##VIDEO ID:uxl_8ws9IkU## okay this is the regular meeting of the Fair Haven historic preservation commission adequate notice this meeting has been has been made pursuant to provisions of the open public meetings act uh at the time of the board reorganization in January of this year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice of the schedule was sent and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 26 2024 and notice through the Two River times on February 7th 2024 as well as supplemented and published notice on July 11th 2024 to advise of the zoom hybrid format that notice was also published in the Bolton board in Bur Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute a copy of the notice has been available to the public and is on file at the office of the burough clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been having been given the board secretary is directed to include this statement in the minutes of the meeting that we get a roll call Mr P here Mrs dond yes here Mr Anderson Mrs Molly Mr schutter here Mrs Bora here and Mr Smith here okay uh we have a couple of items on for new business the first of which uh is Carol Rose uh on behalf of Douglas element realy you may come up and that is 803 River Road Block 50 Lot 21 it's a building that we know pretty well uh the purpose of the application is for uh removal of pass you can come right in the center here removal of past tenant signage and enlarging the signage in its place are you Carol Rose hi are you Carol Rose I am yeah hi are you I was distracted by the chair so we'll hear you okay uh well we had two tenants that were upstairs uh the building is owned by um Andrew Anderson and he is our landlord I work on an employeed of dougl Elon and we took over that second floor when when our tenants moved out and I believe you all have copies of what it used to look like what we want it to look like and the dimensions that our marketing department believed would be pertinent to your review and decision yeah and uh it looks as though the um it's an exterior PV PVC face painted to match that which is there um is is it going to be textured at all or is it flat facade that's that's what's there right now and that's what is um what the other tenants signs were as well is that correct correct the only the other tenant that is staying is uh Positive Vibes yeah um but our Douglas Elman sign will be replaced with the new larger redesigned sign so the sport Couture the Pilates and the Douglas Al will all be replaced with the larger uh next is yours sign right so um my thought on this is it's a sign that we have sort of prevalent in the historic district there's a number of signs uh smaller signs amongst the businesses that are identical to this that we've approved identical the sign that previously was there I think actually the look is a little bit less cluttered to have the larger sign as opposed to a number of smaller signs and um obviously the building he's done such a great job with the building that you know clearly we have a little latit to you know to give him for just how well that building has been restored and and it's attention to detail and supports some on we love the building we love our L word um I I think it looks great I think uh it's consistent with other signs that we've approved that those are my thoughts I don't know whether anybody else has any thoughts on I have to agree with you I assume it's the same that's blue like that maybe blue exactly yeah exactly the same element colors just with a phone number and identifying ourselves as a real estate company which I guess a lot of people very even did not know because it's a New York company expanded out to there the I guess the only question I I have is we have goose neck Lighting on the building of for that element sign would it be possible to do that I'm not sure whether there's electric or whether we would even do it but I was just wondering you mean to have like a goose neck sort of down Lighting on the sign itself uh well it's hard for me to say yes to that only because it's not before us but that concept is certainly something I think we'd be in favor of it's it's sort of a historic design um so if that's something that uh there was interest to do it you know it probably there's probably no electric there so it would probably be a little bit more involved in its placement of the of the lighting but that's certainly something that we'd be open to and I don't necessarily think uh with the latitude that we' given some of the signage and the fact that that would probably be more of a historic look I don't think it would be such a problem without knowing the type of lighting you know the style um it's hard to really just give a blanket yes on something like that understood any uh thoughts or comments from the uh audience or anybody on Zoom raising a hand no none having been heard I'll make a motion that we approved uh the application for the reasons represented by the applicant and as contained in the application uh dated 8 2024 I'll second that Mr PA yes mrman yes Mr yes yes yes okay congrats we'll put something together we'll email it to you wonderful appreciate your coming thank you so much for hearing me out congratulations looks very nice thank you we have a wonderful marketing department uh the next applicant is Roseanne yusi uh 813 River Road Block 50 lot 18 it's another signage completely different than the other one now a different sign replacement of the existing sign for a new business that uh is on the corner of the Le and River Road and you are Rosanne I am hi Rosanne nice to see you I know you had your party the grand opening this weekend like you had a lot of people there so welcome to town um we'll hear you I just want to put the sign up I have it ready to go I need your approval and I'm actually in line with the other signs that are there it's the same color navy blue as car the interior decorator that's upstairs and then mod 21 is the retailer um on the same floor as me so I did the same exact color as Carol so it wouldn't be off okay and uh the sign that you're going to be replacing obviously is the green line sign yes the owner yes Bailey sign yeah we previously approved that as well as the uh Clementine sign previously in the mod 39 sign and it's going to be again a flat surface or is it to be anything exactly like the same I use the same exact company in Red Bank that U mod 21 and and Carol used okay and a lifestyle Boutique what kind of uh things it's a gift shop with beautiful gifts and then I brought in um because I'm in the CH I've been in the children's we business for over 40 years in New York and I brought in just a couple of gifty type baby lines and then I brought in a couple of women's lines um loungewear and a beautiful sweater line a couple of beautiful sweater lines but it's basically 3/4 drift and a quarter of gift for baby which are clothes and then the women's um little bit scarves gloves accessory things like that did you have a business elsewhere before you came here I have a business right now I've been in business in New York City for over 40 years I'm a New York children's wear w oh okay and this is something I've wanted to do forever and um it's time I did it did you fix Fair heavy what what made you pick Fair Haven you want to know the truth during Co we would drive around and look I have family in rson and an ocean I'm from Scotch Plains um soon hopefully to be down here um and we would drive around and I love this area I just love it and I was looking and looking and this just happened my niece who's married to my nephew lives in rson and his mother-in-law saw that Sean had um a a rental that it was available and I went in and I liked it and I did it it was just timing is everything because I was looking up the street in the acne parking lot the brents were through the roof crazy um this is very good and it's three little rooms it has it gives it a a nice flare instead of just walking into one big room each room has a different feeling you have to come come in so me great well welcome um you know similar to the other application this is a type and format of sign that we' previously approved it's consistent with a number of other signs that exist in the historic district uh it's tasteful obviously it will complement the other signs that are there um and I and I see no prohibition reason why we shouldn't approve this one consistent with what we ruled um on other applications very similar um are there any thoughts or comments from the audience anything on Zoom okay for those reasons I'll make application that we approve the sign um as proposed in the application made by the applicant here today and also as contained uh in the 822 24 application second a second Mr Pap yes Mrs germond yes Mr schutter yes Mr yes yeah great welcome to town congratulations put together meor action we'll get it out to you and uh so I have to wait you'll send me something for the approval to let it you'll be getting something from Sheila uh so yeah that'll be an email from her containing the our decision indicating that we've approved it and then you just present that to whoever in the building department you need to go to in order to get the final sign approval would that be Joe here yeah I make sure they all have copy of it okay perfect okay I met Joe yeah okay great thank you so much congrats thank you good luck thank you all right the last application that we have as far as new business is concerned is Brian and Kristen Murphy 56 Fair Haven Road Block 27 lot five renovation of an existing garage okay we know this application we know the house I think you've heard we heard your original application when you're doing some front porch modification we actually I think this is the house that we've talked about that we've actually been at odds a little bit with the zoning department in terms of allowing you wanting you to build a bigger porch than than they wanted you to build uh but we think that uh whatever however it resolved worked out great uh the house is an absolute U addition to Fair Haven Road um it looks period correct it's far away better than what was there even though the house that was there previously was somewhat historic even though it wasn't a historic house um and so now you guys want to rebuild the garage so tell us about what you're looking to do yeah um this garage I believe on the property was actually old it was but it was in and fallen into disrepair uh the person we bought the house from just really hadn't put much um into it uh to upkeep it we had a massive tree fall two years ago across the backyard onto the top of the uh garage like I mean effectively completely almost smash inside of the garage um with the garage in the condition it was in with and the tree on top of it and the Damage that ITR to the top uh we need to make substantials to it there's leaks there's the foundations the the structure itself is effectively starting to fall apart um an architect to come in and take a look at it how to make it little bit you know work for our family a little bit better and um as you can see there it's effectively expanding the garages slightly off to the left hand side and putting a little bit of extra storage space into the back as well um well we're you know we are building it to mirror everything about um the home itself so color the siding the windows with the what's it called Colonial grid what you call that the shingles all of the things will match um what's existing on the house so just um the last page of the application has an rendering yeah that prepared by the architect I mean it's like a cad yeah yeah who who was the architect uh conduris okay um did he provide any more specifications or anything or is this what he generated that's all he generated plus that you know and the um the view that we have of the four doors they um they will they be in place the garage doors is that what primarily going to be visible from the street yes slide so the two the two on the outside are just like Windows effectively and the two of the middle will slide oh so one vehicle will be able to go in there or no so it's not going to be a garage more was okay going to be used for it doesn't fit a um Co now so the doors would too small for our parts um it's just it's partially storage and partially a extra area for our kids to have a space to hang out it's um how far back is the garage is probably about what about 125 ft off off their Hing Road I'm not good with numbers like that but yeah you know you can see it from the road just into the back yeah and I know for the record that was one thing that we were even going back and forth on is whether or not it was even visible from the street but obviously the photograph that you provided showed that at least a portion of the structure which probably would contain the sliding the windows and the door probably not that section that the left with the column may not even be visible from the street they won't I don't think it is because what that with the central draw is the existing structure and you can't see from the street there's like a holly tree there currently you can't see that it's a narrow it's also a very narrow driveway with the Shrubbery on one side and the house that's the one drawback with the house is it's actually so tight next to my neighbors that uh it's almost like it's like a quarter almost up to we would see just the garage garage is it the footprint the same as the garage are you making it bigger we're expanding it it is bigger on going to the left side deeper as well slightly slightly different and I ass have to go for to the zoning board for for that we do not we are staying within all of the setbacks yes setbacks and for space area space area all um ordinarily what we require on application like this is to have a detail in terms of the type of building materials that you're utilizing I know you're saying it's going to match the house so I assume that what you're looking to do would be you have either a wood or wood simulated flat board on the main house party board is that what you have on yeah I asked um our Builder is gilan um he knew we were coming before here so I I asked him kind of those questions to have more Det dailing he's he he's Gil but he came back with 1x6 clapboard siding color and spacing to match existing house architectural roof shingles color and style to match existing house doors and windows to have permanent colonial style grills to match existing house gutters to match existing house what type of gutters are on the house you guys I I think they're just standard what's the dimensions of building what it will [Music] beide is it gonna be a complete knock down not quite we're gonna keep some of it um whatever we can we have a we have to maintain a set back off of my neighbor to the north I'm sorry what's that we have to maintain a a large portion of the struction got it okay so just I got to have to repeat that you said I can't write that fast oh I'm sorry no that's okay some of those things that your Builder had told you and you're representing to us are things that we have to put in the approval and it's it's important so 1 by6 party board Blackboard siding uh he mentioned uh give me the roof description again architectural roof shingles color and style to match existing okay and then uh permanent permanent colonial style grills on the uh windows and doors we hired the same Builder as who did the renovation what we discussed earlier so he's familiar with he's done a lot of work in the in the district uh Mr district is familiar with what we need to get done to make the uh house f as consistent as possible yeah good the drawing isn't showing me how it's really going look compared to what the the house looks like it doesn't show any the eve details we that I mean that's just a kind of basic drawing that our architect had done we don't I mean I think all the details are in the um right but the details are for the house and they're not showing it how it relates on on this structure there to the house not sure we your drawing shows a different way that the roof is done with this little uh s it off the front which doesn't correspond to anything on the on the house but it's not giving me enough detail to see how that's actually going to be done you don't have the straight sofits on the on the house but you're showing them on on this so that so I I can't really ascertain because on this drawing it's showing it the corner kind of cut off but that is it that I understand I don't I really can't make a judgment on on the details would they be in in the this I mean that's just a drawing in his office an idea plan for the garage or just for the house this is the garage pl we submitted themed this is what emailed you you said you would print the copy yeah but I can bring it up all right so then that's what I was talking about because the only thing we did get with was so we gonna need to see those could Poss so just read it to the record exactly what oh there we go well just read it read it in perspective what we have I'm looking at page A4 it's a condor architect plan so we know we're looking at because you refer to it well you have to refer indicate what you're talking the date who author them and what page you're talking about the date is 61924 Anthony uras the architect sheet number A4 I don't think the side is showing just the flaps off it with the pork chops we really can't see that from the road but that's going to be behind the house so I think we're more concerned about this detail is there a detail provided in the plan in the specifications last we don't really see the sides but it does have the POR chops on the sides normally you know we like to see the Returns on those I don't think those are visible I don't think they're visible from smooth either DET here it's yeah just showing part of this the roof jingle going across and this sitting on top of it so the problem that there that there is with the with the plans first of all great to provide much more information at the plans as part of the part of the drawings that have just been provided but it doesn't really show um specific detail in terms of dimensions for the Gable that is depicted in the garage or the section just below that Gable in terms of the depth and the size that's I think what you're looking for Joe right yeah says it's got a 12inch overhang on the sides so I would think that it's 12 in on the front should be in there yes it actually does show if you open up yeah that's is that the same on the house on the porch these don't yeah um how typical is a 12 in overhang yeah that's pretty from a historic perspective right I mean I'm looking at this it's not something that's uh you know I look at the garage that's there I mean I think we I think we have see is there um and I think it I mean it's not inconsistent with the house that we've approved and um it's it's such a distance off the street I don't know that that depth is even that noticeable and I think you know the garage structure was an original structure or was something that would really be an addition to the house U I think there' be more of a discussion but the garage is midcentury you know garage with um what type I mean what type of material is on the the garage is probably has like a do it have a vinyl sighting on it or something like that or what it has I think the last time that garage was touched had to be 40 years ago I mean it's been I think the I there original I don't even know if anything is original anything left is original in it it's just it's a garage literally had just Fallen completely into disrepair um and then OBS tree fell on so um I don't think there's any historic significance to the garage that's there like I don't you know I don't think there's anything there that was Noth it wasn't really much there um I think it was just so we painted it I mean it Simply Built as a uh you know in addition to the house years ago there probably a c i probably now the new stuff is very similar to what is existing there now yeah with the overhangs the way it looks from the picture are you satisfied from the dimensions as to it being consistent with that house yeah what what's the uh length of your property going back to the GR on this survey like we didn't have this I did subm it that's my problem because I was going to make copies for you from her digital plans because she said subm the hard copies but I I we had talked about me printing yeah no it's okay um as long as we have compated the front it's deep it's a very deep and narrow property that's like my that's why I was curious like so how many like you have 50 foot page or 75 or what is the our house the property like the width the and then and then the length that kind gives you an idea of what drawing on the front page shows you all you sure you want this you looking to the dimensions that would be on the survey on the front on the front Okay yeah it's not that easy it's yeah yeah W that goes a lot further back than the driveway I mean than the wow wow it does go where the property backs up to what um the Chris and Vanessa isly it say 297 to the the back that is 297 that would sense 75 75 FR 2 263 on this side that's a lot yeah you have a lot of space you can have again I think that one of the things that we discussed the abnormal of that law you know trying to enforce contemporary zoning regulations and standards don't apply something that that's been like your L's been a bit of a poster child for us discussions in the past so um any other thoughts or comments about it um anything from the audience the only comment I like to make is that the picture shows obviously the the garage behind a tree that's in full fo foliage so in the winter you will see the details of the the Gable which I assum conforming yeah I mean again if there was if there was uh an original structure in the back or there was something that was a historic um you know if it contributed to the district or if it was something of any historic value whatsoever uh the Demolition and reconstruction may be a different story but I just don't do anything of value with this and even if a little bit of that living space on the left of the column is even visible from the street I think it's an improvement over say that it's going to enhance the [Music] aesthetic so you're going to have all this space behind the thatass yeah that's withall field withall field well I think the Murphy's uh house is one of the most attractive houses in our neighborhood you know it's really and you did your renovation I thought it was a big Improvement so very ni yeah and so um there's the two things that I'm going to draw off of and are there any questions or anything from U Zoom no okay obviously the um the plans and specifications uh submitted by architect Anthony candoris uh dated um job number 2434 dated uh 61924 she three provides us with significant information as well as that which has been submitted at part of the application and the representation that uh wood is going to be utilized as far as building materials that going to be consistent with the house that we've previously approved and we've complemented you on and that will include the use of 1x6 party board uh clapboard sighting architectural roof shingles matching the existing and um something that we've been pretty insistent upon is not just snap in grills but as has been specified here permanent colonial style grills as part of the uh sliding doors and again there's there is a depiction and a um illustration of a 10x10 square column cap and base and um again it indicates siding to be selected by the owner but you already indicated what that's going to be so um you have to stick to these things that you you're representing uh you're going to utilize as far as the construction but I think with that predicate that I would make a motion to approve the application um based on the representations of the applicant based on the application and based on the Anthony Condor design specifications and blueprints that have been presented I'll second that Mr P yes Mrs dond yes Mrs Mullen yes Mr yes M yes Mr yes very good congrat thank you very very much for coming good luck thank you um do you want okay let me did you give me one copy of the large size do you recall no we submitted one to Jo if you can send over one copy of the full size plans that I can have for the record for the historic that would be helpful sure this is a ra seal copy may need it unless you want leave this one [Music] all right thank you thank you guys uh the next thing is the approval of the August 27th 20 point meeting minutes I review them I make a motion that we approve I'll second Mr P yes Mr thond yes and Mr s yes oh uh okay historic Association we have some people in the audience we have Kor who's G to provide a report congratulations on a successful garden party so I'll just kick it off because I know our the liaison report and the bicentennial Hall report overlap you can merge the two so I think I shall um I I'll let um Trace be or at least speak to Vice inen Hall specifics but we did have the historic Association hosted the fundraiser at um the home of Bonnie tvia and it was a huge success I haven't heard the numbers yet but uh but um it was just a great success um both the fundraising part and I think the awareness of why we were fundraising and I think anytime we bring people forward a little bit closer to understanding um the purpose of the fundraising it's a good thing for fair haen I think people are really interested in the history and it coincided um with the 166th anniversary of the church and they had um one of their they had two services on Sunday one was in the original b f Chapel we call it Bicentennial Hall historic wi chapel and I don't think wordss can describe what that was like to be there with the congregant there and ironically their um electrical keyboard did not work and um it was almost fortuitous because we literally heard what it I felt I think these ladies felt that as well what it must have been like to sit there 100 years ago in that space to hear the voices and singing and I told Pastor Smith afterwards I said we always complain about the Acoustics in there but you have the gift my man he uh he was he projected he did not need a he did not need a microphone Absolut I think I did but um but anyway it was a huge success for Fair Haven um and there's a event coming coming up at the fist Chapel with the African Children's Choir so any it was so in terms of what the historic Association is there for to promote the history of that building as well as others um I think U we all did a great job and uh very exciting and I'll let uh these ladies speak to some of the specifics of B hall because there's some things happening did you get feedback from anyone who was maybe an original congregant at the church oh what's interesting is we had there was one woman that I saw she was doing this and pointing and saying I this and she she was touching everything she wanted to see the kitchen and I I think um unfortunately I didn't I'm sure maybe Tracy or leise had an opportunity um to talk to them I tried to get Mrs Blake to come she's 106 years old and we think she's the oldest living person in the community that actually sat in those pews but her granddaughter said um she's loyal to St Thomas in Red Bank isn't going to break that loyalty to come bar and just yet they probably would have made an except but um certainly certainly there were um um descendants of folks that worship there um I don't know if Melanie Woods must be a descendant of the original um but I I the the building was packed we we had a full we had we saw saw people keep coming in as we grabbed more chairs so I think we had a vision for what that space can be look like look like used for in addition to the Estuary which was the the other event which showed what that space can be used for um so it was very exciting couple weeks so one of the questions about the usage of it is kind of unfolding when you have these different types of events so we we'll hear you guys from the historic Association and from Council so hello everybody um okay K covered it all but um you had a wildly successful party two weekends ago the 19th annual garden party and save the date which is 20th September 6th 2025 um but do you want to go over I do this uh yeah so last night at the council meeting we authorized the ada8 work um contract um we know B will be closed as of October 1 we anticipate and this is a conservative estimate that by early spring that work will be complete the hope is we're going to get the the hope the intention is to also award the contract for the punchless items um the contract that was lined up to do that work his businesses um pivoting and so we're kind of back out looking for the right contractor we do have some leads that hasn't been finalized um but the hope is that that work will be awarded and underway at the same time so the building is closed really for one window of time and that by the springtime or early summer it'll be back open after which um the work at that point is to maintain it so the we've already committed to the as know very well the um the 10-year maintenance plan that has not been produced yet but when it is that'll sort of set some direction for DBW or if we need to go out for Artisans or vendors of some type but at least the road map will be there and then the um we call it buckets there those are the first three buckets the fourth bucket has to do with um what we hope will be funded through a planning Grant the application is in um if awarded it would provide Fair Haven with the this up to a little over $50,000 planning services to uh engage in a series of community outreach sessions to identify HP use um for building as you've already touched on we as a community kind of have a feel for what we think is going to be a right fit there but this work will take it a step farther and start to look at what sort of um accommodations might need to be made to accommodate those types of programs say for example if we wanted to put some of the archival material on display white TOS like Cabinetry or specialized I mean maybe now it's digital I think there's a whole universe of things out there that I don't know but um we'll be led through that process as a community and identify how best to do this if we get the planning B um I I think that's the complete picture for right now what are some of the plentl items that you some of the general things that you envisioned during this Hiatus when the building have that U if if the commission had not received to copy the punch list there was one step we were waiting for the contractor who the GC rather um to write it up in his life because we wrote it up we did the site visit and then you know like anything you're in real time talking and listening and sometimes the listening ends up being different than what was spoken so he was going to write up what he heard and understands to be the punchless items um and I think we just got that so I'll make sure the commission gets it um but it's patch and paint it's um attention to the stingless windows it's clean clear the basement make sure it's watertight we have to fix the foundation in certain areas um a lot of the water intrusion that we know has been a persistent problem had to do with the the grading and flashing it's really related to or will be addressed during the Ada work since a lot of it is where the ramp inter faces with the exture of the building there um that touches on if it's inside it's outside it's the grounds and making sure the building is really tight and clean and ready to go and then regular maintenance will occur on going but I I'll make sure you see the you know obviously we give difference to the professionals that you know putting that list together but yeah know what's what's going on well I we included a lot of things that they might not pick up well for example the front lck yeah um you know for those of us are out of that building all the time there are a lot of quirks that would go accustom to it really should be propably addressed just for basic security and things like that so um it also you going to take care of the windows again they're still they're peeling again Windows that's going to be all done yes yeah okay and related to Art's question um and ironically I was asked question by a member of the senior community because in there and I realized that although we may all be aware of what the punch list means but she was very concerned now that they're in there they love the space and one of the seniors came up to me and said what do you mean renovating byall she goes we it's Sacred Space we love the feeling of it we love and I and I looked at her and I said oh no no we're not messing with that we're not messing with does kind of they suggest changes it's a repair correct but it made me realized putting on my Association hat as well as this hat I think we have a job to do now that just to make sure the public knows because what they're seeing right now are the big projects the police station big renovation DPW big renovation the old schoolhouse taken down in place so when they hear this as yet another project in the burough they may jump to things that it's not is it is a very common sense punch list um so I think we'll have some work to do with our verbage we have we actually have a Communications meeting tomorrow and it's on the list of what we want to communicate so I'll take that that so it was a beautiful question because it came about because they're so excited to be in that space so before any rumors get out there I think it's important to go to exactly what Tracy said what what what the parameters repairs it's really dier maintenance which yeah you know plagues a lot of public grounds and buildings that it's a result of Def maintenance and this is just going to do the work that and you're absolutely right the people that go in nobody's touching that lock we all know about that people aren they don't notice some of the things that we're noticing anyway congratulations guys on hard work doing a great job you know headed in the right direction to say the least um okay there's two more things I want to bring up to you guys um at the day after the garden party um romson uh romson HBC had a historical walking tour and they awarded um I don't know how long they've been doing it but it seems like a few years now they awarded four different houses and like Murphy's establishments um uh uh awards at through the town and there's a QR card and all these things and on the back P if you put it over there it tells a little bit about um the history of the home or the place and it was so cool and it was they had a great turnout my sister um she's on the fromson HBC and she got to run it and it was just so informative and a lot of people from the town were there and it was they got to go and tore the houses and go to up Murphy and was a fun just day and I would like to see if maybe we could do something if we haven't already but maybe the association and you guys we could maybe do that one day or maybe just PL an idea of doing something like that because it was so cool and such a good opportunity for other people to see things that they haven't seen before so what do they do they have a walking tour with historically significant houses recog right landmarks recognized and awarded is there like a criteria that they used or was it just sort of subject I don't know that I will find out is there and there's a preserv you know I don't really know what Rumson has in terms of I know there's a preservation commission but I don't know uh what their rights and powers are or what they actually do um and I don't really know the extent of the historic district in or the bread of what their jurisdiction is you guys know it all I yeah I don't know seems we can get that information for you though and I do think you could get it by just calling to get the section of their code that spells out there if you just ask for the historic district ordinance it'll have look it up online guess probably faster but I do think there is one part of nice overlap or Leon between the association and commission is that one of our Charters is that number six which is promote historical significant things outside of the historic district like to be the caretakers for the town and I think we've always sort of that hasn't been the primary Charter but I think that's a perfect project maybe that we could work together on the commiss Fess of this project yeah I think it's an great idea so I'm looking at 2024 Rumson historic transation commission Award winners um and there's a little blurb on the rear on the back page on the rear side of it of the page uh that just gives a little description of each one of the sites uh there's there's some general information and each one of them is given an award for uh quote stewardship long-term maintenance of a historic property so that I assume is a general recognition of a house that's been maintained in its original form or close to it and just a you know a general recognition of uh just maintenance of the house we did fa Haven has done that in the past um for structures outside of the district no in the district we have 114 buildings in the district and um guess what my house was picked I think that you know one one of the things that we did do that I know that it was more of an association I'm not certain that the commission had any dealings with it but the centry house of the house that were demonstrated to be 100 years old which again now our house was built in the 1920s which doesn't seem ancient but I have about 50 of those brass things that we can uh give out to people but they have to do their homework first and and do the history of their house and have it all printed out but that's what I would like to do I have about 50 of them at least so it's not just for the historic district it's for anybody in town I don't know you might consider PO for nominations what um it be it' be something that HBC could consider doing um Reviving a sary house if you wanted to even just put out aloh for nomination patient I have to explain the entur house a little bit but with the buzz and the communications Partners like Michael is mentioning that something if you wanted to take a moment a knowledge maybe even with what the Le sharing or separately I obviously the the whole the whole point was to have the homeowners do their research yes and and then give it to us and and we actually um this was like long time ago and there's solid brass um medallions that go on your house and so but if they did their homework and that presented they also had to pay something too but not a lot did yeah nothing just enough to for the for The Medallion but but that was sort of like just a couple of citizens got together promote that it wasn't like anything that was uh you know a function of the historic Association or the commission but that's something that probably should be championed by the Association especially with their ability to you know let people know about it and I think it's something you know I think maybe it could come before this commission to sort of formally recognize people that have centy houses guess obviously there's a historic um you know component of it and that was all started way before the historic Association was form what's very cool about this is that this map visually it's big it goes all the way from um you know on the river all the way down to pass rdge road this is a huge geographic area so this has got to be obviously more than a historic district but I can visualize something like this for Fair Haven where you have the historic district but then recognize other sure important uh if it's the centy place and a simple map like this tells the story of our town yeah but it was like a if you your house was 100 years old that's but you it doesn't only have to be 100 years old it could be 99 years old the house that's completely maintained would fit sort of the same criteria all ears for something like that if you guys are interested I think it's a great idea I like the I like that idea okay agenda yes okay one more idea kind of um so when talking to Rumson HBC they would like to extend an invite to you guys to start maybe talking about the 250th semi quinc Centennial coming up and they would like to exchange ideas about how Ron and faran are going to celebrate that and what that looks like if that's a great or cool plays or whatever that looks like they would like to start the conversation with you guys so you should be able to see um a formal invitation so it' be like a joint Affair um or more just like a a brainstorming set it could be we could do something in combination with them but they want to just Kickstart the discussion and figure out who is it that uh wants to do is anybody in particular on on their commission that sort of suggest that that you spoke with I'll be happy to reach out to them yes my sister Anna gy she will reaching out to you tomorrow okay what what is uh her position is she on the commission on the commission yeah Okay g r e e l e y and what's her number or email um you can even give it to me later an really Yahoo C I have if it gets kicked back I'll um but also that is kind of something that we it's on the association um to-do list we have to start figuring out what that's going to look like for the town and what are we going to do and um I sent a picture to Tracy a few weeks back I was in Pennsylvania and they have this huge 250 semano like Bell that they're honoring or making forming and celebrating this huge we have to do something really cool and really big I don't know what that looks like I don't think it's a bill but we just start the discussion so we can start planning when would that be is there any particular day that is you know it's in 2026 yeah July yeah6 so Le have't been necessary so we can all together yeah no I'm saying I thought you g to say like six months or something but they have it seems like does Ron have an association like we do no so they just their commission handles HBC yeah yeah it should and do you know one way or the other would they have to designated historic district I don't know I I don't either I think it'd be helpful for you guys to yeah I I will I'm two you are but I don't know we have Susan O'Brien who's raising her hand so you have some insight off it doesn't look like they have a historic district they have uh it's mainly in the older part of town but there are houses listed in West Park and also on road so it's scattered but it seems to be that relies more um around River Road in that area yeah yeah probably like like Red Bank recognizes separate structures and no necessarily particular area I owe you another um report Council report um again Michael and I are both on the grants committee and earlier this year we submitted a grant it's called a grant but really it's permission to be located for or to be included in the black Heritage Trail which is New Jersey thing it's part of the newers Jersey and St trust office and um we have more than one I Mark that will qualify for inclusion the first one we applied H by centeno Hall and um I just want to give a shout out to Chris yure um when he arrived to start his job here I met with him and we did a handoff and recently at today actually he was finalizing some things so um if we are chosen and some of my preliminary meetings with the folks who administer this program or it look very good for us um and so would an application for inclusion for the original black school well maybe not the original but the black school and also potentially The Players Club and maybe even the green book house so what we would get if we're included is um a really nice Monument style sign as well as sort of a VIP reception we're located on that material produced in throughout the state and so on but um what's the significance of the Players Club as far as the black Heritage well it wouldn't exist without the black community from that um period of time and I I don't really know because obviously that's under different ownership now and so I don't want I don't want to go somewhere where we might not have the uh the right without certain permissions but as I understand it and there's probably a lot more to learn that structure was brought about by the black community around the Bale area and it was an important part of how um Artisans came and went from Far Haven Wasa was probably pleas to hang outou and me so probably SP we try and get to know more about it but I mostly wanted to make sure you guys knew Chris York was helping and um when that comes back we'll shortly let you know and we talked about stakeholder meeting in this month which would willar Ur on Thursday and if I could get a show a hand it's like I kind of just covered a lot of what would occur at the stakeholder meeting but many of our stakeholders are here tonight and if you feel like we need to sit in the room together and talk about the status of everything then I'll try to get that together but since Chris started you know you guys probably understand there's a lot of committees very even um just it's been difficult to kind of pace his commit he's all over he comes to every meeting he can um and certainly initial way the meetings introduce himself but we're all still trying to get a regular schedule meeting so this one has not yet hit his regular schedule um but how do you guys feel like you're getting an update here or do you feel like we need to meet I don't think there's necess me I think we're getting the information here I don't know if anybody else has a thought there are no new decisions on the horizon at the moment or else I would insist on a stakeholder meeting um but I also don't want to drop the ball in case there's a sense that we need to be no I mean you've addressed everything here that would be addressed as you said at the stakeholders we are actually all here bes yeah yeah thank you excellent thank you right environmental commission thanks what we got I got I got nothing for you right any public comments any thoughts anything on Zoom all right nothing on the motion that we adjourn [Music] Elise do you want this uh back you know read