##VIDEO ID:7S6KyDT3ZXw## the meeting I call the meeting to order at 705 I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic stands for our moment of Silent reflection please keep Gary allers a 19-year DPW employee and 29-year member of the fire department and his family in your prayers in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burough Hall 748 River Road be Haven New Jersey public participation for for this regular council meeting of December 16th 2024 is available by Callin phone number or through Web Conference soon members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the raised hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in a schedule of meetings which which was adopted by resolution number 2024-25 posted on the burough website the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the burough clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting counil m Co yes here Missi yes yes yes laa here yes we also have administrative York attorney so CFO Britain and engineer Cordell our first order of business for the works for the workshop session is the Fair Haven 88th grade graduate lawn sign request they are asking for approximately 110 signs to be posted throughout the burrow motion to approve motion second all in favor iOS the dates will be when it's going to be a month before graduation and it's really on private property but they felt better having by the uh our next order of business is deer management and I will turn that over to administrator yor so just to give you an update on your management um you know I reached out to um Sher pring of NJ DP several times the application is still sitting at the Mr desk and these emails go back um to the end of September uh I spoke with her on Thursday they were looking to get an update um they sent us an email this morning um looking for additional forms which we had already sent them um so we resent them again so they have them uh just cleared up any issues um as soon as they sign that then we'll be able to um you know have dispers and have our um certified tree expert complete the report um Sher SPO is listed as the contractor who be doing report um and they approved it uh so that's who's going to be doing it but right now we're still at the mercy of D for them to sign our paper so just to clarify um this has to do with the Forest Health Ser correct this the forest stre health study which is the first phase just you know again just to recap for anybody's not familiar with it the bar Street health study is the first phase of this year management Grant uh what they'll do is um the contractor come out U provide a report to them they'll determine if we do indeed have a deer problem and then there'll be a second phase of it um to where the town will decide if they want to apply for the second round of funding um for the uh whether it's control hunts or whether they end up recommending for us at that point but par health studies what's required first and that's what the governing body had voted on thank you up yep yeah and I apologize for the the delay in it again it's out of our control um but you know following regularly and again Alice and I work collaboratively with the DP to get today s them forms they already had so to be continued and just for anybody's here who who doesn't understand the um the town applied for $115,000 Grant correct correct and was awarded that money to fund the Forest Health survey and that survey is going to be on all public land right yes that's correct that' be all public land and the whole purpose of the forry house study is determined where um we might have a concentrated Pro this might not be the entire town again we're a small town so probably if year in one section you have in the other um but again some larger towns who apply for these fary health studies they may have a concentrated deer problem one section of the town and not another so that's what determines to determ where the deer are causing an issue and then they would then Target that area if we were again the goverment body was the vote to go get the second leg of us at least we'll get some data yeah which would be helpful for or you know you know other aspects as well okay at this point uh we can open up for public comment on agenda items only and we ask to please observe a three minute time limit uh do I have anyone proposed to open open second just come right up to the front if you can thank we just need your name and address uh F forer 36 Elber BL um I think I'm thinking about a different deer problem than you're talking about you talk about the broad community and looking for a problem and I think we know a problem yes it's been there for several years and it's the kind of problem that is destroying an asset that you know throwing in two ways it takes the end story away so the Natural Area can't do a natural thing and self sustain itself so it's in Decline right now the other thing that it does is it takes away the um visual it is uh the Natural Area is an obstruct obstruction at the underst story that you can't see through which is the whole idea because you have the feeling of being in a natural place separate from a town so I'd like to know get a better feeling for the time frame for dealing with that problem so this again just just going back to the um again the agenda item of dear management um in order to get again the way DP has funded this and came in in April and did a presentation prior to my arrival um as far as what the process the gr program is in order to get the second leg of funding they you require you health study to determine if there's a problem and I'm sure there probably is a problem I mean you know full disclosure you know Mr Po gave me a great tour of the Natural Area earlier on when I started here as B administrator and uh it is it's a beautiful asset that the bur has and I'm sure there probably is a deer problem there um but in order to get that second leg of funding um in order to decide we're going to do a controlled hunt or whatever you know the governing body decides do they do require to have that report on first so it's not that it's trying to identify something you know that we're looking for trying to you know pushes in a direction to the other than the known issues that we have it's a requirement that they have in order to do next basement so so what is the time scale well first the first time scale we did not actually expect the DP would take as long as they did to have the commissioner sign the application again we have really there's no issues and um and obviously you know the grant is favorable for our town it's a matter of when they sign the application this person so we're at the mercy of them at this point once we get the fary health study I'm obviously it's going to go back to the governing body you know governing body along with the the administrator and our experts um are going to you know review it um determine what next phase to go and then um and if they do decide as the governing body to vote that they want to do the next leg of this program um then obviously we would submit the second phase of it do do you have a a firm understanding of what $50,000 15 I'm sorry I miss that's okay that's good but I understand it's typically done when when the leaves are off the trees so that they can see and do an actual body count deer count um so it doesn't take long that's the information I'm sorry that's not more precise but I don't leave the actual Forest Health survey takes very long at all um but it obviously there's contracts yeah just to add on what uh Council mle said you know the um the contractor we have that is doing it in our certified tree expert so it's a person that's familiar with you know the burough Haven who's actually a contractor that that works here so it's not we're not bringing in an outsider has to familiarize himself with you know what ourin is so somebody's already familiar will we have it that will speed the process as well now that's extremely important because you the degradation doesn't occur on daily basis it's kind of a year scale and with four years we've lost almost the entire um As I understood it um it's quite practical to look for um a procedure that it costs very little for the removal itself you rely on um hunting organizations that are well insured sced and well trained and experienced and charge virtually nothing so cost per se for that aspect is not great um and I don't think it takes a long time I think one thing that we all need to think about is okay we do it once and then what do we put in place for sort of managing it because we live where we live we're not isolated we could do a fantastic job and the deer might decide they like us better than little silver and that little silver has a lot of deer along the stream bed that comes into F but we have to have um we have to understand that we have a problem that's it's kind of a Perpetual problem because that's the way things live now it's not something that you solve it's something that you amarate I think is better better way but I really urge you to get on to it because it's an asset to the town and when you don't enjoy an asset you're wasting my tax money basically can jump in here so as a lays on to environmental commission shade tree and the Natural Area there is strong consensus I think I'm repeating myself but for the record um there's strong consensus among those groups that there's a tree problem at least in their view it's nice to have this confirmed that's what comes back we spent a lot of time um looking for Alternatives right nobody wants to to kill deer if there were viable alternative Alternatives we were very excited to explore them none of them have come forward um so I imagine we'll finish this study I suspect it will be revealing that we do have confirming that we have a problem and then the next steps I'm in favor of of um I think it's unhealthy for the deer themselves to be that large so I think it's sort of a form of kind of passive torture for them um so I'm in favor of moving as fast as we reasonably can I don't think there's huge opposition of course nobody likes the idea of killing deer um but that's my sense yeah one other thing I just want to add to you just so you just for the record so just now noted that we're only looking at this for forestry Health um one of the other things the application when this was applied for we also took accident data obviously that's another Factor too in overpopulation of years car accidents you know that that cause it so we did Supply um car accident that as well not only from Fair Haven but also from little silver and Rumson as far as we have we have several shared roadways between both of those towns so to determine what accents we're involving here as well over I believe it was a fouryear time period but don't quote me on that and but to get an idea with the access were as well that's another thing that made our town favorable as well during the application period so it's not even just the far stre Health C going to make sure it's actually put a safety of motor as well there's another that's what I was looking no I I perhaps minor but I think important it's not going to increase the population in Deer tis yeah I I can say that more directly I I from what I understand it will decrease the population of deer ticks and and that's very important for all of us and that has seems to have been a bad year of CRI but most years aren't so one of the so I was on the environmental commission when this idea was brought forward I've listened to DPW more than once because they came to the commission they also came here so the the thing that I'm a little stuck on is the fact that little silver Red Bank and Rumson aren't interested in doing it so my concern is that we do it but no one around us does it so we just create demonstrated success they'll be willing to get on board I think we need to do it and lead and and with some success hopefully they'll get on board um also there's two points I agree with you in concept um my understanding is romson has private property large enough to do their own hunts privately so they are controlling their herd indirectly that is true yeah and also it's true same condition same um and then if you recall um when the DPW came DP came um she made a comment that deer actually have a very small raise that the do anyway the Box will travel um and so they actually don't move as I was very surprised it was something like a quarter mile or same very small amount okay but I agree with you if we were just to create more space for other D to move in but like that doesn't happen yeah um but yeah those are good points thank you thank thank you is there anybody else in the audience that would like to speak Allison is there anybody consume with their hand raised no one has their hand raised okay um do I have a motion to close public comment okay approval of minutes November 25th 2024 regular meeting uh November 25th 2024 executive session second council members Cole yes yes yes C yes also yes and old business DPW facility landscape plan is Drew going to cover that Chris Ken me to hop in Chris yeah there there's not really too much to update um I did have um since our last conversation one of the concerns um that was brought up was the cost estimate that um that Chris gav with kers had put together and again he's not the person who's quoting out the project but there was some concern about what the cost would be um and engineer Rich Gardella who's who's here had discussed um using burrow BPW soil from the leaf dump correct yes yes so um I had spoke with um Hall who would be the contractor who would be handling this um that's fine there would be no issues and we had a meeting about that that past Thursday um they're working on putting together a significantly reduced cost estimate um they were supposed to have it for us today unfortunately and I sent several emails and I'll be following up with again tomorrow a way to get it um but they're supposed to have a um a new cost estimate for us but it will be significantly cheaper and just just to recap people don't remember um one of the concerns was um again on Chris G's cost death F was $30,000 for soil and you know is soil really $30,000 what we need and um and the fact that we'd be able to use our own soil that we have would certainly significantly you know reduce that cost estimate not to mention also um the cost estimate of the materials involved the plantings um you know again they were estimates from col years um and Clint Hall said that would be significantly cheaper their vendor as well so um that number that we saw is probably not really a true number what it would cost to execute that landscape plan um so once we do get those final numbers um they will be distributed and we can make a determination from there did we sort out the cost per cubic yard but remember we thought maybe it was a decimal mistake um we did not only because we were not going to be using that anyway because we provide our own soil so it was a point at that but yeah $30,000 lot for soil the wrong business I think all right moving on to the new business consent agenda uh does anybody have anything they'd like to discuss anything they would like to resolution 277 has been pulled correct yes so resolution 2024-25 to 2024 d276 and 2024 d278 to 2024 d281 hey bets yeah sorry I wasn't sorry Trace Chris for um for 278 can you just provide the background on the cost savings by doing this I don't know if everybody on the day has had it or received it or even just for the public it would be good just to go through that uh yes so um so Jeff Jarvis was the person who um had set up our cars prior um prior to September of 23 um the contractor that we have which would be Hennessy to um upit a car about 100 hours and the rate that they would charge is be $95 an hour so looking at $99,500 to set a police car um Jeff who obviously who does it and um has worked for us before um his uh rate is 20 be 2350 an hour we hired as a part-time laborers so the VA significant um you looking at you know a little over $7,000 savings for the burrow so it makes more sense to have our own person do it to put it together so we can save on our vehicle budget one of the other concerns we had as well because we have not had a mechanic this year because um our previous mechanic had left and we haven't had a tpw brow to work into um you know our our out our cost for vehicle maintenance has been significant um because we've had use outside contractors so any way we could save money Importance of Being able to save about you know $71 $7,200 um you know certainly helps us a lot so that's the whole reason why we're hiring Jeff Jarvis to come back and again you can do it at 2350 an hour uh for 100 hours wor labor did any to do the cardboard he would break the cardboard down yes yes he did that as well he still doing that um this time around no um Nick wanted to did not want to have him do the cardboard um so he only did only wanted to do the vehicle so that was a judgment is Scott um fastro doing something specific he so so um so Scott pooc Castro um so just again just add a little context we had two part-time laborers that were working for us um we we were required to lay them off um for several months if they're over hours they were so their last they were working was on the 15th on the books um so Scott pooc Castro is a marine mechanic um who does obviously there's not much work for marine mechanics in the winter um so he was looking for part-time work he does have a CDL which is actually a benefit to the DPW whereas uh the previous two part-time labors did not have a CDL so we can utilize him for a bit more so he's going to be working uh probably till about Memorial Day June first so he'll be a part-time labor to fill that board from the other two um that we have to lay on any question for I'm just gonna add to that just by saying that um believe a declining the offer unfortunately puts us back to needing two laborers and a mechanic for DPW so we're sort of right back to where we started yeah just just to just little add a little context that we did have a good candidate for mechanic however they chose um to work for another municipality um so they declined the offer and um the other candidate who was on there for today um um you know I wanted to go several steps higher but um as per the teamster contract the highest we could bring them in is a steping so a question about or comment about a 280 and so the donation of the col lights yes so um Powerhouse signs had reached out to me um they also do the installation for Red Bank as well and they said red bank's uh decorations were certainly in uh need of replacement um and they were wondering what we were doing with our um so I reached out to Jim Gant who's the uh Town manager for Red Bank I see if they would be interested in them um they did come over and took a look at what we have they certainly are interested they're much better shaped than ours are um sorry much better shaped than theirs are um so uh we decided that we would donate them to Red Bank and uh put them to good use rather than have the end up the land Bill and one of the reasons too um do we have to get rid of them we only have uh so much storage in the basement of isend Halls to restore our decorations so as much as is you know we'd like to hang on to stuff you some point you have to let them go better to have them go to use in a neighboring town and live on than it yeah what I say is commend you on Recycling and reusing and I think that's great than have have something you know made overseas and shipped Pacific it's great yeah thank you um I just have one question having to do with 276 the authorization for the shade Tre SP the um or forestry uh Community forestry Grant application off thrill the this is getting in on time and they really first first they should complement the shet Fe commission um and I'm looking for clarification and Bri Bry you can also chime in on this but if when I was theas on I what I recall and I'm not sure anymore is once we have the uh now that we have a mechanism for managing the free inventory and the obviously the program guidelines are out now so we can submit for an application to update Community forestry management plan my question is now that both of those things will be in place are we then eligible for resilience a planting Grant because those are some six those are sizable funds um dedicated to help municipalities actually plant large number of trees Street trees and public trees you know I don't know the answer okay it'd be worth finding out I think the last round I think it's a resiliency Grant as opposed to a a planning and management grant that might be the term for the category of funds what I can do is I can do a little research on that tomorrow and then uh get back in touch with Brian and then we can share that g resilienc Grant and I believe that's the the category of funding if you happen to have anything just forward it my way yeah if you do I'm not sure there's anything open right now I was looking as well or something else but thank you that was my only question um Alison do I need to name the resolutions again or can we just vote on it okay do I have a motion motion second yes Miss yes yes yes yes yes okay uh moving on to Department reports uh municipal clerk dog license tax collector police department Municipal Court and budget status do I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted with a thank you motion I just wanted to point out um on the police report Chief has been kind enough to insert a new column that is tracking ebike ordinances so it looks like we've had a total of 16 this month where an officer has stopped someone um not properly you know adhering to the new ordinance so I confirm that so that was in this one yeah it's on the third column on the right like maybe five or six rows down by yes 16 count 16 on the right so motion to okay um lastly for the good of the burough please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record and observe a time limit of three minutes good evening hi I'm Laura C Street just bringing uh to light an issue regarding the um poing hor I walk my dog every morning and I'm kind of observed I've been quite a few incidents that have occurred lately real near misses and as you may be aware the Asberry pork press um the traffic related deaths Rose by 30% this year in M County within the last couple of weeks there have been two fatalities of crossing guards uh it was one just before Thanksgiving Robert work uh he was protecting children and he was struck and hospitalized and died injuries um that is in High Bridge New Jersey and and Friday February Friday December 6 growing toact of vehicle what C some children um perhaps we can search for a grant for some safety um to help uh with this issue I know the closing guards did have some um signs with some uh lights on them but then the batteries kind of went bad um so I'm kind of thinking perhaps we can seek some funding like maybe by the hospital even with some flashing lights it just seems like there's people speeding and not being really aware of that there are children Crossing um they're on their way to work police are stopping them because they're speeding um but they're you know not really aware that children are crossing because there's no real indicator of Lights um I think that's kind of important for myself when I'm in an area to gain you know there's a lot going on a lot of uh you know stimuli um especially in the mornings when people are going to work you know kids are going to school after doing release from school for the safety of the children and the course in guards um appreciate for have to the counil could investigate uh any type of PL the community are you noticing a pattern certain crosswalks or just overall well I just I go by Fair Haven Road at third um pretty much every morning and there have been quite a few anes there but very you know at the time of the crossing was there she's out there doing her job and the other crossing guard is there in the afternoon everyone's doing their job but people are just not paying the visual is not there yeah um so and it's you know the kids are kind of behind a little bit and the you know they're not behind bushes but they're not in full view they're by to a walking so um perhaps if there's some stationary life of something that would be flashing and even by no with too I think there's more of a police presence over there there a little bit more ation however both sections it probably would be helpful um I know historically my old daughter was was saved by um a crost guard when she was back in second grade um Harvey tilon saved her life he jumped in front of the car the car was making left through River Road off fa even Road and he just was kept going he jumped down front of the car wow and I witnessed it um so just you know in spirit of of for Harvey um it would be you know something that um we should really take care of our people that serve in town and our children of course so just that just that a little context on that uh one of our recent engineering meetings uh the police department is has been looking into the cost and what would be the logistics of getting some of those flashing P crossing sign I believe rson had one on big mue looking for something similar um because some of those roads are County um so you know you actually have to get work in conjunction to just say for example Fair Haven River that's at the county road if we're looking to put something there you have to work in Junction with the county to get approval for it and there's cost Associated um we did have the police department does have information on it and they haven't doing research on it as far as it has been on our radar um as far as um you know batteries for Flash and stop sign I have a meeting with the chief tomorrow so I will P that information along see they can have their traffic safety officer and check their equipment spoken with them actually because you know of just you know uh just paid you know about the we think it would be helpful so you know one wasn't aware that they were they did have them at one point but one said yes the one we were holding did have the battery pack but it said said the batteries just kind of died and it was just very expensive and I actually looked them up online they are quite quite pricey but I figured the the flashing lights on the sides just like they have near the hospital would quite be a permanent fixture you wouldn't really have to worry about that yeah we haven't we hav't looking at that again we discussed it fact engineering meeting coming up um this week so we can uh we can talk a little more about that as well okay great thank I would also just to validate you I in itally anecdotally I've heard similar Tales my my children are outside of the school age and not walking to school right now but I'm hearing it from other fames is too so it's a I'm glad you're here tonight I'm glad you shared it thank you thank you thank you Rob 935 Road and I'm here um at uh I come because I was urged to come and speak as a resident but also as a member of a lot of advisory Boards of committees that are on the Green Team uh the N municipalities and the bar Haven uh natural Fields committee we are um there there was a restoration of a rain Garden in the parking lot of thorough um Hall and um it was done I I really don't come regularly to the council meetings and there was um approval by the council to have donated plants and a donated professional landscaper come in and um restore that um garden and uh upon my Discovery as an advisor I think know comes from the Garden Club um also as a conservation leader at the fair the Garden Club of Fair Haven um the the garden is considered not an ornamental Garden it is considered a demonstration rainy garden and all the plants in there belong to the only plants that are supposed to be in that Garden are native New Jersey plants the native New Jersey plants would give uh people who are looking at that rain Garden uh as a demonstration as a piece of um learning and an educational piece to learn from that they would go home and they would be better off in their Pro on their properties where there is uh need of flood mitigation and storm water management that they could use these plants it has been my discovery that there are plants there that really don't belong and when I I have um demonstrated since I came here eight years ago one of the first things that I discovered was this wonderful ring Garden demonstration garden and I showed it off to um the Rumson environmental commission as they were getting ready because I'm involved in lumson also and they were getting ready to put three rain Gardens in theirs and they came and I showed them you know the science behind it this um was uh installed as you might all know in 2016 we were one of 32 municipalities that um was chosen from a state project that really pings us they they look and they see the um storm water management that's you know that's necessary in Fair Haven as the water you know um runs from Perth Amo Amoy and uh coln that into the tributors and Fair Haven has a lot of problems from those areas that um this is one way moving forward the green structure that has been uh established by the state is really encouraging um you know these educational pieces for uh for the municipality itself as you all know and for the residents so um I just wanted I you know I am uh on an advisory with the fair uh the um Fair Haven natural Fields as we get ready to do the ER and the ring Garden has come up and it has to be the truth that is told about the rain Garden new B it is not in the correctly now and you know we will advise um you know those words uh you know to the master plan eventually that's done by the council um I also it was maybe insinuated and I would like to have clarification that this is not a permanent thing when I saw this uh demonstration garden that was you know put in by advisory from ruers um the green structure program the um uh Sustainable New Jersey had a hand in it and there was a cooperation corporate cooperation from Verizon I thought oh it's here to stay but I'm not certain that that is true can anyone tell me if that is true I don't know I could talking about the ra GST and on borrow property it exists there it was done as part of a larger plan I don't know why it would go away so what I mean changing it from a native plant to an or I mean Native Garden to an ornamentum so we talked about this at at um which meeting was it was environmental commission environmental commission I thought maybe the natural so we have a rain Garden demonstration garden on our property it got restored and during the restoration process they put non-native plants in don't know why or how I have to interrupt you because um Robert and I have had a conversation about this those are native plants nothing was removed and only natives went in when the uh the volunteer who we approved only natives went in only natives went in yeah there are some plants there that are not native I don't know PL I see that were before were in before the gardener didn't remove anything so for example there's set uan Irish there they grow fine in New Jersey but they're not they're not native see so okay so that iend that last part then so is there is you know which Garden we're talking about yes yeah yeah yeah the one out the one in the parking lot so is it what's the best way to to move forward to try to make it pure rain Garden well I mean to to to take care of the non-native plants Ian do we is that is that a simple thing Brazilian for instance there are Brazilian and Argentinian um um NEPA in there um and unfortunately the very you know it's like eight years now or nine years old um the IR uh ilex vertica was pruned like and um that's really like going to take the plant a long time to be productive with its burries and you know that that really wasn't the proper way to do it um we just add a little context on that that was not the way we did it yeah um just to be aware the um the landscaper for um the building um right next to us was the one was the one on during the line 11 Memorial matter fact it was Allison who stopped them um right took a we wack or to it and um and and actually CA cause some damage to it um so that's why that was prun the that wasn't the burrow did or anything landscape that was that was an unfortunate accident so I guess what I'm trying to get at so I all the detail here is is there any impediment or what do we what do we need to do to to restore it or to to make it pure is it is it like a native rain Garden yeah native rain Garden is there is there would it be a resolution do we would it be some Grant stuff or what we have a conversation with the landscaper yeah that's a good idea yeah we conversational landscapers see if they want to go back and you know modify anything that's yeah it's up to the governing body I don't think in me certainly be included I know hardly anything about rang I didn't even know about rainard so I came here as B administrator so it's been an education experience for me as well um and and I think it's great that we have one but I think you know obviously if we were going to do that we'd probably want to consult with a professional and maybe we get the volunteer that um was there and might want to you know been there L some experience we did ask her to plant natives she did plant Natives and the things that are there are not native were pre-existing so there were excuse me one moment um the you can sell a functional rain Garden that may have some plants that are not native there's a benefit to natives they have deep groups they they do a better job and that's Su just see they don't uh but it's a demonstration of rainu that has some non-natives do we lose M like so it sounds like these plants have been there for a while so we qualified for a grant or however this was planted do we need to prove that it's still Native are we losing out on opportunities like what's the downside of keeping those non-natives and just continuing to move forward with making sure we're Michael what I what I would suggest is I mapped that um Garden about six years ago in when it was in full bloom so I would be very anxious only because I think it's such a prize that the fa has we have a rain Garden in at Norwood and we are really trying to get that up we have been trying as you know um but um this has it's Prime real estate and I really think that it's it's an opportunity to build um public awareness because this idea of native plant I'm pretty certain is not going to go away because I think that it builds much healthier ecosystems when uh you know when you are burdened with you know finding out about storm water management they're always coming back to you've got to plant natives um yeah we should get like I I stopped you know I was involved with this landscaper and they wanted to put in knockout roses I don't know if that means anything to anybody but um we had a discussion she was very intelligent and very knowledgeable and she UND stood that you know that uh you know an aster was a better choice so she you know she left spots where you know those plants could be put so I don't know I think in the spring I think that it might be um you know a good idea if you know some of the advisory um positions that you know the environmental commission has the green has the Garden Club of Fair Haven they were actually asked by the B The Garden of Fair Haven was asked by the burrow and Sarah swifter was in charge of a committee but she never acted on it to manage that rain Garden she is very knowledgeable about um Native Plant so um that was unfortunate that that consult wasn't given there are people in the um burrow that live and live die and breathe so I can think of two two downsides it seems like we're not honoring our commitment or living up to our end of the bargain when the when it was um begun and secondly if it's a demonstration we should have native plants in there I think because like I've got a spot in my yard where I'm thinking about doing something and I'm I'm struggling with what plant to put i' love Brian Brian I don't mean to cut you off but In fairness right like this is turning into a discussion and I don't even think we have all the data surrounding it right to to to make a decision to provide guidance or anything it's the first I'm here in a to this extent I have a question aren't we talking about putting rain Gardens in by the new police department yeah there is one going in so rather than than adjust the garden that exists outside of burrow Hall why don't we use the grain Gardens as demo Gardens when we build them we can do I think we can probably do it all but my question is also do we have any I forgive me are there signs out there there is a sign but does it say like what plants are out there no but there is a sign it's a Granite sign it's made of granite and it's engraved and it's from it was donated by in coordination with Verizon and um andely says native yeah I could shed some life um back in 2009 the B received a $1,000 Grant from Verizon I was actually cutting myself I a DW employees we actually drove out to the far in West py we worked with cons r G plant list I got it built through the 2009 the Cur I did like a dry River Rock area we did a Rel L out to River Road I actually dug a hole in seting stand in free draining you know all the things that you do to engineer something like this but we also built it with some of the volunteers and the grant at the time didn't cover the complete cost that's why I was able to kind of look it into the 09 room program um it's been there 15 years yes there's a granite stone that just it's it was donated by Verizon it just says Garden that was the location we chose at the time we felt could intercept some of run off from the uh Cave parking lot and over time it it you know some of those plants were higher than the storefront windows next door DP W maybe every 6 months we go and trim things up and clean things up a little bit but for the most part we let it be as it is I may have a list of plants from back then I I wasn't cloud-based at 09 so I didn't have on my laptop um I actually just took the poster down from my old office at DW that I got when we did it um there was a was a whole illustration of like ring Garden plantings and things of that nature or so yeah 15 years ago and I know the council approved you know a spruing up of it and you know got a volunteer to go in there but I guess are you looking to see if we can inventory what was there and what what is there down I think that you know that there is a um there's a good amount that is native and I think that we could work I would love you know I and there's a huge amount people out there let it go through a broke season and see how visit that you know what this is turning into a workshop one thing I just want to add before we close this off um when and I was certainly there when the landscaper was doing the work we didn't remove anything so nothing was Reed and we made sure that nothing was Reed from there so um there were things added out to their place probably was was destroyed during the weed whacking event um but um nothing was removed and that was something that both councilwoman Cole and I were very very passionate about shorted you know they weren't altering removing anything out of it you know for that re so well there are so many people out there are looking at it and you know really appreciate the thank you is there anybody else in the audience can I BR something as long as there's nobody in the audience those hands up there's two hands up all right let's should we go to the zoom we'll do that first that's fine yeah I have see say Becky's phone hi can you hear me yeah you know uh I just wanted to mention name address please name address oh I'm sorry uh Rebecca lomba 16 Allen Street I'm in front of the DPW uh we had met with Drew the other week uh myself and a bunch of neighbors and I just wanted to chime in today because yesterday Sunday at 7 uh the guys came to do the cardboard across the street and it's it's too early I I mean it woke the whole neighborhood up with the trucks and everything I understand that they have to work and get it all done but anytime on Saturday we feel like that could have been done any neighbor I spoke to yesterday I pickled with a couple of neighbors y yesterday and they said did you hear them at 7:00 I mean uh I I believe drew that we did complain about that before when you were here and I realized it was only last week but again yesterday morning very early I mean that's Sunday morning I don't think anybody would have complained if it was Saturday we've got to get up and things to do but Sunday morning to be run a whole operation over there to break down that cardboard get it in those trucks and I think it's our people I I don't know but uh whoever it is it's really early is [Music] it I I I do think it's ours but that's too early I'm sorry just just just to give you an update on that um that was that was a one-off thing we had a crew and doing leaves on Sunday and because there was uh such a large amount of cardboard was dropped off um they had them also put the cardboard into the trucks as well to prepare for the um drop off on Monday morning um is that a regular curve did happen um because of what was there what I it's happened a few times it's happened a few times so I'm just putting it in for everybody who's around and also I did mention to Drew about the lights across the street I get that it's an active construction zone but it looks like the Mother Ship over there 24 hours a day they don't get cut off at night I mean at this point I'm going to buy blackout blinds but it you know why do all those lights need to be cut on and I believe we're all paying for them you know I reached out to the contractor a few times about the issues with the lights um I will send them in I will send them an email tomorrow morning and tell them that the lights have to be off at the end of the day and as far as um you 7 am. cardboard I'll speak with our gpw director ni Pinsky and uh see if we can do let me ask this let me ask you this I understand that the little construction trailer out there which has a strobe forget it it's so bright but this is actually our own garage over there with all every light inside is on every yeah I'll make sure I'll make sure I reach out to Hall the contractor who's doing the work make sure they turn I think add some color to to what's going on now we are down significant in terms of Manpower for DPW I think they're doing the best they can it's not ideal and certainly we'll make note of it but just wanted to offer that perspective we you know I think they're doing the best they can with a an extremely Limited crew um hopefully priston I would say if you'd cut the lights out over there there could be some more affordability in the budget affordability is not the issue we can't seem to hire the it's it's it's too much it you know it's a waste of money if nothing else and also um I was listening in on the beginning of the call about the Landscaping those are astounding numbers you're talking about for dirt and trees why that's why we're not paying that money that's why we that's why we're not paying that money I mean I had said to Drew in a joking manner that I would sponsor trees across my street and after hearing those numbers it's not a joke I would that's that's why we're not pay that's why we're not paying those numbers and that's why we're getting again we were we we were um certainly surprised with that cost estimate and that's why we're not pay we're supplying our own dirt to say that $30,000 cost and we're also gettinger estimate it's ABD money absurd money so my main Sunday morning and um you know again my neighbors Wilson Denise Mike all of us first thing we said did you hear them at seven and if you can take care of that we'd really appreciate it that thank you very much thank you Alison is there anybody else good evening uh Becky the burrow ordinances that contractors cannot work before eight on nine on weekends Saturdays and Sundays nine on weekends just enforce it okay I have a question just one clarification they're not contractors they're B employees so they they don't they don't fall the well they do Contracting work I mean they do the they do the same thing a contractor would do if we paid them if we paid for a separate contract anyhow um secondly by any chance does anybody has anybody on the burrow Council or our burrow administrator received any written correspondence from any of the Town residents with any particular subject in mind that has not been brought up at the meeting that perhaps deserves discussion you know written letters I have a written letter and I was going to bring it up okay from a student would it be from students no I'm just saying we used to have we used to have a section of the buau agenda where they would read outside you know written correspondence into the into let everybody else know what what your neighbors are talking about and I really like to see that restored because I remember we had a resident Rose who would write to the council and then she would have to come to the council to make sure that everybody heard her subject whatever it was that she was writing to them about and then all of a sudden it got dropped so I can tell you as the bur administrator I have not received any letters but if you want to write me a letter I'll be more than happy to read at the next meeting oh good you read kive yeah I'll read it in person if you want to send me cive cursive I only write in cursive I only write I can't print I only write in cursive so my my other my third subject is the postcards that we got put into our mailboxes yes I was actually going to bring that up Ruth and I'm glad that you actually brought it up for me um so just to give you an idea and I'll just put a little context in it um residents in town received the postcard from two individuals um that are trash collectors it did not come from roselli um Suburban the trash contractor but it came from some of the drivers had the driver's name on it had their cell phone and it had a QR code to it venmo or zel link I can't exactly remember actually I think they might even had both on there um car was wishing happy holidays and U soliciting donations um copy was sent to me and I did receive uh several phone calls on Monday morning um my first things I did on Monday mornings I reached out to uh suburban and the owners uh the alivers Ellies that morning they got an email from me and advised them that it was in appropriate for them to send out a card there was overtly soliciting donations especially with a FAL contract and they were instructed to go back to every single house and pick up all of them they did send me an email back saying they do not condone that um type of behavior it was not approved through them and that they would have a meeting with all of their workers on the a route to make sure that that doesn't not happen again so um that was not sanctioned by the contract it's not sanctioned by the burrow if you did receive one of those um I would suggest that you discard it um and again receive it was done without their knowledge they were not approved they were going to sanction them and discipline them for um sending it back I thought you handled it very well thank yeah and thank you for bringing that up I appreciate it okay thank you good evening Alison is there anybody else there is not well I do have a letter that I'd like to just kind of wrap up but it's from Laur light towers a sixth grader from nolwood who's on the nolwood Green Team and um they are requesting she said help me make my voice heard um if you didn't know the monarch butterfly population has gone down by 90% since the 90s as you know this species is crucial to the growth of props what I'm asking you guys to sign is the mayor's Monarch pledge this pledge says that our town will take steps like planting milkweed to protect the monarch butterflies I hope that you will bring this up at the next council meeting sincerely laureli Towers did you get on I tried I tried loging on it's like so I think we all got letters like this from some different members Maddie charmont sent my letter yes did I know that Curran maybe sent one CU he came up to me saying did we get our letters J she's she's the teacher yeah so I don't know if we could maybe Workshop this at the next meeting or if there's something we can do with this but I'd love to maybe make a motion to Workshop it see what the mayor's pledge is and obviously when the mayor's here yeah let's find out more about it and look into it address though what's up the right address yeah I mean we can yeah I didn't actually log on yet but but we can find it I don't know the I would love they yeah we'll send you I took a picture of [Music] mine do did you gave her the actual letter okay right okay I guess um one more won very Qui um we had a nor house on Saturday um DJ re did a great job of putting everything together uh this is regarding the Jake law inclusive playground Grant um we did also distribute a survey so uh that survey is going to remain open the link to the survey is actually on the burrow website as well as on the recreation page and so if everybody has um time between now and January 1 um please fill out the survey to the best of your ability so we can have everybody's thoughts and opinions on what's best in terms of the playground included in the design just one thing to add to I talk to um Recreation director DJ Breen Bridge prior the meeting uh tomorrow the um there were fo demonstration boards that which show pictures of different um different styles of playgrounds and all the points marrow they're be posted at the library so baby wants to see the uh boards that were at the open house they will be at the library there will also be a sign on the library door the QR codes if you want to scan the QR code for survey um but again if you want to see anything that was at that open house feel free to stop at the library there will be posted there and definitely as Christ said log on and be part of the survey very well done were were there other options besides the one we saw last week or two it's a same just feedback on that op I have two more hands up oh okay iPhone iPhone thank you uh good evening Wilson uh from Allen Street as well neighbor to Becky uh thank you Becky for expressing those concerns also I want to thank uh councilman Drew for meeting with the residents of uh Allen Street on ongoing DPW projects I appreciate always his time and and uh and his year as well uh also thank the DPW guys for doing their thing um I know now at night it looks like the Recycling yard is getting locked up and in the morning's getting unlocked I believe on Sundays though it's it's uh maybe there's some miscommunication it's getting locked but somebody else is unlocking it uh if that can also be po potentially relay and and then going somebody's unlocking it I I believe so because it's locked at some point and then at some future point it's unlocked with the police department's been uh locking it on the weekend uh so I can uh you see the chief tomorrow I just pass that want keep an eye on it uh potentially maybe a DPW work unlocked it on a Sunday but uh but also maybe uh also just thinking forward over year-over year as the recycling the cardboard uh volume increases if we can come up with some sort of strategic plan shared Service uh Etc um and also in as we wrap up the project if we can incorporate some sort of plan on how we can steer the vehicles outside of the street there or into an Alleyway or Etc where it can improve the flow of traffic and make it safer as well for the residents and not directing them to drive on the wrong side of the street and then take off on the wrong side of the street to go back on the right side of the street okay thank you but otherwise thank you again and uh we appreciate uh your time with us thanks thank you this one more thing uh when Dick Fuller spoke about the deer in the natural areas and the burrow owned properties you really have to take into consideration that there is also an expense to the residents who have put in very expensive displays and flowers and things and lost them I mean the deer come at night and it's they're gone they're gone you you can't do that you've got to do something about getting them out of town so seriously don't just confine it to her how it affects the uh Natural Area and things like that the individual residents are losing a lot of money on the stuff they're putting in that's being destroyed thank you that's it okay well it is 81 do I have most new joury second [Music]