that was just last night [Music] all right we're going to call this meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. we're going to start with the Sal the flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States America for it stands na indivisible for all please join me in a moment of Silent reflection thank you the Sunshine Law notice in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from Burl Hall 748 River Road Fair Haven New Jersey public participation for this regular council meeting of January 22nd 2024 is available by call and phone number or through Web Conference Zoom members of the public will be on mute until it is time for questions or comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question or comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of this meeting was included in a schedule of meetings which was adopted by resolution number 202 24-13 and sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River conss on January 4th 2024 post on the Burl website the Bolton board and the municipal building and has remained Contin ly posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given the bur clerk is directed to include the statement in the minutes of this meeting Alison man please have a roll call council members Cole herei here here H here La here here okay thank you um I'd like to start off uh we have an official Commendation uh for life saving which is just about the greatest thing that I could possibly have the honor of uh of performing tonight here um I think you know a few months ago and and the year before this we all talked about when we discussed the possibility of uh bringing these special Law Enforcement Officers into the schools we said we hope that they were wasted money we hope we wasted the money and we never had to use them um now that they're there we couldn't be happier that we had to use them for such an important an important moment um in Saving one's life so I'd like to call up uh William Butch Stevenson the front here I'm going to read this uh this is an official Commendation for life saving on October 23rd 2023 William Butch Stevenson class three special officer at sickle School observed the school employee choking on something while eating officer Stevenson immediately went over to assess the situation and performed the heck maneuver which dislodged what the employee was choking on allowing him to breathe on his own with no further treatment as a direct result of Officer Stevenson's immediate life-saving actions that day A traumatic event was able to be prevented his quick action and professionalism reflect the highest tradition of the Fair Haven Police Department mayor I saw principal Schwarz too you able to turn thank you want to thank everybody showed up my uh old colleagues from the Sheriff's Office showed up my family and all the offers here and um thank you for me this is one of the best jobs I've had and I work in a lot thank you so much I school and everybody there thank you so much thank you you than you guys thank you thank you okay uh moving along we have a tree appeal for e68 River Road before we get into it is Carrie V Winkle white here yeah car we're not going to for you like we did the you could stand up hi my name is car WN white I live at 868 River Road I've resided there for 20 years um we have two trees in my yard that are in need of um being full it's not something I wanted to do I had a tree fall on my roof in 2019 it went through the roof and the roof had to be replaced I do have two daughters and one of the trees is very close to the window of my house and I put it off because I didn't want to get rid of it but it's it's really with the storms it's really dangerous I have pictures to show you and I do plan on of course I'm Cloud resident I plan on replanting 78 foot coners in our backyard in by June with new seaing inside I've always think do you have um were you the one that built deck around the tree or it was already like that it was like that when I purchased it in 2003 okay you have the pictures yeah I can see the need for their removal and and I also appreciate the fact that you're um saying to plan absolutely it sounds like U maybe you're thinking about our variety is that what you think do you have a shade tree I think you have one red maple right in the front yeah yeah I certainly don't object I understand to I think basis of the denial had to do with the percentage of theing correct and I've honestly put it off for a long time because I haven't wanted to do it but it's at the point now the fre of and I want my with h once I can't take that chance I me it went through my me you put it in perspective you've waited 21 years right because you said you moved in 2003 correct and and the Jack kept going slower and I was like it's fine it's fine it's really not it's way time any else well one thing so there's one in the backyard one in theard no they're both in the backyard one is both okay one is next on my deck one oh okay okay all right so that's your back okay okay and the other one right there got it okay sounds good anyone have a motion to approve motion to approve second all in favor I anyone oppose thank you you next up we have a tree appeal at 25 toplar and is Sean Lynch present right Sean Lynch on the on Zoom is on Zoom yes okay Sean hi good good afternoon good evening how are you well thank you appreciate your time no worries okay so you you're asking to remove um five large mature white pine trees is that oh it was three three of them are pin three of which are very large got it and the other two are one is uh um I forget which one it was the request is only for three White Pines five trees okay so it's a total of five trees three of them are the are White ponds correct yes and and the picture I'm looking at the White Pines are the larger trees I'm looking at next to the fence that's pulled back yes that's [Music] correct okay and uh I have a letter here from you is there anything you want to add to that letter uh yeah I've been a resident of far Haven for 35 years now uh I've you know lived here my entire life um actually had the opportunity to purchase my parents house I've seen these trees I've grew up with them uh and you know I can see that they're becoming a nuisance and that they cause future damage in the F in the near future yeah sure Sean um and are and you're you understand that you be required to plant new trees yes of course I was actually looking at Red Maples I believe that's one of our that's a nice choice for a native and you're aware you have a zova in the front yard not an Elm oh no I wasn't aware of that but thank you it's a detail I don't know how critical it is it did ask the tree specialist for some clarification on it is the front yard tree one that you would prefer to remove as well no it's just the three White Pines in the backyard that are that I'm looking to have removed arel said the hemlock is disease the F tree so your application refers to five trees oh we thought that two we thought that two were on our property but we had a um just looked at and reigned from our neighbor our neighbor so there's one white pine tree the hemlock and then there Z or just three white pines just the three white pines and if the hemlock is uh diseased we would be happy to have that removed as well okay so so you're mentioning that you want to replace them I think you said with red Maples how many red Maples you replacing the three threes with it it was my intent to have three red Maples and two uh black chestnuts walnuts you're you're putting in five tree you giving us five trees for the three you're taking down yeses got it okay questions I mean my my only thing mayor is so Sherry's assessment here is far different than the previous application right right so the previous application is basically saying hey both trees have damage although one is significally worse I would recommend B trees being removed due to their existing condition whereas sher's assessment here is while understand the reasoning behind the removal I mean she's on zo yeah no that's fine I just what what I'm having a hard time is I understand a dislodged fence is problematic I i' I've been there with my fence and my trees I can understand to an extent the biodiversity of the backyard but besides adding grass and trees I really don't know what other Greener is going to be added um I have no issues on the hemlock since Sher said it's disease I'm not a prop of the zakova that's the same one that was by the BP is that the same of BR it is I'm not sure it's conditioned which Buy Ask Sher for clarification on that yeah so I would defer to if I believe she is Sher is present yeah so if she's present let's see if that the change in the application or what they want to remove would warrant a new application or if she's okay with the fact of what they're now proposing hi hi Shar hi are you asking if is if they need to do a new permit to reduce to three no what I'm what I'm asking is two things right so the scope of the application has changed from which was initially submitted number one number two your assessment here is that you understand the reason behind the approval removal which is very different than given an assessment that their disease they need to go so if you can one expand on what you understand behind the reasoning and two if the change in the scope of the application changes what your professional recommendation is as the certified tree expert so I think the only reason for the change is because one of the trees is not on his property right so he's going to go from five trees to removing four trees um so I don't so I think maybe there was confusion his tree service provided um an inventory of his property and I just noted the zelkova because the tree service wrote it was an Elm and then there was lots of species in the backyard that didn't exist so I just made a note of that he did not ask to take out the zova nor was I recommending it it's just I was just noting that that inventory was not accurate that's helpful yeah yeah the the picture that they drew of all the trees makes it looks like there's a lot of trees out there there aren't um it's really just the Pines along the side and you know the hemlock and whatever the one was over his property line there's nothing in the backyard really Sher do you do you agree uh with the sentiment that the fence was damaged due to the trees root system yeah I mean they are really large white pine trees and they're they're growing in between the two sidey yard fences so like running out of room over there and so they're pushing out the fence Sean um do you plan to replace that fence or you're going to fix it it would once we have the trees removed we were going to fix the fence with a with a true prop line question for sh um from your visit can this site accommodate four new trees shade trees um I don't recall what the front yard looked like if there was room there I mean he could get a couple trees in the backyard it's certainly not planted you know uh 40 50 feet apart but um you know you could do a cluster type of planting Sean you mentioned you were going to plant black walnuts unless you have them growing you know by seed you're not going to be able to purchase those okay thank you for the Insight it's it's a native tree but it's not grown you know commercially understood yeah I'm just struggling with the fact that there's nothing wrong with the trees and unless fa can provide more background I can appreciate the issues with the fence I can appreciate how long [Music] um has been a resident but every tree peel that has come to us was because there was to the tree um the proximity to a foundation and I don't know it's just this is more damage to the fence what was their first if the fence is is that he said the the line the property line has moved so if the property line moves does that move the fence which then no longer interferes with the [Music] tray yeah C currently the property line is uh you know it's split through the trees so we we aren't able to get a accurate lining of our property how so your property line goes through the actual trees that you're talking about remov it correct correct is that cre a problem for us Atty soble not knowing whose tree it is to give a permit to allow the resident to take a tree down yeah probably propertys so how would we handle it deny deny his appeal contingent tree is the center of the tree on your property line usually it goes by where the center of the tree Falls those on no no sorry the the trees are on our property the three trees that we want to have removed are on our property so the fence though is on Whose property is on my property then what what was the part of the property that you said Sean I'm having trouble F following this entire story here what what what's the property dispute right there is no property dispute then you just mentioned that you were going to have to move the fence to a proper spot and then fix it once the property line was established right isn't straight our our fence isn't straight it's falling it's falling over as you can see in the pictures it's it's falling over and then further in you can see that it's cut around the tree as well so I think to kind of take you back on Betsy's question then a new fence will have to be put in though still it sounds like after fixed is that correct yes we'd like to have a new fence put in yeah yeah Sean we're I think there's a lot of confusion here and as you mentioned these trees are pretty mature and I think we need some more clarification on property lines before we make any decisions here so I think someone's going to make a motion here to carry this to the next meeting uh until we get that clarification uh and then we can proceed at that at that time yeah just to add I I mean I would like the neighbor right where this butts up against right at Le some type of messaging from them I'm not going to make them come here but messaging from them and then a clear understanding where the center of the tree falls as far as the fence location because what I heard is is if the trees and the fence are on his property then just put a new fence on your property right but if I heard that the trees are on the actual line on the on the sight line and you can't put a fence straight on that sight line well you wouldn't put it on um I just want some clarity so but also the fence wouldn't the fence have to be still five feet off of in on his property line anyway so it seems like the fence would actually maybe have to be in front of the trees potenti I don't know depends on where it falls so that that would be my motion on the on the clarification P the and get that additional information the clarity and then the other neighbor engaged understand where the lines are I'll make a motion car with those stipulations and um suggest Sean that you either invite your neighbor or um have some sort of something in writing from your neighbor to let make sure that this body knows you've been in communication with them when was m at okay understood thank you for your time the next meeting is February 5th is there any value Brian in circling up on your end with you need a second before the discussion oh second you make the motion second all all in favor I anyone oppose thank you Sean and Sher you got one more though Shar question then clarify so because you're asking about shade tree so just as a newbie explain to me do they typically go through shade tree does this generally do these type of things go through shade tree lot of to so um they do not currently I think uh that's that's what we're trying to figure out right now is whether that's the right approach because quite truthfully I don't really want to be doing this right now by trial and jury still I think it's wasting valuable time that we could no disrespect but but that we could be purposing towards more important subjects and there'll be people who know more about these topics then so part the new Orin right yeah in yes can I ask one more question then um historically what is the policy though with damag it sounds like damaged um foundations but like what about damaged def fence like what have we historically I mean it's more subjective it's truth law they're asking for something is La okay uh all right next up we have a tree appeal for 547 River Road is Mr Michael Kennedy president yes on on Zoom okay all right Mr Kennedy we have a appeal regarding a white pine tree in your front yard uh yes uh my name is Michael Kennedy 547 River Road uh been a resident for about three months now um and uh I'm trying to improve the property I guess we didn't know exactly what the uh actual rules were about taking down the percentage of trees uh but there's some of these trees that uh from the pictures and things you can see that uh uh two of them were diseased the other one in the front is just uh one that's actually just a nuisance uh that's there in that in that spot and then in the backyard there's also a couple trees that actually are diseased and and dying that you can probably see from the pictures so the idea is in the front yard uh to to keep a a screen there in the front uh with some uh green Giants or some uh or some uh uh skip Laurels and then also build a a TR a cluster of shade trees there if those Pines are removed did you say um green Giants in the front uh no no no for the back the the theur is Skip Laurels is what I would plan to put in the front so they could be trimmed more easily and I think I have another CRP Myrtle that I would put in there but really the the front there to take care of those large trees would be a cluster of shade trees I think I put October glories and red Maples in there so it's eight it's an eight eight trees total no no so mayor just to Mayor and councel just so you guys can focus on this one um it's only regarding the one white pine tree in the front yard that were uh talking about because everything else was um marked to be removed required removal through to their condition so it's the one white pine tree yard is what you guys are considering at this point all the other all the are f is it just the one large one there that's in the picture so so the the ones were all approved the other seven were approved they're all diseased it looks like okay they're all diseased so and you're talking about replacing did you replace any of the other seven or no nothing I know you don't have to I'm just curious no nothing's been replaced I was waiting to to until we took care of all this and then I'd take down exactly what is approved and then go from there so I held off on all the others what is your plan for replacement for the total of eight trees oh I'd like to replace in the front there where those are coming down is to put the shade trees a cluster of shade trees there in the front and then also put a uh a screen there to the front of to the road uh with the skip Laurels and then in the back I would also put uh uh or actually in the front there also to match the other CRP Myrtle that's on one side of the driveway to put another uh and then the back would be to add shade trees where those other disease trees would be coming down I follow you when you're talking about a shade tree in the front yard which um even our tree expert has suggested that there'd be an ecological benefit if you could choose a native shade tree for the front yard I'm struggling your your property is on River Road and I'm struggling with the thing I think I keep hearing you saying about screening in the front yard with skip Laurels unless I got that wrong uh no that was just a there's I put it there if it's something that's that that that's not something that's wanted that's fine as well my neighbors would ask about there's a couple trees that are there right now and they said that they like that the trees are there it helps them kind of get a screen so I didn't want to uh take them down or I didn't want to not have a screen for them also because it's more of a a view for them than me scen River Road from your home or my home sits my home sits very far back uh than most of the homes on on River Road it's it's an unusual lot there that sits very far back than typical houses on River Road okay you're trying a friendly name Sher can you so real quick like first I want to recommend uh recognize Mike thanks for being only here three months and following the process and being here tonight on the phone right so I just want to recognize that and thank you um because that's awesome um Sherry if you for me and again I've never I again I've only been this my second year in counsel but you said that the resident indicated he wanted to remove it due to species susceptibility to Branch failure can you describe to me how Branch failure is specific to White Pines but not other trees can help White Pines are known for storm damage and breakage uh they're a weak wooded tree um you know evergreens are soft wood so you know when you do drive around after a storm you often will see limbs of pine trees down um that tree that he has is not very large I mean it's a tall tree but it's not um it's not an old mature type of pine pine tree um when he had mentioned I I spoke to Mike on the phone um and we did speak about removing the pine tree and putting in deciduous trees instead just because of potential Branch breakage needle drop sap drop you know um so he wanted to change what was in the front yard and what's the diameter of the white pine if it's not that large what's the diameter 12 inch plus uh yeah seeing if I wrote it down uh I wrote 16 inch yeah it's at least this it's at least it's a i yeah it's it's a fairly sizable Pine you can there's a picture there that I have of it too so you can kind of see in I would still consider it a Yumer tree but it's not like the uh 25 poppers trees it's a healthy tree that with branches that fall inconvenience with sap I don't know I'm just having again disease trees are no brainers I mean I get it I have a p not great it's not like the Pine's getting into the storm water though that would be one thing right this is set back so it's an inconvenience but it's not necessarily having an impact on the the town and the environment if the house is back this far well I think the tree is closer to the FR so the tree is not really close to their house at all it is closer to can can I just make a comment it's not nothing that um is 100% guaranteed but um if a future ordinance were to be implemented based on the discussion revolving that ordinance this gentleman could probably reapply um and and be able to take down his tree there there might be more of a string attached as far as what he needs to replace it with but that's an option as well if the council would like to go in that direction yeah none of the trees I want to take down that I don't want to not replace in fact I want to improve the property and have uh trees that would have more longevity and and you know more robust for the property to improve it Andrew can we make the request that he work with us on this one white pine given where we know a potential recommendation is going to come right we can't make it based on an ordinance the ordinance doesn't exist we can't make a decision based on the future ordinance right that doesn't exist but is there a stipulation we him put that he can work with Shay tree I mean why not I mean or can we pause all application I would say I would say one of two things personally we we have a resin here that's looking to replace the trees he's taken down improve his property plant more plant more trees hopefully than he's taken down um and I think he's been reasonable in his approach or option b which still sort of accomplishes that as well is you could deny his appeal pending a new ordinance coming in the near future hopefully um and he could reappear underneath the new ordinance and probably still achieve what he's trying to achieve as well I would say those are the two best options based on what we're talking about here you're going to tell him to go to shade tree and negotiate you don't know what he's replacing the other Seven Trees he took down so you you you trading half a dozen of one for the other and you know I think I think we're spending more time on it than we need to at this point but also I know like when you get the tree company is probably to have them come back out to get rid of this one tree will ultimately probably cost him more money I guess sot here we're we're gaining trees plant more than he's taking down that's a win to me yes I would favor his application I would too because Mike I like the way you did this uh you were thoughtful you did the process you could see we're struggling with it but it's because we're a tree friendly town and it sounds like you're a tree friendly guy too so you're in the right Community I'm glad you're here thanks for doing the way welcome to Fair Haven and um I would make a motion we approve the um their request and and look forward to the new landscape plans all in favor I anyone opposed thank you sir great job Michael one so if you think about the new Shak ordinance oan as you working on this too you know there's a huge accountability piece that's missing right from the Orin and so if there's an opportunity when we have an application that is approved if there's an opportunity to put language in the um ordinance that you know says well the owner or the resident is going to you know plant these trees by X day or within certain amount of days for when the tree comes down and provide the town with evidence pictures for whatever it might be we only have one code enforcement officer so but I think like if we approve it then the owner should be on the resident to provide evidence they actually did because we don't know they actually are sure and I me Sher thank you as Weller you're welcome uh moving along brush and leaf schedule and ordinance yes do you want me to go in or you wanna um thank you this is on here for Workshop a list of trees do you that we can yes I'll go to do you know how to get to the website the shade Tre commission has a fantastic scroll through that great do some of those trees good Christy lon's gonna send you a letter with all this and she can provide it anyway before this evening a workshop is a draft ordinance uh that was put together off of uh input from a variety of sources most notable would be um the uh brush and leaf committee um obviously uh Rich Gardella our code enforcement officer and of course I will say that uh Council La did a a line share of some of this work um in here um you see you know we were asked to com comment on it we did some small edits um you know my thoughts on this um obviously I want to double check the the um timing on uh putting out Wednesday before because I think it has more to do with um the spring and fall cleanup as opposed to the containers they should really go out the night before just like um just like we do trash um Alison had a comment uh on the section 10- 5.7 for your consideration and I spoke to attorney so before um I really think that this section that allows us to remove the brush and put a lean against the property for an infraction of this size is been practical um putting a getting someone to do it assessing the fees paying the fees and put a lean against the properties and a lot of work for uh for brush I think the violations and penalty section in 16- 5.14 below are enough of a um disincentive for a person um you know to to follow the uh brush ordinance and to remove the brush it's put out um when it should put out and the rest is for you you had a copy of it I don't had enough time to really about it over weekend but you can open up now and the attorney questions yep can I give a little more background um for our newest members so last year the brushi and Lea committee met for 10 months put together a propos course of action um based on Resident engagement a whole multitude of factors you both were in the meeting on 18 December where either the level said all of that information is available for the public in PowerPoint um the other one pager that everybody has um so Christina who we've asked to join tonight this is the so we took the ordinance components that we've had two workshops on as a governing body previously so right Michael if you guys didn't have that but that is what led to this one pager here of the ordinance components this was based off of the workshop that governing body provided feedback uh engineering DPW Communications C Etc to produce this so this helps to distill down the common themes a few things that will also be added and changed so when we do leaf pickup falling out that you can't throw out like a potted plant or like um a baled up root system because the farm won't accept it um will be put into there um we will make it less confusing the the can only relates to brush doesn't relate to leaves so leaves in both bookends you put out um and then in Rolling pickup you just put it to the curve um we're going to make a reference in here to the landscaper ordinance where land landscapers have to be registered and whatnot so one of the biggest comments that came out was like Hey like what about landscapers so that will go into here as well um and the other pieces I just want to hit right from like an Roi perspective so in addition to how we're looking to increase Services um we're also looking at reducing um Time by 67% by switching to this with brush um it gives back eight business days a month month where engineering DPW can be focused in doing um other priorities that they have in addition to this um on the grass clippings a question came up not too long ago so Mammoth County does accept grass clippings which are a Class C recyclable um so we wanted to clarify that um so a little bit more background the one pager to bridge from what we worked on over the course of two or three meetings right from a paper perspective to what is before you and then a couple other tweaks that are already going to be made before um the next govern but you're not looking to include grass negative no no no no no we don't we don't want to confuse when we provide additional information to our residents in communication we'll provide the means to dispose of grass clippings accordingly but we're not looking to complete and get confused with this how are we going to communicate the changes so Michael and I um had a great meeting with um uh B minister Grande and El and um bettyanne last week and this was like the focus conversation and we would like to bettyanne has put together an amazing uh visual calendar that outlines all the deadlines all the pickup schedules brush Lea everything um with detailed information on the back in in terms of like what that actually means um we are going to work on a personalized letter Michael and I that'll go out to residence for summarizing exactly what Dre just said around how we came to this what the highlights are what you can expect where the benefits are um and then we can do more you know we'll put out more communication online we can do open houses if people feel like they need it we're open to anything but that's that was our original that was our original idea so of course I was I I know what you're talking about um I have like three layers of um contributions to talk about I don't know how to get into it but um like a big picture uh this could have a tremendous benefit partic I'm particularly pleased with the idea that this program will keep our streets cleaner therefore our storm system is going to be cleaner it's going to help mitigate vulnerable areas that you FL and it's going to keep the river clean so big picture this is a really good idea the um again big picture you know the ordinance is here in front of us in draft form um which is talking about penalties and you know correction I feel like even if we were to adopt this next month we're still not really ready and I guess what I'm suggesting is that we talk about how to introduce the new program and and I think because it's going to affect every home and how each home functions and whose turn it is to take the can and what can and when and you know there's just a big learning curve um so I'm going to just throw out the idea that maybe there's a year communication and maybe it's a year where the program gets put in place with every time that there would be a warning or a summons because we're talking about some pretty stiff consequences maybe in that first year when we do roll out the programs those that are not in compliance get a letter that says something along the lines you know this program will function this way and if you starting next year this would be a farm or starting next year this would be a summons you would have to appear before court I I'm just going to suggest that I think it's G to take a really long time to metabolize this information took 10 months to come up with it it's we're still workshopping it and um you know we're still working on the communications piece which I know will be great when it's developed but it takes like messaging is one of those things it it's like a mantra you have to beat the drum over and over and over and over and over again for it to sink in and become part of the daily household routine so just going throw that out there for what it's worth to talk about it in terms of communication what do you think well I thought that the visual calendar that U I think the letter is key yeah every household needs to get a letter but we know somebody puts it in the wrong place and dad doesn't get it or it just happens so maybe it's more than one letter but I think the thing in fairen that works the best for communication is word mous so we can create something that's very visual that encapsulates the totality of the program and and be able to share it readily from phones um you know it's that's how that's how people uptake information and then share it with people so absolutely I think the direction is headed yeah sure can I just add one thing so the other um data point right that's really important is back in the fall last year we started the drum beat messaging and I forget the exact number with Brock but I think there were 300 warnings maybe that went out 400 warnings it was it was hundreds of warnings with residents that weren't abiding by ordinance and it was a Prelude um to get folks ready I'm I'm I'm with you on the grace period yeah um I think that makes sense my my my one item I'd want to talk with specifically on that like from a Communications perspective is the reason right and we talked on the enforcement pieces over the course of three meetings governing body meetings remember we were talking around a th000 bucks 500 bucks 250 right we ultim landed based on the feedback from here and I go back to the residents who kind of blatantly ignore right we go back to the anecdotes where they said find me the X dollars I don't care I'll leave it out right and so I think if we can if we can thread that needle to allow resid grace period to be educated grace period to learn the new system in the process but also kind of draw a line in the stand where we're not going to be taking advantage of you look at the streets now look great right there's nothing on there they did an extra pick up the last week of December and the streets look clean and we want to keep that going um there's a there's a kind of social self-regulatory effect that happens when when you become the only home on the street that's not f following the rules and your neighbors are your neighbors are following the rules you're the only one that's not and that what kicks in is a little self compliance which is better than going to court it's better than wasting in the afternoon and you know it it's not about the money it's about the time but it's also this other effect thing if we if we drip drip drip this information in properly that other effect can help us too because we all want the same thing but getting there we have to make it as painless as possible we all live together I'm I'm in full agreement drip drip on enforcement not on implementation I'm thinking drip drip drip well the communication piece and you know I guess we have a sense of when that sinks in but then load in in rolling out the program itself is going to happen all at once because I've looked at I don't know how you break it into components and then in terms of enforcement you know give it time because I think when people will will want to come into clients we don't have a town of you know radical we got this is a beautiful everybody cares about the same things we want on clean streets they just and if there's some the folks that are sort of the last one to come along they'll they'll get the internal message I really think before we have to start sending people to court or attaching a lean to their property which just exive it's excessive it's way too time consuming um for an infraction of this size in my opinion well I agree with that let me just let me just be clear here you have an ordinance there's laws on the books if we want to you can't make it a precedence of the mayor and Council to say that we're going to just give people a grace period of one year because then what's the point of even putting any of this ordinance into you know into law because then there's no P me for doing anything and so I wouldn't follow the the laws I like and I was a recipient of a warning letter and guess what I went out there I hired my own professional to come take all the stuff off the street and remove it but if we if we're going to go into putting in this ordinance which was well thought of and as councilwoman kot you know previously stated for 10 or maybe for 10 months we've been discussing this and workshopping it and then then if we have no enforcement form of the of the law then it's pointless I think the 10 months by the way was the committee's work we've been discussing it at Workshop is our third Workshop right I think it's more than that we've been talk about since o there's there's going to be some pain here there's no doubt about it there's going to be some pain and what I'd say is the old brush ordinance has been in um has been in place seems like forever and it's consistently violated by everyone I don't see any of the what do you call it social peer pressure I don't see any of that I see people doing whatever they want to do wherever they want to do it and I think that's part of the reason where we're getting to this ordinance now yes I agree there's going to be some pain points here there's people have been doing it the same way and following the rules for years and years and years that are going to do something wrong and they're going to get a warning or or a fine and it's going to you know it's not going to be a fun moment for them however you know we need to balance in this discussion uh that that fact with the with the other fact which is we're trying to improve a pain point on the entire town and make something better for the entire town from an environmental standpoint from a financial standpoint as far as how much time and effort is put in from our staff from an efficiency standpoint so you know there's there's no real you know I've heard about the calendar in some ways it's a no one situation you know we we we got to make a decision on what's best for the town I think what's best for the town is we give this a shot and see how this thing works a lot of time and effort was put into it um and how much of a window do you think is appropriate you know like if you were going to introduce a new house room and the new new house rules everybody going to have to change like six or seven things in the way they function but the new house rule is going to start how much race would you allow how many how what period of time would you allow for everybody to learn the new rule well that gentleman was just here for a tree appeal he just moved in three months ago and he's following the rule I mean I I'm not sure why it would be any different for all the residents in town we change a rule it's our job it is our job to educate them we need to educate we need to educate the residents and that's on us you know and we have to do it properly no doubt about it but you know just be just because uh we're implementing a rule you know I I don't know about this you want to take you want to take the lean provision out and add for first offense it would be a warning and then for second offense it'd be the you know 200 and then it go right up you know you instead of having a b and c you'd have a b c and d so I'm F I'm fine with that my only issue there is the the uh brush and leaf committee I specifically and maybe you can upon on it um had specifically said that the thing that people value is their time so now you're talking about their time isn't taking away until offense number three I don't know if that seems like it's too far out I have a recommendation there okay instead of changing the violations and penalties what we can do is we can do a notice of violation for the first offense so it would be notice of violation goes out what do they put in like those little yellow yeah um pie of paper so it would be a notice of violation would be issued and they would have a date of compliance for the First Defense only and then any other violation after that would be the second uh third and any other subsequent you know offense States cour right so what I'm saying is is for the first offense there would be a notice of violation issued by the code enforcement officer and then they would have that seven or 10 days to remove it if they don't remove it within that time period Then they get issued the first offense can I can I say something I think that that's already written into the draft agreement we do have a notice provision that gives them 10 days to cure always so the way that so the way that it's structured now is basically the code enforcement officer would issue a notice to the tenant it's my opinion that we should change the way the notice is served however but that notice requirement does give the resident 10 days to cure the issue if not code enforcement would then you know issue a an actual violation but that's under 16 5.12 a but what I'm thinking of uh Christina is that it would only be for the First Defense to give him the grace because after the first would not be considered a warning notice if they so you only get one notice and one warning yes if they fix it before the 10 days then they would not be then they cure the next time they get a notice is it another warning fix it would be because and that's what I think we're talking about now at least the single time in the first right I don't think we're gonna change Behavior by giving All These Warnings I think we have to rip the bandid off I really do saying just that one initial notice and then if they comply but then a second a second offense it wouldn't be considered a second offense remember because there would be no first offense because they already cured within that 10 I I kind of like it and my thought process on it is we might be able to achieve what councilman Cole is talking about also by doing this if we then if you're concerned about ripping the Band-Aid we could come back a year from now and pull that part of the ordinance out that's true that first year it achieves what you want sort of that because the warning before there's a a notice of violation like right now with rock is doing is issuing warnings but what really should come with the warning is the communication piece like what does the program look like here's what you can expect this one pjer that you know is nearly complete but that way you're getting the warning and this is what's expected of you right now people don't even know what expected of them well that's the thing and I think with the notice they're still rectifying the problem correct so we're at least getting what we need too so they don't so they're getting the notice they're fixing the problem and then they have and then they've learned what the issue is anyway sugges also get the information the problem with that is is the way I read the way I believe he sends it out is he just basically puts it in your mailbox the violation so we would almost be requiring for him to have a stack of uh you know informational pieces yes it is that's what I'm suggesting we really want if we really want to bring people along and we want to make sure the new program is successful everybody's going to have to learn something completely new we could also just direct put on that citation or that warning notice that um direct them to the Burrow's website where this is all published online so that they can see what their requirements are and access that page paper so Christina the reason I like what we're talking about is we should wait I'll speak it's my turn just the one thing and then I'll turn over to councilman cot um the reason I like that is because it solves what councilman Cole's talking about it solves residents looking at say I'll leave it out till the next pickup I don't care right and then if they leave it out then they'll get hit the second time so I think that's a good Improvement Rock's also a very good communicator is he is he is so okay so just to clarify we want to change the current draft to reflect a notice for the first time and then if it's not rectified or it's the same resident does or violates the ordinance a second time then that is when they will get a citation yes okay and I have some other feedback you that I received I'll send it your way I think we're still processing that Christina I don't think we have fully unpacked all that because we're talking about I I don't know exactly what everybody's talking about but we know we've there's a notice mechanism that's currently in place which is a perfect time to provide communication about the new program and what's expected right separate from this ordinance that's currently happening so we're calling that a notice when when Brock is that called a notice a warning I'm specifically referring to section 16- 5.12 of the draft ordinance I know I know you need that from but but I know that you're speaking of uh you know just an information uh first is a warning it's it's at the top of the ordinance the first offense is warning second offense is 100 bucks third offense is a court appearance so the warning is not violation a notice of violation so that right out of the gate well right but nobody nobody has the new information yet nobody knows what's expected yet yeah yes no we don't this that's the communication that's what I'm called This is the part I'm not understanding right if I were to get a speeding ticket tomorrow and they gave me a notice violation they said mayor Halburn you can go back to that street and drive the normal miles per hour and that will cure your violation I would do that that's a very simple thing to do but wouldn't it be better for you to have in advance to know what the speed limit is I'm going to if I don't listen it's on me but we can't we haven't given them anything I know that but we're we're obviously gonna make that that's we have to educate the public and that's the part that's on us and we're going we're not going to 100% succeed because we've been there before trying to educate the public on on different things and not everyone always knows every sing thing and detail about what we're trying to achieve as the burrow but we're going to try to get to as many people as we possibly can to let them know and for the people that don't know or don't care they still will have this 10day builtin cure process so that and I think 10 days is fair because for the people doing it themselves you got to figure that within 10 days whether it's a weekend or you know at night time that they're going to be able to do it and also it it seems like enough time to get your landscaper back as well if if if you made a mistake and have them I got I think of this program as it's it's a whole year we're talking about something begins in the spring and it ends in December yes if you if we people need to see that and understand it and comprehend how that changes all their behavior at home it's in the municipal calendar just what what I'm saying is I think we need a period months for that information I think we're talking past each other we agree with that right because the way the process works is is we have to have an ordinance to communicate on right like we wouldn't we wouldn't articulate I mean one we've been talking about the brush and leaf in the governing body meetings I think since October right and we talked about it initially in the beginning of the year so the the way the process and we've been doing things in parallel because we don't want to hit a supply chain issue and we want to make this successful starting in May because nothing changes until May right if anything folks going have more time for their standard pickup in April of brush and Lea the way they normally do today so the way the process is and what we've been working on with Communications to include last year is that Workshop introduce adopt once it's adopted and it's the law from there then start the communication process so if we follow that schedule right and it's introduced next meeting adopted 22 Feb I'm just putting this out there then that gives us all of March and all of April to start the communication on this and then continue with that drum be messaging I'm in agreement with you do a video could be the face she's the face of the ordinance anyway you'd have to give me the SCP I guess what I'm suggesting is before there's i' suggest program to be communicated before we have the law well that's what so why can't we I think we can why would you commun communicate program and the rhythm of what's going to be picked up what and what doesn't but we have well and I think well I think no we did we did the whole presentation we we had the bu no no no hang on hang on I'm not saying that people don't watch this right like Hang on we're we are we are countering everything that we believed in last year with all of facilities for a hot minute right so let's back up right we spoke about it had the committee started coming back to workshopping in October and then provided multiple briefs then there were questions on it and we did a level set email and then created a whole section on the website with the PowerPoint the surveys the ordinance components and been pointing all of our residents there so I don't want there to be this misunderstanding we're springing it on we're right like if anything we've shared more and more information and I think we need to continue doing so I think we need to continue communic ating continue educating but this is not springing on anyone and we have been more than transparent through last year right and I say we continue that for sure I wasn't suggesting you're not transparent I think that the the full program as we conceive it has not been even though we've been talking about it parts and talking about it the whole time you're right you are absolutely right but the program in a distilled easily understand it's it's a marketing piece this is an operational marketing piece that explains what's going to happen the ver can I can I ask a question so we we said we would send out personalized mail links to every single resident down accompanied with the calendar or personalized memo we also said we would create a PDF right so we can share it on our phones it'll go on social media it'll go on the Fair Haven B website it'll go in buzz what what are we missing because those are the components right we don't have it yet but can we do it's go it's yeah we we do have we just have to write the back piece of it we we corrected the calendar the back piece I was part of it but I haven't seen it in final form maybe that's one of the things I asked there might be a piece I can show you part of it but the back side of it is going to be a real breakdown even we talked about even having a definition of what brush is because I think there are pieces of this that we don't people still don't know what brush is you know and I can say the same so but my question is can we I don't see there I know we're not adopting the ordinance till the end of February I don't see a reason why we can't get the word out about what this is starting in the next two weeks is that a problem do you think you look little I just want to make sure it's something that we have would to weak details oh I see what you're saying also we could we could have we could have an event guys too an open house on a Saturday and you know in the parking lot of fairin Hardware with show people what brush looks like show them what leaves look like have the can have a calendar right could be there is there a is there a process by we could wave a somebody does violate let's say they have a legitimate reason they were you know no once it's written by ordinance you know only person that has discretion I believe would be a judge when want to cour for some reason that's really an not not here or you know it speaks to pick and choosing who you're going to wave it to and who you're not you have to be consistent in how you the tree ORS you know the the tree removals there's there's Andrew you can jump in here if you so desire he's looking to see if there's a way we could wave the find sort of like they could appeal to the government the tree ordinance ultimately they go to court if they have extending circumstances uh they um argue their case in front of Judge Lucas and I just want to come back one thing I want is the expectation that everything that the communications committee is doing is going to bring it to the governing body to approve it first or were you guys taking the direction information out of the ordinance and then going with it as Comm we would share share definitely before especially you like as an approval I I don't think it needs to be a formal process but I think it's nice to share I just want to make sure like whether it's same it's formal is different than collaborating and sharing right like yeah I would say it's not a formal approval um but use your Jud use your judgment on simar to what we did with welcome their just to confirm though we wouldn't be able to send out this communication or we're not thinking it would be a good idea to send it out before we adopt the ordinance correct let's see that's the piece that I that's I not even sure fully agree but I'm going to just leave with that and and but we do have time because it's okay let's like councilman Cole um I just before I go on you said correct the calendar would you have to change the calendar as it was presented to the residents not corrected sorry the way it was presented it it highlighted the days that the pickups the two weeks that the pickup would be so it looked like we had two weeks to put it out so we just wanted to make the Highlight the piece the two weeks that we this one page the one page one p this is not the new it's not in the calendar there's no there's no incorrect information it was just the way we were presenting it we thought could be clearer there's a one pager document that has in it that they're enhancing it's not what we don't have that no that hasn't been sent out yet we'll get that to you I think that'll help when I agree have so um I I personally don't feel that this ordinance is ready ready to be introduced because and we spoke with today um there are subsection X's that you said needed to be filled in I I really would like to see what those are before we actually introduce the ordinance um I I have concerns about rolling leaf pickup that the leaves are going to be out on the street they could be out on the street for a few weeks in uh November and December uh one of our goals is to reduce the amount of debris that flows into our catch basins uh leaving the you know in in the past you would put your leaves out on say Sunday and they would be picked up during the week now we have the opportunity to leave the leaves out for as long as we want until they're picked up actually right you can put them out the only November just I'd like to hear from Rich on how often that rolling leaf pickup is we don't know that but but the other side of that is I also don't think that's what was happening I don't think people are putting out their leaves on Sunday and they're getting picked up on Wednesday some four weeks that's what God is here but but ideally that was the way the ordiance was presented I just don't think that was happening I care about what's happening so if this can improve the conditions of our streets that that' be a good thing and that's why I'd like to hear how Aon the rolling pickup is right it's an operational manage don't know rich is very comfortable and confident that they can manage it at DPW by assessing where you know their first of all where the most travel boots are they paid more attention to certain streets they do to others you know for obvious reasons root to schools and Main thars and and also you know some some of the larger properties that get put out a tremendous amount of leaves you know the guys are aware of that they see it they driving by they you know they know where they want to hit you know key spots as opposed to you know just taking the root of you know what would be a Zone before you know so you know I mean we talked about this at Great length and and Rich was very confident that they could do a much better job managing it themselves and deciding where the crews go as opposed to you know people following the zes yeah I do actually um it the way I read this it looks like leaves are picked up uh in the in the spring cleanup and the fall cleanup correct and then in November and December and then it goes to Rolling November December right correct so those are the only times during the year that the leaves are picked up correct and they're now picked up in a container they're picked up by on the curv okay the brush on the other hand will be picked up in both spring and fall clean up yep like we normally do now put it to the curve and then containerized uh May to September yep okay I just I needed to be clear on that and uh another question I have have is um under under violations and penalties so we just discussed that we talked about notice without any Financial um uh penalty so are these violations and penalties per incident or are they like if you if you do this two or three times so you don't you put your leaves out to early or you put your trash can whatever the whatever the infringement is so there's a first that offense second offense third offense so every pickup or every collection is it a reset on it has to from a due process perspective by law we can't make it Comm like I can't use that word comm thank you so like if I did like four one time offenses four one time or by that point am I four off off the chart what I understand from a due process perspective every incident has to be treated it's a reset every election cycle yes yes okay all right I think that's it so Christina what I would like to do um and may if you're okay with it um I have some additional feedback right from councilman Sox that we circled up we have Allison's feedback thees say I would like to update subsections and I'd like to to sit down with Council Mage go through um all the other feedback that she gave me we we we talked about all of it today um and then we'll send out an updated um to the team Christina can you and I work on that the next couple days and get it out of course couple quick things I know you were wrapping up but uh I didn't fin a definition for acts of nature because I know you touched it on the tactics no okay got it yeah Nam storm between May and September that could occur which of course suspends all the rules and that's my bed I forgot that's you're not supposed to it into um and then I we toggle in the language in this draft between gray and green I'm just going to suggest we stop calling it a color call it the brush can until it should just be called the brush can simplifi check check that's a suggestion I just want to be I just want to make sure we pick a actual color so we don't have different color OCD it we Pi so we picked well we all agreed on Gray This was at either the 18th meeting or the one of November I can't remember 18th we agreed on Gray and the reason we agreed on Gray is because it comes with and without wheels and the wheels piece was extremely important for those residents that need that but flexibility and then it also allows some variations in in expense so there's a there's there's different ends of the spectrum where it's you know I'm not going to give a number I'll have the numbers now that we're moving in the direction I'll get it from Fair Haven Hardware with from least to greatest um but it is gray okay that's find name um on page three um in the section three it's the last it's a definition of Street daughters curb sidewalks parking areas I mean it we don't say bike Lanes but I think it's impli but we just insert bike Lanes in other areas within Street lines um Christina do we address the bike paths and the parking lots in here specifically we need to add a definition to them not definition It's just in the definition of Street I can add par bike Lanes to the definition of street but we do I do I believe in let me find it that was a big that we where it says the the section of the placement of the brush or leaves che check yeah no more than three feet from the curb or if there's no curb then no more than three feet where the road way begins okay um got it maybe this is a question under Rush only pickup this is section B of 16- 5.5 first item the burrow will collect trash two times each month I think it's two times per Zone each month would that be more accurate we can write that yeah um you got that b 16-55 b I actually yes I'm taking mentioning okay um it's a good dist leaves only pick up F I don't know how important this is leaves must be free leaves must be free of sticks branches trees tree Parts rocks Vines F materials do you want to put vegetative waste in here to make it clear that's I I had that there was a discussion of vegetative waste um to be reconciled with the pamphlet or the the calendar that's going out and on there it has that vegetative waste um not included so I I took it out add it back in I think it's just the an issue of what ve what we're going to Define vegetative waste as then at that point which will come in the communication of the program correct yeah the other thing that weing in there too just because you're on it no poted plants no rooted systems right that's not part of it because the farm can't grind it up yeah so um no sad was another one um maybe we summarize all of this but be helpful in like email we all have feedback I'm just trying to think yeah I've been keeping track of what everybody said so I don't mind compiling it making sure it's good and I don't miss anything give it to CH do an update we'll shoot it out we sit down with you one one last thing from me get out of that weeds um and prohibited conduct cond 16 that's 5.8 Item B res Place brush and we in plastic or paper bags and my only question about this has to do with residents live on River Road um and they're already going to be keeping their cans pretty much on their private property in order to be in compliance with the way this is written which is fine I just wonder if we want to give them the option of backing so did it get disgusting it did so if the county was picking up on River Road the county allows to pick up in bags that's the actual like legal law when we pick it up our farm doesn't accept bags would we just dump the leaves out of the bag I mean I me where they going to put their leaves is that's a very practical matter is it can't go on the sidewalk can't go in the planted meting strip you can't go in the bike way there going to leave a pile of leaves on our private property and they can't go in the parking spaces go in the parking spaces let us take it away yeah so I have a question about the bags does the county do do does the county have extra pickup times also for River Road so why are we saying though that they can be in bags if the County's picking them up because the county accept that that's what the like the so there's no extra pickup time it's just okay that's why that was originally in there we wanted to figure out why that language is included the same reason why like grass clippings weren't allowed yeah that has since changed right so grass clippings you can bring to like the mammoth County one of the areas it's not like there's another addition pickups the county doesn't do any additional pickups so there was some conflation there in the ordinance and quite frankly it's confusion but it reveals paino yeah which is hey if we're protecting the bike Lanes we're protecting the parking spaces what do the residents do that don't have a place to put it in front and they have't I think that's a really great thing to read so what is the solution I'm going to take it away and I'll talk to Christina and the other town too okay um can I just interject in the original 1651 uh that was crossed out it says breast and leaves shall not be placed in plastic bags or other type of containers except the properties on River Road piles of brush relief shall notru desper bicycle or vehicular travel Lan so our prestent ordinance allows bags to be put on River Road corre it does yes that's that's correct but I don't think many people b i I doubt it but it's still there one of the things that that rich brought forward is that's that's perfect example that's a road that they're going to pay attention to on an ongoing basis so they'll get more pickup on that to keep the bike Lanes clear to keep the parking spaces clear you know you know that's part of them managing the whole Lea pickup situation and we have the manpower to do all this they're comfortable and confident that that they'll do a better job in this way than they did in the zone you got to remember out of the week when they do a brush pickup they're spending at minimum four business days to go through the zone so they bring out Machinery they take a whole four days so the thought process is there's greater flexibility in the operational Management pickup they're not going to be spending four business days per Zone they're going to be going across town where they need to similar to what they did the last week of December right right so with the same equipment they're going bring out the same equipment to do this yeah I mean at scale right like that absolutely but what they did the last weekends they went did they did the entire town that week because there was so much brush and leaf I'm not supposed to publicize it but I'm in articulated right because I think it's a relevant Point as far as they did the entire town in one minut and that because they had the operational flexibility to move from zones 1 2 3 and four remember zones ABC are gone right correct so they're able to go through so if you have four zones and you're going from four days a week per Zone down to this rolling it gives you far greater efficiencies from employees man oh you know my closing share would be I think we should do all of this with an eye towards learning and know that we'll debug it as we go if we need to right right agree all right thank you uh moving along waited so patiently the proposed Farmers Market thank you Christina thank you you're welcome I'm gonna stay on I'm just gonna turn my camera off so I'll few updates um we had our short list of okay Anna Diana Anin B Road fa Haven Elise Casey 263 Fair Haven Road Maggie lman 53 Le M Road um so we had a short list of things to go through with everyone we sent a pread to a few of the council members in the mayor just to give you guys some collateral that we were um working on these are our bys so I'll start I'll start with a few things that we were working on in the room we did a few bookkeeping things so we are have a certificate of incorporation we are a nonprofit 501 C1 yeah is that better than a c yeah we didn't want the the um the stigma of being totally no it just right now it's not the move for us it would have taken years to incorporate so this was a quick um but now the three of us are the I believe the legal entity in charge so if we are to ever pass it along we' just find a new group of people to transer it so and by doing that we received an EIN so we have opened a bank account at Lakeland in Fair Haven for a small business account so we now have the ability to pay someone or accept money um and then we don't officially have insurance yet but we are in touch with uh couch Bron store Insurance Group and they have told us it'll be about $2,000 for the entire year of coverage which is very affordable based on what we're planning to charge our vendors and they wanted us to check with you guys if $1 million of coverage is appropriate they it's typical right and also that's um consistent with the other markets in the area so so I'm I'm just going to real quick any all these documents you're talking about certificate of Corporation any of the nonprofit uh documents and the insurance documents that you can provide to me and I can you know talk about Insurance c as well so that was some of the housekeeping things that you we needed to get done so those are completed we we can Circle back with you guys this week once we do get the confirmation about the um Insurance um and then a lot of the conversation we had um was surrounding our small business district to make sure that the market um directly influences and works with them closely so we've been doing some canas and the last page in the packet are proposed dates so want you guys take a look at those first before circulated them but we've hit almost every we've been going door to door and store to store and we've hit almost all of them they're all really enthusiastic and we've stressed the importance of um connecting us to businesses like we we're making it very clear then as the foot traffic between the children um but if those dat are okay with you guys then we'll circulate them to them so we have two separate options for the town um for small businesses in faan um they would be uh charge the regular application fee to apply to the a vendor but their Booth would be covered it would be zeroed out so whereas other vendors that are not even would be charged $40 any of the um any of the stores in town if they would like to create a satellite it would be at 0 um $25 application $0 for the year um that would be the small business we also thinking about doing a small business um almost like a Consortium for any local small mom and pop shops that don't have a Britain order they want to sell you know whatever that is they ARG doing you know kind of out of their house um that would be something that we would offer people in so two separate Wings there same understanding zero zero dollar so that we could bring people their neighbors their families get some TR traffic into the town and encourage people to to come so that's how we're looking at branching the small business aspect um we provided you with our bylaws uh something that we've been finding in our research with other markets is establishing a really this is the work in progress um establishing a really finite um like group of bylaws so that there's no deviation from it it gives you it puts you on the right foot it makes sure that all of your vendors are upholding that it's it's important for us to put that fo right forward so that they can't you know and we can it's a mutual contract like we we have to represent the town well and they need to come to our town and be um held accountable for for what they're bringing so simple things like they need weights on their everybody needs a tent they need weights on their tent if you don't have weights on your tent you have to go that's for the safety of the town there are no dogs like we are you know it's just a liability to the town it's you know we would love to have everybody bring their dog dog comes with me everywhere but I don't want anyone to not go to the market because of dogs so these are really just like a standard procedure that we can kind of tailor you know angre your feedback on them more than happy to take it same with you guys but we just want to make sure that this is Incorporated in the agreements that all of the vendors do sign with us so that they understand what's um uh expected of them and any deviation will result ination of the agreement we're just not we're not cutting corners or something like that so um what else do we have yes uh Teresa we want to um have a me you directly to talk about public works and and figure out you know the support there that we need um from the town on that we can kind of schedule a time or date that works well with you so that we can um go through it she's wild tell you right now one of the major issues going to be is that uh the DPW by contract are allowed to take payment for overtime or comp time and they will choose comp time and that becomes very problematic for the burrow because there's no way for us to get the money from you and it greatly impacts the amount of time on task our guys have if they improve comp time for working all these forers so that that'll be a we have to take I would suggest honestly if you had an operational meeting with this cre the B Crea and maybe they can find an alternative way of delivering at the level they want to see this happen in ways that maybe doesn't over obligate the DPW yeah um but by exploring those operational thing you you'll have the best view insight as to issues are run into we've talked a lot about the requirements and what it's going to be you know we can speculate about the foot traffic and we can hope that it's going to be a time I think that we do I don't know how much garbage this is going to do I can't give you a n i can't have a read on it I don't know how many garbage KS to work with I will bring contractor bags myself and after the first Market we can reassess but these are the things that we're going to have to learn and I don't think that we should snub the idea for the unknown that these are presenting I think that if we can all work really well together and figure out a solution to it that's the best case but I can't give you like I think that we should have eight garbage cans and they're all going to be full it might be 20 I don't think that that's going to be what it is but we won't know until we've cross that so I hope that we can kind of work together and figure out a way to make it you know as seamless as possible and we don't pick up our own trash side with a new a new contract that we're going to have anyway with sanitation right like the start of the the Farmers Market at some point some we might be able to put that in we'll figure out the Practical considerations that we have to totally what are the hours that the Market's going to be pardon the hours of day it's 91 so it's a 4 Hour stretch um our our vendors are required to stay the whole time so that would limit any um you know traffic going in and out of the market on that note Chief here about understand they want to do it on will right so the only I said that if the one way they have to would be there be closed we had allow people go back the same way uh we did the same thing years ago when schools being built put that Ro for six seven months maybe so it does work and I think it would work um but that the only thing I say that if they want to do that on will have somebody there we could put some barricade that Stu decid it's proved by you I don't see any issu wouldn't there be a cost associated with that know yeah know and you guys are considering this when charging $30 per month um it might be difficult you know to pay for you know offers I still think you should charge more I understand that the reasoning the reasoning behind the pricing and the calculations make sense right now we have 15 to 18 confirmed vendors at $40 a month will put us above the it's $100 an hour for a four hour minimum that would put us above what the police officers what we would need to cover the expensive a police officer we can't do higher than that because we have people like the Butcher Block that have confirmed $100 to the Butcher Block if we were to do that price is one fillet but $100 to a farmer and we have three Farms right now is that's bushels and bushels of tomatoes and all of the things that they would sell if they made $400 they're not recouping as much as they would if they were to spend $100 just to get to our Market it just doesn't make sense economically for them so we want to support these new Farms that we have sickles we have a few other Farms one in have a sink and one out in out west you know we don't want to alienate them because of the price I've bought tomatoes and signal I'm not sure that that's but we we just we have to make it Equitable for all these vendors so that's a TR point that works well with them we can reassess this even mid year we can't go into this market and say you're gonna get all this fot traffic we're going to need a billion garbage cans we have to be very Nimble in how we're going to handle this because it's a lot of unknown so we can't go to these people and say you're going to get all of Fair Haven to come here's pay us $100 and then what what if they don't so it's just not the right way to figure but no I understand I mean listen you know coming into tonight I was skeptical that this work I think you definitely done a lot of great things uh incorporating you know registering for that you know the nonprofit status insurance is huge I mean that was my biggest you know concern um just you know obviously protecting the Bur I obviously live here right so I obviously want this farmers work I think it's great for the town um but at the same time you know we have a job to protect and to make sure that all of the residents are served um so I think you know if we could work with Chief and you know work with Teresa and Rich about DPW um you know dumpsters and I guess you guys are eliminated so this would be in the street of Willow because I know last time you guys were here we were discussing the Park you guys were discussing the park as an option was a that called oh was that what it was okay Street of Willow like I said in my email it's up to you guys whether or not you want to put this in the park or if you want to keep it on Willow I think closing Willow down from 9: to1 one Saturday month is not going to be a massive only advantage to moving into the park is that it opens up a lot of parking yeah sure and if you don't have the parking that's now available people are going to be parking in neighborhoods and they'll be looking for parking on River Road or Fair Haven Road and I think I think it would be a good idea to move it into the park I hope people come by bike and walk maybe them parking on River Road is a good thing though exactly maybe they're they're going into our business and spending money the first place we started in didn't seem like they have the bandwidth to house it so I don't know interesting idea but I'm thinking more along the lines of the first one we do in the street and see how it goes for some reason it doesn't go well we could always move it concerns about the maintenance of the park there's a lot of tents and foot traffic and all that you know we get a few chances to rest that Park when the kids aren't on it and and a lot of when this is going on will be during that time and I'd like to see the Parks stay it be can I ask a few questions um the Andrew and with the way that they established it can Community appeal can they be set up so they can get donations through Community appeal won't happen I don't have anything to do with Community appeal what can someone educate me the community feels very protective of their organizations and uh other organizations have tried to get into Community appeal and they feel would dilute the contributions that people are already making to the established members of community okay that's helpful um a couple of recommendations in the bylaws I think having like a matrix of Eligibility would be great to remove like further ambiguity like locally grown well there could be things that are locally grown in California but not New Jersey so the term should be specific yeah I think just the Matrix this way whoever looks at it can have a consistent approach um I think including stall breakdown in the bylaws and kind of the expectation you call out all set up which I love and display I think specifically calling down with breakdown and that they're going to leave the site as when they got there Y and then um in the spirit of the conversation before can I and we have a brush and loop table every Saturday to educate yes yes definitely Josh asked me to raise that because he'll be there Saturday re quick breakdown and I'm a prodct so excuse me if this is wrong I'm a public school math girl but um at $15 at 15 vendors we're going to be um at eight months we're going to be 48,2 which we hope to have will be 800 at eight times a eight times a year is 6,400 so that's really our sweet spot we've done the math with them it's 3200 Allin Insurance like we mentioned the last meeting this is a we're not profiting from this anything that we have will go back into the business we're doing a little bit of marketing ourselves we're selling bags you know these are the things that we're going to start to do um but all of that said we're seeing this breaking even almost to the dollar um what about parking for the vendors so the vendors parking if you think about the sections of Willow Street where I when I sent you guys the video where the where the market will be is directly in front of the bike the bike parking bike rack at the school that's a stretch that will fit all 20 plus vendors that one stretch there's the break that the kids cross the school there's parking over there then there's more parking closer to the end of the street closer to Oak there's like three or four sections of Willow Street are V be able to take advantage of one of those sections in the morning they will get there at a certain time that's going to be stipulated in their agreement to be here by 8 set up by 9: they'll be let in they'll Park their cars they have to stay until the market is closed so nobody is leaving they break down they go out the oneway so they're parking in one of those sections we will have to mark that off for any vendors to be able to utilize parking on will we're also Clos here on Saturday this parking the lot they they um they do need to know though this is important to me they can't get there before 8: a.m. we start having trucks slamming doors res the residents in that Community are going to be upset I just I'm I'm getting more into the Leeds of a farmers market and we have to give this group of people who attend these things a lot more credit they are well oil machines they know what it's like to come into people's towns and sell their goods they're teaching us what this is so the things that we bring to you are not us pulling out of a tree it's it's a a culmination of advice and um experiences that they've had they're not going to come into this town and and and trash it um they're almost as excited about it as we are so uh we'll stay Nimble we'll we'll treat we'll look we'll regroup after every event and see what we can do differently but what we're bringing is a group of really really high class people so they'll be very respectful is is there a limit on how many vendors no I mean it's up to us I think we should cap it at some point right now we're not at the point where it's returning people away but um money is our our goal and we're we're almost there so and are you are you are there any out of the confirmed vendors or do you plan on having any um trucks with uh prepared meals like I've gone to Red Bank they have two or three food trucks Beast hope that it's successful enough that food trucks want to come but at the start expensive we don't have thatand yet but I was just how great would it be to have like a bacon EG and cheese bagel thing so but we keep saying maybe phase two and you know we don't want to overstep and bring in something that will create any problems but that would be a long term goal wouldn't there be other regulations though with in trucks so that would be another it would be a different like yeah and if any of your food any of your vendors serve food do you have to go through the Board of Health you have to get any kind of certif they carry their own certification that would that is different I mean if our Board of Health would like to get involved there's no from the research that I've done the conversations that I've had it's on the vendors to carry their own certification of Health okay um if the if like I said you you know you guys tell us if you want to check on those or you know um do the D around that but Chief do you want jurisdiction on that let me uh yeah awesome these portable trash cans that hold bags now you've seen them in wire contain you know is there thought if we could you know you could maybe get out of the CPW thing all together the police are closing the street and they're taking care of the barricades if you insist that your vendor have one of those at their stands and they have to take the trash away when they leave that that would alleviate us worrying about the trash all What About Pets pet friendly they don't take garbage 10 days to cure much of a liability with fighting and and life food you don't want a dog or a cat service dogs though what was that I just I'm being clear right that's all guys did a great job I do Wonder like even if you know they don't take everything out right away I'm sure people would volunteer if it's one time a month maybe you have a couple volunteers to help clean everything out after yeah we anticipate the three of us we want to make this as seamless as possible and without relying too heavily on the burrow because we understand that you guys are stretched thin that's totally acceptable with the exception of um Chief McGovern we really need the police who's not stretched then nothing going on but that's the only real reliance that we have the rest of this will come from the three of us I mean we're more than happy and excited to take it on so I think your amount of trash should be driven by Food Truck tanks ironed out before they show up that's be two have coffee but that's it a nice coffee C the other the other logistical items to he track so we have a volunteer um like application process when people want to volunteer where the burough is supporting or something so it's set ready to go piece of paper whoever's going to volunteer to help out to includ their review and remove trash they just have to sign the forms when they do it so it's set still and we have it put that out there one thing we haven't talked about yet that I know I believe you want this body to consider which is um big picture this farmers market is a great idea it's beautiful you're doing a great job running it you're putting this whole thing together and I know know that it's with the idea it's going to support our business district which very much needs all our support um and one of the initial things that was discussed is a foot path between Willow and River Road um so still think is a super strong idea and that would put pedestrians at River Road near um Smart Start and just to clarify Teresa is the parking lot to the west of the smart SP building the old is that b owned the parking lot there Beed within the three properties and we have you know General Sher who maintains it as far as people parking there they can the the issue with with that is you know there's a gate there that school closes so you know you'd have to get the school involved to open that have to open the gate and then you get into the whole you know that that that's something we'd have to take up to the school we SP we've spoken to Sean said he okay yeah where I was going with that is um the PPS not that everybody would know about this but the there's River Road Corridor study for placem that speaks directly to that parking lot as an opportunity to activate it with some sort of program Farmers Market was definitely one of the suggestions as a way to sort of animate the street engage pedestrians and pull them in and along River Road so do you have plans to do anything in that should that be a agreeable to the governing body we scoped it out the other we scoped it out last week um there's a a small so pray yourself owns that longer property that runs next to it um there's some brush some treat there's a lampost um and then you're at the gate there's a small triangle that is I believe burough property you guys can confirm um that we would ideally like I think it's been um it was at as a rain a potential rain Garden as well um it would be a good idea to that point to clear it out and create some sort of Bridge to this Gap whether it's a kids front Zone with bubbles so that people you know with their kids can walk through there go right through their school go to the farmers market just any sort of um artery that connects these two um paralleled streets um we would be happy to help clear it out to kind of make the case that this is an important established groute for the market um and then we can work with our friend who operates um sticks and sprouts and she said she'd be happy to do top up events there um so that people can come there on their way to the market uh just to give those two I really love the this so there there was hard ring garden and that one and the PPS study and also the ATP talked about the use of a farmers market but connecting and creating sort of some sort of liveaction vendors or events or or bubbles or you know I what it is is not as important in my mind is just that something is there right it's it's dead space right now it's just an overgrown area yeah but beyond the triangle that you're speaking of because I agree with you it would be fabulous just something but even beyond that perhaps some of the parking lot could be allocated for additional vendor scks totting off that west side of that par l so what is it about maybe get barric off people can walk right through there recognizing it is a one way so you're get heroins your only way out would be through that path so not PR wide probably room for all of that because it's also not heavily used on Saturday because the school's closed I would think we we had met with um Shan mcneel uh a while back and talked about you know completing the path that goes from their gate you know back out to the road um the burrow owns like a a small area between where the cars park and a lot next door but that would be an improvement project that we'd have to you know draw out and and you know make the improvements we could do sort of gorilla style improvements for now even if it's poted plants or barricades or something to I'm just suggesting it as a pilot project but need to get into Capital Improvement right now but to just to build the connection to make sure that like cars don't walk into shops and buy stuff if we want people to come to River Road they got to park their car get out and then their pedestrians I just think this is going to help provide a critical mass to support our businesses I I will defer to I like the idea I will defer to the three of you to think through and not that you're doing this but you don't want to bite off too much more than you can chew number one and number two what is the goal of year one right so we've talked about a farmers market we've talked about so's mechanics we've talked about an artery connecting the farmers market to the business district right we talked about potentially food trucks right you're talking about the number so I would it would help if you could clearly prioritize what your goals are for this year and just scope it in such a manner that you're not doing too much right because the key of this is adoptability right and so having it in an organic means and method to allow for that adoption will go far however much you guys want to dive in I'll support but I would just think through that um piece yeah I think that um it's a great point we don't work like food trucks not this isn't a circus like we're doing this is a farmers market first and foremost so getting that down is important to us for sure um but that connection to make sure that the small business district does not feel like cannibalized is important and we need to figure out a way to physically join them together and that is in three locations that's Oak that's that path and that is Fair Haven Road and if we the three of us can take rakes and clear that place out before May I'm not I'm not asking for any help from ppw if you give us the go-ahead we will do it and make sure that that is a space that's accessible to the people that are attending the market River Road I just don't want to get arrested I don't have a picture we' have to out there with Rich take back when we meet I don't think closing that parking lot I know we have an agreement with the other vendors one of them being Fairwinds and I don't think they would take time AG I don't think that we need to even speculate on it now because we have the space to hold everyone that we need we're not overflowed you know in in a few years year two whatever people are trping at the to get into this Market we have to expand we know that the space is utilized but if do think that we need to figure out a way to clear out this spot now I walk it every day it's just brush so to get that cleared out we can do that and we can make it so that it's a um an accessible place for the kids to come safe tuck away from the there will be green pans for the brush apparently that's the next step so um but like if you leave it to us we'll do it that's really all just two two points um communication and signage so is that something that that the burrow would be able to also communicate no because it's separate yes okay um signage though we do request communicate it could go on the bugs but not a sponsored event it's a partnership we can absolutely communicate we're not the same way and we can communicate I'll be able to communicate on the mayor page so the signage up front that says happy holidays is something we could consider Red Bank has one it's not a f sponsor that the Sor lesses run that I they have sign in so I think you'd have to just keep that in mind you have to bring it to us to approve where you g to put sign but that might be something to think about where you might want it throughout Town yeah um I can see Caroline and Paul there's a there's a fair even Business Association meeting in March it's a networking meeting so apparently there pretty good turnout at the networking meeting if you think that they should have a meeting with the association prior to it it's kind of your call but um I know they're knocking on doors which might be the best way to handle it for now and come to the March meeting well done thank you so much fantastic all right well you know just we'll get Teresa and we'll go from there thank you will'll be gluten-free options all right uh moving along to public comment on agenda items only this is only for agenda items please stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please try to observe a time limit 3 minutes Marty you waving goodbye or you're we'll that is your normal spot thr off I hate to go back to the brush but if you can provide some clarification and connect the dots on landscapers a lot of people use landscapers and you were referring to registering that they supposed to register is there do they have to register it's and what happens to if they don't register there's an appropriate enforcement I forget the exact ordance States so to connect the dots that you're asking for there's a whole ordinance on what landscapers have to do what they have to abide by Etc and it wasn't referenced in the workshop ordinance so being having a place where that's connected to so the residents know where they need to go how to use landscapers was question so the residents that use landscapers will somehow have to be responsible for making sure their landscapers register a license it's they know they know to go get one for the most part but and that's not withstanding the new brush and leaf ordinance right that's separate from that as of today all landscapers have to be registered in Fair Haven it's on the onus I'm not going to call them not the police that they have hang tags that they're supposed to use on their vehicles and you know that's part of the ordinance okay you know I think here the the point of the brush and leaf coordinance was to say that if a landscaper doesn't comply it's really the homeowner will be held down well see that's the point that's my second dot that I'm getting to is that if the landscapers are now going to be responsible for putting Twigs or brush in these cans that we're going to get and unless they take them away well some of them do but some of them don't right you can opt into the can homeowner is going to be like come home maybe after being away or working and you're going to see all your brush outside you know not in the can right then the homeowner I I already have to take a valy me brush when the company's registered with us and they're issued their tag or their sticker they're given the B calendar the schedule and ask to please buy by this and schedule your clients accordingly and now they'll get a one pager that shows them so don't want to be negative about this because I think it's a good idea but the person who owns the company who registers is not normally the help that actually does the work and so I think talk about communication issues for the residents this going to be a massive communication issue for residents with their landscapers just just a thought can I I have a question sort of on what you're saying though so if a landscap or they come once them are we requiring the landscapers now to come more because we're using the bins more right because no B okay so they're I guess okay no but they'll be you know like residents are care about their property a little differently you know like Betsy your you know our hedge clippings can that was just brilliant um you know all these guys that are there to go from property to property to property they're not going to pick up this this go with vegetative waste stor that you know anyway that that's the kind of thing that I'm just sort of thinking ahead thinking that we might need a second level of Education we might need a second PDF that just goes to the L I'll tell you I have a lens keeper who uh he he registers every year he gets the rules he takes it back to his office he figures out how many clients he has in zone one all the zones and he figures out what days he's got to get in and get out by he it's a part of how he functioned Fair even he says it's crazy he's always pulling his hair out because it's fair even is complex um I hope hope I can't wait to hear what he says about this hopefully it'll be easier hopefully it'll make more sense to him prer he can just leave all the stuff and we take care of it yeah yeah that would be great for him tell him to have fun in court that's not what he does but anyway I he's he's he's a good one my point thank you the only consideration I have I you know fully discuss so thank you is there anyone else in the public with a public comment agenda items only no uh Alison Mr hi rude you there have to I'd like to make a few comments but please don't answer me until I'm totally finished please on this brush thing for decades there was no schedule and this is not a health or safety issue little by little over the time I've lived in town which is more than 15 minutes the burrow did a lot more it even picked up the trash it picked up the garbage and it managed to get it done the town has not expanded in size the population has fluctuated H maybe 300 people up and down over the since World War two there is no great influx in the interim we've also got the internet which has helped make life a little simpler for our Administration I just see that you spent approximately 30 minutes about punishing the residents I mean this is not a good attitude this is not a good attitude it's like grounding your teenager you ground the teenager and then you have to modify your schedule so you can check that the grounding is being enforced you're making more work for burrow employees it is just ludicrous I don't want another calendar on my refrigerator I don't want another can in my yard I believe in let uh Live and Let Live just go along with Mother Nature you're going to have storms you're going to have all all kinds of natural things happen deal with them Fair Haven has become what I would call Stepford Haven if you've ever seen the movie The Stepford Wives this over the time I've lived here is what fa Haven has become everything is uniform everybody does the same thing everything is done the same way and that is not the village attitude that Fair Haven had even 40 30 years ago we used to be able to take our bulk over to the we had to take it but we could take it over to the DPW every Saturday between 9 and one then they cut that back to one Saturday a month it was a wonderful place to meet your neighbors it was a community atmosphere over there now you're lucky if you see your neighbors in the Acme Fair Haven the character of Fair Haven has totally totally changed I think if you have a problem with the leaves and them getting picked up and the brush and getting picked up it's time to get an efficiency expert in to really study the DPW and the way it works and maybe you can get a college to do it for free to come in and do it as part of a field study or something like that I just don't think the problem is with the residence I think it's with the DPW and that is my comment as I say I don't want another can in my yard and I don't want another calendar on my refrigerator stay out of my yard leave me alone when you've got a health and safety issue talk to me but that's it thank you thank you Ruth Alison anyone else a comment com agenda items only no okay with that I'm going to move along to approval of minutes November 27th 2023 regular meeting okay Alon may please have a roll call yes yes yes yes December 18 2023 regular meeting motion second Alison may please have a roll call yes yes yes thank you December 18th 2023 executive session motion second you Alison may I please have a roll call call yes yes yes yes thank you uh January 2nd 2024 reorganization meeting Cole yes yes yes yes yes false yes okay uh Council committee reports Finance police fire OEM burrow facilities thanks mayor um Finance um will have the uh first draft of the budget um in February um based on our executive session discussion back in December um some left and rights on what was going to go in the initial budget will come forth we do have an executive session topic that relates to finance that we'll talk about later um the other thing that we are tracking is our total rable base from 2023 has gone up over 10% um which can impact a myor of things so more to come I just want to put these key things on folks's radar so as they come across nobody's blindsided um please fire an oem um we've moved on conversations with all of these to put things in perspective on police in 2023 they had 8,431 calls in 2023 which is a substantial increase from 2022 what we saw a day um we will start hiring for uh patrolman I think we'll talk about an executive session as the further details I'm not sure what publicly available yet so I want to respect that um fire um there's there been a lot going on um from a 2023 perspective 203 responses for the fire department 420 for first aid and then there were 75 Mutual Aid responses where we helped another town in 2023 um fire is again signing up for the M momth Mutual Aid agreement which is really really important uh this allows other towns to back us up and vice versa in the case of an issue so that why there was like a fire that was on Fair Haven Road or the fire that occurred in sebrite it's knowing that the Department's going to be um staffed wherever folks are um the State signed into a law um a cease and assist for use of a certain ingredient in our foam truck so we're not allowed to use it effective immediately we're working through what that means as far as use of the truck and whatnot some more details um fire is practicing ice rescue tonight at mccarter's Pond um so that is ongoing they don't get too many times to practice it but that is underway um and then we'll be looking to see if it's possible to have a govern body meeting at the fire department sometime this year we started talking about that last year kind of dropped off with some other committing priorities um ending on facilities um I'm going to start high level um so uh administrative wise we need and we need direction from the governing body with change orders so when I say A change order I'm not talking something that we initiate and we want change I'm talking unforeseen circumstances so give you an example um at the end of last year there was flooding that went into the current Police Department building because of the two-phase demo uh given the unform nature of it and the fact that water was gushing in there was an immediate change order to to reconcile um another change order came up where um a sink and cabinet were missing in the community commity Center and by law we need to have it there um the sink we haven't approved um the the water one we did given the the the the immediate nature of it but we need to know what we're comfortable with with what the mayor is authorized to approve when an unforeseen circumstance comes up and where we're comfortable um I think for me I'll speak on my my perspective and then open it up um Tracy Ed um as you see fit um I think if there's like a like a safety a life safety cored infrastructure something like water ging in that kind of requires an immediate uh approach dependent on contingent upon that it's not fiscally out of the realm of you know a payment so I think that was like three grand 3 400 bucks I can't remember what the waterproof in was I think it was closer to five five yeah but but it also wasn't excessive if it like I this is important I'm glad we're talking about this um you know expenditures are the jurisdiction of this body so what we talked what we floated a few ideas we just knew we needed to come here and establish policy some sort of procedure um one suggestion is we have a threshold like change orders under $3,500 or 5,000 whatever that number is can kind of automatically keep we don't want to lose momentum when you're when construction is going one of the key variables that'll send your project sideways is call you know messing up the momentum so we do need to keep moving um so we could potentially say anything at that threshold number to be determined could move forward um but if it exceeds that then it comes back here and has to wait a meeting cycle um unless of course there's a life safety or some sort of urgency to it which I think there has to be some exemption around um I I also want to make sure that we get guidance in case in case the attorney has anything for us in terms of how we a committee could approve something like that since it's technically an expenditure when when when we get a change order comes to the facilities committee which doesn't technically have the authority to authorize expenditures that this body but not every change order is is but it would have to it would have to the threshold I mean technically we technically this governing body did approve up to 20% of change order right with the ordinance right what I what we did last year was when we presented with situations not that continually happened was we came to a consensus here right and and then gave the mayor the authority to do it so if we're saying that's a threshold and whatnot so for example this this sink right there there's like a 4,800 Buck charge for this change order that we need to have right so this was not it was unforeseen but there wasn't a a time constraint to it that it's going to stop so that could wait right so what we're what we've done previously right last year was came to a consensus as the governing body gave clear left and right to Josh right with what he's allowed and what couldn't had to wait and come back to the governing body we figured we would do the monthly um you know coming out of the uh out of Eli's office you know they do and not every change order is all up change orders sometimes are puts and takes like this s would have there's a credit credit someplace else you know it's if you think about when Rich does a road project when you get a change order you know you'll see that he had somewhere he increased something and somewhere he decreased something and you ultimately approve them and generally they're they they tell me after the fact you know governing body has awarded base bid and and you know these are within you know at the end of the day you'll know whether you Comm under that or over that based on these there's a big difference between the waterproofing like councilman L be pointed out and the governing body or or us deciding we want to put a window in where it wasn't before which would be something where you guys would say you know it's going to cost you an extra $8,000 to put a bay window in do you really want to do so you know as opposed to we need a slop sync because that's what the law you know require so you know some of them are optional and some of them aren't and and so that's really what particular but our goal is to get them to you monthly you know so you'll have an ongoing you know ability to approve them oh and we also have the bond ordinance right that controls obviously a number that we can't exceed um yeah and we have the 20% built in well look we don't want to use that 20% I was gonna make it plun I understand but there like like Teresa said is you know there's certain things that you have to do and there's going to be pluses that you know from all the projects you've done you know pluses and minuses and yeah hope it's a net zero it should that's what our I mean that's the goal right and listen if there's a change order like this one that came up where we can push back because I don't like personally to make a decision with the proverbial gun to the head right like we we're not operating under any like limited requirements here so or um so you know in this instance we were able to push it and we pushed back we did um and I think a threshold of financial threshold makes sense I think it needs to be unforeseen if there's a foreseen change coming down that should be clearly communicated way ahead of the time and a decision should be made at this governing body on a foreseen change that is going to happen but the unforeseen I think it should come down through a threshold and I think it should come down to the priority of how quickly needs to happen um if it can wait great if it can okay so I think under 5,000 or under seems to be a workable threshold that you get through most of the just to keep everything cruising because they documented it very clearly also yeah I'm I think that's a great and I think the sa one's like 4,800 but that doesn't include the net change anything that comes back at the credit we won't bring back we'll just let you guys know what that is but again these are unforeseen things that pop up right so if it's anything over 5,000 it's going to be critical there's an urgency to it it's you know a must do we'll fig yeah we yeah and we can also communicate with folks as needed if something like that God forbid happens right so we just want to make sure level as as that's acceptable toil you know I don't like spending money any awesome um the other thing too we don't need to discuss it today um what uh we'll pass around so if you guys remember when we did the PD and Community Center relying on um the goldsteen partnership BFI who are cert certified interior designers exterior designers um they helped us come up with all the rendering right and the public ultimately came like that grayish bluish I'm bad with colors and Par like so um so anyway so the discussion has become to work towards finish boards both from an exterior working our way in so you'll see more communication there's no decision to be made till the end of February we want to give ample time we'll pass out the renderings we started with the roof because the roof and the siding have the greatest constraints from supply chain and availability of supplies um and knowing that the public has already decided on the on on the you know the primary color that we're going to try and then from this will follow Interiors Furniture Etc um there'll be more input obviously on the community center which goes in for a color but we're going to start here and work away from the outside in so I'll pass this around if you want to see it we're using all three of those no this is what we choose from and and we have to pick a siding what is Chief's V it was that blish lighter gr one perfect which one PL right what I'll caveat is I would if you want every governing body member should take this outside that middle one has pink in it red in it red you know do not do not uh know let them see with their own eyes you're better off to look at the in the light of day and it'll be at my office you can stop by Take It Outside if you're doing white shutters I would do that I just do white yeah just Why would white shutters Take It Outside take a look there are no white shutters um take a look right I just so we just we just want to start the process right there's no rush in this we have over a month right but we'll start from the roof work our way to the siding and then start going inside so that ultimately in three four months we will have the full uh finish boards that we'll be able to put on um few other things mayor just to dive in on on um PD um we talked the change order for the missing countertop and the handstand we talk colors the steel delivery um will be coming prepared with how we're going to use the Third Street um entrance for the steel delivery if you recall on the 18th of December meeting um we went through all the logistics so we've requested a logistics plan we've requested a route we've requested timing we've requested number of trucks there's a lot of information we requested we'll package it we'll give it to everybody we're working very close to achieve um I'm going to end with DW next one Vice Centennial Hall 25 January 5:00 we have our initial stakeholder kickoff call um this is to begin the discussions on um the Ada upgrades uh punch list or the maintainable list for DPW and we have four key components of the plan um so I'll send it to Allison she'll be able to send an answer the group if anybody has questions feel free to come to Tracy I and then ending on DPW um the recycling center will be closed as of 31 January um that that's because of construction we're going to put a large sign on the locked gate right we'll have the security cameras up everything um DPW is starting the use of the concession stand um the concession Den does have a 23y old HVAC and a 27y old air handler so just FYI there might be some restorative efforts the concession stand needs after nine months of use um next week we'll be doing a walk through with Sher Sparrow so if if the governing body recalls last year Sherry Sparrow did the initial walkth through identified the trees to come down uh what to replant commented on the Landscaping plan so next week she'll be coming through uh to meet with the uh GC to Mark everything out and make sure that there's no confusion whatsoever we'll look to do groundbreaking next week so I'll shoot some text messages out to everybody um and Tracy and I will we'll coordinate we can have a quum actually no we did last time we were able to have everybody there so whoever wants to join we'll be able to do the groundbreaking next week um two things so on the agenda um just a quick shout out uh the extra due diligence we did on fuel tanks came in 20 grand less than what we budgeted 20,000 less so Kudos s Rich taking his time working with Manny um so that's tonight but it's great that it came in 20 grand on our budget and then um we're hoping to dust off the offset improvements to Maple a if you recall we rejected that bid um because it came in way over and we think we can get it for $200,000 cheaper than what the bid came in um so we'll have to look to authorize that um to go out to bid just to get some pricing so hopefully that comes in the near terms we can coordinate so I know it took a little extra time may just wanted a good level set starting the beginning year no PowerPoint okay I'm done gonna miss that bar the micro projects where micro projects I want to hear about the micro projects I don't have enough dat on that question I know I want toar I okay um micro projects okay after our initial meeting which is later this week all yeah um as I say at this point things are moving forward there's a clear sense of priorities and we can and and I'll I'll make that report at the next meeting or I'll call you if if you like it sooner um I didn't mean to start that no thank you over there moving along to Personnel bur Communications Community average parks and W councilwoman hody sure all start of personnel thank you um so councilwoman um councilwoman C and I spent some time individually with the majority of the burough employees uh throughout the I guess toward the end of the month of December so we gathered feedback on how things are going we talked through their their goals um you know we provided support as needed I think it was well received they were good conversations very robust conversations um importantly we posted the uh role of the burrow administrator on the Fair Haven burrow website right on the direct landing page um they that has been linked to other sites including um the league of municipalities social media LinkedIn Etc um encouraging everyone to share it far and wide uh we did talk about process you know Drew and I will continue to receive the resumés we'll share them in executive session we've received three applications so far it's only been posted a couple days which is great um and we'll we'll continue to talk through the process obviously we'll share resumes with the governing body um we did put forth the process to make sure everybody's involved in the selection process and um and more to come but in the meantime very can just continue to share that that would be super helpful um you know following that we'll work on posting uh the role for a CFO which is going to be our next CR key critical um hire to the department some more to come on that um parks and wck held our first meeting on the 9th of January um we are really excited about a potential partnership with the Boe the Board of Education the PTA and the burrow to upgrade um the playgrounds at sickles Park so there's a meeting actually taking place later this week having a company come on site to give some updated quotes but the PTA and the Board of Ed have expressed interest in partnering with us significantly on funding which is great um so more to comes we had an initial meeting on the on the bike safety program that we've mentioned a couple times we had that the beginning of December um Chief was there uh um Corporal C I always forget Catherine thank you p Robinson were there so some more to come but we had initial discussions I think you know again we're going to break that up into two components um registration is open right now for the mother son dance the father daughter dance all the spring Sports uh baseball softball cross and our next meeting will be on February 6 um comms our first meeting we held um with our our new chairperson um uh councilwoman d melli uh on the 18th of January we again I'm not going to uh we don't need to go there but we had a lot of conversation around the bo the letter and communication uh we also have given the community an update on the recycling center closure um we want to remind everyone that the police station is open normal business hours I think we've gotten some questions around that in light of the the construction in the area um we are going to announce uh the new parking regulations for fair Heen Road as we get closer to crabbing season um and you know as councilwoman deell pointed out you know people should feel encouraged to check the website for ongoing updates there are a lot of information that's sted there feel free to chime in if I minut anything everything okay did um was there any initial um feedback questions comments from the recycling center being closed anything that can be done differently unless Edan receive some no okay yeah nothing yet um quickly on beautification I'll just mention we met we have a lot of conversations going on um about the new bid sorry the new lights have gone out out to bid we're respecting expecting responses by the uh 5th of February so we'll be able to move on that project um and then the library board is holding our first board meeting on January 31st the fits are being accepted next Tuesday we hope to award on the F oh I'm sorry I'm accepted next I got it thank you I thought you the okay I'll go thank you thank you Council uh planning board councilman Kai thank you mayor uh the planning board met Tuesday January 16th for their annual reorganization meeting at that time they elected uh as chair uh Fred Ralph who was the chair last year and Dave poola as the vice chair they also appointed for their board secretary Sheila Olen their board attorney Doug kovat board engineer Rich Gardella board planner with CCH uh and then the list of meetings for 24 and that was basically the business that they conducted who C and um well the navate municipalities commission met last week your time is up but I found out something very interesting at that meeting that the um the the sewage Authority is actually building a tunnel under the Shrewsberry River yes hu huge it's huge huge it's it's like three times beside they they gave me the dimensions like 25 feet wide and michaw it's all for sewage storm water sewage or just sewage sewage sewage from the city all of the surrounding area towns they didn't say which two were not participating but all of the are town all that sewage flows down it comes out over by Oceanport across the Shrewsberry River so I thought it was really interesting the conversation that they had about that didn't didn't that representative three Us in that meeting last year show the pictures and everything Two River reation Reclamation Authority yeah yeah I guess that's why they raised their fees for everybody so um but you did meet the um and is there an update on the status of the river no um the gentleman that was to provide that update did not show up okay okay moving along Engineering in DPW followed by Zoning Board of adjustment councilman Cole thank you mayor um engineer DW uh on the 30th of January we'll be receiving bids as chist touch fund for the repairs to the street lamps um myself among many other residents are looking forward to this work moving forward so um with uh Good Fortune we will'll have those bids we will get good bids Rich will review them and then make a recommendation along with um councilman Andre toble and we will hopefully be able to award that job um February 5 hope yeah that's the anticipation with the work to begin and be completed this year um and which might be a great way for us to frame how we want to work on holiday decorations so that by the end of the year we've got really a nice uh put a bow on it is what I'll say because there's some careful coordination opportunities there um I want to give a big shout out to our small but dedicated crew at DPW they saw us through State of Emergency on January 9th um where we experienc high winds heavy downpour um they took steps to mitigate uh potential pling in vulnerable areas um and we also have our back um two back snow events on Tuesday and Friday um so thank you and we're grateful they got us through we um really can't thank them enough considering the conditions you know they really give us a lot considering their small gr and they uh they turned out for us so um I would like to acknowledge we have three Forman that we're going to be appointing tonight Dave Carl as our um buildings and grounds and Parks Forman and a well a very helpful on the ground knowledge um he is indispensable um we're lucky to have him and I'm glad he's going to be a reappointed as foreman and we also have Jared oerson our building our building grounds um technician and Jim O'Brien our sces foreman so just want to haul that out we're lucky to have those guys um and they're on the agenda for this evening the zoning board held its January reorganization meeting on January 4th and scheduled the scheduled to meet on February February 1st in here in application 550 River Road which is a former PNC building um the historic preservation commission will be meeting tomorrow night and again that's their reorganization meeting grants committee will be meeting February 9th and we anticipate at least one there's a couple grants that we've been tracking and we'll hope to have that in summary form for the governing body to review um by the our 226 meeting we'll continue to monitor bit of fair share housing um I just want to acknowledge that Teresa sent out a summary uh on our affordable housing and our plan as well as an overview of kind of how it works and what's happened so far and I just as busy as everyone is it's it would be really worth your while to spend five minutes and look at it it's easily uh understood and pretty simply go through that it gives a really helpful overview that's thank you one thing May um councilman Cole who is the chair of the zoning board uh Todd Todd leader okay yeah and the attorney is dou kov well and Sheila is the seate got it thank you okay moving along introduction of ordinances 2024 d01 supplement chapter 7 traffic section 14 15 and 21 does anyone have any questions to discuss this before I ask for Moe this just stems from all of our engagement with the residents back in the fall recommendations from the chief and uh his supporting staff and this was the second action behind the one that was passed for fishing and grabbing that's correct so this is the second lever we're pulling to help third third lever bathroom the port was removed okay got it thank you can I ask a couple questions so this is just you're adding just more restrictions on parking times there are times in the day you can park there so uh there's more than that there's one section closer to the river where we extended no parking how many feet it's not to parking right now you park one side yeah and then on from Fair Waters to River you can park right now there's no parking on the West Side change ACC like that and the rest to our all the time yeah so that's no difference and the only thing is that um we say till 9 o'clock but when we have concerts I just want to make sure that there's going to be some kind of leeway for concerts right because it's saying n o' you can't it it wouldn't the concert won't go more than two hours so there shouldn't be an issue I guess but what if someone's parked they come later and they Park past 9 o' would they have an issue well once it's after 9 o' there's no more 2our oh got it so it doesn't matter so they can park with deck okay that's fine good to disc okay um do just I have one question for chief is there is is the the new parking going to require a lot of new signage yes yeah be sign and approximately I I'm just interested in you know I wanted to be functional but I also wanted to I just want to preserve the charm yeah the size will be whatever required I think it's 50 ft every 50 ft so I don't know how many feet it is but there'll be a um I'll say four or five signs on the E side yes and then on Waters on the left side it's River la well do we have signs there of any kind right now there should be on the one side I'm not sure you side there [Music] signs yeah both sides few more yes but not a lot more size whatever is required which is every 50 feet every 50 feet that's like almost every property yeah and they try to put them on the property line so it's not is is can we do it less than every 50 I mean can we do it more than every whatever is required by take a look at this 75t because when we did it over on Cambridge remember we had it like span like 150 foot in it was only one sign and 75 ft in either direction too so there's no parking here at the corner first 25 ft so I'm not sure and then you'll have the stop sign yeah but thisway stop there so you're not put anything for 25 fet because automatic stop don't need any that whatever minimum is required we have I'll take a look um I personally think these new parking RS are going to be helpful I'm figuring out you know as the planning gets underway for 21 this will provide us with uh feedback what's working what's not working so that's my only contribution any else motion anyone motion to introduce second Al please have a roll call Co yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you uh consent agenda we about excuse me resolutions 2024 35 through 46 um before I ask for a motion is there anything that anyone wants to separate off the consent agenda I don't want to separate but I have one question uh authorized Cooperative purchase for this for Maverick um we've had a few questions on this Teresa you want to take it yeah I'll take it um if you recall the burrow uh the governing body had approved the purchase of a um of a cargo van to be used for uh Recreation and uh it was impossible to uh get a caran and the chief can certainly you know jump in here but we've been doing our best to to monitor every possible site to be able to do so the governing body approved that uh back in December of 22 in an amount not exceed $32,000 um we hence had found on a national Co-op uh a Ford Maverick which is really a truck yeah um in the amount of 27784 30 which both the chief and DJ feeli will be um will meet the needs of uh Recreation we're going to put a cap on cap on it oh and and the cap will uh even with the cap it willon exceed the 32,000 that was originally approved for the cargo ban this is this is on here because it's a national Co-op and we're compelled to to adopt this resolution uh by by New Jersey state purchasing law because it's a national P did you say cab or cap or Governor cap for the truck for the truck have been very hard especially and the Ford Maverick picki pickup is actually very affordable and available not many further available anymore so we got that we looked at a cap for it under everything be under 32 DJ we looked at it DJ was happy with it so I helped them I just helped them try to pick out the car so it works yes for what a cargo van would it given us this yes yes I talked to the DJ and and we we're in agreement that this is a good choice I one follow question this vehicle is for Fair Haven programs and for recreation purposes or other Fair Haven things within Fair Haven this vehicle doesn't doesn't yeah no he doesn't take it home or anything like that no just with in you only that's even approved to drive that truck is BET weed five grand not five I mean five with the cast probably three still but weed three grand of yeah we get the logo on the side of the truck and and all of that that we usually do any other questions on the consent agenda for ask for a motion do I have a motion motion Alon I please have a roll call yes yes yes okay Department reports December 2023 year end 2023 uh do I have a motion to accept the reports as submitted motion with a thank you and second all in favor anyone opposed okay moving along good to the burrow pleas stand identify Yourself by clearly stating your name and address for the record please try to observe a time limit of 3 minutes is there anyone in the public yes F at 7 colal Court I'm coming here to ask for a little help uh we recently replaced an existing fence and the borrow gave us a code violation our backyard is across the street from the back of the acne taing Center there's equipment stored back there there's people who smoke and talk on their cell phones back there um people employeed park on the street and they come and go uh the shopping center has no screening at all not a fence not a bush nothing um the ordinances do not allow us to screen our yard from the shopping center with a privacy fence uh I'm the community volunteer who knows the zoning procedures and ordinances well without going into details I assure you that at every step of the way we have tried to follow the rules and the procedures um and the code violation did not result from negligence on our part the way out for this the way out of this for us is to apply for a variance so this is just for fence right not a super expensive item um this will require us to pay to borrow $2,700 in fees and escrow to just enter the process um besides that we're we're attempting to start the process despite that very high cost uh but we're now faced with a 26 page application that requires us to provide a long list of documents that we don't even know what they are or where to get them and many of which don't seem pertinent to a fence um we asked for the fence ordinance to be changed to allow a privacy fence on a property AB buts a shopping center which we thought was a fair and simple solution uh but that wasn't done so basically this has turned into a big expensive mess it's going to use a lot of it's going to use up bar time it's caused us a lot of stress and it doesn't really seem like it's going to benefit the community in any way um our matter is extremely simple it's highly likely to get approved is there an abbreviated process or application we can use or is there some someone who can work with us to understand the long list of documents and where we should find them is there is is there new information are we talking about the exact same thing we talking about same so you're presenting it because it's a new council is that what I'm getting out of the no we had asked we learned at the end of last year that you weren't going to move forward or act on our request to change you ordinances so now we've tried to take the next step and enter the variance process but now we have another U Turtle all for a fence and it's a fence that we replaced in the exact same position it's a pre-existing condition we didn't change or make it worse I this is I think we need to talk you know um I don't have an answer for you right off the cuff I the you said that you found out at the end of the year that we weren't going to act on it was that new information who did did that come from tresa sent me an email I I wasn't aware we were still discussing it I I thought we had I thought we had discussed it earlier in the year and that we had sent it to Zoning for them to give a ruling which I thought we had a ruling from the zoning attorney at the time I thought and the zoning attorney said based on the on the current setup that that was the process that needed to be followed I don't recall discussing it since then in any capacity um you know I'm a little bit opposed to setting up an ordinance um you know to find a a mechanism based on the shopping center just because it applies to your house and it's helpful to you but that being said I'm not opposed to looking at it to see if there's something that benefits the entire town in a different capacity as far as like getting help on the fence I'm not sure you know I'm sure someone from the town would be willing to sit down and help you but not from the burrow does that make sense because if we do that we we have to sit down with every single person that applies for a zoning application and go over the ins and outs of that zoning application so you're you're looking for um you know level of an anomally where where we do that I mean I I'll do it with you I don't know that I I it might be a good learning experience for me sure to see to see what's going on but not as a representative of the burrow I do it as a resident of the burrow to see if I can help you you know um I don't know if anyone has else has any any thoughts on I was just going to say that we had another Resident have an issue with zoning and uh he actually called me and told me that Nick was very helpful is very helpful in the process has he been able to offer you any guidance yeah I don't see I mean I don't know what Carol's referring to as far as you know what she doesn't understand but I I don't see the reason why you know the Nick or Joe wouldn't sit with her and go through a lot some of those things you just ask for a W for I mean I don't have it in front of me I don't know what you're looking for but I don't have a problem with this own office giving like any Resident giving some assistance when it comes to something like that they won't do it for them but they certainly can you know explain the process if you have questions to that regard I think that might be the a key because the list is like 30 list items long most of which don't apply for offense I assume that if we had a conversation like that they would wave a big majority of when you start there and see you know and and if you if you set up the meeting Carolyn and I can make it I I it'd be good learning experience for me too I'll come as I'll be happy to see there's a zoning function I'm supp be tracking I track other applications and I do know that the zoning board is arous as opposed to planning board or an as of right application but um I'll just hold my thoughts for now but I know other folks who have had simple matters that are burdened by the you know the zoning board process is by intentionally a higher bar because you're asking for something that's not allowed this the idea but then there are there are conditions where it's pretty simple um you can't anticipate approval but it seems like it would be and maybe I'll just I'm not conceptually is there an alternate route and I know that's a legal issue but we're a small town it' be nice to be able to figure out something feels a little friendlier also when we met with Nick he told us Kristen he said they reviewed 300 applications and 20 were not approved yeah so I would definitely start with him yeah okay if you want to reach out I'll with the mayor that's great I'll reach out question is again I don't know much about son but you can't replace if it was an existing Pence you can't just replace that even though it was like and there's no grandfathered in kind of unfortun well it was in the right way it's in the right way regardless the fact was it you can replace she's asking for her herance because of the way her yard is set is looking for a privacy fence so but it was already existing she's replacing how it was but even but they had done if if it if it wasn't a variance she'd be replacing it with just a permit promise the bigger issue is if you have a non permitted use and you have a resident nearby that that not permitted use in this case the commercial operation should have been Pro required to provide a buffer for those residents across the street that's has come and gone next time there's a site plan that before the planning board that's something that can happen but it's a very narrow area there and your livability is impacted by the back of the house of a commercial operation which is technically not permitted and that hard I hate to point out the obvious is they might not have thought of that because at the time she had a fence that was already up but decision I'm just saying perces it has to do with the zone and that's a presential Zone immediately abing a commercial Zone and there's language in our land use ordinance about landscape buffers uh it's very narrow back there so it would have been challenging to make that happen I don't even know what the answer would be but the fact that it's become your burden yeah is the piece I am struggling to reconcile myself and just you know you mentioned it's just for one person but it's really not there's three yards that are in the same situation that's I I understand that for me I'm trying to uh communicate that setting a precedent that someone has an issue that affects them and we change an ordinance um specifically to relieve them of those pressures to me means you're changing ordinances for the benefit of singular residents I don't think that sets a good precedent that's what I suggest that we could look at it another way right land use ordinances def find how that piece of land can be used regardless of who owns it um seems like we that piece of land is being unfairly burdened Yeah by not allowing it to be to screen itself from the shopping center that that's one thing me and you differ on but respectfully yeah sure okay thank you very much I will definitely set up that meeting I appreciate it thank you um is there anyone else with good to the burrow anyone else I do yes i' just like to um uh let every everybody know that the foundation of Fair Haven is sponsoring an event on March 3rd at uh the Columbus Club it's called The Haven ho down tickets will be available online at the end of the week and in person if you wish to pay cash or use a check at Canyon pass um uh there'll be all sort there's games there's food there's competition there'll be music um and all of this will be available at the Columbus Club starting at 7 o' on March 3rd all of the proceeds from this will go towards Fair Haven day and other community events it's adult only or adult only wow and future events will be fa Haven Day on June 8th and we're bringing back October Fest which will be on September 28th wow sorry the event is march3 That's Where It's At bro Fair that's where it's at Sunday pardon me it's Sunday Saturday be March I said March 3rd I just want to make sure WR down right um okay is there anyone else in the public with a public comment go to the burrow Alison online real quick I want to congratulate uh the eighth grade girls midm momth basketball team conratulations uh so for the fourth straight year they advaned to the final four of the midm playoffs um an amazing amazing success you word is word is potentially the most accomplished girls basketball team in the history they play again on Saturday we got home um I don't remember what time but uh I just want to congrat they tremendous accomplishment they are fantastic I'm so proud of um with that being said we're going to move towards our first executive session of the new year a new year that includes a Haven ho down an October Fest and Fair Haven day and farmer market and a farmers market wow lot going on right 9:53 [Music] p.m. hi first meeting oh now we're on oh um do I have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor anyone opposed councilwoman D melli enjoyed her time so much night that she doesn't want to