##VIDEO ID:87GA7Q-Kad8## all right let's call this meeting to order at 7:03 PM we're going to start with smooth the flag iedge flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation indivisible and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunsh law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from Burl Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this January 6 2025 council reorganization meeting is available by call and phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time this meeting was authorized by resolution number 2024-25 on November 25th 2024 and sent to the asbar park press the Two River times and the Star Ledger on December 18th 2024 a public notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press on December 30th 2024 post on the burough website Constant Contact and the bolon board and Municipal Building as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the burough clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting Allison may I please have a roll call of the 2024 Council council members Co yes yes o yes Yesa yes wson yes thank you uh we are now going to move on to the pump and Circumstance portion of our meeting uh it gives me great pride we're going to start with uh Betsy cotch uh and then we're going to go to Tracy Cole I'd like to start off by congratulating both of you on earning another three-year term at the lasts all right Betsy Betsy want you to come on up repeat after me I I Elizabeth cotch Elizabeth cotch do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith an allegiance to the same an allegiance to the same and to the government and to the government established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will and that I will Faithfully faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties of perform the duties of councilwoman Council according according to the best of my ability to the best of my God congratulations give another [Music] you left hand right hand repeat after me I I Tracy Cole Tracy Cole do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the Constitution the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in State under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will and that I will Faithfully faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties of perform the duties of oh councilwoman coun according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations may just offer the opportunity to say a few work so I'll say I prep um there's nothing as wonderful as family except for when it grows and the whole Community can become your neighbors your friends your family your loved ones and uh I'm delighted to have the opportunity to serve my friends families and Lov ones again so thank you okay uh thank you I'd now like to call for any nominations for the office of burough council president oh I'm sorry can I please have a roll call of the 2025 Council PA yesi yes yes yes present here uh now I would like to ask are there any uh nominations for the office of burrow council president yes mayor it's my honor to uh put forth Betsy C for council president for 2025 okay thank you is there a second second Alison may I please have a roll call Al M Cole yes s yes yes yes yes also yes congratulations um so I would like to uh as a representative of the buau recognize the following 2025 Fire Company officers I'm delighted to have back as our fire chief Uh Kevin Countryman our deputy chief Matthew bufano our first assistant chief Matthew Lang and our second assistant chief recently our chief uh Matthew Deon so let's clap it up for there um we're also going to recognize uh the following faan fire department line officers for 2025 our first aid officers Captain Brian Allison first lieutenant Daniel Maloney second Lieutenant Kirsten Felman coming fresh off of a Cadet program uh that that she brought forth to the burough of Fair Haven delighted to see that our water Rescue Unit coordinator Wade Davis our fire police officers Captain Richard andrees Jr first lieutenant Scott Smith second Lieutenant Robert Silva and our auxiliary president Ashley finmore thank you for protecting us B okay moving along with the reorganization our resolution number 20251 appointment of burough Professionals for 2025 they can be uh they can be viewed in the uh Council packet that you have before you or online um does anyone have any questions on these before I ask for a motion no uh does anyone have a motion to approve motion second Alison please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes a yes thank you um moving along again resolution number 2025 two these are appointments to various attorney positions for 2025 before I ask for a motion does anyone have any questions on these no I have a motion motion second Alison may I please have a roll call Paul yes yes yes yes sorry yes mson yes thank you uh moving along resolution number 2025-the and committees which can be viewed in the packet before you um before I ask for a vote does anyone have any questions on any of these no does anyone have a motion motion second Alison might please have a roll call M PA yes yes yes C yes yes yes thank you uh resolution number 2025 -04 we have our appointments to the police department for 2025 and uh you know another shout out as well to our entire police department for protecting us day and day out very much appreciated anyone have any questions to these just one sure mayor are we missing a class three officer isn't there two plus this side there's a class two that's in school Pella that hasn't changed right that was it's to say it's just the way the state run the copy that I just wanted to make sure okay no no further questions okay thank you very much uh does anyone have a motion to approve motion second Alison may I please have a roll call Co yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you uh we're now moving to the consent agenda portion uh we're talking about resolutions 20255 through noting that 202- 34 has been amended um with uh different members going to the Green Team everyone so I just want to confirm that members are Susan O'Brien and Elise Casey who are both in the AI both in the audience that's correct no uh anyone have any questions here um do I have a motion to approve to approve Alison might please have a roll call yes Miss smell yes OE yes yes yes yes okay uh thank you um before I get to the good of the burough I just want to um take a quick minute to obviously wish our entire Community a Happy New Year I'm really excited about 2025 um I'm going to sort of say what I said last year which was we just flew through that in about 20 minutes but a tremendous amount of time went into to um putting this whole thing together between uh Council people uh staff uh and and our residents and and our residents resident volunteers I really want to uh take a minute to thank you for all that you do for Fair Haven you make this town work um each and every day everyone does it in different roles different capacities they change over time and uh you know we we wouldn't have as amazing a place to live in as we do if it weren't for all so thank you very much um we are at the good of the buau portion uh is there anyone that has a good of the buau comment uh in the public if you do please state your name and address for the record three minutes no sure hi St Faron 34 CL street I'm also the chair of the beautification committee I just wanted to make an announcement that this weekend will be taking down some taking down Retreat I'd like to thank everybody who participated it was a big hit I thought it was really cool and it look really nice on B property and we wanted to thank the B for that and we'll uh be bringing forth to the council what we'd like to do with the funds youpy Fair Havens um but uh you can pick up your buoys um sometime this weekend we'll I'll send you over to betan an announcement of how they can get their booies I know a lot of people want their booies back some people went all out it was amazing embarrassing with mine was like thank you followup question any chance we can do it as it was originally intended this summer on the doc we planning on Origin if to ask permission to do originally intended on Doc now that we know that we have to order booies early so there's no booie shortage question I'm assuming you got good pictures I think I have some great pictures would you share them with us it's great So Co especially at night yeah very cool thank you Susan thanks everybody anyone else sure Bonnie happy New Year everyone Bonnie Road um I'm curious I I've heard a lot of people asking about how you get on a committee I'm just wondering if you could explain like if I do I call you and ask you do I attend meetings and show my interest like what is the protocol for getting on a committee right I don't think there's one exact distinct protocol um but you usually what happens is when there are uh openings on committees you know certain committees have um appointments that expire you know they're not all some some committees expire every single member of the committee expires the same year year after year and we appoint the entire list year after year then there's other committees where some of the terms are three years some are four years some are one year um when there's an opening generally what's done and I think you've probably seen the emails that go out from the B is we ask for Resident volunteers and the resident volunteers reach out um you know I take it upon myself to interview every single last one of them and if I feel like I can't decide between uh members I usually look to the Personnel committee to do a follow-up second interview um to to you know talk to them and basically give me feedback on what they think so that that is the process so they are um mayor mayoral appointments with uh the blessing of the council I don't know if I said that correctly advice and consent of the council okay so everybody does weigh in addition I Haven no we don't weigh but he vote at this meeting so we approve it you approve it but you don't okay but if we had a suggestion say for example I knew a handful of people and they were coming I did in some instances like when I was the LA on for zoning I know there were a couple people attending these knowledgeable interested so I mentioned a few names to the mayor so he could consider and perhaps even interviewed some of them how were you appointed M what was your experience um so I attended a lot of shade Tre commission meeting and I asked to be appointed and I know having talked to the chair that he recommended me to you because I attended every meeting and but so I mean I know that for me I I I really wanted to be on the committee I love treat you know that so um they for sense but I guess I I just heard people that kind of wanted to be on a committee and maybe weren't put on even though there were know openings and then I also wonder if you are an alternate or it's a one year how you what makes you not get reappointed or how is that process decided on as well I mean they're not clubs they're they're appointments made by the mayor that's that's my job to try and choose the best people for the roles in the bur fa that's that's how it answer if you're asking me about a specific person I'm not going to comment on Personnel that I won't do and if there's someone who resigned or moved out of town an alternate can be bumped up to a regular member and then somebody so that they can advance the best way is for somebody to contact you if they want to come we post it all the time some people text me hey I'm interested um some people email me some people email other council members and they flip the information in I mean everyone's experience is different yeah we put an email blast at about a month ago too and I know I received some the mayor received some so that was one way that we um obtained names as well I spent I spent a considerable amount of time interviewing people I don't just check off foxes um I want to make sure I put the right people in the right place do I always get it right I don't but I try thank you oh and uh at the moment there is a vacancy on the library Board of Trustees so if anyone out there is interested please email me J Halper at fhb b.net thank you um anyone else public comment I have one thing to say I just like to acknowledge uh assembly woman L Peter Paul's here as well as County Commissioner Eric Anderson so thank you for coming and witnessing uh the quickest reorganization I don't think that's I think we did 18 Minutes last year Alison is there anyone no hand okay um with that being said we're going to move towards adjournment at 7:23 p.m. do I have a motion motion all in favor anyone oppose ni fa very