'm I'm far down the street um up arrow on the speaker and change the output to the no left hand side where the audio is if you go up Arrow yep and then the speaker you should be able to select the owl and then Ruth you should come through the ow now okay uh what's the tell me the story of the little gray boxes along River Road on the curb you are you looking for like a like a a bedtime store children store what you mean what what are what are they how long are they going to be there who's in charge of them just I think they're GNA be there just until yeah the new L polles are on their way they're on order you know we don't know the exact day but what you Rich weeks not months right weeks not months and just all the other work contract and just to come back right last year we put those gray boxes because there were live wires exposed to the public so they were put there to prevent people from touching live watch yeah exactly I noticed the other day somebody did a job on the post right out in front of burrow Hall that's a jcpnl they're going to address that so anyhow hello we're still here uh the reason I asked is because there's a light that you put up one of the new light poles across the street it was off Saturday in Sunday it was on Monday it's sort of an intermittent type thing so I assume that once every all these light poles are up that all of them are going to work all of the time yes they I believe they started the work to to um address all the lighting in our downtown on River that's correct is is there any way I can get a schematic or whatever of you know the swath when they put in the curbs and sidewalks they put the green swath between the curb and the sidewalk I'd like to know what they put in under the green stuff that they call Grass because I tried to hammer a piece of rebar into it the other day to put a sign up and it would not go into the ground and I'm wondering if it's concrete under there rich is saying no butb because the the Elric no no when they were putting the piping and wiring in they put that under my garden I I was keeping an eye on that they didn't put it in the swath as far as I could tell always call 811 before you yeah Mark anything else I would like to for summer reading everybody's interested in summer reading I'd like the residents of Fair Haven to read the burrow codes particularly code number 14 and section number 16 it's very very interesting because you seem to be legislating for Aesthetics and legislating for hypothetical possibilities and not for things that are actually a menace to the public health and safety and I think some of the a lot of the ordinances we could have a lot narrower book if it if we could eliminate all the stuff that really isn't giving the property owner their rights to Peaceful enjoyment of their property thank you thank you r no one else with their hand up can I say something quick sure just to I Just Want to Thank Marty for I'm well aware of skip the stuff and I do think it's a very good program so I just wanted to say that I'm I'm pretty caught up in this way seor name a lot thank you okay um with that being said uh 8:45 p.m. we're going to move towards executive session action may be taken after the executive session meeting uh do I have a motion to move to Executive session motion second all in favor anyone oppos thank you Alis Le all right uh do I have a motion to adjourn at 11:04 p.m second all in favor I I anyone oppos good night fa Che double click