start the meeting already okay we start the meeting with the uh uh with the open public meeting statement uh this is a regular meeting of the Fair Haven planning board adequate notice of this meeting has been given pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act at the time of the board reorganization in January of this past year the board adopted its regular meeting schedule for the year notice of this schedule was sent to and published in the Asbury Park Press in the Two River times on February 9th 2023 that notice was also posted on the bulletin board in burough Hall and has remained continuously posted there as required by the statute copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the burough clerk a copy of the notice has also been sent to such members of the public as have requested such information in accordance with the statute adequate notice having been given the board secretary is directed to include the statement in the in the minutes of the meeting uh so shall take roll uh Mr bord Mrs Bush here Mrs cot here Mr new here Mr PA here Mr R here Mrs ncka or Mr Nick I'm sorry Mr Anderson here uh Mrs anonin here Mr valy here Mr bler here okay it's s flag pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so tonight is our uh is our official reorganization meeting and so I'm going to change a little bit the the order of things uh just to have for a more efficient and clear uh uh and and more logical run through uh so we'll start with the O of office uh for new and reappointed members we'll go on to nominate the chair and vice chair um we'll then do the uh approval of the official newspapers um go on to the meeting dates and I know we have a a conflict on the 26 that we have on March 26 that we have to resolve and then we'll approve the the the minutes from the from the last meeting and then we're going to go into executive session and discuss the the the rfps okay so um they ask folks who are going to be administered the o to stand please raise your right hand you have the oath in front of you going to ask you to state your name in the appropriate section and then at the end I'll pause again just so that you can identify the section that or the position that you have I I you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to please all repeat do Solly swear that I will support theti of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same willar true Al to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and the government established in the United States and in St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and I will Faithfully andly perform all the duties of the burough of Fair Haven and justly perform the duties of the planning board class board member uh the duties of the planning board class two member perform the duties of planning board alternate two member perform the duties of planning board alternate number one member according to the best of myability accord to theability okay welcome we only yelled duck once sign sign just above your name there and then return that to me please just pass those down I will conform those sir thank thank you so we'll go on now to the to nomination and election of the chair and vice chair nominate Ro for chair a second second nominations any other [Music] nominations Mrs Bush yes Mrs C yes Mr new yes Mr PA yes Mr R yes M Mr no um Mr Anderson yes Mrs an yes uh I will nominate Dave poo as the vice chair second Mrs Bush yes Mrs cotch yes Mr new yes Mr P yes Mr vaal yes Mrs Anderson Mr Anderson sorry thison okay yes uh so we'll now move uh to the uh official newspapers and so um we've classified the Asbury Park Press which is Daily Star Ledger daily and two of her times which is weekly and so um I I move to approve those uh approved those as our official newspapers of record I don't know if anyone has any comments or concerns about that that they want to bring forward now that's we always us yes yes and I think for purposes just by way of for purposes of ease municipality uses the same papers so that we do one notice we do all the the other that way make sure we're not out of step with everybody else in yeah I make a motion to make a motion to adopt the aspbury Park Press Star Ledger Two River times in the Cadence that you uh mentioned as there are officient papers I second uh Mrs Bush yes Mrs C yes Mr n yes Mr K yes Mr R yes Mr Anderson yes Mrs Anin yes and I I think I was supposed to call the alternates the last time so I'm holding down uh Mr Bailey yes and Mr bletcher yes okay uh we we'll look to to now discuss uh the approval of the meeting dates uh it was either last meeting or two meetings ago we had had gone through the uh the meeting dates those meeting dates have have remained large are have remained largely intact with the exception of the March um 26th meeting which we now have conflict with one of the other groups in the buau um we had originally scheduled March 19th I I think there was some conflicts with um with School uh with school holidays um so I you know I'm I think the um the spring break for the public schools are is the first week right I I mean it's hard for everybody to I I think commit that far in advance but we're I mean we're only two months out less than two months out I mean if if we can figure out or just go back to the original March 19th date um which is what we originally had and and we'll work hard to make sure we have a quorum for that I know I'll be here so I I mean I I looked at my calendar already I I don't have anything I'll mark it down as a hard sort of date that I can't miss given the fact that we may have a couple people on the board that that that may miss that meeting um so I'll ensure that we have a quorum and then we need to just make sure we work hard on the schedule and matters um and that if there's anything of of real consequence either try and get it into the February this next February meeting or have to move it to the April meeting especially if we're going to have some attendance problems I don't know does anyone have any comments on that or I I think that's the easiest way to resolve it I I feel like I think I was the one that suggested moving it Forward because selfishly my kids are not in the public school system so our spring break uh so I'm but I'm I'm happy to go back to the 19th just understand that there's a chance that I'm not here you all and she we know the 19th is open right that's our normal date been our normal date okay yeah so I'll um I'll make a motion to um to resolve our our March 26 conflict and reschedule the meeting to March 19th our original date second uh Mrs Bush yes uh Mrs cot yes Mr new yes Mr P yes Mr yes Mr Anderson yes yes Mr Bailey yes Mr V yes um we can why don't we um uh no we can just real quick just just so I I signed um the um the subdivision deed for um Hendrickson and Allen which is uh something we took up um several uh several meetings ago the um I I went and and discussed with um with the burough administrator and the burough engineer uh I went over all the paperwork all all conditions of the resolution were um were satisfactorily met so I I signed the deed um on Friday or actually I'm sorry on Thursday which was the mandated um deadline to um to perfect the subdivision just just give one more callor we did I did review the Deeds uh we did have the engine review the de descriptions you may recall that this was someone members won call those of you that were here this was the subdivision that we did for the Burrows property that is associated also with the fair share of housing that has now been even though a subdivision was really combining Lots set that up for down down the line uh we had had one extension requested by municipality by by the burrow uh extending that the de suddenly crept up on on them again uh we got the Deeds uh they did have some outan condition we confirmed with the engineer all outstanding conditions we're satisfied you're all good and I expect that we'll probably to see a file deed if we don't already have one in hand probably will receive so that's done good work usually that they don't I'm just so that you know usually that doesn't come before you it's a ministerial act if the conditions are satisfied we generally have board president secretary sign those but uh burrow Council had wanted it to be presented make sure that you that we did that for transparency purposes and make sure these record okay thanks uh item uh the next item will be uh the approval of the minutes from the November 15 2023 meeting uh those those minutes were distributed to to board members ahead of time I I reviewed the minutes I didn't have any comments does any anybody any board members have have comments okay so I'll move to approve those minutes check it Mr Bush yes Mr C yes Mr new I wasn't here Mr P yes Mr Rob yes Mr Anderson yes that's we and we have enough people to vote Yes yeah two three four four yes as long as you have a quum present okay that's fine okay um so uh the the other uh reorganization uh matters that we have to undertake uh is is the appointment of the secretary attorney engineer and planner for the 20 24 year uh we um the the burough solicited rfps um on our behalf and so we we returned uh we we received back um for attorney uh Hill wallet and and Kenny gross kovat and Parton um for the board planner we received um proposals from high GRL CME and our current planner CCH and for the engineer we received um an RFP for CME uh from CME and so um what I'd like to do now is is um have the board meet an executive session to discuss the the rfps uh and and put forth a recommendation that that once we return from executive session um we can we can approve in this meeting and move forward let me frame a resolution whereas public meetings act there are certain events that can be held in Clos to exective session to the exclusion of the public uh in this instance the review of professional contracts and more appointment with professionals is one of those circumstances where the public can be excluded for that reason I'm going to ask for a motion to go into an executive session um how long do you anticipate before we go to Executive session me I can't imagine it's going to last more than 15 minutes for 15 minutes and after that there will be action taken yes may I ask someone to make that motion I I'll make a motion to go executive session second Mrs Bush yes Mrs P yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr R yes mron yes yes Mr B yes yes yes I'll be upstairs someone can just I'll hear we don't want to make him weit outside right now okay so um so we have three appoint come back in did voted we do one to go out and another one to come back in you need motion to come back in I'll make a motion to come back in from executive yeah from executive S I thought by ending the executive session we were we so we have to it's two motions end the exe a motion to end the executive session and then a motion to start the meeting again no no no I just the question I thought you're back in public so we're we're are you recording we're now yes so um so so thanks everybody for um for conferring an executive session uh I'd like to make a motion uh to appoint sh Olson as board secretary second yes Mrs cotch yes Mr M yes Mr P yes Mr Roth yes M Mr Anderson yes Mrs Anon yes Mr valy yes Mr bler yes okay um I'd like um I'd like to make a motion to retain Clark Kon and hint as the uh planning board's planner Mrs Bush yes Mrs cot yes Mr new yes Mr P yes Mr Ro yes Mr Anderson yes Mr sanin yes Mr Bailey yes yes uh I would like to make a mo motion to retain Rich Gardella as the planning board engineer second yes yes Mr new yes Mr P yes Mr R yes Mr Anderson yes yes Mr Bailey yes Mr fler yes okay so um I would also like to um to make a motion to retain Kenny gross kovat and Parton as uh the planning board attorney however we want to um we want to implement I I think a a little bit different of a process than we've operated um under in the past and so what we'd like to do is um is just have a dialogue um so so before work is started on on applications that that the planning board chair be notified and that bills are sent to the uh planning board chair as well um to review before the burrow um before the burrow remits payment and so oh sorry and just so so um we can talk about how that will work um you know tactically have your board secretary don't send anything to me until you've okay there simple as that yeah I can I can speak to that privately right we we'll talk about how to do that um did you have a second s okay Mr Bush yes Mrs cot yes Mr new yes Mr PA yes Mr R yes Mr Anderson yes bant yes Mr Bailey yes Mr bler yes uh we've had have um so I think that concludes um the calendar I'm sorry that concludes everything on the agenda we have no members um of the public present so um unless any of the board members have anything uh they'd like to bring up for discussion I'll I'll move to quote the meeting great uh motion is Clos second Mr yes yes Mr yes yes yes ba yes Mr yes I like how fast are