##VIDEO ID:qemcC2bLUqc## all right this meeting will come to order this is a regular meeting of the environmental Commission of the buau of Fair Haven in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings ACT public meetings may be held in person or by means of communication equipment to include streaming services and other online meeting platforms this meeting is being held in person and through the zoom meeting platform being broadcast from burrow Hall 748 River Road faen New Jersey public participation for this meeting on December 11th 20 2024 is available by calling phone number or through Zoom members of the public will be unmute until it is time for questions comments which will be announced at that time the public has the opportunity to question comment by phone or through Zoom by the rais hand button and will be called on at the appropriate time notice of the meeting was sent to the Asbury Park Press the Two River times and the Star Ledger on January 26 2024 posted on the burough website the bulletin board in the municipal building and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute with adequate notice having been given envir environmental commission secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting all right St pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the States of America to the for it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all G I hope you said it along with us yes did you hear me yeah you are an active participant yeah all right uh Chris do you want to help with the roll call please Sean Bailey pres Jesse R absent Anna Antonin absent William D absent fan here Susan Gary Patterson present Peters is abent is AB you have AUM thank you we have as many guests as we do uh Commissioners thank you guys for braving the weather tonight I love your commment to our our agenda um let's be brief if we can um and spend time on the things that are we're spending time on great um there any updates on the ER yes talking about can go back to the amend oh the appr sorry I did I'm I'm eager um the minutes were circulated um last week were there any questions or concerns revisions oh can I get a motion to motion to approve all right and I I I we have approved the meeting minutes from November all right so let's jump into current business uh top of the list is er we Vision updates yes so we have been receiving great input from interested and knowledgeable parties and I thank everyone who has done that we're expecting some more so we are pushing this over into January I think is now our Target date and I would just ask um all the members of the EC who have gone through the document and said this needs updating to please updated because I'm I'm I'm okay as an editor but I'm not the source of knowledge for many of these things so if you caught it and you know the source could you at least site the source okay so people that have made comments in there you want them to come back and actually fix their yeah okay exactly because they have the knowledge to identify it's out of date um so Su do we have access to that or is we have it in Google Docs form and yeah you share it I'll share it again yeah share it we'll share it is that helpful yeah I just don't remember how to how to find it like to go back in and I know I went in and made some comments a while ago so I think you did I think Jesse said to just use suggested comments on the drop- down menu for any additional comments okay okay I think so yeah would you say that there are a large volume of comments to still be addressed or is it whittling it down to like the last handful I don't think so we're still waiting for some input from some of the volunteer committees or okay yeah so I don't know what the volume of that is yet but just from the council members who who know that there's info that needs update it would be really helpful to know what that Source would be okay so um have which um volunteer organizations are we waiting for um I think the natural I know yeah Robin say she's working on I think it I thought maybe you already had it so I think it should be yeah great anything else so do you need any like um background for the comments that I gave you no because no most of them will just change road to Avenue and such and such no I don't I I incorporate I a couple things IED in about the D Town that's only because I just know it you know I it I I entered your comments okay thank you okay and did I hear you say council members hadn't been in there too writing inut that's great okay yeah it's great right I'm sorry commission members not council members oh okay okay sorry sorry yeah that makes more sense okay great so we'll we'll come back to it in January um next one on the new business or current business is the bird sanctuary committee I understand that still hasn't met yet so we'll move on to the next one U marter Pond committee update that's through me um I I guess it's just updating you guys the in October we had two open forums collected some some resident feedback um provided some additional insight into what's been going on with the pond uh last month we had a just a committee meeting to go through that feedback and to start to look at some of the expert advice that we've been given um to date um and start to look at some Alternatives we've split up into some even within our committee we split up into some subgroups so we have um a couple of people looking at alternatives to dredging so not dredging but things that are like dredging um that help help pick up the the mck or dissolve the muck that's on the bottom to help increase the the depth of the water um two Council women that are on the committee um Hoy and uh Michael they are going to look a lot deeper into the different grants and funding sources in our our purse um and how they can be layered in to fund some of these activities we are still trying to meet with other um service providers and other experts to continue to kind of round out our input so we're not kind of getting it all from just one One Source um and that's been a little bit tricky getting people uh like contractors almost like getting a plumber schedule that's been tricky to get them scheduled and and agreed to a time and all that so that's what we're working on so it's kind of like a couple of substreams that are working um in parallel uh we're getting back together next week um hopefully if we all got the time well we'll go next week depending on who's there um and just have an update on how that's going um but probably have a little bit more of a a workshop um type of event in in January February to just to start to pull all this uh substreams together anything you want to add no um I think it's just uh that's a good update and just a lot of like funding and and other things um discussing about other things we could do just in education wise for people not just around that town that wed but just um all around town too right um but no I think that's it cool um next one on current business is the Normandy Waterfront Park so if you remember a couple months ago we wanted to make sure that the information around the design that the survey itself was up to date or or so relevant so John and I met up one morning before Thanksgiving and we took his little um it's like a GPS device it's really powerful and so we mapped out the upper bank and we mapped out the lower Bank we mapped out the two tide um Heights so he's been putting now it's on him he's putting that into a thing yeah a map a system to pump that app so I haven't seen the results um but the idea was to take that and compare it to the survey and if they're still pretty close good to go um generally though the the project itself has been handed over to the buau so it sits with Chris um it sits with engineering to look through the I think just take the remote and say okay just be the TV upate fingers crossed your update's done Gary are you still there Gary's on that one okay that's probably GNA do what this is doing it's just a display I me you've got everyone over there we techology I see I hear great all right it's gonna come back on and looks like yeah so hopefully we are still within like you know a good range of what the original survey was we continue to use that and that becomes part of the bid documents that go out but that's fundamentally where we are they've got to create or take the design that we have and create the documents for you know contractors to B on the work and are we um set on that just are we set on the like repairing the the Hillside and I think part of the bid documents is to look at that and and come back with like what do they recommend who recommends like someone who would come in and do the work okay because there have been plans that have been written up for that yes yes so is that where you're getting bid at that is part of the the documents that would go out to for the bids right but just asking are we okay with those plans are those the plans that we support have we seen them no I thought so well I think a few of us but I don't think the general public and there are some areas now I remember when we last met about that like there's a lot of stakeholders in involved right and so the plan some of the plans might not appease a lot of the because you have the fairh netw works you have um people who access the river such as um Emergency Services too as well you also concern about storm water concern about Paving and you know other things and I just wondered if um that last rendition of what the plans are is that what before we send that out to bid we should probably be on the same page or maybe make some I don't know I'm just asking like is is it a complete package I don't think so right well there's the the report and the the design from Stevens M so there's that piece M um and then there are some I might have design that rich did like this right there's some of these design sketches that came along with it um so I would say that when it comes back from Chris to say hey this is what we want to go forward with we would then have an opportunity to have that discussion okay but you know before that goes out to bid right yes as like like as a a point in the process okay but the first I guess the first step is just find out whether we need a new survey or not and that's that you and John yeah that was the first because we would have to spend money on that to do that right which we're were trying to avoid I can share some of these with you too be great they were done by yeah this was in back in 20 201 you can email or something that' be great so Sean are you saying you're asking the people potential bids to write specifications or are there written specifications because that sounds like a self-interested response might be returned well I think we would Define what the objectives are and we would provide the material like what's from Stevens I would like to see it open to suggestion right so if we want natives planted on the hillside we might say of you know this category or a menu of items they might say all right we propose to use these now we can say okay we want you to use those or we want you to use other ones right um when it comes to the dunes or the rip wrap or around the in the the shoreline we might say hey we want it to be we we it should do this like it should you know it should have some sort of outcome but if we're too prescriptive then they're just going to tell us what that is right if that's what we want then that's that's one way of doing it we can say these are the objectives these are some suggestions you're welcome to also make your recommendations so is this who's driving this project is this I mean where is our input in in this process it sounds like you're talking about performance spec so they'll say we'll get we'll get to Point Z this is the way we propos to get it get there it's my first time so I've not been through it before but we're not a project management team we we we we are right we handed that off to the the buau administrator they're the ones that take from here so we've given our input in the design specs that have been drawn up um I'm expecting it to kind of come back again and have another pass okay before it goes out to bid yeah and that was your question right Kelly do we have ADD right because I don't think half the team has seen it um and just you know there were a couple different versions of plans from in-house and out of house and and a lot of these plans are from 20177 too and so right and the thing that was we were going to pull back on was the Rucker design that had a rain garden and had us stopping the street and had us parking lots and all like parking spots that was being pulled back the inhouse had the parking right and a lot of concer like a lot more pavement right not the rec but yes but it just there was a lot of difference there was two different distinct versions maybe a mix of of gold but also like the you know just talking to and getting Community input or Buy in um as well great so we should expect to see something there after the maps I would say we're you know probably a couple months away with everything else that's going on but yeah it's good great cool all right um the next item is the sust Sustainable New Jersey operation um uh I did um send something to chrisy I don't know if you want to put it up there or not it's but I the spreadsheet and I could kind of just talk through so our um for those that don't know our stable Jersey application is due again it expires um next year and we we are hoping to maintain our silver certification um for the burrow what silver means is that we will have 350 points that we will achieve um it also includes one required action which is a formation of a green team which we have which we just have to update um three priority actions out of eight categories and so I just if you um is that sheet seven do you see it says sheet 2025 that one yeah yes thanks okay so I just kind of color coordinate sorry it's a little crazy to see from here um but I you could zoom in a little bit there you go perfect so um you can click on um uh oh yeah so you could see perfect um sustainable actions sustainable Jersey actions does have a hyperlink so that will take you to the action page and you can look um if you need to on just what each action is you can look it up right there and it could tell you everything you need for that action which is awesome thank you Christie and then what I also have and I will try to update um it and you could see and you could scroll through and it tells you why it's important um what is needed some guidance what other towns have done to achieve it so it's a really good map um guideline everything you need to know to get that action is right there it is fantastic so it kind of just Maps it all out there for you many of the actions also have different point systems so you get 10 points for doing the bare minimum you can get 15 points if you do extra it all depends um but if you go back to that spreadsheet chrisy thank you perfect um some of the actions themselves are also hyperlink I'll eventually get to them you know so that you could just easily get there if you need to um the reds are what we have are recurring so these are ones that we do not have to redo these are one and done or they're done for the next foreseeable future so that they will be done for the next rendition so we have 55 points already in our um in our application so far so that's a good start that is so um and that includes the national resource inventory which is our ER tree protection ordinance bicycle pedestrian Audits and the plan and our tree planting program those that are renewal in the yellow here these are ones that we have submitted but they all expired this or um this past year and so obviously you know create a green team which is mandatory then I also put in here is it a priority action so remember we do have to in order to be silver certified we have to have three different priority actions um and so I listed them too as well you can see in that area but I was hoping that this would just be a starting point where people could say hey look um like for instance Anna there's um down in plann there's a farmers market and she's going to probably say I'll be the owner for that so I'll make sure all the um materials for the farmers market I will gather that and take ownership of it so um you can see where the yellow are renewals doesn't necessarily mean that we have to do each every one of those again um renewals and then some other planned ones that we had thought about are the ones in blue some of them uh why we didn't do them the first runaround is maybe they were a little bit too much of a input from the burrow we didn't have it or they're just bigger types of action plans but if you can notice something that's really um number 54 here the Municipal Water story this has come up time and time again it's worth 20 points it's a priority action and a gold Star as well so this is something that you know we've been also talking about how important it is for our storm water U management so some of these are bigger items that we might just I encourage people to take a look at some of these actions and see where they align with our priorities and I know Sean you're going to be talking about the Strategic plan areas of focus and some of these might just help be a guide map for how to do that um and we get points for it so um so I just what does the blue mean again the blue these are all planned like things that we can do and I know also with Anna being on the fire department as well I know we do a lot of this stuff it just we didn't have the resources or the time to actually reach out to the fire department and get all this information I know they go into the schools and they teach about fire safety I know they do a lot of that prevention materials I just we just didn't have the we talk about it we we didn't have the labor to like go in there and get it all and collect it because we we're kind of like scrambling this is a big job it also requires a lot of people's input um aart from the environmental commission if you could see you know Betty an was a huge resource with a lot of the communications that we have um Christy was great because there's a lot that pertained to the shade tree commission um but like um our Fleet inventory we were trying to get our Fleet inventory which I think is a huge thing to have right what vehicles do we own what year are they what is their gas mileage so that you know if you're trying to be more efficient like which one is the next one to get off and what are we going to do with that and like that is just good budgeting and documentation but we could not nobody was going into all the the cars and doing all the mileage and you know we just couldn't get the the the person the labor to do that um but once we have the fleet inventory then we can automatically get our Municipal carbon footprint so it goes like one one with the other um and these are just you know things to know and maybe obviously now with our B administrator he might already be doing some of this stuff or already on it um like uh Municipal like municipally supported or aggregate um educ uh energy like there's a lot of different things we I know you know been improved our public engagement in planning and zoning and municipal government with our open houses it's just a matter of documentation a lot of this stuff so this is um so I guess the from now until January if people want to just run through it look through it and maybe own one or two that you're like okay this is in my wheelous or I'd be happy to kind of lead the charge on this um that would be helpful and you could feel free I could share this with that want and we could put your name in there and we can kind of work from there yeah why don't you share it so we can take a look sure happy to do you want to go outside of the UC for any of the these efforts so I will share I wonder Caroline and and um you know Paul what do you guys if there's anything that pertains specifically to the Natural Area but I'd be happy to like kind of go through that I know there is one um open space PL I I need to look more at that right but I'm you know um or if we're already doing it there's one like environmental commission site plan review it's like are we already doing that when we look at the site plan interesting yeah so Kelly it would be helpful too to understand what what information you're looking for yes well it will all show that in the action it'll say what's included and so I'm I would it would be great if like you're like you know what this is Rings my bell I'm going to look in it and you do it otherwise it's like a lot I'm happy to do some too but for instance Community design for all ages I know there is an open house Saturday for an inclusive playground I wonder if that is part of you know Community design for all ages I think it was all I think it was there something else I don't know I might have put ages and writing all these down um but it could be for all accessibility um anyway this is great I mean this is for me super helpful to like see it all in one place okay so if if we did all of the renewal got all the renewal points yeah what would would be where would we be we would be at the [Music] 55 um let me just s it up here is that what it is did you go down to fire I didn't do the fire yet too but if we did that it would be um so we be over 350 yes what is the threshold to get to gold so there is no gold so the thing is you can have gold star which you could be gold starred in either energy health or water depending on if you are um uh so yes um and then another caveat here important the first round of submissions is due February 23rd and to for our first round we need to have 150 points completed and does the recurring ones count towards the yes recurring ones do count but like things that we already know like farmers market right like Farmers Market Farmer Market accessibility we know we have [Music] um uh emergency communic like we know we have a bunch of this stuff in here prescription drug and safety program grass cut it and leave it we we just have to get the documentation from buddy in when she put that on the screen um or when she like you know put it in the burrow buds Etc um a hold a green Fair that's our love where you live day every year um so we I could easily update that with photos and documentation um all that stuff create a Green Team and the environmental commission are both to that there's 20 points right there we just have to kind of set you know put our our board members and and everything else basic information yeah so um and is it all submitted in that website so there's an there is a does like there is an application and I'm going to have to call and see because um as it is currently I'm not even and the administrator on it it is Ralph and lini still so I have to go back I have to get in touch with people there and like update that user access and there are some people in the green team that have user access some people that don't so um I would have to make sure that you know people here get access to it or or simply um Christy has access I have access at least give us the documentation and we can upload it okay it usually creates like a little summary too and you have access to the old summary and sometimes you might just have to add a couple and change some dates so once it's already done it's it's not it's really not bad it's just a matter of getting in touch with people from different departments and getting that information and submitting it and did I read correct like when you're on I think from the website it says submit earlier because there can be like a review and questions and it goes back and forth so you submit February 23rd your return date is early April and so it might and they're they give you great recommendations they say awesome the only thing you're missing is this or you're right there you know or approved um so you know what you have to go back in and fix and approve then the second round is May 16th return date mid June third final round is July 31st and then we find out and leave September if we are um I just it's you know and people ask why get certified it is you know obviously our access point for funding for Grants through this organization it also helps save money as a burrow when you're buying from a renewable energy you're doing community aggregate you're you're doing a lot of different you know more sustainable actions all around you're creating a a a more more inclusive environment sustainable environment you get access to some really great workshops tools um and then you also just you know get that feather feather in your cap you get to promote it you know every other Peninsula town was silver certified we were kind of like that hole in the donut there we finally got in so we weren't left behind and um so gold star is just important to you because it's those if you're gold star and energy health or water you're helping the state achieve its Su State the sustainable sustainability State of the State report that they published in 2015 to try to get everybody to be on board to meet our goals as a state so once so is do you have to do a certain number of gold star you do not in a c area so say for water do we say you want to do water and we have to go do a certain number that are so I was looking I was looking into that trying to do more info I need I might need to like just talk to somebody and um okay there but yes there are some required um in order to get a gold star in energy or he um it tells you what you need to get okay yeah yeah if it's not too far out of reach P goal go for the goal go for go and I I mean water it's town like so there's it's topical right now why not like there's a new one that just got released this year is and I thought I bet you we can easily do this winter best practices to reduce road salt impacts like that is a big huge issue for I mean we're are coastal town but I bet you we could probably you know do that we could probably earn that or at least maybe consider it but like that's also a no breiner for our clal town so you know they just opened that up this okay um you know so it's actually it's just a nice set of goals and Ambitions of where your channel wants to go in that direction too so one more question when you in that column for like a priority action what is what does that mean when it's a priority action so that's what I said so in order to be silver certified you can't just do all the actions from one or two in the same categories you need eight different categories so if you look at the actions um if you look back at the different actions that there are there are um see food energy diversity Equity Emergency Management those are all the categories like Arts creative culture I think now with the Estuary and some of the other art stuff that we've you know um Green Design Innovative projects local economies so there's a it's not just what we think about you know stuff that pertains to the environmental commission only right it's also land use Transportation it's diversity it's Health Wellness um so all different aspects of the town but you need eight you need to have your points have to come from eight different ones of those categories and you need to have three priority actions there's 13 priority actions and we have to choose three of them so so you can't just do like the easiest you know what I mean like the littlest ones not in each category overall so I've marked on there which ones are priority and so you we already have one we already have one from the from the ER gives us one yeah priority action yeah like prescription drug and safety program is a priority energ tracking and management I don't are we still the energy track what the energy tracking and management yes um green business recognition program we had started that that expires um this month that's a priority action did we ever look into the Energy Efficiency for municipal facilities um yes so that was I shared with you that energy plan right so do we but we you still qualify or we do no we um because we needed to follow up with perhap having somebody come in and give um an inspection like an AIT a better with the new building when the new building well obviously the new buildings but this building itself is could be audit should be audited and there's probably some low hangan fruit we could do to maximize the Energy Efficiency yeah um and do you get the points from the audit or do you get points taking the action I think you have to at least get an audit and then you can you know maybe well you know hopefully you would do an audit with the intent of doing some of that stuff you know some some things I have to go back and look at it but we hadn't even we weren't even get in the audit right J does it for free they do I know and we had a we had a great we I had that great presentation we had the energy fellow that our next steps there was just okay right okay that job is my memory okay y but we we did do the the energy um so what was that called that was that like an assessment that was not an audit no but we have our energy tracking and management which Christy was doing um I'm still doing it she's still doing it which is amazing she's still doing it she's so good so we could see how our energy is tracking and managing obviously things are going to be different with the new two buildings but um and and also hopefully by Hall you know F Chapel will be improved with all those improvements as well um because that was pretty bad obviously and this building is not great our energy star rating is like a c see we could do better yeah yeah so on that spreadsheet do you does based on like last time it was done do you does it make sense to assign go like you have the information to kind of assign like if you look at sheet six if you want to look at that this was like last last time okay so there were some people that like I got it I'm doing it and then you could go through and there was you know people just took ownership of it but I I suggest you know do you want to have you guys the Green Team take a first cut at it and take who wants or anybody can look at now just like you know choose one at least if everyone could just choose one and there's some um I think that' be super helpful I mean you know like there are some that are no-brainer like Anna might just say sure I'll do all the fire like same with Christy she said I'll do all the shet tree because I'm on the sh and that was five or six of them so um I'd say look through them if if there's any that that reach out to you [Music] um that would be helpful okay we could go from there and if I see nobody's entering then I will sign by the next meeting I think February come we're have the February meeting and it's gonna be due so we have a January meeting when January what janary 16th and then our February meeting is at so by Jun 16th if not every like my goal is that everybody on the E chooses one okay and if not I will choose for you looking like a Excuse me yes can you hear me hi hi yeah were we supposed to be able to see that that spret right now I just see um Christy typing the minutes on the screen oh sorry Gary we're sharing but maybe not with we saw it in the beginning and then it switched to oh there it is yeah it's just a color it's a colorful spreadsheet moving I was moving the things around there was a lot going on with the TVs I'm gonna send it out yeah you feel free to send it out and share um awesome thank you for doing that and I could and I'll hyperlink you know if you it's easier if you guys have questions for it too let me know um say don't spend your time creating hyperlinks no well right I guess say have a hyperlink to the website and good well the hyperlinks right up there I think a good use of your time is if you see things that are obvious for certain people go ahead and suggest it or send it to them and say hey yeah this looks right up your alley yes okay I would be okay with that okay sure good I won't take a f okay great okay I love it Target for next monel okay thank you you're welcome um yeah you brought up the dates I'm going to jump a little bit out of order if you're looking at the minutes um it came out so Gary this is for you as well just have a quick look at the meeting dates for 2025 they're all listed here at the bottom of the minutes um put them in your calendar put a big star next to whatever you need to do put a reminder in your calendar um I only say that because I missed a planning board meeting this year because it wasn't on the cycle it was off cycle and iang it's got lazy so that's why it's here thank you Christie for putting that in the minutes um I'm going to jump around a little bit to finish off um in new business we I had put in here there wasn't really much new business um brought up before the meeting um but since we've got Caroline and Paul here I did want to share with everyone on the environmental commission a memo that they had the Natural Area advisory committee had sent to the bureau regarding the renovation of Fair Haven Road and its impact on I guess the eastern most boundary of the Natural Area so I don't have to speak for you if you want to just give a quick couple minutes on why you felt compelled to write the memo yeah uh we for about 3 years have been requesting curbs on Fair Haven Road adjacent to the Natural Area because water comes in off of Buttonwood and comes into the natural and it's creating erosion in that area and it has been uh so we've asked for three years in our annual reports for curbs uh we were told this year that they're doing Fair Haven Road Phase 2 which is that section of heran Road uh but that they weren't going to put curbs there but that they were addressing the problem in other ways so our committee said can you share the plans with us so we can understand what's going on and uh we got like two or three sentences that we really couldn't understand it used terminology we didn't know and we said like can either we meet with you or can you share us a diagram and we had to ask a number of times before we finally got something uh but we finally got the diagram I guess it was in the bid for the work and uh it includes uh Stone do path that would go uh I think from Buttonwood across the street to the Natural Area and then make a path under the cherry trees yeah cross and and goes to the North End of the Natural Area there um between the trees and the current wooden post fence yeah so um I I think you're aware that there's there's a concern just kind of loitering around we've our committee has done some work on it uh you know what's happening with the cherry trees and how do we preserve that we believe it's an iconic feature uh we understand that the trees are beyond their expected lifespan uh there's been different suggestions from different groups um we've met with the DPW about it and we um we pretty much agree that at some point to preserve that we believe we would need to uh take the fence and move it a little West to make more room currently the big uh trees overhang the cherry trees and block Sun from them uh so we think uh you know what we've talked about is that the fence could come back on the edge of the Natural Area there there are some large trees but they're invasive trees um they could be removed and probably replaced with something that's Evergreen that grows straight up doesn't grow with overhanging branches so that like the first row of trees there could be something that's like an evergreen that grows straight up and then in from there then we could start just random trees that might have branches that overhang so basically to create a little more room uh by the cherry trees to either plant a backup row to take every third one down and put a young one in you know we've said is like why don't we agree on a plan and then we'll start doing the parts that our area needs to do and then whoever's going to take care of the cherry trees can do their part but that we'd like to collaborate so that we can achieve a good outcome um so in this Fair Haven phase uh to there is a stone dust path that's going to go under the cherry trees really there is a walking path there now that people have made themselves sorry um this path would go over the roots of these cherry trees which um you know so that's just the plan there and just we have to remember that the roots of a tree extend as wide as the branches so um we made a suggestion that this stone dust path could be a wood path instead um we're kind of concerned that putting stone dust on top of the roots of the cherry trees uh you know it could be more harmful than maybe wood chips we don't know 100% but that was our speculation the wood chips are lighter than the stone dust they're softer on the exposed roots they're an organic material that will break down and actually feed the trees um then another point of why we like this the path will need to be maintained and periodically replenished with covering uh the burrow gets wood chips for free from Frontier uh it pays for stone dust um we uh think we mentioned that we think we need to anticipate that this proposed new Trail is going to need to be moved when somebody does decide to do something with the cherry trees we think it would be easier and cheaper to move a wood chip Trail than a stone dust trail um also as storm water comes into the Natural Area it will bring some of that path material with it we'd rather have wood ships come in then stone dust um and then lastly and possibly most importantly um that path really connects right up with the paths that are in the Natural Area that are covered with wood chips so like we already have an established path network of paths this could just be appear to be an extension of that and we feel like it would give them more unified op uh appearance to the whole area and the paths in that area so we shared that um we shared it on November 20th I hadn't heard anything back on the 8th so I wrote asked if somebody could acknowledge that our email was received um I did get back somebody uh Chris York told me that you know thank you I'll discuss it with Rich Gardella and the governing body well that's it thanks all right okay great so there are no curves though no curves okay no curves oh in the future no curves oh okay I think they the way they've explained it is that they're regrading the road so that it won't be a a path of water that'll get spread out I honestly don't know exactly how that will work but they've assured us that's how it's going to work but there will be curbs like there's a um sidewalk on that street so where those homes are right right north of that part they they'll have a sidewalk there or no to connect to that wood chip path that you're proposing right um I think so far there is not sidewalks there I think they there's a note in the pl that says something about arrange for right of way or something right yeah so uh it uh so that stone path just kind of dead ends but it does look like there's some indication ITN yeah I believe no there are no sidewalks there now no not now but there will be not as part of this plan not as phase two really right there's a note that says something about establishing a right of way so maybe there isn't one so I don't know but it just dead ends but it you could see that it might be going to meet up with some uh sidewalks that someone hopes might be there eventually and and those homes have curvs on them right now or no uh I don't know okay and yeah I think you guys got the plans I don't recall getting the plans oh it was it in what I yeah I remember seeing the plant somewhere yeah they've been they've been circled around this once um I don't knowy but the I would say the there is a version electronic version that's been going around um there are they are like I guess Chris's point of view is they are shared with the Department of Transportation and then they apply like what needs to be done and so like the the roadways and all that stuff is is kind of like set I think the choice of material that you guys have brought to the table here I think that's open to discussion I don't think that is something that the Department of Transportation necessarily mandates it has to be a certain way no in fact when I talked to people it sounded like it was a bit of an afterthought or yeah I would be more I guess looking at it current condition i' would be more concerned that there is soil or grading done over top the current Roots right to help cover them and and improve the longevity and health of them right through through some Landscaping where a path is part of that all right all right and can I sneak in want to go to the public comment I know I'm out of order go for it I just want to let you know next week uh we're having 29 trees planted in the Natural Area the Northwest area mostly in the Northwest um and that area is under restoration as you know we did have it seated this week with uh or the borrow paid to have it seated with uh Native grasses and then uh next week there'll be 29 uh trees and bushes planted there so so you can look is that all right that right behind metal flower where you guys have been working right here yes that out in that area we're trying to establish a border uh we're trying to screen the border with the church um the church are they has the affordable housing overlay on it so we've talked about the fact we have to imagine at some point that that could be multi-unit housing or something and that it would be nice if we had a screen um and then if we start now maybe we would have something some by the time that so we're just trying to think ahead that mean like the because that area was getting pesticide or or herbicide treatment at some point two herbicide treatments this year and now uh seed native grasses uh they uh it has to go through a cold spell to help the seeds stratify and hopefully in the spring native grasses will pop up we see all right all right yeah they'll do some pre-emergent herb asde in the spring awesome y fantas great thank you all right last item on our business was uh to talk through the Strategic plan um that uh was circulated a couple days ago um Christy if you don't mind sharing that so we can all see it so Gary whether you know you're following along with us or just looking at it from the email yesterday came out yesterday came out it's it's the same material yeah I can say it I can say it one to go oh now you can't can you do it so we can all see it and us maybe I'll kick it off Susan and you can jump in please sure okay um so the idea here was [Music] to try to answer the question you know what are what are we working on what's our priorities what we going to take the time out of our days to to spend time on and it seemed like there was a great also a great opportunity to to link up with the other volunteer groups in town that that have different missions so Natural Area advisory committee is a is a great one present tonight um so there's that aspect of it another aspects is if you want to jump jump to the approach um Christie that would be great um so I know I'm The Late Late Comer to the meeting but uh when I jumped in in May there was already a set of objectives or or kind there's an Excel strategy document that you guys were working on it was largely tied to topics um so that was a starting point um in September I believe August September I guess in September we had the joint green team workshop here um where we um did a little bit of of brainstorming and a little bit of action to try to see could we come to together on some common goals I think we did um I mentioned meeting with some of the other um the other groups so you know obviously green team is is innately involved I've met with shade tree commission Natural Area advisory committee um council members um I'd like to get with the Garden Club as well but just there's a lot of groups out there that are you know looking at the same thing through a different lens and I don't want to kind of be the one all be all but I would like to be able to capture it in a way that when Carolyn and Paul go to burrow and say hey we think we should be doing this with our cherry trees it's it exists somewhere in our world where we can say yes we agree with that it's part of of a I don't use the overw worthy used master plan but it's part of a a plan and it's part of our strategy as well here's how it in um so that's where I use that word framework that connects you know our our our fundamental Mission with the priorities and and the activities that are actually going on like boots on the ground people doing volunteer work um people helping raise awareness wherever it comes so that's kind of where we at and the idea is here we're I feel like we can really amplify ourselves when we're working more like lock set with our other groups you know we can continue to go that about how we have been where you know you're doing something you're doing something you're doing something um and that could be fine every group has their own objectives and that that's great um I just feel like this might be a way for us to improve that so that's really why I'm I think it's valuable of my time our time to to do something like this um well that's yeah you can keep scrolling Christie U so just a quick one here on it been on the website for our environmental commission website on off of the burrow um it's a it's a very long what do we do it's kind of like everything under the sun I wanted to try to hone in on a tighter message something where if anyone ask you on the street you're at a party you're talking to friends whatever like what do you do on the environmental commission like something should be able to kind of quickly roll off your tongue and this is getting to me Susan and I have had a chance to kind of go back and forth on this it feels a little bit more natural it feels a little bit more action oriented it feels a little bit something like I know I could say yeah we we provide recommendations to the governing body um I think what was missing was a little bit more like the guidance we can provide to Residents and I and and I don't want to overstep our or overplay our hands but if it doesn't start here and it starts with you guys in the Green Team and I guess I see us as kind of like two sides of the same coin like yes our mission is policy advisory you know taking in expert advice I'd also like to see it a little bit more proactive action oriented so I'll pause there Su you to add well I think that the first verb is advocate so that kind of s of what you're saying really that's taking the message out so you have your audiences in housee and out out house out of house how does that sit with you as the yeah I mean I think it's I mean there have been many reiter iterations of this throughout the years too where there's been a need for input and collaboration and discussion among many different um commissions and groups in town um I do think that funneling through this organization um isn't a bad way to go about it I mean this it should be this should be our um you know where they can come get support collaborate and work on these shared interests and projects together um you know and so I I think it's it needs um um it's a needed approach it's a needed thing you know that we've been trying to do um previously but like yes just kind of create something that's established will be helpful Gary following along this make sense to you yeah yeah I think it's good I like it I'm F awesome so the the structure that I'm uh that we're working toward is like a pyramid if you imagine like we've got like our mission and our vision at the very top we've got a set of priorities which is like that next layer and then you could even kind of go into like projects or strategies under each of these priorities so for example um open space preservation that's sort of broad enough that understanding what are we going to do long term with the cherry trees would have a great home there right protecting our protecting and enhancing our C our canopy right that's a great home for the mission of the shade tree commission or what you know other things they trying to do in the Natural Area like the plantings that they're planning to do in in the spring um Mark and you know what he's trying to do with his group of volunteers and the Third Street Trail you know it it it's not unspecific but it's you know it's not too specific that it it like starts to shut people out um so that's the idea here and we kind of just took a first pass at this based on the work we did with the green team in September these like the four kind of areas that gravitated the most interest and the most um alignment as far as like being a top priority um what we talked about earlier tonight um the the Waterfront DED to Normandy you know it's nicely in number one and so you can imagine a a view like this under each priority we have one two a handful of strats like it creates a lot of work so we're not trying to necessarily create more work but it's just trying to help organize this so when we talk about well how do we want to spend our funding you know where do we want to make investments in certain areas if that means we're making tradeoffs from other areas but like I said the norm living Shoreline could exist under Priority One under a strategy of stabilizing our Shon um something we've talked about in the past the environmental scorecard you know having a water component to that so rally for two rally sorry I want to say it incorrectly rally for rally for the two RS yeah right they're collecting on an ongoing basis the uh water quality it's just as simple as you know getting that information in public publishing it in a way that you know digestible for our residents um and then starting to then get into the additional no it's cool you can stay there you can just stay on that other slide y um so I I put a bullet point in here for outreach like um tips for minimizing property run off that might be something that we decide to go out you know through bettyanne through the burrow Buzz maybe we've been talking about the different social media channels that currently exist um but it's tied back to something right it's it's it's got a home in the overall overarching strategy so that's kind of what I was trying to do so G pause there again how does that feel or student sorry anything you want to add so I don't really I mean you covered it and we worked on it and I hope everybody has opinions about it right input is the organization helpful is it confusing I find it helpful thanks Gary is this going to be like on the website somewhere or something are you talking about having this or this I have no problem with it living in the public domain I mean I it it needs need to get to a point where we' we've adopted it and and we're working on it um so up until that point I think it's a it's a like like it says at the bottom this is a draft this is for discussion I want all of us to feel comfortable that we're moving forward together in this and it's not just me kind of subset of us um coming up with this um but yes I believe this becomes our you know this is what we this is what we focus on and and that could be a horizon like for the next one to two three years maybe these are our four priorities and then you know next year we you know it might change like it it's not set in stone for the life of while we're here and I'd say also just to pick back on what I said previously with sustainable Jersey actions there's a lot that can you can find that could um fit into this as well and action plans right like so even just like the road salt policy right and you're monitoring water quality or you know what other types of actions we're doing to help our Shoreline Health right and that could be just one thing and that could give little guide book for you know reaching that swarmm water compliance you going above and beyond gets you more points as well um you know so there could be a lot of different the water Story I mean a lot of things that could be connected on here that could so you can get points as long as well or just help us kind of guide map some of these actions yeah and in the wording even here like the strategies like one C that you called out we're not wedded to these wordings just yet this was just sort of an example to get everyone talking about what you know what we're trying to accomplish but to your point it could be broader than just residents it could be you know that and and burrow for burrow property and their responsibility about run off and we have a whole thing around focus on so winter dog dog poo and other things right but yeah so this is you know with the the environmental commission members support you know we would continue to build these out for the other three areas and start to map the projects and the activities that we know we we want to take to this um and then what I feel very comfortable with them is in saying to someone like Chris York here's kind of a running list of projects and here's how we help prioritize them or how we tell a story about you know the funding that's required and if there's a gap so we think these are important in the next three years there's only so much funding okay like is there a method for us to fill that Gap or do we have to prioritize Sean one thing we didn't talk about about and um it takes me a while to digest all the information and there's a lot of information so with the priorities is your vision that we say this year we're doing Priority One or we pick strategy one from one one of each four prior I mean obviously we're a limited group and then we know we have limited resources but as far as um financial and also people so how do we distribute that it's ambitious yeah yeah well that's the problem when it comes like you start seeing it all on paper and like oh it's actually a lot bigger than we thought it was yeah um so I don't I'm not afraid of kind of getting that done first and just assessing that how it comes to be I I think we'll probably find that we've got something in each of the four areas going at any given time and we probably would ask ourselves you go next you know okay we're talking about the Christmas trees do we want to take that on in addition to all the other things that we have going on our plate and that's that now we can kind of have that conversation a little bit more quantitatively because it's a little clear about all the things that we're prioritizing and has this you know I wonder are these priorities also match the priorities of the burrow that's good question I don't I don't I don't know you know or like the master plan right and and thinking about this because it is so much bigger and and daunting if it's just the environmental commission but I believe that Shoreline health I would hope is also a priority of the bur but where would that be I don't know but it would also not just be with us wait but it should be in like part of the master plan like I just wonder if there's overlap on our priorities with the master plan too and so if Shoreline health is a priority of the burrow then DPW it's also a priority for DPW and it's also a priority for recreation and it's also I mean you know I just I wonder if in in a way can we share this with them and see is there alignment are we collaborative forces here are we working together um that's a great question to ask so being on the planning board I would say there is very little or I different way there's a lot of latitude in what's in the planning the master plan like the environment and the uh that section of the housing element is like 100 words I mean it kind of encompasses everything and nothing at the same time like it's it's not specific so yes water and transportation and people getting Mobility is important um tree health is important like it to say it's in there is like an easy yes it's in there but it's not very specific so I think it's on us to make it more specific it's not up to the planning board when they go to write the like they're doing their um reexamination of the master plan they're going to reach out to they should reach out to us I'll make sure they reach out to us but they should get our input when it comes to the environment and the and the sustainability portions of that right up well just just so that too if we're trying to accomplish some of these strategies and these projects that we aren't you know our our goal we are recommend recommendation a body that gives recommendation we don't have any authoritative action we are not an action-based organization but that we hope that our recommendations then turn into actions if we are on the same page right if there if there is you know if that's o you know open taken openly and you know more kind of working together so I just you know just I would say we would probably be in in line or slightly in front of the council like we would be pulling them towards action and informing them of Direction they need to take so the third one is really dedicated to storm water and I think the way we crafted it it's both us as private citizens and our own home and it's the public dele like what the burough is responsible for you know certainly they're spending a lot of time and in DPW spending a lot of time coming up to speed on what needs to be done from an infrastructure you know maybe we do take on a more action oriented role in there and that's part of the Outreach to the the general public we take a lead role in that to help it might go through their Channel like bettyanne might still deliver that message but we might be helping them craft it I guess that's the way I see it working in event right but I'm just saying like we we aren't the ones saying okay yes the Normy living TR is now a priority and we're going to put budget money and funding to that like that that's just a recommendation that that we want to do to Normandy but Council has say no we don't have that in our budget so I'm just hoping that there is you know healthy discussion that we're we're aligned on this right otherwise you know we can do all this but if we don't have the support of the budget of the burrow on Shoreland health and if they don't see Shoreland Health as a top priority in town then it's going to be a very difficult yeah thing to accomplish yeah can I I mean I think you're 100% right and I think part of the question is then if the B counsil laid out their strategy what would it look like but it is true that if we can align on the strategy because there has been times probably many of us have been on a committee we worked on something but then it goes to the RO counsil but it's not a priority for them so then it kind of dies or it was not in the budget like if somehow we all have the same kind of structure or framework um we'd at least have a path to kind of talk to each other and then like also you guys could get you would know what's important to them or not so you'd know where to focus your energy energy and same thing with our committee the natural are committee you know if there's a higher goal and we have three possible things to work on we'll work on the one that holds to the higher goal and that's how we get stuff done right in soad five us working on different things we align and get two done yeah but it's a nice structure no it's good point so I think I'll have to think about how that is because the what I've seen there list of priorities in the past recent past there might be the top 10 things might have nothing to do with yeah like our topics and so we might have the 11th most important topic to them or you know and and is that still good enough and I just think because for some of us like Gary and and I who have been on here for a while Den nor to live in tran has been on there for years since 2016 we've had these plans and it's like it comes to a point where at what point can you it's a priority to us and we want we keep bringing it back on the agenda and then meeting and then you have new council members and you have a new administrator and it's just when does it become actionable yeah well I think that's interesting too like understanding the process of government and it it's it's almost like a in corporate world like there's like a sales funnel right and we got all these great leads and ideas um but then like how wide is the channel like of getting stuff done so if it's a fixed group of you know Chris and and the people that are paid to to run the town right you kind of get into that narrow channel you got to get in line and so is dormandy in the top five of the line is it in the top 50 like where is it in the next B to be processed um so that's something I'm trying to understand too how Chris works and well and also that meeting we had with you know Nick and about it being like what you know what not like all the different stakeholders and there there's a lot of people that don't feel the same way obviously we do about it but um you know I just think right like our different priorities we have Shoreline health what are the other priorties open space you mind scrolling right back up the slide thanks open space preservation like I mean that I'm curious and then storm water capture and sustainable Property Management like how where does that those list to you know from a burrow standpoint right is there any overlap are there something I mean may maybe if wow okay we're going to storm captur is our major priority then we would focus right on that those storm water priorities and that's maybe answering your question do we tackle one priority or one strategy from each priority and I just would love to get feedback um from from Council as well like from our ad you know people who are decision makers and and approving agendas so are you saying Kelly after that conversation these these priorities the numbers may change when we get a better sense of that well I mean obviously people in the environmental commission might think differently from our govering body but depending on what the government body says yes okay this this is where we have different pressures from other state coming down Etc or from other things that we might want to pres focus our priority out of these four our number one out of these four is X and so maybe you might want to prioritize that too so we both work together and we can actually achieve more rather than we're still going to work on X if you're going to do a good luck but that's not going to be our budget line right right or something like that so it would be good to kind of have just an open discussion about yeah this aligns and we can work together and this can you know we'd be great to have you guys help educate people on your end and do this while we do other things and we can work together and that might be it like and like we've seen from the other municipalities like do we come up with an incentivized program like a point system like if someone puts in takes a driveway out and puts in impervious pavers or if they put in rain barrels and capture you know like I think that's where right just to like to your point the burough spends dollars they manage projects but we have a different latitude we can print things we can hold events like we can we can get out into the public we can create like loyalty incentive type programs that like just because we can no one you know and so I think that's where it's yes we all agree that's at the biggest level doing better about capturing storm water is important you know if we can agree you know burrow dollars go this way you know EC Green Team others are doing these things then it looks like we're actually coordinated so yeah on purpose not by accident right which we want to be a lot you know in that direction not going a countercurrent you know that would be the the worst of the opport options yes CU then would never get on the agenda you never get the you know the feedback the budget so yeah well and I think that's that's kind of the recognition is like like a project like the the Normandy like it's not on our plate anymore it's it's a project but is there opportunities for volunteers like a volunteer day to do like so the contractor is going to bring in a bunch of soil but we're going to save money we're going to do the planting like cool but but do we know that that's happening we could do that right like we could offer that as part of the process but my question is like is that actually going to happen and I'm saying it doesn't happen unless we but it also doesn't happen unless start asking right we've been asking questions but it also doesn't happen if the B if the council like we don't have budget for it it's not our priority you know so there's that like yeah well this one does have budget so at least we have that we do we have that type dat we have like that's what I'm saying it's more the the funnel the narrow bandwidth of yeah the work so anyway be good to share or I don't know how but this is good I think this is exactly what a document like this helps us tease out yeah and so what's important you know we always do a year annual report at the council every commission does so perhaps you want to share this or this chart or one of them you know and say this is where we're going to move forward this year and we'd love to have input or further discussion from the borrow Council on what might be um you know where there's alignment where we could be coll cators you know and you know work together as a team on some on achieving some of these shared goals it's great love it thank you yeah right um so just kind of wrapping up this part Gary you have any comments or questions sorry uh no thank you um so yeah I think we're we so I'm fine Susan kind of just thinking out loud here to kind of go through all four and start to kind of build out that tree structure and start like plotting those um projects against it like we did for the example one and um continue to meet with the groups like I said I want to meet with the the Garden Club as well um once it's a little bit more formulated I'll go back to everybody I'll go back to to Chris and shade tree I'll go back to Carolyn I'll go back to add na Riv um um municipalities commission okay right and RMC because especially with storm water Robin is um O'Neal is one of our uh the Le's or not Le on um representative because with Shoreline Health storm water there's a lot of overlap yeah yeah I would say the idea would be to get another draft in front of everybody in January um and continue to talk through it into February and start to get to a point like Gary put it put out like we can start publishing it and saying like this is what we're working towards this year and and beond just calendar year is this since this is up um you know is this part of our annual report from 20124 like is there much in here that we would want to Susan you're not even on this list are you this was developed in 2023 right said what they wanted to do 24 okay okay that Municipal Water story push it over that be 2025 there's a lot of overlap yeah you can with the 2024 goals and 2025 what we discussed you know there's a lot of overlap I [Music] think all right um been pretty collaborative any other questions or comments from the general public oh sorry Paul can I just can I just say something real quick sure um I think um I just wanted to make sure that we gave a big thank you to Sarah and David Fel um and Nativity Church and the um for doing our last energy our first um energy Outreach uh event that the Green Team put on on November 21st I know Paul and Carolyn came Susan came um I think there was about 18 to 20 people outside of the green team which was a good turnout for our first one on a Wednesday um night um it was um all reported to and it was on Zoom except there was a couple people adding in from Zoom but it was very informative on what Sarah and David have done to reduce their energy costs at their house with solar panels um EVS um and also um like their con convection um soes and other different things that they've been doing and the rebates there's a lot of information out there there and so it was it start sparked some great conversations questions and we hope to do some more in the energy you know and and some more Outreach um overall with you know amongst not just the environmental commission the green team but Natural Area shade tree I mean I think that could be a good way to collaborate as well and to share information and resources um amongst all these groups that are have aligned um you know focuses and and goals and agendas so I just wanted to publicly say thank you to David and Sarah for putting that on and for theity church for being so gracious and let us use their space and support so thanks is there a starting draft of like what the calendar for 2025 might look like no um no we do not but one of the um sustainable Jersey actions is a uh residential energy Outreach um like event education for residential and for commercial energy and I know I've spoken with um our rep um uh at J uh jcpnl um that and neous natural cat like they would come out and do some stuff as well too so we were thinking you know could be like uh what available from the state um to our residents and to our commercial areas and then also having some input from you know people like Sarah and David that are doing it um with what the dos and the don'ts of what of having done it um so we will try to put together some dates if anybody has any other ideas for great events I know little silver just put on and they welcome everybody um they have the recycling they have um one coming up in January food leas yeah and these are all you know ticket items for suable Jersey but they're also big you know ideas and um great things to learn about so um I think it'd be good to have an education series we did have some people that were from out of town too we had some people from rson that came and some other so it was um it's just a great way to build that Community outside of our Fair Haven Network as well so we will try to put together some ideas and dates but if anyone has any like you know hey I think there's a lot of Buzz about this or people want to know more about this you know let us know yes and it' be good to collaborate on that yeah and in the material that was up earlier there's a whole there's a whole section set for that that needs to be I'd like to see built out so you know if we've kind of got like a master calendar of in person or things that we're creating content for to share digitally things we want to print out you know when you guys do your cleanup you know do we want to have a little bit of a campaign around um you know how do you clean up your yard things like that like I think there's a great opportunity to kind of see it like kind of quarter by quarter month by month um especially if we want to get more proactive with holding events like the Energy Event yeah and then like where does that presentation live right so people who miss it can go to see it and like whether that's on our website or if that's like a you know we've talked about that like or if it's like an off like you know a link to another place that holds a lot of that information sorry I was just going to say and maybe it doesn't need to be said but going back to the Strategic priorities thing that you know priorities are not fixed in stone that conditions change council members change all those things so to the extent your committee our committee can drive those changes the corrections we're looking for agreed thank you and through education all right open to public comment any oh I see a hand online okay Stephanie Adams you're muted there you go hi Stephanie Adams 230 Oxford um is is there a plan for um an environmental commission sort of building out and I might have missed this um building out a more of a website more of a a page that's fine yeah that'd be great I think we'd have to I think what we're trying to figure out is probably how we would organize it like what would go on there right so are we we're kind of talking through priorities are those like the kind of topics that are important um Rumson has a a decent page I don't know how often it gets updated but they have sort of you it's linked to their burough website and then it takes you to a separate rson environmental commission page and then they they house a lot of um you know information and presentations and whatnot on it so it might be a good place to to look yeah and right Seth totally um and that's why it's just you know we my question of like where where does that presentation that Sarah and David do where does that live where does some of that information live and it's you know sometimes it's I don't know if the burrow website as is the best format for that um right well and we've we've been talking about that for and been hearing that the burrow website was also going to be updated but you know who knows when that's going to happen and that's why I think the model that rson adopted so it's linked to the burough website but it's kind of a separate site um because there's also a lot of stuff you know that I see on Instagram or you know like okay you left your leaves now what do you do in the spring you know like just kind of that information like yard cleanup and what to do if you left your leaves and when to mow and all that kind of stuff um it'd be great if there was kind of a standalone site that could um house that information for residents yeah if you haven't anyone has hasn't checked out the r environmental site it's good stting you know idea in the meantime anything you want post to the Bur website just send you put on the EC page okay thank you thanks thanks thank you Robin Robin O'Neal 935 River Road um a lot of what uh you established in the Strategic plan was really uh thrilling to me um I think that an EC representative um needs to be considered in committees like the um like the end of Fair Haven Road that is a living they they should consider a living Shoreline at the end of um Fair Haven Road also not just the dormandy site I also think that the Garden Club of Fair Haven uh Bonnie and I are the conservation um uh Educators there that we speak every month on um tips for the um for Fair Haven and we um we also are running two projects our Al ior motive is to encourage people to plant native plants one is we're partnering with the um aaban Society uh that is going to talk about the very um rare Atlantic Flyway that occurs in our area and also with the Master Gardeners and we're going to encourage with the Atlantic Flyway we're going to encourage um the Cornell app for people kids to get the schools involved so that we can start um TR uh tracking birds in our own backyard and the way that you can help to attract those birds is by planting food that they're looking for which is native native plants then we're going to have a mailbox Garden uh competition and that will be um given by Master Gardeners now they are ruter um educated um leaders and the Garden Club of Fair Haven is working with them also the navasink river municipals um commission uh commit committee um they really have um you know it doesn't go EV a month doesn't go by at our meetings that we don't have some dismal information and the water story you know Kelly is correct the water story is one that really needs to be form formed as an educational piece for people to understand because in a lot of ways month after month when I hear the reports and I take um as you guys know many of you um have friends that in the area we take uh water samples on uh a weekly basis for clean ocean action and we are also given those lab results and a lot of the the bad stuff is happening north and west of us so that you know we we shake our heads and we say what can we do in Fair Haven and you know the clean ocean action answers and the the um the navyn river municipalities committee are saying we need storm water management so that message can be elaborated in an educational sense and that information given to Residents I really think these strategies as they've been laid out tonight are very encouraging and very organized and I think they are framework that we can work with thank you Robin I I also think that perhaps we should um Rob would you like have updates from the nrmc at our at our meetings yes I think I think they should be I don't think the public even knows those services are happening for them um but would you be able to um whether if you come to the meetings or if you can send in and share some you know updates or minutes I will have to get permission to do that I don't think that that's that you know that is has not been procedure up to date so I I definitely think that that should be um offered well we used to have updates every meeting from when Brian was our rep you know the rep at the nrmc so I'll make sure that happens okay thanks even you know just periodically just so that we know and we can yeah great good updates any else from our huge crowd no guys anything no Gary good to go yep all right all right well we're Jed all right thank you thank you have a great holiday season happy New Year happy holidays easy Gary