all right uh let's call this meeting to order at 7:01 p.m we're going to start with salute to the flag I toag the United States of America liy and justice for please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law noted in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from bur Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of December 18th 2023 is available by call and phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the raise hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in a schedule of meetings which was adopted by resolution number 20233 and sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and the Star Ledger on January 6 2023 post on the burough website the Bolton board and municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the B clerk is directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting Alison may I please have a roll call council members Cole here H here hi here bar here NE rodrig here okay I would like to start off um with a proclamation uh honoring uh councilman Rodriguez For What has been just an incredible run here in supporting the burough of Fair Haven in a volunteer role and uh you know I think we all owe you a debt of gratitude ude for not only your your uh the time that you spent but I think your kindness your sincerity your commitment and uh I just I just think the way that you've gone about your role uh from a leadership standpoint um I can speak probably on behalf of your kids I don't know if they're here but in saying that um you're showing the next Leaders of Tomorrow the way that this this should look like so um going back to that first time we met on on your P at the IC te um I hope maybe this time the week to return the favor on my porch to close it out um but I'd like to read this on your behalf and then we're gonna have the scouts and uh Dan ramire is going to come up poo and we can discuss uh what they have in store for you as well all right so this reads whereas Christopher Rodriguez volunteered in many capacities and was appointed to fill a council member vacancy on January 31st 2017 and sworn in for a full Council term on January 2nd 2018 and whereas councilman Rodriguez has been a vital part of the community offering his time and Talent on various boards and commissions scout leader and a member of the burrow Council whereas during his seven-year tenure on Council uh on Council councilman Rodriguez has served as council president chairman to the finance committee helping to maintain a double A+ Bond rating and leaz on to various boards and commission and whereas the B of faed and governing body bu of Staff Wards and commissions and volunteers will miss the logic wisdom and invaluable experience Christopher Rodriguez has contributed to everything he has been involved with and whereas very few people realize with a tremendous imposition serving on counselors one's personal life and now therefore be it resolved by the burough Council of the burough of faan that extends its deep appreciation and GR ude to councilman Rodriguez for his selfless Public Service help make Fair Haven a great place to live and wishes him and his family many years of health and happiness I have a couple remarks but um is there something else going on or I should I wait you want to present now yeah that sounds good good evening everyone Dan Ramirez marter Avenue it has been my distinct pleasure to serve with Chris as a scout master in fairy tro 125 for nearly as many years as he served as on the burrow Council uh we have one of our Scouts here Owen swinny who would like to read our own Proclamation recognize Chris's efforts Proclamation honoring councilman Christopher Rodriguez whereas Christopher Christopher Rodriguez has served as Fair Haven troop 125b scout master and Fair Haven troop 125 G assistant scoutm and founding member since December 2020 and whereas scout master Rodriguez has served as counselor for the following Scout Mar patches camping citizenship in the world communication entrepreneurship first aid home repairs and personal management and whereas scout master Rodriguez has served as a den leader for pack 127 from 2015 to 20120 and whereas scout master Rodriguez attained the rank of Eagle Scout and is a member of the order of the arrow in good standing whereas councilman Rodriguez has always been a friend to the public and a dedicated mentor to the Youth of the community most notably the Scouts of Fair Haven troop 125 now therefore be it resolved by the Fair Haven troop 125 that it recognizes the tireless efforts of scout master Rodriguez to help shape the Youth of Fair Haven to achieve a greater appreciation for public service and prepare them as Future Leaders troop 125 hereby sets its hand on this 18th day of December 2023 by May mayor we have a small gift to present councilman Rodriguez and I will call upon his son jack to present it body May with in choos keep in the Box in choosing a a gift appropriate gift U we naturally wanted to pick something that would symbolize not only his Service as a scoutm but also as a member of the governing body um of course knife is a very symbolic tool for the scouts which they all have to learn to use properly safely um but we also thought that um like a good knife good public servants are not just born they're made forged through the Heat and fury of executive session shaped through the hammer and Anvil of public need and HED through the fiction of the Wet Stone of Public Service would that all our elected leaders would be as polished and sharp as Chris Rober is how much time do I have get out of here get out of your own time here um I did prepare a couple of words um maybe I'll face the owl I'm not really sure how to do this maybe I'll Stand know if the owl pick me up or not um this is a little uh Bittersweet um you it's um it's been a long road uh as the mayor mentioned it's been oh maybe I won't that's really weird this going to work okay that was ridiculous let me start over um I just want to um I did put a couple of remarks together but um I'm not going to read from it I'm going to just do this from the heart I just want to thank um all of you for for being here tonight I want to thank my wife who made this all happen it was her partnership and wisdom and insights that actually made me logical half the time and told me to just you know use my head and and and use my heart so I want to thank my wife I want to thank U my son who's here tonight who you guys all saw before but also my girls who also are public servants um with the firehouse and with the church and and a number of other uh Endeavors one of them's off at a track meet tonight in New York and the other one is also in New York studying for final exam so I wish they were here but they're not I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my parents uh my parents not only taught me but showed me how to serve um and they were fantastic guides for me so hopefully um I live up to a lot of what was said by Owen in the uh in the resolution before that uh that we're forming the next generation of leaders um the uh accomplishments there's so many I'm not even going to begin to uh to recite them all that we've accomplished just this year with all the folks around the table here um but also previous governing bodies um those governing bodies budgets every single year as you mentioned um promoting police uh and hiring folks and um professionals that um that sit around this table that make it all happen um it's all the people that helped um you know get you guys elected and myself elected you know we owe a a dead of gratitude to all those folks and all the next generation of people that are going to serve um none of this is easy it's it's rewarding um but it's surely not easy and sometimes uh it's exhausting um so I just want to thank the scouts for being here tonight um I was shocked until I saw trip outside eating something and I was like what's trip doing here in Scout uniform um and then then it sort of hit me so uh trip thank you for uh for saving me the shock when I walked in um I love trip um by the way um but uh you know it was really touching the words the resolution um the words from the scouts um this is all really meaningful to me and uh I'm going to miss it uh I will enthusiastically cheer you guys on and and support you guys and any way I can um going forward as you know and who knows maybe I'll serve again um after all of my kids are gone and in college or whatever but um it's been a it's been a great ride and I really appreciate having had the opportunity to serve um it's been um it's been a it's been a great ride and I'm I'm grateful um for the opportunity to do that so thank you for giving me a minute to speak and um and uh maybe I'll um maybe this thing will go run a little short tonight and we'll go out and celebrate so thank you all appreciate that first sh I took an hour I made myal Charlie what's up bud all right moving along Workshop session we have a proposed Farmers Market yeah nice and close to the ow so that people can hear you on the conference yeah I mean just to provide a little context but I think um this team speaks for itself uh you know I think there's been lots of conversations over the years about potential Farmers Market um the group that is about to present I don't want to steal anyone's Thunder but um I think one of the nice things I think chy would agree is that they're thinking about this from a strategic standpoint meaning how a potential Farmers Market could benefit other parts of the community but also from an operational aspect in terms of the execution and how the every single angle has been thoroughly vetted and considered um conversations that needed to happen have already happened so um you know it's one of those volunteer groups that I think we all dream of that that you know has a has a plan and also wants to execute it so um thank you and you know we'll leave it leave it to all and a bit Relentless I'm Anna Anin I'm on 92 B Road Elise Casey 263 fairen Road Maggie lman 53 Lis Point Road so we'll be quick and um like L said we've already kind of circulated the idea through a few different groups um we've spoken so far with the police department and chief mccn directly we had a meeting with the Parkson Rec committee the green team is cheerleading from somewhere at this point right now as well um but we are proposing a farmers market to start this spring uh on Willow Street in front of sickle's school so that one Street there that backs into the park um it would be once a month on Saturdays uh from 8:00 a.m. to 1: pm. um a few reasons that we've decided on that location to be the best is because it's centrally located in the middle of town walking distance from boavista to Harrison and it won't take people away from the small businesses that are on bar are on um River Road so by having it there it creates a kind of an unlimited um day on these Saturday where people can come in and you know see as many shops for vendors as possible um so we've kind of been doing the uh footwork to get everything up and running in terms of getting the vendors on board we're working with a great um other another local resident who has some um farmer connections and and vendor connections as well so just to name a few we have Benchmark red um signed up to join us ly Lobster um we've got a children's toy shop um a bunch of different uh you know people that make dips in all of these really high caliber uh vendors that are have decided to come on and join us so yeah yesterday we hit the pavement and knocked on all the doors at Willow Street to give them a heads up that we were presenting to you all tonight so that they didn't hear it you know after the fact that um this was something that would be impacting them um I mentioned that we were uh we did meet with mcgran and he's uh completely on board and has said that he will help us um manage and mitigate any traffic issues we let the the people on Willow Street know that they will have two-way access to the street while um the market is um operating and we um have also you know between the three of us decided we won't be cannibalizing any of the other events that par puts on so we'll keep the schedule consistent but flexible so if there are big events in town the market won't pull them away from that um the idea is May to December December being basketball so this school would probably be heavily trafficked at that point um the access to the park has been really a drawing point for us as well to get the kids and the parents some time to just cut loose um parks and rep committee that we presented to last week was on board with it as well so we thank you guys for your support um and it's been really well received in town everybody that we've spoken to has said like let's do it like when can we start so we've you know had to tell them to we're working on it but um it's just it seems like something that the town would be uh you know it would be a really good drawing point for us to to hold and hopefully people will come in and bring some um bring their friends and the whole the works so um I'll pass it off to you too if you want to say anything that's the general just if you guys have any questions or concerns um um so the Green Team um is listening right now also um the farmers market I see it also being like a collaboration with a not just the historic Association but like the Green Team and we're going to pull the community together just kind of as a moles um they mentioned potentially having some sort of Resident and vendor composting situation table area at the farmers market um they were working with a company called unw that I guess has been at L where you live before and um they're talking to them so we're trying to bring in everybody not just but different aspects of the town Community yeah we also see this as an opportunity I mean I'm I've got a a child at sickles now I get the emails that they're selling you know nollwood and fair swag you can have a booth come sell it there you know it can be something that um other parts of the town can also utilize and it's it hopefully gets heavily trafficed so that's um a Sol point for that they've said everything nothing yeah so you know we're here to we're constantly saying to pokol and if there are issues or concerns or um or you know Kristen gave us a lot of the benefit of the doubt I don't think all of the stones are left uncovered so if there are things that people think of that there you know there are concerns for we'd be happy to address it like I said we are um persistent so we we like to get things done pretty quickly so and two things oh okay go ahead are are you rain or shine or is it going to it would be it would be rain or shine all of the other ones I would say depend you know without last night would be like an absolutely hard for anyone but um light rain and obviously heat would be things that the the market is okay with doing so and you see it going to December from May to December I see May to December I think a like a holiday you know winter one um would be nice but flexible the other thing in this is my first farmers market too but in dealing with these vendors this is my fourth Farm Market would be weird but um in dealing with vendors they like the consistency and they need to lock down schedules now that you know this is pretty much their means so they want to know that they have a consistent Farmers Market Fair Haven has been a huge selling point you know they know that the the people will show up so it hasn't been hard for us to really get people on board for that but they do like to have once a month like they know that they're going to be in Fair Haven so um we kind of have to work around those typical Farmers Market schedules and that that's that's really it do you see any parking being available on Willow Street yeah so we would be using the second half basically from the the crosswalk on would be where the vendors would be so any of that up until then and then further closer to the residents would be available for for parking and during that time the road would become two-ways in and out it would it would become two ways probably at the lower half of that street I would say the one way would continue from like the arbor vites the new wing on and then the two ways from where the home start would be um the most accessible we would have the police officer there so he can he can manage all of the traffic going in and out but we would encourage walking I think that I know they did a day like at sickles where everybody was encouraged to walk I think that's kind of part of the deal you know um our our little Dreamscape would be we have blankets so that people can bring their gra lunch go to the park hang out enjoy a day and kill some energy shop um she think that by May mayor um what I want my colleagues to know is among the many planning documents that we have the ATP and the 2007 River Road Corridor study produced by PPS both address and speak to the value of a farmers's market in Fair Heaven fundamentally to support the business district so what plans do you have in mind to connect this Willow Corridor to the business district um it would be encouraged to and not obviously not required but you know it's an 8 a.m. start I know a lot of the businesses open around 10 or so um encouraged to open your doors early um I spoke with um jevie debris the other day and she's of Canyon pass and she's um in incredibly supportive she also offered um us to let people know that they can utilize her her restroom if they need to um while they're at the market as well um encourage the people that are on River Road to open up early set up a shop out front if they can if they have the sidewalk space Harvey and the hardware stores always open quite early at that time anyway so just getting those buildings and those um those people up at that time I think it's a lot of um cross promotional marketing you know you're at the farmers market stop by RI Road books you know you're this is parallel so we're hoping that the those two things the fact that Willow Street will be closed gives it kind of like this opencape that people can walk back and forth between um Willow and River pretty easily so as you move East though from Fair Haven Road it's quite a distance until you can cut over into the business district so I know that there's a foot path behind cels I would encourage you to populate that in some way signage or sales or things on the ground saying you get to and it's we also feel quite um insulated in that area it's it's away from the traffic too so people can feel pretty safe walk but totally agree some signs in the back that connect you from Smart Start through civil school right is a great idea um I'll just mention one flag you left out the business district when you first in talked about your partners on this um they are aware of this and they have actually circulated some communication among the membership of the Business Association some of them may be on the call tonight and they encourage one another to show up if they're interested I know they are yeah so you may hear from them tonight or perhaps I've encourage them to designate someone to work more closely with you so you have a one-on-one put contact um but I'm happy to do that as well I'm always an advocate for our local businesses that's I going to stop but I for one fully believe in Farmers Market idea I think it's a good location I think the connectivity is just going to make it that much more rich and interesting and I love the way it could lead into the business district and there'll be a sort of a cross feralization tot benefiting both absolutely ni job yeah thank you B perspective we do need to know um how much impact it's going to have like you mentioned the police officer present you know they get paid and outside Duty rate that money has to come from someplace same thing with public works if there's going to be you know requirements of of their time or input um all that is going to have to be part of the overall plan yep absolutely uh the vendors are paying to participate so the money that's collected each month from from what we get from them goes into um taking care of any of the uh any of the support from the surrounding groups that would be involved in it I have a question um would this be a nonprofit have you formed it yet we would we were not I don't think we're going to be a 501c3 we were hoping to live um separately I think it that would make it a little complicated right now but I mean if you all think that that's something that we need to do we can certainly do it it's not a chable organization so it doesn't fit into one still be a profit the only concern I have is if this is something that you're going to benefit off of and make money off of then there has to be some communication because then any cost regarding the police department at DPW would have to be born out of the fair Farmers Market Venture profit that we would like the money that we take pay for the services I think what Mr soil's point is though and as you know because you we all talked about this What entity is actually cutting the check to pay for dpw's costs or the PD I get what you're saying yeah don't know the in workings of how you guys are structured financially but I don't see this living as its own Standalone I I would hope that it could be you know umbrellaed under something that is already well established has insurance has a bank account so that we can um just you know from some research we've done other towns just across a country it's aali inic Chamber of Commerce yeah which seems to make sense because again we're not to take home many roit sort of to break even with the police and anything else in the town I know the Business Association does it have its own entity I explored that for you but um it's probably worth sitting down them and um let's let's uh if they're going to utilize our insurance policy then they have to we have to figure out how to have a hold I think we know it's a need now to have a discussion let's have that discussion offline and figure out the best way to do that I have one question maybe it's two questions um as it relates to the business Community obviously we want to drive business into our business Community have we thought about potentially offering them a table abely where different businesses can marketing or whatever it might be um and or I guess the second thing is offering perhaps members of our business Community a cheaper rate if they wanted to have a table I'll just say I'm not a small business operator but I've worked with them for years that as wonderful as that is I think you should do it it comes down to having to operate a business at the same time have a table and it necessitates additional staff and it becomes operationally not a win but you might find people who want to do that but I do think that there are lots of other ways that that kind of connection beneficial connection and it's conversation starts with conversation because I think that they're going to love this but you know figuring out those opportunities for connection um is just the next step or one of the next steps it's an option it would always be an option for them to do great any other questions support it I like I think it sounds like you have some support up here question about any food that's there are there you looked into inspections by Court of Health yeah all of the vendors are are um they carry their own reses so yeah there's like a whole new jersey based system for vendors with that nice work all right moving along brush and leaf schedule and regulations thanks so little curve B I'm throwing a PowerPoint up I figure you know last one might as well you with the PowerPoint information it's only five includ the title um but you know the conversation's been really ongoing for 10 11 months now we've had discussions in multiple different for venues conversations with residents offline and in public so I wanted to take this moment before the year closes out to kind of level set all the information in one place um and if there's any questions just let me know let me let me capture everything first and then we can ask at the end so background so during fall 2022 um I was door knocking Kristen was door knocking Josh was door knocking Josh hit every single resident and the top concern unequivocally was brush and leaf pickup and inefficiencies and um and Effectiveness with the brush and Le pickup now we also know that there was a survey back in 2020 so the census data in 2020 shows 6269 residents 723 and that was the highest value responded that to 11 and a half% um out of that the uh cleanliness of the streets and the safety scored the lowest value in the survey of those 723 a little less than half uh provided answers to the additional question of what suggestions exist now granted that's 5% of residents back in 2020 doesn't include the work we did in Fall 2022 nor the brush and Le but nonetheless it was centered on uh timing it was centered on enforcement it was centered on communication um majority responses there were some ad hoc outliers and if anybody wants the data more than happy to share this we put on there so ultimately this year we formed the committee by uh Dr mayor Halper we called the BLC it was 12 volunteers from the community um and it was led by myself Teresa C Grande supported uh we also worked very closely with Rich Gardella uh Betty an um and Brock so code enforcement Communications engineering DPW um like I said we met for 10 months we continue to provide it updates and one other key background because this was the learning moment for me was to really understand a brush site permit and what's allowed there on Hendrickson and the other factor that we that we spent a lot of time talking about was um use of the site specific to residential impact and I think everybody up in this day knows the um the growth uh that has taken place to improve the use of the HRI inside to prevent the residential area from being um inundated I that's the right word with industrial leaves so that's some quick background next slide so we wanted then to frame the problem because I'm going to stress a few different things this is not onedimensional there's no Silver Bullet right so with that being said brushing Leaf materials are consistently on Fair Haven streets so the one comment and if you go drive around town now even after all the brush was picked up in zone a and Zone B there's small Pils of brush out there there's small pile of leaves out there and it's just in disarray um there's an increase in locations where grush and leaves are placed conflicting with bike paths and parking spaces so as you drive down right whether it's in the business district or you're going towards Rumson or it's the bike path as you're going to Fair Haven uh excuse me red bang there's Bren Leaf usually um somewhere along that Corridor now with the frequency of debris on the street right this is bringing into some of the multi-dimensional aspects more and more debris and sediment are making Into the Storm infrastructure so in August we removed 57 ton right that's 114,000 pounds of debris that came out of the storm order infrastructure right so that's another significant Dimension here if you have stuff constantly on the streets and with the increase of velocity of water and storm water and it's making into the drains then you have flooding right so you can quickly see how this is a multi-dimensional problem um a misnomer is is that brush removal is whole tree removal and they're not brush is not meant to be a mechanism to remove whole trees um that's not what the brush shite was meant for that's not how you know the 4ot sections and the 4 in in diameter will all derive um but there's a little bit misnomer there um the enforcement guidelines are not severe enough to deter non-compliant Behavior right I say deter because you can't have 100% compliance we will never have 100% compliance uh but the the the constant anecdote that we came back to was how Brock would go and find folks the H 100 bucks and they would say I'll just eat the fine and let it stay out right um so that was something that that kind of stum a little bit um because even the enforcement guidelines not giving um The Authority the authoritativeness required brush and leaf pickup can be more efficient especially in the fall um and then this is a really important one because you'll hear folks talk a lot about taxes and and and talk about service and comparing that 22% of the taxes we pay contribute to the municipal budget the other 70% is schools County Etc right so it's really important for every dollar 22 cents is coming to the municipal budget for everything we do BPW lease staff Insurance pension I we can go on and on and on um and what that means is that provides certain budgetary con strings that you have to walk work in right and the answer isn't just let's take out a $250,000 Bond and automatically increase taxes no matter what right is that a lever sure um but that we didn't want to do that we wanted to try and stay as cost control and give as much flexibility next slide so I want to articulate about all the different pieces of the review process right knowing that it's not onedimensional knowing that there's no Silver Bullet knowing that there's never going to be 100% compliance ever right but here was the review process we looked at 10 over 10 different towns what they brush meath was use of a can we started looking at how other towns pay for the municipal Services some towns require the residents buy their own garbage cans recycling cans some towns don't right it was a wide variety of of uh creative brainstorming that came out of this we had the townwide survey like I said Master data L of how much brush has been picked up since 2011 broken down by month right to the T um there were practical considerations discussed ratio and I we say Property Owners because I don't want to just say residents right there's commercial businesses Etc right so any Property Owners we have a large population use landscapers and some that don't I do not use a landscaper person um we talked about the inconsistent falling of leaves and global warming and how delayed that's been we talked about how the varying line SS that can impact volume um we talked about practical considerations specifically of DPW right if we only had one if DPW is fully staffed and right now I believe we're four and a half employees down right behind right so we have don't have we we should have based on our size and what we do for employees more um and that brings up a whole separate conversation with personnel and you know competitive and the workforce and whatnot um but they they go beyond just brush and leaf right the field maintenance all the long cutting field lining snow removal raising the flag holes taking care of Memorial Park for the Christmas holiday doing the uh Fair Haven um Not Fair Haven Road I always get confused River Road and and the lights right so and again we have the sheet from Rich which outlines every single responsibility of the DPW how many hours each item takes right so it was a very significant practical consideration I think we met with three times of FR now there were certain assumptions that we had to make so the first assumption was leads require more attention in the fall right there fall in the fall so let's put a little bit more attention there we said brush really requires more attention the spring right and the data supports that for the last 12 years back to 2011 that in the spring specifically April is when the most amount of brush is put out to the shet um acts of nature are in a whole separate category right so there will be acts of nature just like we had in August and I don't know if the governing body remembers there was a a nor Eastern or or some storm whatever um and it caused a tremendous amount of debris to come down DPW went out they made an ad hoc assessment and they picked up 13 loads of debris that fell from that storm and we don't do brush pickup in August but because of the act of Nature and the assessment we did so put acts of nature over here right because we we're trying to standardize a process and an act of nature is not standard it doesn't happen on you know every week every weekend um and then the fourth one was if pickups were more fre qu the volume in theory should be less right because right now pickup occurs once a month the volume grows over that so if you had more and more pickups for those people that that that put it out there would be less volume over time now there were three primary perspectives that we evaluated the current process schedule Communications and enforcement but we also recognize that two other significant factors had to be taken into consideration safety um again the bike planes the the parking spaces right and storm water right we talked about the the one example of jetting which removed 57 ton of materials that doesn't include the other I I didn't get any of the other data because we do storm uh jettison I think it's called right jettison the pipes thank you um and then education education was a big one and then we also recognize that there's a little bit of confusion we have zones 1 2 3 and four and then there's zones a b and c why not just make it consistent make a standard and make everybody on the same page so this was over a 10mon period of what we did right next slide sec we're having an issue the public oh no problem sorry public May I'm gonna start up not kidding CH wants to get out okay so soak in it up man love it um so three primary changes and we're going to go into them at a high level schedule communication enforcement these were all the different things that we had to take into consideration to balance now remember we have all the information from Fall 2022 we have all the data from Resident survey in 2020 right we had um all those different practical considerations all of it but for us it boiled down to how do we increase service how do we ensure and safety how do we ensure clean streets how do we ensure alignment with other Municipal services so we don't have cans out five days a week and you know you're you're playing like you know Frogger with your car storm water management street sweeping which is so critical because that street sweeper is is in theory doesn't happen because there's always stuff in the streets is supposed to come in after the streets been clear to pick up the sediment so that it doesn't end up in the draine and you have 57 ton of sediment that you're taking out uh staff efficiencies we're we're down 4 and a half BW employees right we've been trying to hire resident efficiency um and there's a specific OTE here and I actually have and I'll share it to you when I get to this in a second and then budget neutrality as best we can right next slide okay so here's the changes this is the final slide and this is where I want to spend a little time communication as this year has progressed we recognize what at least for me personally I'm must speak about J right now right what I've recognized right I've recognized in this town is that you know we can send out emails we can can provide updates we can go provide White Glove service right um but communication is the most important thing and and inviting residents and and informing them and educating them and and having the residents put their trust in the folks that they elected is really really critical um vegetative and yard waste I didn't even know what that meant truly um when I when I when I dove into brush and leaf it was an education to me and not only was an education with what that actually means but then the pictures what brushes what leaves is ETC and again it comes back to what is allowed at the brush grinding site and it also comes back to and here's a fun fact for everybody we are the only municipality in Mammoth County that is allowed to bring its leaves to a farm to be composted correct me if from wrong the farm closes shop 31 December and the farm has very strict guidelines on what is allowed to mulch decomposed and put back into the soil okay so that's a really important fact to keep in mind because it's not just you know commingle you can't commingle because the farmer that's trying to churn up his leaves can't churn up Rush okay well why can't I just put you know my my garden stuff and throw it in there because that isn't meant to be recycled and thrown in why can't I throw my grass clippings in well there are type c recycled material because they have fertilizer on them so they got to be disposed accordingly right it's all these different data point that quite frankly I didn't even know until I got into this and it gets back to the communication into the education piece right so hopefully I'm educating everybody in the room on the on the dial right now but communication big enforcement is another important one and again these are three um pieces to the puzzle it's not onedimensional there's no C bowet but if you tackle from these three perspectives this is where we ultimately landed so inforcement basically bottom line is every summon requires the the the recommendation has been and what the ordinance hopefully when it's Workshop next year because we're not going to get to introduce in the ordinance this year we'll Workshop introduce a do that's the process so we will Workshop this again um but enforcement increases the fines and then makes the mandatory court appearance for the first one because what we recognize is is those anecdotes where residents they pay 100 bucks leave it on the street till you know the DPW crew comes out well people really respect their time more so they got to go spend six hours at court well that's going to be much more of a deter than just having to write a check for 100 bucks to leave it out um so schedule okay so we talked communication we talked enforcement we talked all these practical considerations the data taxes all these different pieces right keep everything we talked about to come here so with the schedule I'm going to start with the first two bullets the last two bullets and on the middle and then go to the can so in January Christmas tree pickup stays unchanged right people put the trees that they just up April so we call it spring cleanup everything goes to the street right should be separated but everything goes to the street whatever you got right thought process again was that in the spring when people are opening up their houses that's when majority of the garden cleaning outs occurring if if you're going to be do you know removing tree removing it's not removal but trimming trees Etc that's what majority of it happens and again that's not just drew saying that right we have the data the actual data to support it um so that's January April I'll come back to May through September October same type of cleanup right and the thought process here was two full one most folks even if they have a landscape are going to put their house to bed right that's what I call ibody else calls it that that's what I was talk TOS you got to put your house to bed you got to do your driveway you got to blow out the the sprayers you got right all that stuff right so in in October and the second piece is is that we have to prepare for leaves right and we know right the Assumption was that leaves fall and fall we know that we have global warming we know that the leaves are sometimes falling later right we know that zone a um some usually provides feedback that their pickup already occurred and it's gone um and they're not coming around again so October fall cleanup Street no can like you do now right whatever you have at um and then rolling leaf pickup rolling Leaf put it out you have you have until November 1st till December not 31st because that's New Year's Eve I think we're every Clos no we're open till December 31st to put your leads out and it'll be rolling pickup so no more of this you know Zone ABC November Zone ABC in um December put your leaves out as you normally do big files whatever right and we'll pick it up okay now we get into the May through September and there's a couple things I want to call out here that went into this one was all the data that we had two what other towns have done successfully three the large number of residents um who hire landscapers the large number of residents and the variety and sizes of parcels and again on the assumptions that when we bring our house to house uh when we wake it up in the spring that that energy is focused um in in the springtime and not throughout the summer um so between matus and September with uh an approved container and I'm going to come back to that but what the thought process has been and where we landed was in May through September go to twice a month brush pickup right so again knowing that the more frequency so if we do if we do the spring cleanout and and and and we do a huge jolt to the system and again the the brush pickup confirms that and then we go to twice a pickup the volume of stuff that's out there in the should continue to dwindle down now um both the brush pickup and again it has cab on of the can it does and the rolling Le pickup looks to more than double what the current service is now the caveat on this is that knowing the expense to buy a can for every single resident and what that would do to taxes knowing that not every resident is going to have that much brush and participate in participate in the program and trying to find some equilibrium with what other towns have done successfully we came up with the pan you might have heard as a green pan I'm go a green pan um we would work with Fair heav Hardware to procure it at a discounted rate that would go to the homeowner um and would be delivered um we potentially would work with another group such as the Fair Haven Foundation to have an application process someone cannot afford um and it would have to be stored accordingly with our current ordinance um but the thought process was um to balance all of those different factors that we talked on slide two or three um and especially with efficiencies so I asked Rich to be here tonight because I you know if any questions of the efficiencies come up but we went down as far as brainstorming how long it takes to literally take a can and lift it into the back of the truck by multiple versus having to use the cloth versus having to and I wish I should put the picture I can show you the pictures today of going and picking out a little pile up on the ground off your hands right and knowing that we were four and a half employees less that there could be some efficiency the other efficiency which we talked about with the resident was what we saw and the actually folks who went out and saw this what were residents were putting their brush and leaves in wheelbarrows and in garbage cans walking into the curb and then dumping it we said okay well if if if cans and and wheelbarrows are a mechanism in which people are bring it to the curve anyway why leave it in and again it's not onedimensional right we're not saying go buy 15 cans because you have 15 cans every two weeks if you use the standardized process that exists you out you put most of it as you can on the front and there's unforeseen circumstances and if you have that additional brush that you want to participate in here's a mechanism that that gives you to do it twice a month going forward um so I went 21 minutes mayor apologies but I wanted to level set all the information can you define brush I'll let Rich do it he knows the definition brush Rush is considered trimmings pruning no larger than 4 in in diameter and needs to be no larger than 4T in L like Woody w w Woody clippings they call it yeah and so there's going to be like a whole list of what constitutes Woody clippings it with the exception of I'm not going to say that because it's it's not going to change what people are currently putting out it's going to change how people are putting out what what they're relying on so so basically you have leaves and you have brush leaves and brush that's lot just like we have now basically and again the leaves the the cans and the leaves have nothing to do right the leaves are put out in the fall they're put out in the spray and then it's rolling to the street this is really just centered on the can right and using the can as the mechanism between May and September to put your um brush in a can um and leveraging April as the primary month to get the big bulk rush out I well I love the idea that we're going to keep this stuff off the street I just um I think it's an idea I think actually implementing it and getting changing all the behaviors in every home is going to take time um I think the enforcement needs to be metered out over a period of time while everyone is becoming accustom to something so different um I I may not do brush which I wonder why we don't just call branches or something brush is this kind of um vague term leaves people to wonder if they could put their mums in there or you know other random things like their boxwood clippings I don't know boxwood clippings meet the definition of R so even though there's leaves on it it's still brush it's still Woody material it's still able to get ground up same pumpkins and leaves but before we get to I just I just want to hit a few things right so it's it's it's not so much that the the the standard understanding of what brush is is Murphy I agree with you but the root cause of that is not that it's hard to Define brush it's educating and communicating what brush exactly means right which we talked about um the enforcement piece I 100% agree with you and and three months ago we started instituting increased enforcement of the current ordinances to get residents ready for what is coming down the pipe so what we've done over the last three to four months from a communication enforcement and even schedule is start to implement the foundational pieces required to sure it's the greatest success is it going to be 100% successful no will this will will what it looks like in 24 you what it looks like in 25 no but what we do know is we have some very serious issues in town and we do know that we have data to support an initial direction to head we may get six seven eight months into this and realize enforcement's crazy we may get into it and realize the can's not working right but we're using best practices that that that we've seen and witness in other towns which doesn't mean that it's fair we never say hey just because that town does it we do it right but we took them as as initial vectors and then vetted it and evaluated one based on the data that we had two based on the Practical considerations and then three with the residents who volunteer to be part of redefining the process right so just wanted to kind of like you know articulate through those couple of pieces so I I think this is fantastic right if I'm a resident the way correct me if I'm wrong the way that I'm thinking about this is that the January pickup and the April pickup are consistent we we've always had them right the next four bullets are an increase in service right some of them you can up into some of them being the October pickup is new and that's going to be available to everybody corre correct so there's an increase there regardless of whether or not you decide to buy a can you're already getting an increase in service correct but this but this service you do need to buy the can up in yes I'm just thinking just from theed this is an increase in service let's put the can and and the brush aside for a second like we are doubling correct the pickup right we're now doing not just spring but we're doing fall correct and then rolling leap that's right so that's an rolling leap and the rolling Le right so that is an increase in service regardless of whether or not you participate with can and that's up to you that's your option cor right so and I can speak for me personally I don't have any brush between M and September I'm not saying that I am the I say I could say we won't do that right just knowing how we manage our property we probably won't do the can right um so this is this is to me this is a win in the sense that we're providing a significant amount of more services you know not necessarily at the cost of the taxpayer right that's that's what this is that's the way I read it I like that we're keeping it out of the storm order and that it's not going to go into the river I do think we have a couple of it's because it's not going to be Universal adoption no at one point not it's not it's it's going to be it's going to take time even with that we're going to have problems getting compliance along areas where we have bike lanes and on street parking because there is nowhere for them to put their leaves let alone their brush the brush cans of course it's simpler this actually provides a solution correct because then you can keep the can on the sidewalk on the grass right not on the sidewalk but the grass on their property strip which is too small for a can it's there's not obvious solutions for the River Road Corridor um which we got to own that figure that out I don't have an answer to it I'm just acknowledging that that particular Corridor has got both of those things that we've got to keep clear got to keep sidewalks clear biks clear and there isn't aw for them to put their leaves in their can without violating local ordinance so it's Le I don't know whether it's a leaf bag uh and the can um well that was funny too because in the survey I remember specifically someone said the burrow should have folks purchase their own leaf bags and put the leaves in the bags to help a pickup one of the survey respond what that Europe big canas bags yeah so right now everyone's used to the convenience of just hauling it jumping it in the curb this is convenient because but exactly because it's sightly it does pollute the the stormy system it does create blockages it can lead to flooding like but that's the behavior that needs to get rewired but we all know changing behaviors sees time and changing is painful right like it people listen I'm not detached from the other side of the day is not to think that RS are going to be upset change is extremely hard but we studied and evaluated this for 10 months from so many different perspectives we have to start somewhere because we can't consistently pull out 57 tons of material out of one piece of storm infrastructure right this is not this this is in response to the feedback that we got from the community we're solving a problem that they came to us correct so therefore they like any plan we're going to have some nuances that we need to figure out we saw the same thing with the farmers market right but this is overwhelmingly positive to the community correct um there are going to be some streets that need that need a little bit more Nuance but overwhelmingly positive to the community and overwhelmingly we're responded to we're responding to the feedback that they gave us yes great you stood up you want I just wanted to Dre a little bit can you show me the trimmings thing again with your hand okay um one of the things we looked at to internally is the efficiency of brush collection right now as you know we have zones a b and c so theoretically we're out there anywhere from 12 to 15 days a month picking brush up during those brush months you're going to see a front end Mador and rear Packer and typically three to four staff you'll see guys raking a guy with claw a guy you know it's quite an operation the thought process with this is by increasing even the number of pickups growing to closing a Tuesday pickup you split the town in half so one and two three and for it's a game of numbers as we talked about we have the data we know how much material we pick up when you look at the numbers now now we're going to be only going out on Tuesdays one day a week which trims it down from 4 to five days a week to one day a week you pull up with one piece of equipment you dump the can you move on it's it's a game of a few seconds you know when you run the map and how long it would take us to get through half the town you know On Any Given Tuesday and effectively the guys will they'll start at 7: a.m. and we will do our best to get all the cans picked up by the time we go home or we'll stay a little later that day whatever it takes um but it's a net gain of 12 Days gain in the days and the hours that you get back put in the bank other things within whether it's setting up for the farmers market or FS taking care of baseball fields facilities streets buing po all those things um we ran all those numbers we looked at the data and to True point is it going to be perfect in first year no it's going to be a learning process for us too logistically assuming all the equipment is up and running and and and effective but I know the guys we all met in thly too at DPW they are on board with this they're excited about it um we also think it's a safer way to pick up to brush rather than bringing the tractor down the street and especially with the number of cars on the street on a on a daily basis trying to get up and rate stuff from under people's bumpers and you know everybody out on the streets depending on you know the weather so um are you raking brush yes we have to break brush you have to when the clock can only pick up so much and then there's debr left you have to break it into small you know a small meter pile and no matter how much you rate you never get there's all that debris is still there the silt and the and things like that so I just wanted to thanks you know I forgot that number that it's 164 it sounds good to me I'm still not sure why it's not an increase in cost to our residents with that much more activity but I'm concerned about um Fair Haven Road River Road you've got two months there where you're you've got rolling pickups which means there's going to be a lot of leaves out there all the time November and December and those are shows yep um there's parking areas and and I'm just concerned that if you've got two months of leaves out there all the time where are the kids going to ride their bikes and where people going to park because put their leaves in the parking space correct and and so we spent a lot of time talking about that keep me honest here right so the reason that we we want we propose going to pick up this is there are certain corridors in town that are used more frequently um there's certain corridors in town where um kids bite to school and right now based on the Zone pickup and whatnot leaves can be out there and left I mean I have driven Down River Road which is Zone St the part the furthest part to rumon and leaves have been in the parking spaces for weeks right the last pickup was however many weeks ago so what the rolling pickup does is it'll it gives DPW the flexibility to I'm gonna say police leaf pickup taking safety in mind right so there were two areas in town one was a cuac Le and I'm not knocking on CAC with Le but one was a CAC with leaves and one was River Road where the bike after is being bed by Rees the rolling Le pick up gives DPW the flexibility to go there and get it up so it it's again it's not going to be perfect day one but the thought process was so to provide that flexibility in DPW where when they do their rounds in the morning when they're doing pickup which if you see them at 7 a.m. driving around right they're assessing what piles they're going to do if they see these piles or they know what the routes are right the this team Works closely in town so that's where that flexibility comes up as far as the cost of the homeowner are we pay are we passing for those who choose to opt in are we passing the cost of the can to them yes um we are and there was no good solution for us to buy everybody it can knowing that most folks won't opt in given that most but I forget what it was 55% of residents use landscapers right and then of those you know how many have property large enough right so the subset kept getting smaller so 100% right and is the cost of the can going to be so egregious no right from the initial assessments what I can tell you is the can at Home Depot cost $41 and Fair Haven Hardware has told us that they're going to beat that considerably right and Del little so yes we are passing that but instead of buying a can for every single home and having to maintain them and and spending probably over the bit threshold is I forget I think our trash and recycling pans are how much a person how much each the 95 gallers we wouldn't use those but they're over 100 bucks each yeah so again it just it just came to that right because we get we get up to the budgetary constraints and so do we have an option for um let's just say there's a family lives in Fair in Ops out of the can but um might have some brush that they're not going to keep on their property is there a place where they can take their brush is there an alternative to the can or nothing not in town not town can you put it in your green can H not your green can the gray can the regular trash can why not can you can you dispose of like your wigs and all that stuff so it depends on who you ask right the D would say not to do that right that you should grind it or decompose it but because people do I've been told I can put it in I I do um I I again I use most of the Twigs that fall because again I do my turn in the spring so any Twigs that fall because they're dead branches I turn into Kling for my fire so where I'm going with this is this might be part of the messaging that there are options that it's not the green can or nothing um have you you know considered keeping your branches BR it down into you know the next season it's ideal kindling um I don't want to complicate it but % correct there are options correct and um they might they might not be evident to some folks right and we' been talked about like like partnering with the Green Team and figuring out different solutions and how you can actually keep this stuff on your site and use it for like Garden nutrients and talking with other communities that do this they share too so there's that opportunity we're going to be coming through twice a month so you may not have to fill your can up that given Tuesday your neighbor might say hey might have a bar can this week sure here you go so there's other ways of you know making that available that's probably something worth fushing out a little bit 100% for in the communication efforts yeah 100% agree we do so this PowerPoint um if if if you guys want we can put the proposed action plan that the BLC came up that started the conversation three months ago all on the website we'll send a communication app again we will Workshop this again in the new year when Michael and Brian are here and they're up here um and if you know things are still progressing we'll let to introduce the ordinance in February adopted and then begin all the like work because there's going to be a tremendous amount of work on communication coordination with fairen Hardware I'd like to suggest a longer window of communication um I don't know if everyone's open to that but I'm we are going to have to go to you know look at our contracts for trash and recycle while it's a separate service for folks at home it's the way they manage their properties and they're costom to certain things if that changes which I don't know that it will but if there are any changes into that and we're introducing a change to brush and leaf it it's a lot to integrate yeah I agree um and not everybody's on the B website researching how know and In fairness they shouldn't have to but but it's going to take a while for this to saturate the collective mindset so messenger okay is what it's called the first we to pass the ordinance oh yeah correct got some time we got there but I know that first thing is pass the ordinance I'm saying first thing is communication that's what I'm saying we can start with putting the presentation everything out online and start getting feedback I'll work with the and Allison on that yeah get stuff out there we'll set up that be great absolutely well that you know I've spoken to a lot of residents on this right I'm when I say a lot I'm going to say since since doing the initial presentation probably two dozen people that have reached out proactively saiding hey Drew like I had a question and most of it was a misunderstanding and whatnot and then I forget who I was talking to somebody and like say hey we should really centralize and put it out there people be able to consume it for the next three to four weeks I'm always available everybody appears always available we keep the conversation start to J message so sorry to take up so much time but I thought it was important and I know Chris is fully supportive I have my support Enthusiast fa all right uh moving along public comment on agenda items only this is uh only comments on agenda items please stand and identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please try to observe a Time Lim of three minutes anyone in the public with a comment on agenda items only yes sir I love the idea of the Rolling brush the rolling leak thing in what it is October November I think that's my concern is the beginning of the season in April if you follow the existing ordinance or whatever you have three days you're not supposed to put your brush out for three days prior to your week of pickup so that means you can put your stuff out on Friday for a Monday pickup we updated it to two Saturdays before your pickup so you get two you get two full weekends of Preparatory work because that's my thing yeah sorry mention that I'm retired but three days to get everything out of the curve and if I miss it then I'm screwed and everything has to go in a c two full weekends so my second thing is can you buy can you get more than one can I idea that you can borrow but I've done that with garbage and everything else you can have there's no limit the second just the point of I'm love you 57 tons of of of materials materials that you're sedimental what yes but when was the last time that those catch basins were cleaned out years fair question okay so so it's not as if that happen in a period of year that's a long period of time yeah and street sweeping I live here for 27 years and only since we've gotten these new street sweepers as I have I seen the street sweep I mean maybe 27 years ago one came by once or twice now there're sweet sers but I also think to the point of cars being in the road maybe there has to be some kind of schedule so there can be no parking and I hate to make it seem like a city kind of thing but no parking on Tuesdays on the east side of P road so you know that you can't have I parked I had four cars my kids were home we had four cars in the drive we parked in the driveway but neighbors were parked in front of my house I had haven't had my street swept with street sweeper in months because there's always the car good point we had a schedule that would be awesome okay that I guess is it on I did have another comment the agenda yes on the fishing and crabbing so for fishing and crabbing all of the comments all of the the changes have to do with wild fishing in prity yes but do we really want people being able to pitch a tent even if they're not grab do we want people to have a 50-gallon cooler if they're not do want people with an open CLI even if they're not grabbing if I go with my wife she's not grabbing she pitches a tent get out R mattress rolls out 50 gallon cooler one back that's okay has she done that oh but I'm just saying prac stand there could always be an additional ordinance yeah but across the board thing we shouldn't have open fires anywhere we have people could theoretically I could ditch a tant in fairen fields in the in the woods there well I don't I don't know the ordinance in fairen fields I don't believe that that would be [Music] true in this was only meant to tackle and I get to my I and I totally understand that but I think there's there's a big loophole that if their objective is to keep people off of that dock doing things they don't want to do it should be across the board we had that initial discussion and when we had all the feedback on 21 PR Road the the consensus from the residents in that neighborhood was that the issue containing to fishing and crabbing that doesn't mean that we're not going to extend it doesn't mean we're going to change it but we got to have a starting Place based on and and let me just answer that too I don't necessarily because it hasn't been an issue want to put something on the record that says that a baseball team can't bring a large cooler full of Gatorades to parad and Fields oh I'm saying limited to the dock there should be sign at the dock no tents no mates no whatever El I'm just going to close with one thing with the the folding chair friend if I was a grandpa walking down to the dock to be with my grand to fish with my grandson grandchild I couldn't bring a chair we have we have benches that go around the entire outside of the dock but I'm that goes for water park because it's a water way and I'm going to freshwater fish with my son and I'm G to teach him how to fish I can't from a chair I just think the chair thing FES it a little I don't think you're necessarily wrong what I would say to you is I kind of like to see the way it's written for to see how it's implemented see if it works and if we need to pull something back I think it's very easy for for a future governing body to make make a change um if we get feedback from the community that I I can't believe I I can't bring my chair here anymore you hear that from more than one person and that's something we'll thoughtfully fion suit from some the chair company says I'm just saying from Ada some Ada lawyer who this is what they thrive on should say got a handicapped person can't bring a chair and sit I just think it's not really necessary to go back that's thank you anybody else in the public with an agenda item only 5ad just Fe back on what Bill was saying are there plans to clean up the pipes more often than 10 every 10 years because I think that's probably going to be a big part of it and the other Pieces Just even today like on the end of Colonial Court on Smith Street the there's a huge pile of leaves right on the gutters so is that part of this plan I feel like maybe should be considering more often clean just general cleanups of even just the problem areas are going around town after a big storm like yesterday is that part of yeah there was one of the piece to on um adopt the storm water inlet we'll talk about got it we're getting a littlee of the SK but yeah yes I'd also hope that those leaves wouldn't be there because we're picking up the leaves often they would make their way to the Dr yeah and to his point the leaves are out there for two weeks when they're not supposed to be anyway so hopefully this will solve some of that um and Betsy I agree River Road and F Haven Road people leave their leaves all the time even people who know it's an issue who are flooding are still leaving their leaves there so the inl and then yeah there's no flooding though today about 7. little TI my backyard a little bit um and I just want to say Chris thank you for all you've done for the town and I look forward to and hopefully we can Brian can feel what we've been doing so I'll give you my shoes I'll leave them thank thank you appreciate that may not be able to fill your shoes but I don't think we'll be able able to fill the bur engineer sock game over there is there anyone else in the public the agenda item only comment no Alison okay first is [Music] Chris there we go okay Chris Hemstead Willow Street how are you um first thanks Chris Rodriguez for your tireless work and support your friendship and your correspondence throughout the years on on many issues you know that we were on the same side and and opposed you've always been fair and and and balanced and easily approachable and I've always appreciated that um with respect to the um leavs and the pickup one thing maybe to think about and and you don't have we don't have to discuss it but just to think about is maybe there's a rolling period of adaptation where um maybe a zone or a part of a Zone goes first and you know and and the town will in a sense temporarily subsidize the cans contingent on the whole plan working and if it works you know okay the people who are part of the pilot program you know have two years or three years if they don't want to pay the 70 bucks or something and then just sort of proof a concept if it's not working it doesn't work it was a good effort didn't cost the town a lot of money and if it does work you've got Pro of concept or something like that I don't know maybe and sometimes that helps people with the change you know easing into it a little bit and the other part of that is I just remember you know my wife and I were dating and go to her house and we would bag the leaves and that was in New Jersey not too long ago and I don't remember that being a a terrible thing in a as opposed to the cans I kind of like the cleanliness to the can but maybe bagging is easier for people and and cheaper I don't know um and then lastly on the agenda items is the uh the farmers market I think it's I look I I love the farmers market idea I think it's uh uh it's a I go to the one in Red Bank frequently and um I'm a big fan of that of that whole concept um but one thing I I wouldn't mind the council taking into consideration is is maybe allowing for it to if the if the traffic study doesn't seem to work that well um with you know police helping navigate the two-way traffic temporarily one day a month or if it's really crowded maybe maybe on Street isn't the place maybe they can use the park um there's many farmer farmers markets that are in parking lots and many that are in Parks uh I think I think the one in Atlantic and the one in Highlands is in the park and they get you know they get a decent amount of foot traffic through there so just something to consider you know as you're thinking about how to structure the Farmers Market on Willow Street um and I can say that just because you know look with school drop off and pickup it's one thing um I don't think the farmers Market's going to be that concentrated with business you know I don't think we have you know thousands of people coming but um I hope we do but uh if we do it's obviously going to be a bigger traffic thing for the town so maybe inside the park is is something to consider I don't know if it's the right answer but at least um I just beg the council to you know to think about those things in an effort to get this you know farmers market off the ground that's it thank you Chris I think we can share that with um we we'll share that with the farmers market team and you know so the only thing I can think of is like how the um Fireman's Fair looks at the end of the week but I also think this is not as much traffic fo traffic it probably wouldn't eat up the grass the same way so there's a lot of things to work through with the farmers market yes okay Alison [Music] o'ri hi sus good evening um I have two things to uh bring up about um the brush and leaf I wanted to clarify that the green can is for branches hedge trimmings and bushes Bush trimming like for for cyia that anything that's Woody it's not for weeds flowers Vines leaves or grass and that really needs clarification because I don't think it will be picked up if it's in the can with those items secondly landscapers don't necessarily take the debris away with them my neighbors don't they put it in the street so even if somebody has a landscaper they may need to get a green can for their brush awesome Susan sure thank you yep and then I have Ruth evening I have to Echo the sentiments of the gentleman who commented on the folding chairs thing through this whole thing I don't think that you took into consideration the number of seniors that still live in Fair Haven and where yard maintenance in any way shape or form is a challenge you're adding to it I have said all along the Fair Haven is over administered keep it simple uh just forget this whole green can thing just well let me put it this way little silver gave up I don't know if you checked with them when you were doing your survey but they they simply said put it out at the curb and we'll get to it when we get to it nobody was bent out of shape how did that work out have you heard anything people haven't stopped buying houses in Little Silver because there are leaves in the street it just to me this is just another regulation that is unnecessary it's a matter of simplifying it for the residents and I agree that you should keep the zones down to either letters or numbers so if you're in it you're in it you're not a two different a letter and a number and a whatever and try to figure out when your day is uh the other thing has to do with the chairs the way the ordinance is written or the way you've got it written there it isn't just confined to people fishing or whatever crabbing off the dock it seems to include also people who fish from the little Bridge there on River Road almost into Red Bank it it encompasses practically any of their access to waterways am I correct Mr attorney yes yes you are so you know if I if I if well I'm not I'm not fishing but I've seen people down there and they lean on the U the cement side rail or whatever it is but you really need to be able to bring a full in chair it is it is not nice to expect people to stand from for hours if they are out there trying to fish or relax or whatever so reconsider that thank you Ruth another thing uh sebrite is about the same 1.6 miles 1.5 miles of Aira sebrite picks up garbage year round Mondays and Thursdays every Thursday you can put your bulk out and I think they're doing a terrific job I don't think they're inundated with stuff but they've got a simple schedule and it works and I don't see why we can't do it you folks seem to be forgetting that Fair Haven is a small town it's really a small town it should be better managed in my opinion okay that's it that's it all your comments the only thing I I somewhat disagree with is you always talk about us being so costc conscious and the two things that you talked about adding additional trash pickup and just constant uh brush and leaf pickup would would be um exorbitantly expensive for the burough fair and and would add to your well obviously obviously they don't pick up leaves in January or brush in February they do have month they don't do the brush I'm talking about the trash the trash it's just consistent all year round people do not have to refer to a calendar and say this is the month that they do uh brush or anything like that they just do brush from I believe it's May to November brush and leaves and you can put it out on your second pickup day and it's that simple it's that simple this this has to be able to be done better and as far as spending money I will hearken back to something that I mentioned when we were talking about the community center if you really wanted to save money you'd move the library onto a second floor in a building that already has the Mechanicals in it so that five or 10 years down the road you're not coming back to us and saying we need a new library and it's a better location than the center of town where the new community center would be so if you're going to save money you got to save it across the board thank you we $4 million of cost on the design of the new DPW and police department buildings I'm pretty um I'm pretty confident that this governing body is making decisions um with taxpayers in mind and maybe we don't get them all 100% correct we're going to keep on trying to do our best we're very thankful for your feedback Alison else Mark hey Mark hey Josh just a quick question for you drew and maybe for Rich did you ever Calculate cost per yard of leaves or cost per scoop of leaves or the brush the total amount of cost the way you're currently doing it that's all yes and share off fline if you want to Mar perfect thank you El anyone else that's all yes thank you uh moving along to approval of minutes uh starting with the October 23rd 2023 regular meeting motion please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes November 13 2023 regular meeting motion second Alison I please have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes do we have enough people to approve the executive session majority you only have okay November 27 2023 executive second motion second Alon may I please have a roll call yes yes yes okay uh hearing and Adoption of ordinance number 20239 add section 9 uh 96 fishing and crabbing regulations from public streets rights of way and water from properties do I have a motion to open motion open second all in favor I I anyone opposed there anyone up here that has any comments anyone in the public has any comments on fishing and crabing is there anyone online uh do I have a motion to close motion to close second all in favor I anyone opposed I have a motion to approve motion second Alon I please have a roll call call abstain yes C yes yes Mar yes uh thank you uh moving along to new Business Council committee reports um just uh before I move to finance I just I want to give uh one lasting thought that I am going to have with Chris is I don't know if it was October or September but um we had a need on the financial committee and you know someone in your position who's winding down his minutes and counting the days on the door could have easily turn your back and said I'm good uh no no thank you but you stepped up and fulfilled that need and um just another feather in your cab so I thank you for that and as I say that Finance Fire by police fire and OEM councilman Rodriguez thank you um I'll keep it short a little selfs serving but uh Finance was to have a um a committee meeting uh last week or it was U maybe it was tomorrow we we we moved that out to the new year so um no no report um from Finance um police uh fire and OEM um Drew and I uh continue to work with um the fire uh company to work through some items for next year um so I'll be handing the rins over um at the top of the hour I think to with luck to Andrew on all of that so um I have nothing else to report thank you uh Personnel followed by parks and wreck councilwoman home uh person person you know for those of you that read the buds today perhaps um our library assistant is retiring and that buano after 21 years service to to the community um at the end of December so um you know simultaneously we have spent the past two months vetting uh Betsy and I and Teresa a number of candidates that have applied for various roles in the Fair Haven Library and we're pleased to announce um in addition to the library director which we which we've spoken about at prior meetings we're um bringing on a team of assistant and I think combined and Betsy would would agree and Teresa would probably agree it's a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and excitement lots of fresh ideas um and so I think that the potential for the library is is pretty significant some more to come um but we're starting with the the new team and also thanks Anette for her for her service um Parkson w we had our last meeting of the year a couple weeks ago we talked about the farmers market we talked about um this SP free Fe program that will be launched in in um in 2024 and we also had a pretty uh in-depth conversation around some repairs that need to occur at the sickle playground and so more to come on that but we are looking into further conversations on costs and how to manage that um with schools so so you know recognizing that the sickle's playground is is widely used by a number of students at sickle so more to come on that but it is something we're looking to I wanted to just quickly um Circle back on the aeds because I know it came up a couple of times earlier this year so you know a couple of had expressed interest in installing aeds we did we did respond quickly to the feedback we bought a number of aeds we repaired a couple that needed batteries um so we're pleased to announce right now that we have four that are currently installed with a fifth that will be installed in the community center once the community center is up and running so two at Fair Haven Fields one is at the um playground next to the concession stand uh one next to the batting cages which is stand at the lower Fields uh B Centennial Hall we have have one here inside the building DPW we have one inside the building um and then again Community Center will'll have another one installed once that building is complete um all of the units give verbal step-by-step directions if anybody would like specific training coaches whoever um you know we're happy to talk about that offline but but there are verbal step-by-step directions and they can be used on adults and children um so you know the the ongoing maintenance will be maintained by um by our uh police officers which is great um but we're really excited about you know sort of responding to um Community feedback and please to announce that we have four install com that's awesome thank you uh Council mot board anything planing board um there was no meeting in December due to a lack of agenda our next meeting is January 16th which will be the reorganization meeting for the planning board great thank you um moving along councilman law Barbara engineering DPW bough facilities zoning board thanks Mr Mayor uh zoning board we had our final meeting in December uh R January you'll pick back up in February uh engineering DPW just can hit four items uh the marter pond work concluded we're waiting to get the final assessment report on what was done and then what potentially we can start again um right in 2024 uh Fair Haven Street lighting projects be have to bid any day now uh Fair Haven Road Project on the um resolution tonight which is 299 the last one so uh this is the uh second site site survey required so that we can do the design of Fair Haven Road based on the grant right we have a million dollars in grant money to do Fair Haven Road from where Lup is all the way to where rson begins um we have to do the second site survey and this has to be out awarded by a April um and the goal is to start at the last day of school the last day the day after the last day of school and then have it done before kids go back to school so we're not impacting the routes um and then the micro projects I'm trying to see what we can continue moving forward as we go um on facilities um likely going to do a little bit of an update towards the year end just kind of wrapping up I'm going to add a few different things on uh three different facility sites um so PD and Community Center Foundation are being back filled compacted uh uh waterproofing the the goal is to attempt to pour the slab before the uh the cold uh weather comes apparently you can lay concrete above 35 degrees but then you need to put a blanket on it afterwards which was super interesting uh steel delivery is going to be in February um we've had a tremendous amount of um on-site discussions Teresa Rich crane Engineers gc's owners rest we're going to have to temporarily use the park for some uh steel deliveries so more to come on that we're waiting for a logistics plan waiting outline what the left and rights are but just want to give the heads up and we did walk through with the historic commission I don't know if I said that last time apologies um on DP and I'm not going to get into next steps we'll pick it up in January it's kind of status quo now to to keep working towards this SLB DPW um we are green uh the project will start no later than 01 February so we're in the process now of getting the paperwork in order mobilization we're going to close down the recycling center but do it after the holidays so that when folks have an inated um on the agenda tonight it's number two 98 this is the licensed Plate Reader so that's that piece of equipment we've been talking about the last governing body meetings it's Hardware what this is going to allow it's adding Hardware to do realtime license plate reading so that when this security system is set up at the recycling center and people are illegally dumping the police department's be notified in I'm going to say near real time it's probably milliseconds but I can't say real time because it's not true near real time milliseconds to be alerted then go over there not to mention all the other information and I can provide more information on that um so that's DPW we're going to Target groundbreaking mid January um fuel tank we're conducting some additional analysis we're looking toward that tonight we're going to push that to January um and offsite mle Avenue we'll look to get that out to bid in the New Year we assess that um we can bring it in house do some additional design engineering save up to 200 Grand from what was originally came in um by Centennial Hall we've had multiple meetings uh we have an updated draft plan uh of moving forward not going to get into it the key stakeholders are are involved to include those on multiple different committees so in the spirit of time that is everything I have Mr Mayor great thank you uh B Communications community outreach Council M Paul thank you mayor um let's see Outreach Communications have a special meeting to which councilman La was invited and heard an entire hour to really um Workshop the whole uh brush and Le Communications at the moment I can't report a complete but conceptually we have a draft in mine that would show uh well we have two drafts they're going to be developed in parallel so the group can evaluate it um one would be a one page that shows essentially all the bur services trash recycle um brush Leaf um and a bul pickup and Street sweep now that's a lot to get on one page um it's a graphic visual uh art assignment and but we're getting there and if we failed to put everything on one page and we feel like it's not going to really convey all the information we wanted to we're working um at the at the same time on a one page that would basically illustrate the brush and Lea program separately so more to come on that um we also um recognize that thankfully ab and C zones will be going away but even with that some folks will still say they don't know their Zone fair enough um so we're looking to develop a QR code once scin will prompt the user to enter their address or even just the street that they're on the street name and they the information will pop back to them what zone they're in I've been told it's fairly simple to set up and that most the obviously all the information is available to just how it's organized so more on that um the environmental commission held its last meeting and the 13th of this month they're working on an annual report to includ a focus moving forward to 2024 and partnering with local all our unofficial bodies who are doing work throughout faen to include Natural Area and the garden p over in bir Sanctuary Third Street Trail these are all connected with the environmental commission's work and so the AR Court will touch on how they're going to be fering those connections um the green team had a sport swap I believe that um is still on goinging eye contact still ongoing ongoing I mean did it all happen it all happened like it it was it was awesome do it again absolutely the the year okay I'm sure Council D will inform us moving forward um the shry commission held it last meeting of 2023 on 126 of this month um they're also preparing their annual report I'm just going to do like a high level takeway the I have to I have to really give a shout out to Christie lson she's phenomenal um she keeps track of every detail she's able to produce it on upon request when the commissions meet this an environmental Commission and shade tree commission so I've had to transfer it closely with her and my role as L and one of the things she developed is a running log of the applications for applications for ret treat permit removal and we processed 123 applic applications I'm looking at you day this is your yeah your wheelhouse 123 applications this year so far the year is not at an end yet which totaled 100 uh 233 trees removed some of those having been sick or diseased or dead of we don't have a complete replacement of all the trees that are required under that permit approval we know that 56 trees were planted thanks to the resident tree buying program so uh the shade tree commission intends to do a good job of sort of getting a better handle on that with the idea that more trees would be going in the ground than are coming out so um the grants committee is meeting later this month I think I'm not sure um but it's a great group I want to compliment Chelsea um who's great Kristen and I get to work with her and she we have and I just want to like a flag couple things green Anchor's funding um the round is open and there are two sort of avenues there's a there's a there's a universal open playground which is based on a law that should make playground equipment available to anyone who wants to be able to go there whether you have a disability or not and then um funding through Green Acres for planning acquisition um at for open space and up to $700,000 and I'll just stop up for a moment to say that that's probably something we might want to really take a look at given what we have on our plates whether it's for um examining public access to Waterfront or repurposing any of other parks that need upgrades this is something the grants committee has started to template an executive executive summary for you and we'll perfect that a little bit more um for the next meeting so you'll have something to review uh the business district hosted a just a wildly successful Soul along with the rec department I don't who here was out that night December 8th she's crowds everywhere um bigger I mean I think record setting crowds is kind of what I'm hearing from everybody um there was at times Pence moment some traffic safety moments um handled brently by our PD I think we should I'm just gonna put it out there it's something you may want to talk about before we get too much past the second quarter whether or not the that event needs some additional safety measures perhaps even closing Street County Road I get it but there are times when it's necess necessary um the historic Association Fair which I always like to tell you guys about is hosting a small little thing at by Centennial Hall there's wishing tree and a cold drive and if you care to step by make a wish tie it onto the tree and send some Goodwill into the world that's what that's there for and that's my report I would like to say actually my final report of U the outreaching communications chair thank you uh moving along to the consent agenda we're talking about 2023 291 to 299 does anyone want to separate anything I just have one question I actually sent it in the email but I I realize everybody gets busy what address is block 77 Lots 2 three 324 3 two which I think is that last pass before the the last properties on the West Side heading south okay before you hit the woods the sidewalk we had the developer put in yes for that two loock subdivision yes it would be a possibility of continuing That Sidewalk across those two properties okay we're not sure we have right away gotcha right gotcha thank you teres did we uh last meeting we had uh was something you check on the on the payment of vouchers yes I did I have it right here it was the the serum bill I I went on u i spoken to uh to uh Mike Edwards and went over what he actually had done that was specific to Fair Haven and most notable what he had researched and included in what he was sending to uh the planning board uh he obviously copied our planner and and GRE kenon also on language that needs to be added going forward for that was related to affordable housing so it was pafic Fair Haven um and I did tell him that in the future if if something like this is is is going to be put out just give us a heads up ahead of time that that uh you know that it's going he understood so we're fine um have a motion to approve motion second Alison may I please have a roll call that's yes yes yes yes yes okay Department reports October 2023 uh tax collector and then variety of reports from November 2023 do I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted motion a thank you second all in favor I anyone opposed okay uh good to the burrow please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please try to observe a Time three minutes s anyone to the public with a go to the Bur comment I you're fire yeah you're going to like this one um unfortunately earlier today was at a funeral um I was there with my mom and my sister and I told them not to come because it was going to be like one minute resolution and I just want to publicly apologize to them because they would have really enjoyed what you guys did earlier and what the scouts did earlier so I'm kidding as side sort of not really kidding I apologize weren't here but um it was really meaningful I really appreciate the sentiments and I'm I'm going to miss it so it's been anyone else in the public Alison I actually have one go the I have one thing as well okay to go first um I want to also thank councilman NE um who spent three years on on uh on the council here it doesn't go without said that uh you know she spent a lot of her personal time volunteering to the buau and the things that she was passionate about so I want to make sure I recognize that and I also um you know being that this is the last council meeting of 2023 uh I I want to make sure that I thank everyone and I'm sure I'll miss someone but especially this governing body um I really think we achieved a Monumental amount of things uh in this calendar year something that we should all be proud of not only in in in the in the moment but years down the line when we all are lucky enough to you know sail out into the sunset we can look back on everything that we achieved together um I think we did a really good job and we wouldn't have done it without the support of the burough staff yeah and and um that's everyone at B Hall that's our Police Department our fire department our DPW um you know and then as it extends out to all the volunteers in the community that supported uh Us in all these Endeavors and and the confidence that our public has in us to to make make all of these decisions on their behalf so um I really think it was a successful year I just want to put a bow on it um and tell you how thankful I was uh that that it went the way it did and with that I'll pass it over to this is really very simple um I was reading the paper on Sunday and I suly caught my eye they did a big article on Lake of pacon and one of the things I noted that the lake is the six miles long and it covers 2600 Acres but once a year they have a lake wide community cleanup where uh you know people come out and and they volunteer uh they drain the lake a little bit they clean it up and I really the mayor and I have spoken about the store I think there's a potential now that moving along with marar Pond I think there's areas of marar pond it's very clear that um with the regulations that as long as you're uh hand daing or working you know without major um you're allowed to do that and I think it's something that with the environmental commission perhaps weighing in and and working together um we could probably put something together um on an annual basis for the also very interesting mayor sure Susan hello again I um I had another thought before and I finally found the resolution uh there was some concern about um the Leaves Long River Road and actually as part of the ordinance which is 2019-10 um residents on River Road are permitted to place their leaves in plastic bags but I don't think anybody knows that uh I also I pulled out the resolution I also noticed um that it it's says grass clippings raking and plantings are prohibited from the county landfill that is not correct they do take grass now so when this is being updated I think that also has to be looked at we'll do I I will bring it up when this uh ordinance comes up to um be adjusted for the new rushan Leaf um and then I have one more question I lost Sunday for leaves now because I've been on this brush and leaf committee I have always tried to um you know abide by the rules Etc so I have not put my leaves out before uh last Thursday and um however my neighbors all had their leaves out for weeks so now I have a dilemma because I still have a small amount of leaves to put out will there be another sweep before the end of the year for leaves early um yesterday we I believe we did River Road just to get ahead of things even though technically the pick uper Z seem was not starting till today but we will be coming back around if we did that did we do your yesterday morning oh yes so that was just in preparation of that storm that was coming as well to get as much up as we can in some of those areas but you'll see crws coming through River Road Again a Zone towards the end of this week so you still have some time oh so they're coming again this week yeah normally if we hit a street ahead of schedule we will do the courtesy of going back around and see if there's any extra piles out okay because I I'd like to get the leaves out of my driveway okay do you want the bagged or just free I would do traditionally I think you put them out Loose don't you I always just drag them out and put them loose it's a pain in the ass to bag them put them out the way you would normally put them out and I'll let you guys know that'll be back around sure okay and I and I also noticed that a couple of my neighbors are now getting some kind of a a warning or a summons because um they had mixed in branches with leaves and that's what happens with the landscapers they just do whatever they want to do all right that's it one to the 60 seconds I promise um I would like to propose at the end of this year because I know when the year starts we get budget and everything you know we get slammed with a lot of things but while we all have maybe a little bandwidth um I'd like to suggest that we consider looking at the master plan to see the re-examination report that was done in 2016 to look at what's still left undone and truthfully it's it's it's h it's not that big of this we did two of the five significant bodies work affordable housing PLS in place and we also conducted that Transportation PL now piece of our circulation element of the master plan remaining undone is the business district Vision plan and um conservation um and management element I'm bringing this up now because our planning board is not too busy right now which might be an ideal time um uh to ask them to evaluate those outstanding items is that to is that a dog no that was Susan she oh you like the idea so it's hous keeping at the end of the year this is this this is a reexamination of a reexamination these things have been lingering for a long time and they're important it's important business for Fair Haven so I'm suggesting that uh we can talk about it in January or February but while we all time enjoy your holidays and think about these couple lingering planning Industries Allison we're good okay with that we're going to move towards executive session the time is 8:57 p.m okay uh do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 PM i' like to make a motion oh to close the meeting at2 yeah all in favor anyone oppos