##VIDEO ID:DnMDQx5Se00## all right we're going to call this meeting to order at 7 pm please join me in the salute FL iance to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person or through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from Burl Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of October 15 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it's time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in a schedule of meetings which was adopted by resolution number 20243 and sent to the Asbury Park Press in the Two River times on January 4th 2024 post on the bur website the bolon board and municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute adquate notice having be the bur clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting ala please have a roll callil member Paul yes yes yes yes pres yes administrator York attorney M thank you starting off we have a present a Mrs Felman on the post first aid Cadet program evening CC members andow members that don't know me my name isman generation faight and also fourth generation fa Fire Company in the fire company I serve as AER firefighter in E I also personally started as the ER nurse at Medical Center do you mind just coming up to the front we can hear you no no no worries stand right thank you um this year for the first dat I've served as the cadet committee chair as we love to create first Cadet programs similar to already established Junior firefighter program in town many towns in the area such as Rumson little silver midletown Keyport and Malboro all have long established successful pet programs I come here tonight to ask the council to consider adding an ordinance that the fair first aid Squad can begin running a first aid Cadet program for State cette program would be vital for the town sure we are able to continue to provide free top quality EMS care for context I began volunteering Fire Company Junior firefighter program when I was 14 years old as I began to become more interested in the medical field I wanted to begin volunteering in EMS but since faan did not have a program I had to look to nearby Rumson for their Cadet program so I could uh start my Healthcare Journey end up joining the rson first aid Squad in October 2018 and by my 17th birthday I was certified EMT I spent countless hours hoping to serve the residence of runson and It ultimately solidified my love for the healthcare field and my decision to become a nurse I joined the fair first aid Squad once I was able to in July of 2020 and then I also went on complete fire footer one and two training at mon County Fire Academy in July of 2022 I continue to volunteer both rson and Fair Haven and I now serve as CET program coordinator for rson first aid Squad which I've done so since 2021 while volunteering the cadet program in Rumson and helping lead the program I met many current Cadets and former cets who were from faren who had to start volunteering in another town due to our lack of program myself myself included and also our uh tenant Dan Maloney who's also here tonight many former Cadets have gone on to be regular members in rumon responding to calls while on college breaks and even after they return to town on completing their studies this means we're missing out on many potential members due to the lack of a p program in town as we've seen across the country volunteer EMS agencies are starting to be less and less in number and many agencies Str to find volunteers although the fairing first state squad has great numbers and many new volunteers each year I really think that the recruitment of cadets and training and molding them to be fully competent emergency medical responders or emergency medical technicians before they turn 18 will be vital to the survival keeping our free ambulance service for residents in all honesty I had zero idea until college that those people have to pay for an ambulance in times of an emergency and having this three service offered to Residents is truly life-saving and takes the burden off of our residents Waring if you have to uh you're able to afford an ambulance in order to get proper Medical Care Bas found conversations with leaders of the junior firefighter program for fa and fire company and EMS Cadet programs in surrounding towns we've created a framework for our program we' accept Cadet members between the ages of 15 to 17 since they're able to join for adult membership on their 18th birthday Cadets will receive CPR training and then be eligible after a waiting period to get certified as emergency medical responders or emergency medical technicians we have Cadet specific drills once a mon month that will serve the time to integrate gets in the squad train them on our equipment in the kinds of situations we may respond to and overall slowly introduce them to the role of Emergency Medical Services and ensure that this is something that they are interested in CS will not be able to respond to any calls until they receive the proper training and reach 16 years of age Mo have restrictions on the types of calls that Cadets May respond to all this will be done to prepare the cadet to become a regular EMS member upon their 18th birthday and they'll be able to hit the ground running to continue volunteering immediately well there's no way to ensure that cets will come back to Fair after college to volunteer like we hope they will choose to Simply the equipping of these kids with life-saving skills Will Save a Life somewhere someday whether it be in school at College as a Good Samaritan as a future healthare provider or hopefully as a fair EMR or EMT I assure you that the skills learned in this credent program will be responsible for saving countless lives in Fair Haven and Beyond I thank you all for your time and consideration tonight and if there are any further questions I'm happy to answer thank you so much of all thank you to you personally and the entire uh first a squad um you know I speak on behalf of the entire B Fair Haven uh and and saying that um we're we're just also privileged to have you there when we need you and it's um you know uh I'm sure it's sometimes a thankless job but um you know we we want to make sure that you understand how meaningful it is to our community that you put in the time and effort and you continually train yourselves and um we just think that you're so fantastic in every single way so I just you know on the surface this sounds fantastic um and I would be in full support of it I do have a question what the actual ask is of The Bu of Fair Haven is is there you know is there a uh is it equipment is supplies is it um Communications is is it um Financial what is it that you're looking for to get this program going yes so mostly we just need the ordinance for the town um in terms of the already existing fire cadet program that has been long established in town there is an ordinance I believe it's under 227 in the burrow code um so we just basically need some kind of framework like that with EMS that we can legally run this program but it would be run out of the fa Volunteer Fire Company um and operate very similar to the already existing fire program just basically we need the ordinance and then also you're willing to ensure the EMS Cadets the same way that the uh Fair fire cadets for Junior Firefighters currently fall under the burough uh insurance and ordinance okay that's the only questions I had any anything else well is there any funding additional funding or just the insurance would be the funding you need that's the insurance we would operate just like how the fair fire company does within their bu um we would if we need additional funds we would coordinate funders and programs within that program do you have um I love it full support do you have a um like like like a program binder right where it it provides the curriculum where it talks about the cadetes and who their Mentor supervisor are and how they're evaluated do you have that type of content ready to pass over to review yes we have created um Cadet bylaws similar to how the fair and Fire Company uh fire cadet program has their own bylaws the curriculum I can show you an example of being that I'm the coordinator for rson of what how we run their curriculum we have not the committee for the first aid Squad and not uh directly discuss what exactly our curriculum is going to look like yet so that's still in the works but we do have drafted bylaws which I'm happy to share with the council if you would like me to please that'd be amazing thank you um Alice do we have any idea what the um buyer pet program insurance is it is it a a lot is it a little is it budget effective they would fall under the same same guidelines as that the amount not sure off the top of my head but I did contact our risk manager and they said that they would definitely be covered in any sort of situation that and one other question how do you uh select candidates for the program yes so we are going to mirror it off of the application process for the current fire cadet program so they have to um fill up the application get a teacher recommendation or a recommendation from a current fire company member we also obviously emphasize that school comes first so we will quarterly request report report cards to make sure they are maintaining an acceptable GPA I forget the exact number we discussed but I do have uh the drafted forms do you have any idea how many um applications you anticipate so during my time in Rumson we did when I took over the program we had about five Cadets since then I believe we currently have around 15 um and this is same kind of roles you can join a 15 um or actually they are 16 and 17 so it's mostly uh sophomores later in their later in the year and then Juniors and seniors so just those two grades we've been able to raise it in rson and actually are multiple um students who are from Fair Haven in the program in romson due to our lack of program and is this an annual program or is it a cyclical program it's continually running yes continually running so they join and they are welcome to continue volunteering as a Cadet until their 18th birthday which they would be eligible to apply as a regular EMS member like any Resident would be able to thank you in the early age that they can become a Cadet is it sophomore year is that so it' be 15 years old 15 but they would not be able to go on calls until 16 which is in line sort of with State protocols um EMT for State Jersey have to be 16 years old before you can be certified so there's also um I sent to Alison sort of a the laws that exist surrounding restrictions on EMTs between ages of 16 and 18 so until your 18th birthday um so we made our padet rules in allow u in line with the restrictions that are in place throughout New Jersey for restrictions on MTS yeah I it sounds wonderful I think we're very fortunate to have somebody who has so much experience in this too um I love that it gives an Avenue for people to get involved at a younger age and um so very supportive is is there a cap is there a certain number of kids is there a point to many is not servable yes so du to my in rson I have not seen the point where it's um we've had to create a cap I can see if we needed to instituting that and adding that to our bylaws um usually I'm sure if it's starting out we're going to gradually build numbers but there will definitely be a restriction on the amount of cadets allowed on an actual uh first a call we would want all of them to come and train with us and learn how we operate and learn life-saving skills that the maximum we would have on a call is two Cadets and for per each Cadet there needs to be one adult certified member supervis directly supervising them so there would never be obviously two Cadets on a call and they're not going to be your only EMTs orar thank you very much supportive my mother is actually an EMT she she runs this course in the state of panid so if you need anything else she'll be Happ she'll be happy help but I know to your point it's a very rigorous training so a lot of people don't make it unfortunately but it leads out the best so it's good good job um for uh the insurance uh last year's budget we introduced 190,000 um for just all employee insurance and workers comp was 115 that it's not broken out by department so that it sounds like it's everyone so it would be small amount just one one thing are all the programs open to anyone in the state of New Jersey or is there like limitations on like M County and you mean what we were we're trying to enact in Fair Haven what do they exist now and what will we enact in Fair Haven so what we would want to do in Fair Haven is the wording we have currently is fair hidden or a surrounding town this is in line with what we say about fire company membership as well because we have divor bonding we want people obviously to be within the zone so I mean going from maybe I don't know HL it to here might not be as reasonable but Aran rson a little sober um Red Bank obviously they're willing and Happ come all happy to teach them well thank you um Alison I assume you can work with K on the wording of an ordinance that was she forwarded a sample and I gave Christina and Andre um the section we have for the fire cadet Y and then this would for first aid would fall under the next vacant chapter which is 2-28 okay everyone all right with us move forward with that we'll work with the B attorneys and and the B clerk to have that ready for the next cting 28th like we've discussed and then a hearing an adoption will be November 13th so then start5 okay thank you so muche thank you all right uh next up we have a request from the Fair Haven Business Association post one sign in a banner uh shop small Saturday uh which is on November 30th I believe they would be displaying the signs in Banner from November 20th to December 1st and then the Holiday Stroll was Santa in the Park which is on December 6th this year they're uh asking to display signs in a banner from November 25th to December 7th I don't know if Carolyn is here I'm not sure sorry um is there anything you need to add to that that I missed is there any questions anyone has here does anyone have a motion to approve second all in favor anyone opposed okay thank you next up we have a request from rfh youth wrestling to display 8 to 10 lawn signs to promote their signups for this year the signs would be up from 10:16 to 11:30 um Mr cter here don't believe so uh does anyone up here have any questions though ever any anyone want to make a motion to approve second all in favor I anyone opposed thank you um next up we have our 2024 best practices inventory best practices inventory anyone have anything on this before I ask for a motion to approve great job motion to approve motion to approve second all in favor I anyone opposed thank you uh next up we have the BFI proposal for Burl Hall Furniture administrative York to pick this one yep so um so the furniture some of it in disrepair we have uh several chairs that have lost arms um that have long outlived their life a couple deaths sort of held up a tape so uh we got a quote to replace the furniture from DFI which is the same contractor that we're using for Community Center PD and um uh DW here is that on the record that request yes um anyone have any questions on this um Chris only question is the New Jersey pricing is going up so when would you be looking to get the approval on the furniture so we don't get hit with the price increase in the state so we could get the approval um we get approval tonight the um was supposed to be October 1st it was supposed to increase however they have not received it yet so we you get approve for October we would get the same pricing and there's a resolution each department would it come with the same deliveries uh like swiftly well each deliver is timed out because the completion of each building so um DBW furniture will come in first if that's due and the PDS will come sometime in March um so each Purge deliver a different time so I'm in full support yeah I have to agree I've actually seen firsthand some of what you're talking about I see this a capital expenditure so we it's it's got the appropriate uh yes money set aside you there's no no debt or anything it come out of [Music] our the certification funds for each yeah there certification funds and it's called thank you uh next up coler's engineering and design no coler's engineering and design proposal DPW landscape design administrative y YK so um we met with um it was uh myself KAS laber uh councilwoman Cole councilman Co we met with members um resident to live on Maple Avenue regarding some concerns they had about trees to remove um and uh seeing the back of the uh DBW barrage the trucks so he met with the uh residents had a collaborative discussion um we had Gavin the landscape designer from Colliers um who met with them as well talked about the process um requested some pictures on what they currently see and what they would not like to see uh the trees planted um kers had given us an original quote um the landscape design it was roughly around $9,800 which I thought was uh significantly High considering that's $9,800 before we've even had even planted one tree um had discussed with Chris Gavin and kers we a the price down to roughly $2,900 to change um which we haven't even out there um to do the uh landscape design plan which I think it's uh just fair price to get it done and that's to U and the work of the rest is to have a collaborative effort you they have to live there they have to see it so to get them involved and and have a voice in you know what their area is going to look like I'll make it laugh I think it's a great approach so yeah my only question is have we given when he's going to design this have we given him a budget to fall under as far as the actual design we have not um and I have not talked about any of the design yet because we haven't had the approval for him to design it so I didn't want to go and he Wast any of his time as far as bual hours goes um but he did discuss that his plan would not exceed that amount of money so I know um what the plan would cost and then we can set the parameters with him um after that fact but I did not want to have any discussion as far as planning so we good the goal being to establish a buffer and to impr an amenity that's suitable for the residential environment and this goes along what we talked about at the last governing body right we talked about the intention right with the unform with the trees the buffer and moving as quick as you can trying to plant in November if that's works if it doesn't have to be spring because we don't want the pl to die um so this is all line includ those of Chris I mean 9800 2900 is I like I like that so thanks for taking that yeah just to give you background too one of the things we did we handled and you know even email we had delived letters to every resident there to to make sure everybody was notified and we got a pretty significant turn the residents um from Maple Avenue so everybody Le had a voice into it so yeah nicely done it's done yeah that's the intention it's the intention s me where we had our first Frost yeah weather contingent Jersey is getting Frost tonight so uh and it's weather contingent okay it's the goal but certainly by Spring spring yeah it's better to live in Central Jersey yeah exactly all right uh next up public comment on agenda items only uh please observe a 3 minute time limit please stand identify Yourself by clearly St your name and address for the record is anyone in the public with a public comment on agenda items only yes Mr Perkins so I know seems like it's premature in terms of agenda but it's my only chance to comment based on the way that form genus so as I read the current my comments first set of comments are on the tree uh preservation ordinance so right now as I read the three ordinance be this ordinance provides no criteria for tree removal any tree can be removed by anyone the only issue for the certified tree expert to designate is it it's a hazardous tree any let me just start at the very beginning any tree cannot be removed by anyone any Tree on one's property yes I'm sorry yes you can remove a tree on your property right without any whatever incumbrance at all as long as it's just a I'm not sure the tree C certified tree expert only has to come to designate whether the tree is haard this tree otherwise any other tree can the current ordinance has a tree escro fund so do we have a free escrow fund and if so how's it maintained what do we have in it what do we do with the money what where is it I think you're talking about the sh Tre trust fund the existing tree ordinance says that there is currently a tree escrow fund as part of the ordinance the Burrows to establish a tree escro fund so do we have a tree escro fund I think there is a fund but there's other than Appropriations in the governing body there's no money going to do it so no n n um I don't know got amount that's in the trust fund off the top of my head but there is currently a Shad Street f um I I can't P you the amount but in the ordinance it's also calling for another fund to be open specifically for tree Replacements that's part of the tree Replacements tree maintenance tree that that does not currently exist and will not until I'm just wondering why we have to switch to a new because it's two two different well why we have to switch I mean why we have to switch between three funds One Fund to two funds we're going to maintain two funds there will be two funds the shade tree existing fund is for the shade tree committee to do what they wish so they could plant trees where they feel there's a need um they can the shade tree committee decides what to do with those funds the new fund that's going to be be created by the ordinance will be specific for Replacements that will will be determined based on the loss of tre so one the shade tree can do whatever they want they can plan if they choose the plan on private land they can they choose a p on public land that can those are their funds to use the new one will be will have spis excuse me specific parameters around it and the shade tree won't just be able to decide you know whatever they want it will have parameters to I all of that that's just a l to explain in right but right now states repl of trees okay but the existing ordinance is being deleted basically within its entirety I can't answer to that I'm saying so I'm not sure how we're keeping this existing tree fund if by virtue of this new ordinance we just deleted in the definition there's two funds so be a like page two Okay so moving on well who who directs who who makes the decisions about allocating funds from this additional a public comment period let's let Bill drive his his agenda here we got I'm sure many people that want to talk so let's continue so just I'm just going to run through some of these things per so large scale tree removal it says so large scale tree is greater than five trees or 20% so greater than five Tre that's six trees on a site large that's a lot of trees you're talking about the old ordinance or the the new ordinance this is all just the new ordinance say Large Scale tree removal is six trees or more basically because it says more than five trees so that means six trees or more that's a lot of trees before it becomes a large scale tree removement but then we also say or 20% of the existing tree Cy so I'm looking at J Drew because I'm thinking about your tree on your front lawn so your tree if that's 20% of the canopy on your property you now have to file a large scale tree removal plan hire a certified tree expert to file plan y y y go through all the durations to do I just find that to be excessive for a property that might only have one tree you would have one tree it could be a 3-inch calip a 6inch caliper tree one tree the canopy is 10 ft I now have to file a large SC tree remov plan I just think that's tree removal definitions so the tree removal definition which is right out of the textbook my question is I'm not sure how enforceable all this is so the tree removal shall mean to kill or cause irreparable damage that leads to the decline Endor depth of a tree this includes F but not limited to excessive pruning applications of substance substances that are toxic to a tree over mulching or improper mulching and improper grading Andor soil compaction within the critical radius around the base of the tree that leads to the decline Andor depth of a tree removal does not include the responsible pruning and maintenance of a tree or the application of treatments intended to manage invasive species are we really going to enforce over mulching or improper mulching who who in this town is taking on that role and and what is I'm a landscape architect what is over mulching and improper mulching since we don't even Define them so those are open-ended I just see this as lots of words and it's all these things could potentially kill a tree but I don't see this as being enforcable I could put down a gallon of according to this put down a gallon of groundup the base of my tree to kill iy and it kills the tree but that's okay okay I don't really play that out for me then what happens the tree would die because dumped a gallon of Roundup which is you're trying to K invasive species which is the Ivy and now I killed the tree so so now the Tre but that's okay but that's that's that's okay yes the tree is dead but that's an an acceptable it's it's not considered was the tree's death I guess that's my point it's not intention but it is intentional okay but I think that things happen now that lead to the deaths of trees as well correct under the current ordinance and in those situations the tree dies as well unintended of course and yes will there be a situation the next 10 years where someone will take out their train they shouldn't have I'm sure there will anomaly my point really is the definition when we talk about over mulching under mulching improper mulching improper pruning I mean I I don't I don't know how that's enforced and who and so why why are we giving that definition I don't think we did in the past additional requirements for large tree removals cuse requires neighbor notification neighbor notification is required after the permit is re approved why would I need to notify my neighbors after I got approval to take down the tra I personally that was something I believe we added at the request of certain it's notification but not after you get the application approved the thinking is why notify it it's not approved yeah because that gives the neighbor the opportunity to say I disagree nebor can't tell what they do your property then why are we telling them at all then courtesy aren't they going to see when the trees are removed I just think that's a stupid requirement that's going to require ex slot of money to for people that are sending certified letters to people within 200 feet to tell them the tree is coming down bill I agree I I personally don't think that we should notify but there were members of the council thought it was a so that was the second part of my question they're being notified why so now we're saying just as a courtesy I there was going to be a proced I wanted to know what the procedure was in place if they objected to the there's not a procedure in place to object to your neighbor taking down the tree I mean like a zoning thing you can object to somebody putting a renovation on their house correct without the but I have no recourse in this ordinance that I'm writing that's correct you don't control of people's property what we do but we do because we control it in zone control so it's a contradiction and we're writing this so we're creating this document and so the tree tree replacement requirements C it calls for the protection which I understand the protection of existing trees so that it whatever so if you drive a tree within the critical root zone of a tree blah blah blah if you do that what what are we saying happens if you do what if if I was to ride a tractor front end loader under underneath the critical root zone of a tree what what are the rations code enforcement officer can stop the permitting okay so that it says that they can they can revoke the permit to do construction but but am I saying that then I have to cut down that tree because now I've driven within the critical root zone of the tree and caused aable damage that conclusion from that fa well it doesn't it doesn't say to it would stop the construction so the C auction officer can stop permitting a permitting of treat it doesn't say that stop the constru I think it's of I might need some legal help there well it would just be a typical Code Enforcement issue at that point refer back to the other portions of the code what would the portions of the code be code enforcement in terms of Permitting and applying with the parameters that are place for doing construction any construction you mean code official for Lon out and stop the job the construction of the property yeah that work orders on different we've had situations before where there's not a perimeter offence on construction job the same type of situation would apply if they did not have the proper protections on the tree that's fine my the reason that I'm bringing this up is because I want to make sure that we're not telling the homeowner that because the front end loader was driven within the critical root Zone that tree is now in danger of dying 25 years from now and therefore you have to cut it down today that's what I want to make sure there's nothing that it says you have to cut tree on okay beautiful exemptions so under exemptions tree farms and properties practicing silver culture do we have any tree farms in Fair Haven with growing 6inch caliper trees because we're only concerned with six inches or greater so Two and a Half street tree six Ines for non Street tree okay have any nurseries in Fair Haven do we think we're going to get any at like a thousand we think we are but you never know and I think you have to allow that culture what's that silver culture from the model ordinance I realize that this is from the state of New Jersey the model right but we're Fair Haven so we customize this for Fair Haven not the general the New Jersey ordinance talked about taking down trees at a rate of forget the exact thing but they're talking about taking down trees per acre it was removal of 6 in diameter dbh per acre but what's what's the concern on that like you're worried that a tree farm is going to no I'm saying it's it's it's unnecessary to have that in the ordinance is it bad to have it in well it's just not not specific to fair I think it's for it's forward thinking though for thinking because because it's there foring on the other things it's it's it's providing an exemption that has been provided by the state to similar uh operations and do we think that a tree farm is going to open up in fairen no I don't think anyone does think that but if they do it is covered in the I guess my point is you could have a garden C you could have any I think it's okay in there obviously but it just seems uneven that we're like that in that scenario we're protecting that but then there's other things that I think will actually apply immediately that we aren't listing but under exemptions Hazard tree so my question is why am I suddenly being asked to pay what in essence is $75 to remove a tree ha a tree may be removed with no fee or replacement requirements Hazard tree uh is determined solely by the Fair Haven license tree expert Hazard tree applicants are required to pay the application fee in accordance with section 14 district six so I'm not required to pay a fee but then I am required to pay a fee and it's not just the application fee because according to section 14- 8.6 I have to pay $25 because the certified tree expert is required to come to determine that the tree is in facted it as it this tree so you're got pay so I'm paying $75 I'm paying a $50 fee and a $25 fee right now I'm paying nothing I'm saying why why do want why is that necessary that the burel are we that strapped in the barrel that you need my $75 I'm just saying as the average homeowner I'm not talking about as a developer as a homeowner you should be encouraging I would think we would be encouraging every resident to take every precaution necessary to maintain their property and you're going to pay thousands of dollars to take the tree down and now I have to get a permit and pay fee I have no problem with getting the permit or I have a problem with paying a fee for a tree that's debt and then having to pay the person who we are paying for in our taxes to specifically come out and tell me that the tree is dead we know it's dead before they come out this year that's fine you want to have the tree expert come that's fine but that's a service that we as the burrow provide we're creating this ordinance and now in this ordinance we've suddenly decided that it needs to cost me $75 it didn't cost me anything today today it's not costing me anything so we the Sha Tre commission did debate the fees quite a bit about what what's appropriate uh and we came down on trying to match the fee to roughly approximate the cost to the Bur so it's a DI Minimus amount you know $50 plus 25 if you need an inspection but you have to have an inspection if you're going to Hazard yes well you don't need not necessarily the treat down already emergency in that type of situation that's fa that because that's not clear either so when you get to emergencies I need to pay for the tree removal permit I suddenly now need to pay lightning strikes a tree it falls down on my house I now have to pay I have to file for permit within two days that's fine I have to pay for the $50 application three to take the tree down and then I know there's some discussion about whether there's Clarity in this I don't think it's clear according to what how I read this not only do I have to pay the $50 the $25 I now would have to follow the requirements set forth in the tree replacement end of it and if it's a 24in caliper tree I would have to replace whatever it is three trees you're saying no that's not how it's written that's not how it's interpreted I think it is if it's not interpreted that way I think we can make a Minimus change just in the language to um to to straighten that out but that that's not the interpretation and and I should have profess this all by saying I'm not looking to be an OB constructionist I'm a landscape architect I am all for saving trees okay my career is about trees so this is about Clarity and putting the the best product forward that's what this is about the fact that I read this and and I spent years writing specifications which are very similar to ordinances and if I'm saying that there's some confusion then there going to be confusion with somebody who has no idea what this is about that that's my concern lastly appendix a it says approves list of replacement trees and the next line says recommended list so they're not the same word May and shall are not the same thing legally they're not the same so is it the approved list or is the recommended list and it's not just on that page it references back to other sections in the specific ordinance which then have to be corrected so so I believe I did answer this for you earlier today um uh they are recommendations um and we can also make the Minimus change to just clarify that it needs to be clarification that that's the case so if that's the case that's great I do have one other question in terms of appendix a to why there are shrubs noted in the recommendations at all pendix a is a document owned by the shade tree commission so they can they can go one of two ways they can either get a list of recommendations of what they encourage people to plant or they can give a list of invasives if they recommend that people do not plant so they own that appendix a and they can change it as they as they see fit what does that mean they own it it's in the ordinance you guys own the ordinance the ordinance this is not this is the Burrow's Ordinance do you want to just talk or do you want to let me answer the question okay I'm I'm listening but I'm saying I I the ordinance says that the shade T commission will provide appendix a so that's what it says and that's appendix a which is one of two ways either a positive list or a discouraged list I'm not sure that it's clear that this list could be changing too I don't know if that needs to be clarified but the website's there we can add clarification that were the most updated list of trees that this because if this is in like writing set not right the website there so that can change this may vary and and if people opt not to use any of these trees there's no there's not nothing happens it's just these are recommendations okay just to clarify your I'm not sure where it says that this this ownership of this is solely with the shade tree commission it's the approved list of the place trees and planting standards for the burrow of Fair Haven is the title of appendix a every place referenced in the specification says as per appendix a so where does it suddenly and and do we want to I I think we're splitting hairs here it says the fair and CH tree commission has provided this list of recommended trees we're going to update it it's a the Minimus change I think we're splitting airs over a very small the commission is part of the government as a whole and your point about you know maybe the word ownership is that precise that the idea is it's all one so if the commission updates that list with guidance from professionals because weather patterns change as we know they do and 30 years if that list just different than at the very least there needs to be claric yes and and for all those that are listening at home Mr Perkins gave me a long detailed list of different types of trees today so I encourage you to go to the shade tree commission's next meeting and help them with list because I think they would be open to adding to it in a proper way I know there's members here tonight I would be happy to have you and uh as always very appreciative of your feedback is there anyone else with public comments on agenda items only anyone else public sure um on the um um on the D W plan is there a plan for Allan as well you just made that's being replanted there is there is a plan for Allan um and uh Drew you have the details on that today with yeah so the Allen Street side and Third Street side aren't changing with what was originally approved the only side that's being enhanced is Maple Avenue because of the nine streets that were unforeseen the had to come outs that St so there's been no change to Third Street and um Allen there might be some additional tying from Third Street into the burm that's going to be put on Maple Avenue but all the work that we did with every group last year Mak and I just I'm wishing this whole thing you make a lot of really really good points um one of it does seem that the goal was to improve the protection I'm not sure that we did that a lot of ordinance um one of the things that we had discussed having was the specimen tree the large trees um that would deserve more protection it's not even in this latest version and I thought that the attorney and are you the attorney that handled the clearance or did most okay um because I thought we were going to discuss that with the attorney did that did you you mean historic tree the the specimen Tre is is mean that you thought you were going to discuss that with the attorney this a public comment right now what what do you mean by that I'm saying that during the Shad Tre meeting we said there was a space left for that and it was we were laughable that it was in attorney review and I thought that was part of it no the Shaker commission decided you remember you were there we could not we could not come to an agreement on what a a Heritage tree or specimen tree was and there was a discussion that we could either continue to debate which might take months or we could put a pin in it and we could pass what we have and then revisit that issue and that was something that the full sha Tre commission agreed to might not have been unanimous um but that was something because we wanted to get the cash register going the fees is coming in so the Shad Tre commission can plant new trees yeah and if there are people in the Shader commission here I see the chair is here my is my memory correct that is correct we did vote please state your name and address sir please state your name and address chryst arson 62 Gentry Drive good evening everyone I'm also the have the pleasure the honor of being the chairman of the sh Tre commission um we did vote to many years ago some of us pregrated adly to move forward with this version of the ordinance we knew that there were things everybody was giving up on both sides but to Brian's point we did not want to Bel labor it any longer we moved forward with this ordinance we felt this was the best path to start putting trees on the ground currently we have something in place that trees are still coming down month after month we get a report at every meeting come down it's going to happen this a mechanism in place it gives us an opportunity the Shader commission specifically to plant trees and replenish the Canon can I have a question sure um what on the side of what were the compromises like what what didn't go in it that and I'm I'm guessing the two sides just based on this is becoming a workshop it's not a work well maybe we should work is why is it not a workshop because I think that the attorney said it would be a workshop at the next attorney the attorney did make that comment two meetings ago he should not have made that comment uh the attorney does not set the agenda but isn't that a legal recommendation to Workshop again he can make a recommendation but it's him saying that we're going to Workshop something he does not set the agenda the bur attorney does not set the agenda it was decided not to Workshop it not by everyone on the council we we we have already worked uh 97% 97% of what the ordinance that's being provided here we already workshopped as a council I just I we have changes that came through that are different than what was talk it doesn't mean you have to like the a but the this was Workshop by this Council the ordinance that's been presented is 97% the change with some actual small changes which we just mentioned before like notifying The Neighbors which I actually do think is ridiculous but we incorporated into the new ordinance and and um in me speaking to other members of the council there's support to move this ordinance forward much as the uh the uh chair of the shade tree commission mentioned the idea is to put trees in the ground right now with the current ordinance if you were to plant a 23in tree uh if you were to take down a 23in tree you would only have to replace it with one tree in the new ordinance replacement in the existing ordinance a tree for tree replacement in the original ordinance it's a 23 inch tree you would have to replace it with one tree one 4 in CER tree one yes in the new in the new ordinance you have to replace it with three trees in the old ordinance if you had a 33in tree you would have to replace it with one tree now you have to replace it with four trees that's what we're trying to get to the pin's still in the it's still in the map as far as specimen trees we can still have that discussion but for seven years we've been talking about this tree ordinance where we are now to where we're trying to go this is better it's better hands down to talk about clear cutting Lots you know we had I'm not going to mention because it's probably unfair to them we had a custom home builder in here a few months ago they they they took down a tree when they weren't supposed to we said oh well we're going to get them we're going to send them to the court that case was dismissed we got no money out of the situation so people are taking down trees when they want to we not denied in three years of me being up here a single permit when there was an appeal so if someone wants to take down a tree they've been able to take down a trade we're now putting in an ordinance that enables us to maximize the canopy in Fair Haven will that happen in the first year the first three years maybe not years 5 10 15 the next Generations of Fair Haven are going to look back on this ordinance and send back say thank you I think that's a broad statement oh well that's the statement I made I think the the that a licens tree expert has on occasion said no that tree shouldn't be cut down and yet the goun is still allowed it to happen is something that I you disagree but Bonnie we're going to have a conversation on the baseball field if you looked at that tree before it cracked six feet off the ground it looked like a healthy tree you didn't know it was rotting if you went to my house before hurricane Sandy like I'm not going to mention the tree vendor who told me my tree was healthy and then the thing fell on my house you you wouldn't know it's rotting inside sometimes they know sometimes they don't so to sit here and say that us as accounts are going to tell people that they can't cut a tree down on their own property when they're worried about it falling on their house just yesterday was it m Clair New Jersey a 12-year-old was killed with a tree Lim falling up I understand these things happen I guess it just begs the question why do we have come out home way in an opinion um we're not you know we never listened to her it's only to determine if it's hazardous yeah um but I guess can we just keep that PIN in I mean a 200y old tree is way more valuable than four little baby Tre there's a huge difference we all agree on we all agreed and I don't think there's any been any discussion about removing any pins we know that there are things like the appendix that we wanted to add to you know that but to follow up on Josh's point is there has there been any discussion should the council get the power to deny somebody's tree removal in their on their private property is there any discussion who accepts responsibility for that tree going forward right who SK shouldn't even be coming here if you my where do they go well you're saying if we were to go forward on the pin drop you're saying no no I'm just saying like I there seems to be a lot there shouldn't be any tree appeals moving forward no I agree with you that's what my point is I just plant that seed everybody wants to protect the trees that's why we're here that's why I'm on this commission but there has to be consideration for someone who is not comfortable with a whatever Tree on their yard and if the town is going to have the power to deny somebody their right on their private property then does the town now assume all the responsibility for that tree going forward well I think that fall down on somebody whose responsibility is it that was that was always the but I think that before this the code enforcement officer had a list of things that they went out to review one of them was I'm not scared of that tree I just want to build my garage there right and the code enforcement officer I think the evalu say well look if you just moved it over this much like to me those are important points to say you could move it you could accommodate the trade like that's just where I don't want an unsafe trade right next somebody's house I mean I just think that when a developer wants to take down that fig tree in the middle so he can split the lot and somebody could just move you know that that's all I mean I think and I think I don't think you think that and I hope you don't think that I hate trees when I'm sitting here saying this I'm trying to maximize them but there has to be balance in this situation well as long as the tree ordinance has been kicked down the road a lot if we can come like revisit it regularly so tonight we're going to talk about brush and leaf Bonnie we're going to talk about brush and leaf okay we rolled out brush and leaf we understand that there were some challenges and some speed bumps along the way we learned a lot we're going to be talking about that tonight to try and further improve on the entire program so what I would say to you is there's a pin in it let's get let's get this fast T let's implement it we're going to have a speed bump here and there maybe something that someone doesn't like but we're going to learn from it and when we learn from all these things we're going to get back together and we're going to further improve further improve the ordinance and if we don't do that then we're not doing our job we just say well this is the ordinance we you know you got to live with it too bad then then we're not doing our job as a governing God if we're learning from from our experience then we're doing exactly what we're all what we've all been elected to do as governing God leers so I don't know who's opposed to protecting a significant specimen tree there's there's probably they fit in both my hands me there's probably 10 maybe 12 Trees in this town that have been identified do you think it do you think a sore Tree on bwood Drive is a specimen tree there's 120 of them I think it's the whole row there are certain signature sections of roadway so now we're more than six so all I'm saying is we haven't we have it's I think what he said is it was just hard for them toare Define it so in instead of arguing about it for three months let's get this past and then continue that conversation I I I hear you and I I guess you know what I see about this and I I know we're in public Poli I'll keep this free we're we are raking out all the existing protections this draft protects nothing it's an admin characterization it is Administrative procedure for removal and replacement trees unless one play the shade free commission that's your view it's actually black and white the thing is if you need the word preservation you can the word preservation is not accurately describing what's happening in here preservation is a multiple things and one small piece is free replacement but the other pieces are protecting it from getting what is it like um Pro protecting trees from damage ensuring that they aren't allowed like they're there for fut generation we are doing nothing to preserve existing trees yes we are sow fencing around very construction that's one okay that's fair okay that's that's but that's there's nothing to stop someone from taking any tree down now I agree I don't want to be responsible for someone's tree that's that's not necessarily true right now if you want to take a tree down what's the permit fee that you have to pay you have to pay money 50 bucks $50 the all right so now if you want to take down the same tree and it's a and it's a big tree how much do you have to I get that it's more money but okay well that's something that's protective of the trees you're you're making it a more of a hardship for someone to more a hardship but let's I just my biggest issue everyone can interpret this different yes that's the problem I have with this interpretation your subjective view I read it as preservation that's my view and and in fact if we are planting more trees and we are taking down and we are future mapping out plans for trees in the future for this town that is Preservation that's my view okay so we all can have different views preservation is we can but let's let this is from a resident who has been negatively affected impacted by Massive storm water issues and clear cutting behind my house that played into as many things played into why this is happening I want to protect someone we're talking about property rights yes we don't want to tell someone on their own property what to do yet the property next to them can be clearcut and they could have negative side effects of storm water and and over all these things that can happen and there's nothing protecting that property right that property owner from what's Happening next to him so we're just allowing anyone to come in and clearcut and a developer isn't going to care about that $4,000 they're just not they they would for $4,000 they're going to build a $2 million home they'll plant the in tree does what happens if they notify the neighbor though but listen all right one data point though right the the the aring question right it's Colonial Court let's call it what it is and when when the PNC Bank was approved back in the 70s it was referenced that the flooding occurred back then so I just want to I'm not dis I get it so then we took we we allowed all these trees to come out in an area that was H happened to be catching some of but that is but that is that is a different assertion than saying the clear cutting caused the flooding guys we're heing way outside of public comment on agenda items Bonnie do you have anything else because I think your three minutes was like cut up into different segments um I just was hoping you were gonna work this talk I think we kind of just did but I hear you right that was is there any are if I can just say sure absolutely really I I've been on the commission now for roughly six years this has been as we said on the Forefront of conversations month after month month it's gone we're here now I think it's a great I think I think it's a good ordinance in its Simplicity I think it's easy to understand which makes it easier to enforce when compared to other and earlier versions um if we can as you said keep a pin in certain items and be able to introduce things that don't work in this ordinance should we come across them can we bring them to your attention and can we work because if we can do that and if we can get this on the books we can get funds heading in the shade tree commissioned way and we can do our job replenish the canop and help absolutely so Mr chairman I was the leaa for two years and I'm aware there a shade tree trust fund and that there are funds in it sometimes when you talk about it it sounds like you might not I know you're aware of that there are funds in there yes and there as a regular mechanism for funds to be added to it ongoingly through the community appeal Community okay that's the only funds that really go there there was a funding mechanism for the shade tree trust fund and the prior draft as well as this one um slightly different hand if you want to call different homeone one this more of nuanced engagement with the idea of relief this is more of um pay it if you want kind of option you don't want a plant a tree that's fine you can pay the shade tree commission that's these are the two choices but it it it's certainly a good idea but there is money in there now I Al just wanted to get it on the record since it exists can we just I'm not denying it I never did I know there's money in there and we do use it um but I think there'll be more more funds in place in that shade tree fund if we can get this in place can a lot more flexibility as to what to do with those funds but is the shade the Trade Commission still has to go through I don't think we've talked about thisday there's two there's two funds so so there's the existence of the new it's the wording on sh treat fund that is the fun the second one and N was not but ncy was talking about that's the one that's the fund that a reserve fund not the trust fund that you have it's the reserve fund and that shall be means funds established by the burough to collect tree replacement fees and penalties in Accords with the section and the purpose of that is for planting new trees maintaining existing trees and maximizing the tree canopy so that's a second fund so that won't be the same trust fund that you have that's the reserve fund where for example that $50 and $25 tree will be going to or the um the replanting fees that listed here and the dra but just my clarification is that the shade tree commission I don't think has the right as I'm reading it I'm not saying that I don't want you to but have the right to decide what to do with that money that is actually under the burrow am I is that correct so the burrow so the burrow is the one who will be maintaining that now the burrow May in you know consultation with the certified tree expert shry commission could be because again everything falls under the burrow itself so we could be in consultation with the certifi tree expert and the Str Commission to determine where the best plantings for those trees would go for example if they were going to be planted elsewhere than where than the property where they be moved from um but the burrow is the one who would administrate that fund and administrate all of that but you know the expert in the straight Tre commission would probably be um you know advisor in the placement of that and the exactly how we handle funds now like we don't just we're not writing checks out of our own funds we we vote on things we get approvals we get purchase orders from the town so okay okay that's fine so there's another way that that this protects existing trees is let's say Dutch elm disease comes through or something like it the Sha tree commission would have this source of Revenue to preserve trees they could treat a bunch of elm trees for example to preserve trees okay you don't think so I don't think so um usually something like that's a BL category and it burns through it takes out population treats so usually you can't treat something like that it's a nice idea that it like that your point I understand that it can be used for keeping them healthy somehow and maintenance and I I'd like to take a minute also to thank um you know the entire shade tree commission uh environmental commission Natural Area uh Brian orne I know a ton of work went into this I also want to acknowledge like we understand that there's differing opinions here and that's also pretty cool you know Bill thank you you know the feedback that we get the passion that we're seeing for for our natural land here um the fact that that we have so many people that are interested in this topic and want to maximize the canopy I think speaks volumes for uh the engagement of our residents and uh our volunteers along with our staff and and putting together something that'll work for the burrow I'm acknowledging again there's going to there'll be a speed bumper to after we Implement we're going to learn from it we have the pin in the wall for for the specimen trees and and we'll be back we'll be back in I'm sure a few months and we're going to further improve the ordinance as necessary what will trigger that cting back to the agenda I I I think it would be probably feedback based on how things are going that's one of the mechanisms one of the levers I think that we would want to pull um I think it's a continued conversation now that we would have a tree ordinance pass maybe the shade tree commission can take on that discussion and just focus on maybe something like that and what it would look like if that make sense um and then obviously getting members of the governing body on board I mean ultimately well I'd like to believe that because it's really important to me that I feel like I might be a bit of an outlier not really sure because you seem to convey that there's a general majority in favor of this and um I certainly understand other the eagerness to do something the template we're working from is for communities that don't have any tree ordinance at all so it's for towns that didn't have a robust tree Commission in the tree so it's sort of like a starter ordinance and you're very much saying that same idea start it and then layer in additional no I don't I think you're you're getting from point A to point Z pretty quickly that's not what I said at all well I'm saying it because this is not a protection ordinance is it not a preservation although I understand Christine's point about preserving the canopy this is a a procedural ordinance that allows for removals with there's no application criteria you can remove a tree anyone can remove a tree and there is no denial there's no prer for approval if you wonder where there the LTE fits in here and why the reason for the expense um I I I will tell you if I were going to compromise on this and go along with the majority um I'd want to know that our street trees are protected they're in the burrow right away the street trees the jurisdiction of shade tree commission and this government and uh they should not be by they should not be something anyone can apply to remove they are a public amenity a this is a walking Town part one of the major pieces infrastructure that supports the livability and walkability of fair even is a shady sidewalk and that's achieved for Street tree so if people can apply to remove a street tree with no criteria for approval as well as no denial mechanism we could that's a very important I would ask the shade tree to be very very mindful of that piece and actually I actually like to amend we I'd like to move we amend an element of this so that we can further protect our street right now we're in public comment so is there anyone else in the public with a public comment on agenda items only yes hi hi Carol Ferguson 7 Colonial Court uh as you move forward with the shade tree ordinance I hope one of the things that you will uh reconsider is the notification piece um especially if you have a small lot your neighbor taking down two or three trees is hugely significant to your property um we have an established procedure for Neighbors having the ability to share information when a change is being made near their property and that neighbor offering uh information is not infringing on their property rights it's offering information somebody is still going to make a decision the only thing we're ruling out is the ability to get more information um notifying people after it's done seems completely useless and Poss possibly insulting um so I hope you'll reconsider that piece thank you than you anyone else public yes hi I'm Betsy Co 146 haen Road I also wanted to talk about the trees um I just had a few thoughts on the uh ordinance here sure um starting with actually just the very beginning with the purpose of it I think it's all well and good the things that are in the purpose purpose of this section is to establish requirements for tree removal and replacement in the bur of their Haven to reduce soil erosion and pollutant runoff promote infiltration of rain water into the soil and protect the environment public health safety and Welfare all great things I think it's missing some of the nice things that are in the existing purpose of the ordinance namely maintaining the beauty and character of the burrow I think that's very important in this town um [Music] then I think still mentioned uh saying Large Scale tree removal is greater than five trees per lot which would be six trees that's you so rightly pointed out that's a lot of trees I think that number needs to be much smaller but frankly um two or three trees depending on the lot sides and maybe it can be tied to the lot side I don't know um but if that is the threshold the get get somebody out here to look at it I think that that's far too high of a number um on the new ordinance when it talks about the application requirements for the tree removal uh shall submit a tree removal application to the beaden official designated by the B administrator which can sent it from there blah blah blah but there's no discussion here about what the guidelines are the existing ordinance has a nice list of guidelines um some things that I think are really important considering the necessity of removing the trees um the number and density of trees in the area and the effect of the tree removal on the property values of neighborhood and the existing vegetation whether any Tree in question is worthy of preservation which I think goes back to the Heritage trees and those things the heightened desirability of preserving tree cover in a densely developed and densely populated area which most of this town quite frankly is um I really think it's important to have some kind of guidelines here and not just leave it to say the council will take it under consideration uh beyond that the inspection fee an inspection fee of $25 will be applied to all applications requiring onate on-site verification and I could have missed this but I don't see anywhere in here that actually indicates what on-site verification would be why what triggers the on-site verification other than Large Scale tree removal um um and I do think that is something to be considered uh also I do think it's really important to have something in here as there is an existing one mentioning the significant specimen trees and any kind of specimen trees and the importance of preserving those as came up in the earlier discussion here um there's a difference between taking down a tree that you think is threatening to your home and your property as opposed to taking down a tree because your new renovation is impeded by the tree or something like that and I think that could also be brought into this um so I think that about covers it but yeah so just some things to be considered and thank you thank you uh Betsy appreciate your comments and I'll just Echo what I said before we're going to learn a lot from the ordinance if it is pasted tonight uh that can help inform any future changes anyone else public comment on agenda items on yes two other comments unrelated agenda so in the consent agenda item 20-24 243 facility furniture for DPW DPW facility furniture and then the second paragraph says as part of the community centrer project I amended okay perfect the second uh consent agenda item I have serious concern trepidation about we talk about Award of the RFP for the ver vehicle burrow vehicle maintenance C bright Services as the sole bidder so my concern is did we do Outreach to anybody else to other companies so that we had more than one bidder is this the only time this contract's been bid it's been bid three times I get it this is where we're at but if this is the only time we bid this contract out and we only have one bidder that's not a good look that this is this is the kind of thing why the mayor of New York and his Entourage are all over the news because this ordinance also says can't hold on we can't imply though that there is corruption I'm not saying there the mayor just got indicted by the FBI for corruption fa I'm just I want to be very I'm saying no I know that but but he referenced the mayor of New York I this is for proposal okay but we only got one but it's it's very different from a bid okay and it's not unusual to only get one and or two okay the there was a second person who was interested not get their their information in time realize it beyond their their ability to handle the so an RFP a request it's very different than a bid okay I just want to clarify that that's fine only getting and only getting one is not an unusual okay are you are you saying that we should have reached out to more places to try would have been nice to get more and if we didn't if we reached out to 10 people and we only got one person that was interested that's fine I just want to make sure we did our due diligence to do that let me let me jump in here there is more of an implication of corruption if we want to start soliciting vids from people or our PE responses to people that we knew because then well then it would look like we were looking to towards our friends or our connections to uh respond to an RFP this is properly no it's properly advertised as as is a bid it's properly advertised so it's properly advertised we don't solicit responses to rfps take for instance my firm when we apply you know respond uh to rfps most of the time in certain areas that we are you know considered you know maybe it's our you know expertise we are the only biders because or the only responses right and it's just common place no one has ever sought us out and said oh why don't you apply for this because of the implications that could come from soliciting connections or friends and things of that nature okay I I disagree but that's fine my other concern about this is though that this ordinance is retroactive to October 1st so do we have vehicles already at sebrite vehicle maintenance there currently being done under the RFP until it is approved by the council it's being done not there is no work okay that's I want to make sure a negative negative conation now that there is no work being done on any borrow vehicle until the resolution has been approved perfect because one would think all work ended doesn't matter what one would think or no no no I'm saying one would think that if we wrote this and we knew it was going to be advertised until September 24th and the soonest it could be approved was this meeting October 15th the new contract would not take effect until October 15th or 16th moving forward it contct they usually start on the first of the month we didn't want to wait until November 1st because we do have vehicles that need work done so it's being done retroactively to October 1st based on local public cont perfect thank you very much anyone else public comment yes please state your name and address for the record Sherry D'Angelo 36 an RO I just wanted to thank you all um I know there was a discussion there was a lot of discussion about the trees so I just wanted to um tell you guys that I appreciate I know um my hus has been on Shade Tree Mission for years um I've attended many of those meetings many of these meetings um I've heard a lot of public input a lot of discussion I appreciate um all of the um concern about our specimen trees and our um our our big trees and um maybe even leading up until the community center um or yeah Community Center tree that fell um I might have been more leaning on the side of protect trees all costs um I think that we need to keep in mind that there are um more people more kids everyone's out I mean this is all everyone loves s Haven for these reasons um but if we put the onus on you guys um to to to take all liability if you're going to deny someone um if you're going to say we need to keep this tree because it's a specimen tree or it's a certain in diameter um and then something happens it's it's really I wouldn't want to be in that position and I don't think any of you would either and so that's my concern um if we're going to try to it's really hard to put in words in an ordinance that you're going to say you cannot touch this trade for that reason if there's concern and you guys deny it it's it's on you so um I or it's on someone I mean well we could ask about insurance and identification how's that look I mean I don't want to send this back down feel better if it falls on a kid though I mean having Insurance indemnification that's a legal term that's a the financial term that doesn't what you have done in this ordinance in balancing individual property rights with tree preservation and whether you want to consider it tree preservation or replenishment of our tree canopy um in for generations to come I think that's um what we don't want to lose sight of that that's what we're doing so whether it's replacing it with a certain inch tree we're replacing it with trees for years to come so thank you for that thank you anyone else public comment on agenda item only sure first one is Chris sure hello everybody and um hey look thank everyone for um so much input and effort on the tree ordinance Chris name and address oh Chris Hempstead 53 Willow Street Fair Haven New Jersey um yeah the tree ordinance conversation um not you know as versed in it but just from the outside of looking in it sounds like a really great intention but it does seem like it needs a little bit of fine-tuning and there definitely seems to be some real experts in the room so you know my advice to council would be to maybe table it for another month give them an opportunity to maybe scratch off some things and write some things because there's a lot of passionate input there um but speaking of trees um on the agenda you guys were talking about the um uh the Holiday Stroll Santa in the park and just wanted to know are we are we as a burrow you know on the burrow property at least going to do the manora lighting and the Christmas tree lighting again this year uh every everything is um being replicate as it was last year and I think I'm happy to also mention that we might add an additional tree Chris this with Boonies on it right right boies like in the water I would do I would not do it justice explaining it let's just wait for it to evolve and you will see it sounds like it's be pretty cool and there fundraising evolved is there not unification Comm unification committee and you can sponsor a buoy yes you can buy a buoy they'll be for sale for $60 um anybody that wants to can decorate the buoy and it will be hung on a lighted tree outside ofall outside of you know when that started well they had trouble getting buoy but will it will definitely be starting within the next two weeks and just you know just to be you know just to be clear though the naming convention it's going to be a manora lighting and a Christmas tree lighting Chris honestly it's exactly what it was last year as well no I know but last year we got it just got weird last year I'm just trying to be fair to every yeah but it wasn't weird because of this day so let us get back to you shoot an email and and we'll find the language from last year and um I'm pretty confident that uh everyone will be well represented yeah I just want to make sure if it's on public property and we're doing religious displays that it's done fair and accordingly across all religions that's all and I think that's the right way to go I think it's the best approach there's a lot of precedents and I don't think it's a big ask I think you know people in the community would love to celebrate the Multicultural community that we have and um I'm not sure why I get resistance every time I bring it up it makes me a little awkward uh for I I don't understand I don't know what I don't know if it's anti- something but I I don't know why there would be so much opposition to calling it a Christmas tree but um but we're okay calling it a Chris in my own social media I've called it the Christmas tree like eight times you you but but your social media is not B prop your your social media is not burrow property right this is public property now if I want to sponsor a Christmas tree on my Chris we got it last year shoot me an email we'll work out the language okay thank you anyone else sir good evening hi rud hi I agree with Chris in the sense that I believe this tree thing should be tabled it should be more fine-tuned I believe I go along with Tracy 99% I mean it's just I I'm going to give you an exam two examples number one I have a neighbor who had one tree on his property on his front lawn that didn't like it and he cut it down I have no idea whether he got a permit or not but it's gone so there's no Tree on that property at all as for me the tree pardon how big was the tree about 25 feet tall okay I I think that the stump is still there um but as for me I've lived in town a long time and I don't know if you realize how fast trees grow but there's a locust tree on my adjoining neighbor's property that scares The Living Daylights out of me because it must in 10 years be 70 feet tall if it falls in the right direction I've lost my house system so what are you saying on the other you don't want the trees to be taken down or you do want them to be taken I'm just I I think that no no no no so just the first tree that you mentioned the the reason I asked for the size of the tree roof is because if they did take it down without a permit the nice thing about that is either they'd be fined $3,000 or they'd have to put three replacement trees in and submit $1,500 to our fund so the new ordinance has a mechanism that is applied if people were to do that without a FM on the second tree if what you're saying is you want to take the treat animal then you love this new ordinance because no no you oh it's your neighbor's trip you so I don't any ordinance that we can force your neighbor to take down their own tree though so I'm not sure that any of this ordinance oh sorry go ahead you didn't let me finish the tree is there it's growing and as I say it's scary in another incident I have volunteers volunteers are trees that plant themselves without any assistance for me and over the years that I've lived here I have a row of maple trees which were absolutely lovely and an asset to the property until about two years ago when being so close together they are intertwined between with each other and they touch my neighbors and my house and this is an expense that just is absolutely unconscionable to try to I don't want I maybe thin them but it is still very very expensive you've got to keep costs in mind as for the gentleman who said that he wanted the Mechanicals on our trucks to be bid out to more places you've got to realize that like marinas there are very few places anymore that are available to do these specialized things and you may not get that many bids because there aren't that many places that do it thank you thank you Ruth Alison is there oh I'm sorry oh I have Steph um I'll come back to you Katie if that's okay and let's let's yeah Stephanie let's do Stephanie and I have a I have a pin on coming back there hi Stephanie Adams 230 Oxford um I just wanted to agree with Michael and Bonnie and Bonnie I'm sorry you got cut off so many times um you can't or we really you a small a new small tree will never compare to a mature tree when it comes to um storm water carbon sequestration there's so many other parts to this right that we never talk about other than the canopy you know the shade part or the oxygen part there's all the stuff going on underground so I just wanted to make that point again um that a mature tree is going to do a much better job managing storm water um and sequestering carbon than a bunch of small trees um I don't I I get the you know nobody wants to tell anyone what to do on their own property maybe if people understood uh a you know a tree's complete function maybe they would be less likely I understand there are safety concerns nobody wants unsafe trees if you're not sure you know one in doubt do what feels best for you but if it's an inconvenience maybe if there was a better understanding of you know a tree's full function maybe folks would um think twice before they took down a tree having said that I feel like in town you know some of us some people know this when residents take trees down sometimes they're not happy about it sometimes they don't care I feel like universally when we as a community are often outraged is when there's a clearcut by a developer and so I'm wondering about this Large Scale tree removal report I understand that that will um determine a fee but again I think I don't know that there's any fee that's going to be high enough to discourage a builder from clear cutting a lot and we've seen plenty of examples in town you know the Kelly house across from schwartzman's field where they left the trees at the perimeter successfully they were able to build a very large house um and it all seemed to work really well so it's I believe that contractors do it because it's it's easier um but I wish that there were that this ordinance was doing more to discourage them from taking down um large amounts of trees and and then just to kind of finish up you know I I was a little uncomfortable when when we talked about you know the people that can afford the fees can take down trees because now you're kind of establishing this inequity right where I have an issue in my yard I have an unsafe tree but I can't afford to take it down or I can't afford the replacement trees so you might want to think about you know in that fund maybe there's a portion that's set aside for folks who really have a need um and can't afford it because you know the fees or the the planting trees is too honorous thank you thank you Stephanie um Katie hi everybody Katie P 126 Lexington I had just one quick question but I just wanted to first um thank you Stephanie for your comments I agree with what you said and if you walk around Fair Haven that that four or 53 limit is really what gets me if I walk around my block that's probably 300% of the trees that are on the houses on my block and all it takes is two trees to come down and literally the character of every house on my block including Lexington first will be done and maybe in 10 years those little trees will come back but that character is gone and I agree with Stephanie I learned a lot from the shade tree commission I probably would have been a selfish buyer I just care what's in my little lot I don't think I'm not saying people are s but I think when people move into their homes they're so excited to have their house they outfit everybody they begin their renovation I sometimes think they don't think about the longterm implications for decisions they make in the broader Spectrum for whatever reason I was a young person long time iov here and I all I care about were my two little kids in my house and it was takes time to get that perspective to care about what's outside of you so I agree with that but I had a simple question I missed the last couple meetings the deer stuff the few things about the deer Grant what's the decision like what there's no decision there's no decision yet there's been some additional conversation including the environmental commission um I actually had an email this morning which I think I sent did I sent it to you Chris you did not know I sent it to Sean Bailey um and Brian um where there was a PowerPoint presentation to the environmental Commission on maybe some alternative methods and now the discussion I think is going to turn towards are these alternative methods realistic and something that we should actually contemplate for the deer problem so to answer your question no decisions made still trying to figure out what would be the right way to approach this issue right and so the last meeting that I was at he just approved what was it 800 or something we were awarded a grant the grant committee probably you probably maybe it was the great committee proposal will you do a template for the Govern body to evaluate oh the 800 was for just um a little background on that initially um State thought that we had to actually put out a bid for this um so we had discussed what it would cost ver CI Tre experts right an AR the request for proposal um for contractors however U because it is under the threshold um which we had explained to them they had a little hard time understanding it um we were we did not have to do that so actually so this so applying for this far health study did not require an RP we were able to get quotes um from our contractors and um it's all paid for by the will we all be paid for by the grant when we go forward with but that is just strictly for the farry heal study it's another data point very con thinking about to do conversation continues it's timately the answer your question no we we still realize it's a uh um an issue we need to solve anyone else public Alison no all right uh moving along to approval of minutes September 23rd 2024 regular meeting and the executive session um I have a motion to approve these motion to approve second Alison may I please have a roll call Council memb call yesi yes yes yes yes yes thank you old business hearing an adoption of ordinance 20245 to amend chapter 5 Animal Control redefined definition of non-domesticated animals to comport with state law um do I have a motion to open motion to open second in favor anyone opposed does anyone up here have anything on this no is there anyone in the public that has a comment specifically on 202 24-15 Allison is there anyone online no I have a motion to close motion second all in favor anyone opposed okay do I have a motion to approve motion to approve second Al please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes thank you uh councilman law barara is going to report on uh three things DPW site considerations uh burough police antenna analysis and radio system and then brush and leaf committee update and recommendations okay thanks mayor um on the DPW site considerations so I'm just going to kind of read for btim I did not prepare a PowerPoint um so originally we were looking to auction the commercial shipping container to the DPW site in 2024 the goal of that was to clear the Third Street side as quick as possible to prepare for the side improvements um it's very important to note that the final D AOC um is on that side there's I forget the catch Basin or some type of um area of concern with how runoff is being filtered before it goes into the infrastructure to get out to the river so it's the final AOC that has to be happened so that's why we're trying to get to that side as quick as we could um given a variety of different considerations um the new rolling leaf pickup winter coming going thr shout out um inability to move the content so every container is worked out of right now um they're not storage containers they're actually work containers while everything was happening inside the DPW building um it's also we're trying to also figure out like the plantings and and organize that as well to either do it in November or push it to the spring obviously don't plant in the Deb of winter um the request is going to be to auction the containers now in 2025 by doing this it's going to provide the flexibility the DPW needs it's going to allow us to make sure we address the AOC us um consideration properly and our goal is to work with Hall to ensure no impact to the schedule whatsoever so the DPW building itself is supposed to be done in December December 3rd um once that's done then the DPW can begin moving stuff from the containers into the building itself the container containers go away hopefully that coincides with fixing the D issue the AOC and then finish the Third Street side just from a timing perspective and we put the DPW uh team in in a real tough Bild right they're up and at a concession stand they've been doing great um so the recommendation is is not to auction them now um auction them in 2025 in a matter that doesn't impact the SC schedule take into account all these different considerations um obviously Greg Ferguson will be handling the facilities projects going forward everyone's aware of what happened there um so he'll be picking it up and and taking the direction from M GB does leaving them been place until that time create any kind of stall or shift in the job the momentum no if anything we would have probably created a problem if we tried moving it earlier so kudos Nick for really taking the time to talk through that he's that's great cool all right next on the list the burrow police anent again I'm going to read um we've been doing a tremendous amount of work shout out to Chief to Chris Paul with all the data points so the cost Associated currently with enabling the use of the existing Tower radio system is $770,000 it was 60 to 80 I just split in the middle of called 70 so that's all the equipment needed that's all the site work that's running everything to the Old Tower that exists there the cost of upgrading to the new radio system is 17,000 um hether direction from the mayor we did reach out to the county there's no uh financial support from the county to get onto the new radio system uh Fair Haven is one of the two final towns not on the radio trunk system it prevents and chief can dive into this more from communicating effectively we're currently grandfathered into the old solution and this is really important because if our old system goes down the county doesn't support it um and there's been a couple instances in the last couple of months where we were I think the term is dark Chief right when when your radio sounds so based on the above it's recommended to install the new radio system remove the current Tower the concrete slab get rid of that which is a benefit from a residential area perspective with the police department there and then avoid a sunk cost so it's only a matter of time and I think Chief estimates two to five years where we will have to get off the old system and go on to the new system and so instead of spending that money and then ripping up all of the equipment Etc do it now while everything is underway so that was the recommendation Chief did I miss anything no what happen was over the last few years they've been trying to get us to go to the new system and we just simply s down right and but what happens is this is we're to do it in time because right now the way it works our radio system we're on our own system our base station it goes from repeater from here Fort Mammoth and then microwave from Fort MTH in the county if that goes down their system there we're the only one on it they're not going to maintain it anymore and if that happens then we have immediately go to this new system um in the past they gave some Department some RS and stuff but they really weren't what they needed but they were free uh now there equipping all the fire companies that they dispatch for radios so they have n left um so our fire comp is also going to be on the trunk system what it's called and we won't be able to communicate with them if we don't go to this new system either uh so we got to put it off for you know eight years right and uh uh it's time that we need to go to truck system we've been trying to hold it on for eight years so but with the issue with the trunk system you have to get all new radios none of our radio will work with the trunk system that's why the cost there but we're to do either sooner we have to do it Now's the Time we pick the power down uh if we keep the resist now we have to install all new cables all new antennas we won't have to do that that's what that cost is at $70,000 let's do all that we won't need to do that anymore so I just think that it's going to happen anyway and if we get the tower out I think that was just we put off I really put off for eight years honestly for eight years I said basically they've been asking I say no they leave but it's so can I ask you a question how old is the older system now it's it's not so much the system it's just that the system is so outdated it's the analog system then they went the usual I it on and now this is a trunk system so it's not so much that the system is old it's just the way the r work third generation test yeah we're kind of on third generation well we're on first gen and now they're on the third gen solution yeah it's kind of like that it's not that I mean some rers are new some old I got rers are only two years old I got rers that are 12 years old so it's kind of hard to say is the fire department on the same system fire department is not on the same system they're on a different Channel but the county making them also switch over to the trunk system yeah and just to add I I spoke with Sean golden um earlier this week and the radio Department the radios for the fire department are going to be shipped out pretty soon they're going to go to the they will be on it probably within the next month or so so would they need our this to to anyway no it won't use the tower anymore the tower you go the trunk system um it goes to towers that the county owns all through the can one Highland one in Fort M so we would actually have can you explain what trunk is it it I guess the best way to explain how trunk system works it's kind of like a cell phone with a radio when you keep up that radio it takes anybody that's on that program and puts it on that frequency all right just a more think it's secure it's encrypted it's just the way that that's like the new way to go that's what everybody's doing now so now with that said our old radio our old system we'll call it our old base station it's still going be active we can still talk back and forth it just won't go to camp we like backup for ourselves to talk I'm in favor of this I want to see the tower come down for the sake of the neighborhood but also um I want to forego any future disruption in that neighborhood if you deal with it now the disruption are least contained yeah and and like I said the fire companies going to Trump they're making the fire companies go to Trump and if we don't do this we will't be able the fire company anym and I believe First Aid's already on Trump correct they they're they're dispatched on digital but transmit on Trump so it's of their mix it's it's its own frequencies though if there was some huge emergency that was affecting everyone else's cellular it wouldn't affect no it wouldn't affect that CU they have like I think there's there's a tower defin in Highlands there's a tower in um Fort Mammoth might be one in Red Bank or put one in Red Bank so yeah we tested we don't guarantee no ISS and there's redund built in the system for an event that can a co question so just don't understand the full fin Financial picture this makes complete sense to me this existing Tower is 70k per year to operate is that what we're saying is no if we if they were to do nothing oh oh oh take make it go away so really we're talking about a Delta of 100K correct correct okay correct and that that includes the cost of taking the to down yes that's everything take the tower down remove the slab install on the on the new pdem yeah that's exactly you don't need a transmitting tower for the for the trunk correct because we're we don't control the tower will be tower that that's be anten on the the new building on but within that well and let for as well because we're not maintaining infrastructure anymore and it improves the neighborhood yeah like you said we put off for a long time and and even when we first did this project I put it off right because like like we don't really need to then the more you got into it and then we we found how much it was to the maintenance on it and the county is like and once they heard that we're doing the building now they really you need to get go you go go Trump go system and for eight years i' they been say say nothing so stop stop cool thank you thanks Chief thank you mayor last item um Chris sent this out to everybody it was the meeting minutes from the last uh brush and leaf um I'm going to skip um straight and talk through one kudos to the brush and leaf committee we we've had um some really great um meetings the last uh two meetings that we had as we uh had an inflection point to date um the amount of pictures that we looked at um during the last Russian Le we did a touch a truck video and we were able to see firstand Nick and Jim O'Brien they came with the front loader and they demonstrated and talked through andbody wants the video more than happy to send it out um challenges with mixed piles Etc and it was just a an appreciation to the brush and leaf Committee of exactly what goes in and and and why when we think about the positives of the of of the changes we made to the entire brush Le program um how it's significantly helping the storm water uh saving equipment saving the streets uh preventing stuff from going into the catch basins I mean we we saw some pretty horrific um pictures out there um there were a handful of recommendations uh that came out we are not talking about changing anything with what's happening in world for anything and we're not really talking about changing so much of what's going on between May and the end of the year we're talking about the beginning of the program we're talking about the the spring cleanup as we follow um so I'm going to go through these um and hit the items U that require an ordinance change um that require some um operandi changes so the first one from an enforcement perspective there was this uh perception of non-compliance and so the brush and Lea committee they also noted how that one once one person puts out a pile there's like a a ripple effect it's like oh hey my neighbor Betsy put it out I guess I can put it out it just like steamrolls so one thing that uh the brush and Lea committee wanted to recommend here was having a means and method to demonstrate non-compliant piles in the street uh whether it's some it doesn't have to be this whether it's like a red X or some type of spray painted color on the actual pilot cell but basically demonstrating non-compliance and enforcement um monthly numbers for warnings and summons which was made so that should be happening in the weekly police report once a month um so that's already in progress crack down on landscapers non-compliance I think the team does a great job on that um the code enforcement officer um stated and I got to work with we got to work with legal on this that the warnings right now are for piles and they're not for properties and what what the code enforce code enforcement offic officer was saying was that puts them in a very difficult situation to try and provide continuous enforcement when we're just enforcing a pile not the property so that was one of the big ones of cleaning up the ordinance language just to make it clear um and then we need to rename brush um as well as take into account that moms p pins um hay bals and cornstalks we have to take into account all these different aspects because believe it or not some of those are allowed to go into the leaf piles and communication be coming out on that um so that was three of the biggest ones out of the enforcement category shifting over to communication um Betty an um volunteered to do a tutorial to explain why um and reinforce the safety and storm water impact she gave tremendous amount of um anecdotes of all the different residents that she spoke to and the feedback and the explanation uh we need to have clear um when we have our clear definitions have clear pictures pictures of what is okay and what not what is not okay um and we have like 30 of them um that the brush and leave and Nick Pinsky and DPW have um drilling holes in the can we talked about previously and then reiterating Christmas tree so I'm just going to keep it to those three and then the last piece was operations um so the first one was it we um we we met with a landscaper who Landscapes 98 residences in a fair haen so 2200 homes 98 you can you know the percentage is what Brian six 7% kot take less than that no four or five% thank you um but what he was providing and and Bill please chime in here um he was he was talking about the natural cycle of clearing land prior to beginning to Manicure yes and so given how the schedule was condensed in March it didn't offer enough time to clear the land of debris I.E the spring cleanout to then enable time to manicure and what ended up happening was he ended up was he ended up passing the cost of the hallway to the resident so what this one landscaper right on represents four to 5% of the homes that that happened said hey if we had an extra week then that would give us more time to clear and then prepare to do the manicuring uh beginning first week of April give or take a week or two based on the Alman um so that was the bigest that was a big one the other big one was um following through um because we did it um on adopting a storm drain um Rumson does this it was actually in the trt I think two three versions ago of adopting a storm drain and being um you know putting names on it leveraging be a good neighbor reg um relying on no Jor on our society but just really doing that program and having the stor and drains clean um and then the other one that came up was uh flexibility on the can um the size Matters you have to lift it tubs are okay as long as it's small enough to lift so um I think we haven't had enough time to collect the data points for uh the cam pickup between May and September since it's just ended um but I think there are clear recommendations in the ordinance um to facilitate more effective cleanout in March to prevent ambiguity from a code enforcement perspective and potentially uh enhance the schedule slightly um to to to to improve and not have a cost pasted on to our residents uh come sprinkling up so um if if consensus would like to uh work with the attorneys work with brush and leaf um and provide some clear recommendations again just for the beginning of the program we haven't had enough time to really reap the data points from the can and we obviously haven't began rolling Le pickup we do think people are going to love roll pickup yes sir um so we want to focus on the spring clean out and then once those changes are made then Shi to can once those changes are made then Shi to The Rolling Li pick up the there's any so kind of treat it in a sequential order um so the only the only one of those that I'm not sure I'm not is this Frank yeah I just I don't know how that's going to look and I I guess I would say Obviously um I would just hope that we would use enforcement through the warning system to start when it first comes out rather than have to spray paint piles in the street that's my initial reaction after was sleeping on it for two or three nights there but I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks on that obviously it's not a hill for me to die on well I wonder if um and was it because a lot of these observations happen at the operational level not the enforcement level so was the suggestion that the spray paint be from the crews when they're out there in operation no this there were two primary goals the goal was like Hey how do we know that the code enforcement officer is actually out there doing their job that's Verbatim what was said and then the second one was you know what is a an efficient means so that people can see that oh I'm actually not supposed to be putting this out right now and then someone said hey red spray paint right because that's like loud and everything I don't want to confuse red spray paint with buildings and whatnot but the the goal and the attent was Hey how do we demonstrate that enforcements out there enforcing and handing out you know warnings and summonses and how do we prevent that Snowball Effect and there were two streets mentioned because we even mentioned it up here when we talked about Russian Le year where one resident put it out and then it just snowballed into like you know eight homes 12 homes put in on the street that was the goal and this was an a suggested output of it well I could actually there is there is a thing that happens it's a human thing when you see one do it it and if they you know they're not going to know if they've got a warning on there coming in the mail invisible but the r pain on the pile everyone will see yeah I don't know I don't try it because problem I think you should try it I'm I like I'm on the phone so I get what Jos saying I think it might not look great but at the same time I agree that you're not going to know that it's wrong right and you might what your neighbor's doing because oh out maybe I got it wrong I forgot what I'm supposed to do anyway because it's a lot it's a lot yeah to internalize remember and then teach people on your property and yeah and and and the entire like theme of the conversations that we've had over the last couple of months has been education education education adoption adoption adoption right like that's that's what we've been trying to do and we said from the onset like we know it wasn't going to be perfect there's always areas of improvement and so we want to try and provide digestible changes that we can make in the right sequence so it's already four that are for so so I think that's a go all right can I just say one thing I think the idea of using pictures as a way of demonstrating what is allowable and what is not allowed okay and put it in the Focus that everybody gets a copy of it like real life pictures we have we we have and we also have what's been pulled out of like the storm drain and stuff so I'll work with I'll send everything to Communications I think that would work great okay I don't like a visual and if it's a if it's something you just drop into the focus they can put it on the refrigerator they can put it in their garage check check you know it's something you can always refer back to okay and I have one question and I I read this differently the first time so as you're talking about it adopt a storm drain does that mean you're paying for it and that money goes to help clean them out or are you responsible for physically cleaning it you're responsible for keeping it clear from I already do that so I got a plaque your name already on it right I'll just my have a special tool for it you might you might want to push that um for rh2 because the students there get uh service hours or um honors National Honors side and maybe that's you know something that they would I'll work with bets because you have the connect to be a good neighbor into nolwood junr on your Society right roll that we're actually meeting with with Mrs Greenhall next week I would just offer one thought put it in the mixer um is that like full lever put is that your version of full l it's one thing for us to say aop the storm draam and it we could all probably imagine what that means but a short little 90 second video y that just shows how to do it safely like it shouldn't be in the street yeah 100% I uh it's funny you mention I won't go into it because it's getting late but we we had a long conversation all right like be a I'd like to see the enforcement officer be able to do his job first before we start spray paining with the town you know like you know to to the extent that we can put it on the police report how many summons have went out for brush and leaf like we'll be able to document 100% right um if it's not on there then that's my bad no um we did have 200 and something yeah I think in June and the last one I saw from August we were down to 22 that's great so but we have the numbers so Chief if we can just put them on there we uh there's a problem we could get on there it has to be put into a certain category kind of mix it with everything whatever we can but we just think that would be a good well I think it would be like how many summons there we had to give out right yeah we're trying to figure out how to get that into the system oh I see it depends on how it goes in put in some people put in different way right ien that okay but once we have that meas data see yeah right what um to that point if the code enforcement officer has been told this idea and does he like it yes he's been he was he was him so we had him we had Betty and as Communications and then we had rich and Nick from an operations perspective okay be part of the process and we even brought in Jim O'Brien who's the four Forman Forman who was able to provide actual feedback of his engagement with the residents and what he still out there so we can't get that on that report I'll just ask him every month do yeah yeah quick perfect uh good to go moving along new business introduction of ordinances 20246 Bond reappropriation ordinance for fif Chapel parking lot improvements anyone have anything before ask for a motion no I have a motion to approve approve uh Alon I please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you 202 24-17 amend burrow code 14-8 tree preservation ordinance before I ask for a motion does have anyone have anything on this I would like to propose an amendment mayor we could do that during discussion if you prefer um well why don't you say what you would want the amendment to be and then we'll see if there's uh support for it certainly certainly um I propos an amendment to clearly stipulate protetive the street trees trees that are in the burough ruay that are part of um what public infrastructure um that our own I'm this I'm elaborating now but our own um Community for management plan actually speaks to the is with in the jurisdiction of sh Tre commission um and I think is an inherent asset to the community um there is one line where it says Street trees uh are it's prohibited to remove a street tree in section -8.3 and prohibit acts it's prohibited to remove any Street tree and then in section 14- 8.7 it says any person who removes a street tree shall be subject to plant new baby treats um and I would like to say we if we strike and I'll leave that to attorney provided there's agreement but I can understand the reluctance to protect protect trees on private property although I am advocating for protections for specimen trees um but if you guys could meet me a little bit here find if some agreement to protect Street trees um I I think I could get comfortable enough to vote with this not that perhaps you need my vote now so so the only thing I would say this is not that I necessarily totally disagree with the premise but I would say it falls under the same thing as putting the p on it this is more than a DI Minimus change it would change the ordinance itself we would have to push it back I would kick something like this the shade tree and have them look at it along with specimen trees and the swort and come up with that category that section of the ordinance and come back to us um when they're ready that's that's my personal opinion but yeah I'm going to put it an informative of a motion um if there's a second we can discuss it I I would second that I think Street trees are part of public infrastructure guys there's no reason for anyone to apply to remove the street trade be at button wood the cherry trees or the any Street trees and any of our lovely Tree Line streets in it has the the public justr can you say that say that L hear okay I'm saying that I just want to clarify that the motion is to amend the ordinance to include specific protections for Street tree and there's a second so did we do the call and if if that passes then you're not going to introduce if if if it passes make sure Cole's motion passes to amend then it would have to be amended the ordinance and then we have to be introduced at the next meeting so if you support her Amendment it's a yes if you're against it it's a no correct Alison M please have a roll call Council memb call yes yes o no C no laa no ol no thank you um is there any other um I guess I'll just say that I from the beginning I felt that this is not doing enough to protect trees I'm very aware of um and conscious of our safety and with the recent trees falling I understand the concern I just feel like this is almost like a 180 from what we did have there were definitely holes in the first in our original ordinance um I appreciate the time that went into this because I know so much work went into it with the Shad Tre and Brian and everyone who took part I just think there are a lot of gray areas that we could have buttoned up had we workshopped it again I was a big proponent of workshopping it and I don't know that I could support this as it stands just because of I don't think it does enough to protect the existing trees and that there are too many gray areas for me in this or thank you any else I'd like to make a motion for an additional Amendment um we need to amend the section of the ordinance that requires Property Owners to um notify the 200 foot neighborhood list there is agreement that's honorous certainly GRE neighbors should be courteous that is hopefully what happens amongst neighbors I know in my neighborhood what what is the motion you're trying to make I'm I'm in the section of the ordinance can site the section I have it up right here it's 14-8 .5 B neighbor notification 148.5 yeah 14- 8.5 B neighbor notification the section you want to um Council you want to remove that uh attorney soal would that be a DI Minimus change no it would be a substantive change but the motion why because it it it Alters the functions of the requirements that are needed in order to be able to remove the triade the permitting process and just be specific that neighbor notification is specifically only for Large Scale tree remov not for one trade so the motion is to amend the ordinance to remove the neighbor notification requirement for Large Scale tree removals there second [Music] do anyone else have anything on this tree ordinance yes does anyone have a motion to approve as oh wait I actually got something sorry um just based on the conversation I want to make sure with support of the council if the council supports it uh the the Minimus changes that we disc discuss before um which would be to make sure that the trees that were on the recommendations list and I think it said approved we made sure that it was specific that it said that they were recommendations and we're going to include some language that they would be updated you know periodically on the list and then there was another Dom Minimus change um that was going to specify that if a tree fell it was deemed a hazard tree and in that case the replacement tree fee schedule did not apply right so I think that no you wer here for this part so my thought for that would be for Section 14- 8.9 emergencies where it says that you can handle the emergency and then do the permit process after that I was going to incorporate that section into the above exemptions so add a g and then just point it to the emergency does that count as or no it's it's basically just tightening it up it's there's no real of change and then there's also just one additional one just for the for the record it's referencing one other it's basically referencing the section I don't know which one that was so is that 14 it's just incorporating this into the list so it's yeah incorporating 14- 8.9 into 14- 8.8 right and then we just need to unstrip the definition of the tree escrow fund right somehow it was omitted from the current definition section the reserve funds in there but not the one that's already been established and that's in the current ordinance so we'll just lift the strike out for that other than that I have a question um the municipality is included in person so in everything that says person does that mean the municipality like has to pay the I mean we pay ourselves yes the burrow has to it's a state law according to njd that this ordinance has to apply to the Bess okay which is something that does not exist today which which means we would also have to um use the replacement tree schedule as well take that yes does anyone have any issues with those Minimus changes am I say that correctly I'd like to propose an amendment to definition section that we unstrip burrow tree so mey on B own property or in burrow white where you it's on on the second page bur under the first one first definition is it mentioned in the or defition no I know I got that I'm sorry is it mentioned in the ordinance that it needs to be striking as redundant because the this whole ordinance applies to the burrow so every every tree that the burrow owns um is Tre the same as any other tree that I own on my property so there isn't really a distinction it's also mentioned in the definition of street tree in the [Music] one diam but it doesn't say that it's a f Trace it's just a three trace the only thing that it specifies in the definition is that it is in the public right of FL we we have no issue with lifting the stri okay what's the purpose of lifting it what does it achieve let's hope it gets us a step closer to protecting Street trees you can see where I'm coming from where but it still won't count as a burrow tree unfortunately the property owner owns that piece of land a tree in the B right away is part of B government's jurisdiction we care for and keep those fall under Our obligation from our insurance standpoint we are we spend staff hours out identifying those trees that need attention and it's also governed by the community forestry management plan which is a function of how government operates the street trees are part of that jurisdiction so we want to add burrow tree to the street tree is that what I'm saying yeah unri the if you unri the definition in the original in the current ordinance we have burrow Street tree which shall need any bur any property in the borrow right of and it DS with the street tree definition public right so if you I will clarify somewhat I'm trying to make Domin changes that are acceptable to council and easy enough for ours is is there she's made a definition Second uh Alison may I please have a roll call Council memb call yes Miss yes H um no but with the right to revisit when we Yesa no no here what what what is this achieving again ultimately the Minimus change that would acknowledge the burrow Street Treats but you're saying it's already the burrow has to abide by the ordinance all the trees every tree in the in the whole burrow regardless of who owns it has to apply by so my effort have to do more ownership and inability not so much um an application for removal I I I I feel like we're splitting hairs on something that's meaningless I'm going to send it I two more questions then yeah the emergency removal where did we land on that so if someone tree falls they have to apply and they pay the $50 fee and then they also have to pay for the expert to come out no so if there's an emergency where there's a storm or something and half your trees falling on you know your house you have the ability to forgo the requirements of the ordinance to fix it and make it you know safe for the time being then you then once everything's safe you need to go apply for the permit to finish removing the tray so you have to play for the application process but we' just now made that additional um incorporation where you do not then need to replace with the schedule said you're securing the hazard yes I just want to make sure that that part was so that that part has change and then this didn't come up but invasives where do invasives fall there's no mention of invasives in this whole ordinance so like if I have an invasive trade where does that fall if you came out do I get to take that down is that considered a hazard tree or is that considered a healthy tree that then I have to pay in place that would be up to nson if you'd like to address that yeah I think it's uh any tree any tree that's taken down has to be replaced if it's a he the appendix a shap tree commission could make a list that addresses invasive saying we do not recommend you plant these as Replacements but that's only contemplation okay anything else um motion to amend the number of trees that are make that constitute a large scale tree removal to reduce it from five trees per lot to Three Trees per L uh attorney Soo would that be a dimin change no is is there a second to would beange there second I'll second that Al I please have a roll call memb Paul yes yes I'm confused sorry this means um the number no I know what that means but if we're voting yes voting yes to amend it and therefore we would have to make the amendment and then reintroduce it to next okay again I'm going know with caveat you keep an eye on it NOA no no motion to approve 20247 Ed second Alison I please have a roll call with the with the Alison I please have a roll call Pa no no yes yes yes yes for the record I'd like to mention and my know has to do with the fact that we have um introduced an ordinance that I feel needed more work as clearly indicated by the number of amendments that we proposed thank you we're going to move along to the consent agenda we're talking resolutions 20242 34 through 202 24-24 7 before I asked for a roll call uh I'm sorry before I asked for a motion is there anyone that wants to separate any of these resolutions on the consent agenda and then uh the second question is there any questions or comments on anything on the cons I would like to give a shout out to um Helsey Bender from the grants committee and also bur administrator for for uh facilitating the unnecessarily complicated details associated with the U Grant liion from d thank you uh do I have a motion to approve motion second Alison may I please have a roll call Paul yes yes to no asked about the holiday decoration we been did we're going to do a ribbon cutting tonight you kidding me of course they look great yes I don't yes uh next up we have Department report September 2024 municipal clerk drug licens tax collector Municipal Court Police Department by any chance do I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted with a thank you motion with a thank you second all in favor anyone oppos thank you this is the good of the burrow portion of the meeting please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please observe time limit of three minutes I'll give you four everybody be Haven basketball legend 100 Baton Road 27 years living in Fair Haven uh basketball coach soccer coach uh Ram uh Board of uh board of directors uh direct board of directors with the basketball league board of directors were the Sal on Sundays why am I telling you all this some fairly pretty engrossed in the culture of the bar be so what I come for you today with is I had a complaint about a piece of property and I brought it to Brock and we looked at what was wrong and what violations were intact Rock was G something together PR never got back called in said well what we decided was we're building a relationship what does the relationship look like well I'm building a really good relationship to a river well how you doing that well I'm talking to them I've been talking to them for 27 years it has gotten worse and worse and worse All I Ask as they follow the 1961 Amendment they don't come close to me it is a showell has have any of you been there in the past couple months yeah no I mean am I am I overstating what it looks like I've heard this actually from other um prop right and then they tell us they have no money and they wanted to build a pavilion for $150,000 by the time they get all the uh permits through survey the land yet they can't put 5 cents into that property I'm not here to close anything down but I'm tired of looking at it we should not look at have you probably have 300 people a day walk down Baton Road to go to the end to look at the river and they all come back shaking their heads they think that it's allowed to look like that it's it's it's a shame we brought it to the total end is I had Furniture delivered and it was a big truck the guy thinks he's going to back out from where I live on 100 bat all the way to River Road so you can't back out you got to go down to River turn around so I'm still out in the yard he makes the turn and comes back he says hey buddy he goes what is that down there I said that's a Boating Club for kids he goes listen I live in kingburg we would never let a waterfront pum he at that and then since that I've been after their asses and yet the more I complain the worse it gets and it's got to stop and they've got to they have to be informed of the resolution in 1961 there is no more well we'll do this we'll do that they start from scratch and we work forward nobody wants to come and knock on my door give me a reason as to why I'll sit down I'm willing like we don't want River Rats to go away but damn there's no way that they can run a club like that and it's a shame so that's my four minutes thank you um we're we're uh you know it's hard for me to talk from a very informed detailed point of view right now based on what you said but I think we all heard you loud and clear and and I would agree with what you said we really want to balance not taking something away from the kids but ensuring that you know that they're doing their um you know uh proper maintenance of the property and and being cognizant of the neighbors so uh you know I think we're doing some work down there shortly on the boat ramp as well we certainly don't want to do work down there and have it have you know just as bad a look right next St so let us let us uh get together on this and have a discussion and see what's going on and it can't be it can't be pushed aside it's there has to be a conclusion there has to be a time frame on you got to tell me I can't I can't give you a time frame until I until I know what the specific issue is and how we're going to handle it um but I think everyone up on up on the day has heard you L and clear and um let me talk to the chief let me talk to the Bur administrator let me even see what the 1961 thing you're talking about specific I know I've spoken you've spoken to this about uh to me before anybody who's walked down that block looking to be I gotta be honest I've I've been down there but not in the last three three months let's say I was under the impression we had made some Headway and obviously I'm wrong so so let let me find out cutting the LA after it's hit two feet high is Headway yeah but it needs pruning it it's a mess man there's there are kayaks that should never be there there's only supposed to be 24 boats or water crafts there's a 100 they're old and and we got an argument two months ago there's a there's a canoe it sits upright till the guy TI the canoe over it's gloated with Waters it's all mosquitoes sure enough it's still there they haven't tipped it over we will follow up okay and and we will communicate with and I'll reach out to Rock tomorrow before you leave just write down address I'll I'll shoot you email thank you Rich here yeah is uh is uh anyone else here go to the Bur yes for the good of the B so in terms of minutes and agendas I want online because I wanted to go to a meeting for one of our other commissions and I missed the meeting and I thought I was going to be able to just look at the meeting online like you do what was the commission it happened to be the shade tree commission right so I wanted to go to their last meeting I missed the last meeting I I was going to be able to look at it online like you can council meeting which led me down a rabbit hole that the last minutes were produced in June and July for a number of these these commissions June and July were in October I would just think why can't we all be I I realize it's volunteers and and it takes a lot of time to produce minutes but I don't know why since these minute since these meetings most of them all of them are on Zoom why can't they just be recorded like the council meeting and then nobody has to actually produce meeting code I think it's required by would but I'm just saying that but if at least if the recorded Zoom of the meeting was available you would know what it is some of them were canceled due to lack of agenda or right take the month off for yes for August I understand June yeah we just approved September as far as we're concerned I'm just saying I think so the video recording was not available no oh well just their attorney has advised them not to but commission we can record meeting but why can't the sh for instance the planning board just voted to start um putting them on two months ago yeah they just started so I don't I don't think it's but why the shry commission what makes them any more gives them any more Authority Z commission okay they're talking about zoning approvals and whatever else the shry commission shouldn't be talking about anything too top secret I think the only reason the Planning Commission started doing it was because someone asked us and brought it to our attention during you know for the good of the so perhaps no one has asked them and maybe if you ask ask that minutes be more up to date or you can watch the zoom f it solves a number of problems and then I don't care if it takes you six months to write the formal minutes that's fine Alison there's a legal reason for them to not post a video attorney said that it should not it's against it lne posted the sh Tre commission me for sh well that's what he's talking about he's saying all me meeting minutes I heard vo no sh I can ask right because I I want to know what makes and and this is no offense I realize this is of very good people that are volunteering their time and I understand that it takes a lot of time to physically document meeting minutes historic commission just started um they had in started stand procedure and I that one commission there's no reason why a commission which is different than a board shouldn't be able to share the video on the website even if the minutes haven't been are they even on Zoom though yeah yeah sh is on Zoom yeah oh then then that would be easy right yeah yeah they can post it okay it's something the last just as a matter of process because I am on the historic preservation commission there's a process for that and one of us at the commission said why aren't we um Ming there and it was a commission based discussion and we came to the conclusion we did not want to have proxy voting we wanted everybody in person because of the you know Blueprints and the size of the things that we have to evaluate so my impression was that when you're on a commission the commission makes the decision as what's the most appropriate way and there are a few people on our commission I won't mention names for a little old school like what do you mean to we had a discussion and we said let's do it the way the council does have it share our meeting um uh via zoom and that's been great now we do that so the point I'm making is that I think each commission when they meet makes that decision I don't think it's a burrow Castle dictate to tell all unless want so so the and just so you know the planning board because I was at the meeting when they discussed this bill they had and Betsy could probably confirm this they had voted on it twice in the past few years and it got turned down this year it was voted for going going on the zoom and may maybe that's attributed to a revolving new membership I mean it could be anything [Music] [Music] but she's saying already zo yeah then we just post it right that's not we're we're going to figure out what happens specifically with shayri we'll also just have a general conversation with our attorneys and clerk as to the process for the other committees and commissions my you guys are in charge of them so autonomous outside the the commissions are but some of them are dictated by the state you know yes you didn't use my chair she's using say that um the September shade Tre Commission meeting is on YouTube I [Music] have but you search it on YouTube sorry the is it posted by Betty Anne yes so Bill if you if you find any burrow posted video and you click on the the poster who is bettyanne you'll be able to see all the videos in usually in chronological order from when they were posted that's how she takes it from the zoom system she um anyone else with good at the burrow nothing Allison I what's up Chris all right um unmuted um real quick question on good to the burrow and I know and and I apologize for not knowing this but in the interest of be a good neighbor or uh uh just the benefit of the burrow I guess when you're talking about River Rats or if it's someone's house you know if you notice someone's house is in significant disrepair um almost at a point of concern does the burrow have anything in place to not necessarily come down on those properties but to to help them or give assistance to try to raise money to to help them out and I guess I'm hinting at something but you know I'm just curious I don't want to say too much but you know I don't know I I you know I don't want to ever raise a flag and put someone in a bad position but at the same time when someone needs help do we have anything in place to do that or well there's um Community appeal which isn't necessarily a bur run entity but obviously that only funds certain organizations um as far as like you know your question went in a different direction where I thought it was going but you know there's actual there's code that enforces when a property is you know not being kept up as it should um as far as like the burrow raising funds to specifically um subsidize the upkeep of the property no there's nothing yeah I didn't think so I didn't know if there was some kind of yeah I guess maybe it's a some kind of a community appeal or something like that but um have that Charities out there too if I'm catching your drip yeah I think you are y okay we could talk I'll give I'll email you okay thank you Chris uh anyone else Alison Suzanne MC hi Suzanne hi everyone how are you good how are you doing good thank you for your time and the comments um so I have to just add to some of the conversations around some of the maybe unsightly or some areas of opportunity in our in our burrow the beautification team and all the The Talented individuals that have made our Planters look pretty are just overtaken for me I feel the town as we drive through looks like almost a garage sale I understand there's a difference between our private property and the burrow property the signs all over the place this time of year they look atrocious there are many signs that are on burrow property that should be pulled off and put on private property um I know the PTO we have the Scarecrow fundraisers there's also banners hanging from resturants that go across sidewalks that I don't think probably fall within the ordinance I don't know but this has been a very painful meeting to listen to and I love trees and I Echo a lot of what everyone is saying here but I wish that there was a little bit more passion put into the look of the burrow you drive down hands and nollwood throws all the kids clothing that hasn't been picked up on the on the uh the fence it it looks horrific so there's a lot of great work being done but again I wish there was more passion in Saving the environment and kudos to um councilwoman cutch and Cole in regards to no signs maybe there's something more that can be done in regards to how this burrow looks especially this time of year so I'll leave that to your good hands the other piece I want to bring up is um the brush there is orphaned brush the homes that are on the river that don't have the line of sight to the the street and their landscapers bringing the brush just to a a vacant culdesac I know that this is what happens down over in Timber Court you can't go for a walk down there without there being three piles of brush so if there seems to be the same pile of brush for six months maybe could just be picked up and the point mayor in regards to the Red X I also agree that that sounds a little offensive in regards to Beauty but we know people are doing their jobs because when someone gets a warning they post it on Facebook so I just think that I mean we're Fair Haven you drive through rumps and you drive through little silver you just don't have the same feel of we're in a constant garage sale and we're not even permitted to have garage sales which you know or they're restricted or whatever so I just leave this to you the passion around the trees maybe could be brought to other areas of the burrow um for beautification purposes appreciate that thank you suzan we're we're trying listen one of the benefits of the new trash contract is there's less uh bolt pickups which I think is the ultimate garage sale Bay in Fair Haven um we still feel like people are still able to um obviously uh get rid of their things so other people can reuse them as well if if they find that they could be recycled um and and we think we have less trucks on the road our our goal obviously is to have less cans political signs like you mentioned if they are on burough property um and we know about them we we take them off uh it doesn't matter whose politics uh their their um marketing um if it's on private property I mean that is the uh obviously a resident has has the authority to do what they want with their own residents and sometimes beauty is in the eye of the beholder um what it you know one person's treasure is another one's trash so we hear you and I I think there is opportunities potentially for us from a code enforcement standpoint if we do see things like you mentioned the banners and they are violating our code for us to enforce them and you know I hear you loud and clear um you can also I look into um a maintenance sweep Down River Road and and that's not to pick on anybody but you know people are busy and things like brasses and ribbons and things that end up lying down seems like they're going to take care of it at the end of the day but they don't get back to it two weeks and nobody's paying attention so you know every now and then it can be helpful to do us sweep and um from a code enforcement standpoint it's something I'm willing to talk to um op administrator about suzan yeah and and um my emails right on the see I have resids to email me you know comments like this all the time so if you see anything you can email me and matter of fact you your comment you mentioned about the clothing all over by lwood school Sportsman field I'll reach out to shop Mill tomorrow and make sure that their staff does clean that up yeah thank you it this barel looks beautiful at night when you drive down river road I will say the lights really looks very pretty I just wish during the day we had the just wait if you see anything send me an email I'll um I'll address it all right well and you know I appreciate all of your hard work thank you thank you I agree with what suzan thing I just want to add that the beautification committee does break up into subgroups or we take we respon we sponsor different parts of the community so when we do see something we say something we document it and we work with Chris to make sure it get get F out Alison anyone else I have laser all right hey Ruth hi there one final note when you pass resolu soluions or ordinances take into account the physical stamina and ability of our senior citizens who want to stay in Fair Haven and you're you know having to hide garbage cans if they're that ugly buy a better color I mean it's just it's made it very difficult for some seniors so please keep us in mind thank you we W thank you um anyone else I I just want to add to that really quickly if you don't mind I when when we got um when Rachel Griffin sent out the note about be a good neighbor this year it also included which I think is fantastic an opportunity for volunteers that want to be part of that program to not just do shoveling for the snow but to also help with garbage pickup if they're so interested in garbage cam removal for seniors and brush so there's more to it that that program is expanding and and they're going to also include it in their junior National Honor societ that's great um anyone else Alison no okay um with that being said we are going to move to Executive session formal action being taken [Music] toight no no formal action will be taken the time is 9:45 p.m. do I have a motion all in favor anyone oppos [Music] that should be our last post all right um it is 10:25 for those of us that uh still remain on Survivor Fair Haven um I have a motion to motion to close uh all in favor anyone oppose good night Fair Haven