##VIDEO ID:Ksanz3w6D8g## all right good evening let's call this meeting to order at 700 p.m. we're going to start with a salute to the I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law notice in accordance with the provision of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services or other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person or through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burough Hall 748 River Road fa of New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of November 25th 2024 is available by colon phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until there is time for questions or comments which will be announced at at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was including a scheduled meetings which was adopted by resolution number 20243 sent to the Asbury Park Press in the Two River times on January 4th 2024 uh post on the B website the Bolton board in the municipal building has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adquate notice having been given B clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting Alison may please have call M Cole yes yes herea hon here thank you Chief McGovern did you have a request tonight yes thank you mayor first I like to thank the mayor council board administrator B attorney for clerk uh for the opportunity to bring this to you and you know we met before you know it was a hard process we had some great candidates and tonight I ask you to uh consider U the appointment of controlman D Kyle Kevin's here with us tonight his mom dad his rest of his family girlfriend is here and I ask for you to Pastor Lua to appoint thank you Chief uh any want to have say before we ask for a motion all moved yeah Alon I please have a roll call M Paul yes yes yes yes uh Kevin Kevin comes to us from uh seagert he was there for about a year two years and his chief actually chief chief was here tonight actually wanted to say something about real quick abely mayor council Justin MCO chief of police Seager um we like to do this we call it kind of like a handoff when our officers our part-time officers leave us to go on full-time employment as Chief McGovern said Kyle's been with us the last two years one year as a class one went to the Atlanta County Police Academy this year that's a Triumph in itself he drove every day down to Southern Atlanta County to go to the academy on his own um with another recruit he's actually in the room tonight um graduated top of his class down Atlanta County served a great summer for us in the burough of seagert um I actually referred to him I think his parents know I referred him as the human golden retriever um but you know in talking to Chief McGovern we were saying how our communities are so similar in terms of our population and what our issues are I don't think there's a better County he could have picked tonight uh to be sworn as a patrolman so Kevin on behalf of seagar you take your oath uh here's a Chief's coin and a little certificate for you for your service with us thanks than whoever uh like to come up hold Bible I I Kevin Kyle Kevin Kyle do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear that I will bear true Faith true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same the same and to the governments and to the governments established established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I will and that I will Faithfully faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties perform the duties of patrolman of patrolman according according to the best of my ability to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations and I just want to thank the mayor and councel for the opportunity thanks down here appreciate thank you sounds good get pictures yeah thank you how are you thank you thank you we on okay all right sorry sorry that turnning so we disrupted the meeting we'll get going again here all right next up we have we have a workshop session we're going to go over Jake's law Grant um um so the rec committee has uh with here tonight well part of us are here tonight to request a good part of us are here tonight to request um the council's approval um and support for the rec committee to move forward and applying for a grant that would enable us to build a new playground um at CLE school on M Carter Park um the playground would be uh partially funded by a Green Acres Grant and the grant specifically is cited around what's called Jake law or an inclusive playground and this has been um the third I believe funding round that the state has put forth U many of our neighboring towns have pursued this grant have been awarded the grant um and we would like to do the same um one note U you know before we kind of get into the details that is that this is the last year that um Green Acres is going to put forth Jake's law as it is now meaning that it's going to be a separate component of Green Acres funding which enables us to apply for a grant and have it not be competitive so um municipalities can apply for anywhere between 550 to 750 we'd like to apply for this full 750 um if we meet the requirements which we are you know will likely do um we would we would receive the full 750 um in your packet I just go into the details here um you'll see just a copy of the grant summary the template that we normally put together for Council to review so you'll see the beginning I know our statement of need which pretty much summarizes the fact that the current playground that we have is over 20 years old um when we do have to replace certain parts we found that a they're expensive or B they don't exist um so in conversations with uh the rec committee um and also in conjunction with the members of the PTA um we feel as though this is the right time to sort of capitalize on the fact that we have a young population moving into town we've had the highest kindergarten class last year I think on record um you know we want to provide the right playground to meit the needs of of fairing going forward um I also included we also included um the um some of the steps and and so site plan as you can kind of see the visuals so you'll see some pictures that um demonstrate what this playground would look like um DJ had DJ beckenridge U director of our parks and rec department has done an excellent job of um really going out to Market and getting uh speaking with several vendors uh not only on playgrounds but on surfacing as well to get a feel for um what types of playgrounds counties are putting putting in right now and so you'll see some themes around inclusive playgrounds you wouldn't necessarily know an inclusive playground is an inclusive playground um with the exception of the fact that you'll see the surface is handicapped accessible you'll see some sensory items on the actual playgrounds oh yeah oh yeah you'll see some sensory items on the actual playground um you know that make it user friendly for for students at all you know all levels and all abilities um and and the the idea behind this is to keep the playground situated such that all the children are playing together there's no apparatus that's off on the other side of Park there's no um you know there's no location where one child or a group of children is playing together the idea is to keep everyone together um and in doing so um part of the stipulation of the grant is that we would need to put in for in place surface as you can see in the pictures uh and we would also need to put in some sort of border around the playground so whether that be a offence or some trouy um that there were sort of two stipulations that are non-negotiable as it relates to the grant um DJ and I both participated in the introductory um sort of kickoff call two weeks ago um the process is moving fairly quickly there's a couple of things that we need to do if we wanted to move forth um so one of being coming to council having it on record that we had a workshop Workshop session with all of you and um you know with your approval the next step in this process would be for us to open this up to the public and have some sort of open Forum um DJ has also done already done a great job of working with the PTA with CLE with the administration at CLE school I know I'm forgetting other people that you spoke with uh my God there's others but um oh I'm sorry we also covered um friends of Fair Haven Maggie Bar's group as well so they had the opportunity to give input from um from a needs perspective so so we've had some initial conversations um you know we have member here of the PTA we also have DJ if I'm forgetting anything and obviously Council and cot has been intimately involved in this as well um as you'll see on the application sorry um we did include some details around funding um important to note that all of the engineering will be done in count with our uh with our head of engineering so all The Upfront site work as it relates to clearing uh grading and drainage um you know creating U acceptable walkways anything that we need to do in terms of site restoration will be done in housee um many of the communities uh next to us or around us had actually gone out and hired an outside architect north of 100K um if they spent on that we'd like to do all that work in house and obviously save save the cost um the vendor themselves would install the playground and we would have uh a playground inspector on site throughout the process to make sure that everything is is um you know ADA Compliant and and safe from a safety perspective um and you'll see from a from a funding perspective what we'd like to do you just see under funding source um assuming we get the full amount which again if we meet the criteria we would um we'll we'll receive that 750 um we're going to make do we're going to take some money um that we have um that we need to put to use from Community appeals and the rec Recreation trust we also have uh some funds left over from a 2022 Bond ordinance that are meant to be put forth towards Recreation capital and we've been having some ongoing conversations with PTA and the Board of Ed um you know given the fact that their students are the ones that will be the main users of the playground so that's really the funding source we do anticipate this being a fairly costly Endeavor and never in my wildest years did I think at a playground would call $100,000 but it does um and then when you put together um you know the surfacing um whatever sort of um buffer or fence we put in and and all the site work that needs to be done we're looking at a a fairly significant amount of around 1.1 million so if we apply for the grant this year the deadline is February 5th of 2025 we'd likely get the funding in the summer of 2025 um and be able to put that those funds to use hopefully ASAP meaning like would the goal be to do this in the fall next year if this was approved I think at the earliest we could that would be the goal was that during school or it would be done by school I don't know if it'd be done by school I don't know it's a good question I can ask little silver received their funds I believe in July that's correct yes July so would it would be tight um do they have theirs bicycle well theirs is not so the playground that sickles did is a sickles Market playground yeah so it's not attached conect to the um ready for few questions absolutely I I see that it makes it sound as if it's going to improve drainage is is the surface porest called poor in place must porest the water goes pour in place you pour that's what I me did I say that not properly I don't think it is yeah I don't believe it is so so the water Ste on top and then rolls to a certain area yeah and is there is Rich here what what if you design that do you design it so it rolls to drainage in the ground is that so we put it we put an allowance in in the cost estimate to take care of any drainage improvements that need to be done because this is something we've been battle with the existing uh playground apparat that's currently there everything sheep flows from west to east we do have drain within the site that we put in years ago we do have something to tie into so there may be a combination of some yard drains or catch Bas to try to intercept some of this we can look at even recharging it or looking at other alternative means maybe some type of green infrastructure but from a grand perspective we needed to just I needed to consult and say we need to do something it's not just a matter of rep place of playground we need to take care of the drainage prior to the install so that was the allow there so so okay understood and then um what what does that do for you know you got some mature trees there that you know up there in age do do we design it in a way that spares the maximum trees possible I'm assuming oh absolutely put in the Nar topography lens itself where it is fairly flat and that is part of the problem water pools in tends to sit in that area so we would obviously maintain treat we that is an actual requirement from this type of playround design C amount of shade and that can be either via tree copy end or some of these apparatuses have shade Tru structure or can built in for them so obviously we've got a pretty good head start that um Kristen is this is this example or is this the design we landed this is design we landed on does it have to be that color ground other can we do the ground yes um we this is just we just picked these blues and these these greens the colors aren't s yeah no that's way down Ro design of the equip I just you know for for for a park that's yeah very natural you know you don't see many I think I can think of one football field anywhere that's blue um you know I kind of feel the same way that youd probably want a green or a brown there to make it more of a natural look um at least for the ground I'm not saying for the equipment I realize you know whatever everyone decides on that and then I not that I'm set in stone I would just voice to the council I I probably prefer shrubs although I realize over time the shrubs are going to get bigger and bigger and maybe be a little bit more difficult to maintain yeah I I I just I'm wondering though from a look standpoint natural park you want a random fence in the middle of the park right I don't know I don't know what that would look like and it doesn't necessarily have to be a chain link fence like it could be no yeah you know what could it be could it be like the wood fence that we have at F Fields maybe that would be that might be it doesn't have to be completely a closed off space to prevent children from running oring yeah what are the um so what are the terms of this grant what boundaries andol has beening very this year on they took Park and created St Place spaces so now the kids have like a specific zone of thearter park that's for each different activity that they can choose to do so this does TI into that same mentality of this is this space for this could you just give your name and your address sorry Lauren question so so my my last question is obviously it's a grant obviously there's expectations one of which is defense how long do those expectations follow us um you know 10 years from now three falls on a fence you kind of decide at that point I'm not saying why but we don't want the fence there anymore we have to pay any money back to them or is this an unconditional Grant once we have it and you know do we know if there's any other conditions no because you don't even have to fence you have to have barrier but if someone has a pool and they have a fence and the fence goes down they have to replace the fence that's what I'm saying is is how long are we oblig to Bound by the terms of the as long as it's probably there we we continue to have to have le some type of barrier okay so if the fence was to get destroyed and we opt not to go to fence we decid to go with a hedge R you know we could replace with a hedge R provided you know we have some type of barrier around the playground you know I'm assuming based on the funding sources here all those funding sources are supporting this design and proposal Lauren is here from the PTA and just quickly to take you through um this is by no means a final Design This is just kind of where we at now we had something to present um and the way that we got this done is we worked with plan Park who's a vendor out of Long Island they came on site they walked with us um H was out there the principal from CLE school was out there a few other reps at the time came out um walked it gave recommendations on what they would recommend um and then we actually got a handful of different allinclusive playgrounds that theyve installed recently in the Tri Area and we gave those to the rec committee to the PTA and to Cle School principal Schwarz and said hey out of these different options which ones do you like and even more so name can you name out all the specifics that you would want in a playground that would serve the population not just in 2025 for the next 20 years um so that all that information that we got from those three groups is what would it make this I I yeah absolutely I support it though yeah I mean I'm I'm fully in support of this I had a couple questions um there there is going to be a phase at which the community participates in the process and CH mentioned this to me and it seems um it might be helpful I don't know who is the facilitator for that discussion um but it might be helpful to have a representative from the vendor that's helped you get to this point so far because it's there's some technical con considerations that um folks might not know on their own you know but they it might it might help to move the conversation and decisions and then I was curious about the current balance of the rec trust fund do you know that off the top of your head so it's a little over n's here but I believe it's a little over 100 um anytime that we have profits um after our expens are taken into consideration for things like the recruit summer camp the dances which are a profit maker for us those go back into the rec Trust there are some programs and events that we draw down on that from but over the years because we're making more with those events in those camps now that money is at a point where it would make sense to to start to draw down them just to correct you the programs are not profit makers well they are not so they're not created to make a profit um not to make a all saying but that's where that's thank you um So currently there is in the rec trust General programs account there is an available balance of 8,153 and in the community appeals um trust account there is 22119 thank you n there that's really the other questions I had and I I'll um dier to the community in that process that's at some point after the grants Bo or whenever that occurs but um I think this will serve very very very well I'm glad you're sing the opportunity happy to expor it question I definitely support it thank you for doing all this work um this would have to go to bid though correct right so we're not married to that Vendor by any means yeah that we had been working this so far to get us to the but Rich does suggest it goes out to the okay even though they are in state contract but because there's so many different anary pieces to it which that would be best practice okay um um when you say so it doesn't absorb any water so it just like hits it and sits there just for reference we have this playground material is surfacing at the smaller playground right now got it that that helped to pay for four or five years ago so it is we do have it out there just to give does it like kind of like go down at the sides I mean how does it work I'm just wondering drainage like how that works no it's um it is exactly what it what they call it it's a poured in place so it cures in place it's rubberized it you put it in on a slight slope so then it can drain off you know the apparatus and walk out to the boundaries and and that's about it yeah there's a couple way you do you do turle yeah that's it's a splash I got so that just what's the footprint of this versus what we have and like the two different spots and it would all be one correct so we wouldn't be touching the smaller apparat so that would that's that's essentially brand new so that's staying there and then this was modeled to have the exact same footprint as we have right now again if we get that line and it makes sense to maybe shrink it and we can still serve it the same population that we serve now conversations SS are the tables and then yeah the lar apparat the tire yeah no this is awesome thank you anyone else everyone sounds like this great report here right yant thank you to everyone me fantastic fantastic fantastic like laen John fantastic very much appreciative all the hard work and I actually can't wait to see and the kids are going to be real thank you uh next up final landscape plan for PW I'll start with that um just give you a little background on this um Council Cole Council LA barar and I met with members of the residents who live on Maple Avenue uh near DW site um there was concerns from the residents over there regarding the landscaping and the view of the vehicles the view of the building noise um you know from vehicle from trucks idling in the morning um so they were looking for something to improve um we met with them we heard their concerns we um used Chris gam from colard engineer design um they were on the meeting and discussed the concerns one of the things that Chris had looked for what their Viewpoint is from their resident from their houses themselves and what they were looking to accomplish um what they were doing he created a landscape uh plan for us um which everybody should have their Council packet um a little bit small I have can help us here a little bit Tracy would help us Define a little bit um give an idea um one of the things we did just to make sure that this plan would work here in FA Haven we had our certified tree expert Sher Spiro review the plan as well Sher did recommend some changes and some different considerations to the plan um which uh they work together in conjunction with Chris poers to design a plan that would work well for Fair Haven um attached is the plan that they recommended uh we can reach trees shrubs bushes um the one thing that is not on the plan um however we have already discussed this with um Paul group and GS Ferguson um will be an 8ot fence as well behind it so have an 8ot board on board fence and to also block out the building block out some of noise so the residents have to look at the trucks the headlights in the morning and uh to improve their overall experience living by DPW Tracy would you like to add anything um just that I mean I'd like to compliment our team for being so responsive to the neighbors they truly are grateful I think the follow through is upon us you know to make sure this gets in the ground in a timely manner um that we discussed up line but what we're looking at here is really such an improvement to what well what is there now is vacant really we as a result of um something councilman laa bar touched on a few meetings back we we had an unknown condition with nine very large um pine trees and they were really blocking the bulk of the view there so when we found out that the colar ties were still on them and strangling and and inevitable death um they were removed so that we could do a complete um landscape PL so Chris Cam's has designed really what is more like a very lovely C Park like um design which will not just it will of course buffer their view but it'll be more of an amenity it's a it's a lovely design it's very gentle they'll be uh it's peppered with some ornamentals for color and seasonal variation um and of course and most importantly it's going to buffer The View for the residents and that who were stunned really they were they were stunned when the trees came down and now the light as well so they can see everything in the DPW building when the light stays on um but this is going to be a very much needed solution and um they're they're looking forward to it so yeah just two things I just want to add real quick U one um yet again we tried to make this a collabtive process as possible um we had delivered Letters Out the residents we had as much Community engagement as possible um Tracy Drew and I um along Chris gavs we went out to the site and met talked with everybody um so they were involved in the process and also we did try to look at Cost um the original landscape plan was quoted at about $9,800 for col years engineer it um we were I was able to talk to them to get that pricing down and in the end the landscape plan uh cost roughly around 293 so we had significant savings there what it would originally cost us to put the plan together um and Chris also uh in the conversation with bety I'm sorry you were there too I apologize that's okay but in the conversation with the residents they were very much interested in having it as low maintenance as possible and I think that that's what Chris was able to achieve his design yes and that was one and I'm glad you brought that up that's one of the reasons we involved um Sher hero from CME be involved as well because the important thing is survivability and for us to be able to sustain it as well so she had some comments on there um that improved aspect um with that point in mind um so we have something that is able to be maintained um that is going to have survivability rate and we to sustain it so I'm pretty happy who did this sheet so that is so what we were looking for is a cost estimate that is not a quote um that was um we had um collar put together cut sheets U so we know exactly what's going to be planted and then we had them put together a cost estimate of what it might cost to put that together that's not not um what call Hall has quoted us to do that that's just an estimate of what the cost could be okay the math doesn't addend up on that just so you know yeah it's like 739 is the sub I hope they're better at designing I saw that they are spreadsheets um we don't think that 31 trees is overkill for that area well one of the issues we' run into I mean that is a pretty large space and um and as far as blocking out sound blocking out sound blocking out visibility um [Music] I I don't looking at it um especially you know it's some the dra drainage issues the other thing too we did find out originally um Hall had said that there was actually a burm there when they took those trees out there was not a burm there so that was something else we came into as well so is that what the $30,000 worth the top soil is for that's what the estimate would be to create the bur to create a new burm yeah that was originally a burm was there but it turns out there wasn't one there are these designed on the um for website no they are not uh we want to do Workshop first before posting anything so we will put it online we can do that effective tomorrow if you'd like great that'd be great is there some sort of warranty ium there is that would be from whomever ends up doing the plan go sorry no is it okay go ahead go ahead so the question I have is obviously I think they need them and I see where most of them are from are these native plant like are these native okay there's some ornamentals I mean I see that mostly the ornamentals that aren't from Eastern that they perform well in this area he that's was a significant aspect of sher's function in making contributions to the Las architect's design and where would this funding be coming from how part of the DPW project yes got so it's added okay so we have the money allotted for this okay and just just to to add context there was a landscape plan that was originally for Maple Avenue so that this is not a new one um however when they found out the BM wasn't there um and some of the shortcomings of that plan so this is an enhancement of the original landscape what's the difference in cost that this to the last one um I don't have the cost quote I could get that but it is it is significantly IR I I just want to point out the money's in there in other we have to re authorize it but if we don't spend it it we don't spend it it's not like it's you know yeah going for a more expensive plan that ultimately costs our taxpayer taxpayers do you know yeah in the form of new tax higher taxes so if it originally let's say cost 15 and now it's at 90 it's an additional 75 $75,000 that we're going to have to find it well those those are numbers I I I would just say because I remember the the landscape plan not in detail like this has additional plant material to the absence of you know unanticipated nine major buffer trees that were probate Shore um probably 20 years or so um so the new I I can't tell you the number of new actual trees but the design is in will accommodate additional plantings because we lost so many unexpectedly the landscape architect did not have the final um report from CME that that called out the need to remove those extra nine trees so did we get nine new ones no be it's probably more than that but I I don't have that number for you yeah and the other thing to take into account too um again they had originally thought there was a burm there so regardless if did this plan or not we would have had to put another burm back in um so we would have had to pay again again it's an estimate to roughly 30,000 for top so so you're probably I mean looking at you're probably looking at a $40,000 increase for increase I'd say that'd be a fair that'd be a fair number can I ask you the question you just so we didn't have a burm before well they they had thought there was a burm but what do the what's the burm actually explain that to me I what's that accomplish so the BM was in there for the planning and the fence placement and it's in the vicinity of the salt Dome on the corner it so it the idea with the verm and I'm not the landscape architect obviously but the idea was that it would go it was is going to help to basically give additional height to the trees to continue this idea of buffering um not just visually but noise and other things but the salt Dome is visible really from that so they're planted on the BM the trees be on the BM there's a there's a BM that's really on the it's the kind of takes in the corner and the um yeah and the fence right exactly because the fence an extra correct I realized next question stupid but we're about to do the pocket Parks I'm sure we're going to be doing some digging there we can't just take some soil from there and make it less than $30,000 that' be a rich question we actually Alor to the general contract for all construction we have material at the brush staging area Okay so they can at least use some of that at theas know the you have to still prep where the plants and trees dig the hole and you have create some Organics or or top soil um and then you can cap it the top soil so there could be some savings there we threw that out to them the last month that's great to thinking about good anyone else have questions yeah and again this is not the price just want to make it clear this is not the price of what it would cost us again the estimate we put in so you have an idea right would be would be significant High probably probably lower especially if we end up doing the Rich's option with using materials great so part of the analysis in the last project was the Poli station I believe was the um you know if we cut back costs of of 30% and still get 90% of the benefits is that something you've already done or plan to do on this project or I guess you weren't the administrator was that's not a fair question yeah so so a lot a lot of what a lot of what I'm doing now is is is a lot of correcting you know some of the issues that we' run through with the project so a lot of what was planned out before and some the issues like for example this is an issue we ran into that was planned out before so it's that's a tough that's a tough question to answer you know are we going to try to do again we going to try to do the best for to borrow as far as cost I mean perect example mean I could very easily ask for purchase order for $9,800 to do a landscape plan and I was able to get $7,000 knocked off but so so so C consideration is always a top priority that that helps you I yes it is how how many trees did we take down again over there n well well that was just the second wave of removals there was a initial wave of removals that was substantial in fact more than nine years ago no as in preparation so they all came down at once but they it was ruled a two separate reports you have that number fromer identif probably roughly around that 10 12 and then this the second report which came much later was the nine B one so we're getting like three not three times at least two times the number of trees probably yes roughly problem with the more trees I think it's the top soil number that's just destroying this you know yeah it seems like it seems like an Overkill number just in my opinion I guess that's what Landscaping costs but seems like a lot of money to it's more than the trees basically yeah and again we're using a lot of our own materials and again what working with hall Hall would be Brun the prices out we're using a lot of our own materials that's going to significantly you know change the price of what that material is going to be so Hall would be doing this work yeah so it doesn't go out B that just be part of the because this was already existing this is an it's a change or it's an enhancement to an existing landscape plan that was there but they hire a landscape AC whatever they would hire through there but it would go through all we pay a to Hall to do it would we not be better off doing a side project and doing wind going not paying big to someone we've already put it in the yeah it's already part of it yeah swings around the entire perer of site basically from the Recycling yard down Allen then we' got an expansive landscap plan and then it beanders back into this amended plan so the chain will just handle the additional that they show when would we find out the when would we find out what that actual fee would be if we say go ahead do it then they would come back to us with actual numbers we have our weekly meeting y so I could I could well I wouldn't find out this Thursday it's Thanksgiving it be next Thursday by next Thursday's the facilities meeting and also the increase in correct a quick Google search says that top soil cost per cubic yard is $10 to $50 per cubic yard and this has 200 so I wonder if there's a decimal problem could be 20 could be or they could they could have overstated it too yeah well that's my concern yeah but again this is not what we this is not what we beay so again right you just well I just don't want us to celebrate it went from 990,000 to 80,000 if it should really be 40,000 that's yeah but this again this would this quote would have no bearing on what Hall pricing would be they wouldn't base it us this this was just a guiding document that we asked Colliers to put together you know so we could have some information for the GV right like you just wanted to itemize exactly what would be planted so we visualize that would we see this again then it would come back to us and we would This was um I know Council laa and Council cot and Mr York and I having been on site multiple times for this particular issue it was our hope and intention really to not sure we're still going to be able to do this but to get some at least an initial set of plantings in there um this year knowing that this is a good time to plant and that window is closing of course as we speak but um regardless of execution it's something that is extremely distressing to the neighborhood so um our commitment to making sure that that gets remedy I think it's the key thing that our lead staff has done such a good job of getting this to our um to us today hopefully we'll still have a chance to get something in the grab but the weather will probably dictate back and Mr Hall be able to generate it go to um one more I don't know if the right person in the room just to ask this question but I see bir here I love Birch I think it's the most beautiful tree out there but I was also under the impression that Birch didn't do very well in New Jersey that it was a little bit PR to disease the weather wasn't as cold as it needed to be for it to thrive is is that correct no I no not correct wrong on that I would just say there many kind of that's true so this isn't the one weiver and and again you know going back to your question I'm not a truee expert so I can't give you an answer one way or the other but but that's why we had the plan run through sher's spau certified tree expert to determine whatever the survivability rate and be able to sustain so she has reviewed as she signed off on it prior to anything going to govern and she did make um some changes in corrections to it as well so what he needs from us tonight tonight yeah Mr a discussion it's I of you need anything else no discuss facility and then what will we'll have a change order written up and it'll come at the uh December 16th meeting and then because again it's over $5,000 governing body has to approve it okay yeah thank you um BR and [Music] leafin actually asked me to provide perfect helpful um so Russian ordinance Amendment um as everyone will recall the the proposed updates that were that we are proposing tonight really stem from uh feedback that we received Russian Le committee received about the ordinance in its first call it few months of of inception so we're talking about the period between March and June um Russian Le comme met a couple of times to review that feedback and put forth recommendations we did Workshop this as a council a couple of meetings ago I think it was like early October um so we wanted to Circle back and prop and Bas some recommendations um based on that feedback so there's really six aspects of the gush and Lea document that that we wanted to review um the first being the fact that effective immediately we want to recommend the following updates so the first being that the spring cleanup schedule we're going to add two extra weeks one at the beginning and one at the end so there's essentially a buffer um on that schedule which creates in a oated period of Time for That spring cleanup um looking at the ordinance itself you'll notice uh in the definition section which is 16- 5.3 we have um basically revised the definition of brush of of excuse me we revise the definition of the word brush um to provide you know greater Clarity so I think there was some confusion as to what rush actually meant um section 16- 5.6 um section B numeral V or five um he removed the number sorry remove the limit on the number of burrow approved brush cans that can be used for pickup so now they limited amount I ask a question about that one specifically um does this add any cost to the burrow like because we now picking up more that one Clause you mean yes that they could have unlimited chance staff that does it it's not a contract right more just more work for them but not more can to lift and okay good question you also made a change to uh I'm not done yet before that one oh the 12 I highlight that no earlier than 12 days why did we change that sorry 16.5 6 number three 83 uh Drew would be double clicking right now um it just says um it was 10 days prior and it's 12 I just was wondering seemed arbitrary but there must be some yeah let me startle back on that I actually don't I know they went for 10 to include two weekends that was why they chose 10 because some people said they didn't have enough time on a particular weekend got it I guess just give extra days okay I I don't know I notic um okay so number sorry three more four more 16 um- 5.6 section c number four um we're going to be very clear in stating that the leaf collection is limited to leaves only um any other materials that are left in the leaf piles or placed in the leaf piles will be left behind so next question about that so I've found it interesting that pumpkin have typically been allowed which has always been confusing to me but now they're not they're not I think that's good see I green team has talked about doing some kind of pickups as a group or because there are places that we'll take them so that's something to consider maybe next year what we're going to do with pumpkins and that kind of stuff right right so we only going forward anything else we left behind and is that is that does that have to do with where who we take it to yes CU they all go to a farm well the first they get I found the self fascinated I think it should be sidebar conversation in the schools it's such it's so interesting um yeah the leaves get crushed down small particles they get driven out to Colts snack they're used to basically fertilize an entire Farms so we don't want be taking other material out there hop soil oh I was actually thinking that F to F top um the last year changes so what happens people they'll just leave them some UL they'll have to pick them up I guess themselves the residents well they would pick up the weaves they wouldn't pick the residents it'll be sitting out there and then eventually hopefully they'll so so in that particular change it says residents are responsible for removal and disposal is there a is there a time associated with that I mean can they leave them like out there for four months before they remove them it seems to me that yeah you think that materials other than the lead yes well if they're out there they're non compant right right what's the time limit I mean I mean I guess would be up to code enforc we s much pumpkins lying around right like at a certain point well you talk about in November and December I'm talk about it anytime so no but this is so leaves only pickup for November and December so that's all that is because any other any other time there is not leaves only other times is brush and leaves correct that leaves just November and December so if you have anything out that's not leaves in November or December for you're in violation aming but there there are also Le only pickup there's two separ files file but it's that that's that's that's a fall cleanup that encompasses both it's not a leaves only pick yeah there is a 10day notice here so in the spring it won't be many fall because fall of the tree so all November December will just be leaves and spring will be all kinds of stuff correct do we write more than just Le do we do any communication I didn't notice that about pumpkin specifically we've done it in the past by I we did it this time maybe that's just worth like something so the question is what are people putting out leaves just leaves no no no no I understand what this says what you know at the end of the day it's a service so what what what are people putting out that wouldn't be collected P exact I've seen a lot of burns like would have burns on their porch and then it gets cold so they just throw you get a whole bunch of Ms change over right even those like stocks that people have corn stocks I guess I'm framing my question this way to understand what is it that is um which which aspect of the service are we not providing because um there there there might not be option I don't actually know if you had a whole bunch of hay bals and whole bunch of brush but it's it's only leaf pickup in November and December rolling Le Pi up I think everybody's going to love um but what about the stuff that isn't Le and I'm not asking us to solve this right now I can go back to the brush and leavea committee but there's an awful lot of stuff that people put out and it doesn't matter just being non compliant but what what are their options that could be through education or but we should know what what what in fact are I know not going to have a service to collect that stuff and I know pumpkins of course but and there's a lot of stuff that's more Brushy well yeah I I hear what you're saying I can answer some of those one by one like pumpkins they go in the garbage you can compost them you have to be careful composting in seeds I mean it will grow could eventually there's Farms that have P pumpkins pumpin we don't want yeah all right I I I I guess we're still learning as we go yeah um let me just cover the last two so under non-compliance which is section 16- 5.12 two things to note the first is that non-compliant files will now be marked with spray paint by burrow Personnel to signify they're non-compliance so if you're not complying you have pile out there the borrow is going to signify it with with spray pain um like an I don't love that one but I know I'm defense about this spray I'm like I'm willing to try it for sure I I'm not sure how I feel about what is it is it like an X an it feels a little bit like uhar you see your neighbor's pile with an x on it you're not doing it communicate it does yeah I think it'll be right I mean it's not going to be pretty effective um hopefully we'll have less exit over time um and the second is that warning for violations to to for any of this will be assigned to the property as a whole not to individual p p so those are the those are the updates for now um we do want to Circle back in a couple of things in early 2025 to Encompass any feedback that we got post June so that will um take into account things like the can or U the color of the can and any um feedback associated with rolling pickup that Happ right now can I ask attorney so question 16 5.12b all warning shall reset on January 1st of each calendar year 16 non compliance warning warnings wait non-compliance war Warning Second One warning shall reset on January 1st each calendar year I'm assuming you mean the step chart of each warning he say so like the violations but but they don't get out of their violations if they're current when it's January 1 right it's not like oh well you know we didn't go to court yet but it resets it's January 1st no no no it's grandfathered into when when the summon is yes still have to pay yes that maybe should be clearer here no can I real quick oh so they weren't gonna pay any right it wouldn't be the summons it would just be the warning itself excuse me a follow question of that so now you're changing it to be assigned to the property so someone gets a warning or summons in May and then they sell their property to someone else and that new person comes in in October and gets their first violation as a new homeowner and we're signing the violations by the property not by the person so you're inheriting the behavior yeah of the person that was before you now I I understand what we're trying to achieve there another way to do it so a lot so all real estate contracts do a bunch of that as well will call you know attention in the seller's disclosure do you know of any sort of governmental or um governmental warning violation that you know is assigned to the property and it's just as cond at that point we're we're relieved to that and they're still resp that be figure out on their own together yes okay anyone else anyone else okay thank you thank you to councilman La bar for pulling out lever uh coun councilman H thank you for that presentation fantastic um we're going to continue moving long here to the 2025 brush and leaf schedule you're doing that also I don't think so oh I mean I think it's I think really what we're saying is that yes it's about the calendar calar so just from from from last year if you remember um you know we we printed a calendar before we had the opportunity to really finalize this um we don't want to be in that situation again right so we wanted to approve right you know the updates on the calendar for next year unless someone had objections to what was being presented here so as as I follow just to clarify we we're moving up the beginning of the spring cleanup by two weeks no one one and then one week get the font and one we get the back that's good I from all the feedback I've got people need that extra like the visual of the recycling image which drops off in I don't know if this is probably to draft but having keep it going every time keep do time okay can we provide that feedback to um I will make a plug for en cycle coach yeah a lot of people have been using it and it's been gaining in popularity I know it took a while for us to get up and running but it does have updated calendar and we'll have it for next I agree with you I can I honestly I find it so handy and convenient um it's easy to download and it's accurate it's accurate yeah can can we go one step further I agree with what you said I would actually add a garbage can for the trash days I would add some sort of some sort of brush and leaf and then in November December just leaves I think that's the plan but the pictures yeah for the sake of our meeting wanted to get you yeah was good all right we good on that everyone good on that all right uh we are now at the public comment on agenda items only please observe a three minute time limit please state your name uh and address for the record anyone with a public comment on agenda items only no Al I hi Ruth Ruth you there I didn't raise my hand well we just we want to talk to you anyway we just want to all right I'll I'll just make a comment then off the top of my head but I believe a seller's disclosure statement already takes care of any outstanding um improvements permits whatever that would be outstanding on a property before it closes thank you thank you thank you R okay um anyone else that's all good we're going to move on to approval of minutes we're talking about the November 12th 20124 regular meeting uh do I have a motion to approve second Alison may I please have a roll call yes Miss yes yes yes yes okay anyone have any old business no we're going to move along to new business the consent agenda we're talking resolutions 2024 D2 260 through 270 is that correct Alison you're correct and 269 I sent you amended okay so 260 through through 270 does anyone have any they want to separate before I don't I don't want to separate I you comment on sure question uh under 270 improve the change order Ballard installation I don't know what that means so was it I believe is $1,000 and change uh change work order change order yeah Rich could explain about the B the design of them so as you know the front faade building St b the original plan showed in angle iron at the corner of the gar rather than b cont see it now can't fit the way the architect designed it the angle l so the solution would have been to do a so we picked a 4 in smaller type baller with ainal c most likely yellow visibility there's 12 that are shown on the Chain they would be shown at the corners of the Gage the garage being open also trimmed out in that ASAC material which could be suscep damage if it's brushed up against H so this is the solution the team came up with and unfortunately there is cost for that they did give us a credit back theual IR so it's 11,000 minus the root refund it's 11 currently I think they gave us PR that's instruction to get hit over time looking at it and the purp and the purpose of the Ballers is to prevent building vehicles to where red B puts in and uh when they have broad walk yeah those go down yeah and considering most the trucks are backing in all the time most your accidents happen during backing so it's to prevent damage in building okay what what colors will they be wait Yow are they all yellow well so it's a typically a metal pole filled with concrete it's 4T out of the ground that it's set down in foundation and then they made different usually it's a a safety type color so normally you see either yellow or red that didn't work so well for a red B that it didn't work so well for red oh they it's been hit like multiple times people but they stand up yeah that's [Music] true and they they've held up forever so they do work we're leaning towards yell anything else on consent agenda um I just wanted to just a quick question on the improvements being make a bur Hall which certainly need to be made um and in full support I just wanted to call out um I guess asked specifically if these improvements will also apply to the library no not at this time and um and the reason being um again Library improvs have to go before the governing body reason we did not include it this time around is because um this does not involve any flooring so for the library to get improvements um what we had discussed was was you want to you want to mobilize everything out at one time so um so next next to this building um and confer you rich about today will be replacing the bur Hall roof Library needs new drop ceiling tiles needs new flooring because that was not included in the flooring last time around and then painting so the key would be to do all of that at one time again with governing body approval and we couldn't do the ceiling sorry the yeah the lighting and the ceiling at the same time is the room for the entire structure you I mean the you could put a new drop ceiling in you know we do to roof that could happen um but as far as painting and flooring you have to mobilize all that material out of there so okay but again that's obvious the the roof you have to well a drop ceiling right got I'm gonna make a statement that no one's going to agree with I think we can start thinking of ways to get creative when we're paying for interior painting of bar hle and I I mean this it might be nice to like somehow work with the high school and have them teach kids how to paint and the reason I'm saying that is like I wish I knew how to paint my own house and you know do some things and we have an opportunity here that we're we don't have to have the perfect paint job inside burough Hall it might it might save dollars so I know no one agrees with that but I'm just voicing my opinion to look for volunteered to paint honestly I would love to come here with a bunch of students and not only learn myself but show them what I do know and and do and do stuff like that I think it's a life skill that would actually they would take that with them for a really long time and I'm just I was thinking about it before with the top soil that we could probably get together with rfh I'm sure there's some sort of teaching curriculum they could do with leaves where they could provide us with some top soil over the course of a bunch of weeks and teach them how to create that for us from a from a uh you know from a learning type situation for them and obviously a cost savings for us so I get it that's not what we're doing here I just want to bring it up as we're thinking forward we should be looking for opportunities like that I do have a question along those lines Serta Pro that that's a National Organization right you someone local well that was my question why do we go to Ser Pro when we have a lot of local painters that we could give the business to um so I can I don't I don't know this specifically get those but some of them are like their franchises so they are also be able to meet all the requirements for the paperwork that the state requires where a local painter may not okay like all the reporting yes as much as we would like use something local we still need to okay was just a just yeah good question yeah just going to call out the fact that um our new bur administrator has done an amazing job of trying to identify opportunities for efficiency and collaboration with the schools so your points well taken on soil and painting I feel like that's always top of mine for B minist work so thank you a great job on every thank you that isor New York Jet should take a lesson all right uh we anything else here before I ask for a motion do I have a motion approve so Mo second Alison may I please have a roll call Paul yes yes yes yesul yes thank you Department reports October 2024 do I have a motion to accept the report with a thank you can we can wait hold on we got question sorry I'm just wondering at the court what happened in July and August like why or is it so much more exp like how much we had a ton of Revenue oh I think it's just when they bill I remember answer this question last year yep just July and August it's like 7,000 7800 versus like the other months are like three and 4,000 just out of curiosity what the sorry Rue guilty please okay I mean it's a substantial people in the area oh that's truebe okay well no those would be mostly violations from the winter yeah I thinky had a few brush and Lea viol Sor let's get back to the moment I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted with a thank you I'd like to motion with a thankk you that we accept the October 2024 report second all in favor anyone oppos thank you moving along good of the buau please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please observe the time with with three minutes is there anyone with a good of the burrow sure Carolyn hi carollyn Ferguson 7 of court from the chair of the Natural Area committee and hopefully here to share some good news I just want to let everyone know that we had our volunteer weekend this weekend we had 50 volunteers each day like the turnout was amazing uh we worked in two separate areas and there was a lot of people that did some really hard work including like digging railroad ties out of the creek uh we took advantage of the fact that there's been a drought and we were able to get some stuff out of the creek that we've never had access to before and same thing for the pond uh so there was really amazing progress made um and uh we appreciate the DPW coming out to work with us and I think it was a really good collaboration they gave us a project that they needed done that they couldn't really do they needed more hands so there's an outlet pipe that connects the creek and the pond and uh the storm water comes in from Buttonwood into the creek we see tons of sand that comes in with it and the dpws that we dig sand out from around the outlet pipe and some very strong and energetic people did that uh so really we thank everyone who joined us um and like I said it was a big success and a lot got done like I said we worked in two separate areas so we really covered a lot of ground and uh people of all ages turned out which was super nice they had sandwiches it's always a very friendly and fun atmosphere Brian thought over there we appreciate that so um so thank you to everybody in the town and to the DP W for that um also I want to let you know that uh the Natural Area committee we got to see the Fair Haven Road phase two plans in O they were given to us in October so at our November meeting we reviewed them and uh the committee has made a recommendation uh that the proposed uh stone dust path under the cherry trees that they consider making that a wood Shi Trail um there's a few reasons for that uh you know we have a concern that at some point the Cherry Tree Lane we think is going to need some maintenance or a plan to be maintained we think that's probably going to mean moving the fence back into the Natural Area a little uh changing the trees that are on the edge of that so that the cherry trees have room to grow and Thrive and get sun and maybe that we would have the ability to put some extra young cherry trees in there so uh one of the thoughts on the well there's a few thoughts on the Wood Trail uh one is that we do have a concern you know we've talked about those cherry trees are beyond their expected end of life and that maybe putting a stone dust trail on top of their Roots may not be the greatest um if we put a wood ship Trail actually wood ships feed what's underneath it so it's an organic material uh so we thought that was a good idea um we also think that if we anticipate some change happening in that area that it will be ultimately easier to move a wood ship Trail or to move a wood ship Trail than it might be to move a stone dust trail uh and then as also a storm water comes into the Natural Area which is what's desired um we'd rather have it bringing wood chips in with it than stone dust into the area and then the last thing is that um that trail really could be perceived to be part of the trail system that exists in the Natural Area um so the idea that we would use the same material and make the trail on the outside look a lot like the trail that's really only about 15 feet inside um might be a nice idea so we've shared our recommendation and uh so there's an email with this details okay have you seen it rich like do you have an email or Y after me any serious concerns not expected you to make it you know yeah yeah we're to look at it the benefit is the trail is not an mjd El so use stone dust doesn't matter does not impa can I ask a question is that forgive me I'm not remembering the plans but is that the only path for kids to be on their bikes though it would take you from the crosswalk right see but there's no sidewalk why would anyone there there's why would they be on their bike on that side because there's no sidewalk on the other side correct putting sidewalk there will be a sidewalk so there is an option oh you know what there's no there's no sidewalk though from Buttonwood to Ridge so if someone if someone were riding their bike on Ridge conceivably they could get on their bike from Ridge until Buttonwood before they come over the side so my only concern would be riding kids riding bikes I don't also the stone dust trail is not going to go it ends up butting also you know Michael if if there's no if there's no sidewalk on Ridge though then the person's already riding their bike on the main road I don't think they necessitate being on a sidewalk on their bike from the B it's actually it's going to be strip for either a bike lane or sh there's it's been accounted for okay that would be my only concern is that yeah and then just one last thought oh we have that we believe the burrow gets wood chips for free and probably pays for stust we like free there's your creative yeah and we we can have some kids chop up the wood like Yellowstone any questions or comments on no I I do have one question on what you said um you said you had about 50 volunteers is that typical each each day so is that versus other days is that more and you attribute any of it to the nixel we sent out or is it just you had a good turnout like because of the weather is there yeah um it was probably double what we usually get and the borrow has helped us out in the past with the promotions we did have the same question why do we do so well I think one of the things is it was probably a good choice of date like sports has ended and the holidays haven't hit so it's possible that like we don't know exactly but we certainly do appreciate that I know they who were getting some hours too some community service yeah we have cards that we give them for their volunteer hours I also thought The nixel I when I got it that morning it said like volunteer I forgot the exact dates November 16th and 17th I thought it should have said to looking for something to do today but you know like like this is for that the link I think when you clicked on the link that's it said looking for something to do today I think the link itself right when it pops up on your phone should be advertising today we got something that's certainly easy to do okay thank you Carolyn y thank you and uh please thank the entire committee as well I have a bit of the bro that's okay because Carol just made me think of it um the small shop small is the Saturday so just a reminder to everyone that the trolley is it 11: to 4 yeah um so please shop local and some of us will be on the trolley anyone else for the good of the burrow Alison hand I have a well we called her in and we'll come right back to you I don't know if she meant to though Ruth did you raise your hand yeah I did I just want to update updates on projects that are going on such as how are we doing is there any ETA on the street lights [Music] we got an ATA not everybody wants to hear being delivered to the contractor or to the job site I'm not sure where January 14th January 14th MTH if you didn't hear whoa okay secondly now that the leaves are off the trees and you can see what you're working with is there any possibility of DPW going over there and packing off the branches that are hanging into schanker P to just sort of tidy up the shoreline we we haven't discussed that internally but we can certainly discuss it and you know perhaps by the next meeting we could give you an update if you ask the same question okay and I'd like to give a shout out to all the lovely parents in Fair Haven who supported their kids who signed up for the snow shoveling the senior snow shoveling program we are just absolutely delighted with those kids and you call that be a good neighbor is that correct yes that's us thank and thank you to you for all you do to to run that program well it's Rachel Griffin too she's a great lady and Rachel as well okay thank you thank you rud um sorry last thing I just want to know is that we're aiming for Sunday installation of the holiday decorations yes all right that is exciting [Music] and I just want to thank the governing body for your kindness my mother-in-law I do appreciate you're welcome thank you sorry all right um we are now going to move towards executive session I don't believe any formal action will be taken is that accurate correct no formal action will be taken it's 8:24 p.m. I have a motion Mo all favor all anyone oppos all right I make that we open the meeting second all in favor I anyone opposed I have a motion to close the meeting at 9:10 p.m. motion second all in favor anyone opposed good night fa yeah May are you com over not sure yet I hope